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XLVIII-NO. 4 Entered as Second rinss Nbtlpr WOODBRIIXiK, N .1 , THURSDAY. MARCH 15, 1956 Published Every Thursday nt the Post Otaef, WooilbrltlKf. N. J. lit m nreen Street, WoodhrldRe, N. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Sweetness 'Saving of at Least $300,000' and Light To be Made in School Board ,.l(,|MU.F.SE. GltEGORY M i,,vn having a little . , ;i|i a bug, but my Budget, Committee Declares .,.,!, (or complete re M iv enhanced a good ,, inday when I learn- Air Force Gives Anzivino Duff Says Final Revisions Tnwn Committee has •.. ,iys to chop upwards Stimulus for Music Career Not Yet Completed; Teacher .in MID from the Board WOODBRIDGE — Four years to studv and perfect for perform i ;•;. ..lion budget. ,'o Richard Anzivino. then seven- ance in only three days. However, * * teen, acted In accord with the despite his acceptance, he decided Salaries are Undisturbed words of the popular and com- to return home when discharged. , . ,,i us had the idea pelllnK .song of the United States Meantime, he had learned to speak WOODBRIDGE — "A saving of at least $300,000 will ., ,;• that only a little Air Force, taking of! "Into the be affected in the Board of Education budget," Township, wild, blue yonder." • . .,implication was need- Attorney Nathan Duff declared in a release issued today And hjs "yonder'' proved to be very dlstaste- in behalf of the Town Committee. as wide as it was wild and blue, The announcement means at least a 60-point re« uii! of the fiscal pot- because in July of last year he became one of sixteen winners of auction in the tax rate as the Board's fiscal year begins iiuh the Board con- n Air Force talent contest who July 1. " .;< ii.l offered to the pent nearly four months enter- Mayor Hugh B. Quigley pointed out that in affecting | MR, and MRS. HOWARD W. SHARP lininK at bases scattered over the savings "not one penny was eliminated from the:,:1 on! to which offer- • urope, Asia Minor and North public said, on two .frica. Now, Just discharged from salaries of teachers and other personnel, nor will it affect ;>,: any increments." • ':,' ,.., no thanks. It was ,he service, young Dick has come Sharps, Teachers 47 Years, $15,086 Renovation ack to the home of his parents, The record-high $4,348,020 budget was turned down # i ' rejection of this Ar, and Mrs. Ralph Anzivino, 113 twice by the voters by overwhelm- ^ against Church Street, determined to take Ing majorities. The .budget, ac- -]\ Put Their Textbooks Away Fee for Portables into still another "yonder" cording .to law, was then turned -! i; sense that brought which this service in the Air Force School Group Aim over to the Town Committee ..'. BY RUTH WOI.K WOODBRIDQE — Bids were pened up for him ... a career In which must prepare a new budget \ .ml budget to the at- FORD.S "Those who educate children welfare more to be honored received by the Board of Educa- music. and certify It to the Middlesex V tlian cvi 11 ti.oa parents, lor these only give them life, those the art, tion Monday night for alterations Told by Jacobson .if the Town Com- This young man is the possessor County Board of Taxation. of Uvinp well." to the portables fft Avenel Sehool The budget now, So wrote Aiistotle and his words seem to apply particularly to a 'f a lovely tenor voice, which won A meeting of the Town Com- and the lowest bids totalled $15,- WOODBRIDGE — Plans to "or- Fords couple, Mi. and Mis. Howard W. Sharp, who have been teach- him not only the place as an enter- mittee and the Board of Educa- :,!iy. is being brought 086. ganize abilities" of members were ers for 47 years, alner for our troops, but also a tion was held Monday night, the i .-.i/.c. marie at a meeting of the Citi- Mrs. Sharp mired as teacher AH the bids were referred to chance to study at the State Music date the latter body now con- zens for Classrooms held Thurs- * * at School 14 last week and Mr. I the repairs and replacement com- School in Munich, Germany. For siders the budget was turned over day nic;ht at The Independent- Sharp wil retire us principal of; mittee with awards^ to be made his audition there he sang an aria to it formally. rom Rlgoletto, and a second oper- Leader Building, 18 Green Street. !.• I K» any farther, I School 7 at the end of the month. at a later date "when the status Tuesday night, after Board of atic number which was given him RICHARD ANZIVINO ! i (;ive credit to the A member of a family of teach- of the budget is known." All the auditors will form one Health meeting, the Town Com- jroup and engineers another. Committee for the ers, Mrs Slurp, the former Qer- The bids for general construc- mittee, on its own. sat down trude Ward, Butler, was the tion were as follows: Willard Dun- Contractors and builders will be to go over the budget, with the. t and dispatch with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ham Construction Co., lOfl Horns- Woodbridge Bank to Move in a third group while a fourth session lasting until after mid- it has approached the Ward. Butler Her father at one by Street. Fords, $6,980; Walter unit will be made up of men and night. women in public relations. In that time was mayor of Butler. A. Jensen, 382 Freeman Street, Another Town Committee cau-: HIS job of reviewing way, expert advice on school con- After iwaduatlng from Butler Woodbridge, $7,180; Kalas Con- Into New Home Tomorrow cus will be held tonight at 8 struction and other problems will • •wed corn the Board school*, Mis. Sharp attended and struction Co., 460 New Brunswick o'clock at which 'Lewis S. Jacob- WOODBRIDGE — Tomorrow. easier for depositors to handle be available to the group without graduated from Trenton Normal Avenue, Fords, $5,350. son, president of the Citizens for i to it. Under the law, will be moving day for the Wood- papers. Each teller has what is charge at any time. School. It wus there she met Mr. Bids for plumbing were as lol bridge National Bank. known as a, "teller's bus," a llgjjl Classrooms and a committee have .mniittse was allowed Sharp and they were married after lows: John Cwiekalo, 1429 Oa Mrs. •William Gadek; Wood invited tb attend. As soon as the bank closes at weight steel cabinet for all casi graduation. Mrs. Sharp began Tree Road, Iselin, $4,700; Owen bridge, was named chairman of Mr, JBflobson's committee in* lays to weave Its way 2 P.M., activities will start and The "bus" is on rollers and at teaching in Caldwell and In 1919 S. Dunigan & Co., 153 Grovi the nominating; committee by eludes Mrs. John s. Anderegg, with the aid of many outside con- the end of the day it can be rolled .':'. the mate of figures she became a teacher in School 7. Street, Woodbridge, $2,9yO Lewis S. Jacobson, temporary tractors and special guards, cash, easily to a special compartment in Robert Wllkfcson and Clyde Ed- the Board dreamed In 1024 she was transferred to Charles Slmkln and Sons, Inc., 9 president. She will be assisted by securities, safety deposit boxes, one of the vaults. There is a vault rlngton, Colonia and Mrs. Irving School 14, teaching mostly in the New Brunswick Avenue, Hope Mrs. David Balfour, Sewaren; rinji out comparisons records and furniture will be on each floor. The vault on the Hutt, Benjamin Rabinowitz and ™ sixth . She remained In lawn, $5,949. main floor will be devoted to safe- Clyde Edrlngton and Gus Laun- Charles E. Gregory, Woodbridge, luint exist because of School 14 until her retirement the moved to the spacious new bank hardt, Colonia, and John Pirrong Heating bids were as follows building on Rahway Avenue, across ty deposit boxes. Mr. Kdrington has made a comr first ol till.-, month. and Mrs, Murray Dern, Wood- i iessness of previous John Cwiekalo,. $6,300: Owen from the Municipal Building. The floors are made of asphalt plete Investigation and study of Mr. Sh;irp was born In Haley- bridge. the budgflt for the Citizens fo| making inspections DuniRan & So., $7,740; Charla One of the biggest projects will tile and all the panelling Is of wal- vllle, mar Mlllvllle, the son of Mr. Mr. Jacobson reported to the Classrooms, with the result thf.; JAMES t'ATANO Slmkin &. Sons, $9,987. Electrical be the removal of the vault doors, nut. Furniture is of walnut with • no surveys had been and Mrs Wiliam H. Sharp. In ad- group that lie had called Mayor group expects to be able to make i bids, Molnar Electrical Contract weighing eight tons and worth cowhide chairs. dition In attending and graduating Hugh B. Quigley and had been as- several recommendations. '•!ridfi3, $446; Reliance Electrl' do the job. The vault at the new treads and the hallway walls are sured that a committee of the Hutments could be Adams is Chairman Although Mr. Duff and mem- ulso attended Rutgers University. Co., 280 King Street, Perth Anv bank is all prepared to receive the covered with Calistron, a leather- Citizens for Classrooms would be attempting to differ- Th<' srnuol' principal recalled boy, 597; Service Electric Co., Inc doors which will be installed im- like plastic which is supposed to called In to discuss the Board bers of the Town Committee how he staited teaching In Edison 410 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge mediately. The new bank will be last for the life of the building. of Education budget before It Is would make no statement as yet i between the frills and TownMni). then Rarttan Town- Of Catano Dinner finally submitted for certifica- as to which appropriations are $625; Charles Tarr, 13 Corey (Open for business next Monday There are two drive-in windows ship, in 1909. tion. The meeting has been called to be cut, there is the general 'vssitics. Street-• •, Fords" ' , $950. morning and on Saturday, March in the back of the building. The Appointed In 1912 SEWAREN — Friends and for tomorrow nightt. fedling that a large slice will be 24, Prank Van Sykcle, president, depositor does not have to leave •1 cunie'ioWoo'dbiTdge Town-'neighbors will honor James Ca- Carmen De .Paola was sus- cut from the repairs and' re- will hold open house for depositors ,his car. He converses with the In outlining the aims of the or- :;. the Committee's ef- ship in 1912 and was appointed tano, custodian or Sewaren School, pended as a school janitor for placements appropriation. one month without pay for unbe- and friends. teller by the use of a microphone ganization to new members pres- or nclpnl of both Schools 7 and who is retiring at the end [of the As far as the capital outlay :uivc paid off to the p coming conduct while on duty. and the teller in turn, presses a ent, Mr. Jacobson said: d th ft of rvicteice The old-fashioned grill work appropriation of $159,000 is con- 4 - Mr -Sharp related. "I served month after many years of Andrew Aaroe, president of the around the tellers' cages is done button and a tray goes outside in "Our aim is to obtain adequate •>i a S300,000-plus sav- al b cerned, both Assistant Commis- as' principal of both schools until I to the community at a Board, said De Paola "talked away with and in its place is a which the deposit is placed. The economical classrooms first, and the taxpayers. This, v.h.n double sessions dinner to be held at The Pines, sioner Edward Kllpatrick of the Jt d ld t back" to some of the teachers. rose-colored Italian marble fence, teller then returns the tray to the good, honest administration in made it necessary to appoint a Metuchen, April 28 at 7 P.M. State Department of Education, •ind figures, means (Continued on PaRe Eight) with, shelving effect making it (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Eight) principal for School 14." , . (Continued on Page Eight) and Peter Kucker, of the finance I;D points In the tax Recalhnt! the old days In Fords, division said yesterday afternoon |t Hid this fact' should Mr. Sharp suld: "When* we were that the State Department would rirst married we lived In Metuchen (Continued on Page Eighf) !i emphasize to the and then rame to Fords and lived 'who took out the in a house owned by Jim Dunham. In 19H) w built the house on King defeat the Board's George's Hoad. in which we still Reading Re jected :liee twice, that they live. ••At that time there were but li.ive achieved some- four houses on the street and no On Tax Cut Pitch Sixty, points is a sav piivrd raids. A little brook, now i ; ip.nificance in any- piped, flowed in front of our house WOODBRIDGE — The New Jer-' and the only means of public sey Division of Taxation this week '•i* bill, and the asser- irarisporution was the trolley RO- denied the Reading Company rc- >' similar discrimina- Ing through New Brunswick Ave- cUisslflcatton of its railroad prop- nue to Perth Amboy. erty in the 'Township. ' • • u i he future can have "1 recall Ernie Moffett's moth- Last January, the Reading Com- >' fortunate results. er's farm quite clearly (Ernest pany filed a petition with the di- Moffett resides on Barton Ave rector of the Division of Taxation nuu, Woudbrldge, and served in requesting reclasslfication of cer- i1 not seen the revi- the 1930s on the Board of Educa- tain trucks and facilities in its ' inch the Town Com- tion i. In fact, some of the land Port Reading Yard. The petition this school .stands on was part of asked that' 178,311 of main stem luus decreed in the 'Continued on Page Eight) valuation be reclasslned as second I budget, bu{ I have class property and that $838,654 of ; 6econd class valuation be reclassl- ~\ thahatt nononee of fled as main stem property. l)('('ur In the teacher* Caloil Expansion If the reouest had bean granted L ' there would have been i drop of ••- For this, I $762,283 valuation in second clas&.'H; nnely glad because I To Cost $1,000,000 railroad property taxuble at the •!•*' p '"' teachers are paid BMWral tax rate. Woodbridge PERTH AMBOY - A $1,000,000 Township would have suffered the • cnough as It Is, and refinery i>Iteration program ulmed loss of approximately $80,000 year. , , Itt'Hllll object strenubusly at Increased output of -octane l uaso'ines was announced today by »- i\ liberties which might The Calltomm Oil Company. Hearings were held In Trenton, ; * ll before Aaron H. Neeld, State Di-,;'; ( 'ni with their pittance. Work id scheduled to get under rector of tlje Division of Taxation^;.;]; a'i, I have urgetl 1QW4 immediately, said Calojl Presl- B w. Pickard, with comple- and Township Attorney Natha^tVS •fiioois and austere bud-1,Uoii expected sometime this Fall Duff, assisted.by the special couiW:'J 11 Ultimate result of the revamp sel, Isadore Rosenblum, strenuous- ' order to meet the re- ly objected to'the reclasslfSeation,v|: IM|1| project will be a 25 per cent in- >ts of teaching-- crease In plutformer capaoity of nought by the railroad. 1111(1 salaries And teach- the Company's 7CC000B/D refinery Upholding the objections rals»4 at Perth Amboy. Involved are an by the Township's counsel, Direc* and my 800-horsepower compressor, heat tor Neeld fceld that the thawl«|| shed and car dumper operation P" a^ instru- 1 ments, us-well as some off-plot the railroad property was a yaty! '' unless sufficient prp- work on the plant's salt water cool- operatiomovemennt aftd not a main sti "" '* made for both."I ing system and changes In tank ( the State In i not consid,ei;,J 11 field lines iin- teachers

'••yva THtmSDAt, MAfcCR 15. 1956 Parochial School Library Plans Baked Goods IMroz ws nr. Hopper to iwh Architeot Asked PTvENEL PERSONALS* U rmbyterim Church ^ g Meeting\l' 11 Lists Honor Roll Contest for Men in A venel On Doctors Plea AVI NFL "• O''" —The Third Ward &frnv , .,•• ,M;"V <-d,ted t'.-.f trict Democratic and f'i ,• ( ;,-,!.-.'^ it Pii.'.rfton S,mlMi>v WOODl! RIDGE Slstrr Man' AVFNT1. \V :!.ur Roii-*ftt was NP-A Jc»y Sta:*> Riard nt Educa- My d>«c'.oi will nwet Mxt Monday „ A.: i> .cw*t preach" at ''?*.™ By 8:30 o'clock at the HilW • pnnclpal ol St. James c>ct'd tiu-'t n' the Beard o!, ;.on. D.vision of Ubrtiie? y,ss gdvi-ed TJ-. it, t:-.jt i< r... 11 08 AM wi-M.-Mattl-.enM DAVID DAV18 Avenel Street. hiss announced tiip honor .e Avpr.f; Library A children'" maliiw* movie »ill mrv \ arn ;l, ir.; election to !•;/»: for 'he Ijis; marking peii of Education and out- KMiH-nr.e Miller. James Mullen. ha to be that nay ' • TV Board of Fire Commia- rlum, Prior to the mwti >l*iv Ann O'Brien, Diane Pa pp. The trastees ;!', hold a contest soda and Janitor: Frank Wuko-j , presentation of Alex- n goods, for men r Mro: rsjciily recommended' a student a! P:ln-etoi s-onevs *,!) meet tonight in iht rooms will be open from : I yt>: !ii Ptck. Charlotte Peier-or, ! or. 'vets, projector: Allen P.nifer. po- ander Merchant, the other archi- 1 ar the 9« ser...- Avene'. fUn-hcw *. P. M., so parents may vn .\U;t,.t)>'» Peterson, Jo Ann Puecio . April 28. at the AvtMljuct protection for roadI crossing '•^Tr££Trt\w\ S*m tect, on the proposed remodelling ohlldren's work and viMt * P j by the Crusader Choir. -The Pride- of New Crittifrme Romond, Kenneth Sa-, Sc,TO: Ai;en^musibeinby|«IHJ Mr. Mwuione and M».i£'^T^of TS.!?. ! of the present high school buildin? teachers. i.< Carolyn SUrk. Margaret Wald-1 2 p M and (ill be Judged bjjbaniel LMj. firemen protection. •When 1 Survey the Won- CMin::'. Sons and jbut has resided in .Avenel for SO j The council decided to invite ncr Jenn Whit*. Jgan White. Lorp- ;»o judges to be announced later.j. Mrs. Frank Maour. librarian, lUS cm,.- At 11:00 o'clock }MY. Lcibnwltz to attend the next liberty 213. will —The annual Installs.„. Hl l marrlwi f ends. ' Baked eoods «m. lMludTcafees: re^rw\ra\\ireuUUon'for"ia^-!^"D 'v f !* ^ "™?; • Chancel Choir will present Lot- mpetiir*. April 13, to give further night in the Avenel ner of the Third Ward R. I' , p.e*. rolls, bread and eookiH. uary was 238 adult bookv 980 iii- j ^ "«k*T; * "IT^hv, th^ Us Suifly He Hath Borne Our Club or Avenel will be iw;U! • i ?Xn Orade: Joseph Anray. Avenel famUy ndl ?s v information on the two schools which will be *old at the conclu- ¥enile books toUL 1218; for Feb- * " i "T 34 at The Pines. Metu<:,, .Bhlint. James Carrisan. vcnile boot-;, loul. 1218; for Feb Grief*' The pub!tr is invited. —Avenel Company t Ciltberto. Andre* Hal- jinn onff th»e contestrnntpst . inultaHnnInvitations. »n i ruary. 20«~8. adult_j-i.. 97~-A9 Ihivenik ,«_. I sons, Ernest. Dennis .:nd A.^n Mrs. Vernoft Johnson .. ", participate will be sent to ill local Kevin Hesly. president, appoint- man. Reservations must i,, • ju-ad. Paul Kaminsky. Edward U>UI. 1117 Mr. Drasros is president of the STXAGOOIK SERVICE M in th* m.ile oraenlzatioas. Boy Scouts poard of Ff? Commt?- ed Dr. Ralph Barone, Ralph Boy- by Saturday. den, Thomas Wyzyltowslti A panel discussion on American' WOODBRriXJE — Services tn- ken and Morris Cohen as a com- "J-The Yotini Ladies' Sodality Jive; ' Brcnnan. Joan Purman. '*..! b« incluced. ,No eiurance fee Heritage is being planned far ajsioriers and is emp:oyed_b>_t'ie morraw night at Adath Israel mittee to evaluate the immediate of St. Andrews Churdh will «- —The Democratic and Mwy Gardiner. Nancy Keatin*. i< requires.) Mrs. Andre* OalUin, future date. Tentative (dans were j U. S. Metak and Refining Co . Car- j Synaiwmie tomorrow niglH at needs of the areas Involving the i reive HoK Communion in a group Club of East Avcnet »t:i ..... Khrtn Kocsi. Linda Leonard. Vir- :s"chairma!i. made for a building fund drive In' 7:30 wjll be dedicated to World two proposed schools. Sunday at :pii Brannegan. Carolyn CBC- plumbing and heating business a sister-in-law, Mrs. Jrnn H. Fel- !••!.!:;. Neil Casey, Mary Coughlin, with his son, Joseph. :,':••;) Datton, Eileen Peeney, ler. Pla infield. A communicant of St. James' Mi.:v Anne Oerity. LaVeme Johler. Funeral services were held this Church, Mr. Ryan was a member I ili,In Johnson. Oall KolfBar, Den- morning at 9 o'clock in St. James' of the Holy Name Society and an ]<•>, L: il y, Timothy Leahy, Samuel Church at the same time services honorary member of Middlesex hummico. Carolyn Martin. Rose-1 were held for her brother-in-law. Council, Knights of Columbus. He rn.iiy McCarthy. Eileen Moffitt. i DennU J. Ryan, who died the same was also a member of the Wood- Msiiir-w-n Mnudy, William Murphy. Burial will be in St. Peter's bridge Exempt Fireman's Associ- HIV!..nd Peck, Maureen Pinkie- Cemetery. Nsw Brunswick. ation, the Royal Order of Arca- wk/. Kathleen Qulgley, Russell num, the Rev. Griffin Assembly, I'i'iv, Patricia Ryan. Mary Ann i WILLIAM B.8CHLEE Fourth Degree Knights of Colum- oL-mlfm. Barbara Simonsen. Sheila WOODBRIDGE — Funeral serv- bus and the Master Plumbers of f,;jf !•!;( r. Thomas Toye. Peter Tra- ers for William B. Schlee, 107 New . Fulton Street, were held Monday kiniDwicz, Linda Travoatino, Joan Ke is survived by his widow. afternoon in the Greiner Funeral Van DUtn. Joseph Venerus, Don- i Irene, a daughter, Mrs. James Mur- Home with Rev. Alton Riehard- na Wa-w-1. Mary Wysykowski, ray, Jr.. Metuchen and a sister, of Iselin Assembly of God Laurui'i'trZuvorskj. Miss Nellie Ryan. Sewaren. Church, ofliciatin?. Burial was in GinUc 4A: Patricia Balint, Bon- Bethel Cemetery, Tottenville, S. I. nie Campion. Thomas Chervenak, Pallbearers were Merle Causey, MX8. ROSE RACZ A;i'.lrc-w Ducsak, Oerald Eak, Jane Howard and Ricky Chapman and WOODBRHX3E — Mrs. Rose I'm-. Gloria Fillipcsuk. JoAnn Ge- Warren. Raci, 303 Fulton Street, owner novt^. Judith Hansen. Robert and operator of the Racx Tavern H.ty/iT. Joseph Hlggins. Florence MRS. JOHANNA CINKOTA for many years, died Tuesday al llu<:i-.lc. Jean Kovacs, Richard Me- WOODBRIDGE — Funeral serv- Perth Amboy General Hospital, t=ar. .lu:,n Murray. Lorraine Mtu- ices for Mrs. Johanna Cinkota. 174 after a short illness. She was the kiiski, Tlioir.as Reiser, John Rus- Metuchen Avenue, were held Mon- widow of Frank Racz. Kni, Tl.i-rtsii Ruyak, Dolores Sny- day from St. James Church with Mrs. Racz was a member of St. (ij r, Kuthryn Toye. Rev. Gustav Napoleon officiating. James" Society of New Bruns- Griidi- 4B: Patricia Almasi, Ar- Burial WBS in St James Cemetery. wick. i:uii' Burso, John Bedi. Kathleen Pallbearers were: Thomas Mlnucci, Surviving are two daughters. li'.-liiinca. Mary Ann Campion. Wil- John. Steven and Andrew Gur- Mrs. Walter Bertam. Woodbridge, li-..rn Chiiplik. Patricia Clark, Brian saly. and Mrs. Joseph psombor&n, i • (.'IK-V Carol Feeney. James Ga- Toms Rivet; five grandchildren; C>'<, F.stiick Golden, James Hege- CHARLES J. WICKLEY four sisters and a brother in dii:". Bernadette Keating, Joan WOODBRIDGE — Funeral serv- Europe. Kr'iTHT, Peter Konowlcz, Timothy ices for Charles J. Wicklcy, 194 Kruiiitowski, Wayne Leahy, Ger- Clinton Slrett, were held Monday tFuiieral services will be held sird Miller, Leslie Mills, Christine at St, James' Church with Rev. tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock I'.situ, John Fetro. Jo Anne Red- Harold Hirseh us celebii»nt of the from the Qreiner Funeral Home, :M''^m' lyi!, Joseph Romond, Thomas i^h requiem ma.ss. 44 Green Street, and at S o'clock John Schubert, Puul Pallbearers were Joseph, Leon at St. James Church. Burial will be In St. James Cemetery. .Srftht-rk, Patricia Sirnack. Thom- and Edward Nowicki; Roy Grimes, Leo Wisniewski and Edward Starz. us Turner, Maureen Walsh, Thom- MRS. ELIZABETH A. TAYLOR Burial was in St. Stephen's :, Webb,. SEWAREN — Mrs. Elizabeth A. Cemetery. Hopelawn. Grade 3A: Martha Barcellona, Taylor, 13, 436 East Avenue, died •William Egbert. Barbara Frede last Thursday at he rhome. riuk, Robert Goodman, William DENNIS J. RYAN She was a retired secretarial Hctferman. Louis Herman, Ken- ' WOODBRIDGE — Funeral serv- 3,000,000 employe of the Lehigh Valley neth Hutnick, Brian Mullen, Lo- ices for Dennis J. Ryan, 150 Ber- rctta Romond, Doris Salagl, Doug- gen Street, who died Monday at Railroad, Perth Amboy, and was las Sfindor, Robert Smith, Veroni ca Soga, Michael Stawickl, Walter gallons Stllltiian. Alexandria Stropkai, RRoberb t Timinski, Gregory Ward- Iwv, John Woodhul'l, 11 GGrade 3B: Ann Marie Brown, every day Gtrakl Carpenter. Betty Ann Gal- las, Nancy Lynn Gray, Rosemary Hani?an, Mlchaeline Kogut, Har- Wh«thtr ry Posyeki, Juli-Ann Sandor, Elea- More than 3,000,000 gallons of petroleum products nor Schii'ifer, Mai? Ann Shornock, Spring Roger Taylor, George Travostino every day are shipped from The California Oil Com- Michael Vun Dzura, Madeline comti in Wargo. lik«ali

1 .:' ,-¥;•; , MARCH is, 10.50 THREE Hikes Explained I li of Women lly halh to Democrats Students ' •- Committee- |i,,,or Voters at Session man Ed-Aiird J. Kath and Free- holler W;l)i;un Wurren wer* 1X11.; r.lnroln Tam- WOODBMDGE — Unit meet- unanimously rmlorsed for reeleo- ,i ,,f school 1, today Intu were planned at a meeting of ,lra at :i meting of the Flrtt n, |,o,ior roll tot the the Provisional League of WojnPit Wr.id, Sixth District Democratic ,,rrlod ns follows: Vottrs pf Woptlbrise Township at lub. ' '„!,. Mnurtse Van meeting Monday night In the Mr. Knih, who was present at ,,„,,, Mnytl. William Municipal Building. The subject qf he mwtln-j, 'hanked the mem- 1 ' ,m fiiivuncy. Frank| study will b,e the same at aU the rs for tii"!' 1 ii'husiastlc support. , ,,,.,.,rd Zllul, Joyce nit sessions, which fill be Water » explDinrd briefly the reason I,,,,, Hans, Lorraine Study and Municipal Government, or WX.HC ln:".-'-ases for municipal , ,.„ Brown. Mlehael_ MiX Ernest Ltchtmaji w)U have •mployps nmi raid that "no mat- , James :harge of the unit meeting for "i- whr.'. i> i!'vc at the town Woocjbrldge, Port Reading and 1 Dtrksoii. Rlcrlard iriiro?'., IS ;.;\Vin\s polhg to lewaren; Mrs. Alfred Donlgar for i,m- , Jo- Colonla, Avenel and iselin ond k )y shnro, Bfcr- The c'.n!) r.i'v'ing date has been .',-'..-M\. Mary Ellen Mrs, Edward Eldrldge for Fordp, iclvnu:.:-;! to Apiii 9 due to the , neliruin, Nancy Hopelawn and Keasbey and Men LCaster IH.ihys. The dark how* lv| 10 Park Terrace. ,.„„.! Bucliko, Fred prize. tUiKii (i by Steve Hotel!, , MucimlK. Brian Ru- Each officer described the dutie president, w.iswoi; by David Santa. i: ,„ winow'ad, Lairy M18S ALICE J. JOHNSON af her office in detail at Monday' ,,.! Wolny, Audrey •esslon and Mrs. Joseph Ostrower, inothcr Performance . ] 1,'. Tfitnkln, Camllle ENGAGED TO MARINE: Mr. rtibllcatlons chairman, tqld th iroup that the League publlca ,:„• noodsteln, Jane and MrsMVIIIIam Johnson, ki Of 'Picnic' Slated ,, shrnnrd, George .ions are the tools used to WOODBRIDGE-Due to pop* Orchard Street, Carteret, have ,;i| >wbok, Stephen ml League purposes. liar dcinnnri, the Merck Clrcl* jinih Baumgirtner, announced the entkfement or Mrs, John Anderegg and MIR pluyers v.ill pt'^sfnt an additional • 1lM ct Green. Beverly their daughter, Alice Joan, to lolin Ma?,ione were elected to th peiforinnnce (if "Picnic," oh Sat- ,; K;,I-.I. Joyce Kohler, Cpl. Donald MacDow«ll, un of Board of directors. The next Board urday, nlirtit. nt the Playhouse, HIH'IVI. 'ieen Rfbln- Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDowcll, iheeting will be April 9 at thf Mnrlln Terrace and Railway Ave- , ..vciizer, Ellen Stahl, 144 Dunham Place, Woodbrldge. lorae of Mrs. Daniel Levy, Avenel nue. Itmh Kaplan is director with • .. Stanley Dornyak, Miss Johnwn Is a rradtiat« of Mrs. Frahk.Mamir, Avenel pro Lois Ki'ison as assistant. Other ,. phlllp Mansueto, Carteret High School and In


ib ttin. Carol Hut-' 1':•:.;! Kiiiifman. Janlee Important, Says Speaker Miller, Joyce Mtn- Bai*bara SEWAREN—Good and bad os-|played back to them with hilarious peets of voices were discussed by results. Explaining why people tiy DeSoto's Miss Audrey Edwards, public re- seldom recognize their own voices Donna Felght, Jo- lations supervisor of the N. J. Bell when played back, she said. i;u o Lund, Carol Do- Telephone Company, in a talk \in Wedemeyer, Gail "You always hear half of your before a meeting of the Sewaren own voice Internally, Inside your \ rw Choma. Loretta History Club last week at the home l•minim. Anita Kovacs, head, as it vibrates. This Is a dif- of Mrs. George Mullen, East Ave. ferent sound from that which any- ,-..!<. Beverly Tobias, With "Your Voice Is You" as Mvak. Putty Qluschlk, one else hears, completely out- 255 hp her subject. Miss Edwards stressed side." ! ;.i Bruce Shore, Joyce the tact thnt the best telephone Is ..: Z.ik. Gary Heistlberg, no help without a pleasant voice Answering questions on tele- il nt Brendt KurU. to truiismlt. * phone service, the speaker laughed •Mhi. Peter Frandano, ruefully when asked how to con- ,. ..i.tU-, Robert Richards, "We all care about the lmpres- trol teen-age phone monopoly in i ,,viMim>. Karen Carl- ilon we make on other people," the home. There have been ex- Aim Crane, Catherine the attractive young telephone exe- treme examples of families install- take-off! ; :v Ann Reed, John cutive suitl "But sometimes we ing separate lines into the house :• should worry as much about how for such calls, she said. ; ; we sound as how we look. Has •• ' $j W'i "I've always thought that a pay anyone ever said to you, 'Why, phone at home for such calls, with 1 you're not at ull the way I pictured v to Main mi operator coming In after three you from your voice!' Then there minutes to say, 'Your time is up, htr Memorial Day may be something about the way 1 live cents please, might be a good you speak that Isn't giving the idea," suggested Mrs. Herbert i :ir,!di)(!K — The Wood- rlfiht Impression." ii-ii)) Memorial Day Rankln with u twinkle in her eye. Using a tape-recording of vari- will meet Monday at The meeting was opened by Mrs. ous unpleasant voice habits, and \! vi I• • t rooms, Penrl Street A. W. Scheldt, president, and Mrs. pictures of an artist's concept of \wih Allied LaPenta. Elwood Wlckberg, secretary, read !' '.! the personalities to .match, Mist the.minutes. Mrs, Ctewnoe Zisch- Edwards listed these as the most kau, treasurer, reported a balance i •• urtangementa will common voice faults: breathless- r,:,. 1 of $190.25, tl-.i- unnual Memorial ness, shrillness, lack of lnllection, r uiid services ut the nasality, dreariness, too much. Mrs. Harry O'Connor, member- in Woodbridgc Purk, speed, and ufltctatlon. ship chairman, proposed the name •Minimi! to participate Suggestions she gave to remedy of Mrs. Robert Mathlasen for r;: iu have representuttves the* faults included the follow- membership. Mrs. Rankln, Mrs. ing: Breathe ileeply from the dia- Mullen, and Mrs. J. P. Kocklembo phraijm Try to speuk witith a re were appointed by Mi's. Scheldt as the committee for the annual din- 10 Ml KT laxcd air, yet with warmth and sincerity. Oet resonance Into your ner. !(•• >;> •niunciK — Janet Gage voice by using good headtones and Next meeting will be Wednesday n.Mt. will meet Monday vibrating the voice in the reson- at the home of Mrs. Clarence : ,'• home of Mrs. A. R. ating chambers of the face and Zischkau, East Avenue. Mrs. Ar- Vi.i.n street, at 8 o'clock. head. Ma Ice full use of your lips, thur Overgaard, third district vice- . Uiaiicale of the Menlo GALORE: The Woodbrldge Township Education Association held a successful tongue and teeth in speaking. president, will be a guest. Mrs. R. > :.,i.-.n: Center will be the show at The Pines. Above are the models, left to ritflit, Miss Julia Hoblrhell, Mrs. Carl I'lfimlntt, Speak u little slower than usual R. Buscell will speak on the sub- Mrs Arthur Baron, Miss Ann Pinda, Miss Thora Tait. Mrs, Colin Harris, Miss Sue Bernstein. on the phone, as the person on the ject, 'Keeping Up With the Heated Mrs Fred Baker and Mrs. Ralph Deutsrh. Below are members of the committee, top row, othej end cannot see your face or Times." Mrs. Bernard Jost, center, Miss Yolando Nlearvo, Mrs. Krnest link. Bottom row, Mrs. Kay Chalker, IMS (SIT MEETING Up-rend to help. The Ideal posi- Mrs Patrick Cottrell, Mrs. Albert Waters. Miss Lorraine Oklamcak, chairman; Miss Mary R. Mullen, tion to hold the receiver from your iUiiiXiE •- The next Mrs. Barth- Pollak, Mrs. VV. M. (Jurhack. the American Legion mouth is the width of twa fingers. Little League Group si. will held After the talk was finished, Mlts Note Parents' Auxiliary • home Mrs. Edwards called for volunteers AUXIUAKV TO MEET 703B St. George from the audlcpce to come up and WOODBRIDGE — The Ladles' I record their vuices which she then WOODBRIDGE — A meeting of FRIDAY - SATURDAY the Ladles Auxiliary of the Wood- Auxiliary of Woodbridge Fire bridge Little League was held Company wilt meet tomorrow night AND SUNDAY . .. Thursday in St. James School with At the- flrehouse. Hostesses will be Mrs, Alvln Shaffer presiding. Mrs. John Andersch. and Mrs. Archie Andersen wlththe former The unit was reorganized so (hat donating" the dark' horse prize. ••', fathers, interested In helping the How to save successfully... Little Lea sue may Join and the High expansion: cost may force new group will be known as the steel pricey i>p. , Parent*' Auxiliary of the DELICIOUS bridge League. John Wilson, gergeant-at-arms CARVEL announced that registration days ICE CREAM for future Little Leaguers will be First, dttid* to liv« announced soon. The attendance SANDWICHED within your incom*. award was won by Fred Eppen We have what it takes! IK LAYERS OF Then, itick to thai d«ci»ion, steiner. Four new members were welcomed. Complete lines of lawn YOUR CHOICE * S«ond, i*t yountll seed, turf-builders, soil OF FRUIT o dtftnit* 900I, ONE WAY TO DO IT conditioners... all good! 10 you'll havtia«Mthift|| Providence, R.Y—When Radio worth aiming for. Announcer Bruce Williamson's Scott's Turf Builder 3.95 • • -\ wife called him at the station to FRUIT-PAK say their 2-year-old daughter had Golden |igoro, 50 lbs. 2.75 locked her out of the house, Wil- M you'U fit w|>9t you wont whtn y« wont It. liamson, knowing the radio was on 5-10-5 80 lbs- 2.30 PINT 45? at his house, directed an an- Lime 80-lb. bag 60c * rW*(w»»mwyourtctiv»txh»«©My. noucement at his daughter, warn- STOCK UP YOUR HOME FREEZER wn M •wfc of it a* r

PAORFOUH THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 19SB Mr. Dance Scheduled Satur v, BT ier. Hlfhtstotm. seniors and 16 juniors were In- 'George Reilly, bn»-i'. will meet Saturday morninR at breakfast-meeting of the Holy (!!>' K(X"iikci' was attired In Japn- dance sponsored Jointly by the —Mr and Ita. James OTlourke ducted in the Woodbridtre Chap- 10:30 in the auditorium of the Namt, Society of St. Cecelia's Ladies' Auxiliary, Division 8. I Ham Grausam n>uj GLADYS F. IC-F clothing, and told of personal and SOBS, Dennis and Oary. were ter, National Honor Society at the First Presbyterian Church of Ave- Parish at the Recreation Center Ancient Order of Hibernians and program. Miss Hil i SCANK Sunday tuesta of Mrs. CRourke's annual induction ceremonies yes- nel. For those who can stay after Sunday. Tl.e meeting was con- xnenena's in describing the Middlesex Council, Knights of and Michael ROM terday morning at Woodbrldge recreation period. Tommy Lane Mrs. Francis Mr(;,,t *a: Lincoln parenU. Mr and Mrs. Harry L. ducted by Francis C. Foley. Jr., slides. Columbus In St. James' Audi- Hubbs. MUltown. High School will conduct the first in a series who introduced the guest speaker, nirliaid Kerr. president, an- torium. „ , san Murphy and \v The new members are: 8eniors, of lessons on '.How to Pray." This nan. —Mrs. mnk Mojcarelli. Mid- Rev.,JUlan Boland. O.F-M. Conv.. nounced the next meeting will be Vlnee James' Orchestra will play Beverly Bacha. Irene Bator, Anne course of Instruction will adjourn of the teaching staff at Trenton April 13, at which time Easter Trl. US-IK* j ij^ot ATenue. has returned home for both modern dances and Jigs Hospitality, Mr-. \; Baumgarten. Mark Belafsky, at 12:30. Catholic High School. Doiincis will be judged for origl- Mrs. William Hui from Perth Antaf Qentral Hospi- nid there will be a program of en- Marion Bcrecki, Frank Btnkowsk). At 2:30 P.M. the altar and wel- .lality. style, color, and other con- Schoder: entfitinnm. tal where she had been a furtf- Father Boland, who has been tertninment and refreshments. Casper Boehnx, Barbara Bwrfly, come committees will meet. The •idfrntions. Colored movies will be Mrs John Einhorn, Mrs. Percy McDonnell and w,i; . —Mr nr.;\ Mr? Cr-..i:'.t cal patient. Faith Brazdo. Qlanne Dorfbecker. assisting at St. Cecelia's on week- l*uf, 11 Trento S;:w.. ri altar committee, including Diane ends since 1949, outlined the ac- •liken refreshments. Mi v —The Lady Foresters of Amerl- Margaret Gibson. Christine Kager, Tappen, Irene Scofleld, Susan J^ A!lrr.'.n-n Ps . where *>? ;5- complishments of the high sclioo Hostcssrs were: Mrs. Jack Oliver, Mrs, John j. Kr <<-, 1 1 Lorraine Kaufman. Brace Lagay. Meuke, Barbara Haacker and \Uf. Hnrold Pitchell. Mrs. Wlllard Roberts and Pnti;. stfsd M:< Aii. * Stephen* and »n Monday at School 15. A St. p»t-Robert Luna. Andrew Mews, Mary and enumerated the advantages PTA Sets Program Catherine Bersey. is making altar r Jenkins and Mrs. Thdrnas Pollock, prizes, Carl Hei/,,l: Ruchard \ rick's Day social was held after Potts. Joseph Puskas, Barbara Ru- of such sn education Over 50 ; :loths. candles and candlesticks of the graduates go on to c tlons. Bernard Mi.i.,> —M:s Frank KOVAC?. 250 *, short business session. Secret iSinko, Sandra StnoonoverAporo- ind an altar for the Fellowship. and many of the gradautes Grausam. Ocrjf Pl.ic*. *»s riiv-yv Thurs- 'pels enchanted fUls. Mrs. Lil- 1 thy Toreerwn. Kennetfi Tbrok. llrrt to Scotland Yard: On Mental Health 'hey are also framin? a portrait turned out to be the out-standinc day • > » tynefu soc;»: for trie , ls»n Kr*w»c received • special | Carol Webber, Linda Welnstein. )f Christ, students in their respective col- ig Tool Theft Reported WOODBRIDGE—A program on lad:*.* Auxiliary o( Chemwil iward and Mrs Joseph Bishop tu i Marilyn Wodztnskt, Laura Ztenler. A swimming party at the YMCA, Mental Health will hlKhllahtfues- Juniors, Ronald Bierman, Sonla leges, Including the U. S. Military Hoc* ana Udder Company. Dis- | the recipient of a ticket for a Haliway, is planned for March Businessmen Carlsen. Alan Cohen. Eva Damen. Academy, he said: WOODBRIDGE — Tools valued dav night's meeting of School 1 trict U. 1 testimonial dinner to be held at ,ii $14.25 wire stolen from a home PTA in School 11 Auditorium, Mary Louise Harned, Barbara Hat- nth. The presentation of trie charter, —Mr? William. Z;e*er.ba'.?. W Hotel Plan. Jersey City. Saturday, under cons'.rurtion at 575 Lincoln aeld. Raymond Hudanlch, Leona for the Boy Scout troop sponsored Ross Street. , Marconi Avenue, hsus resumed for Grand Commander Evelyn Avoni'.o, Arthur G. MikkTlwn, 502 Slate of Jachimlak, Alan Jacobson, Kath- by the society was 'presented to! Guest speakers will be Dr. A. J. home Irom Penh Amboy Genera: Byron. Gorlum Avenue, reported to Sgt. Bevlrh of the Menlo Park Diag- leen Kadasli. Veronica Kunie. Ade- Girl Scouts Mark Richard Lamarca by Robert i WOODBRIDfii: ! HospiUl vh>r« she was a m"ed> —Mr and Mrs. Harry Evans Her.ry Dunham, Tuesday. nostic Center and Mrs. Victor lene Lang, Patricia Sharp, Eliza- Schultz, field executive of the! Sells Jewelers, u.i. . c»} p*'.*m for a week and children. Dorothy and Harry. beth Vonocsky, Mary Catharine Toils. viUtir unknown, were Failsmctzger. president of the MM- : were dinner guests Sunday ot Rarltan Council. Albert Heim.j d*ntof the Woodbu: —Mr. and Mrs E'jsene Mc- WRrman, Judy Myra Wlesenfeld. stolen liom the new school under dlesex County Mental ^ealth Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Evans, Rah- 44th Anniversary South Amboy. who has been in! 'men's Associatioi! ,• Mabon and sous, Patrick. Eu»ene. ;onstiuction nt Indian Avenue, Board Since this meeting has been way. Mr. Harry and Mr. Alymer scouting for over 15 years and Is I Tuesday night O'I? ; Frank and Dennis. Midd.evx Ave- A fine program was presented as Iseim. niTordinp to a report, made designated as Fathers* Night, the brothers were feted in honor of SEWAREN — Troop 19 of the the recipient of the Catholic Peli- arc: Wlllidin Hun nue. w*rt recent house puests of follows: March, school orchestra; by O'.p'formari. Aloysius" Beatty, fathers will serve as officers and their birthdays. national anthem, audience; wel- Girl ScouU marked the 44th birth- can Award for his work in scout- and Mrs, Samuel R : Mr and Mrs. Carmen Macaluso. Momnn. committee chairmen. —Supper guests Monday of Mrs. come. Dr. John P. Lozo, High day of the founding of the Girl ing, addressed the society on the toll's, .vice prcMii'T/ There will be a meeting of the Bessie Hackett were Mr and Mrs. School principal; assembly of new Scouts by a birthday party In the advantages of scoutins. \ j tofsky, Publix HIM Owri'.y I'Veratien of Holy Name committee of the April IB Spring : George members; The Nstional Honor So- Parish House Monday night. The Lawrence Moran. chairman of I Mrs. Lous Elliintui ! 'estivities also celebrated the third Src if tie*' annual spiritual di rec- Bazaar, tonight «t 8:30 o'clock at nue. observed his birthday ciety. "What We Are and What the annual St. Patrick's Day iiecordins; smot.ir, anniversary of the troop. to: s dmt'ei to br held at The the home of the chairman, Mrs. —A 2 c Robert Drv>:. Mar- i —A croup of people from the We Stand For." Thomas Gehman; dance, announced that over 300 'smith, siicp. :•,! 1 Pines April 11. Mr. Folry also ap- Joseph Cohen. 226 North Park con; Avenue, wss a pue.s: ol Mr 1 kelln Assembly of Ood Church. Liahting of Candles, Candle of Six new memlici. ; were admitted reservations had been made and it tnry. pointed George Emery as chair- Drive, and Mrs Oorse Masver.. Char- attended a Christ Ambassador Education. Florence Moscarelll: in a candle-liRht investure service. was anticipated that the affair A committee ;ni; : • l man •>! the annual communion Becsiu.se of the school Sprinu les Strrrt. Wednesday evening. Rally in Medford Monday. The Candle of Character, Hedwlg Jas- They were: Barbara Kyula, Mar- would be over-subscribed. It will Bos-in, Prank Dili; bi-e.ikfa.N'. May 6. Charles Tmella vacation the date of the next ex- • —Ksuhleen Mwrreil. Charles group included Rev Alton Rich- kolka; Candle of Leadership lene Medvetz. Mary Anne Panko, be held in the school cafetma .smith and Fiancv-. will be loastmastpr and Daniel 1 EIMYT »as sn overn:^:-.! euest ardson. Miss Irene Bibby. Mrs. Karen Espostto; Candle of Scholar- Marilyn Patrick, Carol Sandholt. ecutive Board meeting has been named to work out < Saturday, with music by Baron Sw.ir!* wili arrange for the guest of Rev and Mr> Allan R::hard- George Maxwell and daughters, Iship. Marcla Newberger; Candle of and Joyce Szenasi. They were changer! from April 3 to April 10 i Easter Eug Hunt .u Bobick. spf.ik«>. The remainder of the : son. 48 Berkeley Boulevard Kathleen and Ruth Ann. Service, Marilyn Bellanca; ad- given their Scout pins by Mrs. and will be held at the bnrtif nf racie. Plan? v.< \r ; Mr. Foley appointed Char'.es .\im:t:i:tee will be announced at ministration of pledge, Elaine Ga- Marjorie Smith, troop leader. Mrs George Oettle, 505 Railway • a membership dir.. —Guests o! Rev. and Mr< Al- —Mrs. Charles Berut. ST., Coak- Wich as ticket chairman within the next executive board meeting. Avenuc ton R:craroson, 48 Berkeley >y Street observed her birthday sior. The following girls were given the parish for the Middlesex Boulersrd. were Rev. and Mrs.Sunday. Her family all came home Presents Members Jiree-year pins by Mrs. Louis Harold Ladd. Aibion Pa. Trie to honor her. They included Mr. Reading of names of new mem- Mesar, assistant scout leader: An- Riclurtfsons and daupr.iers. Lil- : and Mrs. Michael Romano and bers. Lyn Jacobson; presentation drea Butkowsky, Edna Mae And- lian and Pa:'h. motored to Swed- 'children. Carol. Frank. Michael of membership certificate and pins rocy, Sandra Mesar, Patricia Pan- ITyou own one of these cars.. esboro where she paster took i and Rosemarie. Long Branch; Mr. members of the National Honoi sirtd jusrt isjy MIIUIS sioq PUB O3| chsree of a church service. | and Mrs. Charles Bent. Jr, and Society; introduction of gues were awarded to Joan Butkowsky I children. Charles m. and Harriet and Suzanne Mack. —Rev Her.ry M Hartmann. .speaker. Nancy Sloan; address i of Westfield; Mrs. John Water- A musical program followed p*stor oJ Frs; Presbyterian Edward Herbert, director Of guld son and children. Billy, Eddie under the direction of Mrs. But- Church ol l>ei:n. y:.Kt:ti a heart ana- of Perth Amboy PubHi Schools; march, orchestra, unde kowsky. Violin duets were played .he direction of John M. Wal&. by Edna Mae Androcy and Sandra The faculty committee is Dr Mesar. Songs were sung by Pat- „„„„. Low. Thomas G. Desmond, vici ricia find Mary Anne Panko, Pame- principal Edward P. Keating, as la Kolb, Marlene Medvetz, Bar- ststant vice principal; Alice M bara Kyula, Joyce Szenasi, and Carol Sandholt. Piano solos were of Mrs, Hollo- Gade, sponsor; Ruth E. Erb, Sari played by Marilyn Patrick, Suz- .IS . well's mother. Mrs. Carrie Haga- C. FitzGerald, Margaret P. Hen Mrs. Albert ricksen, Harry Meyer. Bernard No anne Mack, and Joan Butkowsky. vick. .A. Alida van Slyke an A soft- routine was put on by Haytko Andrea Butkowsky. Lois Smith Charles. Donald A. Wescott. Miss Gade is a sponsor of the group. announced the program. Refresh- t Wright Street ments followed the program. atj*^ guests of Mrs. Other members of the society Mrs An exhibit of arts and crafts „_ 1 Mrs are Gail Cooper, Mary lyn Lacanic, Lee Parggt. Joyce Perlllard, Albert work that Troop 19 has done this George Papamarcus, Brooklyn. Asquiih weir S\i.:1»v aicst of Mr. Previtc, Shirley Smoyak, Nancy year is displayed currently in the and M:s Dar.:t; M.,>,. Harding Tywoniw. window of the Sugar Bowl, Wood- Avenue. Other -:ues-- -t.-f Mis. Al- OX HONOR ROLL bridge Avenue... Grtbo. S: ..r.rf Mr and Mrs. WOODBRIDOE — Charles Hut- DANCE SATURDAY COLONIA —The Colonia Civic A:bert Grel>e.' Jr lr.;n?wn; Mr.; ner. 134 Orove Avenue and Bmce BOARD MEETING and Mrs. Heiinit Snyder. North|GaUit. Chain OHUls Road and Improvement Club will meet to- FORDS — The Executive Board Plaonfield and Mrs. Daniel Mil-j Charles Stover. Warwick Road morrow night at the clubhouse, of School 14 will meet Wednesday kr and son. Roam Isehn. In man Avenue, and make final March;! I at 1:30 P.M. in the school —Mr. and Mrs. James .„„ .«. ..„ .. plans for a St. Patrick's Day dance kitchen. O'Rourke. H3 Auih Avenue, were j Pingry School. Elizabeth. Saturday night.

i954 MODEL 1953 mm > w LOW-PRICE. CAR A 10W-W CAR A Recreation? Or Revenue! r 1 « CAR PORT SWIMMING CLUB Inc. it'll pay you to trade now t To be located in the Parkview Section of Carteret, has avail- for a new 1956 PLYMOUTH

: 'I H- f able a limited amount of shares Perhaps you haven't bought a new model of pay you to buy a new 1956 Plymouth N<>W your present make of car because you've been H I Your present car is at the peak of its trade ii to interested parties. disappointed at how little thatcarhas changed value today, and right now you'll get a mow')1 this year. Fact is, the only really NEW low- saving High Volume Deal at your Plynumtl Plan on your family's summer price car this year is PLYMOUTH, and it'll dealer's. See him today-you'll be glad you dn 1 activities by being with us, either as a shareholder or as a mem- ber, to enjoy the healthful benefits of outdoor swimming.

Individual Cabana FOR Large Kiddie Pool INFORMATION CALL ONLY PLYMOUTH'S HEW THIS YEAR. In a PLYMOUTH GIVES YOU MORE VALUt < year of otherwise "warmed-over" tar NEW PUSHBUTTONORIVIKG-Plyraouth'5 alone in the low-price three! A posi- •tyling, Plymouth brings you toinur- your dollar with features »uch ux ^ Playground tive mt'chaiiical control, Push-Button trie windshield .wipers, Safety-it1"1 CArteret row'i styling today in its all-uc Drive is the safest and easiest ever Aerodynamic Design. Plus the bigg wheels, twin-cylinder front »••*>" • Resigned! Optional on all 29 new •ue of any low-price car. that the other low-price cars it"" Restaurant 1-5280 Plymouth models. Try it! have. See ,,,. PLYMOUTH costs less tM .«. ~~ •••• .%"•«><•'•'• ."|.;NnENT-LEADHlR THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1056 PAGE FIVE INI'I' [ Talks Honeymoon Couple Hit Fire Unit to Mark Mothers Hear jonary Grief in Woodbridge Port Reading Avenel Personals Westburv Park Notes (hiirch Group WOODBRIDGE — Mr. and Mrs. 26th Anniversary Guidance Head Philip Donaldson, Canton, Conn., Personals —Frank N. Lloyd, air control- WOGDBRIDOE — Mis.-; Mar- Brooklyn newlyweda, will always think of man, U.S.N., son of Mr. and Mrs AVENEL • Donation to the Red garet Henrlcksen, director of the —Mr. and Mrs Philip 8chwart* M1S William Spack- WdodbrldRe us the place that Frank C. Lloyd, 900 Rah way Ave- was the guest Cross was made by the Ladies guidance department at Wood- Br 22 Ellsworth Street were Sunday 1,,'rlllll. ruined the stnrt of their honey- nue. Is serving In the operation;: , ,rrUnK of the Wom- Auxtlinry of Avenel Fire Company, brirtte High School, WAS guest uests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard' n moon. at a meeting Tuesday at the flre- department of the U.S. Naval Air GLADYS E. Moore, Springfield. ,;,„„„ ,,f the Flrrt Pres- Enroute to Washington, after BT MRS. speaker at a meeting of the Mo- house. Station, Iwakunt, Japan. He en- tors Club at the home of Mrs.i SCAN* —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, Mr. ui'irli, Tuesday. their marriage Friday, the couple JOHN T. The program featured an illus- tered the Navy In December. 1952. pd Mrs. Philip Schwartz, Mr. and Spsckhouse were stopped at the Dutch Maid Motel, MCDONNELL John Aqutla. U0 Edgar Street, 497 Utttrim ,d Ml' trated lecture on New Jersey titled —The Avenel-Colonla First Mrs. Seymour Derechin, and Mr. .,., ,,.liRtic missionaries Saturday ntprht,. When they awoke with Mrs. Andrew Menko as co- Hifhwmt m 'Know Your State," presented by Aid Squad completed plans to Mrs. Seymour Klepner at- establishintablishing Sunday morning they found that 15 Sixth Street hostess. M. E. McCabe and J. T. Clark, of hold bingo every "fhursday. start- Tel. «n I'M. in the chilrch Aid to Amputees announced the new special project M —-Mrs. Joseph Sipos and daugh- ate and entered the Navy In March The next meeting will be at And Mrs. Patrick PlUslmmons and and Mrs. Snlvatore Santclli, 196 ;, ,,,'lrtP,- Hie direction of has been started. ter, Joanne, Woodbridge, were 1953. the home of Mrs. Richard Ran- children, Anltn, Maureen and Pat- Worth Street, observed his 10th , o Connor, wh? stated rick, all of New York City. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- .The revealing of secret pals took —The round robin card party dolph. 104 Schoder Avenue, April birthday Wednesday. He was ' ,, must be received by Offered by Club Donnell, Saturday. ' place, and n»w "pals" were selected scheduled Tuesday by the Slster- 9. Prior to the business session —Francis Jackson was guest ol guest of honor at a birthday party given by his class the fQurtb^rade -Will local residents interested for the coming year. Mrs. Qeorge 'of Congregation Sons of the club will be taken on a tour if honor on his fourth birthday ' , K. YounK, mission- AVENEL — Mrs. Carl Glofikey, of St. Cecelia's School with Mls» Ml r in attending the James Catano Kovack, president, was presented Jacob has been Indefinitely post- the new high school, Those wish- Snturady at a party at which his announced membership chairman, welcomed Blancftto as teacher. testimonial dinner contact MM, with a gift by Mrs. Andrew Qallsin, poned. ing to attend are asked to be at little neighborhood friends were „, win be held March Mrs. James Gordon as a new mem- Herman York, Sewaren, or Mrs. oh behalf of the auxiliary com- the home of Mrs. Henry Warner, his guests. —Monday evening guests were- ,i to a p.M. Those at- ber, at a meeting of the Junior moratlns the twenty-Sixth birth- Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Devlin and: ,\ John McDonnell, Port Reading. LAST LENTEN SERVICES 5«8 Linden Avenue, at 1:15 P. M. —Larry Tucker, son of Mr, am skeci to bring a box Woman's Club of Avenel, at the day of the auxiliary. Mrs. Edward Keating was ac- Mrs, Norman Tucker, Worth Streel son. Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Williaitt home oft Miss Mary Lou'Oalisln, AVENEL — The last In a series Devlin and son, Richard, all of SEE FILM Mrs. George Kunak was the win- of Lenten services at the First cepted as * new member. observed his third birthday Sa i minim? courses will be 107 Walnut Street, with Miss Ron- ner of the dark horse prize. Hos- turday. his RUests wer.e his friend: Sayreville. „,,. university, July 8 nie Cole as co-hostess. AVENEL - The Fireside Fellow- Presbyterian Church of Avenel ship of the First Presbyterian tesses w#e: Mrs: Paul' Chomiak, will be Wednesday at 7:45 P.M. WALLET LOST ol the neighborhood. M (,,d July 15 throudh Mrs. Hans Nielsen, president, chairman, Mrs. John Anacker, Mrs. —Sunday guests of Mrs. Jame rested in attend-' Church of Avenel joined the Senior Rev. Donald McLeod, a Canadian WOODBRIDOE — Mrs. Stella PLAN MINSTREL ,!• Hill' announced application forms are Fellowship in viewlnc tft Theodore Artym, Mrs. "WiHlam Brunton, 196 Worth Street were touch with Mrs JHiRH1(rh Fellowship In viewlnc tile by birth, who served in tht e famous Finn, Middlesex- Hotel. Main WOODBRIDGE - St. James' : . !•! Ill available to any local, upper-ex- fllm ,,Paurs Joilrney Int0 Rome. Bonham and Mrs. Derewsky. Table Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mathlesen an Holy Name Society will present its chairman. Bloor Street Church In Toronto, j Street, reporter! to Patrolmen Jo- Krii/ir tremlty amputees, who desire help dpcorations were made by Mrs. daughter, Alice, Somerville. annual minstrel April 6. 7 and . umed by Mrs. Wll- Next Sunday, at 7:00 P.M. the will preach. Dr. McLeod is present-jseph Nagy nnd Joseph Nemeth for surgery new prosthesis and re- Fireside Oroup will visit the Junior Michael Petra.s. ly Professor of PreachinPreachgg at,Tuesda,y that someone took her —Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oold- 8 in St. James Auditorium. Chil- pre.sldcnt, that the 207 Julius Street, were habilitation. Anyone who is in High Department. A special pro- Princeton Seminary, and Is author j wallet contalnina $60 which shr furb. dren of the parish may attend the iv,...i)yii'rial meeting wll' need of this help may get In touch gram*-wider the direction of Kay- Experience, Inc., pools skills of of a new book, "Here Is My' left for a few minutes In the ladles' i Saturday evrninn dinner guests of April 4 at 7 P. M. in nt the Presbyterian with Mrs. NieUsen, 56 Meinzen room of the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Welsberg. ton Palmer, will be presented. retired executives. I Method". ' M' iliclH'll. Street. All applications will be ;,, ,i ,is liursts were; Mrs, kept confidential. , ll Mrs. H, Van Ben, Mrs. Nielsen, Miss Oallsln. Mrs. , i- -.mi Mrs. S. Behrens, George Leonard and Mrs. Daniel ;i: ,KI Forslund, Mrs. A. Levy, attended the Third District , Mr O Johnson, Mrs, Drama Tournament held at Ma- Mi Dnvld Tappen, Mrs. nasquan March 9. Eight members i William Bradyn, Mrs. are planning to attend the Third s.-liriuM'man, Mrs. M. District 8prlng Tea Saturday at Miirill Hawks, Mrs. "MOVING IN" THIS WEEK-END.. New Brunswick. I!.'-ox. Mrs. Charles Ball Miss Wilma Frocltch, Brail|£ I Muchunic. chairman, reported that cyc-sla.ss •u .mm for the next meet- frames and the yonr-self : 'i,;' I.ho showing Of a frames have been sent to the state tin' Indian American chairman. Effective Monday, March 19th, at 9 A. M., all i>, i'l Derision," under the Donations were made to the : i Mis o. H. Weferllng. American Association of Oversea? (')) Si'lilundt was hoipl- Blind. Cerebral Palsy Fund and the ..i! iiiiiii assisted by Mrs. banking transactions with the Woodbridge Vlneland Training School. !. Vim Cleft, Mrs. William Mrs. Qloskpy, youth co-opera- • in Mrs Herman Lnmpe tion chairman, announced thnt the : ni vVinqulst, Mrs. Carl Brownie und Girl Scout scrap book National Bank will be conducted at our NEW .; Mis Ronnie Nler. nnd stuffed toy contest deadline has been extended to March 20. liolli Susceptible The next meeting will be at the BUILDING on Berry Street, (Opposite Town Hall.) J II ,i.s well as the hair can home of ML« Rosalie Paulauskas, '."• iiilined properly throuRh Si Inverness Terrace, Fords, with <• ill ii brush — The Dubu- MUs Louis Paulauskas as co- I I'.ui' Ti'lrnniph-Herald. hostess. 4Jrf LOOK FOR SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER V

I N EACH PACKAGE A*-V. Ii it's Borden's, it's got fo be good.' t['^r:iP

„ , '•Him-'' •**"•**]

•• '•HS*-U^


You J*.


««'!,'. lo $2.00 i 49 each Visit Vpiir Nearest Woodbridge Store or €all for Vnui' Koutcman!

WOODURIDGE 108 MAIN STREET WO-8-3MO f METUCHEN nk 402 MAIN STREET , Nationa Liberty 8-3015 « [8ELIN Member Federal Reserve Syslem 1538 OAK TREE ROAD Llbwty I-3Q81' Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -The Hub of Modern Bunking .»»" (our! of Honor Dedication April Food S^le Slated 10UR NEW SEWAREN NOTES Held by Troop 33 At Masonic IV By Woman's Club S0C1ALJECI1I ^riv.F Bnv Scout re* Rhd Jotin, Edjt Avenue, ni- , A! IAN A. BASS. eit-monles for an n!;i; ,.y>n'pr«l by the Men? vnclfd theifunen. Sunday ,' ,,f the First Presby- District er stone for the Masun I\PI T.an Avrrue resident. Mrs. March 24 were made by the held a Conn of away hlrh has undetgoi,,. . MRS. DAVID :i?,abt t)i Tay^r. In F\•em htown. i Womana club of Avene) at n social security .is. Butkow?'J\s sister., Mrs Marayy meeting held In the Avenel School •pairs during the pa • BALFOITR '' " the Troop) , my wage record, P^r'h Amboy. went with 'auditorium. m entitled to draw a Ul be held Sundny. A 597 West Ave., The sale. undeT the direction of I Would Blendowsky | ;ump Mid m on her passing :30 P. M. I -TV Food Sale of tlie Sewaren the American Home department 8«w»ren A meeting of reprc^ei,1 j ILsttT Club held recently in thewill be held In a store at 227 Ave- iaway? WH-8-M41 .r.it<; lit a candle- irgnnlHitlons which m, | ibiary proved a success, according re! Street, from U:30 A M. to 2 No !»n«P 1 v Star Scouts An- ""» *•"¥ ** o Mrs Simon Larson, chairman, P. M, with Mrs. George Llt»n- The Vtasonls Temple w,^ . . ind G*rald Timar i r'ini.l accounts are not yet In, butberg as chairman. k week to plan for tic ,, y ,'ceremony assisted Benjamin Kantor is ein, *—Mrs John Ko7usko. W«t Ave- $55 and ISO was earned, The date of the card party. wan word of tht /ue. attended the cappin; of her •r.liinaliy scheduled for March 14. worker. « Is being assisted i>\ • • ntiuding proceeds from the White . . now s.'outs Ihf'.i Meee. Mis« Curnl D'Zurilla. Car- .aephant table which *as in vas re-srheduled for March 32. at n P Q. if a person works 10 ytars Baldwin. Mrs. O. P iv. M F' ..,.,• mothers t«*ret. Sunday at ceremonies of St.; harm* of Mrs. Clarence Zischkau. li<> hom» of Mrs. Stephen Mur- it ll:r same place under social Diane Dm-it, Lenr,,r , Teorge I. Baker, Wni•,• Marys Ho.spidil School of Nurs-; ye E(| purchased eight .of Mrs. kulin. 100 Blanchard Avenue, wltl ure Tfndoifoai pins U• for relatives and friends of the t| .| reputation. I never tasted lt r A. Yrs. When yon hare II Pour members of i::, girls followed the ceremony j letter. Mm. K. makes a snuerkraiil Mrs. Harold P. Wilson, presi- Ry.-i in^ph-Rusznialt. Leonard yean of «-ark umler aatla) wear- who guided the i>rnu:> —Eleanor Austen, New York, soure to go with the rolls thnt Is dent, appointed an auditing com- .:;.,.d Albert TWlwne T»-o mittee, with Mrs. H, SchiUer Itv. you art fully %ni jVermanent- •ecJnstlUction period v daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy | delicious. "1 cut up a pound of "•,,,»«* awarded toBdward red. They are Miir•„ ; chairman, to be assisted by Mrs Wescot* Peter ly insn'-ed. Your benefits at ace W. Austen. West Avenue, attended vpare-ribs to flavor and sweeten ::..-.. A'len 65. however, will not be aa big William Williamson, N the exhibit of Bob Anderson's the sauce," Mrs. Kozusko explains. William Kuzmiak and Mrs. Fred- erick Hyde. The committee will illT- Oiald Ti"'.ur. Andrew as if you had continued work. »en and Ernest Lichtm.r paintinKS at the Little Studio. 680 I also stir in a half pint of sour •Ttr M *ther beauties. ni.jtit T .*en and Albert meet April 3 at the home of UM Q n; be 6& next month and am Madison Atfepue, N. Y. "She was, crwim for flavor." A tivtf'vear pin was pre- :reasurer. Mrs. Andrew Galisin \ housekeeper in a private home ELECT 8LATF- tremendously impressed by the, —Mrs. Herbert Rankln and I Andrew Butkowski. picture titled -Cathedral.' her; Mrs, H. D. Clark went into New 107 Walnut Street. My wages are $135 a month, plus •ind Mrs J.miej Clancy, way? and : B.iri'-P? wire awarded to AVENEL - The T5n : mother reports. Eleanor. *ho is York Tuesday to attend the 39th Mrs. Wileoa represented the nv.mv M.s. Robert Sfhwidc-.. my room, meals and Trrar and Andrew Bui- Commissioners Distn, • an advertising researcher, is also international Flower Show in the :lub at tiie Federation Day oilVFW Auxiliary hospital chairman and Mr? AII- Would 1 have to work for lest affjeers oii of onVers Apr;; ?1 s! '^ ...I) ! iv.v.inied Pertn Amboy General Hospital; _ i uonal flower show visitors lection oit officers was held by you're nmlni $IM a month or ion, fire alarm: Fur. A; dl Maple Tr-e F.-rm. witM Mrv Mary Mr plou:-. aav» Scouts Krysko. Sunday with her infant son. An-; fl.Qm Sewaren Tu^ay were Mrs. the Ladles Auxiliary to Avenel SI,50* a y"*r. Tour monthly house chairman. Nolan county council prudent, ^,v:iW ^ir.i Bown their P*troi thony. after the baby's bath. j^ Brown Mt3S Daisy Rush Halnmy Girl Betrothed Memorial Post VPW Monday at as the installing officer. The com- L*-df- s-np's and Mr. McEliien- br'nrflt amoant w«uld be MJ.M —ftev. William H. Schmaus of; Mrs. John Kozusko and Mrs. A. W. Club Avenel. mittee named tor the affair was r.y h> assi-tant stripes. Only your ca»h wages eooni Wi- Trtn'ty Episcopal Church. Wood-, Scheldt who drove In with Mrs. CAR POOL To Resident of Colonia Chester was elected ; Mi-=. Swmati. Mrs. G. Gassaway. \<\ 11? Court of Honor, re- der social seeurlty when sr«u bridge, will conduct the litany serv- Joseph Thomson. After the show. The cost of opciiitm . Robert Schnei-; Mrs Meehan and Mrs. Schneider ' .Si'meT.s were sen-ed by the work in a prlfite home. Ice tonight at St. John's Church the group went jiptown for lunch COLONM — The engageroeiv fr •mmeiit pool of autniii'i der, senior vice-president: Mrs.j A house &oci«l was planned for • i fjub under Hie direction at 7:45 P. M. He will also preach; i to visit the exhibit of Bob An- af Miss Patricia Dilts. daughter Tough SUuallon ither vehicles was rtdu >.:, ant Raymond Seeraan, junior vice-, Marsh 24. at the home of Mrs , th,' ;nfs:drn;, Mr?. Andrei* the sermon. Iderson's paintings at the Little ji Mrs. Theodore Dilts and the- , M { A nun went to a physician, com 000,000 last year. d*\? Avenue. „! plaining of prolonged headaches —Mrs. Joseph Lima, Broad Studio, 680 Madison Avenue. crease In ga-sollnc im Railway, to James C. Staunton urer; Mrs. WUliam Dragos. secre- woodondRc. with Mrs. Suilo as !K Saturday morning Troop 33 , . j \ \ u> stop simfk Street, celebrated her birthday, —Mrs. Miriam Pierce, Bronx- T| edOL lor lol x m recently reported, pi>> i son of Mrs. James Staunton and Ury; Mrs.Bernard Forslund, chap- co.nosteM Plans wen, fmhKA "•< jt. monthly hike. The cies- last Friday with a party at hervllle N Y., was a weekend guest ialii'Mrs George Dunham, guard: [ , theater party June 13 in driven 1,800.000,000 nil he late Mr. Staunton. was an- Dh d 0 a 1 j i was Staten Island. The home. Guests Included Nancy and of Mrs. Louis Brown, Cliff Road. Mrs Thomas Meehan. conductress; iMillbum. Reservations'must be i-'- • "I have never used tobacco In of 75,000,000. from t:. nounced at a party held at the took the ferry to Tptten- any form" year. As of last Juni' :n Billy Lima, Mr. and Mrs. Chris ( —Dui 2 of the Sewaren Cub Mre. John P. Osthoff, three-year c with Mrs. Dragos by May 31. ^ .^, ;/ the b?ac>h Colonia Fire House. maci rn hikwi i]am •Well. then, stop drinking." ernment owr.sd 1\\ \ Zehrer with Ginny and Chris; Mr. Scouts is now selling Easter candy trustee; Mrs. Joseph SuUo. two- d ion of J25.00 was made to ^ ,, there. Tests Miss Dilts is a Junior at Rah A onat cookei d: ner trucks and jeeps and Mrs. Frank Bloom with Man-' to^nefit their treasury. Boys who year trustee; and Mrs. William j Library buiWins fund. • I jm a total abstainer." vay Hi?h Srhool. Her fiance the Avene in r-iinaiing. cooking anne and Ellen; and Mrs. Chester 1 will be ringing your doorbell ar» Dragos and Mrs. Osthoff. delegates Donations were also made to the ••Late hours, then and faff i sr.idu.ate of New Brunswick Vo ;ir,d observation. Par- women.' Pastuszak with Gloria and Mari-;Billy Radley, Robert Cassidy, John to the Middlesex County Council, Red Cross national Cancer Re- WAGE HIKES •atl^n Technical School served iiiMpsnne 'v-io Joseph Ruznlak. 1 am always in bed by nln anne. i Bowers, Glen Coughlin, Jtan- alternates Mrs. Schneider and warci, fund, the New Jersey Cot- Q the U. S. Marine Corp. for six 3::.in C:iv,vi>, Cf.rald Johnson. An- I ;un a bachelor and live with m More than 2.000.000 f;,>, —Mr. and Mrs. Simon Larson,! Pierre Sefezek and Richard John- Mrs. Secman; Mrs. George Gassa- taise Fund and Cancer Drue. - and one-half months, and is pres- ,, _ , . , , dr?w Bu'.lto-.vski. Gerald Timar, o:d rviiden aunt. No. seriously, oelved a pay incie:.?e Woodbrida!' Avenue. wu e hosts son. way. Mrs. J. Kozak and Mrs. Flora 1st, when a minimum \\. ently employed by Mrs. Forslund was tne winner of o... Hl,_5,lfcr,.,. Alhn McElhennv, w'.'.ni caused my headuches" 8unday to their son nnd daughter-! —A. A. Discavage, Summit Avc- Rae Bird, delegates to the eighth an hour went inio ft: Township. | dark horse prue and hostesses Lw B;el,doVlPkv Albert Terhune. • I do!>"t know." said the balked in-law Mr. und Mrs. Cl.fton Lar-lnue, has returned home from tht GUU'icidistrict., alternatesaiwrnnies.. MrsIVII». Forslundrui.muiu,, ... ,. .. ., - • »on and cliildn-n. Karen and Perth Amboy General Hospital. aid fch ;,r. Thomas Ru- n^pi ^ VOur h«to's pin"ch- 19W the statutory mimn: Mrs. Meehan and Mrs. Lawrence for U^ilNwrwew. Mis.Nor- E,A., Sivrn and Robert i-uc» >. K has been 75 cents an ... Krtsta, Clark Township. —Mr. and Mrs. Donald Biunti- ,'OICE OF EXPERIENCE man Dunnam Mrs ing. proxlmately 24,000.000 »• —Two former Sewaren residents \ a?e and children, Rosette, were Young Harry: "Dad, what's the McKevitt aim Mrs- . Cuesirr- Gwrs. e Dun- ,.,,AndfrSS., ' ' „,,, mfe-in» will be held the usual 7:30. The scouts wiU subject to the law, bin returned last week to attend a Sunday guests of Mrs. Brundage's Ufferenoe between a gun »nd a Committee chairman newly ap- meeting in the Parish House of St.mother. Mrs. Olive Van Icierstine. machine gun?" | ^: British indusu-r Pian, ,0 ouiUi tomono, in ,,, ?u,ch Rec.a- cond,., t.e.r paper drive on Sat- majorHy are .Ire,,, John's Guile*. Mrs. Richard Ladd.i West.Avenue. more than the $1 minim "Dad: "There is a big differ- Oaenway. historian; Mrs. Sullo atomic meryy plant. tlon.r0?.n'ul , N. Y.. formerly Old Road, j —Mr. and Mr.s. Albert H. Bow- ence. It is just as if I spoke, and and Mrs. Lillian MorrU. Union, i ers, Clllf Road, were hosts Friday then your mother spoke." formerly We>*t Avtime, enjoyed a jut a venison dinner for the two reunion with o^d friends. Mrs. j hunting companion's of Al's last fall. "We eat so much venison In LaOd wws :i werknid Kiiest of Mrs. j fall on u trip to Nova Scotin. The this house." Jean says, "that no- William Bird, Cliff Road, und , men uncl their wives were Mr. and iuuy even comments any more. Mrs Morris spent the ni^ht with j Mrs. Fred Linn and Mr. and Mrs. My, we're having venison to* Mrs. Frwlerick J. Adams. West! Jack Brown, Woodbiid^e. The bis 1 Avenue. | :oa:t It;.' of deer whk-h Jean Bow- lii-'hl !" • Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Boron, —Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butkow- • ers cookt cl and served was part of '1G Hermann Avenue, Carteret, ski nnd children, Andrew. Jr., An- the deer which Al had shot last 'mve announced the birth of a daughter, Nancy, March 6 at the WHEN YOU GO ^erlh Amboy Qeneral Hospital. Grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. William Baran, West Avenue. -The Guild of ' St. John's Ohurch is sponsoring a card party OVER TO OLDS ! April n at the home of Mrs. Floyd Howell, West Avenue. It will benefit the church rug fund. —The Sewaren Bridge Club met (Jar 52nd [ye vtsterdny at the home of Mrs. John Ryan, Green Street, Woodbridge. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howell, West Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. GREINER Albert Bowers, Cliff Road, helped •..•haperone a group of forty young people Saturday night from the !,t:h school class at the White Funeral Home Church on a skating party In AUGUST F. GREINER, Director Asbury. A new Home At The Same Address • Completely Remodeled t phono 44 GREEN STREET, WOQDBRIDGE rates ar* Phone: Woodbridge 8-0264 LOW Boston . eoo Detroit 90o ftom Bnl



It'i a matter of record! \»u (irt imire for \oiir Want trtnd-i»Hlng tlyt«? Old* *how» die lliMiirt in OliU for id! I tlil-iuuliilf nuilrrs luvt* vtuy again with tbr double-duty bcatiiy of 'I"* kii.uMi lliU fur yi-urn, ami mauy l-|irioe" tarn, And you'll never know what a pleasure rilling H'ii BUILT-tN VALUIS and driving can be until you've tried an Olil». AH phases of beauty culture. L»t us (how you the fart* ami figures. Thk car »nu||k* down to the road, bold* a ADD UP TO FINER MT lliat it's rimy to get out of llif »tr«ight-at-Mtrin| courte, roudda a curve and into in Olds... that it'« ^IKHI WIIM1 to male detd-levol. MOTORINO NOW... tlir move nnw! You'll find many of ihe reaaona behind thin For rxmnplc, look at what you pet, Start with nwrv«|out rowltkility in tlie new. Safety•Ri'l'" TOP RISALI LATERI puurr. Oldjinobil* pionecrcil (lie liij;li.ciim|in-n- Chaxia, Oid»moUiW'» utipoint auipeouoii (<•»• »ion m Hilh the Hwlrt Kii^iur. I'Lr l')J6 lur?» web advance* a* dual aubilucn. cenur- ltixlrt in iniglilicr, pr[i|>irr lliun i-ver, with a HAIR STYLIST roiiirol uteqrlng, tiul a bravy, nolid-tittit ff»»'r •).-'> tu 1 rouiprrmion ratio! Tale your ilmiic uf i!ll) l»tr»<-|Kiwrr, in Sii|rt HJt It all oddt vpi-floiu* try a Kocket ride jronntf KI 2.IU lmi>r|Hihrr fur Wr h4 «ure we can «bow you the fr««<' •' SPECIAL %f V " - '"""• "" ""• "'«<-r-|.u,T,l "IUT. v«lu«i evemw ti«o fh» ihe turair ikut hJdtU/< itt »«' i PERMANENT WAVE For Appointment $12.50 Wave $10.00 SI 5.00 Wave $12.50 WGodbridge 8-2894 OLDSMOBIL «O«n ROUND IM iLOCK,.. A| YOUR OLDSMOI.LI DUtU'J.. FREE , CLOSED MONDAYS First shampoo and setting WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES following our higher l perinaiKiits. ii Whole Week Before Easter Woodbridge, N. J. 475 Rahway 0 8-0100

. | S tiWft

1 Include Mr, and Mrs. Peter f om-1 IindsiWn and Mr. and Mrs, Saul. I tl -. ' L SJJIIQQI f jp]« minrlU nnd daughter, Janet, Les- Krltttnan. ig Park Terrace Notes lie Ann TommlnelU nnrt Minn Ve- —Paid 'Murjfhy, Mm nf Mr. and Fashion rotilra Burden, Mrs. Arthur Murphy, Atlantic STRIKES and SPARES* —Birthday greetings to Herbert Street, *111 -fflifk his nth birth- Hospital's Guests Maunrr, McOuire Street, and day 8undw at a family celebra- Lonther is a w-x fnvorite tor Guests will bp Mr. nnd Mrs. Jo- CRAFTSMR.VH HOUSE LEAGUE WOODBRtOGF. SERVICE h KarkfTn, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis William Hayden, Ethel Street, tion. Quests will include Mr, and PERTH AMBOY — The an-.! nnd cunts this spring. The -ftavltl tlss, soft Mfs. Arthur Murphy, Union City. nipl Op^n House for Junior and :olors are unlimliid. A leather Murphy, Mrs. Lury Yulta, Miss of Mf. and I, firth 1 VWent Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. scni.ir high school girts- inter- Hekn Yuka. Mr. nnd Mr.-,. John Mrs. Spymour Llss, Swfirlhrftnre Bar'jrrs r>B 19 klrl, n lpfitlu'i- and fvced Frank Furlong, Went New Yerk, ested ln mirslnp as n career will w Yuka and family, Sprint: Lake; TVmce, celebrated his second i Tavern 52 2U nd soft w noi In the same Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and —Among Mefllo Park residents be held at Perth Amboy Oenrral BO'J'S T-V 18 birthday Sunday. His guest* Irl- C. & S Trucking 50'i IV- sons, Charles and Kfnneth.Sayre- who attended th« fashion show at' Hospital School of Nursing next Saturday Niters 18 :lor miikcs n wonderful outfit. cluded David's j?randparents, Mr. Craftsmen Club 45''i villf; Mr. and Mis. Ronald Lua- St. Cecelia's Saturday were Mrs. j Wednesday with studenis from r.v] Pliu'i Barbers 17 he leather enn be elonned with and Mrs. Louis Lieberman and Mr. BainbM Plumbing , 39 Hipr and rhiltlrnn of Lalte Hia- Cart Andersen and Mrs. James four nrea hljh schools participat- 39 Flr.st Aid 13 Bfm WHtpr iind soup on a damp and Mrs. Irving Lisa, Miss Rose, Bhie Bsr 32 watha; Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Ri- Llss, Miss Ctair Rose Aberbach, i Dln8*°"- 46 Oak Tree Dni;?s 13 g ing. MilvVops 32 loth. vera and son, Robert; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Irwln Engel and —Diane Cotilsha, daughter of 46 Cooper's Dairy .... U The students will be welcomed Mayer's Tavern ..' 2 American Cyan.'mkl 10 Soft kid creul coats arc cxpen- Mrs. Dan Baldc.rosc and children daughter and Mr. and Mfs. Gerald Mr. and Mfg. William conisha, by Anthony Er.kert, director of the and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roppcl. McOuire Street will celebrate her Manor Roll Woadbrldpr Co'if'y .. 7 ve but a wise investment if yoi* Hershorn and daughter, Debbie. Hospital; Miss Ruth A. Mercer, i pj Barbers —Cheryl DinHel. daughter of ninth birthday together with her lflam gomet aM Honor Rail tied a sport . With good oare month on the — Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Murphy R. N., director of nursing; MiKsfloofi: J. chia'rrena 211, J. Toth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dlnkel, Jrf- grandfathers at the home of her Team hM t;iwif. BIA'R TV, t , will IBMI for aiv.s nnd is warm and family, Atlantis Street, were Helet> Plckard, R. N., associate g B. j&st U», S. Simon 2MG. J. m

Himh Individual scores: O. Mr- , support. birthday Tuesday —Birthday greetings to Allan ,./ High Individual scores: 0 Chornlcki 156. vrtf* residents —Mrs. Normnn Silver, Mason assdrlate director (rf nursing ser- The new huts are bulkier and, New York. Bahtentitifg, Federal Street, and :*KJ»y 200, M. Aunasl 224, IB. JoH Indivirtniil hi: h score, E. Smith, fashion show —•Mr. nnd Mrs. George Forster, Street, was hostess to Mrs. Wil- vice. 208. J. Subyak 221, S. Denltto 2(11, fter such « lont» time with tiny Ethel Street, attended the Bar Anthony Pftsanlello. Wall Street. 205. , Woodbridge liam Kroner, Mrs. Saul Kritz- During the course of the day S. Bprinko 204, G, Silva 207, F. !mt«. they arc n welcome change , Association MltJvfh of Jay. Wohl, son of Mr. man, Mrs. Wally Mitchel and Mrs. —The Cubs of Tfoop .140 held n aboil100 students from Perth Am- Such 202. K. OF C. NO, 831 'or most of us. There fire so many day were Mrs. and Mrs. Herman Wohl, West Milton F"ink, Tuesday, a pack meeting Tuesday at School 114 , FordsF . boy High School, St. Mary's High I Majestic Lanes) IJpn Harrison. Orange. The reception and dinner • —Birthday, greetings to (Mrs. WOODBRIDGK P1RE.MFN different shapns that there Is was "held at Clinton Manor, Bat- —Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Udlne School, Carteret High School and W Llsothethjhg besoming for everyone. . •••". M Howard llgenfrltz, Isabelk Street, 1 {Craftsmen's ClulK 1 urday. , „„„.„» "s^VweTe ; Woodbridge High Schtfol will tour Urban's Studio 12 ti i Don't invest In an extreme design I ') W )t and to Mrs. Alfred Reed. Federal • \ W u ie ha pital in s al roups Ryan's Plumbing 11 uhleas you feel completely at ea3e -BlrthdSF greetings to Mrs. Street. I guests of Mr. and tors.] . . ? " L? : P.B.A. 38 ~ :...:... 25 CharleB Klein, Teanech, where student nurses will serve as guides Kai'maain's •• 10 8 lh It. Instead, try one of the mod- Raymonfl Nichols and Mrs. Ward SMI . .... ;. ': 20 Vandernfl, both of Jefferson -rJnckle Zimmerman, «m of they celebrated the 60th birthday and will highlight such areas as: McCarthy's 9 ft ified numbers. \[. Ernst Oansel. Iselin No. 1 .:... • 19 Street. of Mrs, Udine's father, Max nursery, children's ward, operat- !' Woodbridge Liquors 9 6 -icbv.nPd her sec- Eth*l Street, will be three years ing room suite, new west wing, Woodbridge Ffrst Aid 17 Cohen. l i! State Jewelers 8 .10 The shoe of middle color value j-.d.iy at n family —Claire MdDermott, daughter laboratory, educational unit, Iselin Chiefs ..-' 14 old tomorrow when his suesU will thday congratulations to i, I Mayer's Tavern ...... 7 'M is back. The most important color • .i-nt were Mr. andof Mr. and Mrs. JoSeph Mcber-> Avenel No. 1 !. \...... D molt, Maryknoll Road, will ob- be Mr, and Mrs. George Zimmer- Mii. ftObert Merrick, MeGuire " 'Bob's Radio 6 !' range is beige, very pole to medium ••i-man. Mrs. Jean The students will be lunch«on •Avenel No. 2 :, \ 9 serve her fifth birthday at a fam- man and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Street, and to Eugene Ladoux, Honor Roll tan. Pastel with matching \l:s Hans Allnea, guests of the student nurses, and Avenel First Aid -, 7' 22 ily celebration. Sunday.. Red Bank, and Mr. and Ethel (Street. High Individual scores: or a harmonizing costume ••,, Aiiren, Mr. and afterwards will visit the present Honor Roll Mfs. Roberf Fulton and daughter, —The Onee-a*Month Club will Schubert 213-215, T. Russo 20i, | will be good for Into spring and all i Mrs Anna Wle- —Mrs. Ann Tenen, Atlantic nuvses' residence for a rest period. High team game 873, Averiel Nr>. Street, spent the weekend in New Mary Lou. meet tomorrow at the home of Mr. P. McCann 210, T. Czajkowskl 200 summer. In shape the new shoes •.,•; and Mr$. Oscar 1: S. Xlbrecht 151,' F. Owens 191, York. —The Metwood Chapter of the and Mrs. John Schooert, Jeffer- At the close of the day, Miss M. Rlngwnod 214. will be smooth-looking, unadorned Mercer and Miss Plckard will J. McHugh 162,'J.,Herman,130, R. pumps with folded top lines and —Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Loebel, Women's American ORT will son Street, for a St. Patrick's Results t. John Evanoff. group in the nurses' au- Snowfleld 209. stralahter sides. Both toes and Federal Street, attended a party meet tonight at the Metuchen Oay party. Present will be Mr. Three-game ' winners: Urban a, tit ihe weekend ditorium for a discussion period. High individual scores: M. Flo- heels are slimmer. in honor of Mtes Rona Perkel, who Jewish Center. A slate of officers and Mrs. Leo McVey, Mr. and Studio over Mayer's Tavern Questions regarding the School of rlo 220, R. Heller 204. J, Nemeth is graduating from the Flowers will be presented and Mrs. Mil-Mrs. James McMorrow. Mr. and Ryan's Plumbing over Woodblidgi to Mrs. Nursing will also be answered at 203, C. Aronson 224, A. Lauro 211, LEGAL NOTICES Hospital School of Nursing, New dred Morse, of the Metuthtn Mrs^ijules Strauss, Mr. ana Mrs. ; Liquors, Karmazins over Stat • • Atiantic Street, this time. J. Essig 203. • York, The party was held at the school system, will speak on Saul Fishier, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Jewelers. NOT1CK TO BIKDFUS . Murphy. Mason "Child Psychology." Tomorrow at Among the topics to be dis- home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Perkel, *ar.fl Hahey, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- BOWL,MOR HOUSE LEAOCE Two-game winners: McCarthy The Board of EtlwaUon will meet at the Friday evening services at the cussed will be the new nurses' S P. M. March 28, 1956, In Board o( IV: rare residents Jersey City, Saturday. liam: IJenderson, and Mr. and Mrs. ffttfwl mm) over Bob's Radio. Muenllon Room to review nnd Inspect center, Rabtti Charles Abelei will Raymond Jones. residence accomodatlng 96 stu- pupils' and teachers' furniture for thf •••., Horary meeting —Tickets are still available for W L , speak about some of the achieve' —ijlana Hess, daughter of Mr dents, which should be ready for new High School, the new Elementary KIT:' Mrs. Carl the Paper Mill Playhouse show, Middlesex Television ... 2iV2 5Vi DRAFT School, and flll-lns for other Elemen- ments of ORT. Members of Met- and'Mrs. Martin W, Hess, At- ocupancy shortly after May 1st. tary Schools. DnU and Information at .i.imes Dtnawall. ~T/he King and I." sponsored by wood Chapter will serve refresh-: Miss Mercer will describe the liv- Guy:, Electrlo 15% tl'/z Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hetshey, se- to qualities nnd types of furniture de- sine Mrs. Robert Menlo Park Chapter, American Iantio Street, celebrated her tenth Musk.'s Futiertfl Home 16% 11% sired c&n be secured on nut! »tltr ments. '. birthday at a family dinner Sun- ing and recreational facilities 1 lective service director, has esti- March 19. 1B50, from the (Mice of Svipt. i !• )h Barry. Mrs. Jewish Congress. April 10. which will be available in this Swift l.* Cream lS% mated that a total Of 195,000 men Of Schools ln Barron Avenue HlK.ll —Mr. and Mrs. Wally Mlttchel day. Quests were her grandpar- .,::> Robert Hare. call Mrs. Edstar Udine, Liberty modern residence costing $850,- Ravens 13 would be drafted during the cur-' School. and children, Mercer Street, were ents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hess .,:;; >;i!e was held. 8-5239. 000. The solarium, sun deck, play- Ruby's Sox Luneh 12% 14'/zrent fiscal year, that ends on Jute BOARD OF EDUCATION dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Irv- Union, VICTOR C NICKLAS, • \i: and Mrs. Ar- room, fiction library, reception, Stanley's Ciri'er .. 9 18 ^30, comrwred with 213,728 the pre- —Richard Masi, son of Mr. and ing Eisdorfer, "Sunday. —Tile bridge club met at the Supt of HcIiOOls. A:;antic Street, Mrs. R. F Masl, Jefferson Street, snack and rooms, will Pozyckl'&i Racina 7% Wk vious year. I.-I. 3/15/50 —Biithday congratulations to home of Mrs. Warren Curtin, Mo- \!> tiJbert Graham celebrated his 12th birthday Sat- provide acromodations which will Honor Roll Peter Hill and William Forster, Gifire Street, Thursday. Present . : wvphswken. urday when his guests were Jim- rank with the best in the state. High Individual SCQIHS: J..Pre- both of Jefferson Street. were Mrs. Peter McGuire, Mrs. A. kop 2S2-2J8-I60—6Z0, J. E^ek 184- •>. w.tt. son of Mr. and my Cary, Oeorge Cedrone and J, Velluzil, Mrs. Frank Carnigliu, SPRING SHARPENING SALE :. i>witt, Ethel Philip Ciorclari, Brooklyn. Sun- —Sunday dinner guests of Mr. 234-190—-60ft, J. Reap 212-208, F. and Mrs. Robert Fulton, Ethel Mrs. Gordon Mallon, Mrs. Ray Ei-delyl. 209, J. Adamatz 203, R. [ MARCH anil APRIL ONLY : ... third birthday day. Mr. and Mrs. Masl were hosts Quempel, Mrs. Russell 6urgens, . :.:n:ly celebration. at a dinner to mark both Rich- Street, were 'Mr. and Mrs. George Sewaren Honor Hprlty 203, F. Nagy 203, N. Pajfe" HAND MOWKRS $2.00 Callanan and children, Cathy and Mr). Louis Syracuse, and Mrs. Ar- 200. . M ratulalions to ard's birthday and Mrs. Masi's thur Hansen. 18" POWER MOWERS $6.50 Dennis, Westwootl. Other guests Kesulti ,; s»arihmore Ter- birthday. Guests wert Mr. and 2t" POWER MOWKRS $7.50 Mrs A. I. Charito and children, of the Fultons, Sunday, were Mr. —May Lynn Scwalsky, daugh- Roll Announced Three-ga(ne winners: Middlesex and Mrs. George Lasky and son, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roman Scwal- ROTARY MOWERS ?4.00 Mr* Seymour Uss, Oeraldlne and Robert, Merrlck, Television oven Swift's Ice Cream,, I L. I.; Philip Ciorciari. Brooklyn, George, Netcong. sky, McGuire Street, celebrated SEWAREN—The honor roll for Ouy's Electric over Pczyskl & \ This includes: I'.:;jte attended the her sixth birthday Saturday. the Sswaren School covering the M: ;IIKI Mrs. Barry L. and Mr. and Mrs. William (U'k- —Mrs. Abe Landsman. Atlantic Racina. Motor Tune-up - Oil Change - And New Plug linskl and daughter, Andrea. Street, wus hostess to her can- Quests were Sowalsky, third period of mark.; is as follows, Two-game winners: Muska's ; i::r Essex House, Kieclrlcal Motors Repaired and Rewound Jackson Heights. asta club Tuesday. Present were Maureen and Jlmmle McDonald according: lo announcement by Funeral Home over Ruby's Box Mrs. Seymour DeWltt, Mrs. Bar- and Steven Wlsnewsky. Miss Stella Wright, principal: Lunch, Stanlty'l Diner ovei1 —Mrs. Saul ' Krltzman, Ethel : i!\ ^reelings to Mr net Weisman, Mrs. Norman Gard- —Congratulations to the Oirl Grade 4, Mrs. McDonnell: Vie? Ravens. Street, was hostess to Mrs. Barnet WOODBRIDGE SHARPENING CO. Y.i,w. Ethel Street ner, Mrs. Edward Hiiluska and Scouts and Brownies, this week torla Anderson, Donna Konliowitz, Weisman, Mrs. Kenneth Morrison, 411 PEARL STREET •i Evanott. «n of Mr, Mrs. Alfred Frank'el. beir.g National Girl Scout W*ek. Laura Kublcka, Linda Kubicku,. It's not your position that de- j.iiiii EvanofI,' Menlo Mrs. Kay Tcnen and Mrs, William Bai'Uara Lojewski, Cheryl Lueas, termines your happiness or lack OPKN EVKN1NOS SATURDAY •-•lruut^d his fourth Kroner, Wednesday. —The couples club will meet Murlenc Medvetz, Victoria Mitzak, CONSCIENCE HURTS of it. It's your disposition. — G P. M. TO !l P. M. !l A. M. TO 4::!0 P. M. \\ 1 • !,iy When his guests —Linda Ann Tommlnelll, daugh- Saturday at the home of Mr. and Elaine MoUe, Marianne Panku, The Washington .journal. .ind Joseph Schlr- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tom- Mrs. Milton Berlin, Salt Lake City, Utah. A llt- Marilyn Patrick, Pamela Seng. Philip and Dona Bol- mlnelli, Jefferson Street, will cele- Stn-tt. Present will be Mr. and ter, unsigned, from someone Grade 5, Mr. King: Martin Bo- 11,-iderson Robert ibrate her fourth birthday at a|Mrs. Seymour DeWitt, Mr. and Butler, Pu., was recently received btk, Gsrald Johnson. Gai7 Lucas, j r.v George Cardojta : party Saturday at the home of her | Mrs. Willinm Kroner. Mr. and'by the Utah Road Commission. Oskar Ptnic, Joan Butkowsky, Ju-' PERTH 1 "o, S;.tu7da"y Uw-grandparniUs/Mr. and Mrs. John , Mrs. Morry Smith, Mr and Mrs,'The letter, enclosing a $5 bill,.eud: dith Coyle. Rie Duib, Patricia .,,;' a celebratidn. tturdrt. Kearny. Her guests will Wally Mitohvl. Mr. and Mrs. Abe+"For stolen road sign. EUskb, Suzanne Mack, Carol Sand- PRESEASON AMBOYNEMSON! holt, PARVfNC Grnde fi, Mi.ss Stefanowskl:, Carole Zi-blcx-ki, Diane Aquila,' SALE! SALE! Sharon Stueck, Joanne Jaeger, I Walter Undeutsch, Robert Schnei- HALF PRICE NOW dWi Albert Terhune, Paul Gulisin. Grade G, Mrs. Rowley: Dorothy On This New Decorator Draperies Schill, Jill Beyer, Eva Zacharias, Donna Flndeis, Christine Luttrell, Complete 8-Play Susan Krawchiik. Designed for your home by Ralph Stein, one of -Grade 6, Mr. Herron: George Fair, Hairy Jones, Michael Tere- fenko, Madeline Knox, Karen Mar- OUTDOOR GYM New Jersey's leading interior decorators. kulin. Modern Mary 95 At the supper table one njght Now on the farm, the hired man was Only GUARANTEED 3 WEEK DELIVERY! telling about a breeder who was developing a strain of sheep for spaed. "He tells me," the hired 17 mart said, "that he's got lambs List 34.95 now that run 40 miles an hour,' "But why does he want lambs that can run 40 milts an hour1' SWA" an SS asked the brlyht young girl. ' IAROE SIZE ! i i "To keep up with Mary," he repHedi 1956 STORKUNE BABY 41.1. CHROME CARRIAGE WANTED: MORE HOUSING STROLLER "Did she promise to marry you?" , 95 6" • "Oh, yes, but I've got to wait LIST 59.95 until they-move next month, Just 39 LiH 14.95 at present there's no room for me * Adjustable i Chriniit) lluoil Duck in her father's house." Joint • MiirmnlilHil • • K • Kxtru lit-uvy Innenpring \h M.-iliaiilsm White Hubhrr • KvtfiiHlDii Toe Tlrvv ;M- • U Putlirr-Kllu » Clirume Hub CRIB Kulirlli tu|)H • I'rlirl Handle • (liriiim II(Mil MATTRESS • Srtil Tutr-llned lorli •TV- llu 7" 95 Lilt 49.95 LIST 11.91 34 ALUMINUM • Tumblepruiit Safety Side. BABY I'lmllc Halls Dimble Drup Nldti SEATER > luting problems with you. Drop \n. • Ralph Stein 15" durable, plnitlo em Choose from Largest Display of 1956 Decorator FM(s Llit 29.9S All Sled uielul iwrt» NorttMm MAIL and PHONE ,.ti-« QUALITY • PRICE Hirdwiod ORDERS ACCEPTED Youthbed Use Our • WORKMANSHIP CUSTOM-MADE Call VA 66320 With fipr

M ,i iin'ctinB of Iselln ISELIN—Tr* Ltons Club of Is*.- A donations of $10 each were COLOHIA — Twelve new mem- COLONIA - The Cotonia U- , ..p, KI. phms were dls- u YUI «* MXITI annual clwter voted for the Red Cross and the bers were accepted at a meeting nv.iry Lirnoursc,es the acquisition ,u«t :*d*f ni*ht at Mountainside ,.,,,1 for thf coming Heart Fund. of the executive board of the nf new books as lo'.',j*s; lun. ,,,i, winch will begin The next dinner meeting of the Woman's Auxxlllary of the Rah- Ariulr "F^'tiinj Tour Balif . H»r\>W B Goetchlus, president, club l.s Mnrch 19, 6:30 P.M. at way Hospital last Thursday. T.;1 Child.- The Edge of the r !,r |in.slrd at Menlo program and Green street House. The new members are Mrs. P. 1 Sea." 'Tl'.e Story of Our Anxs- th* : , V. ,." "English Porcelain and, '. ', ii i k s, WoodbridRp Pa*'. Ui>i)ict Governor of District ' „. , n/ , • n • Miss Edith Howe. Miss Mabel Bone Chins." 'The Honorable Px> \ ulniminfi people of ts D international councilor Wds Welcomed Hack Howe. Mrs. Gordon McLeod, Miss rti<\" "The Slorv of Medsttne,1* : ,,,|jtv of a First Aid Ow;<- Koink who is » member Home to Civilian Life' Ruth Smith. Mrs, Merena Sensen- sioenins Und-r Blankets." H«h ,;.,i ;u)|)pftllna for co- i< Fi>!«< U«U. Club. K. Mrs. J. M. Wallace, Mrs. Ed- \rivpnture."' "The Password Is ... iiiiiva n.s much, us P»u; in Pttmp*o, thairmui, in- COLONIA — A welcome home ward Levltsky. Mrs. Milton Hol- ^our.w." The ExurbanitwC* i!;r continuance of tn-Kt'.u'«i Hu«ioH>h Kummler as sicn was put cut for NOrbert ander. Rahway; Mrs, Arthur TIK ffcrMls from the Dead Sejk* Wcls. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wels, Erlcson, Westfleld, and Mrs. Neil PIKV Gmtie to PsiUern Glass/ ,,.; dors not continually jpraknr of U» evening was West Street. Castaldo, Cranford. i "Newfound World." "On the they mnke an appeal Fred Ufshoy, who was A larRe number of friends Mrs. Henry W, Horns, Rldse Tr.vk of Prrhlsteric Man.'" "The. 11 Thi'lr services are :!e im\ soTT-mor of District 16 D and well-wishers from Colonia., Lane. Colonia. chairman of the African Giant." "So Near and Yet ,11 limes, day or night a<:i M \hc present Ume Is Inter- Long Island, Avenel. and Ise- ways and means committee stated Sn Far," 'The Wlnped S»wd." Oounciior and a resident a number of articles have been Silver I enparri." The Pinned LEAVES FOR LAOS: Mr. John lln were on hand to welcome •< ti,lined men »re held IVtmbunt. Fla. He Is pro- him back into civilian life and donated which will be given as Mun." Th" F-.:;est." "Robert , i irRiivd by doctors Standish Alden, Warwick Rttad. of Labor Manacenient Re- door priies at the luncheon awl B r n >- h I t y." "Sinner* and Colonia, will Irave on Sunday an help him celebrate his 31st | • . in the area. Uttonship connected with Rutgers birthday. it is hoped one of the student Shrouds.' "Scorpion Reel." a 16,000-mile plane trek U nurses being sponsored by the "Orntley Does If -An Kp'JwIe of Vientiane, Uos. Mr. Aldrn rhosr Norbert Wels. P. O. 2/c spent The profrssort; tflbic m'aS "Serv- scholarship fund will be able to >iuno\v>," "The Judsre awl hts Southeast Asia at thf svbkct •( three and one-half years with et To Your Feltowmnn to the appear at the luncheon. Reserva- Haneman." "A Dying Fail."* ri»^ram Outlined his master's de*r»* at Yale I'nl- the U. S. Navy, and took part Rxelrnt of Ytwr AMlily.1 tion may be made with Mrs. J. ••Mojtiraker," "Walk a Wscked verslly. He is now Village Expert In a round-the-World cruise Mrs, WUluun Danjtell. president R. V. Brown. RA 7-0096. Mile." Tram Zero to Infinity." for the International Coopfra- with duties around Formosa | In (ub Pack 146 at the Udle$ AuxlUary of Iselin The next public meeting to "Teacher Ann Sullivan Micj" and tions Administration, an IPM> and Japan aboard the TJ. S. S. lions Club, presented two Iselin which all members of the au- The Hidden Grave." or the United States Govern- Hornet. He will now continue A new order of UM» road siims xiliary are Invited will be April ment's State Department. He his studies as mechanical en- ii.ith committee and 17 at the Girl Scout House at will fly United Air Unn to San Other jiues.* of the evening in- Eincer. •Aus Introduced at a 2 P. M. Dr. Dale Harris of Merck Francisco and then Pan Amrri- rluded Mrs. Qenrte Kovak, Mr. -.immlttw and den and Co.. Inc.. will Rive a film Paek Members « rxn to Honolulu. Toklo, H«»c u>d Mrs Henry Calsetta, Miss Pnt- '-,i!i Scout Pack 146. ricia Calsiff,*, Mr. and Mrs, Donald talk on "Microbe Killers." Mrs. Konr and Bangkok. Thence by Honor Guest 111, ,L K. Coles will be In charge of .; Mr and Mrs. Wtl- local plane to Vientiane. Oansell Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mar- Receive Awards n. EdRewood Ave- in. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Peterson. refreshments. No executive board Mr. Aldrn, who apeaks Staw- Albert Lamb. Com- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiman, Mr meeting will be held In April. ese and Laotian, will set aa ta- But Party Held iii.ui. presiding. ii 27 pack meetliiR meeting of U» club. Mrs. Maurice L. Rushmore, lection of thin tiny crucial coun- Paul with a virus and was congratu- :e and one silver and one gold HI :hc Inman Ave* Di Pompeo is chairman chairman of junior volunteers, re- ry. Mr. Alden's work b part %f lated by all his fmests by telephone urow; Peter Rutkowski wolf Vi:o Scaturro, ideas oorted that teams of four High the Ignited States Gnvemment'* from the Civic Club buildup. JOSKPH ( (iMIN VI K badge; web-a-!o and cub scout ;!.!:rman. announced School girls were serving regular- anti-communist movement. Among the guests were: Mrs. graduate certificate: Kenneth Mid- niTiit participation ly in the hospital. Mrs. L. L. Patrick Siracusn and children, Uorato, bear book: Dennis VMH revived. Begln- Colonia Cub Pack Pohl. reported that 742 large Patty and Rickie; Mrs. Tunder- D'Rourke,. wolf badge: Allan Kris. :: a different group dressings h»d been made for the Iselinite Breaks Records \;>i mnn and daughter, Jill; Mrs. A. tensen. bear book and silver ar- rjfli month will be hospital. -Mrs. W. Montgomery Fellowship Croup Ma?karinec and daughter, Laura: ow; Chester Kulesaa. bob cat pin, .,m the program and Meets Tomorrow Kimball. reported 67 baby j Frances nnd Buster Clark. Kath- made by the Colonia chapter. Mrs. In College Weight Lifting »nd wolf book; Joseph Baker. Ken- :i mothers In securlnR :ieth Oleckna and Gary Korfmann, COLONIA The monthly ' lwn Doochack. and Gary's aunt, Edward O. Bourns and Mrs. Irv- : crnftt and displays. Launches Program each one year pin; Uster Math- meenn« ot the Pack Committee [Kare[ n Black, all from Colonia ing P. Donaldson reported for ISEUN — Joseph Comunale. son O.. next month, : i Mycz. Mornlnijside JWS, bear book, bear pin and den- uf Pack 130 was held at the home Also attendins were: Mr. Ste- the Westfield chapters that num- of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Comunale.' Enrollcd m the Arnold College i.Modiiced as den mo- ISELIN - The Westminster r>i- ner stripe; John Lewis, dormer of Charles Knu

  • - . grow and the public continues to express the State Government of New in the book it will be necessary could come to him, we know, than the fu- cials are among the highest in signed to exploit the existing sharp. Voters run onl\ its confidence in newspapers to an amazing the country. Jersey. for the owner to furnish the friction may be left to the reader's (Continued on l\w Director of Motor Vehicles with ture's affirmation that he used these ex- The $30,000 a year salary paid Last year State officials and degree. employes spent $631,000 on tele- a certified weight slip covering traordinary qualities well. Governor Robert B. Meyner is the Vehicle to be registered. The newspaper, today then, represents the second highest in the nation phone calls and this year $605,- For our own part, we have felt it neces- for Chief Executives. New York 000 is provided for such ex- an even better buy, for the few cents one TAXES: — Republicans and sary lrom time to time to disagree with him State, which pays Governor penses. At the same time, the pays for it, than it ever has before, since State postage bill last year to- Democrats in the Legislature are on many essential points. We believe—and Averill Harriman $50,000 an- the time of the invention of the printing nually, leads the parade of hryh- taled S417.000, while this year striving for a joint approach to still do—that our local policy of growth and 1 salarled Governors. $427,000 has been approved for a program of additional taxes to press. The newspaper is still champion. finance a $14,000,000 State aid expansion could have been far more orderly postage stamps. Associated Justices of the New- The high cost of talking and to school construction program than has been the case, and that we might Jersey Supreme Court, who are telegraphing as well as letter before March 31. pajd $24,000 yearly, are nearly writing has been &• problem of In the search for new taxes have been much better prepared for the How to Avoid Robberies the highest paid jurists in the the State Government for many Democratic Governor Robert B. consequences of this growth than we are. land. Only New York and Penn- The Massachusetts Police Chiefs' Asso- years. In most State institutions, Meyner and Republican legisla- sylvania pay higher salaries. • Here again, the years will disclose which nurses and other employes are tive leaders are stymied by no ciation recently issued some advice to Edward B. McConnell, Adminis- required to pay for their per- new tax pledges in the respective judgment wes superior and which path was householders who wish to avoid robberies. trator Director of the Courts, has sonal rails at the end of each 1956 Democratic and Republican the path of wisdom. asked the Joint Legislative Ap- The suggestions are worth repeating to our month, and the same goes for platforms. The G.O.P. platform propriations Committee, to boost many State departments. states the party "has continu- At this moment of his retirement an- readers. Here they are: these salaries by $2,500 begin- State Budget Director Abram ally fought, worked and voted nouncement, however, it is our principal (1) Do not boast about money you have ning July 1. Vermeulen explains that every against st^te sales and personal intention to let Mr. Mroz know that we accumulated. *" Chief Justice Arthur T. Van- effort is being made to slash income taxes." Democrats pledge wi.sh for him all good things and for early derbilt, who receives $25,000 such costs. Whether too many "opposition to the enactment of (2) Lock your doors at dark. yearly, is al.su third highest paid and complete recovery from the long illness business ciill.s are being made via a personal income or sales tax." (3) Don't open the front door until you jurist in the land, exceeded only the telephone or an excess num- Increased State taxes on ciga- he has been fighting. We are sure that his know who is outside, and until you have by New York and Pennsylvania. ber of messages are being sent rettes, from three cents to four Attorney General Grove;- C. constituents and the community at large turned on a light. by telegraph is a matter of con- cents, is very likely. A?so under Richman,, Jr.. who gets $20,000 jecture, he said. consideration is an easily £ol- will join us in this hope, and that we will (4) In case of theft, call the police im- a year, is led by the Attorney In any event there is a move- lected one per cent tax on utili- General of Pennsylvania, who be able to have the benefit of his long ex- mediately. ment underway by the Joint, ties,—electricity, gas, telephones, Our LUI.'AL MERC'HANTH-iii their various lines 0! receives $25,000 a year, and the Legislative Appropriations Com- water and sewerage, — to raise tlic VVL'II knuwn diid ii.itionaUv »ilvertis»it l)r..: perience, as a private citizen, for many (5) If you see the thief, or thieves, memo- Attorney General of California, iroilucts TlirM" products enrrv the ui"""""''' u! mittee to slash all such costs ten $5,000,000. Because more money :I..IKLT wlmii is .ilsu "liutkecl-up" by tht rellubillty ut >'• years to come. rize as many details as you can about cloth- who is paid $21,000. per cent in the new fiscal year is needed in future years, such LOCAL storfliteptr. Tr»de lucully and bt known JS M The $18,000 salaries paid to arriving nex.t July 1. a tax could be increased as the nr Mrs Hu ..nd So"—where you art known as HEOl'M- ing, appearance, and so on. i.o! ,i» Aicumu JT2468'! Some uroup wlli »i«"»Vs ''"" members of the Governor's Cab- need warrants. It would be col- .I'MIK wuli somelhlng cheupcr but On Newspaper Advertising (6) Do not keep your money at home. inet who head the separate de- AUTOS: — Because the State lected from utility companies is a thing ALREADY KNOWN TO BE OOOD partments of the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles must ii.ii.it---> m Liis.iirii.iice VOO! t.et \is protebt you After all the revolutionary changes which (7) Do not be a dead hero. and, in turn, the cost would be •ii;;-cst.il)ilslur(l INSUHANCt; FIONEkKU: We might add one additional item to the State Government are higher be ready to cite the registration passed on to consumers. have taken place in the advertising world than salaries of similar officials fee for every conceivable make Friendly Service—As Near As Your Ph above list. That is, keep a good watchdog of other states, These positions and model car in New Jersey in the last ten years, the newspaper—it is PRIMARY CAMPAIGN:- are President, State Utility under the new system of dis- now proven—remains the best medium of in your home or apartment. The best Governor Robert B. Meyner will Board; Commissioner of Health; tributing licenses, a weird as- not stump the State before the advertising. watchdog is one that will bark at every Commissioner df Labor and In- sortment of cars are listed in a April 17 primary election on be- stranger, and which stays home at night. dustry; Commissioner of Con- 78-page booklet listing 106 The newspapers are the only advertising half of the unpledged ticket of servation and Economic Devel- makes of vehicles. 1 delegates-at-large which will se- opment; Commissioner of Bank- Remember the 'Moon car? lect a Democratic presidential ing arid Insurance, Secretary, They haven't been .manufac- candidate at the National Demo- State Department of Agriculture tured since 1931 but are listed cratic Convention in Chicago and State Treasurer. in the booklet and the registra- y\ Opinions of Others next August 8, State Highway Commissioner tion fee is $25. Then there is the 'Continued on Page Fourteen 1 Dwight R. G. Palmer is the high- Locomobile, Lexington, Marmon, PATIENCE HAS UMIT8 cially when it invades the privacy finally, we think a special word est paid highway official in the Marquette, Mathis, Peerless, Many a bus rider, and all bus of others or endangers lives and is called for regarding one De- country with his salary of $18,- Pierce-Arrow, Riley, Roamer, drivers, will sympathize with Al- property, isn't smart. It's boor- mocratic Senator in particular— 000 a year. State Education Rockne, Roosevelt, Durant, Cun- bert J. Barsalou. Mr. Barsalou ishness.—Hartford (Conn.) Cour- namely, Clinton P. Anderson of Commissioner Frederick M. Rau- ningham, Chandler, Erskine, Es-. came to the limit of his patience ant. New Mexico. No member of the blnger, who is paid $18,000, is sex, Flint, Haynes, Jordon, Lafa- wllh high school passengers the Senate has labored harder, more second only to the Commissioner yette, Ruxton, Star, Stearns- STREAMLINE oilier day. They had forgotten— A NOTABLE VICTORY loyally and more intelligently of Education of New York, who Knight. Terraplane, Tucker, Ve- uncl from the tenor of reports, It The Senate's decisive rejection than this former Secretary of receives $20,000 a year. William lie, Viking, Whippet, and Wind- on Thursday night of efforts to your money transactions was not the first time—that a bug Agriculture for a sound long- H. Kelly, President! of the State sor. 1 is a public conveyance for the restore high rigid farm price sup- term program for American agri- Civil Service Commission, Is also If a motorist owns any of public convenience. It Is not a ports calls for general congratu- only next to New York, in rfeceiv- culture, It was singularly appro- these cars, his 1956 registration vehicle for horseplay. Their con- lations. The vote is a tribute to in'g his $ia.|000 a year salary. cost will be based on the weight duct extended to throwing snow, Secretary Benson, who has had priate that this Senator, whose bulls around inside the bus. Mr. the perception to see that aban- devotion to the cause of the GLAMOR GIRLS Bafsulou made the first stop one donment of rigid price supports farmer knows no party line, at the East Hartford Police Sta- wns the sine qua non of any should have introduced w t h e tion, where five of the ringlead- lasting solution of the farm prob- amendment on which Thursday's ers were bundled off. lem and who has had the cour- key vote was recorded.—The New This is a radical cure, Usually age to cleave to his course in the York Times. harassed adults grit their teeth face of violent attacks from legis- and think that boys will be boys. lators who, in too many cases,' NO NEW MARVEL But the incidence of hoodlumjsm have identified the perpetuation The gentleman who told the Ihut passes for boyish pranks has of their political careers with the Industrial Cafeterial Managers yrown remarkably in recent years, perpetuation of price-fixing for convention that Some new marvel You can save lime, avoid confusion, farm products especially since the end of World of science will make it possible provide your own outomoti? rectipt- War II. It is Ml part of the Ju- But with ail due credit to Mr. ln the future for dirty dishes to venile-delinquency problem, even Benson this was not, needless to be washed by sound and dried by «»you poy by check. With all it, advanfooii, •' if such cases us these do not In- say, a pne-man victory. The Seo- air should be brought up to date volve arrests as a general rule, retary of Agriculture baa had the on the facts of family life. •» J eaiy to understand why over 90% it ts still misconduct. And cer- moral advantage of knowing that Diihes nave been washed and of all financial transactions are handled uniily it's bad citizenship. the President was backing him dried that way in millions of Perhaps youngsters now will to the hilt in h,is fight. It was households for generations. All wfelyondreadily^by check. ' realize that such conduct Is seii- widely believed that any bill that he has to do ls cock his ear uus. Perhaps parents, top, will came to the White House carry- around any kitchen door where ' Op«n your Checking Accoynt at t|ii, bank.^^^ read the riot act a little more ing a provision for rigid price a couple of members of the . ' A/ effectively, knowing that this supports would be vetoed.' younger generation are doing the timtj the passengers wound up Congratulations are due to the family chores. with a punishment they richly fifty-four Senators who supported The argument over who's going de.wrvtd. Decorum should not be the Admiustratlon-in this vital to wash and who's going to wipe 2% t»M 11 Savings Accouits u luf.1 mi. It has been a long Issue, and particularly to the the dishes is not only sound. It's time since George Washington thirteen Democratic members a ruckus and u dui. It (here's wrote uut, as u rule of civility, the who refused to go along with ef- a lull in that discussion, It's only 2Vi% Md 01 Savings Certificate! > maxim that "Every action done forts to reinstate the discredited for a moment. The sound and iu company, ought to be with system of price-flxing that n*s fury are bound cleared the table, some sign of respect, to those thai been preponderantly responsible who carried out the garbage and HIP present." But it is still a good (or the plight in which the farm- who put away the poU and pans guide. Acting up in public, espe- er find* himself today. And, tld on Paije fourteen Woodbridge National Bank " "Home, Sw&t Home' — where w? dance lome more PAGE TEN DEPENDENT-LEADBR to RJ?C$tDS!" ** Member; Federal Hmrve System »u4 FwUral D<*Mit Insurance THURSDAY, MAftCH 15, FAGS FORDS HOPELAWN KEASBEY lam Chowder Sale, Hospital Party Units Scheduled Tomorrow Take Interest in Public VFW Band to Take FORDS-The Ladies' Aid So- Plans Projtrfd. Merger lety of Our Redeemer Lutheran Life, Holy Name is Told Part in Parade Church will conduct a clam chow- FORDS—Every. American Cath-1 "4. Natural rights. The rights mint meeting of FORDS *r The opening of thr der and food sale tomorrow in the olio is conscience-bound to have to life, liberty and pursuit of hap Democratic 1956 parade season for the Fords church hall from noon to 4 P. M. some knowledge of, atid a con- piness are regarded as inalienable Democratic Memorial Post 690 VFW Military Advance orders for clam chow- stant interest In, public life and In America. Communism claims Monday might In Band will be marked by its ap- der may be placed with Mrs. Nich- affairs. John J. Rafferty, former that it is within its province to to pearahce at the St. Patrick"* Day cirlw olas Boelhower, 52 Coolldire Ave- judge of the Court of Errors and bestow such rights." ,., ,,| combining both parade In Newark Sunday with nue, or Mrs. A. L. Kreyllng, 26 Appeals, told ip<\ nwn attending "And what the State gives, the • the Linden Ancient Order of Hi- Fourth Street. Proceeds from the the annual Communion Breakfast State can easily take away," he , Knuiss. township bernians, under the baton of P are for the kitchen expansion sponsored by the Holy Name So- added. ., ..poke on problems Bandmaster Raymond B. H0I7:- fund, ciety of Our Lady of Peace A question and heimer, Jr.; the post color guard |ip Church. ' V..r.is held. under Gerhard Duekker, com- In outlining' the duties of citi- ,r«i;v announced his Novak-Benyola mander, and the band corps of 'county fommlttee- Lions Club Visits zenship he said that leading twirlers with Bendtlct Troteno ,„. i Anthony Nagy as church theologians say Catholic* directing, will also take part. have a serious obligation to par- \ir Nagy "» Engagement Told ticipate In government. Members Of tht band will be . with Mrs. Marie Renovated Bank guests4)f the Linden Hibernians ,inniitt*pwoman. Also "It is the duty of Catholics to HOPULAWN—The engagement at a corned beef and cabbage din- Congress- FORDS—The Fords Lions Club know the principles and purpose of Miss Nancy Mae Benyola, ner to toe served after the parade Freeholders met at Lopes Restaurant, with of government," he said. "All of daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John ,,l(.y, us should be aware of the funda- R, Benyola, 389 Florida Grove According to Stephen Lazar. ,,.„ William Camp- Clifford Dunham presiding.' president, there has been an un- . ,• otlowsW. The library committee thanked mental laws of our country; have Road, to Stephen Martin Novak, an evaluation of its Important son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novak, usual number of reguests for the K| . for the annua; the club for Its donation of books. M1 ( office holders and some under- 100 E. William Street, Fords, has unit's participation In parades New York to be All members .were asked to as- ;n standing of the major issues cur- been announced by her parents. during the month of May. Nego- sist In unloading paper from the rently facing legislators." . tiations are now being conducted first aid squad building. Miss Benyola was graduated through Joseph O. Zygmunt, Jr., Harold Backus, scoutmaster of Judge Rafferty recommended front Woodbridge High School, director of public relations, for the Boy Scout Troop 61, requested an that when Important legislation Is class of 1954, and is employed by band, and dates and places of 1 pending, Catholics read authorita- Stavld Engineering Inc. in North lUfast Planned assistant scoutmaster for the these parades will be announced tive works on the issues Involved; Plalnfleld. Her fiance was gradu- troop. later. ' form an opinion and then express ated from the Middlesex County Tickets for the annual dinner It to those in office—"before the Boys Vocational School and served )r Mother's Day of the United Service Clubs of proposal is enacted into law." for two years In the U. S. Army, Woodbridge Township, April 17, I'imis for a com1 Besides obeying the law, which including \1 months in Korea. He are now available. Members were Is employed by the Hanson Con- Joan Yarusevkh ..fi;! to be held Is the primary responsibility of *".-'i Mrs. asked to come early to the next struction Company, in Wood- , -wic discussed at every citizen, and taking advan- meeting so chest X-rays may be brldge. , ,,, Alur and Rosary taken. tage of political privileges, every Engaged to Wed Catholic should be public-Spirited, . , ,„ i,iuty of Peace After the meeting the members he added. toured the newly renovated Fords FORDS — Mr. and Mr*. John , ;i I'iinito was named National Bank. All the uses of the 'To avoid infractions of the law Final Report Made Yarusevlch, 52 Gordon Avenue, announced the engagement of Mi d by Mrs. Henry various electrically-operated tab- i simply being a good clUaen in their daughter, Joan, to Cpl. John ulating machines In each depart- negative way. But by showing J. Yaremko, Jr., son of Mr. and • ••niiy schwlner was ment were explained. The con- radical devotion to public inter- On Polio Campaign ists we contribute our full share Mrs. YaremRo, 14S4 Woodmere ENTERS MM TV A OVTEST: C»-vtucfe wtB V hrt* of at. Thomas Aquinas, whose $283.65; and Menlo Park Terrace, ated from Perth Amboy High Holds Court of Awards eyed Joan Buehan is the first to*m the iatttt part at My' » philosophy was based on the $210.12. A tag day conducted by School and is serving in the U. S. the Little Woman's Club under the apply as a contestant for the 195S*{0. Vnyti to teachings of Christ." Marine Corps, stationed at Camp FORDS—At a meeting of Girl supervision of Mrs. Harry Miller, Miss Middlesex County Pageant, p,,,^,,, Essential conflicts between De- LeJeune, N. C. He recently re- I Trout of Amboy 3cout Troop 42 held In Our Lady club advisor, netted $27.90. according to Co-chairman Cartttmj^. ^> 4^^^ 0,**^ rut 1 turned after 14 months in the Far Jar Peace Church School cafeteria mocracy and Communism were uoeler ;. Y The engagement of cited by the speakers as follows: East. i Chairman. Tiis mw; is spoe- *«* •» s* April 4 at court of awards was featured. /Veto Projects Outlined Miss Buehan. who is a gTaduat* ! sored Jjy UK Swtth Rnt J5>jcws, .••.• Mary Payti. daughter Second class badges were pre- "1. Powers of government. In ,: Mis Andrew Payti, 410 America they come from the con- of Perth Amboy High School and! Tb* 1354 ^Ml 1365 eftaeefc *«* ? * vte sented to the following: Connie By Ladies' Aid Society Andrew M. Kmiec, 10, resides with her parents. Mr. and'county Queen t«prafiia« *S * M ,,i. to Donald Trout, son Liekowltz, Barbara Sattllarq, Mil- sent of the governed, while Com- .; Mrs. Lester Trout, 384 munism thrusts its rule upon a FORDS—Mrs. Lester Miller was Mrs. Charles Buehan. at 21A OT m tl» SUt» PacMos «» it dred LaGuardia. Denlse Wentura Honored on Birthday Aldrich Drive, Fords, is not •' Cathj Gwndj«a a«! JwJy Pyrn.-*. R R •ncl, Perth Amboy. has Lois Britton, Mary O'Haia and people. appointed chairman of the spe- Minimi by her parent*. "2. Private property. A sacred cial project for March and April F O R D S — Andrew Micnael novice in winning titles. While in (both of Carol Jaczlna. The girls were also high school she «a$ voted "Miss — • \u is a graduate of St. presented world pins. institution in America, whereas at a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Kmiec, son of Mr. and Mrs. An- ui school, Perth Amboy, drew Kmiec, 785 King George Heartbreaker." and she was also! ^ Markne Ivantoskt. Sally Pas Communism denies this right ex- Society of the Grace Lutheran • :i.)4. mid is employed by Road, celebrated his tenth birth- voted "Miss Mirror Lake" of 19«. j f ternak and Patricia Hendrlck; cept when it serves the purpose Church House held In the church ('mil and Lumber Co,. of the State. hall. day at a party and a supper at his Joan is 19, stands 5 tevt threes | were invested. J inches and *rigt»-*M9 pamfej >: nance was graduated '3. Relationship between tltizen Mrs. Harold Dunham announced home. She loves swttmnint!. dancing and \ •:; Amboy High School CHRISTENING HELD i and State. In America, the State that the group card project Is in Guests were Donna Stevens, Su- singing and would like to enter a ; 'if mid is employed by FORDS—The infant daughter Is the servant of the people. Com- progress and all persons interested san Havrilla, Kenneth Nenei, Ger- school of modeling. She is pres- i. Cupper Works in Perth of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pluskota, munism Insists on the opposite, in obtaining boxes may contact ald Nikow, Frederick LeLong, Al- ently employed at DpPonts in 67 Johnson Street, was christened her at her home, 819 King George bert Arrighl, Christopher Soren- Parlin as a film inspector- Otiser Laura Anne by Rev. John E. Road. sen, Peter Smith, Alan Kmiec, Birthday Party Held vital statistics are 34-24-31 ANNIVERSARY Grimes in Our Lady of FMM Mrs. Norma Thirpe and Mra. Mrs. Joseph Sedtry and son, Jo- seph, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mr and Mrs. Walter Church. Sponsors were Mrs. Anna For Gail Hegedus, 8 John Johnson were in charge of The Miss Middlesex Count? Vincz, Jr. -1 wure honored on their Kovach, Tottenville, s. I., and Leo hospitality. Pageant Commute? would like . ii-ediluiH anniversary at PlutkoU, Colonlu. A dinner was FORDS—Gail Hegedus, daugh- girls, between the ages of 18 to 38. ui the Car Tune Club held for the christening party and ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hege- NAME DELEGATE ON DEAN'S LIST single and who have Itvied in Mid- • Mime of Mr. and Mrs, members of the family. The couple dus, 154 Liberty Street, was hon- KEASBEY —The Keasbey Fire FORDS — Miss Kathleen Jan- dlesex County six months pr*»*( 1.IK Liberty Street, Re- has another daughter, Diane. ored at a party In celebration of Department at its regular meeting nucci, 994 Main Street, has been her eighth birthday. wcii' served and Mrs named Stephen Flsco a delegate named to the dean's list at the INFANT rURISTENED RESERVATIONS READY GuesU were Valerie Hegedus, to the State Fire Department con- College of Saint Elisabeth at Con- utl as FORDS—Den mothers and as- FORDS — Infant daughter of Patricia Anderson, -Lois Smoyak, vention with Ben Glofl as alter- vent Station for high academic Mr. and Mrc. Anthony Laiaria sistant den mothers of Boy Scout Bonnie Minue, Maureen Szatkow- nate. Daniel Panconl and Louis achievement during the first se- TO FAMILY 765 Kmg George Road. *as chris-} « rcmtil tiMe, Troops sponsored by School 14 skl, Kathy Lyons, Nancy Tarr and Banko were accepted as honorary mester. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paulo tened Laura Btmatte Laiario by PTA wishing to attend the blue Bernadette Spees, all of Fords, members of the department and Mr. and Mrs. Domlnkk Jannucci. TK* u» kkftr w auto tarns t» At i:; Inverness Terrace, and gold dinner March 24 In the the Rev Alfred Smith at serrkes the child's godparents; Mr. and a donation was voted to the Red Miss Jannucci is n junior. in Our Ladi of Peas* Church. Mr. :•;'s of a son born in Middlesex County Girls' Voca- Mrs. James Metocsik, Avenel, and Cross. Aintoy General Ho*' tional School may obtain reserva- NEWCOMER and Mrs Eugene Gibson of Se- grandmother, Mrs. Anna Hegedus, waren were the sponsore. tions from Chester Lund, commit- aLso of Fords. COMMUNION BREAKFAST HOPELAWN —Mr. and Mrs. tee member of Pack 154. FORDS—Junior and Senior So- Edward Baldyga, HO Penny Ave- NEW ARRIVAL dalities of Our Lady of Peace nue, are the parnets of a son born FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Mtchaei SON FOR GINCZIS PABENTS OF SON Church will hold its annual mother in the Perth Amboy General Hos- SimkoYkh, M9 Woodbridge Am- HOPELAWN — Mr. and Mrs FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph pital. GET $50 to $500 TODAY Dubasak, 157 Dunbar Avenue, are and daughter communion break- nue, are the parents (of a daugh- Stephen Oinczi. 17 May Street, are fast in Lopes Restaurant after the the parents of u .son born in the the parents of a son born in the BUNDLE FROM HEAVEN ter, bom in the Perth. Amboy Gen- Perth Amboy General Hospital. 8 A. M. Mass Sunday. Former So- eral Hospital. Perth Amboy General Hospital. dallsts wishing to attend may do HOPELAWN — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adamlec, 16 Emmett Ave- so by contacting either Miss Ann HAVE DAUGHTER nue, are the parents of a daughter Marie Katchmer, 22 Paul Street, HOPELAWN — Corporal and born in the Perth Amboy General or Miss Carol Paszinski of Hornsby Mrs. Nunnart A. Lunde. 51 Clyde Hospital. 85 MAIN ST. Km 11HI I The Public is Invited Avenue. Avenue, are the patents of a rri*w Em Dr. White doubts that "stress daughter born at Fort MeCkllan, STORK PAYS CALL and strain" hurts hearts. Alabama. FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. John Falkiewicz, 33 Albourne Street, are the parents of a daughter born 495 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE, FORDS in the Perth Amboy General rrahmann A PHONE YA-$-33K Hospital. DAUGHTER OF VALENTINES Distinctive Gifts —Greeting Cards FORDS—Mr. and iMrs. Robert For All Occasions Valentine, 91 First Street, are the parents of a daughter born in the JOIN OUR MERCHANDISE CUB Perth Amboy General Hospital. 1.51 MUkXXtAY mi — Wedding — Birth and Social UNIT TO MEET IMPORTED BAVARIAN CHINA Ml to viiw FORDS — The Mother's Auxil- iary of the Fords-Edison Little SHOWER AND WEDDING ACCESSORIES the BEAUTIFUL League will meet Monday, March 19, In the Amboy Avenue Fire MERCHANDISE CLUBS LAY-AWAY FLAN STONIER EXHIBIT of House, at I P. M. UWANT UNITED fur you NATltfNS P-1"* Yi-llow Pages of Change of Address wiH! book. MONEY e mire your nauM UHV to find. NOW on dliphf tilvt-rtiue all your in oar LAW OFFICES IUL'LH and Mrvic«l. LOBBY ui-iii'rib« what you do FREDERICK M. ADAMS JOSBPH.A. MANZIONE AEMBER- JO6EPH P. ORECO .. y to spend— ASSOCIATES you t ' • :• •

    in the Fronv— ELLOW 87 MAIN 530 RAHWAY AVENUE PERTH AMBOY , N. J. WOODBRIDGE, N. J. [PAGES The FORDS NATIONAL BANK WOoAridge 8-33M CAR WASH pi your phont book The Friendly Bank of Fords, New Jersey WOodbridt* %-tm rKDHRAL MtlBKVI I*IT«M «* FXUCRAL iNHVBAWd COST. '11 Illl 1 INDEPENDENT ],|.

    PAQE TWELVE THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 1956 LEGAL NOTK LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES MX County Court at LEGAL NOTICES bidder accordlni? to tn the City ot N^ Hri V. 8. AIR ACADEMY file n'th the Real Jwtejr. on Friday, Carl Welllmton Bunkert, MAR The new Air Force Academy ^SKiSS M»rch, t»58, at lo n ,, ,, ' B NDTf' the forenoon or m\i\ ij.,' seems to be twice a.% alluring to thereafter a« rnunai-i .', Chain o'Hills Park* Reports future military lenders aa the tor a Judgment nuthor'ri" Army and Navy Academies. 8ome Allyn Rlchroath, Kn-h,,!, ll2 ro»th »nd Kll7.nbeth M I 0° Tounu men have been nom- Infant children of in'.,,,. 3chroeder and his two brothers, drtd r Smith, and their helm awume the iimnr, ,..• ., Myra. Kathleen Rmii William and Michael. emles. and of these some 5,500 .,,,, ** -Mr tnd Mrs. Paul FUce. Attorney for Plplntlfl beth Mary Mycj have their sights on trie Air Force 510 Linden Avanue 1 MRS GEORGE Washington Avenue, entertained Academy, which will begin its sec- Woodbrldge, N. J A" ,! Sunday for U* third birthday of j F. IIBCII'SON ond year in temporary headquar- DATID: Fenru.O- ElimbPfii w, their daufhter. Undi Denlse. At- InfnniR. by i t f ters at Denver. Col. their moii.iV Horn** Part -ending were Mr and Mrs. AAn- Dated: Febmary is, ]y,(, Avrnae 'honj Benenato and children. Ed- An Inflatable plane by Goodyear Robert M, Dvorin takes to the air. Attorney for Plaintm*, ' «rd and Anil*. BelevlU*; Mr. and .Mll:V.riUS [mm int.... _ 110 North,Wood Avrii.i,. 8lat* of New' JerBey""Ts"plaintiff, and j JYusTvV'in Block 841-N on the v Linden, New Jersey J-H7J Mrs gjmu^i ftlce and daughter, LEGAL NOTICES 81 'rtms provided for in the contract of Debra. Kennilworth: Douglas Si- lnn « Orelw et afs,,, ar»ree_ defendants.! brldse Township Assessment Map 1,-1. •) •' NEW JBR8ET DEPARTMENT OF peidlng In the Superior Court o New further notice mmat me io»n- salr mon. Kathleen Fitce and Lois i h b esolutlo. anJ Take further nottfe that at said sale. SUMMARY Of AUDIT CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS J.raey, Chancery Division, with In 351 ,h Commi,t,e h»s. by r Announced dosing date tar filing cl B m >r any" rt.ttc to tthirh It may he nd- BOARD OF FIRS COMMISSIONERS Ka>rKa->>rr. . Ar.n ASXMASXMX HomeHom s Lsghg t of the Park: also, Mrs. Ml- day. after March 22nd ..'•*«• " " J"p«™i»nt to law. fixed DISTRICT NO. U-ISELIN, NBW JERSEY hild ihl •pollutions M»rrh JO, IBM. of auch date. If you fall to do so. Judu-1* •nnnifd. the Township Committee »- Psrfc A.rr.;p rt>bra'.ed her I2;h chael B«CT and children Michael For applications, duties tnd mini- raent by default may be rendered b..;N1::s;:-.cc Pat::<;a ar.c Carol Mr arid Mrs. Joseph Connelly of filhe your lianswet r andende proodf Yoof uservic shalel Trenton. New Jersey the "d nrmner of P»ff.">'- '» Iseim. New Jersey Open to tntle and female ctumni, 12 In duplicate with the Clerk of the more minimum bld» sB»ll Manniuo S:r::or. Anne it& Ro- Nixon Park. t {Superior or °eninnaccordance with your Imtructloiu I h»« complettd »r, sa!:< Ra-.ff^r.rio. Rosel'.e ar.c Jroml —Monday marked the 18th months reatdenf'tn the Townihlp ol e:i . Woodbrldge. r«h R«elpS and DlibursemenUi Record, for the year ended Jrt; Woic;fc. o; ,::.•» Jean ;. Jo-1 birthday of Joseph Wyatl, son of Assistant Municipal Court Cl«k. with the rules of civil practice ana arrcnunrf of the minimum Tn,! Cash balance shown by your recorda m reconciled with :i, Art? :r.» M&:.on Heta-; Mrs. Plk*. who is serving In the Salary. $3.8Vt per year . procedure. bid. or l.-L. 1/1. 8, 1S/M The action has been Instituted for ,|nr«T»n i.iwiiMin, rommli'cc knd the payment " the Mclpu ski Jo\vr cv>»n. Lynn Ne*ell and; N»vy aboard the VS3. Caloosa- thereof bv the purchaser Rcrordltig to •has* In accordance ' her V.>;«T Frar.rxe and brother.! hatchee and, b now on way back NOTirP. TO BIDDERS ror ln lhe ronlracl ,t;r m inner iif pun ' Balance February 1, 1955 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that certain lands sold to the plaintiff at sale •.il'h 'i-rms nf sa'.c on file, the Town- Appropriation 195J • Tommy to the States from Puerto Rico. waled blda for the purchaae by the tax sales held on November IS, 1MB, Take further notice that at said SHIP. slim will deliver » bargain and sale Miscellaneous RtcelpU of Mr and TownaWp of. approximately 47 lineal October 21. 1849. October 20. 1990, andor any date to which It may be ad- cleft* for ^*ud prRnile1; —The 'ir..'ant son _ Mrs Thomas Ikuss. Mr fe«t"oft"f f §f)eve n anndd OehlOne-half t n'fc{I'M)) feefet tOctober 15, 1952. affecting lands In the journed, the Township Committee re- DATED March 6, 1956. Total Receipts Mrs Oeorce Kaemko. Park Are-j R^ton Street, celebrated 12 frw standing partitions, Johns-Man- Township o^ Woodbrldge. In the County serves the right In lt» discretion tn of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, ,i ut MOAN. iown«l)!p Clerk rue, -*a.- chrutcnw Sunday m St | ^ nian-fcje Sunday. Satur- till* Class A Movable Walls, or its rejecrejfet any one or all bids aann d to sell | tt .' ut SIMJ. I««IBUP *.*... TotBl Balance and Receipts rws described on the tax duplicate thereo 1J 1 Equivalent, to be full; tnd completely -said lot'-'s- i'n- sai•"•**d blockMrvv*s tno sucKiirh biddehicidrtr '• TToo19?fi br. :idvrrU*ptIn ilir trdcpendent-Leadirl M;urh ft. find Mnre. h Ceoclia .- Church by Rev John,^, afternoon they chaperoned erected, with doora, hardware, and at Block 373B. Lots 1« tnd 17. tltuatrd w'lt msy MlK-rdiiTrewrd belni flvei, ] 11 1 Berkeley Boulevard, Block 378B, Lot • manner of payment. In . DISBURSEMENTS M Wiius. Sponsors were Mrs. I nenbtn of Mrs .Ikuss Girl Scout other equipment, ln the Township situate ' "'"-" Cleric's Office, win b« received by the t 4. situated on NlmVz Place. 1 i"se m' °J more minimum bids shall; OIRT OF NEW JERSEY Bond Issue Deposit I 1.2'» Sujilfy Payne. Wh:ppar.y and I j^^ m fc roUer.sk.ting party . Township Committee of the Township 388-J, Lot .. .. slTEBKm C Commissioners and dirk Balarlet " .I....«.H «n|l» recced. i CHANCERV DIVISON Andrem Kac;nfco, Irvinsion. The I City Arena, Eliza- of Woodbrldge a> the Memorial Munlct- Block 4XJ. Lots 10 and 11, situated on Cpon acceptanw of the minimum j COl'NTV Insurance . baby has been named Pau'. Mi-1 pal Building. I Main Street, Wood- Willow Avenue. Block 563BB. Lots 1 and bid. or bid above minimum, by the. jr.M-2.V«-55_ Professional Fees •nd in the evening, accom- bridge, New Jersey, until 8'P. M... E8T.8A. situated on Rahway Avenue. Block Houseman Salary . . .inn f,. chae! D;nr.cr was servtd at the' 594, Lots 24 and ,25. situated on Welge- Township Committee, tnd the payment , ROBERT CHAFtl.EH DISTELCAMP, 1(I;M; ' panied by Mr. and Mrs. Patrick on March 20. 1956. and then at aatd thereof by the Purchaser accordlni! to PlaintifPlalntinf /Power , , Kacmfco ina* following the cere- Memorial Municipal Building publicly wood Avenue, and Block 720, Lots 46 — vs. — Ilhimlnatlng Oas , 1 ',• Paladtno. Westbury. bad dinner and 47. situated on Oeorge Street. the manner of purchase In nccordnnre 53'i >; opened and read aloud, with terms of sale on ftle. the Town- ;.« ANNA K1NSELLA Fuel mony and present were Stanley and attended a show. You and eBch of you are made de- ?1 'i Plans and specifications may be ob DISTELCAMP, Flrehouse Maintenance Pajtw and children. Patty, Gmny Ulbed ln the office of Mrs. Vera M fendants in the above entitled action ship wlil deliver a bargain and sale 164 41 .—Mr. and Mrs. David Flanz- because you hove or may claim to have deed for said premises. Defendant Truck Fuel »a:;on. yesterday at the Myers home on Agent's Office, County Record Building, I.-L. 3/1, 8, 15. 22/22/MM " —1{ you are inter'esied in your Grand Avenue. Gregory was seven New Brunswick, N. J., at which time Monday, Jane Marie and Kath- ds will be opened: children's ceurar.on r.r.d in the 90 doz. Wash Cloths—size 12" x 12" creiit tired for additional schools. I leen were five and eight respec- 36 doz. Bed Sheets—siae 72" s 9D" 29 doz. Pillow Cases—size 36" x 45" • it would be a J:OC\1 idea to auend 16 dol. Krlnklc Bed Spreads- the mor.', I'-.'.y rnwtmi/s oj the party were their grandparents, size 81" x 99" Board of Education, i.vl.1 On the Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Flynn, Arthur 6 doz. Bath Blankets—Size 81" x 99" 20 Mattresses—size 36"x75" th::d Mon.i.iy a', th" Wjor.bndge Flynn Jr., and Miss Loretta But- Specifications may be obtained at the Fl Hiph Srhoo'. Tiif r.-x: meeting ler, Newark; also Mr. and Mrs. ?urchaslnK Agents Office, County Rec- Norman Will and children, Mary ord Building, tfew Brunswick. N. J.. any wi:i be Monday ,u 8 o r'.ock. P;es- working duy between the hourn of 9:00 rnflv under dUcus'.or. and in- Beth, Norman, Barbara and Vir- A. M. to 4:00 P. M. Monday through ginia. Bloomfleld. Fnduy. vesiijauor. ;ue a new t-c'r.ool for If two or morep merchants arc tie on Hoffman Bou'.pva:;;. Co'.,>nia. and -^Dr. Sidney Goff was given a an Hem. the Purchasing Agent reserves one !orMenlo Park Terrace. As | hearty welcome at last Thurs- the right to make the award to one of da vs the bidders. Uxpayors andd voters srseti in on ththee ' - meeting of the Citizens 'Bidders shall tender their bids on Counc11 iw their own letterheads In thiplicote. and ground Uoor and find out what is | Education. Dr. Ralph bids must be accompanied by cash or bcin? panned lor your children's Barone and Mrs. George Hafely certified check In the amount of ten futurr schoolms;. were appointed the Council's rep- per cent (10';;) of total bid. The successful bidder will be required —P c n n y Bauciioux. Kathie resentatives to the monthly meet- to furnish a sntlsfuctory performance Biankcn, Bobby and Pred Board of Education; bond In the full amount of his con- and °' tract. Prick were luncheon puests of »«*Pted into membership The Board of Chosen Freeholders re- Barbara Ra:mo las: wtvfc. when | «"> Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rise, serve the right to Increase or decrease Mrs. Irving Hutt, Miss Ruth the amount above specified by adding she celebrated ht-r eisluh birth- thereto or deducting thereirom an day. Wolk, Donald Delia and Mrs. Mur- amount cqtin! to twenty-five per cent ray Dem. The next meeting will (25',) of the totul amount herein --Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Strmn- mentioned. er, Elizabeth Avenue, entertain- be hold April 12, 8 o'clock at the The Purchasing- Agent reserves the ed on the 7th in honor of the Town H«|l. right to reject any or -all bids and his action Is subject UvAUJMtfacW to the third birthtiaj; -oL thatr «rst lid Class is, being approval of the fJOf'fl affihasen Free- ter. Marion. Guests were ,Donna formed through the efforts of holders of the County of Middlesex, B.KI me Hoard of Managers of Roosevelt Penne.sz, Barbara Siusat. Denise Mrs. Peter Kravltz, which will be Hospital for Diseases of the Chest. and Lorraine Keleher, Arthur under the direction of Anthony By order of the Board of Chosen Poreda. Members registered so far Freeholders of the County of Middlesex. Ranaitan. Judy Davidson, Paula MRS. HELEN HAYES, ana Norman Roberts, Edward are Mrs. George Natusch, Mrs, Purchasing Agent Manning. Richard MtRlioratl, Robert Susat, Mrs, Frank Fen I.-L. 3/15/56 Billy and Pattic Soharff. Barbara new, Mrs. Prances Wageman, Mrs STATE OF NEW JERSEY and Sandra Cavailero and Mar-1 Fred Austin, Mrs. Raymond Al- DEPARTMENT OF STATE CERTIFICATION OF DISSOLUTION ion's .sisters, Virginia ar.d Eliza- exander, Mrs. Stanley Baum, Mrs. To nil to whom these presents beth, r Gregory Rutnlk, Mrs. Thomas may come, Greeting: Ikuss, Mrs, O. J. McMahon, Mrs. WHEREAS. It appears to my satlsfac. —Mis Edward J. Manning, tlon, by duly authenticated recora oi Homes Park Avenue, was guest Donald Barnickel, Mrs. Garl Sies- the proceeding for the volnntury dis- mer, Mrs. J. J. Magnier and Mrs.solution thereof by the unanimous con- of honor at a surprise baby-shower sent of all the stockholders, ueposive.i given at the home of. Mrs. Jacob Mollie SchreibeT. The class will ln my office, that FORDS CORNER Saranszac. Woodruff Street, by meet once a week for a two-hour REALTY AND INVESTMENT CO., a period on Tuesdays at First Aid corporation of this Stat«, whose princi- the club of which Mrs. Manning pal office Is situated at No. SOS New Building on Lincoln Highway. Brunswick Avenue, In the Borough of is a member. Participating were Fords, County of Middlesex. State of Mis. Nicholas Katcher, Mrs. Ku- —Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Rich- New Jersey, (W. Howard Fullerton be- Rcne Stringer. Mrs. Raymond Al- ing the, a£ent therein and In charge man, Park Avenue, were guests thereof,! upon whom process may be exander. Mrs. Stanley Baum. Mrp. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John served), has complied with the require- William Theofalis, Mrs. Anthony ments of Title 14, Corporation, General, Pa»s, Rahway, Tuesday. of Revised Statutes of New Jersey, pre- Cuiba, Mrs. Edward Flood, Mrs. —Birthday greetings to Walter liminary to the Issuing ot the Certifi- Frank Marknun. all of the Park, Koenlg, Jr., Park Avenue, Mar- cate of Dissolution. NOW THEREFORE, I, the Secretary also Mrs. MeOarry, Roselle Park, garet Reitmeyer, Grand Ave- of State of the State of. New Jersey, even Webster. Rebecca nue, and to Irene Elttabeth Quig- Do Hereby Certify that tke said cor- Placr. was eiyht yours old Sunday. poration did, on the Fifth day of ley, Rebecca Place, and Ilene March, 1955. file in my office a duiy Guests at his party were Edward Richman, who both celebrated executed and attested consent ln writ- Kronscder. Dawn Adams, Harold first birthdays. ing to the dissolution of said corpora- tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid we now on file In my said ofrlce us pro- vided by lew. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereto set my himd and affixed' my Woodbridge Oak$ "News official seal, at Trenton, this Fifth duy of March,' A. D: one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, /s/ EDWARD J. , ramcr's parents, Mr. and Mts. SEAL Secretary of State Leo Fox over the week-end. W, HOWARD FULLERTON, ESQ., By 505 New Brunswick Avenue —Mrs. Mary Woolley, Adams Fords, N. J. GLADYS E. treet, was a Thursday to Sunday I.-L. 3/15, 22, 29; 4/5/56 SCANK :Uest of her son and daughter- 8UPEKI0R COURT OF NEW JERSEY in-law at West End. CHANCERY DIVISION Pests out!—thanks to Texas Eastern 497 Lincoln Middlesex County Uifhwar —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schott, Docket No. F-1960/M tdams Street, attended the THE TAX INVESTMENT CORPORA- TION OF NEW JERSEY, a cqrpora- Tel. LI-8-1679 hristening and reception of little tlon of the State of New Jersey, Donna Marie and Richard Robert Plaintiff, vs. I Woolley, twin children of Mr. and IRENE QREIZA, et ala, Mrs, Joseph Woolley, West End. Defendants. Natital gas transported from the Southwest via Texas Eastern — Mis. Alex Cutlibertson, Oak The ceremony took plaee at Our CIVIL ACTION TIIM; H were Mrs. Qer&td FitlSim birth of a son at Perth Amtooy LOW PIPELINES ollprettvcH mons, Ruben Fiusimmons, W Generftl Hospital. Mw>.s Edwunt Ui^haw, all of Jer IJoaton . .eoo sey City. . OAMAQINO ADMISSION Detroit ! J —Mr. ami Mi> [tubert S(kor« Patlint: "Doctor, Isn't it some- 9Oo A' (34 Geortc I'kue wfie hosts 6at< what out of your way to visit me fom H^UM altw t PM and ... here?" all day rim..lay a win. ItaUi* Texas Eastern's natural gas pipelines serve the urday to Mr and Mrs. John aim, 1U%1'«1. Itiutiuoluibd. Canon. El«.;!jeth Doctor: "Not too bad. I have —Mr. wid M>.s Herbert Krwnei another patient nearby, so I'll kll two birds with one stone." '


    Honor Edmund Speece guests last Thursday of Mr. and Guellichs Hosts Mrs. Owrge Latzko, Patricia Ave- Jr. Scout Leaders Lafayette Estates For Service at Plant Inraan Ave. Section Colonia nue. —Mr and Mrs. Jamet Black, Jr. At Colonia Home AVENKL—Celebrating 35 years ahd son, James m, Fahwood were On Overnight Hike of service with the Western Elec- (Including Dukes' Estates, Canterbury Village, day to ft dinner and a show by her the guests Sunday evening of Mr. tric Company, Edmund Bpeece, 45 husband, George. Woodbridge Knolls, Oak Ridge Heights) and Mrs. James Black, Sr,, Patri- COLONIA - Troop 45 Junior COLONIA—Mr. and Mrs. Wil-Manhattan Avenue, was honored —Anniversaries oi the week: Mr. cia Avenue. leaders went on their first over* By THF.LMA liam E. Ouelllch, 40 McKlnley at a company-sponsored reception and Mrs. Murray Pieck, Conean- —Mr. and Mis. Michael De Vico night hike of the season, Attend- Avenue, entertained at a house- at the Kearny plant. DonouRh, all of Wendy Road were DAVIDSON non Drive, dined at Eddie Kaplan's and son, Michael, Jr., South Main- ing were the Scoutmaster, Sidney warming party. By MRS. the guests Tuesday evening of Steak House and completed the Mr. Speece Ls an order analyst field wore the Saturday evening Freund, Bduce Connolly, Otry CHARLES Its. M. dreenldge, Phoebe Court: 21 Jonquil Clr. evening by going to see "Guys and Among the guests were W. F. in one of the plant's large manu- guests of Mr. and Mrs. George lohr and Robert Wels. The bojrj Dolls," Guelllch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Connalr, facturing shops. He began with OLIPHANT, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bushin- Latzko, Patricia Avenue. were able to pass many outdoor Liberty I.-MM Western Electric in 1921 M an In- —Mr. and Mrs. James McOrath, Jersey City; Mrs. Ehrltf, Anna Jr. ki and daughter, Judy, Keans- —Mrs. Rose Warshawsky. New- ests. as well as learn camping strument maker In Philadelphia. Arlington Drive, marked their an- Ehrlg, Frank Ehrig, Mrs. D. Ua- West Street, :, were the dinner guests Sun- ark, 1$ vIsitihB with her son and .kills to pass along to the entire In 1931, he was transferred to the ay, of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Rlppa, niversary. Together with Mr. and man, Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, Colonia, N. J. dnughter-ln-law, Mr. and Mn. ,roop on Its forthcoming over- Kearny works. The Avenel man Is Jbcmarle Road. Mrs. Charles Mulllns, Mr. and Mrs. all of Bloomfleld: Mr. and Mrs. Fhone Milton Albemarle iRht hike. Lnfnycttc Estates a member of the Woodbridge Warshawsky, Mathew Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fulton 8-1966 —Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Shur and Road. •Some of the Scouts built a log ttimd the n:eetlngs G. De Lamater, Wfest New York; Township Police Reserves and the Joseph LaCovara, Mr. and Mrs. aughtcr, Robin, Dufoc Place, aft while others did tracking by Education which Mr. and Mrs. G. Rammeiuee, Ber- Stanley 9. Holmes Chapter, Tele- —Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Suit, West Oliver Bass, and Mr. and Mrs, islted Mr. and Mrs. Sol Shur, ise of trail signs. Still" others third Mondays Of genfleld; Mr. and Mrs. I. Leh- phone Pioneers of America. —Mr, nnd Mis. Bernard Brock Street, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. John Schwing, they dined at the Bronx, N. Y. ' racked by use of the compass. Woodbridge High more, Huntingdon; Mr. and Mrs. uul son, Bernard Jr., McKlnley J. Smith, Gladstone, Sunday. Tavern and made merry at the —Mr. and Mrs. Karl Zlegler, The camp site was on the south , ,t,K>st.lons concerning T. Sweet and son, Kevin, Hlcks- ,\vcnui>, attended a birthday party —Friday evening guests of Mr. Miami Club in Staton Island. Cortland, N. Y., returned home ranch of the Rarltan River, near ' ,,timt.ion In this area vllle.; Mr, and Mrs. De Lamater .or Mr. Brock's niece, Mary Bolpi, and Mrs. Arthur Nolan, Clarldge —The Robert Shnrrys, Arling- Tallfon. Saturday's weather was ,.,TA directly by Board Jr., and sons, James and John, Church Unit Makes Jersey City, Sunday. fter a three week visit with their Place, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold ton Drive, celebrated lucky thir- ion and daughter-ln-lftw, Mr. and deal for camping, but on Sunday ,] future plans can be Wechawken. --Mr, nnd Mrs. Rod Greig and Orles, Roselle; Mr. and Mrs. Jo- '.,tknding these meet- teen years of married life. Mrs. Carl Zlegler, Linda Avenue. seph La Placa, Linden; Mr. and rained all day. The next hike ' Also, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stamm son, Jimmy and Mrs. Fauser, It is urged that as —Entertaining at dinner Satur- Hat Social Plans —Mr. and Mrs. George Lees, Mrs. John Hanafln, Elizabeth, Miss scheduled for the troop will be a day night, were: Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, Lauretta, Conn.; Broadwny Avenue, were the week- lay hlge for tfrmntlrc troop t4 ,,ttcnd as often as end Kuests of Mr. and Mrs! Harold -Inda Avenue, accompanied by Ann Harvey, Elizabeth and Gene ,„•(., Vincent DeBtefano, Arlington Dr. Mr., and Mrs. L. BleliU- and ISELIN—A meeting of the La- Mrs. Ralph Frlnt, Pequarinock, Baker, Jersey City. K held in latefftarch or early The guests were: Mr. Bnd Mrs,.daughter. Rlveredge; Mr. and Mrs Grcig, Princeton. party, sponsored by dies Aid Society of Frat Presbyter- have left for a five week stay In ^-Sunday dinner guests of, Mr April, yrr Walter Wilgon, Valley Stream, L. 1. J. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. J Wallace Edhu'er, Irving- I'nk chnpter, American ian Church oflselin was held at St. Pctcrburg, ,Fla. There they "lid Mrs. George Latzko, Patricia The Troop 45 committee m- Mr, and Mrs. Balvatore Oreste, Florez and son, Barry, Mn and ton, entertained Mrs. Donald Jac- .' ,, will take place the church meeting room, Monday ,vlll visit Mr, and Mrs. Oeorge Lets, AVcnUe, were Mr. and Mrs. Donald nounces that the troop Is filled to M]rl ss Brooklyn. Mrs. P. Collins and daughter, f3ue when plans were completed for the iues and daughters, Lorraine nnd .\,,I-II 10 at the Paper Jf • • • • :; Balrd and daughter, Helen, Plain- capacity, but a waiting list Is nq« Mr. and Mrs, U. Mlkovitch and hat social at the church March 26. Jeanne, Wendy Road, Friday. Mtllburn. The show —Guests at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Saijger, field. established. Anyone wishing to be hlldren, Bemadette and Michael (|UT and I." Ticket* Edward Plnnesan, son of Mr. and An invitation from the Young —Mr. and Mrs. ft'ussell Moody, Broadway Avenue, visited > Mis? —Miss -Ma Madill, Rye, N. Y.. placed on this list, please contact 11 of Colonia; Mr. and Mrs, Pfell- !,",liTcd by calling Mrs. Mrs. John Ftnnegan, Concannon Women's Guild of the church was Broadway Avenue, entertained al Joan Jones, New York City;- Sa- the week-end guMt of Mr, the chairman, Hope Smith, at • T, F. Fuchs, Sr., and daughter, ,,„,, io3 Atlantic Ave., Drive, were his many friends from read and accepted for March 27. dinner Sunday, Mr, arid Mrs. John turday evening. , ' • ; and Mrs. Samuel Nelson, Wood FU-8-2969. Irvington: Joe Accardl, Jerry Betz- 3elen, Mr."and Mrs? F. Fuchs, Jr., Hostesses at the meeting were Mrs. Gundy and daughter, Linda, Belle —Mrs. Mary Dobna, Hopelawn, Avenue. •r- i,l 8-5239. UNIVERSITY CLUB TO MEET ner, Charles Reber, ^mil Rishavy, Mr. and Mrs, E. Goodhue and William Vander Decker, Mrs. Fred vllle. • was the dinner guest of Mr,'and- —Mr. and Mrs. George Skibinsk ,.,,. Troop 58 held its laughter, Patricia, and son, Mel-Walker and Mrs. Brent. COLONIA — A meeting of the Jerry Palumbo, the Misses Rhoda —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Indyk Mrs. Charles Ollphant, Jr., West and sons, George and Robert, Ise- . Saturday. ln. Mr. and Mrs. N. Quint, all of American Association of Univer- Bardner, Josephine Llbrlzzi, Jo The next meeting March 26 will and daughters, Irene artd Valerie Street, Sunday. tin, wefe the dinner guests Sunday l .vrro: LlllaBaUsmo, Jnlon City; Mr. and Mrs. W. sity Women will be held March 22 Anne Stansbury, Janet Mahr and have as a hospitality committee, Broadway Avenue, visited Mrs —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barber Of Mr: and Mrs, Charles Sklbin nvskl. Sondra Furia, Denny, Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. at 2 P. M. at the Colonia (Library. Miffl Elaine Bradell, South Orange. Mrs. Samuel Blodgett. Mrs. Anne Rose Russillo, Newark, Sunday and children, Ellen Rose and' ski, Amtutrst Avenue. -iM). Darlene Johan- E. Fuchs and children, Joseph and It will be an annual business —Over the Week-end,- Mr. and Calvert and Mrs. Charles Chrts- —Sunday dinner guests of Mr Harold, Lake Avenue, were the —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kear .Johansen, Jscque- Marie; Mrs. J. Shlllcr. all of North tensen. meeting with reports from all Mrs. Plnnegan were visited by their andjtfrs. Robert Henrick, Broad dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Edna npy, West grange, were the dlnnei " .judy Mujtca, Donna Bergen; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hln- standing committees. The apeak*: children, Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Andrew Sedlak Introduced way Avenue, were Mrs. Henr; Barber, Jersey City. guests Sunday of Mr, and Mrs M ..,': The mothers who nings, Rldgewood; Mrs. M. Rens for the evening will be Mrs. Irvlltf Gordon Bnd daughter. Kathy East ft prospective new member. She Wlttenbert and Miss Edna Robin —Miss Elaine Mac.Nann, New {Ed. Bedore, Edgewood Avenue. ilie cnemonles were: nd children, Rita and Robert, S. Sails, Woodbridge. who will Orange, and Mr .and Mrs. John Is Clara Newman, Westbury Park son, Jersey City. York City, was the supper guest of —Mr. end Mrs. James Black .„, Mrs. Johansen, Mrs. Brooklyn; Mr, and Mrs. D. Scerbo present a comprehensive talk on Flnncgan and sons Andrew and ^Mrs. Donald Jacques an Mr. and Mrs. William BeatOn, Jo- Patricia; Avenue, entertained M i' 'M!>. Balsamo. A pnr- and Sister Annette'iMarLe, Long diamonds. Rickey, Onion. Railroads say that any rate rise daughters, Jeanne and Lorralni anna Place, Tuesday. and Mts. John'Baron, Plainfleld . with cake and refresh-. Branch, , , should Include farm goods. —Mr, and Mrs. Angclo Pesce and Wendy Road, were the guests Sa —Mr. and Mrs. Theodore PlqhalT Baturttay. - , hi;iicd the event. family, Belleville and Mr. and Mrs. , invrsturc ceremonies The Ouelltch children, Richard turday of Mrs. Raymond L. RI ski and daughter. Debbie, Wood- '-, —Mr. and Mi*. Frank Franchftl daughter, Janice, Perth Amboy, Pied Manna and family, Newark and Margaret, entertained the and "Butch" Sroka, all of Colonia. chards, East Orange. brldec, were the guests Sunday of Philadelphia, Pa,, wore the week Sunday evening. ".•i Knclny nlifht, Invested were Sunday ruests of Mr. and .,u Shapiro. Susan Lord, younger children, Joseph Hamm, The party also marked the Mth —Mrs. Charles Lang, Phoeb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutter, M13- end guests of Mr, and Mrs. 1 —Mr. and Mrs. August De Vlcp Mrs, Angelo Mesce, Ford Avenue. Sutter. Mtdwodd Way. ,'i,.ii:ici), Barbara Sablat- Billy Mueller. Loretta Magglro, wedding anniversary of Mr. andCourt; Mrs. Edward McAdams, wood Way. and children. Sharon, Wayne atyl —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barry, Eursela ftusso. all of Union Mrs. Guclllch and the birthdays Mrs. William Cramer, Mrs, Joseph —Mrs. James Cherogo and Mrs, —Mr. and Mrs. deoffe Lateki August Jr., Edison, were the din- ,..• CiiinpbcH. Beth Grow, Exeter Road, entertained on Sun- c ili-iiscn. Ellssa Jacobs Gerard Dlckeiuon, Iselln: Julia of Mr. Guellich and Margaret and Santa Maria, Mrs, E. Hellrelgal, C. Obcrdick and sons, Thomas and Patricia Avenue entertained M ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mjq. day Mr. and Mrs. K. GUmore and Karns, Jessie and David OjemerlM Richard Guclllch. Mrs. P. Luney and Mrs. E. Mc- Michael, all of Rahway were the and Mrs; Stephen :$ar&taz an James Black, Patricia Aventte.' , .„• scofteld. The mothers children. Newark; Mr. and Mrs , i, Mrs, D. Jacobs, Mrs. Raymond Thorner, Plalnfleld; Mr ,iil. Mis Hensen, Mrs. and Mrs. David Kramer, and Mr. ,•. Mrs. L. Shapiro, and and Mrs. Jules Backs, Philadelphip a Th Rb ,,.i|i'l Seder" by Congre —The Robert J. Butler family, i.'iii Shalom will be held Arlington Drive, were guests o: ii :m PM at 1351 Oak Mr. ahd Mrs. John Guzzo, Rich- YOU CAN WIN BOTH ,cl. Mm. Rabbi Charles mond Hills, New York, for tin nf i hi- Mettichfcn Jewish week-end. ot fye Chevies you see Dinah ;iv Center will officiate —Mr. and Mm. Frank Pahy, Get that big car feel, get behind the wheel Shore modeling ., . a new -i firi." A cordlnl welcome Heartlutane Avenue, were host* Corvette and a Bel Air 4-Door did to uveryonc to parti- to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hargraves Thrill to beauty, power, safe performance, too and children, Lynn and Jerry, S&dgn... just by answering a few .'i!(I party and bate Sale Pompton Lakes; Mr. and Mrs. John easy questions and supplying >TA School 14, held last Fri- Cisrodelln, Newark; Mr. and Mrs When your drive is done, you'11 want to order one the best last tine to a chorus of i luiBc success, The cotn- Patrick Condunto and children "See the U.S.A. in your Chev- ;.;uled by Chairman Mrs. Patricia and Rosalie, Bloomfleld. UIT UNE tHTMES WITH TOO" rolet" ... at left! l.iuino express their heart- —Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mrs |;ip|]]i'iiation .lo everyone who Sidney Felnberg, Marie Road, were Joseph Ollmorc, Akron. Ohio. Mr ijiaicd and contributed to the ; . of this affair, and Mrs. Donald Fleuiy anc i and Mrs, Paul Vatlcano, daughters. Suzanne and Darlem •.<• •> Terrace, welcomed their Detroit and Newark: Mr. and Mn lull! ,i son, Sahratore, born Herman Weln&tock jnd , son Ira *. •*,. • v-'ik in tin- Perth Am6oy Ihfington. Welcome to Lafayette Estates Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donohue and Din,is LaCovHra, son of Mr. family, Jonquil, who have Just at all the Chevies Mi .loscph LaCovara, Con- moved here from Clifton Heights, Pi ive, relcbrated his Penna. being given away! imthday at a small gath- -ATTENTIOK PLEASE! Girls l.ich (-(insisted of his fam- 10 to 14! If you arc Interested in Own Joining the Intermediate Girl Scout : :i ii.-. daughter of Mr. andgroup now forming In Lafayette '1.1(,i- Johunsen celebrated Estates, please call Mrs. G. Hath- |bi:!..itiv iii ii party whkh in- away, 32 Hearthstone Avc., LI 8- .. i inntrmal grandmother 3(48. Call immediately, so that the 'i|,i ohlsen, Brooklyn, her Troop can start Its activities as i: • RIKMIH Shenk and soon «s possible. CORVETTES :v Roannc and Ellen, —The Lafayette Estates Civic 'ivX and Carol OcbrowBkl, Association will conduct a board TWO meeting Monday. For information I.:.B Blttzpr, Concannon contact Russ Scofleld, president, •••\ hm birthday at a small LI 8-0376. The regular member ich ini'ludcd Mr. and Mrs. new Chevrolets for the price of ship meeting of the association will •:« Mr. and Mrs. Leobe held Monday, March 26. at Our ••nd Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lady of Peace School Annex, Ford •i'.i from New York. and Amboy Avenues. Bel Air 4-DOOT Sedans ••••• happy returns of the -Jean Sullivan, daughter of Mr. Ficd Lederman, Jon- Mr, and Mrs. Ocraid Sullivan, In- l'- who celebrated at a verness Terrace, had a double cele- '.'Liny which was attended bration for her birthday. Saturday -I.I'A.S. Mr. and Mrs. Morris evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. - NONE! "'i: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raymond Smltkc and children. nd Mr. Malcolm Wolfson, Carol Ann and Raymond, Jonquil i Brooklyn. Circle. And on Sunday, the Sulli- liu pji'ties at the home van family visited Joan's mater- "i Mrs Albert Castellone, nal grandmother in New Vork Kiddie Corvettes irked the birth- where there was a family gath- Roger and Jo- ering. •ndiiy "night Joseph cek- —The combined societies of M* nth birthday. Present Our Lady of Peace Church have I'.n'iy were Yvonne Altlerl, Issued an invitation to everyone 123 prices in all! iiiii.Dw.skl. Ronald Hait, in Lafayette Estates to attend a 11 Kemple, Mathew Am- St. Patrick Day Dinner and Dance Here's your chance to win two 1 Hdv.aid Ackcrman. Dar- Saturday In the auditorium of new models of America's hottest, "•'"•111, Patty 8conjtid, Ter- Our Lady of Peace Church. The """k Robert Altlerl. happiest car. Just answer a few dinner will be served between 5 ll>' party Saturday for easy questions about the new 1 P.M. and 8 P.M. after which danc- iiirthday was attended by ing will held. For more details and Chevrolet and write a rhyming, Johnny Miller, Information regarding purchase of line to our new chorus of "See Kenny Guzzj tickets call Mr. Schroib, U 8-5031 n. from Isellh: the U.S.A. in your Chevrolet." , Ronnie Scofleld, Come on in and we'll give you an n. Sandy Sablat- Fife-Drum Corps official contest form. The contest '"'iilJ1 Custellone, John Harbura Williams. Steven closes April 14—and the earlier 1 charlotte, Nancy, and Plans Movie Show you enter, the more chances you

    1 ch&ve to win. So, stop in soon!* w., ton of Mr. and Mrs, ISHlM-The~Fu> and Drum AUtn, Brandywtne Road, Corps of the Iselln Chemical Hook 1 his lath birthday this Alii C0NDITI0NIH6-TEMPERATU»EJ and Ladder Complny, DUtrict U MADE TO OROER-AT NEW LOW 60ST. "'^ at- the party were: will hold A benefit movie perform- I' ;«'Mwuiiingcr, Patrick Toky, UT US DEMONSTRATE, 1 U ance March it »t the Iselln Thea- ' M>. Billy Dawson. PaU ter Featured will be Bing Crosby \ his brother, Douglas, and Or»ce Kelly in "Country Girl." "'", his nunt and uncle, and Jimmy Stewart and Grace H11,1 Mrs. Robert Allen and Kelly in "Rear Window." "l'lJby and Linda cran- Ii: The proceeds will be usfd for a ndmothcr, Ethel Winn •'ml unc fund. ' If Theodore Allen, Members of the Corps consist ;'."'1V iJi'thd»y to Eddie 8ha- of a «roup of youngsters who re- present Iselin In- the various pa- Next door Ml wid Mn. Joseph Duki'd af[41r Is being directed by •md helped eat the Robert Painter and Roger Kenny wcre: It chairman of the finance commit- C'wy, Mlldr«d Lane, lui, tee tfckets may be obtained Irom Joining to arty member of the band or of the fjre company or at the ticket office Faworite-by a «»rgitt of (- his fourth birth- rick's Dance sponsored by the Holy party which In- Name Society of St. Cecelia* JUNE CHEVROLET "iisins, Trudy, Bar- Church, will be-held Saturday Walsh and fUtby nteht Only adulte will be ad- Tel. VA 6-6722 •"'" Now Brunswick Ave. •UIV City. mltt**. Danolng will be lwld from Arlington 9 PJW. 8ft,tuiday to K Aid. to the on h»h rW d Mfeteris. INDEPENDENT-1.r

    TTTUH.TC.iV, ••Well, sir." said the candidate. To remodel a tvm , He Knew The Answers •I would do several thing*. But the cost of mntfM'iui 1 behind the times if he thinks it A voiiiiH policeman was undei- first with the young lady's as- New Jersey Farmers Week haa finger around the bottom of a mate the cost oflnb,r has never been done before - ,,nin» nn examination. "Vtnnce. I think I wnfld endeavor. been fixed by the State Board of plate or peck Into the frying pan. I ply by three- Mi,,,, He will be convirtr*d that if the.w 1 Drs Molnes ••Now Rssume." said the exam- to reconstruct the crime.' Agriculture for next January 21 CLASSIFIED articles turn up dry before the! , . "(|,nt you were walking alon« Quite to 28 ... Senator Wesley L. s RATKS INFORMATION next meal they will have been in |lOpi« Hwt he will * ™ .' ''; .•'lirdulcil path nnd a young Enough! Quite a bit of u> , Lance, Hunterdon. wants the dried by air. n musk-al n* his next film. HoocH »om;u> .u«hed up to you and *«•- When a mans pushing 50. ble l.s prothjrori ij\ 75* for IS words I Dradlinr for ad«: Wednesday It Legislature to pa&s revenue rats- a long. l»t01 man had Maybe he was talking about Wagner has joined •miUHl tmit a strange that's exercise enough. — The don't produw :,nv. Sc each additional wo*? A M. for the HIM week's her, what ing measures to flnarxw a $14,- some less nerve-wracking way of sun who are •PI) and kissed Gospoi-t. pensacola. Fla. ' Pathfinder. In adTahce publication. 000,000 state-ald-to-achool pro- ,,,„!,, :,;-p washing dishes by sound and dry- sons. Bob has von do Telephone gram at the same time the pro- In^ them by air. but he's away ing nuclei ii lending voice gram Is authorized. . . , Traffic fatalities In New Jersey during .KM* »N« FF.MALF • 'mows inU. filth, sand and J*et>ruary has reached 68. the \ HKLT WANTEP stoppage l:vn clojtged pipes, highest toll for that month in BUSINESS DIRECTORS drains and sewfrr No digging, no four yean. . . . The average BE YOUR OWN BOSS — An f n- damans—rapid anJ efficient. Call price per cow in New Jersey in Urely het opportunity Io: abided Tony's Plumbing and Heating, January was $130. . . . The State Income Immediate Income 'rom Moving and Trucking •!• Radio & TV Service • • Real Estate-Insuran WO-8-8007 3*1 - 3-29 of New Jersey held t64S.91S.J50 tSM.OO - $800.00 per monib on par value In securities on Feb- Coal Horoscope Reading t • part-time banis. No experience HUNGARIAN Recipe Book. Eng- ruary 29. ... In the ten years I necessary. Ideal for husband-ancl- lish print. Price *1. Mrs. P. Bo- of it* existence, the State Divi- A, W. Hall und Son wife, teams. This part-time oppor- -J&G- I**;. 1767 Prairie Avenue, 8outh sion Against Discrimination has lnral and Lime Distance tunity can develop Into your fail- fiend. U. Ind 3 15 - 4/5 extended civil right* to many Moving :inrt Storage time business within one year COAL - FUEL OIL MRS. RIANA TELEVISION and EH more Individuals than had been * VI ION-WIKK BlllPIPfilU of Act now. For appoint men: eail or llMu'rlmld an° "I"" Furniture BUSINESS gained during approximately to writ*. Kay Hinda, 519 w Hiil OIL BURNERS Aiittiorlifd Agent RADIO SERVICE Road. Colonia. Rahway ;-3M5 MAJOR OIL OOMPANY-^-Modern years under previous civil laws.] Horoscope Howard V»n Linn 86 Washington Avenue . . : William 6. Oulick, Middle-! trvarate Rooms tor Storet* AGENCY three-bay service station for 3-15 bush, is the new president of the; fR\TING • PACKINQ Carteret >a*e. Prime location, immediate New Jersey' Ayrshire { Cattle Speaks POLISH and Call CA-1-4978 possession, excelltht opportunity TRY OUR SHIPPING Realtor and Insur, • FEMALE HE1* WANTED • Breeders Association. . . . Newi imrliltned Furniture of Br«rj for right person. Write for ap' "Desiripllon floir' Calls Made HOUSEWTVES NEED EXTHA Jersey families received 1106,- SERVICE DEPARTMENT RUSSIAN pointment. Bon 100, c.'o this news- Ofliff »nd Warehouse 8 A. M. - » P. M. MONEY? Start nmr owy. profit- 880.000 during 1955 in death! paper. 3-H AUTOMATIC FIFA. OIL 34 Atlantic Street, Carteret "We Sell the Earth ., able business serrteir? an Avon benefits from their llfeiivsurance. Ho Appointment Joe and Geone MacelU companies, the Institute of Life I TEL. l'A-1-5540 Insure What's o,, , territory near youf home Writ* MISCELLANEOUS DELIVERY p. O Box 705. Ptalnfleia 3-15 Iniurance reports. . . . The New j Necessary FOR YOUR plumbing and heat- Jersey Vegetable Growers Co- RMfiig art Siding • BUDGET PLAN Daily 9 A. M. • 9 P. M. WATTRESS .wanted. Steady .'ot> in* problem, call Tony's Plumb- operative Association, Inc.. an- EDISON, \ j good pay Call Pulton 8-6806 ling and Heating Service. WO-B- nounces it has received a con- to pay for oil or coal 3-15 8007 ^__3'1"3*2* tract offer of $35 per ton for 487 KEW BRUNSWICK r ASTf.R SPECIAL Heating Installations Bahy Chicks and D-.icks on DARAOO'S 1956 tomatoes. . . , Major Oen- Henry J arisen A Son REGISTERED GENERAL DUTY AVENUE, FORDS S.M.K—MARCH U AUTO DRtVIHa 8CHOOL eral James P. Cantwell an- All shifts, frll Ume. starting WIT ilum by HIP IM nounced 171 men were enlisted (At Bus StO|)1 salary $254.00- »275.00 per month. Largest and Oldwt in County WDGE. 8-1400 or 1 . !)«/. l.»ls. Tlnnlnc and Sheet Metal Wark in the New Jersey National plus 5- I'-irikcftN «T Siniiins Rooflni Metal CeDtnta and Guard on George Washington's (aii.ir.fs fur EaslM. crements fullv paid: pension plan: 280 McClellan St.. Perth Amboy Taxi Cabs free meals: many other employee Call HlUcrwt 2-7865 Birthday which Governor Mey- Jewelry Service • I.A.IPI (Jill Klo«»rs Fbrnaec Work ner had proclaimed as National AVENEL ll.miT I'otlfr - Af»lf« benefit*. Apply Perth Amboy Gen- C.jrdfiilas Guard Muster Day. . . , Gover- eral Hospital. Nursing Office _J \H in IUKI »nil bloom. 588 Alden Street Mffr nor Meyner has proclaimed the COAL & OIL CO. 3-15 IP YOUR DRINKING has Decome Fashion Credit Jewelers a problem. Alcoholics Anony- week of March 23 to 30 as GUTH PET SHOP Woodbridge, N. J. 826 RAIIWAY AVE., AVENfX 589 UOOSEVF.I.T AVENI E t FOR SALE • mous can help you. Call Market American Mothers' Week in New (artcrefs I.itllr Zoo CARTERET Telephone 1-114* 3-7528 or write P. O BM 253. Jersey. . . Traffic offenses are 80 FiiuMvrlt Avi-niir, Carteret CRIB and mattress. c!»if!-:w.;'oe on the increase In New Jersey, CA-1-G308 Woodbridge. CA-I-4O:O WU SERVICE to mat:h. 3'j years old. Call 3-1 - 3-29 the State Supreme Court re- FU-1-8837 3-15 UONUAHT SCHOOL OP ports . . . United States Senator Drugs • DIAMONDS JUST I'HONl Estes Kefauver. of Tennessee, 1948 FOUR-DOOR DODGE Good DRIVINO ' t has placed his name in the SELLING OUT ROOFING and WO 8-0200 condition. Radio', heater, four UCENSErj M NEW" JERSEY. 81 Democratic preference primary Prices Cut Drastically on SIDING Fast and Courtrnns ^ -, new tires. Call WO-8-9393 after Homes p^ Avenue, Iselin. Ub- t JEWELRY erty 8-0070 3-1-3-29 in New Jersey on April 17. ... All Merehan4i.se 5:00 P. M. 3-15 The Red Cross expects every Avenel Pharmacy Hot Tar Rooflnf -——— PIANOS TUNED and Repaired; • GIFTS Birds - Cases - Aquarium Sup- WOODBRIDGE im New Jersey resident to make a Expert Watch and ONE USED Tuna Outfit; 16 Oj {ree estimates. Also will buy 894 RAHWAT AVENUE plies - Leather and Chain ALL TYPES OF SIDING 44S PEARL ST. U'OOMM:||ir,j| Perm Reel. Tuna Rod and har- , VA-6-6816, J. donation to build up a fund Jewelry Repair uv d planos Call against future catastrophes. . . . WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 (imtds - F.te. Asbestos Sldinc, Insalbrick ness. Trolling Rod; 9 0 Penn Reel. Sifltar 3,1 . 3/29 double built Bamboo Trolling Rod __—I. The New Jersey State Board of Sidlnc, Wood Shlnjle*, Clap- Control has reaffirmed its policy Liquor Stores and harness. 1 5b horsepower: f T . « , . PRESCRIPTIONS Fins-Fur & Feathers board, Novelty Siding. YELLOW Oil outboard motor. Rudy's Sporting;Under LapitOl prohibiting corporal punishment in any institutions of (he State. WHITMANS CANDIES GARAGES ahd DORMERS (Continued from Editorial Page) Telephone Woodbridge 8-1889 PET SHOP 24-Hour ?i "I eipect I will be very busy Goamctloft - Film 18 MAIN ST., Opp. Town Hall and all type feneral CAPITOL CAPEES: — The • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • up until election day." said the Greetlnr Card* WO-8-1G01 j repairs. Taxi Service ', Governor. "The Legislature is State Division of Motor Ve- Woodbridge ^ -ROOM HOUSE. 3 bedrooms, ! back and there are a lot of ap- hicles reports a lady crossed out Liquor Store Jot this number dim daylight basement, Oil heat. j pointments to be made." the "3 " code figure for blue eyes All Work GCARAN EED combination storm windows and on the new car registration card JOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop. Photography The Governor, who will be one Men Fullj Insured screens; 50 x 100. Price $14,500. and substituted "2" because she of the delegates-at-large, will Call Market 3-4343. 3-15. 22 has two eyes. . . . Tlie Interest Complete Stock or Domestic JUST 5o A POUND FREE ESTIMATES — Call WO 8-3466 lead the delegation. He is not rate on $1 for one day in the and Imported Wines, Been FU-8-4300 or stop in at Radio Dispatchrd < i) • APARTMENT WANTED • disturbed by the large number RAYMOND JACKSON State's Unemployment Trust and Liquors laby's de- of Democrats seeking voter en- Fund In the Federal Treasury in Distance No Objnt COUPLE AND ONE CHILD desire AND SON •lilf< the iiriff dorsement to be sent to the con- 1955 was $.0000822755499998.... 574 AMBOY AVENUE clean four - room, first - floor vention as either delegates-at- :vfii if lie weishf Don't eat pink pork or you might WOODBRIDGE, N. J. R. S. JUCHEM apartment. Heat, water supplied. large or district delegate. (I |miin nish prime summer entertain- Then let this gentleman who SERVICES GUITARS Call WO.-8-12I: ment. talked to the cafeteria people just ^ TltOMUONE and Amplifiers TOM GARAGE HAVING TROUBLE with your sneak around after things quiet 4 imi MS SERMAYAN BUY ON THE HIGHWAY J. F. Gardner & Son sewerage? Electric Sewerooter JERSEY JIGSAW:—The 86th down in the kitchen and run a STUDENT RENTAL PLAN UPHOLSTERY SIU»F AND SAVE For Information Call 111-2-6348 493 RAHWAY AVENUE Woodbridje 5 FIFTH AVEM'E. Featuring SAMMY RAY'S MUSIC and REPAIR SHOP WO-8-3S40 4(7 New Brunswick Avenur, Fords Nationally Advertised Were SpecUtbti In Yarns Brands of Furniture • BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCE Anything and Fvrrvtlv.n? MUSIC MEANS KAKY J'ICTI Ki:s A LIFE TIME OF JOY HOMi: or STl 1)10 • BRAKE SERVICE For—KNITTING For Your Girl and Boy CROCHETING NEEDLE KIM- WAYSIDE X O LEARN TO PLAY THE GALLARDTS PHOTO Sewiig HOOKED RitiS FURNITURE SHOP ACCORDION THE MODERN, 547 AMBOY AVENUE EMBROIDKKY C. S. Highway No. 1 — Avenel EASY WAY- Woodbridge 8-3651 Select Your BUTTONS It's NO ACCORDION TO BUY Open 10 to 6 We'll Make Your OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. MOD. and Frt. Nights to 8:50 . Buttonholes Everything for Your Die SEWING Phone WOodbridr* 84577 t Plumbing and Heating* 73 E. Cherry Si SEWING NEEDS RAinVAY 7-loT. Fmeral Directors WOODBRtDGE Ttie SEWWR KIT Plumbing & Heating 73 E. Cherry St. On //•• RAHWAY 71673 SYNQWIECKl • Remodeling PRIVATE LESSONS: Intmutiuim] Modern and I'lusiUal — Hrgiiiuer! • New Installations Funeral Home •lid Advanced. • Sporting Goods • J • Gas and Oil Burners Bluer ut carry tlir largest election "THE UTTILEST <>l " 46 Atlantic Street of (amuua-niakc itiurdiuiis in the Call WO-8-3046, HI-2-7JU GetTh*t REEL FIXED Produced in Twin.! Carteret, N. J. RarlUn Bay area, you are au>ured ol th« but In quality at the lowtsl L. PCOLIESE - A. UPO NOW! ico, this Is the suuy .: pvitlble prices. ing little boy lAmln- '• who becomes very tm•>' Telephone Carteret 1-5715 We carry a full line of Musical erul's prize race-hu: . Instruments and Ai'icuurlrii netting a bud deul d<<••• CbwH (rum such famous nuke ac- touts and horse-pla^ cordions as: EXCELSIOR, T1TANO IOR10 LANCE, ACME, IIUMNKK Charles Farr and the horse ait MI '••' Serrio* ACCpKDIANA, 8XCELBIOLA and other that someuuu UALLAPPE. Plumbing • Heating SUlkm tual affection ts >'i>M KKlll. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY Electric Sewer Service kisses. Perth Amboy's Oldest Kslibli,|,rd Reel Checked, Cleans, Accordlun (enlfr The general's ui^m Telephone: rollshfd, Greased and FLYNN & SON 1» Years At the Same Location much more than hi' FUNERAL HOMES Woodbrtdte 1-0594 Adjusted, for Only 1 in his belief that the : bUbUthml M Vein EDDIE'S MUSIC CENTER (PliuParU, U Heeded) win a Jumping tounmn: 420 E»st Avenue 821 LINDEN AVENUE tries to t«ach the l«» • Eddie Bonkuskl, Prop. "Home of Rc«l P»rt»" Perth Auaboy a certain wall by iitkiii Woodbrldfe, Ijl. J. II Ford An-, Fordi 557 State St., P. A. VA-6-12BQ We Have, In Stock ach with sharp spike* < VA 6-035S • TROUT WORMS • ly, the horse balks >- • MAINE-MADE MOOCAIIN8 during the contest ami • Moving and Trucking t LOAFERS and SUPPERS swmentlj, the genci-'l Radio & TV Service •WILDLIFE PICTURES daughter portrayed i» ' Complete Moving Job (framed 1 ley,' tries to get tin' ' 1 Rooma $25 5 Roomi |3S • HUNTING AND FlSHINa the same wall, but >' 4 Rooms $30 t Rwnu $40 AL'S RADIO UCEN8ES ISSUED again in such a IHSIIH« Axk Huw Y«a OM WU Is thrown to the HIUHI 1U Loads Insured - It Ye*n E» lured. Whereupon, tin MM? & TELEVISION One of Our 1 1 ECONOMY MOVERS ortkrs thj horu ••i " ITTHRUTHT NATION-WIDE MOVER! expert Repair* TACKLE groom, tn revenue b Rahwuy 7-3014 Tubes and ANUREFAIB oblige. Battertea SPORTINQ GOODS They reckon, how- WANfADS 4R-8tate tit Monroe gtml, lUbmy the stable-boy, who kn>» contributed Moving AVENUE hone wouWnt take th> ! Service Telephone ftA-MSM t« Rftd Cross by CARTERET, N. J. P-o.Hni^ht, he nuke^!! CLASSIFIED ADS AQENT hom for evil unknown • A»3< THE WANT ADS by u>« y-l! .J-. is, Tavern Clips Avenel For American Division Laurels Title Goes Kasars Boost Lead,| Berko, 11, is Top Marksman To Face Nationals' Winners for Title n s|,vterian S; Toppling Cooper's An Lions C/ufc FiWtf of 350 WOODBRIDOE — Approxima-, Henry Belafskj-. Jolin Aexrulla, In Senior Rec Loop ">th Straight In Straight Tilts tely 350 marksmen participated in Burton Dunitan. George Ketxen- the first round Of the Woodbridse berg r.rui Dr S Bernstein. Final Second Half Standing* Lions Club Ham Shoot at the to- Short March 15 Team Standings AMERICAN DIVISION CBI Police Pistol Range last Sun-; The com.-ludmtt March 25 sltoot W L W L Knsnr Builders 45 "2 29 ^ day, but the surprise of the tour-lwu be under Uie direction of R. 1 nament was Richard Berko. an 11- Panari. Nate Bernstein. Edward Avenfl Panther. ; 6 0 Cooper's Dairy .. •2 33 Jlggs Tavern 5 1 year-old student who copped two Kath. Om SUnrik. Fred Ideal Benuty Salon 40 35 V. P. W. 2836 2 4 prizes. . Bob Netiss. Edward Kopper. An- Mary's Dross Shop 39 36 Sewareri A. A. 2 4 Iselin Lumber . . 38 M» 37 \'i Berko, a resident of 49 Mel- thony C;»cwia E Veltre and Dave bourne Court, Woodbridge, and a Out nun Knights Of Columbus 1 5 .Ing's Sporting Goods 37'A NATIONAL DIVISION pupil in Mrs. Betty McEwen's fifth Compeniian at ihc Main Street Ai's Ruiinrc) 19 K> 55'2 Fords Boys Club 5 1 grade class at the local No. I ranee, which once again will be ISEI.JN—Just when It appeared School, walked off Ihe range with a under (lie supervision of Police DangelU 4 2 tlinu?,h the Kasar Builders and pair of trophies after firing scores Sgt. Closiudo Zuccaro, is sched- Sun's Bur at Orlll 3 3 "nnper's Dniry would wind Up of 33 and 40 in his two attempts uled to stan promptly at 1 o'clock St. Cecelia's 1 4 for the champlor.hlp in with a smal bore .23 caliber rifle. and continue until dusk. Rifles Pt. Reading Boys Club 0 5 the St. Cecelia's Women's Bowl- Additional winners during the and ^munition will be furnished WOODBRIDOE — The Avenel in Leimie clown to the wire, the afternoons spirited Competition i>y the lions Club Panthers copped the second half ?onstructloneers came through were Harry Lehren. Joseph Sipos. [ crown In the American Division of with a triple win over the Dairy Frank Novak. Adolph Quadt, Jo-| the Recreation Senior Basketball Maids by scores of 660-643, 715- seph Andrasclk, Harold Laurientl.) Eagles are Primed League but when the chips were 103 and 708-656. Joseph Somers, John Kiraly and on the line for the 1956 title, they Estelle Eosso was the mainstay Adolph GotUteln. faded before Jigg's Tavern, the or Uie Kasar Builders with a 465. The popular. "Ham Shoot.* For Title Contest first half champs, by a 54-42 score whilp teammates Lillian Kaluskel sponsored by the Lions Club for its In a well played game at the local KEASBEY — The Keasbey Ea- and Ann Peterson trailed With 449 charity fund, will continue Sun- high school gym. day under the supervision of Dr. gles, one of the most famous und 414. Mary Lelss, 445, and Sue Now that Jigg's has the Ameri- Edward Novak and his committee weithUiftin? clubs on the East Seredy, 426, were Cooper's Dairy's Coast. Jested their strength for can circuit t.ltle salted away, they top bowlers. which includes Dr. Cy Hutner. will have to await a scramble In Peter Greco, George Kayser, Dr. he Ne» Jersey championship to Mary's Dress Shop crashed the > held at Wooribridite High the Nations 1 Division between the first division after posting a clean School. March 24 by competirg in Fords Club and Dangells of Iselin sweep over Al's Sunoco, 708-616, :he Bridgeport, Pa Open Welght- before settling the township senior 666-644 and 671-628. Rahway, Carteret itting Chcmpionship championship. If the two National Division teams settle the issue to- The Dressmakers' best was Keasbey completed the series of Steffle Saley. who put together j day, the playoffs at the Barren Tourney Winners 'veins in second place, one point Avenue court will start tomorrow double games of 166.'171 and 159 for a >ehlnd the MrKeesport YM.C.A. UK- 496 set to lead Mary Ole:kna, 410 night and extend through next WOODBR1DGE — A pair of and the York Barbell Cub, which ,t :r. F^ Free* and1 Iolene Mastapet?r. 400. Mae Monday and Tuesday. hampions were crowned in the tied for firs! place with 10 points. II. ;.»:;d who Pineault and Marie Waterson oly Name and Catholic Grammar The most outstanding performer The game between the Panthers . : -.rout!: the paced' the Gas Pumpers with chool Basketball Tooumamente for the Eagles was Charlie. Bare, and Jlggs lived up to expectations three-game marks of 467 and 421. before a capacity crowd with the TOtYNEY Rl^iN'FRS-l P Pklarwl »Wwr »rr m?«ftt*r<. nf the SI James C.Y.O., which won runner- ponsored by the local Knights of i 17-year-old North Plainfleld : Ford* pw- Iselin Lumber, although they I decision hanging in the balance •• honors in the annual Hulv Nanur &ufc.etV»U Twwnuawnt s|wmsorrd by the KntRhts of Columbus. :olumbus recently at the St. High School senior, who swept the -vimi UIJ« lefeated Miele's Excavating in two 1 un 11 th last lames' gym. The survivors of the ffl^5« "with • 'totti! 4 « t«o'"inutes-of play. TV l«r*l ra(rr» Iwt out to St. Mini . W-i!, in the finals at (he Am boy Avrnue audi- mt of three, dropped a notch into nnual playoffs were St. Mary's of of 860 pounds. Bare pressed 270, Avenel maintained the upper ••HaM. Knerlin* in th* Irant r««. fr' iklftt>e which he drove Abate with sets of 436 and 423. utes and a half remaining, Jigg's Teaoi Standings who reached their peak offensively eran Jim Tolh captured third Ulte of chajapkms of the, Isclin thrgu^h so lay up * tiro-pointer to sank six free throws and three H«*f : W L The Ideal Beauty Salon moved with 13 points apiece. Tommy place with a 745 total. He pressed RecmUon Junior Basketb*U ruuid ha Imtn the 19M lilk field goals to clinch the contest. * maik with Plainfleld Recreation 59 16 a step closer to second place .by Keating and Richie Sullivan paced 230. snatched 225. and clean and League after defeating the Lakers' Offensive honors for the Hawks Pat Margiotto, Jigg's star, was the Raritan Oil Company 50 25 conquering Jag's Sporting Goods the vanquished St. James' Club jerked 290. Augie Scutti placed :n two straight tames during the *«e siumt eqwSSy by OTJonnell at his best under pressure, pump- tow <«*- Dixie Belle 41 34 in two out of three. The Bcautl with each accounting for 14 fourth in the heavyweight class; annual playoff* at School No. 15 and Belt wSw pjRposnted 1C poinU Ing five shots from the floor and Reo Dinerettes 38 37 5 dropped the second meeting markers. (Charlie Benson was sixth in the : The Pines 37'/2 47V 19-11 lead over Woodbridge. The and Stew Terefenko was fifth in Panthers' most effective offensive .three fraae* »TJ»d«cUon of players from the Viel's Accordion School 24 51 •ere during the matin were Fii actidn continued at the same pace J Ihe 165-pound class. performers were Ed Olsen, George * " league renters to fill in for Gary Vaillancourt and Vicky Karask: in the second period as St. Mary's Johanson and Bill Balogh with (\iard.! Ziali. the Lakers 8l. Cecelia Girls HOPELAWN—The Woodbridge with marks of 435 and 409. Jag' reached the halfway mark still on lusters of nine, eight and seven. effecHw I was furred out erf live playoffs due Reo DineretUs' chances of win outstanding bowler was Dolore: top by a 31-25 score. Local Knights in Over in the National Division, 6i$ with II '.o A torn lej musi > ning the title in the Central Jer Millet, who hit a lofty 219 gam St. James' perked up its offense Jie second half championship was .'•-::>• Ue.Maw traJkd s^ribalr with tfc* prmleje of Top f infield, 34-22 aty JVom«n.'s, 14ajpr Bawlin belpr* winding up with a 438 sei in the third fr&ma- wUh an II- decided when the Fords Boys high m»n | choosing his substitutes, League are distant at this lat .wlnt splash which sent St. Mary's Bowling Match Club posted a surprising 73-45 vic- Upped mipj^j^,.^ Oalmaki. Guno. Brink- WlNFlEUJ-Vux* Grogans St. stage of the campaign, but the: trailing for the. first time during tory over Dangells of Iselin. I man and Kacviiukl The Lakers in' Cev*ta» G«fe mi Isrtin continued are still In there swinging for the: game. 43-42. Both teams ex- WOODBRIDGE — The fourth Uiis week with The contest was actually close wt •**. ortler not to uke advanUje of ih* *tnnin* i pay-off berth, and proved it this changed the topside of the score mnual New Jersey Knights of during the first quarter, but Fords l»nske their Hawks «enerosity rotated thh* sub- ' * fine demateU-aUon of sound oas- week by taking Viel's Accordion repeatedly until the last nine sec- Columbus Bawling Tournament, gradually pulled away in the sec- :;<;•-*: ing stitutes ev«r> quarter throughout k*tb»a to defeat the Winfield P. School in two out of three games onds of the fourth quarter when which is being sponsored this year ond frame to lead at the half time the tournament, i A L. by a J4-2I score. at the Majestic Lanes. The victors Rahway came through with a by Uie Middlesex Council No. 857, intermission, 27-21. Fords took >•> ".eroes durinj The Hawk>. despite the fact that' The Iwiin quintet. with an Im- won the first two tilts, 689-650 j three-pointer to it up. will be held at the local Bowl-Mor 1 command of the game In the sec- ,.:i:ur HoweU and they permuted the Lakers to nresnt? 9-3 record, is enjoying the and 814-749 before dropping the The final game between St. Jo- Lanes suiting April 14 with 200 ond half and won it without dif- •ir:r iocurate from strengthen u.eu team with »n|»ost wcesslul «e*san in the finale, 305-798 ;eph's and Holy Trinity of Perth teams expected to compete in the flculty. .:.-.::•, for lotab Of 1 Amboy in the Grammar School abundance of talent, went on u>t»e»» s •&• X« history. Thus far, Doris Reick was at her best for Leo Segylinski paced Fords s»iva«»id playoffs failed to live up to expec- win the first tame of the playoff* :S» Oeoeka has bowled over corn- Woodbridge with games of 183, John Papp. Jr., the tournament from the floor with nine field goals ulions when the Carteret quintet by ooppiw by a J*-3« scurf j bines from Mew Brunswick, Car- 160 and 200 for a 543. while Ann manager, announced earlier this and five fouls for 23 counters, easily subdued Uie Amboyans. 34- Skpdmin and Lynch were the'*"*^ WinfieU Metuchen and Korneskl and Terry Skolanik also week that the competition will while Andy Shu rick and Tilly Lau- 4, in a slow moving contest to lay Hawks' big »tuns in the opening! Perth Amboy. played important roles with totals start on the 14th of next month back trailed With totals of 16' and laim to the 1956 title. contest «ith point totals of 14 and Loretu Cheaney, one of the of 489 and 471. The latter hit a and extend on successive weekends 15. Dangells' mainstay throughout II. respectively, while ihe Hawks |Sainu most outstanding shooters, 223 which was tops in the league Takes Command until May 6. He also stated that the game was Bill Qyer, who VBOIT best offensively were Martuecijwts at her best against the P. A. for the week. Viel's most effective After barely outshooting Holy entries will not be accepted after matched Segylinski In the scoring and Eeknun with collections of L. sinking 11 pouttt while her keglerette was Betty Tiska, who Trinity, 6-4, in the opening period. midnight March 11. column with 23 points. St. Joseph's took command the etghl apiece jlMftamate. Dolores Galasso, chip- compiled a 465 total. Rules satte that all entries must JIGGS TAVERN (54) Hit HOME rest of the way by dominating the be bonafide members of the The fuul and decisive gam* of; ped IU with 14. WinfteW s best The Plainfleld Recreation con- O P P Amboyans, 6-2, in the second Knights of Columbus in New Jer- Margiotto, f 5 the playoffs which decided tht tran a shooting sundpoinl were tinued to assert its supremacy by 7 17 quarter, 6-5, in the third and 6-3 sey and will compete under AJ3.C Rotili, f year home- championship in the Ha«ks' favor Sue Mahy and EUa D*5e\ with to- subduing the New Brass Rail of 4 4 in the fourth. rules. An entrance fe^e of four dol- Kukulya, f begin w WAS by far one of Uie most excit- ub of M *nd «. respectively Perth Amboy 828-733, 881-691 and 4 e Ronnie Medvetz, Carteret's tal- lars per man will be charged to Hillyer, c ., i ing games of the year with the! Although they tailed to hit 918-779. Plainfleld's total ptafall 1 7 ented forward, was high man dur- cover expenses. All team applica- Armando, g 3 8 iOout this cus staging a strong sec-I figures ui the scoring of 2627 was tops in the league for 14 1 ing the game with eihgt points, tions'must be mailed to William :r A good house- ond half finish to subdue the column. Coach Groan was im- T. Qlordgno, g 2 2 the week and one of the highest while his teammates, Jack Beam Haug.' Jr.. .223 Martool Drive, :.m« will not be scrappy Lakers. 45-41. with the all-around play V. Olordano, g 0 0 this season. and Steve Duges trailed with eight Woodbridge. N. J. « eren if you Both teams fought it out down of Kanrs Bills and Diane Cmtino, Marie Rowe, the Plainfleld star apiece Holy Trinity's most accur- Awards at the conclusion of the *ho to the wire with the score tied at who *re expected to form the nu- 14 26 54 and Uie league's outstanding ate shooter from the floor was Joe tournament include the State you may^4J-4J-«« with only 30 seconds i* cleus of next year's team. AVENEL (41) . bowler, connected for games of Hasuly, who collected seven mark- Deputy Trophy, which will be pre- mainhin in the gam«. At thb 1 • •» a P P :.>. vurt your house St. Cecelia's mil ring down the 182. 217 and 176 for a 575 set, ers. sented to the team recording the Perry, f point, Bell the Hawks1 star tor- 2 1 5 curtain on their 1956 campaign while her teammates, Marion In the Grammar School semi- highest gross score; the Tourna- Peterson, f .>. i ::.T M- accustomed w^rd, spotted an opening in the 4 6 when they travel to Rahway to Gray. Stella Beenders and Bert finals, St. Joseph's eased past St. ment Trophy, which will go to the Kensey, f : 0 ::u? »«• don't no- 0 0 t*jf the First Presbyterian (Continued on Page Sixteen) PnmeLs of Metuchen by a close 26- team running u(p the top net score; Olsen, c „-. 2 •>t :ud don* ortff 5 9 Church on March 21. 25 score, while third place In the while individual trophies will be Rosemeyer, c 3 -: ti* Uvtnc room 0 6 The lsehn Junior Ml Stars tournament was settled when St. presented to gross and net team Ross, g Z'Zl o .iv*mg after. 1 1 tailed to fight oil successfully a STILL FAST AT FORTY - - By Alan Maver members. Johansen, g 4 :.r U!»e *hen most Francis conquered St. Mary's of 0 8 last minute rally by the Wlnfteld Assisting Papp before and dur- Balogh, g " 2 :«. JI iirooi destn Rahway, 41-25. 3 7 P. A. L. and as a consequence, ing the tournament will be Bill ^ jbout our yard*. How to score yourself: Mark Third place in the Holy Name 1 dropped a toush 11-16 decision. playoffs went to St. Mary's of Haug, Jr., the local Council's sec- ••• v! Ui ««t out L^W your choices t-J-3-* You get ten 14 14 28 points for a correct first pick; tin The All-Sur$ are now 5-4 in the South River after an 83-69 trt- retary-treasurer, and William De- - vnd indulge in record books. FORDS (73) for a second; three for a Uiird ~ |umph over the St. Francis CY.O. Joy, the assistant, secretary. Uauiiful 'day- O and one point for a correct fourth With eight seconds remaining In F P Lauback, f 7 1 choice Twenty is average, thirty the «*n* and the score, tied at 16- 1 ' 15 • :KH tr> lodobci- Shurick, f 6 good,; forty, very good, and fUty 15, Ernie Bolvui drew a double 4 16: tr.d really plant foul under the backboard. With Segylinskt, c 9 5 23 • r. > its beauty He wori nt This an* That -o make yards, Uk-k Peter paced WinfWd dur- DANGELLS (45) in an ulubiuon game How many FROM A* Ctoclnmatt Bealeg'a »Uch- > »iui office buiW- ing the «ameby pumping 10 points P F P iliU The oW court part** lamw «ouW >«i w VJ> TtfERG TO tag MaC au>wt4 (1» tewtat »wn- throujh the rims, while Iselin' Oyer, f !' !/l0 3 23 man has rolled? « > 10. • ALL TM&6 feer W aasea •* kaO* (443) h tfce ^uuited fay a group t<4> ttorer was Bob Bell, who came Mitruska, f \0 0 0 major kagtuk cwtec HWUHIM- New nknt- t u. < > is . , throujh with six counters. Pearson, c 4 0 8 •uound the poet I. Cm you name a major league MB • . . Ttd Atkln— baa f»ar 4 6 Febr Clement, g 1 library. The eo»ch who was born on |*2 RUSSIAN TRADE $ KENTtlCK/ timw w«a (he Bleak Jteaer tide Buhi\ g 4 0 8 to snruce-up 311 ( I Joe Oordon. * » The Russians have placed orders . . . Pr«4es*i«4»l football drew Dungell, g 0 0 0 » R*y Mueller, i > P»p- for 11.500.000 north of farm ma- tbe biggest erawda Ift Its history x Martin chinery and equipment and for during UK. with aa lacrvaM d 19 7 45 j Four formidable foreigners . i TOO00 0 worth of hybrid *ed 141 •T«r MM. T»*al atte**aiK* 1 bow?" art" it tht present U«» to thto com in Uw> country in the past Wai ap to l.TU.IM, c«»»u«d to Probably" Uie amateur counur compttmg to w athletic nra ntottUtt Licenses for $40,000 1,415,941 (k« yrevWu j**r. Aver- Chefs of the future will cook with heat generated by atomic nut They are Sven Davidson. worth ol macluneffy. part of whloh age, crowd tor the Mum waa J7t- 1 managw UM »*tmWt, Robert Howe and K to be .shipped to Rumania, and tlS . .. final traolt aad field UUb energy. Their specialty will prob- You'll haw to Vker* CaC n youu name tor tttu.MO worth of the seed for th« 1»M U. 8. Oljrmslc gamta ably be' ftsslon chips.- Punch. « > corn, Itaxr *liv«om\ K)uaa will b« held ka Loa AngeJaa Ulni ( > QoU.QoU. Ihe Bureau of Foreign Commerce ARCARO Memorial COMMUB «*ii Ja*». 4 One ot Ihe n«w major league of ihe DeiMUtment of Commerce. TU Olympic games wUl bo held ooMhes started a Mtasouu with a ApnUcauun* for Uie resit have been in Mclboura*, AralraUa, N»v so llttl* i toague club aivd parlki tiled aud »re under processing At 4O $UT M0W$ ber tt to Dooamhw », ...!*• M In less than W m*J '*•«» Uie bureau lQ VOit OF Boatou Urt 8«K 17-gamo hucbaU Phono OF DOMINION'S ACE ... CaUaa'a gaini in U* year tie led a big •uhedulo tnolaies 14 Bight UP- oal; ChiiMKo pro football flayer, FRANK'S •IMUt in stolen bases. Can you igMMMt II 80Bday wiaU— aai • Jaly YBAR Normlo Wwoag, tH, iu Mined Ltttfe Willie «fu* ut 4lh |o«kkkba4w wKk tha Now mywhere Canada'a oBtetaadtiig "iirtt ath- RADIO ft ULEVISION Pepper johnny of two days arrived back at school. YarkTaalMH. HM |w worn ladr lete lor IM. Bftfrt*

    THURSDAY. MARfH Kv being a _ PAGE SIXTEF.N can foreign policy, therefore, was to dismember Germany RUSTJH ated by « "mad-man1 KK! (This (MBBtPT.-. ;^{ :«TI out of three tills from the has always stood in faror al * and 510 Ann Lntnrr's 41* '.J --ill TV* eonUnued in a simllw taAhkn. pleto surprise v Sprit Qilz towers tame mark »« the bw* on \*x united Germany and it w*s the \ Ther* wu no necessity for was still mdn e Penh Amboy squad United States which Insisted on on Colonia Personals 1. Joe Wilm&n. the M-ym-old A thrt*-gan»e triumph mm The two. «n-T90 and 829 it into parts Now •*— to and Pines «*s just what the J"*™ each day. ., Berywyn, Illinois star, now has Hi (Includi.ig Colonia Proper and Colonia Village) had seven 300 irames in open anteml for ti unliNi to send Yu»wi.,. Dixie Belle's aces during the Soviet Piartj c»- bowling and three in league play Corporation of ! Bir i and Am are M ,^d its forc« Into mwh «« ->•>' , the Swrtu for a total of ten. eently dropped _._ *-• Mttrch 6. Mrs. Lcidncr is the for-j division after a disastrous slump *«.v*k *!>o collected totals o snip and a mrr Charlotte Menucs. 2. Pepper Martin, new Cub mis breeted through the match. , M ,nd 471. Rarltan Oil» ** occur. I am By coach, was bom on February 29, 1 —Tentative plflns for a walking winning by taRtes ot 8*3-171. W$- «$ K»y Fiprentlni with games of , bomb was to show Russia that th* sor" Intot ror , MRS. SIDNEY Blood Bnnk tc serve our commun- im. T85 and i j» IM »nd 179 for a 5W seta. suicidal policy (United States has such a bomb the latest jjuf* •.: FRKIM) ity have been made. At the present i. They '.re tennis players. : while Till* Zalari trailed with a ,3. America's cold 1 and is williiw to use it a«aln«t any These «e tu<- time our community does not have 4. Daniy Murtagh, with the 500 thw-K»me mark really began duriiu sons" on* ^sr ;f 1!) Sandnlwood H Blood Bank, other than at thePhillies in iJJIl. Mildred Hardy and Mary Y*>n- th* Jefferscn $, I.anr area hospitals. 5. The Clncn..."*! riedlegs. csics were the Cau'.ir. Carpon- The United SUtes is a Kearn HOMiy. rr-'v ( nlonia —Mothers of Second Grade pu- tlons big iuns on th* »U*ys with Microscope on Com. ' -sucker" for sendine economic aid wher* white _< • p. s served as hostesses at the FTO sets of 515 and 511 *;•'.> Anr. Fulton 8-2969 Continued from Edltorir' "-—'Wall Street on the lo Yugoslavia becauat Tito is | is rewritten 'cc meetina of Schools 2 and 16 Tues- Reo Diner Scores Hwnan came throujh «u't-. » Ml eminent In this effoi* Foryvsul those the r.ipttalitts want • nlaun* » «ry untrustworthy \ of W 00 a (X.HL-'V tiny. Will you search your attic total for The Puws tried so hard that he lost "-:$ mind from both sides and stated" PRrtv w..s hrlJ at' for any Gay Nineties" costumes iContinued from Sports Page) rthr'nv ' Mrs Orlflm. j and accessories? April's PTO pro- Kuhlthau, were in the S: the hem ' off M Mi r - -™r thell. Rram, Family Album." will be lots aBBaaaa pU RA 7-6631 if you can be^••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " r^ Cecelia Mikla..Ufcc . ot any awtstance. Caporaso. 169 «. Patricia Shales, Walter i FMriane ^ fin, Barbaia and Douglas Fieund. ,n Ntw York City seeing the sight. AMBOY —On Friday night. March 23rd, •s. Caporaso and their children at 7:30 P.M.. the Men's Club of moved to Colonia. recently the New Dover Methodist Church —The newly formed Colonia FEED will present an Easter film in theVillage Civic Group is Interested Sunday School Building. Refresh- In having as many families as pas- ments will be served. sible who lives in the Colonia Vil- —Mr, and Mrs. Charles Knud- lage area Join the organization. To *en and their daughter. Beth Ann. successfully serve the interests of An Invitation To All Homeowners... Sandalwood Lane, spent last week this area It is important that a end visiting at a farm in Selkirk.. large Civic Group be active. For i I r IHIIKN SHOP anil our new ROSE CENTER al the rear of our store. N Y. further Information please phone You are eonliallv invited to visit our enlarged GARDEN bHOI and ntrrruntinn\ —The 29 plus club met at theJohn Wiggias. 28 Sandalwood, FU i ~ !„ vmir hrnrt « content (without interruption;. home of Mrs. John Orauft. 15 Sha- 18-6534 or Charles Knudsen, 32 If you like to shop for spring ^anlen needs where you ean browar to >our h ^ ^^ ^ ^ ' Sandalwood Lane FU 8-7688. dowlawn Drive. Members present then AMBOY FEED GARDEN SHOP is the spot you II enjoy ..MUDJ. ^^^ diffirullif that you n*.y at this meeting were: Mrs Robert to make up their oirn minds about their purchases. However. |« »TT "" T , \ | ion. weMl f~V pamilton. 13 Shadowlawn Drive. ORT to Meet Tonight f ou have the so ut i Mrs. Denni&e Collette, 17 Shadow- have, feel free to call on «, at any time, well he only too lad to Wp «uH £ *» ^ ^^ [ > lawn Drive; Mrs, John Kortz. Can- At Metuchen Center ? ? mm terbury Lane; Mrs. Lincoln Smith. find out for yon. Drop in. if only to hrowse around and get your r REh 1 AH IRw 15 Woodland Drive: Mrs. Charles MENLO PARK TERRACE — Wick. 11 Shadowlawn Drive, andThe next meeting of the Metwood beneficial to YOU as a home gardener. c M Mrs. Orin Mason, 19 Canterbury Chapter of Women's American Lane. Plane were made to tour ORT (Organization for Rehabili- ... «r,,).n Trade Shows" and "International I lower >>hows, at the Proctor and Gamble plant tation through Training* will be As for the newest items in gardening, we attend the Garden Trade Sho^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ March 22. Members are also mak- held tonight at the Metuchen ing plans to take a trip to New Jewish Community Center. The which time we order the very latest items m gardening. ^ e hope, that >ou win ar< | York City some time in May. business meeting will be in charge to wish each and even one of you "HAPPY CARDENING.' —Colonia was well represented of Mrs. Max Kellermann, presi- See you soon . . . well be looking for you, AMBOY FEED CO. INC. at the Fashion Show, sponsored by dent. Mrs. Mildred Morse of the the WoodbildKe Township Educa- Metuchen school system, will speak GARDEN SHOP tion Association, which was held on "Child Psychology." An audi- at the "Pines" in Metuclim last ence participation discussion will Thursday. Seen at the show were: be held. Mrs. John Feldman. 38 Fairview The Metwood Chapter will hold BALANCE-BLEND Avenue; Mrs. Walter Zirpolo. New- ORT Sabbath at Congregation Dover Road: Mrs. Paul Ablonray, Neve- Sholom, at the Metuchen Colonia Boulevard; Mrs. Frank Jewish Cehter tomorrow night. A FLOWER Woodenscheck. 18 Woodland short program will be presented. Drive; Mrs. Sidney Freund. 19 San- WONDERU dalwood Lane; Miss Mary Mullen, INCREASES GRASS S Mrs. Leland Reynolds, Mrs. Helen Postpones Card Party YOUR 100% Waters, teachers. COLONIA — The card party VEGETABLE r—A surprise birthday party was planned by the Ladies Auxiliary Permanent Seed MuU held Monday at the home of Allen of the Colonia Volunteer Chemi- Hornyak, 20 Maplewood Avenue, cal Hook and Ladder Company, "For Lams if Ptm*«« t; for Howard Newmark. by the mem- for March 15 has been postponed SEED bers of the "Flaming Arrow" pa- due to the death of a fireman. Utility trol of Boy Scout 45. Present were: The next meeting will be Mon- 5 Ik Cwsnr wl| W .55 Bob Brown, Alan Hornyak, Howard day In the fire house on Inman You Name It . Newmark, Jimmy Freund, John Avenue. Toma. Russell Morgan, Ralph Ki- We've Got It! Twn Lawn] GfMd ... racofe and Billy Hyland. COLONIA CLUB SESSION —Individual pictures of students COLONIA — There will be a . . . oncf YOU can do of Schools 2 and 16 were taken meeting 6f the Colonia Club on IT WONT WIN Tuesday. Parents will have the Monday, March 19. at the Colonia much of the Work Yourself opportunity to purchase these Library at 8 P. M. A very In- plcturps if they want to. teresting program will be present- Be sure to see and hear won- —Representatives from Cub ed by the New Jersey Bell Tele- Packs and ^ft Scout Troops at> phone Co. An audience of ap- derful lawn and garden tips tended t: Northeast District proximately 50 members is de- on our Round table at the Chrome Syna- sired, therefore, all members are gogue, Carteret, Monday. Themes urged to attend. fruit trees "HOME GARDENER SIMT for the month of April were dis- Every Saturday •& WBCA-TV cussed. Sophia Loren has been signed Channel i, lttl:3ir. 3L —The Rahway Memorial Hospi- by Hecht - Lancaster for a film to be made in India and Para- ORGANIC PLANT FOODS tal announced the birth of daugh- • DWARF FRUIT TREES ters to the following Colonia fami- mount wants her for three films. On Rmdk> WRCA lies last week: Mr. and Mrs. Eu-Sophia, by the way, gets $100,000 • FLOWERING TREES fir Lush lawns, Biuer Vegetables, Lovelier Fiowers, etc. Satardmy >t 12:32 r. M. gene Soos, the former Kathryn Mc- from Stanley Kramer for her work • FRUIT TREES (all kiuds) Mahon, 167 Easthill Road March in "The Pride and the Passion," With Ruth and Phi) 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leid- with the specification that she wil • SHADE TREES ner, 424 West Inman Avenue, go on tour for the picture in 1957. 4ESPOMA !cc UWNS> VEGETABLES, FIOWEKS, SHIUIt WHAT IS MEANT BY ORGANIC

    • POTTED "STAR ROSES • RAKES • BURR ROSES • SPREADERS • MINIATURE ROSES • MOWERS • UULBS *CMMTiWI * m IWCMK Hollv-Tone • UIC1 IKUTUT Hand and powril IH HlltU, MUttS, MOIOClNMOdJ. E«EI»UHS, ttt. % ME HHMK LUIS tools that make your gardening more fun . au>' ^n the n*e foM th 6 to ikvflup! A bh-( l>Un(j high IN 0 more efficient lawn ESPOMA ROSE FOOD THE ESTOMA COMPANY the many aids to finer lawi^ <> Large Assortment' nuuvnu, N. J. now have on display. FLOWERING' SHRUBS

    • FERTILIZER Michigan "Pete Grass Seed to fit every PEAT • INSECTICIIES Official He* Here's the "Ticket " pocketbook and every purpose ... I Give to Myself! NOW IS THE TIME TO SEEPS The twltrr tkt Mtr* WONDERLAWN b*4. Ik* b(

    "The Bank with AU the Service*" i AMBOY FEED-GARDEN SHOP IRST BANKAND TRUST CQMBWT " 279 New Brunswick Avenue GEORGE WALSH, KORNKK OF OAK STRKKTl FREE DELIVER) OPEN WEEKDAY'S 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Perth Amboy ( U)SKU VVHUNfcHllAV AT NOON federal Uepusit Ituuruwe Coriwratton TEL HI 2-1350 v« I. FOR FAMILY t PREVIEW I FASHION AND HOME I) 3htbepenbent - leabet FASHION SKTIOir THURSDAY MARCH 15, 1956


    Mole >woy lor Spring ... for the colors and

    sounds ond fragrances of o new, young seasoh

    when everything grows and glows! Make

    ^ way for spring songs ond sunlight . . .for spring

    Rowers ond fashions. Spring '56 makes

    wqy (or the long, lean silhouette ... for fly- :'i

    fcght stjJts, airily-polished ,

    stro«o1uer-lhan-you-think coots. Spring fashion

    mokes way for the lady-like look with a

    detente flair .. . for clear colors,

    gentle curves and, at lost,

    flattery for oil!

    •.'•.• /'• .1PKIN0 FASHION :;T:~-

    :p MAn i- ' »hi fp[ t-.t spy in:* cost picture. d'ime of return fn; i, :«•• w- ;!"•]. Ai'tiin It's color i••• (I: ii (iifs from the Orient, a:

    mph8sis on what a.i . :' ••inn-'., the "Knit look" l- news Aluir- with the swim* lo li-:Ht- uft is bark xribPd as "-port ear .lii. distinction to spririK s .simple 1 cil.-n- niines iiH'ieasi'd inter- i- apiing in tracH- short topcoats, MIII-.PI, •• ^pa.Micnted coat line? Blend1- ..1 in Uvhtt'i' weight fiibi-irs. es|»-- j TUH'l.V. TIKKKI) ! rimmed look and eisnre jackeLs and .., i : .-ilk flnd wool that have a .soft •i:illy a!:-W(M)l worsteds, 4s the I IIIIII- 11>v slniii; Klaininirizi's im- ti::it are di.'-tmr- in elects. i •• • i! 'JI -ilk(• n effect are of majoi ii! (It • •n n-1-.t practir-al solution to the li'irUint Imiirs, Noli- pyramid .iiMMjjice, followed closely bv •ivcly iiulii-sr-ason suit problem. These shaping. Suggested by Awiu.-iated m wciiviiV! teehi- • • :: wools and,Silks. D( vi'l'ijJii!<-nt.'. mi. can be worn well into June, I'ut" IM iiuil.uturets. ;OSTUMES I.OOK M U .'• t m,(i it Wilton. Mrun*i too HIP beautiful in tweed qlit'S lii.O:'- fii:;. ' List year's wtather history i>- Sleevekss jackets. r Axmiiv-!'-! ujl\ •i. '.iIK-1 tufk-d take days 1 : • I .o.i.-k'.'t-weave eflects. Ofu-ii -.w< itself, and oh mild Lit ti'i|)ial wi'ii.'ht suits of "Da llm skirts, glv.- u vn: 1 Kill ihnr '.eve! 1 '• y .'n- blended with wool for on a in'. , bv.'y, i hioiiiiliout the summer. cron" polvesti'i fiber and wool ti- asual co«tume tffe:: i ' 'M; v.;ih wool's warmth and pile h.i. •Mtin.it'(I t'j multi-level; Tiie advent of really warm I the lis'ht weight "iviish and wear" K short and sfemi-flitMi !' I'l.liiijiY.y and linens textuiv other Ciiriji-ls li:r-.- tie uppt LIIHIU" •ve.iihfr will turn the spollluhl on | suits with their high content oi ind tunic length, an : of F'i-eni :. t.tp, ...ry or nmllepnini FOCAI. POINT OF (ONTFMPOUAKV I.IVIM. « liifht-*ei((ht tropical worsted fabrics "D.KTnn." r.yion and "Orion." >leted uutflt gem r.il,\ Thtre'h new color In wool, with silk and with spun brass lees. Kn-rfurm m.nhl.' c» for n\?n< suits. These will follow Tin- •'natural look' In suits con- 'ull-sleeved bloun- Suited to Fabrics as many us fourteen hues availbale 1 1- •">. liilly suited to the new iex- loume ch»ir hah prcan wood Irarft"- Hith «l«'ii lui- , trcatmuil. the stroiii! .style trend toward tlnues popular, but now appean in tuftrd v;ti-i'.'tie». The trend Ls in more tlian one version. Whili t ,i .',:'!Mcs is the Orient-inspired lighter colors, incorporating a wide •)0NT BR io a lighter palette and more un- :n:ik': !(• ,'l.iv !m fashion in pleas- some men look well in the moi* • •• t r>'lie-rally it follows the c-af- usual sl-udes. iiflen called "de- varlPty of solid shades and pat- It's Just as normul " i, *'i mandarin silhouette with ii,,- ,ii,d d,\edified ways, from th? terned fiibrics. extreme "Ivy" typ:> model, other: corator' color-,. nipli lj.ick phut M-en in many .lie toes inward n out... it-'iin lines and deep slits nt Pretty, Youthful Effect New Color Range with naturally sloping shoulder- Tone-on-Tnnp Varied I slu-iiiiijs IJ ...i-iuoiind ai'i-ordion and Umi'cr uetk will be WPII ad- is w|tll ,'he toe.s poii; .• -id" -u\ttns. A ii'-w ran^e of lighter colors Uiead. The »m\f <>'. Another trend brings pattern ', pit at.v vised 10 seek the modified version oi;. ii ii.:- coat ls decorated with .mo the one-coluv carpet. Many Is Spring Fashion Theme and Miial) patterns will present rait is hereditary i> • iiii....(J-iy »nd other detail. Pule itself in the "miracle fibers" unri with .slightly more shoulder pad- variation-, of the "tone-on-tone," HAVK MANY LOOKS ding and longer jacket. .vmpt to change this •> ... tunes are most effective in a subtli' fiiiiue expressed in sev- Slimness with animated Ls the fashion theme for spring '56 as blends. These will run the gamut ioir.e serious fool aiin :'w.: nff the woven fabrics, Puity-vuin:4 fashions for jun- i ('miUnrntal Influence .eral shades of the same-color, are :he understated elegance of the slender silhouette yields to the iors iiu-'.ude a variety i>f looks. They from "comfort weight" suits in a ,-mi be harmful. l.:,i: illusion of a broader new. Jcminine, youthful influence of many i»-ft.tv detail?. may follow the sleek, sophisticated covert cloth of "Orion" acrylic I Proper choice of accessories to :•••:'.•'•'<• line is sometimes cre- Chief iitere.st lies in the out- Tucks, drapping, pleat, and panel-pleats or flouting back panels line, turn to the tunic, or flare out j fiber and wool, through the popu- 'i .v ii.ii capelet sleeves or deep lining of a floral or leaf by dark- add delightful variety to beltless. semi-fitted sheaths, while the high- floating skirts of solid-colored ;ij- d.rs'c-ting the eye to the top, er yarn or yarn in different level, rising waistline of dresses and sp'ts heralds tl«- tnumplwnMetu 1 other times with dropped shape to the pattern of the empire look to fashion pro ] -—- •iu\d> is or yoke seams. Wrap ! losPl: y followed by black and the LonR-popular patterns have been minence. • '' • •''. tapering imperceptibly to ilond-and-befce family. simplified, so that the over-all With waitlines generally higher ' i hi inline, also give the effect Prints have an Oriental feeling shape is retained, but not the in- the walst-length-or-shorter jacket ; l.'iulder width. vhich extends to fabrics and is I tricacy. • for dresses or suits emerges as oni Kmpirr Is Important arried out by the extensive use More Weaves Figured of the most important spring I iniJire silhouettes, with high if silk. More Far Eastern infill- PIKUIT appears in the tradition- trends. It appears sometimes as ' :'iii: liom which the coat bells •nets ar«; seen in the use of man- ally plain weaves, thanks to tech- . fitted jacket, sometimes as f . .i!.y io the hemline, are im- larin necklines, caftan coats with nical skill. An innovation on bolero, straight and short or dip leep side slits, obi drapes and slit • :• dm fui spring. Bow treatments velvet loom permits large scale pat- ping lower and blousing in back :;\jhon or fancy jewel touches. tern In two levels. Another devel- Other popular tops are stoles, witl '!•; :o u,<> regal effect of the style. opment Is fiHured tufted carpet. or without sleeves, and little A new approach to the slim look l h»; tunic look, so important last Backs Are Bloused ? indicated by the sheath that for SPRING ... Enthusiasts for plain color car ooks narrow but isn't, the suit . !!. Uns been modified for spring Throughout spring fashions. th< pets need not feel neglected in vit.li the pleated'or gently-flaring . ,i limi." length coat, gaining back bloused back deisci-ves attention 1 the midst of pattern. Here again kirt, the coat with straight lines nt •I";. through Mousing, wide Suits and coats use it boldly there Is more color choice, and re hat artfully conceal its comforta- i.i' Uuids or back detail. dresses modify It, but either way the tendency to elegance 9le, roomy cut. '; !'.i iinliited reefer or tube Ches- the new carpets are thicker an way. it makes a big contribution i•::.i-iii scores a hit as an inter- silkier and more velvety. Ofter to feminine easing of straight an< Full Skirts Look New !,: i..ii''!i (if spring's popular easy- metallic threads add sparkle, narrow styles New-looking, too, are the ful- ;;i: .s;lhomtte. It is generally er-skirted styles, a persistent CURTAINS Where practicality counts mos In fabrics, surface interest i- •' i ia smooth wools or tweedy •ninority for spring. "Belled full- there are durable textures, an the big story, with silks and woolens making special news in iiess" Ls the way designers ident- • DACKON and TRU1-ON (No or Stretching) carpetp s where technical short cut: l!.-c;'iisc it steps so nicely into rustic weaves and blends. Navy ify this type of styling, and it have made possiblb e more carpet sails in the lead of spring colors proves again that, even when slim for the price. ine.s are prevalent, many women t MARQUISETTES Tailored and Ruffled find full skirts most flattering, dolor Sparks most fashion-right for them. FASHION-FAVORED HOI.EKO, o (%TAGE SETS © CAFE SETS A look of slimness with full- in soft wild with a heavy li-.md- \ With Matchinit Valance ea-e and (since is achi-ved kait limk. makes elegant lopping Latest Jewelry | by pleats. This season, pleatin : fur spriiii; sheaths. H i- of r'llors is nn important • C;,!; lii of sprint; jewelry,, the SHOWER CURTAIN SETS .1 »• i •-.' industry^Council, reports. Biul: of lilac, lwe or aqua are "!inii' iiitu multiple-strand neck- I .<••-.. (ii.i'iied for a wide or V i" :kli)ic. For a brighter theme DRESSER SETS l.i. .tic in coral, deep l.ir<::mlM and royal blue — often •lln' season iia.'n'il v.ith matchinK , • r| hi:ici"'lets. lor SPRING :j.i:r-- beads are opalescent, !i •[•• il with Kold or bright color, v i:i,'t- (j'iit-rs are clear and .sparkl- ii: • in sapphire, emerald and ruby DRAPERY FABRICS c:i:

    Stunning Separates.., Lightweight Woolens "> Blouse Bonanza! H.98 lo 4.98'yi|. Dacron - Silk - Dftoron and Cotton - Cotton Enjoy the distinc- Cool Cottons and Dacron Batiste 2.98-3.98 tive quality our S9c lo 1.39 yd. SK1UT JAMBOREE! reputation has Crenst ReiUtmit Newest Spring Fabrics and Colors, been built on, the Mirny Styles to Select from 2.98 - 3.98 LineiiH - 89c yd. unusual value our OULON and 'iM policy dictates . . . Bern berg Sheers and enjoy elegance 79<«.io 1.19 yd. ACfcESSOHlllS today. ... ions To Conjplete Your Faster Outfit Ginghams • • JEWELRY 69c to 89c yd. • (1LOVES • • KERt llllll'S * Extended charge plan' "If it time* from llonlen'g You Know tlutt it's tow/" z , if you wish, m OPEN TIlliRSPAY AND FTMPAY EVENINGS TILL !) / i _ ('(iiisuiii<-rs (keen Stumps — Choree A<

    -. il-hi.-vi: ••!:' e'i .k A.-,n!ON SECTION THURSDAY, MARCH 1.1. 19f)fi PAGE TTTRXE , (laments Little Feet Fabric Picture Now Shows Spring Nod Gain Better Linens and Silks in Lead ,,,11 tnkr their Fashion spotlights textured, lusciouspenenrhebluestndtatter lim of leather Fit, Fashion hluwelght fabric* for spring, with ! yellows, Hint more g»f- eubdtied p.ittf!ilns and monotone Wooler suits and dresses, ap- ,i,. in completely The great r.mtnges which have pear in "paper thin" or chiffon weedy effects. The Uro major In- K ,hv-clc".nablc iiken place in shoes for grown- wetcht fabrics. Fine twoods bulc •ps during the last few seasons 'urnces are linen and silk. to eterj classic appear v,i- in Irather Is ire now clearly reflected in ehll- | Many fabrics contain linen atone in pastel shades and get an "extra |., I-,. subtly pat- iren's shoe fashions for spring lor in mixtures, or ete ttMln it* soft" look from mixtures ot wool The lltfhUr lo'ik and feel, the with rabbit or angora. Other im- effect in other fiber com- \ ;],mi.iT more flexible soles, the softer tan- portant suit fabrics for sprint are ,i, (ift, washable binatlons. Bonded with wool or- wool parathea. worsted crepes, fine S if'xc.s which have introduced a worsted, lin«i is most effective new era In shoe fashions for nun twill and silk with mohair blends. vhen transited Into coats, suits Sprint evening wil float by In a [,i(i suit spot- nd v/nmt'ii are now lust as impor- tnd RporUm-ar outfits. ..,rs kldskin on tant ,in shoes tor tots and teen- swirl of transparent sheers. Pet Cotton. ltn«n and rayon often y, ^^ ..imwl wool fab- afsers. o{ e ls the silk chiffon -ombine in unusual reversible ^»nOii ri,»«cdress _— ^soft and moldable A kid leather Ills going to make a child's life •oatings. U\ sophisticated Orien- innkct. a happier one. The old theory was or lightly starched. Paper taffetas uil-styled coats-the cafUn espe-' ^.j Mtlny surfaced silks are also 1;li in a provln- that the heavier ,the shoe, the 1 is styled like loniier it would last and the more •Mally-natural textured linens and I des|gnMl t0 enManre a mt, m. basket-weave linen tweeds are (-huntress ,..iitctl to thrrt- ronomical it was. Small heed was beautiful. . I ' jiikl'to the dlicomf"'N of bmk- i.,i(ins, there's a ni? the shoe in. And by the time Silk. •mid kill leather. lint Job was completed, the,shoe Silk has reached « new peak of Appeal of Jersey Fabric ned, it Is hiRh- was usually too shabby for any- popularity ;u*l versatility. mRkln« Lie» in Us Comfort iwblr mink col- hint; but playtime wear. its spring dtefcut in every fleld of fashion from the basic suit to the Ewy on the Felt Men who put a premium on Not so any longer. In all price little evening" sheath. Often It has a tweedj / eharaeteh comfort in their have ramies, the new shoes for e.hll- made a discovery; no fabric beats 'iic liners for SPRINCi I'RKFKRKNCF. for liulklrr ;inil n m w trriittnent for Most* stril.ing are the hening- Iren aim for on the foot. jne. Donecal. strie and pepper- an absorbent Jersey for spring and . putted eloth- Developments In soles have done summer sport shirts. ::nd make clenn- rouifh straws arccunts (or the popularity of cloches like (his one. ,lt wenvi;s in the season's new much to advance trend. Soles, re- nits and 'suits. Rustic silks are Soft and resilient, modem Jer- Tht tail, conical erfnvn is irpulrnMy (Imped In slripcd silk. gardless of material, all make sey can be styled m neatly fitting, ?en most t frequently . In black. much of comfort and flexibility avy, beige and brown. highly washable fabrics for both And they're built to last just as A "knit l'Xtk" highlights the new. leisure and active sports. The Bare Shoes Top long as the heavy clumping soles structure of a knit fabric such as A BRASS TIPPED HEEL featured on a simply M»:irt tie pump is ghtweighttwool blends, achieved that used to be a trial to active hrough use of hopsacking. basket- worsted jersey enables it to take up youngsters. an exciting new fashion note for this spring. ,i\.iil;il>!r in vanilla, moisture more readily than tightly Mack, red and navy kid. eave and i boucle woolens with Style Features The snme feeling—more light- ubby or slabbed surfaces. Oat- woven fabrics. And because Jersey ness—goes into design. Slimmer eal coloring emphasizes spring's fits the body snugly it permits more Snndalized hare shoes, with lines, more restrained treatments, natural look:" Wool comlnes with unhampered motion than loosely .triiipiBB and — shoes that delicacy of detail put children's Hose Coordinate Matched Sets Co otton as weOl as with linen in hniging fabrics. the lmpresiiqn of "no shoe" shceb into the real high fashion many coats to achieve the impor- very little shoo have emerged bracket this season. ant light-texftured feeling. jr_% [|:is an important gtyle feature as Thsre Is also much more variety With Color Groups Inside Handbags

    We fake Time fo Fit Young Feet CorcruHy Uiien Daily a A.M. to 6 l'.Srj. /)f< lit I f\sY\*vs /"iII Friday Evening Til 9, S A.M. to !l VM. Yoifr. Easter Saturday Purchases » A.M. to 5 VM, Sunday tottbl The BOOT SHOP II AM. -4 P.M. T Main Street Woodbridge 103 Main Street Woodbridge 8-2528 SPRING FASHION THURSDAY. MARCH l'v PAGE FOUR tvpf of elegance which Is reflected the new feeling ;r. ln Rii the appurtenances of a men's city wear The popularity • FHs Anr Sotting ' At the same l.Lnv\ wrought iron Sleek, Low !„•, costume, including his hat. Wing Tip shoe h , For example. Italian ^rovln- continues to be u»ed as an accent Suit.'shirt, , tie and more Man of the trend , American Ideas Bringing ciM has a cl&ssir beau1 y lhat makes In non-Spnnlih surroundings Its particiularly his shoes. toward the modi!;. it thoroughly app' jpriate to a tra- adaptability also extends to it;. Lines Lead New Spring Look ditlonal room grouping. j place In the home. whiwri may be Charcoal grey, which started the three, four and ;. . Greater Comfort, Beauty for city wear. On the other hand. Its pleasant! either indoors or outdoors Style Trend trend tn ready-to-wear was re- simplicity flta well with contem- spring '56 furniture Is versatile sponsib* for the tremendous vogue i The slip-on, nnv ,. porary setting*. In ny other ways, one of which !!••*• aiv of for black shoes. men's shoe wardm> 1 Into New Home Fashions ma i styling up for the s;« The marble* and marbellzed i its ability to do a quick chanan i.isr.ior.s this sprinu. s in their haus. their This spring the new look Is tn m«r season. i Presentini? a wcrM'p rye vim of spring fashions for the home surfaces that also stem from Ita- act. i particularly in the the intermediate tones, blues. ound the dlobe Into furniture that llan design, the lacquered finishes ! Vnlti that may ^ used tor any- ^designers translate m-itifs trim a: A:\cms. I browns, greys, tweed mixtures, Is Ideal for'the Amfrcan way of Iiving and good proportions of Oriental,, th, ,rom ^^oom headbosris to Black polished leather, which goes •Argyle Sm-ks .s/,,,,.,| r;onal furnishings sbrary s"ri ':s •;' with all of these, will still be a dlnavlan furniture are at home ^a wide dressing this season, |nfluenct"> airnrz llom Or.<:.'ai. English. Italian. French. 8panish !doubte M d]ntag tebIes a favorite But there will be more For Hijth /\)/ll(,,lr virtually anywhere, whatever the iti-purpose pieces irp Une drawn between *nd Scandinavian. range of other mu Interest In the browns and cor- over-all motif. . . jmake home beauty and conveni- - . V: M)d the town outfit. Although solid < , In more ways than one home dovans than there was last season. The new interests in Spanish- ence increasingly easy to achieve A'irds. well-dressed men I to ftold favor m |>eauty begns at home, as Ameri- j planning to furnish an entire home The low-line shoe with the Con- mood fumUhlngs provides another — a >l;oe wardrobe which modified arByle< <• can design trikes a leading place in i and to those who want to give i).i:h the casual and the i tinental sir is the correct acces- : I home a «winc spruce-up by add- example of adaptability. "Here the ' row vertical ftripe- •> LINEN LOOK RETURNS I sory fashion for the new town suit i biggest year in mm decorative keynote is wrought Iron, The linen look in suits returns silhouette—which snows the modi- time, many mei) present long a favorlle of contemporary this year (minus trie trouble-some >-A ii e'.otj-.cs — and snoes — >nd mult;-purnow use are follow*.d designers. ii.: ;.-• away from the free- fied natural Une with narro» real color in - tn the mfjdification of f.uniture Just one advantage Is that cleaning and pressing problem • lapels, three-button fastening and Carpet Spanish-Patterned com fashion" fit)m other c-v.in^iesj thei-e> no need to be concerned As practical as they are handsome -y lar-ket-and-slacks ' slightly squared shoulders. Llghtweigh: wivr. : ••n which has been doing irhilepar^y and mid-t- ir.t.f': <~en- about limiting home fashions to This spring, however, it gets the the new suits are made with n hmh The new shoes are sleek, slim, '.popular arRyle r.t-K '.••<•; the la.n few seasons. The jury Airp'tran furnish:.;B- •<:>• *.mon- e particular period or country deluxe treatment, and rtxnns are , content of "Dacron" blended with lieht on the foot. They are dis- cellent choice Th> •;•.!• Hiing, whether It be in tJ)ort.inJ ;n thetr riHT ;. ..' of origin. often designed around such pieces either rayon, cotton or linen, it- tinctly a dress-shoe with a town becftuce they aiv as a wrought Iron and glass coffee self. They take readll yto wash- -d now fine tweeds, flannels Brines Advantage*. New desijms make it easy to look about It. Flexible soft leather porous, they're an :: . 1 1 table. One manufacturer even has ing, seldom need more than a is sf wine mii " Tre happy min,: !]::- of infr- oombtne contemporary with tra- Provincial r.ih that takes a high polish adds to tiibution to foot h> 1 carpeting patterned after Spanish touch-up with an iron. Wrinkles •; '.PIT'S a new young modern ^tiational infi-jen* "-" br:iu-s many ditional. American with European rherrv *|dvantR2i-5. both or Oriental. grillwork. I of normal wear ham; out

    • NO OPENING CHARGE! • NO CARRYING CHARGE! • NO EXTRA COST TO YOU! ^B -™_*i^* ^^%^J • NO DOWN PAYMENT! Any of the member stores listed below will be glad to give you TAKE YOUR PURCHASES all the details of opening your Hundi-Churge account today! WITH YOU!

    WOODBRIDGE PERfH AMBOY PERTH AMBOY PERTH AMBOY PERTH AMBOY ARTISTIC Iron Craft, Inc. ALEXANDER'S Men's Shop FABER'S GIFT SHOP KLINE JEWELERS, Inc. Paramount Specialty Hu>| Foundations and AccesscTii - Iron Craft Men's Shop House Furnishings, Dinner Ware Fine Jewelry - Gifts # 20 Convery Boulevard 176 Smith Street Gift Shop 76 Smith Street 182 Smith Street 123 Smith Street HAMDl-CHARGE LEE LUGGAGE DOOLEY'S TOYS ALLYN SHOES PARKLYNN, In* Toys and Juvenile Furniture S. FINE I*. A.'s Exclusive Leather Goods Store" Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes Clothing, Haberdashrn 802 St. George Avenue Coats - Suits - Dresyes - Sportswear 188 Smith Street 205 Smith Street 173 Smith Street 89 Smith Street EDISON Floor Covering LEVIN'S PERTH AMBOt Super-Mart ALLEN'S Factory Outlet FINK'S Hep!. Store. Inc. Sporting Goods - Luggage THOUSANDS General Merchandise Dry Goqds Greeting Cards BEDDING CO., In. Linoleum and Carpets 285 State Street Juvenile Furniture »nd Toys. I! 1 of satisfied liandi-Charge customers are U. S. Highway No. 9 168 Smith Street 192 Smith Street 338 State Street already availing themselves of this EMBASSY Dress Shop AMBOY CYCLE SHOP FISHKIN BROS., Inc. LICHTMAN BROS service .... Dresses, Coats, Sportswear Juvenile Shop - Juvenile Furniture Photograph)' and Siicrting Goods Appliances RUTHALS 93 Main Street Toys 157 Smith Street 152 New Brunswick Avenue of Perth Amboy. ln< 355 State Street FRANTELL Sport Shop THE FOTO SHOP Snon UEBER'S 181 Smith Street Ladies' Sportswear ANNE LONDON Photographic Supplies Sporting Goodfe - Toys 100 Main Street China, Glass Gifts, Lamps 334 State Street 195 Smith Street SEGAL STORKS 305 Maple Street Household Furnishing GALLARD'S Photo FRAN LEF, LIPPMAN'S ONE CARD Photo Supplies Unpainted I'urniturr .RTCRAFT DECORATORS "Career Girls' Store" Sportswear, Lingerie 547 Araboy Avenue 288 Madison Avenue 440 Amboy Avenue Entitles you to Hatuii-Charge your pur- Interior Decorators 159 Smith Street 649 Convery Boulevard chases at any of the member stores in MAIN HARDWARE GERRY PRICE LOU MILLER DRESSES SHIRLEY SPIEGI Hardware and Housewares Coats, Suits, Dresses and Sportswear Dresses • Woodbridge, Perth Amhoy, Fords, Car- Dresses and Sportswear BLANCHE SHOPS 175 Smith Street 1G1 Smith Street teret and Roselle. 99 Main Street Sportswear, Lingerie 178 Smith Street 133 Smith Street MODERN Men's Shop GRABER'S Kiddie Shop MADSEN & HOWELL, Inc. SLOBOD1EN SHOK> Kiddie Sim]) Shoes Men's Shop BOSTON SHOE CO. Hardware and Housewares 103 Main Street 319 State Street 313 Madison Avenue 161 Smith Street "Careful Fitting IJ Our Business" PDBLIX PHARMACY 182 .Smith Street GREENHOUSE, Inc MANUFACTURER OUTLET Sterling Floor Cov^rinfz l"< STORES OPEN Prescriptions - Sundry Needs Fur and Cloth Coats 91 Main Street Men's and Boys' Accessories CarpcU and Muulrum L, BR1EGS & SONS . 195 Smith Street 284 State Street 221 Smith Street SALLS JEWELERS Tailors, Clothiers, 91 Smith Street IRWIIN'S Fine Furniture Jewelers MAY'S SURPRISE STOKI LATE Furniture 93 Main Street Dresses . Coats - Suits v General Merchandise Highway 9, Woodbridge CARR AVniug $ Blind Co. 153 Smith Street 94 Smith Street VIVIEN'S Kiddy Shop Awnings - Blinds - Shades ' JACK RUBIN'S Layettes, InfanU' and Children's 214 New Brunswick Avenue MECHANICS Juvenile Shop . Clothing Fine Jewelry, Silverware, Gift Items THE WILK Juvenile iurnlfure aud Tow 105 Main Street £87 Madi&on Avenue Women's Coats, Suits, Dres.* > \ CHILD'S VARIETY 286 Hobart Street Blouses MODERNAGE Juvenile Shop JERSEY TIRE CO., Inc. 137 Smith Street FOR YOUR MIKA CAMERA SHOP 487 New Brunswick Ave,, Fords Deeorutors Studio Appliances, Tiros Cameras and Accessories YOUTH FASHION SU<»l Interior Decorators, Slip Covers 147 New Brunswick Avenue Draperies CROLSE Coal & Supply Co. *64 Amboy Avenue Children's Wemr, 14 minutes to 11 t ' I, i SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 94 Main Street Our Reputation is Your Guarantee JUVENU/f SHOi'LAiSl) 190 Smith Street Woodbridge Avenue, Fords NAT'S MEN'S SHOiP Shoes Men's Furnishings 308 Mm CARTERET ELIZABETH'S Maple ""Street lb'ti Smith Street ROSELLE LESLIE JANE Decorators Glamour Shop KING'S MEN'S SHOP NIEDERMAN'S AUTISTIC. Inuirraft, '"' Decorators Ladies' Apparel Quality Haberdashery 55 Roosevelt Avenue 443 Amboy Avenue 19«J Smith Street Shoes for the Entire Family irotUiraft 167 Smith Street 1313 St, George Ayemu SECTION THURSDAY, MARCH 15,. 195(5 ?AOE FIVE

    earned with gently gored or INCOME TAXES High School pleated skirts. Another favorite Leather Gloves In the forty-three years the here Is the boxy jacket and casy- Government has been collecting illra skirt. Income taxes, it has received Fabrics Pair Off Set Favors Take Gala Hues aoout 560 billion dollars. 500 bil- The Oriental theme appears not. lion of which has been collected only tn the caftan coat, but also Costume - coordinated color, since Pearl Harbor. The income Umpire Line in dressed with like drersmakcr treatment and wash- abl and in other details suc'.i ability'make leather news tax began in 1913, as a 1 per cent as inverted pleats around the hem- prevails in spring fash- this spring, according to Leather levy ranging upwarU to 6 per cent line of full Wclrts. ions for teens, with luxurious fa- Glove Industries. on incomes of half a million dol- The fabrics used are distin- brics. Oriental influences empire guished for their look of luxury, Matched to new shoes, bags and lars or more. Corporations paid silhouettes and dressmaker details and that applies not only to tha bells, colors Include a series of a 1 per cent Income tax in 1913. nil contrubuttnt; their share. silks, linens and wools but to the porcelain pastels, ranging from Us a lady-like but youthful elc- cottons, nylons and rayons as pule rose and mauve sea-shell to Rnnce. npprnpiintc to the age and lONSTJMJER PRICES well. Dresden blue. activities of the high-schooler. The U. S. Consumer Price Index Often, teen fashions display the Other important shades are the For example, trend-settlnR styles declined 0.1 per cent from mid charms of not one but two fabrics, yellows, light "green, beige, blues such us the empire line undergo December to mid-January, accord- coordinating cottons and rayons, and pinks. Navy and white are M.TCittl treatment as they enter Ing to the Bureau of Labor Statis- vi silks and wools, cotton an tin and also prominent. the teen world. The high-rise tics, Lower prices for pork, beef, dotted Swiss. Colors coordinate Among the leathers are jilky- waistUne combines with the low egs, fresh milk, fats and oils and t,oo, us checks or pastel plaids pair filifaced glace kid. with torso to produce a corselet sll- coffee contributed to the decline. with solids. a cashmere feel and feather-weight riMlKIM INSPIRKI) is this demure graincrt calf fl;it in whit* linnette. but-substantial Increases for fresh pigskin. Many are washable. with black piping, as soft in construction* as it's attractive to For this teen look, both high vegetables offset much of the re- AIR FREIGHT Lengths run from shorties that and low lines are Indicated with ductions. look at, • A new type of low-cost air. barel-~y reach the wrlstbone—often self or contrast trim. freight service — "deferred air!edged with thin hand-sUched Sheaths Softened freight" — has been established : bands or tiny bows—to elbow- Sheaths-are softened with rib- by the Civil Aeronautics Board. length leathers with soft dress- bons, bows and back streamers. Scheduled airlines have been au- makei-shlrrlng along the side styling lor the coats that thorized to accept deferred air from glove top to wrist. cover the sheaths provides youth- fre'ght' when they have space Sharing the Bpotlight Is the four- ful sophistication, as do the side- available, at a minimum of 55 per button bracelet-length glove, stimc- slit caftan coats. cent of the lowest rate allowed for times piped with contrasting tone Amerkan Shops... Fashion-conscious teens like the ragular freight, on shipment* mother,or embroidered with heavy costume in all of Its varieties— an easterly direction, and 65 per i cord knots and flower motifs. sheath or princess dress with ^ of ^ ^ on al,| LuXury details reflect the dress- jacket, rape, bolero or coat. They othw shipments Minlmum air; maker theme. There are llowcr- like, too. the welltailored suit, new- frelBht rates are now 20 cents a shaped mother of pearl buttons in Greatest Pre-Easter lv important for the high school ton mile for the first 1.000 ton mstel colors, knotted gbld-thread crowd. clusters and scarab or butterfly de- miles and 16'/4 cents for each ad- In this ace Rroup. suit Jackets ditional ton mile. A ton mile is the signs appliqued in leathers of con- ire most often semi-fitted classics, carrying of one ton for one mile. | trastlnE colors. Also prominent are a number of . •.. I |\ STVUMJ. Full-cut coat at left Is (flen .Maid In The consumption of newsprint.leathers pntterncd In metallic ,1 red wool wllli sl»sh pockets, loosi-ly fittinn sleeves. t thread embroidery. (,-,dse. *rm!-fonnal cut with fly front. Olive green , . m, :>:i. - in -uits spkc houette with back fullness. Over- HANDBAGS ™ GLOVES n. '.itr.tl color pic-; skirts lloat out softly at the back, "Tailored" for Spring • To match . your outfit'. Wonderfully exciting ntw style! Extremely flatter- >I:.MI--S with the i to reveal contrasting linim;. ing tegardlci* of siie or figure. Available in all OPEN [TvIDAY EVENING 'TIL 9 the newest shades. Ideal for day or evening wear. UFSIGNKI) FOR THE MAN who favors a "tressed up" look about Sjeci^ orders at no extn-^buge. Alterations his leisure wear is this feather- are free." ,•• • weight wool snorts jacket of LEE'S HAT BAR gray, tan and cinnamon vertical 92 MAIN STREET Woodbridge 8-1594 j U* th» btsutiful cellteilon cf stripes. Pockets are flapped. mw*it Spring clothing. Exclu- Wool Bureau photo. sively ilylid ladf«t* cooli and ialfc&ptq tuilt In Imporltd 84)095 Naturalized soft pump that really fits

    r sweater pump patents SAVE on cbthing for Men!

    in three heel heights Here's your opportunity to get superlative value. Every item in American Shops tremendous collection included to give special savings on the clothes you need for Spring. Sizes to 60 extra-long ... 60 extra-stout. These soft, clinging patents fit like cashmere sweaters. The secret of the SPORT Imporitd SPORT fi JACKETS Fabr/ci SLACKS fit is the soft, elasticized collar on SUITS and Naturalized famous combination last. TOPCOATS Kig. U2.9S to ti9,9i The secret of its comfort is the soft Alferad'onj toe and chamois-soft lining. oriFrMl As\$een in LADIES' HOME JOURNAL

    •!>, V.-J SAVE on •A \ I

    looki good from cbthingfor Boys! • vary sngl* if

    Now is the time to select Spring clothing for your boy. Buy him the clothes that the stars like Phil Rizzuto, Duke Snider, Carl Erstine wear. All our boys' clothes : w luxury look that draws rave notices for are made to the same standards as the This is the • • ry costume. It's all yours when you buy ,• lii.il finest men's wear. Fiee Alterations. store where ! htal-hugging, '::ttH fur at our little prices! lo«- fret fit you see iW SPRING SPORT SPORT ivuvin SUITS JACKETS SLACKS • 40 Foot Palm Trees Now gi low oi Now oi low ai Now u lew

    Ol'IN 1H1DAV EVENINGS Tli. 9 American Shops? LTD. i ClofhiVi . the shoe with the beautiful fit WOODBRIDGE STORE On U. S. Highway No. 1 near Wqodbridge Clov«rUaf Open Daily Till 9:00 P. M.

    NEWARK ' IODI U S. Hwy. No. 44 «» Wi Iroffc Clrcl* •i llubart St. THE BOOT SHOP I ICKf HOAD ilMIT (Ml to Krrtjnrtheilrt) l>( "Hi Araboy J.O3 Main St isiioi' VM: TIL ui ' Woodhrulgc 8-2528 H L. HI-2 2525 SPRING FASHION r.Ec 1 PAGE STX TlIURoLAV. MARCH i'- ^'c- Slim Elegance are Built \ Ifandhags Get Empire Into New Spectator Shoes Many Shapes, Kules in Dresses Tlicy':- they're yellows, blues and viole's to gn they i, (! S|.:. uuor ,i-olen.s, r.nd later to Larger Sizes /™^}-*"«J<^Z*«-[ to t>' u (i 41 t:n«' tam up huppl y with your summri * u fine is !)•'- i)i' ' " . , <• j'Browil ^i. 1; I - ^lit'f*. B1H'*K - ;i'](l- .ottons and linens }'\W").r>- M:is spriru.iue Ian r ^V,hll<. Is.i . \ ;*ncl- ',\ lli'r <>I ^K*S vum »•;»•• rd.ji I'1;; thf slw you Hi Vacationers, whether they're at the , sensmi fa hions, prclTlil.'!', »'• i il" mo-.!, so ]iWhiy ' shore or the mountains find a wo:il Tv slim. fiisv.fo-|i:irk rlnt-h 1 .•weater indispensable for tliosr P4'iis i-i le:i:/t;i. wlu> handle bans adii;>t.ib: • i. it t'i varum Nprir Spl'lll'J --tV'.f- DK'VI' liUH ''_•''•' (. fi «ml hUi:;;n i ci tumes ' rrtiiintis wiitn the tempeiallire j {SVe mi i v> ..1i r ditiiHisions in dexs a nose-dive It keeys the elt'iior leu Mil ni-'dPDth. Boxes uml is the dvrss with n t'.'.o-p' " ' l'> * Tin* sprciiiior ol Spring '56 isweare; r warm w'thout (irttln? him t'iti-.s are more bulky. fhm :utd ''..'.int. with tjpcred overrated. , Im'jort.iiit to accent thf pop- buck billions- t ,- ;;nd cieli.atrly shaped heil, ular ofT-white and bclRC fjsliltins THE KVKR POPULAR and traditional flvr1 win ;lit ) in?.,, low or medium I! are bihht-imed biu11-', such ;": lor nun is smartly rtV.ylPd and made coal as a iiil.ins I g-nfy' full skirts. ui>.d from Ur ciimes m new l-.'nth.rs. i MGHTWKIGHT CHAMPS ; ini••(-. Mi;'-r- nilr i-ii-'dV'f in ti:r- .ocklnil hour i)n. h'MtUv^y bP'Uiis spr'tiK am summer by imr nf nylon mrih. In Addition to the r1aA.#t smooth Tabbed for • Dest seller" rank- •• •'• •• '-..id V:andk. tolaki-ovr. Ti-c rule hw seems leailier^ snd supdis there are me'.] ing among slacks for the spring- i oval shapejl boxes—in brilliant p t,> b.' that th? lain I he ham. ^ niw nuH-riuls JIF aili'ialor. sofiy jiimmer seuion are wool'tropicals ! -CIMW ki.l. for HX'imp|p-c"m il<'- i in a season when (O much of HAREM SKIRT I.IKl 11 brushed so that it ltxilfS si:«d"l .ind r;iyon-aceiates. exemplifying | \ M «; t'i" brown or black suit with ftrier Is the skirl 4dress styl.r.K Is concentrated on * entr! I .,. Is Tops and trip fine ?ra1fts that take a riie growing demand for IIKIU- , •,;•"••! i;l-l' t fl'.ld fuller Skill. drawing Uic eye upward, necklines Picture thlf, season o sleeves Ritin importance. hlvh pol.sii un(j arc glove-soft o:;' *p slit fabiics for worm weather.! Many other colors and textures For day lo imtist breaks the slim Hrr'wi i the fcot. \«. >.J'.R Include every- : 1 back plpsiis ll, t sportswear are slim, h ; color, VIJT'J or another Mud- ri'n'inlifs ;i a P'ir'nK fnvn'-l - l'ln» from the dolman and kimono S.trnws, strawclotl* and wicker ttlPCt. cotton poplin trousn, guurd tnmnvnts liave b°en n>-1 in clcse or open weaves are often pender Btnips, nvitcbd vivpd for effective rorr.usts. i atrrssinp t! mtilti-co'ored. Silk, faille or linen let front cotton bloim • Soinetirnt's stitching or piping adds baps iipp"iir in Oriental prints or iCes J ^ ^; the color touch, usually w it), hi'i'l t tnnuned lirKs, iirais. 1111-. in contrast to the nputral col- •iif ;!J f fieriS as veil as solid colors. ;roiai lies mm cunni ncum .•>•,, m loiaiini "J H'<- » • • COLLARS MAKH \Y.\\ - to matjli. P:nking, perfora'.ion^ ( nhroido dffln. ripe s Ciancd highecurverd waist.seam, sa helps do' or range of daytime fashions brll- and cutouts «'i;ii underlay of color! i bustllne trims sucft as contrastlnds . liam hues iire wn In cocktail Middy collars, c; i> add the (lv?ssmaker look that is; BEITS WANDER crossed tabs and, of dresses. Oriental .shades are fa-effects are popular in • essential tl-.is year. _' j •'Wandering-line" construction is ribbons, of girls' spring dn vi••• Sl'KlNG FASHION centered around (ho IMIIITO finds an enchant- course, buttons and 'vored. Brown-and-white. and black- \ ine exponrut in a costume tif rhrrkrd, lightweight British worsted. new in belt designs for spring. The and-white look new In these ne'*p ( ostiime cfimbr.rs a sl'm skirt th:il has i's own cainisob, pique belt is desiL

    A UNIT WITH A KNACK for going places, this two-piece cos- .'{ pc. Linen Sd tume is a perfect all-in-uiif wardrobe for day-to-date wear or ; in the bast traveling. Tlic perl cardigan jacket covers a scoop-neck dress. A Sizes 3 to 6x Sizes 7 to 14 limn-orlon wiii,1 tilciui, it's band-washable, packablc and light \ clrzhs! in weight, with... THE SMARTEST s yi% ' t % 14,9{{ EASTER IDEAS AFOOT Jrim ^.Jt\ri i) Easter Suits an,d Separah By Kent Sportswear Sizes 4 to 6x and « Bonnie Laddie 7 to 14 From $0.% k by Famous "Love" Dresst s Take your pick from a Spring Garden of Dresses. . *T~De5lgned by Joseph Love. Sizes 1 to 3 — 3 to 6x 4i ^» Sundiofi 7 to 1.4 From $2.98 Tastefully Blended There's Easter written Cinderella Hat Fashions for in every graceful line of Exciting Innovations in Children's Headwear. Fashion Harrnony . Styled to flatter toddlers through teens these Bonnie,Laddie shoes. Fresh, new styles in America's Grsattit Ivggage Value jelly rjean colors to make your "little-one" feel —/ S 1.98 to % 3.98 Three parts superbly com- mighty big on Easter. Admired everywhere, it's so bined by Susan Thomas with smart! But more, it's covered very deliberate intentions to Come in and, see our with stain-proof, scuff-proof, weather-proof vinyl-with flatter. The sparingly striped selection of Bonnie Lad- bodies of rugged, molded SKIRTS By Kent Sportswear blouse in pure-silk shantung, die shoes by JBundial. plywood — edg«s guurdtd by S welded plastic bumpers! dyed to match a pure Irish You'll flhd just the Sizes 3 to 6x • n to 14 J From 2.98 linen skirt with the body, style you want. Beautiful inside, too! Lined the slimness you count on with getiuine Celaneae! Acetate, Blouses By Judy Kent and Ship'n Shore for high fashion. The mated richly qiiilted. Open stock in stunning fashion color's: 1 cardigan in orlon, lined with couper-tone, sapphire blue, from 1.98 ' a splash of striped pure silk. emerald green, desert tan, dusk gray, arctic white. Come in today! .Slips - Pcllicoats - •Large'Selection of Exclusive By Style Undees and Carters Train Case 12.95* DRESSES 21" Weekend 14.95 s NYLON HOSIERY 99c pair •Plus KV; Tux • Hosiery by 1 lanes For the Junior Miss f Complete line of Lingerie • by Lilyelte, Maiden Form All Luggage and Peter Pan FREE Gift with t*ach purchase of shoea Available at»^ • Full Fashioned Sweaters March 16, 17 an.I 18th. Toys for the kidn $1.00 DOWN and To complete her outfit . . $1.00 WEEKLY . . . Hall point pens for the grown-up*. Ort Our Luggage Free • <;LOVES • ANKLETS CLUB PLAN Harking q At Rear A(;s • JEWELKY SHULAND Of Store PKKSS HHOPPK Where Proper Fit Comes First ' 67 WASHINGTON AVENUE CARTERET Christensen's STOKE IHHJKS Daily 9-6 Cfiristensen's 76 Main Street Woodbridge Cartel el 1-8860 Department Store Friday Till

    •..»t.'i .t-.-'i^lSfci"*-.!11 ='«(', . THURSDAY, MARCH i iif.r, PAOE StiVtt*

    frill1) of uncurled ostrich Glamour Prevails in All Hats Curve ScombinS e wl h flowers or are ap- pllqued on straw and vrillng. Lare inserts, embroidery and tiny beads Things for 'Gal on Go' To Headline in matching or harmonizing hues i Klve pattern and texture to straws. All fniMors combine to make shoulder strap. The box Itself is tniveliiv: this season a particular- shaped mu; h like a binoculars cast; Slim Styles I Airy maltnes ami tulle are lm- .y happy event for the fashion--,^ and is t^mfortubl* to carry as well > porWntly used for entire hats or j for richly draped bands and edges. MSC g.il on f.Jie ;:o. unubtidl and attractive. F'n tl i- flr>i lime in many years, j 3:1k organdy and chlflon are Whcthi r she travels alone, with If she travels by car, sUe'A like spring hat fashi jr.s ure dr.imat.cai- ; drsiped on straws and feather' futility or with fr.ends, whether a net of cases In fubrl/s hunl I. ly oiil rent The newest hats hav •| weight felts. 91"" "id **"• •••= make she takes u i(!;ind thV world cruise match now automobile colors. iinv.ii!' cmilin'iy that g'vi4 a:tnn- or u u:•(•!•-cud til;}, she's certuin > both casflal and dressy hats. llcn-valui1 and fffpctlvi-ly hrad- lo travel in hl'.li slyli - mid com- Pine UallbUilLau. u»jo.-i, shan- !inr slim costumes LeadlnR d6- fort. tungs and shiny panamalacs lii«h- drawing Trend •-i';viris niul niiuHifacturi'i's call Ught the Importance of fine, smooth 1 Uit.h Klrtin-iiii imcl convulsive , >' c ;• irv -on:s -ion,1! luus "boun- straws. Rough - textured straws 1 lo Non-Iron Fabrics ui imyortaiit fi'iitun"; of her ' .Tui" nl!!l(.U( tic .. i often hive a brilliant, satiny sheen. iravil v, iiu]iib<". including the lug- Wp<-h and wear f.ibrics take first Th,- at of in'hit'd outline. Synthetic strawcloths appear in <;mv I hnf*curries It. Her lUKsase place in children's wear for sprin: ! whrti i niiUI ov in:•minoth in si/.;1, weaves that imitate fabrics such ns •veil b"

    VhOt EIGHT TRURSPAY MAWH Slim Lines Have Place in Designs FORDS WOODBRIDGE RT. NO. 9, VMILF. For Spring Brides GUYS from TURNPIKE EXIT Fashion* darbn* the slla toot 100 Yards from Exit 128 hss eased its way into the sprta* bridal picture, but top honors stfl Garden State Parkway so to the traditional bou3ant »o»n Noteworthy inoai slender sowns Is »n elegant strapless sheath demurely topped by an em- and Girl* l««'?- VV1 Girls' Rq;. <).<).", pire lace bolero. In bouffant stytev the little stir' took. cfcaraetertwd by Peter Pan collars tiny Jleerw snd NEW SPRING NEW SPRING bil1o*.ng skirts, rates as a tm*d NEW SPRING ! ^tter. ' Th» Victorian inSuenct present* COATS ! itself m elaborately detailed fwwuv 3 pc. SUITS . many triple-tiered, maty TOPPERS I adorned with lace. Side embellishments such •^ a Hoped tiers and nicies are in some jiftanees where the bass: --.Ihouettr is classically simple Empire waistlines predvxnaute 479 Fabric-wise, ChanSiHy !»ce antn •s widely used, atone with othet iasnty fabric? sueh as Sc!uff".i em- broidered nylon tulk. cotton or qlk organdy, opaque taSeta and Consists ot •heer nylan chiffon. •Jacket •Skirt Sisterhood Plans P*l« Shirt JUNIOR PREFfcRKM f> trt riiridmt hrlwren princess and slim TI>IE K «bnwr time • llnrs this iptiin. as shewn hrrt-. Princes drts&. left, is all-cotton U* ket» \ In navy and In navy, Italian faille, lace trimmed ( oiteti and acetate has For Rummage Sale ia pink and short-cropped, back-buttoned jacket. »< r« ««i se »T Swiri. turquoise AVENEL — Mrs. BAward Stem. MtMl and ^resident of the (Sisterhood at the 11• 11 In terns Congregation Sons of Jacob, i lingerie Features corned Mrs. Charles Gofciberr a guest at a meeting beld ir. the Girl Scout News Avene! Jewish Community Oder New Empire lines Mrs. Hyman Srelntck and Mrs Milton Medinets were appointee With OnenU! iRlUwnce* and LADIES' KK(.. h.93 LADIES' REG. ,V><) to represent the Saterhood *; Hipnr hnw dominant, iiwrei 3* anc1. donor luncheon ol the Torah divi- Jeepwe^r follow the latest f*s.x.xn-. Please call MYs Jack Brown nounccr: Father, Carol Kremp: NEW SPRING sion of the Northern New Jersey .rends and a&i some labnc ne« > SHOULDER lor all Girl Srom ami B:owiue Grandma. Ruth Ann McHu?h: branch of the Natural Woman's of thetr own. in the Jorm of newi> - news at Liberty 8-1916 j Dolores Varella: Tom. De-.League of United &ytu