CASC Fall 2020 Meeting VIRTUAL Zoom Meeting October 14-16, 2020 CASC Officers

Chair Dr. Sharon Broude Geva Director, Advanced Research , [email protected]

Vice Chair Mr. Neil Bright Director, Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment, [email protected] Georgia Institute of Technology

Acting Dr. Claudia Costa Secretary Pervasive Technology Institute, Indiana University [email protected]

Treasurer Dr. Scott Yockel Research Computing Officer, Harvard University [email protected]

Past Chair Dr. Rajendra Bose Director, Research Computing, Columbia University [email protected]

Director Ms. Lisa Arafune Director, CASC [email protected]


Ms. Jayshree Sarma Director, Research Computing, Office of Research Computing, George Mason University [email protected]

Mr. Joel Zysman Director of Advanced Computing, University of Miami Joel Zysman is the Director of Advanced Computing for the University of Miami’s Center for Computational Science. Mr. Zysman has been an active member of the advanced computing community for over 15 years. He has held positions in research centers at The Scripps Research Institute (Florida) and in Industry at Merck Research Labs, Silicon Graphics Inc., and Cray Research Inc. He has published numerous articles on IO subsystems as well as advanced computing applications in research. He has more than 15 years’ experience in advanced computing systems and application design and


CASC Fall 2020 Meeting implementation and specializes in storage design, data management and movement, and distributed computing in bioinformatics and life sciences. Mr. Zysman has a particular interest in bringing advanced computing technologies to non-traditional user communities and has started a joint research program with the Frost School of Music in Computational Musicology and Music Engineering. [email protected]

Mr. Von Welch Acting Associate Vice President for Information Security, Indiana University Von Welch is the acting associate vice president for Information security, executive director for the OmniSOC, executive director for cybersecurity innovation at Indiana University, and the director of IU's Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR). He specializes in cybersecurity for distributed systems, particularly scientific collaborations and federated identity. His current roles include serving as PI and director for the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (Trusted CI), a project dedicated to helping NSF science projects with their cybersecurity needs, and co-PI and lead for cybersecurity for the Software Assurance Market Place, a DHS-funded facility to foster software assurance and software assurance research. [email protected]

Dr. Rayid Ghani Professor, Department of Machine Learning and the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University Rayid is a reformed computer and wanna-be social scientist, but mostly just wants to increase the use of large-scale AI/Machine Learning/Data Science in solving large public policy and social challenges in a fair and equitable manner.

Before joining Carnegie Mellon University, Rayid was the Founding Director of the Center for Data Science & Public Policy, Research Associate Professor in Computer Science, and a Senior Fellow at the Harris School of Public Policy at the . Previously, Rayid was the Chief Scientist of the Obama 2012 Election Campaign where he focused on data, analytics, and technology to target and influence voters, donors, and volunteers. [email protected]

Dr. Jan Cheatham Research Cyberinfrastructure Liaison, University of Wisconsin-Madison Jan Cheetham is the Research Cyberinfrastructure Liaison in the Office of the CIO. Jan has a BS in Zoology from University of Maryland College Park and a PhD in Biochemistry from UW–Madison.⁠ She has spent the past 18 years developing and leading IT services and programs for research and teaching/learning at DoIT, after transitioning to IT from a career teaching biology and conducting research in cell biology/biochemistry. Over the years, Jan has developed and supported programs/services to support the research life cycle, including electronic lab notebooks, research data management, advanced computing, and network innovations to support data-driven research.


CASC Fall 2020 Meeting Jan blends her passion for science with her expertise in IT to sustain and grow cyberinfrastructure that enhances researchers’ productivity and enables new pathways to discovery. She partners with faculty, central/local IT, research administration, and the libraries to plan, deliver, and support a range of IT services for all researchers and to provide capabilities and support for large multi-institutional projects with campus and national/international impact. She helps forge strategic partnerships and relationships with vendors, peer institutions, and national organizations to vision and develop innovative new components of cyberinfrastructure that will accelerate discovery at the UW-Madison and, more broadly, advance the national research agenda. [email protected]

Dr. Mike Renfro HPC Systems Administrator, Tennessee Technological University Mike administers the University’s high performance computing cluster, recently finished a PhD in Engineering, referees for the East Tennessee FIRST LEGO League regional championship tournament, and is regularly drafted into other STEM outreach activities. [email protected]

Mr. John Huffman Director, IT Research Cyberinfrastructure, University of Delaware John brings over 20 years of academic research computing support with a focus on high performance computing and advanced visualization applications to UD-IT. He will work closely with the Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Innovation as well as the college research deans and other key stakeholders in research computing including faculty, research centers, the University Library, and IT leadership to plan and provide the infrastructure, applications and services required to support the University’s diverse and growing research portfolio. John also will assist with the development of research computing strategies, deploy technologies to enable data intensive research programs, and improve coordination between university-wide and departmental IT teams.

Ms. Jane Combs Assoc. Director, IT@UC Research Computing Services, University of Cincinnati [email protected]


CASC Fall 2020 Meeting Dr. Manish Parashar Office Director, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC), NSF Dr. Manish Parashar directs the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure, a role he began in February 2018. Dr. Parashar hails from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, where he is currently a Distinguished Professor and the founding Director of the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute and the Applied Software Systems Laboratory. He also serves as Full Member of the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and is Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Business, Computing, and Law at the University of Derby (United Kingdom). Most recently, at Rutgers, he co-led strategic planning efforts in Research Computing and served as the Interim Associate Vice President of Research Computing between 2015 and 2016 to oversee the establishment of the Rutgers Office of Advanced Research Computing Dr. Parashar served as Program Director in the then-Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) at NSF between 2009 and 2011, managing a research portfolio that spanned software sustainability, computational and data- enabled science and engineering, and cloud computing. Among his accomplishments was leading the establishment of the crosscutting Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation (SI2) program. Dr. Parashar holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in computer engineering from Syracuse University and a B.E. degree in electronics and telecommunications from Bombay University (India). He has received numerous honors throughout his career, including a 2013 R&D 100 Award (with ORNL and the Georgia Institute of Technology), the Peter D. Cherasia Faculty Scholar Award from the Rutgers School of Engineering (2014- 2017), IBM Faculty Awards in 2008 and 2010, the Tewkesbury Fellowship from the University of Melbourne (Australia; 2006), and the Rutgers Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Research (2004-2005). He was elected to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society’s Golden Core in 2016; is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and IEEE; and is an Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Scientist. [email protected]

Dr. Amy Friedlander Deputy Office Director, Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC), NSF Since joining the NSF in 2010, Dr. Friedlander has led several strategic planning activities including the SBE 2020 initiative in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences and the agency-wide public access initiative. [email protected]

Dr. Randy Phelps Staff Associate, Office of International and Integrative Activities (OIIA), National Science Foundation Dr. Phelps is a Staff Associate in the Office of International and Integrative Activities (OIIA) at the National Science Foundation. His major responsibilities include co-coordination of the Foundation-wide Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program and the Science and the Science and Technology Center (STC) programs. He recently co-chaired the Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) Working Group and remains involved with that initiative.


CASC Fall 2020 Meeting He was previously the Program Director for Galactic Astronomy and for Education and Special Programs in the Division of Astronomical Sciences while on leave from the California State University, Sacramento where he served as a Full Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He also held an Adjunct Associate Professor position at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Phelps has also held a National Research Council Associateship at Phillips Laboratory, a postdoctoral position at the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and a Visiting Assistant Professor position at Oberlin College. Dr. Phelps is an internationally recognized expert on star cluster research, and has authored or co-authored over 60 papers, including more than 50 in refereed journals. Additionally, his commitment to education was recognized by an appointment to the Astronomy Education Board of the American Astronomical Society. [email protected]

Mr. Devin Casey Program Analyst, Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), National Archives and Records Administration Devin J. Casey is the lead for implementation and oversight activities for the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program. He contributed to the development of the National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-171, Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Non-federal Systems and Organizations. This publication recommends standards for protecting CUI in non-federal electronic environments as prescribed in agreements between federal and non-federal partners. Since joining the CUI Program, Devin has authored numerous policies and guidance documents that have aided stakeholders, agencies and industry, in the implementation and management of the CUI Program. He came to the National Archives from the US Department of Agriculture where he worked in their Classified National Security Programs Branch. He also serves in the Army reserves as an intelligence analyst and security manager with tactical and strategic experience. As the foremost expert in the CUI Program and information security, he advises senior leaders of the Executive branch (departments and agencies) as well as industry executives and other non-federal organizations on the structure and implementation of the CUI Program. [email protected]

Dr. Margaret Martonosi Assistant Director, Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate (CISE), NSF Dr. Martonosi is the Hugh Trumbull Adams '35 Professor of Computer Science at , where she has been on the faculty since 1994. She is also Director of the Princeton’s Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, and an A. D. White Visiting Professor- at Large at . From August 2015 through March, 2017, Martonosi was a Jefferson Science Fellow within the U.S. Department of State. Martonosi's research interests are in computer architecture and mobile computing. Her work has included the widely-used Wattch power modeling tool and the Princeton ZebraNet mobile sensor network project for the design and real-world deployment of zebra tracking collars in Kenya. Her current research focuses on computer architecture and hardware-/software interface issues in both classical and quantum computing systems.


CASC Fall 2020 Meeting Martonosi is a Fellow of IEEE and ACM. Her papers have received numerous long- term impact awards including: 2015 ISCA Long- Term Influential Paper Award, 2017 ACM SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Award, 2017 ACM SenSys Test-of-Time Paper award, and the 2018 (Inaugural) HPCA Test-of-Time Paper award. Other notable awards include the 2018 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award, 2010 Princeton University Graduate Mentoring Award, the 2013 NCWIT Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award, the 2013 Anita Borg Institute Technical Leadership Award, and the 2015 Marie Pistilli Women in EDA Achievement Award. In addition to many archival publications, Martonosi is an inventor on seven granted US patents, and has co- authored two technical reference books on power-aware computer architecture. Martonosi completed her Ph.D. at .

Dr. John Simpson Science Leadership Council Chair and Humanities and Social Sciences Specialist, Compute Canada John is Science Leadership Council Chair and Humanities and Social Sciences Specialist for the Compute Canada Federation. Through these roles he sits on the Steering Committee for the Federated Research Data Repository and is an ex-officio member of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities Executive. He is also an instructor with the Digital Humanities Summer Institute and an Instructor Trainer for The Carpentries. [email protected]

Al Kuslikis Sr. Associate for Strategic Initiatives, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) [email protected]

Mr. Jason Arviso Vice President of Operations, Navajo Technical University M.S., Management Information Systems, Capella University B.S., Management Information Systems, Ohio Dominican University [email protected]