May 2, 2017 The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement Volume 2, Number 13 The Hamiltonian Face The Economic Reality LAROUCHE WAS RIGHT! April 30—The United States and the NASA Mission Controller Gene Kranz, contain. Mission rules were different. There trans-Atlantic financial system are right who went on to be the key Mission Con- had never before been such a mission in now plunging towards a financial blowout troller for Apollo 13, described in his book, U.S. history—I would just have to give it a bigger than that of 2007–2008. Today’s cor- Failure is Not an Option, published in 2009, shot. Since there were no books written on porate debt bubble, at $14 trillion, is bigger how his boss, the legendary Mission Con- the actual methodology of space flight, we than the $11 trillion mortgage bubble of troller Chris Kraft, had walked up to his had to write them as we went along.” 2007-08, and the 20% level of defaults pro- desk just two weeks after Kranz had first And it is just so for us at this moment. jected for these debts today, is far greater joined NASA at Langley in 1960. Kraft said, There is no book which tells us what we than that actually experienced in mortgages “Everyone else is tied up. You’re all I’ve got. must do now. a decade ago. We are already into “The Big We’re coming up on our first Redstone We do know that the crash must be Short,” where Wall Street is lending money launch. I’d like you to go down to the Cape, pre-empted by an in-depth mobilization to suckers to help them buy up its securi- get with the test conductors and write a of the population—just like a mobilization tized worthless debts—and then betting countdown. Then write some mission rules. for war, but in this case, a mobilization for against its own customers. When you finish give me a call and we’ll the economy in depth. The only approxi- The hysteria exhibited in Wall Street’s dai- come down and start training.” mating comparison is Franklin Roosevelt’s ly public freakouts against Glass-Steagall, “The shock on my face must have regis- “100 Days” program, and this time we will reflects the banks’ awareness of the coming tered,” Kranz wrote, “as Kraft continued, require the scientific precision expressed in blowout. ‘I’ll tell Paul Johnson to meet you at Mer- the most successful of FDR’s economic mo- Physical economist and stateman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Nothing like the present situation has cury Control and give you a hand.’ When bilization, perhaps best exemplified in the ever been experienced anywhere before. Kraft talked, his eyes never left mine.” Tennessee Valley Authority, which is still gion, as underway now, means mass-death fellow American’s, among others, through Put another way, nothing in the present “My days as an observer were over, my considered a miracle for its time. suddenly hitting the populations of all the beauty of the American System. world situation bears any comparison chance to get up to speed ended… From Lyndon LaRouche spelled out what this nations within that trans-Atlantic region: “We are actually creating a force of eco- whatever even to that of 2007–08 financial my work, most recently at Holloman Air means in his “Four New Laws” of June 2014. whether directly, or by ‘overflow.’ nomic creativity. What we have done with crisis, for example. Force Base in New Mexico, I knew about That statement opens with the following: “The effects of this already prepared ac- the music, with the concerts, the choruses Consider another unprecedented mo- flying, systems, procedures and checklists. “The economy of the United States of tion by the monetarist interests of that throughout the city, is an example of real ment in human history. I could figure out what a countdown should America, and also that of the trans-Atlan- so-designated region, unless stopped virtu- economic creativity. What is required is tic political-economic regions of the plan- ally now, will produce, in effect, an acceler- the generation of a process of development. et, are now under the immediate, mortal ating rate of genocide throughout that in- Then we do not have a real crisis, since Learn more about LaRouche’s ‘Four Laws’ danger of a general, physical-economic, dicated portion of the planet immediately, the population is then the solution not the chain-reaction breakdown-crisis of that but, also, with catastrophic ‘side effects’ of problem. We may have an embarrassment. region of this planet as a whole. The name comparable significance in the Eurasian re- You may have lost money! You may have for that direct breakdown-crisis through- gions.” lost your job on Wall St., but the system it- out those indicated regions of the planet, Mr. LaRouche continued the develop- self, if treated properly, will work. is the presently ongoing introduction of a ment of this thought in dialogue with col- “It is time to support reality, and econom- general ‘bail-in’ action under the several, or leagues recently. ic reality has to be installed. If in the face of more governments of that region: the effect “The United States and other nations have this crisis, we install the proper reality, if we on those regions, will be comparable to the an intrinsic power of economy, as has been place value on that which has real value, the physical-economic collapse of the post- shown in super-high growth-rate impulses population, the future populations, then World War I general collapse of the econ- in certain periods, as with FDR, JFK, and in we don’t have a problem. Then the gates of omy of the German Weimar Republic: but, the industrial revolution based on Lincoln’s prosperity will open sooner or later. The this time, hitting, first, the entirety of the policies. problem in economies is when economies nation-state economies of the trans-Atlan- “But then the thieves came and shut it are being destroyed, as with our nation tic region, rather than some defeated econ- down, and each time spread the myth that today, by the hand of the British and their omies within Europe. this, their speculative practices, is the way Wall St. types. Read our new pamphlet “A chain-reaction collapse, to this effect, the system really works. That’s a myth! It “If you look at it the way I look at it, we is already accelerating with an effect on doesn’t work that way. What we have to do have the gates of prosperity looking at us. the money-systems of the nations of that is what the LaRouchePAC and the broader But we’ve got to maintain them—that’s the region. The present acceleration of a ‘bail- LaRouche movement is doing in the Man- difference.” in’ policy throughout the trans-Atlantic re- hattan region, i.e. awakening the souls of

“Man in the Universe” is the Destiny of Mankind by Kesha Rogers There, in the stars, lies the long await- dent Xi Jinping for “win-win” cooperation, leashed for joint efforts in science, partic- taken from their participation in this ed Age of Reason, when our species sheds to join in the great economic development ularly cooperative work toward the explo- mission. This was demonstrated most at last the cultural residue of the beast. perspective of the Belt and Road, for the ration and development of space. With full beautifully by Col. Fisher when he —Lyndon LaRouche benefit of all nations involved. This offer U.S. participation, a leap for all of mankind said, “I would say to all the students was first made to former President Obama in space exploration becomes immediately that are watching, the time to get ex- In less than three weeks, the Belt and Road in 2014, but was summarily rejected by and rapidly possible. cited is now. If you aren’t studying Forum—the most critical international that British-run Wall Street stooge then science and math, you might want to conference since the inauguration of Presi- occupying the White House. Obama chose The Optimism of Space think about that because our future in dent Donald Trump—will convene in Bei- geo-political confrontation over working On Monday, April 24, President Trump the stars starts now… And we’re going jing. On May 14 and 15, the heads of state with China and other nations for the good spoke with astronauts on the International to find a permanent foothold in the of twenty-eight nations will gather, joined of mankind. Space Station (ISS). He was joined in the oval stars for humanity if we do that.” by representatives from one hundred and Now a new opportunity has presented office by his daughter Ivanka and astronaut The Role of the Visionary ten countries, including industry and busi- itself. President Trump has expressed seri- Kate Rubins, and together they spoke with The developing friendship between President Trump ness leaders and others. It has already been ous interest and already taken initial steps NASA ISS Commander Peggy Whitson On March 25 of this year the Schiller and China President Xi Jinping has the potential to announced that Russia’s President Vladi- toward developing a friendly working rela- and Col. Jack Fisher. The dialogue between Institute held an extraordinary con- create a ‘win-win’ relationship between the two na- mir Putin will be the highest guest of honor tionship with China, as was demonstrated the ISS and the President was broadcast ference, in Berlin, Germany, to hon- tions and end the British Empire system of geopolitics. at the conference. in his recent discussions with President Xi live into hundreds of classrooms and space or the one hundredth anniversary of During the last three years, an invitation in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Again, the offer of facilities around the United States and was the birth of the great space pioneer Krafft integration of the most advanced, most has been repeatedly extended to the United “win-win” peaceful cooperation has been streamed and viewed world-wide as well. Ehricke. Under the banner of “Krafft Eh- fundamental scientific research with the States to take up the offer of Chinese Presi- put forth, this time to President Trump. The President honored Commander Whit- ricke’s Vision for the Future of Mankind,” production and development of new tech- The opportunity now before the son for her great achievements as the first Ehricke’s prime thesis that there are no nologies in a general way, such that there is United States is very real. Were female commander of the ISS, as well as limitations to the progress of mankind in no organizational separation between the America to seize this opportu- for having spent more time in space than the universe was celebrated and discussed. most fundamental scientific research and nity, the murderous banking any other American astronaut. Their dis- As if a divine hand had intervened, on the production in general.” and financial looting policies of cussion touched on several topics, includ- very same day of that conference, President London and Wall Street might ing a report from Whitson about the need Trump gave his truly inspiring national ad- The Time to Act be replaced with a future of ex- to understand how microgravity works in dress in which he declared, after the signing Many initiatives are already underway. panded economic opportunity, space and how it effects the human body. of the NASA authorization act, “With this On Saturday, April 22, China celebrated its of peace and scientific progress. She also reported that they are studying the legislation, we renew our national commit- second annual national space day by car- Those are the implications for question of long-duration space missions ment to NASA’s mission of exploration and rying out the docking of the Tianzhou 1 accepting China’s offer to join and the technological advancements that discovery. And we continue a tradition that supply ship docking with China’s Tianzhou in a commitment to the com- will be required. There are currently over is as old as mankind. We look to the heav- 2 space lab, 240 miles above the earth. Two mon aims of mankind through two hundred scientific experiments ongo- ens with wonder and curiosity.” days later China celebrated the anniversary “win-win cooperation.” Were ing aboard the space station. If we are to take up this challenge today, of China’s first space satellite on April 24, President Trump to announce Col. Fisher stressed the critical impor- it is of paramount importance that every 1970, on the very same day that President his intention to attend the Belt tance for international cooperation in American fully grasp the critical impor- Trump spoke with the astronauts aboard and Road conference in May, space exploration. He talked about his trip tance that this effort, on behalf of all man- the international space station this alone would be a singular to the ISS aboard the Soyuz with his Rus- kind, is the necessary future. It must also A full participation by the United States action that could shift the global sian counterpart, veteran Cosmonaut Fyo- be a shared commitment. All nations—all in the upcoming Belt and Road Forum in strategic situation. dor Yurchikhin. Col. Fisher said, “The in- of humanity—will benefit from the co- Beijing would have the immediate effect Not least in importance, by ternational space station is, by far, the best operation among nations for the peaceful of advancing this progress dramatically. opening up a greater collabo- example of international cooperation and use and development of outer space. This This is just what is needed. A new future President Trump, Astronaut Kate Rubins and Ivanka Trump ration with the nations of the what we can do when we work together in is the ultimate “win-win” solution for all beckons, one wherein the legacy of war, ze- speak with astronauts Commander Peggy Whitson and Col. Belt and Road, a great impetus the history of humanity.” Both American nations. This can be realized through the ro-growth and cultural decay will become Jack Fischer aboard the ISS on April 24, 2017, celebrating Whitson’s achievement of spending more cumulative time in will be delivered and a greatly astronauts were explicit concerning the application of what Lyndon LaRouche has a memory. Bold action now will make the space than any other U.S. astronaut. enhanced potential will be un- optimism and inspiration which they have termed “Crash Programs,” i.e., “the tight difference. The Hamiltonian — May 2, 2017 Why Is Korea Not Reunified? by Michael Billington

There is no legitimate reason why Korea ward peace and cooperation on the Korean na, South Korean soldiers unlocked the has not already been reunified, or why peninsula was nearly assured. ten-foot-high fence that runs the 250-ki- there there must now be a festering crisis Former Defense Secretary Perry has just lometer length of the DMZ, at Dorasan over , threatening to spark a written, in an April 15 article in Politico Station in Paju, as thousands applauded. war that would devastate most of Asia and magazine, that during Clinton’s second Simultaneously, 14.2 kilometers to the could possibly provoke a global nuclear term, he and others were negotiating a fur- north, North Korea opened its fence at war. The overtly British assets in the White ther deal with aimed at a long- Kaesong Station. On the peninsula’s east House over the past 16 years—George W. term solution for peace on the peninsula. coast, where the Donghae-Wonsan line Bush, Dick Cheney, and Barack Obama— “With allies in and Japan,” is being rebuilt toward Russia’s Vladivo- intentionally created the crisis, not because Perry wrote, “we discussed a bargain that stok, North Korean Prime Minister Hong of any actions by North Korea, but in or- offered a highly desirable outcome: nor- Song-nam, Railway Minister Kim Yong- der to provoke confrontation or even war malization of relations with North Korea in sam, and 3,000 guests cut the north fence between the United States and China, to exchange for its giving up its quest for nu- of the DMZ at Onjong-ri at the foot of Mt. sustain the British division of the world clear weapons. We were tantalizingly close Kumgang (Diamond Mountain). Some 27 into East against West. Likewise, we see the to an agreement, including a presidential km to the south, South Korea opened its desperate effort by the British today to stop visit to Pyongyang, when the clock ran out east coast fence in Kosung at the Unifica- President Trump’s intended cooperation on Clinton’s term.” tion Observatory, as crowds gazed north with Russia—using British-manufactured What happened next was one of the most toward the revered Diamond Mountain. crises in Ukraine and Syria aimed at main- blood-thirsty and insane acts in history. “At all four points, ceremonies with fire- taining U.S.-Russia antagonism and possi- George Bush’s Secretary of Defense Colin works and music exploded… They joined a ble war. Powell, who clearly had more sense than chorus singing the emotional ‘Our Wish Is As this article will demonstrate, the his boss, openly declared on March 6, 2001 Unification,’ as a train decked with a unifi- foundation for a peaceful resolution to the that the new Administration intended to cation flag and flowers rolled slowly toward David Stanley Korea conflict—including ending North “engage with North Korea to pick up where the fence where the rails end… The Arch of Reunification, in Pyongyang, DPRK, on the highway designed to be extended, even- Korea’s nuclear weapons program—was President Clinton left off. Some promising “In more ceremonies on Sept. 19, con- tually, to . firmly established in 1994, and was func- elements were left on the table and we will struction began: South and North Korean tioning reasonably well until the Bush- be examining those elements.” But the very soldiers simultaneously entered the DMZ which gave up their nuclear weapons pro- tions which were no threat to our own and Cheney White House shut it down uni- next day, President Bush—under the influ- at all four points for mine-clearing opera- grams voluntarily, only to then be bombed a clear violation of international law. But it laterally, based on lies of the sort later ence of his controller, Vice-President Dick tions. Near Dorasan, 50 soldiers with live mercilessly, their leaders killed, and their was done on the basis of lies provided by made famous by Tony Blair’s fabrication Cheney, and with support from Defense ammunition and 50 engineering troops countries left in the hands of warring ter- British intelligence, claiming to have proof of Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Rums- followed a German-made mine-sweeper rorist factions. North Korea will never give that the Assad government was responsi- mass destruction. Subsequent steps taken feld’s deputy Paul Wolfowitz—snubbed along the rail lines in a massed procession up its nuclear weapons program unless it ble for a chemical weapon attack—a total by Russia, China, Japan, and both North the visiting South Korean President Kim of trucks, backhoes, bulldozers, and an am- has normalized relations with the United absurdity. and South Korea, nearly saved the peace Dae-jung, announced that there would be bu l an c e .” States and has obtained a non-aggression Similarly, British Foreign Secretary Bo- process, and set the pace for a peaceful re- no engagement with “dictator” Kim Jung-il The two Kims, from the North and the pledge. This is in fact what Perry recom- ris Johnson has been screaming for war unification of the Koreas. Again, however, (sound familiar?), and essentially scrapped South, also set up an industrial complex in mends to President Trump. against Syria and goading Trump to pre- Bush, Cheney, and then Obama intervened the entire Agreed Framework. the northern city of Kaesong, near the bor- As in Southwest Asia, so also in East pare for a preemptive attack on North Ko- to crush that effort, in favor of confronta- Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz were, der; South Korean companies set up facto- Asia: Bush and Obama played along with rea. Even if North Korea’s nuclear weapons tion and military build-up for war. of course, the team of neoconservatives ries with North Korean employees, bene- the six-party talks, but found every ex- were destroyed in a first strike, its conven- that gave us the war on Iraq on false pre- fitting both sides and setting a course for cuse to claim—almost always falsely—that tional weapons could, and likely would, The Agreed Framework tenses, based on Tony Blair’s lies, unleash- closer cooperation. They also arranged for North Korea was cheating. On this false totally destroy the beautiful city of Seoul, North Korea had been a member of the ing the destruction of Southwest Asia. family visits; members of families long sep- basis, they imposing more and more sanc- only 35 miles from the well-fortified bor- Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons The result of this insanity can be seen arated by the division of the country after tions while deploying more and more mil- der, and other sites in South Korea. Treaty (NPT) since 1985, but the Interna- today—North Korea now has an estimated World War II were able to visit each other. itary forces into the ra, North Korea, and Although it would be an act of lunacy to tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) be- 10-20 nuclear weapons. This should not be Other stirrings toward peace had taken three leading companies in the South— launch such an attack on North Korea, and lieved in the early 1990s that Pyongyang seen as a terrible blunder by the neocons: place just days before these events, when Hyundai Merchant Marine, a logistics and it is highly unlikely that Trump could be in- was hiding some quantity of plutonium It must be seen as their intention. As long Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizu- container freight company; POSCO, the duced to do so, there will be no solution to (produced at its graphite-moderated nu- as North Korea could be presented as a mi travelled to Pyongyang on September largest South Korean steel ail corporation. the conflict until the British are acknowl- clear reactor) from IAEA inspectors. A threat, the United States’ expansion of mil- 17, 2002, to meet with Kim Jong-il. The two The consortium sent Russian coal by rail to edged as the source of the crisis, aiming to back and forth took place with the IAEA itary power in a ring around China could issued full apologies to each other—Japan a new port structure built in the North Ko- prevent President Trump from carrying and the Clinton Administration, leading be maintained and expanded. The British for its occupation and annexation of Korea rean city of Rason, where it was shipped by out his expressed intention to bring the to a serious threat from Washington, then imperial division of the world, East against from 1910 to 1945, and North Korea for Hyundai Merchant Marine to South Korea, United States into a new relationship with represented by Clinton’s Defense Secretary West, could be sustained. the abduction of eleven Japanese citizens. then by trains to POSCO steel mills. both China and Russia. William Perry, that a military strike was They also agreed to formal diplomatic nor- This was in fact the model for a system of The Russian Deputy Permanent Repre- being planned to take out the Yongbyon Progress Without British/U.S. Support malization talks, to begin in October. state-industry cooperation which could sentative to the UN, Vladimir Safronkov, nuclear plant that produced the plutonium. President Kim Dae-jung was undaunt- Russian President Vladimir Putin, who have led to a “peace through development” responded on April 12 to a typically vir- Former President Jimmy Carter then ed in his pursuit of the had held several summits with both Kim solution. ulent rant against both Syria and Russia made a personal trip to North Korea and towards North Korea. At the time, Lyn- Jong-il and Koizumi leading up to the Then, in January 2016, after the fourth by the British Permanent Representative met with Kim Il-sung (the supreme leader don LaRouche and representatives of his meeting, offered his full support for the North Korean nuclear weapons test (a test Matthew Rycroft, CBE (Commander of the of North Korea from the time of its creation movement were meeting regularly with New Silk Road process. that everyone knew would happen even- Order of the British Empire), in a manner after World War II), resulting in an agree- people in and around Kim Dae-jung’s ad- At the same time, China initiated tually for the reasons given above), Presi- which profoundly located the fundamental ment to reach a deal with Washington. ministration, promoting the idea initiated six-party talks among the two Koreas, Rus- dent Park Geun-hye capitulated totally to intention of the British Empire: In the resulting “Agreed Framework” by LaRouche in 1992 called the “New Silk sia, China, Japan, and the United States. It the Obama policy. of October 1994, North Korea agreed to Road.” The concept, following the collapse was hoped that the rail connections linking Not only did she or- shut down the 5 megawatt (MW) plutoni- of the Soviet Union, was that a series of South Korea to China and Russia through der the closure of um-generating nuclear plant and stop con- economic development corridors con- North Korea would be up and runnng by the consortium of struction on two others of 50 MW and 200 necting Europe and Asia through high- the end of 2003, and that the road to re- North Korea, Russia, MW, and the United States and South Ko- speed rail lines—passing through Russia unification would lie just ahead. It was not and the South Kore- rea would provide a 1,000 MW light-water and the Central Asian republics—would to be. an corporations, but nuclear reactor that would not produce create the conditions for “peace through she even closed the weapons-grade plutonium. development,” uniting former adversaries Subverting the Six-Party Talks Kaesong Industrial Oil would be provided to the North un- in mutually beneficial infrastructure and The Bush Administration launched its Complex, which by til the new nuclear reactor came on line. investment projects. From the beginning war against Afghanistan in 2002 and an- this time was em- Most important, talks toward normaliza- of this initiative, LaRouche identified the other against Iraq in 2003. Over the next ploying more than tion of relations would take place imme- New Silk Road as proceeding from “Pusan fourteen years, Bush and Obama would 50,000 North Kore- diately, and the United States committed to Rotterdam,” noting the importance of keep the United States in a state of perma- ans in 123 South Ko- to neither use nor threaten to use nuclear resolving the conflict on the Korean penin- nent warfare, targetting the three secular rean companies. weapons against North Korea while the sula through mutual development between nations in Southwest Asia—Iraq, Libya, This left virtual- talks were underway (the of North and South Korea, together with Rus- and Syria—none of which was Islamist, ly no ties between the 1950s never officially ended—an armi- sia, China and Japan. while all were firmly anti-terror. These two North and South— stice was signed, but never a peace treaty). In 2002 this effort nearly achieved suc- Anglophile presidents also sustained the political, econom- Both sides agreed that the Korean Penin- cess, when the two Koreas opened the gates longest war in United States history, con- ic, or social. While sula, North and South, would remain free dividing North and South, began clearing tinuing still today, in Afghanistan. the legal removal of of nuclear weapons. The IAEA would make the land mines on both sides of the Demil- In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President Park from routine inspections of the North to con- itarized Zone (DMZ), and began rebuild- as Japanese and South Korean leaders power through im- firm compliance. ing the severed rail connections between were meeting with North Korean leaders peachment was not In 1998, Kim Dae-jung was elected Presi- North and South. and preparing joint development projects, specifically over this dent of South Korea. He had been a leading The September 27, 2002 issue of EIR car- George W. Bush pronounced that North policy, but over cor- opponent of the conservative governments ried an article by EIR’s Kathy Wolfe, who Korea was part of an “Axis of Evil,” together ruption issues inter- in Seoul, was imprisoned several times, had been organizing for LaRouche’s ideas with Iraq and Iran. nal to South Korea, and had even been condemned to death at in South Korea, which read: As former Secretary of Defense Perry the impeachment one point. But circumstances changed, and “At 11 a.m. on Sept. 18, North and South said in the article quoted above, the North was nonetheless aid- he was elected. He moved immediately to Korea cut open the DMZ barbed-wire fenc- Korean leadership may be reckless, but it is ed by her obvious implement a “Sunshine Policy,” opening es which have divided them for 50 years, “not crazy or suicidal.” It would never use failure, and weak- up relations with North Korea. In 2000, in ground-breaking ceremonies to rebuild its nuclear weapons offensively, he noted, ness, in letting Obama’s policies poison “The essence is,” Safronkov said, “and he made an historic visit to North Korea the “Iron Silk Road”—the trans-Korean since it knows “the American response Seoul’s relations with China, Russia, and everyone in the UN knows this very well, and met with supreme leader Kim Jong-il, rail and road links severed since the Kore- would bring death to the leadership and North Korea, creating the threat of a war is that you are afraid, you have been los- who had succeeded Kim Il-sung after his an War. devastation to its country.” To that must provoked by the United States—a war that ing sleep, over the fact that we might be father’s death in 1994, soon after meeting “In the west, where the Seoul-Pyongyang be added that Pyongyang is fully aware would be devastating to South Korea. working together with the United States, with Jimmy Carter. Dramatic motion to- Kyongui line is being rebuilt toward Chi- of what happened to both Iraq and Libya, The election to replace Park will be held cooperating with the United States—that May 9, creating the potential for a new ap- is your fear. You are doing everything to proach. make sure that this kind of cooperation be undermined.” Trump Rejects the Imperial Divide Safronkov’s statement is accurate. He is The Trump campaign made very clear perhaps the first world leader to identify that he intended to be friends with Rus- what Lyndon LaRouche has identified for sia, much to the horror of London and the more than 50 years: The British will stop at warmongers in both the Democratic and nothing to prevent the United States from Republican parties. Although he was criti- breaking the imperial divide between West cal of China’s economic policies during the and East and creating with Russia and Chi- campaign, he has now established a close na the basis for a new paradigm based on relationship with Xi Jinping, including the common aims of mankind. their personal meeting in Florida in April. Now is the time to make that break, to Trump’s bombing of a Syrian airbase on establish a new era of mankind based on April 6 went against his pledge to end Bush’s development, and end the British Empire Turning away from the Agreed Framework of 1994, U.S. policy has maintained a state of conflict in Korea, led by such as Vice President Dick Cheney, and Obama’s wars of aggression against na- once and for all. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, and President Barack Obama.

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