Handbook for Foreign Students

Overseas Education College of University

Fuzhou· Catalog

Message from the President ··························1

Location of FZU ··························2

Map of New Campus ··························5

Introduction of Fuzhou ·························7

Introduction of ····················10

Rules of Conduct ························12

Campus Life ························13

Scholarships ·························13

Tuitions and Fees ························14

A Glimpse of the Dormitory ························15

Dormitory notice ························16

Enrollment Requirements and Application Procedures ··17

Special Safety Notice ·····················18

Residence Permit Application for Freshmen ···········19

Q & A ························21 Message from the President

Dear Students,

First, I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you!

Fuzhou University (FZU) is located at the foot of Qishan Mountain beside Wulong River. With beautiful scenery and fresh air, you may feel she has only spring in one year. Moreover, towering mountains and gurgling rivers reveal a beautiful and glorious history.

FZU has gathered the respect of teachers, national academicians, scholars, as well as national and provincial famous tutors. Lectures, debates and discussions create a stimulating learning environment. Our world-class resources will be your most valuable assets towards growth and success.

FZU places great importance on international campus construction.

The colorful and diverse campus cultural activities will provide you a fulfilling extracurricular life.

Welcome to FZU. Wish you a great success here!

1 Location of FZU By Airplane

It is one-hour-and-a-half drive from the university to Fuzhou Changle International Airport. There are direct flights from Fuzhou to main cities in China as well as international flights to Hong Kong, and other cities.

You can get to Changle Airport by taxi,or by bus. Pay attention to the followings: 1、 You can call the following hotlines to make a reservation for the airport shuttle one day in advance, and then directly buy the ticket on the day of departure: 0591-22821766 0591-22813231 0591-28814082 2、The ticket office is opposite to Yonghui Superstore in University Town. 3、Fare for the airport shuttle: ¥40 for each person.

2 By Subway

According to Fuzhou’s urban rapid rail transit construction plan, the construction of two metro lines will soon be completed.

By Train

The university is one hour and a half away from Fuzhou North Train Station and two hours away from South Train Station by bus. Train lines connect to most cities on the Chinese mainland. Both stations have recently opened high-speed rail access to , and other major cities.

You can get to the railway stations by taxi,or also by the following buses: 1 、FZU to (North Railway Station): 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 (Fu Da Xin Qu Xue Sheng Gong Yu Station)-----Bus55 ------火车站(Railway Station) ahout 1 hour and 40 min 2 、FZU to Fuzhou South Railway Station 1) 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 (Fu Da Xin Qu Xue Sheng Gong Yu Station)------Bus41------旅游集散中心站(Lv You Ji San Zhong Xin Station) ------Bus 124------火车南站(South Raiway Station) about 2 hours 2)福大生活一区(Fu Da Sheng Huo Yi Qu Station)-----Bus168-----公交大 学城总站(General Station of University Town)-----Bus176----- 火车南站 (South Railway Station) 3 、 You can buy train tickets in the ticket office opposite to Yonghui Superstore, and can also book tickets on the Internet with your passport number after you have finished the ID certification in either of the two big train stations. The website for train ticket booking is: http://www.12306.cn/mormhweb/

3 By Bus

The university is one hour and a half drive to Fuzhou North Bus Station. Buses connect to most places in Province and other major cities in China.

You can get to the coach stations by taxi,or also by the following buses: FZU to Fuzhou North Coach Station: 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 (Fu Da Xin Qu Xue Sheng Gong Yu Station)-----Bus55 -----闽运汽车北站(Min Yun Qi Che Bei Station) ahout 1 hour and 40 min

4 Map of Qishan Campus

5 Please check the bigger map you have got. Hereafter are some important building numbers: 1 、Student Card Center: 7# (to get student card and deposit money) 2 、ICBC Bank & ICBC ATM: 7# 3 、Dormitory Buildings for Overseas Students: 55# 4、 Phone Shops:China Mobile---29#;China net---25#;China Unicom---23# 5 、Photo Shop:8# 6 、Copy Shops:25#;26#;15#;7#; Copy room in front of the library 7 、Second Hand Bike and Bike Reparation Centers:13#;43#;52#;near the 1st residence block

6 Introduction of Fuzhou


As the capital city of Fujian Province, Fuzhou is located on the southeast coast of China, facing Taiwan, which lies eastward across the Taiwan Strait. The city is surrounded by Yushan Mountain, Wushan Mountain, Pingshan Mountain and is bisected by Minjiang river. The spectacular landscape has given rise to the phrase “three mountains opposite each other and a river flowing eastwards, which reflects the natural beauty of the region.


Fuzhou has a sub-tropical maritime monsoon climate. The average temperature runs between 16 to 20 degrees centigrade, with an annual 1770 to 1980 hours of sunshine, annual 900 to 2100 mm of rainfall, and an average of 77% humidity. In short, Fuzhou is mild, warm and humid with evergreen plants and abundant rainfall. In winter, the average temperature is 2~8 ℃ . Please prepare for the coldness.

7 History and Culture:

Fuzhou enjoys a lengthy history that spans more than 2200 years. Named after Fushan Mountain to the north, the city has been known as “Fuzhou” since the Tang Dynasty. Additionally, banyan trees planted during the Song Dynasty have now shaded the entire city, hence its nickname-Rongcheng (the City of Banyans). Fuzhou has been awarded national honors such as “China ’s Best Tourist City” and “Chain’s Famous Historical and Cultural City”.


Today’s Fuzhou has become a city of leisure and fashion, integrating sightseeing, vacationing, commercial trading, conferences and exhibitions, entertainment, and gourmet dining to create a profoundly dynamic environment. The city also enjoys unique access to a number of high quality hot-springs, leading Fuzhou to earn the distinction of possessing the “best hot springs in the Southeast”. Spanning the city are over 150 historical places, including cultural and entertainment centers, an abundant number of restaurants, and distinctive bars and teahouses waiting for your visit. ------I Recommended Places for Shopping ------1、博士后购物广场/永辉超市(Bo Shi Hou Shopping Mall) 福大新区生活一区站(Fu Da Xin Qu Sheng Huo Yi Qu Station)------Bus96 ------招呼站/博士后购物广场站 (Zhao Hu Station) 2、宝龙(Power Long Shopping Mall) 福大新区学生公寓站(Fu Da Xin Qu Xue Sheng Gong Yu Station)------Bus 41 ------宝龙城市广场站(Bao Long Cheng Shi Guang Chang Station) 3、师大学生街 (Student Street of ) 福大新区学生公寓站------Bus 41 ------宝龙城市广场站(Bao Long Cheng Shi Guang Chang Station)------Bus 113 ------师大站(Shi Da Station)------师大学 生街 4、万达(Wan Da Plaza) 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 ------Bus 96 ------金 山 明 星 站 (Jin Shan Ming Xing Station) ------Bus 163 ------仓 山 万 达 广 场 站 (Cang Shan Wan Da Guang Chang Station)

8 II Recommended Places for Visit 1、三坊七巷(Three Lanes and Seven Alleys) 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 ------Bus 55------双 抛 桥 站 (Shuang Pao Qiao Station)------三坊七巷 2、西湖公园(West Lake Park) 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 ------Bus 55------高 峰 桥 站 (Gao Feng Qiao Station)------西湖公园(Xi Hu Gong Yuan Station) 3、福建省博物馆 (Fujian Provincial Museum) 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 -----Bus 96------干 休 所 站 (Gan Xiu Suo Station)-----Bus 308 ------总院站(Zong Yuan Station) 4、鼓山(Gushan Mountain) 福大新区学生公寓站-----Bus 96 ------西禅寺站(Xi Chan Shi Station)----- (the opposite)西禅寺站------Bus 97 ------下院站(Xia Yuan Station)

III Other Recreations 1、老福州 (The Old Fuzhou Restaurant) A restaurant famous for its Fuzhou specialty near Three Lanes and Seven Alleys 2、电影院 (Cinemas) “燕林国际影城(Yan lin Cinema)” in “博士后购物广场” There are also some cinemas in “宝龙”. 3 、KTV “太空城 KTV” in “博士后购物广场”


Cautions: You can also have online shopping. In China, “Taobao”, “Jingdong”, “Dangdang” and “Amazon” are all websites accessible for shopping. When doing online shopping, payment can be made through online banking, Alipay, and cash on delivery. Please be careful when doing online shopping.

9 Fuzhou University


Founded in 1958, Fuzhou University has obtained the high reputation as “ in the south of China” with its No.1 comprehensive education capability among all the Fujian-Province-owned universities. The University is also co-sponsored by Fujian Province and the Ministry of Education of China and has been selected into the “211 Project”, a Chinese government program for the 21st century to support 100 selected universities for their further rapid development.

Discipline Construction:

Nowadays the University boosts its high-level teaching and scientific research fruits and as a whole the disciplines focus on the field of engineering with a series of subjects as sciences, economics, management, liberal arts, law, arts and design. It has now developed into a key teaching-and –research comprehensive university in Fujian Province. The main campus is Qishan Campus, which is located in the University Town in Minhou County. The university owns complete talent training system with about 30,000 students, including near 9300 graduate students. At present all the majors are open to foreign students and the popular choices are Chinese language, economics, management, arts and humanities. Those engineering majors such as Civil Engineering, Bridge and Transportation Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Electric Engineering and Electronic Information Engineering have witnessed a growing trend among neighboring countries.

10 Overseas Education:

Since the 1980s, Fuzhou University has been approved by the Ministry of Education to offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs to foreign students. The University is qualified to receive those foreign students who have won the Chinese Government Scholarship and Fujian Government Scholarship. About 3,000 foreign students from Japan, Korea, Germany, US, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Tajikistan and Cameroon as well as overseas Chinese students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan regions have graduated from Fuzhou University. The University has established the Chinese Language and Culture Program for foreign students. This Program employs the qualified teachers, uses the professional textbooks and establishes such Chinese Culture Courses as Taiji Boxing, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Traditional Medicine Outline and Chinese Idiom Understanding.

After 1 or 2 years’ learning, foreign students can not only have a good command of Chinese Language for HSK but also have a better understanding about Chinese Culture, which will help them to be the bridge linking both China and abroad. At the end of language learning, the students can apply for the degree courses directly in Fuzhou University and be awarded the degree and graduation certificate. Foreign students in Fuzhou University are eligible for Fujian Government Scholarship and Fuzhou University Scholarship (website: http://oce.fzu.edu.cn).

11 Rules of Conduct

1. Observe Chinese laws and regulations as well as exit& entrance administration rules. 2. Observe university rules and regulations, comply by social morality. 3. Follow the study disciplines, study hard and accomplish learning objectives. 4. To be polite courtesy, respect faculty and staff members. 5. Treasure public property, such as teaching equipments, living facilities and domestic installation. 6. Respect social customs, habits, and religious beliefs of China and other countries. 7. Get along with your fellow students in the spirit of mutual respect, harmony and friendship, maintain and enhance the friendship between peoples of all nations.

8. Keep clean and tidy, participate in physical exercises.

12 Campus Life:

The university has various student organizations, including the Student Union, Youth Volunteers Association and Science Association. Participating in these colorful extracurricular activities can allow foreign students the opportunity to make friends and improve their Chinese.


Chinese Government Scholarship Applying Time: from February to April per year WEBSITE: http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/ Fujian Government Scholarship Applying Time: from April to May per year. The application is also available after the registration. WEBSITE: Under Construction Fuzhou University Scholarship Applying Time: from April to May per year WEBSITE:http://oce.fzu.edu.cn

13 Tuitions and Fees(CNY):

Tuition Fee

Chinese Language & Culture Program (non-degree program): 8000 per semester; 14000 per year

Bachelor Liberal Arts:14000;Science and Engineering:16000;Fine Arts and Music:21000

Master Liberal Arts:20000;Science and Engineering:20000;Fine Arts and Music:30000

Doctor Liberal Arts:25000;Science and Engineering:25000

Registration fee: CNY 500

Insurance: CNY 800 per year


According to the different type of dormitory, the accommodation cost is from CNY 3500 to CNY 7000.

Each dorm is equipped with air-conditioner, water-heater, cabinet, independent washroom

and network port. The cost of water and electricity will be your own expense.

14 A Glimpse of the Dormitory

I An Overview of the Dormitory Building

II Interior of the Dormitory III Bathroom inside the Dormitory

15 Dormitory notice

1. Rooms of International students are pre-assigned by Overseas Education College Fuzhou University (OEC). Please do not change rooms or occupy others’ rooms without permission. Neither is it allowed to lend or sublet the room to others. All students must return to the dormitory before 11:00 pm. 2. Take care of public properties and save water and electricity. Please use the articles in the room properly. If there is any damage or loss of articles because of improper use, students will need to give compensation according to the price of the article. 3. Take good care of the keys and do not give them to anyone else without care. Please do not make extra keys, add or change locks. Violations will be handled in accordance with the related rules. Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in the dormitory if any special circumstances. 4. Students should take care of their belongings and lock the doors when going out. Valuables or large amount of cash can be left in the save or in the care of the bank. 5. Law-breaking activities such as excessive drinking, gambling, drug-addiction, prostitution and whoring or fight are not allowed in the dormitory. 6. Please keep the dormitory clean and tidy. Graffiti or sticking things on the wall or the door are prohibited. Pouring water out of the window or littering are not allowed. 7. Smoking is NOT allowed in the dormitory. 8. Please observe the rules of fire proof and do not move switch box and fire fighting equipments in the building. Inflammable, explosive, highly poisonous or radioactive substances and other dangerous objects are strictly prohibited from bringing into the dormitory. 9. No burning of articles is allowed in the dormitory, and do not fire crackers or fireworks in the dormitory building. 10. Please do not connect wires secretly or make an open fire for cooking in the room. 11. Keep a quiet environment inside the dormitory. Please do not make loud noises or play music in high volume. Keeping pets are not allowed in the dormitory. 12. According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Religious Activities of Foreigners in Chinese Territory, the customs and religious belief of international students are highly respected, but sites for holding the religious rites are not provided. Religious activities like religious party and mission are forbidden in the campus. 13. Please do not directly drink the tap water before it is boiled. 14. Keeping pets are not allowed in the dormitory. 15. Students should pay their accommodation fee utility fees on time. The utility fees should be directly paid to the Management Center of Students’ Dormitories by the students. 16. A student who, in violation of the relevant provisions, causes losses shall be liable for compensation according to the price of the article.

16 Enrollment Requirements and Application Procedures

Enrollment Requirements

Student Category Documents Needed Chinese 1. Application form Language 2. A photo copy of passport Students 3. Medical report 1. Application form 2. A photocopy of passport 3. A copy of High school graduation certificate, Undergraduate 4. Medical report Students 5. A photocopy of HSK 5 certificate or above is required for applications to liberal arts majors, HSK 4 certificate or above is required for applications to science degree programs. 1. Application form 2. A photocopy of passport 3.A photocopies of undergraduate diploma 4. Master diploma/PhD diploma MA Students/ PhD 5. Recommendation letters in English or Chinese from Students two associate professors or professors 5. Medical report 6. Study plan 7. A photocopy of HSK 5 certificate or above for liberal arts majors, HSK 4 certificate or above for science majors. The courses taught in English do not need language certificates.

Notes: If you also apply for Fujian Provincial scholarship, please add relevant application materials. Application Procedures:

Email required documents ------Wait for result

17 Special Safety Notice

1. Don’t drunk outside; 2. Be vigilant about taking strangers’ car and the bus without vehicle registration mark; 3. Be on high alert if a man accosts you, borrows your cellphone or your money, etc. in public; 4. Don’t take carpooling with strangers; 5. Don’t accept the strangers’ invitation without careful consideration; 6. Don’t have the drinks that once got out of your sight; 7. Don’t easily trust friends’ friends; 8. Don’t withdraw cash alone at night; 9. Don’t go out with strangers to some unfamiliar places; 10. Don’t take dark shortcut when you walk alone outside; 11. Don’t open the door rashly when there is a knock on it; 12. Don’t be reluctant to give up belongings in the eleventh hour.

18 Residence Permit Application for Freshmen

Freshmen shall enter China with an X1 visa. The X1 visa expires after 30 days on arrival in China, so students must submit their application for the

Residence Permit with all the required documents to the local Exit and

Entry Bureau within 30 days upon their arrival in Mainland China.

1) After an immediate registration in the Office of Cooperation and

Exchange (OCE) of Fuzhou University, students are required to register in local police station (福州市公安局上街公安分局) within 72 hours on arrival in Fuzhou and get the Accommodation Registration Form.

(Documents needed: original and copy of passport, a letter from OCE )

2) In the first week, students are required to take physical examination in Fuzhou International Travel Healthcare Center in Fuzhou downtown, and get the Health Certificate (medical report). The examination costs around 500 RMB and three 2-inch photos (white background) are required.

3) If students pass the physical examination, they are required to prepare the following documents and come to OCE to apply for residence

19 permit (original and copy): valid passport, JW201 /JW202form (the yellow page, kept by OCE), admission notice, Health Certificate, the

Accommodation Registration Form, and two 2-inch photos. If all the above documents are ready, OCE will issue a letter to the student for the application of his/her residence permit in the Exit and Entry Bureau of the

Public Security Department of Fuzhou. The application fee is 400 RMB per year.


1. When residence permit is prepared, in case lost,it is

recommended to copy passport, visa, residence permit on A4

papers, which is carry around for future reference .Original

passport can be properly kept separately.

2. During the winter and summer vacation, NO delay or change

procedures for passport, visa and residence permit can be

deal with in principle, except in special circumstances. If it is

needed, please contact Office of Cooperation and Exchange

Fuzhou University at least one and a half months in advance.

International students to undertake the related responsibility

and fines if they failed to contact in time.

20 Q&A

I Q: How to get the hang of Fuzhou and Fuzhou University soon?

A: You must feel Fuzhou University is so big that it is hard to find your

destination when you just arrive. How to get familiar with the campus

and even the whole Fuzhou city in a short time? Such phone application

as “Baidu Map” is recommended. With the e-map, you will find where

you want to go in a few seconds. You can also dial “114” to ask for the

ideal route to your next stop.

21 II Q: How to take taxi anytime anywhere?

A: What do we usually do to call taxi in Fuzhou even at late night?

Mobile-phone applications like “Kuai di( 快 的 )” can be downloaded to

help you. It is very convenient.

Before you get into the taxi, please observe and judge whether the

taxi is safe or not. Especially at midnight, it is better to remember the

plate number of the taxi and edit it to your tutor or friends. Please do not

take unlicensed taxis.

22 III Q: What if you need to stay out late?

A: For the safety of all students, Fuzhou University will close doors of

all buildings with a magnetic system around 23:00 pm. Students can

use their cards to go through the door. When you just arrive at

Fuzhou University and get your student card, please give your card to

the building administrator and ask them to activate your card.

If you need to stay out late, please tell the assistant of OEC office

first so that they won’t be too worried. Thank you!

23 IV Q:Where can you change money?

A: In China, Bank of China owns the most convertible currency, if

you need to change money; you can go to Bank of China near our

campus with your passport. Hereafter is the bus to that bank:

福大新区学生公寓站---- Bus 41 ---- 沙墩站(Sha Dun Station)----a few

meters’ walk

The logo of Bank of China:

V Q: What if you lost your passport?

24 A: Passport is very important to foreign students. Precautions should be taken to avoid the loss of it. It is recommended to take the copy instead of the original with you when you are out.

It is very troublesome if your passport is lost. First, you need to go to the Police Office near where you lose your passport to get a loss certification, and then go to the bureau in the downtown to report the loss. Second, you need to contact the embassy and consulate of your country in China to apply for reissuing.

25 VI Q: What if you lost your student card?

A: Student card can be said as the second most important identification

to you. With your card, you can pay in the canteen and also some

convenience stores inside the campus. With your card, you can go in

and out of dorm building freely. Please keep your student card


If you lost your card, you would have to report your losing first to

card center in Building 7, and then get a certification to prove your loss

from your tutor. After one or two week, you may get a new student card.

It may take about CNY30.

26 VII Q: What if you lost your bank card?

A: In Fuzhou University, tuition fees and scholarship are often

transmitted through ICBC bank card. So you do need an ICBC bank


If you lost your bank card you need to call the bank, telling the

bank to freeze your card. Then you have to go to the bank with your

passport within 5 days for written report of the loss. Certain fee is

needed. For general bank card, you need to pay 5-10 CNY; for credit

card, you need to pay 50 CNY. You can get your new bank card in a

week. Hereafter is the phone number of ICBC:


27 VIII Q: Where can you go when you are ill?

A: When you feel uncomfortable, you can go to the hospital inside the

campus first. The campus hospital is behind the gym in the third

block. If you need to go to larger hospital, hereafter are some

recommended places. Those who acquire Chinese government

scholarship can get certain reimbursement. Other students can get

certain reimbursement if you have bought insurance.

Recommended Hospitals: 1 校医院 Campus Hospital behind the gym in the third district 2 福建医科大学附属口腔医院 (Affiliated Dental hospital of Fujian Medical University) 福大新区学生公寓站------Bus 55 ------柳桥站(Liu Qiao Station) 3 福州总院(Fuzhou General Hospital) 福大新区学生公寓站------Bus 96 ------干休所站(Gan Xiu Suo Station)-----Bus 91----总院站(Zong Yuan Station) 4 福州空军医院 (Fuzhou Air Force Hospital) 福大新区学生公寓站------Bus 55-----神蜂科技站(Shen Feng Ke Ji Station ) 5 福建医科大学附属第一医院(The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University) 福大新区学生公寓站------Bus 41 ------洋头口站(Yang Tou Kou Station)

28 IX Q: What to do when you are in emergency?

A: Electric appliances with high power like induction cooker are not

allowed to be used inside your dorm in case of fire. Even in the kitchen,

please beware of fire. In the case of small fire, you can use the fire

extinguisher in the corridor. If the fire is furious, please protect

yourself first. Run away as fast as you can. If it is possible, please call


In the case of sudden illness, please call 120.

In face of crimes, please call 110.

29 X Q: What should you do when your visa is going to expire?

A: You must go to the Entry and Exit Administration Bureau 30 days

before the expiring date. It is better to prepare materials needed before

one month.

Here are the materials needed to extend your visa:

1)Both the copy and the original of the passport

2)Both the copy and the original of temporary residence permit

3)Medical report

4)Certificate from the university/ admission letter

Procedures: prepare materials ---- hand in materials---- wait for at least

one week ---- make payment---- claim the extended visa with the receipt

and the bill

Notes: 1 A certificate from the university is needed to make temporary residence permit 2 Health report can be claimed one week after the physical examination 3 福 大 新 区 至 福 州 出 入 境 检 验 检 疫 局 (to Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) 福大新区学生公寓站------Bus 55 ------五四路口站(Wu Si Lu Kou Station) ----Walk back a few miles about 1 hour 4 福大新区至福州市出入境管理处(to Entry and Exit Administration Bureau) 福 大 新 区 学 生 公 寓 站 ------Bus 55 ------省 老 干 局 站 (Sheng Lao Gan Ju Station)----A few miles’ walk about 1 hour 26min

30 XII Q: What if you fell in love?

A: Love in any university of China is very natural and carefree. We

hope that you can have a good experience in Fuzhou University. We

also hope that as you enjoy your wonderful love, you can also think of

the future of both you and your girlfriend/boyfriend since you have

been an adult.

31 Add: Alumni House, Qi Shan Campus, Fuzhou University, Shangjie,

Minhou, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China

Post Code: 350116

Tel: 0591-22865239 Mr. Zhao

Email: [email protected]

Website: 网址:http://oce.fzu.edu.cn/