WHO FACEBOOK TWITTER INSTAGRAM EMAIL PHONE 1 PHONE 2 PHONE 3 We suggest you tag from the list below then find your city councillor and MLA and tag them in your post. If they aren't on social media we suggest sending them an email. PEI Government govpe @InfoPEI peigov PEI Seniors peiseniors N/A PEI Youth peiyouth N/A Premier Dennis King denniskingpc @dennyking denniskingpc
[email protected] 902-368-4400 Ernie Hudson | Alberton - Bloomfield https://www.facebook.com/ernie.hudson.752 N/A
[email protected] 902-368-4930 Peter Bevan-Baker | New Haven - Rocky Point peterbevanbakermla @peterbevanbaker peterbevanbaker
[email protected] 902-620-3977 Hannah Bell | Charlottetown - Belvedere hannahbellmla @hannahbethbell hannahbethbell
[email protected] 902-620-3977 Sonny Gallant | Evangeline - Miscouche N/A @sonny_gallant
[email protected] 902-368-4330 PEI Liberals PEILiberals @LiberalCaucusPEI liberalpartypei PEI PC Party peipcparty @PEIPCParty peipcparty Green Party of Prince Edward Island greenpartypei @PEIgreens peigreens PEI NDP PEINDP @ndp_pei ndp_pei The Guardian PEI.Guardian @PEIGuardian peiguardian CBC PEI CBCPEI @CBCPEI cbcbpei Provincial MLA's Trish Altass | Tyne Valley - Sherbrooke TrishAltassMLA @AltassTrish trishaltass
[email protected] 902-620-3977 James Aylward | Stratford - Keppoch JamesAylwardPC @jsjaylward jamesaylwardpc
[email protected] 902-368-5250 (Minister Office) 902-368-4360 (constituency office) Michele Beaton | Mermaid - Stratford MicheleBeatonMLA @beaton_michele michelebeatonmla