Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2012 The Tears of a Clown: Masculinity and Comedy in Contemporary American Narratives Peter C. (Peter Christopher) Kunze Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES THE TEARS OF A CLOWN: MASCULINITY AND COMEDY IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN NARRATIVES By PETER C. KUNZE A Disser a ion submi ed o he Depar men of English in par ial fulfillmen of he re-uiremen s for he degree of Do. or of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Summer Semes er0 1011 Pe er C. Kun4e defended his disser a ion on April 300 1011. The members of he supervisory .ommi ee were: Andrew Eps ein Professor Dire. ing Disser a ion Lisa Ryo7o Wa7amiya Universi y Represen a ive Leigh Edwards Commi ee Member David I7ard Commi ee Member David I7ard Commi ee Member The Gradua e S.hool has verified and approved he above8named .ommi ee members0 and .er ifies ha he disser a ion has been approved in a..ordan.e wi h universi y re-uiremen s. ii 9Inser poignan dedi.a ion here.: iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firs and foremos 0 I wish o han7 Dr. Andrew Eps ein for his .on inued men orship over he pas six years. His professionalism and .ongeniali y have made my gradua e s uden experien.e a pleasurable and enri.hing experien.e. I only hope I .an bring his erudi ion0 diligen.e0 and amiabili y o my wor7 and .lassroom.