
PAGE 12 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY SSO*7 Monday. October 27, 1941 Pupils to Write THE COUNCIL NOMINEES Cigaref Fires Bed, At Your Favorite Mrs. Laura Osborn. Woman Badly Burned TODAY 9 THIS STAR IDENTIFIES CO-OPERATIVE THEATERS MOVIE Mrs. Petie M. Rose, 52, of 1060 * . KlUett SCr—Harper ul tronlsssr PI., lift * M| Tlir—Maeh-H*le—ih PL. 1419 9 1 irFwnnn->««» *¦ Mmss l#. hr 9 PIAITA~~*r M#4 64 ML Pasting 9 Michigan avenue, was in serious UCL'IIIC Mickey LAACnUUv Open J. El- IMAtill Open 9:45. Park Parents Nov. 3- ALE• Cnnt. 13 Nona. Er*d MscMurr&y Open 9:49. Park Pr*«. 9:lft. J. Colonna. Free. Mother of Schools condition in Receiving Hospital to- *n4 M*d-l*ins Carroll In “ONE NIGHT Rooney. In "LIFK BEGINS llson. "ICK-CAFADES," J. Carroll Nalsh, Joan Bennett, Walter Pldgeon. "MAN1 IN LISBON.*’ Plus ''Dead End” Kid* in FOR ANDY HARDY." Plus "DANCE O. Montgomery. "ACCENT ON I4>VE." HUNT." "TIIJ.IE THE TOIIJLB," Fa- s received when her “BOWERY BI.IT/.KRIEn.“ HALL," with Casar Romero. mous Comte Strip, with William Tracy, (T A# follou'inp it Pit of ft day with bums Jeffresoa the ]M cigaret. I iMfACm—West 9 teritt of tketchrn on bedding caught fire from a iniUC—(trend Clrroa Park nr I IIYC—9»99 Kerch*eol. Park Fret. 9 LAiILAuILI\ Open 9:30 Jas. Cag- DlA—Wesl Veraor Hwy. al Central 9 B*tty l/C LUAL Open 9:30 . ney. Bette DavU. "THE RRIDE CAME Noon Midnight. to nominee* for Common Council , Al/AJrIJ Tyron* Powsr Grabl* in at 13 to Park Pm*. Sure Vote C, Be BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY" D." Joan In HUNT.” James They ore being run alphrbetie- ••A TANK IN THE R. A. TV Plua "LIFE O. Bennett "MAN Cagney. "BRIDE CAME C. O. D." MEDICINE Lynn Bart In “WE GO PANT.” Billy Conn In "THE PITTBBCROH RID." Plus "MAN HUNT," With Joan Bennett. Schoo! at ally. Tomorrow’ll etnry will be FATHER^JOHN'S I . I ICFV— ,MI# *—• Can*pan Park Free 9 From the Fdi«on U~ • on IViUwm G. ftogell.) ADMIBII—Mack Near Nt. Jean i Blvd. at Rarttagame t'unttnuous from 3 30 RIVIFRA —RJ cs. 4U\ 17045 Grand River avenue, comes MttmL V -Wii AUIrIIAAL park FREE VCAICft News. Cartoon, Walter Pldgeon. Dlnnerwar* lo I-adles Walter Pldgeon and IUVICIBA Open 12:1ft. Last Show If | U especially valu- Joan Bennett In "MAN HINT," James Joan Bennett In "MAN HINT. Anna Vivien I THE BEAUTIFUL NEW SHOWBOAT " and »¦ a letter written by reggy Thomp- Cagney in "THE BRIDE CAME C. O. D." Neagle and John Carroll in "SI NM ' Bv 1-HANK |AJL * able at this season OK DETROIT "THAT HAMILTON WOMAN." R M# son, acting secretary of the stu- SJmi OPENS FRIDAY AT 2.00 P. M. gomery. "HERE COMRR MR. JORDAN.’* because it helps h|Y—West Yernor Highway, near Habbartf I IkirniN—M*4 Fort Street West Four time* in thr* j»ast, Mrs. < UIA Open LIIILuLn open body, in which she tells of S| t" r -i K*>»d Dearborn 6:30. . Rosalind 6PM Wallace Ford. D|Vni 4 •Olilar-E. Fores! PU 4434 9 dent build resistance to new ha*r. In A— Lauta F. Osborn, the "mother” ALULn Open 6:16. Randolph Broil, V. Russell "THEY MET IN DOMBAY." Law "ROAR OF THE PRESS." Billy Lee IWVULA Open ft:4A Park Free. Clark the plans there to get out the vote. colds and their Gilmore In “ I NION.” Henry Ayres, IJCATHKRNECHM HAVE IANDKO.’ "REGULAR FELLOWS." Added Shorts Gable in "THEY MET IN BOMBAY.’* ' lot Detroit's modem school sys- Armetta in “(AIGHT IN THE ACT." "." with . Foggy write*: after effects. AAV-IIvernol. at Davison a candidate for the J. Pagnrv H - *” ‘•On Monday, November 5. item, has hern || CCD —E. Warren al Ooler Hr. M. 1111 UUA News. . Dorothy Lamour. LINCOLN PARK" Park Free RKO UPTOWN "'"*1 - •» ••MU. It 1 Father John’s ALuLli Open 1:1V lasi Show 1:15 P M "CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT." Richard .Davis. "BRIDE (AME C. O. D." Ruby RRU*UriUHIB . L Olivier, every pupil In our school will council. ;uarv Cooper in “MEET Arlen. A. Devine, "DANGEKOt'S GAME." Kseltr. ’SWEETHEART OF THE ( AMP! S.* ‘‘THATHAMILTON WOMAN." It Mont- Medicine is rich imr..” Plua Foeter, Allan gomery, "HERE COMER MR. JORDAN." to Ills parents This year she placed tenth JOHN Susanna write a letter W in the essential | Jones in “THERE’S MAGIC IN MIhIC." PICT nCTßftlT—*< 9-MU* H..«d amone the 122 aspirants In the LAul DC I null Cartoon. Oarv Cooper. UNWOOD U MttPgJfcrU 3644 West Warns Arena# urging them to vote on Tuesdav, " Davis. Jas. Cagney, "THE BRIDE DAfCDC—nutlUij grade primary, coming within a few vitamins A SC D. Sr Al UiMQDi—*4M Woodward MA. 0754 * Barbara Stanwyck. "MEET JOHSi DOE CAME , Melvyn Douglag November 4. S.a« h upper circle” ALuAInDIVA Open a:49. Park Free. I "RAIDERS OF THE DESERT." R. Arlen. C. O. D." Plus Walter Pldgeon and .tn "A WOMAN’S FACE.’*' "-Rochester.” student wlli enclose in his letter hundred Notes of the "inner “LIKE BEGIN# roR ANDY HARDY’* Joan Bennett In "MAN HI NT." Joan Blondell In "TOPPER RETURNS." HALL.’* I wrote jof nine. 85 YEARS FIGHTING COLDS Cesar Romero In “DANCE riCT rmn 11.810 E. Jefferson E 9916 9 the essay he for the con- - member the CJIOI enu Open 9. Stainless Stsel to I ftftP—Michisan *t Case Open 24 Hours 9 "'•'¦¦“•l-Uarpm PL. 9733 9 has been a of — RfMKFVFIT test. We also plan to have pos- She < h arlevol* TU. I-NII it Ladles Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck WN/I Gary Cooper. Barbara Stanwyck op« n g ;00 Park Robt> of since 1917, advertisement In "MEET ter* In our art room Board Education and ALOMA in "MEET JOHN DOE." Plus Brenda JOHN DOE." Plus Rochtlle Montgomery In "HERE COMES MR. JOR- made Douglas "SINGAPORE WOMAN." Hudson in "OrFICEE AND THE LADY." our ,was elected to a fifth consecutive , . Marshall In DAN." Vivien Leigh. Laurence Oliver bringing to the attention of ir. Entlr* New Midnight. Long Fairbanks Jr. “THE PRISONER OF Show at in "THAT HAMILTON WOMAN." parent* and friend* this impor- term last April. before serv- ZEN DA." Plua Jerry Colonna and FAQTHWiy— lHarper-Van Dyke IV. 906| 9 Get Here Before 6.30 and Save lOe. board, Mrs. Treatment Vera Vagua In "ICE-CAPADEN.” CAjIUTTn Doors Open 1.30 P. M. "UFE Pk. (H. 42X1 ing the however. Asthma MAnKAN—'Woodward-4^Ireas tant matter. on ItIAVIJVn BEGINS FOR ANDV HARDY," Mickey open 10:45 A. M. 37c AllIIXUUJCiTLLI£— lls *° Wnadward in'Detroit’s DIKCRAI T 0 9-6121 **lt l* our hope that these ef- Cbhorn was active AIDMA— I tM»01 Charles nl* Tl . 2-1616 i Rooney. Judy Gsrland. "DANCE HALL," Timm. Plus Tax. and Melvyn RUJCI/ALC 22c Plus Tax. Open 9:!A. fort* will bring every one of our educational activities. ALUITIA Open 6:4ft. Wonder Books. with Cessr Romero. Carole I,»nrlir. Douglps In ’’MNOTCHKA." Irsns Dunne. Osa Massen. Geo Montgomery. "ACCENT LAURA F. OSBORN On Free Trial! Jerry Colonna and Vera Vague in C. Boyer. "WHEN TOMOEKOW COMES." ON LOVE." Jerry Colonna. James Elllaoa parent* and all of nur friends to im ORCED FROM POLITICS “ICE-CAPADEN.” Ronald Colman la PACT QlHF—Gratiot at Grandy In "ICE-( APADES." Wed.: "THK RRIDE . .. D. J. DA," LAul Ull/C "Navy the voting booths on election /. . the school boardwoman ST. MARY'S. KANS.—The “PRISONER OP ZEN with open 12. 17c to 6. Garv L- ,-, *- r iCAME C. O. D.” Blue and Gold." her husband, the late F. Ce Company, 1911 Lane Bldg., Madeleine Carroll, Jr. Cooper In "MEET JOHN DOE." Jerry MAIN-ROYAL OAK- day and thus have the honor of 'Vith of Hearing. 52. E ag Osborn St. Mary's Kans., manufactures Colonna. “ICE-CAPADES." Cartoon. News. Aid for Hard Ronald Colman. pocruil Ir—lttea B#ad Gratiot leader a — reviving one of the coveted Osborn, Mrs. was a AIl/IIU 1RRJtI Od. Rlver-Nchnefer. Parking. Ida Lupino In "THK LIGHT THAT nUuCTILLC Cartoon. Gary Co*ip#r. B. placque* The Detroit Times will in the epic fight which brought medicine for the relief of Asthma ALfM Open 6 30 Edw. O. Kohin- FKTUmnn —Gratiot near 8-Mile FAILED." Plus "1CE-C APADES." with Stanwyck In "MEET JOHN DOE." Billy school Secret Weapons paroxysms in which they have so ann in “BROTHER OKI HID.” Melvyn DHJI ItUUU Open 8:30. Cartoon. and Jerry Colonna. Conn. J. Parker, "PITTSBURGH RID." present to the winning school.” iabout reorganization of the Douglas. “LOVE BEFORE BREAK*AST.'* ; Marx Brothers In "GO WEST." its party confidence they will send by Comedy. Cartoon. Plus "LADY EVE." Ml Woodward at Willis —Woodward Near Temple system and divorce from much ITI/IJLUIILircrif— PAYV 9 mail a regular $ bottle, all open Until 2 A M Psrk Free AUAI Open 24 Hours. Park Fret. Mickey politics. 1.25 Josephine Hilly Parker, Rooney. Judy In "LIFE BEGINS Being Forged by U.S. charges prepaid. according AMDAQCAf)f)D—MISS John R. TO. I-4BM FrUO —Oakland at ID. 1796 Conn. Jean "PITTSBI RGH Garland She has campaigned continu- Use it AltlDAujAl/Un Open 6:4ft. Cosmetirt. LLnu Fret Crystalware to Ladles Tonight. KID." Jack Laßus ia "HARD Gl Y." FOR ANDY H4RDY." "PASSAGE PROM ously for' increased appropriations NEW YORK. Oct. 27—(INS)— to directions on label and after you ’MEET JOHN DOE.* A. Jones, “THERE’S 3 Stooge., Glen Gray. "TIME OUT HONGKONG," utth Lucille Fairbanks. completely satisfied with MAGIC IN Ml NIC.” News. Cartoon. FOR RIIBTHM." ‘ Dead End" Kids In for schools and higher pay for Dr. Vannevar Bush, director of are it. "BOWERY BLITZKRIEG." Popeve Car MARTHA DAVAI —7-Mlle aad Meyers I N. S-49SS pay only You are the Judge—- Gd Rochester in Plelare People." AUIAL Open s:ft6. Park Free. iji*t teachers. 1 he of 11.25. AMCTCDDAII—>Ut« River at Blrwood toon. “Oar Jss Cagney. Bette Davis. "BRIDE ( AML ! Office Scien- owe AIuJl LM/AITI Open 6 :Ift. Coni. Cartoon C. O. D." Cesar Romero, ’DANCE HALL.’,Show 9 sfl Vivien Uigh Laurence Olivier, "One if not satisfied you nothing Rheumatism reason I would like to 1 F.d** O "THAT HAMILTON WOMAN." R Mont, {or Research and Development, advantage Robinson In --THE NEA WOIJ-.” FfftDCF—OM West Jefferson la Eeors* J ser\e the council is to rectify tific Thousands have taken F. MarMurray. -ONE NIGHT IN LISBON.’ CtUnuL open 6P. M. Brenda Marshall. at Baldwin PL. 4249 9 ’gomery, "HERE COMES MR. JORDAN." on ’• MAYlNt—Nark I _ * . certain inequalities in school and president of Carnegie Institu- of this offer. Send your name and _ ¦ David Bruce In "SINGAPORE WOMAN. IYIAAIHL Open 6 4ft. Gary Cooper. i Akiury—Grand River at Joy Rd. Judy Canova In "PUDDIN* HEAD." B. Stanwyck. ‘'MEET JOHN DOE." fAark address today. ’’ j wage*.* she said. “Inequalities tion. revealed today that American AfintA Open 5:13. Cartoon, Gable in "THEY MET IN BOMBA!. ROYAL OAK attention?* are forging secret weap- Shock and Bhudder Ghost Show! See ’HUNTINGYn THE HARD WAY." N*W ! In |m,v should he corrected •dentists Showing In to Our Reg. Features, the •THE CRIMSON CIRCLE.’ Fiendish Horror! PCAIIIDP —19SII r Jefferansi. TU. 3-1766 —W'oodward-EHoi Park Free. 9 Addition | throughout the city govern* ons of utmost importance for ¦DESIGN FOR MI'KDER,’ Weird Adventure Open 6.30 P. M. Penny mAIi/UIVMAYFAIR Open All Night. , national defense. Singleton ia "RIAtNDIE IN Davis. "BRIDE CAME O. D." ~ iwnt.” Hasting* Voraor SOCIETY." Bette C. I GOOD LIGHTING iDfinC— at "THE SEA WOLF," Edward G. Robinson. "THE MAN HI NT," with Joan Bennett. ROYAL Oil-™ I Mrs. Osborn said another objec- AtVLAUL Open All Night. Frieda ire* OF THE CAMPI S," Ruby Keeler. Otns cort in “SHADOWS ON THE NTAIHS.” tive, she is elected, be to Humorist to Speak —Cadlllae Ssaare, Monroe Avestae at 9-MU# Nelson and His Rand "OUT OP THE if will foryour home is as easy as “RAWHIDE RANGER*.’* J. Mack Brown. CAIIIIV MFPnifiY ? ? Behoof or FOG," Lupino, John more money for Detroit from rAltllLl Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland, mLIALUni open 9:lft 30c, Child lie. with Ida Garfield. win Arthur F. Friese, hu- "LIFE BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY." Gary Cooper. JOHN DOE." Allan —Gratiot at Belvldere LE. 46*1 "MEET Michigan, Nr. Uvenmls the state. morist and satirist, will address AnLALMAADrAIUi Billy Conn In "THE PITTSBURGH RID." Jones In "THERE’S MAOIC IN MUSIC," CCllATt—•<** 9 Open SP. M. Dlnnerware. of Michigan Gams. ULnAIC Attend Daily Matinee. the meeting of the Rudy Shota Northwestern STATE’S TREASURE CHERT annual Michi- Vallee. -TIME OCT FOR RHITHM.’ FIDMIIU—9696 Jos. Campan TR. 3-4979 9 Detroit's Only Paved Theater Parking Lot. Free to ladles! Constance Bennett Cos- gan Authors Association in Hotel Betty Field in ••VICTORY.** r Annum Open 12:30. Continuous metics Mickey Rooney tn "LIFE BEGINS chest Billy PITTSBURGH KID." FOB ANDY HARDY." Plus Wallace For 4 “Detroit la the treasure Statler at 8:15 p. m. Friday. Hp Conn In "THE * Sehaefer at 6-MII# " 4 OTAD—MSS Twelfth Btreet "TILIJE THE TOILER." William Tracy. MFRfIJRY 5 Starting Tuesday— In "MIBDF.B B 8 INVITATION the atate government,” she Aoll/n Bcott, Wm In mLnvUlll or will discuss "A Comic Page from Martha Gargan Brian Donlevy. Akim Tamlroff, “CHEER* FOR MINS BISHOP’ Clark crutl C—4491 Grand Elver Avana# 8 said. “Vet the city gets a meager American History.” rPhIYCM —Feakell-Dexler. IN. 3-9499 9 ’GREAT MeGINTY.’ Jerry Colonna. James ULiILLLI ff Gable In “THEY MET IN BOMBAY” rLnnLLL 6.15 . Ellison. D. Lewis In "ICE-CAFADK*." ftelei ted Cartoons. > B f return, In comparison to the Open Crosby. E Merman "ANYTHING OOE T Ftmlilmil we «r» Margaret Lindsay. -ELLERY QUEEN AND Relieves PERIODIC—T" Plymoßtb FAIR." Lulu Scotty. told. *ent hi* most truili'il amount contributed by our tax- —UUI Kd. W. of Greenf'd CRIME.’ Brenda Marshall. —Bag ley, Grand Blver Aveane "COUNTRY Belle. nAT!I IQ Penny Singleton in THE PERFECT IflirUirAN LAO Open 8 20. "SINGAPORE WOMAN." miLnlWlil Doors Open M 1 ro*»ul*ri far Into Arkansas payers. "BLONDIE SOCIETY." Plu« Kdw»rd David Bruce in 10:49 A. CUirrD—Garden City, Ford al Middle Belt to study certain IN "NAVY BLUES.” with mlrrt of WOLF." UilAltlN Open “I would like to obtain larger G. Robinson In "THE SEA —Woodward, Nr. f-Mlk Rd. Jack Oakle. . Ronald 6 4ft. Jerry Colonna. the Osarks. And today many CrDkinil C Colman. Dorothy Lewis "K E-CAPADFJ*." Richard doctor* schools, general rennUALL Open 5:30 P M James Anna Lee. "MY LIKE WITH CAROLINE." i * prnrrlh* the same sums for for ex- TV* Co., >6 "RAIDERS OF THE DESERT W Phone Detroit Edison RA AVI!AN—Llnwood-Davlson. TO. 9-3709 9 Cagney. CAME C. O. D." Arlan soothing *4*l that gushes up penses and for street repairs. We Open Parking. "THE BRIDE FEMALE JTa 7)00, lighting Division, for eno of /If/ILUII 6:48. Free MACK IN MUSIC." A. Jones. Areas* at Cantletd rocky depth* painFAINirregular "THERE’S UinTnWN—TNN front In those Women who suffer of Stone, Mickey Rooney In "LIFE Wayae. Mleb. Cooled, are entitled to larger sums from periods Lewie MUIUnn open 630 P. M "The Worm CU A CCD U/IVWC— very Mountain*. Phone u* with cranky ovr Homo lighting Advisors. unArLA-fTAIiYt op-n 9.45 Tom nervousnass—- BEGINS FOR ANDY H4RIH." Plus Ceear - Turns." Dunne. "THEOItORK GOES case the sales tax and from the auto- due to functional Romero, Landis, APTC Woodward at Watson 9 Ixtuise In "HARMON OF for a Randolph ID?!, monthly disturb- Carole "DANCE HAI4~" PfUC park Joan Crawford WILD." C. Colbert. "MAID OF ftAIAM." Harmon. Anita ances—should will moosoro your light with rinC AMu Free " mobile weight and gas levies.” And Lydia K. Pink- rACE." J. Blondell. R - - - - MICHIGAN." "SI BMARINF. PATROL ham’s Compound (with tho light Motor, and toll you how Highland In "A 88OMAN’S Tablets add- BSho DTI MANT—18*11 Woodward. Pk. Young. RETURNS." •* Mlrh olt 60 9 Mrs. Osborn has lived in Detroit ed iron) Rochester. "TOPPER I MIDWAY-*-*”'” at MOUNTAIN tlmply marvelous to relieve DbLITlUni open 8:18. Park Free. Jeanette Open 11:45 A. M J Carroll Ctirptniy1 —Kerrheval Sheridan to got good lighting economically. imiUTTAI VALIEV such distress In Benny, JIILMUAn Book Night Cartoon Newt. HOT SHUN6S ARKANSAS 46 years. Plnkham’s Tsblets MacDonald "NEW MOON." Jack the Bldg. Air Cooled. Naish Geo Montgomery. "ACCENT ON •from made Lamour, rtrnrn—ln Fisher Singleton IN *OC|F.T3 .’ especially for women help f Thon SEE tho difforanco D. "MAN ABOUT TOWN." iNunCA Open 12:19. Last Show 9.00 LOVE." “MATA HARI," Greta Garbo Penny -BLOMUE up resistance against JpfJE* Joan Blondell in "TOPPER EETI 338.” MINERALWATER Gen. Hugh S. Johnson. build such in your 'Vivien l-etgh and Laurence Olivier. "THAT annoying OifIfI rooms. V—Gd. *« symptoms. Follow label DPI/FDI RGer-Oakman HO. «SM it WO.BIAN.” Robert Montgom- UATAB nfkt 9-31 lie Rd. DtTßOrr OFFICE TU WOT Jffff ftSON AVI. Fighting Thinker," Open Park HAMILTON fITY-'*" TV—l67#7 West Warrea Avenue “Americas directions. WORTH TRYINO! DCfCIILI 6:48. Free erv "HERE COMES MR. JORDAN." mUIUIt Lll I Allan Jonee, Susanna CTliyi Cagney, Bette Davis. "THE BRIDE " uIAIYLLI open 6 Ift Fred MarMurray Writes Daily for the Times. Jan Big HALIXJWEEN Dane# FRIDAY NIGHT Foster "THERE'S MAGK IN 3*! sit ( i " AME C. O. D.” Joan Bennett In "MAN Osa Massen In "ACCENT ON 1.03 E in "ONE NIGHT IN LISBON." Martha HI NT." Time: "Peace by Adolf Hitler." "CHEF.ES FOE 31ISS BISHOP." ci iianirn—omm at 7-Miie. pi. 9466 9 Scott in rLAITIinijU Open 6P. M Gary Cooper. Myrtle 9:40 MVDTI F —Seventeenth and DIDMIhIfUAM Harmon.' 700 and Stanwyck, JOHN DOE." minILL The Rumetead Family tn 4th TT. S-1669 9 Rarbara "MEET UlnAnUCTBAND—EIver-1Open DllMninunAln ‘Ghost.' *no and 10 50. MUSIC." A Jones "RUINDIE PI AYS Cl PID." Riehard Ar- 6 4ft James Cagney Belt# GHOST.’ i"THERE’S MAI.IC IN * FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE Abbott A Costello. ‘HOLD THAT len, A. Devine. "MlTIN! IN SBt Tl( .’’ Davis in "THE BRIDE 4MF. C O D." Mtmb«r FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and CORPORATION with Ted Leals and Andrews Slaters Plus Joan Bennett in "MAN HI NT." 4 * D “ •’ Tom Harmon. ‘HARMON OF MICHIGAN.’ FORDSON-*" k|ApTAU/U—Seven Mile Rd -Van Dyke 9 "SS** * 1 Highway ItURIUlin Open ft 45 Free Parking -41 W. 3 erase 9 —Woodward, Birmingham "THEY 81ET IN BOMBAY." CTPATCftDn Dl AAlirinn In J Stewart. "N43 V BMP. GOLD.’ uIAAIrI/nU Open 6 19 Jas. Cagn#-. DLlfUltincLU tn "HIT THE BOAD." AND ( Robert Montgomery "THERE'S MAGK IN Ml Hit A Joaes Bette Davn "RRIDE CAME . O D.’* Surprise Comedy Hit, "HERE COMES MR. "MA> HI NT," with Joan Bennett. at 7:18. 10:20. Jane Withers In PAnPCT—Woodward at Forest JORDAN." River al VOCNG LADY," at 9:00 Only. rUKCuI Open 630 P M Judy Canova. EApUfCCT—Grand Southdrld "A VERY ’* ItimYlLOl jeffereo*. at Dremet Francts L*derer In "PUDDIN* HEAD open 6 Ift P M Adults 27c TlME—l**99 Fast , Plus Tax Gary Cooper and Barbara Stan I UTIL Mat Cont n 4ft A M Frea —East Jefferson at Parkview "DOf TOB’S DON’T TELL," John Beal Bobby QAATU wyck In "MEET JOHN OOE.” Martha to Ladles Blue Pagoda Dlnnerware. Duuill Open 6:15. Gary Cooper. Barbara prey. "BpWFBV " Scott in "(HEERS FOR Miss BISHOP." Jordan t>*o Go BLITZ- Stanwyck In "MEET JOHN DOE PAY THK PLACE TO GO KETEfir" Ala# "H\RD fill." r*rTo n*. James Ellison in "ICK-CAPADEB." irUA IRENE DI’NNE. ROBERT MONT- u» l,ante*. IgoMFRY "UNFINISHED BUSINESS." nAYHAIC—Oaktand #1 9-Mlle Road Constance Bennett Cosmetics In UnIVI/ALC Gene IMPROVE AND LAUREL * HARDY In "GREAT GUNS." Autry. Mmilev BiJtnette in TIMES —B'Way-Gd. (iretis Park Also FOOTBALL FORECASTS ’UNDER FIENTA STARS." Weaver SQUARE-'"’"’".;;/,":72 D'U/AV CAPITA! Bros in "MOI NTAIN MOONIJGHT." Park Free After 6 Ray Mlil#r»d. V l-ak*. D "AI L/tllll/L Cont. from 10.45 A. M " Gratiot, near "I 88ANTF.D tVINf.k Leon Errol 16 Robt, Montgome™* Evelyn Keves, "HERE Houston * " ’ ' rDlklYllN—1*719 Tennyson 41.0 43* Rassedy Asa.” MR. JORDAN." I,aurenre Olivier. NVAIIAUn Adults 22c. Child 11c. Inc Tax AiVI iun—Oakland at "Pf»r P 4 3 tOMF.S U/tALAnII Open Color Entire New Show at 11 36 P. M. Vivien Leigh, ‘THAT HAMILTONWOMAN.’ Rudy Vallee, ‘TIMF Ol T POR RHYTHM.' 630 Blondell Cosmetics Henry. "THF. PHANTOM PINTO." John Beal In "DOCTORS IMIN'T TE1.1.." Bun Tyrone Poaer In "BUKID AND BAND." TAUfCA—12913 Grand Blver HO. 4656 9 Cl IVIN—West Dearborn DE. 1196 A lUYTLR Open 6 49. Park Ere# Ceaar LALTin CLOSED FOR —Woodward at Selden. fintiCU - Romero, C#roit l,andta "D4N( F H4IX." ALTERATIONS uAIU/LIB open 6 30. John Howard. HAYMAN Woodrow Wilson at Glendale 9 " U/UVIRAn Anna Neagle and John Carroll in WILL REOPEN FRIDAY, Barne# In "TIGHT SHOES Plus Open 630 J Mtewart. Robert MODERNIZE Btnnie " ." Young "SI NN2 OCTOBER 318 T. '"REGULAR FELLOWS." with Billy Lee. in "NA\V 91.1 K AND GOLD J Ellison, D I-ewls tn "ICFI-CAPADES." * to Tnr||TA|y-—Trenton. Mick. Pack Ere# 9 f AMrn-1 Wile *1 Russell. TO. »-S7€l f.d River 9t Trumboll TE. 1-7.339 Constance Bennett Cosmetics Ladles L/lltlEU Park Mickey ft flDr— Russell IRLniVIY Open 630 James Cagney, Open 6 p. m. Free. ULUDL Clark Gable. Rosalind "BRIDE I E(. O. D’* Rooney. J. Garland. "LIFE REOINS EOR 80M843," Plus the A|!VCD—'ll Elliott #t Oliver Bette f*svis 434 in "THEY MET IN ULITLn HUNT." with Walter Pldgeon. AN 111 HARDY.” Plus "DANCE HALL.”, Bumsteads In "BLONDIE IN *fM IET3 ¦’’ Cartoon "Death 3 alley Raiders." Plus "MAN Head Phones for the Herd of Hearing. | "THE SEA WOLE.” Edw G. Robinson. "RIXLNDIE IN MMIETY/ P. Singleton -Hamlltnn-Tavedn. TO. 9-3794 9 CD AM AH A West Warren at Junction TIIYCIUV — lUALI/V Open at Mickey Rnnnev. 7 *,8 West Vemnr Highway t ImAnAUA Garv Cooper, B Stanwyck. 849 PA PITA! ,jn"~* * Judy in EOR YOUR PROPERTY lAIIIUL Open 6to 11:30. Free Parking JOHN DOE." Jerry Colonna In rhu tv. «*««rt * Garland "LIFE BEGINS ."MFIET nciniF- • UrVIULC ANOY HARD3." Plus Carole and ‘GAMBLINGDAI GHTERs/ Cecelia Parker •ICR CAPADEN.” Added Attractions. Open A 45. Dorothy Dtrii and "RIDE, KELLY, RIDE." Eugene Pallettr Jerry Colonna tn "Klt-fAfADM."Gdorae Cessr Romero In "DANCE MALL." on —ISftftl Woodard, at Ornnd Montgomery tn ‘'AMENT ON LOVK. —Fenkell, Near Schaefer Hwy. !kll3 PADITAN1,/lRLIult lIAAnU Open Noon Park Free. Allan Adm. llc-22c. Tommv Kelly. Jones m "THERE’S MAGIC IN MUSK ." DAI ACT—Fourteenth at Mrtiriw -'”;!?; S/35T " (ALALL and Ijina in "HONEY . "ADVENT! RES OF TOM Tim Holt In ”.Sl\-GI N GOLD Three Stoogea. Comedv Mena!. 'Clark Gable Turner RAWIF.R." James Cagney, •'THI NOMI OVKR THE PRAIRIE" Pina TONK." "DR KILDARE'S 33FDDI'# in "Ml DAWN I DIE." Kennedy .'* Av res Skelton L I H rDitinC-*”*4 W. Jefferson. VI 2-1247 9 Arthur in "STRANGE ALIBI."D 4 3 Lew Red M Cagney. 1 - nr. uIvAIiUL lo 12 James PADMEN Nchaefer Ford ltd. CE. 1619 Mai 1 at IIPTHWIi—Maeh-Ckslmers. TL. 3-6646 f Open 6 ‘THF: BHIDE CAME C. O D.* Pi PADlf—Hamilton MrNlehola i LftßltlLli on. Park Free Clark Bette Davl« r/ILItILAI MFD i/IIMI Open UriIMTIY Starting Wed ; Another B'g Russell, "MAN Ht NT," with Joan Bennett. *3O 2A*•. Child Komedy Gable. R "THEV MET IN BOM Ilf Park Kartoon and Karntvsl. One Eull 1 .’’ Free "MM.T JOHN DOE." Komedy BA "CHEERS FOR Miss BISHOP." A. Jonea. "THERE'S MAGIC IN Ml Hour of Your Favorite Kararters. TDAIIT—Rnaaell. near Holbrook 9 SIC." Shown Once Fj»rh Evening gt 9:00. PACINA—r- na*lson al 6-MI. TO. 9-»29« UnAlil open SPM Red Enamelware. t/lOinU Open 6 30. Martha Hcott Carroll Naish. George Montgomery .n UC CTiTp—Woodward and F.llrabelh TU. 2-6696 J PllI ALITIJ-01 AI L ITDTAWII—Mark-Chalmers 9 In "CHEF.RS FOR Miss BISHOP." R "ACCENT ON M33 E." in Doora Open 10 45 A M UIIUTTIt Open 6 15. News Mickey In "RAIOERs THE DESERT." DESERT/* Boh Hope and Judy Arlen OF "RAIDERS OF THE " “NOTHING Rnonev Garland "LIFE BEGINS Rl T THF. TRI TH "I NDFRGROI N|>.‘‘ EOR ANDY H4RD3." Plus Camlr lands —Woodward at Grand Blvd. 9 Lynn. fENTERvEiYICII I nr it IAYPQ -,4BBA Grand River 9 Jeffrey Mona Maria, Phillip Dorn. and Cesar Romero In "DAM K H4L1.." Doors Open at 9:48 a. m UIvLAI LAnLu Garland. "Raggedy Ann." Park Free Judy »6 Dyke Ha/per Midnight Show Park Free ’LIFE BEGINS FOB ANDY PipFCinr —K. Warren-Dlekeraon. LE. ATM VAN nVYF“v Near Oarv Cooper. Barbara Stanywrk. "MEET Mlckev Roonev. I *n™ UIRL HARDY.' Cesar Romero, "DANCE HALL. AlinJlVb Open 5 45 Fred MarMurray. cont from 12 Noon Weaver JOHN DOE." "THERE’S MAGIC IN, M Carroll, “ONE NIGHT IN IJKBON." Bros. ‘ARK4SB4* Jl DGE.’ Warren 88 il- sit ." with Jones A Ml Allan Hamilton at West Kirby “TOPPER RLTI RNS." Joan Bennett. 'itam *IJINF. 38f»1.F TAKE* CHANCE.* UD CChiU/nnn lit Stooges NTrffk I .art Show in P M. H,h ""d W. Grand Blvd. 9 UnEtItHUUII Rudy Vallee. Rosemary PENTIIDV~ - LCItIUiM Park Free. James Cagnev. ' Lane "TIME Ol T F’OR RHBTHM." PU*e PASADENA-""* VACUITY-1 Gemola- McMcK#ls Nl . 3-4262 Bette Davis, "HKIDE CAME f. O. D.” "HI RKV. CHARLIE. HI RRY/ Leon F.rml —*ST.. TRIvUIII Open 6 1.5 Mickey R'wtney and Flu* "MAN HI NT." with Joan Bennett 1 "CRACKED Nl TS." Stuart Erwin. Paul at lAkewood AR. 4620 9 Oavanagh Judv Garland in "LIFE BEGIN* FOR —Harper tn "NHADOKm ON STAIR*." - UIDDCD Stags, 18111 HABPB.’ 1—P 1 «*••#' .«i —*Jofferson at 4 oplln (lAniLA On •• - - in t H41.1 ” f DAM LinVLi\LLL/tPINHERE! I A A ‘'t " if«»4s»iiie rnn, *rs ‘ "THE Doors Open 12:15 Noon glx ffpirhlirg ril/LAUILLIpmrninr * "THAT m* YWrli One Show at 9 P M. Door* Open at als P M Suaanna Foater. Jonea **« Tv uh TJ9l|H."TJaurence Olivier Roht Montgomery, Allan “THF.RP.'S VIvIURI TKmii 4 3en 6p. m. Psrk Free. Mickey HALL." Kav Harris. William pi I7A ll*4l F. letter...n U. Ml * —Hamilton at 8 Irgtnla Park fFHJM "DANCE " VIDfINIA LtermsJ Rooney In "LIEF. BEGINS EOR ANDV Tracy In "TILLIE THE TOILER I LAGS Open A P M !.*on Errol. »IIMjIITIA Adults 22« Martha Scott la HARDY/’ "DAME HALL," C. Romero. “HI RRV. C H4RI.li:. HI DRV " Plua Roy "CHEERS EOR 3l|*s BISHOP " Weaves

—Jol,B ¦* Rd. Rogers. “RAO MAN OF RF.ADWOOR." Bnt. in "MOUNTAIN MOONLIGHT." —^armlngton. Mich. Phone 444. 9: UA7CI DADY R Nine-Mile 9 fIVIPvlflG p m. Gary fIA/.LL r/Ulh -Jm Cagney, Bette Davta Open 6.30 Cooper Bar- PpCCinriLiT 'la- u at Vnriir-Harper at Harvard Park Ere#. bara Stanwyck. "MEET JOHN in "THE BRIDE CAME C. O. D." Plus Montrlalr OOE." Fred Anna Neagle. Carroll. IRLJII/Cni open VUtIUL open 6.00 last Show 9 15 Murray In "ONE LISBON.", "SUNNY.” with J. 12 Donald Wooda In Mar NIGHT IN ‘ PRISONER ON DEVIL'S ISLAND" Mickey Rooney and Judv Garland In "I.IF'R ,*4, Jean Heraholt. "MELODY FOR THREE." BEGINS FOB 4ND3 HARD!." "DAME highland MALI,” Carole Landis and Cesar Romero. ’.A'-'",':rV.J mUr' ?rt:'z77i Elliott C harleynix CIV!CDETROIT-*'i'Faye. P In PRIQfII —Ml. near Contractor, Alice J Payne. "TIN PAN ALLEY." I Free Dishes to Ladle* Buster Crahbe rItIjULLAI i Hastings at Famswnrth See Your and Material Valley U/ABPIPI 9 Dealer! Cartoon Death Raid n "CRA4 KED Nl Ts," M. Auer. . "JUNf.I.E 31 AN." Rochelle Hudson In TMIXriCLU 1 era. "HMINDIK, IN ROTIRTV.'* P Pingle- open All Night. THF. LADY." " ‘ "THE OFFICER AM* J. C. Naish. "ACCENT ON 1.03 F. Allan PI AUKfIN— '•’••on. Mich. 1.1. 1-IMA6 9 ton. "TOPPER RFTI RN