Journal of Media Cri�ques Vol.4 No.14 2018 COMinG SPECIAL ISSUE III Editors ARİF YILDIRIM MARGARITA KEFALAKI P-ISSN: 2056 9785 E-ISSN: 2056 9793 doi: 10.17349/jmc118200 Journal of Media Critiques Vol.4 No.14, 2018 Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) SPECIAL ISSUE 4 EDITORS Arif YILDIRIM Margarita KEFALAKI P-ISSN: 2056-9785 E-ISSN: 2056 9793 © Journal of Media Critiques, Vol.4 No.14, 2018 COMinG SPECIAL ISSUE 4 doi: 10.17349/jmc118200 Vol.4 No.14, 2018 Journal of Media Critiques email:
[email protected] Editor-in-Chief Dr.Arif Yıldırım EDITORS of COMING SPECIAL ISSUE 4 ASST.PROF. DR. ARİF YILDIRIM, is an Assistant Professor, working as Head of the Departments of Journalism, Canakkale 18 Mart University, Canakkale, Turkey holding a PhD in Informatics with the thesis subject as "Data Security Approach in Information Technology and Cryptography: DNA Algorithm". Yildirim established a faculty, two undergraduate departments, and one graduate department. Additionally, worked as Vice Director of Institute of Social Sciences and the editor-in-chief of Journal of Social Sciences in Gaziantep University. He is founder Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cyber Security, Privacy and eCrime ( Dr.Yildirim teaches lectures as "Neurohacking with Social Media", "Social Media Journalism and Hacktivism", "Activism, Digital Activism and Hacktivism" and "Community Media and ICTs for Development and Social Transformation". His research focuses on social media, cryptography with genetics, neurohacking with social media, marketing, activism, digital activism, hacktivism, civil disobedience, privacy, P2P, online behavior and identity. DR. MARGARITA KEFALAKI, is the founder and current President of the Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG).