Morse, Contracting, and Strongly Contracting Sets with Applications to Boundaries and Growth of Groups
Morse, contracting, and strongly contracting sets with applications to boundaries and growth of groups Christopher H. Cashen, PhD Faculty of Mathematics University of Vienna 1090 Vienna,Austria E-mail address: URL: Key words and phrases. Morse, contracting, strongly contracting, graphical small cancellation, group action, boundary, growth tightness, cogrowth The author was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 30487-N35 during the writing of this thesis. Support for the individual papers can be found in the respective chapters. Abstract. We investigate several quantitative generalizations of the notion of quasiconvex subsets of (Gromov) hyperbolic spaces to arbitrary geodesic metric spaces. Some of these, such as the Morse property, strong contraction, and superlinear divergence, had been studied before in more specialized contexts, and some, such as contraction, we introduce for the first time. In general, we prove that quasiconvexity is the weakest of the properties, strong contraction is the strongest, and all of the others are equivalent. However, in hyperbolic spaces all are equivalent, and we prove that in CAT(0) spaces all except quasiconvexity are equivalent. Despite the fact that many of these properties are equivalent, they are useful for different purposes. For instance, it is easy to see that the Morse property is quasiisometry invariant, but the contraction property gives good control over the divagation behavior of geodesic rays with a common basepoint. We exploit this control to define a boundary for arbitrary finitely generated groups that shares some properties of the boundary of a hyperbolic group.
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