
A PROCESS ON IPHONE ONLINE MEDIA ADVERTISEMENT Deina Dewi Puspita, Ria Nirwana and Fourus Huznatul Abqoriyyah

English Department, Faculty of Letters, Al-Ghifari University, Jl. A.H Nasution- Sukamiskin no. 247, Bandung. 40293, Indonesia.

[email protected]

Abstrak: Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menganalisis 3 komponen semiotika dalam iklan serta makna konotatif dan denotatif dalam iklan iPhone. Analisis ini berhubungan dengan makna atau arti dari iklan cetak beberapa tipe iPhone serta penggunaan makna bahasa pada headline yang merupakan komponen penting dalam periklanan. Bahasa dalam iklan digunakan sebagai sarana berkomunikasi antara iklan dengan pembeli. Iklan tersebut menyampaikan pesan melalui bahasa sehingga bahasa harus dibuat semenarik mungkin untuk menarik perhatian para konsumen. Peneliti menggunakan dua puluh lima iklan iPhone (iPhone generasi pertama hingga iPhone X) sebagai objek penelitian yang dianalisis menggunakan teori semiotik dari Pierce dan Barthes serta teori periklanan sebagai teori pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Terdapat beberapa langkah analisis yang dilakukan, yaitu mencari representamen, objek dan interpretan dari iklan dan menentukan dan menjelaskan makna tanda yang dipakai dari headline dari masing-masing iklan juga menemukan bagaimana semiotik digunakan sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan pesan dari iklan tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa interpretan diperoleh dari headline, logo dan beberapa gambar yang memperjelas ikon dari handphone tersebut. Objek didapat dari kecerahan, warna, dan latar dari iklan tersebut. Hasil dari keterhubungan antara representamen dan objek itu disebut interpretan. Dari headline ditemukan pula makna tanda konotatif yang mana berisi langkah, perubahan, dimensi dari yang sudah dilalui dari perusahaan Apple sedangkan makna tanda denotatif menjelaskan tentang kelebihan dari harga, spesifikasi dan keistimewaan dari produk Apple.

Kata kunci: semiotik, headline, dan iPhone.

Abstract: In this research, the researcher analyzed three components of as well as connotative and denotative meanings in iPhone advertisements. This analysis is related to the or meaning of the print ads of some types of iPhone and the use of the meaning in the headline which is an important component in advertising. The language in the ads is used as a means of communicating between ads with buyers. These ads convey messages through language so that language should be made as attractive as possible to attract the attention of consumers. Researchers used twenty-five iPhone ads (first generation iPhone to iPhone X) as research objects analyzed using the semiotics theory of Pierce and Barthes and advertising theory as a supporting theory. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. There are several steps of analysis performed: finding representament, and of advertisement and explaining and determining the meaning of the used from the headline of each advertisement also find out how semiotic is used as a tool to convey the message of the advertisement. The analysis results show that the representament obtained from a headline words, logo and some picture which help ads to show the iPhone. An object described from the color of display, brightness also the background of the online ads itself and then interpretant is the relation between representament- object. From the headline found connotative sign contain the primacy from step, revolution, dimension that Apple’s company passed. While the shows the privilege from specification, price, features which gave benefit people must choose and purchase the Apple product.

Key words: Semiotics, Headline, iPhone Advertisement.


Language is one of the most exemplify one of the wisest and the uniquely human characteristics that most convenient technological ideas distinguish from other creatures. It in the history of mankind. The unique means, the language is a combination of features makes holds an important smartphones extremely usable and role in human’s life. Language is the useful for different purposes. As the system of arbitrary vocal whole world is going into the new used for human communication phase of technological performance, (Wardhaugh, in Ramelan, 1984). In our needs become more the scope of social-media, language is sophisticated. Many brand of mobile the human capacity for acquiring and phones in the world such as Apple, using complex systems of Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, Xiaomi, communication, and a language is LG, Oppo, etc. According to any specific example of such a International Data Corporation system. All people used language to Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, in express inner thoughts and emotions, 2017 the most market shares of made sense of complex and abstract mobile phone in the world is brand of thought, to learn to communication iPhone. with other, to fulfill our wants and One of favorite brand mobile needs. phone in Indonesia is iPhone. Since Communication is a systemic 2007, iPhone had become the most process in which individuals interact popular smartphone in the with and through symbols to create worldwide with the advantage of its and interpret meaning (Julia Wood, iOs. iPhone users are increasing 2004). Nowadays, there are so many significantly around the world also media of communication that can the difference language people use. On digital- era, mobile advertisement in the iPhone online phone is very important thing as a media ads with other brand such as media communication. Samsung which always accentuate to Communication is one of the display and size of mobile phone in branchesof technology. Mobile every advertisement but the iPhone phones and internet technology are not monotone, it made advertisement the most fascinating words in this from any viewpoint. Therefore, modern era. Mobile phones are there are several reason of researcher widely recognized as a potentially be interesting to analyze of iPhone transformative technology platform advertisements. The reader has to get for developing nations (Lehr, 2007). message clearly. Beside that, there are Mobile phones have become the many companies advertise their essential components of our daily product through the internet media. performance. They have come to Moreover, nowadays progress of internet advances online advertising headline written by advertiser cause is great. Website, search engine, and it has to catch the reader‘s eye by social media marketing are common using as few words as possible. parts of most marketing campaigns. Furthermore, to analyze the The business world hasn't completely advertisement language, the shunned online media advertising in researcher can use semiotics favor of the digital world. approach. Every advertisement is Actually, advertisements can be delivering meaning from sender to found everywhere on internet media, receiver to attract and buy the in newspapers, in magazines, on product. billboards along the streets, on Based on background of the television, in radio, in means of public study above, the researcher transportation and any place the formulates two main problems that sponsor pays to distribute their will be discussed in this research: message. The effects of the What are the classification of advertising influence us whether we each sign, object and interpretant on like it or not. The difficulties to iPhone online media advertisements? understand the meaning in What are the classifications advertisement can be caused by the based on connotative and denotative unclear message. in the headline on iPhone online Circulation of print publications media advertisements? has decreased, but internet media advertising remains a viable THEORITICAL FOUNDATION marketing method. People usually use the media internet to get more Semiotics about review the brands Pierce (1931) says that sign is of mobile phone products. Usually, something which stands to people found some words on the somebody for something in some advertisement that called headline. respect or capacity. This Pierce’s Headline is part of advertisement as a definition emphasizes that the role little thing to grab attention which is of somebody can not be separated important to make advertisement from the signification, it is the becomes more attractive and principle of communication interesting by the existence of the semiotic. phone advertisement. One mobile Thus, a sign or representament phone advertisement represents the has the triadic relation immediately social issue in a critical and entertain with object and its interpretant. is the headline of iPhone mobile Therefore, the semiosis is a process phone advertisement on website. which combines the entity which A headline is often the most can deliver a clear meaning of a important element on a page as it selected object (advertisement) gives the reader an overall picture of and use for communication. This the news. The main goal of a semiosis is always called by headline is to grab the reader‘s signification. attention stylistic devices are used. A Meanwhile Peirce offered a headline should be gripping in order triadic model which consists of to attract people to read an brochure representament, object and or article. Headlines are usually interpretant: written in a sensational way in order to arouse the reader‘s curiosity. A The Representament: the form which the sign takes (not necessarily Barthes Material). The level of An Object: to which the sign refers, signification meaning for such as: words, phrases, sentences, Barthes is denotation and pictures, etc. sign. An Interpretant: not an interpreter stated that Semiology ‘aims to take in but rather the sense made on the any system of whatever their interpretation of the substances and limits like; images, representament and the object. gestures, musical sounds, and Tabel 1.1 Pierce’s Trichotomies objects.’ (Barthes, 1968). These are as a system of significance. Roland Semiosis Firstness Second ThirdnessBarthes said that semiology is the part ne ss of ; to be precise; it is the Sign Qualisig Decisign Legisign part covering the great signifying n unities of (Barthes, 1968). Barthes uses the denotative and Object Icon Index connotative ‘levels of meanings’ to analyze the signs in visual object. Interpre Rheme Dicent ArgumenBarthes distinguished the analyzing ta nt t of the signs into two, the verbal and non-verbal signs. The verbal sign is like the texts of the advertisement, Based on its representament, Pierce such as the title and headline. The devided sign into qualisign, sinsign, non-verbal sign are the images of the and legisign: online media ads which support the Qualisigns: quality on sign. verbal signs in order to make the ads Sinsign: actual event on sign. is interesting as the package of Legisign: a norm on sign. advertisement. Based on its object, Pierce devided sign into index, symbol, and icon: Advertisement Icon: the sign is designed to Harris (1986) believes that represent a referent by simulation sometimes, print advertising is or resemblance. mostly visual, a 'picture' that is Index: the sign is designed to coupled with minimal linguistic indicate a referent or to put referents material. in relation to each other. According to Altsiel and Grow Symbol: the sign is designed to (2007), headline is the most important encode a referent by convention or element of advertisement. It must be agreement. offer a promise to the reader of a Based on interpretant, Pierce believable benefit and it must be devided sign into rheme, dicent phrased in a way to give it memory sign or dicisign, and argument. . In this study, printed iPhone Rheme: sign that may the people to internet media advertisements interpret that based on choice. become an object. There are headline, Dicent sign or dicisign: sign body copy, slogan, and logo in the according by the fact. selected printed iPhone internet Argument: sign that gives the media advertisements. reason about something immediately. METHODOLOGY object to which the sign refers or The analysis of the semiosis and the interpretant is the process on iPhone online media meaning created in mind between advertisement was performed in representament and object. accordance with the combination Data 1 : iPhone 1st Generation theories of Pierce and Barthes and it used the image of iPhone advertisement as theobject of the research. The data are collected from iPhone first generation till iPhone was released on 2017 that have an identical characteristic as sign. In analyzing the data, according to the semiotic signification of Sign or Representament advertisements, the researcher analyzes the sign, object, interpretant In this data, there are pictures of 4 and the connotative meaning of units iPhone 1st generation with the advertisement. An advertisement has different screen display, white logo a complex meaning when it appeared Apple, black color of background and in many ways. A semiotic the headline “Introducing iPhone. signification had determined a Apple reinvents the phone.” as the meaning of advertisement to representament (sinsign) which denotative (an explicit meaning of represents the object,Object sign) and connotative meaning

(related to ideological and cultural Introduction iPhone shown by term). someone’s hands hold the phone The analysis focused on strictly, white logo as a pureness with classifying and explaining the sign, formality background. Based object, and interpretant on the iPhone on trichotomies of online media advertisement and Pierce, classification of denotative or connotative sign object in this data is icon. meaning on the headline of the Interpretant iPhone online media advertisement.

So, the relationship between RESULT AND DISCUSSION representament-object produces

interpretant (dicent sign); as the first Sign, Object and Interpretant phone that launched by Apple based The semiosis process based on on the headline. Advertiser Triadic of semiotics by Pierce consists introduces the phone clearly by taking a picture various angle to show off the iPhone 1st generation clearly. Data 25: iPhone X

Sign or Representament analyzes the sign, object, and The last semiosis process for iPhone X interpretant. is picture of 1 unit iPhone X with a Representament or sign is the colorful background and the headline form which the sign takes and the “Say hello to the future.” as a representament, object and representament (sinsign). interpretant. Generally, a headline Object words, logo and some picture of the iPhone is the representament. An And then, the object (icon) is object that explained color of display, combination color of screen display; brightness also the background of the blue, red, pink and white that make online ads itself in every iPhone X look luxurious design. advertisement of iPhone ads and then Interpretant the relation between representament- object produces interpretant, it An iPhone X is the last one Apple explained technological advances product which provide amaze variety that always Apple gave in this of features and specification to make product such as features, design, iPhone X as a most favorite gadget all color and all of progress by Apple of time as the interpretant (rheme). from the first generation till last Connotative and Denotative Sign generation. Meaning (Headline) Data 1: “Introducing iPhone. Connotative sign and Denotative sign Apple reinvents the phone” In accordance with the second Denotative is the definitional, literal, problem in this analysis, there are the obvious meaning of a sign. This classifications meaning based on headline is denotative sign connotative and denotative in the meaning,which the headline means headline on iPhone online media introduce new phone from Apple advertisements, all of iPhone online first generation. media advertisements have different headline in every types of phone. Data 25: “Say hello to the future” Advertiser used two of meaning signification in there. Connotative means a range of Connotation and denotation associated significations, the socio- sign meaning. Both of significations cultural and ‘personal’ implications are balanced. Almost of connotative (ideological, emotional etc.) of the sign meaning in the headline contain signs all of these related to the the primacy from step, interpreter’s class, age, gender, revolution, dimension that Apple’s ethnicity. This headline is connotative company passed. While the sign meaning, which the advertiser denotation in the headline shows the considers that iPhone X as a future privilege from specification, price, technology phone for people. features which gave benefit people must choose and purchase the Apple CONCLUSIONS product.

Sign, Object and Interpretant iPhone 1st generation till last generation iPhone X since 2007-2017 advertisement has semiotics elements and signification of meaning. Based on objectives in this analysis is classification of each sign, object and interpretant on iPhone online media advertisements. It was found sign or


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