NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, ’sKosovo’s Youth and of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. Culture,Culture, YouthYouth andand SportSport

Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

18 thousand Euros for Olympic and Paralympic Hopes 8

Kosovo and Albania with a Common Cultural Calendar osovo and Albania will have Mirela Kumbaro – Furxhi, signed a common annual cultural the Protocol of Cooperation in Kcalendar. in Tirana, Minis- ter of Culture, Youth and , established the Common Cultural The budget increases again for Memli Krasniqi and Minister of Calendar. cultural institutions Culture of the Republic of Albania, More on page 6-7 9

The Statement of Minister re- garding FIFA’s decision related to international friendly... 10

osovo again participates in the Architecture Exhibition Kin Biennale of Venice. Min- ister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Gëzim Paçarizi, Curator and Ron Arad, Memli Krasniqi, made a decision to Special Advisor to Kosovo Pavilion at appoint the Commissioner and the Advisory Board. the Venice Biennale More on page 4&5 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Ethnological Museum, 2 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

No. 13. Year III. 3 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Gëzim Paçarizi, Curator and Ron Arad, Special Advisor to Kosovo Pavilion at the Venice Biennale

Continued form Front Page Ministry of Youth and Sports in Kosovo, Veton Firzi, in accordance he Ministry of Culture, Youth with the previous decision of Min- and Sports is appointed as ister Memli Krasniqi on the partic- Tthe Commissioner of the ipation of Kosovo in the Biennale Republic of Kosovo for the Archi- of Venice in the Exhibition of tecture Exhibition in the Biennale Architecture, and after the propos- of Venice 2014. als made by the Advisory Board, While famous Kosovar archi- nominated through the decision of tect, Gëzim Paçarizi, shall be the the Minister. The Advisory Board Curator of the Pavilion of the Re- consists of: Ilir Gjinolli, Ilir Murse- public of Kosovo in the Exhibition li, Gjejlane Hoxha, Florina Jerliu of Architecture in the Biennale of and Përparim Rama. Venice. Mr. Paçarizi is nominated Gëzim Paçarizi studied archi- by the Secretary General of the tecture in Prishtina and Geneva. He

4 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

has been working in Switzerland and also in Kosovo for several He participated in many interna- tional exhibitions of architecture and different conferences. The curator has a duty to create ideas, develop and implement the concept of exhibition. The curator should be ready to work closely with the Commissioner to imple- ment the concept in exhibition and is the author of the idea and concept of exhibition. Alias, recently, Ron Arad, one of the most famous architects of the world, is nominated Special Advi- sor of the Pavilion of Kosovo in the Ron Arad Exhibition of Architecture in the Biennale of Venice, which is going to be held this year. The decision of born in Israel. His architecture Advisory Board, in line with his nomination was made by Min- office is located in London. He the decision, shall make 3 up to 5 ister of Culture, Youth and Sports, has been estimated as unique for proposals to the Commissioner for Memli Krasniqi. his work, which is mainly based the potential curator. Special advisor, based on the on metals. Except the archi- The Board shall pay full atten- decision shall advise the Curator of tecture, Ron Arad is one of the tion to the Curator and Commis- the Pavilion at every stage. outstanding figures in the field of sioner, regardless whether it is Arad is a British architect industrial design. professional or technical, if they are requested to do so. The Commissioner is obliged to work closely with the Cura- tor and support the execution of the project, manage the project, manage the budget including also the potential donations, search and contract the potential locations for placing the exhibition, communi- of Biennale as well as offer admin- istrative support. The Commissioner shall offer its support to creative processes for the implementation of the, project, as per the request of the Curator, and also be available to the Curator, assisting him/her from the development of the idea up to its Expenses for the organization of exhibition will be covered by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, including also the coordination of potential dona- tions. MCYS is also the Commis- sioner of Pavilion. This is the third time that Koso- vo takes part in the Biennale of Venice, and the second time in the Exhibition of Architecture.  No. 13. Year III. 5 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Kosovo and Albania with a Common Cultural Calendar Continued from Front Page full coordination be protected by On the other side, Minister Kum- us”, while adding further that the baro-Furxhi said that this coopera- rotocol of Cooperation shall Common Cultural Calendar shall tion linkage was not simply declar- be applicable for the next four be a joint commitment of the two ative but rather a concrete step. Pyears, with the possibility of governments towards the culture. She stated that “Today, they had amendment. The Common Calen- He stated that “they endeavored come together to make a step for- dar was approved for 2014, where- to give priority to several aspects, ward towards knowing each other, in as, it shall be amended each year. such as: protection of values our relationships, exchange of ideas The Protocol of Cooperation and tradition, strengthening the and experiences. We are here to- and the establishment of Common cultural scene in our social life, gether not only for declarations, but Cultural Calendar follow several promotion of our cultural scenes rather for a common cultural project, meetings held in Prishtina and and, of course, opening the way for for our actions, for our public here Tirana since September 2013 and new generations to create values, and there, for the men of art, for a the meeting of two governments in always bearing in mind the whole range of common cultural heritage. I January 2014. generations of artists that have feel that our common project is a cir- Minister Memli Krasniqi wel- built the real image of our nation”. culation of common values, exchange comed the Protocol of Cooperation Minister Krasniqi invited Min- of experiences in the management of and the establishment of Cultural ister Kumbaro and other heads of the institutions of art”. Calendar as a new stage of cooper- cultural institutions of Albania to Kumbaro – Furxhi further stated ation between the two countries. come to Kosovo from tomorrow that culture is our common space Minister Krasniqi stated that and celebrate together the sixth and that there are no limits in en- “Today’s meeting undoubtedly anniversary of the Independence gagement and concrete actions. marked a new stage for our two of Kosovo. Minister Krasniqi and Minister countries and for our nation in general. Our cultural cooperation is of crucial importance, where there is a special engagement of our two Prime-Ministers. The joint meet- ing of our two governments was a historical step, whereby, also other - ation, besides culture, are materi- alized. I would say, there is nothing separating them any longer, refer- ring to Kosovo and Albania, even in physical means. Now, this poten- tial that we posses in the scene of cultural-artistic tradition, but be developed and, meanwhile, in 6 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

Kumbaro - Furxhi also paid hom- age at the grave of well-known Albanian singer Vace Zela. The Common Cultural Calendar shall begin tomorrow with the exhibition Marubi: A movable ob- jective of an archive in the Kosovo National Gallery. The Common Cultural Calendar starts from 14 February. The exhibition of Marubi Pho- to-archive in cooperation with Prishtina Art Gallery: “Movable Objective of an archive” – 14 Feb- ruary 2014, in Prishtina. The manifestation for children “Princesha Teuta” (Princess Teuta) and folk songs and danc- ing, poetry of National Children and non-material cultural heri- Centre, Tirana, will be in March, with the play “Dashuria on 17 February 2014. që vret” (“Love that Kills”). held once in Prishtina and once Films of the archive of both “Ballo e Diplomes” (Diploma in Albania. countries will be played for the Ball) play will also come from Common trainings held by anniversaries of Kosovo and Al- Prishtina. specialists of UNESCO and other bania Independence, respective- The concrete engagement in organizations. ly in February and November, in including artists from Kosovo in Trainings held by National Prishtina and Tirana. TKOB projects in Tirana. Library of Tirana for specialists The full work of Jeronim De Cultural Calendar includes a from Prishtina. Rada is published associated - Participation of representatives with the promoting activity in tigious festivals as Berlinale and from Kosovo in activities of the Kozenca, Tirana and Prishtina. Canes in 2015. Archaeological Services Agency. Anthology of Albanian poetry National Children Centre will Common premiere and choreo- of XX century will be published, organize a manifestation “Dy graphic production of the en- supported by both ministers. - semble of folk songs and danc- Today we declare the mutual es a Garland) in Prishtina and ing and Shota ensemble “Pazari commitment on the support of Tirana, in September. i Korçës dhe Prizrenit” (Korca Festival of Gjirokastra in 2015. Exhibition of Simon Shiroka and Prizren Bazaar). Following the commitment of will be organized in the visual The last is the demonstration of both governments, Doku Fest is art in Tirana. a premiere of National Theatres also a part of this Calendar. An exhibition of Socialist Reali- in Tirana and Pristhina. Corps of Ballet and Prishtina zation in Pristhina. Conference on Dramaturgy in soloists of Ballet Theater come Annual conference on material Tirana.  No. 13. Year III. 7 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

18 thousand Euros for Olympic and Paralympic Hopes

inister of Culture, Youth for distribution of scholarships to Whereas the President of and Sports, Memli Krasniqi Olympic and Paralympic hopes”, Kosovo Paralympic Committee, Mdistributed scholarships the minister said. Emini, said that the initia- for Olympic and Paralympic Hopes Minister also expressed his tive for support to persons with for 10 athletes as recommended by pleasure that now based on the disabilities is a good thing and also Kosovo Olympic Committee. Distri- law, the youth is encouraged to deal expected that the state is doing for bution of scholarships which took with sports and he also congrat- them. She thanked the minister - ulated the trainers of federation, ducted pursuant to Regulation no. thus sharing the message to them 03/2013 on Olympic and Paralym- to work zealously promising that pic Hopes, as adopted last year. the support shall grow further, thus the athletes with disabilities. making possible the breaking of On the name of athletes ben- - isolation and creating possibilities cial means in value of 150 Euros a that the talent of hopes of sports swimmer Rita Zeqiri expressed month, in duration of 1 year, thus of our country be represented in pleasure for this support the state in total the amount allocated to international competitions and to is allocating for them. “This sup- hopes is 18000 Euro. make our citizens feel even proud- port makes us work even harder, er. “I am very pleased that this has and it is an additional encourage- year beginning as a successful been regulated by law, the state ment for us to achieve more suc- one for Kosovo sports. Following awards and the permanent sup- cesses in the future”, Zeqiri said. the news from FIFA, he considers port. You have jointly shown even ! that another good moment is also more amazing results, and now the scholarship program of Olympic allotment of these scholarships to state is doing its own duty towards and Paralympic hopes that were these athletes. you”, minister Krasniqi said. “Should the saying ‘the good Whereas, the President of program are the following: Medina day is noticed in the morning’ is Kosovo Olympic Committee, Besim Surdulli – swimmer; Rita Zeqiri – valid, then we may say that this Hasani, expressed that last year swimmer; Vijona Kryeziu – athlete; year is gong to be a very good one was a successful year for sports Milot Rashica – football player; for our athletes. Several days ago in Kosovo. Five awards have been Armend Gjogjaj – boxer; we received good news for football, distributed for success achieved in Syla – wrestler; Baton Çitaku – and today we gathered here for a sports, followed also with distri- table tennis player; Hazir Asllani very important event, and which bution of these 10 scholarships for – archer, Akil Gjakova – judoist and hopes and young athletes. Distria Krasniqi – judoist.  8 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

The budget increases again for cultural institutions s it happened in the last of Culture and in this occasion also Budget 2014. three years, also this year the budget sum was determined There will be increase of the Athe cultural institutions of for each cultural institution. The budget also for the subsidies part Kosovo will have a budget increase. National Library, too, from this The total increase for the institu- year will be under the subordina- support of independent cultural tions this year will be about 20%. tion of MCYS, but this institution operators’ activities of the country. Minister of Culture, Youth and has its own budgetary code and Further, the budget will be Sports, Memli Krasniqi signed pro- hence the budget was allocated for increased also for the books. This gram policies for the Department it at the moment of the approval of year MCYS allocated 100 thou- sand Euros, which will be divided into three categories by the Book "S The Budget for cultural institutions shall be books, purchase of the books of the as follows: last two years and support of the literary magazines. The purchased National Library - 600 thousand Euros books will be distributed to munic- Kosovo Cinematographic Centre - 700 thousand Euros ipal libraries, as it was the case in National Theatre of Kosovo - 330 thousand Euros the last year. Kosovo Philharmonic - 250 thousand Euros Minister Krasniqi appreciated Kosovo Ballet - 160 thousand Euros Kosovo National Gallery - 160 thousand Euros care towards cultural institu- ‘Shota’ Ensemble - 140 thousand Euros tions, cultural activities in Kosovo, ‘Qafa’ Gallery - 25 thousand Euros creators and publishers. Hereby, VSR broader opportunities are created for composition and richer cultural programs for this year.  No.N 13.13 YearY III.III 9 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

The Statement of Minister Krasniqi regarding FIFA's decision related to international friendly matches for Kosovo

sustain Kosovar football and see it through during its trying times. I especially wish to thank the Presi- dent of the Kosovo Football Feder- ation, the icon of our football, , for extraordinary effort he made to reach this point and for his motivation to work until meet- ing this goal, the full membership in UEFA and FIFA. I was close to them at every step of the way as we worked together, probing many avenues to break the isolation and will contin- ) in future. In recent years, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, for the renovating stadiums, to upgrade them to the point where inter- national games may be hosted in them. It is clear that many challeng- football, especially as it will be es persist in this regard. However, was made in the interna- - we will not desist and will step up A tionalization of Kosovo's national stage and has now em- commitment to conduct quality ) barked on a safe journey towards games and create conditions equiv- informed about FIFA's decision full membership. alent to international standards. regarding the international friend- I wish to congratulate all I wish to reiterate my commit- ly matches for Kosovo, inclusive of football players of all ages and bid ment to work relentlessly to break attendant modalities, which marks them success in future. With hard the isolation in sports. Already a progress for Kosovo in contrast ) important steps have been made in to the earlier decision, decried by they are given a chance to display many sports, but more work is in both the Kosovo Football Feder- their skills and qualities in order to store for both the sports communi- ation and the Government of the become members of major inter- ty of Kosovo and myself, which we Republic of Kosovo. national clubs, just as their many pledge to carry out.  I believe that decision is a vic- peers from Kosovo have already tory for Kosovo's done. I urge all football players, clubs and Kosovo Football Fed- eration to work even hard in organizing competitions inside Kosovo, as a basis for build- ing a successful national team. I also wish to ex- press my gratitude to all sports staff, coach- es, referees, journal- ists and all those who, in their many years of work, managed to 10 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

CLOCK TOWER, PRIZREN No. 13. Year III. 11 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Agim Vinca winner of the National Literary Award ‘Azem Shkreli’ for lifetime achievement

oet and researcher, Agim Literature that is conducted ev- Vinca is a laureate of ery year, is a special day. MCYS PNational Literary Award is institutionalising the respect on ‘Azem Shkreli’ Life Work. In for artists and creators. Be- a solemn ceremony, Minister sides awards on literature, we of Culture, Youth and Sport, have founded and granted also Memli Krasniqi granted the awards on cinematography, award to Vinca and also to theatre, music. We are increas- laureates of annual Literary ing the support on books every Prizes for 2013. year. I believe that it is import- Award for the best work of ant that we created a trend of prose for 2013 was granted to budget increase”, stated further Drenusha Zajmi – Hoxha for her es was granted to Izet Sylaj for Minister Krasniqi. novel ‘Krrokamat’. his translation from French into On the other side, Agim Vinca Award for the best work in po- Albanian of the novel ‘Tregoju për said that he feels himself hon- etry was granted to Adem for betejat, mbretërit dhe elefantët’ oured for the award, showing his his poem “Kthimi i Pamundur, Lady” (Tell them about the battles, kings gratitude to MCYS and the jury. He (The impossible Return, Lady), and and elephants’) of the author spoke that the writer Azem Shkreli Sabit Rrustemi for his volume “Mu- Mathias Enard. has been an inspiration for him. rale Shpirti” (Spirit Murals). Minister Krasniqi praised the He stated that “A man regard- Award for the best literary creations of the laureates, and spe- less of his age believes that he is criticism was granted to Merx- ! going to write his best work in han Avdyli for his summary of Vinca in literature, journalism but future. Literary Awards provide the researches ‘Dritësime letrare’ (Lit- also in the University of Prishtina, work and creation with even more erary Illuminations) and Flamur where he works as a professor. echo and this is not little”. Maloku for his research ‘Polisemia He said that the state has National Literary Award ‘Azem of the work: empiric readings of institutionalised the care towards Shkreli’ on Life Work reaches the the poetry of Sali Bashota’. WRRR  Whereas, the award for the best “Granting the Award on Nation- thousand Euros), whereas each work translated into Albanian or al Literary for Life Work ‘Azem TWRR - from Albanian into other languag- Shkreli’ and Annual Awards on 

12 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

Marubi, a multidimensional confession on the culture and life of Albanian nation

his evening, Kosovo Nation- present were minister of Culture, [ Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi Tcrowd. The exhibition of and Minister of Culture of the “Marubi” was opened there: mov- Republic of Albania, Mirela Kumba- able objective of an archive, which ro – Furxhi, as well as many artists was organised in cooperation with from Kosovo and Albania. National Photo Archive “Marubi” Minister Krasniqi stated that in Shkodra. This exhibition which the exhibition of Marubi is one of brings about 250 photos, has the most special cultural events in marked also the beginning of the Kosovo, even more as it also marks application of Common Cultural the beginning of the Common Cul- Calendar Kosovo – Albania and tural Calendar. X- Further, Minister Krasniqi niversary of Kosovo Independence. stated that Marubi is a multidi- In the opening of the exhibition mensional confession on Albanian

nation, since it presents artistic values and also the way of living throughout generations. The whole collection consisting of hundreds and thousands photos is a heritage in itself for us. On the other side, Minister Kumbaro – Furxhi stated that Kosovo and Albania are marking new steps in cultural cooperation. She stated that Marubi photo archive shall be turned into a museum, and thus it should be a very important institution for Albanian culture.  No. 13. Year III. 13 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

CEILING WOODEN ORNAMENT, 14 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

No. 13. Year III. 15 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Minister Krasniqi met Ambassador Dan Everts, representative of Sports for Children inister of Culture, Youth expressed his pleasure for the “The , the and Sports, Memli Krasniqi, support provided in the school school sports is in its priorities for Mhosted in a meeting the sports. He also informed the for- - former Chief of OSCE Mission for mer ambassador for the work and tion and discovering new talents Kosovo, Ambassador Dan Everts, achievements which have been as sports is considered as a strong who is visiting Kosovo, as a repre- means of peace and union”, minis- sentative of Foundation of Sports and particularly in sports. Minister ter said. for Children (SfC), with its main added that Kosovo is working to While, former ambassador ] - Everts, said that he feels pleased to This Foundation aims at sup- structure of sports, and the entire be in Kosovo again, and he sees pro- legislation in order to harmonise it gressive changes. He appreciated the of school sports. The support is ori- with the best international prac- efforts made in Kosovo for enhance- entated mainly at schools, where as tices. The minister in addition said ment, in this case also for the school a donation, different sports equip- that Kosovo has many talented sports. Everts considered that the ment is given. young people, and this support for work with the young generations Ambassador Everts informed the three schools is an incentive for in order to motivate them to deal the minister that this foundation those dealing more with sports. with sports means a lot for Kosovo, has supported three thus, in the future, the schools in Kosovo, “Sami country will be presented Frashëri” gymnasium in with many qualities in the Prishtina, “Frang Bardhi” competitions, and various gymnasium in Mitrovica world sports events. and the primary school Minister and ambas- “Emin Duraku” in Shtime. sador Everts agreed to Minister Krasniqi continue the cooperation thanked the former ambassador Everts for of advancement of school the help and contribu- sports, and through it tion of SfC foundation. to motivate the youth He appreciated the to deal with sports and engagement of Kosovo to zealously work in the friend, Dan Everts, and future too.  16 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

Inauguration of renovations in the Sports Hall at Youth Palace in Prishtina service that is accomplished not solely for Prishtina but to all ath- letes of Kosovo. He said “This is a sign that we are committed to improve con- ditions in sports on behalf of not only sportsmen/women but for the whole public. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to cre- conditions”, while he added further that MYCS has similarly invested also in the Hall “1 Tetori”, which is now used for sports and cultural activities. The Minister states further that he Sports Hall in Youth "`{ investment. He claimed that this Palace in Prishtina now has in the stadiums all over Kosovo and UR Ta new look. It has new seats in the existing halls, too, but also in years that it has been invested in for fans, telescopic seats in the building new halls. With regard to this hall. ) Prishtina, the Minister mentioned Ukaj estimated this as very im- ^- that in this year it is planned to portant for the sport and public in tion was enabled from an invest- start building the auxiliary football general. He said that the manage- ment of over 115 thousand Euros stadium, Olympic pool and Youth by the Ministry of Culture, Youth Centre. Moreover, he stated that and Sports. MYCS is ready to distribute means the hall. The inauguration of renovations also for the renovation of the Also the directors of , was made by Minister Memli Kras- stadium in the city, but it expects , football clubs and other niqi, where present were also man- cooperation also from the Munici- sports, highly appreciated this in- _ pality of Prishtina. clubs who organize competitions On the other side, Bajram Ukaj, and trainings in this hall. the General Director of the Youth women, holding races with con- Minister Krasniqi stated that Palace thanked the Minister for the ditions in line with international the renovation of the hall is a support, highly appreciating this standards. 

No. 13. Year III. 17 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Steering Council of the National Theatre of Kosovo Appointed

Fadil Hysaj Igballe Qena Haqif Mulliqi of the theatre; drafts and proposes the status, regulations and other sublegal acts of the theatre which are approved by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports; inter-

ational Theatre of Kosovo Visare Aliu and has now its new Steering Ahmet Brahimaj, representa- NCouncil. Minister of Culture, tive from MCYS. Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi, Steering Council, based on the based on the competences he is Law on Theatres has the following delegated by the Law on Theatres, responsibilities: pursuant to Article 11, paragraphs supervises the work of theatre; 1, 2, 5 and 6 made the decision to approval of long term policies for appoint the new Steering Council theatre development and artistic of National Theatre, which is going policy; with proposal of the gen- to have the following composition eral director, approves the annual Ahmet Brahimaj for the four coming years: budget of theatre; upon proposal Fadil Hysaj by artistic manager and in con- views candidates and appoints the Igballe Qena cordance with the annual budget general director and the artistic Haqif Mulliqi approves the annual artistic pro- manager; initiates procedure and Nëntor Fetiu gram of the theatre; reviews and dismisses the general director and Naser Shatrolli the artistic manager. 

Nëntor Fetiu Naser Shatrrolli Visare Aliu 18 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. Deputy Minister Abazi at the Kosovo Youth Assembly

Both of these initial ideas besides of business investing aspect also enable swaps in cultural and sports spheres, as well as approximation between two nations and two coun- tries, and it also enables our country to be promoted via sports. The Deputy Minister Abazi expressed his pleasure for this initiation of IKCHC, regarding it as a good possibility to continue cultural connections between two nations, connections which were very close in the 60s-70s of the previous century, at least form the virtual aspect via broadcasting movies from India, tradition which continues to nowadays but needs solemn session was held on partment of Youth has cooperated to be extended. the establishment of Koso- many times up to now”. Moreover, Deputy Minister A vo Youth Assembly in the This solemn session was also Abazi appraised these two ideas, Municipal Assembly of Prishtina, attended by representatives of which if become true would create which occasion was attended by different local institutions, ambas- strong bridges of cooperation. The the Deputy Minister of Culture, sadors and other representatives Deputy Minister also stated that Youth and Sports Hajdin Abazi. from civil society and NGOs. “MCYS is open for cooperation in He wished success for their work Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister and claimed that MCYS constantly of Culture, Youth and Sports, Haj- he compliments this initiative supports and prioritizes the youth din Abazi, welcomed in a meeting as the main asset of the country. the president of the Indo-Kosovar through projects”. The Deputy Minister Abazi Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Anil While, Mr. Anil Mishra, empha- emphasized that MCYS, as in every Mirsha and the Kosovar repre- sized that he is pleased with the other country where relevant min- sentative of this Chamber Besim opportunity for the two countries istries operate, has projects and Jashari, who disclosed the goals to cooperate with each other and programs through which encour- of IKCHC, among which two ideas hopes it to be extended even more age youth to be a part of different were of certain importance: the via concrete projects and exchange decision-making processes. idea of the Film City and that of the 6 Further, Abazi stated that a cricket sport. culture and sport.  solid legal framework has already been created for the Youth Sector, encouraging it in the creation and support of mechanisms for the increase of youth participation in state-building processes. He men- tioned that MCYS has compiled the Kosovo Youth Strategy 2013-2017 and the Action Plan 2013-2015. “Kosovo Youth Assembly as a - portance in representing the rights of the youth and is an important partner in increasing the participa- tion of the youth in decision-mak- ing processes with which the De- No. 13. Year III. 19 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Minister Krasniqi met former French football player, Alain Giresse inister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi hosted in a meeting the selector of MSenegal and former famous French football player, now trainer of the national team of Senegal, Gymnastics Federation Alain Giresse. In the meeting, Fadil Vokrri the Pres- ident of Kosovo Football Federation (KFF) was also is licensed – School present. Giresse is staying for a visit in Kosovo in capacity of Sports is a priority a guest in the ceremony of announcing the best foot- osovo now has the Gymnastics Federation as ball players of the year organised by Kosovo Football well. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Federation, but also to be better informed of the devel- KMemli Krasniqi handed over the license to Presi- opments in Kosovo regarding football. dent of this Federation, Besim Halilaj. [ Minister Krasniqi appraised the foundation and support that the state is giving for football and sports licensing of this Federation as of a substantial im- in general, thus informing him also about the success- portance for the sport and youth in Kosovo, since the es and challenges the football of Kosovo is facing. He gymnastics is a distinguished sport which interrelates also thanked for the support given to Kosovo towards with other sports, too. internationalisation and requested from him to con- He stated that MCYS shall support the activities of tinue with the support for Kosovo for membership in this Federation, aiming to have as much youngsters as UEFA, FIFA and other institutions. possible who engage in sports. In addition, minister Krasniqi said that is a On the other side, President Besim Halilaj ex- friend of Kosovo, and that the Football Federation of pressed his gratitude to Minister Krasniqi for the France has shown a high level cooperation in the visit support that MCYS offered during foundation and that the minister and the President of federation Mr. licensing process, as well as for the readiness shown Vokrri had in December 2013. to support activities inside and outside of Kosovo. Minister spoke also about the priorities in sports, He informed the Minister about the plans sched- where he highly estimated the role of KFF towards uled for this year and the following ones. internationalisation of football. Today, Minister Krasniqi also met the heads of Whereas the former football player Alain Giresse, School Sports Federation. He congratulated them for expressed his pleasure for the visit in Kosovo and their engagement in spreading the sport in Kosovo thanked the minister for the meeting and the work he and promotion of talents via school competitions. is doing for the football and for the aims toward inter- The Minister stated that school sports have been of nationalisation. He expressed his optimism that FIFA MCYS’s priority since 2011 and shall remain likewise is going to give positive response for Kosovo.  in the future, too. He encouraged the heads of this Federation for even greater commitment in order to in- - ties of the Federation and for a better organization, too. President of School Sports Federation, Enver Hajdini thanked the Minister for his great support offered as well as for his commitment for the athletes to be taken care of from the state. He added that giving - palities and schools appreciating the sport as of much  spreading each year and their quality is constantly increasing. 

20 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

Handball a good model of work he Minister of Culture, Youth Handball Federation. port for the activities inside and and Sports, Memli Krasniqi Minister Krasniqi stated that “I outside Kosovo, as well as for his Thad a meeting with the Pres- believe that this decision will be a assistance in the internationalisa- ident of Kosovo Handball Federa- great booster for all of them who tion of handball. He spoke about tion, Eugen Saraçini, together with work for greater success. I shall the achievements and challenges other heads of the Federation. The continue to offer my full support through which the handball has handball Federation marks the and the support shall never be passed in these 60 years, and also 60th anniversary of its foundation. lacking from the Government of for the plans and work that they Minister Krasniqi congratulat- the Republic of Kosovo, too. The are going to do for spreading, ed the heads of KHF for its 60th decision of EHF is a clear signal that development and internationali- anniversary, acknowledging it as the unjust isolation of the sport of sation of the sport. Saraçini stated a symbol of a long sports journey Kosovo is being broken day by day”. that this year they are waiting for of Kosovo and a tradition that Eugen Saraçini, the President of good news as far as the entrance in brought work and results. He KHF, thanked the Minister for his the European Handball Federation expressed his honour for many welcome and continuous sup- is concerned.  personalities who for many years, since its foundation, have worked - tion of this sport. While congratulating KHF for the decision of European Hand- ball Federation made a few days ago allowing friendly matches for Kosovo, the Minister stated that “Handball in Kosovo is a good model of work and it demonstrates also the results the Federation has achieved in the international arena, but in the development of this sport in Kosovo as well”. He stated that MCYS shall continue to support KHF in its further steps, too, until its full entrance in the European Federations and World No. 13. Year III. 21 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

Appreciation for the Japanese donation of musical instruments

Minister Krasniqi met the Turkish singer of Albanian * inister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mem- li Krasniqi met the famous Albanian origin eputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Ha- Msinger, Metin Sentürk. He also is the President jdin Abazi, has welcomed in a meeting Toshiya of World Fund for Disabled Persons and of the World DAbe, the representative resident in JICA Balkan Union for Disabled Persons. ‚) Deputy Minister Abazi expressed his gratitude for career and work of Sentürk, be it in music or philan- the donation of to the Kosovo Philharmonics, thropy. He also appreciated the readiness of Mr. consisting of 117 musical instruments. He appreciated {*)- this aid as a very positive development which shall ing his experience and support. Minister Krasniqi also contribute to the work of Philharmonics. highly appreciated the fact that the singer Sentürk 6 the readiness of MCYS to provide support in various projects towards enhancement of culture in Kosovo, but also the support for disabled persons. From his part, Mr. Metin Sentürk expressed the pleasure for his visit in Kosovo, and thanked the min- ister for his welcoming. He also appreciated the work done in the recent years for culture and its promotion. Sentürk stated that he is going to continue to stay near Kosovo, to work in various activities for art, what also contributes to integration of the society of persons with special needs. 

Further, Mr. Abazi stated that MCYS is committed to work constantly to increase the support of Philharmon- ics in the future, too, as it did in the last three years. Whereas, Representative of JICA for Balkan, Toshiya Abe, expressed his pleasure and gratitude for the meeting and congratulated the MCYS staff for the )ƒ guests also expressed their readiness for further sup- port in future as well.  22 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

Cooperation continues with Slovenia

MCYS continues the support for municipalities inister of Culture, cially in the field of cultural Youth and Sports, heritage. He informed the MMemli Krasniqi has Minister for the works which welcomed in separate meet- realised in Vushtrri Munic- ings Mayor of Vushtrri Mu- ipality during the last year inister of Culture, Youth and Sports, nicipality, Bajram Mulaku and and for plans and projects Memli Krasniqi, hosted in an in- Mayor of Obiliq Municipality, they have for this year in Mtroductory meeting the Slovenian Xhafer Gashi. the field of cultural heritage, Ambassador accredited in Prishtina, Miljan In the meeting with the culture and sports. Majhen, with whom they discussed on de- Mayor of Vushtrri, they talked Also in the meeting with for different projects in the Mayor of Obiliq Municipality, sports and youth in Kosovo and for enhance- - Xhafer Gashi, they talked for ment of cooperation between the two coun- tage and sports in this mu- the possibilities to cooper- nicipality. Minister Krasniqi ate in different projects. The Minister Krasniqi informed the ambas- expressed his pleasure that Minister informed Mayor sador Majhen on the achievements made till many projects of MCYS, but Gashi that the sports hall in - also those in cooperation with Obiliq, which is being built by ture. He added that culture is one of the prior- other local and international an investment of MCYS and it ities of MCYS and a lot of effort is being made partners, have been accom- is expected to be completed to have more achievements in the future. plished in the last three years in the next months. He stated He expressed the readiness for enhance- in Vushtrri. that MCYS shall be open for ment of cooperation between MCYS and Slo- He expressed his readi- cooperation also in other venian embassy, but also with other partners ness to assist this Municipal- who are giving a precious contribution in this ity in other projects as well. youth and sports. direction. In the discussion, special On his part, the Mayor of While the Slovenian ambassador Majhen, emphasis was given to the Obiliq expressed his grati- thanked the minister for welcoming and con- opportunity of investment in tude to the Minister for the gratulated the minister for the work done till the city stadium. welcome and readiness to "`{- On the other side, Mayor ular in culture. He emphasised that Slovenia of Vushtrri Municipality, covered by MCYS, hoping that and Kosovo will continue to be close to each Bajram Mulaku, expressed the cooperation shall deepen V his gratitude to the Minister further aiming to advance the the support of Embassy in various projects for the support he offered will continue in the future as well.  to this Municipality, espe- this Municipality. 

No. 13. Year III. 23 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

MCYS committed to cooperate wit& the Municipality of Prishtina to accomplish numerous projects for sports and youth

inister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Kras- Mniqi met the Director for Culture, Youth and Sports in Municipality of Prishtina, Blerta Zeqiraj and the Director of Urban- ism, Liburn Aliu, with whom he discussed for the possibilities of cooperation in various projects related to culture, youth, sports and cultural heritage. He congrat- ulated them on their new posts and wished them good work. Minister Krasniqi expressed his full readiness for cooperation in further adding that many projects of MCYS also planned from before have remained pending as a result Olympic Pool, the project of which meaning also from the Municipali- of negligence of the Municipality of has been prepared by MCYS since ty of Prishtina. Prishtina in the recent years. 2012. In addition, the project for In this meeting it was also As regards to sports, minister building an auxiliary stadium of discussed about the condition in mentioned the requests that MCYS football, with synthetic grass, sim- Hamam (Public Bath) of Prishti- has sent and is going to send to na, and a close cooperation was the Municipality of Prishtina for Commission in some other munic- requested as for the works which designation of locations for some ipalities. The one in Prishtina shall were completed earlier, MCYS had projects and opportunities for lots of remarks. V As for investments in the For the culture, in this meeting sports, culture and heritage. existing football stadium of Pr- the parties agreed to have coordi- He said that for this year the ishtina, Minister Krasniqi said that nation especially for the traditional plan is to start building the Youth "`{ activities organised in Prishtina, Centre, Olympic Palace, a building means, but for the investments to in order to have a broader support where the sports federations shall be higher, he also requested that from the central and the municipal be accommodated. Afterwards, the investments are from two sides, institutions. 

24 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

Homage paid for Vaçe Zela in Prishtina

al Theatre of Opera and ballet in Tirana, from 10:00 to 12:00 am. The ceremony in honor of the artist will be organized by the Ministry of Culture of Albania and under attention of Prime-minister, Edi Rama. Escort to the last dwelling and the mortal ceremony will be held on Saturday at 13:00, starting from the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet to rest in peace in the grave- yard of Sharra. Vaçe Zela died yesterday in a eads of the Ministry of Cul- Homage in honor of the artist hospital in Basel of Switzerland, ture, Youth and Sports, Cul- Vaçe Zela will be organized on after a long time disease, she was Hture Institutions in Kosovo, Saturday 08.02.2014 in the Nation- 75 years-old.  hundreds of artists, heads of the Em- bassy of the Republic of Albania and deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo came to ‘Adem Jashari’ Airport of Prishtina to pay homage before the V known Albanian singer Vaçe Zela. Present were also family mem- bers of the singer and artists from Albania. There was homage paid off to Tirana with state escort of the Republic of Kosovo. This cere- mony was organized by MCYS. No. 13. Year III. 25 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

MCYS allocates additional 25 thousand Euros for the KFF he Minister of Culture, Youth ros between MCYS and KFF, which Purchase of balls approved by and Sports allocated 25 prescribes also the obligations of FIFA, 20 units Tthousand Euros to Kosovo the party and the aims where these # Football Federation for the best means shall be spent. for players, two sets of 25 units, possible organization and presen- General Secretary signed on be- R half of MCYS, Veton Firzi, whereas, Purchase of tables for ward- international match, which the Fadil Vokrri on behalf of KFF. TR Representative team of Kosovo is In accordance with the Memo- Purchase of beds for wardrobe organizing On 5 March in Mitrovica randum, the means of 25 thousand 7VR in ‘Adem Jashari’ stadium against Euros shall be used only for: Purchase of VIP eco-leather the Representative team of Haiti. Purchase of football poles ap- R Besides this budget, yesterday, the proved by FIFA; Accommodation for players of Government of Kosovo in its meet- #R Kosovo Representation. ing made a decision to allocate 50 Purchase of semaphore for play- Purchase of Flags and Requisites. thousand Euros for KFF, for the R MCYS remains committed to organization of the match Kosovo Purchase of Wardrobe Inven- assist KFF in other organizational vs. Haiti. tory for guest and local teams, aspects, too, seeing the importance A Memorandum was signed for that this match has for our country the allocation of 25 thousand Eu- XRR and sports in general. 

26 No. 13. Year III. Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, NEWSLETTER JAN/FEB 2014 Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III.

The Halveti’s Tekke fountain Prizren No. 13. Year III. 27 Bi-monthly newsletter of Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Republic of Kosovo. No. 13. Year III. JAN/FEB 2014 NEWSLETTER

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