Minutes of the Work Session of the Caddo Parish Commission Held on the 20Th Day of February, 2018
MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION HELD ON THE 20TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2018 The Caddo Parish Commission met in a Work Session, on the above date, at 3:30 p.m., in the Government Chambers, with Mr. Doug Dominick, President, presiding, and the following members in attendance, constituting a quorum: Commissioners Atkins, Bowman, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Gage-Watts, Jackson, Louis Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (12). ABSENT: None (0). The invocation was given by Mrs. Stormy Gage-Watts, and the Pledge of Allegiances was led by Mr. John Atkins. AGENDA ADDITIONS It was moved by Mr. Chavez, seconded by Mr. Cawthorne, to expand the agenda and add authorization for Ms. Kamesha West, United Way 211 Program, and Ms. Lauren Vizza, Miss Louisiana USA, as visitors for Thursday under New Business. There was no one to speak in favor or against expanding the agenda. Mr. Dominick closed the public hearing. At this time, Mr. Chavez’s motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES Commissioners Atkins, Bowman, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Gage-Watts, Jackson, Louis Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (12). NAYS: None (0). ABSENT: None (0). ABSTAIN: None (0). CITIZENS COMMENTS Mr. Rich Lamb, Chairman, SciPort Board, gave an update of the events taking place at Sci-Port Discovery Center. He stated that Sci-Port was excessively overstaffed over several years, which resulted in a financial jam. Mr. Lamb also said that board members and other private donors pledged money to ensure that Sci-Port could continue to pay key essential employees, i.e.
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