AVIFAUNA STUDY In And Around KARO OPENCAST COAL MINING PROJECT (226.67 Ha) Forest Division (F. No.8-42/2017-FC)

September 2019 Environment and Forest Department Central Coalfields Limited (A Subsidiary of Coal Ltd) Darbhanga House Ranchi-834001

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

INDEX SL NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1 Index i 2 Abbreviation & Symbols ii 3 List of Table iii List of Figures iii List of Plates iii Executive Summary iv 4 Chapter -1 : 1-8 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Accessibility and communication 1 1.3 Location 1 1.4 Climate and Rainfall data 1 1.5 Purpose of the Report 2-3 1.6 Scope of Work 3 1.7 Objective of the Study 3 1.8 Methodology 3-8 1.9 Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) 8 5 Chapter -2 9-10 2.1 Status of Habitat 9 2.2 Avifauna in Karo OCP 9 2.3 The common plants used by the birds in the locality 9-10 2.4 Assessment of threats 10 6 Chapter -3 11-16 3.1 Provision of suitable alternate habitat 11-12 3.2 Artificial nesting sites development 12-13 3.3 Community participation in conservation 13 3.4 Control of pollution of various kinds 14 3.5 Awareness Program 14 3.6 Monitoring 14 3.7 Budget 14-16 7 Citation 17 8 Disclosure 18 9 Plates A-F 10 Annexure I-IV

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) i F.No.8-42/2017-FC

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Abbreviation & Symbols CF Conservator of Forest DFO Divisional Forest officer E East EIA Environment Impact Assessment etc. Extra

Fig. Figure

FC Forest Clearance

F.No. File number

GoI Government of India

G.T. Grand Trunk Ha Hectare HSI Habitat Suitability Index Km Kilo meter ICUN m Meter mm Mili Meter MoEFCC Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change

MTPA Million Ton per Annum

N North

No(s). Number(s)

OB Over burden

OCP Opencast Coal Project

RDB Red Book Stage I In-principle Approval of Forest Land Stage II Diversion order of Forest Land Yr Year % Percentage 0C Degree Centigrade º Degree ′ Minute ″ Second @ At the rate

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List of Figures

Sl no. Content Page No.

Fig. 1 Location of Karo OCP on Top sheet 2

Fig. 2 Yearwise installation of artificial nest 13

Fig. 3 Capital Outlay 13

Fig. 4 Year wise & Activity wise Capital Outlay (in Rs. Lakhs) 15

Fig. 5 Activity wise & Year wise Capital Outlay (in Rs. Lakhs) 16

List of Tables

Sl no. Content Page No.

Table 1 Status of different applied forest proposal of Karo OCP 2

Table 2 List of plantations/Agro forestry species in core and buffer zone 2

Table 3 List of Natural vegetation in upper layer (Tree) in core and buffer 5 zone Table 4 List of fauna (mammals) in core and buffer zone 6

Table 5 List of Avifauna (mammals) in core and buffer zone 6-7

Table 6 List of Avifauna in core & Buffer Zone 7

Table 7 Yearwise installation of artificial nest in the proposed site 13

Table 8 Budget Provision Yearwise 15

List of Plates Sl no. Contents Page No. Plate-A Avifauna at Study Area A Plate-B Flora at Study Area B-D Plate-C Site for Artificial Nesting E-F

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Chapter-1 1.0 Introduction

Karo Expansion OCP (11/15 MTPA normative/peak capacity) & integrated Karo Washery (7 MTPA), B&K Area, Central Coalfields Limited is proposed within an area of 552.84 Ha. The project is situated in the north-eastern part of and covered on Survey of India Topo-sheet no- 73E/13 (1:50000 RF) (Fig. 1) Karo OCP was granted environmental clearance for 1.50 MTPA capacity vide letter number J-11015/544/2009- IA.II(M) dated 24.12.2014. ToR for Karo Expansion OCP (11/15 MTPA normative/peak capacity) & integrated Karo Washery (7 MTPA) has been issued vide letter no. J- 11015/544/2009-IA-II(M) (IA/JH/CMIN/29962/2015) dtd. 03.11.2015. Presently opencast operations are being carried out. A pit top washery has been proposed for washing of non-coking coal @ 7 MTPA. 1.1 Accessibility and communication: Karo OCP is in East Bokaro Coalfield and lies on the Gomoh-Barkakana-Dehri-on-Sone loop line of Eastern Railway. railway station on this line is located at a distance of about 5 Km to the south of Kaveri (Karo-II) Block. The East-west running - Jarangdih--Jaina More Road, which meets the Bishnugarh-Petarwar Road and Dhanbad-Ramgarh Road, connects the coalfield with Hazaribagh, Dhanbad and Ranchi. This road is located to the south of the Kaveri (Karo-II) Block. The block is also connected to Bokaro Thermal Power Station in the west and Phusro in the southeast by metal road. The nearest township Phusro is situated at a distance of about 7 Km. Phusro is connected to the G.T. road by Phusro Dumri road. The nearest airport is Ranchi. 1.2 Location Lattitude : 23º 47′ 02″ N to 23º 48′ 38″ N

Longitude: 85º 57′ 27″ E to 85º 58′ 38″ E 1.3 Climate and Rainfall data: The climate is extreme. The summer, which is between April and June, is very hot. The maximum temperature reaches upto 460C during summer and the minimum temperature reaches 40C during winter months of December and January. The average rainfall is usually about 1200 mm during monsoon.

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Fig 1. Location of Karo OCP on Toposheet

1.4 Purpose of the Report : A proposal for diversion of forest land for its non forest use for Karo OCP CCL had submitted a proposal to concern department for the release of 226.67 Ha. of forest land for Karo Opencast Project to MoEFCC, GoI through DFO, Bokaro Forest Division, Bokaro, . The Stage-I has been granted vide letter no. 8-25/2009-FC dated 24/12/2018 (Annexure I). Status of other proposal falling in the leasehold area is at tabe 1. Condition no. (xvii) of the diversion order stipulates to create alternate habitat/ home for the avifauna, whose nesting trees are to be cleared in this project in consultation with Concerned DFO. The condition stipulated quotes as under : Quote … “ (xvii) User agency in consultation with the State Forest Department shall create and maintain alternate habitat/ home for the avifauna, whose nesting trees are to be cleared in this project. Bird nests artificially made out of eco-friendly materials shall be used in the

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area, including forest area and human settlements, adjoining the forest area being diverted for the project;” … Unquote. As such a study for reparation of report for creation and maintenance of alternate habitat / home for avifauna has been prepared.

Table 1 : Status of different applied forest proposal of Karo OCP. Sl Name of Proposal Forest Area MoEFCC file Remarks no. Involved (Ha) no. 1 Kaveri OCP 77.43 8-22/2003-FC Stage-II granted on 31.03.04 (77.43 Ha)/ (Karo OCP) 2 Karo OCP 226.67 8-25/09-FC Stage I granted on 24.12.18. (226.67 Ha) Stage II under Process 3 Coal dispatch 7.5 FP/JH/MIN/1 Online Application made on conveyor of Karo 6311/2015 30.10.15. Stage-I under OCP (7.5 Ha) process.

1.5 Scope of Work:- For this study project proponent met with Divisional forest officer, Bokaro Range & Conservator of forest on 01/03/19, 07/05/19, 14/05/19, 28/05/19, 27/07/19 & 16/09/19 and discussed the matter. 1.6 Objective of the Study : The objective of the study is to prepare a report to create and maintain alternate habitat/ home for the avifauna, whose nesting trees are to be cleared in this project. Bird nests artificially made out of eco-friendly materials shall be used in the area, including forest area and human settlements, adjoining the forest area being diverted for the project as per stipulated condition in Stage-I. 1.7 Methodology This study report is based on a study made by VRDS Consultant, Chennai conducted flora & fauna study during the month of November, 2015 as a part of Environment Impact assessment. This is the part chapter of Environmental Management plan for Karo Expansion OCP (11/15) & Integrated Coking Coal washery (7 MTPA) for which Terms of reference (TOR) has been issued by Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) vide letter no. J-11015/544/2009-IA-II(M) (IA/JH/CMIN/29962/ 2015) dtd. 03.11.2015. The relevant portion of the report is as under : The study covered floral component as well as faunal element. Identification of faunal elements (animal species) of core and buffer zone are identified by direct sightings or indirect Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) 3 F.No.8-42/2017-FC

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evidences viz. pug marks, skeletal remains, scats and droppings etc. A Binocular were used for the observations. The authenticity of faunal elements occurrence were confirmed by interaction with the local forest department / people. Avifauna (bird’s species) identification is done with pictorial descriptions of published literature. Information pertaining to existence of any migratory corridors and paths are obtained with local inhabitants. The status of each faunal element is determined and wildlife schedule category is ascertained as per the IUCN-Red Data Book (RDB) and Indian wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

List of plantations/Agro forestry species in core and buffer zone are listed at table 2

Table 2 : List of plantations/Agro forestry species in core and buffer zone Common Family Name Botanical Name Core Buffer Name Zone Zone Amaltas Caesalpiniaceae Cassia fistula √ Anjir Ficus religiosa √ Awla Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus emblica √ Bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus √ Bamboo Poaceae Bambusa arundinacea √ Guava Pisidium guava √ Gulmohor Caesalpiniaceae Delonix regia √ Jack fruit Moraceae Artocorpus heterophylla √ Kathal Moraceae Artocarpus integrifolia √ Kela Musaceae Musa paradisiaca √ Mango Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica √ Munga Moringaceae Moringa oleifera √ Karanj Pongamia pinnata √ Neem Meliaceae Azadirachta indica √ Nilgiri Myrtaceae Eucalyptus globulus √ Palas Papilionaceae Butea frondosa √ Sagwan Verbenaceae Tectona grandis √ Sitaphal Annonaceae Annona squamosa √ Shesam Fabaceae Dalbergia sisso- √ √ Subabul Mimosaceae Acacia nilotica √

Natural vegetation/Forest type of the project area were characterized as Northern tropical dry mixed deciduous forest, which comprises of three layer strata viz. Upper layer of trees and lianas (Table 3), Middle strata of woody shrubs and creepers and Lower strata of ground occupancy of grasses and sedges.

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Table 3 : List of Natural vegetation in upper layer (Tree) in core and buffer zone Common Family Name Botanical Name Core Buffer Zone Zone Name Aam/Mango Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica √ Apta Caesalpinaceae Bauhinia racemosa √ Awla Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus emblica √ Babul Mimosaceae Acacia Arabica √ √ Bahawa Cassia fistula √ Bakneem Melia azedarach √ Bel Myrtaceae Aegle marmelos √ Ber Rhamnaceae Zizyphus jujube √ Gulmohar Delonix regia √ Harhar Combretaceae Terminalia chebula √ Jamun Syzygium cumini √ Karanj Pongamia pinnata √ Katang Graminae Bambusa arundinacea √ √ bamboo Kathal Moraceae Artocarpus heterophyllus √ Kend Ebenaceae Coromandel Ebony √ Koraiya Apocynaceae Holarrhena antidysentrica √ Maharukh Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa √ Mohua tree Sapotaceae Madhuca longifolia √ Neem Meliaceae Azadirachta indica √ √ Palas Fabaceae Butea monosperma √ Peepal tree Moraceae Ficus religiosa √ √ Sagwan Verbenaceae Toctona grandis √ √ Sakua Dipterocarpaceae Shorea robusta √ Sindhi Palmae Borassus flabellifer √ Sirish Albizzia lebbeck √ Sisam Fabaceae Dalbergia sissoo √ √ Sitaphal Annonaceae Annona squamosa √ Vad Moraceae Ficus benghalensis √ During survey it is observed that endangered, endemic and medicinal flora is not present within the study area. The list and number of trees which is to be felled as per provisions of FC Act 1980 (FCA) were collected from Part II report of DFO, Bokaro for the proposal reference & MoEFCC file no. . 8-25/09-FC (Table 4). This is as per joint tree enumeration report. The

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enumeration were made from proposed area falling into 11 numbers of sector (Sector 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 180A, 180B, 181, 182,183, 184) (fig. 2). Table 4 : List of Natural vegetation in Proposal of diversion of 226.67 Ha Common Family Name Botanical Name Core Buffer No. of Zone Zone Tree Name

Aam/Mango Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica √ 16

Ailsa 2

Aitha 19

Arar 6

Asan 247

Awla Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus emblica √ 21

Bandarloor 921

Bel Myrtaceae Aegle marmelos √ 29

Behra 7

Ber Rhamnaceae Zizyphus jujube √ 4

Bhelwa 3464

Bhurkund 2

Bhursa 16

Bhutta 1

Buch 30

Chaili 14

Churchur 897

Dhela 1

Dhoya 1401

Dhundi 3

Doka 3980

Dumar 18

Gamhar 5

Garnith 25

Ghuith 3

Gudra 1

Gular 100

Gulmohar Delonix regia √ 2

Gurhi 11

Gurhikaram 2

Harhar Combretaceae Terminalia chebula √ 25

Jamun Syzygium cumini √ 142

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Jharya 1

Jogiya 10

Kaaj 45

Kamail 1

Karam 268

Karanj Pongamia pinnata √ 82

Kari 1411

Kathal Moraceae Artocarpus heterophyllus √ 4

Kathmohli 1

Kend Ebenaceae Coromandel Ebony √ 9964

Kheir 80

Khemal 1

Karah 7

Konar 15

Koraiya Apocynaceae Holarrhena antidysentrica √ 2578

Kusum 1064

Mayuri 4

Maharukh Simaroubaceae Ailanthus excelsa √ 602

Mohua tree Sapotaceae Madhuca longifolia √ 1064

Neem Meliaceae Azadirachta indica √ √ 467

Paker 118

Palas Fabaceae Butea monosperma √ 2648

Paldhi 150

Paser 61

Peepal tree Moraceae Ficus religiosa √ √ 42

Piranji 1254

Piyar 10368

Puttar 1074

Ripan 3842

Ratangudra 13

Sakhua Dipterocarpaceae Shorea robusta √ 18018

Sallga 77

Sanodh 1

Saran 1

Shikarbans 1

Sidha 12638

Simar 189

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Sirish Albizzia lebbeck √ 59

Sisam Fabaceae Dalbergia sissoo √ √ 22 vividh 5909

Vad Moraceae Ficus benghalensis √ 13 Source: Part II of DFO’s Report for proposal no. & MoEFCC file no. 8-25/09-FC

20000 Fig 2: Natural vegetation (Some) in Proposal of diversion of 226.67 Ha 18000




10000 18018 8000

6000 12638 10368 4000

2000 3464 3980 2648 921 1401 1064 0 16 247 21 29 100 142 82 80 467 189 59 22 13

Among the faunal groups avifauna of terrestrial inhabitants of passerine category birds are conspicuous in forest patches, grass lands to Agro-ecosystems of crop lands and plantations. However, no big game animals have been found from the core and buffer zone of the project. List of fauna and avifauna is listed at table 4 & table 5. Table 5 : List of fauna (mammals) in core and buffer zone Status in wildlife ICUN Core Buffer Common Name Zoological Name (Protection)Act RDB Zone Zone

Bandicoot Rat Bandicoota bengalensis Schedule-V, Section, 6 LC √ √

Black napped Hare Lepus nigricollis Schedule-IV, Section 3A LC √

Common House Rat Mus rattus rattus Schedule-V, Section, 6 LC √ √

Common Jackal Canis aureus Schedule-II, Section 1 LC √

Indian Field Mouse Mus booduga Schedule-V, Section, 5 LC √ √

Indian Fulvous - Bat Rousettus leschenaulti Schedule-V, Section 3 LC √ √

Indian Grey mongoose Herpestes edwardsi Schedule-IV, Section, 6A LC √ √

Indian porcupine Hystrix indica Schedule-IV, Section 5 LC √

Wild Pig Schedule-III LC √

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Table 6 : List of Avifauna (mammals) in core and buffer zone Status in wildlife ICUN Core Buffer Common Name Zoological Name (Protection)Act RDB Zone Zone Asian pied starling Sturnus contra Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Baya weaver Ploceus philippinus Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Black drango Dicrurrus adsimilis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Black kite Milvus migrans Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Brahminy kite Haliastur Indus Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Common babbler Turdoides caudatus Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Common hoopoe Upupa epops Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC Common myna Acridotheres tristis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Crow pheasant Centropus sinensis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Common wood pecker Dinopium benghalensis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Jungle crow Carvus macrorhynchos Schedule-IV, Section,1 LC √ House crow Carvus splendens Schedule-V, Section,1 LC √ √ House sparrow Passer domesticus Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Kabutar Colombia livia Schedule-IV, Section ,11 LC √ Larger egret Egretta alba Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Indian roller Coracias benghalensis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Indian pond heron Ardeola grayii Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ √ Indian tree pie Dendrocitta vagabond Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Little ringed flover Chardrius dubius Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Red-vented bulbul Pyccnonotus cafer Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Red-wattled lapwing Venellus indicus Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Rose ringed parakeet Psittakula krameri Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Small bee-eater Merops orientalis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Small blue kingfisher Alcedo atthis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ Spotted dove Streptopelia chinensis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √ White-breasted kingfisher Halcyon smyrensis Schedule-IV, Section,11 LC √

During survey, it is observed that endangered, endemic and migratory species are not present in the core zone. Also, migratory corridors, flight paths and spawning grounds are not present in the study area.

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Table 7 : List of Avifauna in core & Buffer Zone

Category Core Zone Buffer Zone

Common myna, Common Common myna, Common Iora, Small blue Iora, Small blue kingfisher, kingfisher, Pond Heron, Cattle Egret, Lesser pied Pond Heron, cattle Egret, Kingfisher, Blue rock pigeon, Indian roller, Indian Lesser pied Kingfisher, tree pie, Maratha Woodpecker, Black drango, Blue rock pigeon, Indian Little egret, white- Breasted King fisher, Little roller, Little Green Bee Green Bee eater, black kite (Common), white Schedule-IV Eater, Black kite wagtail, Golden Oriole, Large Cormorant, Little (Common), White wagtail, cormorant, Blossom headed Parakeet, Rose- Golden Oriole, Blossom Ringed Parakeet, Red-vented bulbul, Indian headed Parakeet, Rose- robin, Spotted dove, Pied myna, Brahminy myna, Ringed parakeet, Red- Grey hornbill, Common babbler, barn owl, vented bulbul, Indian robin, Common hoopoe. Little Green Bee Eater, Black Spotted dove, Pied myna, kite(Common), White wagtail, Golden Oriole, Brahminy myna, Grey Blossom headed Parakeet, Rose-Ringed Parakeet, hornbill, Common babbler, Red-vented bulbul, Indian robin, Spotted dove, Barn owl. Pied myna, Brahminy myna, Grey hornbill, Common babbler, Barn owl. Schedule-V House Crow & Vermin House Crow & Vermin 1.8 Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA): Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the formal process used to predict the environmental consequences (positive or negative) of a plan, policy, program or project prior to the decision to move forward with the proposed action. There is marginal no impact on avifauna in the nearby areas.

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2.1 Status of Habitat The proposal for diversion of forest land for 226.67 Ha in Karo Expansion OCP will constitute of quarry, infrastructure etc., which will result in felling of all tree in the area. All avifauna found in the area will be displaced by the mining and allied activities. These activity will displace the habitat of all birds which depends upon the local plants for food, shelter and nesting. Thus the mass displacement of avifauna will occur when the mine operation will start. There were also changes in the shrubs and woody climbers. Only 14 shrub and woody climber species were observed in areas nearer to mines against 40 species in the natural forests.

2.2 Avifauna in Karo OCP The various species of avifauna found in core and buffer zone of the proposal are Common myna, Common Iora, Small blue kingfisher, Pond Heron, Cattle Egret, Lesser pied Kingfisher, Blue rock pigeon, Indian roller, Indian tree pie, Maratha Woodpecker, Black drango, Little egret, white- Breasted King fisher, Little Green Bee eater, black kite (Common), white wagtail, Golden Oriole, Large Cormorant, Little cormorant, Blossom headed Parakeet, Rose- Ringed Parakeet, Red-vented bulbul, Indian robin, Spotted dove, Pied myna, Brahminy myna, Grey hornbill, Common babbler, barn owl, Common hoopoe. Little Green Bee Eater, Black kite(Common), White wagtail, Golden Oriole, Blossom headed Parakeet, Rose-Ringed Parakeet, Red-vented bulbul, Indian robin, Spotted dove, Pied myna, Brahminy myna, Grey hornbill, Common babbler, Barn owl.

2.3 The common plants used by the birds in the locality The birds use varieties of plant species. They use different trees and shrubs for feeding, resting, roosting and nesting. The bushes of lantana which are considered as weed are most beneficial for birds. It provides food and breeding shelter for most of the ground dwelling birds. The most important plants which will be lost to birds of this area are-Amla, Mango, Arjun, Babool, Bel, Ber, Bans, Bargad, Peepal, Dumar, Dhoutha, Dhela,Didhour, Imli, khair, Siris, Kachnar, Kanwad, Khajoor, Kusum, Karam, Jamun, Mahua, Neem, Piar,

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Palas, Semal, Sal and variety of shrubs. The grasses like spear, kush, khas, dudhi are important for feeding and safety. The large trees are nesting places for kites, eagle, crows etc. 2.4 Assessment of threats The threat to avifauna found in 226.67 Ha of diversion proposal of Karo expansion OCP includes: 1. Loss of habitat 2. Loss of feeding and nesting places. 3. Disturbances due to sound, dust and air pollution, water quality change, electrification and lighting, and other pollution causing factors.

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3.0 Conservation Planning

3.1 Provision of suitable alternate habitat

Although it is not possible to replace a natural habitat but a landscape development planning could be made. It is better that a habitat suitability index (HSI) is calculated of the old habitat. The feeding pattern may be one parameter for such index. The nesting parameter may be considered also as second option. The canopy and density of the plant species. Also matters, to plan an alternate habitat. The bird habitat relationship greatly differs in natural and managed forest. The bird habitats are a composite site suitable for insects, small mammals, snakes, lizards, amphibians, snails and fishes. The diversion of 226.67 Ha of forest land for Karo Expansion OCP has to be replaced with an alternate site or preferably by reclaiming the mine voids by concurrent reclamation. The requirement should be as per HIS calculated in the study, 1. The trees with 5m.> in height at least 5%, 3-5m height 20%, bushes <3 m 50% and grasses 25%. in composition. 2. There should be two water bodies (200m x 200m x 5m) in the centre of the habitat., Stocked with fishes and aquatic plants. 3. The banks of the water body should be planted with native species of Babool, cuttings of Goolar, Bargad, Pipal, Arjun,Semal and planting of Jamun, local Bamboo. The seeding of local grasses all along the sides is suggested. 4. At least one grasslands preferably on the slopes of internal dump and already created external OB dump. Using Grass seedballs technique is preferable for developing grassland which will help avifauna in developing and regaining their habitat. The seeding of local grasses like spear grass (Chorant), kush, khas, Dudhi and Doob should be made. 5. The saplings of Mango, Piar, Amaltash, Kachnar, Amla, Jamun, Semal, Goolar, Bargad, Arjun etc. should be used in plantation of the habitat. 6. The Nest saving trees like Eukalyptus, Shisham, Bahera, Mahua, Sirish, White Sirish, Sakhua, Kathal, Aam/mango, Kadam, Pakar, Peepal to be planted during reclamation process.

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7. A permanent nursery of local plants should be created with the local community participation under the range officer of forests, Bermo. 8. Soil conservation works should be taken in the area. 9. The bushes, small trees, grasses, rocks and old root stock of the old area or other area where clearing of land is under progress for differen activities should be transplanted and preserved in the new site. 10. The old site should be preserved till the development of new site nearby.

This site under proposal will be management of Karo Expansion OCP in regular consultation and supervision of DFO, Bokaro as stipulated in the condition in Stage I.

3.2. Artificial nesting sites development The effort of providing alternate habitat is sometime a complicated process. An alternate process which can be thought off can be providing or fixing wooden nesting boxes, straw nest, bamboo nest, grass nest, nest in old tree trunks, putting of earthen pots in various places could be an option. The following measures are suggested. a) In alternate bird site- The nesting materials like straw should be provided, tied on a pole at different places. The wooden nesting boxes of variable size and hole, bamboo nest, straw nest etc., could be provided in the new site on old tree trunks at different heights b) In Schools, offices, rest houses and residential areas---these campuses are the excellent sites for bird nesting and feeding. All the available campuses should be planted with bird friendly fruit plants and provided with nesting boxes and bird bath. 3.2.1 Site identified for Artificial Nesting : Four number of sites namely GM office, Riverdale colony, Booster pump house and Jawahar Nagar colony selected as site for implanting artificial nesting. No. of artificial boxes to be used used at each site is 400, 400, 400 & 300 respectively. Action Plan : The year wise installation of boxes at different site proposed is as under:

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Table 8 : Yearwise installation of artificial nest in the proposed site 1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr 4th Yr 5th Yr 6th Yr Site I 90 80 70 70 50 40 Site II 90 80 70 70 50 40 Site III 90 80 70 70 50 40 Site IV 70 60 50 40 40 40 1st yr starts after site over of the forest land and start of mining activity All figures in Nos.

Fig. 3 : Year wise installation of artificial nest

100 90 90 90 90 80 80 80 80 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 30 20 10 0 Site I Site II Site III Site IV

1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr 4th Yr 5th Yr 6th Yr

Fig. 4 : Capital Outlay 100% 40000 40000 40000 90% 40000 50000 50000 80% 50000 40000 70000 6th Yr 70% 70000 70000 40000 60% 5th Yr 50% 70000 70000 70000 50000 4th Yr 40% 3rd Yr 80000 60000 30% 80000 80000 2nd Yr 20% 1st Yr 90000 90000 70000 10% 90000 0% Site I Site II Site III Site IV

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3.3 Community participation in conservation The local community participation is vital in bird conservation. The hunting, capture of nestling for pet, creation of disturbance etc. has to be stopped. The community could be involved through site development work and panchayats should be taken in to confidence on various activities and awareness development. Capital outlay proposed is Rs. 2.5 Lakhs/yr. 3.4 Control of pollution of various kinds- The mine management of Karo Expansion OCP, CCL should look into this matter very seriously. The birds are very sensitive to the environmental conditions. So, all the pollution causing factors should be under permissible limit. 3.5 Awareness Program This is the most important part in the conservation. The massive awareness development should be initiated on the importance of birds, its benefits, eco system services provided, cultural and religious values through schools, panchayat meetings, awareness on bazar days, seminars, workshops, meeting with veterinary doctors on vulture conservation etc. Formation of bird clubs, organizing competition for school children, organizing bird count in backyard, involving officials in the various programmes should be undertaken. Capital outlay proposed is Rs. 2.5 Lakhs/yr. 3.6 Monitoring The success of this initiative depends upon strict evaluation and monitoring. The mine management to ensure better monitoring of the activities in consultation and supervision of DFO, Bokaro. The monitoring should be based from the base data for annual evaluation. The parameters should be occupancy of new habitat, status of new habitat, nesting status in new habitat and surrounding area of habitation, survey on community perception and involvement. It will also create an excellent documentation and research on bird fauna of the area. Capital outlay proposed is Rs. 5 Lakhs/yr. 3.7 Budget The following budget is proposed i. Development of permanent nursery of native plants (1yr - 4lakhs and 1.5 lakh in subsequent years till 5th year) -- Rs.10.00 lakh ii. Provision of nesting boxes (@ Rs.1000.00 / box x 1500 boxes)- Rs.15.00 lakh iii. Community participation and awareness development---Rs. 1.50 lakh/year iv. Evaluation, monitoring and research-----Rs.1.00 lakh/yr

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) 16 F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Table 9 : Budget Provision Year wise Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Total Development of permanent 4.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 nursery of native plants Provision of 3.4 3 2.6 2.5 1.9 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 nesting boxes Community participation and 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 15 awareness development- Evaluation, monitoring 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 and research Total 9.9 7 6.6 6.5 5.9 4.1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 50 All figures in Rs. Lakhs

Fig. 5 : Yearwise & Activitywise Capital Outlay (in Rs. Lakhs)

10 9.9 9 7 8 6.6 6.5 7 5.9 6 4.1 5 4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 2 1 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Activity (i) Activity (ii) Activity (iii) Activity (iv)

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) 17 F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Fig. 6 : Activitywise & Yearwise Capital Outlay (in Rs. Lakhs)

15 15 16

14 10 10 12



6 4 2

0 Activity (i) Activity (ii) Activity (iii) Activity (iv)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Thus an amount of Rs. 50 Lakhs is proposed for conservation of avifauna.

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CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

CITATION 1. Conservation Plan for Avifauna in and around Ashoka Coal Mining Project of CIL in Chatra (S) Forest Division, Chatra by Dr. D.S.Srivastava , Secretary Nature Conservation Society. 2. MoEFCC letter no. 8-25/09-FC dtd. 24.12.18. 3. The Book of Indian Birds by Salim Ali. ISBN: 9780195665239, 13th Edition; Oxford University Press, pp 1-466. 4. IUCN Red data Book 5. EMP of Karo Expansion OCP (11/15) & Integrated Coking Coal washery (7 MTPA) 6. Flora and fauna study of Karo expansion OC Coal mine with integrated Washery of CCL by VRDS Consultant, Chennai. 7. http://forestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/AdditionalInformation/AddInfoSought/20 17_6_611131238121318252009FCFactsheet.pdf

Disclosure (Associated Team) Sl no. Name Designation

1 Mr Rajmuni Ram CM(M)/PO, Karo OCP, B&K

2 Mr. Soumitra Singh CM(Env)/HoD, E&F Deptt, CCL HQ

3 Dr. Manoj Kumar Mgr (M), E&F Deptt, CCL HQ

4 Mr. Mukesh Kumar Dy Mgr (M)

5 Mr. Vinay Anchal Asst. Mgr (Env), B&K Area

6 Mr. Gangaraju Vidyasagar Asst. Mgr (Env), E&F Deptt, CCL HQ

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) 19 F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Plate-A Avifauna in the Study Area

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) A F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Plate-B Floral Habitat of Karo OCP (226.67 Ha)

Latitude: 23.7998 ; Longitude: 85.9636

Latitude: 23.8002 ; Longitude: 85.9627

Latitude: 23.7998 ; Longitude: 85.9636

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) B F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Plate-B Floral Habitat of Karo OCP (226.67 Ha)

Latitude: 23.7993 ; Longitude: 85.9646

Latitude: 23.7989 ; Longitude: 85.9643

Latitude: 23.7998 ; Longitude: 85.9636

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) C F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Plate C Site for Artificial Nesting

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) D F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Proposed Location of Artificial Nesting

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) E F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Plate-D Artificial Nest

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) F F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Annexure A

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) I F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) II F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) III F.No.8-42/2017-FC

CCL, Environment & Forest Deptt Avifauna Study Plan

Karo OCP (226.67 Ha) IV F.No.8-42/2017-FC