84 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Jun 26, 1984 Lower failure rate than men Women entrepreneurs stick to it Cut your own taxes: Boston getaway’s Woman Is killed

By Mary Tobin fam ilies." (1-800-222-A WED outside New York or Should you Itemize? $208 treat tor 5 in El Salvador United Press International Women do face cultural stumbling blocks 212-692-9100),” she said., "We set up a not encountered by men and these are a telephone appointment with the approp­ ... p a g e 2 p a g e 1 1 ... p a g e 4 NEW YORK — Women entrepreneurs handicap no matter what the intentions. riate counselor and call back at our have a lower failure rate than men partly "You have to know lots of things to be expense. The $25 buys up to two hours of , J'ls because they are willing to make the successful that many women have no expert time.” "extraordinary commitment'' necessary to background in," Mrs. Fitzpatrick said. AWED also has a "hotline” - $5 for 10 make a business succeed, says a woman "Intelligent, sophisticated women often minutes — th.it gives quick answers to who guides them over that rocky path. know nothing about keeping proper re­ urgent questions. "Women are not buying established cords, for example, and this is absolutely Although women who do go into business businesses or franchises: they are taking a essential to success." have a high rate of success, some ground skill or talent they already have and finding One of the most glaring errors women rules that apply to all entrepreneurs should a in the market," Beatrice Fitzpa­ make is in pricing their services. be considered before taking the big step, Clearing tonight; Manchester, Conn. trick, founder and president of the Am eri­ "Women do quality work and undervalue Mrs. Fitzpatrick said. sunny Saturday Friday, Jan. 27, 1984 can Woman's Economic Development it because they don't know how to price. “ You have to identify a need in your Corp. said. They don't know how rare quality is and community that you are abie to fili,” she — See page 2 Single copy: 25C "And they have a lower failure rate than that people are willing to pay for it." said. "N o matter how well you do that for men going into business." AWED offers training courses in New something you won't be a success if there is Mrs. Fitzpatrick should know. Her firm York of up to 18 months for under $500 that no market for it.” offers practical advice and peer group cover all phases of running a business for Women should first work for another firm support and in 800 businesses AWED has women just starting and those who already in the field they are interested in, Mrs. worked with only tour have declared have a successful business and want to Fitapatrick said, and she advises women to bankruptcy. improve or expand it. learn basic business skills, such as She gives women themselves credit for Mrs. Fitzpatrick is proudest of AWED's bookkeeping, pricing and marketing. the remarkable record. telephone counseling service. For a $25 fee "Y ou 're going to have to do everything "The same nurturing qualities that women can tap one of 40 experts on its from sell your product to keep the books to Bipartisan deficit group fails to meet women have developed in raising families counseling list in such areas as accounting, sweep the floor at first." serve them well in business," Mrs. finance, sales and marketing, design and But most important, "You have to be 2 Fitzpatrick said. "Their business is their manufacturing, personnel and public willing to make an extraordinary commit­ By Robert MacKoy House negotiators. O'Neill's spokesman said of the A dispute quickly arose over the ise through a 17-member panel bert Dole, R-Kan,, to serve on the 'baby' and they hang in and nurture it with relations. ment of time and energy to grow a new United Press International Reagan appointed his chief of bipartisan task force. "W e will number of people that should be from Congress and the While panel. the same steadfastness they raise their "Women call us on our toll free number business," she said. staff, James Baker, to represent await the president’s budget prop­ appointed to the task fo rc e ./ House. House GOP leader Bob Michel WASHINGTON — President him on the panel, and Baker sought osals on the first of February.” Republican leaders named sev­ "W e're not going to be hood­ named assistant GOP leader Trent Reagan’s bipartisan task force to to hold a preliminary meeting with "The president wanted to do it eral GOP members from budget winked as we were in that Lott to represent him and ap­ cut deficits by $100 billion is off to a the top four congressional negotia­ right away." a House Democratic and tax committees, but O’Neill particular episode," said the pointed Rep. Delbert Latta, R- rocky start, with Democrats dec­ tors — two Democrats and two Policy Committee spokeswoma.. and Senate Democratic leader speaker, who explained he felt UPI photo Ohio, of the Budget Committee; lining to meet with Republicans Republicans — Friday or Monday. said. "And the Speaker said, 'W e’ll Robert Byrd appointed only two Reagan used the group for his Rep. Silvio Conte, R-Mass.. of the and White House officials until But a spokesman for House do it the day after the budget members — House Democratic political purposes. Appropriations Committee; and 7 they see the new budget. Speaker Thomas O'Neill, D-Mass., comes out.’” leader James Wright of Texas and Senate Republican leader How­ Rep. Barber Conable, K-N.Y., of Threading the eye C R O s s m R n s In addition. Democratic con­ said the Democrats will not meet Reagan proposed in his State of Sen. Daniel Inouye. D-Hawaii — to ard Baker appointed Sen. Paul the Ways and Means Committee. gressional leaders — distrustful A creel tender at PPG Industries in Shelby, N.C., threads n n C ^ e v R n s p r o d u c t s c o m p p riY with the Republicans until after the Union address Wednesday that repre.senl them. Laxalt, R-Nev., to represent him. "We named four," a Michel and skeptical of the Reagan Reagan presents his 1985 budget to congressional leaders and White "Jim is my panel, " O'Neill said. He also asked Budget Committee spokesman said. "The feeling is fiber through a “guide eye.” Individual strands from numerous entreaty — named only two Congress Wednesday. House officials negotiate $100 "W e’re not going to go through Chairman Pete Domenici, R-N.M., that Mr. O’Neill and. Mr. Byrd packages of glass fibers' sitting on creels are gathered to be representatives to the panel Thurs­ "There is strong skepticism that billion in deficit reductions in the any 'Gang of 17’ again," O’Neill Appropriations Committee Chair­ appointed only one (each) because wound onto supply packages for shipment, PPG is a leading day while the Republicans named we’ re seeing a replay of the public next three years as a "down said, referring to a failed attempt man Mark Hatfield, R;Ore.. and they have some reservations about four Senate negotiators and four supplier of continuous strand fiber glass. Save Now On relations ploy we saw in 1982." payment” on a balanced budget. in 1982 to reach a budget comprom­ Finance Committee Chairman Ro­ the whole thing.” Overseas trade tempting Lebanese rebels IMLM Day care but there are problems allowed Bv Steven W. Svre representatives and others that make Indoor Living agree to talks United Press International their money cutting through the haze for exporters. in church BOSTON — Overseas markets may Rennie said other companies choose Bv Stave Hagev President Amin Gemayel and be tempting to a small company not to seek out foreign markets because ZONOLITE United Press international increased the possibility that re­ looking for more business, but the they don't see any incentive. "Most newed strife would engulf By Sarah E. Hall confusion and problems involved often small companies are built on an BEIRUT. Lebanon — Rebel Lebanon. Herald Reporter lead them to stay clo.ser to home. American market premise. As a result Druze Moslems said they were It's estimated one of every six jobs in POURING Economy Jumblatt called for Gemayel's there's no real great drive to go holding talks today with Lebanese Barring any obstacles, a new New England is related in some way to overseas," he said. 2x4x8’ STUD resignation this week and the officials about new “ acceptable” leader of the influential Sunni day-care center — serving at least foreign trade. But if national figures Rennie's company. Pacer Systems in Standard-sized stud. You INSUIATION Saudi ideas to end the nation’s 30 youngsters, from 6-week-old hold true in the region, most of export Burlington, began exporting products pick each piece yourseH. Moslems accused the Christian- violence but fighting erupted be­ dominated government of "dicta­ babies to 12-year-old schoolchild­ volume involves large companies in 1978 and now derives 15 to 20 percent tween Druze militiamen and army doing a big business. torial" rule. ren — will open in Ihe United of its $11.5 million in sales from foreign troops. J A 1981 survey by the Smaller markets. Wazzan,' after meeting with Pentecostal Church meeting house 3 cu. ft Despite heavy rain, the Leba­ Business Association of New England Though most of the companies in the Gemayel, had said the government on Woodbridge Street this spring. nese army reported minor skir­ indicated 8 percent of small businesses SBANE survey that indicated they would consider reinstating Druze Claudia Claveric, who was de­ bag mishes with Druze militiamen covering a wide range of industries were exporting in 1981 thought there soldiers who.refus«cUjU> fight with nied a zoning permit to expand her southeast of Beirut and said its were involved in exporting. Typically, was much more potential, Rennie said SO the Lebanese arm y when it existing preschool to 100 in October troops came under a 20-minute 12 to 15 percent of their sales were there hasn't been many more small ^ M anvitle stepped in to prevent a rout of artillery and mortar barrage. No and later closed down her business exports. New England businesses exporting, R-11 3V2” Kraft Christian militiamen by Druze / casualties were reported. altogether, will be the proprietor. Many companies with foreign trade due in part to the strength of the dollar. rebels in the Shouf mountains last potential either don't have enough WALL mSULATION "Things are shaping up for us. it "In general, you could expect it has • 15-. 881 Sff Roll.....14.10 Druze leaders, who Thursday September. market information or are worried stayed relatively static," he said. "W e looks like," she said, shortly before A • 23". 135.1 Sir Roll. .21.62 rejected a government offer to The prime minister also hinted church members voted Wednes­ about complicated procedures, said feel there has been an increase in the reinstate renegade Druze army John Rennie, who organized "Expor- number of exporters, but I think it that promotions might be consi­ day to approve her request for officers, said they were holding dered for Druze officers who tise,'' an extensive how-to handbook on hasn't gone up as much as interest talks today with government lead­ day-care space. deserted with their 800 men. the subject published by the Small has." ers on new Saudi Arabian ideas to U P I photo Less than a month earlier, still Business Foundation of America in Current money rates tend to effect disengage the nation's warring “ I think the army command will bitter over what she claimed was Boston. American exporters who deal more factions. call upon those officers and soldi­ NIxoh talks to Walters the unfounded rejection of her "The average small ljusiness person directly with consumer markets or sell ers today or tomorrow to rejoin the expansion plans by the Zoning" doesn't understand a lot about (for­ common products that can be bought in The new Saudi ideas were army within an appointed period of Former President Richard M. Nixon, “Russians and Americans can be Board of Appeals, she told the eign) trade, they have a lot of other countries, forcing some to cut 4’x8'x% ” relayed to Druze leaders in the tim e," the official National News N Manchester Herald that she had preconceived barriers in their minds. back their sates or temporarily keeping Syrian capital of Damascus on Agency quoted Wazzan as saying. who resigned from office after the friends, but their governments can't.” GYPSUM 80ARD Thursday and later conveyed to shut down her seven-year-old. It sounds like a very confused and new entries out of the market. • 4'x8'xV»"...... 5.89 Watergate scandal in 1974, told celeb­ Nixon was interviewed on ABC’s Good complicated picture, " Rennie said. But small New England companies • 5 Gal. Joint (kxooound. 3 gg the Beirut government through Wazzan said the offer came at rity newswornan Barbara Walters this Morning America and gave Ms. Walters day-care center in her Joan Circle "But there are an awful lot of people marketing new technology products Rafik Hariri, one of King Fahd’s the urging of Saudi King Fahd, who home out of frustration. around to help you out," he said. have not been so badly hurt overseas by envoys. asked the Lebanese government morning he thinks President Reagan is a copy of his new book “Real Peace.” At that lime: she charged that The U.S. Department of Commerce the dollar and tend to find a receptive Druze spokesman Marwan Ha- "to step over some obstacles” to doing a good job in Lebanon and that the ZBA had no grounds to refuse arrange a security agreement to and some other government organiza­ audience in other countries, said made, in Damascus with Druze her permission to build a 100- tions such as the Massachusetts Port expand the army's authority and Rennie, who once chaired SBANE's leader Walid Jumblatt, said the student preschool on Woodside Authority have resources available to international trade committee. 2 9 9 9 separate warring factions in the GOP doesn’t need one rejection of the offer by Prime Road, though board members said help small businesses get their pro­ He said the region "has the precep- Beirut area. Minister Chefik Wazzan to rein­ traffic, drainage, and safely con­ ducts overseas. tion overseas as being a source of 2 4 ” Prehung state the army officers did not Government hopes of quickly cerns were behind Iheir denial. There is also a community of private advanced things, so the receptivity is mean his community was ignoring obtaining the security pact were specialists, such as export manage­ there when you say you're from New LAUAN DOOR UNIT This lime, Mrs. Claverie said, Casing, passage set extra. Saudi Arabia’s "new ideas.” dashed two weeks ago by objec­ No surprises in fiiings ment companies, foreign marketing she will need no zoning board England ... Their ears perk up." • Other stock sizes-*5 ott. tions from Jumblatt. who wanted it "H ariri has produced new ideas approval because she will operate 24", 28", 30", 32" aimed at breaking the political and lied to a political agreement giving in a church. She said she has military deadlock," he said. "W e the Druze, Sunni and Shiite Mos­ consulted with Thomas O'Marra, Bargains on luxury liners are considering them and while I lem majority a bigger say in the government. for Democratic primary zoning enforcement officer, on the cannot go into any details, we can say the ideas are broadly accepta­ matter. Talks on the security plan had HARTFORD (UPI) - Secretary ble by us. We know the Lebanese T-.-hii-in McGovcrn of Under the tentative agreement make for excess capacity raised hopes in Washington that of the State Julia H. Tashjian today government is also considering the State law requites Mrs. Tashjian South Dakota and former Vice ..... some of the 1,200 U.S. Marine listed the eight major contenders new ideas.” to list candidates who "generally President Walter Mondale. NEW YORK (U PI) — Every nowand Holland America's parent company peacekeepers at Beirut airport for the Democratic presidential and seriously advocated according The Democratic delegates will church otricialS, she will pay $8,000 then the cruise industry goes on a which speciaiizes in Alaskan tours. In Hamade’s statement dealt could be redeployed to safer areas nomination on the ballot for to reports in the national and state be divided up according to the yearly to lease the meeting house, ship-buying spree and vacationers get another blow to the government of or withdrawn from Lebanon. October he was given charge of both the M a nville n 1 1 4 9 Connecticut’s upcoming presiden­ news m edia" on the ballot. percentage of votes each candi- which includes three classrooms, a the benefit, according to Kirk Lanter- Manville Manville R-19 6W' Kraft tial primary. travel company and the cruise line. R -1 9 6V4” U n fa c e d On the Democratic side, Mrs. date receives in the primary. If kitchen, a dining room and a man, head of the Holland America line. Mrs. Tashjian, taking the first 2 It was a natural marriage, he said. R-11 3 W Unfaced AniG INSULATION Tashjian listed the eight major Reagan is unopposed, thqre will be chapel. She will pay for utilities, • "It's kind of like the corn or hog Westours was busy from May to KHK INSULATION 0 4 P 4 ’x8'x1” “Tuff-R" step in theslate’s'primary process, candidates for the party nomina- no GOP primary and he automali- snow'removal, cleaning, and about • 15", 49 Sir Roll ... 14,21 AHIG INSULATION cycle," said Lanlermun, who was in October with the Alaskan tours while 15", 49 S/F Roll... 15.19 INSULATING SHEATHING also listed President Reagan as the lion to compete for the state s 60 cally will get the 3.5 GOP conven- qqo worth of needed improve- • 23", 75.1 S/F Roll. 21.78 • 15", 88 S/F Roll... 10.57 23". 75.1 S/F Roll.. Manhattan to help publicize the MS Holland America ships were occupied 23.28 R-3.6. Use under siding. sole candidate on the Republican tion delegates. menls - including a chain-link Noordam, one of two new vessels with Caribbean and Mexican cruises The Highef the R Value, the Greater the Insutalmg Power Ask Your Setter lor the R Value Fact Sheet. side, leaving it all but certain there tional Convention. if Reagan were to decide not to „jnks ind exit Holland America commissioned three from October to May. SOVIET will be no GOP primary. They are former Florida Gov. seek re-election, GOP candidates , years ago, when shipyards were Now the myriad scheduling compli­ UNION The Legislature last year Reubin Askew, Sen, Alan Cranston seeking the party nod would have *'go‘ S- offering cut-rate prices on new luxury cations of booking 1,0 different tour NooD^nwaig enacted a law eliminating presi­ of California, Sen. John Glenn of to comply with the petition require- M fs. Clavrie has also asked for liners.. patterns have been merged into only- dential primaries where only one Ohio, Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado, menl and collect signatures equal f'Fst option rights to buy the 187 Most of the world's shipyards are one computerized system. "And after candidate qualifies for the ballot, Sen. Ernest Hollings of North to 1 percent of the party's member- Woodbridge St . properly should 7 basically nationalized, and prefer it's all done we sit down manually and which appears all but certain in Carolina, the Rev, Jesse Jackson, ship in Connecticut. the church decide to sell it. reducing prices to laying off workers recalculate it because of a basic REG. SALE MFC. FINAL Day-care center hours will be 6 PRICE PRICE DEBATE COST when business slumps, Lanterman mistrust of computers," Lanterman - m mm m mm I ^ iF’cekdays, Mrs. said. Three years ago, he recalled, laughed. 16“ i r *2 9 " ■!>w v a t Fot 0tt»l$______"You got ships for $150 million that Reg. 17.99-Gallon Reg. 21.99-Solid Pine Water-Saver Incident didn t endanger Reagan could have been $200 million." Watching the ship bookings come in, because a slate license and health I MuMHMuMMfWALL PAINT MINWAX STAIN PLANKING W Hin TOILET The resulting expansion of capacity, Lanterman has become convinced that Gal. Super Kem-Tone. Flat, Oil base. Penetrates and Rustic Barnboard or "Acadia". First quality, , j ...... department approval still must be WASHINGTON (UPI) -i- Presi­ people, made what officials called danger,” Speakes said. obtained. he added wryly, has been "fa r greater those who say the American middle latex finish. Choice of colors. protects Interior woods. Knotty Pino. Unfinished. 12" rough. Seat extra. than the expansion of consumers that class is shrinking are right. dent Reagan was never in danger a piecautionary landing at Ana- a Marine Corps spokesman who She expects to get nearly all of wish to use it." Staterooms generally run from the when Marine One, the presidential costia Naval Air Station, about did not want to be identified her 30 former "students” back, The two new ships Holland America most-desired and expensive A line to helicopter, made an emergency halfway between the While House described the incident as a minor "The majority of these children itself ordered from French yards each the cheapest H, he said. “ The ships landing because of a flashing red and Andrews, where he later one. ore very unhappy where they are accommodate 1,200 passengers. Even start booking with A s and H's,” he ■ warning light. Marine and Secret boarded Air Force One for an now, ” she .said. She added that she Service officials say. uneventful flight to Atlanta. . • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • receives calls daily from parents if no other cruise line had expanded, said. "Then the B's and G's. It's a very -J Lanterman said, that would have strange thing. The highs and lows are The light came on in the Speakes said thol when the ^ "'ho are looking for someone to meant a 4 percent increase in the total the popular ones. The middle is ..." helicopter's cockpit shortly after president boarded another InSIC le TO C laV care for their children, worldwide cruise ship capacity. "Soft,” suggested an aide. 1 K% RQO the president took off, from the chopper two minutes after the J Barents feel "Unfortunately, we were not the only "That’s the word," Lanterman said, l UI i OFF »« f S J While House for a 10-minute flight “ pages. 2 section, that the church has done a greal 17 right. I kicked the tires on it. humanitarian service to them and ones that did it," h^^added. in a tone that indicated he had a Reg. 2.3 9-2 'x4’ In-Stock Bath 14/2 2 5 0’ Roll Reg. 79* Ea.-12’’x 1 2 ’* Reg. 7.59 UPI graphic to Andrews Air Force Base at the While shipboard vacations are a stronger one in mind. CEILING PANa FAHCETS aECTNKAL WME start of a campaign-style trip to It was not delerrnined whether Advice ...... 14 us," Mrs. Claverie said. In her FLOOR TILE PASSAGE SET there was a problem with the Are^own, pastor Marvin buyer's market this year, Lanterman Even the upper-income world cruises "Terra." Washable. In 80 One or 2-handles. Dec­ Solid copper. Type NM. "Vemay". No wax vinyl. Plain knob both skies. Russian missile deployment Atlanta Thursday. said, the industry's long-term pros­ are having an off year, Lanterman S/F etna, for 18.90 orator models Included. • 12/2 250' Roll...24.98 45 S/F ctn. for 26.55. Easy to Install. N42B-3. Deputy Press Secretary Larry helicopter one of the world s best ...... - f Stewart asking for use of the naaintained, or with the warning comIcs...... '... .a meeting house, she said she was pects are bright. Although only about 3 said, although he doubted the problem The Soviet Union is beginning to deploy its new SS-22 Speakes delayed telling reporters percent of all Americans ever have lay with the fortunes of their target about the incident until almost five ' . i' , j « r. Enterfolnment...... 12-14 confident the arrangement could taken a cruise, the repeat business is clientele. SALE ENDS JAN. 28«i. 1984 intermediate-range nuclear missiles in eastern Europe, hours later — until the president Aboard Marine One were Rea- Lottery...... 2 be mutually beneficial. heavy. Worldwide, about half a million "People who can afford an average military sources said Thursday. They say the first was and reporters with him were in the gan. chief of staff James Baker 10 The meeting house will still be people took ocean cruises in 1970, while • of $30,000 a person and 96 days to do air on the way back to Washington Michael peipietoik...... 2 “ P®” weekend services and MANCHESTER NEWINGTON HARTFORD ENFIELD spotted in East Germany near the Polish border. The I.S million went to sea by 1982, although nothing are not subject to the vagaries ' 79tu/ardAPilOfnbo 6i«d from two political events in McManus Speakes, a military sports...... ts-i? nieht meetings, she said. 14b Sumcit Strut 3l?tB(rtin1uinpikF 3200 No HU/nStreei SS-22 replaces the SS-12 and had not previously been for shorter trips. of the economy," he said. “ World 649 0136 666-U9I H im Atlanta. aide and Secret Service agents. Television...... 8 A zoning official confirmed this Until last fall Lanterman. 52. was the cruises just tend to go in cycles. In our OPEN Mon ihrti Fn 8 a m 8 30 p m Sal 8 a m S 30 0 m Sun 9am 3pm deployed outside the U.S.S.R. The new missiles are said The helicopter, a 20,000-pound “ The military assures me that weather...... 2 morning that a day care center is u ' of Woctnnrc n of PMco othor v$»nr i« " to travel more than 500 miles. Sikorsky VH-3 that seals about 10 ;hi president was never in •••»# «# »«*»*********** permitted u.se in a church. t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Jun 27. 1984 For some. It doesn't pay MANCHESTER H E R ALD ' Friday. Jan. 27. 1984 — 3 II your deductions add up to more than the zero bracket amount. ' you should take the time and trouble to itemize Manchester escapes effect deductions. Deciding whether to itemize The zero bracket amount is what you can and appliances donated to a of decline in bus ridership deduct if you don't itemize. By Robert Metz ure your lax using the zero bracket Here are the amounts allowed: Newspaper Enterprise Assn. sum for your filing category. charity. Mostly, this value will be CUfltHM far below original purchase price. The low cost of van pools in Francis McMahon, director of number ol riders. (Ninth of 14 articies) The figures for the first three TAX TIP: Even if you cannot Fair market value is the price comparison to commuter bus costs transportation for CRCOG. said • Married, filing jointly $3,400 days of this week show an average itemize your deductions, you can property would change hands at may be reducing bus ridership. in the Manchester bus is one of the You have two choices in claim­ OWN fills daily ridership of 304 passengers. • Qualified widow or widower $3,400 take a small charitable deduction. between a willing buyer and a the view of the staff of the Capitol most heavily used and there is no ing tax deductions: You may take ■ p For October, the figur"e was281 and The maximum is $25 (25 percent of lIlD liV i willing seller. Region Council of Governments, concern about cutting serv ice on it. • Single $2,300 a flat amount called the zero but Manchester appears to be Dwyer said some of the buses for April it was 305. bracket amount, or you may your first $100 of contributions). V . This so-called charitable deduc­ year. Or you may take a deduction Casualty and theft losses: If you escaping the dffect. from Burr'Corners have standees. itemize. The last fare increases on the • Unmarried head tion for noh-itemizers is simply based on IRS tax tables. The actual had a fire in your home, you had a Counts taken of the ridership on Both attributed loss of ridership on It is in your favor to itemize if buses came in August. The one- of household $2,300 deducted from your adjusted gross tax method requires more record­ car accident, or some valuable buses from Burr Corners shopping some other lines to the fact that your deductions add up to more fare was raised from 60 to 75 income., keeping than most taxpayers are property was stolen from you, center Monday. Tuesday and Wed­ van pools, particularly on longer than the zero bracket amount cents. The value Of the montly • Married filing separately $1,700 Here, in general terms is a willing to put up with. T l^ re’s, a good chance that you nesday, indicate an average of 718 runs, are less expensive than the allowed in your filing status, for ticket was raised to the equivalent run-down of the major deductions. h a ^ a' casualty deduction though passengers a day used the buses. bus. But Dwyer said. ^^hat some taxable income then goes down of 19 days' cost instead of 17 days' Interest payments and finance the stakes have been raised. A count taken in October showed riders need the flexibility of bus and so does the amount of tax you cost. Riders who work for 20 or 21 Medical and dental expenses; To charges; You are entitled to take a an average of 726 a day rode the schedules if their work hours are owe. days a month lost some of their receive a medical and dental variety of interest payments as T A X T IP : When in doubt, buses, and one in April showed 808 not always regular. four-day break. In general, taking the zero deductions. The one that usually consult experienced tax counsel. a day riding. The bus from Willimantic. which deduction, your expenses must The CRCOG staff is concerned bracket amount makes sense for counts most for middle-income Even in cases in which the The figures come from Edward picks up passengers in Bolton, is Cut Your Own Taxes and Save total more than 5 percent of your because if ridership drops, costs. _ single taxpayers and young mar- adjusted gross income. You may taxpayers is the deduction for the required suddenness of loss ap­ Dwyer, transit manager for the one that may be of more concern. McMahon said, but Dwyer’s fig­ and thus fares, may rise, prompt-' rieds who have not purchased deduct medicines as medical ex­ interest on a mortgage. pears to be absent, you may win. state Department of homes. ures do not indicate a drop in the ing a further drop in ridership. c/o Manchester Herald penses to the degree they exceed 1 For the year, you may deduct Transportation. If you are quite sure your P.O. Box 489 percent of adjusted gross income. T A X T IP : If you live in a losses in excess of 10 percent of deductions will total more than the Radio City Station You can deduct non-prescription cooperative apartment, you may adjusted gross income. As a result zero bracket amount, you should drugs, but you cannot deduct deduct a portion of the interest and of this limit, obviously, only major New York, N Y 10101 1' itemize. toothpaste, toiletries or bottled the taxes, paid by tbe co-op. Your losses are deductible. And, each Kraatz sets health goals If you're not sure which method Please send me ____ copies o( "Cut Your Own Taxes and Save." I water. You can deduct the cost of co-op should provide a statement casualty or theft loss must be 2 will result in the least tax, you showing your share of these reduced by $100. You can’t group have enclosed $2.00 plus 50 cents for postage and handling for each vitamins if your doctor prescribes Helping the mentally ill find housing, make friends participation in decision-making at the regional, should figure your tax using each them. payments. several auto accidents or other state, and national levels that affect Manchester copy. of the two methods to determine and regain independence tops the list of Health casualties together and then sub­ Director Ronald Kraatz’s five-year goals, released residents, he said. which one results in the lowest tax Taxes: In general, you may Contributions: Contributions are tract a single $100 offset. Also for the community as a whole, Kraatz plaits to N am e. bill. earlier this week. claim state and local income deductibjp.^ if the organization "This is one area where the community service establish wellness programs and minimize hazards One group of taxpayers simply taxes; real estate taxes; general appears o h ' an approved list Next: Miscellaneous deductions. system is extremely weak,’.’ Kraatz told members of posed by improper handling of toxic materials — the Address. sales taxes (don't forget sales tax maintained by the IRS. Most often, increasing numbers of which are "just phenomenal," must itemize deductions and file Herald photo by Tarquinio the Advisory Board of Health. , income tax form 1040. You must do on large purchases such as an your gifts will be to churches or Editor’s note: Robert Metz is Annually about 200 Manchester residents are he said. C ity. so if you are married, filing automobile); and personal prop­ synagogues; educational institu­ New York bureau chief of Finan­ admitted to state mental hospitals; another 120 or so Improving emergency medical services, develop­ 7 separately, and your spouse item­ erty taxes. tions; charitable agencies; non­ cial News Network and a syndi­ Morning crash on l~84 become psychiatric patients at general hospitals. ing a child and maternal health plan, and performing Stafb and Zip. izes. If you do not fall into that The Internal Revenue Service profit hospitals and medical re­ cated columnist. He was assisted Kraatz's plans include forming a social club to mandated functions "with an emphasis on education category, and if you are sure you allows you a choice in figuringyour search groups; volunteer fire in the preparation of this series by A tow truck hauls away a car from the a.m., according to town paramedics encourage frienships among those with mental rather than enforcement wherever po.ssible" com­ (Make your check payable to CUT YOUR OWN TAXES and allow don't have enough deductions to deduction for state sales tax. You departments and civil defense. Sidney Kess, tax partner with the scene of an accident this morning on who were at the scene. She suffered illness. He also wants to see rehabilitation and plete Kraatz’s five-year list. You may deduct the fair market three weeks for delivery.) warrant itemizing, you wiil have a may keep an accurate record of all accounting firm of Main, Hurd- Interstate 84 extension near Howard minor injuries and was taken to residential services. relatively simple chore. Just fig- the sales taxes you paid during the value of used clothing, furniture man. Already, he has helped lead a Community Services Reservoir. The driver, whose name was Manchester Memorial Hospital, a fire Council campaign for a nearly $50,000 state grant to not available this morning, lost control department spokesman said. set up a mental health team in town. The team would of the car and hit a guard rail about 7:50 act as a broker among social service agencies which assist the mentally ill, coordinating efforts and Weather possibly developing new ones where gaps exist. Peopletalk With just five weeks to prepare, council members No plans for bill had to scramble to get their 13-page grant proposal ready by the Jan. 10 deadline. They are now awaiting Today’s forecasts Manchester word on the award from the state Department of Jackson stops presses Two-time Jackpot winner . Connecticut, Massachusetts and to force towns Human Services. Rhode Island: A mixture of clouds The new emphasis on keeping hospital stays short Printing of the 1984 Guinness Book of World A Chicopee, Mass., man won the top prize in a and sunshine today. Chance of a in Brief and health costs down — for all patients — may mean Records was halted to include the statistics of Connecticut weekly lottery game for the second little light rain or snow western to share landfills community health support will become more singer Michael time Thursday night. portions late this afternoon and a Pool bids accepted important than ever before. Kraatz noted when he Jackson’s latest al­ Chet Jendrysik, a senior computer pro­ little light rain over Cape Cod this The town is accepting bids for the sandblasting There are no current under an interim step announced his priorities. bum, “ Thriller." grammer for Atlas Copco North America in evening. Highs in the 40s. Clearing plans to introduce in the Another of his goals is to increase community and epoxy coating of Saulters Pool. toward regional resource Jackson was hur­ Holyoke, Mass., won $100,000 on the Connecticut early tonight. Lows in the teens General Assembly any recov#y. Choice from riedly entered into Lottery"s Rainbow Jackpot show. inland, .the low 20s at the shore. The process, which Recreation Director R. bill that would empower *EMB. or PRINTED TOPS *INDIA PRINT SKIRTS the 1984 paperback Jendrysik won $50,000 2'/i years ago on Sunny Saturday, Highs from the Steven Thomson said is part of normal pool the state to force towns to In his letter, Zin.sser edition, on sale tfa- Connecticufs Money Tree show. mid 20s to low 30s. maintenance, involves sandblasting the pool, share sanitary landfills. says "W e are not isolated 6AU. DRESSES IN STOCK *UNN)UE DRESSES FROM tionally in March, Jendrysik said, as before, he plans to share the Maine: Light snow mountains patching cracks, caulking the deck and seam Sen. Carl A. Zinsser. from every other com­ winmngs with his family and save some for For the Record OMEN’S GAUZE or MUSUN INDIA & CHINA for having recorded and north today with 1 to 3 inches joints, and coating the pool with ep'oxy. R-Manchester. says. munity in the State of retirement and to take a short vacation to Cape the biggest selling accumulation. Occasional light If weather permits, the work must be Zinsser said he investi­ Connecticut." He said the SHIRTS FROM INDIA *ALL WOODEN FHiURINES solo album. Cod. snow likely southeast and- scat­ completed by May 7, according to the bid gated the subject at the success of the Buckland To clarify a statement made in a story published Special Hoars For Sale j "Thriller." He and his wife Jennie have three daughters tered flurries southwest. Highs request of Manchester Industrial Park is due in Wednesday in the Manchester Herald, the proposed Guinness also and three grandchildren. proposal. The pool is scheduled to open June 15. Mofl.-SaL 9:30-5:30 near 20 far north to the 30s south. town officials and finds no part to the fact that expressway that would connect existing sections of cited Jackson for Jendrysik said he was fortunate to win the first The town is also requesting an alternate bid for Tlwrt. Till 8:00 Snow and flurries ending with evidence that such a bill is Manchester is allowed to Interstate 84 in eastern Connecticut will add a 40-foot having sold 23 mil- time and was ""just numb"' when he won the sandblasting and epoxy coating of the 111 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER clearing tonight. Lows near zero in the works. dump sewage into the span of roadway to the approximate 100-foot span \ ^ lion copies of Thursday. adjacent wading pool. north to the low teens at the coast. Officials of Manchester, South Windsor system. already covered by Routes 6 and 44 at Bolton Notch. 643-5692 w R "Thriller" world- Mostly sunny Saturday. Highs in "Thomson said the same process was done at the which has one of the few 'k ^ • j wide and credited the single numbers north to the Waddell Pool two years ago and at Verplanck landfills in the state that the singer for the teens and low 20s south. Clouds and sunshine today Pool last year. Swanson Pool in Robertson Park is still has room in it, have most U.S, top ten TOWN OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT New Hampshire: Occasional A mixture of clouds and sunshine today. Chance of a little light rain not seriously in need of repair, he said. resisted pressures to join NOTICE OF singles from one al­ Quote of the day ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE A light snow north and chance of or snow western portions late this afternoon. Highs in the 40s. The bids will be opened Feb. 15 at 11 a.m. in the any regional resourse rec­ bum — six from Chrysler Chairman Lee lacocca, taking about In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 1 flurries south today. An inch or two Clearing early tbnight. Lows in the teens inland, the tow 20s at the office of the director of General Services. overy plan. They say and 9 of the Town Charter, notice Is hereby ol ven of the adop­ "Thriller," the Ford fam ily in a TV special to be shown possible north. Highs in the 20s shore. Sunny Saturday. Highs from the mid 20s to low 30s. Today’s resource recovery would tion by the Boord of Directors of the Town of Manchester, Michael Jackson ■"For the first Sunday night aiid saying he will never forget north to 30s south. Any flurries be more costly to the town Connecticut', on January 12, 1984. time ever. Bantam Henry Ford II for firing him: , weather picture was drawn by Trista Moncevicius, 9, a fourth-grade AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE ending with clearing tonight. Lows 'student at St. James School. 1982 assessments audited than continuing the land­ BE IT O RD AIN ED by the Board of Directors of the Town Books stopped its press run of the paperback “ The F ^ d family practiced the divin^i right of near zero far north to the teens fill. And the town has been of Monchester that Chapter 17 ‘ T R A F FIC " of The Code of An audit of personal property assessments for edition of the Guinness Book of World Records to kings. T h ^ were a cut above even WASPs. I extreme south. Sunny on Saturday. asked to share its landfill Ordinances of the Town of Manchester beamended by delet­ include'a news-breaking achievement,"" Stuart 'Li- ■ 1982 produced a net increase of $455,640 in ing from, amending and adding to Section 17-16 as follows: mean, they wouldn’t even socialize with you, Highs in the single numbers far in an interim period while Section 17-16 Applicability of Regulations. Applebaum, Bantam"s publicity director, said that's Tor sure. You could produce money for 'em north and teens to low 20s south. assessments from the 21 accounts completed, long-range plans for re­ This article shall apply to any untraveiled way within the Thursday. hut you weren’t about to hobnob with 'em ." according to figures released by the assessor’s town which Is paved, plowed ond otherwise maintained by N Vermont: Cloudy this afternoon. gional resource recovery the town, even though It may never hove been formolly ac­ "Bantam held 'off''pNnting the "Arts and Highs 25 to 35. Chance of more light office. are being implemented. cepted as a public highway by the town; and, where clearly Entertainment" chapter — which contains snow late in the day. Partly sunny Of the 21 accounts, 15 increased, one decreased designated within the article, to privately owned and maint­ The problem was dis­ ained parking areos and roadways. "Phonograph" superlatives — from Friday night in the south then increasing clouds. and five remained the same. The largest increase cussed Jan. 12 at a meet­ This Amendment shall take effect ten (10) days after the Jan. 20th until Monday night Jan. 23rd in order for Sunday morning birthday Highs 35 45. South winds 10 to 20 was $214,110 for a manufacturer. last pubilcotion of said Amendment In the newspaper. (Bantam Editor Norris) MeWhirter to be able to mph. Partly cloudy and sharply ing of the town’s legisla­ 12-8-83 The increase in assessments would produce * This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this authenticate and authorize Michael Jackson"s Critic Heywood Hale Broun will feature a colder tonight. Lows zero to 15. tive delegation with the $21,269 in tax revenue using last year’s tax rate of publication In this newspaper provided thot within ten (10) achievement.■■ Applebaum said profile on octogenarian photojournalist Alfred West winds 10 to 20 mph. Partly Board of Directors. The days after this publication of this Ordinance a petition Eisenstadt on the fifth anniversary of CBS News sunny but chilly Satui^lay. Highs 5 46.68 mills. The cost of the audit, which was done directors urged the legis­ signed by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the Town, as determined from the Ibtest officials lists of the Re­ " Sunday Morning"' program on Jan. 29. Charles to 15 north and 20s south. by Certified Public Accountant Barbara Holstein, lators to resist any forced gistrars of Voters, has not been filed with the Town Clerk re­ Kuralt is the anchorman. was $2,500. sharing of landfills. At the questing Its reference to a special Town election. Cover story of the anniversary show is a report Extended outlook The results of the audit were similar to last same meeting, however, James F. Fogarty the Connecticut Confer­ Secretary by David Culhane on the increasing use of drugs, Extended outlook for New Eng­ year’s. Assessor J. Richard Vincent said. Board of .Directors ence of Municipalities especially cocaine. Al.so appearing in other land Sunday through Tuesday: "T h e cost-benefit ratio is generally about 8 to Manchester, Connecticut FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE OF urged them to work for Dated at Manchester, Connecticut sections will be Kareem Abdul Jabbar, the Connecticut, Massachusetts and 1," he said. / ’In addition, the higher of She wants worthy scripts state law that would force this 16th day of Januory, 1984. violin-playing Kafavian sisters and Russian Rhode Island: Fair Sunday. 049-01 assessment will carry forward to future years.” towns to participate in Actress Nancy Allen is fed up with the kind of dissident Aleksandr Kalugin. Chance of rain or snow Monday. The second half of the audit will be done in resource recovery pro­ OUR FAMOUS RRAND SUITS! scripts she has been receiving in Hollywood and Clearing Tuesday. Highs, mid 20s g w v ^ w w w - ■ February for accounts on the Oct. 1, 1983, jects if the they have not promises to do something atwut it. She said in an to mid 30s Sunday, moderating to personal property list. provided for resource rec­ interview 4n Genesis magazine that she will the mid 30s to mid 40s by Tuesday. overy singly or in in Valentine's Day produce her next film and make sure that the Lows in the teens Sunday, moder­ Now you know groups before July 1,1987. SUITS - SUITS - SUITS scripts are worthy of acceptance. ating to the mid 20s to,low 30s by SATs at MHS Saturday In a Dec. 19 letter to ••• headquarters James Buchanan, the 15th president, was the Tuesday. Weiss, Zinsser says he The actress says ""the film industry needs to be first bachelo^ejefted to the White House and the Vermont: Fair Sunday. Chance Satellite view Students planning to take the Scholastic We have a wonderful selection of cannot say in .advance revamped and I think 1 know how to do it, at least only one to remain unmarried. Grover Cleveland, of snow or rain Monday and Aptitude Test or Achievement Tests Saturday at $ 1 1 9 9 0 how he would vote on Valentines for everyone! on my own films. People need to get involved in the 22nd president, also was a bachelor when Tuesday. Cold at first with highs in Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. EST shows Manchester High School should bring their ticket resource recovery or A lso projects because they believe in the work and are elected but married his ward, Frances Folsom, the 20s and lows 10 below zero to 10 thick clouds producing light rain over the Southeast. Multilayered of admission, positive identification and two landfill legislation. candles paper willing to gamble on it.■■ while in office. above. Milder Monday and Tues­ clouds cover the Northeast while thin high clouds are visible over pencils, guidance officials say. Values to ‘V65 Values to ‘ 195 V alues to ‘250 southern Texas. Broken high clouds are over the Northwest and the At the Jan. 12 meeting. cookie cutters cut outs 2 day. Highs in the 30s. Lows in the Doors will open at 7:30 a.m., and students will Director Kenneth Tedford 20s. Northern Plains. dollies decorations be admitted to testing rooms on a first come, first said the letter indicates REGULARS, SHORTS, LONGS - SOME BIG SIZES Maine: Chance of snow Sunday. Plan your party — we have the served basis. No one will be admitted after 8:30 Zinsser favors landfill Fair Monday. Chance of snow or supplies. • SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS sharing. He said Zinsser’s flurries Tuesday. Highs 10 to 20 a.m. Almanac 30.00 district includes Glaston­ north and 20 to 30 south. Lows 0 to Parking will be in the student parking lot off bury, which has run out of 1 0 % discount 15 below north and 10 above to 5 SEA" Brookfield Street. Students should enter the landfill space. for below south early Sunday then 30.24 building through the cafeteria lobby, adjacent to SPORT COATS PANTS-PANTS Today is Friday. Jan. "27, the 27th 18.50, Admiral Hyman Rickover in nomination, becoming the first In the past Glastonbury organizations warming to 5 to 15 north and IS to25 BOSTON |. the parking lot. day of 1984 with 339 to follow 1900, and bandleader Skitch Hend­ has been mentioned as woman to seek the nomination of a south by Tuesday. 979 MAin 7 The moon is moving toward its erson in 1918. major American political party. one town that would use downtown MonclMOter New Hampshire: Chance of .NEW YORK On this date in history: the Manchester landfill new pha.se. ‘ In 1967, three American astro­ snow Sunday. Fair Monday. The morning stars arejMercury, In 1880. Thomas Edison was nauts died in a fire aboard the Chance of snow or flurries Tues­ Venps, Mars, Jupiter an(jl Saturn. graTited a patent for an electric Apollo-1 spacecraft during a 8R,N FRANCISCO TOWN OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT * 3 9 ®® 2 FOR 1 day . Highs 10 to 20 north and 20 to 30 A ' NOTICE OF There is no evening star. incandescent lamp. launch simulation at the Kennedy south. Lows 0 to 15 below north and ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE V alues to ‘85 BUY ONE PAIR AT OUR In 1914, U.S. Marines landed in Space Center. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 1 (0 above to 5 below south early LOS ANQEljES Those born on this date are under Haiti after the Haitian president and 9 of the Town Charter, notice Is hereby given of the adop­ REGULAR PRICE GET THE Sunday then warming to 5 to 15 tion by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, C o u n s e lin g the sign of Aquarius. They include abdicated in the face of a local In 1973, the and L O W E S T REG., SHORTS, LONGS SECOND PAIR FOR '1 MIX- north and 15 to 25 south by DALLAS Connecticut, on Januory 12, 1984. composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mo­ insurgency. North Vietnam signed a cease-fire TEMPERATURES ORDINANCE SOLID POLYESTER MATCH. HIGHER PRICE PREVAILS agreement. Also that day, an end Tuesday. $.32,C — ' s / 'COL.O' C O U B E IT OR D A IN ED by the Boord of Directors of the Town zart in 1756, author Lewis Carroll In 1964, Maine Senator Margaret V > A ffilia te s In c. •SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS ORLEANS ‘.MIAMI of Manchester that the Town of Manchester acquire from BLAZERS! (Charles Dodgson) in 1832, labor Smith announced her candidacy of the U.S. military draft was Vernon Street Corporation the following described land; organizer Samuel Gompers in fur the Republican presidential announced. I— LtatNO That certain piece or parcel of land situated In the Town 60 32 of Manchester, County of Hartford and State of Connecticut, Lottery ^ ^ ^ R A M 1/ »*.l8NOW known os Lot No. 14 on o mop entitled "Resubmlsslon Subdi­ vision Plan KNOLLWOOD Manchester, Connecticut A.R. •Marital & Family Conflicts •Stress Management 60 [223sHowiRi'> LOMBARDI ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Civil and Sani­ • DRESS SHIRTS 9 — 1 UPl WEATHER FOTOCA8T tary Engineers Land Surveyors, Vernon, Connecticut Dote: •Divorce Mediation •Hypnosis & Biofeedback Manchester Herald Connecticut daily July 1977 Scale; 1" equals 40' Sht. No.; 4 of 17 Revised • SW E A T E R S k FOR 1 10/24/7713/16/12 Approved by Planning and Zoning Commis­ •Child & Adolescent •Emotional Problems Richard M. Diamond, Publisher sion Town of Manchester, Connecticut Oct. 18,1902" which • FLANNEL SHIRTS Thursday: 864 mop Is on file In the Town Clerk's Office In sold Town of Man ­ MIX A MATCH National forecast chester. Difficulties •Sexual Problems HIGHER PRICE PREVAILS USPS 327-500 VOL. cm. No. 101 P l a y F o u r : 1038 There shall be no consideration paid for conveyance of the obove-described land. •School Problems •Substance Abuse For period ending 7 a.m. EST Saturday. Tonight, rain will be expected Suggested Cui i ler rotes are $1.20 weekly, $6.12 for one Published dally except Sunday and certain holldavsby Rainbow Jackpot: 13-1443 month, $15.35 tor three months, $30.70for six months and in the Northern Intermountain Region. There will also be snow over Prepared bv Barry W. Botticello the Manchester Publishing Co., 16 Brolnord Place, . Z - R e d - 142 AMlstont Town Attorney •Psychological Testing •Illness & Disability $41.40 for one year. Moll rotes ore ovolloble on request. Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at the Upper Great Lakes Regibn. Elsewhere weather will remain fair in Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER; Send address This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days otter this •Career Decisions & Counseling •Loss & Grief To oloce 0 classified or display advertisement, or to changes to the Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 591, general. Minimum temperatures include: (maximum readings in publication In this newspaper provided that within ten (10) report a news Item, story or picture Idea, call 643-2711. Manchester, Conn. 06040. Other numbers drawn Thursday days otter this publication of this Ordinance o petition REO AVS \ parenthesis) Atlanta 34 (56), Boston 23 (29), Chicago 19 (35), Office hours ore 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through signed bv not less than five

, U-' United States Woman shot Democrats fan out across N.H. to prepare for primary Bv Steve Szkotok In Brief ‘We split our organizational campaign press secretary Mike phone canvass will aim at areas by leftists, United Press Internotlonol tasks into three categories; per­ Shea said. where he is perceived to be strong, AIDS worries Heckler suasion, voter identification and Volunteers working from com­ she said. MANCHESTER, N.H. - The get-out-the-vote,” explained Ge­ puter printouts of registered De­ "All you can do is lay the W ASHINGTON — Heulth and Human Services battlegrounds are storefronts and rard Morris, press secretary for mocrats and Independents — ."D groundwork and hope it pays off, " Secretary Margaret Heckler says she is relieved embassy says warehouse lofts. The weapons are John Glenn's New Hampshire and Is," as a campaign worker she said. that government educational efforts have helped telephones, ward maps and voter campaign. casually referred to them — will George McGovern doesn't suffer calm public fears of AIDS, but she finds the rising printouts. The big gun is the “The message is very simple; work as persistently as telephone from a lack of name recognition, number of victims discouraging. candidate — who will appearoften, John Glenn has got what it takes to salesmen pitching encyclopedias. but he is short on campaign funds In a speech to the L'.S. Conference of Mayors By Michael W. Drudge in the flesh and on the T V screen. United Press International be president," he said. Mondale, who spent 27 days in and staff. Mass telephone cam­ task force on acquired immune deficiency The final month leading to New Glenn's camp has two large New Hampshire last year, will paigning is not part of the Febru­ syndrome, Mrs. Heckler said she fecls‘‘asenseof Hampshire's Feb. 28 presidential SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — An American warehouse lofts in a refurbished squeeze nearly half that amount of ary game plan, state coordinator hope” that medical researchers are making primary will be a test of the mill on the fringe of downtown time in February alone, Woody Woodland saidi progress in efforts to find the cause of the disease. woman traveling with her family on a highway candidates' organizational skills blockaded by guerrillas was killed when their bus was Manchester. One space will be February will not be any kinder "If you don't have the money, "I bring you, realistically, some good news and as much as their ability to govern used for young Glenn supporters to to those candidates who have you can't do that,” he said. "Our some bad news: the good news being that panic hit by gunfire from nearby hills, a U.S. Embassy the nation. This political reality is spokesman said. camp out in the final weeks of the struggled for name recognition in message is that George McGovern has been dispelled,” Mrs. Heckler told about two recognized even by those candi­ primary. New Hanipshire. is the clear alternative in terms of dozen mayors and their representatives. Linda Louise Cancel, of Culver City, Calif., was dates who have not followed the Glenn himself will spend at least Sen. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C.. foreign policy to Ronald Reagan.” Part of the bad qews, she said, is the increase in riding in a converted school bus with Alabama license conventional path on the campaign a dozen days in New Hampshire, plans to spend nearly three weeks Gary Hart's campaign enjoys the number of AIDS victims. plates near the Honduran border at 7:30 a.m. trail. Morris said. He will have plenty of in New Hampshire next month, the student support he helped She cited statistics gathered by her depart­ Thursday when she was fatally shot, U.S. Embassy "People can say what they want friendly support — 40 full-time including the week leading to the drum up for McGovern more than ment's Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta spokesman Gregory Lagana told a press briefing. to say about having an untradi- paid staffers and up to 200 primary, to broaden his admit­ a decade ago as his campaign Uonai candidate, but we're run­ showing that in 1981, there were 3,210 reported Lagana said authorities did not know whether rebel volunteers who work occasionally tedly weak voter recognition. chief. The Colorado senator's M ONDALE McG o v e r n AIDS cases in 43 states, the District of Columbia ning a traditional campaign," said on phone banks, leafletting and " I don't think it's (recognition) campaign has 16 paid staffers and and Puerto Rico. or government soldiers killed Ms. Cancel. “ There'sno Mel Reynolds, New England field identification of the gunmen,” he said. hawking "The Glenn Times,” a as big a problem as it was,” said- an army of 500 occasional volun­ ... two Granite state hopefuls director for Jesse Jackson. small campaign newspaper with Jackie McGinnis, Hollings' New teers, mostly college students, said Station to maintain U.S. iead The Salvadoran defense ministry charged leftist February will see all eight major an understandably favorable edi­ L Hampshire coordinator. Early in Jeanne Shaheen. Hart's New guerrillas with killing her as the bus ran a roadblock Democratic candidates make torial policy toward the senator'* the campaign, “ he could walk Hampshire campaign director. "I feel that we re, making a ary and w ill call in ' surrogates ” to W ASHINGTON — Despite'steady advances in carry his message when he can t on the Military Route Highway. UPI photo more appearances in the first- from Ohio. down the street and people didn't This young campaign claims to major effort here and I'm confi­ the Soviet space station program, the head of the a- be in the stale They include his "We're pretty sure it was a guerrilla roadblock," primary state than the previous Walter Mondale’s juggernaut is know who he was. Now. that has have visited 40.000 homes state­ dent it will give us a clear third in I'.S. space agency says the space base President Lagana said. several months; trigger a caco­ trying to flex the biggest organiza­ changed quite a bit... but it is still a wide and hopes to hit an equal the primary," said Phil Grandmai­ wife and Florida politicians Reagan wants to build will keep Americans a Windy day around LA. Ms. Cancel was accompanied by her common-law phony of phone calls to registered tional muscle in the final weeks to problem of his." number before the primary. son. Alan Cranston's campaign "Were working like a spoke decade ahead ofthe Russians. husband. Curtis Henderson Lewenz, who was driving Democrats and Independents in the primary. This requires a different cam­ The second tier candidates must chief. from a wheel." said campaign "Our technology is better than theirs, " James -Marcia Garcia, 12 years old, of Van suburban Los Angeles community. Hot the bus: their 18-month-old daughter, Lila Reveiti the state; and spark a steady “ What we’re doing is what we've paign tack than the saturation still work hard even if they hope to Former Florida Gov. Reubin director Dick Bouley, referring to Beggs said Thursday. Cancel Lewenz: her 5-year-old son from a previous Nuys, Cailf., looks in awe at a tree that winds slammed the state, leading to bombardment of leaflets and T V been doing for the last year — approach used by the Glenn and grasp for a goal short of first or Askew plans two long swings Askew's perceived power base of The Soviet Union now has the seventh in a series marriage, Christopher Lee McDonald, and a was blown d o ^ Thursday in the three deaths. and radio ads. going for every single vote,” Mondale campaigns. Hollings' second. through New Hampshire in Febru­ Manchester. of two-man Salyut spaee stations in orbit with a Salvadoran customs agent escorting the family new crew expected to be launched soon. Beggs through the country, Lagana said. said the Soviets have announced they are working No one else was injured in the attack. The family toward establishing a lO-to 20-man station by the was headed for Costa Rica and apparently planned to ‘Peatsy’ Hollings an experienced campaigner for Fritz second half of th'is decade. .settle there. Canada hits administration But he said Russia still has not yet operated a The first sign of danger for the travelers came about reusable transport like NASA's space shuttle to 70 miles east of San Salvador on the Military Route By Milly McLean discipline) as much as I do society," she said. "When 1 "M y mother could see the tremeridous hardship and staff and they were married in 1971 It was her first ferry men and supplies to a space station. Highway, when traffic began slowing and the car United Press International grew up people didn't have bars on their windows." the value of the Roosevelt Administration programs, marriage, his second. "They've announced as well that they intend to behind them waved for them to stop, Lagana said. on lack of acid-rain cleanup Rita Louise Liddy Hollings was born in 1935 to a which gave people an opportunity, to rebuild. There do that. We'll see how soon they come on line with Up ahead on the road were two armed men “ in a mix M A N C H ES TE R , N.H. — The ham and the teacher middle-class, Democratic shipyard worker and was always political discussion in presidential years Her first memory of her husband was Irom 1966. that. We know that takes a lot of work and a lot of of civilian and military clothing" commonly worn by in Rita Louise Hollings — “ Peatsy" to everyone — homemaker. A fourth generation Irish Catholic, she in our home." she said. effort. when the former South Carolina governor was Salvadoran guerrillas, Lagana said. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Can­ ing to advocate an air pollution burning power plants and indus­ started to emerge as she talked to the young students traces her political roots back two of those She was teaching in Charleston in 1%6 when an old running for the Senate. The candidate had come to "1 feel that once we get our very highly "The customs officers said he told the driver tostop ada is expressing "deep disap­ cleanup in 1984. tries is damaging surface waters, gathered at her husband's presidential campaign Y^nerations to her maternal grandfather, a once college classmate asked her to work for Hollings' first automated system up. which contains lots of new speak to students at the large public high school where- but the driver kept going. The gunfire came from the pointment" with President Rea­ Environmental Protection forests and man-made structures office. wealthy man who lost his money in the Depression. senate campaign. She later joined his Washington she was teaching. technology, that we will be far ahead of them," surrounding hillsides and one bullet struck Ms. Cancel Agency chief William Ruckelshaus " I was a teacher before I nriarried, so I know Beggs said. gan's refusal to call for an acid rain Capada charged Thursday that in the upper right side," he said. She died almost cleanup this year. followed up the president's com­ Reagan’s new acid rain policy “ is something of what you’re doing," the wife of instantly. Declaring, "Canada cannot do it ments Thursday, saying the go­ less than had been anticipated and Democratic hopeful Ernest Hollings starts off mildly Glenn replaces manager Lagana said Lewenz apparently did not understand alone." the government issued a vernment could act to control acid does nothing to relieve the growing enough. Within' 10 minutes, she’s leaning forward with a 5 0 % O F F ! Sen. John Glenn reshuffled his campaign slaff, the customs officer, who spoke no English. Lewenz bluntly worded statement from its rain in the next two years, but that sense of urgency felt by Canadians naming its third manager in less than six months, does not speak Spanish. embassy Thursday emphasizing Reagan does not believe an imme­ and many in the United States that mock evil leer on her face, doing imitations of in hopes of stopping his slide in the polls and Capt. Carlos Aguilar, a Salvadoran Defense Canada’s commitment to reduce diate program to clean up such the problem be addressed without Khadafy, Reagan and Assad. It’s all part of a day’s reviving his drive for the Democratic presiden­ Ministry spokesman, said "a group of terrorists who sulfur dioxide emissions 25 percent pollution is justified. delay.” campaigning for Mrs. Hollings. tial nomination. were dedicated to stopping buses and vehicles to ask on its side of the border by 1990. The political and scientific con­ But Reagan declined to advocate She talks to the students in a conspiratorial tone, After two days of meetings in Washington, for war taxes" tried to block the bus at Las Marias, a Canada’s anger was prompted troversy over acid rain has long even a limited cleanup program to explaining her husband’s views, drawing their Glenn Thursday named Gerald Vento his new hamlet on the Military Route Highway. by Reagan's announcement in his been a major source of strain in reduce the sulfur dioxide emis­ attention closer and closer to the middle of the empty ::ampaign manager and shunted his old cam­ "They did not stop and because of that, they were State of the Union address Wedes- U.S.-Canadian relations. Canadian sions, which scientific reports office. She throws wide her arms, scowls, smiles paign manager. William White, to fund-raising machine gunned, with the result of one woman dead," day that he is doubling the budget officials are convinced that sulfur identify as the principle source of broadly, scrunches down in her chair and stares OVER and other lesser duties. Aguilar said. for acid rain research but declin­ dioxide emissions from coal­ acidic air pollution. eye-to-eye with a small boy less than five feet tall. Glenn, who was campaigning in Waterloo, "Yes, sir,” she s^ys in her confident, cheerful deep 30% OFF! Iowa, said Thursday in a statement: "I am South Carolina drawl. The boy had asked if her confident the changes announced will enhance husband believes in a nuclear freeze. epi She watches the other young faces out of the corner All Telephone the progress we have been making in reaching the Answeiring Machines American voters, and I am delighted Jerry Vento Compromise possible in faith school fight of her eye with the experience honed Jrom nine years CORNING WARE is in a position to assume the new role as of teaching. 1-Piece Electronic SANYO During an interview, Mrs. Hollings said her years SCup Rangetop Our Reg. 98.99 rampaign manager. Bv Tobin Beck been looking for and everybody is the latest reopening in defiance of court the First Amendment free exercise of Phones *68 ■ I am grateful to Bill White for all he has done as a high school history teacher were the best possible Percolator United Press International victor." order came Jan. 3, with just four religion rights of Christian schools,” training for a political wife. Our PHONEMATE and will continue to do in my campaign. " The committee said Nebraska students in attendance. the committee report said. DR. SCHOLL’S Our Reg. 94.99 It was the second time since Glenn began "You have to be prepared in your subject matter. Orig.* 17S9 .. 7.76 *66 LINCOLN. Neb. — A fundamentalist teacher certification procedures a r e "We think there can be a co-existence Kerrey said the report provides a Rl^.19JM...... 13a76 Don't miss important calls! Know campaigning that he has lost his campaign You've got to have a sense of humor. You've got to be |jifiib*s Wool Flaace Mura or Lenox. Auto redial, Christian .school spokesman says legal unconstitutional and achievement test between the high standards of our state rational foundation to resolve the honest.... All this has stood me in excellent stead as a Fast, economical way to brew a who your caller is! Choose from manager. Joe Grandmaison left the campaign changes suggested by a governor’s or ThermaCushion great pot of coffeel In Spice-O- modular plug, ringer switch. scores of students should be used educational system and the rights of controversy that has been simmering political wife,” said Mrs. Hollings, 48, a big, Not eM otytfe btandaiee. Store Stock ofriy: no many styles to suit your home, late last year after losing a power struggle within committee may end the state's bitter instead, as a way to guarantee quality the church schools,” said Omaha in Nebraska for seven years. Life, Cornflower & Wildflower. sctK»l or office requirements. the Glenn camp. healthy-looking woman. Inaples ’ a in -D Eer. standoff between supporters of Chris­ education in fundamentalist schools.. attorney Robert Spire, who chaired the Her early years as a teacher also convinced Mrs. m ONtOCKT. tian schools and the government. Rowe said he spoke on behalf of the four-member committee appointed by "Rather than a declaration of war, CaAlorR»...... 2.79 this is a declaration of peace," the Hollings that public education would be her first Senators kill their raise Faith Christian School of Louisville, Gov. Bob Kerrey. priority if her husband's long-shot candidacy won her CBMorSatoiNh)--.--...... 1.99 "It’s a landmark document if it’s governor said. W ASHINGTON — For members of Congress, which has become the focus of the Fundamentalist schools contend s u ^ a stint as first lady. taken seriously," said the Rev. Edward Mlr.illtrtHBRdbf...... 1.00* [he election-yyear $2,443 annual pay raise, which battle between the fundamentalists mitting to state regulations, especially Six fathers of students at Faith " I would try to travel as a first lady to find the best Rowe of Wheaton, 111., president of the went into effect Jan. J, threatens to be short­ and the state over teacher teacher certification, puts the state Christian School now are in jail for examples of success in the schools and bring it to the AFTER Q C ia Church League of America. “ We feel if lived. ■ certification. before God. The committee agreed. failing to answer questions at a court attention of the American people,” she said. REBATE------.....PAIr 5j 5f ^ these, recommendations are*, imple­ The Senate voted 66-19 Thur.sday to kill the The school has been closed by court "Nebraska teacher certification hearing on the reopening of the Like her husband. Mrs. Hollings believes the *Smws he is not going to be a favorite son. dillerence between pre-stressed further into the backgrounds of state officials, he said. that there is no love lost between weighted in accordance with the President Reagan's political op­ O’Neill likes current song question witnesses, Frankel said. Kinsella’s close friend and former law occupying the Oval Office come In addition, according to vete­ Washington and Jackson. Democratic vote by wards in the eratives. reportedly striking a concrete and conventional rein­ Frankel. co-chairman of the commit­ associate, and William W. Graulty, a next January. Rather, what be ran Washington-watcfaers. the 1984 presidential primary. In deal to back Mondale as the forced concrete. Bui that differ­ HARTFORD — Gov. William O'Neill says since tee on impeachment, said several former bank trust Mficer who had been wants is to be sitting more mayor wants to be sitting on top THE PROPER BUT restrained other words, the larger the vote in easiest Democrat for Reagan to ence could save taxpayers billioiis. “ « ' r e .^1 Connecticut Yankees.” he doesn’t witnesses who testified before the Mrs. Donaghue's personal lawyer; and securely in the mayor's chair of the heap in the local Mack receptk>n Washington gave Jack- wards controlled by Washington beat. He has denied it. but there StrangMy. the cement industry think the state rong “ Yankee Doodle" should be Council on Probate Judicial Conduct Paul J. Aparo, Kinsella’s former law Merit selection is chan^d. would be asked to appear before the clerk named as Mrs. Donaghue's with. if*possible. his City Council community when the cfaist has son did not go unnoticed here. allies, the more ciout they will are those who wouldn’t believe and the Fe^ ra l Highway Adminis­ The governor gave no definite position on a bill committee and be subpoenaed if guardian 4o oversee the co- blood-rival. Edward Vrdolyak. cleared and fellow-Chidigoan And the fact that Jackson de­ have in nominating the next Vrdoly'ak if he said Joe DiMaggio tration seem determined to use the pending in the Legislature to replace the tune necessary. conservators. out of his hair and into the cold. Jesse Jackson, the full-blown clined to ch atlei^ Washington ir candidate for mayor of Chicago. expensive spread. Experts’ advice used to play for the Yankees. with a Deep River man’s rong but made no secret He said it was “ inappropriate” to “ We now see what the probate sought by O’Neill presidential candidate, is re­ the three predominantly Mack (Guess who?) has been ignored: Ralph Nader of his feelings. identify those witnesses Thursday. judicial council used to render its TH A T IS ONE main reason duced to an also-ran. districts in^cates Jackson is not NEVERTHELESS. Mondale has been vilified (or advocating the “ I think'that song is absolutely tremendous, it The select committee was named to censure. Our job is to review the By M ark A. Dupuis debated topic in the Legislature. Washington is running as a There are those who say that quite ready to do battle whh ALL THIS LOCAL emphasis money-saving pavement: and a has built such a strong operatioa really describes us all.” O’Neill said Thursday of study whether Kinsella should be council’s decision” and decide whether United Press International Proponents of the system argue it favorite son in only six of the Washington does have national Washington in their own tends to Mur the fact that there is here with high-powered endorse­ federal employee who Mew the “ Yankee Doodle.” which was adopted as state impeached after the judge was cen­ to recommend impeachment, Frankel would have judges chosen on the basis state's 22 congressional’ districts, ambitions, but not to reach the backyards. said. more at stake in the Illinois ments and basic organixation whistle was reprimanded and told song through a MU he sponsored after a “ number sured by the state's judicial conduct HARTFORD — Gov. William of what they know and not who they three of which are predominantly White House, except as a Reports are rife here that primary than deciding whether that as of now he is the odds-on to butt out of the controversy. of years” of debate while he served in the House. panel for violating ethical standards in A spokesman said House Speaker O'Neill, who has seen two top officials know. Irving Stolberg, D-New Haven, will black. In such a limited effort, he sometime as the country's pre­ Jackson last week tried to bluff Washin^on or Vrdolyak ought to choice to win the Illinois primary. Here’s the story: “ No matter what our ethnic background, handling the estate of Ethel M. in his administration arrested since Sen. George Gunther. R-Stratford. a religious or whatever the case may be. once we're Donaghue. an ailing, 87-year-old West name Rep. William Wollenberg, R- has no chance of winning a mier black political leader — a Washington, saying he would run be running Chicago and whether For politically attuited Chica­ Pre-stressed concrete has been taking office, said he would press for a longtime advocate of merit selection, Hartford woman. Farmington, the seventh member of majority of Illinois' delegates role to which Jackson also clearly delegates against him if the Washington or Jackson can claim availaMe (or more than a decade. in Connecticut we’re all Connecticut Yankees.” constitutional amendment for selection criticized O'Neill's plan and a similar goans. however, the question is he said. “ I think it's a very pretty tune.” If recommended, it would take a the committee, replacing Rep. Yorke against Walter Mondale and John aspires. Long before Jackson mayor declined to endorse Jack­ the title of No. 1 black political It involves stretching steel rein­ of judges on the basis of merit, one being considered by the Legisla­ who will come out on top: Harold, The Government Administration and Elections m ajority vote of the House to impeach Allen Jr., R-New Canaan, who resigned ture’s Judiciary Committee as a Glenn, both of whom have filed returned to Chicago triumphant son's natM>nal candidacy. Wha­ leader in the city and state. But forcing cables with 30.000 pounds “ The people of our state demand or Fast Eddie, or Jesse? Committee voted thi.s week to bold a public Kinsella. who would then be tried by the his legislative seat for health reasons. “facade and farce." i of pressure when concrete high­ integrity in government and 1 am hearing on a bill that would make “ W e're Proud prepared to do everything in my power Gunther said he had proposed a way slabs are poured. The result is of Connecticut” , by James A. Pennypacker of to respond to that demand," the "real" merit selection amendment for In Manchester a stronger pavement using less Deep River, the state song. governor said at a news conference 18 years, which would have half of the concrete and steel. Thursday, 12-member panel chosen by lawyers According to one official’s esti­ Education cost forces work Windsor Locks man The governor also said he has around the state and the other half b.v mate. the government could have instituted a system for checking more the governor. saved $1 billion on the last 45,000 MIDDLETTOWN — The annual cost of attending thoroughly the backgrounds of pros­ At his news conference. O'Neill also MHA prudent Wesleyan University has marred the education of pective judges and executive branch said he established a more-thorough miles of the interstate highway many students by forcing them to work up to 20 has faith in space system for screening nominees for system if pre-stressed concrete nominees and he plans to propose hours per a week, says a student report. judgeships and executive branch nomi­ had been used. Now that extensive creation of an inspector general's The report. “ Case Study Analysis: Tuition and WINDSOR LOCKS (U P I) — Kenneth mock-shuttle in one of the few environ­ office for slate government. nees and endorsed the concept of a on pet issue repairs are to be made on crum­ King's work may not be one giant step ments on earth which duplicates the state inspector general: Financial Aid at Wesleyan,” was completed by 10 Under O'Neill's proposed amend­ bling older sections of the highway for mankind, but he says it's one small zero-gravity conditions of space — a student members of an educational loMiy group ment. the governor would be limited to Background ctjecks now done by system, the technique could save step toward launching the average 40-foot deep circular of water. The Manchester Housing added problems. who said financial strains have caused students to choosing prospective judges from state police would be expanded to man into space. “ It gives you a good idea on how it the taxpayers untold amounts. forgo academic, social and extra-curricular names recommended by a screening include the chief state's attorney and Authority acted prudently by But it’s fair that those who King participates in a unique NASA must be to work in space. And, activities, non-paying summer internships and committee and could not submit a U.S. attorney. Screening and legisla­ not hopping on the pets-for- live in the MHA apartments program in which civilian scientists incidentally it's fun,” says King, who PRE-STRESSED concrete has courses for which the required books are too name to the Legislature that wasn't on tive committees that review nomina­ and engineers test the equipment they was one of only two engineers in the the-elderly bandwagon this should decide whether or not been used successfully on airport expensive. the list, as is now permissible. tions also could call on state police for design for use in space. In effect, he country chosen a year ago for one week. they want to try out the idea. runways and parking garages. A The report says the annual cost of attending O'Neill said the practical change help in background checks under plays astronaut. series of tests. Wesleyan is $12,425, which is among the high ^t involved in his proposal was that the O’N eill’s new system. At their Wednesday night They’re the ones who are recent report by a panel of state “ It's the wave of the future." says "There’s no orientation,” he says of college costs in the nation. system' he uses — which he stressed O'Neill asked stale police to come up meeting, authority members highway officials commissioiied 27-year-old engineer for Hamilton the tank,' 'There’s no bottom and no up. going to have to live with the The report recommended that Wesleyan's was a merit system — would be written with a more-detailed backi .und by the federal highway agency Standard Company, a subsidiary of It's literally almost like a free fall." said they wanted to survey consequences — good or bad. 19S4-8S tuition increase not exceed the 1983-84 into the constitution and couldn't be check system after he was questioned concluded; “ Pre-stressed con­ United Technologies. In the past, astronauts themselves residents before agreeing to inflation rate, that the financial aid office abandoned by future governors. about the present system following the Those who oppose the idea crete pavements are competitive He believes more and more civilians would fine-tune the tools designed by estaMish au emergency aid fund for such “ I'm more than happy," said Rep. arrest of former Agriculture Commis­ take part in a pilot program should consider that the pro­ will participate in space work in high-tech companies but now scientists ... and provide a viaMe design problems as parents failing to contribute the Richard Tulisano, D-Rocky Hill, co- sioner H. Earl Waterman Jr, coming years and soon the time will like King tio initial testing and then allowing pets for the elderly gram is a pilot program. If it alternative to other pavement expected amount for their children'8 expenses. chairman of the Legislature's Judi­ Waterman resigned as commis­ come when a private company which work with astronauts. in state-subsidized housing. didn't work out. it could be types. Performance to date would ciary Committee, who with the panel's sioner after his Dec. 13 arrest on a works for NASA, like King's employer, "W e teach them (the astronauts) indicate a lower maintenance other chairman has introduced a merit larceny charge for allegedly arranging Some authority members scrapped — though not with­ will maintain its own astronaut corps to how to use the equipment so that when cost.” selection amendment for this year's a deal that cheated Suffield out of oppose the program because out plenty of trauma to those they go into space it's a piece of cake," State OK’s gartMige charge test equipment. Legislature. $38,500 while he was the town's first they rightly feel pets might who would have to give up Nader, the indefatigaMe consu­ King normally does design work full King says. Tulisano said he saw no problems HARTFORD — State regulators have approved selectman. mer advocate, began crusading for time at Hamilton Standard Co. but For example, in the mock payload working out differences between his damage units. In addition, pets they’ve become attached . a charge of 8.5 cents per kilowatt-hmir for The incident also prompted the the cheaper, better pavement. He when NASA beckons he travels to the area in the tank. King developed one plan and the governor's and expected pets on the premises might . to. electricity from the planned mid-Connecticut governor to announce he would cull in fir told my associates Indy Badhwar Marshall Space Flight Center in procedure to replace damaged parts of legislators to approve an amendm e n t trash-to-energy project. agency commissioners and deputies cause problems between resi­ Perhaps those who live in <*!> and John Dillon the response Huntsville, Ala., to don his space suit. a satellite and another to fix the outside this year for consideration by voters. Regulators said the figure is higher than and ask them again about their dents by generating noise and erf reminded him of his fight against King then tests his own designs on a of the shuttle itself. Merit selection has been a long- the housing should consider current power sts but will result in a long-term backgrounds. damaging common areas. setting up some kind of the Chevrolet Corvair years ago. gain for ratepayers. They reasoned that it’s hard committee to oversee the when General Motors took extraor­ The ruling Thursday allows Northeast Utilities Cult members are enough for peopledo learn to ownership of pets. •fOM'T nc I't mt'rt' ih.in h' , Manchester High School football Birthday Area Conference of Churches said Roots. try hard to do their best. Parents Future Shock of this world is more than 6 inches of concrete in ja il Wednesday after serving three months on • Onlv IS minutc'Ifttm H.irthuJ Ea-' lucItH.iv , team did — without much money? stated in the paper that one do still have a part to play in this. making a mock. the pre-stressed method. But not criminal tresspass charges. a lot. A home. And a • Lt'w mainionanvi' cstenorN. Even the morale of the whole town evening she was there at 9:00 and • Fuliv appliaiueJ kiitheiV'. I also feel classrooms that are Your faith in God,has seen you surprisingly, the cement associa­ went up! Motivation? 1 wonder if Editor’s note: Mrs.Austin Che­ she felt bad because she ctMildn't place in The Village. • StanJarJ feaiufi*'- d<\k t'r pjtio. .lutvmutu r!.ir.i(:t- overcrowded make a great differ­ through — tion recommended 8-inch-thick Small budget even more social workers will be ney celebrated her tooth birthday let them in and that they had A planned community o f colonial charm. Your «'penef. ‘■unken living: rittm in the N.iiuuvkft ence. Cutting out eight teachers God continues to Bless you. pavement — 33 percent more Mtund pr»»ofing, caHe T \ .mJ nti'ri' needed when the Highland Park on-Thursday. Jan. 26. already been there for an hw r. goes further own private lot on town maintained n^'Kh. makes quite a load for the Your friend and former nurse concrete. Not only that, but the GARDEN lECTURES^^ • av.iil.ihli’ fcaiurt^ lircpkut’>, murtm.-tve lU tit' neighborhood is broken up and the That means two hours of loiter­ ^ Priced from the mid-frO’s. remaining ones. The physical ST. PAUL. Minn. (U P I) • The moM it»mpetm\e tinanung iv lu'w K ’ln^ t'tliTfJ l'\ To the Editor: Ever grateful. ing. At least three or tour nights a cement association’s report stated The Nathan Hale Cottage plant also makes a difference. children bused away from home. — , Low-income house- HiTH.ige Mortgage Ct»mp.in\. the .ue.i’' le.ijint: hi'mc week the staff at the rec have that Stanek had concurred in the - W e e k l y - offering one floor living. 2 bedrooms. Oversized Don't we have enough broken holids appear to be as ^ % linaiuinj! '|x\i.ili’*t Htriu>;i' M.>rin.i,:f C\*mp.m\ i» .i Most of us like to work in pleasant Alyce L. Ray S-inch recommendation. attached garage. Attic storage. Microwave oven. 'uhsiJi.uv t»f Hvnr.l^^• S.i\mp homes to contend with? I want people to know what a asked the early arrivals to leave good, and maybe better, surroundings and children are no East Hartford " I went through the roof." The Nantucket ^ p e No doubt, the school board in its grand person Mrs. Cheney was the building. at food shopping than ^ Tues. Jan 31, 7:30 pm. ^ T.(kt- l-.se i'Mt It •iCl’.t exception. offering two flvxvr living. 1. 2 or ^ .>n T.ivk'f >1 , riijlw At the Board of Directors meet­ Stanek recalls. H e wrote letters more affluent people, infinite wisdom and seeking to go when you knew her like I did. hedrvxvms. Attic storage. Double 7^ left »>n LvJ.ilt M I drove around town to see what ing when they approved use of the and spoke out against the wasteful along with what the whole country P.S. I worked five years for her ^ ys a. family resource French doors to patio. Oversized Fr.«m \ frn»»it. i.ikt i ■ l.xJ..: the other schools looked like. rec. it was brought up that fhe 8-inch recommendation. His re­ management specialist. “ Suem d With Colorful Sodding i Porrooials” is doing to improve the education Fairness? attached garage. . *t:ll t Naturally 1 love Highland Park Dear Mrs. Cheney. ward was an official reprimand of our children, is doing what it clientele were not the type to cause The Williamsburg Colonial C'HtKf H»*tir' il.iiii P i.K School. The brook beside the Today on your special day 1 am and orders from his boss. Richard Dottie Goss, of the Uni­ N u t: U . 7Ui, “Sm ssM tK i M f Sknli C i m i i i ” knows will make the Highland trouMe. yet Friday night, four men offering two flixyr living. 2 or ) For further information call school, the big playground, and no remembering many hours we A. McComb. to “ stop all your work versity of Minnesota Agri­ bedrvxvns. 1 or 2 car attached Manchester or 'S ) . - Park children reach heights they TatheEditar: caused a disturbance and the 64)*2111 641 6 4 'distractions. I saw the same thing spent together when I worked for on ... pre-stress^ pavement cultural Extension Ser­ garage. Double French dvxvrs to had not even dreamed of. police were called. The men fled at Martin School and Buckley, too. you. not as a strict nj|rse and papers.” vice. says a nationwide FRIf COFFEE "AND"— FREE UaURES deck. Some \valk*vvut basements. • On Saturday. Jan. 7. my son went before the police arrived. One food consumption survey These are two of the schools the patient, but as friends. Fred Lai^. an engineer who to the East Side Recreation Center night the following week, a woman showed households on li- Highland Park children will go to. Wilkilmina DeCormier I ’m remembering rides on hot 379 Porter St to go swimming. When he came had to be removed by the police in vented one of the techniques used mi(ed budgets generally I then drove by Nathan Hale summer nights for ice cream. I home he told me that the water was and neither the police or her in pre-stressing, said: “ Everyb­ got a greater return per School where over 100 will be remember the happiness in your cloudy and they found soap float­ husband could calm her down. ody can make money by not going dollar in both energy DLAND Grand Opening Feb. 4 to bused. I saw across the street from face when 1 drove you one evening ing in -the pool. Someone had It has also been heard over the to pre-stressed pavement. The value and nutrients. IMWaoUatilSt the school, business establish­ to Manchester College to hear your Ms. Goss says the diets stuffed paper in the lock to prevent scanner that police from area cement industry can make more GARDENS Ri m €p8i Daily PR E V IE W Jan. 27, 28, 29 ments, including a package store. I Thanks great-grandson play the violin. of higher-income house­ it from being^secured. He said this towns are bringing in people to the money. The steel industry can sell saw a cafe, a block from the school. Many lovely evenings we walked holds had more calciu m .^ was the second time soap had been shelter since their own town more steel. Everybody wins SKCIAI HANGING POTS I saw downtown, with its adult the grounds on the hill on Hartford magnesium and vitamin -.y? except the taxpayers and the found in Jhe pool. doesn’t have such a facility. Now C but were about equal to reg. 10~ end bookstore. There was no large To the Editor: Road. You knew every Made of riding public.” L ^ . incidentally, When I questioned him about it we are taking care of outsiders as the low income house­ playground, no brook, and there grass. I'm remembering beautiful he also told me that at one time well as our own. I am not against said that six inches of concrete is holds' in iron and A and B My compliments and thanks go sunrises that turned the stucco OW ONIY 6.77 were many distractions. feces had also been found floating the shelter itself. 1 just don’t perfectly adequate for pre­ vitamin intake. I wondered why the children out to the firemen and the house into a flame, and the in the pool. I checked this out and believe it should be located in a stressed pavement. She said one key to paramedics who responded to a beautiful pictures we took. Listen­ from Nathan Hale would not found it to be true. recreational facility. It is not fair Footnote; William Young, presi­ greater nutritional return HoiusMkuits-Uirg* beneflt more from being bused to call for help so promptly and ing to your fascinating stories on the dollar seems to be When they said they were going to those of us who use the facility or dent o f the Portland Cement the other schools, instead of having efficiently when my husband was about your trip to China. Listening u ^ of more milk. eggs, Mdctioii to put the sheUer in the rec. they to the staff who now have to police Associatioa. said that while the stricken a week ago. to Greek music after dinner. legumes and grain pro- •FoNae* • Harba • students bused there. Surely their also said they would install a light the area. pre-stressed method has “ delinile leacher/pupil ratio will be "M arty" is not "out of the The cat we caught in the trap set appheatioBs. it is not pre-enunent thicls and less meat, poul­ Cactus • LafM 6 SmaH in the alley between Ekfaidge and try. fish and akoliolic PotOaO PiMto changed Nathan Hale is in the woods ". but be wouldn't even be for a racoon. The lovely flowers in the field ... The initial cost of School streets, and improve the PM Havens beverages and gifts for my son's wedding. kind of zoning district that, were it "in the woods" if he hadn't been 77 EMridge St. laying it is higher tK»ii the ligMing in the back of the rec ------.1,—I •• u« K» » - MANCHESTER HERALD, Friduy, Jun 27. 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday. Jan. 27, 1984 - 9 Friday TV ^Area towns 6:00P.M. “ Entertainment Tonight interviews with today's hottest ® - N a w a 8 - MOVIE: 'The Long Riders' celebrities. A n d o v e r QD 9 ) d ) 0 ist ® - Nawt - Family Feud Jesse James, Cole Younger and (& ) > Freeman Reports 11;45P.M. their outlaw bands terrorize the CD - Thraa'i Company - Wild World of Animals C o v e n try 8 - Top Rartk Boxing from old American W est Stacy Keach, B o lto n / ® IS - TV ConMdy't GD - Battlattar Galactica 7:30P.M.* Funniest Moments Atlantio City. NJ Keith Carradine, David Carredine. 8 - HBO Coming Attractions 1980. (B ) - Alica CB - PM Magazine S i - MOVIE: VIctorA/lctoria' A 8 - M O V IE : 'Charile' Chan In - Earth. Wind & Fira in CB - All In the Family female entertainer becomes s hit 12:00 A.M. C o n c trt This special was taped by posing as a man in dreg. Julie igypt' Chan uncovers murder on GD * Muppet Show - Hawaii Fhra-O at the Oakland Coliseum THE MASTER Andrews,'James Gsrper, Robert CD an archeologicat expedition. W ar- CB - Family Feud - MOVIE: ‘Tha Drivar' A ,ier Oland, Pat Paterson. Rita Can- a s - USA Cartoon Express Preston. 1982. Rated PG. CD CD - Benny Hill Show professional get-away driver is 3ino. 1936. Bolton school board Lee Van Cleel stars as "The s - Amtln Chy Limit. o s - Or. Gene Scott the target of an obsessed police­ 0 5 - N ew s Master," a drama about the 2:00 A.M. ® (9 - M*A*S*H S - MOVIE: Foraml man. ^a n O'Neal. Bruce Dem. G3) - Colt. Basketball Report first American to master Ninja, Vengeance' An American kung 1978. 3 ) - Newt/Sign Off s s - Album Flash fu expert seeks revenge when his GS) - Dragnet the deadly art of Oriental GD - Star Trek GD “ America's Top Ten (3 ) - MacNail/Lehrer Newsh- family and boss are murdered. won’t change budget our @ ) - Crossfire warriors. The series airs Chuck Norris, Michael Cavan­ GB) ” Dr. Gene Scott Cff) ' Jo e Franklin Show FRIDAY, JAN. 27 on NBC. augh. Mary Louise Welter. 1982. GD - Solid Gold - Reporter 41 JS )- M*A»S*H ( 8 * Thicke of the Night Rated R. ^ - Newlywed Game • MOVIE: 'The Beastmas- d $ - Sneak Previews Co-hosts ® - Newsnight ter' A young man who can Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME GD - State We're In (8 - MOVIE; 'Fait Times at 2:15A.M. to be sent to voters communicate with animals sets take a look at what's happening at the movies 10:30 P.M. Rldgem ont H igh' Teenagers dis­ 3 ) - MOVIE: To Be Announced out to avenge his father's murder. cover booze, sex and them­ Marc Singer, Tanya Roberts., Rip GO) - Nm v* 3® “ SportsCenter By Sarah Passell grade algebra class. d D • Veronica, El Rostro del selves. Sean Penn, Phoebe Torn. Rated PG 0® - Spoit. Prab. Am or Cates, Ray Walston. 1982. Rated Herald Reporter According to Packman, virtually all - 3-2-1, Contact d® - Wheel of Fortune S - 24 H on. R. 2:30 A.M. of the cuts he could suggest next week BOLTON — Despite school board 6:30 P.M. O ) - Barney Miller S - lndap.nd.nt NMwodi 12:15A.M. CB - MOVIE: 'Power Within' A would involve risks. If the $9,000 N n v . carefree, handsome stunt-pilot's chairman James H. Marshall’s fear diesel-powered lawnmower is cut. the CS) - One Day at a Time G9)' People's Court 8 - Earth, Wind & Fira in ® - MMN.iI/l.ahf.r N «nh- life is changed after an incredible that the finance board and town voters Concart This special was taped administration will almost certainly C£) - CBS News (g) - Dr. Who our accident. Eric Braedin, Edward at the Oakland Coliseum. will balk at a proposed 12 percent have to fund at least $1,.300 in repairs (H ) - Sanford and Son Binns, Susan Howard. 1979. 11:00 P.M. ® «• Eros America increase in the school budget from next year to the lawnmower currently “ Hogan's Heroes G® - ESPN's Inside Football 8:00P.M. CD CD CD S ( 8 8 - n . w * 1983-84 to 1984-85, school board in use and still face buying a new one ® @D - NBC News (S ) - Crossfire CB CB - Pukes of Hazzard (2s) “ World Class Boxing Three CD-T a x i members Thursday said they will pass the following year, he said. - MOVIE: 'Srtoopy, Come Luke's onetime sweetheart be­ 8:30P.M. 9:30P.M. 12:30A.M. ® - Dating Game championship bouts are telev­ (33) - O dd Coupla on the administration's untouched if the $68,000 window-replacement Hom e!' Snoopy bids Charlie comes a target for murder when C B “ Healthbeat Magazinb CB - NHL Hockey: New Jersey 9 ) - Nightlira ised. including; Davey Moore vs 2:45 A.M. request, totaling about $2.5 million, to project is cut, there will tie no $6,000 in Brown farewell in order to return her manager tries to kill her for the Duane Thomas for the W BC Ju ­ CB GS) - Websler Webster at Edmonton 8 - Night Flight CD - Bonanza to his first owner. 1972 Rated G & - MOVIE: 'Goodbye Pork the town for approval. 2 insurance money (60 min ) nior Midcfleweight crown. Ho­ struggles atone when he at­ (3$ - Not Necessarily The 8 - Banny Hill Show oil savings that the project is supposed 8 8 - Friday Night Videos Pie' T w o losers join forces and (2S) - Noticiero Nacional SIN ward Davis and Jimmy Paul for tempts to control his bed-wetting N e w s to save over one year, and the project CB “ PM Magazine S - Spofta Tonight 8 - Thicka of the Night set out across country in a stolen The 12 percent increase does not Noticias nacionales con Guillermo the USBA Lightweight title, and problem. CB G9) “ Benson Senson is ac­ ( 8 *■ Connecticut Lawmakers car, Tony Barry, Kelly Johnson. include several capital projects which may be delayed or savings eou Id be less Restrepo Thomas Hearns defending his 8 - D r . W h o cused of being spy when some 1:00 A.M. 1981. Rated R ( 8 - SIN Presents: 'Suspenso' 8 - Twilight Zona the school board agreed to present to than projected, he said. (S ) " Jeffersons records reveal that 'Benson Du­ WBC Super Welterweight crown C ® - Saint 3D - All In the Family against Luigi Minchiilo in the main' '-m the town separately. If the $3,000 Apple computer for the @9) - A B C N ew s bois' was killed in the Korean (32) ~ E S P N 's SportsW eek 10:00 P.M. GD - Soul Train War. (Closed Captioned] event 11:15 P.M. 3:00 A.M. The budget discussed Thursday is 0.2 business office is cut, the board will (S^ - Business Report (8 GD * Wall Street Week CB CB ** Burnett 'Discovers' SD “ Prime News 8 - Raportar 41 (3D - Twilight Zone CD - MOVIE: 'Gunga Din' Part percent higher than originally pro­ have to continue to pay staff members Q D - N ew s Louis Rukoyser analyzes the '60s Dom ingo Carol Burnett and Pla- UPl photo cido Domingo star in this series of - M O V IE : 'Th e End* A dying 1 Adventure yarn based on the GD - MOVIE: 'Smile Jenny, @5) - Legmen with a weekly review of econ­ jected. The addition was made when to keep accounts manually. If the $2,600 7:00 P.M. musical numbers, comedy 11:30 P.M. man frantically searches for a Rudyard Kipling poem about an You're Dead' A private investi­ (29) - M O V IE : 'Bill' A mentally omic and investment matters. Superintendent Richard E. Packman photocopier is cut, the school .system dD - CBS News sketches and dance numbers. (60 CD - Barmy Millar simple and trouble-free way to Indian water boy. Cary Grant, gator becoihes involved with a retarded adult, with the help of a ( 8 - 'Charytin' Programa musi­ Douglas Fairbanks, J r .. Joan Fon­ Guest for lunch corrected several errors in the plan he won’t have a single reliable copying min.) - Thicka of tha Night end his life. Burt Reynolds. Sally 7 CD ® ® ) - M*jgKS"H cover girl marked for murder by a good friend, tackles life outside cal presentando la bella Charytin. Field, Oom Oetuise. 1978. Rated taine. 1939. gave to the school board earlier this machine, he said. School officials ( B - JPfcJac Dough deranged photographer. David the institution after living there for C B ~ N e w s (D - Banny Hill Show R Janssen, Andrea Marcovicci, Clu 44 years.'Mickey Rooney. Dennis o s - MOVIE: Bohemian Qiri' month. complained Thur.sday that students are CD - ABC News ( B G ® - M att Houston Matt CD - Star Saarch The famed comedians are in the Elephant handler Bill Shields apparently doesn't between shows at the amusement park to see what Gulager 1974 Quaid, Largo Woodruff. 1981. 9:00 P.M. helps a friend w ho has been jailed The board made no revisions to the given illegible homework assignments fB - Laugh-In 03) - Honaymoonan 1^15A.M. Alps with a band of gypsies and a realize he has a guest for lunch at Circus World near Shields had in his lunch box. ~ ESPN's Inside Football ( 8 ) (5z) - W ashington Week/ C B C B - Dallas Miss Ellie tells on charges of murder and the proposal, declaring themselves satis- reproduced by mimeograph and that GS) (3® - MOVIE: 'Cannery Row' A St. Bernard dog. Stan Laurel, GD - Jeffersons Review Paul Duke is joined by Clayton the real reason why she theft of $2 million dollars in co­ 8 - SportaCarrtar Orlando, Fla. Minyak the Elephant took time out on - MOVIE: Forced marine biologist tries to forget his Oliver Hardy 1936. fisd that the administration has re­ large copying projects take days to top Washington journalists ana­ wants to call off their marriage caine. (60 min.) (Closed Cap­ (S ) - SportsCenter Vengeance' An American kung 8 - Leave It to Beaver past while a young runaway drifts quested no major changes in the complete. * lyzing the week's news and Cliff plans a rendezvous with tioned) G3) - Coll. Basketball Report ® - Inside The NFL fu expert seeks revenge when his Marilee Stone. (60 min.) "/ ruffed his partner's trick following a four-hour standoff with a state police East Hartford, but not yet shipped, had and led a heart. what It takes to come out on "A^ a result of his confinement unlawful restrain. The judge then . mercial engine and will return the By Oswald Jacoby SWAT team. No one was injured. Police said apologized to Perez for the similar problems, the spokesmen said West got his two heart top If confronted by competi­ during this period, Mr. Perez suffered a engines to the Boeing Co., a company and James Jacoby tion. Charles Tringale, 18, and two unidentified Thursday. tricks and waited for the severe emotional depression. He be­ incarceration. spokesman says. ARIES (March 21-April 19) 17-year-old boys were arraigned after surrender­ sure trump trick to leave came the subject of public and private Zisk said he could not understand Pratt & Whitney, which has spent The problem, a minor manufactur­ Don't gel rattled today if you ing to state police at a summer cottage in ing defect in the fan exit case, was North would have liked to declarer high and dry and scorn and abuse. He was subjected to how Perez could have been accused of more than $1 billion to develop the find yourself involved In a situa­ Dunbarton owned by a Massachusetts relative of the crimes, because police reports on corrected at Pratt & Whitney's East double the two-club overcall one down. tion where you're a bit unsure embarrassment and disgrace in the PW2037, a new fuel-efficient engine for one of the boys. Hartford plant. The two engines are to with glue. In other words, he (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) ol your ground. You'll adjust eyes of his family and friends, and he both robberies say the suspect was at the Boeing 757. asked the Seattle-based remarkably well. has lost his own self-esteem and least 6-feet tall. Perez is 5-feet-6. aircraft maker earlier this month to be shipped back to Boeing. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) In Vets seek cash for rebels business dealings today, be as frank and forthright as possi­ NORTHAMPTON, Mass. — A veterans group ble. II you play it cagey, per­ has launched a fund-raising drive to raise money CROSSWORD sons with whom you're for guerilla rebels trying to topple the Nicara­ Involved will do the same. guan government to show support for U.S. policy GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Partnership situations should in central America. "When you’ve got people who ^ T h o m A5 PAINE work out well (or you today, want to be free and they're fighting a Marxist BILLY GRAHAM ACROSS 2 Auitrian Answer to Pravioui Puzzle provided you're prepared to government it's a good cause,” said Fred Benoit capital play the supporting role. Let Jr., 36, commander of the Michael F. Curtain i ^ N T Ha v e to g f t o 1 1 Egg call 3 Coat type D N □EKDEl your cohort have top billing. TV SPECIAL u N T O Veterans of IForeign Wars Post 8006. 5 W h it lor 4 Tims zona □ CANCER (June 21-July 22) If T A C T OOP HAip CUT, (3ENFPAL 8 Elliptical (sbbr.) G you hope to be a producer 12 Affects 5 Bundle today, you must discipline Feuding brothers die 2 WA^HiNfiTbN. with pain 6 ______Park, yourself not to do things in,fits 13 Csresi grain and starts. Complete each task DEDHAM, Mass. — Separate funeral services London U 8 14 S lip before moving onto the next. ■ 7 Tenth of a e T were held for two feuding brothers who died of tS Waistcoat decade LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Donlt heart attacks within two hours of each other in the 16 Oklahoma view participating in fun Th a v es I-J7 8 Allay_____ same hospital after barely speaking for 25 years. town 9 Able to fly involvements as a frivolous C 'W ttyN C A in c IMRag US Pal • TMOfI 17 DrSp heavily waste ol lime today. You need Clarence Alton, 61, and his brother Charles Alton, 10 Portuguau is­ 18 Noun suffix relaxing activities to recharge 56, had not been in the same room together for lands 19 Whale your psyche. more than a decade until they were rushed to 11 Skin-ill 21 Exist VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) End­ sufferer Faulkner Hospital. 22 Fishhook 28 Baby powder 43 Leather ings lend to work out the way •mANKC 19 Slick leader 33 Obaisanca working tools you envision them today. It you 7 20 Rocket to ^'PUFORy 24 Proprietor 34 Flask see the results as benellclal, Dairy deadline Is today 26 Taro moon (comp, Chinese they will be. II you're negative. HOT wd.) 36 One or tha premier — MONTPELIER, Vt. — Vermont farmers have 28 Bsepi other It's another story. 29 Accountant 23 Find pofition En-lal LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) It's .SMDWHe, 37 Tourist until today to decide whether they will join a (sbbr.) of 45 Abhor Important to maintain a cheers federal program which pays tthem to cut back 30 Dancer Millar 25 Miracle lodging 48 Want before ful, optimistic outlook today. milk production. Agriculture Department spo­ 31 Police alert 27 Spreads 38 Wit This will determine your mode 50 Mineral spring kesman Donald George said state officials hoped 32 Lytargic acid sparingly 40 Onioni of action. Positive thoughts get diathytamida 25 percent of Vermont’s 3,000 farmers who sell 1 2 a 4 1 t 7 1 t 10 11 positive results. 33 Oaipisas SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) milk commercially would sign on. 36 Animata ia 13 14 Financial matters should not be 38 Grttk post treated too lightly today Health care costs reviewed DSt 39 Bay window 11 It 17 because this could lead to 41 Baeaball regrets. Wipe the grin from PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Rhode Island I-X7 ' official (ibbr.) 11 It 21 your face where money is the House has voted to set up a special legislative 42 Marina sight ■ Issue. commission to review health care costs with an 46 M ao_____ 22 1) IT 2B SAOITTARIUB (Nov. 23-Doc. eye to making the service more affordable. The . tung ■ 21) It's time to be more asser­ I J U S T A N D I a t e T H E R E A R E 21 legislation, which still needs Senate approval, 47 Handls tive In situations which allect PREAAAEC?* roughly would focus on methods by which patient needs THAT STUPID W O R S E 2t your self-interests. Progress 49 Former are determined and on reimbursement systems. THAT 1 W ASA DOQ-. THINGS THAN 1 can be perked-up If you, not hockey league 11 otiiars, set the pace. MAU-BATIN& B E I N Q A 50 Wing tip 1 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) S H A je X ... VEQ'ETARIAN. 5 1 Amorous look h U 31 37 Be helpful where you can Water shortages likely 52 Homasita ■ today. Your greatest satisfac­ 53 Become lively JT 40 tion will come from doing lor AUGUSTA, Maine — More than half of Maine What happens when more than four thousand men and life? Watch as they share their good news on the streets 54 Coaraa grisa ■ ” others, rather than from can expect to experience water shortages by the 41 4t of the city. Hear the challenge they received that sent 55 Petition advancing your own cause. > year 1990, a federal report says. The Interior women from 133 countries congregate in Amsterdam 55 Branches of ■ 47 41 4t 10 Department study said shortages already exist in td be fired with new power to proclaim a new kind of them home to change the world. learning the southwestern part of the state and copper • 1 •2 IS mining in Aroostook County and a peat project in emu DOWN About the worst thing yoti; CHANNEL 14 It 6t can take for a cold is unsoli­ Penobscot County could change the quality and 1 Louis: arch. cited advice. How of groundwater. TO N IG H T 8:00 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friduy, Jun 27, 1984 MANCHESTER HEHALU. Friday, Jan 27, 1984 - l l_ C ash taken Obituaries in holdups LAST 2 DAYS FOCUS/ Weekend Arthur J. Gustafson Esther F. Warren Arthur J. Gustafson. 94, of 17 HARTFORD - Esther F. Goslee Drive, died Thursday at Warren, 84, of Avery Heights, at 2 stores Manchester Memorial Hospital. formerly of Manchester, died AL SIEFFERTS He was the husband of Anna Thursday at Hartford Hospital. Anderson Gustafson. She taught in Manchester Two Manchester convenience He was born in Sweden and lived schools and was a librarian at stores were robbed Thursday in the Hartford area most of his Mary Cheney Library for 16 years. night, together reporting lo-sses life. He moved to Manchester 18 A memorial service will be totaling about $370 in cash, police WAREHOUSE SALE years ago. Saturday at 11 a.m. in the Avery said today. He was a member of the First Heights chapel. Memorial contri­ The first occurred about 8:20 Congregational Church in Vernon. butions may be made to Church p.m. at the Cumberland Farms UP TO 40% OFF “ SIS'® Before his retirement in 1955 he Homes Inc. store on Hartford Road, police was employed by Pratt & Whitney said. According to an account the Boston Aircraft Group of United Technolo­ James F. McAuley store attendant gave police, two gies Corp. James F. McAuley, 69, of 179 Oak unidentified black men entered the Besides his wife, he is survived St., died today at Manchester store. While one lingered near the by a son, Alan Gustafson of Memorial Hospital. He was the front door, another preceded as if Bridgeport: two daughters. Astrid husband of M argaret, " P e g " to buy a package of candy. Shaw of West Dennis, Mass., and McCormack McAuley. When the store attendant rang Betty Girouard of East Hartford; He was born in Hartford and up the sale, the man reached over seven grandchildren; a great- attended Hartford schools. Prior to and tried to grab the money inside grandson: and several nieces and retiring in 1976, he had been the cash register. Then he leaped Our five-member tribe nephews. employed for 42 years by the over the counter and gathered all The private funeral will be Connecticut Natural Gas Co. in the the money, stuffing about $120 in Saturday at the Taylor and Mo- commercial service department. bills into his pockets. After learn­ deen Funeral Home. 136 S. Main After his retirement he worked ing from the attendant that there CIOSED spent $208 in two days St., West Hartford, with the Rev. part time for the Pressure Blast was no more money in the building, John Lacey officiating. Burial will Co. of Manchester. he went through her purse and then F«. By Susan Plese two museums, instead o( the four 2 ordered her to the floor. THURSDAY AT 9:00 be in Fairview Cemetery, West He was a member of the !P: His companion emptied the Herald Reporter for three. The hotel gladly obliged. Hartford. There are no calling Manchester Democratic Town Cost of the to tickets was $39. If we hours. M emorial contributions Committee. District 6, the Town of change tray from the register, and BOSTON — Have you ever been had used the 12 tickets the package may be made to the memorial fund Manchester building committee, both men then fled in a maroon car west on Hartford Road. Police said tempted by a weekend package allowed, the cost would have been of the First Congregational Church the Manchester Organ Society, to prepare for the about $48. The room, we figured, deal? Wondered what you would of Vernon or to the Visiting Nurses and the Cha-wi-ma Co-op an officer had noticed a car fitting actually get for your money? actually cost us $56. Association of Manchester. Campgrounds. the description of the getaway car twice earlier in the evening in the We wondered, too. Besides his wife he is survived by MEALS WERE NOT a part of a son. James L. McAuley of parking lots of local shopping Our deal — which I saw in a this package. One other hotel Alfred R.H. Currie Manchester, a daughter. Judith J. centers. As of this morning police newspaper ad — said one night at 7 LAST 2 DAYS OUR the Boston Marriott, museum included continental breakfast and WETHERSFIELD - Alfred Gibilisco of Glastonbury, a step­ had no other leads. Sundav brunch for$138. two nights. R.H. Currie. 71. of 47 Moutitain son, Thomas E. Quinn of Colches­ Two and a half hours after the passes, and a shopping pass for Laurel Drive, formerly of Man­ first incident, police were calleil to Faneuil Hall. ter: two stepdaughters. Eileen P. Please turn to page 14 chester, died Wednesday at Hart­ Jenkins of Jacksonville, Fla., and Dairy Mart on Spencer Street, We weren't disappointed. ford Hospital. He was the husband where two store employees and a WAREHOUSE SALE Boston's Long Wharf Marriott is Mary Jane Cross of Newport, a recent addition to the skyline. of Natalie Demers Currie. N.H.: two brothers, William J. cutsomer reported two men had The seven-story brick structure Besides his wife, he is survived McAuley of Newington and George just stolen about $2.50 at gunpoint. by a son. William R. Currie of F. McAuley of Manchester: and According to victims' accounts, faces the famed waterfront just adjacent to the New England Here’s Wethersfield; a brother. William five sisters, Florence Cebula of the employees were working in the {/s Aquarium. It is within easy walk­ Currie of Coral Gables. Fla.: two West Suffield, Mary Sullivan. back of the store when they were ing distance to Quincy Market and sisters, Elizabeth Bub of Lebanon Sarah Ridolfi, and Irene Smeal, all confronted by a man with a Faneuil Hall, Here’s what we and Mary Hyson of Manchester; of Manchester, and Kathleen sawed-off shotgun wearing a Hal­ the tab found. and two grandchildren. Francis of Ellington. loween mask. After he ordered Our double room was $95. Too The funenil will be Saturday at The funeral will be Monday at both to lie on the floor, a second What will a weekend in Boston S E E IIU steep, we thought. But the M arri­ 10 a m. at the Holmes Funeral 9 :15 a.m. from the John F. Tierney man entered. SPECIAL actually cost? Here's a breakdown ott, with several restaurants, an Homo. 400 .Main St.. Manchester. Funeral Home, 219 W, Center St., One robber directed one em­ of our expenses for two days and a n iE U T m indoor pool and sauna, is a luxury Burial will be. in Rose Hill followed by a mass of resurrection ployee at gunpoiht to the front of night in the city. SAVINGS hotel. Service is excellent. We Memorial Park. Rocky Hill. Cal­ at the Church of the Assumption at the store while the second robber Our hotel cost was expensive, MOVIES AT realized that the moment we pu lied ling hours are today from 2 to 4 10 a m. Burial ^ 1 be in St. James held the second employee in the. but included in the night's lodging up in the car and were greeted by p m and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial Cemetery. Calling hours are Satur­ back, A customer entered the store ON PN for five were tickets to the New HiM B two people — one to park the ear contributions may be made to the day 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 2 to and was ordered to join the two in England Aquarium and Boston FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 and one to carry the bags. Be Shriners Children's flospital, 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial the back of the store. HUGE Children's Museum. Had we paid VIDEO prepared to tip, Springfield. .Mass., or to a charity contributions may be made to the The employee in front was for the tickets separately, they of the donor's choice. charity of the donor's choice. ordered to empty the day's re­ & SELECnOH OF would have cost us $39, family of ceipts into a grocery bag and then TAPE WHY THIS particular package five. forced to join the others on the lloor SATURDAY 9:30-5:00 VIDEO TAPES! deal when there were other Tickets to the aquarium are $5 in back, where all three remained cheaper ones? for adults and $3 for children: RECORDERS Good question. There were a Schools evaluate result until the robbers fled. total, $19. Tickets to the children's Both incidents are under couple of reasons. museum are $4 for all ages: total. investigation. First was location. The hotel is $ 20. NEVER BEFORE...... AND NEVER AGAIN, WILL ideally situated for a walking tour A lip: many of the Boston hotels of new teacher contract of the Freedom Trail and many- J Police are seeking a warrant for have a toll free number you can the arrest of a man on a fifth- PRICES BE THIS LOW. WE GUARANTEE IT ! other historic attractions. use to make reservations. If you Now that the 1984-86 contract tor written notification of the award degree larceny charge in connec­ Second, children under age 16 can make arrangements that way, could stay free in the same room Manchester teachers has been Thursday, said this morning ho tion with the theft of scanners and a you'll save the cost of a phone call. with us. We had two double beds, settled tbroiigh binding arbitra­ was not sure the 6 percent pay- two-way radio from Radio Shack Here’s the list of our expenses: and the hotel staff rolled in a tion. School Sii|ierintcndent James raise is in the best interests of on West Middle Turnpike Jun. 9, Hotel, including 10 museum P. Kennedy and Business Manager ciireer teachers. they said today. folding bed for our daughter, at no admissions: $95 extra cost. Raymond Demers are busy eva­ "What we re concerned about is According to police, a witness Parking: $10 But the real draw was the luating the impact that .settlement a Board of Education that brings in was later able to identify a Tips: about $10 will have on their recommended last best offers which, in our museum tickets. The ad offered us Dinner, tax and tip at Durgin A phutogrupli of the suspect, whom two adult and two children’s budget opinion, are totally inadequate. " store employees confronted in the Park: $40 Herald photo by Plese admissions to each of three attrac­ .-\ substantial reorganization of he added. parking lot outside the store after Breakfast at Quincy Market: tions — the New England Aqua­ that ^pendIng plan is what While union members believe they discovered the radio equip­ $6.50 rium, the Children’s Museum, and Kennedy predicts .-\s ol this binding arbitration is a viable end ment missing. The suspect's fe­ Quincy Market in Boston is all but deserted on an early are all kinds of booths, from fruits and vegetables, to Snacks and incidentals: $7 the Boston Tea Party Ship. morning, he had verified w hat the to the negotiations process, he male companion angrily denied at Dinner Sunday, tax and tip: $22 Sunday morning. But even before the market officially pastries and breads, fast foods and gourmet fare. When I called to make reserva­ teachers' salary hike and dental said, they are not pleased with a the time that they hud taken the Gas and lolls: $18 board which "has refused to SAU! opens at noon, there is plenty for visitors to see. There tions. I requested five tickets to Total: $208 .50 plan,aw;yd ,wijl cost, but was merchandi.se, police said, and they w it hholding release of the informa­ accept the responsibility of mak­ were allowed to leave the lot. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD tion until school board members ing a decision before or during Working with a description of the N EVERY VIDEO RECORDER, could be notilled. mediation." car and a license plate number, The dental award will have a Teachers were pleased to have police tracked the car the couple EVERY COLOR TV - B & W TV ...m ust be sold! variety of impacts on settjements the settlement accomplished. Tog­ was driving to an Agawam, Mass., with li\ e other emiiloyee groups — nalli concluded, adding, "W e hope business, police said. The owner EVERY STEREO & HI-FI ...must be sold! administrators, nurses, parapro- our teaching staff will accept it for said he did not know who stole the tessionals. secretaries, and main- what it is worth. " merchandise, police said. EVERY REFRIGERATOR ...m ust be sold! lenaiu''e stall - Kennedy added. But an anonymous phone caller Some of these groups will al.so get later provided the suspect's name Weekenders dintal plans, automatically; oth­ Fatal tribute to the Springfield Police Depart­ EVERY WASHER - DRYER ...must be sold! ers m.iy or may not. depending on Built by his wife Artemesia, the ment, police said. Springfield their contract, he said tomb of King Mausolus of Anatolia police sent Manchester police a EVERY ELEC. & GAS RANGE...must .Manchester Education .Associa­ (Turkey) was renowned in ancient photograph of the suspect, which a Auction offers services filrh tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the school Memorial Hall, Hartford. The program will be an Ralston gained fame by playing on the Lawrence tion I'ri-sident Peter B Tognalli. world. Thus, his name became witness was able to identify as the EVERY DISHWASHER...must be sold! evening of dance, song and musical surprises. Welk show. The program Saturday will be at 3:30 and If you need some wallpapering done or if you want to cafeteria. who wittihcld comment on the identified with a, word for certain man confronted in the Radio Shack In addition to two new works choreographed by 8:15 p.m. and Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $6 terms ol the settlement pending tombs — mausoleums. parking lot, police said. EVERY MICROWAVE OVEN ...m ust be sold! learn how to tnake baskets, play the piano, the art of The play, presented by the Drama Club, is entitled Uthoff, the evening will iciude performances by or $7, making stained glass or want to have a dinner "Toga, Toga, Toga.” It is set in the Alpha Beta House, Metropolitan Opera mezzo soprano Joy Davidson and catered, the place* to go tonight is the Unitarian gathering spot of an outlaw high school fraternity. 1 ^ 1 EVERY PORTABLE CASSETTE RADIO.... must be sold I baritone George Osborne. Osborne will perform the Meetinghouse, 153 W. Vernon St. Tickets for the evening of farce are $2 for adults and Toreador song from "Carmen." There will be a service auction and entertainment $1.50 for students. Tickets will be available at the Music and dance at schooi Most legal maneuvers exhausted And during this sale, w ell give you the by Roger Fisher playing the bagpipes. door. Directors are Dayl Graves and Betty Lou Pipe organ in concert GLASTONBURY — Pianist Hwei-Mel-Lin and same fine service we always give. Free, fast Nordeen. Student director is Sonya Kurien. cellist Laura Kane, with guest artist Curt Blood on the The big theater pipe o rp n at the famous clarinet, will entertain Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Gideon for inmates on Florida death row delivery. And a choice of paying with youri ’»s Toga time Spend a night at the opera Thomaston Opera House, will be the center of Welles School. 1021 Neipsic Road. The program will include music by Bach, Brahms. • STARKE. Fla. (UPl) — Attor­ willing to accept death cases. Master, Visa or Low Monthly Payment Plan. attention this weekend as the Connecticut Valley ' "Animat House” fans take note: Illing Junior High The Hartford Ballet presents a "Night at the Schumann and Shostakovich. It's free and open to the neys for many of the 210 inmates on ^ ' * O o Theater Organ Society presents Bob Ralston in A network of about 250 attorneys Charge School will present a theatrical take-off on the popular Opera," today and Saturday at 8 p.m. in Bushnell public. Florida's death row saw the represent most of the nation's 1,200 concert. 2 execution of Anthony Antone as a death row convicts, said Gail signal that time is running out for Rowland, assistant director of the their clients because most legal Florida Clearinghouse for Crimi­ maneuvers have been exhausted. nal Justice. Microwave’s from 188^ "The ability of lawyers to seek About 24 of Florida's 210 con­ relief at the federal level is all but demned prisoners do not have gone, " said Martin Belksy, a attorneys, she said, and "each Color Television’s from 1 9 8 ^ University of Florida law profes­ case takes so much work that it's Real romantic specialists can answer this one sor who is also director of the difficult for any one lawyer to 42800 7 school's Center on Governmental handle more than one or two. " 25” Color T.V’s from Responsibility. QUESTION: My story begins when I was in the • EILEEN: I loved you in^l935. I loved you in 1980 Idaho) Antone. 66. a self-proclaimed 29900 seventh grade. I went ice skating and a ninth grade when 1 re-found you and your love. And I love you • BILL: Your love for me, my love for you has metuphysicist, became the 12th Refrigerators from boy kept pestering me by throwing an old bicycle tire more in 1984. Love, B.G. (St. Louis) fulfilled my dreams. Look, honey. I'm a published man executed in the United States over my head as I was trying to skate. I hated him for R o m a n c e ! • KIM: Remember "When Liking Turns To Loving author! Eternal love, VIVIAN (Mentor, Ohio) since the death penalty ban was bothering me, not knowing he was just trying to get to It's Time For M arriage"? Thanks for being my best • DANIEL: I love you through our ups, and I love lifted in 1976 and the first in 1984 23800 Ranges from know me. We eventually fell for each other all the way friend, husband and lover for almost 15 years, you through our downs. But most of all my love I love when he was electrocuted Thurs­ Fire Calls to our senior year in high school. He then left to join the Langdon Hill CONNIE (Angola, Ind.) YOU. BURR-BURR (Missouri) day. He was the first to be executed • MARK: The farmer who stole my city slicker who did not actually kill the victim Video Recorders from 38800 Navy. Being young and full of life, 1 went to a dance Syndicated Columnist • OWEN: I am so glad I decided to be a waitress one himself. where I met a well-mannered, polite and well-dressed heart. I love you, LAURA (Sacramento, Calif.) more time, because I certainly met a heck of a man! I Eight of the executions since 1976 Manchester boy. We dated for two years and married. • KISS: Thanks for loving me even if I'm as love you so much. LINDA (Urbana, Ohio) have occurred in the South and romantic as a dead fish. C.B. (Willoughby, Ohio) • ERNESTO: W e've been together for four years Thursday, 11:09a,m,— unneces­ Dishwashers from 27900 We have been married now for 34 happy years. (I‘m three were in Florida. sary alarm, Cadwell & Jones Inc., stories you may have, to me, in care of this • COLLEEN: Growing older is only half as great as and five days and I have loved you ever since. Thank 54.) In those 34 years I have never seen my first love. 1 Florida Attorney General Jim 46 Adams St. (Eighth District) newspaper, P.O. Box 30400, Tucson, Ariz. 85751. Tell growing fonder. Love, DARRIN (Lighthouse Point, you for your love and understanding and, most of all, dream of him often and would give my right arm to see Smith said ^bout five more of the Thursday, 1:08 p.m, — motor PLUS HUNDREDS OF OTHER SPECIALS! me what “ Dreaming” should du. I'll feature as many Fla.) for making those years the most precious of my life! him again and what he looks like today. I know my state's condemned men will be put vehicle accident. Summit and of your letters as possible in an upcoming column. Love, CINDY (Bakersfield, Calif.) . to death this year. Gov, Bob Hollister streets (Eighth District, husband would not like the idea of my seeing him. • R.9'T:~l’^;om dish-pan-jaw to the diamond truck, Graham has signed another death Paramedics) Could it be. as I was told by a dream specialist, that ATTENTION Ir OMANTICS. Last month I asked our relationship is one glorious surprise after another. • BIG JOHN: I'll love you until the end of time and warrant for the execution of Thursday, 2:04 p.m. — alarm. 46 A i my first love was unfinished? — Still Dreaming in you to send me your special messages for your loved Whether homenr down under, you're the one for me. I then I'll throw away my clock and love you some Beauford White on Feb. 7. Adams St. (Eighth District) Sieji^'iA one on Valentine’s Day, \our response has been so love you. S.R. (Satanta, Kan.) more. GERI (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.) Trucksville, Pa. \ Lawyers say the latest setback Thursday. 5: ,54 p.m — medical overwhelming that I'm including a number of them • ZOOKIE: You're the greatest! Love you much. to death penalty opponents came call, 228 Oak St. (Paramedics) ANSWER: You are fortunate to have had an today and will present even more just before Feb. 14. ORAL B. (Tuba City, Ariz.) (Do you and your partner have any romantic earlier this week when the Su­ Thursday, 8:52 p.m — motor SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER. Long Term unforgettable first love followed by a long and happy However, even these-will represent just a fraction of • BARB; The best present you can give me for my preferences? Find out by playing the “ Gee, I Didn’t preme Court struck down a lower vehicle accident, 191 Center St. VtSA APPLIANCES • VIDEO • AUDIO • TELEVISION Bank the hundreds and hundreds of messages sent in from birthday (13th) and Valentine's Day is your love Know You Liked Bubble Baths, Too” game. For your court ruling that had required (Town) marriage. Is that first love unfinished? Should you try 445 Hartford Rd., Manchester all across America. I hope you find yours. Happy again. XO. JIM (Visalia. Calif.) copy, send $1 plus a long, self-addressed, stamped state courts to investigate similar Thursday, 9:07 p.m, — smoke Financing to finish it? Frankly, f don't know. • BILL: Warm sunshine/Soft gentle breeze- murder cases to determine if the investigation, 2 Alpine St. (Town) Keeney St. Exit Ott 1-84 The answer to your question will have to come from Valentine's Day! envelope to Gee, I Didn't Know You Liked Bubble SHEILA MAXWELL decision to impose the death Friday, 7:54 a.m. — motor MON THURS. 'TIL 9. FRI TIL b 6 4 7 -9 9 S 7 the real romantic specialists, Romance! readers' • BILL; If our love grows as strong as my coffee, /Boundless ocean./This earth is aware/Of the love Baths, Too, in care of the Manchester Herald, Box 591, themselves. we'll be married forever! Love, PAM (Chandler, that we share, Always, RACHEL (Denver) Manchester, Conn., 06040. Make checks payable to . death penalty foe penalty was arbitrary or biased. \)V>hicle accident, 1-84 eastbound, TUES.WED.SAT TIL5 ^ 4 7 -9 9 9 8 In addition, fewer attorneys are by the Howard Reservoir. OK. readers. Send your answers, and any similar Ariz.) • MRS. J.: How f love my pie! HUB (Weiser, Universal Press Syndicate.) U - MAN’CHESTER HfeRALD, Friduv, Jan. 27, 1984 Michael York, Richard Thomas, John Gielgud star MANCHESTER HERALD. Friduv, Jun. 27, 1984 - 13 0 King of Hillbillies regrets changes in country music

Stevenson classic to television By Jim Lewis Saturday night al the Opry. Ilc.slill into our field is not too presentable about a couple of young lovers United Press International Uccjuy.s ;ire young boys — most ol By Jullanne Hostings yo-yos and balances his fiddle bow especially for the Grand Ole making love on a blanket. them are — and they like it, of on his chin to the delight of the Opry." Acuff's IxHik is spare in its United Press International The entire production, filmed on location in England and NASHVILLE. Tenn. - It was course. It's sexy... I think they Opry crowds. He said many of the songwriters criticism of modern or progressive forget what country music is all baseball great Dizzy Dean who use the “honky tonk” atmosphere country music, but he writes that NEW YORK - Michael York, Richard Wales, is so lush with costumes and period pieces, it is hard said it first: Roy Acuffiskingofthe uboul and what it repre.senls. I do Thomas and Sir John Gielgud star Tuesday HE'S OBVIOUSLY done some now. Dolly Parton “has drifted farther hale to see it destroyed. I would to believe The Master of Ballantrae isn’t a feature film hillbillies. thinking about the new breed, '"The atmosphere around them away than most of them." C>(f- on CBS in the lavish TV niovie “The Master That was later updated to “King hate to see it lose all of it many of whom don't acknowledge is different than the atmosphere of Ballantrae,” an adventure story about brought to TV. of Country Music”. Roy is still “She's become a Hollywood (traditional music)." two feuding brothers in 18th Century his kingdom and scoff at his around me when I grew up. I grew king, but some of his majesty's devotion to the Opry. up around a Christian atmosphere glamour girl, and that's a shame Acuff recounts the early days Scotland. knights and Tadies have gone for us because she used to write The Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation Prince Charlie has returned to Scotland to patrol. They eventually get to France He said some of today's country and my thinking was in a Christian inrew up and his first work as an astray. music is getting away from the line. Everything 1 would write was some good songs,” he wrote. entertainer in Knoxville. He of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic will reclaim his deposed father's throne. where they live a life of debauched court Acuff passed 80 last September air Tuesday at 8-11 p.m. EST. Jamie and Henry are both anxious to fight dandies — complete with powered wigs, basics and many of the new in a Christian line. I wrote a little “A lot of them have drifted away moved to the Grand Ole Opry in and now lives in splendid proxim­ songwriters don't pen tunes out of a too much in the Christian line. I get 1938 and has been a regular The story covers three continents and for their prince, but their cautious father much champagne and little heart-shaped ity to the kingdom he was instru­ over the years. Take Johnny Cash, features war on land, a sea battle, a insists that only one of them go. Then, no beauty marks on their cheeks. Christian atmosphere. to thinking of death, angels heaven for example. If he had stayed with performer almost ever since. mental in building. Acuff and William Neely have and the Lord and you write what the Opry, he would have been one torchlight duel, Indians — American and matter what the outcome, Ballantrae would He has a little house at Opryland written “Roy Acuff’s Nashville: you think. Acuff confesses he strayed to Asian — pirates, an 11th Century English not be lost. BACK IN SCOTLAND, Alison has agreed U.S.A., really only a short gulley- of the Opry greats, but he wanted Hollywood a while and made, a castle (rented from actress Jane Sey­ to marry Henry, although she tells him she The Life and Good Times of to be another John .Wayne. He did jump from the Grand Ole Opry Country Music" (Perigee Books, “THESE BOYS that are writing half-dozen movies but he came mour) , greed, lust and,.a love triangle. TO THE DISMAY of his father and will always love his brother. House. make a big comeback, for which 1 back to his roots. $8.95). During an interview, Acuff songs today and calling it country think he owes a lot to his wife, June. Alison, Jamie demands that the final Jamie finally begins hitting Henry for Few people are ever called the was asked whether country music GIELGUD PLAYS Lord Durrisdeer, decision be based on the flip of a coin. money — lots of money. Without letting — they are not in the right I’m proud of him. He overcame Some of the entertainer's hard ‘|king’’of anything and even fewer is getting loo slick or commercial. atmosphere to write good songs. some big problems and he's a star limes and dues paying are recalled eighth Earl of Ballantrae and the father of Jamie does the flipping and ends up going Alison know, Henry meets his brother's live long enough to hear the title to "It's not the very best for me," two sons, Jamie Durie (York), the master off to join Prince Charles. demands, as well as those of the peasant They write about what they are again." — the old medicine and tent shows their face. he replied. "But if that's what the thinking about — laying on the before he became a star and the of Ballantrae, and his younger brother A short time later, word comes back to girl who has had Jamie's child. But. in spite of suggestions that In regard to the new country Henry (Thomas). Ballantrae that Jamie has been killed in The elder brother, however, still isn’t ROY ACUFF people want...They're getting ground and sleeping on a blanket.” music he says, “I don't think they gruelling one-night stands made on modern country has passed him away from the basics of country This was an apparent reference (the public) like it as much as it is winding roads in cramped Durrisdeer greatly favors his zesty elder battle. Everyone blames Henry, including satisfied and he returns to Scotland vowing country music singer by, Acuff keeps going every music. Some of it that's got over son, despite his wenching and gambling the peasants, and call him a coward who to reclaim all that is his and ruin his to a song popular a few years ago pushed on them. I think Mr. breakdown-prone automobiles. debts, and so does Jamie’s second cousin forced his brother to go to battle. brother. Alison Graeme (Finola Hughes), who is But Jamie is not dead. The battle with the With the help of his friend and overseer 2 betrothed to him. Even the estate's British lost, he tries to get to France. On the Andrew (Ian Richardson), Henry tries to peasants are charmed by Jamie. way, he and another ex-patriot. Col. settle with Jamie, but every time it looks as Henry is considered — if he is considered Francis Burke (Timothy Dalton) are if he’s rid of him — he even pays his passage at all — a penny-pinching wimp. kidnapped by pirates, whose captain (Brian to India — the unscrupulous older brother Michael York and Richard Thomas star as two brothers whose The story opens in a sort of “Tom Jones” Blessed) reminds one of Col. Kurtz in returns. Make & Keep Your Sibling rivalry develops into a bitter feud later in life on the lavish fashion. Jamie is rolling in a haystack with “Apocalypse Now." Thomas is excellent as the younger CBS-TV movie “The Master of Ballantrae.” Their father is played one of the peasant girls (Kim Hicks). Jamie and Burke end up in the North brother who feels indebted to the conniving L The New, He hears horses and shouting and leans American wilderness and after a series of Jamie and York is a joy as the lecherous lAkf^ecfueitt/teP&ciAune by Sir John Gielgud. out of the hayloft to learn that Bonnie misadvertures finally meet a'French Army older brother. 7 New Year’s Resolution To o^Cfou/iQotnpa^uf.

' The New Dine Out More Often... Altnaveigh Inn . . . with countrj; dining Altnaveigfi Inn nusic Et Cetera Dance Theater at its best. Choose One of these Fine Restaurants! Union Congregational Church, Vernon: M u si­ Unitarian Meetinghouse, Manchester: A se rvi­ Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford: The H art­ Darien Dinner Theater, Darien: "The Merry •Wedding Rehearsal Dinners cal program, Sunday at 4 p.m. In the sanctuary of ces auction will be conducted today starting at 8 ford Ballet will present "Saturday Night Fever," W idow," Is playing through Feb. 19 at the theater, •Bridal Showers and Luncheons the church, corner Union and Elm streets. The p.m. at the Meetinghouse, 153 W. Vernon St. today and Saturday at 8 p.m. In Bushnell Hall. 65 Tokeneke Rood, oft Interstate 95. Eight program will feature show tunes, classicals, (527-0713.) performances each week. Tuesday through •Wines & Spirits available spirituals and comtemporary music. A.reception University of Hartford, West Hartford: The U.S. Dance Club, Rocky Hill: Special show Saturdays, Dinner at 7 and show at 8:30 p.m.; featuring this week: The Altnaveigh Inn •Overnight accommodations will follow In the chapel. Open to the public. film, “Lord of the Files," ploying today at 7 p.m. featuring Jose Solano and Bobbie Petrie. At 7 Sundays, dinner at 6 and show at 7:30 p.m.; Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford: 40th anni­ In Auerbach auditorium on the university p.m. they will give a mambo lesson; Admission Sunday matinees, buffet lunch at 11:30 a.m. and versary gala concert, Thursday at 8:15 p.m. with campus. The public Is Invited. No charge. Second $10., at the club, 38 New Britain Ave. (529-3442.) show at 1 p.m. Tickets include buffet dinner and Arthur Winograd directing an all-Mozart pro­ feature is “ Fahrenheit 451.'' (243-4349.) show. (655-7667.) gram . (246-6807.) Central Connecticut State University, New Hartford Stage Company, Hartford: "O f M ice Fine food and gracious hospitality is our specialty. Center Church, Hartford: Wednesday noon Britain: “Stellar Winter Wonderland," today, and Men,” playing through Sunday. Showtime repertory, at the church, 60 Gold St In a program Saturday and Sunday, 8:30p.m. attheCopernIcan today and Saturday, 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, 7:30 HOUSE OF CHUNfi of electronic music, poetry and dance. For lunch Space Science Center on the university campus. p.m. The theater'Is at 50 Church St. (527-5151.) and program call the church house by 4 p.m. on Featuring authentic Polynesian — Call now to reserve your special date — Admission $2 for adults and $1 tor children under Tuesday or bring own-lunch without reservation Yale Repertory Theater, New Haven: The 12 and senior citizens. Children's shows, today, Cinema and Cantonese Specialties for beverage and program . (249-5631.) WInterfest schedule Includes “Chopin In Space, Saturday and Sunday at 4 p.m. Same prices for tonight at 8; "The Day of the Picnic,” Saturday at Fxoric nnixKs Bushnell Memorial, Hartford: Boston Sym­ adults and children. (827-7419.) phony Orchestra, Tuesday at 8 p.m. for one 2 and "The Sweet Life," 8:30 p.m.; “The Day of the PUB Bill & Vickie Gaudette and Bernie Henri/ performance. (246-6807.) Earle Park, Glastonbury: Naturalist guided Hartford Express (R) Sun 4:30, 9. Picnic," Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m.; "The J AHienaum Cinema — The Vernon Sweet Life,” Wednesday at 2 and 8 p.m.; and First Church of Christ, West Hartford: Satur­ walk by Holland Brook Connecticut Audubon ThIrtv-NIne Steps Fri-Sun Cine 1 a 2— Educating Rita ^ day, Tom Juravich and Cindy Mangsen In a Center of Glastonbury, Saturday, from 2to 4 p.m., 7:30 with The Lady Vanishes (PG) Frl and Sot 7,9:15; Sun "Chopin In Space," signed for the hearing <1.00 off <.50off«.y^ •LUNCH AND DINNER program of music, at the church, 12 S. Main St. Frl 9; Sat and Sun 5:30, 9. — 5, 7, 9:15. — D.C. Cab (R) Frl Impaired, Thursday at 8 p.m. The theater Is at Earle Park, adlacent to the center, 1361 Main Father Was a Full Back Sat 7:20,9:30; Sat 1:30,7:20,9:30; Open Tues, thru Sun. (closed Mon ) Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8 p.m. St., and the Connecticut River. $2 tor Audubon located at 222 Y o rk St. (436-3164.) nzzA nzzA 363 BROAD ST. and Sun 2:30. Sun 1:30,3:30,5:30,7:30,9:30. with IhU Coupon Eiplrao 4/1/M Sunday Breakfast 9:00 a m. - 12:00 Tickets at door but reservations advised. members and $3 for non-members ond $1 tor cinema City — Vertigo — Hugo the Hippo (G) Sat 2; Long Wharf Theater, New Haven: "R equiem ManchsMtsr (563-3263.) (PG) Frl 7,9:35; Sat and Sun Sun 1, 3. 300 Moia St. MoacliMt«r 047-1S5I 957 Storrs Rd., Storrs 429-4490 children. (633-8402.) 1:30,4:15,7,9:35. — SIlkwood West Hartford for a Heavyweight," playing through Feb. 12 at 6 4 9 - 4 9 5 E Hartt School of Music, West Hartford: “ The (R) Frl7:15,9:45:SatandSun Elm 1 A 2 — D.C. Cab (R) Stage II of the theater, 222 Sargent St. (787-4282.) Treepennv Opera,” today and Saturday at the Wadsworth Atheneum Cinema, Hartford: “The 1:20, 4, 7:15, 9:45. — Zleov Frl 7, 9:15; Sat and Sun 2, school on the campus of the University of Thirty-Nine Steps.", 7 p.m., today, Saturday and Stardust (PG) Frl 7:30, 9:30; 4 :30,7,9:15. — The Man Who University of Hartford, West Hartford: New Sat and Sun 2:30, 4:30, 7:30, Loved Women (R) Frl 7,9:15; .J A Hartford's Millard Auditorium, 8 p.m. Friday and Sunday; and “The Lady Vanishes," 5:30 and 9 9:30. — The Drauahtman's Sat and Sun 2,4:30, 7,9:15. Showcase theatrical series, features"Flve Good Saturday and matinee Saturday at 2 p.m. p.m., today, Saturday and Sunday and Saturday Contract Frl 7:45; Sat 1:55, The Movies— To Be Or Not Reasons to Laugh,” by Theater Beyond Words of and Sunday matinees at 2:30 p.m., at the cinema, 5:50, 9:50 with The Woman to Be (PG) FrI-Sun 12:15, (243-4442.) Next Door (R) Frl 9:50; Sot 2:20, 4:30, 7:20, 9:20. — Ontario, Canada, Thursday through Saturday, 8 Palace Theater, Stamford: Barbara Cook in 600 M ain St. (525-1439.) 3:50,7:45. — Swept AwoV Sun SIlkwood (R) FrI-Sun 12,2:20, p.m.,. at the Lincoln Theater on the university concert, “ It’s Better With a Band,” 7 and 10 p.m., 1:55, 5:55, 9:55 with Seven 4:40, 7, 9:30. — The Lonely cam pus. (243-4228’.) at the theater, 61 Atlantic St. (359-0009.J Trans-Lux College Cinema, Storrs; Today Beauties (R) Sun 3:45, 7:45. Guy (R) FrUSun 12,1:40,3:20, through Saturday, “Baby It’s You," at7p.m.wlth CInestudIo — Zelleo (PG) 5,6:45,8,9:45. — Pink Floyd: Hole-In-The-Wall Theater, New Britain: High School,. New London: Eastern Connecti­ Frl and Sot 7:30 with The The Wall (R) Frl and Sat cut Symphony Orchestra will present a New a 2 p.m. matinee Saturday. Also “Lianna," today Elephant Man (PG) Frl and midnight. — Dawn ot the "Twelfth Night,” Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 London Bicentennial concert, Saturday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 9p.m. and Saturday at 4:30 p.m.. Sat 9:10. — Don't Look Back Dead (R) Frl and Sat mid­ p.m.-, through Feb. 11, at the theater, 36 North St. The theater Is on Route 195. (429-6062.) Sun 7:30 with Dance Craze night. — Kentucky Fried Admission Is by donation. DAVIS FAMILY N In Scanlon auditorium of the high school. Sun 9:20. Movie (R) Frl and Sat . A I u l l > C ^ ' NOW SERVING BEER & WINE (443-2876.) Children's Museum of Hartford, West Hart­ Colonial — Schedule midnight. unavailable. Wllllmantic Coachlight Dinner Theater, East Windsor: “A DAILY and EVENING S^^ClALS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY SPECIALS Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford: ford: “Mirror Magic," a special program at 2:30 Jlllson Sauare Cinema — Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court," 11:00 A M — 9 P M Connecticut String Orchestra with Renato Bona- East Hartford Uncommon Valor (R) Frl Monday: Swedish Meatballs p.m., at the museeum, 950 Trout Brook Drive. A playing through Feb. 5 at the theater. Route 5. Friday and Saturday Serving till .10:00 P M cini conducting, Sunday at 3 p.m. In the church. materials fee of 75 cents will be charged In Eostwood Pub & Cinema — 7:10, 9:20; Sot and Sun 2:10, or Baby Beef Liver Educating Rita (PG) Frl and 4:20, 7:10, J:20. — Terms ot Performances Tuesday through Sundays. Doors w/potato & vegetable Open to the public. There will be tree seats or addition to regular museum admission. (236- Sot 7:15, 9:15; Sun 7:15. Endearment (PG) Frl 6:50, open for cocktails and dinner before the show at ALTNAVEIGH INN FRIDAY SPECIALS preferred seats with a $10 donation. (827-7385.) 2961.) Poor Richard's Pub A Ci­ 9:20; Sat and Sun 1:50, 4:20, 6:30 p.m. (522-1266.) Under new ownersjiip TuesdaytVeal Parmesan w/ nema — D.C. Cab (R) Frl and 6:50,9:20. — Hot Dog (R) Frl Veal Parmigiana w /spag...... 9.25 spaghetti Holiday Inn, Hartford: Hartford Jazz Society Sat 7:30, 9:30,12; Sun 5, 7:30, 7:10, 9:15; Sat and Sun 2:10, presents Jimmy McGrIft Band, Sunday from 7 to 9:30. 4:15, 7:10, 9:15. — SIlkwood Southern Connecticut State University, New Sunday Chejs Choice Br.Filet of Sole w/lemon butter .. 8,95 or Fresh Baked Manicotti w/salad 10 p.m. at the Inn, 50 Morgan St. Tickets at door. Showcase Cinemas — (R) Frl 7,9:20; Sat and Sun 2, Haven: "Mummenschanz, mime and mask SATURDAY SPECIALS Terms ot Endearment (PG) 4:20, 7,9:20. theater group from Switzerland will be at Lyman (246-9374.) Frl 1:40, 7, 9:40, 12; Sat 1:40, Windsor Complete Ham Dinner Roast Prime Ribs of B e e f...... 10.95 Wednesday: Yankee Pot Roast Thomaston Opera House, Thomaston: Connec­ 4:15, 7:10, 9:40, 12; Sun 1:40, Plaza — D.C. Cab (R) Frl Auditorium on the university campus, Saturday Lunch and dinner.'* t lA A r Lobster Saute...... io.25 w/potato A vegetable ticut Valley Theater Organ Society will present 4:15, 7:10, 9:40. — Sudden and Sat 7:15, 9:25; Sun 7:15. at 8 p.m. Ticket prices vary. (397-4435.) Open 1'ues.- Sun..< losed M on. -I W * Bob Ralston (of Lawrence Welk fame,) In a Impact (R) Frl 2, 7:20, 9:45, Thursday: Fresh Fried Fish 11:50; Sat 2, 4:30, 7:20, 9:45, Call for Reservations 429-4490 Join ( ., For Ha/,in- Hour ^ t—^' From 4 PM ■ 7 PM theater pipe organ concert, Saturday at 3:30 and Lectures 11:50; Sun 12,2:45,7:20,9:45. or Fresh Clam Strips — Scarface (R) Frl 1, 7:30, 957 Slorr$ Rd.. Rt.Uii SvvontI Drink Hal/ Price 8:15 p.m. and Sunday at 3:30 p.m., at the Opera Something Different...... Wish Someone A CUDOR PU Z* [XIT 93 OFF 1*86 House. (888-9696.) 10:30; Sat 1, 4:15,7:30,10:30; SHOIVCASE ' Storri, Connecticut, 623 Main St., Monditsfar 649-3^6^ Sun 1, 4:15, 7:45. — Uncom­ tnew proprietors.Vickie.Bill and Bernie. Quartette Club, Norwalk: Connecticut Tradi­ mon Valor (R) Frl 1:15,7:40, tional Jazz Club will present a concert Sunday at 10, 11:55; Sat 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, Happy Birthday CINEMAS cord ially welcome vou. 7:40, 10, 11:55; Sun 1:15, 3:15, UKAMIUTMa the club, 162 New Canaan Ave. Members $5 and St. Francis Hospital, Hartford: Lecture on 5:15, 7:40,10. — Hot Dog (R) with A Herald Happy Heart n«TS0Owo0n$2.M general public, $8. (847-9920.) “Eating Out and Maintaining Your Diet," Frl 1,7:40,10,12; Sat 1,3,5,10, Gideon Welles School, Glastonbury: Com erata Monday from 5 to 6 p.m. at the hospital, 114 12; Sun 1, 3, 5, 7:40, 10. — Reckless (R) Sot 7:45 (od- School of Music and Dance will present a faculty Woodland St. Louise Kovaeik, dietitian asso­ vance showing with Hot Dog recital of the Camerata School of Music, Sunday ciated with the Cardiac Rehabilitation program, 10). — YentI (PG) Frl 1:30, S6.00 will be the speaker. The public is Invited. 7:05, 9:35, 11:55; Sat 1:30, Happy Birthday m HtnRSTAni4[XIT$l at 3 p.m. at the school, 1021 Neipsic Road. 4:10, 7:05, 9:35, 11:55; Sun (236-2304.) (548-4202.) 1:30,4:10,7:05,9:35. — Gorky USTHAtTfOn 568 SSW Pork (R) Frl 1:45, 7:05,9:45, John €ounti!9^qidpT Paperback Alley, South Windsor: Professor 12; Sat 1:45, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45, NEVER CRY a n a rk e t ' ^^RtSIAUSANT orrrAiiOAiLjT Polynesian 12; Sun 1:45, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45. RESTAURANT 2 Typical shoplifter 18 to 35 Paul Q. Beeching, associate dean of the School of RT 83 E LLIN G T O N 872-7327 Arts and Sciences, Central Connecticut State — Never Crv Wolt (PG) Frl Love W O LFISl Chinese NEW YORK (UPI) - The typical food store 1:10, 7:35, 9:45, 11:40; Sat - SHOWN AT • University, will be the speaker at the third annual 1:10, 3:20, 5:20, 7:35, 9:45, LUNCNbDINNER m i l I N IT-: is I FOR 2 shoplifter is 18 to 3.5 years old and — contrary to James Joyce birthday party of the club, Thursday 11:40; Sun 1:10, 3:20, 5:20, M ary l:IO-7aM):45-llain American popular perception — is employed and as likely to be a 7:35,9:45. SPEICALIZING )N: 8 ITEMS INCL 9 O A C at 7:30 p.m. at 984 Sullivan Ave. Anyone Interested C all.... GORKY VEAL I . £ . V 9 ( fo r 2) man as a woman, a new survey shows. may attend. No tee but call to reserve a seat. PRIME RIB HACK OF LAMB Shoplifting is driving costs up significantly and Manchester SF ii-'ool) i:\ iT{ II k ; IN / I R e B T A U R A N T Cocktail Lounge (644-9979.1 UA Theaters East— Two ot 643-2711 PARKIS SEAFOOD STEAKS COUMRa affecting food store prices, said Stephanie Shern, a a Kind (PG) Frl 7:30, 9:30; Ask for.... ------SHOWtIAT: — 8 ITEMS INCL V A C partner in the accounting and consulting firm that did Central Connecticut State University, New Sat and Sun 2:15,4,7:30,9:30. SUNDAY BRUNCH SHRIMP I O . V 3 ( f o r 2) . — SIlkwood (R) Frl 7:15, Janet l?4S-7flM:4S-lgJ0 the annual study for the National Mass Retailing Britain: Seminar on topic, "Must Parents and 9:45; Sat and Sun 2,4:30,7:15, SilDHI) iV SIKI ()l\ 7 Institute. Children Fight," Thursday at noon In the Student 9:45. — The Lonely Guv (R) UNCOMMON Children's t Regular Menu Availihle 6 ITEMS INCL 1 il A C Center Annex of the university. Wells Street. Frl 7, 8:45, 10:30; Sat 2, 3:40, STEAK I 4 . V D ( f o r 2) 5:20,7,8:45,10:30; Sun 2,3:40, V A L O R iSj GLEN LOCHEN 179 TOLLAND TPKE. Open to public, tree. (827-7655.) 5:20, 7:20,9:30. — The Rocky I NEW LONDON TPKE • QLASTONBURY THIS WEEKEND MANCHESTER Busy lobster thief Horror Picture Show (R) Frl ------SHOW N AT:------Trinity College, Hartford: Lecture on “Equity and Sat midnight. — Pink l;l8-741i-10fflMIM OPEN DAILY rSr'Siis 633-3832 PHiMK HUi 9.9,3 643-9529 and Excellence In the Curriculum: A Feminist Floyd: The Wall (R) Frl and Sat midnight. — Dawn ot the misses her hearing Invitation to Change," Wednesday at-8 p.m. In the Dead (R) Frl and Sat Y E N T L m Alumni Lounge of Mather Campus Center of the midnight. PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) — The first person college. No admission charge. Open to the public. Mansfield - SHOWN AT:< (527-3151.) Translux College Twin — charged with making fake calls to Los Angeless Hot Dog (R) Frl 7:15, 9:15; County's new 911 emergency number failed to show up Holland Brook Center, Glastonbury: "C o n n e c­ Sat and Sun 2:45, 4:45, 7:15, SCARFACE 9:15. — Baby It's You (R) Frl for a hearing Wednesday because she was in jail for ticut Raptors and their Rehabilitation," will be 7; Sat 2,7 with Lianna (R) Frl stealing a lobster, officials said. the topi c of a lecture Wednesday from 8 to 9, at the 9; Sat 4:30,9. — Querelle (R) Fun-Flllad P^ormancea ----- SHOW N AT :- m Lena Dewberry, 31, was scheduled to appear for center, 1361 M a in St. Janet and Stuart Mitchell of Sun 2:30, 7 with Midnight arraignment on a misdemeanor charge of filing a Portland will speak and show slides and Manchester Country Club Fri. & Sat. Specials false emergency report, but her mother showed up in demonstrate with live animals. $2 tor members; FEB HOT DOG 305 S. Main St. 646-0103 court instead and explained her daughter was in jail in $3 for general public; and $1 for seniors and 8 - 1 3 O Shrimp & Scallop Casserole *6.95 neighboring Glendale. children under 12. (633-8402.) (Wad Him Mon) ^ ------SHOW N AT:— bi = Glendale Police Sgt. Diane Phillips said Miss For Eggplant Manicotti *4.95 Dewberry was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of State Armory, > ia0-7:4(M(h00.|2O0 WEEKEND SPECIALS •Banquets burglary after she allegedly stole a lobster tail from a Broad St. Hartford SUDDEN 1. Baked L a sa gn a ______$s.2S •Parties Ribeye Steak *6.25 supermarket! She was being held on $2,500 bail. Oen. Adm.*4”” 2. Veal Cacciatore______$5.25 Municipal Court Judge Gary Klausner issued a To list events *S, *e Rosorvod IMRACTiL] Fresh Linguini w/clam sauce *5.49 bench warrant for Miss Dewberry’s arrest, but B ox Office O p e n' ■' SNCXWNar:— . 3. Baked Stuffed Scrod ______$5.95 •Luncheon ll:30am-2:30pm agreed to hold the warrant until a rescheduled Jan. 30 To list events in this weekly calendar of Dally Sam-Spm fffl)-7a(H4»-H«l ifedfliig 4. Tenderloin Tips Saute______$6:95 •Scenic court appearance. "where to go and what to do," submit them Tlekot Information) 270*1111 TERAASOF Miss Dewberry was accused of making a series of ENDEARMENTlPG, 5. Filet Mlgnon ______$7.95 , •Great Food La Strada Restaurant phony calls Jan, II on the new emergency system, by Monday at noon to Entertainment Editor, WmI.. Fab. 8/TlHin., Fab. 8—11 am a 7:30 pm 471 HARTFORD RD. 643-6165 The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, P.O. Frl., Fab. 10/8al, Fab. 11/Sun., Fab. 12 SHOW N XT!------Dally Hot Buffet for Lunch •Affordable Prices Mon -Thur 5:30 AM - 10 PM Fri & Sal til 11 which allows a caller to reach emergency services by 1:30 pm a 7:30 pm IdO-TflOAdO-lfa) : Sun til 9 PM dialing 911 and went into effect in most of the county Box 591, Manchester, CT 06040. Mon.,Fab.13—ia0pmS74)0pm 8m ed from 12-2 ...... only $3,95 •Ample Parking Jan. 8. Tickdi availab). day o( parformance al box oHice ' 331 Center Street 647-M95 H - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Jun. 27, 1984 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Jan 27 1984 - |5 Advice i.f SPORTS ‘Happy’ son is being nursed in an unhealthy situation Hawerchuk stays hot as Jets whip Whalers By Len Auster center icemen who came up in the DEAR ABBY: My hus­ ject of "religious preler- Winnipeg. The other game ended don't think we were that physical. Sports Editor same draft with Hartford’s Ron band and I just returned -ences” for pets came up. in a tie. They were grabbing and clutching. and you said, “ Pets raised Francis, was a dominant force and While Long was pleased by his I feel he let a lot go,” Evans said. from visiting my sister in HARTFORD — There's only one in a Christian home are helped the Smythe Division club to team's performance. Whaler Wicks whistled 13 penalties, nine Hawaii. She has two child­ Wayne Gretzky. We all know that. its second straight road victory. ren, Sonny, 6, and Girlie, assumed to be Christian, coach Jack Evans couldn’t find on the Whalers. Winnipeg had Dear Abby That list includes Dale Hawerchuk in his last 11 games anything positive to say. seven power play opportunities who is nearly 3. and pets raised in a Hawerchuk. Jewish home are assumed has 19 points on seven goals and 12 "For a stretch there we were and converted on three. The The first day we were "There were those who were assists. It has helped the Jets go there, we were all sitting Abigail Van Buren to bp Jewish.” playing excellent defense and not back-breaker was an elbowing asking him to be another Wayne unbeaten in their last five outings scoring goals. And then we go to infraction on defenseman Ed Hos- around talking when Gretzky. But since I took over he’s Abby, not all pets ac­ (4-0-1), and 3-3 in their last six road Montreal and score seven but give podar that Winnipeg converted §onny walked over to his been playing very well. 1 don’t cept the religion of their games. up seven. And tonight we scored into Paul MacLean's second goal mother, unbuttoned her know why but all I ask him to be is masters, even though you "W e picked up four points which twice but gave up six. It’s baf­ of the evening and 24th of the year blouse and began to once knew a Jewish ter­ Dale Hawerchuk,” said Winnipeg were not in the Jets' plans earlier nurse! Sis acted as though fling," the grim-faced Evans at 8:25 of the third period. It was rier who refused all food coach Barry Long Thursday night in the year,” Long said of the good admitted. set up by — you guessed it — it was nothing unusual; in agree with you. It is a very went off the pill and that wasn't kosher. That after Hawerchuk scored one goal start on the road. "W e played very The first-year.Whaler coach felt Hawerchuk, who slid the disk over fact, she was very cooper­ unhealthy situation. became pregnant imme­ canine puts my Boston and assisted on three others to lead well in Quebec and tonight I the calls of referee Ron Wicks Were to MacLean breaking all alone ative while that 6-year-old There is a strong possi- diately. When I told him, terrier, Benny, to shame! the Jets to a 6-2 win over the listless thought we played very well.” most influential. "1 thought he down the right wing. boy stood there nursing! biiity that your sister he hit the ceiling. He has Hartford Whalers here at the It was the third meeting of the made some bad calls. At one point MacLean blistered a high drive I almost fell out of the resumed nursing Sonny given me a choice — him When I was 9 years old, Hartford Civic Center. year between the former WHA there were four on us and one on past Whaler goalie Greg Miiien for chair! Later I asked Sis not only to pacify him and or the baby. Abby, I want one Friday my mother Hawerchuk, a smooth-skating combatants and the second win for Winnipeg and then six and two. I a 4-2 Winnipeg lead. It was privately why she hadn't alleviate his jealousy, but this child, but I love my had thoughtlessly pre­ downhill after that for Hartford, weaned the boy long ago, also to fill an unconscious husband and don't want to pared a lunch of pork and which once again showed if cannot and she said she had, but lose him. beans. I saved the day by need in herself to be come from behind. after Girlie was born, needed. I thought he would suggesting, "Give the " I thought it was a close game Sonny became jealous, so In any case, it is im­ change his mind about pork and beans to Benny until they got that man advantage. to keep him quiet she perative that your sister having another child once — he's not Catholic.” And then everything collapsed started giving him her discuss this with her doc­ I got pregnant, but he's around us," Evans said, "1 don’t breast after she finished tor. And the sooner, the firm in his decision and She did, and Benny think we played well. You can’t get nursing Girlie, and now better. gobbled it up! now I'm in a terrible around that," he added later. she couldn't break him of position. Please help me. THE REV. TOM HAYES, it. PASTOR, Winnipeg opened the scoring at D EAR ABBY: I know I IMPOSSIBLE DECISION 3:36 of the first period with a When I told her I did a foolish and dishonest HOLY CROSS PARISH. ^ ^ thought it was psychologi­ SANTA BARBARA. power-play tally by defenseman thing, but it's too late now DEAR IMPOSSIBLE: Dave Babych, his 15th of the year. cally unhealthy for the and I’m in terrible In order to make a deci­ CALIF. boy, she became defen­ MacLean made it 2-0 at 5:03 of trouble. sion you can live with you the second period as he tuckcKl his sive and insisted there need professional coun­ (Getting married? was nothing wrong with Two years ago 1 mar­ Whether you want a for­ own rebound behind Millen from in seling with a therapist close. Hartford got one back at keeping him "happy" this ried a man who was mal church wedding or a who will hear both you and 12:05 as center Mark Johnson, the way. divorced and had three simple, "do-your-own- UPl photo your husband out. Please Whalers' representative to the UPl photo Abby, my sister is an grown children. He’s 45 thing” ceremony, get Ab­ don’t make any decision NHL All-Star game on Tuesday, Hartfor(j winger Tony Currie gets caught up in the net intelligent, educated and I'm 36. We agreed until you get this kind of by's booklet. Send $1 plus TV wedding woman. I would like your that we would have no a long, self-addressed, redirected a Ray Neufeld drive for while fighting for the puck with Winnipeg goalie Mike help. And urge^your hus­ his 23rd of the season. opinion. children. stamped (37 cents) enve­ Arnold (Gary Coleman) and his father, her son, Michael (Danny Cooksey) band to go with you. Winnipeg took a 2-1 lead into the Vesisor in first period action. Veisor came back to haunt MAINLAND VISITOR lope to: Abby’s Wedding old teammates in backstopping Winnipeg victory. Phil (Conrad Bain) have additions to becomes Arnold’s little brother, on I wanted just one child DEAR ABBY: In a Booklet, P.O. Box 38923, third period and Whaler faithful should have known it was over. In DEAR VISITOR: I from him so I cheated and recent column, the sub­ Hollywood. Calif. 90038.) their family when, on the Feb. 25 show, NBC-TV's “Diff’rent Strokes.” 25 games this year, Hartford is ment. Veisor is 2-0-1 between the Veisor, may draw a start in one of Phil marries Maggie (Dixie Carter) and 0-23-2 in games it went into the final pipes forlhe Jets. "I started him on the weekend games .igainst Qu­ period trailing. A year ago the a hunch tonight. ” Long said. "I felt ebec. The Whalers lace the Nor- ledger was 1-39-1. he'd play well against his old diques Saturday on the road and Here’s the proper proce(dure Hawerchuck made it 4-2 at 1:52 teammates. You know he wanted then Sunday at the Civ ic Center. Heavy metal attraction ‘hormonal’ with a snap drive from in close. to show them they made a mistake. Game time Sunday is 7 p.m. . That was offset by a power-play I'm very happy for him. " .Whalers arc 0-4-3 in their lust Bv Victoria R. Bowles "This is a rite of passage," many, many color pictures deal goal by rookie Sylvain Turgeon at seven games Whalers are still United Press International Rothberg says. "The music is with the elements of concert tour for good temperature reading 4:52. It was the youngster’s 24th WHALER NOTES - Three star ahead of last year's pace They really geared toward a particular life, the personalities of the per­ goal of the season and 17th on the selections were 1) Hawerchuck. 2i were 12-31-5 for 29 points at this IRVING, Texas — There's a age group. As you get older your formers, what goes on behind the power play, a club record. The MacLean. and 3) Mark Johnson. . juncture a .vearago 'Thisyearthey Irenzied energy that goes with rock previous mark was 16, held jointly are 1.5-27-6 for .36 points Winnipeg state of being doesn't need that scenes. The name Circus derives DEAR DR. LAMB: irregularity, among other .Doug Sulliman. who was skating music like butter goes on bread. by Gordie Howe and Blaine is 19-23-8 for 46 points and heading anymore. If it offends you that's from the long tradition of referring Does it take more time for symptoms. Taking too on a line with Stoughton and Mike Hero worship of a guitarist in Stoughton. up in the Smythe Division stand­ because you're not entertained by to the rock and roll life as a circus. some people to get proper much thyroid will not Zuke. bruised the lower left side of leather pants and long, sweat- MacLean then .scored the pivotal ings. . .Defenseman Chris Kotso- it. In an during a promotional tour, oral thermometer cause the protruding eyes his back and mi.ssed most of the matted hair may not makesenseto power-play goal and Winnipeg second and all of the third'period. poulos sal out the game with "This is not an art. This is rock Rothberg noted a lot of basic readings? as seen in some forms of someone over 25, and there's a Your Health added icing on the cake later with That forced Evans to juggle stretched ligaments in his left and roll. We're not dealing in similarities in the bands that were My temperature read­ hyperactive thyroid sound biological reason wby. goals from Brian Mullen and players and go with only three knee. . Crowd was 9,651 Only a Picassos." on top when Circus debuted in 1969 ing usually rises after diseases. "It's hormonal," says Gerry Lawrence Lamb', M.D. Laurie Boschman. Boschman. lines, . .Whalers outshol Winnipeg. couple hundred were still in their In the 14 years since Rothberg , — like Led Zepplin, Grand Funk three minutes, but some­ It’^ not safe to take Rothberg. publisher and editor of A ... since coming back five games ago 30-'25. Millen was in goal for the seats at game's end They littered left E.squire magazine to publish Railroad — and the big names times it takes 15 minutes. excessive amounts of thy­ UPl photo New York ba.sed Circus magazine, from a dislocated shoulder, has eighth consecutive game. Evans is the ice with crumpled paper cups Circus, he has brought the monthly today. There is a trend toward Is this a more accurate roid on your own. You chronicler of the heavy metal registered 13 points. thinking about giving him a game and other debris following circulation to 500,000 and made the more theatricality, though, as reading? should follow the doctor's Whaler goalie Greg Millen reaches out Hartford net. Millen had tough night as scene for a mostly male audience Mike Veisor. a former Whaler, off soon. "H e's played very well for Mullen’s breakaw ay goal w ith 2: 51 publication the fastest-growing personified by the antics of the When I'm not ill, my directions and have regu­ with his glove hand to grap puck off a Winnipeg scored six times on just 25 that ranges from 15 to about 22 magazine in newsstand sales. He’s kicked out 28 shots to register the us but suddenly is giving up some left. It was double voice of group Van Halen and sex symbol normal temperature is lar checkups to make years old. also learned a lot about his Winnipeg stick with Jets' left winger shots. win in goal for Winnipeg. Since goals," Evans said. Ed Stani- displeasure, for both the Whalers' lead singer David Lee Roth. usually 98 or below. I was than your body tempera­ temperatures are taken in certain the amount of Some young men turn to sports audience. Bengt Lundholm skating behind the coming back from a brief retire- owski, acquired from Winnipeg for play and Wicks’ work. "You rarely find that simple trio embarrassed at the doc­ ture. And if you've just all households and are so thyroid hormone they are as an outlet for all that energy and About two-thirds of the readers with an acoustic guitar anymore," tor's office recently. I had eaten something hot your frequently used as an receiving is the proper yigor. but playing football also are male, although the number of he says. just told the nurse I had oral temperature may be indication of whether a amount for them. means succumbing to the disci­ young women who follow the scene He sees some welcome unload­ taken my temperature higher than your body person is well or ill. pline of a coach. That doesn't set through Circus is increasing. ing of hard-and-fast qategories like before I came and it was temperature.. NBA roundup too well with a teenager who is Mitchell hoopsters They pack quite an economic rock, new wave and punk, because 99.8. She took my temper­ Anxiety can cause the DEAR DR. LAMB: I’m testing the limits of his independ­ wallop that is not ignored by Pedestrians it gets to be very difficult to lock a ature for a few minutes temperature to rise and wondering if taking too ence and rebellion. advertisers. After all, they’re the band like the Police into one and said it was 98. just having taken a bath much Synthroid is harm­ drunk, too Heavy metal fills the needs of the people who spend an average $60 a grouping. also may cause a tempor- ful. One doctor told me LINCOLN. Neb. (UPI) tack loss on MCC impatient teen-ager who feels The month on concerts and records by Although Rothberg, who is in his DEAR READER: We a r y rise in body that a patient of his was — An intoxicated pedes­ term is generally believed to have Van Halcn, Def Leppard, Quiet early 40s, is not much of a rock fan usually suggest leaving temperature. Dantley afire taking 10 pills, each 0.15 bounds for the Cougars and also come from "The Soft Machine" by Riot, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne trian is 3.5 times more NEW LONDON - Maifchester himself (he prefers classical), he the thermometer in the mg, every day. I gener­ William Burroughs and has come and the like. likely than a sober pedes­ Community College dropped its dished out eight assists. Winston tries not to let his personal ideology mouth between three to I'm sending you the ally take one or two to refer to a particularly loud, Some 88 percent of Circus’ trian to be injured in ninth game of the season here Brooks led the team in assists w ith dictate the magazine's contents. five minutes. That means Health Letter 7-6, Body tablets daily. How many clanging, but still melodic electric traffic, says a University Thursday night, as Mitchell Col­ 13. readers play a musical instrument "In a sense it does, but it's a with the mouth closed and Temperature and Fever, rock). pills can one take and still of Nebraska extension in Jazz win lege handed the Cougars a 11.3-94 The Cougars' next game is themselves, mostly electric gui­ reflection of my perception of what the bulb of the thermome­ which includes some of be safe? human development setback. Saturday night at 8 )> ni w hen they By tbe time the heavy metal buff tar, As a result the pages are filled the audience wants.” he says. "I ter in good contact with the problems people have specialist. By United Press International contribution from a lot of players. Mitchell, which came into the host South Central Community hits his mid-20s, he either has with ads for instruments, amplifi­ maintain it as a vehicle of the tissues of the mouth, when taking their temper­ D EAR READER: Most Leon Rottman said re­ A.D. had a great game, Boswell game second among the nation's College at East Catholic High. Last worked it out of his system or is ers and microphones. . expression for kids. I probably was under the tongue. ature. Others who want patients can be main­ searchers figure the risk It isn’t only the scoring wizardry came in and Kelley did the job for junior colleges with an average of Saturday in New Haven, the "condemned" to be a rebel for life. The magazine's articles and a frustrated teacher.” There are many things this issue can send 75 tained at the proper level is 1.5 times higher even of Adrian Dantley that has pro­ us. Mark had one of his best games 103.5 points per game, improved its Cougars took an overtime decision that affect a thermometer cents with a long, with only 0.10 to 0.20 mg of for pedestrians with a pelled the Utah Jazz to the best of the year, even though he was record to 8-3. MCC is 1-9. from South Central for their only reading. The thermome­ stamped, self-addressed Synthroid daily. The doc­ lower level of alcohol in record in the Western Conference. sick.” Mitchell led by five points, 51-46, victory of the season. ter has been shaken down envelope for it to me, in tor usually has to adjust their blood. « But it sure helps. Utah led 34-29 after one quarter at the half. Steve Emerson’s 20 to record the lowest read­ About Town care of this newspaper, the dose in accordance to Rottman said the fig­ Dantley, who leads the league in and 68-58 at halftime. The Jazz points and 14 from Chuck Garen MCC (94) — Tenero 8 0-0 16. ing can make a differ­ P.O. Box 1551, Radio City the patient's response. If ures are based on re­ scoring at just over 30 points per moved in front by 15 points kept the Cougars close for the fir.st Porter 4 1-1 9. Brophy 3 4-4 10, ence. After that, it's influ­ Station, New York, N.Y. you take too much thyroid search involving .50 pedes­ game, put on another flashy show entering the last period. New 20 minutes. Emerson 14 1-2 29, Garen 10 2-2 22. enced by what you have Drop-In Center open 10019. it almost has the same trians injured in traffic with 39 points and 11 rebounds Jersey outscored the Jazz 27-22 in Midway through the second half. Orlowski 0 0-0 0, Brooks 4 0-1 8 OES portrays degree just eaten. If you have had I’m always a little sur­ effect of having an over- accidents. Thursday night in Salt Lake City to the final quarter. MCC only trailed by seven points, Totals 43 8-10 94 a cold drink, your mouth prised at the lack of Persons suffering from multiple sclerosis, their The Temple chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, will active thyroid gland. That He said those who had lead the Jazz to a 125-115 victory D^irryl Dawkins and Otis Bird­ 76-69. From that point on. however, M ITCHELL (113) - Gill 2 0-0 4, families and friends, and health care professionals may be cold and the general knowledge about can lead to nervousness, been drinking had more over the New Jersey Nets. song led the Nets with 22 points the Pequots began to pull away. Billings 12 1-2 25. Mostert 5 0-0 10, meet Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, 25 E. temperature reading ac­ • arc invited to visit the Manchester Drop-In Feb. 13 Center St. taking one's oral temper- sweating, loss of hair, a severe injuries than sober Utah, 27-16, took a 2'A-game lead each. Buck Williams grabbed 16 Reggie Cameron led Mitchell ,Strudwick 10 4-6 '24. Grant 6 1-1 1.3, cordingly may be lower ature, considering from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The grand chapters of Connecticut and Rhode fast heart rate and heart accident victims. in the Midwest Division over idle rebounds. with .30, For MCC, Emerson Cameron 12 6-6 .30, Colonis 2 1-4 5, The drop-in is located at the Church of Christ, 394 Island will be pre.sent. A degree which predates 1800 Dallas, whose Mark Aguirre is Nets coach Stan Albeck was finished with 29 and Garen had 22. Foley 0 0-2 0, Romano 1 0-02. Totals I.ydall SI, For information call the Multiple Sclerosis will be portrayed. battling Dantley for the scoring impressed. Kevin Brophy had eight re- 50 13-21 113. Society. i36-3'229. crown. "T h ey’re for real," he said of the Hitting on 15 of 24 field goals and Jazz. "A n y team that shoots 50 • UPl photo Fix it fast Boston getaway was $208 calmly sinking nine of 10 free Medical assistants meet percent from the floor and 80 NHL roundup VERNON — The University of Connecticut will throws, Dantley never allowed the percent from the line is a good New York’s Bill Cartwright (left) blocks the shot of HARTFORD — The Hartford chapter of the sponsor a cooking demonstartion Feb. 4 at 10 a.m, at Continued from page 11 very early for lunch (before 11:30 We came up with our own Nets into the game. However, Jazz team. They have good shooters. Washington’s Jeff Ruland in NBA action Thursday night coach Frank Layden was quick to Good perimeter shooters in (Dar­ American Association of .Medical Assistants will meet the Tolland Agricultural Center, Route 30. Esther a.m.) or early for dinner (before 4 version of breakfast-on-the-run — at Landover, Md. Knicks went on to down Bullets. Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Hunt Memorial Building, Shoup, home economist, will show how to plan and Children could also stay free in the p.m.) to avoid lines that snake some Greek spinach pies, meat point out the unsung heroes on the rell) Griffith and Green open the Hartford Medical Society, 230 Scarborough St. prepare foods quickly. down the stairs and out the door. team — Rickey Green with 18 inside for (John) Drew and Dan­ War of words room. cakes, fre^h bagels and cups of points,, Mark Eaton with seven tley. They have a good basketball The meeting will open with a potluck supper. Dr. Registration is required. Call 875-3331 by Thursday. But we found that the free The restaurant is famous for its fresh fruit. Delicious, and compar­ topped Washington 104-97, Seat He points for the Spurs. Joe Barry blocked shots, Tom Boswell with team which moves the ball up the C.A Primiano of the Hartford Hospital cardiac The 50-cent fee may be paid at the door. breakfasts were only for the excellent food and gargantuan atively easy on the budget. defeated Kansas City 114-106, San Carroll led Golden Slate with 24 six points off the bench, and Rich floor quickly. laboratory will speak on angioplasty. Call Sally adults. We would have had to pay portions. Patrons share long tables Antonio downed (lolden Slate points. Benoit. 100 Retreat Ave., by Feb. 3. covered with red-checked cloths. Kelley with 16 rebounds. "W e had a lot of shots, good heightened again $6.50 per child for the continental ONE NOT-SO-HOT part of the 123-116, Denver edged Chicago Nuggets 126, Bulls 125 " I feel real good about the win,” shots, but Eaton intimidates Editor to speak breakfast, and $12 for brunch. It Dinner prices range from $3.50 to package deal turned out to be the 126-125, Los Angeles whipped At Chicago, Kiki Vandeweghe hit Layden said. " I think they played everything.” would have added $55.50 to our bill. $18. shopping pass. Houston 131-102, and San, Diego a 20-foot basket from the lop of the By Tony Favia more blunt, stating: "He didn't HARTFORD — Women in Communications will well, but we did too. We got a In other games. New York That’s something to think about if The kids loved it. It's great if We discovered it was worth very crushed Phoenix 119-101. have a contract." meet Feb. 8 at the Town and Country Club, 22 key with 55 seconds left as Denver UPI Sports Writer you’re planning a similar trip. you've got teens with huge appe­ Knicks 104, Bullets 97 , During the game, the Islanders’ Auxiliary collects food ' Woodland St. little. Several shops at the market snapped a 12-game road losing Parking for a 24-hour period was tites. An order of roast pork — not all — simply offered 10 to 20 At Landover, Md., Bernard King futility reached a peak when A cash bar will open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch will be streak. Vandeweghe had 26 points. At the Nassau Coliseum Thurs­ Tbe Anderson-Shea VFW auxiliary will meet not included in the price of the included two inch-thick slices that percent off selected merchandise. scored 27 points and Bill Cartw­ starting goaltender Roland Melan- served at noon. The menu includes seafood newburg, Alex English 27 and Dan Issel 37 for day night, one Olympic eligibility Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the post home, 608 Center St. room. So that meant another $10 covered a serving-size platter. Jt In all cases, the discount wasn't right added 21, and New York held debate was ended but another was son fanned on Tony McKegney's mixed vegetables, tossed salad, peach melba and MacTavish released the Nuggets, David Greenwood led Members should bring canned goods for a food basket. was added to our bill for valet was served with applesauce and off a late charge by Washington. In 20-foot shot in the second period to coffee or tea. tempting enough to take out our Chicago with 32 points. Orlando heightened. parking. Other hotels have a fee of french fries. wallets. the third quarter the Knicks led In the verbal war between make it 4-1, and Arbour decided to Marty Petty, new managing editor of the Hartford Woolridge added 24 and Mitchell $5. Some are free. Ask about A platter advertised as fried yank Melanson. In his place he Courant, will speak. We checked out of the hotel about after Innocent plea 69-40, but Washington pulled within Wiggins 22. Canadian and U.S. Olympic offi­ parking before you make chicken legs included three whole noon, and drove the short distance 99-94 with 1:32 left. Jeff Ruland cials, the latest salvo was fired ins'erted Kelly Hrudey — the locus Russia is on agenda Reservations are necessary. Tickets are $12.50 for Lakers 131, Rockets 102 reservations. legs, including thigh, that to the Boston's Children's Mu­ paced Washington with 26 points At Inglewood, Calif., Kareem Thursday by Alan Eagleson, Cana­ of the beginning of the Olympic Honorable Menschen, the Jewish senior citizens' members and $16 for non-members. Send a check Saturday, after arriving at the amounted to about five pounds of seum, located on Museum Wharf. this time other than to the well followed by Frank Johnson's 22. Abdul-Jabbar scored 26 points and da’s leading international hockey- controversy w hen he w as invited to group, will meet Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Temple Beth payable to Women in Communications to Margaret PEABODY. Mass, (U PI) — hotel, we walked just a few steps chicken, I would guess. Both On-street parking was free and’ being of the girl and her fam ily.” SuperSonics 114, Kings 106 James Worthy added 23 as Los negotiator. Ho charged that Ken join Team Canada. Sholom, 400 E. Middle Turnpike. Steeves Laffin, 51 W. Main St., New Britain National Boston Bruins forward Craig Mac­ next door to the aquarium. We dinners were under $5. easy to find. On a weekday or Bruins officials had no imme­ At Kansas City, Mo., Jack Sikma Angeles took a half-game lead over Morrow, who now plays for the Canadian Olympic rules stipu­ Maxine Parott of Vernon, a member of the Bank, New Britain, 05022. Call program chairwoman Tavish was freed after pleading spent the afternoon there, then The kids loved wandering Saturday, I expect, we wouldn’t innocent to drunken driving and diate commentbn what sanctions, scored 31 points and grabbed 13 Portland in the Pacific Division. New York Islanders, and Mike late that a player is not a pro until Friendship Force staff, will present slides and a Jugy Geis at 649-1061 for information. through the many shops at Quincy walked to Quincy Market. have been as fortunate. other charges connected with a if any, would be taken against rebounds to lead Seattle. Seattle The loss snapped a five-game Eruzione of the f980 U.S. gold- he has appeared in 10 NHL games. lecture on her recent trip to Russia. The kids liked the aquarium. Too Market. It was less enjoyable for The museum turned out to be the MacTavish. opened an 81-66 third-period lead Houston winning streak. Rookie medal team had signed profes­ The Nordiques game was Hrudey's Participants should bring a sandwich for lunch. traffic accident that left a Maine Volunteers sought bad, though, that the giant sea tank their parents, who hate crowds. On highlight of the trip — for all of the General Manager Harry Sinden, before Kansas City tied it 89-89 Ralph Sampson scored 16 points sional contracts before the Games. nth this season. Beverage and dessert will be provided. woman critically injured. — the aquarium’s showpiece — Saturday, the market was kids, even our 14-year-old daugh­ MacTavish. 25, his face bruised who said MacTavish was "very early in the fourth. Gus Williams but missed 16 of 24 shots. After the slumping Islanders FARMINGTON — The Greater Hartford chapter of was closed for renovations. It will shoulder-to-shoulder with people. ter. Don’t miss it. We spent the as a result of the accident, was upset,” said he would "assess the added 22 points for' the Sonics, Clippers 119, Suns 101 were pounded 5-1 by the Quebec Canadiens 4, Rangers 2 the American Red Cross is seeking volunteers with Open house planned re-open in April. In the meantime, We left and returned early afternoon wandering through the situation" before determing if while LaSalle Thompson had 23 At San Diego, Terry Cummings Nordiques, Morrow appeared un­ At New York, Mats Naslund four-wheel drive vehicles to provide emergency arraigned Thursday before Peab­ officials are giving visilurs pusses Sunday morning, about 10 a.m. exhibits, and still didn't see all we MacTavish would take the ice points and 19 rebounds and John­ scored a game-high 24 points and easy with the accusation. scored two first-period goals 57 BOLTON — The Children's Cooperative Nursery asistance during snowstorms and natural disasters. ody District Court Judge James that are good for half-price admis­ Although the market doesn’t offi­ wanted. Tiffany Jr,, who released him on when the Bruins play the Winnipeg son added 21 points for the Kings. pulled down 11 rebounds while " I ’m not going to get involved in seconds apart and assisted on Guy School will sponsor an open house for parents and Volunteers will drive workers to disaster sites, sions when the tank re-opens. cially open until noon on Sundays, Not to be missed: a room personal recognizance pending a Jets Saturday night in Boston. Spurs 123, Warriors 116 Phoenix suffered its eighth that.” Morrow said. " I don’t know Lafleur’s third-period .score for children Feb. 7 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the school, 32 transport equipment, and make emergency blood several of the stalls were already devoted just to bubbles and the March 7 court appearance. At San Antonio, Texas, George straight road loss. Billy McKinney, what the piym pic eligibility rules Montreal. The Rangers cut the Hebron Road. deliveries to Hartford area hospitals. WE HAD an early dinner at setting up for business. One could way they are formed. Our 7-year- "M y only concern at this time is MacTavish was released on bail Gdrvin tossed in 10 of his 39 points who finished with 16 points, came were at the timq. I haven't spoken Idad to '2-1 on a power-play goal by Registrations are being accepted for the 1984-1985 Volunteers must hold a current operator's license Durgin Park, a landmark restau­ buy breads, pastries, fruits, candy old returned several times to a for the welfare of the girl who was after being booked on charges o^ in the closing minutes to pace the off the bench and keyed a third- to (agent) Art Kaminsky. I’m Ron Greschner before Guy Car- school year. The school serves 3- and 4-year-olds in M d be familiar with the Greater Hartford area. rant that has been located at and nuts. And there was just as device that showed him how far he injured." said MacTavish’s attor­ driving under the influence, driv­ Spurs. Artis Gilmore added 15 of period surge when the Clippers confused about the rules. I'm not- bonneau snapped in a 25-footer in Bolton. Andover. Coventry and Hebron. Call 643-4640 'Training in first aid and disaster service is required. Quincy Market for decades. If you much to see without the pressures could stretch a bubble. Sounds ney. Robert Murray. "There can ing to endanger and driving' his 21 points in the second half and outscored the Suns 18-2. Kyle Macy going to make any comments." the second period to give Montreal or 228-06.52 .Call 678-2802. want to eat theire, plan to arrive of jostling crowds. tame, but he loved it. be no other words or thoughts at without a license. Mike Mitche)! finished with 29 led Phoenix with 21 points. Islanders coaefi A1 Arbour was a 3-1 lead. V MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Jan. 27. 1984 - r H - MAN'CHESTER HERALD, Friday. Jun 27, 1984 Sports in College basketball roundup Scoreboard

Gold Key Dinner Feb. 5 Robert Morris 71, Siena 53 Sugorbush Valley isgr frex* 63 trolls 12 Continental approach aids Huskies Jazz 125. Nats 115 St. Bonaventure6X RutgersSB lifts mm The 43rd annual Connecticut Sports Writers' SI. Joseph's (Maine) 119, Thomas60 Northeast Slopes opr wknd 1 *28 Alliance Gold Key Dinner will be held Sunday. Volleyball Hockey Basketball NEW JERSEY (115) St Joseph's! Pa) 74, U-Rhodelslond7) Mlddlebury Snow Bowl Isgr frg r 13 King 87 80 10, Wllllanss 4-15 9-11 17, St. Thomas Aquinos 1Z), K Ings 70 trails oil lifts full opr Feb. 5. at the Park Plaza in New Haven. By Fred Lief Dawkins 914 47 2X Birdsong 818 811 2X Temple 70, Duouesne 57 Sonnenberg opr wknd 1 -28 Gold Keys will be presented Tom Monahan. Lou Ransev 1-7 80 X O’Koren 1-4 80 X Trinity 69, Coast Guard 52 Suicide Six isgr trex 18 trolls 3 lifts UPl Sports Writer Weslvcm75,Clark63 DeFeilippo and Waino Fillback. who'll join a Sacal Volleyball GmlnskI 84 1-2 7, Willoughby 85 44 10, Killington isgr 90 trolls oil 16 lifts NHL standings NBA standings Walker 84 80 4, Cook 49 2-210, Johnson Westchester 76, Kutztown67 wknd prestigious group of former winners. The University of Houston with Akeem Olajuwon ^Standings; Notional — Main Pub 86 1-2 7. Totals 4499 27-39 115. West VlrginloTX Penn St. 80 Pico Peak isgr X trails 6 lifts South Okemo Isgr pp 46 trolls 6 lifts mm Also on the dais will be other honored gue.sts. has its basketball pipeline to Nigeria, The University Ambulance Service 23-7, Econ- .-’EtBMrnCanlerenn U TAH (125) WoletCofrtirmoi Alo-BIrmlnghom 74, N.C.8;harlot1e60 Mt. Ascutney Isgr frgr 22 trolls 4 lifts Larry Ciotti of Hand High will be the recipient of of Washington takes a more continental approach — •w iv Electric 18-12, Head Chop 14-14, Altantlc Divislen Oontlev 1824 910 39, Bailey 84 2-3 8, JWrnev s 13-17, Manchester Property Patrick Division Wilkins 1-4 00 2, Green 815 2-2 18, Austin Pepv 67, Middle Tennessee 58 mm the 1983 Doc Mclnerney Award as the coach of the W L P ci. <2B Baofis«74.S.C.St.64 Timber Ridge Isgr frgr 19 trolls 3 lifts West Germany. ro in te n a n c e 13-17, Moon Unit 11-19, w L T Pts. OF OA Boston 34 9 .790 — G riffith 816 84 13, Eoton 24 2-2 4, year. Julie Bolduc, former Southington High Sean Machine 2-28. NY Islanders 31 18 2 64 225 177 Philadelphia Kelley 5-9 85 IX Drew 810 44 18, Eoves Magic Mountain Isgr 19 trolls 3 lifts Much of Washington's success this season can be NY Rangers 29 17 29 14 .474 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• too to bottom standout hurler now at Adelphi University, will "jAmerIcon — Redwood Farms 24-7, 5 63 210 191 New York 24 18 .572 9'/j 85 44 4, Hansen 80 80 0, Boswell 2-2 2-2 traced to a pair of West German imports — 7-foot S jm n’s Tovern 24-9, Insurers 21-9, ABA Philadelphia 27 14 7 61 213 170 4. Totals 47-97 31-34 125. Bromley p/i New Jersey 29 29 38 24—115 Female Athlete of the Year Award and Bill 2 u lo Ports 2-28. PIttsburiih 10 33 S 2S 1« 214 Utah 34843522—125 Skiing Strotton OO frgr 51 trolls 9 lifts mm Schrempf. The two have provided an inside power New Jersey 10 35 4 24 136 210 Central Division Mt. Snow Isgr frgr 52 trolls 9 lifts & 2 Dawley. relief ace of the Houston Astros out of ^^om en’s — Buttalo Water Tavern Mllwoukee 24 19 Three-point goals—None. Total gondolas wknO mm game that has placed the Huskies in company with *t«2, Scissor Works 23-10, Clork Paint Adams DIvlilofl Detroit fools— *••••••••••••••••••••• Norwich, will receive the Male Athlete of the Buffalo 32 13 5 69 201 160 23 19 . Corinthio Isgr 14 trolls oor wknd thru UCLA and Oregon State in the Pacific-10 Conference. Electric 19-14, B8,J Auto Atlanta 24 20 New Jersey 28, Uloh 30. Fouled out— Monday Year Award. pair 18-lS, Action Weor 17-14, Yan- Boston 32 14 3 67 21S 146 Chicago None. Rebounds— New Jersey 51 (Wil­ Washington, ranked 19th in the country, won its first S Quebec 27 18 5 59 238 179 14 24 e Alum inum 15-18, F a rr’s 12-21, Indiana 12 29 liams 14), (Jtoh 51 (Kelley 14). Assists— Naw England Ski Guide John DeGange. 77. who handled every major six league games until Stanford jolted the conference Montreal 23 24 3 49 189 188 New Jersey 24 (Walker 8), Utah 32 New England winter sports outlook: JJtchol’s Monchester Tire 10-23, Main Horttord Cleveland 12 30 .284 Light snow will bring on inch or two desk assignment short of managing editor in his Thursday night with a 78-74 victory at home. JSp) 1-32 15 27 6 36 162 204 Western Conference (Green 12). Technicals—Birdsong, CamglMlI ConMrenoe Utah WOODSTOCK. Vt. (UPl) — Here IS the accumulation over northern Ver­ 47 years at the New London Day. will be the 1984 "The game is indicativeof just how good a team we Midwest Division New England Ski Areos Coundl official mont, Norris Division GB bench. A —10,114. recipient of the annual Arthur B. McGinley can be." said Stanford coach Tom Davis. "It also W L T Pit. GF OA W L Pet. summary of snow conditions at New Maine and New Hompshirebeforeendlng Utah 27 14 eorly tonight. Elsewhere western por­ Memorial Award. gives you an idea of the strength of the league when Minnesota 24 19 229 220 Dallas England skioreos os of 7o.m.Frldoy. St. Louis 21 25 185 202 25 19 Skiing conditions oresubiect to change tions Calvin Murphy. Connecticut's 'Mr. Basket­ the bottom team on a given night can defeat the top Basketball Chicago San Antonio 20 24 Ciippars 119, Suns 101 due to weother. skier tra ffic and other w ill hove 0 chance of a little light snow 19 27 5 43 173 195 Denver 19 25 ball'. will be the main speaker. Murphy, who team ." Toronto 14 27 4 31 194 237 factors. Be oworeofchonglng conditions. or rain this evening. Then clearing Detroit Houston 18 24 Legend: new-Inches of new snow across the slx-stote region tonight retired at the start of this season with the Houston Stanford, 0-6 in the league entering the game, 14 29 4 34 173 215 Kansas City 17 25 PHOENIX (N1) Smvihe DivUeii Lucas 813 84 15, Nance 88 83 13, snowfall ending in lost 24 hours, pdr- accompanied by gusty northwest Rockets, played 13 years in the NBA and finished turned the West German duo into so much schnitzel. midget Edmonton 38 8 4 80 294 198 Podllc Division powder snow, pg-pocked powder, wetgr- winds Los Angeles 24 14 .420 — ' Edwords 7>16 ^4 \7, Moev 10-12 O’O 21r with a 17.9 points per game average. Schrempf was limited to 12 points and Welp, who .r Rockets 31 (Keith DIYeso 14, Ken Calgary 19 19 10 48 179 198 Oovis 6-19 OO 13, Robey 2-5 (M) 4, Adorns wet gronulor, Isgr-loose granular, frgr- and falling temperatures. Lows by Winnipeg 19 23 8 44 224 247 Portland 27 18 .400 <4i frozen granular, cdm-corn snow, (where Saturday morning zero to 15 above up Murphy is agraduateof Norwalk High and area fouled out with about two minutes remaining, had 7. Bralthwalte 3, Jett Bernier 3), Celtics Seattle 22 19 .525 3'/2 3-4 ore terrain, Saturday sunny and seasonably cold. pulls 30 (Lucas Cosgrove 17, Brian Phoenix 19 24 .442 r/i Totals 41-86 17-21 101. 2 (Top (our In each division ouallfy lor and the latter the next-most-prevolent Highs 5 to 15 north to mid to low 30s Catholic High in state tournament play with a Jones and 19 from John Ravelli. The Huskies, led by Gordon 71, Sonics 28 (Gordon Hamil­ Son Diego 15 28 .349 W'h SAN DIEGO (119) ton 13). Stanloy Cup ptavoKs.) condition) vc-vorioble conditions, south. spectacular performance. Alvin Vaughn’s 18, did not help their cause at the line: Thursday’s Results Brooks 7-10 2-3 16, Cummings 10-22 4-6 sc- Tbursdov't RosuKs New York 104, Washington 97 24, Donaldson 5^6 2-2 IX Nixon 9-18 2-2 The dinner is slated to start at 5:30 p.m. Tickets Washington was just 6- of-15 to Stanford's 32-of-39. Montreal 4, N.Y. Rangers 2 20, Pierce S-14 2-2 18, Walton 1-4 OO Z spiing conditions xx of 00 troiis-number Denver 126, Chicago 125 of trolls open, mm-snow mode In lost 24 are $25 per person and are available at the door. Washington, down 11 in the second half, cut it to 2 Women’s Rec Winnipeg 4, Hartford 2 San Antonio 123, Golden State 114 Keiser 2-2 4-5 8, Whitehead 1-2 1-2 3, Quebec 5, N.Y. Islanders 1 - Hodges 2-3 CM) 4, McKinney 4-6 OO 8, hours, tc-thin cover, wbln- points with 45 seconds left. Jones then hit twe foul Jury Box Lounge 50 (Jean Murphy FrMav's Oomos Seattle 114, Kansas City 104 _ windblown .13, Paige Young 12), Heritage Auto Utah 125, New Jersey 115 * Smith 2-3 (Ml 4. Totals 51-90 17-22 119. shots for a 74-70 lead. Ravelli pieked up a loose ball on (All Times EST) Phoenix 3133 20 Ii->101 snow, ns-night skiing available, no-not Golf Body 28 (GInny Roback 4, Laurie Detroit at Buffalo, 7:35 p.m. Los Angeles 131, Houston 102 operotlng, opr-operoting. Smith swims at SCSU the following exchange and set up Jones for a basket to Lumpkin 4). San Diego 119, Phoenix 101 Son Diego 33 23 3S2S--119 Toronto ot Washington, 7:35p.m. Three-point goals—Macy, Davis. Connecticut seal it. Amusements Unlimited 55 (Rita Minnesota at St. Louis, 8:35 p.m. Frid ay’s Gomes Mohawk Mountoin Isgr 24 trails oil lifts NEW HAVEN — Sophomore Russ Smith, a Lupocchlno 13, Cathy Bochain 11, No Games Scheduled Fouled "It was a great victory for Stanford," Davis said. Los Angeles at Calgary, 9:35 p.m. out—None. Totol fouls—Phoenix 24, Son opr graduate of Cheney Tech and a member of the Karen Dinnie 9, Ann DIPIerro B), Saturday’s IMmes Ski Sundown isgr 14 trails oil lifts opr 7 UPl photo New Jersey at Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. No (iames Scheduled Diego 21. Rebounds—Phoenix 32 (Nonce PGA rasults swim team at Southern Connecticut State "It should be gratifying for the players." Cherrone's Package Store 29 (Linda P hilade lphia a t V ancouver, 11:05 ns 51 acres of skiing full opr wknd. Berry 7, Laura Hungertord 4). 11), Son Diego 43 (Brooks, Cummings University, is ranked 10th nationally in the In other Top 20 games. No. 7 Illinois defeated p.m. 11). Assists—Phoenix26(A6ocy, Davis 6), Woodbury S&R Isgr 3 trolls 2 lifts ns Iowa's Todd Berkenpas (25) tries to in Columbus, Ohio, Ohio State scored Standings: Amusements Unlimited Saturday's Games wknd winter rarnlvoi $460/000 Son Diego Open NCAA’s Division 11 in the 50-yard freestyle. He Michigan State 46-40: Nevada-Las Vegas ripped 4-1, Jury Box Lounge 5-2, Cherrone’s San Diego 26 (Nixon 11). Technical— 65-54 victory. Winnipeg at Boston Knicks 104. Bullets 97 None. A—4006. Mt. Southington Isgr 11 trolls 5 lifts ns A t Son OiegO/ Jon. 26 has a time of 21.95 seconds. Santa Barbara 100-68: No, 13 Tulsa dropped Creighton pass around Ohio State’s Dave Jones Package Store 3-4, Heritage Auto Body ot Montreal Powder Ridge Isgr 11 trolls 4 lifts mm (P a r 72) The Owls, who already have assured them­ 75-64; No. 16 UCLA edged Southern Cal 75-69 in during first half action in Big Ten game 0-7. Hartford at Quebec, night ns Roy Floyd 33-31—64 NEW YORK (104) Rhode Island overtime: and No. 20 Oregon State beat Arizona State Detroit at N.Y. Islanders, night Brad Bryant 32-33—65 selves of their 23rd consecutive winning Reason, Washington at Toronto, night King 8-13 11-14 27, Robinson 6-9 2-4 14, Laksrs131,Rockats102 Ski Volley Isgr 4 trolls 2 lifts ns Gary McCord 33-32—-65 are undefeated after six meets. 67-62. don had 21 points and Benoit Benjamin 14 rebounds for Adult Cartwright 8-12 5-4 21, Sparrow 0-3 4-4 04, Maine Chip Beck 32-34—66 "Oregon State is a more consistent team than we Chicago at Minnesota, night Tucker 7-10 00 14, Webster 00 OO 0, At Champaign, III., the Illini withstood a persistent Creighton. Standings; American — Fogarty Los Angeles at Edmonton, night Squaw Mountain Isgr pp 16 trolls oil Don Pooley 33-33—66 are and they made their foul shots down the stretch Walker 40 OO 8, (Jrunteld 2-7 OO 4, Orr HOUSTON (102) lifts opr Gibbv Gilbert 32-34—66 Michigan State zone and hit 8 free throws in the last Oilers 8-0, Green Hardware 4-1, Dona­ 4-9 2-3 10, Elmore 1-1 00 2. Totals 4070 At Los Angeles, Nigel Miguel hit two free throws when they had to," said ASU coach Bob Weinhauer, to’s Lounge 5-3, Manchester Cycle 4-3, C. Jones 3-9 (M) 6, Reid 6-16 M 17, Sugorioof pp 50 trolls 10 lifts Steve Liebler 34-32—66 WTiC to carry Sox 1:42 for the victory. Michigan State, the pre-season and Reggie Miiler scored a layup in the final 22 AHL standinga 24-33 104. Sompson 6-24 0-3 16, Ford 3-7 5-5 11, Saddleback pp Isgr 33 trolls oil lifts Loren Roberts 33-33—66 "W e’re not the team we were last year." Jury Box Lounge 4-4, PaganI Caterers WASHINGTON (97) Lloyd 9-14 2-2 20, Bailey 2-61-2 5, Leovell Big Ten favorite, has lost six in a row. seconds of overtime to carry UCLA in a Pac-10 2-4, Fllloromo Construction 2-4, Style full opr mm Joy Cudd 34-33—67 HARTFORD — Hartford radio station WTIC Elsewhere, it was: LaSalle 95, Iona 80; St. Ballard 1-3 00 2, Ruland 8-13 1012 26, 2-9 5-5 9, McCroy 5-7 2-3 IX Hoves 2-5 0-2 Sunday River pp 21 trolls oil lifts opr 6 Andy Bean 33-34—67 0-8. Northern Mahom 5-10 2-2 IX Johnson 4-11 8-11 22, announced Thursday that it will be broadcasting "Neither team could get much going,” said Illinois squeaker. Kenny Fields scored 19 points and Ralph Bona venture 62, Rutgers 58; Temple 70, Duquesne57; National — Allied Printing 7-0, 4, Teogie 0-2 0-0 0, M. Jones 0-1 (M 0, new since 1-25 Gil Morgan 34-33—67 coach Lou Henson, whose team is 14-2. "1 think you W L T G F GA Sobers 4-20 4-4 14, Malone 1-5 002, Daye Walker 1-2 (M) 2. Totals 43-106 16-23 102. Mt. Abram Isgr pp 13 trolls 4 lifts Jim Thorpe 33-34—67 Boston Red Sox basebali this year for the 29th Jackson 17 for the Bruins, 12-3. Wayne Carlander West Virginia 92, Penn State 80; Georgia Tech 59, Mulberry Restaurant 4-1, Westown Fredericton 28 20 3 225 175 2-4 1-1 5. Kopicki OOO 00 0, Wilson OO OO Pharmacy 5-3, Morlarty Fuel 4-4, BA LOS AN(^LES(131) Pleasant Mountain Isgr 15 trolls 3 lifts Fred Couples 32-35—67 consecutive season. There had been specula­ have to give the defenses credit for that." struck for 31 for USC. Clemson 52; Southern Mississippi 60, SW Louisiana Adirondack 23 18 8 215 211 0, Gibson 1-21-3 3. Totals 34-80 27-35 97. Wilkes 8-13 4-6 2a Worthy 11-13 1-1 23, Camden Snow Bowl vc 2 trails 1 lift Club 3-5, Monchester Police 3-5, Sports­ Moncton 23 22 5 144 174 New Y o ili 33 26 23 23—104 Sam Torrance 32-35—67 tion the station would discontinue the broadcasts At Santa Barbara. Calif., Richie Adams and Ed "We became impatient on offense and UCLA 54; Virginia Commonwealth 66. South Florida 54; man’s Cate 2-4, DIRosa Cleoners 1-7. Abdul-Jobbor 12-23 2-2 26, Johnson 6-14 7- Lost Valley Isgr 14 trolls oil lifts opr Jeff Mitchell 33-34—67 Catchings scored 18 points each in the PCAA game Nova Scotia 21 23 7 182 189 Washington 20 18 32 27— 97 10 19, Scott 8-15 3-4 19, Cooper 3-7 5-5 11, ns Bobby Nichols 34-33—67 because of displeasure over the quality of the feed pounded the boards." said USC coach Stan Morrison. Indiana 57, Northwestern 44; Indiana State 79, Maine 17 20 7 177 175 Three-point goals—Johnson 2. McAdoo 1-4 2-2 4, Noter 0-2 1-2 1, McOet and UNLV hiked its record to 17-1. The Rebels went on •••••••••••••••••••••• Eostem Mossochusetts Fuzzy Zoeller 33-34—67 of some of last year's games. However, the "When we fell behind by 13 it was tough to come Bradley 64; Ohio State 65, Iowa 54; Purdue 61, Sherbrooke 12 32 5 178 249 Fouled 1-2 2-2 4, Kupchok (M) (M) 0, Garrett 1-1 2- Noshobo Volley Isgr 9 trails ns Don Pohi 34-34—68 station reached an agreement with the Campbell a 20-2 tear over a six-minute span of the first half to back." Southern out—None. Totol fouls—New York 34, 2 4. Totals 51-94 29-36 131. Wochusett Mountain Isgr 10 trolls 4 Tom Kite 35-33—68 Michigan 57; and Southern Illinois 71, Drake 61. Baltimore 29 12 8 231 184 Washington 31. Rebounds—New York 34 Houston 24 36 3319—102 blow it open. At Corvallis, Ore., A.C. Green’s 20 points helped lifts ns Joy Haas 33-35—68 Sports Network, which assured the broadcasts Wichita State 68, Illinois State 66; Lamar 110, Calendar Rochester 24 20 2 223 184 (Cartwright 9), Washington 34 (Ruland LOS Angolos 32 35 32 32—131 Brodford Isgr 3 trolls 4 lifts ns <3ory Koch 37-31—66 At Tulsa, Okla., Steve Harris scored 17 points and Springfield 22 17 4 192 178 would be up to WTIC standards. Oregon State improve its record to 11-4 with the Pac-10 Texas-Arlington 79; Southern Methodist 61, Texas 14). Assists—New York 25 (Sparrow 12), Fouled out—None. Totol fouls— Boston Hills Isgr frgr 3 trolls 2 lifts K.C. LIqo 35-33—68 Tulsa, 17-1, got good support from its bench in the decision. Jim Deines led Arizona State with 14 points New Haven 22 24 4 229 237 Washington 24 (Sobers 7). Technical— Houston Blue Hills Isgr 7 trolls ns bore spots John Adorns 36-32—66 WTIC will carry about 150 Red Sox broadcasts, Christian 59; Brigham Young 74. Wyoming 61; St. Catharins 20 22 5 199 214 None. A—9,495. 28, Los Angel es 17. Rebounds—Houston 46 Missouri Valley Conference contest. Gregory Bran- and Chris Beasley added 13. FRIDAY Klein Innsbruck pp trgr 2 trolls 2 lifts Ron Streck 36-32—68 including all weekday night games and weekend California 68, Washington State 63. Hershev 18 22 185 204 (Sampson 13), Los Angeles 59 (Worthy ns Curt Byrum 3^35—68 B asketball Binghamton 19 24 212 234 contests. East H artford at Manchester, 7:30 12). Assists—Houston 28 (Ford 10), Los Western Massachusetts Tom Watson 34-34—66 Thursday’s Result Angeles 7B (Johnson 11). Technical—Los Brodie Mountain Isgr 25 trails 6 lifts Jim Colbert 34-34—66 East Catholic at Xavier, 7:30 Baltimore 7, Fredericton 5 Spurs 123.Warrlors 116 Cheney Tech at East Hamptan, 7:45 Angeles (IIIegoldefense). A—15,505. mm ns John Jacobs 32-36—68 F rid ay’s Comes Jiminy Peak Isgr pp 21 trolls oil lifts . Gabelich dies of injuries Rocky H ill at Bolton, 7:45 Maine at Adirondack Mark O'Meara 3^35 66 Coventry at Bacon Academy, 7:45 (MLDEN STATE (116) opr wknd mm ns Vic Regalado 35-33->-66 LOS ANGELES — Gary Gabelich. who East girls succumb St. Catharines at New Haven Big East standings Bousquet Isgr 15troils2fTt»ns Phil Hancock 32-36—68 . Manchester at East Hartford (girls), Smith 6-4 3-5 15, Short 5-19 4-4 14, Nova Scotia at Sherbrooke (3tis Ridge Isgr 15 trolls oil lifts full Payne Stewart 33-35—66 traveled a record-setting 622.407 mph in a rocket 3:30 Rochester at Springfield Corroll 10-19 4-5 24, Conner 40 1-2 9, Boys Swimming Floyd 7-13 OO 14, Bratz 2-7 2-24, Johnson opr Craig Stodler 35-33—68 car, has died of injuries suffered Thursday when East Catholic High girls' basketball good job against the taller St. Paul Syracuse Butternut Basin Isgr 14 trails oil lifts Eost Horttord at Manchester, 3:30 5-10 2-2 IX Engler 02 OO 0, Collins 9-10 Georgetown Bobby Ctompett 36-32—66 his motorcycle slammed into a truck, police said. team lost its sixth straight game in squad, combining for 23 rebounds. Canadians 4, Rangers 2 2-3 20, Tillls 1-3 OO X Totals 49-98 18-23 opr Morris Hotolsky 35-33—68 114. Vlllonova Mt. Tom Isgr pp 14 trails all lifts opr Mike McCullough 36-32—66 j He was 43. Hhrtford County Conference play Tues­ East's next game is at Coventry SATURDAY Connecticut B asketball SAN ANTONIO (123) ns Leonard Thompson 36-32—66 Gabelich. who became the fastest man on earth day night, dropping a 47-42 decision to Monday night at 7; 45. Boston College Catamount Isgr 17 trails 6 lifts ns East Catholic at East Lyme, 7:30 Montreal 211—4 Banks 4-13 45 16, Mitchell 1017 01 20, St. John's when he smashed the world land speed record, St. Paul at the Eagles' Nest. South Central at MCC, 8 N Y Rangers , 11 0—2 Gilmore 88 50 21, Lucas 4-8 2-2 10, New Hampshire First period—1, Montreal, Naslund Gervin 15-29 9-11 39, McNamara 4-41-19, Pittsburgh Bolsoms Wilderness Isgr frg r 12 trails suffered massive injuries when his motorcycle The Eagles are 0-6 in the conference ST. P A U L (47) - Cornish 3 2-2 8, Ice Hockey Providence LPGA results Manchester vs. Rockville ot Bolton 20 Jones 2-9 OO 4, Brewer 03 2-2 X Paxson 2 lifts hit a truck in the haijbtSr>rea. Officer Jack Drey and 3-10 overall. St. Paul is 6-7 overall Cavaleski 4 2-4 10, Drew 1 0-0 2, Rice 5 (Mondou), 5:47. 2, Montreal, Naslund21 1-2 OO 2. Totals 5005 2830 123. Seton Hall Wlldcot Isgr 28 trolls 5 lifts mm top to Ice Palace, 8:10 LPGA Deer Creek Clossic said. Gabelich died at 4:22p)m. PST, nearly three and 3-3 in the HCC. 0-2 10, Wagner 0 1-2 1, Cavalcre 2 1-2 5, W restling (Smith, Lafleur), 4:44. 3, New York, (Solden State 22 30 30 26116 bottom Greschner 9 (Da. Maloney, Pavellch), Son Antonio 37 34 23 29 123 Block Mountain Isgr 9 trolls 2 lifts At Deerfield Beach, Fla., Jan. 26 hours after the accident. Senior Carolynn DelSignore led East Mcllduff 0 1-2 1, Alexander 0 0-2 0 , Manchester ot Simsbury, 12:15 Thursday's Results Bretton Woods Isgr 19 trolls 4 lifts (Por 72) New London/East Lyme at East 8:56. Penalties—Ludvig, Mon, Three-point goals—None. Fouled No gomes scheduled with 15 points and Liz Palm er added 11 Tedesco 0 2-2 2, Pikiell 1 6-8 8. Totals 16 Catholic, noon 0:57; out— Cannon Mountain pp Isgr 25 trails 5 Patti Rizzo 35-32—67 Todov's Gome lifts mm Pat Bradley 34-33—67 in the losing effort. Sue Wallace was 15-26 47. Hanlon, NYR, served bv Osborne, 5:47: None. Total fouls—(3olden State 29, San Ripken near new pact Gainey, Mon, 7:23: Richmond, NYR, Antonio 22. Rebounds—Golden State 48 Vlllonova at UConn (at Hartford Attitosh Isgr frgr 18 trails 3 lifts mm Solly Little 3>35—68 also in twin figures with 10 points for EAST CATHOLIC (42) — Bearse 10-0 10:08: Tremblay, Mon, 14:29. (Carroll 10), San Antonio 44 (Gilmore Civic Center) top to bottom U NH winter carnival Sharon Barrett 34-34—68 ABERDEEN. Md. — The agent for Cal Ripken Sotunf&v's Gomes Mt. Cronmore Isgr 10 trails 4 lifts Brenda C^ldsmith 33-35—60 East. Cathy Cavaleski and Liz Rice 2. Burke20-l 4. WallaceSO-210, RaffinO Second period—4, Montreal, Corbon- 12). Assists—Golden State 24 (Short 10), Georgetown at Pittsburgh A Myra Van Hoose 33-35—60 today denied that the shortstop has signed a new 0-1 0, DelSignore 5 5-9 15, Palm er 5 1-2 neau San Antonio 31 (Lucas 14). Technical— Monteou opr wknd 3 trails 2 lifts each had 10 for St. Paul. Bowling 19 (Robinson), 12:10. 5, New York, None. A—7,926. Seton Hall ot Boston College ^ Loon Mountain pp Isgr 25 trails 5 lifts Muffin Soencer-Devlln 35-34—69 contract with the Baltimore Orioles and said a DelSignore and Chris Raffin did a 11, Sulzinski 0 0-2 0. Totals 18 6-17 42. Providence at Davidson mm top to bottom Cathy Morse 36-33—69 •••••••••••••••••••••• Pavellch 15 (Lelnonen, Hedberg), 17:35. report his client had come to terms might have Penalty—Hamel, Mon, 17:23. St. John's at Syracuse Woterville Volley Isgr 33 trolls 7 lifts Dale Eggelino 34-35—69 Sunday's Gome mm Snows Mt. opr wknd Jan Stephenson 36-33—69 been a misunderstanding between fatherandson. Third period—4, Montreal, Lafleur Arkonsos at Vlllonova Herald 20 Sanies 114, Kings 106 Mt. Whittier opr wknd 1-28 Joyce Kazmierski 33-37—70 Ron Shapiro confjrmed Ripken and the Orioles JoAnne Corner 35-35—70 Tony C ollettl 234-404, Tom CollettI Sr. (Naslund, Nattress), 4:29. Penalties— Tenney Mountain Isgr 10 trolls I lift are very close to inking an agreement, and said Greschner, NYR, 5:51; Osborne, NYR, Gunstock Isgr 15 trolls 5 lifts wknd Lauri Peterson 35-3S—70 213-544, Nancy Curtin 202-542, Clyde SEATTLE (114) Coilaga baskatball scoras winter carnival Alice RItzman 35-35—70 "chances are good ” a pact may be signed next Redd 210-524, Rick M Ikoleit 230, Cindy 8:54; Hunter, Mon, 10:54. King 6-6 2-2 14, Vranes 4-6 2-2 10, Floyd stroke ahead Shots on goal—Montreal 10-7-4—23. NY Highlonds Isgr trgr 10 trolls oil lifts Lauren Howe 35-35—70 Gordner 531, Christa Klavins 481. Sikma 13-18 5-6 31, Williams 11-19 22, week. Rangers 14-104—30. (yO opr ns only 3-10 p.m. Cathy Mont 35-35—70 Wood 6-9 46 16, Chamber 2-5 2-4 7, Thundoy’iRviults King Ridge Isgr 17 trails all lifts oor Jane Crofter 33-37—70 Goalies—Montreal, Sevlgny. NY Hawes 1-6 0-0 2, D. Thompson 29 0-0 6, Eost Ran­ Pots Peok Isgr 13 trails 4 lifts Shelley Hamlin 35-36—71 N SAN DIEGO (UPl) - Galaxies Sundvold 3-5 (M) 6. Totals 4 9 ^ 16-20 114. Alvernla71,Phlla.Blble48 - gers, Hanlon. A—17,335. Temple Mountain Isgr frgr 12 trails oil Jerilyn Brltz 38-33—71 Steelers fight city haii » For most of the guys on KANSAS C IT Y (106) Cobr In 169, Spring (garden 61 lifts opr Cindy Hill 36-35—71 ^ a n d l PaganI 134-)25-140-j99, Denise E. Johnson 9-18 2-3 21, Olberdlng 4-9 2^ Costleton 9X Keenest. 70 the PGA Tour, a hilarious Martino 130-373, Marie Schauster 130- Musket Mountain opr wknd 1-28 Colleen Walker 36-35—71 PITTSBURGH — The Pittsburgh Steelers' 11, S. Johnson 26 M 7, Drew 4-11 0-0 8, Conn. Colt. 73, Barrington 57 Kathy Boker 35-36—71 344, Shirley Schultz 127-352, Sally Dominlcan60,Queen$S9 Vermont efforts to rescind their lease at Three Rivers’ practical joke runs along P hillips 140-127-370. Nordiquas 5, Islanders 1 Suttle 6-11 (M) 12, L. Thompson 7-12 ^10 Joy Peak Isgr frg r X trolls oil lifts opr Donna Capon! 36-35—71 23, Woodson 26 2-2 8, Nealy ^3 (M) 4, E.Nazarene70,Tufti66 Smugglers Notch Isgr 35 trails all lifts Noncy Rubin 33-38—71 Stadium is an attempt to force the Maulers of the the lines of leaving a Buse 3-6 3-4 10, Meriweother 1-5 CM) 2. E.Conn.59,RhodelslandColl.SB wake-up call for a buddy opr ^11 Hlroto 36-35—71 rival U.S. Football League out of the facility, a PinneHes Quebec 2 21—5 Totals 42-91 20-26 106. Frank. 8, Marsh. 75, JohnsHopklns73 Stowe pp Isgr 43 trolls 10 lifts mm Jo Ann Wosham 36-35—71 city official says. half an hour before he has N Y Islanders 1 0 0—1 Seottte 24 29 32 29>-114 George Washington 73, Mass.-Boston68 Bolton Volley pp Isgr 26 trails 4 lifts ns Robin Walton 36-36—72 ;B ey Carr 179-444, Sue DIschert 190- LoSalle95,lona80 The Steelers filed the suit Thursday in to get up. First period—1, New York, Gilbert 19 Konsos e tty 26 26 26 2 t—106 Burke Mountain Isgr pp 27 trolls 4 lifts Chris Johnson 35-37—72 4s3, Joan Johnson 194-449, Carol Reed (Bossy, Jonsson), 9:34. Z (Juebec, Sauve Three-point goals— Buse, E. John­ Lowel 198, BrondeisdO Mod River Glen Isgr trgr 25 trolls 4 Mori McDougali 34-38—72 Allegheny County Common Pleas Court, claim­ A few of them really get 208-504, Bette Copeland 194-184-493, 15 (Moller, Price), 11:57. 3, Quebec, son. Manhattan 73, Army 61 lifts Debbie Mpssev 38-34—72 ing their lease was voided when the Maulers crazy once in a while and Etlle Luce 183-200-509, Ann Tokarz Palement 26 (P. Stastny, Moller), 14:55. Fouled out—None. Total fouls—Seattle 17HS7, Lois Begin 189-449, Tina Ahrens Penalties—Jonsson, NYI, 10:24; Gll- 16, signed a 4-year lease to play their home games at do things like switch the 139-211-537, Carol Morlarty 177, Nancy lis, Konsos City 23. Rebounds—Seattle 32 Three Rivers. covers on each other’s Larala 193, Evelyn Thibodeau 177, Lois Que, 12:24; Lane, NYI, 15:52: Price,Que, (Slkmo 13), Kansas City 51 (Thompson Transactions golf clubs so the caddy Brown 453, Debbie Abbott 450. 17:23; Lane, N YI, 19:56. aO). Assists—Seattle 22 (Williams 9), Second period—4, (3uebec, Marols 4 Kansas City 23 (Buse 6). Technical— Boxoboll SOT oma noai will have trouble finding ((3oulet, Hunter), 5:04. 5, Quebec, None. A—6,921. K E K O ^e SALE AT Wooif knocks Argovitz the 3-wood. Blossoms McKegney 12 (Goulet), 7:19. Penalties— Baltimore — Signed In such company, Gary Janet Hatton 191-521, Ruth Lebel None. pitcher Mike Boddicker to LIQUIDATORS, INC. RAMADA INN DETROIT — Veteran sports attorney Bob Third period—6, Quebec, (Soulet 38 o 1-veor contract and In- McCord stands atone. 197-492, M a rty Bradshaw 184-449, Nuggats126,Buiis125 am 4 SAV E ... Woolf says Houston Gambler part-owner Dr. Donna Schmitt 204-503, Marilyn Mey­ (penolty shot), 8:14. Penalties— tlelder Lenn Sakata to o 1330 SILAS DEANE HWY. Jerry Argovitz was guilty "of a flagrant conflict McCord, a veteran of 11 ers 209-481, Kathy W alsh 194-525, Ruth Palement, 2-vear contract. 1-91 (EXIT 24) t RT. 99 PGA seasons, once ex­ Ann Glass 174, Cathy Magowan 451, (3ue, m alor, 0:32; Nystram, NYI, mlnor- DENVER (124) of interest" when he signed Billy Sims to play for maior,0;32; Marols, (}ue, 5:04; DonnellY, California — Signed 3 0 % TO 70% UPl photo plained a round of 64 this Helen Hathoway 453, Mary Bania 458, English 1819 83 27, Vandeweghe 1-218 WETHERSFIELD, CONN. the U.S. Football League team while represent­ Sherry Scorso 453. Que, 11:40; Glllls, Que, 14:36; Lane, NYI, 8 26, Issel 11-19 1819 37, Dunn 83 80 0, pitchers Geoff Zahn, Doug OFF BIG. anAU ing the running back in contract negotiations with way to dozens of writers; 14:34; Gillies, NYI, malor, 19:38: Hunter, Williams 86 88 IX Anderson 812 2-2 IX Corbett and Mike Witt and Yannick Noah raises his racket in anger after missing a point in "It was out of my Que, m alor (misconduct), 19:38. Eyons 84 3-4 3, Schayes 1-2 3-6 5, outfielder Juan Benlguez. the N FL Detroit Lions. Powder Pull Shots on goal—(3uebec 11-11-9—31. NY Honzllk 80 2-2 X Carter 1-1 88 X Sims is scheduled to testify today in U.S. his match Thursday with Henri LeConte in the third round of the hands," he told them. "1 Islanders 18-11-11—40. Edmonson 88 08 0. Totals 4687 34-44126. Cincinnati — Signed was playing in a tri-zonal Mary Wright 194, Mary Bonia 174, Goalies—Quebec, Bouchard. NY pitcher Frank Pastore to District Court on his suit seeking to void the $3.5 Ruth Ann Glass 473, Terry SiemlnskI CHICACSO (I2S) lOW EST PRICES EVER! U.S. Pro Indoor Tennis Championships. Noah won in straight time warp. My force field Island Greenwood 1818 68 3X Woolrldge 7-13 4-veor contract; signed first million contract he signed July 1, 1983 with the sets. 449, Loralne Hahn 178, Laura Rapson ers, Melanson, Hrudey. A—15440. 1811 24. Corzine 84 88 0, Whatley 86 9 baseman Tony Perez, third Houston so he can fulfill a $4.5 million argeement was very strong. My 185-512, Sharon Oliver 492, Edith Tracy baseman Nick Esaskv, ONE DAY ONLY!! 184-211-544, Tina Harris 191-457, 11 17, Wiggins 920 86 2X Green 81 08 0, he made with the Lions on Dec. 16. plume, the swirling force Dailey 813 911 17, Oldham 87 86 13, catcher Brad Gulden, In- 2 of energy, normally ex­ Jets 6, WlMlers 2 Bryant 81 88 0. Totals 42-83 41-53125. fielder Wade Rowdon, out­ lSATURDAY/ JAN./ 28t|L The suit charges Argovitz and the Gamblers LaVae Dusty Denver K3P28 33-I26 fielders Eric Davis and Paul with fraud and failing to fulfill fiduciary tends about six feet above Chicago 29 2 i 31 37— 125 O’Neill and pitchers Charlie 10-4 pm. my head. Today it must Rich Garner 232-203-422, Michael Winnipeg 1 1 4—6 Fouled out—Woolrldge, Wiggins. To­ Puleo and Fred Toliver to responsibility. Noah has tranquility Haiilord 011—2 1-vear contracts. have been 10-feet tall.” PrestI 201-212-404, Dick Murphy 212-254- tal 205471, Ed Bachl 200-202-572, Ray First period—1, Winnipeg, Bobych 15 fouls—Denver 38, Chicago 36. C hittick 200, Pete Beaudry 200-582, (Steen, Boschman), 3:34. Rebounds— Detroit — Enos Cabell He told them the 64 was i Roger MIeezkowskI 205202-590, John Penalties— Denver 38 (Dunn 8), Chicago 45 entered secondary orocessin Rizzo, Bradley share lead part of his experiment of Myers 225244430, Al Wilson 249-403, Dunn, Hor, 2:42; Howe, Har, 19:41. (Greenwood 10). Assists—Denver 40 re-entrv draft. on the tennis court Nick M arottI 205215554, Fred KozIckI Second period—2, Winnipeg, Ma- (English 9), Chicago 28 (Whatley 16). N e w York (AL) — playing in the third di­ D EE RFIELD BEACH, Fla. - Patti Rizzo, 203, Don Young 202, Greg Rawson cLean „ Technicals—Denver (Illegal de- Reached contract agreement disappointed in her two-year pro career, holed a mension, because he was 255215431, Paul Chagnot 201, B ill 23 (Mullen, Hawerchuk), 5:03. 3, with second baseman Red By Joe Jullono As pressures at home grew, an Hartford, Johnson 23 (Turgeon, Neufeld), fesne), 115-yard shot out of a bunker on the first hole fora realiy a magician from Leonard 212-570, Andy Kamm 233-227- Chicago (Illegal defense), Chicago coach Hudler; named Jeff Mangold 7 12:06. Penalties—Hospodar, Har, UPl Sports Writer emotionally distraught Noah an­ the planet Blothar. 594, Mike Masllonis 202, Rich Higgins Lougherv, Woolrldge. A—4,913. strength and conditioning great start to a new year on the LPGA tour. nounced he was moving to New York in UPi photo 201, Al Senna 213-582, Leon Bilodeau 4:18; coach; Oscar Gamble en­ RATED ffl by CONSUMER REPORTS McCord, you might say, Watters, Win, 9:02: Hospodar, Har, 14:10. tered secondary process In Rizzo's 9-iron for an eagle started her to a search of a more normal lifestyle. 234-409, Ort Cowles 243-210-437, Al L«TEO PHILADELPHIA - The only ob­ Senna 205547, Rich Pinto 215245450, Third period—4, Winnipeg, Hawerchuk re-entry RMHIOWA 5-under-par 67 Thursday which enabled her to is driving with one tire in gggggggggggggggggggggo vious change in Yannick Noah since he Noah was one of six seeded players to Ray Floyd blasts out of the sand trap on John Von Tassel 234403, Daye Chagnot 25 (Watters, Lukowich), 1:52.5, Hartford, draff. share the first-round lead with Pat Bradley after the sand. Turgeon 24 (Neufeld, Johnson), 4:52. 4, gave up the life of a national hero in advance to the quarterfinals. Top- the ninth green during first round play 202-554, Butch Savino 540, Charles the first round of the $200,000 Deer Creek Classic. Hartley Sr. 220-573, Charles Hartley Jr. Winnipeg, MacLean 24 (Hawer­ New York (NL) — Signed OMNI 105 19,500 BTU Reg- 289.95 France to find solitude in New York is seeded Ivan Lendl and No. 2 John Thursday he shot a Thursday in the San Diego Open. Floyd 205571, John Jenkins 215250-245710, chuk, Soccer intielder-outfielder Danny $9 8 8 > McEnroe showed the way with quick 7-under-par 67 for a share Dave Correlo 205225577. Mullen), 8:25. 7, Winnipeg, Mullen 15 Heeo to a 1-year contract. his hairstyle; he recently cut off his was 8-under par and had one stroke (Hawerchuk), 17:09.8, WInnIpea, Bosch­ dreadlocks. victories by identical 6-1, 6-2 scores of second place with Brad DIRECTOR 11,700 BTU Reg. 299.95 Kriek to take vacation lead. PBAO pen man 20 (ArnlH, DeBlols), 18:13. Penalties Philodelohia — Signed The sensitive 23-year-old player still over Tim Gullikson and Scott Davis, Bryant, one shot behind At Grand Prairie, Texas, Jan. 24 —MacLean, Win, 0:11; Fronds, Har, to t-yeor contracts: out­ _6II K f B-Sun Hodds pn Sol» t Rn Stock PH ILA D ELPH IA — After dropping his third- gets nervous around crowds and still respectively. Raymond Floyd, in the (with pkifall totals after four rounds, U 0:49; Campbell, Win, 4:44; Hospodar, fielders Von Haves, Bob $988* round match Thursday in the U.S. Pro Indoor 90HKS) Har, 6:29; (3uenncvllle, Har, double- MISL standings Dernier and Tim Corcoran, hates answering questions from the Fourth-seeded Jimmy Arias had a opening round of the laughs last. He was the mlnbr pitchers Lorry Andersen, ALL ITEMS PRICED WITH Tennis Championships, Johan Kriek filled his since his wire-to-wire tri­ 1, Joe BerardI, Brooklyn, N.Y., 4,102. Z media. But once he walks on a tennis tougher time of it, nipping No. 14 $400,000 San Diego Open. main force behind the umph in the 1982 PGA .Hugh M iller, Seattle, 5,944. 3, Hark (misconduct), 15:18; Lundholm, Eastern Division Keith Gross and (Seorge Riley, RADIANT 10 CASH DISCOUNT INCLUDED news conference with expletives, name-calling Win, catchers Ozzle Virgil and court, all is well. Gunthardl of Switzerland, 5-7, 6-2, 7-6. He has never won a PGA changing its exempt Championship. Baker, Garden Groye, Calif., 5,93X 4, Del W L Pet. GB and criticism. Ballard, Richardson, Texas, 5A70.5, (tie) 15:18. Cleveland 16 4 .800 — Joe CipollonI ond Intielder ADD $S FOR VISA/MC & CHECK " I always feel good when I ’m on the Eighth-seeded Eliot Teltscher beat PGA event, and didn’t status that forced so many Shots on goal—Winnipeg 184-9— RIckSchu. Kriek, the world's 15th-ranked singles player, His round of 8-under 64 Bob Handley, Pompano Beach, Fla.,and Pittsburgh 13 6 .604 2Vi FRANCO a, MO B T U court," Noah said Thursday night after Eric Korita, 7-6, 6-1, and llth-seed seem too optimistic about players to qualify on Mon­ Marsholl Holman, Jacksonville, 25. Baltimore 13 10 .560 4'/> Seattle — Reached agree­ called tennis "a total waste of tim e’ ' and said he is came on eight birdies and Hartford 1894-30. ment on t-veor contract with defeating countryman Henri Leconte, Tomas Smid of Czechoslovakia de­ this one, either. day for that week's Ore., New York 11 12 .478 4W HnO-SHN aiidXOIONA WICHS New From considering a lengthy vacation from competition. no bogeys, although Floyd 5J42. Goalies—Winnipeg, Velsor. Hart­ Memphis 7 13 .350 9 tree-agent outfielder Steve 7-6, 6-3, to advance to today's quarterfi- feated Butch Walts, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2. tournament. ford, Henderson. "L e t's not kid our­ said that score isn’t quite 7, Poul Koscr, Brockton, Moss., 5J03. Buffalo 7 15 .318 10 nais of the U.S. Pro Indoor Tennis Unheralded Brad Gilbert upset $, Mark Roth, Wall Township, N.J., 5,799. Mlllen. A—9,451. Western Division > 3 8 8 selves," he said, "W e all so good when you consider Toronto — Signed pitcher Championships. ninth-seeded Johan Kriek of South Under the new rule the course. 9, John (Jant, Pittsburgh, 5,787. 10, Bo Kansas City 14 6 .700 — From Leonard to meet Howard know there's lots and lots Bowden, Dallas, 5,724. 11, Pete Keber, •GGGGGGGGGggggggGggggg St. Louis .608 V/t Roy (.ee Jackson to l-vear "It was a big change for me to leave Africa, 7-6, 6-2, and Wojtek Fibak of designed by McCord, the Jocksonville, Fla., 5,70Z ^Z MIkeDurbln, contract. WORCESTER, Mass. — Sugar Ray Leonard is of golf left.” W ichita 10 11 .474 4V5 1 7 / 6 0 0 BTU home and come to another country. I Poland ousted Ben Testerman, 7-6, 3-6, top 125 money winners in a The San Diego Open ,(Chagrin Falls, Ohio, 5479. 13, Alan Los Angeles 8 11.421 5'/i PANASONIC coming out • of retirement right in Marvin 6-4, in other matches. McCord didn’t, how­ year automatically qual­ (Sronot, Palisade, Colo., 5448. R adio, T V Phoenbi 7 12 .309 4’/z •AUTO SMUTOFF Llit 260.86 9300-10,000 with feel much better, really good. If IiJlay utilizes two courses, the 14, Sam Zurich, Huntington Station, Hagler’s own backyard and Hagier's handler In today's quarterfinals, Lendl meets ever, rule out the possibil­ ify for most of the next Tacoma . 5 .. 14 .230 9'/j well, everything will be okay. I feel north and south, of the N.Y., 5434. 15, Bobby Knimie, Long •••••ggggggggggggggggg Tlwridav’s Result •PORCELAIH HR. ^ ^ a a Built In Fan says it's "ridiculous" for Leonard to say it will ity of winning one day. comfortable on the court because I ’m Gilbert, McEnroe goes against Smid, year’s tournaments. Torrey Pines Country .Beach, ColK.. 5420. 14, Jim Tilton, W Idilta 8, St. Louis 1 or take two years to mount a challenge for the world Huntington Beach, Collf., 5499.17, Mike FrMav’s Games by m yself." Noah faces Teitscher and Arias takes "Eventually I’m going Club fo» the first two • •Sleinbach, Alsip, III., 5,598. 18, Doug CALDWELL CORONA $88*8 middleweight boxing title. on Fibak. in 1982, McCord fin­ TONIGHT (All Times EST) 20,000 BTU Noah's travels have been well to find a tournament that rounds. The north course, Laird, Grand Island, Neb., 5478. 19, 7:30 UConn vs. Vlllonova, WDRC Cleveland at Baltimore, 7:35p.m. (NL Leonard, who retired 15 months ago due to an In an entertaining match, Noah and ished 130th on the list. 'RIcfcle Saleck, Hlghlond, Ind., 5465. 20, Both with Salt-cleaning documented. Virtually nominated for no one else enters, and I'm where Floyd’s score and 7:30 College bosketb^l: St. Bonaven- Kansas City of New York, 8:05 p.m. (Pric* Subjoct to Change 2 2 ,6 0 0 BTU eye injury, told a news conference he is returning the 16th-seeded Leconte battled to a M ortln Letschner, Aberdeen, Md., ture vs. Rutgers (toped), ' Phoenix at Pntsburgh, 1:05p.m. o it ssav.as Porous Ceramic Wick sainthood after an emotional victory in gonna win the damn most of the other low 44Z>. ButfOlo a t MsfTWhIs, 8:35 p.m . to the ring against Philadelphia's Kevin Howard first-set tiebreaker in which Noah ran On the serious side of. SportsChonnel 1 1 4 . 9 : the French Open last summer,"he later thing," he said. scores were recorded, is - 21, (tie) Jeff Bellinger, Columbia, S.C., 9:00 Boxing: Curtis Parker vs. , Tocoma at Los AneNos, 10:35 p.m. Eh.AH.gwdW, •Aula Shot on 119-4-1) in a 10-round fight on Feb, 25 in the off six straight points to win 7- 3. Noah Thursday's opening round ^brfd Nelson Burton Jr., St. Louis, 5420. Donald Bowers, ESPN SatunOayV Games served a 42-day suspension imposed for In his travels, the 35- much easier than the ' n Warren Nelson, Downey. Calif., 5484. •Parcalain Finish CHOICE 1 8 M Worcester Centrum fought off a break point in the seventh was Floyd, the veteran 9:30 NHL: Devils vs. Oilers, Channel Memphis of Kansas City, night 6 4 » li4 1 >9 8 M missing the World Team Cup year-old McCord has south course, which will iSe-BrodBohllng, Thornton, Colo., 5,341. 9 Wichita of Tacoma, night game of the second set • ^ conipetilion. learned that he seldoms who hasn't won on the tour host the final two rounds. Ml - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friduv. Jan 27. 1984 M.'VNCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Jan 27. I9M - 1!» Classified.... LOOK FOR THE STARS... ★ Business Opportunities 22 Store/Oftlce Space ...... 44 643-2711 Notices Housctioid G o o d s...... 82 Situation Wonted ...... 23 Resort Property ...... 45 Misc. for Sole ...... 63 For odvertisements to be LLost/Foun o s t/ ^ u n d ...... 01 R o t e s ____ Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get Employment Info...... 24 Artisc. for R e n t...... 46 Home «»d Gordcn ...... 64 pubiisned M onday, ttie deod- Perscmolslo ls 02 Instruction...... 25 Wanted to Rent...... t j P e ts ...... 65 llno Is 2:38 p.m. on Friday. Announcements...... 03 S3.2S to r one dov Roommotes Wonted...... 48 AAusicoi lic n fs ...... 66 Auctions...... 04 r « r « » e n h better results. Put a star on your od and see what a Real Estate Recreational Items...... 67 1-2 d a y s ...... ise Reod Your Ad Antiques...... m Homes for Sole ...... 31 Services 3 -S d o v s ...... 14* Classified odyertiscmcnts Ta g Soles...... '. .618 * d a v s ...... 13* Financial Condominiums...... 32 Services Offered...... 51 ore token by teiepbon* os o Wonted to Buy ...... 70 * »d o v s ...... 13* difference it mokes. Telephone 643-2711, Mondoy-Fridoy, M ortgooes...... n Lots/Lond for Sale ...... 33 Painting/Poperlng...... S2 convenience. Personal Loons...... 12 Investment Property ...... 34 Buildino/Con^acting...... S3 Ttio Moncficster Merotd is Insurance...... 13 Business Property...... 35 Rooflng/Slding ...... 54 S SJ* P «r co lum n Inch re^xim ibl c only tor one incor- „ 8:30 Q .m . to 5:00 p.m. ___ Wonted to B o rro w ...... 14 Resort P ro p e rty ...... 36 Heating/Plumbing...... S5 Autontotive D eadlines rect Im e rtio n ond ttten ont* ' F lo o rin g ...... 54 Cors/Trucks for Sole ...... 71 tor the size of ttie ^ i g i a a l . •eShuM •aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa* For dossitled odvertlse- Remove mineral buildup Income Tax Service ...... 57 /Wotwxvcles/Blcvcies___72 tracrtion. Rentals ments te b* puMIsbed Tues- Misc Automotive from your teakettle by Employment Services Wanted...... 58 Rec VeWctes...... 73 E r ro rs wblcb do not lessen n BatMUd/CaalracHaa a lUanhiH Caeds a Pets 45 74 dov tftrough Soturdov, the pouring In half a cup ot Rooms for Rent ...... 41 Auto Services...... 74 t h t votuc of tbeodvertisemefit & Education For Sale deodl ino Is noon on tbo day white vinegar and one Apartments for Rent ...... 42 Autos for Rent/Leose...... 75 wBt not be corrected by on, AAANCHESTER — otnee quart ot tap water. Heat Help Wanted ...... 21 boferc publicotion. Homes for Rent ...... 43 Holldoy/Seasonai...... 61 AAisc. A u to m o tiv e ...... 7i oddition^ iftsertion. Superior Court. PAINTING AND PAPER CARPENTRY WORK — DISHWASHER — Porto- FREE PUPPIES — Ooch- to rolling boll and let Akr H A N G IN G — E x te rio r Afterottorrs. new work bie. Kenmore. B u tc h e r shund mix. Moke Ideal stand tor one hour. Pour and iRicfior. ccllinps re- ond repairs. Coll David, block top. $150. Phone D«t. Telephone 649-8600. out solutfon, till with paired. References. Iirtly 643 8996. 647-9808. ------WINTER SPECIAL — $05 I Coll 646- B A TTER IES , S29.95. Ri­ water, boil again and (htoinv work, ...... sen I M B A N D IT, a loveable. HOUSE SOLD — MOV­ discord. p Wontwl 21 Help Wanted 21 Help WontMl n HWpWi AAorMn AAottsson. even- _ ____ long haired mole cot. I'm ING SALE! Good used ley Oldsmobile, 345 Cen­ Notices togs 649 6431. Raeuap/siWpg SI — — »a«as«sss»»»esa»a block and white, with o furniture, bedroom- ter Street, Monchester. /dlnette set. studio Court of Probate. GEORGE N. CONVERSE AABC-nrsoto a eyes, call 3424B71. couch, dressers, tobies, Cut laundry costs by District of Manchester Personals 02 BANKING/BOOKKEEP- INDIVIDUALS T O M A N C H E S TE R — MO FOUR ROOM APART,^ etc. Much miscellaneous NOTICE OF HEARING ING Part Tim* Clerk — WOAK AS A HOME- — Pointlno and paper- BIDWELL HOME Im- iTiT-iTTum nam iim ------decreosing the amount of ESTATE OF EDWIN L. Nortti M ^ n Street. New M E N T — No appliances. bonglnp. 30 Years Expe- provnnent Company — BRASS BIRDCAGES (2), household and clothing. detergent used. Reduce 9am to 1pm. South REYnNa VEMTMS IMAKEA In g 9 town area $240 per month, plus utR$- M IT C H E L L , late of two bedroam tawn f1*a**1 Coll 643-JaH. Rooflnp . siding, ottero- brass bird cage stand (1). Saturday lOom to Spm, by one-third and see Manchester, deceased. 2 M c D o n a ld ’s® Windsor Bonk 6 Trust for a Manchester based. OuD to DJtoaRtiofi mp hmmm houses, 1'/t baths, ap- tlcs. S300 Security d e n -, R E W E A V IN G BURN Sunday 11am to 5pm. s a whether you notice o Pursuant to on order of Hon. H ELP ! Looking tor ride Co.- Contact Worren Mert- United Way supported pl lanced kitchens. And­ ------tions. additions. Some RR $70 fakes oil. Coll 649- Wiiiiam E. FltiGeraid. to East Hartford Center, immDdiatD optwrogt on otif osit. No pets. Phone 643, HOLES — Zippers, um- -CEILIMGS REPAIRED nutnl^for over 30years. 4339. Eost Center Street, Mon- difference In the oppeor- tesorr tor appointment, night shift for wowienced agency. FuB or p « T time Judge, doted Jan uary 2S. 1984 erson windows, toll bow- 47SI,4fo8Rm. bredasrepedred. WIndew or REPLACED with dry- 649d49S.' ALUMINUM SHEETS sassssssssssssssssassss chester. 643-4944. once of your wosh. Add a hearing will be held on on 6om, Monday - Friday. Now Accepting Applications 289-6061. Ajpha/Numoric dperetors. hours cwollaMe. Car a Coll Bill, 643-1246 otter ments. SSAm , Peter man shades, wenefioa blinds. wail. Coil eveninas. G o r y ______used as prlntlno plates — ___ _ oxtro dollars to your application praying tor an We offer 4 flight wofitwoDh so must. Mileage reim­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa extension ot time to present 6om. rf you heve hed«ii{Mrien«on Reotty, 64»9404 or 647- LIKE PRIVATE HOME." Keyv TV FOR RENT. McHugh. 643-9321. aaaaataaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaa ogy.. 2j X 2 4 ". SOC M OSlCOl Itoms 46 budget by selling “ don't B A N KING/ BOOK KEEP- bursed. Excellent fringe 134B. cioims under Section 45-205 a Card or Kay to OiacsieMom, St«dlo-type apartment... Marlow's. 967 Moln ...... HepHag/PhMddpg S eoch. or 5 for $2.00. Phone Wanted te Buy 78 ''®ods“ with a low-cost od of the Connecticut Generoi Part Time Day Shifts Night Shifts ING Part Time Clerk - wp are mtareetod in taMung to benefits. Call 643-9511 Utttitles, applionces..- _ _ _ 643-2711. They M U ST te •••••••••••••••••«•••• WANT TO LOSE you ebout our incentf¥e Do> Street. 6t»-S22l. In Classified. 643-2711. Stotutes as in said applica­ Weekdays Weekends Breakfast ShifU 1pm to closing. Proof or weekdays b e tw e e n TWO BEDROOMS. TWO Working single adult. N g_ •"WMS/Ceahredtog S3 aaaaaaaaaaaaa...... picked U P before TRUMPET FOR SALE — tion on file more fully ap­ WEIGHT? Modify vour nua plan and union# 4 n i ^ pears. ot the Court of Pro­ CRT experience ore- work week, if you m e herd 8:30am and 4:3ltom. B ATH S — Profetsionot children, pets. Coll 643- - BRICKS, BLOCKS. LEGAL NOTICE eating habits. Complete ...... - 7 — tTTvtiT FOGARTY BROTHERS ” PLAYER PIANO bote on Februory 16, 1984 ot tefred. South Windsor working individual don't mtsa area. Spacious, energy aso. " STONE — ' Concrete. TOWN OF ANDOVER. 2:30 P.M . 7 orogrom. Call647-8730for Bonk & Trust Co. Contact this opportunity. CITY VS4TUIK COR­ etficlenf. Ideal invest­ - Bathroom remodel- ______:______best offer. Coll 643-7358. W A N TED < Call 646-6433 CONNECTICUT appointment. McDonald's® Family Restaurant is looking Contact K a ^ Brown CMmaey repairs. No lob FAR R AN D R E M O D E L- inp: Instollatlon yyotcr a otter 6PM. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Diane E. Yusinos. Worren Mafteson tor oo- PORATION — A Mlnneo- ment, proven excellent TWO BEDROOM TOWtt t Ass’t. Clerk for good people who want a good job with all toe small. Coil 6444356. ING-Coblnefs. roofing. SJ^ers, gorboge dispo- ^ Tl>e Zoning Boord of Appeals 047-01 polntment, 289-6061. polis based firm, seeks rental volw*. Also good HOUSE — AooJIOf*ce4_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• of the To w n of Andover. Con­ SENIOR CITIZEN — the extras. As a member of our crew you get port time secretary for Mrtfers. room additions, jo ij; faucet repairs. 649- ^ Antiques a necticut will hold a public Gentleman looking for $100 Per Week Port Time tor snKril tamCty. Mustbo kitchen, V/r bEI Kiyua SECOND FLOOR — Two. sew cxocttv wtKrt you once ot vour wash. Add 28 January. 1984 Connecticut. shipping department. Building and Remodeling Leaving state. $189. Call extra dollars to vour Opportunity for IN PROCESS MANAGER NEEDED — MANCHESTER -1.9acre tamlty. Rve rooms. Heat wont, promptly and reo- otter 4bm. 644-1874. Zoning Board of Appeols TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 2nd S h ift Manager Hours are negotiable. approved buUding lot on included. $500 monthty, . Speciollst. Additions, budget by selling “ don't Andover, Connecticut CONNECTICUT inspectors in air conditioned mm Apply at Holts, Inc., 7* sonobly. Coll 647-0796. oarages, roofing. skHng. VW1600ENGINE — Com­ needed by Morlarty a deadend street. $30,500. Cdirl 646-3979. needs" with o low-cost od plete, minus heads. Best Mary C. McNamaro. ROBERT B. WEISS. SOUTH Batson Drive, DAYS. kitchens, bathrooms, re- TABLE LAMPS — For Chairm an GENERAL MANAGER environment with a steadjly growing Brothers, Inc. tor their li Ninsn Gordon Realty, 643-217A In Classified. 6432711. otter. Coll 643-0738. 033-01 Cia kahawi tow S tfpw living room or family 046-01 AREA ADVISORS service station. Automo­ AAonchestor. Rlocement windows- plastics injection molder of small NEWLY PAINTEQt DAYCARE — Full time, room. $40 o pair. Ple<»e aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NEEDED in Manchester S 4 7 -8 9 t o /doors. Coil 6436712. precision moldings. tive experience helpful. THREE BEDROOM se­ 1-4 years old. $60 per coll after 6pm, 647-8305. to deliver to our carriers. Please apply to Morris cond floor oportmegL- week. Coll 646-4S87. Cars/Trudes tor Sale 71 Cors/Trucks lor Sole 71 Cors/Trucks tor Sale y n Cors/Trucks lor Sole 7i J Coll 647-9946 between 9om Morlarty, at Morlarty ARBOR ACRES FARM Newer two fomilY. Futty LEON CIESZYNSKI Three 12 hour & one 9 hour shift INCOME TAXES — Pre­ KENMORE ELECTRIC and 11am. Brothers, 315 Center seeking toll time general corpeted, opptionces., PAINTING. GENERAL BUI LOER — New homes, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee poultry form workers. pared by CPA. Business & SEWING MACHINE — present consistent overtime, shift Street, Manchester. Call $525 pIl« utilities. Secu<-„ REPAIRING. CLEAN­ additions, remodeling, With floor cabinet, pro­ SEWING MACHINE OP­ •643-5135. Agricultural background PRIVATE UNIQUE GUI­ Individuol. Coll John, premium, but nice long week-ends. FULL PRICE PAID tor ity and references. No^ ING — Very reasonable. rec rooms, garages, kit­ fessionally serviced. $95. ERATORS — Skilled sew­ desirable, but not essen- TA R LESSOMS — In your your rccO estate. Imme­ pets. Cotl643-»36. chens remodeled, ceil­ 6593069. homo. /Many accessory Call 649-6400 otter Coll 6435697. ing machine operators PROCESS ENGINEER tiol. Paid health and re­ diate closing possibte If S:3BRm. ings, both tile, dormers, 315 Center St. needed by local toy fac­ W A N TED — Knowledge tirement plan. Call Tim courses. Low rates. P.O. you m-e flexible about the ^TH R EE ROOMS, T H IR D ' Yoofing. Rttidentiql or tory. Hourly rote based of blueprint reading and Fracchia, Glastonbury, Box 533, Manchester. GLASTER BAY COAL FUSTICS CURING TECHNOLOGY terms. Please coll 649-(7^FLOOR — Adults, np N EE D T IM E FOR Y O U R ­ commercial. 649-4291. STOVE — With blower. MORIARTY BROTHERS i ( ^ MANCHESTER^ on capabilities. Needed P&WA specs required. 633-4681 for an appoint­ 5118. * pets. Security. Coll o fW , SELF? O r to spend with TAX PREPARATIONS — 1395 Tolland Tpke., Manchester ment. EOE. Completely eaulpped. immediately. Call 659- Duties Include some of­ 6om, 449-2236. loved ones? Let us helo! ANCHOR ELECTRICAL In the convenience of Coll otter 6pm. 646-5808. 643-5135 A 0204 for opDointment. fice work, will train In ------PC We'll dean vour house, CONTRACTORS — Do your home. Reliable- KEYPUNCH OPERA­ some areas. Apply or call CENTRAL - One beG.:. apartment or condo tor a any size or type of work. reasonable. Coll Norm BE 'TA N ' In winter - C.H.Si M.C., 911 New TOR — Experience help­ VIOLIN LESSONS — Of- R en tO lS PART T IM E — Eorn up to room ocortment in two reasonable price. Expe- Fully Insured. Free esti­ Marshall. 6439044. SUNLAMP. Only used ■•S150 per week. Fast grow­ London Tpke., Glaston­ ful, but not required. tered by experienced tomilv. Heat and mates. Coll 647-0293. PAfTTIME music teacher In Mon------n m rlenced. Insured, few times. $2S, in store - ing corporation needs bury. Coll 633-9474. Should hove knowledge water included at Bonded. The House­ people now! For Inter­ NEWSPAPEt DEALEI of basic office equipment Chester area. AArs. Carol Sell tor only $12. Coll JANUARY CLEARANCE monthly. Security dep­ OHLUND a KEHOE. REAL ESTATE SALES­ , 647-9106. Rooom tor R « 41 works, 6417 Low prices. B.D. Pearl & KEEPER FULL TIME — day and college students. 12. Dictaphone expe­ portunity to learn IBM Quiot streot. Parking. Ed Son. 649 Main Street. NfeWSTAPit word processing. Call Ward a Frionds, 236-4581, CENTttAL LOCATION — equipped kitchen. Hcqtr;^ FOUR PIECE BED­ HURRYI Thru General Ledger and Must be High School grod rience helpful. Vernon hgt woter, finished rpr% 643-2171. ROOM SET — Full or CAHIEI NEEDED Trial Balance. Complete and have use of cor. Coll area. Coll between 2-4pm, 246-5620. S23-S52S. Kitchen privileges. Free parking. References and room with bu I It in bar oflar; queen size frome with in llandMst*r knowledge of State and 721-0349, 4-7pm. 872-6200. TWIN BEOS — Box headboard. 6 drawer SALES MANAGEMENT LOVELY CENTER HALL security required. Coll cedar closet. BeoutiluH Coll Local Tax Forms. Com­ springs, mattresses. Ex­ chest. 9 drawer dresser TR A IN E E — Nationallv COLONIAL — Convo- 643-2693 tor appointment. yard. Parking close puter knowledge helpful. OPPORTUNITY, AMBI­ everything. Lease, secure- cellent condfilon! North­ with mirror, night stond. Call 429-5763, speak with based needlecratt com­ nient locotlon. Quailtv 6 4 7 -9946 TIOUS MAN/WOMAN. TELEPHONE SUES Ity deposit, referenewL- ern hardwood pine. An­ Excellent condition. $S50. BRAND NEW Joyce. Available for immediate pany seeks self moti­ construction. Doep lot. tique finish. Coll otter (FharmacDutfcaO vated and assertive pcr- Asking $7X500. Call B/W No pets. Middleogedcop-' Coll 649-2671 after employment. Earning Chailanoing opportunity to ioin pie preferred. $508. Avoik^ 6om, 649.9732. 4:30pm. opportunity $300 per our axpandino tetaphonadiwsMm so n for) assistant Realty, E.H.O., 447-1410., CELEBRITY CIPHER We Saab aotraaiva, paopla ori­ manager position tor able AAorch 1st. T e ^ week to stort. A division ented indiwiduais with a stock • 4A-21. 5 sp. manual trans.. P17S/80R13. Clock. BSW C efbrtty Clphnr cryptogri w arm crmatmd from quoieetone by famous paopis. pmt phone 649-3817 or s a - l » A 1984 TOPAZ phone manner At (east 6 months area development. slec digital, steering power, bumper guards front 6 rear, defros­ and prasant Each tattsr in ma cipDsr etantfs for artomar Today'mckm Bmqum n of Consolidated Foods. Thoro's somoone out CarvTrucks fer S4Ue 71 CqrvTrucks tor Sole 71 prior leiephone esperienoe re­ AAANCHESTER-Ono, two ter. elec, rear wtitdow. decklid release remote control, glass Coll 646-3936 for appoint­ Teaching, needlecroft or thoro who wants to buy MANCHESTER - Oft Por­ by CONNJE WIENER quired Compensation common- soles experience re­ and three bedroom tinted. 4 Dr. (SS'540. Igith Desert Tan/gq/Tan vinyl trim The foF ment. EOE. surate with asparianoa W>a atao your power tools. Find ter Street. 3 room oport- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee# hava tatomarkaiino supareisor po­ quired, February 1st apartments. Heotondhot owing items are starxlard: Front wheel drive. 23()0 HSC engirte. that buyer with a low-cost m ent. H eat ond “V'JD ODDY AXTE8. US TNBDDB sition pUji one clerical support training program sche­ water. $400, $440, $495. maintenance free battery, power brakes. 4-wheel indep susperr- SEEKING M A TU R E , De- staff position avaitobia For more od In Classltiod. 643-2711. Coil 649-4800. electricity Included. ^ uon. hanrkirrg suspension, rack & pinion sfeerirtg. steel belted ra­ oendoble woman to core informalton call Tarry. toU-frao 1- duled. Cbll 871-0009. curtty deposit. No pets. WINTIR SEASON dial. deluxe sound package, amnreter. temp gauge and trip odo­ QNR PWYD LBDZZS UXTQ ZQD 800-367-1014. for 6 month old girl. Your 643-8552. 4x4 SALE! meter. trim-vinyl seats. windsbieM wiper, interval, console. CCNEin DBU6 C S ». $7999 house or mine. Monday H p ip W w M pd GNS V’l QWLDI VZ GWXAI." — thru Friday. Call 646-7151 MMCIKSTEt.CTeeS«e AAANCHESTER — sS. after 5pm. EOE______M/F room duplex tor re n t' 2 BWOOBZ BDIHWBI. MASSEUSE Centrally located. Refer-- Female pfeNned, full or part ttme, NEW 1984 COUGAR 2-DOOR PREVIOUS S O LU TIO N : "I like a play to choose me. II just sort Qootf atmoapMere. taoatlanf ences required. A d u i^ of stays with me and says. Come on,.do It. You know you want dtantDia. tononam area. Cati only. For details ctB; LIGHT CANYON RED/2I/WITH RED to. so do it." — Al Pacino. wadidaya altar 9 p.m,. U ^ 7 U 2 . 649-9203, onyMme. - OECTRO/MECHANICAL DRAFTPERSON Saturday aiwtSun^. awyMma WELLSWEEP CLOTH INDIVIDUAL SEATS. 0 1964 by NEA. Inc. tiw poLLOwmo rrtiss are s ta n o a m ) a t n o e x t iu c h ar o e We have an opening for an Electro/Mechani- cal Oraftperson with 4-8 years experience. INSPECTION — Pockop- CONDOMINIUMS KIT ‘N’^CARLYLE ® by Larry Wright We would like you to be part of the G.S.P. Ing and Shipping Work- 498 NORTH MAIN CT. MANCHESTES ' BRAND NEW 1984 NISSAN I no ''SuperVIsor” MANCHESTER — S* 7 Team. The selected candidate must have: rooms- 1st Hoar, Ztomliy Familiar with AQ L and LONG BED 4 WHEEL DRIVE OUAWTX MClttC aooi Ability to make forma) wiring diagrams measuring equipment I Kitefceas, W/Cas- house. Available Febru- from electrical design sketches. (dimensional and electol- ory 1st. Call 871-1179. B4C1A 8999 *^^®*“ «* C a rp e t .. Ability to make cable assembly drawings. cal). Relative to coils and a Viayl FloonL Aadersea Wiadaws. 5>spMd power sleanng, power brdwa. iodiout (ront h I'lA transformers. 10 hour A b nqfuisito lac* c m b it - PAnnN veptacs. sJMler wMxtow. frei^C A deiiler prep and I .. Ability to design harness assemblies. day, 4 day week. Apply: BatUs, ladiirifiaal Basemeats. pm e e. th r Cross sod C to w x Jones Rustprooting indudid Deep blue lt'^» TilWe • OUR ORIGINAL .. Ability to check drawings to insure they are Able .Coil a Electronics, I Eleerie Radiaat HeaL CoaveBieat to w iBadA sparkle to the table. 1419 OiTc Nok ean has directioas BwdMla4kiaa4Mage LIST $9678 SAFE BUY USED CARS 2^ properly documented and conform to Howard Rood, Bolton. l^oppnt, Rccreatiaa ft Bas Ln e . AAANCHESTER — Three bedroom Ranch. 2 boths, ■ (be 21 iockdnly standards. Prices Start SSa3M*. Ab pppy to wear cepea in 83 MAZDA M 1,995 ASSEMBLERS AMO fireploced tomliy room, 79 COUGAR .nVD *4,999 RX7 GSL. 2 Dr. C ^ ” . very low mileage, Ability to make mechanical assembly basement rec room, 2cw-» • w a M b » ( ot slioct leagtk, it an COIL WINDERS — Rn- for ran or mint condition. drawings and details. ger dexterity necessary. garage. Large lot. N l^ '* akiae. Make k in prifitei. or *9399 Experience not neces­ location. Security . Refw-’' Saaaek 82 CADILLAC $12,888 79 8UICK $5555 Work must be neat and accurate. Knowledge sary. Will train. 4 day ences- $650 plus utilities. No. MM uick FhaOo. week, 10 hour day. 7om- OPEN HOUSE CoU 649-5357 offer Spm. Sedan DeVille. 4-door. 1-local owner, low LeSabre Sport Coupe Turbo, hard-to-find of electrical codes helpful. Must possess a GuMe » in Sioea SaaiB. EUNEI miles, fully loaded. model. High School diploma. Excellent company S:30pm. Applv at Able Smturdey & Sunday Medwaa er Large. l^MliaaB DATSUN Coll a Electronics, How­ M BAI«4A m m m I benefit package. (3* Huk)... kx« version, ail nuM N« 79 UNCOLN $6999 ard Rood, Bolton. 1 - 4 P .M . Tardt 95>-nck: skert, Zr. taw I 82 HAUA *9999 SPECIAL: One 808 are- yards. RX7. Sport Coupe, just traded on a new one. Continental 2-Dr.. 1-owner, very clean, lee Uaeas and a F R E E showroom condition. If you would like to be a candidate for our BOOK KEEPER/SECRE- (W e o§f*tr m ffordi^le komsimg witkomt Absolutely beautiful. high technology company please send your TARY — Monday - Frl- DECORATED- PetAoia SecUaa ia the smerifieimg quality. Stop by emd com- SPACE In AAop!.* A U W m . JooA 83M l gBu'SfiSSe'S 78 UNCOLN $6988 resume in confidence to: dav, 8am to 3.-3apm. Colt CtfttraJJrv 81 MAZDA $799$ tor appointment, morn­ ___ OMwatys i^ ^ RX7 Coupe, orte ouiner, recent trade-in, Mark IV. absolutely loaded, showroom con­ coAed with ample pwrh- - dition. MidMiie VirUar, ings, 528-9497. lag. Coil 449.2891. - showroom condition.

GERBER SCKHrmC KOODCTS, MC WAITRESS WANTED — MANCHESTER — Pr*. J DeCORMIER 82 ME8CURY ^9888 76 CHEVROUT $4995 151 Balsaa Drha Full time. Experience Grand Marquis 4-Dr. Sedan. lo<»l one- Van Camper, don't miss this one. > am------a------aaw ftsUpnpf oMce space tor “ pretorred, but wilt hrotPu rowL BeouMtoliy d e c » -I owner trade-in. Showroom condition. Applv in Dorspp o9 Aiilo- -KaarFASnONuBBi so F08D *4999 Eoc m/r 447-134# 447- roAed la unioue bulidtaw:' -• ria l Grace C altCaB ad DATSUN Fairmont Wagon. 6 4 0 nlo's Restaurant. 956 CeoArot locatNoa. On w rS tT (9r largse oI m b ; ^ - '-S'-; ' . " V 81 UNCOIN *12,999 Mein Street, adses parking. CMt Aed — BONUS Oaaneanl Mwk VI 4-Dr. L o w M .______owner, like new. ^ «br»WA UK rMH69 uS UM s t m

bank in downtown Bristol to meet needs of the Business city's large blue-collar population. Citytrust takes on IBM, Wang Robert F. Festa. one of the organizers and lorm er president of Terryville Trust Co., would Woeful Indians In Brief Sbe the new bunk's president and chief executive BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - In a "W e feel it fills a very important mine needs of clients and recom­ Cut your own taxes: Bond commission OK’s officer. sharp departure from traditional void in the market," said Jonathai], mend hardware and software that Cigna chairman resigns The bank would sell 250,000 shares of common banking services, Citytrust plans A. Cunitz, managing director of the might be purchased from any of Deductions can add up new highway funding bow to ECHS slock to the public at SIO each to raise $2.5 million lo battle computer giants such as new service. "W e hold their hand the leading computer companies. Bl.OOMFlELD — Cigna Corp has confirmed in start-up capital. IBM and Wang Corp. to design throughout the entire process. You The center will be based in ... page 2 ... page 10 .. page 16 Ralph S. Saul will resign as chairman lo be It plans to start with nine employees, add seven computer systems for profession­ can make mistakes in this area and Westport and concentrate on Fair- succeeded by Roberl D. Kilpatrick who will more in the second year and four more in the third als and smaller companies. it can lead to bud results." field, Litchfield and New Haven continue as president and chief executive officer. year of operation. ' The Bridgeport-bused holding City trust said its venture into the counties, with consultant's fees Saul's resignation will become effective April A forecast by the accounting firm Ernst & company announced Thursday it computer field was another exam­ ranging from about $4,000 for a 25 at Cigna's annual shareholders' meeting in Whinney estiniated the bank will earn more than would provide micro-computer ple of drastic changes in the simple conversion to $15,000 for Philadelphia. Saul will continue us a member of $369,000 in net income during its first three year.s services ranging from con.sultants banking industry due in part to more elaborate systems. Cigna's board of directors. and provide sufficient funds to meet operating and training to purchase of hard­ deregulation and increased com­ Equipment would be purchased Cigna was formed in March 31. 1982. with the expenses, working capital and other financial ware through a center in Westport. petition for new markets. at additional cost directly from merger of Connecticut General Corp. of Bloom­ requirements. Citytrust said the service was But computers themselves also dealers and in some cases through field and IN.A of Philadelphia. the first of its kind offered by a will change the way companies Citytrust. Windy today; Manchester, Conn. Before the merger. Saul had headed INA since bank in the United States and and eventually individual custo­ More advanced training for 1973 and earlier had been president of the would be aimed at lawyers and mers handle their finances, Cunitz employees al.so would be available cloudy Sunday Saturday, Jan. 28, 1984 .American Stock Exchange Stride Rite earnings up other professionals and medium- said. at low cost at the center and repair c- See page 2 Single copy: 25wn< M i IwItK ^ Beirut. latt aides was that the concession c’losing will save. The soldiers and the gunmen offered Thursday was not enough .-\nd if theslate Legislature votes battled with automatic rifles and to break a deadlock over a security lo mandate all-day kindergartens, rocket-propelled grenades along a plan being promoted by Saudi the propo.seci closing may have to 2-miIe stretch of highway, the Arabia. Death, violence mar voting be examined all over again. IFOR SAlil. But a Jumblatt aide in Damas­ radio said. Kennedy still doesn’t know if the A ■Axiul iL W iJilK There was no immediate word on cus, Marwan Hamade, said with­ $1.50,000 budget addition will re­ M ANILA, Philippines (U PI) — government, saying the turnout Final results will be released casualties, and it was not clear who out elaboration that Druze and main unchanged. Contracts with A constitutional amendment reviv­ was only between 30 and 40 Wednesday, officials said. fired first. Lebanese officials are currently employee groups other than ing the vice presidency appeared percent. Opposition groups and foreign 156 E Center St “ The army fired flares over the considering “ new ideas” pres­ teachers have yet to be set tied, and to have passed Friday in nation­ Some critics, who had called for creditors pressed lor restoration of opposing positions in a warning to ented by Saudi mediator Rafik they may challenge Kennedy’s Manchester wide balloting disrupted by guer­ a boycott of the referendum, the vice presidency out of concern the gunmen, but the attackers Hariri to end the stalemate. Vi.ssumptions. rilla attacks on polling stations claimed the low turnout was a for Marcos' health and increased The security plan under consid­ If every school system employee that killed eight people, officials silent protest by millions of Filipi­ civil unrest following the assassi­ eration calls for a disengagement were to get the denial plan said. nos against the regime of Presi­ nation Aug. 21. 1983. of opposition MANCHESTER $85,500 of warring factions in Beirut and awarded teachers, for example, Beauty and Charm is evident in this exceptional 7 room Raised Real Eiatate Officials said at least 14 people dent Ferdinand Marcos. Other leader Benigno Aquino. N an area south of the capital, with Ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, dining room, living room were wounded during clashes observers attributed it to lack of the total dental plan cost would 646-2000 Inside Today Lebanese soldiers moving into Under the amendment, a vice approach $300,000 But w hen figur­ and family room with fireplace The lovely private setting offers between government forces and interest. privacy galore Call for an appointment 643-4060 20 pages, 2 sections areas to be left vacant by depart­ president would be elected in 1987. guerrillas of the leftist New Initial election commission re­ ing the overall impact the dental Advice ...... ing militiamen. Should Marcos not complete his award would have on the budget...... 12 Peoples Army. ports said more than 80 percent of Classified...... 18-19 If implemented, the plan could term before then, the national Vincente Santiago, chairman of those who did vole approved the Kennedy used a figure somewhat MANCHESTER Comics...... 9 permit the withdrawal of some of assembly speaker would tnke over smaller than that — w hich may or MANCHESTER— 43 FOREST ST. Entertainment...... 12 the 1,200 U.S. Marines in the the government Commission on amendment on the vice presidency for up to 60 days. Elections for Lottery...... and 85 percent supported an may not he accurate. MT. RD. One of the original Cheney Estates. Sound & ...... 2 multinational force in Beirut. Elections, said 80 percent of the president and vice president vsould Obituaries...... 10 amendment to shift from regional The $ 1.50,000 is not the total figure See this exceptional new U&R Contem­ Quality Construction Impossible to repro­ A senior government official country’s 30 million voters cast then be held. Opinion...... 6 ballots on four proposed constitu­ to provincial representation in the he used. Since Kennedy overesti­ porary that offers a cathedral ceiling Peopletolk ...... 2 briefing reporters Friday said the mated the teacher salaries in his duce at the asking price. First floor features tional amendments before polls national assembly. Currently, a I5-meml)er execu­ Sports...... 15-17 offer to reinstate Druze renegades original budget, some of that family room right off the kitchen, formal Ig. entrance, foyer w/open staircase, living Television...... closed. Voters appeared split on propos­ tive committee would succeed ...... 7-9 represented a major concession surplus was applied to the esti­ type living room, large dining room, 3 room, family room, dining room, den, mo­ Weather...... 2 Church-run Radio Veritas and als for urban and rural land reform Marcos. 66, should he leave office that should facilitate agreement on mated tol;d cost of the dental plan dernized kitchen & lavatory. Second floor independent sources disputed the and low-income public housing. before his term ends in 1987. bedrooms, 2 baths and many more fea­ the wider Beirut security plan. for all employees. has four bedrooms, 3 'h baths, sitting room tures that you will like. Situated on a LARGE & ATTRACW e The 0 percent teacher salary ANDOVER $227,00 w/fireplace, 5 interesting unreplaceable fi­ EYE STOPPER' Magnificent 9 room Deluxe Ranch w/4 bed­ hike, plus buill-in increments, treed lot, priced at $134,900. Call us and replaces. rear staircase from kitchen, large First Floor, 3 Vz room rooms. 3 car garage, glass enclosed pool, horse barn with hay­ we will show you through. represents about a $9.50,000 in­ loft on 5-plus acres Too many axtras to mention Atrulyoneof cellar ideal for hobbyistor handy man. 2 car Condo. Fully applianced crease in that account over this a kind home for the discriminating family Call our Manchester garage. Asking $195,000. Reagan insists he wants deficit compromise year, Kennedy added. office for more details ' 643-4060 Kitchen. New wall to wall. Wednesday, PT.-\ Council spo­ Thermo-pane windows, 2 kesman Richard Jensen told added. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ In remarks at a White House A spokesman for House Speaker you I am dead set against raising Kennedy the PT.-\ supports his [S REALTY WORLD* — Frechette Associates air units, Pool. Well Kept "F or three years, the president's ^ nU&R REALTY CO. dent Reagan insisted Friday that breakfast meeting, Reagan told Thomas O'Neill, D-Mass., reiter­ taxes to do it. " He also made it proposed budget, hut believes it is free 497 Buckiand Road. P 0 Box 623 record on budget deficits has been clear he will ■ fight to preserve market South Windsor CT 06074 Grounds. his bid for bipartisan talks to find a House Republicans: ” I want you ated that Democrats will not take tight. ( y $22 billion. 189 WEST CENTER STREET porch, new furnace, wiring & plumbing. addition to imported automobiles and markets, is universally blamed for A leading private forecaster, C. Fred (Com ar of McKm ) appliances in kitchen. Open lot with attrac­ making American goods less atlraclive Bergsten, top Treasury Department But export sales dropped 3.5 percent tive landscaping. $800 per month income at present. '78 '79 '80 '81 '82 '83 electronics. Heavy-duty factory ma­ 646 -24 82 chinery, steel, clothing and office to foreign buyers at the same lime it economist in the Carter administra­ lo $290 .5 billion. e.