Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362,

Cleverness of Lalon

1 2 3 Md. Shaon Akter , Md. Asgor Hussain & Md. Sanaullah 1 Lecturer, Department of English, Khwaja Yunus Ali University, Enayetpur, S irajgonj. 2 Associate Professor, Islamic University, . 3 Lecturer,Islamic Studies, Khwaja Yunus Ali University, Enayetpur, Sirajgonj.

Abstract : This paper deals with cleverness of Everyone asks “ What jat does Lalon belong to in Lalon. Because of his having enough knowledge this world ? ” about the religious conflict of then Indian sub- Lalon answers “ What does jat look like ? ” continent Lalon took the opportunity to hide his I`ve never laid eyes upon it . some use Malas identity or his root. Because of his Cleverness (Hindu rosaries) others Tasbis (muslim rosaries) Lalon never mentioned his identity. During the and so people say They Belong to different jats Lalon’s time (1774-1890) James Mill (1773-1836) But Do you bear the sign of your jat in his book ‘The History of British India (1817) When you come or when you leave ( this world) ? distinguished three phases in the history of India, Lalon was against religious conflict and many of namely Hindu, Muslim and British Civilizations. his songs mock identity politics that divide This periodisation has been criticized for the communities and generate violance.He even misconceptions and we all know that religion in rejected nationalism at the apex of the anti colonial India is characterized by a diversity of religious nationalist movements in the Indian beliefs practices. The is the subcontinent.He did not believe in classes or castes, birthplace of some of the world’s major religions the fragmented,hiararchical society and took a namely Hinduism, , and Sikhism. stand against racism. Lalon says . Throughout the history of India religion has been an important part of the country’s Culture. Inspirte Everyone wonders “ What is Lalon faith ? ” of having three religions Lalon has added a new dimension to the definition of religious belief. Lalon Says “ I have never seen the face of faith Though Lalon believes in creator he hates the with these eyes of mine !” different religious beliefs. All the religious beliefs were mysterious to him. Every human being has Lalon does not fit the “mystical or spiritual type weakness in religion. Now a days all over the who denies all wordly affairs on search of the soul world we see that religion is the most important : he embodies the socially transformative role of term. In the name of religion a group of people sub continental “ and ” takes some opportunities to disturb the society. During the Lalon’s time. Lalon shah thought I think every Hindu and Muslim has a sign to that if he mentioned himself as a Muslim, the identify himself. By dint of sign every Hindu and were never Conjugated to him and if he Muslim can realize himself what his root is. In the mentioned himself as a Hindu the Muslim were question of religion Lalon always silent. Lalon never conjugated to him. And there is no way to always avoids The question of religion in his song identify himself as an English man because of his and in his life time. Actually Lalon wanted to own color and strueture physically Lalon’s life create a new belied where the people all over the history is mysterious.There is difference in opinion world lead their Lives without any restriction. about his ancestry,caste,creed and religion.He Lalon does not believe in root-but humanism. himself also remained Silent end indiffernt to the identity of his parentage.Depending on the source Like Lalon Begum Rockeya Also Supports and some claim Lalon shah was born in a noble Hindu believes in humanism. In there are some (Kayastha) family in villege of Cheuria in the area restrictions for the women to go out side the home. known as Nodia in the Bengali presidency of Rockeya says that every woman has to have British India ,corresponding to the district of freedom in her Life. In ttinduism. The married kushtia in present day in 1774 AD . woman who husband. This system was mysterious But the another Opinion is that he was born in a to him king Ram Mahon Ray raised his voice respected Muslim family. But Lalon Says against the inhumanity. There arose a lot of problems in other religions. For this reason Lalon hates all the religious beliefs.

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Lalon is the best mystic and folk bard the country brought about the ruin of his career amounting to has ever produced. Lalon Shah is generally adored his instant dismissal of his job. Further, his father- by his devotees and is widely known to the in-law left no stone unturned to corner him in all Bangladeshi mass people as the ‘ Shamrat’.1 respects for a dozen of years. Donne summed up Lalon’s foster father and spiritual Guru Shiraj this incident in a small sentence “John Donne, Shain inspired him to the Baul doctrine. Dimoc Anne Donne and Undone.” He underwent ups and (1966) defines ‘Baulism’ in the following way: “ downs in his life and finally could win the favor of Man is the microcosm, containing the divine and the then kings through his literary compositions all the elements of truth within himself. Realization (Walton, 1927). Donne exercised a tremendous of the divine means realization of one’s true nature. influence on his successors. And this state is a state of unity in which neither blow nor blessing, neither emotion nor non- The term ‘Metaphysical’ refers to a group of emotion, neither sin nor righteousness, neither seventeenth century learned poets which includes desire nor the abandonment of desire, makes the John Donne and his followers – Andrew Marvell, slightest difference. Henry Vaughan, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, John Cleveland and a The existential condition, however, is one of few others. Martz (1962) observes that separation, and the ‘Baul’ songs rest heavily upon Metaphysical poetry is a new kind of seventeenth the longing of man’s soul for what Tillich calls century English poetry. Martz’ observation is that “reconciliation” and upon the pain attendant to the Metaphysical poetry was ‘fertilized and developed assertiveness of the lower self, the senses, in by the meditative tradition’. Eliot (1961) remarks hindering it.” Lalon founded a new community that metaphysical poetry is a new genre of poetry known as Lalon- Baul community. Basically, they with distinctive marks that include a blending of are the devotees and followers of Lalon and his intellect and emotion, striking imagery, wealth of philosophy. With utmost devotion they passed learning displayed in allusions, conversational tone some certain period of time either with their and accent, colloquial language, rough meter, an spiritual Guru, Lalon, in his lifetime or in the array of moods, highly suggestive language, premise of Lalon’s Akhra2 after his death, compact style, far-fetched metaphors called memorized his songs and scattered throughout the conceits, ‘intellectual, argumentative evolution’ country for the spread of his songs and philosophy. and a ‘passionate reasoning that knits the first line Haroonuzzaman (2008) says that ‘’ are, to the last’. Dryden (2004) in a derisive comment on Donne says that “He affects the metaphysics, actually, a spiritual sect of safron-clad, wandering not only in his satires but also in his amorous minstrels who sing of joy and love and long for a verses...” Metaphysical poetry chiefly deals with mystical union with the divine. They hold the view some abstract ideas or concepts like death, religion, that God remains unseen in the heart of man and no faith, God, soul, love and the like which do not priest or prophet or ritual helps to find out Him. have any concrete shape. In her compliments of The ‘Bauls’ are in the opinion that both temple and Donne’s technical originality Bennet (1963) mosques stand on the way to the path of truth comments that His subject –matter was, as has been hindering the search for God. They express the seen, confines almost entirely various aspects of opinion that the search of God is a must for every love and religion; but his imagery reveals the width human being for the spiritual union with God. of his intellectual exploration.

On the other hand, Donne (1572-1631), the father Both Lalon’s and Donne’s poems are highly of the school of metaphysical poetry, who was born philosophical and meditative in nature. Both of in London in a financially affluent Roman Catholic them mostly capitalized the theme of love, religion, family, gave up his faith to embrace the Church of soul, God, death etc. and ventured to philosophize England and was educated in both Oxford and those in their religious poems and love lyrics. Cambridge but could Mystic Songs and Love Lalon plainly renders a concrete interpretation of Lyrics of Lalon and Donne: A Comparative Study what life is; the nature and function of human body 167 and soul; the relation between God and human beings, the role of religion in determining the status not avail of any degree because of his reluctance in of man irrespective of cast and creed; men-women taking the Oath of Supremacy required at relation and the theory of failure and success of graduation. Later he embarked upon legal mundane life in his Allatotoo, Rasultatto, education. His promising vocation started with Shristitotto, Murshidtotto, Attototto, Dehototto, joining Queen Elizabeth’s last Parliament but his secret marriage with Anne More, the daughter of Manushtotto, Montotto, Poromtotto, Jatitotto, Sir George More, a Lieutenant of the Tower, Parapartotto, Chandtotto, Rooptotto, Premtotto,

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Gurutotto, and Baultotto songs. Actually, the of inspiration for him, Lalon endeavoured to satiate greatness of a poet lies in his philosophical out look his physical love in courting with his female to human life, nature and God. One of the eminent counter part. He is a hermit with all flesh and romantic poets S.T. Coleridge says, “No man was blood. Many of his erotic and flare songs stand the ever yet a great poet without being at the same time testimony to his fond of carnal love. a profound philosopher.” 3 Every poem of Lalon is full of profound philosophy. Those who do not On the other hand metaphysical poetry is saturated believe in Baul International Journal of Ethics in with love which is the supreme concern of Donne’s Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2014 168 mind, the preoccupation of his heart, the focus of his experience, and the subject of his poetry. The philosophy cannot but recognize the literary value centrality and omnipresence of love in Donne’s life of Lalon’s lyric and are deeply moved by his launched him on a journey of exploration and melody. A well-known intellectual of Bangladesh, discovery. He sought to comprehend and to Sirajul Islam Chowdhury is one such person. “I am experience love in every respect, both theoretically a materialist. I believe in this world and the other and practically. As a self appointed investigator, he one interests me but little. examined love from every conceivable angle, tested its hypotheses, experienced its joys, and However, I love the music of Lalon for its sheer embraced its sorrows. As Joan Bennett said, lyrical quality”(Haroonuzzaman, 2008). Even Donne’s poetry is “the work of one who has tasted many of Tagore’s songs bear the traits of Lalon’s every fruit in love’s orchard. . .” ( Bennet,1973). philosophy. was introduced Combining his love for love and his love for ideas, to Lalon and developed a deep affinity towards the Donne became love’s philosopher/poet or man at the time of his looking after his family poet/philosopher. In the context of his poetry, both estate at Kuthi Bari , Shilaidah, Kustia district. Mystic Songs and Love Lyrics of Lalon and Tagore candidly admitted Lalon’s influence over Donne: A Comparative Study him in many of his lectures at home and abroad. He was influenced by Lalon’s songs in such a degree 169 profane and sacred, Donne presents his that Tagore started collecting his poems. In his experience and experiments, his machinations and Oxford speech Rabindranath compared Lalon with imaginations, about love. “Donne’s love-poems the sage of Upanishad without mentioning his take for their basic theme the problem of the place name. He says,- The village poet evidently agrees of love in a physical world dominated by change with our sage of Upanishad who says that our mind and death. The problem is broached in dozens of comes back baffles in its attempt to reach the different ways, sometimes implicitly, sometimes unknown being; and yet this poet like the ancient explicitly, sometimes by asserting the immortality sage does not give up adventure of the infinite thus of love, sometimes by declaring the futility of love” implying that there is a way to its realization.” (Martz, 1973). In any case, the overwhelming (Biswas, 2000). Abu Ishahaq Hossain (2009) says,- question for Donne, according to Martz, was “what “Rabindranath was seized by imitable style of is the nature of love, what is the ultimate ground of Lalon, which deluged the language and thought of love’s being?”(Martz,1973). Andreasen (1967) has his great poetry ‘Balaka’ and ‘Mukta Chanda’.” devoted a whole book to the subject of Donne’s philosophy of love in which he deals with what he Like the American poet Walt Whitman Lalon called “the central problem in Donne’s love poetry: celebrates the freedom of the body and the soul. the nature of love dramatized in each poem and the attitude expressed by the poem toward that kind of He was opposed to all casteism, sectarianism and love and toward the nature and purpose of love in colonialism. His philosophy of life was deeply general”. imbibed with humanism. Like Socrates Lalon also believes the most important thing in one’s life is to Donne is mostly Ovidist in intriguing playful, gay ‘Know Thy-self’. If one can know his self, he/she love, at times Petrarchist in perpetuating sexual will be immersed with God (Shaheen, 2003). To pleasure and frequently Platonic in genuine and Lalon all human beings are equal regardless cast serious love. More importantly, transcending his and creed, rich and poor. Discrimination and predecessors’ love theory, he emerges as a Neo- differences among men are but made by mundane Platonic having the conviction that “Love, for consideration. It bears no value in the life here after Donne, was not body only, nor soul only, but soul or with God since death levels us all alike. Love and body working together in tandem” (quot. in which is determinant of a peaceful living on the Naugle). In vindicating his philosophy of love he earth reigns supreme. Though he strived to quench brushes aside the misconception of the Mediaeval his spiritual thirst by merging with the Divine theory of corrosive effect of sexual love on life and entity which a is a fathomless and constant source energy. He purposefully attempted to unfetter the

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Renaissance ladies from the darkness of blind faith genre points that Baul songs have a hippi to the light of faithful credence. But eventually the (maddening) like attraction and they share many emphasis on the synchronization of physical and other branches of Bangla folk music traditions such mental love promotes into mystic love as they find as Kabi Gaan, Pala Gaan, Keertan, Harikeertan, way merging into spiritual love- the love of God. , Bhauaia, Murshidi etc. Lalon Shah, born For Donne the union of both bodies and souls in an uneducated family, was deserted by his without union with God would be idolatry. fellows when he was caught by small pox, a contagious disease on their way back from Lalon’s songs and Donne’s ‘Holly Sonnets’ bear attending a Kheturi Mela4 held in the Bangla the traits of . Lalon is a mystic poet and month, Magh. The ailing Lalon was rescued and his lyrics are mystic songs in the sense that Lalon nursed back to health by a Muslim couple. This and his followers hold the view that God is hidden incident left a deep mark on his life and thought. in the human heart and neither priest nor prophet, He started to show indifference to worldly life and nor the ritual of any organized religion, will help led a life in meditation. Later coming in contact to man to find Him there. They believe that the God Shiraj Shain, his spiritual Guru, he learned the within them is the same God within all human subtle, deep and underlying meaning of love, beings. There is no beauty truer than God. Their religion, soul and God. Gradually, he conceived of songs are of joy, love, and of their deep longing for and nourished a new concept of humanism, love, mystical union with the divine. Through their religion, soul and God which has profoundly been simple, meaningful songs which contain reflected in numerous songs composed and sung by philosophy and aspirations to be merged with the him. A strong negation towards Hindu caste system Supreme Being, they seek to soothe, share and grew and the idea of a religion which embraces all provoke thought (Haroonuzzaman, 2008). equally in its net of love and a God who remains hidden in human heart developed fervently in him Mysticism refers to beliefs and practices that go which is now considered the Lalon-Baulism. He beyond the liturgical and devotional forms of gave up faith in any traditional and established worship of mainstream faith by engaging in religion like so called Hindu religion and Islam. He spiritual practices such as breathing practices, settled in Seuriya, a village in Kustia district of prayer, contemplation, and meditation, along with Bangladesh became a traveling mendicant and chanting and other activities to heighten spiritual loved to compose songs orally and sing before his awareness. The central idea of mysticism is ever increasing devotees (Rahman, 2003). exploring, awakening, purifying and illuminating the self and to keep it free from all kinds of evils The creator is one and second to none and like the and earthly pleasures in pursuit of the unification Sufis Lalon wants to immerse himself into the with the Supreme Being (Louth: 2007). Mysticism ultimate entity. Songs of Allatotto confirms Lalon’s is usually thought of as being of a religious nature, devotion to Allah. Allah is an amorphous entity but which can be either monastic or theistic. The omnipresent. This philosophy is evidenced in objective of monastic mysticism is to seek unity Lalon’s songs. Baulism believes that there is no and identity with a universal principle; while beauty truer than the beauty of God in the universe theistic International Journal of Ethics in Social that lives within our souls. Like another English Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2014 170 mysticism mystic poet, William Blake, Lalon has the firm seeks unity, but not identity, with God. The conviction that human beings are made after the immanence view of the universe is not projected image of God. So, he longs for a mystical union from God, but is immersed in God with the divine: (Underhill:1911). “O, how long will I Lalon’s philosophy is comparable to the philosophy Persian mystic Sufis and Poets like Wait to get the union of my beloved? Rumi, Jami, Hafeez and Ibnul Arabi and Socrates. Theistic mysticism has always been an integral part Like a swallow, I long for you every moment of the thoughtful Bengali psyche. That is why most likely the great mystic Sufis like Shah Jalal, O, my darling.5 Khanjahan Ali, Shahmakhdum, Mahi Sawar who proved more influential in the spread of Islam in Mystic Songs and Love Lyrics of Lalon and Bangladesh. But Lalon Fakir is not a traveler in Donne: A Comparative Study 171 their paths. Lalon’s songs speak about the special bond that exists between the creator and the To Lalon, God is mysterious and it is very difficult creations. Rahman (2003) in one of his articles to know him. His mind is perturbed with the while illuminating Lalon’s invention of a new folk

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