U.S. Customs and Border Protection

◆ 19 CFR PART 12 CBP DEC. 17–12 RIN 1515–AE32


AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This final rule amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect an extension of import restric- tions on certain archaeological materials from Mali. These restric- tions, which were originally imposed by Treasury Decision (T.D.) 93–74, and last extended by CBP Decision (Dec.) 12–14, are due to expire on September 19, 2017. The Acting Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, United States Department of State, has determined that conditions warrant the continued imposition of import restrictions on certain archaeological materials and the addi- tion of import restrictions on certain ethnological materials from Mali. The Designated List of cultural property described in CBP Dec. 07–77 is revised in this document to reflect the addition of ethnologi- cal materials to include manuscripts dating between the twelfth and twentieth centuries in paper. The import restrictions imposed on the archaeological and ethnological materials from Mali will be in effect for a five-year period, and the CBP regulations are being amended accordingly to reflect this extension through September 19, 2022. These restrictions are being imposed pursuant to determinations of the United States Department of State made under the terms of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act, which imple- ments the 1970 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. 1 2 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

DATES: Effective September 19, 2017. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For regulatory aspects, Lisa L. Burley, Chief, Cargo Security, Carriers and Restricted Merchandise Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade, (202) 325–0215, [email protected]. For operational aspects, William R. Scopa, Branch Chief, Partner Government Agencies Branch, Trade Policy and Programs, Office of Trade, (202) 863–6554, [email protected]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background Pursuant to the provisions of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act (hereafter, “the Cultural Property Implementa- tion Act” or “the Act” (Pub. L. 97–446, 19 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.)), which implements the 1970 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohib- iting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Own- ership of Cultural Property (hereinafter, the Convention) in U.S. law, the United States may enter into international agreements with another State Party to the Convention to impose import restrictions on eligible archaeological and ethnological materials under proce- dures and requirements prescribed by the Act. In certain limited circumstances, the Cultural Property Implemen- tation Act authorizes the imposition of restrictions on an emergency basis (19 U.S.C. 2603(c)(1)). Under the Act and the applicable CBP regulations (19 CFR 12.104g(b)), emergency restrictions are effective for no more than five years from the date of the State Party’s request and may be extended for three years where it is determined that the emergency condition continues to apply with respect to the covered materials (19 U.S.C. 2603(c)(3)); such restrictions may also be con- tinued pursuant to an agreement concluded within the meaning of the Act (19 U.S.C. 2603(c)(4)). On September 23, 1993, under the authority of the Cultural Prop- erty Implementation Act, the former U.S. Customs Service published Treasury Decision (T.D.) 93–74 in the Federal Register (58 FR 49428) imposing emergency import restrictions on archaeological ob- jects from the region of the Niger River Valley of Mali and the Bandiagara Escarpment (Cliff), Republic of Mali (Mali) and accord- ingly amended 19 CFR 12.104g(b). On September 19, 1997, the United States entered into a bilateral agreement with Mali that continued without interruption the import restrictions previously placed on the same archaeological material. On September 23, 1997, the former U.S. Customs Service published 3 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

T.D. 97–80 in the Federal Register (62 FR 49594), which amended 19 CFR 12.104g(a) to reflect the imposition of these restrictions, and included a list designating the types of archaeological material cov- ered by the restrictions. (T.D. 97–80 also removed the emergency restrictions for Mali from 19 CFR 12.104g(b).) Under the Act and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations (19 CFR 12.104g), the restrictions are effective for no more than five years beginning on the date on which the agree- ment enters into force with respect to the United States (19 U.S.C. 2602(b)). This period may be extended for additional periods, each such period not to exceed five years, where it is determined that the factors justifying the initial agreement still pertain and no cause for suspension of the agreement exists (19 U.S.C. 2602(e); 19 CFR 12.104g(a)). On September 20, 2002, the former U.S. Customs Service published T.D. 02–55 in the Federal Register (67 FR 59159), which amended 19 CFR 12.104g(a) to reflect the extension of these import restrictions for an additional period of five years until September 19, 2007. On September 19, 2007, CBP published CBP Decision (Dec.) 07–77 in the Federal Register (72 FR 53414), which amended 19 CFR 12.104g(a) to reflect the extension and amendment of the import restrictions for Mali. The 2007 amendment added import restrictions on new subcategories of objects throughout Mali from the Paleolithic Era (Stone Age) to approximately the mid-eighteenth century in the amended Designated List for an additional period of five years until September 19, 2012. On September 19, 2012, CBP published CBP Dec. 12–14 in the Federal Register (77 FR 58020), which amended 19 CFR 12.104g(a) to reflect the extension of the import restrictions for an additional period of five years until September 19, 2017. On March 14, 2017, by publication in the Federal Register (82 FR 13706), the United States Department of State proposed to extend the Agreement between the United States and Mali concerning the im- position of import restrictions on archaeological material from Mali from the Paleolithic Era (Stone Age) to approximately the mid- eighteenth century. Pursuant to the statutory and decision-making process, the Designated List of materials covered by the restrictions is being amended to include certain ethnological materials, specifi- cally manuscripts dating between the twelfth and twentieth centu- ries in paper. Thus, the Agreement now covers both the previously covered archaeological materials, as set forth in the Designated List published in CBP Dec. 07–77, and the additional ethnological mate- rials (see 19 U.S.C. 2604, authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury, by regulation, to promulgate and, when appropriate, revise the list of designated archaeological and/or ethnological materials covered by an agreement between State Parties to the Convention). 4 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

On August 7, 2017, the Acting Under Secretary for Public Diplo- macy and Public Affairs, United States Department of State, deter- mined that the cultural heritage of Mali continues to be in jeopardy from pillage of certain archaeological materials and is also in jeop- ardy from the pillage of certain ethnological materials. The Acting Under Secretary made the necessary determination to extend the import restrictions for an additional five-year period to September 19, 2022, and to include in their coverage ethnological materials, specifi- cally manuscripts dating between the twelfth and twentieth centu- ries in paper. An international agreement has been concluded reflect- ing the extension of the Agreement and, pursuant to the Agreement, the import restrictions are being extended, as described in this docu- ment and as applicable to the revised Designated List set forth in this document. Thus, CBP is amending 19 CFR 12.104g(a) accordingly. Importation of covered materials from Mali will be restricted through September 19, 2022. Importation of such materials from Mali contin- ues to be restricted through that date unless the conditions set forth in 19 U.S.C. 2606 and 19 CFR 12.104c are met. In this document, the Designated List of articles that was published in CBP Dec. 07–77 is amended to include ethnological materials comprised of manuscripts dating between the twelfth and twentieth centuries in paper. The articles described in the Designated List set forth below are protected pursuant to the Agreement. Amended Designated List This Designated List, amended as set forth in this document, in- cludes archaeological material that originates in Mali, ranging in date from the Paleolithic Era (Stone Age) to approximately the mid- eighteenth century A.D. These materials include, but are not limited to, objects of ceramic, leather, metal, stone, glass, textiles, and wood. The Designated List also includes a certain category of ethnological material, namely manuscripts dating between the twelfth and twen- tieth centuries in paper. The Designated List and more information on the import restrictions can be obtained from the Mali country section of the International Cultural Property Protection Web site at http://exchanges.state.gov/heritage/culprop/mlfact.html. The list set forth below is representative only. Any dimensions are approximate. 5 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

Archaeological Material (Dating From the Paleolithic Era (Stone Age) to Approximately the Mid-Eighteenth Century)

I. Ceramics/Terra Cotta/Fired Clay Types of ceramic forms (stylistically known as Djenné-Djeno or Jenne, Bankoni, Guimbala, Banamba, Bougouni, Bura and other stylistic labels) that are known to come from the region include, but are not limited to: A. Figures/Statues.

1. Anthropomorphic figures, often incised, impressed and with added motifs, such as scarification marks and serpentine patterns on their bodies, often depicting horsemen or indi- viduals sitting, squatting, kneeling, embracing, or in a po- sition of repose, arms elongated the length of the body or crossed over the chest, with the tipped backwards. (H: 2 to 20 in.) 2. Zoomorphic figures, often depicting a snake motif on statu- ettes or on the belly of globular vases. Sometimes the ser- pent is coiled in an independent form. A horse motif is common, but is usually mounted. Includes quadrupeds. (H: 2 to 16 in.)

B. Common Vessels.

1. Funerary jars, ocher in color, often stamped with chevrons. (H: 20 to 32 in.) 2. Globular vases often stamped with chevrons and serpentine forms. (H: under 4 in.) 3. Bottles with a long neck and a belly that is either globular or streamlined. Some have lids shaped like a bird’s head. 4. Ritual pottery of the Tellem culture, decorated with a char- acteristic plaited roulette. a. Pot made on a convex mold built up by coiling. b. Hemispherical pots made on three or four legs or feet resting on a stand. 5. Kitchen pottery of the Tellem culture with the paddle-and- anvil technique decorated with impressions from woven mats. 6 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

II. Leather Objects of leather found in Tellem funerary caves of the Bandiagara Escarpment include, but are not limited to: A. Clothing.

1. Sandals often decorated and furnished with a leather ankle protection. 2. Boots profusely painted with geometric designs. 3. Plaited bracelets. 4. Knife-sheaths. 5. Loinskin. 6. Bag.

III. Metal Objects of copper, bronze, iron, and gold from Mali include, but are not limited to: A. Copper and Copper Alloy (Such as Bronze).

1. Figures/Statues. a. Anthropomorphic figures, including equestrian figures and kneeling figures. (Some are miniatures no taller than 2 inches; others range from 6 to 30 in.) b. Zoomorphic figures, such as the bull and the snake. 2. Bells (H: 4 to 5 in.) and finger bells (H: 2 to 3 in.). 3. Pendants, known to depict a bull’s head or a snake. (H: 2 to 4 in.) 4. Bracelets, known to depict a snake (Diameter: 5 to 6 in.). 5. Bracelets, known to be shaped as a head and antelope (Di- ameter: 3 to 4 in.). 6. Finger rings.

B. Iron.

1. Figures/Statues. a. Anthropomorphic figures. (H: 5 to 30 in.) 7 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

b. Zoomorphic figures, sometimes representing a serpent. (H: 5 to 30 in.) 2. Headrests of the Tellem culture. 3. Ring-bells or fingerbells of the Tellem culture. 4. Bracelets and armlets of the Tellem culture. 5. Hairpins, twisted and voluted, of the Tellem culture.

IV. Stone Objects of stone from Mali include, but are not limited to: A. Beads in carnelian (faceted) and other types of stone.

B. Quartz lip plugs.

C. Funerary stelae (headstones) inscribed in Arabic.

D. Chipped stone lithics from the Paleolithic and later eras includ- ing axes, knives, scrapers, arrowheads, and cores.

E. Ground Stone from the Neolithic and later eras including axes, adzes, pestles, grinders, and bracelets.

V. Glass Beads A variety of glass beads have been recovered at archaeological sites in Mali. VI. Textiles Textile objects, or fragments thereof, have been recovered in the Tellem funerary caves of the Bandiagara Escarpment and include, but are not limited to: A. Cotton.

1. Tunics. 2. Coifs. 3. Blankets.

B. Vegetable Fiber.

Skirts, aprons and belts made of twisted and intricately plaited vegetable fiber. 8 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

C. Wool.


VII. Wood Objects of wood may be found archaeologically (in funerary caves of the Tellem or Dogon peoples in the Bandiagara Escarpment, for example). Following are representative examples of wood objects usu- ally found archaeologically: A. Figures/Statues.

1. Anthropomorphic figures—usually with abstract body and arms raised standing on a platform, sometimes kneeling. (H: 10 to 24 in.) 2. Zoomorphic figures—depicting horses and other animals. (H: 10 to 24 in.)

B. Headrests.

C. Household Utensils.

1. Bowls. 2. Spoons—carved and decorated.

D. Agricultural/Hunting Implements.

1. Hoes and axes—with either a socketed or tanged shafting without iron blades. 2. Bows—with a notch and a hole at one end and a hole at the other with twisted, untanned leather straps for the “string”. 3. Arrows, quivers. 4. Knife sheaths.

E. Musical Instruments.

1. Flutes with end blown, bi-toned. 2. Harps. 3. Drums. 9 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

Ethnological Material

VIII. Manuscripts Manuscripts and portions thereof from the Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, pre-Colonial, and French Colonial periods of Mali (twelfth to early twentieth centuries), including but not limited to Qur’ans and other religious texts, letters, treatises, doctrines, essays or other such papers spanning the subjects of astronomy, law, Islam, philosophy, mathematics, governance, medicine, slavery, commerce, poetry, and literature, either as single leaves or bound as a book (or “codex”), and written in Arabic using the Kufic, Hijazi, Maghribi, Saharan, Sudani, Suqi, Nashk, or Ajami scripts written on paper. Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed Effective Date This amendment involves a foreign affairs function of the United States and is, therefore, being made without notice or public proce- dure under 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1). In addition, CBP has determined that such notice or public procedure would be impracticable and contrary to the public interest because the action being taken is essential to avoid interruption of the application of the existing import restric- tions (5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B)). For the same reason, a delayed effective date is not required under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). Regulatory Flexibility Act Because no notice of proposed rulemaking is required, the provi- sions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply. Executive Orders 12866 and 13771 This rule is not a significant regulatory action for purposes of Executive Order 12866 or Executive Order 13771. Signing Authority This regulation is being issued in accordance with 19 CFR 0.1(a)(1). List of Subjects in 19 CFR Part 12 Cultural property, Customs duties and inspection, Imports, Prohib- ited merchandise. Amendment to CBP Regulations For the reasons set forth above, part 12 of Title 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations (19 CFR part 12), is amended as set forth below. 10 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017


■ 1. The general authority citation for part 12 and the specific authority citation for § 12.104g continue to read as follows: Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)), 1624; ***** Sections 12.104 through 12.104i also issued under 19 U.S.C. 2612; *****

§ 12.104(g) [Amended] ■ 2. In § 12.104g, paragraph (a), the table is amended in the entry for “Mali” by:

■ a. In the column headed “Cultural Property,” after the word “cen- tury” add the following words: “, and ethnological materials dating between the twelfth and twentieth centuries”, and

■ b. In the column headed “Decision No.,” by removing “12–14” and replacing it with “17–12”. Dated: September 15, 2017. RONALD D. VITIELLO, Acting Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Approved:

TIMOTHY E. SKUD, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. [Published in the Federal Register, September 19, 2017 (82 FR 43692)] ◆ DELAY OF TRANSITION OF TEST PROGRAM REGARDING ELECTRONIC FOREIGN TRADE ZONE; ADMISSION APPLICATIONS FROM THE AUTOMATED COMMERCIAL SYSTEM TO THE AUTOMATED COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Delay of transition of test program. SUMMARY: On August 16, 2017, U.S. Customs and Border Protec- tion (CBP) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing plans to make the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) the 11 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017 sole electronic data interchange (EDI) system authorized by the Com- missioner of CBP for processing electronic Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) admission applications. The changes announced in that notice were to become operational on September 16, 2017. This notice announces that the date for the transition to ACE as the sole CBP-authorized EDI system for electronic FTZ admission applications is delayed until December 9, 2017. DATES: As of December 9, 2017, ACE will be the sole CBP- authorized EDI system for processing electronic FTZ admission applications, and the Automated Commercial System (ACS) will no longer be a CBP-authorized EDI system for purposes of processing these filings. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For operational questions, contact Lydia Jackson, Cargo & Conveyance Security, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, via email at [email protected]. For technical questions, contact Tonya Perez, Cargo Systems Program Directorate, Office of Information and Technology, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, via email at [email protected]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 16, 2017, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a notice in the Federal Register (82 FR 38923) announc- ing plans to make the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) the sole electronic data interchange (EDI) system authorized by the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for pro- cessing electronic Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) admission applications, as of September 16, 2017. The document also announced that, on September 16, 2017, the Automated Commercial System (ACS) would no longer be a CBP-authorized EDI system for purposes of processing these electronic filings. Further, the document announced that the test program would be extended until a decision is reached to imple- ment the program on a permanent basis and/or to conclude the test. Finally, the notice clarified that the list of data elements required for the electronic FTZ admission application must include the “Zone ID,” and reminded test participants that they must provide the data elements “Steel Import License Number” and “Kimberley Process Certificate Number” to CBP. CBP has been assessing stakeholder readiness for the mandatory transition of electronic FTZ admission applications from ACS to ACE. CBP has determined that industry partners need additional time to prepare for the transition to electronic capabilities in ACE. 12 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

Accordingly, all the changes announced in the August 16, 2017 Federal Register notice, including the transition to ACE as the sole CBP-authorized EDI system for electronic FTZ admission applica- tions, will not be operational until December 9, 2017. Dated: September 11, 2017. TODD C. OWEN, Executive Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations. [Published in the Federal Register, September 15, 2017 (82 FR 43395)] ◆ ACCREDITATION AND APPROVAL OF INTERTEK USA, INC. (BELLINGHAM, WA), AS A COMMERCIAL GAUGER AND LABORATORY AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Notice of accreditation and approval of Intertek USA, Inc. (Bellingham, WA), as a commercial gauger and laboratory. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Intertek USA, Inc. (Bellingham, WA), has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes for the next three years as of August 16, 2016. DATES: Intertek USA, Inc. (Bellingham, WA) was accredited and approved, as a commercial gauger and laboratory as of August 16, 2016. The next triennial inspection date will be scheduled for August 2019. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Justin Shey, Laboratories and Scientific Services Directorate, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Suite 1500N, Washington, DC 20229, tel. 202–344–1060. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given pursuant to 19 CFR 151.12 and 19 CFR 151.13, that Intertek USA, Inc., 801 W. Orchard Dr., Suite 5, Bell- ingham, WA 98225 has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products and accredited to test petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes, in accordance with the provisions of 19 CFR 151.12 and 19 CFR 151.13. Intertek USA, Inc., is approved for the following gauging procedures for petroleum and certain petroleum products from the American Petroleum Institute (API): 13 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

API Chapters Title 2 ...... Tank Calibration. 3 ...... Tank Gauging. 7 ...... Temperature Determination. 8 ...... Sampling. 11 ...... Physical Properties Data. 12 ...... Calculations. 17 ...... Marine Measurement.

Intertek USA, Inc., is accredited for the following laboratory analy- sis procedures and methods for petroleum and certain petroleum products set forth by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Labo- ratory Methods (CBPL) and American Society for Testing and Mate- rials (ASTM):

CBPL No. ASTM Title 27–05...... D 4298 Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Titration. 27–06...... D 473 Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils by the Extraction Method. 27–07...... D 4807 Standard Test Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by Membrane Filtration. 27–13...... D 4294 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petro- leum and Petroleum Products by Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrom- etry. 27–46...... D 5002 Standard Test Method for Density and Rela- tive Density of Crude Oils by Digital Den- sity Analyzer. 27–48...... D 4052 Standard Test Method for Density and Rela- tive Density of Liquids by Digital Density Meter. 27–54...... D 1796 Standard Test Method for Water and Sedi- ment in Fuel Oils by the Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure). D 4007 Standard Test Method for Water and Sedi- ment in Crude Oil by the Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure).

Anyone wishing to employ this entity to conduct laboratory analy- ses and gauger services should request and receive written assur- ances from the entity that it is accredited or approved by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to conduct the specific test or gauger service requested. Alternatively, inquiries regarding the specific test 14 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017 or gauger service this entity is accredited or approved to perform may be directed to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection by calling (202) 344–1060. The inquiry may also be sent to [email protected]. Please reference the Web site listed below for a complete listing of CBP approved gaugers and accredited laboratories. http://www.cbp.gov/about/labsscientific/commercial- gaugers-and-laboratories. Dated: September 11, 2017. IRA S. REESE, Executive Director, Laboratories and Scientific Services Directorate. [Published in the Federal Register, September 19, 2017 (82 FR 43781)] ◆ APPROVAL OF INSPECTORATE AMERICA CORPORATION (SULPHUR, LA), AS A COMMERCIAL GAUGER

AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Notice of approval of Inspectorate America Corporation (Sulphur, LA), as a commercial gauger. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to CBP regulations, that Inspectorate America Corporation (Sulphur, LA), has been ap- proved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products for cus- toms purposes for the next three years as of March 29, 2017. DATES: Inspectorate America Corporation (Sulphur, LA) was approved as a commercial gauger as of March 29, 2017. The next triennial inspection date will be scheduled for March 2020. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Justin Shey, Laboratories and Scientific Services Directorate, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Suite 1500N, Washington, DC 20229, tel. 202–344–1060. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given pursuant to 19 CFR 151.13, that Inspec- torate America Corporation, 384 North Post Oak Road, Sulphur, LA 70663 has been approved to gauge petroleum and certain petroleum products for customs purposes, in accordance with the provisions of 19 CFR 151.13. Inspectorate America Corporation is approved for the following gauging procedures for petroleum and certain petroleum products from the American Petroleum Institute (API): 15 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

API Chapters Title 3 ...... Tank Gauging. 5 ...... Metering. 7 ...... Temperature Determination. 8 ...... Sampling. 12 ...... Calculations. 14 ...... Natural Gas Fluids Measurement. 17 ...... Maritime Measurement.

Anyone wishing to employ this entity to conduct laboratory analy- ses and gauger services should request and receive written assur- ances from the entity that it is accredited or approved by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to conduct the specific test or gauger service requested. Alternatively, inquiries regarding the specific test or gauger service this entity is accredited or approved to perform may be directed to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection by calling (202) 344–1060. The inquiry may also be sent to [email protected]. Please reference the Web site listed below for a complete listing of CBP approved gaugers and accredited laboratories. http://www.cbp.gov/about/labs-scientific/commercial- gaugers-and-laboratories. Dated: September 11, 2017. IRA S. REESE, Executive Director, Laboratories and Scientific Services Directorate. [Published in the Federal Register, September 19, 2017 (82 FR 43780)] ◆ COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, AND TRADE NAME RECORDATIONS

(NO. 8 2017) AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. SUMMARY: The following copyrights, trademarks, and trade names were recorded with U.S. Customs and Border Protection in August 2017. The last notice was published in the CUSTOMS BULLETIN Vol. 51, No. 35, on August 30, 2017. Corrections or updates may be sent to: Intellectual Property Rights Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade, U.S. Customs and 16 CUSTOMS BULLETIN AND DECISIONS, VOL. 51, NO. 40, OCTOBER 4, 2017

Border Protection, 90 K Street, NE., 10th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20229–1177, or via email at [email protected]. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: LaVerne Watkins, Paralegal Specialist, Intellectual Property Rights Branch, Regula- tions and Rulings, Office of Trade at (202) 325–0095. Dated: September 14, 2017 CHARLES R. STEUART Chief, Intellectual Property Rights Branch Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade 17 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted COP 11–00034 08/17/2017 04/04/2031 REVABS Product Partners, LLC. No COP 11–00034 08/17/2017 04/04/2031 REVABS Product Partners, LLC. No COP 17–00163 08/14/2017 08/14/2037 Ever Brite Packaging Artwork Ontel Products Corporation No COP 17–00164 08/14/2017 08/14/2037 #320193 Animated Peek-A-Boo Bear Enesco, LLC No COP 17–00165 08/16/2017 08/16/2037 Wonder Arms Packaging Ontel Products Corporation No COP 17–00166 08/16/2017 05/16/2018 Shift Shop Kit Beachbody, LLC No COP 17–00167 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 ARMS Nintendo of America Inc. No COP 17–00168 08/27/2017 08/27/2037 POP! Graphic PopSockets LLC No COP 17–00169 08/27/2017 08/27/2037 Text Grip Color PopSockets LLC No COP 17–00170 08/27/2017 08/27/2037 RED COPPER FLIPWICH Packag- Telebrands Corp. No ing COP 17–00171 08/30/2017 08/30/2037 MCA003 Master Cutlery Inc. No COP 97–00156 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 Neptune’s Daughter Barbie Mattel, Inc. No COP 97–00156 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 Neptune’s Daughter Barbie Mattel, Inc. No COP 97–00252 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 Uno Stacko Mattel, Inc. No COP 97–00252 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 Uno Stacko Mattel, Inc. No O COP 97–00315 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 Deidre doll head Mattel, Inc. No O 40, . COP 97–00315 08/17/2017 08/17/2037 Deidre doll head Mattel, Inc. No

TMK 00–00282 08/10/2017 01/03/2028 DORAL REYNOLDS INNOVATIONS INC. No CTOBER TMK 00–00282 08/10/2017 01/03/2028 DORAL REYNOLDS INNOVATIONS INC. No

TMK 00–00593 08/31/2017 09/10/2027 NANOMOVER GE HEALTHCARE BIO-SCIENCES No 2017 4, CORP. TMK 00–00593 08/31/2017 09/10/2027 NANOMOVER GE HEALTHCARE BIO-SCIENCES No CORP. TMK 02–00246 08/16/2017 12/09/2027 INFANRIX GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGI- No CALS S.A. 18 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 02–00246 08/16/2017 12/09/2027 INFANRIX GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGI- No CALS S.A. TMK 02–00701 08/15/2017 09/03/2027 CH and Design Eaton Corporation No TMK 02–00701 08/15/2017 09/03/2027 CH and Design Eaton Corporation No TMK 03–00209 08/27/2017 12/23/2026 DURAMUNE ELANCO US INC. No TMK 03–00209 08/27/2017 12/23/2026 DURAMUNE ELANCO US INC. No TMK 04–00915 08/15/2017 05/01/2024 METALLICA METALLICA No TMK 04–00915 08/15/2017 05/01/2024 METALLICA METALLICA No TMK 04–01035 08/15/2017 09/21/2024 METALLICA METALLICA No TMK 04–01035 08/15/2017 09/21/2024 METALLICA METALLICA No TMK 04–01119 08/28/2017 07/14/2027 Helmet Design New England Patriots L.P. No TMK 04–01119 08/28/2017 07/14/2027 Helmet Design New England Patriots L.P. No TMK 04–01131 08/15/2017 09/21/2024 PITTSBURGH STEELERS Pittsburgh Steelers LLC No TMK 04–01131 08/15/2017 09/21/2024 PITTSBURGH STEELERS Pittsburgh Steelers LLC No TMK 05–00113 08/16/2017 08/30/2024 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, LLC No TMK 05–00113 08/16/2017 08/30/2024 PHILADELPHIA EAGLES PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, LLC No O

TMK 05–00187 08/27/2017 12/20/2024 New Orleans Louisiana Saints Hel- NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA No O 40, . met Design SAINTS, L.L.C. TMK 05–00187 08/27/2017 12/20/2024 New Orleans Louisiana Saints Hel- NEW ORLEANS LOUISIANA No met Design SAINTS, L.L.C. CTOBER TMK 05–00594 08/29/2017 08/24/2025 SUPER BOWL NFL PROPERTIES LLC No TMK 05–00594 08/29/2017 08/24/2025 SUPER BOWL NFL PROPERTIES LLC No 2017 4, TMK 05–00645 08/15/2017 10/25/2027 CHESTER CHEETAH FRITO-LAY NORTH AMERICA, No INC. TMK 05–00645 08/15/2017 10/25/2027 CHESTER CHEETAH FRITO-LAY NORTH AMERICA, No INC. 19 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 06–00858 08/16/2017 10/01/2023 DESIGN ONLY (three dimensional FCA US LLC No configuration of the front grille of an automobile - Jeep Grille) TMK 06–00858 08/16/2017 10/01/2023 DESIGN ONLY (three dimensional FCA US LLC No configuration of the front grille of an automobile - Jeep Grille) TMK 07–00058 08/15/2017 08/06/2027 ALBENZA GLAXOSMITHKLINE LLC No TMK 07–00058 08/15/2017 08/06/2027 ALBENZA GLAXOSMITHKLINE LLC No TMK 07–00435 08/17/2017 07/28/2026 GARDEN THE GARDEN CO., LTD. No TMK 07–00435 08/17/2017 07/28/2026 GARDEN THE GARDEN CO., LTD. No TMK 07–00448 08/17/2017 04/30/2026 DESIGN ONLY (Chef Logo) THE GARDEN CO., LTD. No TMK 07–00448 08/17/2017 04/30/2026 DESIGN ONLY (Chef Logo) THE GARDEN CO., LTD. No TMK 07–00514 08/27/2017 08/17/2020 FEL-O-VAX ELANCO US INC. No TMK 07–00514 08/27/2017 08/17/2020 FEL-O-VAX ELANCO US INC. No TMK 07–00516 08/15/2017 11/04/2027 PREGO CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY No TMK 07–00516 08/15/2017 11/04/2027 PREGO CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY No

TMK 07–00558 08/27/2017 08/27/2027 PYRAMID BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VET- No O MEDICA, INC. O 40, . TMK 07–00558 08/27/2017 08/27/2027 PYRAMID BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VET- No

MEDICA, INC. CTOBER TMK 07–00633 08/28/2017 08/29/2027 DESIGN ONLY Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation No TMK 07–00633 08/28/2017 08/29/2027 DESIGN ONLY Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation No ,2017 4, TMK 07–00830 08/10/2017 08/01/2027 SUPER SCANNER Garrett Electronics, Inc. No TMK 07–00830 08/10/2017 08/01/2027 SUPER SCANNER Garrett Electronics, Inc. No TMK 07–00863 08/15/2017 11/14/2027 SAXUM SAXUM VINEYARDS, INC. No TMK 07–00863 08/15/2017 11/14/2027 SAXUM SAXUM VINEYARDS, INC. No TMK 07–00951 08/27/2017 11/07/2027 ME and Design Miss Elaine, Inc. No 20 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 07–00951 08/27/2017 11/07/2027 ME and Design Miss Elaine, Inc. No TMK 07–00952 08/27/2017 11/07/2027 ME and Design Miss Elaine, Inc. No TMK 07–00952 08/27/2017 11/07/2027 ME and Design Miss Elaine, Inc. No TMK 07–00988 08/15/2017 11/21/2027 ROCKET BLOCK SAXUM VINEYARDS, INC. No TMK 07–00988 08/15/2017 11/21/2027 ROCKET BLOCK SAXUM VINEYARDS, INC. No TMK 07–01082 08/22/2017 01/21/2028 UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT University of Connecticut No TMK 07–01082 08/22/2017 01/21/2028 UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT University of Connecticut No TMK 07–01123 08/31/2017 10/24/2027 TEXANS Houston NFL Holdings, L.P. No TMK 07–01123 08/31/2017 10/24/2027 TEXANS Houston NFL Holdings, L.P. No TMK 07–01227 08/15/2017 11/21/2027 BONE ROCK SAXUM VINEYARDS, INC. No TMK 07–01227 08/15/2017 11/21/2027 BONE ROCK SAXUM VINEYARDS, INC. No TMK 07–01379 08/22/2017 10/08/2027 DESIGN ONLY PHILLIPS SCREW COMPANY No TMK 07–01379 08/22/2017 10/08/2027 DESIGN ONLY PHILLIPS SCREW COMPANY No TMK 07–01385 08/17/2017 06/18/2027 MARC JACOBS MARC JACOBS TRADEMARKS No LLC TMK 07–01385 08/17/2017 06/18/2027 MARC JACOBS MARC JACOBS TRADEMARKS No O

LLC O 40, . TMK 08–00035 08/22/2017 02/20/2028 MEYER · GAGE MAKERS · FOR Meyer Gage Company, Inc. No THE WORLD and Design TMK 08–00035 08/22/2017 02/20/2028 MEYER · GAGE MAKERS · FOR Meyer Gage Company, Inc. No CTOBER THE WORLD and Design

TMK 08–00037 08/30/2017 10/21/2027 GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY No 2017 4, TMK 08–00037 08/30/2017 10/21/2027 GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY No TMK 08–00109 08/15/2017 09/12/2027 XBOX 360 Microsoft Corporation No TMK 08–00109 08/15/2017 09/12/2027 XBOX 360 Microsoft Corporation No TMK 08–00202 08/29/2017 08/29/2027 DAVIDOFF Zino Davidoff SA No 21 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 08–00202 08/29/2017 08/29/2027 DAVIDOFF (stylized) Zino Davidoff SA No TMK 08–00289 08/27/2017 10/10/2027 MICRO-PLUS INTERDESIGN, INC. No TMK 08–00289 08/27/2017 10/10/2027 MICRO-PLUS INTERDESIGN, INC. No TMK 08–00304 08/27/2017 11/07/2027 BODYGARD INTERDESIGN, INC. No TMK 08–00304 08/27/2017 11/07/2027 BODYGARD INTERDESIGN, INC. No TMK 08–00553 08/17/2017 08/13/2027 BALI-SONG & Butterfly Design Benchmade Knife Company, Inc. No TMK 08–00553 08/17/2017 08/13/2027 BALI-SONG & Butterfly Design Benchmade Knife Company, Inc. No TMK 08–00632 08/10/2017 09/03/2027 DESIGN ONLY WING HOP FUNG GINSENG, INC. No TMK 08–00632 08/10/2017 09/03/2027 DESIGN ONLY WING HOP FUNG GINSENG, INC. No TMK 08–00633 08/10/2017 09/17/2027 DESIGN ONLY WING HOP FUNG GINSENG, INC. No TMK 08–00633 08/10/2017 09/17/2027 DESIGN ONLY WING HOP FUNG GINSENG, INC. No TMK 08–00725 08/15/2017 08/13/2027 GETFO Stu Segall No TMK 08–00725 08/15/2017 08/13/2027 GETFO Stu Segall No TMK 08–00951 08/27/2017 10/10/2027 EXTREME SERIES GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. No TMK 08–00951 08/27/2017 10/10/2027 EXTREME SERIES GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. No TMK 08–01069 08/27/2017 10/07/2027 VAN CLEEF & ARPELS VAN CLEEF & ARPELS SA No O TMK 08–01069 08/27/2017 10/07/2027 VAN CLEEF & ARPELS VAN CLEEF & ARPELS SA No O 40, . TMK 08–01172 08/15/2017 10/24/2027 DESIGN (CROSS WITH VINE DE- Chrome Hearts LLC No

SIGNS) CTOBER TMK 08–01172 08/15/2017 10/24/2027 DESIGN (CROSS WITH VINE DE- Chrome Hearts LLC No SIGNS) TMK 09–00094 08/31/2017 05/24/2019 NFL & Shield Design NFL PROPERTIES LLC No 2017 4, TMK 09–00094 08/31/2017 05/24/2019 NFL & Shield Design NFL PROPERTIES LLC No TMK 09–00107 08/15/2017 10/24/2027 HDMI HDMI LICENSING ADMINISTRA- No TOR, INC. 22 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 09–00107 08/15/2017 10/24/2027 HDMI HDMI LICENSING ADMINISTRA- No TOR, INC. TMK 09–00404 08/15/2017 09/19/2027 MASTER CARDIOLOGY 3M Company No TMK 09–00404 08/15/2017 09/19/2027 MASTER CARDIOLOGY 3M Company No TMK 09–00423 08/24/2017 10/14/2027 RALPH LAUREN PRL USA Holdings, Inc. No TMK 09–00423 08/24/2017 10/14/2027 RALPH LAUREN PRL USA Holdings, Inc. No TMK 09–00987 08/15/2017 09/26/2027 CANADA GOOSE ARCTIC PRO- CANADA GOOSE INC. No GRAM and Design TMK 09–00987 08/15/2017 09/26/2027 CANADA GOOSE ARCTIC PRO- CANADA GOOSE INC. No GRAM and Design TMK 10–00399 08/31/2017 09/02/2027 PRIMA GERAWAN CO., INC. No TMK 10–00399 08/31/2017 09/02/2027 PRIMA GERAWAN CO., INC. No TMK 10–00760 08/15/2017 08/01/2027 PREZISTA JANSSEN SCIENCES IRELAND No UC TMK 10–00760 08/15/2017 08/01/2027 PREZISTA JANSSEN SCIENCES IRELAND No UC TMK 10–01056 08/31/2017 12/14/2020 PRO BOWL NFL PROPERTIES LLC No O TMK 10–01056 08/31/2017 12/14/2020 PRO BOWL NFL PROPERTIES LLC No O 40, . TMK 11–00264 08/15/2017 10/10/2027 LE PLIAGE S.A.S., JEAN CASSEGRAIN COR- No

PORATION CTOBER TMK 11–00264 08/15/2017 10/10/2027 LE PLIAGE S.A.S., JEAN CASSEGRAIN COR- No PORATION TMK 11–00304 08/15/2017 08/22/2027 FLAP AND HANDLE DESIGN S.A.S. Jean Cassegrain Corporation No 2017 4, TMK 11–00304 08/15/2017 08/22/2027 FLAP AND HANDLE DESIGN S.A.S. Jean Cassegrain Corporation No TMK 11–00782 08/15/2017 05/15/2021 PERPETUA MARK ANTHONY GROUP INC. No TMK 11–00782 08/15/2017 05/15/2021 PERPETUA MARK ANTHONY GROUP INC. No TMK 11–00959 08/15/2017 02/11/2027 AUDI AUDI AG No 23 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 11–00959 08/15/2017 02/11/2027 AUDI AUDI AG No TMK 11–00985 08/15/2017 11/28/2027 BARBIE MATTEL, INC. No TMK 11–00985 08/15/2017 11/28/2027 BARBIE MATTEL, INC. No TMK 11–00998 08/15/2017 10/25/2027 FISHER-PRICE MATTEL, INC. No TMK 11–00998 08/15/2017 10/25/2027 FISHER-PRICE MATTEL, INC. No TMK 11–01024 08/15/2017 10/10/2027 LITTLE MOMMY MATTEL, INC. No TMK 11–01024 08/15/2017 10/10/2027 LITTLE MOMMY MATTEL, INC. No TMK 11–01310 08/10/2017 10/03/2027 SAN ANTONIO San Antonio Winery, Inc. No TMK 11–01310 08/10/2017 10/03/2027 SAN ANTONIO San Antonio Winery, Inc. No TMK 12–00424 08/15/2017 12/10/2027 Design (Bottle) E. REMY MARTIN & CO. No TMK 12–00424 08/15/2017 12/10/2027 Design (Bottle) E. REMY MARTIN & CO. No TMK 12–00437 08/27/2017 03/06/2022 HAVAIANAS and Design ALPARGATAS S.A. No TMK 12–00437 08/27/2017 03/06/2022 HAVAIANAS and Design ALPARGATAS S.A. No TMK 12–00943 08/27/2017 09/26/2027 QUIMICA ALEMANA Quimica Alemana Ltda No TMK 12–00943 08/27/2017 09/26/2027 QUIMICA ALEMANA Quimica Alemana Ltda No TMK 13–00229 08/28/2017 08/22/2027 VOLTALERT Fluke Corporation No O TMK 13–00229 08/28/2017 08/22/2027 VOLTALERT Fluke Corporation No O 40, . TMK 13–00762 08/17/2017 10/15/2027 BURTON BURTON CORPORATION, THE No

TMK 13–00762 08/17/2017 10/15/2027 BURTON BURTON CORPORATION, THE No CTOBER TMK 13–00769 08/17/2017 10/15/2027 BURTON Burton Corporation, The No

TMK 13–00769 08/17/2017 10/15/2027 BURTON Burton Corporation, The No 2017 4, TMK 13–00891 08/15/2017 08/02/2026 OCULUS MARK ANTHONY GROUP INC. No TMK 13–00891 08/15/2017 08/02/2026 OCULUS MARK ANTHONY GROUP INC. No TMK 14–00781 08/31/2017 09/19/2027 . and Design FEIYUE INTERNATIONAL LLC No TMK 14–00781 08/31/2017 09/19/2027 FEIYUE. and Design FEIYUE INTERNATIONAL LLC No 24 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 15–00008 08/28/2017 01/16/2028 WHISKER BISCUIT BEAR ARCHERY, INC. No TMK 15–00008 08/28/2017 01/16/2028 WHISKER BISCUIT BEAR ARCHERY, INC. No TMK 15–00212 08/22/2017 01/09/2028 XL3Z-2200-AA Ford Motor Company No TMK 15–00212 08/22/2017 01/09/2028 XL3Z-2200-AA Ford Motor Company No TMK 15–00238 08/22/2017 01/09/2028 F75Z-2001-AA Ford Motor Company No TMK 15–00238 08/22/2017 01/09/2028 F75Z-2001-AA Ford Motor Company No TMK 15–00407 08/30/2017 06/11/2018 NFL NFL PROPERTIES LLC No TMK 15–00407 08/30/2017 06/11/2018 NFL NFL PROPERTIES LLC No TMK 15–00506 08/16/2017 09/12/2027 LIP INK NICHOLS, ROSEMARIE No TMK 15–00506 08/16/2017 09/12/2027 LIP INK NICHOLS, ROSEMARIE No TMK 15–01191 08/16/2017 08/20/2027 V VERRAGIO and Design Verragio Ltd. No TMK 15–01191 08/16/2017 08/20/2027 V VERRAGIO and Design Verragio Ltd. No TMK 16–00048 08/27/2017 08/23/2027 ULYSSE NARDIN and Design MANUFACTURE ET FABRIQUE No DE MONTRES ET CHRONOME- TRES ULYSSE NARDIN LE LOCLE S.A.


S.A. CTOBER TMK 16–00319 08/15/2017 07/29/2027 THINSWITCH and Design BURGER & BROWN ENGINEER- No ING INCORPORATED TMK 16–00319 08/15/2017 07/29/2027 THINSWITCH and Design BURGER & BROWN ENGINEER- No 2017 4, ING INCORPORATED TMK 16–00344 08/18/2017 01/23/2028 YANKEES (Stylized) and design New York Yankees Partnership No TMK 16–00344 08/18/2017 01/23/2028 YANKEES (Stylized) and design New York Yankees Partnership No TMK 16–00988 08/27/2017 02/29/2024 BRONCHI-SHIELD ELANCO US INC. No 25 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 16–00988 08/27/2017 02/29/2024 BRONCHI-SHIELD ELANCO US INC. No TMK 16–01454 08/15/2017 07/24/2027 NAUTICA Nautica Apparel, Inc. No TMK 16–01454 08/15/2017 07/24/2027 NAUTICA Nautica Apparel, Inc. No TMK 17–00727 08/03/2017 08/14/2023 GIRLIELOCKS (REGISTRANT) Rogers, Patricia IN- No DIVIDUAL UNITED STATES 1004 Cameron Drive Folsom CALIFOR- NIA 95630 TMK 17–00729 08/07/2017 09/06/2027 THE SUTER COMPANY, INC. The Suter Company, Inc. No TMK 17–00730 08/10/2017 09/27/2027 HOPPER YETI COOLERS, LLC No TMK 17–00731 08/10/2017 06/28/2027 PRESIDIO Samsonite IP Holdings S.àr.l. No TMK 17–00732 08/10/2017 05/11/2024 SALSA Rimowa GmbH No TMK 17–00733 08/10/2017 12/22/2025 YETI TANK YETI COOLERS, LLC No TMK 17–00734 08/10/2017 06/01/2026 RTIC and Design RTIC IP, LLC No TMK 17–00735 08/10/2017 06/24/2021 NEC and Design National Fire Protection Association, No Inc. TMK 17–00736 08/10/2017 01/17/2026 AIRCHEK SKC INC. No

TMK 17–00737 08/10/2017 02/02/2023 KENZO KENZO No O TMK 17–00738 08/10/2017 08/18/2020 CF 220 BAYER CONSUMER CARE HOLD- No O 40, . INGS LLC

TMK 17–00739 08/10/2017 08/11/2020 CF 230 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No CTOBER TMK 17–00740 08/10/2017 08/25/2020 CF 310 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No

TMK 17–00741 08/10/2017 08/18/2020 CF 320 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No 2017 4, TMK 17–00742 08/10/2017 08/18/2020 CF 330 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No TMK 17–00743 08/10/2017 01/18/2027 Rolls-Royce Badge Logo (2015) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited No TMK 17–00744 08/10/2017 01/18/2027 Rolls-Royce Monogram (Stylized) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited No Logo (2015) TMK 17–00745 08/10/2017 12/08/2025 CARBON EXPRESS Eastman Outdoors, Inc. No 26 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00746 08/10/2017 10/10/2022 SENSACALM AWB, INC. No TMK 17–00747 08/10/2017 05/19/2018 MIA MOSAIC INTERNATIONAL LLC No TMK 17–00748 08/10/2017 08/23/2027 FIVEBROTHER John W. Parrott & Associates, Inc. No TMK 17–00749 08/10/2017 06/14/2027 NEC NFPA Logo National Fire Protection Association, No Inc. TMK 17–00750 08/10/2017 07/20/2024 NFPA Logo National Fire Protection Association, No Inc. TMK 17–00751 08/10/2017 01/28/2025 LYTRO Lytro, Inc. No TMK 17–00752 08/10/2017 06/30/2020 M (Stylized) Logo Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktieng- No esellschaft TMK 17–00753 08/10/2017 01/03/2026 METALLICA and Design Metallica No TMK 17–00754 08/10/2017 03/29/2019 METALLICA (Stylized) METALLICA No TMK 17–00755 08/10/2017 09/13/2027 PHILIPP PLEIN Philipp Plein (INDIVIDUAL) No TMK 17–00756 08/10/2017 04/23/2027 AUDI FOUR RINGS LOGO AUDI A.G. No TMK 17–00757 08/10/2017 07/11/2027 YUM FROM NATURE WITH LOVE RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ HERNAN- No and Design DEZ;ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ HER- NANDEZ;EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ O

GARCIA; MANUEL RODRIGUEZ O 40, . HERNANDEZ TMK 17–00758 08/10/2017 10/11/2027 PROEASY IRON Colorado Biolabs, Inc. No CTOBER TMK 17–00759 08/10/2017 12/02/2024 DAMAK Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00760 08/10/2017 08/02/2026 DARN TOUGH VERMONT Cabot Hosiery Mills, Inc. No TMK 17–00761 08/10/2017 02/05/2024 DARN TOUGH VERMONT and De- Cabot Hosiery Mills, Inc. No 2017 4, sign TMK 17–00762 08/10/2017 10/11/2027 PROEASY IRON & Design Colorado Biolabs, Inc No TMK 17–00763 08/10/2017 06/14/2027 IOR and Design INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES No AMERICAS CORP. 27 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00764 08/14/2017 10/13/2019 METALLICA Metallica No TMK 17–00765 08/14/2017 04/13/2024 METALLICA Metallica No TMK 17–00766 08/14/2017 04/26/2026 MRO Trijicon, Inc. No TMK 17–00767 08/14/2017 01/21/2018 MEHARIS & Design Agio Sigarenfabrieken N.V. No TMK 17–00768 08/14/2017 09/26/2022 SEA TURTLE INC. SOUTH PADRE Sea Turtle, Incorporated No ISLAND, TX. and Design TMK 17–00769 08/14/2017 11/24/2019 DR. DRE YOUNG, ANDRE DBA DR. DRE No TMK 17–00770 08/14/2017 10/05/2024 METALLICA METALLICA No TMK 17–00771 08/14/2017 08/09/2027 FLEXCOMBO Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica No GmbH TMK 17–00772 08/14/2017 08/16/2027 MAG Trijicon, Inc. No TMK 17–00773 08/14/2017 04/10/2027 MGRS Trijicon, Inc. No TMK 17–00774 08/14/2017 04/12/2026 RGC COFFEE RGC Coffee Inc. No TMK 17–00775 08/14/2017 03/17/2023 CTP and Design Costex Corporation No TMK 17–00776 08/14/2017 01/16/2023 FLEX SEAL Swift Maintenance Products, Inc. No TMK 17–00777 08/14/2017 03/09/2025 FLEX SHOT (Stylized) and Design Swift Response, LLC No O

TMK 17–00778 08/14/2017 03/23/2025 FLEX WIPE-OFF (Stylized) (Logo) Swift Response, LLC No O 40, . TMK 17–00779 08/14/2017 03/23/2025 FLEX SHOT THICK RUBBER AD- Swift Response, LLC No HESIVE SEALANT (Stylized) and Design CTOBER TMK 17–00780 08/14/2017 11/01/2027 CELLVAULT THYRM LLC No

TMK 17–00781 08/14/2017 08/16/2027 WELLIEWISHERS AMERICAN GIRL, LLC No 2017 4, TMK 17–00782 08/14/2017 08/18/2020 CF 340 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No TMK 17–00783 08/14/2017 08/18/2020 CF 410 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No TMK 17–00784 08/14/2017 11/01/2027 Harden Logo AG No TMK 17–00785 08/14/2017 08/18/2020 CF 420 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No 28 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00786 08/14/2017 08/18/2020 CF 430 BAKER HEALTHCARE LLC No TMK 17–00787 08/14/2017 08/18/2020 CF 440 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No TMK 17–00788 08/14/2017 03/22/2020 P PRISTINE and Design Tovtry Importing INc. DBA Pristine No TMK 17–00789 08/14/2017 08/07/2023 VELOCITY Lightforce U.S.A., Inc. DBA Night- No force Optics, Inc. TMK 17–00790 08/14/2017 10/02/2023 MOAR Lightforce U.S.A., Inc. DBA Night- No force Optics, Inc. TMK 17–00791 08/15/2017 08/30/2027 DESIGN ONLY (CONFIGURATION Hunter Douglas Inc. No OF WINDOW SHADE) TMK 17–00792 08/15/2017 01/17/2027 Dodge Grille Design FCA US LLC No TMK 17–00793 08/15/2017 08/29/2021 NT NIGHTFORCE PRECISION OP- LIGHTFORCE U.S.A., INC. DBA No TICS and Design Nightforce Optics, Inc. TMK 17–00794 08/15/2017 10/07/2025 I4F Lightforce U.S.A., Inc. DBA Night- No force Optics, Inc. TMK 17–00795 08/15/2017 09/30/2025 ATACR Lightforce U.S.A., Inc. DBA Night- No force Optics, Inc. TMK 17–00796 08/15/2017 10/05/2021 DESIGN ONLY (Barbecue Grill Con- WEBER-STEPHEN PRODUCTS No

figuration) LLC O 0 O 40, . TMK 17–00797 08/15/2017 01/04/2027 CHUBBY GORILLA and Design CHUBBY GORILLA, INC. No TMK 17–00798 08/15/2017 03/21/2021 SKULLS UNLIMITED Skulls Unlimited International, Inc. No DBA Skulls Unlimited CTOBER TMK 17–00799 08/15/2017 03/01/2020 HORS CATEGORIE Cayuse Vineyards, L.L.C. No

TMK 17–00800 08/15/2017 02/19/2024 TOPAS Rimowa GmbH No 2017 4, TMK 17–00801 08/15/2017 01/07/2025 RIMOWA Rimowa GmbH No TMK 17–00802 08/15/2017 08/06/2024 SALSA AIR Rimowa GmbH No TMK 17–00803 08/15/2017 11/06/2023 CLASSIC FLIGHT Rimowa GmbH No TMK 17–00804 08/15/2017 08/31/2026 ABUELITA and Design Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No 29 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00805 08/15/2017 05/10/2019 DOLCE GUSTO (Stylized) Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00806 08/15/2017 04/05/2026 NESCAFÉ and Design Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00807 08/15/2017 09/07/2025 NESCAFÉ (Stylized) Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00808 08/15/2017 08/17/2025 NESCAFÉ (Stylized) Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00809 08/15/2017 08/16/2027 FORD Ford Motor Company No TMK 17–00810 08/15/2017 08/02/2027 FORD (Stylized) and Design (IN Ford Motor Company No SCRIPT IN OVAL) TMK 17–00811 08/15/2017 08/16/2027 MUSTANG Ford Motor Company No TMK 17–00812 08/15/2017 07/28/2021 NESCAFÉ (Stylized) SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE No S.A. TMK 17–00813 08/15/2017 08/02/2027 DESIGN ONLY (RUNNING HORSE Ford Motor Company No DEVICE) TMK 17–00814 08/16/2017 08/16/2027 DESIGN ONLY (COILED COBRA Ford Motor Company No Device) TMK 17–00815 08/16/2017 09/27/2027 FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S Cawthon, Scott No TMK 17–00816 08/16/2017 09/20/2027 SISTER LOCATION Cawthon, Scott No

TMK 17–00817 08/16/2017 08/09/2027 MILK & HONEY M&H SPIRITS, LLC No O TMK 17–00818 08/16/2017 09/27/2027 BLACK LABEL ODYSSEY INNOVATIVE DESIGNS No O 40, . TMK 17–00819 08/16/2017 03/06/2022 ROUGHY Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00820 08/16/2017 10/22/2018 HOOEY (and Design) HOOEY LLC No CTOBER TMK 17–00821 08/16/2017 10/22/2024 HERSCHEL Herschel Supply Company Ltd. No

TMK 17–00822 08/16/2017 11/12/2018 ABERCROMBIE Abercrombie & Fitch Trading Co. No 2017 4, TMK 17–00823 08/16/2017 07/18/2027 DESIGN ONLY (Hatchimals Egg) Spin Master Ltd. No TMK 17–00824 08/16/2017 07/15/2024 CLOVERLEAF Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00825 08/16/2017 07/25/2027 HATCHIMALS Spin Master Ltd. No 30 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00826 08/16/2017 10/22/2024 THE FINEST QUALITY THE HER- Herschel Supply Company Ltd. No SCHEL SUPPLY CO. BRAND TRADE MARK and Design TMK 17–00827 08/17/2017 09/11/2023 DESIGN ONLY (HOOEY OIL GEAR Hooey, LLC No logo) TMK 17–00828 08/17/2017 05/18/2024 DESIGN ONLY (PUNCHY logo) Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00829 08/17/2017 01/28/2025 CLOVERLEAF and Design Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00830 08/17/2017 11/08/2027 IR PATROL IRD Acquisitions, LLC No TMK 17–00831 08/17/2017 09/14/2021 R and Design Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00832 08/17/2017 10/20/2023 DESIGN ONLY (Chinese characters) GARDEN COMPANY LIMITED, No THE TMK 17–00833 08/17/2017 11/10/2023 DESIGN ONLY (Owl head) GARDEN COMPANY LIMITED No TMK 17–00834 08/17/2017 04/19/2026 HOOEY Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00835 08/17/2017 11/26/2018 DESIGN ONLY (Candy Wrapper The Garden Company Limited No Packaging) TMK 17–00836 08/17/2017 11/26/2018 DESIGN ONLY (Candy Packaging The Garden Company Limited No with Cardboard Insert) O

TMK 17–00837 08/17/2017 03/08/2020 DESIGN ONLY(Striped Candy Pack- The Garden Company Limited COR- No O 40, . aging With Cardboard Insert) PORATION HONG KONG 58 Castle Peak Road Kowloon HONG KONG TMK 17–00838 08/17/2017 11/26/2018 DESIGN ONLY(Candy Packaging The Garden Company Limited No CTOBER with Cardboard Insert)

TMK 17–00839 08/17/2017 05/23/2026 HOOEY OIL GEAR Hooey, LLC No 2017 4, TMK 17–00840 08/17/2017 03/29/2020 DESIGN ONLY (Tied Candy Packag- The Garden Company Limited No ing With Cardboard Insert) TMK 17–00841 08/17/2017 07/23/2023 EXPLORE 4447 Technologies Group, LLC No TMK 17–00842 08/17/2017 09/21/2026 G and Design (Chef Logo) THE GARDEN CO., LTD. No 31 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00843 08/17/2017 04/28/2023 DOCTOR’S BEST Doctor’s Best, Inc. No TMK 17–00844 08/17/2017 05/21/2022 BRONCOCHEM Global Corporation No TMK 17–00845 08/17/2017 06/30/2021 HAYNES and Design J. H. Haynes & Company Limited No TMK 17–00846 08/17/2017 08/13/2024 DESIGN ONLY (i Logo (2012)) Bayerische Motoren Werke No TMK 17–00847 08/17/2017 05/03/2018 COOL JEWELS PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL IN- No CORPORATED TMK 17–00848 08/17/2017 08/14/2023 SUN GLOW JEWELS Phillips International, Inc. No TMK 17–00849 08/17/2017 05/08/2025 SHIMMERSCREEN Ball Chain Manufacturing Co. DBA No BCM Corporation TMK 17–00850 08/21/2017 10/19/2026 HOOEY GOLF Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00851 08/22/2017 06/01/2026 RTIC RTIC IP, LLC No TMK 17–00852 08/22/2017 06/07/2027 RTIC RTIC IP, LLC No TMK 17–00853 08/22/2017 04/10/2027 PUNCHY Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00854 08/22/2017 06/07/2027 RTIC AND BEAR DESIGN RTIC IP, LLC No TMK 17–00855 08/22/2017 08/30/2027 FAJAS MELI’BELT (Stylized) and W.R.L. MARKETING SAS COM- No Design PANY

TMK 17–00856 08/22/2017 07/21/2018 VVH (Stylized) and Design Vlisco B.V. No O 0 O 40, . TMK 17–00857 08/22/2017 04/10/2027 HOOEY (and Design) Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00858 08/22/2017 11/25/2018 SUPER-WAX BLOCK PRINTS Vlisco B.V. No GUARANTEED REAL DUTCH CTOBER PRINTED IN HOLLAND and De- sign ,2017 4, TMK 17–00859 08/22/2017 04/10/2027 DESIGN ONLY Hooey, LLC No TMK 17–00860 08/22/2017 11/21/2019 VLISCO VLISCO B.V. No TMK 17–00861 08/22/2017 11/01/2027 SUPER 73 82nd West Investment Holdings Inc. No TMK 17–00862 08/22/2017 01/25/2024 DR. SCHOLL’S BAYER CONSUMER CARE HOLD- No INGS LLC 32 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00863 08/22/2017 03/11/2018 DR. SCHOLL’S BAYER CONSUMER CARE HOLD- No INGS LLC TMK 17–00864 08/22/2017 09/02/2019 DR. SCHOLL’S BAYER CONSUMER CARE HOLD- No INGS LLC TMK 17–00865 08/22/2017 10/25/2027 ELK RIDGE EVOLUTION (and De- MASTER CUTLERY, LLC No sign) TMK 17–00866 08/22/2017 10/25/2027 MTECH USA EVOLUTION (and De- MASTER CUTLERY, LLC No sign) TMK 17–00867 08/22/2017 10/25/2027 TAC-FORCE EVOLUTION (and De- MASTER CUTLERY, LLC No sign) TMK 17–00868 08/22/2017 03/06/2022 TOPAZ Topaz Lighting Corp. No TMK 17–00869 08/22/2017 08/10/2025 NESCAFE Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00870 08/22/2017 08/26/2019 NESCAFE Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00871 08/22/2017 01/06/2026 NIDO Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. No TMK 17–00872 08/22/2017 10/19/2026 WEBER WEBER-STEPHEN PRODUCTS No LLC TMK 17–00873 08/24/2017 08/21/2023 TOMMY JOHN TOMMY JOHN, INC. No O

TMK 17–00874 08/24/2017 12/20/2026 ANTI SOCIAL SOCIAL CLUB Andrew Buenaflor INDIVIDUAL No O 40, . TMK 17–00875 08/24/2017 11/09/2026 T Design Tommy John, Inc. No

TMK 17–00876 08/24/2017 10/17/2022 PANDA BRAND LEE KUM KEE COMPANY LIM- No CTOBER ITED TMK 17–00877 08/24/2017 10/07/2018 KUM CHUN and Design Lee Kum Kee Company Limited No TMK 17–00878 08/24/2017 03/11/2018 NFPA 70 National Fire Protection Association, No 2017 4, Inc. TMK 17–00879 08/28/2017 03/21/2020 ORLIMAR KING PAR, LLC No TMK 17–00880 08/28/2017 10/02/2026 NEOGEN Neogen Corporation No TMK 17–00881 08/28/2017 07/09/2026 NEOGEN Neogen Corporation No 33 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00882 08/28/2017 08/17/2026 NEOGEN Neoss Limited No TMK 17–00883 08/28/2017 12/19/2025 DESIGN ONLY (Neogen Flask Logo) Neogen Corporation No TMK 17–00884 08/28/2017 02/28/2026 DESIGN ONLY (Neogen Flask Logo) Neogen Corporation No TMK 17–00885 08/28/2017 03/19/2026 DESIGN ONLY (Neogen Flask Logo) Neogen Corporation No TMK 17–00886 08/28/2017 04/30/2026 DESIGN ONLY (Neogen Flask Logo) Neogen Corporation No TMK 17–00887 08/28/2017 05/22/2021 DR. SCHOLL’S and Design BAYER CONSUMER CARE HOLD- No INGS LLC TMK 17–00888 08/28/2017 08/02/2027 DESIGN ONLY (Nissin Top Ramen NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., No brand chicken flavor package design) LTD. TMK 17–00889 08/28/2017 09/08/2020 DR. SCHOLL’S CUSTOM FIT and BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No Package Design TMK 17–00890 08/28/2017 09/08/2020 DR. SCHOLL’S CUSTOM FIT and BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No Packaging Design TMK 17–00891 08/28/2017 09/08/2020 DR. SCHOLL’S CUSTOM FIT and BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No Packaging Design TMK 17–00892 08/28/2017 09/08/2020 DR. SCHOLL’S CUSTOM FIT and BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC No Packaging Design O

TMK 17–00893 08/29/2017 11/22/2027 WHAT DO YOU MEME? Fjerry LLC No O 40, . TMK 17–00894 08/29/2017 01/19/2021 MOLITERNO Centro Trasformazione Latte s.r.l. No

TMK 17–00895 08/29/2017 05/07/2027 VERA BRADLEY Vera Bradley Designs, Inc. No CTOBER TMK 17–00896 08/30/2017 02/18/2025 A (Stylized) Board of Trustees of the University No of Alabama TMK 17–00897 08/31/2017 06/29/2021 ? (Stylized) SONY CORPORATION No 2017 4, TMK 17–00898 08/31/2017 06/01/2021 ? (Stylized) Sony Kabushiki Kaisha TASony Cor- No poration TMK 17–00899 08/31/2017 01/13/2026 SPEEDCRAFT SAULE, LLC No TMK 17–00900 08/31/2017 09/26/2027 DESIGN ONLY (Helmet) THE LOS ANGELES RAMS, LLC No 34 CBP IPR RECORDATION — OCTOBER 2017

Recordation No. Effective Expiration Name of Cop/Tmk/Tnm Owner Name GM N 51, VOL. DECISIONS, AND BULLETIN CUSTOMS Date Date Restricted TMK 17–00901 08/31/2017 04/30/2018 NESCAFÉ (Stylized) SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE No S.A. TMK 17–00902 08/31/2017 10/02/2020 NESCAFÉ (Stylized) SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE No S.A. TMK 88–00250 08/27/2017 08/26/2027 NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. No SYSTEM TMK 88–00250 08/27/2017 08/26/2027 NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC. No SYSTEM TMK 97–00882 08/10/2017 12/04/2027 LUCKY STRIKE REYNOLDS INNOVATIONS INC. No TMK 97–00882 08/10/2017 12/04/2027 LUCKY STRIKE REYNOLDS INNOVATIONS INC. No TMK 98–00055 08/15/2017 01/28/2028 COLOR RED FOR CARBON STEEL THE CROSBY GROUP LLC No HOOKS TMK 98–00055 08/15/2017 01/28/2028 COLOR RED FOR CARBON STEEL THE CROSBY GROUP LLC No HOOKS TMK 98–00152 08/22/2017 10/29/2027 COUGAR FORD MOTOR COMPANY No TMK 98–00152 08/22/2017 10/29/2027 COUGAR FORD MOTOR COMPANY No TMK 98–00171 08/22/2017 12/31/2027 FORD FORD MOTOR COMPANY No O

TMK 98–00171 08/22/2017 12/31/2027 FORD FORD MOTOR COMPANY No O 40, . TMK 98–00197 08/22/2017 09/03/2027 MUSTANG RUNNING HORSE DE- FORD MOTOR COMPANY No SIGN CTOBER TMK 98–00197 08/22/2017 09/03/2027 MUSTANG RUNNING HORSE DE- FORD MOTOR COMPANY No SIGN

TMK 99–00069 08/31/2017 10/29/2027 Miscellaneous Star Design HOUSTON ASTROS, LLC No 2017 4, TMK 99–00069 08/31/2017 10/29/2027 Miscellaneous Star Design HOUSTON ASTROS, LLC No