Community and Enterprise Resources

Planning and Economic Development Services

Weekly List of Planning Applications

List of planning applications registered by the Council for the week ending

From : - 11/03/2019 To : 15/03/2019

The Planning Weekly List contains details of planning applications and proposals of application notices registered in the previous week.

Note to Members:

Proposal of application notices A ‘proposal of application notice’ is a notice that must be submitted to the Council, by the developer, at least 12 weeks before they submit an application for a major development. The notice explains what the proposal is and sets out what pre-application consultation they will carry out with the local community. Please note that at this stage, any comments which the public wish to make on such a notice should be made directly to the applicant or agent, not to the Council. If, however, any of the proposals described on the list as being a proposal of application notice raise key issues that you may wish to be considered during their future assessment, please contact the appropriate team leader/area manager within 10 days of the week-ending date at the appropriate area office.

Planning applications If you have any queries on any of the applications contained in the list, please contact the appropriate team leader/area manager within 10 days of the week-ending date at the appropriate office.

Applications identified as 'Delegated' shall be dealt with under these powers unless more than 5 objections are received. In such cases the application will be referred to an appropriate committee. In addition, a request to refer an application to committee should be directed to the area manager/team leader within 10 days of the week-ending date at the appropriate area office. A Member should only request that a team leader or manager consider referring a delegated application to committee if the Member still has concerns about an application after having discussed the matter with the team leader/area manager. Note for community councils and members of the public: If you wish further information on any planning application included in the list, please contact the case officer dealing with application . Officers can be contacted by phone on 03031231015 or by email [email protected]. Alternatively, you can view the application and associated documents on the Council's website at

Commenting on a planning application If you wish to comment on a planning application, you can do so by email [email protected], or in writing to Planning and Economic Development Services, Montrose House, 154 Montrose Crescent, Hamilton ML3 6LB or on the Council's website at where you can submit comments directly through the application using the 'Search applications' button. Please note that comments can only be submitted via the website for a period of 21 days from when the application is registered. If you wish to make comments after this date, please check with the case officer that the application has not yet been determined. Any comments submitted after this date must be done either by email or letter - you will not be able to use the website.

Commenting on a proposal of application notice If you wish to comment on a ‘proposal of application notice’ they should be made directly to the applicant or agent, not to the Council. If an application is subsequently submitted to the Council it will again appear on the weekly list and there will be an opportunity to submit comments to the Council at that time.

If you need this information in another language or format, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs. Phone: 0303 123 1015 Email: [email protected] Cambuslang / Area Office

Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0383 Erection of single storey rear 12 Buchanan Drive Mr David Stewart Karen Moir Date valid: 13/03/2019 extension, raised deck and Rutherglen Area office: Cambuslang / Rutherglen Area associated alterations. 12 Buchanan Drive 36 Dolphin Road Office South Rutherglen Glasgow G73 3PE G73 3PE G41 4DZ Powers: Delegated decision

Grid reference: 261948 660827

Ward no: 11 Rutherglen South

Ward councillor: Robert Brown Carol Nugent Margaret Cowie Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

Application ref: P/19/0410 Use as funeral directors under 292 Stonelaw Road Family Lauren Springfield Date valid: 14/03/2019 Class 1 (Shops) (Certificate of Rutherglen Funeral Directors Ltd (c/o Area office: Cambuslang / Rutherglen Area lawfulness - existing) G73 3RP agent) 130 St Vincent Street Office Glasgow 130 St Vincent Street G2 5HF Delegated decision Powers: Glasgow G2 5HF

Grid reference: 262150 660399

Ward no: 11 Rutherglen South

Ward councillor: Robert Brown Carol Nugent Margaret Cowie Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0284 Erection of single storey rear 16 Park Drive Mrs Annmarie McClafferty Darren Baird Date valid: 11/03/2019 extension and raised deck. Rutherglen Area office: Cambuslang / Rutherglen Area G73 2QF 16 Park Drive 368 Househillmuir Road Office Rutherglen Priesthill G73 2QF Glasgow Delegated decision Powers: G53 6SQ

Grid reference: 261339 661129

Ward no: 12 Rutherglen Central And North Ward councillor: Martin Lennon Janine Calikes Jared Wark Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

Application ref: P/19/0299 Demolition of existing dwellings Land South Of Western CCG () Ltd Peter Magnus Date valid: 15/03/2019 and redevelopment consisting of Road Area office: Cambuslang / Rutherglen Area the erection of 330 unit mixed East 1 Cambuslang Road 80 Nicholson Street Office tenure residential dwellings with Cambuslang Cambuslang Investment Park Glasgow associated access roads, car Glasgow G5 9ER Planning committee Powers: parking and landscaping G32 8NB

Grid reference: 263628 659328

Ward no: 13

Ward councillor: Margaret B Walker Ann Le Blond John Bradley Officer: Iain Morton 01698 455048

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0406 Demolition of existing garage and 12 Grenadier Park Mr Brian Malarkey John Kane Date valid: 13/03/2019 utility room and erection of two Cambuslang Area office: Cambuslang / Rutherglen Area storey side and single storey rear Glasgow 12 Grenadier Park 107 Busby Road Office extension. G72 8EP Cambuslang Clarkston Glasgow G76 8BD Delegated decision Powers: G72 8EP

Grid reference: 264109 659787

Ward no: 13 Cambuslang West

Ward councillor: Margaret B Walker Ann Le Blond John Bradley Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

Application ref: P/19/0369 Conversion of garage to 10 Dalziel Way Mr John Chesney Ronald Gellan Date valid: 12/03/2019 habitable room Cambuslang Area office: Cambuslang / Rutherglen Area G72 7US C/o 4 Rannoch Avenue Office 4 Rannoch Avenue Hamilton Hamilton ML3 8UD Delegated decision Powers: ML3 8UD

Grid reference: 265626 660473

Ward no: 14

Ward councillor: Walter Brogan Katy Loudon Alistair Fulton Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0253 Installation of slurry lagoon for East Law Farm Mr Andrew Mc Gregor David Galloway Date valid: 12/03/2019 the sole use of East Law Farm Lawhill Road Area office: Clydesdale Area Office Law East Law Farm 2 Lammonbie Cottages ML8 5EZ Lawhill Road Lockerbie Law DG11 2RN Delegated decision Powers: ML8 5EZ

Grid reference: 282533 651619

Ward no: 01 Clydesdale West

Ward councillor: Lynsey Hamilton Poppy Corbett Eileen Logan David R Shearer Officer: Steven Boertien 01698 455116

Application ref: P/19/0385 Reduction in plot dimensions Plot 3 Ms Elizabeth Bogle and Ms Richard Allen Date valid: 12/03/2019 (plot 3) and erection of detached Langholm Farm Caroline Lowrey Area office: Clydesdale Area Office dwelling Lamington 4 Stirling Terrace By Biggar 2 Burnfoot Cottages Clovenfords Kilbucho Galashiels Delegated decision Powers: Biggar TD1 3NB ML12 6JH

Grid reference: 298802 632835

Ward no: 03 Clydesdale East

Ward councillor: Alex Allison Eric Holford Ian McAllan Officer: Steven Boertien 01698 455116

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0405 Erection of 34 semi-detached Proposed Housing BHC Ltd Calum Smith Date valid: 14/03/2019 dwelling houses, formation of Development Area office: Clydesdale Area Office new access road and Mill Road Medwyn Park Woodlands Edinburgh Road 134 New Trows Road Biggar Planning committee Powers: South Lanarkshire ML11 8HS ML11 0ER ML12 6NY Grid reference: 297233 638448

Ward no: 03 Clydesdale East

Ward councillor: Alex Allison Eric Holford Ian McAllan Officer: Steven Boertien 01698 455116

Application ref: P/19/0422 Erection of dwellinghouse and Plot 11 Mr Andrew Foreman Lesley McGrath Date valid: 14/03/2019 garage (renewal of planning Kersewell Estate Area office: Clydesdale Area Office permission CL/16/0077) Carnwath Tickton Hall 5 South Charlotte Street Tickton Edinburgh Beverly EH2 4AN Delegated decision Powers: HU17 9RX Grid reference: 300099 646294

Ward no: 03 Clydesdale East

Ward councillor: Alex Allison Eric Holford Ian McAllan Officer: Ian Hamilton 01698 455174

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0423 Erection of dwellinghouse and Plot 12 Mr Andrew Foreman Lesley McGrath Date valid: 14/03/2019 garage (renewal of planning Kersewell Estate Area office: Clydesdale Area Office permission CL/16/0076) Carnwath Tickton Hall 5 South Charlotte Street Tickton Edinburgh Beverly EH2 4AN Delegated decision Powers: HU17 9RX Grid reference:

Ward no: 03 Clydesdale East

Ward councillor: Alex Allison Eric Holford Ian McAllan Officer: Ian Hamilton 01698 455174

Application ref: P/19/0434 Erection of a single storey rear 19A Broughton Road Mr James Lawrie Alex Cullen And Co Date valid: 15/03/2019 extension to form additional living Biggar Area office: Clydesdale Area Office accommodation to dwelling ( An ML12 6AN 19A Broughton Road 7 Gateside Street amendment to Planning Biggar Hamilton Application no. P/18/1865) ML12 6AN ML3 7HT Powers: Delegated decision Grid reference: 304666 637881

Ward no: 03 Clydesdale East

Ward councillor: Alex Allison Eric Holford Ian McAllan Officer: Jerry Gigya 01698 455180

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0381 Erection of two turbines (160m to High Blackwoodyards A E Assocaites Date valid: 11/03/2019 blade tip) Farm Area office: Clydesdale Area Office B7086 From Boghead FAO Adele Ellis To Deadwaters Bridge Delegated decision Powers: Boghead South Lanarkshire ML11 0JH Grid reference: 276985 642111

Ward no: 04 Clydesdale South

Ward councillor: George Greenshields Mark Horsham Colin McGavigan Officer: Steven Boertien 01698 455116

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0325 Erection of detached garage and Millholm Mr David Howie Anderson Anderson Date valid: 11/03/2019 a single storey extension with 4 Millholm Road Architect Area office: East Kilbride Area Office associated alterations including 4 Millholm Road the removal of existing chimneys, ML10 6DB Strathaven 3 Millholm Road the formation of a Juliet balcony ML10 6DB Strathaven Delegated decision Powers: and the removal of a tree ML10 6DB Grid reference: 270456 644430

Ward no: 05 Avondale And Stonehouse

Ward councillor: Graeme Campbell Margaret Cooper Isobel Dorman Officer: Andrew Muir 01698 455058

Application ref: P/19/0326 Demolition of outbuildings and Tweedieside Farm Mr G Hillian Steve Convery Date valid: 11/03/2019 erection of three detached one Boag Road Area office: East Kilbride Area Office and a half storey dwellinghouses Sandford 231 St Vincent Street 231 St Vincent Street and formation of two passing Strathaven Glasgow Glasgow places at access road. G2 5QY G2 5QY Powers: Delegated decision

Grid reference: 272709 642824

Ward no: 05 Avondale And Stonehouse

Ward councillor: Graeme Campbell Margaret Cooper Isobel Dorman Officer: Mary McGonigle 01698 455103

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0409 Installation of 5 wind turbines Back Hareshaw Farm Clean Earth Date valid: 12/03/2019 (maximum height 180m to tip) C138 Hairshaw Area office: East Kilbride Area Office and associated infrastructure Highway Unit 2A including access tracks, turbine Strathaven 2B Bess Park Road bases and cabling (EIA ML10 6QN Trenant Industrial Estate Delegated decision Powers: screening opinion request) Wadebridge Cornwall PL27 6HB Grid reference: 262274 641392

Ward no: 05 Avondale And Stonehouse

Ward councillor: Graeme Campbell Margaret Cooper Isobel Dorman Officer: James Wright 01698 455903

Application ref: P/19/0419 Erection of single storey front, 43 Mansefield Crescent W And K Findlay David Napier Date valid: 13/03/2019 side and rear extension. Chapelton Area office: East Kilbride Area Office Strathaven 43 Mansefield Crescent 15 Colinhill Road ML10 6SB Chapelton Strathaven Strathaven ML10 6EU Delegated decision Powers: ML10 6SB

Grid reference: 268592 648652

Ward no: 05 Avondale And Stonehouse

Ward councillor: Graeme Campbell Margaret Cooper Isobel Dorman Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0231 Removal of existing conservatory 5 Bennan Place Mr D Wilkinson Ian Reid Date valid: 15/03/2019 and erection of single storey rear East Kilbride Area office: East Kilbride Area Office extension G75 9NR 5 Bennan Place 114 Strathaven road East Kilbride Lesmahagow G75 9NR Scotland Delegated decision Powers: ML11 0dw

Grid reference: 262167 651729

Ward no: 06 East Kilbride South

Ward councillor: Archie Buchanan Fiona Dryburgh Geri Gray Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

Application ref: P/19/0324 Conversion of integral garage to 14 Whittaker Avenue Mr Mathew Marley Date valid: 13/03/2019 habitable room (retrospective) East Kilbride Area office: East Kilbride Area Office G75 9QA 14 Whittaker Avenue East Kilbride G75 9QA Powers: Delegated decision Grid reference: 260628 651935

Ward no: 06 East Kilbride South

Ward councillor: Archie Buchanan Fiona Dryburgh Geri Gray Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0336 Erection of externally illuminated 4 Colvilles Park Mr Mark Churchill Graham Hoggard Date valid: 11/03/2019 fascia signage (retrospective) Kelvin Industrial Estate Area office: East Kilbride Area Office East Kilbride Ground Floor Foxgloves G75 0GZ Building 8 2 The Stray Croxley Green Business Park South Cave Delegated decision Powers: Watford Brough East Yorkshire WD18 8PX HU15 2AL

Grid reference: 264605 652693

Ward no: 06 East Kilbride South

Ward councillor: Archie Buchanan Fiona Dryburgh Geri Gray Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

Application ref: P/19/0316 Erection of two storey side 15 Reay Avenue Mr Derek Haughey Brian McAteer Date valid: 11/03/2019 extension with associated East Kilbride Area office: East Kilbride Area Office alterations G74 1QT 15 Reay Avenue 14 East Kilbride Business East Kilbride Centre (RM 55) G74 1QT Kelvin Industrial Estate Delegated decision Powers: East Kilbride G75 0YA

Grid reference: 261974 654669

Ward no: 08 East Kilbride Central North

Ward councillor: Joe Fagan Hugh MacDonald Sheena Wardhaugh Officer: Andrew Muir 01698 455058

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0205 Installation of illuminated and Unit 11B Kingsgate Mrs Sara Humphries Date valid: 12/03/2019 non-illuminated signage Retail Park Area office: East Kilbride Area Office East Kilbride B3 Mucklestone Business G74 4UN Centre Eccleshall Road Delegated decision Powers: Mucklestone Market Drayton United Kingdom TF9 4FB

Grid reference: 264247 656601

Ward no: 09 East Kilbride West

Ward councillor: Ian Harrow Monique McAdams David Watson Officer: Andrew Muir 01698 455058

Application ref: P/19/0206 Installation of two air conditioning Unit 11B Kingsgate Mrs Sara Humphries Date valid: 15/03/2019 condenser units with associated Retail Park Area office: East Kilbride Area Office external alterations East Kilbride B3 Mucklestone Business G74 4UN Centre Eccleshall Road Delegated decision Powers: Mucklestone Market Drayton TF9 4FB

Grid reference: 0 0

Ward no: 09 East Kilbride West

Ward councillor: Ian Harrow Monique McAdams David Watson Officer: Andrew Muir 01698 455058

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0431 Formation of upper floor Glenmore David And Anne Kerr David Napier Date valid: 14/03/2019 accommodation with associated Cartside Highway Area office: East Kilbride Area Office alterations to the roof including Glenmore 15 Colinhill Road the formation of front dormers G74 5AD Waterfoot Road Strathaven Thorntonhall ML10 6EU Delegated decision Powers: G74 5AD Grid reference: 257411 654711

Ward no: 09 East Kilbride West

Ward councillor: Ian Harrow Monique McAdams David Watson Officer: Andrew Muir 01698 455058

Application ref: P/19/0373 Erection of entrance porch to 30 Glen Gairn Mrs J Logan Ross Robertson Date valid: 13/03/2019 side of cottage flat and East Kilbride Area office: East Kilbride Area Office reconfiguration of entrance door G74 2JG 30 Glen Gairn 6 Dock Place East Kilbride Suite 1B G74 2JG Edinburgh Delegated decision Powers: EH6 6LU

Grid reference: 265690 654932

Ward no: 10 East Kilbride East

Ward councillor: Graham Scott Gladys Miller Jim Wardhaugh Officer: Evelyn-Ann Wilson 01698 455059

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0338 Change of use from public open 2 Hillview Drive Mr James Stewart Date valid: 11/03/2019 space to private garden ground, Blantyre Area office: Hamilton Area Office formation of vehicular access G72 9EF 2 Hillview Drive and erection of single storey Blantyre extensions to side and rear of G72 9EF Delegated decision Powers: dwellinghouse

Grid reference: 268865 658316

Ward no: 15 Blantyre

Ward councillor: Maureen Chalmers Bert Thomson Mo Razzaq Officer: Stuart Ramsay 01698 453601

Application ref: P/19/0421 Change of use from haidressing 52 Main Street David Corbett David Napier Date valid: 13/03/2019 training academy to flatted unit Area office: Hamilton Area Office and associated alterations G71 8EX 52 Main Street 15 Colinhill Road (installtion of three roof lights in Bothwell Strathaven front elevation and new rear G71 8EX ML10 6EU Delegated decision Powers: window). Grid reference: 270421 658623

Ward no: 16 Bothwell And

Ward councillor: Maureen Devlin James McGuigan Kenny McCreary Officer: James Watters 01698 454970

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0403 Erection of two storey and single 12 Strachan Place Mr And Mrs J Higgins Kenneth Wotherspoon Date valid: 12/03/2019 storey rear extensions including Blantyre Area office: Hamilton Area Office balcony at first floor level. G72 0TD 12 Strachan Place 1 Holm Court Blantyre Crossford G72 0TD Delegated decision Powers: ML8 5GR Grid reference: 268868 654988

Ward no: 18 Hamilton West And Earnock Ward councillor: Allan Falconer Graeme Horne Mark McGeever Mary Donnelly Officer: Murray Reid 01698 453625

Application ref: P/18/1739 Change of use of horticultural Rosebank Nursery Rosebank Nursery Date valid: 13/03/2019 glass house to Classs 1 retail Lanark Road 41 Southhill Avenue Area office: Hamilton Area Office and formation of ancillary parking Rosebank Rosebank Nursery Burnside Carluke Lanark Road Rutherglen ML8 5QB Rosebank G73 3TB Delegated decision Powers: Carluke ML8 5QB Grid reference: 280910 649460

Ward no: 20

Ward councillor: Jackie Burns Andy Carmichael Peter Craig Richard Nelson Officer: Mary McGonigle 01698 455103

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0318 Erection of natural gas HGV CNG Station CNG Fuels/CWC Ltd Graeme Laing Date valid: 13/03/2019 filling station and associated Swinhill Avenue Area office: Hamilton Area Office access, storage infrastructure, Larkhall Tay House Tay House fencing and lighting 2nd Floor 2nd Floor 300 Bath Street 300 Bath Street Delegated decision Powers: Glasgow Glasgow G2 4JR G2 4JR

Grid reference: 277011 648630

Ward no: 20 Larkhall

Ward councillor: Jackie Burns Andy Carmichael Peter Craig Richard Nelson Officer: James Wright 01698 455903

Application ref: P/19/0353 Change of use of public open Big Bird Nursery Mr David Black Date valid: 11/03/2019 space to private ground 51 Machan Road Area office: Hamilton Area Office associated with childrens nursery Larkhall Big Bird Nursery and erection of two metre high ML9 1HX 51 Machan Road palisade fencing Larkhall Delegated decision Powers: South Lanarkshire ML9 1HX

Grid reference: 276512 650592

Ward no: 20 Larkhall

Ward councillor: Jackie Burns Andy Carmichael Peter Craig Richard Nelson Officer: Murray Reid 01698 453625

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Proposed Development Site location Applicant Agent

Application ref: P/19/0401 Erection of single storey 21 High Pleasance Mr Russell Finnan Tom McIntyre Date valid: 11/03/2019 extension to rear of Larkhall Area office: Hamilton Area Office dwellinghouse ML9 2HJ 21 High Pleasance 115 Hamilton Road Larkhall Rutherglen ML9 2HJ G73 3HP Powers: Delegated decision

Grid reference: 276474 651271

Ward no: 20 Larkhall

Ward councillor: Jackie Burns Andy Carmichael Peter Craig Richard Nelson Officer: Stuart Ramsay 01698 453601

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