Nadezda N. Izotova The category of code is widely used not only in PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the semiotics, but also in other humanitarian disciplines Department of the Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and Mongolian languages, Moscow State Institute of and is significantly promising. French philosopher and International Relations (MGIMO) of the Ministry of cultural theorist Michel Foucault notes that the Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 119454, 76 Vernadskogo av., Moscow, Russian Federation. fundamental codes of any culture play a key role in a ORCID: person’s life and determine “the empirical orders with E-mail:
[email protected]. which he will be dealing and within which he will be at Received in: Approved in: home” (FOUCAULT, 1977, p. 37). Despite different 2021-01-10 2021-02-02 DOI: approaches to the classification and interpretation of the ontological status and to the culture code functioning, scholars agree that the culture code is a part of the cultural process, its semantic core, rather than a description of a cultural phenomenon per se. The relevance of understanding and interpreting culture codes is determined by the necessity of arranging, classifying, and analyzing the code systems. The decryption of the culture codes and the reconstruction of the corresponding historical and cultural contexts are vital tasks not only for culturology, but also for other humanities. The study of culture codes is regarded as one of the basic means for understanding the mentality and value orientations of both any particular individual and the “cosmo-psycho-logos” of any ethnic group (GACHEV, 1995).