Institute O F Southeast Asian Studies
ISEAS Annual Report 2000–01 ISEAS Annual Report Recycled paper Annual Report 2000–01 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Pasir Panjang Road Singapore 119614 Telephone: 7780955 Facsimile: 7781735 ISEAS Home Page: THE INSTITUTE OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES WAS ESTABLISHED AS AN AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATION IN 1968. IT IS A REGIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE FOR SCHOLARS AND OTHER SPECIALISTS CONCERNED WITH MODERN SOUTHEAST ASIA, PARTICULARLY THE MANY-FACETED ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF STABILITY AND SECURITY, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE CONTENTS 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4MISSION STATEMENT 5ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 6ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 10 RESEARCH PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES 26 PUBLICATIONS UNIT 30 LIBRARY 37 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION AND COMPUTER UNIT 39 APPENDICES ICOMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES II RESEARCH STAFF III NON-RESEARCH PROFESSIONAL STAFF IV STAFF RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS VVISITING RESEARCHERS AND AFFILIATES VI FELLOWSHIP AND SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS VII LIST OF PUBLIC LECTURES, CONFERENCES, AND SEMINARS VIII LIST OF ISEAS’ NEW PUBLICATIONS, 2000–01 IX DONATIONS, GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND REGISTRATION FEES RECEIVED AUDITORS’ REPORT (SEPARATE SUPPLEMENT) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISEAS was established in 1968 as a regional research institute to promote scholarship, research, analysis, and dialogue on the region’s multi-faceted issues, challenges and problems of stability and security, economic development, and political, social and cultural changes. To this end, the Institute’s multi-disciplinary activities encompass research and publications; public lectures, conferences, seminars and workshops; and training and briefings. The core geographical focus of the Institute remains that of Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Within Southeast Asia, the focus has shifted increasingly to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.
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