$71~-Billion War Bill Passed News from Your Col
-· I! Regimental Command Changes Hands in 254th Infantry Learn Army Page Eight Slarig From Carries News Yardbird Of Sports Snafu, Story And Sporting On Page Two Celebrities VOL. 1, No. 3 63D INFANTRY DIVISION, CAMP BLANDING, FLORIDA July 2, 1943 $71~-Billion War Bill Passed News From Your Col. Baker Leaves 254tl1, Legislation Provides Own Home Town Regiment Goes to Gordon Brooklyn, N. Y. (CNS)-Abram R. Morrell was dismissed from a Change in command of the 254th Inf. Reg't. was an For Huge Air Armada, murder jury when the defense at- nounced by Brig. Gen. Louis E. Hibbs at the opening of the torney learned he was a salesman 1th I f N C O CI b tl G J p l T B k - of tombstones and mausoleums. 25· 4 n • - • • • u recen y. ,o. au . a er gave up command on orders of the medical department. Lt. Col. Ran Chicago (CNS) - Triethylene dolph Gordon, former executive officer of the 255th Inf. was All Branches of Army glycol is the name of a solution appointed by. Gen. Hibbs to succeed Col. Baker. The com which wlll kill common cold ' germs when they are sprayed mand changed hands June 28. CHOP-CHOP with it, according to claims. It Army, Navy Recom has been developed by Dr. Os Pvt. Chin Mow, cook for a wald H. Robertson af Chicago Signal Company at C a rn p mend Higher Allot University and kills pneumonia, Blanding, received a present flu, and strep germ:3 as well. It from admiring relatives the ments For Kin of has been turned over to the Army other clay-a meat cleaver, hun Service Men to see what else it will ldll.
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