This chapter recommends two types of Recommendations included in this chapter are infrastructure improvements: planning-level design concepts. This means that the recommendations are guided by the »» Design concepts for six example plan goals and informed by existing conditions, locations; and prioritized missing best practices, and opportunities identified links in the City. The during field work. Additional engineering example location recommendations analysis and field work is needed before show how a mix of treatments can proceeding with project implementation. improve the pedestrian network in a defined area. Recommended Example Locations treatments include , facilities, and bus Six locations were identified for field work in stop improvements. order to develop conceptual recommendations »» A prioritized list of sidewalk projects. to improve pedestrian safety and comfort. Sidewalk projects are scored and These “example locations” were identified from ranked using the new method several sources, including the demand and recommended in Chapter 3. needs analysis, public input, and input from the City’s technical team. Appendix C provides

76 DECEMBER 2012

sample comments from CommunityWalk of the design concepts are described in around each example location. Chapter 3, Best Practices, Design Standards and Sidewalks. Overall, recommended design The example locations are typical of pedestrian concepts are intended to achieve one or more of conditions in many areas of the City. Thus, the following objectives: these design concepts recommended can be applied elsewhere in the City. The example locations are not in any priority order. Many

Ensure ADA compliance. Ensure sufficient crossing time. All sidewalks and intersection features meet Adjust signal timing to ensure have at standards set by PROWAAG, NCDOT and the City of least 3.5 feet per second to cross the . Raleigh. Make pedestrians more visible to motorists. Improve transit access. Remove line of sight barriers to visibility with Establish bus stops and travel ways to/from bus infrastructure features that place pedestrians in stops (along and across the roadway) that ensure locations where they are more visible to motorists pedestrian safety and comfort. (and vice-versa). Install or improve sidewalk conditions. Slow motor vehicle speeds at potential points of Install sidewalks where missing and repair damaged conflicts with pedestrians. on non-ADA-compliant sidewalks where they exist. Use geometric, operational and signal/signage methods to reduce speeds in order to reduce potential crashes between pedestrians and motor vehicles. Shorten crossing distances. Reduce or eliminate potential points of conflicts with Use infrastructure features to shorten the distance pedestrians. pedestrians are in travel while crossing the Use strategies to separate pedestrians and motor street. vehicles in the roadway.

The six locations are up to ¼ mile long and »» New Bern Avenue between 3600 and are referenced or bounded by a primary street 3800 New Bern Avenue with selective cross as follows: »» Wake Forest between the Beltline off-ramp and St. Albans Drive »» Avent Ferry Road between Varsity Drive and Centennial Parkway Map 1. Six Example Locations on demand and »» Glenwood Avenue (US 70) between needs analysis. shows the six locations. Site- Pleasant Valley Road and commercial specific maps and more information on each driveway at Pleasant Valley example location follow. Promenade »» Brier Creek Parkway between Little Briar Creek and Skyland Ridge Parkway »» Martin Luther King Boulevard between Blount Street and Garner Road

77 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

Map 14. Six Example Locations on demand and needs analysis. Example Locations City of Raleigh Comprehensive Pedestrian Plan

Brier Creek Parkway

Glenwood Avenue Wake Forest Rd

New Bern Ave

Avent Ferry Road

Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

Level of Need Demand Low Low

High $

Committed Project 0 1.25 2.5 5 Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction High Miles

78 DECEMBER 2012

Avent Ferry Road between Varsity Drive and Centennial Parkway

Overall Need 99 High pedestrian, bike and transit use at intersec- tions due to location near NCSU. 99 Pedestrian conflicts with left turns; 99 Lack of facilities/infrastructure (landing, median protection, sidewalks); and 99 Long crossing distances. 99 Bike route on Avent Ferry. Improvements »» Add sidewalks. »» Shorten crossing distances and improve pedestrian visibility with extensions. »» Provide pedestrian refuges with raised center medi- ans and right turn channelization islands. Rationale. »» Realign intersections to reduce pedestrian-vehicle conflicts. The section of Avent Ferry Road has a high »» Improve signal timing and sequence. level of non-motorized travel – walking, bicycling and transit use, due in large part to the proximity of the North Carolina State University (NCSU) campus, educational and residential facilities, and supporting retail establishments. A bicycle route crosses Avent Ferry Road south of Centennial Parkway. Safety concerns include long pedestrian crossing distances with insufficient pedestrian crossing facilities; pedestrian conflicts with left turns; and missing sidewalks along portions of the segment.

Recommended Design Concepts. Recommended concepts are concentrated at Photo 40. Non-motorized activity at NCSU. the two intersections, including the bus stops. The recommendations include signal changes, geometric changes within the right-of-way, »» new signage, and maintenance. Specific Map 2. Avent Ferry Road Example Location recommendations within the segment are Map 1: Varsity Drive. summarized in the table below and shown on »» two maps: Map 3. Avent Ferry Road Example Location Map 2: Centennial Parkway.


City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 15. Avent Ferry Road Example Location Map 1: Varsity Drive. Varsity 1: Map Location Example Road Ferry Avent 15. Map


DECEMBER 2012 Map 16. Avent Ferry Road Example Location Map 2: Centennial Parkway. Centennial 2: Map Location Example Road Ferry Avent 16. Map


City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial


- poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at

Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow Improve transit access. transit Improve



Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure X

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X ADA Compliant ADA X X pg X pg X pg X pg X pg X Stops, pg X Stops, Best Practices, the Roadway Basics, the Roadway Chapter 3 Reference Chapter Best Practices, Across Best Practices, Across Best Practices, Transit Best Practices, Transit from Chapter 5, BBWR Chapter from Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection Templates, Intersection May include a reference include a reference May Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, e ri v D eneral arsity Install ADA-compliant curb ramps on where missing. curb ramps Install ADA-compliant Realign Varsity Drive, shift/restripe Drive, lanes, and install Varsity Realign signal operation and reduce improve to curb extension conflicts. pedestrian/vehicle Eliminate right-turn on red from Varsity Drive. Varsity right-turn on red from Eliminate Clear overgrown vegetation from the sidewalk; establish the sidewalk; from vegetation Clear overgrown program. on-going maintenance Change signal phasing to provide lagging left turn phase provide Change signal phasing to Ferry Road. Avent for G and add pad at bus stops Install landing and waiting lighting at the stop. pedestrian-oriented V Curb extensions




pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial


- poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at


Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X ADA Compliant ADA pg X pg X sics, pg X Best Practices, pg X; Best Practices, Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Along the Roadway Ba - Along the Roadway Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Along Practices, Best Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, table, countermeasures pg x. - arkway P Convert driveway at Western Manor Apartments to at Western driveway Convert inbound only. space create to width in order the driveway Reduce A portion on one side. Note: of this a sidewalk for which will property, recommendation is on private On Map the property owner. agreement by require X the portion of the recommended change that ap with a property is indicated be on private pears to dashed line. entennial

Install “Turning Traffic Yield to Pedestrians” signs. to Yield Traffic Install “Turning C Parkway, on south side of Centennial Install sidewalk based on pedestrian demand. • • Install a raised channelization island with pedestrian refuge. Recommendations for intersection at Western Manor at Western intersection for Recommendations Apartments driveway: AVENT FERRY ROAD BETWEEN ROAD VARSITY DRIVE AND CENTENNIAL PARKWAY FERRY AVENT V5 C1 C2 C3


City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4


tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial

- poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

at potential points of con of points potential at -

Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten

conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X X

ible to motorists. to ible

Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make -

ADA Compliant ADA



pg X pg

pg X. pg

Best Practices, Practices, Best

ministrative, page X page ministrative,

Building Blocks for a a for Blocks Building

- Ad Raleigh, Walkable

Countermeasure table, table, Countermeasure

Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection

Best Practices Overview, Overview, Practices Best

pedestrian phase. pedestrian

Remove a signal phase and replace it with an all all an with it replace and phase signal a Remove

Improve drainage and repair broken sidewalk. broken repair and drainage Improve

mixing zone. mixing

Narrow right turn land and install pedestrian/bicyclist pedestrian/bicyclist install and land turn right Narrow




84 DECEMBER 2012

Glenwood Avenue between Pleasant Valley and Commercial Driveway at Pleasant Valley Promenade

conflicts. Facilities that improve pedestrian visibility are needed at these locations. Two bus routes travel along Glenwood Avenue, with stops spaced approximately 1,000 to 2,000 feet apart. Sidewalks are present along both sides of the street with varying buffer widths. Six travel lanes that expand to eight or more at intersections create long pedestrian crossings. There are no pedestrian signals at the signalized intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Pleasant Valley Road. Striped crosswalks are missing at all intersections and driveway crossings. Pedestrian crossing facilities will help mitigate the effects of heavy motor vehicle traffic and Overall Need long pedestrian crossing distances.  Lack of pedestrian crossing facilities at inter- sections and building access points.  Heavy motor vehicle traffic. Recommended Design Concepts.  Long pedestrian crossing distances. Recommended concepts are concentrated at  High pedestrian traffic area. the two intersections, including one bus stop. Improvements The recommendations include signal changes,  Add sidewalks. geometric changes within the right-of-way,  Stripe high-visibility crosswalks.  Add pedestrian signals. new signage, and maintenance. Specific  Shorten crossing distances and provide pedes- recommendations within the segment are trian refuges with raised center medians and summarized in the table below and shown on right-turn channelization islands. two maps:  Shorten crossing distances with curb exten- sions.  Realign intersections to reduce pedestrian- »» Map 12. Glenwood Avenue Example vehicle conflicts. Location  Relocate bus stop to far side of commercial driveway entrance. »» Map 13. Glenwood Avenue Example Rationale. Location This segment was selected as an Example Location because of overall concerns about the safety of pedestrians walking along and crossing the roadway. Adjacent land use to this location is retail and commercial, with ample parking lots and driveways for reaching these establishments. Each of the several driveways that interrupt the sidewalk creates an intersection-type situation that increases the risk of pedestrian-vehicle

85 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 17. Glenwood Avenue Example Location Map 1: Pleasant Valley Road. Valley 1: Pleasant Map Location Example Avenue Glenwood 17. Map

86 DECEMBER 2012 Map 18. Glenwood Avenue Example Location Map 2: Commercial Driveway. 2: Commercial Map Location Example Avenue 18.Map Glenwood


City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial


- poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at


Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X X X ADA Compliant ADA X X - pg X pg X pg X pg X tion Templates, pg X tion Templates, Chapter 3 Reference Chapter Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway from Chapter 5, BBWR Chapter from Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection May include a reference include a reference May Best Practices, Intersec Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Across the Best Practices, Across - d roa

alley v

eneral Install “Turning Traffic Yield to Pedestrians” signs. to Yield Traffic Install “Turning Clear overgrown vegetation from the sidewalk; establish on- the sidewalk; from vegetation Clear overgrown program. going maintenance Install ADA-compliant curb ramps on where missing. curb ramps Install ADA-compliant drive consolidate to access management program Develop sidewalks. interrupting ways G and commercial Install pedestrian signals at Pleasant Valley Promenade. Pleasant Valley for driveway pleasant reduction Curb extensions/radii Install a raised median island with pedestrian refuge. Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to refuge area. distance and provide shorten crossing




pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial


- poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at

Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X

ible to motorists. to ible

- vis more pedestrians Make ADA Compliant ADA pg X Basics, pg X Best Practices, Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across Install a raised median island with pedestrian refuge. larger space provide to Close right lane and widen sidewalk pedestrians, install a small median, stripe high visibility for crosswalks. Stripe high visibility crosswalks for all approaches, re-aligning all approaches, for Stripe high visibility crosswalks bars as needed. stop P5 P6 GLENWOOD AVENUE BETWEEN PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD AND COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE TO ENTRANCE TO AND COMMERCIAL ROAD BETWEEN VALLEY PLEASANT AVENUE GLENWOOD PROMENADE VALLEY THE PLEASANT P4

89 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

Brier Creek Parkway between Little Briar Creek Lane and Skyland Ridge Parkway

Improvements  Add sidewalks.

 Shorten crossing distances and provide pedestrian refuges with raised center medians and right turn channelization islands.

 Stripe high visibility crosswalks.

 Stripe advance stop bars.

 Add traffic and pedestrian signals, when warranted.

Super Intersections -- Option 1:  Widen existing center media to serve as pedestrian refuge.  Install diagonal crosswalks on Brier Creek Parkway Overall Need through the median to reduce pedestrian-vehicle  Lack of pedestrian crossing facilities at intersec- conflicts with left turns from Brier Creek Parkway. tions.  Replace existing parallel bar crosswalks with high visibility crosswalks.  Large size of intersections. Super Intersections -- Option 2:  Stripe crosswalks across Brier Creek Parkway, using  Heavy motor vehicle traffic. existing curb ramps and median crossing locations.  Stripe advance stop bars for motor vehicles.  Missing sidewalks along roadway.  Replace existing parallel bar crosswalks with high visibility crosswalks.  Shopping area with high vehicle traffic and potential pedestrian use.

 Wide pavement on side street approaches that is not used. Rationale. This segment of Brier Creek Parkway is surrounded by a series of large retail and commercial venues that attract high numbers of visitors, primarily in motor vehicles. There is limited bus service on Brier Creek Parkway. Most bus routes serve the adjacent streets and serve the retail and commercial establishments in the area. The pedestrian network that is part of this circulation system is intermittent along Brier Creek Parkway and generally lacks adequate pedestrian crossing facilities.

Recommended Design Concepts. Recommended concepts are concentrated at three intersections: Little Brier Creek Lane, Glenwood Avenue, and Skyland Ridge Parkway. Recommendations

90 DECEMBER 2012 for all three intersections will shorten crossing »» Map 14. Brier Creek Parkway Example distances and stripe high visibility crosswalks. Location Map 1: Skyland Ridge Parkway Design concepts typical of large four-way Option 1. intersections are recommended at Glenwood Avenue. Two options are recommended for Little »» Map 15. Brier Creek Parkway Example Briar Creek Lane and Skyland Ridge Parkway, Location Map 2: Skyland Ridge Parkway since these intersections include a “super street” Option 2. median to control turning movements through the intersection. The recommendations for these »» Map 16. Brier Creek Parkway Example two intersections also include signalizing the Location Map 3: Little Brier Creek Lane, intersection when motor vehicle and pedestrian Option 2 traffic warrant. »» Map 17. Brier Creek Parkway Example Specific recommendations within the segment Location Map 4: Little Brier Creek Lane, are summarized in the table below and shown Option 1. on a series of five maps: »» Map 18. Brier Creek Parkway Example Location Map 5: Glenwood Avenue.

91 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 19. Brier Creek Parkway Example Location Map 1: Skyland Ridge Parkway Option 1. Option Ridge Parkway 1: Skyland Map Location Example Parkway 19. Brier Creek Map

92 DECEMBER 2012 Map 20 Brier Creek Parkway Example Location Map 2: Skyland Ridge Parkway Option 2. Option Parkway Ridge 2: Skyland Map Location Example Creek Parkway 20 Brier Map

93 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 21. Brier Creek Parkway Example Location Map 4: Little Brier Creek Lane, Option 1. Option Lane, Creek Brier 4: Little Map Location Example Parkway 21. Brier Creek Map

94 DECEMBER 2012 Map 22 Brier Creek Parkway Example Location Map 3: Little Brier Creek Lane, Option 2. Option Creek Lane, Brier 3: Little Map Location Example Creek Parkway 22 Brier Map

95 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 23. Brier Creek Parkway Example Location Map 5: Glenwood Avenue. 5: Glenwood Map Location Example Parkway 23. Brier Creek Map




- pedestri with conflicts of points


Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

pedestrians. potential points of conflicts with with conflicts of points potential

X X Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve

Ensure sufficient crossing time. crossing sufficient Ensure Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


tions where needed. where tions

- Install or improve sidewalk condi sidewalk improve or Install X X


Make pedestrians more visible to to visible more pedestrians Make X X X X ADA Compliant ADA X - pg X pg X pg X Basics, pg X tion Templates, pg X tion Templates, Chapter 3 Reference Chapter Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Countermeasure table, Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection Best Practices, Intersec Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across Best Practices, Across the Best Practices, Across 1 ption , O arkway P i dg e R d kylan S an d

arkway v enue P A reek C eneral d lenwoo rier Extend and adjust footprint of median nose on all approaches of median nose on all approaches and adjust footprint Extend pedestrian refuge. and provide crosswalk accommodate to Pedestrians” signs. to Yield Traffic Install “Turning G where missing. curb ramps Install ADA-compliant G corner. and around to sidewalk Extend B reduction Close right lane and install curb extensions/radii Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to shorten Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to slip lane, as refuge area. Realign distance and provide crossing needed. and across all approaches for Stripe high visibility crosswalks bars as needed. slip lanes, re-aligning stop



City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4


- pedestri with conflicts of points


Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce


potential points of conflicts with with conflicts of points potential

Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve Ensure sufficient crossing time. crossing sufficient Ensure

X Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


tions where needed. where tions


Install or improve sidewalk condi sidewalk improve or Install X X X X


Make pedestrians more visible to to visible more pedestrians Make X X X X X X ADA Compliant ADA ------Best Practices, Best Practices, Templates, pg X Templates, way Basics, pg X way termeasure table, pg X termeasure tion Templates, pg X tion Templates, the Roadway Basics, pg X the Roadway Basics, pg X the Roadway Basics, pg X the Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Best Practices, Intersection Best Practices, Intersection Intersection Templates, pg X Templates, Intersection pg X Templates, Intersection Best Practices, Intersec termeasure table, pg X; Across table, pg X; Across termeasure table, pg X; Across termeasure table, pg X; Across termeasure Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Along the Road - - - 2 ption , O arkway P i dg e R d kylan S an d

arkway P reek C riar Stripe high visibility crosswalks for all approaches and diago all approaches for Stripe high visibility crosswalks bars as needed. re-aligning stop intersection, nally across Enlarge the super street center median to encompass a pedes encompass median to center Enlarge the super street trian refuge. Install sidewalk, converting unused pavements. converting Install sidewalk, Install or shift raised median with pedestrian refuge aligned with crosswalk. signalization, or other Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Install Pedestrian as warranted. B reduction. Curb extensions/radii unused pavements. converting Install sidewalk, and diago all approaches for Stripe high visibility crosswalks Install or shift raised median with pedestrian refuge aligned with crosswalk. Install signal (including pedestrian signal), as warranted. nally across intersection, re-aligning stop bars as needed. re-aligning stop intersection, nally across S4 S3 BRIER CREEK PARKWAY BETWEEN LITTLE BRIAR CREEK LANE AND SKLYAND BETWEEN LITTLE BRIAR CREEK LANE AND SKLYAND BRIER CREEK PARKWAY RIDGE PARKWAY S2 S5 S6 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5




- pedestri with conflicts of points


Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

pedestrians. potential points of conflicts with with conflicts of points potential

X X Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve

Ensure sufficient crossing time. crossing sufficient Ensure Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


tions where needed. where tions


Install or improve sidewalk condi sidewalk improve or Install X X


Make pedestrians more visible to to visible more pedestrians Make X X X ADA Compliant ADA - - - - - way Basics, pg X way way Basics, pg X way termeasure table, pg X termeasure table, pg X termeasure the Roadway Basics, pg X the Roadway Intersection Templates, pg X Templates, Intersection termeasure table, pg X; Across table, pg X; Across termeasure Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Coun Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Road Best Practices, Across the Road Best Practices, Across v enue A d lenwoo G corner. and around to sidewalk Extend shorten Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to slip lane, as refuge area. Realign distance and provide crossing needed. and across all approaches for Stripe high visibility crosswalks bars as needed. slip lanes, re-aligning stop of median nose on all approaches and adjust footprint Extend pedestrian refuge. and provide crosswalk accommodate to Pedestrians” signs. to Yield Traffic Install “Turning BRIER CREEK PARKWAY BETWEEN LITTLE BRIAR CREEK LANE AND SKLYAND BETWEEN LITTLE BRIAR CREEK LANE AND SKLYAND BRIER CREEK PARKWAY RIDGE PARKWAY N1 N2 N3 N4 N5

99 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard between Blount Street and Garner Road Rationale. This segment of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard serves Shaw University, generating a substantial amount of pedestrian traffic. Other adjacent land uses are primarily residential, with several points of access to Chavis Park and the Capital Area Greenway trail system near the Garner Road intersection. Sidewalks buffered by a planting strip serve “along the roadway” pedestrian needs. Four of the six intersections include striped crosswalks and pedestrian signals. Bus stops at Person Street and East Street create additional needs to accommodate riders on the sidewalk and safe roadway crossings. The roadway is comprised of two travel lanes in each direction Overall Need and a center lane that serves as a center turn  Overall difficulty in crossing MLK Boulevard. lane or unimproved center median. A bikeway  Skewed crossing at East Street. running along East Street turns onto Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and continues east.  Long crossing distances. Major pedestrian safety concerns include limited  Pedestrian signal phase conflicts with left turn facilities for pedestrians to cross the roadway phase at Garner Road and long crossing distances, especially at the  Bike route along MLK Boulevard. East Street intersection. A specific concern is the conflict between the pedestrian signal phase and  High pedestrian traffic area. left-turn phase at Garner Road. Improvements  Shorten crossing distances and provide pedestrian Recommended Design Concepts. refuges with raised center medians and right turn Recommended design concepts are concentrated channelization islands.  Shorten crossing distances with curb extensions. at intersections, with improvements to bus stops.  Stripe high visibility crosswalks. Recommendations include new sidewalks,  Relocate bus stop to far side of intersection for shorter crossing distances at intersections with improved safety. geometric changes, new crosswalk striping at  Install and widen sidewalks.  Increase size of pedestrian mixing area on corners. intersections, a way-finding system for Shaw  Provide a Leading Pedestrian Interval signal phase University, a pedestrian-bicyclist mixing area, at MLK Boulevard and Blount Street. streetscape enhancements, and more attention  Restrict Right-Turn-On-Red from MLK Boulevard to sidewalk maintenance. onto Blount Street.  Improve way finding signage for Shaw University Specific recommendations within the segment campus. are summarized in the table below and shown in  Install stairs on the north side of MLK Boulevard to a series of three maps: connect to greenway trail.  Encourage bicyclists to ride in the roadway by installing shared lane markings on eastbound MLK »» Map 19. Martin Luther King Boulevard Boulevard between East Street and Garner Road. Example Location Map 1: Blount Street.

100 DECEMBER 2012

»» Map 20. Martin Luther King Boulevard Example Location Map 2: East Street.

»» Map 21. Martin Luther King Boulevard Example Location Map 3: Garner Road.

101 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 24. Martin Luther King Boulevard Example Location Map 1: Blount Street. Map 1: Blount Location Example Martin Boulevard King Luther 24. Map

102 DECEMBER 2012 Map 25. Martin Luther King Boulevard Example Location Map 2: East Street. 2: East Map Location Example 25. MartinMap Boulevard King Luther

103 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 26. Martin Luther King Boulevard Example Location Map 3: Garner Road. 3: Garner Map Location Example 26. MartinMap Boulevard King Luther




- pedes with conflicts of points

X Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

with pedestrians. with

potential points of conflicts conflicts of points potential

Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow Improve transit access. transit Improve



Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X ADA Compliance ADA X X - - - - Projects. table, pg X Stops, pg X Stops, Best Practices Over Best Practices Over tion Templates, pg X tion Templates, See Chapter 2, Exist See Chapter Chapter 3 Reference Chapter Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway table, pg X; Across the table, pg X; Across Best Practices, Transit Best Practices, Transit view, Countermeasure Countermeasure view, view, Countermeasure Countermeasure view, from Chapter 5, BBWR Chapter from Forward – Streetscape – Streetscape Forward ing Conditions, Looking May include a reference include a reference May - Intersec Best Practices, - - treets S erson P an d

lount B eneral etween Re-align sidewalk to provide direct path of travel and elimi direct path of travel provide to sidewalk Re-align nate incline/decline. nate Install sidewalk connection and bus landing/waiting pad connection and bus landing/waiting Install sidewalk corner of Person on southwest stop relocate at bus stops; southeast corner. to Street ing stop bars as needed. ing stop Stripe high visibility crosswalks for all approaches, re-align all approaches, for Stripe high visibility crosswalks Install a raised median island with pedestrian refuge. G where missing. curb ramps Install ADA-compliant B reduction. Install curb extensions/radii Clear overgrown vegetation from the sidewalk; establish on- the sidewalk; from vegetation Clear overgrown program. going maintenance Improve streetscape with trees and other features. with trees and other streetscape Improve



City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4


- pedes with conflicts of points

X X X X Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

with pedestrians. with potential points of conflicts conflicts of points potential


Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow Improve transit access. transit Improve



Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X X X X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X ADA Compliance ADA - pg X pg X Templates, pg X Templates, pg X Templates, pg X Templates, Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Across the Best Practices, Across Best Practices, Intersection Best Practices, Intersection Best Practices, Intersection Best Practices, Intersection Across the Roadway Basics, the Roadway Across Intersection Templates, pg X Templates, Intersection Countermeasure table, pg X; Countermeasure Best Practices, Transit Stops, Stops, Best Practices, Transit - a d o treet R S t as E a r n er G an d

an d

treet S treet S t er s o n as P E of of

t t e as e as

etwee n etwee n Provide way-finding between bikeway east of East Street and east of East Street bikeway between way-finding Provide University. Shaw B reduction. Install curb extensions/radii Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to refuge area. distance and provide shorten crossing Bloodworth the alley, across Stripe high visibility crosswalks re-aligning stop at East Street, and all approaches Street bars as needed. pad at connection and bus landing/waiting Install sidewalk intersection. corner of East Street on southwest bus stop recapturing second southbound lane on Install sidewalk, East Street. on route bike Install shared use path and mixing zone for northeast corner of East Street. B sidewalk existing Continue shared use path along MLK to bicy signs for including appropriate of Garner Road, west Park. Chavis Install a stair connection to clists. 1 4 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BOULEVARD BETWEEN BLOUNT STREET AND GAR BETWEEN STREET BLOUNT KING JR BOULEVARD LUTHER MARTIN NA E E2 E3 E E5 E6 R1 R2 NER ROAD




- pedes with conflicts of points

X Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

with pedestrians. with

potential points of conflicts conflicts of points potential

Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure X Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X ADA Compliance ADA - pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Across the Roadway Basics, the Roadway Across Countermeasure table, pg X Countermeasure table, pg X Countermeasure Countermeasure table, pg X; Countermeasure Install new sidewalk and buffer along west side of Garner along west and buffer sidewalk Install new south of MLK. Road Install a raised median island with pedestrian refuge. bar. realigning stop Stripe high visibility crosswalks, across crosswalk (LPI) for Interval Install Leading Pedestrian leg of intersection. west MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BOULEVARD BETWEEN BLOUNT STREET AND GAR BETWEEN STREET BLOUNT KING JR BOULEVARD LUTHER MARTIN R3 R4 R5 R6 NER ROAD

107 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

New Bern Avenue between 3600 and 3800 New Bern Avenue

gaps (due, in part, to dedicated right turn lanes and multiple commercial driveway entrances) interrupt the sidewalk continuity. Features at the three bus stops range from a pole and flag to a sidewalk could be improved and better located. There are no designated pedestrian crossings in the segment of New Bern Avenue, in spite

»» My neighborhood (Trawick Downs) is 4 blocks from a shopping center (Tower). However, teens cannot walk there for employment. Others cannot walk there to shop. There are sidewalks in the Overall Need sub-division but no sidewalk connecting  Lack of pedestrian crossing facilities. the subdivision to the shopping center. A walkable sidewalk would be a great  Large intersection with long pedestrian crossings. asset to the neighborhood and to the  Missing sidewalk needed for connectivity. merchants at the shopping center. (Survey respondent)  Heavy vehicle traffic on New Bern Avenue. »» I see many pedestrians and cyclists in Improvements unsafe conditions in this area, including  Install sidewalks.  Stripe high visibility crosswalks. walking & biking along 64 over the I-440  Shorten crossing distances and provide pedestri- interchange (there are paths worn in an refuges with raised center medians and right the grass) and crossing 64 mid-block turn channelization islands. near the hotels, plasma donation center,  Realign intersections to reduce pedestrian-vehi- cle conflicts. shops. I have witnessed multiple near-  Improve signal timing and sequence. misses, esp. as cars take the exit/  Relocate and improve bus stop. entrance ramps from I-440. (Community Walk respondent)

Rationale. This segment of New Bern Avenue is just east of an I-440 Beltline interchange. Adjacent of the high volume of pedestrians. See the text land use is commercial/retail. The wide right- box for comments from the on-line survey and of-way with multiple lanes in each direction CommunityWalk mapping tool. The nearest at the interchange continues through the marked pedestrian crossing is at N. Rogers Lane, segment. At its widest point, the roadway approximately 1 ¼ mile from Trawick Road. includes eight travel lanes and a raised center median. Sidewalks with a planted buffer serve Recommended Design Concepts. Recommended pedestrians along most of the segment, but some

108 DECEMBER 2012 design concepts provide access management, improve driveway crossings and address ADA- compliance needs. Other recommendations improve bus stop siting and features, and add roadway crossings for companion bus stops. The largest set of improvements is at the Trawick Road intersection, establishing pedestrian crossings on all approaches and adding a pedestrian-only signal phase. Specific recommendations within the segment are summarized in the table below and shown on two maps:

»» Map 22. New Bern Avenue Example Location Map 1: Trawick Road.

»» Map 23. New Bern Avenue Example Location Map 2: 3800 New Bern Road.

109 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 27 New Bern Avenue Example Location Map 1: Trawick Road. 1: Trawick Map Location Example Avenue Bern New 27 Map

110 DECEMBER 2012 Map 28. New Bern Avenue Example Location Map 2: 3800 New Bern Road. Bern 2: 3800 New Map Location Example Avenue Bern 28. New Map


City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial

X X - poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at


Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten X X X

conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X X X X ADA Compliance ADA X - pg X pg X Practices, pg X tion Templates, pg X tion Templates, Chapter 3 Reference Chapter Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Intersection Templates, Templates, Intersection Best Practices, Intersec Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Emerging Best Practices, Across the Best Practices, Across a d o R wi c k r a T of

t e as

t s ju

an d

v e n ue A er n B ew 3600 N eneral etwee n Install or modify existing raised median island with Install or modify existing crosswalk. pedestrian refuge; align with new Improve driveway crossings driveway Improve Consider raised crosswalk in slip lane to slow traffic. slow in slip lane to Consider raised crosswalk Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to Install raised island that channelizes right turn lane to refuge area. distance and provide shorten crossing B gaps and align with new resolve to Install sidewalks crosswalks. turning slow reduction to Install curb extensions/radii vehicles. G where missing. curb ramps Install ADA-compliant Address access management needs Address




pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial

X X - poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at


Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow Improve transit access. transit Improve



Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten X

conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install X X

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X ADA Compliance ADA pg X Stops, pg X Stops, Basics, pg X Basics, pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Best Practices, Public Best Practices, Transit Best Practices, Transit Transit Bus Stops, pg X Bus Stops, Transit Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices, Along the pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across v enue A ern B ew 3800 N an d

d oa R c k rawi T of



Raised median island with pedestrian refuge. etween

Establish mid-block crossing to serve companion bus serve companion to Establish mid-block crossing with: stops • Stripe high visibility crosswalks for all approaches, re- all approaches, for Stripe high visibility crosswalks bars as needed. aligning stop connection and bus landing/waiting Install sidewalk pad at bus stops. B a sidewalk the continuous right turn lane to Convert buffer. planted Relocate the bus stop on the south side of New Bern on the south side of New the bus stop Relocate on the the stop a location just opposite east to Avenue north side of the street. 7 B3 NEW BERN AVENUE BETWEEN 3600 AND 3800 NEW BERN AVENUE NEW BERN AVENUE T6 T B1 B2


City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4

pedestrians. tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial

X - poten eliminate or Reduce

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts

- con of points potential at

Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten

conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X ADA Compliance ADA Basics, pg X Basics, pg X Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) or other signal or other Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Pedestrian ization, as warranted. High visibility crosswalks. High visibility crosswalks.


114 DECEMBER 2012

pedestrians. Wake Forest Road between the Beltline off- tial points of conflicts with with conflicts of points tial


- Reduce or eliminate poten eliminate or Reduce ramp and St. Albans Drive

flicts with pedestrians. with flicts and through the segment. At its widest point,


at potential points of con of points potential at the roadway includes eight travel lands and an

Slow motor vehicle speeds speeds vehicle motor Slow intermittent painted center median. Sidewalks

Improve transit access. transit Improve with a planted buffer serve pedestrians along

time. most of the segment, but some gaps (due, Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure in part, to a bus stop pull-out just east of St.

Albans Drive and multiple commercial driveway

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten entrances) interrupt the sidewalk continuity.

conditions where needed. where conditions Features at the two bus stops include a pole Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install and flag and a sidewalk connection. The only

pedestrian crossing at St. Albans Drive is poorly ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make designed with long crossing distances across X X two approaches. Pedestrians presence along

ADA Compliance ADA and across this segment of Wake Forest Road Overall Need indicates that improvements are needed. See the  Lack of pedestrian crossing facilities (cross- text box insert for a comment from the on-line walks, pedestrian signals).  Access to transit needs. survey.  Heavy vehicle traffic on each leg of intersection.  Overall mix of modes. Recommended Design Concepts. Recommended . High pedestrian traffic area. . design concepts improve driveway crossings Basics, pg X Basics, pg X Bike crossing at St. Albans Road. . Interchange is a barrier to pedestrian and address ADA-compliance needs. Other travel and access. Countermeasure table, Countermeasure Countermeasure table, Countermeasure recommendations establish a mid-block Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across pg X; Across the Roadway the Roadway pg X; Across Improvements crosswalk for access to the Duke/Raleigh

-  Shorten crossing distances and provide pedes- Hospital, new pedestrian crossing facilities at trian refuges with raised center medians and the Beltline off-ramp, improved pedestrian right turn channelization islands. crossing facilities at St. Albans’s Drive, and  Shorten crossing distances using tighter curb pedestrian warning signs for motorists. radii and curb extensions. Specific recommendations for the segment are  Stripe high-visibility crosswalks, realigning as summarized in the table below and shown in a needed.  Change signal phasing to reduce likelihood of series of three maps: pedestrian/vehicle conflicts.  Install a signalized mid-block crossing of Wake »» Map 24. Wake Forest Road Example Forest Road near the hospital right-in/right-out driveway. Location Map 1: Navaho Drive.

»» Map 25. Wake Forest Road Example Rationale. Location Map 2: Hospital Entrance. This segment of Wake Forest Road is just east of an I-440 Beltline interchange. Adjacent land »» Map 26. Wake Forest Drive Example Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) or other signal or other Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Pedestrian ization, as warranted. High visibility crosswalks. High visibility crosswalks. use is institutional (hospital), hospitality (hotels Location Map 3: St. Albans Drive. • • and restaurants), commercial, and some retail. The wide right-of-way with multiple lanes in

NEW BERN AVENUE BETWEEN 3600 AND 3800 NEW BERN AVENUE NEW BERN AVENUE each direction are present at the interchange

115 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 29. Wake Forest Road Example Location Map 1: Navaho Drive. 1: Navaho Map Location Example Road Forest 29. Wake Map

116 DECEMBER 2012 Map 30. Wake Forest Road Example Location Map 2: Hospital Entrance. 2: Hospital Map Location Example Road Forest 30. Wake Map

117 City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4 Map 31. Wake Forest Drive Example Location Map 3: St. Albans Drive. Albans 3: St. Map Location Example Drive Forest Wake 31. Map




- pedes with conflicts of points


Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

with pedestrians. with potential points of conflicts conflicts of points potential


Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow Improve transit access. transit Improve



Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten

X X conditions where needed. where conditions

X X Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X ADA Compliance ADA X pg X pg X Chapter 3 Reference Chapter Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Emerging Practices, pg X Best Practices, Along the Best Practices, Across the Best Practices, Across Across the Roadway Basics, the Roadway Across Countermeasure table, pg X Countermeasure Intersection Templates, pg X Templates, Intersection Countermeasure table, pg X; Countermeasure Countermeasure table, pg X; Countermeasure Countermeasure table, pg X; Countermeasure Intersection Templates, pg X. Templates, Intersection Best Practices, Transit Stops, Stops, Transit Practices, Best - e ri v D aho v a N an d

c han g e inter

eltline B eneral etween Install or modify existing raised median island Install or modify existing crosswalk. with pedestrian refuge; align new Stripe high visibility crosswalks for all approaches, all approaches, for Stripe high visibility crosswalks bars as needed. re-aligning stop Install sidewalks to align with new crosswalks. align with new to Install sidewalks G where missing. curb ramps Install ADA-compliant B Install raised island that channelizes right turn distance and provide shorten crossing lane to refuge area. Install “Turning Traffic Yield to Pedestrians” signs. to Yield Traffic Install “Turning Install sidewalk connection and bus landing/wait Install sidewalk ing pad at bus stops. Install signs alerting of pedestrians motorist the roadway. crossing



City of Raleigh Pedestrian Plan | Chapter 4


- pedes with conflicts of points


Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

with pedestrians. with

potential points of conflicts conflicts of points potential

Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow

Improve transit access. transit Improve


Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten


conditions where needed. where conditions

Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X X X X ADA Compliance ADA ------a l o sp it H a lei g h plates, pg X plates, / R measure table, pg X measure table, pg X measure table, pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway uke measure table, pg X; Across the measure table, pg X; Across the measure table, pg X; Across the measure table, pg X; Across the measure table, pg X; Across Best Practices, Intersection Tem Best Practices, Intersection D Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, to

- - e n tr anc

an d

ri v e D ho ava N of

t e as

t s ju

Raised median island with pedestrian refuge. High visibility crosswalks. reduction. Curb extensions/radii Raised median island with pedestrian refuge. High visibility crosswalks. or other Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Pedestrian signalization, as warranted. etwee n

B restaurant park entrances to and narrow Realign continuing pedes and hospital campus, ing lot along sidewalk trian path of travel • • • existing connection through Establish sidewalk landscaped median. Stripe high visibility crosswalks. of hospital west Establish mid-block crossing entrance with • • • 1 2 3 4 WAKE FOREST ROAD BETWEEN THE BELTLINE INTERCHANGE AND ST. AND ST. INTERCHANGE BETWEEN THE BELTLINE ROAD FOREST WAKE ALBANS ROAD H H H H




- pedes with conflicts of points


Reduce or eliminate potential potential eliminate or Reduce

with pedestrians. with potential points of conflicts conflicts of points potential


Slow motor vehicle speeds at at speeds vehicle motor Slow Improve transit access. transit Improve



Ensure sufficient crossing crossing sufficient Ensure

Shorten crossing distances. crossing Shorten

X X conditions where needed. where conditions

X X Install or improve sidewalk sidewalk improve or Install

ible to motorists. to ible

- Make pedestrians more vis more pedestrians Make X X X X X ADA Compliance ADA X - - - - - ri v e pg X. D plates, pg X plates, Basics, pg X measure table, pg X measure table, pg X Roadway Basics, pg X Roadway l bans Intersection Templates, pg X Templates, Intersection . A Best Practices, Overview, Coun Best Practices, Overview, measure table, pg X; Across the measure table, pg X; Across Best Practices, Intersection Tem Best Practices, Intersection termeasure table, pg X; Along the termeasure t Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Best Practices Overview, Counter Best Practices Overview, Similar to advance yield markings: advance Similar to Roadway Basics, pg X; Transit Stop, Stop, Basics, pg X; Transit Roadway Best Practices, Across the Roadway the Roadway Best Practices, Across S an d

a l o sp it H a lei g h / R uke D to

e n tr anc

Advanced stop bar. stop Advanced etwee n

• B outside lane and install curb extension, Narrow capacity at corner. increasing sidewalk on Red. Right Turn Prohibit Install raised island that channelizes right turn distance and provide shorten crossing lane to slip lane, as needed. refuge area. Realign aligning with curb Stripe high visibility crosswalks, channelization island and curb extension. ramps, Road Forest side of Wake pull out on west Convert and bus stop. a sidewalk to WAKE FOREST ROAD BETWEEN THE BELTLINE INTERCHANGE AND ST. AND ST. INTERCHANGE BETWEEN THE BELTLINE ROAD FOREST WAKE ALBANS ROAD A1 A2 A3 A4 A5