T CIT HE Y OF LOND W ON BOOK H O IT RDER E 20 F BOO ORM The enti K C to re C rea goo ity f 15 ting d c ami W Boo ause ly is eal k is a s and insti th. Lor n op to nctiv Giv d M por supp ely i ing th ayor tunit ort nclin Tim e fu ’s Ap y to our L ed b e. S ll £1 pea do b ord oth up refer 5 pu l (Ch oth May to d por ence rcha arity , bec or. T onat ting In boo se p : 11 ause he W e mo Pe the k o rice 4897 the hite ney opl firs n the of th 6) re e. lead t sec Squ is us ceiv ing tion are eful, es an figu , the Mile com d h res Lo . pa The Court of Aldermen ow rep rd ct, Cont T thei ort o May ents he r p n or dir art wh and Peter Estlin g ecto of “ at t oth ov ry th he e Ward: Coleman Street 5 e s e y r First Elected: 2013 rn ec C ar Forew an tio ity e Correspondence: Members' Room, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ 7 ord – L ce n m do Email:
[email protected] In The or , s a in 9 trod Rt H d an w ch g Liveries and Guilds: International Bankers, Chartered Accountants, Educators, Ironmongers T uctio on M d hi i Clubs: Walbrook, 67 Pall Mall 1 he n The ay in ch ne 1 Mayo Lord C o cl fo ” Biography: Educated at King Edward’s School, Witley and the University of Bristol, Peter Estlin trained a1s a Chartered Supp ral th May ou r, S ud ll wo Accountant and became a partner with Coopers & Lybrand in 1993.