· Congressional Record-Senate. 597
1899. · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 597 By Mr. YOUNG of Virginia: A bill (H. R. 4904) for relief of By Mr. BOUTELLE of Maine: Petition of J, D. Hincls and. Edward William Bailey-to the Committee on Claims. others,·of Orrington, l\Ie, - Also, a bill {H. R. 4905) for the relief of James A. Johnston By Mr. ELLIOTT: Petition of F. Rhem and others, of Rhems,. to the Committee on Claims. S. C., and vicinity. · By Mr. ZENOR: A bill (H. R. 4906) granting a pension tol\Irs. By Mr. FITZGERALD of New York: Petitions of the First. Ellen Quinn-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, citizens of the Second Congres By Mr. CUMMINGS: A joint resolution (H. J. Res. 91) for the sional district of New York, and Federation of Churches and relief of A ugnst Bolten, of New York City, and Gustav Richelieu, Christian Workers of New York. of Bostop, Mass.,Americanseamen-totheCommittee on Foreign By Mr. FOSS: Petition of James P. Dickson and others, of Chi Affairs. cago, Ill. By Mr. GRilrFITH: Petition of citizens of the Fourth Congres sional district of Indiana. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. HOWELL: Petition of citizens of the Third Congress· Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers siona.l district of New Jersey". were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By Mr. MANN: Petition of the Chicago Woman's Club. By the SPEAKE.R: Petition of George W. Dunham and a num By Mr. NEEDHAM: Petitions of E. A. Wright and 78 others, of ber of other citizens of Iowa, in favol' of an appropriation for the Seventh Congressional district of California; J.
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