Dear Community, Parents, and Friends,

s parents of children in the San Marino School District, Eva and I have come to appreciate the importance that schools of the highest standards can have, not just on the lives of our children, but on the whole community. Many of us A recognize that regardless of whatever else we may do or achieve now, successfully passing life’s baton to well-prepared children is our first priority. Our partners in this goal are the teachers and staff who we entrust daily to educate our children and prepare them to meet tomorrow’s challenges head on. This Annual Report is dedicated to all our teachers. For the San Marino Schools Foundation (“SMSF”) our community’s children are our first priority too. Today, our students compete for college and life opportunities with others both nationally and internationally. Continuing to achieve academic excellence and provide advantages to our children in the current public school funding climate is a constant challenge. With government education funding both insufficient and uncertain, our community must reliably step forward each and every year to “close the gap.” Throughout its 36-year history, community generosity has allowed the Foundation to provide over 45 million dollars benefiting the students of the San Marino Unified School District. The Foundation serves as a vital conduit between our community and the School District to raise private funds and deploy these to their highest and best use. The Foundation focuses the support and resources of San Marino’s parents, residents, businesses and community organizations directly to the place that makes the biggest impact on our children: hiring additional teachers. Donations to SMSF funded 25 teachers across our four campuses, teachers the District would not have been able to retain otherwise. This resulted in smaller class sizes and broader, innovative curriculum offerings. This year, we also completed the first year of our Community and Business Partnership program, whereby businesses and realtors showed their support of our local schools through the Banner Campaign on Huntington Drive. We greatly appreciate this community- wide effort. San Marino’s schools are the hallmark of our city. Generations of students have passed through our District’s classrooms, then to college and on to later success. San Marino’s civic reputation and strong real estate market have continuously risen in part on the extraordinary quality of its public schools, with many families choosing San Marino specifically for the excellent education their children will receive. We are justifiably proud of our public schools, and are very thankful for the foresight and generosity of those who have preceded us. With our District’s ongoing success it is easy for us to become complacent. However, we cannot take our incredible schools for granted. Every year, a robust and generous Annual Campaign is essential to the District and to our children. To that end, this year: – THE FOUNDATION ASKS FOR 100% PARTICIPATION of all families with children attending the schools. A donation of $2,500 per child will “close-the-gap” between government funding and academic excellence. Make your donation or pledge during online First Day Packets which begins August 3, 2016. Please help us get the school year off to a great start! – FOR THOSE WITHOUT CHILDREN IN OUR SCHOOLS, we need community-wide support from both residents and businesses. We are asking for a $1,000 contribution which can be made immediately online at our website or by mailing in a check in the enclosed return envelope. Your generosity is an investment in our children and will ensure our continued strong housing market. The following pages feature the stories of educators that exemplify the energy, experience and enthusiasm of all those who shape the lives of our children. They are profiles of inspiring excellence which should inspire us all. The philanthropy of donors to the Foundation represents a 36-year tradition of giving back to the community while paying it forward. Our children benefit, as does the next generation. Thank you for being a part of this culture of giving. Please renew your support and invite others to help us reach our goal of 100% participation in our Annual Campaign.

John Simpson, President 會長致信


作為聖瑪利諾學區的學生家長,伊娃和我都深感聖瑪利諾學校對社區的重要性。如此高水準的教 育資源不但讓我們的孩子們受益終生,對整個社區也同樣具有深遠的影響。很多家長已經意識 到,無論是已經做到的還是仍在努力的事情,讓孩子們有準備地面對人生挑戰是我們的首要任 務。陪伴家長們一起不懈努力的是值得我們信賴的教師和學校工作人員們。這份年度報告獻給辛 勤工作的教職員工們。

對於聖瑪利諾學校基金會來說,為社區內的孩子們服務是我們的首要任務。今天,我們的畢業生 們在 完成大學深造後,以過人的競爭力在美國和世界各地開創事業。然而,在保持高水準的教育 水平的同時,我們也不得不面對政府經費投入不足的巨大挑戰。這也是為什麼學區必須年復一年 的依靠社區本身的力量和努力來減輕經費短缺的壓力。

過去的三十六年裡,在社區人士的慷慨捐助下,基金會已經為學區內的教師和學生們累計提供了 超過四千五百萬美金的款項。基金會已成為一個非常重要的渠道,在這裡籌集到的所有捐贈均被 最有效地投入到學區,以保證高品質教學的需要。

基金會募得的款項主要來自學區內的家長、居民、商家和社區機構等與學區息息相關的個人和組 織。籌集的款項均直接投入到對孩子們學業最有影響的地方,如:聘請教師等。以今年為例,聖 瑪利諾學區基金會幫助學區內的四所學校聘請了二十五名教師。沒有基金會的支持,學區沒有能 力增聘這些老師來減少班級人數和豐富教學內容。

今年,基金會也實現了一個新的社區商業合作計劃,即企業和房地產經紀可以通過在杭停頓大道 兩邊的橫幅來表達他們對學區和學校的支持。這是基金會的首次嘗試,再次感謝整個社區對此次 活動的廣泛支持和參與。

聖瑪利諾學區一直以擁有優質的學校問名,同時也是整個城市和社區的驕傲。一代又一代的學子 們從聖瑪利諾的學校畢業,進入美國著名的高等學府,並踏上成功的職業道路。聖瑪利諾的社區 聲譽與房價一起持續攀升,搬入這個社區的家庭都以行動展現了對孩子教育的重視。我們以聖瑪 利諾的學校為榮,並由衷地感謝多年來所前人們為學區和學校的慷慨捐助和無私付出。

學區的持續成功很容易讓我們變得自滿,認為學區好是理所當然的。然而,每一年您對基金會年 度籌款活動的慷慨捐助對孩子們都是如此重要。為此,今年:

我們希望能夠達到百分之一百的學區家長參與率,請為家中的每一位孩子捐款$2,500美金 用來支付政府撥款的缺口。請家長們在網上填寫開學資料袋(First Day Packet)的同時做 出捐款的承諾。2016-2017學年的開學資料袋將於8月3日在網上發布。請您和我們一起努 力,讓新學年有一個良好的開始!

對於那些家中沒有孩子在聖瑪利諾學區就讀的社區人士和企業,我們也同樣需要您們 的幫助。我們請您以個人或企業的名義為基金會捐款$1,000美金。您可以隨時在基金會的 網站上捐出款項,或者將支票放進回執信封裡寄回。您的慷慨捐助將是最好的投資,這不 但可以讓社區的孩子們受益,更可以讓聖瑪利諾學區的房價持續上漲。

教育專家們在此也分享了他們的故事,您可以感受到他們將自己全部的精力、熱情和經驗用來鑄 造孩子們的未來。這些故事是如此感人,也激勵我們做到最好。回饋社區、為學區基金會持續捐 款是聖瑪利諾三十六年以來的優良傳統,一代又一代的學子們已經或正在從中受益。感謝您的認 可和參與,請邀請您的親朋好友和您一起支持聖瑪利諾學區基金會,讓我們實現社區百分百參與 的年度籌款目標。

John Simpson, 會長



“Foundation support helps hire more teachers so the class sizes are wonderful. This means every child’s needs can be met. Teachers can support students needing more attention and challenge the higher achievers ... the teachers can know every child”

OUR YEARS AGO, during a trip to England with her husband Mike, Carver School’s Principal, Liz Hollingsworth, discovered that the British address their school leaders as F“Head Teacher.” She immediately recognized that this expression captured her approach to the role. During thirty-eight years in education, with over two decades as Carver’s principal, she has always considered herself a teacher first. Whether she is consensus building with colleagues, parents or community leaders, team building with her fellow teachers, learning and implementing new teaching methods and programs, or reading to a group of first graders, she is always “teaching first.” HER DEDICATION is second nature. Since age eight or nine she knew the classroom was where she wished to be. Two of her grandparents were life- long educators. Besides being Assistant Principal at Pasadena High School her grandfather also served on the Board of Trustees at PCC. With a twinkle in her eye, she even jokes that as the oldest of four children she practiced on her siblings. MRS. HOLLINGSWORTH also recognizes that same spirit and commitment in the teachers she leads at Carver. Working together in teams by grade level, the teachers support one another and master teachers mentor the newer members of the faculty. On one Saturday, late in the year, she noted that ten to twelve teachers came by campus putting in extra time to prepare classrooms for Monday, check student work or review lesson plans. THE SUGGESTED DONATION OF Both Carver and Valentine TODAY, THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE occupies the th $2,500 per student, in addition to the Elementary Schools ranked same space as her first classroom. As she retires, homeowner’s parcel tax, is far less than in the top 2% statewide on this long-time Foundation supporter is confident that any private school tuition which locally standardized test scores. ranges from $18,700 – 34,800 per year. with continuing community commitment, teaching will 98 always come first for all of San Marino’s children. PERCENTILE –California Department of Education



“I see myself as a facilitator... I guide my students’ learning by asking them questions, not by giving them answers... along the way we are fortunate to develop wonderful relationships with these students.”

HERE IS EDUCATION GOING? Simply visit Lisa Goyco’s second grade classroom to find out. Teaching has become more Wcollaborative and less top down. It reflects the real world that students will enter. Teachers collaborate with the students who in turn collaborate with each other. Everyone learns together. Ms. Goyco offers, “The teacher’s role is no longer, ‘I’ here to teach you everything you need to know.’ Instead we are guiding their thinking, but not telling them a teacher you consider each question you want them to answer and the next step in the lesson you want them to think about and achieve.” NEAR THE SCHOOL YEAR’S END, her students made trading cards depicting famous Americans. Not long ago, this would have been individual work with students coloring and cutting out worksheets at their desks then copying information from the board. Today, it is done in teams with students breaking into small groups, selecting leaders, delegating responsibilities, searching curated links on the classroom’s home page and discussing biographical highlights to choose four which make the individual noteworthy. Then they assemble the information, design the cards and finally share the finished results with their fellow students. Step-by-step, Lisa visits each group’s table to assess their progress. She guides their learning by asking questions. Once home, these projects hold a familiarity from parent’s memory, but today the lessons learned are far additional San Marino teachers SMSF PROVIDES APPROXIMATELY broader and more complex. were supported by your generous $2,000,000 per year to the San Marino Unified School District, enough to pay WITHOUT SMALLER CLASSES such intensive and effective collaborative learning is impossible. donations to The San Marino the salaries of over 15% of the District’s Schools Foundation in 2015-2016. teachers this past year. The San Marino Schools Foundation’s support 25 of smaller classes makes this learning dynamic a reality.



“At Huntington School, the science students are so enthusiastic, they have a real buy-in and are filled with such curiosity... there is a real joy of learning, I absolutely love teaching them.”

VEN WHEN I was very little, I wanted to “ do two things: work in science and work with kids.” These goals led Cynthia Wong, seventh grade science teacher, to the EUniversity of California at San Diego where she majored in Molecular Biology on a pre-med track to become a pediatrician. In addition to holding a research internship at a biotech facility, she found time to minor in education. In the classroom, during her senior year, it all came together and she discovered her passion. “Teaching just came to me naturally.” Earning a masters degree in education was the next step. HAVING TAUGHT both high school and middle school, she prefers working with her Huntington seventh graders because at this age they are so curious and enthusiastic. Ms. Wong adds, “they are open and eager to learn.” The students’ intensity and focus while dissecting frogs reveals the excitement. GOING FORWARD, Cynthia is excited about the curriculum of the next-generation science standards where lessons will require more inquiry and more analysis. Experimentation will lead students to make discoveries on their own. This process does open another learning path, “From time to time you will fail,” she says, “and that’s ‘OK’. The point is to learn from your mistakes, adjust and move forward.” It is the scientific method in action. BEGINNING HER THIRD YEAR in San Marino, BECAUSE OF THE QUALITY OF of San Marino’s 159 teachers the students have made a real impression. They education in San Marino, as well as hold advanced academic are kind, they help each other and they show parental and community support, respect. “On my very first day all the students degrees. A ratio that is 65% the District attracts engaged teachers. spoke to me and thanked me as they left the greater than the typical This year 415 educators applied for eight 101 room. By day two, students were greeting me open positions across our four campuses. private school nationally. by name in the hall!”



“A large majority of Huntington students are involved in the visual or performing arts’s the best of both worlds, with the balance of academics and the arts; it’s almost like an arts school.”

OB FOLSOM joined the Huntington Middle School faculty eighteen years ago as an English teacher. Two years later, when Principal Gary McGuigan Rlaunched the orchestra program, Mr. Folsom was the right person at the right time. A THIRD GENERATION musician, Rob’s grandfather was a tenor and his father played for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, The Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, as well as on countless movie scores and with artists from Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson. Rob’s own early debut was as concert master in the South Pasadena Middle School Orchestra and through college he played with the American Youth Symphony. TODAY, HE ENTHUSIASTICALLY shares this passion for music with his students. And his young musicians’ efforts inspire him too. “The kids’ commitment is incredible,” Rob offers, “My students are more dedicated to their instruments and practice than I was at their age...their discipline really impresses me, they work so a high school level.” SINCE SAN MARINO is a community with an appreciation for the arts and music, Folsom understands how important a comprehensive arts program is to parents. “The support I receive from parents is unbelievable,” he adds, “they have done so much to make the program a success.” With three music teachers, Huntington Middle School also offers band and choir programs. of Huntington Middle School A STRONG ARTS EDUCATION THIS YEAR’S EXCITING NEWS: Rob welcomes students are enrolled in visual promotes the skills children need the addition of Thomas Simpson who expands % to be successful. Exposure to art instrumental music to our elementary students. and performing arts. This year education promotes self-directed Now, thanks to a funding partnership of the the Middle School Orchestra learning, and sharpens critical Foundation, the PTAs and the District, this 65 and creative skills. played at the Lincoln Center in creative opportunity is available on all campuses. –The Education Fund New York City.



“Our students are turned on and ready to learn...they are equipped, organized and disciplined. They are present and engaged...ready for the learning moment”

ASEY DUVALL, Honors English teacher, is committed to interdisciplinary learning. A teacher new to the District last year, Casey encourages his Seniors Cinterested in the sciences, engineering or other fields to explore the connections that tie to class topics. Utilizing a range of presentation methods, his students develop, express and present their work both in person and online. DuVall firmly believes that whatever field they may choose in the future, “the ability to think, synthesize, write and present their thoughts and ideas clearly is critical.” HONORS ENGLISH CREATES an enriched curricular option for motivated students whose other commitments might preclude the demands of an advanced placement program. Unlike an AP class, with a syllabus firmly tied to the year- end test, an Honors program offers innovative possibilities for the teacher to create a unique learning opportunity. Casey found himself, “blown away by the students’ long-term dedication and high-quality work on each and every assignment.” THIS PAST YEAR ALSO SAW the addition of a UC-approved Humanities Honors Program taught in partnership with The Huntington Library. Art teacher, Michelle Pauline Bradshaw, English teacher Amanda Hernandez and Dr. Catherine Allgor, The Huntington’s Director of Education, developed a blended, interdisciplinary program that offers a traditional on-campus class, three online lectures and a class at The Huntington Library every week. Each quarter, students also spend one-on-one time with curators involved with In 2015, 445 students sat for IN 2015–2016, 98% OF their area of study. 958 AP Tests, with a passing rate San Marino’s graduates went on to higher education studies EACH YEAR the Foundation’s support enables % the District to implement education innovations of 80%. Of those passing, 36% both in California and across achieved a 5, the highest score. that broaden and deepen student skills, making 80 the nation. them more competitive college applicants.



“Our motto is, ‘play hard, play smart, play together.’ Nothing there says anything about talent. If we do those three things we’ll be the best we can be every time we play.”

AN MARINO just enjoyed its best football season ever. A near perfect 15-1 record took the Titans to their first Rio Hondo League and CIF Central SDivision Championships in decades, as well as their first State Championship game. Coach Mike Hobbie approaches each season in a straightforward manner, “Play one game at a time. Don’t get too low on the losses, don’t get too high on the wins.” His priority is also clear: “I am there for the players.” Hobbie focuses on playing football and the important life lessons it teaches both on and off the field. OTHER FIELDS OF PLAY also enjoyed success. All fall sports teams made CIF playoffs. In tennis, Bryce Pereira and Connor Lee won the prestigious Ojai Tournament’s high school doubles title, as well as the CIF-SS doubles title. Zander and Evan Wick, Zander Silva, and Julian Flores were CIF wrestling champs. San Marino celebrates its 2016 All- Americans: Ryan Cheng and Devon Jack for tennis, and J.P. Shohfi for football. ELEVEN SPEECH AND DEBATE team members competed at the nationals, where Brian Xu and Serena Wang made the final round. San Marino was also named a top ten "School of Outstanding Distinction”, and debate teacher Matt Slimp was named a Double Diamond Coach. For Robotics, this season was its best ever, with the team finishing second out of 50 schools at the Ventura FRC Regional Competition. In Fall 2015, San Marino IN 2015–2016, OVER 200,000 SAN MARINO’S TEAMS are a model for both the Foundation and District. With students, High School Varsity Football hours were volunteered through the teamwork of parents and teachers, and parents working smarter and achieved its winningest season community members across all harder together, opportunities for academic 15-1 in school and District history. four district campuses. and extracurricular success will continue.



“We’re not preparing students just to go to college – we’re preparing them to be successful in college and successful in life. We give them a foundation on which they can build a lifetime. It’s a goal we all achieve together.”

AN MARINO is the number one achieving school district in the state. Superintendent Cherniss describes this accomplishment with the metaphor of Sa three-legged stool, “San Marino Schools represent the best of what public schools can and should be. Our success stands because of dedicated teachers, engaged students, as well as, supportive parents and community members. It takes all three.” THE HALLMARK of the District’s education is depth of understanding and breadth of experience. These twin goals center on developing the intellectual ability to understand, to apply and to extend. The success of San Marino’s students lies in developing these critical thinking skills: connect concepts, synthesize new ideas, apply them to diverse fields and finally to self- critique and self-analysis to continually grow further. The best compliment he hears from returning freshmen is, “I was well prepared for college, in fact, I was better prepared than anyone else in my class.” DR. CHERNISS also appreciates the impact of the cultural literacy that San Marino students gain from their own families and travels. While attending Los Alamitos High School he joined a German-American exchange program for a similar experience. His family welcomed Jurgen Utz into their Seal Beach home. The next summer Alex joined Jurgen’s family near Stuttgart, Germany. Besides comparing the joys of salsa on tacos versus curry-ketchup on bratwurst, the insights from this cross-cultural journey planted seeds that would blossom into his career in Since 2002, San Marino has TO MAINTAIN THIS UNIQUE education. been the top achieving unified success, it is critical that we all do A PRODUCT of public schools, Dr. Cherniss believes in them too, “Teaching our children our part to support our schools and school district in the State students. Public education may takes the whole community, and supporting #1 of California. be free, but an exceptional public the San Marino Schools Foundation is the best way for everyone to help continue our education is not. success.”



This list recognizes lifetime generosity to the San Marino Schools Foundation since Community Organizations 1% Communications and Outreach Events 3% Federal Revenues 2.2% our founding.

Corporate Gifts 1.5% PTA and Other Local Revenues 3% Foundations 0.9% LIFE BENEFACTOR Matching Gifts 3.9% General and Administrative 10% San Marino Schools Reflects Cumulative Lifetime Giving of $100,000 or more to SMSF Foundation Contribution 5.3% Community Individuals 11% Anonymous Robert & Jamie Knauss Ayrshire Foundation Richard & Helene Marsh Andrew & Avery Barth Mericos Foundation Parcel Taxes 14.5% Capital Group Companies Mitchell & Margot Milias Daniel & Eva Chiang PTAffiliates Chinese Club of San Marino Stephen Rogers Crown City Center, LLC Stephen & Susan Silk Larry W. Dingus Timothy & Lisa Sloan Greg & Lorrie Forgatch Joachim Splichal Georgina Gimbel Sherman & Marjorie Telleen Richard & Tracy Hirrel Lawrence Uhl & Valerie Casey SMSF SMSF SMUSD Hoffman Foundation Wells Fargo Bank TOTAL ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS / FUNDING SOURCES William H. & Sally Hurt William & Cindy Wenzlau Hutto-Patterson Foundation DONATIONS EXPENSES

BENEFACTOR Reflects Cumulative Lifetime Giving of $40,000 to $99,999 to SMSF 2040 Fairpark Pine, Inc. Stephen & Lydia Huang Ahmanson Foundation Scott & Cindy Jenkins Brad & Anne Alford Lay Kay Amberwood LLC Ted & Kathie Kellogg District Families 81.7% State Revenues Contribution to SMUSD 87% 75% Anonymous Tom & Elayne Kester Madhu & Alexis Dianne Anvekar Gina Knox Holzman Vincent & Cynthia Ary Chuck & Adrienne Kreindler OUR Bank of America L. K. Whittier Foundation Total 2015-2016 Annual Campaign Donations % Frank & Karen Beardsley Landwin Hospitality LLC $2,259,747 20 CHALLENGE Henry & Caroline Blauvelt James & Benita Law Steven & Denise Botsford Albert & Pearl Lee CLASS SIZE REDUCTION Comparison of Per Pupil Richard & Ann Boutin Dave & Lisa Link Made possible with your support. Government Funding Jules & Amy Buenabenta Thomas & Brenda Liou Robin & Marion Riley Campbell Jeffrey & Linda Lo Vermont $27,962 Tom & Michele Carter Michael & Alison McCrary John & Jan Cate Kevin & Susan McDonnell Wen Chih Hsu Chao Brian & Janice Lee McMahon New York $22,106 Gregory & Kristin Chapman Margaret Miller SAN MARINO SCHOOLS FOUNDATION Winston & Tina Siu Chee Alfred & Victoria Mordecai STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Raymond & Yvonne Chen Patricia Moreland $17,510 Fred Yung-Men Chen Stephen & Christine Morris June 30, 2016 (Unaudited) & Sarah Wei-Ming George & Anne Marie Moss Johnny Chen & Miranda Wang Northrop Grumman Corporation West Virginia $14,008 Joshua Chen & Linda Yang Nuveen Investments ASSETS: 6/30/16 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: 6/30/16 John Chiang & Erica Liang Harry Olivar City of San Marino Todd & Renee Olson US Average $12,578 Steven Cobb & Tamara Flowers Rod & Jill Perth Cash and Cash Equivalents $2,779,603.39 Liabilities $5,152.76 Confidence Foundation Michael & Karen Preston Joe & Janice Conzonire Andrew & Juliann Rooke Endowment Fund $1,954,068.20 Net Assets Los Angeles USD $12,187 Joseph & Stacey Conzonire San Marino City Club Crown City United San Marino Rotary Foundation General Fund $47,323.41 Kris & Elizabeth Davis R. Michael Shanahan Designated Gifts $1,722,940.35 CA Average $10,288 Sally De Witt John & Eva Simpson Deloitte LLP Patti Smith Memorial Fund $4,186.87 East West Bank Jordan & Yolanda Sollitto Southern California Edison Manhattan Beach USD $8,133 James & Vicki Elliott Board Designated Reserve $1,000,000.00 James & Gail Ellis Brian & Debra Spaulding Endowment $1,954,068.20 Estate of Frederic Byers Jr. Barbara Steele Juan Carlos Felix Andrew & Patricia Stenwall La Canada USD $7,870 Total Net Assets: $4,728,518.83 & Betsy von Kreuter Hao Sun & Elena Hsieh The Fletcher Jones Foundation Alan & Marge Talt Jay & Nicolette Fuerst Stephen & Leslee Sherrill Talt San Marino USD $7, 419 Stephen & Gin Goei Tony Tsai & Jasmin Wu Total Assets $4,733,671.59 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $4,733,671.59 Timothy & Wendy Greenleaf Walt Disney Company Sources: Lavira O. Hall Aaron & Valerie Weiss United States – National Education Association May 2016 Research, Thomas & Page Haralambos Josh Weng & Susan Zheng Revenue Per Student in Fall Enrollment 2014-2015 Michael & Karen Harrigian Robert & Karen Wicke California – California Department of Education, School Financial David & Elizabeth Hasbrouck Tim & Jeri Wright Services Division, Per student amount includes LCFF revenues, federal revenues, and other state revenues per Glenn & Lina Hatfield Peter Wu & Chong Hong student (based on reported student enrollment). Ron & LeeAnn Havner

16 SAN MARINO SCHOOLS FOUNDATION / ANNUAL REPORT / 2015-2016 17 IT TAKES ALL OF US! # IT’S ONE THING to achieve number one, something entirely different to stay number one. When on top there is only one direction to go. Let’s avoid complacency and extend San Marino Schools’ tremendous record of success.

OUR CITY’S EXCELLENT SCHOOLS result from students, teachers, parents and San Marino continues to be the For 2015-2016 all four San Marino All four San Marino district schools Carver, Valentine, Huntington highest achieving unified school district schools were recognized as have been recognized as National and San Marino High School have community all marching together. Standards and outcomes continually rise. Please district in the State of California on CBEE Scholar Honor Roll schools. Blue Ribbon Schools. This award all been recognized as California join this parade of accomplishment and help the San Marino Schools Foundation the statewide standardized testing This is the only recognition program from the U.S. Department of Distinguished Schools. This award achieve 100% participation in this year’s annual campaign. Only if we all do our part, performance index. SMUSD has in the state utilizing student Education honors public and is given by the California State will our celebration continue. held the top standing since 2002. achievement outcomes alone private elementary, middle and Board of Education to public as the criteria. high schools where students schools that best represent perform at very high levels of exemplary and quality educational achievement. programs.

Photo: The San Marino Centennial Photography Project archives

18 SAN MARINO SCHOOLS FOUNDATION / ANNUAL REPORT / 2015-2016 19 Maria Janette Cabalinan• HuiHui Gan & JiQing Xu• Caleb & Katherin Kim• Lourdes Lopez• Lixin Shi & QunYing Ma• O UR D ONORS Jeffrey Cai & Annie Chen Ruben & Alice Garcia• Han & Stevie Kim Gangzheng Lu & Wenting Zeng Nam Shin & Hyung Chu• John & Susan Caldwell Mark & Jennifer Giles Ilho & Hyewon Kim• Guang Lu & Xiuling Cai• Tony Shyu & Alice Ku• Margaret Caldwell• James & Francesca Gill• Stephen & Suzie Kim Yang Lu Rosemary Simmons The San Marino Schools Foundation thanks all of the following donors for contributions received from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Dougal Cameron• Rob & Ann Gluck• Todd Kirkendall & Nina Ho• Ho Nai & Elizabeth Lung Peter & Kate Sinclair Eli & Lainnie Capouya Brad & Vanessa Golden• Robert & Jamie Knauss Peter Ly & Emily Hang• Bryan & Judith Smith• Andy & Kelley Carpiac• David & Kathy Gould• Shawn Ko & Patricia Chiu Peter Ly & Evelyn Xu• Todd Snyder & Catherine Sun• Tom & Michele Carter• Anthony & Christine Green• William Ko & Margaret Huang• Ji Ma & Kai Wang• Frederic & Lynette Sohl• C ORPORATE A ND O RGANIZATIONAL D ONORS Michael Chai & Michelle Szeto• Randy & Silvia Sowell• Hsi-Chung Chan & Hai-Yen Wang Michael & Kim Spindler Kevin Chan & Ophelia Chen Mark Spitzer & Helen Kim GOLD SUSTAINER FRIEND Kirby Chan & Michelle Hsieh would not be the Brian Stoltz & Erna Knolmar• $10,000 or more $500 to $999 Henry & Daphne Chang Steven Streit & Christina Wall• James & Jennifer Chang• place it is today Wen-King Su & Rebecca Piepho• Chinese Club of San Marino Amazon Smile Foundation Jim & Gail Chang• “SAN MARINO Hao Sun & Elena Hsieh• Porsche of Downtown LA Pasadena Community Foundation Michael Chang & Julie Yen without its strong schools. Thank you San Marino Schools Steed & Denise Sun• The Fletcher Jones Foundation Terry & Paulette Chapman Yan Ping Sun & Lei Ma• Mark & Martha Charles• Harold & Kimberly Sutherland MATCHING GIFTS Foundation for all you do. We are proud to be a supporter.” Alan Chen & Yvonne Cheng John Sy & Lee Kam Ha• SILVER AMBASSADOR Andy Chen & Michelle Yu• Kent Tac & Jannette Sy – ALLEN HSIANG, PORSCHE OF DOWNTOWN LA $5,000 to $9,999 Avery Dennison Andy Chen & Sharon Kwan Victor Sze & Angela Hsu• Bank of America Bintoro Chen & Sandra Witjaksono• Robert Tam & Julie Wong-Tam• Coldwell Banker Co. Boeing Gift Matching Program Changsheng Chen Wilson Tam & Nina Suzuki• East West Bank BW One Inc & Zhengxia Wang• Douglas & Moray Greenfield• Thomas & Patricia Koch Jonathan Ma & Daphne Liu• James & Chiewlin Tan Mission Tile West Capital Group Companies Charles & Nancy Chen Frank & Julia Greer• John & Angela Kohn• Lin Ma & Wei Huang• Lixin Tan• Post Alarm Systens Crowell, Weedon & Co Eric Chen & Felen Wu• Benjamin Grossi Chuck & Adrienne Kreindler Michael MacDermott Alan Tang & Lily Chen• The Ahmanson Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund George & Jean Jiang Chen• & Joelle Conzonire Grossi• Chun-Nan Kuo & Pi-Yuan Hsu• & Audrey Dang• Dong Tang & Yan Lin• The Hoffman Foundation HCP, Inc. Guo Qing & JihongLi Chen• Fengxue Guo & Cuiru Zhang• Michael Kuo & Wen Ho• Albert & Elizabeth Mak• James Tang & Tiffany Chen• • • • Intuit Foundation Hai-Sou Chen & Linda Sun• Hartmut Haenisch & Sandra Leung Martin Kwok & Katherine Lam Darren & Maria Manibog Liming Tang & Xiao Li • • • KBBA, INC. Hsiaowen Chen Patrick Hallett & Sophia Chen Michael Kwok & Allison Yim Otis & Melinda Marston George Tao & Rosey Liu PARTNER • Daniel Han & Nuan Lai• Chien Fu Lai & Ling Yao Chang Michael & Gracie Matsuda• • Kennedy/Jenks Consultation Louis Chen & Emily Hsueh Steven & Jennifer Taw $2,000 to $4,999 Mike Chen & Valerie Jinnette• Jian Han & Bing Yan Li Joey & Ellen Lai• Spencer & Allison McCroskey Richmond & Jennifer Teh• Marsh & McLennan Companies Richard Chen & Grace Li• Howell Hargett & Bonnie Bredil• Kevin Lam & Jacqueline Leung Steve & XianYing McDermott• Richard & Masako Teng• Coastline Steel Corporation Morgan Stanley Si Yi Chen & Xue Huang• David Harper & Changhong Chen• Cesar Larriva & Jenna Latt• Raul & Silvia Mena Shendee Teng & Fang Qu Silicon Valley Community Foundation Northrop Grumman Corporation Tien-Lung Chen & Xue Lian Shi• Cole & Cindy Harris• Daniel Law & Vivien Lok• Bryan & Debbie Merryman• Michael Thai & Julie Whang• Rotary Club of San Marino Payden & Rygel Yeh-Ching Chen & Sandy Shien Matthew Hart & Daphne Stewart• Albert & Pearl Lee• Brian Miller & Caroline Sayers Thomas Thai & Cindy Huang• Tony M. Chang, Esq. Law Firm Sempra Energy Foundation David Cheng & Sandy Lai Babak Hassibi & Faranak Davoodi Charles Lee & Juliann Kwak• Craig & Jane Mills• Richard & Alice Tong• & Realty SMBC Global Foundation Peter Cheng & Linda Fang• Glenn & Lina Hatfield David Lee & Lan Nguyen• Ed & April Mnoian Jason & Amanda Tracey• Toyota Matching Gifts Ted Cheng & Chia-Ling Chen• Ron & LeeAnn Havner James & Julie Lee• Jianzhong Mo & Song Xue• Le Tran & Jenny Ngo• • • • SPONSOR Vanguard Charitable Endowment Bill & Sharon Cheung Wei He & Ziyu Yang John Lee & Su Jin Jon & Ellen Mochizuki Sam Tran & Eng Siv Gilbert Cheung & Judy Liu• Wesley Heartfield• Nelson Lee & Mui Feng Yang Warren Montag & Dolores Trevizo • Tu Tran & Zhihua Li• $1,000 to $1,999 Vulcan THE HOFFMAN FOUNDATION Walt Disney Company Yiu Chung Cheung & Yik Fung• Martin & Huong Herman• Nicholas & Miya Lee• William & Pauline Montelongo• Allen Tsai & Lili Che• • • San Marino City Club Wellmax Development LLC Dave & Jenny Chiang Carlos Herrera & Meifang Tse Peter & Milou Lee Nicholas Morosoff & Eileen Hale Kevin & Christine Tsai • Paul & Nancy Hittner Su Kin Lee & Susie Wong• Jeffrey & Sarah Morris• • Thornton Foundation Western Asset Management John Chiang & Elsie Wu Michael & Nilar Tsai Charles Chien & Katherine Chow• Jason Ho & Jennifer Ly• Tom & Mary Lee Raghu Murthy & Grace Ting• Robert Tsai & Liandi Zhou• Ming Chao Chien & Hsin Chieh Wu Sonny & Sandra Ho• Woh-Jer Lee & Mei-Hui Su• Ali & Mitra Nadim Steve Tsai & Van Ha Samuel Chih & Grace Cheng Wilbert & Brenda Ho Ren Leftwich Ananth & Margaret Natarajan• Tony Tsai & Jasmin Wu S CHOOL F AMILY A ND C OMMUNITY D ONORS Randal Chin & Christine Wong• Soi Hoang & Rebecca Cong Leo Lei & Michelle Kwok• Issa & Suhair Nesnas• Yiu Wing Tsang & Monita Cheung• Jeffrey & Cecile Chiu• Gary & Ivy Hollingsworth Robert Leizman & Jane Root Robert & Judith Newell Christian Tse & Victoria Banh Albert Cho & Della Fong• Genevieve Hom• Gary & Julie Leong• Eric Ng & Yuen Chin• Tony & Marian Tse• GOLD SUSTAINER Yuen Chong & Kim Yu Li• Jennifer Rogers• John & Jane Chon Tony & Diana Richardson• Kang Sok Choi & Hyun Jung Kim Calvin Hong & Angela Liao• Dennis Leung & Jiyen Shin• Zhenming Ni & Qionghua Mao• Chen Chang Tu & Fang Chen• $10,000 or more Yushu Chou & Chih-Jung Wu• Qing Rong & Winnie Zhang• Yuen Chong & Kim Yu Li• Jennifer Rogers• Danny Chon Daniel & Kaoru Hong David Lew & Elisa Lau• Harry Olivar Lawrence Uhl & Valerie Casey Alan & Jennifer Chuang• Kevin & Shannon Snaer Yushu Chou & Chih-Jung Wu• Qing Rong & Winnie Zhang• John & Cindy Chou• Jeffrey Hong & Lauren Lim• Allan Li & Sharon Lin• Todd & Renee Olson• Scott Ulrich & Alice Song Andrew & Avery Barth Jason & JiJi Chung• Lei Song & Yuanyuan Liu• Alan & Jennifer Chuang• Kevin & Shannon Snaer Shawn Chou & Luyi Khasi• Jesse Hong Fei Li & Frances Shen• Matthew & Mikah O’Mara• The Vandergriff Family• John & Jan Cate• Hap Deneen & Jennifer Yount Stephen & Ursula St. Geme• Jason & JiJi Chung• Lei Song & Yuanyuan Liu• Joesph & Kaylin Chow John Hong & Jie Zhang• Fuping Li & Liqun Zhu• Edward & Nancy Osuch• Marcos & Angela Velayos• Gregory & Kristin Chapman• Andrew & Michele Esbenshade• Douglas & Vicki Strugar• Hap Deneen & Jennifer Yount Stephen & Ursula St. Geme• Tommy Chow & Carolynn Lu• Barry & Michelle Hou• Hailin Li & Xiao Yan Zhang• Francis & Jeanette Park• Kosol Vipapan & Nikki Darakananda Mark & Danica Hughes• Jonathan & Karen Fu• Harold Suetsugu & Linda Hui• Andrew & Michele Esbenshade• Douglas & Vicki Strugar• Kevin Choy & Alice King• Adam Hsu & Bonnie Woo• Ivan Li & Katie Lam• Steven & Jennifer Park• Adam Von & Yin-Hua Chia• William H. & Sally Hurt Jay & Nicolette Fuerst Stephen Talt & Leslee Sherrill• Jonathan & Karen Fu• Harold Suetsugu & Linda Hui• William & Annie Chui John & Joni Hsu• James & Jennifer Li Babak & Bobbie Parwar Donald & Ruth Walker Matthew & Heather Jiggins• Daniel & Catherine Giddings• Caleb & Ellen Tsang• Jay & Nicolette Fuerst Stephen Talt & Leslee Sherrill• Hung Wen Chung & Hui Tzu Wu• Ming & Michelle Hsu• Jian Li & Linda Lin• Ashish & Zarana Patel William & Micah Walsh• John & Janice Kuch• Jeffrey & Danielle Gregg Michael & Jill Tully• Daniel & Catherine Giddings• Caleb & Ellen Tsang• John & Leslie Clayton• Ryan Hsu & Lily Kao• Jian Li Li & Jie Ting Leong• Kenneth & Christine Pedroza• C.F. Wang & Stella Li• Hungtin Luk & Yu Qiu Ma• Michael & Karen Harrigian• David Wang & Rosemary Lay• Jeffrey & Danielle Gregg Michael & Jill Tully• Bill Cockrum & Rita Whitney• Richard Hsueh & Christie Chu• Jie Li & Xichun Yang• Rod & Jill Perth Charles Wang & Mor-San Chan• Margaret Miller Richard & Tracy Hirrel Martin Wang & Annie Hou• Michael & Karen Harrigian• David Wang & Rosemary Lay• Wyeth & Cindy Collo Xuhong Hu & Fang Wang• Jie Li & Lili Ma• Tres & Kalia Petmecky Clay Wang & Chia Yuan Huang• Eduardo Repetto & Carla Figueroa• John Huagn & Shirley Yen• Jon & Daisy Wilson• Richard & Tracy Hirrel Martin Wang & Annie Hou• Joseph & Stacey Conzonire• Yu Hu & Mei Zhang• Liang Li & Fan Hsu• Don Phan & Hanh Tran David & Lisa Wang Andrew & Juliann Rooke• J. Michael & Nam Jack• Peter & Vivian Wong John Huagn & Shirley Yen• Jon & Daisy Wilson• Melinda Cronk• Frank Huang & Carol Sue An• Ruping Li Peter Phan & Helen Sun George & Doris Wang• Stephen & Susan Silk Kyu & Jennifer Kang• Lawrence & Wendy Yang• J. Michael & Nam Jack• Peter & Vivian Wong Donald Crowell & Gabriela Oprandi• Gan Chong Huang & Juliana Ng• Tongan Li & Shetian Liang• Phillip & Carlyn Piccinini George & Lisa Wang • John & Eva Simpson Michael & Stefanie Killackey• Mark & Amy Yee• Kyu & Jennifer Kang• Lawrence & Wendy Yang• Charles Cui & Betty Chen• Stephen & Lydia Huang Wei Li & Ying Zhou• Darrell & Helen Poplock• Haiying Wang & Huiyong Shi • Jordan & Yolanda Sollitto Nancy & Jonathan Ko• Brandon Yip & Janie Chuang• Michael & Stefanie Killackey• Mark & Amy Yee• Sid & Jennifer Danenhauer Steven & Lindsey Huang• Wei Lun Li & Jing Huang• Leah Porter• Henry & Christina Wang • • Brian & Debra Spaulding Peter Koh & Sylvia Pang• Timothy & Christin Yoo Nancy & Jonathan Ko• Brandon Yip & Janie Chuang• Jimmie Dang & Fransisca Budhi• Tony & Vicky Huang• Xiaoqin Li & Xiaoyan Tu• Allen Pu & Kelly Sung James Wang & Diana Wang• • • Hung & Beatrice Van Hin Ku & You Fan Cao• Fuer Yuan & Wen Sun Peter Koh & Sylvia Pang• Timothy & Christin Yoo• Imad & Zaina Daoud• Wei Huang & Grace Yeng• Yi Jun Li & Xue Ying Zheng• Yucheng Qian & Beiwen Tan• John & Winnie Wang• • Alfred Lam & Winnie Huang• Qimin & Chunjie Zhang Hin Ku & You Fan Cao• Fuer Yuan & Wen Sun• Jonathan & Diana David• Ying Hsien Huang & Janice Wong Zhihua Li & Hong Ru Wu• James Qiu & Yan Qing Ma• Michael & Emily Wang • • • SILVER AMBASSADOR Ming & Michiko Lee Alfred Lam & Winnie Huang Qimin & Chunjie Zhang Mark Davis & Valerie Flores• York & Priscilla Huang• Raymond Liang & Angela Ng• Jun Rao & Donglai Wang Michael & Shirley Wang Susik Lee & Cynthia Chen• Ming & Michiko Lee• Steve Deng & Millie Leung Shuhai Huo & Dong Hong Zou• Jacqueline Liao• Raymond Rath & Mary Chen• Nianyong Wang & Chaohui Liu• $5,000 to $9,999 PARTNER Steve Levy & Claudia Cadavid Susik Lee & Cynthia Chen• PARTNER Wei Dong Deng & Zhengyi Zhang• Eastwood Im & Elizabeth Kay-Im• Xiaomao Liao & Ying Hua Chen• Douglas & Cecilia Raymond Sheng Bin Wang & ChunYu Yu• $2,000 to $4,999 Edward & Noelle Aloe• Ye Li & Hua Zhang• Steve Levy & Claudia Cadavid $2,000 to $4,999 Raymond Deshaies & Linda Silveira Jeffrey Jasper & Lina Chen• Xiu Kang Liao & Rong Rong Miao• Jeffrey & Lyn Riemers• Yong Wang & Jianhua Zhu Madhu Anvekar & Alexis Dianne• Kevin Liu & Sunny Yichun• Edward & Noelle Aloe• Ye Li & Hua Zhang• Norman & Laura Doerges• Jun Wu Ji & Jin Qiu• Elizabeth Lichtman• Stephanie Rizzardi Zeng Wang & Chau Lam• Vincent & Cynthia Ary• Richard Lord & Sean Ky• Madhu Anvekar & Alexis Dianne• Kevin Liu & Sunny Yichun• Elliot Abravanel & Weiyi Xu• Edward & Charity Dong• Kim Jiang & Mandy Jia• Alex Lin & Frances Tzeng• Charles & Coreen Rodgers Zeng Wang & Chau Lam• Ana Azer• Edward & Kerry Lovelock• Vincent & Cynthia Ary• Richard Lord & Sean Ky• Ameen Ahmad & Anna Li Kun Dong & Qizhi Chen• Tao Jiang & Xuan Chen Dennis & Grace Lin• David Rodriguez & Sally lp• Zheng Wang & Michel Liu• James & Donna Balbin• Rock Lu & Sara Lin• Ana Azer• Edward & Kerry Lovelock• Brad & Anne Alford• Zhiyuan Dong & Xiaolu Sun• Paul & Kelly Jin Eric & Soo Lin Jason & Sarah Rome• Wei Wei & Xiaoyan Niu• Robert & Jennifer Baldocchi• Stephen Ma & Nancy Lee• James & Donna Balbin• Rock Lu & Sara Lin• Sean & Monica Andrade Matt Dugally & Laura Dahlman• Shuang Long Jin & Ruping Li James & Renita Lin Jack & Christine Rose Qiang Wen & Xiao Yan Wu• Henry & Caroline Blauvelt Christopher & Blythe Maling• Robert & Jennifer Baldocchi• Stephen Ma & Nancy Lee• Richard Anthony & Jenny Sievers• Kyle Duncan & Ching Sun• Jing Jing & XueJun Du• Jiafu Lin & Huiping Zheng John Ryan & Kimberly Siegmund• Timothy & Marcianne Wendling Jason & Kathleen Brown• Harry & Patricia Mar• Henry & Caroline Blauvelt Christopher & Blythe Maling• Mehdi & Homeira Asghari• Georg Eittinger Jeffrey Joe & Goretti Li• Joseph Lin & Wei Zhang Spencer & Patty Sabo• Brian Wernicke & Joann Stock• Jules & Amy Buenabenta• Curtis & Nichole McClam• Jason & Kathleen Brown• Harry & Patricia Mar• James Bai & Kelci Ng• & Ann Kinney-Eittinger• Lu & Bin Juin• Matthew & Joy Lin• Tommy Salim & Maria Lucy Robert & Karen Wicke Christopher Burt & Tieu-My Nguyen• Michael & Alison McCrary• Jules & Amy Buenabenta• Curtis & Nichole McClam• George & Coleen Ball James & Vicki Elliott• Jerry Kang & Jane Chen Mercury Lin & Sheree Lewes• Adrian Sanchez & Maria Elena• Mark & Evelyn Wildeman• Brett & Michele Canon• Thomas & Tami McGovern• Christopher Burt & Tieu-My Nguyen• Michael & Alison McCrary• Mark & Alma Banuelos• James & Gail Ellis Kenny Kang & Changqing Chen• Richard & Joyce Lin• Miguel Sandoval & Anna Regalado• Lynn & Jean Willhite Hunter Chang & Annie Han• Liam & Colleen McGuinness• Brett & Michele Canon• Thomas & Tami McGovern• Ross & Linda Barker• Steve & Lynn Eriksen Brian Kar & Caroline Ngo Sabrina Lin Richard & Lilia Schaefer• Douglas & Weni Wilson Winston Chee & Tina Siu Erik & Alison Moller• Hunter Chang & Annie Han• Liam & Colleen McGuinness• Rob & Karen Barrett Lei Feng & Chen Zheng• Robert Karkafi & Grace Wehbeh Stephen & Emily Linden Thomas Schmidt Brian & Elsie Wong• Boren Chen & Joyce Yeh• Alfred & Victoria Mordecai• Winston Chee & Tina Siu Erik & Alison Moller• Luk Bhavabhutanon & Wiparat Peter Feng & Bin Zhu• James Karr Dave & Lisa Link & Stephanie Neurirth• Chun P & Mei Wong Hai Yun Chen & Jia Ping Zhang• James & Shawna Phelan• Boren Chen & Joyce Yeh• Alfred & Victoria Mordecai• Rittichai Robert & Suzanne Flaherty Arjang Kasravi & Inez Cheng• Beng Wong Liu & Anit Siu Chan• Jay & Janice Segimoto• Gregory Wong & Jim Boitnott Howard & Elizabeth Chen• Matthew & Christina Pink• Hai Yun Chen & Jia Ping Zhang• James & Shawna Phelan• Richard & Claudia Boles Francis Fong & Pauline Woo• Cheryl Kaufman Dong Liu & Qingxia Li• Bertrand & Stacy Seow• Henry & Karen Wong• Joshua Chen & Linda Yang• John & Evette Ramsay• Howard & Elizabeth Chen• Matthew & Christina Pink• Richard & Ann Boutin Nicolai & Julie Foong• Howard Kaufman Haifa Liu & Zhenying Qi• Kenneth Shao & Brenda Lam• Jacob & Wendy Wong• Raymond & Yvonne Chen• Adupa Purushotham Rao Joshua Chen & Linda Yang• John & Evette Ramsay• Paul & Annie Brassard Robert French & Diane Comi• Jeffrey Scott & Virginia Kenney• Nicholas Lock Jerry & Lauren Shen• James Wong & Sabrina Kong• Raymond & Rosangela Chen• & Krishna Satti-Rao Raymond & Yvonne Chen• Adupa Purushotham Rao Thomas Buckley & Mary Dee JianJun Fu & Wei Song• Ramesh Kesavalu & Sridevi Abboy Stephen & Margaret Loh Allan & Lalita Shenoi• Nelson Wong & Wenyi Yang John & Jane Chon Tony & Diana Richardson• Raymond & Rosangela Chen• & Krishna Satti-Rao John & Allison Byrne Alfred Fuan• William & JianlingLiu Kiang• Alvin Loo & Sherlene Ting• Andrea Sheridan Terry Wong & Anita Tran

• Honor Roll: $2,000 – 2,999 per student enrolled in the District • High Honors: $3,000 or more per student enrolled in the District • Honor Roll: $2,000 – 2,999 per student enrolled in the District • High Honors: $3,000 or more per student enrolled in the District

20 SAN MARINO SCHOOLS FOUNDATION / ANNUAL REPORT / 2015-2016 21 Victor & Gloria Wong Kristin Comi-Maldonado Sam Lin & Qian Zhang Alvin Xiao & Tong Zhou & Arax Mansourian Selene Perez Jonathan & Barbara Baskin Webster Wong & Susan Liu Joe & Janice Conzonire Wesley Lin & Sara Lee Andrew Yang & Lily Bui Beaumont & Lilly Hall Erica Pu Caroline Battaglia Winnes Wong• Ronald & Marilyn Conzonire James Liu & Ping Dong Michael Ycasas & Magnolia Reyes Benjamin Hammon & Mary Lou Jiang Qiu & Mei Mei David & Kathy Bayle to the San Marino Winston Wong & Bonnie Hwang• Martin Cootauco & Tess Sy-Cootauco Long Liu & Nancy Yan Jiang Henry Yee & Angela Lii William & Carole Hasbun Hew Wah Quon & Joanne Quon Frank & Karen Beardsley Raymond & Kristina Woo• Richard & Mariver Copeland Robert Liu & Joanne Jiao George & Jennifer Yessaian James & Corinne Hawk Janga & Shashikala Reddy Bert Becker Schools Foundation! Billy Wu & Ning-In Chen• Joseph & Maura Cotter Weidong Liu & Shu-ou Shan John Yim & Sandy Ro-Yim Randolph & Mary Heartfield Stephen & Gail Rolfe Benjamin & Mollie Beckler “THANK YOU Jack & Miriam Wu Brandon & Lori Cuccia Allen Lu & Pei-Chun Kan Gary Yiu & Elkie Tsang Bradley Helms & Debbie Doran John Rong & Kapo Wong Kevin & Dianna Beggs For over 35 years, we have been very fortunate to have the James Wu & Ling Jia• Christian & Sally Datwyler Ed & Diane Lukas Chester & Maggie Zahn David & Kelly Hensley Wallace & Susan Rosvall Kenneth & Christine Bender Kenneth Wu & Vivian Shi• Edwin & Ana Maria De los Santos Kyaw Lyn & Khin Khin Oo Gang Zhang & Zhao Guo Mike & Liz Hollingsworth Albert & Susan Sabo Matthew Benedict & Christina Tsao Foundation to facilitate the fundraising for our schools. This Kent & May Wu•• Jefferson & Diana De Los Santos Patrick Mak & Tina Cho JianHong Zhang & Rui Min Yang Stephen & Rosie Holt Peter & Ildebrenda Samson Lee & Fran Benuska Simon Wu & Lai Kwan Cheung• Debra Don Angelo Maldonado Qing Zheng & Ying Wang Frank & Su-Lin Hou Mary Sandage Bill & Ginger Bercaw closes the gap between state funding and the financial support Wei Wu & Jun Xia• Eugene & Ann Dryden Michael & Anne Mallory Yuchan Zhong & Hengmei Duan John & Lee Hsiao Kenneth & Lori Schumann Richard Berklite Xing Ming Wu & Peng Zhao• Gang Duan & Lei Wang Karun & Monica Mao Xiaodi Zhou & Ying Qian John Hsieh & Hui Fang Cho Emmons & Janet Sebenius Andrew Bernstein & Mariel Mulet needed for successful schools. The Chinese Club of San Hui Cheng Xiao & Jean Wang• Owen & Celina Duffy Edward & Dorothy McCarthy Yi Zhou Zhou & Qing Xian Liu Toby Hsieh & Yuka Iwai-Hsieh Xiu Shui & Ying Chen Daniel & Kimberly Besen Qijun Xing & Shuhong Zhang• Lucile Gibson Dunn Brian McMahon & Janice Lee Ming Hu & Qin Qian Huang Stephen & Rhonda Sinwell Vasken & Tamar Bezjian Marino is proud to be a partner in this success. ” Alex Xu & Wei Wang• Linda Duong Dreux & Lynn McNairy HaiHui Huang & Huiqin Zhu Stewart Smith & Robin Ferracone Anthony & Clare Binley David Xu & Cindy Li• Jim & Faith Edwards Brian Metcalfe & Cindy Hom FRIEND Charlotte Sohl Manmohan & Sunita Biring Stanley Huang & Annie Shih – DR. HAI-SOU CHEN, PRESIDENT, CHINESE CLUB OF SAN MARINO Qi Xu & Xia Dai• Noel & Jennifer Estandarte Mitchell & Margot Milias $500 to $999 David Hughes Mike & Julie Soo Elizabeth Bleecker Shuan Xu & Xiaohong Chen• Jenyu Fan & Ming-Chi Huang Toshiyuki Minamisawa Stephen & Danalynn Streeter Bruce & Anne Blomstrom David & Marshalene Anderson Bill Hui & Amber Tsaur Gang Xue & Hui Li• Larry & Heather Floyd & Ning Ning Dai Eldon & Nancy Swanson Kathleen Boon James & Sophia Angelos Norman & Sandy Hui Michael & Gail Yam• Dennis & Caroline Fong James & Katy Moffat Co Ta & Tiffany Chau-Ta William H. Bortz & Ave Maria Paul Asmar & Carolina Anzoategui James Hung & Mei-Chih Chen Ekitei Yang• Sing Choong Foo & Christina Su Matthew & Dori Mukherjee Lon Ta & Thiu Tran Steve & Evelyn Boss Timur Azhibekov & Elena Azhibekova Peter & Gwan Hung Allan & Abby Cheng Jerry & Deanna Eaton Jeffrey & Julie Hannan Fred Yang & Jin-Chun Luo Lesley Ford Christopher & Maureen Norgaard Paddy & Lupe Taber Bob & Julie Boucher Adli Batnij & Joyce Gatsoulis Yung Hung & Connie Tsai Jenny Cheng Alfred & Charlotte Edginton Dominic Hansa & Helen Dong-Hansa • Yahong Fu William & Sunny Oh Robert & Jenny Boyd Michael Yang & Mei Ju Chen Steven & Una Battaglia Vee Huynh & Phuong Diep Arman Tan & Yoke Ying Yuen Ruth Chenoweth John & Susan Edmonston Tony & Kathie Haralambos • Norman & Carol Fujitaki Gerry O’Malley Peter Brockett & Laureen Chang Zhan Yang & Xiaomeng Ma Emile Bayle Tony Hwang & Tammy Yi George & Mei Tang James & Missy Cherry Stephen Edo & Rocio Fernandez Dave & Connie Harding • William & Glenda Gardner Geoffrey Palenik & Grace Hsieh Cathryn Brougham Caifu Yao & Weina Dai Devon & Karlyn Beck Shinichi & Keiko Iijima Danny Tani & Clara Shih Jimmy & Mei-Kuen Cheung Joseph & Melinda Edwards Faisal Haroon & Misbah Dadabhoy • Peter & Jaime Gertmenian ChangQing Pan & Lili Ma Drew & Mary Brown Shan Ming Yao & Juan Qing Ge Alfred & Sue Boegh Brenda Ching-Po Impellezzeri Timothy & Elizabeth Tewasart Eugene & Theresa Chiang Arlan & Beverly Emmert Thomas & Shelley Harter • Leobardo & Francesca Gil Michael & Susan Patzakis Joshua & Xiaoshan Brown Thomas & Eva Yee Daniel & Carolyn Broderick Susan Jakubowski Steve & Annie Thaichareon Ara Chilingerian & Mun Kim Dennis & Marilyn Endert David & Elizabeth Hasbrouck • John & Mary Gilbaugh Michele Patzakis-Prappas Richard & Jane Brunette Nikolay Yeganov & Gayane Shirinyan Michael & Sandra Bruning Patrick & Alison Jeffries Ban Tieu & Sheena Ly Michael Chiu & Susan Yang Henry Eng & Tracey Green Richard & Ellen Haserot George Yeh & Jessica Chien• Sean & Anne Gill Marcel & Iris Perez Roger & Susan Johnston Dwight & Zillah Tobiano Kurt & Elise Brunner Lope Choa & Rosario Olive James Eng Manny & Usa Hassenberg Paul Yokoyama Peter & Shumei Kam Martha Tolles Frank Bryant & Heather Lehr Jong & Sang Choi William & Shelley Enger George Hawkey & Tasha Nguyen-Yokoyama• Hussain Kamal & Jennifer Dill-Kamal Frank & Cynthia Tong Edward & Sally Buckley Ming & Alice Chong John Erickson Takato & Ryoko Hayashi Dominic & Akiko Yoong• Konstadinos & Doris Kaporis Andrea Tricarico Jessica Bulgin Teh-Chih Chou & Yingling Lin Ralph & Janet Erickson Jordan & Lynn Hayes Brinton & Catherine Young• that businesses rally John & Jennifer Kelly Edmund Tse & Bijun Cen Alpheus & Joan Bull Warren Chow & Kellie Tay Lindy Evans Ruiping He & Guiying Su Johnny Young & Jocelyn Go• Al & Claire Kim John & Becky Tse Dale & Suzanne Burger Christakis & Christine Christodoulou W. Hall & Olivia Evans William & Peggy Heideman Biao & YanweiMo Yu• around the schools. Kyle & Laura Kinoshita Samuel Tsui & Cynthia Yang James & Emily Burke Cheng Yuan & Kathy Chu Jason & Caroline Fabbro Bob Hesse “IT’S ESSENTIAL J. Michael & Lucinda Burton Carson Yu•• Dennis & Liz Kneier Richard Valenzuela Domanic & Jeanne Chu Mark & Patricia Fagerberg David & Michelle Hickey Christopher & Cheryl Cabot Hua Yu & Na Li• We at Coldwell Banker understand that everyone benefits from a David & Eva Ko & Christine Valenzuela Kien Tong Chua & Beng Hong Kim Beverly Falk Steve & Louise Hindle Graciela Calatayud Mike Yu & Fei Li Shih Wei Ko & Ching Wen Shih Tom & Patricia Walcha Gene Chuang & Jacqueline Tran Robert & Kim Fan Wei Tung Hioe & Sue Suryani Ang Aldo Cali & Brenda Salinas Ted Yu & Kimi Tamura• strong school system. We are pleased to lend our support.” Michael Koh & Lucinda Byrne Seth & Susan Walworth Jeffery Chuang & Iok Man Chong Jeffrey S. Fastnow & Sandra Steele Max & Dorothy Hirdler Gregory & Jackie Camacho Anjin Yuan & Dan Feng• Scott & Wendy Kohno Deliang Wang & Ting Qi Stephen & Penny Chuck David & Jane Feinberg Allan Ho & Amy Hwang Curtis & Eileen Cameron Biao Yuan & Ying Zong• – CARSON ENGLISH, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE, SAN MARINO Jacob & Helen Kooi Hsien Tseng Wang & Hung Chen Yu Danny Chun & Hyun Lee Orlando & Lucille Ferrante Cathy Hoens Tim & Katie Carey Tony Yuan & Rose Yu• Eric Kwan & Eunice Wan Li Wang & Taylor Chow Johnson & Jenny Chung Kathy Flatley Roger & Cynthia Hollomand • John & Julia Carlblom Franky Yung & Geraldine Lock Raymond Kwan & Marla Felber Bruce Wee & Linh Thoai Huynh Hayden E. & Dianne Claisse Augustine & Joy Flores Matt & Li Hone Douglas & Kristen Carter Michael & Cindy Yung Ted & Jane Lai Weizhou Wen & Peihong Liang William J. & Jan Clayton John & Peggy Flynn Simon Hong & Hyojin Kim Robert & Birgit Castleman Hao Wei Zhang & Jenny Ni• Joel Landon & Linda Zhao Ronald & Suzanne Wilcox Peter Clinco & Miranda Barone Robert & Dana Folsom George & Bernadette Hotaling Peixing Gong & Jian Sheng Van Pham & Connie Cheng Paul & Toni Callahan Dwight & Rachel Catherwood Tang Zhang & Ruiyan Wu Jeff Lang & Mandy Wu John & Margaret Williams Steven Cobb & Tamara Flowers Christopher & Iman Fong Jack & Grace Hou Isidro & April Guerrero Alan Polley & Nora Hernandez Gabriel & Cindy Canul Martin & Nancy Chalifour Yuan Zhi Zhang & Mi Yang Jeremy & AnnaLiza Hail Stephen & Susan Ralph Robert & Elene Chamberlain Philip & Irene Lao Michael & Julie Wofford Sue Colvin Stephen Forman Gregory & Janie Houle • Andrew Chan & Teresa Leung Zhaohui Zhang & Yong Liu Ashley & Arabella Hancock David & Jennifer Rios Albert & TracySo Chan Kenneth & Dawn Lau Kenneth & Sandra Wong James & Christiane Cook Helen Franke En-Hsun Hsiao & Violet Chou • Daryl Chan & Hilda Tsang Zhiqiang & Wendan Zhang Kieran & Josie Hand Guntur Salim & Hwi Yoeng Sulaiman Brian Chan & Carmen Peng Bonnie Ledyard Keung Wah Wong & Wai Cheung Lily Cooper John & Cheryl Freiburg Tin Chuan Hsiao & Chiu Yen Lee • John Chan & Julie Lee-Chan Jieyan & Jingjing Zhao Thomas & Page Haralambos Jorge & Genny Sanchez Dennis Chan & Josephine Keung Chuck Lee & Catherine Pham Kyle Wong & Lily Yu-Wong Richard & Mary Cooper Jason Fu & Hong Wang Mary Hsu Song Zhao & Xu Fei• Miles Wong & May Yeow Kwok Fung & Joyce Chan Harold Harrigian Joseph & Lonnie Sanok Wai Leung Chan & Jenny Ho Grow Lee & Jyuan Jyuan Wray & Jeanne Cornwell George & Jane Furuta Se-Yao & Ada Hsu Yanfeng Zhao & Dan Su• Jack Wu & Jen Jen Yeh Nelson & Betty Chan Harry & Betsy Hathaway Carl & Leslie Schuster Andy Chang & Samantha Chen James Lee & Michelle Zhang Robert & Janice Corp Anthony Garcia & Maria Villamil Tu-Yun Hsu & Su-Mei Hsieh Dong Zhen & Yong Sun• Max & Jenny Wu Wayne & Darbin Chan Deping He & Yuchun Feng Mark & Connie Sedlacek C. Joseph Chang & Shwu-Nuo Mike & Jennifer Lee William E. & Jackie Covey Joaquin Garcia & Mariana Rocha Yao-Weng Hsu & Tzu-Hua Su Jiang Ning Zheng & Ying Ma• Xiao Ming Xiao & Xu Ling Xian Wellington & Priscilla Chan Gregory & Debi Cribbs Joe Garcia & Tamara Clare Herbert & Elizabeth Hezlep Frank & Li-Yu Shieh Huang Shawn & Atsuko Lee Yuk & Cindy Chan Ping & Oanh Hu JingWei Zheng & Ting Liu William & Amy Smith Linda Chang Wen-Ting Lee & Shu-Lan Chiu Haixu Xie & Meiying Wu Neil Cristal & Dion Ta Alan & Sharon Gates Fiona Huang • Frank & Cheri Hsu Stephen & Susan Chandler Qiu Sheng Zheng & Wei Wen Lai Ken-Hao Hsu & May Hong Deok Song & Christine Hyun Tse-Chiang Chang & Julie Li Wing Lee & Shirley Wong Changjun Xu & Liping Wang Charlotte Cunz Clarence Gauldin Gary Huang & Cindy Wu Naidong Zhou & Haicheng Li• Yasuhiro & Yukari Yamaba David Chang & Yu-Ming Wei Frank Hu & Victoria Sung Howard & Linda Speil Yao-Ming Chang & Sirena Cheng Wenle Lei & Winnie Tang Stuart & Virginia Cypherd Andrew & Rachelle Gayl Joseph C. & Margaret Huang Xin Zhou & Hong Chun Yan• Jianjun Yang & Meixiang Xu Eric Chang & Dora Tong Zheng Bill & Jean Huang Tony & Joanne Su Fu Li Chao & Nancy Yin Clive Lennox & Qiong Xiao Sid & Lesley Danenhauer Mike & Stephanie Giardina Joshua Hui & Rena Cheng Wu Zhu & Yingying Liu• Xu Yao & Bing Liu Eric Chang & Jennifer Chen Shaw Hua Huang Xiang Dong Su & You Hua Ma Edward & Julie Chen Ken & Nancy Lewis Brandon & Debbie Day Aaron & Mariesalle Gil Koon Hui & Linda Luong Louis Zin & Angela Chan• Timothy & Catherine Yeh Heng-Ching Chang & Wei-Yi Kung Nhan Huynh & Alisa Yang Cai He Sun & Ming Yu Qu Paul & Judy Chen Frank Li & Mengsi Zhao Wilfred Daye & Jin Hwang Catherine Gilmour-Smith Ming-Teh Hung & Chone-Li Yang Eric & Lili Yim Howard & Chiao-Wen Chang Michael Dean Glenn & Karen Gines David & Melinda Irie Weiying Sun Tse-Chang Cheng & Li Shu-Chuan Peter Lieu & Bee Kuan Yap Samuel & Celia Hunt Bernard Yuen & Sheila Chau Jim Chang & Julie Lin & Marta Karpinska-Dean Frank & Beverly Giovinazzo Sarah Ito Xu Sun & Yuting Shi Ben Chiang & Joanne Niu Johans & Wendy Lin Gudu & Sunitha Husson SPONSOR Dawu & Minghua Zhao Sheng Chung Chang Jerry DeLa Cruz & Cynthia Lam Richard & Debby Giss Karen & Karen Jeffries Shaobo Tan & Mei Ling Richard & Katherine Chiu Michael & Cynthia Lin George & Arlyne Husted $1,000 to $1,999 Chongwu Zhou & Chao Li R E & Wai-Jen Jeffries Gary Tang & Mimie Nguyen Terrence Chou & Poying Chen Sidney Lin & Fang Chu Henry Hwang & Bing Liang Weiling Zhou & Qiong Luo Scott Altman & Laura Fry Scott & Cindy Jenkins Kevin & May Thai Wallace Chow & Frances Lee Ray Liu & Gloria Lee Steve & Lipin Hwang Peter & Susan Zweighaft Richard & Lisa Amador Sepherteen Jew Charles & Geneva Thornton Clement Chung & Macy Luk Leh-Nien Loo at Mission Tile West are honored to continue Jim-Jer & Hsin-Hui Hwu Karen Assaf-Torrell SiHai Jin & Zhong Mei Li Paul Tulaphorn & Ruja Meo Pete & Moya Collins Kenneth Lu & Katherine Gao Dominique Ingegneri Corey & Jennifer Barberie Louis & Marie Jones Emmanuel & Wanah Velo Michael & Amy Corley Eric Luk & Vilma Okamoo CONTRIBUTOR helping support San Marino’s school excellence.” Philip & Sandra Irwin M. Douglas & Sherilyn Barry Nelson & Mimi Jones Honoria Vivell Ann Coughlin Madison Lumley “WE Melissa Jackson $50 to $499 David Bell & Diana Casares Jerrold & Tracey Jue Chung Yueh Wang & Winnie Wong Suzanne Crowell Minh Mach & Kristie Tu Seth & Etsuko Jackson Brent & Erin Bilvado Alex & Susan Jung Dajun Wang & Haoyu Xu William & Barbara Day Cyrus McWilliams & Sarah Perry Allan & Colony Abbott – THANO ADAMSON, MISSION TILE WEST Betty James Mary Jane Boggs Steven & Gail Katz Henry Wang & Anna Xiao Linda De la Torre Randy Mena & Judy Huie Christian & Malia Aberin Jaime & Blanca Jarrin Peter & Kimberly Campbell Samer Khaled & Engy Gawish Jerry Wang & Sharon Liu Scott & Mona Delahooke Paul & Susan Miller Ziad & Rosemarie Abughazaleh Eva Jen Mike & Victoria Khansari Xin Wang & Feng Xiao Edward Dingman & Belinda Kwan John & Karen Moffitt WenCheng Jen & Caroline Tran Into Bo & Alison Champon Norman & Hannah Ackerman & Pi-Shuang Chen Lois Derry Gilbert & Nan Go Kenny & Renee Chan Kyung Hoon Kim & Hyunju Jung Xuesong Wang & Bin Qin Jeffrey & Elizabeth Dixon Sakol Mongkolkasetarin Jose R Aguiar & Luz Ramos Lu Jiang Virgina & Virginia Chang Anthony Paul & Krista Diaz David Goldsmith & Petra Alexandria Henry Chang & Wei Wei Tsai Paul & Susan Kim Xun Wang Steve & Karla Domier & Violeta Aguilar Robert & Melissa Alcorn Weilin Jiang & Yifei Wu Young Chang & Yen Yen Sun Stefan & Christine Dietrich Hugo Gomez & Aixha Cojulun- Jonathan Chang & Gloria Hou David & Sophie King John & Janet Webb Dewei Dong & Liting Min Matthew Morris & Sharon Lu-Morris Maher & Ghina Al-Soufi Xiaohua Jiang Richard Chau & Iris Mark William & Joan Dietrick Gomez Vincent Chang & Karen Lee Cheng-Chih Kung & Amanda Chen Ted & Shirley Wei Phil & Karen Ewen Mary Suzy Moser Henry & Donna Anding Michael & Elizabeth Johnson Tak Yan Chau Adam & Barbara Djou Margaret Good Danny Chen & Joy King Alvin & Francine Lam Gregory Weingart & Juana Gonzalez Anthony & Alana Faure Dawn Murphy Dann & Jojeanne Angeloff Robert & Susan Josenhans Joe Gorman David & Cindy Chen Eric Lan & Connie Hong Aaron & Valerie Weiss Mike & Amy Fong Agustin Navarrete Angelo & Kathleen Antoci Andy Chen & Christine Kuo Dat-Minh Do & Tuyet Ngoc Trieu Jose Juarez & Hedy Bravo-Juarez Joshua Chen & Ashley Wailin James & Cecilia Lara Kuei-Hsin Wen George & Angie Foo & Grace Lee-Navarrete Steve & Victoria Aranda Fengchi Chen & Yiming Ko Terry Dobson & Saeri Cho Dobson Jeffrey & Linda Graubart Robert & Emelyn Judge Loren Chen & Jenny Liu Joyce Leckband Edward & Carol Wong Mike & Christine Franke Gerard Ngo & Sophie No Avvai Arumugham Fred Yung-Men Chen Cecilia Dominguez Daniel & Rene Grifka Philip & Adrina Kalpakian Michael & Alice Chen David Lee & Ivy Yang Larry & Grace Wong Joe Fu & Gloria Bau Ronald & Nan Okum & Arulmalar Ramsingh & Sarah Wei-Ming Reggie & Patty Dominique Timothy Grizzell & Anna-Marie Wood Almon & Tailee Kao Robert Chen & Onnie Lu Nicholas Lee Victor & Janis Wong Tony & Angela Fu Danny Ong & Yi-Chen Chu Nick Avetisian & Katalina Baumann Gary Chen & Casey Chan Frank & Patricia Dooley Jeff & Jacqui Groseth Andy & Christine Kao Zhenghua & Juan Chen Vernon Lee & Ryoko Uratani Raymond Wong & Huieh-Sueih Chan Shou-Jiang Gao & Tracy Tran William & Lynne Opdyke Sanjay & Sangeeta Awasthi Ishun Chen & Amy Lee Steven & Hilary Dorsey Martin & Roberta Gundersen Gev & Victoria Karapetyan James Cheung & Jana Chen Mark & Yvonne Leung Tony Woo & Kimi Suehiro Robert Gayl Carlos Osegueda Guilford & Gwen Babcock Jason & Ting-Wen Chen Victor & Rita Dosti Frank Haag Elliott & Leone Katz Hyuk & Inhwa Choo Michael & Lorraine Leyva Phelps & Beverly Wood Tony & Lillian Gin & Catalina von Waberer Suzanne Badawi Jieyan Chen Kenneth Drake & Ming Ji Ziad Haddad & Lorena Barros Allan & Traci Kawaguchi Edward & Linghsun Chou Chunguang Li & Cuihong Yan Tim & Jeri Wright Thomas & Gerrianne Goff Steve Paek & Elyse Whittaker-Paek Jim & Julie Barbour Min-Hui Chen & Susan Sheu Gordon & Molly Dudley William & Joan Haefliger Bryan & Marisa Kelly Michael & Toby Chou Lyndon Li & Jane Lam Brian & Amelia Wu Bruce & sonia Goldberg Kristin Pagano Virginia Barger Ron Chen & Linda Li Emeric & Francyn Duenas Frank & Mary Haltom Cornelius Kelly Harry & Nancy Chu David Liao Edward Wu & Hsiu Chuan Hsi Jay & Lyena Griffith Robert & Rita Palmer Carl D. Barnes Shu-Hua Chen Jason DuNah & Justene Pierce Karen Hammond Stephanie Kelsey Michael & Cheryl Chu Chao An Lin & Hui Hwa Liou Peter Wu & Chong Hong Denise Guan Sihuor and Jessica Peak Scott Barton Steven & Yuchieh Chen Robert & Merrily Dunlap Adam & Jennifer Han Peter & Anne Kennedy Richard Chu & Helen Nguyen Po-Chi Lin & Weili Lao Carolyn Wu-Chow & Jon Chow Shahen Hairapetian Richard C. & Jan Pearson Ralph & Eleanor Basilio William & Grace Chen John & Linda Easthope Dan & Coralia Handayan Nancy Kerckhoff

• Honor Roll: $2,000 – 2,999 per student enrolled in the District • High Honors: $3,000 or more per student enrolled in the District

22 SAN MARINO SCHOOLS FOUNDATION / ANNUAL REPORT / 2015-2016 23 Gregory & Barbara Kim Peter & Grace Mellis Patrick & Rita Quan & Yuanzhu Zhang Vincent Wang & Elizabeth Su Crystal King Sally Michelson Kelly Quinn Richard Spies Xin Wang & Junyao Zhang Leo & Faith Kiralla C. Fredrick & Leila Milkie Kenneth & Karen Quon William & Paula Steele Zhi Yong Wang Mark & Raquel Kislinger Carol Miller Eugene Ramirez & Kathryn Bruder William & Sarah Steier Richard & Ann Ward Steven & Constance Knott Charles Miller Charles & Pamela Rasmussen Richard Steinbach & Susan Nichols Robert Warren Andrew Ko Philip & Barbara Miller Barbara Raymond Alan & Millie Steinbrecher Thomas & Julia Waterman Nicholas & Maria Kokoris R. Lewis Miller Andrew & Sylvia Rea J.W. Stinde & Tori Hutchins Alex & Becki Watlington Nelson & Marjorie Mills Robert & Joan Redford Joyce Stroud Michelle Kung Alan & Donna Weakland David Kuwabara & Margaret Kurohara Yuan Min Charles & Lorna Reed Robert & Jan Stull Gordon & Shirley Weaver Peter & Robin Lahey Hubert & Denise Weinberger James Lai & Lily Ho Carolyn Weirick Athinop Laibangyang & Sunee Asavajaru Robert Weis & Diane Fredel-Weiss Helen Lambros are a Wallace & Teresa Welder Yon-Fu Lan & Yan Zhu Nanjie Wen & Xiao Tu Eric Lee & Susanna Kong “GREAT SCHOOLS San Marino Sally Wenzlau Paul & Amy Lee Sprague Wheeler & Donna Zappa Tsun-Hsien Lee & Mang Chen tradition. Post Alarm is proud to be part of this community Thomas & Andrea Whitaker Y.M. & Nancy Lee Kenny & Diana Wolfrank Weinardy Leksmana & Elvina Lo and grateful to the San Marino Schools Foundation for all they Cecilia Wong Ernesto Leon & Mimi Ahn Chris Wong & Wanda Chan Jeff & Vanessa Leung do to help our schools achieve excellence.” David Wong & Shirley Chan Jeffrey & Bonnie Leung Dennis Wong & Bi Yu Kamhon Leung & Chris Yau – GINA POST-FRANCO, POST ALARM SYSTEMS Eddie Hung Vinh Wong Robert Leung & Helen Gu & Sum Ching Leung Colleen Levy Jack & Brenda Wong Suena Lew James & Cindy Wong Roger & Julia Li Annamarie Mitchell Kathleen Regan Simon Su & Grace Tan Ken & Ann Wong Shiyi Li & QiQin Yan Paul & Laurie Modean Ben & Judy Reiling Tony Su & Annie Yen Regina Wong Yun Li & Jing Yang Dennis & Mary Modjeski Lynn & Winslow Reitnouer Chao Sun & Yi Huang Robert & Ellen Wong Eric Liang & Alice Maan Monica Molina John Rellos Eugene & Leslie Sun Wei Min Liang & Vicky Li Oswaldo & Liliana Monroy Benigno & Elizabeth Reyes Richard & Ivy Sun Richard & Patra Wood Kevin Liao & Tina Chang Robert & Nancy Moore Mario Reza & Rosa Maria Madrigal Yougeng Sun & Xiaoyun Jiang Scott Woodward & Ali Smyser Thomas & Lily Liao Mauricio & Jessica Mora Gregory & Debra Rich Chiaoyu Sung Schuyler Wrobel & Debbie Jean Lie Djing Lie Patricia Moreland Edward & Mary Riegler Hirohisa & Kiyoe Suzuki Chen-Chi Wu & Ling-Fei Chen Christopher & Susan Lim Connie Morris Kenneth & Erika Riley George Szeto & Man Yee Chan Chun Ping Wu & Li Guo Dennis & Leyen Lim David & Amy Morris Douglas Roberts & Ella Pfeiffer Jian Tan & Lilly Dai Huiqing Wu & Lin Tan Alan Lin & Tina Wong John & Sandy Morris Rick Roberts & Jilleen Westbrook Michael Tan & Jane Lim Peter & Kate Wu Amcli & Su-Sien Lin Wendell & Ceil Mortimer Robert & Iris Robin Francis & Grace Tang Peter & Yurika Wu Chung & Cheryl Lin Mehrdad & Gilda Moshir Saul D. Roe & Loretta Hultman Weiming & Peichun Tang Richard Wu & Emily Dy Eric Lin & Virginia Yang Kris & Michelle Motschenbacher Michael Romey & Gretchen Craig & Wendy Tanouye Ting-Yuan Wu & Shing-Yi Lee George & Julia Lin Samantha Muhammad Shepherd Patrick Tao & Jasmine Wan Vivien Wu James T. & Rena Lin Kenneth & Molly Nealson Alan & Marilyn Rose Trina Tate Zecheng Wu & Yanni Deng Stephen Lin & Debby Chou Erik & Beth Negroe Jeffrey & Charmayne Ross Afton Taylor XueQiang Xiao & Hongbing Chen Yong-Jian Lin & Jia-Hui Chen Victor & Irina Netchaev Maynard & Catherine Falk Rothchild Jose & Andrea Telleria-Ruiz Jing Xu Joel & Catherine Newton Alfred & Harriett Rothschild Michael & Jamie Linton Tony & Donna Thacher Tiankai Xu & Chunling He Ping & Wai-Ching Lit Lyman & Gloria Newton Xin Rui & Ying Yang Le Kiet Thai & Angie Lam Ryan Yagura & Sonia Lee Dazheng Liu & Shuyue Tan John Ng & Angela Peh Gilbert & Acela Ruiz Kenny Thomas & Alice So David & Andrea Yamamoto Fusheng Liu & Qin Zhou Tommy Ng & Yvonne Fong Anne Ryan Emmett & Marion Tompkins Danny Nguyen & Lin Voong Kelly & Shelley Ryan Shiufong Yan & Shirline Hartono Jilin Liu & Xianqing Pang Jon & Suzanne Torgeson John Liu & Yi Su Han & Simy Nguyen Brodie & Karen Sadahiro Yang Yan Spencer & Jenny Trac John Liu & Lulu Chen Peter & Jody Nichols Alfredo & Debra Sadun Frank Yang & Jing-Yi Xu Trach Han Tran Qing Ping Liu & Zhu Chen Eric & Louise Nixon Nicholas & Nancy Saggese Simin Yang & Rongpei Lu Vince & Dolores Tricarico Yao Ming Liu & Kelly Liang Donald & Susie Norberg Luis Salgado & Cecilia Dominquez Matthew & Tenaya Yarusso Peter & Lisa Loeffler Myron & Eleanor Oakes Kathleen Salinas Oliver & Eugenie Truong Alex & Annie Yaung Patrick & Leslie Long Ryan & Natalie O’Connor Patricia Salvaty Jacqueline Tsai & Hung Wen Tseng Lawrence & Kelly Yee Bradley & Charlene Lortz Robert & Marliena Ogawa Sergio & Colleen Santino Jimmy Tsai & Mey-Shyan Kuo Amir & Yukino Yeganeh Raymond & Connie Louie Jeffrey & Lynn O’Grady Thomas & Patricia Santley Conrad & Jean Tseng John Yen & Margaret Chih Y.K. & May Low Kim Ohlemeyer & Maryellen Gleason Rolando & Karen Santos Stephen & Toni Tuck Cheng & Sheree Yi John & Genevieve Lucas Martin & Margaret Olson Motoi & Aya Satomi Jeffrey Tung & Tai Lee Chin Rene Yin & Hong Sun Bendly & Lynn Lundgren Peter Olson & Elizabeth Olson Joseph & Lorraine Saunders Robert & Nancy Twist Shao-Yao & Ming Ying David Luo & Vida Zhang Maung Maung Oo & Edna Taikwel Elizabeth Scannell Ken & Cathy Ude Jose Yong & Eppie Wu Hoi Van Luu & Ailinh Lam William & Grace Origel Lawrence & Lisa Schall Robert Ullman & Mary Theresa Yanis & Sheryl Yortsos Jonathan Luu & Kim Ung David & Marilyn O’Toole John & Dorothy Schlue George & Renee Uriarte Kenneth & Velma Yu Thomas & Maria Ott Charles & Barbara Schufreider William & Jane Lynn Nguyen & Lan Uy Tyrone Yu & Michelle Mok Robert & Lindsay Lytle Vincent & Suzanne Padua Charles & Judy Schwab Seth Vaccaro & Jean Dea Ronald & Grace Yuan Laura Macdonald Charles Pak & Rene Kae Fred & Gwynne Seares Keith & Leona Valone Yu Yuan Susan Maclaughlin Cher Palisoc Hervey & Doris Segall Thomas & Debbie Van Allan & Nancy Yung David & Wendy Mak Xionghui Pan & Jingna Chen Ellis Seligman Kathleen Van De Water Rohit & Martha Manchanda Alfonso & Lois Paredes Simon & Tammy Shahan David & Lisa Yuratich Margo Manolescu Jingyu Park & Miho Oiwa Jeffrey & Pamela Sheldon Don & Mary Van Hiel Meng Lin Zhang & Xiao Ling Sun Alex-Iskandar & Norma Mardelli G. S. & Vivian Pastis Ted Shen & Allison Chiang Gary & Karen Van Wagenen Yi Zhang & Yunfei Lang Michael & Dana Marevich Arry & Leah Pastis Roger Shi & Jia Zong Stacy Varner Yongjiu Zhao & Dan Li Phoebe Marrall Larry & Gioia Pastre David Lee Shin & Sandy Yamamura Raul Vega Lin Hua Zheng & Yvonne Guan Christopher & Jeanette Martin William & Gisele Patrick Eugene & Yvette Shing Carlos Velasco & Fernanda Linares Bo Zhou & Huiping Lin Mia Martinez Charles & Stephanie Patterson Matthew & Melissa Short Fernando & Doojduen Villaluna Xingwu Zhou & Deping Xuan Robert B. & Carol Marver John & Andrea Patzakis Jia Shu & Sally Newman Linda Wah Xin-Yi Zhou & Mandy Yeung Linda Massey David & Kelly Paulus Edward & Linda Shuey Erik & Pallavi Wahl Arthur & Ruth Mayeda William & Mary Payne Alice Shulman Geoffrey & Esther Walcha ADDITIONAL DONORS Julie McCabe Gary & Maren Pellant Chen-Huan Shyr & Shu-Chiu Lin Scott & Carrie Walker Doryce McCutchan Nicole Petrens Amir & Shazia Siddiqi David & Monica Walsh We thank the additional Sean & Shannon McDonald Leon & Lan Pham Richard & Marlyn Silverstein Michael & Pauline Wan contributors who gave up to $50. David & Tonia Pierce Youn & Diane Sim Kevin & Susan McDonnell Andy & Laura Wang These donors are recognized at Duncan & Marie McDuffie Salvatore & Katherine Piscopo Dennis & Alison Slattery Ching Wang & Jeanne Wong Alex & Ann McGilvray Carolyn Platz John Slocum & Elizabeth Ferry Jijun Wang & Xiaohong Fu Michael & Nancy McGowan James & Ethelyn Polley David Smith & Yvette Nikoui-Smith Jin Zhu Wang & Helen Song The San Marino Schools Bruce & Helen McGregor Hung & Mei Poon Tim & Sheila Smith Foundation is committed to Michael & Carrolll McKenna Raymond & Adriana Porter Karen Smits Liwei Wang & Diwen Hu Mathew Wang & Sandy Chien ensuring the accuracy of our Carson & Kaholyn McKissick Eleanor Pott Kathy Snider records. Kindly inform us of Cary & Sheila Presant Peng Wang & Yun Niu Richard & Grace McMillan Ting Wai So & Yuk Ying any errors in this donor listing Jack & Margaret Ann McQueen Albern & Cybil Pucan Roberto Solis & Wendy Molina-Solis Qing Zhou & SalenaXu Wang by contacting the office at Elizabeth Medearis Timothy & Wendy Pylko Sue Spence Ray Wang & Teresa Wong Gregory & Courtney Norman & Karina Quan Michael Lee Spencer Tony Wang & Carol Warren (626) 299-7014. Thank you.


How can you best help our schools?

Each year community members volunteer thousands of hours to make our schools better. Most also generously contribute financial support through SMSF’s Annual Campaign. Many still desire to do more.

The Foundation’s 2016-2017 Annual Campaign kicked off on July 1. We invite you to renew your annual support by making a tax deductible Donation or Pledge through one of the following giving options:

– First Day Packet (available to District families August 3) – Use enclosed envelope – Donate online via a credit card at – A customized payment plan arranged through the Foundation office

Additionally, many consider a broader selection of donation options:

Give stock. Optimize your tax deductions by donating appreciated stocks or securities to SMSF. Matching grants. Many corporations have matching gift or grant pro- grams. It’s a fantastic way to double the value of your donation to SMSF. The Foundation received over $87,000 in matching gifts during 2015-2016. Celebration or Memorial donations. Celebrate a family member’s or friend’s success with a celebration donation in their name. Remember a loved one with a contribution to SMSF or establish a memorial fund in their honor. Real Estate. Give a principal residence to SMSF yet retain use for your lifetime. Planned giving. Ask your attorney to include SMSF in your Estate Plan.

Donate by June 1st, 2017 to be recognized in our next Annual Report.


President TRUSTEES Tieu-My Nguyen Kris Davis Michael Spindler John Simpson Donna Balbin James Phelan Tamara Flowers Helen Kim Spitzer Jason Brown John Ramsay Greg Forgatch Eugene Sun Vice Presidents John Cate Ursula St. Geme Jim Frawley Jasmin Tsai Michele Canon Hunter Chang Hal Suetsugu Nam Jack Brian Tyler Jennifer Chuang Boren Chen Stephen Talt Scott Jenkins Mary Ulin Andy Esbenshade Ellen Tsang Alice Khau Karen Wicke Secretary Vivian Fung Wong Lawrence Yang Dennis Kneier Victor Wong Diana Richardson Tim Wright Dan Giddings A S S O C I AT E Vanessa Koo SMUSD School Michael Harrigian T RUSTEES Michelle Lee Board President Treasurer Jesse Hong Janice Lee–McMahon Ken Bender Nam Jack Jesse Hong Mark Hughes Lisa Hinchliffe Link Caroline Blauvelt SMUSD Superintendent Matthew Jiggins Jeanie Caldwell Robert Mauser Executive Director of Schools Jennifer Kang C. Joseph Chang Chris Norgaard Christopher Kealey Dr. Alex Cherniss Peter Koh Charlene Chen David Pierce Nancy Lee Jennifer Chen Juliann Rooke Steve Levy Mary Chen Steve Silk Christopher Maling Yvonne Tsai Chen Tina Siu Curt McClam Connie Ching Brian Spaulding

SAN MARINO SCHOOLS FOUNDATION / ANNUAL REPORT / 2015-2016 25 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Pasadena, CA Permit No. 542

1665 West Drive San Marino, California 91108

Contact: 626-299-7014 [email protected]