(Iowa City, Iowa), 1939-07-12
1, 1939 '1 - Americ~ League Wins Fair, Warmer 1 IOWA-GeneraJly fair today and ... 0. M~kc U ,Five Out of Seven Over tomorrow; warmer cen&ral and . National Learue Diamond Stars east today; and extreme east to- (Story on Page 4) morrow. · City'. M ornin, ,. '') FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER 246 -IV Head State Letter Carriers' Association --ity health a the city lere were Presidential Nominee? Co~mittee_ e diseases McNutt, month of Defers ActIon 'ted Were fever, 2; By One Vote and dip- Indianan Will New Relief Act To Be Used F. R. Warns Congress E, Wash Not Be Active, ed a cig Of Possible Crisis ciL mem- Says President For Settling WPA Problem If Revision Postponed WASHINGTON, July 11 (AP) anted by - Beaten in the senate foreIgn re ersity for McNutt Nomination English Warship Enters Tsingtao Port, G-Men Probe luits and For FSA Position lations committee, President Roo 5ity pro- New Japanese-British Friction Center Off- 'D th sevelt warned congress today that install a Filed by Roosevelt Icer s ea if it postponed revising the neu r conduit SHANGHAI, July 11 (AP) - A bluejackets to protect the con trality act, the outbreak of a for· WASHINGTON, July 11 (AP) British warship steamed into sui ate, which was damaged by : to Cur In Minneapolis eign war would make it extreme d was to - P reSI' d en t RIdooseve t ISC' I ose d t0- Tsingtao today aathat North Chi- bricks and firecrackers hurled 'd t t P I through its windows.
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