Kimberley Shotokan Karate led by John Trevatt demonstrated their skills at a record breaking Family Fun Day that over 1,300 people enjoyed Summer 2018 Nuthall News Compiled by J Baumber, U Fisher- Printed by Manton House Printers, Wilson, R Spencer, & B Watson Newstead, Nottingham. Your Parish Council 2015-2019 Michael & Rita Spencer Tel 9274120 E-mail
[email protected] Or
[email protected] Philip & Jill Owen 2 Atkinson Gardens, Nuthall Tel 9389728 Email
[email protected] &
[email protected] Brian Watson Tel 07757 950043 Email
[email protected] Christine Hall 15 Edward Road, Nuthall Tel 9386622 Jayne Baumber 44 Nottingham Road, Nuthall Tel 9272387 Maureen Towers Contact via the office please John Straw 18 Temple Drive, Nuthall Tel 07944 155241 Mark Copeland Contact via the office please. Your Parish Council 2015-2019 Una Fisher Wilson 95 Nottingham Rd, Nuthall Tel 0115 9271043 Bill Mitchell Tel 07815 500860 Linda Carter Tel 9382650 Borough and County councillor surgeries Your local Borough Councillors are Derek Burnett, Jill and Philip Owen and Paul Simpson. They hold a surgery the first Saturday of each month at the Temple Centre at 9.30am (no appointment necessary). Alternatively an appointment may be made for a surgery at the Spinney by calling 0115 9272090 or 0115 9389728 Useful Numbers Broxtowe Borough Council—0115 9177777 Nottinghamshire County Council—0300 500 8080 Crimestoppers—0800 555 111 Local Chemists:- Nuthall Pharmacy, 2 Upminster Drive—9787472 Manor Pharmacy, 27 Greens Lane—9383327 Boots, 45 Greens Lane—9272123 Queens Pharmacy, 403 Nuthall Rd—9764786 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT It seems only like yesterday when Cllr Watson put the chain of of- fice around my neck to be Chairman of Nuthall Parish Council for a year.