1, 1939 '1 - Americ~ League Wins Fair, Warmer 1 IOWA-GeneraJly fair today and ... 0. M~kc U ,Five Out of Seven Over tomorrow; warmer cen&ral and . National Learue Diamond Stars east today; and extreme east to- (Story on Page 4) morrow. · City'. M ornin, ,. '') FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER 246 -IV Head State Letter Carriers' Association --ity health a the city lere were Presidential Nominee? Co~mittee_ e diseases McNutt, month of Defers ActIon 'ted Were fever, 2; By One Vote and dip- Indianan Will New Relief Act To Be Used F. R. Warns Congress E, Wash­ Not Be Active, ed a cig­ Of Possible Crisis ciL mem- Says President For Settling WPA Problem If Revision Postponed WASHINGTON, July 11 (AP) anted by - Beaten in the senate foreIgn re­ ersity for McNutt Nomination English Warship Enters Tsingtao Port, G-Men Probe luits and For FSA Position lations committee, President Roo­ 5ity pro- New Japanese-British Friction Center Off- 'D th sevelt warned congress today that install a Filed by Roosevelt Icer s ea if it postponed revising the neu­ r conduit SHANGHAI, July 11 (AP) - A bluejackets to protect the con­ trality act, the outbreak of a for· WASHINGTON, July 11 (AP) British warship steamed into sui ate, which was damaged by : to Cur­ In Minneapolis eign war would make it extreme­ d was to - P reSI' d en t RIdooseve t ISC' I ose d t0- Tsingtao today aathat North Chi- bricks and firecrackers hurled 'd t t P I through its windows. ly difficult to take such action from the d ay th 8 t h e dI no expec au na port became a new center of , to Cur- I V. McNutt to be an active candl- . Other British buildings, includ- Plall8 for Altering later. s to the date tor the democratic presiden- spreading Bntish-Japanese t nc- ing the British Hongkong and The chief ~xecutive made this Univer- r tial nomination while directing the tlOThn. Brit' h consulate was Shanghai banking corporation's Officers of the Iowa State Asso-I to right, are, J. E. King, Shenan- delegate-at-Iarge to the national e IS branch, also were reported dam- Bill Fail To Meet statement in emphatic language ciation of Letter Carriers were doah, new president of the asso- convention in Milwaukee; Vince ":ew Federal Security administra- stoned Monday. British said the aged. President's Approval a few hours after the committee, e lec~d and installed at the final Iciation; M. K. Mills, Muscatine, Schebler, who begins his seventh hon.. , demonstration was Jal?anese-in- British-Japanese hostllity flared by a dramatic one·vote margin, 1 the city meetmg of the group here yester- vIce-president; A. B. Cord, Des year as secretary, and A. B. T~e ~resldent sent McNutts spired and sent the 990-ton escort anew at Tientsin, north of Tsing­ arold J. day afternoon. Shown above, left Moines, retiring president and "Tiny" Miller, treasurer. By The Associated Press decided to deter further consider­ nomUlatlon to the senate ~t noon, vessel Lowestoft to Tsingtao from tao, where British reported an­ The tederal government, send­ ation of the question until the il showed • • • • • •• •••••••••• and a few hours later sa l~ at a nearby Welhaiwel. The British other Briton was stripped by Jap­ Ithorizinl • • • ing G-men into an investigation of next session. The vote wa.s 12 p r~ss conference that he did not consul 'Protested vigorously to anese sentries at the border of the WPA disorders which led to the to 11. lstruction thmk McNutt wo~ld ~e found Japanese authorities. British and French concessions, e. Four­ Carriers' Auxiliary Officers death of a policeman at Minneap­ Its action was generally co \ For The runDlng as B preSidential candi- One report, not officially eon- blockaded by the Japanese army olis, Minn., indicated last night sidered a serious defeat for e Iree new date any more than a dO;l:en or l~ firmed said the Lowestoft'landed since June 14. md add! other individuals who might be ___'__ ________________~ ____ that it would invoke penal pro­ administration. For month, the e author First l'ime- named easily. vision of the new relief act president, Secretary Hu and Cabinet 'Possibilities' Inactive against PWA strikers attempting others have been seeking he im­ Board of Education Names 2 by force or threats to prevent Both Men, Women Some of those individuals, he mediate repeal of the PI' ~e nt em­ June il other work relief employes from bargo on shipments 0 war sup­ said, are in the cabinet. Then, staying on the job. ; accord­ To 'Swim Saturday in a scoffing tone which indicated To University of Iowa Faculty plies to belligerent ¥tions. How· hief's re­ Meanwhile a movement in con­ ever, officials quickly made it In Fieldhouse Pool a negative answer was obvious, gress to alter relief act provisions ·uncillast Mr. Roosevelt asked whether they plain that they had no intention wh ich resulted in the stri ke failed J. Clark. were pushing their candidacies. Coder, Know]er Join of abandoning the drive for ac­ IS $1,175, Most of the pleasures and none Up in The Air to enlist the support of President tion at this session. Some of their friends may be do­ Staff; Hines To Get Roosevelt. He said he thought Hull Ins'lstent ile build­ of the drawbacks of the swimming ing so, he added. the administration would stick to Hull, grim and unsmiling, told was cov- beach will be enjoyed by men Mr. Roosevelt.advised reporters At The Fair Leave of Absence fire de­ and women summer session stu­ the requ!t'ement that WPA work­ a press conference that as the not to write themselves out'on a y seven dents when they swim together in NEW YORK, July ' 12 (Wed- Appointment of two new faculty ers must work 130 hours a month result of the development, he felt the field house pool Saturday eve­ limb on the political aspects of to make their "security pay." This as he had "lelt throughout each , the appointment. He said it nesday) (AP) -A ptucky man members, granting of a leave of ning. and wo.man whose parachute absence, and acceptance of two means that many employes must stage of the consideration of peace would be difficult for some peo­ This mixed swimming party, Jammed on a ..ulde wire 125 feet grants was announced yesterday work more hours to make the and neutrality legislation during something new for the field house ple to understand, but that it was same wage as heretofore. this session of congress, that the a fact that the job of security ad­ above the .... ound In the world's afternoon at the University of pool, is one of the featUres of the fair amUllement ana shouted Iowa by President E. A. Gilmore. Did Not Recall interests of peace and security ot weekly play night sponsored by ministrator was not invoLved in jes*ll early today .. an estl- Action was taken at the meeting The pl'esident asserted he cou ld the United States require that we physical. educ~tion c]asses. ~ politiCS. mated. ._ 1Jet'MIla watehe4 of. the state board qf ed\1cation. not recall whether he had person­ should COlltinue to_ urie Jld9ptlon ." • Not P'01ltic~J :rob The pool, equal to the lal'gest the futtle effo.... 0( ,0Uoe and tollowJng recommendations by ally approved the 130-hoUl' re­ of the principles of the six'point indoor tank in the country, can The person holding the job, he and firemen to liberate tbem. Presi dent Gilmore. quirement before it was written program." accommodate s eve r a 1 hundred said, will not be concerned with The 'chute, one of 11 operat- New faculty additions are Prof. int.o the law recently, but that (He referred to the program persons without undue crowding. politics any more than members Inl' from a :t50-foot tower, stuck William D. Coder as associate pro­ Col. F. C. Harrington, WPA com­ which the administration wants In the past it has been open only of the govel'runent or cabinet or at 9:25 p.m. (CST) last ml'bt fessor in the dramatic arts depart­ missioner, might have spoken to to substitute for the prescnt law. ) to men. It is 60 by 150 feet in size members of the supreme court or when one lide caul'ht on the ment and Prof. Lloyd A. Know­ him about it. And the president, asked later I and contains half a million gallons congress. With a chUckle, Mr. cablc deslped 1.0 aulde it .te- ler as assistant professor of mathe- As for the extent of the strike, for his reaction to the committee's of specially-filtered water. Roosevelt corrected himself, de- ly 1.0 earth. matics. he said he was informed that vote, said he thought Hull's state­ Even the parents among the claring that he should not include The crowd cheered aa the un- Summer Instructor abou t three per cent of the reci p­ 1 '1 ment was very good. However, summer session students will be congress because congressmen al- Identified couple embraced a.nd Professor Coder received hi s ients of WPA relief were out, and he said, he thought he should add )rS free to enjoy themselves at the ways were involved in politics. kJssed. The woman shouted academic training at Havertord that tho.! strike was concentrated play night. For they may leave that at the present time there was It was absolutely true, the thinly down, "I heard t.bat story colJege of Pennsylvania and the largely in two or three communi­ no law covering five at the six their children in a special nursery president asserted, that MCNuttl about If the parachute doesn't University of Pennsylvania.
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