ASHOKA & THE GLOBAL GOALS We’d lOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU: Ashoka UK 15 Old Ford Road London E2 9PJ UK Tel: +44 (0)20 8980 9416 Email:
[email protected] Ashoka UK is a Registered Charity in England and Wales (1113246). Follow us on Twitter at Find us on Facebook at INTRODUCTION 01 NO POVERTY 03 ZERO HUNGER 05 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-beING 07 QUALITY EDUCatiON 09 GENDER EQUALITY 11 CLEAN WatER AND SaNitatiON 13 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY 15 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 17 INDUSTRY, INNOVatiON AND INFRASTRUCTURE 19 REDUCED INEQUALITIES 21 SUStaiNABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES 23 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMptiON AND PRODUCTION 25 CLIMatE ACTION 27 LIFE BELOW WatER 29 LIFE ON LAND 31 PEACE AND JUSTICE 33 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS 35 INTRODUCING ASHOKA AND THE GLOBAL GOALS Ashoka’s vision is to create an Everyone a Changemaker world, in which we all have the skills, drive and resources to be changemakers, solving the most pressing social problems of today. Ashoka Fellows are critical to the achievement of this vision. For the world to take on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (Global Goals) we must work urgently to identify, support and scale the leading social entrepreneurs in society, whilst also empowering everyone to be proactive changemakers. This is a collective challenge that requires each and every one of us to take ownership of the changes needed. For 35 years, Ashoka has pioneered the field of social entrepreneurship and developed the largest network of leading social entrepreneurs called Ashoka Fellows.