Am e rican C o o ke ry B o o ks

1 74 2 - 1 86 0

’ By PVulu o L i ncoln


Eleanor L owenstein

A merican A ntiqu arian Society,Worcester,Mussueh usetts

Corner Book Shop,1 0 2 Fo urth A venue,New York P ublish ed 1 954


My sincere tha nks are ofiered to th e A meri ca n A ntiquaria n tt t or Both Society for per mi i ng a nd encouraging me o d o this w k . th e S ociety a nd th e New Yor k P ublic L ibrary kindly allowed th e s c li ie c Worm u e o th e r a i t s Ri h ard S . ser aue h el ul s u es f i f . g pf gg tions and contributed ma ny new titles ; oth er additi onal titles were listed by th e Library of Congress ( b oth Bitting and P ennell col lections ) ,Dayton P u blic Library,Kansas State College,[ ames Mr h om s L cru ourle n . S s . G y,a d s T a . gg Finally,a nd most parti cularly,1 want to th a nk Walter Gold water,with ou t wh ose consta nt ad vi ce a nd unselfis h assista nce th e wor would never h a been com e d k ve pl te .


The first edition of this bibliography very quickly went out of print,and the American Antiquarian Society was besieged with fo o fo of o requests r c pies r years . In spite this pressure,the edit rs ’ of the S ociety s publication had to put off the question of a second edition from year to year because of the pressure of previous publishing commitments and the fact that the time could not be spared to visit other libraries to bring up to date the record of o m o their holdings . The pr ble was s lved when Miss Eleanor Lowenstein stepped into the breach,undertook the task of revi o o o f si n,and sh uldered the resp nsibility o this edition .

I R I T C L F F O D K . S H P O N L ibraria n,A merica n A ntiq ua ria n S ociety


1 742 — 1 860


H E literature of American cookery has received little attention o from libraries,collectors and book dealers . M st libraries have some books on cookery but very few possess an important num o i o not o m o ber . Private c llect ns are well kn wn and as a rule re attention has been given,in them,to foreign publicati ons th an to on oo oo o American . Occasi ally c kery b ks appear at aucti n sales but ’ o m o are seldom listed in dealers catalogues . C nsidering the i p r tance that has had in human life from the earliest pre historic ages and that the subj ect has always been of universal interest,it seems strange that so little attention has been paid to its literature,especially since no subj ect seems to have created a greater number of best sellers . In collecting American books on cookery one is at once struck with their almost entire ab sence during the first one hundred o o and fifty years of the colonial period . Even f reign publicati ns

are seldom found in the remnants of colonial libraries . Perhaps th e explanation is that th ey received such hard usage and were so damaged that,having no intrinsic literary value, they were one o m o m seldom preserved . Yet when c nsiders the nu er us al a nacs,j uveniles and other early imprints of little literary merit which have come down to us in tatters and fragments defying identi fication,one is forced to the conclusion that few if any books on cookery were imp orted and that American housewives m m relied on anuscript recipes and on memory . The earliest A eri can imprint on cookery known,a reprint of an English work,is dated 1742 and no work by an American author has been found

of earlier date than 1796. No complete bibliography of English and other foreign cookery books has been made but private collections of them exist both t of oo o in Europe and America . The earliest lis English b ks n ted

is in th e introduction to the third American edition of Dr . ’ “ ’ Ki tchiner s Cook s Oracle, dated 1825,which names 201 pub “ 2 z licati ons dating from 1518 to 18 0. W . Carew Ha litt in his Old ” Cookery B ooks and Ancient Cui sine, London,1902,lists or describes seventy-eight cookery books published in England pre 4 A merican Cookery Books

on to 1800 and af o . t vi s twenty ter that date Mrs . Elizabe h R bins “ ” Pennell in My Cookery B ooks, Boston,1903,tells in an inter esting way of her own collection of foreign cookery books,and follows with a bibliography which describes one hundred and seventeen titles,including six Latin,twelve Italian,twenty—one French,four Spanish and seventy-four English imprints, all s o publi hed bef re the nineteenth century and owned by herself . She prefaces this with the statement that she does not aim at an “ exhaustive bibliography but attempts nothing more ambitious ” of m w oo n m than a list y o n b ks a d even that within li its . It is a valuable compilation as far as it goes,but it is to be regretted that the accomplished authoress did not attempt to make it more * om o c plete,especially as to the English publicati ns . The bibliography and check list of American Cookery B ooks here presented is the result of an attempt,begun several years ago,to make a comprehensive collection of all the British and m m n of om A erican i prints o the subj ect . In the absence any c plete bibliography it was impossible to foresee h ow large an under taking this would prove to be,but it was not long before it became evident that th e United States alone furnished a sufii ciently large field for such a collection,and the fact that the American Antiquarian Society,to which it was the ultimate intention to present the collection,limited its library to Ameri cana,also made a limitation to American imprints desirable . The time limit of the collection to the year 1900,first adopted,was later extended to 1914,th e beginning of the World War,when th e publication of cookery books increased exceedingly . Wars seem to have a stimulating effect on this class of literature as well m m ff as on others . The A erican Civil War had a si ilar e ect,but unfortunately at that time,substitution of wood pulp for rags in the manufacture of paper caused a great deterioration in the quality of the paper used in books intended for popular consump oo o o tion . C kery b oks increased in number but decreased in bibli graphical value in the matter of printing,paper and binding. This and other considerations led to the selecti on of 1860 as the m m o ti e li it for this bibli graphy . In a search for titles the important libraries in the east have been visited,and their possession of the several imprints is noted f under their initials,o which a list is appended . A few private

“1 ’ This was written before th e publica tion of Bitting s Gas tronomic Bibli ” ’ “ ” ograph y Oxford s English Cookery Books to th e Year 1 850 ’ “ ” and Vica ire s Bibliographie G astronomiq ue ought also to be mentioned .

E . L . Introd uctio n to th e First Editio n 5 collectors have also furnished titles but these are all classed under ’ own col the letter P,meaning private collectio ns . The writer s lection is credited to the American Antiquarian S ociety,to which it is transferred with the publication of this bibliography,and th e copies belonging to it are indicated by an asterisk attached to om o o o 292 the initials of the S ociety . The c bined c llecti n c ntains of the 490 titles The next leading collection contains but

- eighty seven . It is hoped that th e publication of this bibliography will lead to th e discovery of many titles not now included because no o copies have been found . It is felt,h wever,that the field has been well covered . A few titles have been listed which contain little cookery and perhaps more properly belong to the general subj ect ’ “ of o of o m domestic economy . The inclusi n J el Barlow s p oe , The ” , may be criticized,but as it describes quite meticulously the preparation of this once popular and quite important dish,from the growing of the corn to the proper way of m o m no m o eating it,its ad issi n see s t i pr per . The fact that it went through many editions not all of which are elsewhere o described is an additi nal point in its favor . — WALDO LINCOLN

‘ Th e e se e on n u es abou 250 new e an e ese are r vi d diti i cl d t titl s d diti ons . Th in ca e b th e use of th e y e e s a,b,etc. di t d l tt r E . L . LIBRARIES

America n An tiquarian Society,Worcester American Antiquarian Society (Lincoln collection) B oston Athenaeum,B oston B oston Public Library,B oston Brown University,Providence Connecticut His torical Socie ty,Hartford Cornell University (Herndon Collection) ,Ithaca Essex Ins titute,Sa lem Historica l Society of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia Harv ard Univ ersity,Cambridge Kansas Sta te College,Manha ttan Library of Congress,Washington Library Company of Philadelphia,Philadelphia Massa chuse tts His torica l Society,Boston New Hampshire Historical Socie ty,Concord New York His torical S ociety,New York New York Public Library,New York New York Society,New York New York State Library,Albany Priv a te Collections Vassar College,Poughkeepsie Watkinson,Hartford Worcester Public Library,Worces ter Yale Univ ersity,New Hav en A M E R I CA N C O O K E R Y B O O KS

1 742

’ ’ om o or accom lish d om com 1 . The c pleat h usewife ; , p gentlew an s panion : being a collection of several hundred of the most ap proved r eceipts,ln cookery, pastry, confectionary,preserving, s m m o so pickles,cake ,crea s,j ellies, ade wines,c rdials . And al bills of f r m To o fare o every onth in the year . which is added,a c llee o f n ti n o ear two hundred family receipts of medicines ; viz . drinks,syrups,salves, ointments, and many other things of sovereign and approved efficacy in most distempers,pains,aches, o m w unds,sores,&c. never before ade publick in these parts ; fit either for private families, or such publick-spirited gentle m o . w en as would be beneficent to their poor neighb ours . By E Eliz P m a o om o . [ ] S ith . C llected fr the fifth editi n m 2 174 . Willia sburg : Printed and sold by William Parks . 16m o 22 . . pp . 8, AAS

s s e in n n 1 Th e on o o n is o n Fir t publi h d E gla d in 727. ly c py f u d b u d up “ e man h is wn m 1 1 s : 75 . with Ev ry o d octor . Willia burg

I 747

2. for m or m of A present a servant aid . ,the sure eans gaining o e m To fo oi to l v and estee . which are added,directions r g ng market ; als o,for dressing any common dish,whether flesh,fish, o f r o . o e or f wle With rules for washing,&c. The wh le calculat d m o m Fowle aking b th the istress and the maid happy . [By Eliza Haywood ] os o : o 8: o B t n Printed and s ld by T . Fleet at the Heart Cr wn o in C rnhill . 12m [ o .] This book 15 advertised m The B oston E vening P ost for August “ th e i e as e e e s da i s s e with t tl h r giv n,prefaced as follows . Thi y publi h d, ( and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-s treet) one of th e mos t useful oo s of the n e n e e o e to be b k ki d xta t ; n c ssary to be h ad 1 n all families . Pr p r ” en s esse ans giv by Mi tr s to their maids,or parents to their daughters . Ev giv es it a s lightly different title,credits th e auth orship to Eliza Fowl e a oo the in n t e m No o H yw d, pr ti g o Rog rs and Fowle and calls it a 12 o . c py e plac d . 8 American Cookery Books 1 752

1 752 m 3 . o o o l The c pleat h usewife [Full entry No . C l ected om i fr the s xth edition . m : o m 1752. Willia sburg Printed and s ld by Willia Hunter .

m ans N e o o o . Fr Ev . c py plac d I 759

alm 4. An anack for the year 1760,fitted to this meridian,con taining,beside s what is common to an almanack,a very famous m f o o receipt,lately ade public,and purchased o Mr . J seph H ward of S outh -Carolina,by the Assembly of that government,for which they gave him three thousand pounds,for curing lame m diste per,yaws or almost any corrupt blood,&c. Also a receipt, by which meat,ever so stinking,may be made as sweet and

&c. wholesome,in a few minutes,as any meat at all,&c. 9 n 175 . Annap olis : Printed by J o as Green .

“ From : History of prin ting in col onial Maryland, by Lawrence C . “

N Mar la nd Gazette for Nov . 29 o . e e s e in Wr th o copy r corded . Adv rti d y , ‘ 1759 as j ust 1 760

’ ’ m o 5. The servants directory or housekeeper s co pani n

Hannah Glasse .

1760. New York : Printed by H . Gaine .

r 409. m ns N o e Se New or Mercu No . o o . e Fr Eva . c py plac d Y k y,

1 761

om i No. 6. The c plete housew fe [Full entry

176 . New York : Printed by Hugh Gaine . 1

Se New or Mercur No. 468. o ns No o e . e Fr m Eva . c py plac d Y k y,

1 762

’ ’ -m t o -m 7. The cyder aker s ins ruct r, sweet aker s assistant, and ’ ’ victualler s and housekeeper s director,in three parts . o to m m Part I . Directs the gr wer ake his cyder in the anner foreign wines are made ; to preserve its body and flavour ; to lay ’ on a colour,and to cure all its disorders,whether bad flavour d, ’ rick d o o o p , ily, r r py . or o to m Part II . Instructs the trader h usekeeper ake raisin wines,at a small expence,little (if anything) inferior to foreign wines in strength or flavour ; to cure their disorders ; to lay on them new bodies,colour,Sac. to o Part III . Directs the brewer fine his beer and ale in a sh rt 1 762 A merican Cookery Books 9

’ To time,and to cure them if prick d or ropy . which is added,a method to make yest to ferment beer,as well as common yest, n om th e where that is ot to be had . All actually deduced fr ’ - om ma oo . author s experience . By Th as Chap n,wine c per London : printed ; B oston : re-printed and sold by Green 8:

- one . Russell,in Queen street . MDCCLXII . Price shilling

— — . MH S . 9 28 . 8vo. pp . (iii) vii, ,paper AAS

8 m . The sa e .

— — 2m . MH S . 9 2 . 1 o . 8 . pp (iii) vii, ,paper LC

9. The s ame .

1762 . Philadelphia : Printed by Andrew Steuart .

m s N o n o o e . Fr Eva . c py plac d

1 764

’ om 10. The c pleat housewife : or,accomplished gentlewoman s om c panion . Being a collecti on of upwards of six hundred of the most approved receipts in cookery,pastry,confectionary,preserv ing,pickles,cakes,creams,jellies,made wines,cordials . With copper plates curiously engraven,for the regular disposition or of the o o of placing vari us dishes and covers . And als ,bills fare for mo To o o of every nth in the year . which is added a c llecti n o 300 m of m ab ve fa ily receipts edicines, viz . drinks, syrups, salves,ointments,and various other things of sovereign and ap proved efli cacy in most distempers,pains,aches,wounds,sores ’ &c. m f e of o particularly Mrs . Stephen s edicine or th cure the st ne ’ for of and gravel,and Dr . Meade s famous receipt the cure a bite of a mad dog; with several other excellent receipts for the s ame,which have cured when the persons were disordered,and ’ the salt water fail d ; never before made publick ; fit either for private families,or such publick spirited women as would be beneficent to t o for m their poor neighbours . Wi h directi ns arket

. . ! m ing By E [Eliz ] S ith . o [New Y rk : Hugh Gaine . This book is advertised with three others,in th e New York Mercury “ for n 30 1 1 a re s Ja uary , 764,No . 64 , s follows : Th e foll owing b ooks a j u t ’ published,and to be sold at Hugh Gaine s book-s tore and printing-office, at th e Bible and Crown,in Hanover Square Evans giv es it a similar, s o e e m h e o n t s e . N but h rt r titl , itti g publi h r o copy found .

1 772

1 1 . o or om om n oo The frugal h usewife, c plete w a c k . Wherein the art of dressing all sorts of viands,with cleanliness,decency,and 1 0 American Cookery Books 1 772

elegance,is explained in five hundred approved receipts,in roast ing,boiling,frying,broiling,,sauces,stews,hashes,soups, fricasses,ragoos,pas ties,pies,tarts,cakes,puddings,sullabubs, am flummer iams and o cre s, y,jellies,g , . T gether with the best methods of potting,collat ing,preserving,drying,candying, m of T x pickling,and aking English wines . o which are prefi ed, various bills of fare,for dinners and suppers in every month of o o o o n the year ; and a c pi us index t the wh le . By Susa nah Carter, of Clerkenwell . ’

o o : f th e o of . L nd n Printed or F . Newbery,at c rner St Paul s - — Church Yard . B oston : Re printed and sold by Edes and Gill,in uee Q nstreet . 24m 0 . . . . pp 2,plates,168. AAS LC This book is advertised in Th e Bos ton Ga zette for Monday,March 30, “ 1772,as this day published,and sold by Edes Gill,in Queen- s treet, “ 125 d e ld en h e e sem n s s : . . . 6 . o T en o es a o o pric t or . adv rti t c clud f ll w N B A ny person by attendin g to th e ins tructions given in this book,may soon ” a a n om Th e es are tt i a c plete knowledge in th e art of cookery,&c. plat by e e e Paul R v r . 1 79 0

12 o o f u omm o . C ncise bservations on the nature o o r c on fo d,so far as it tends to promote or inj ure health : with remarks on water, bread, meat, cheese,butter,milk, wine, punch, beer, of &c. T o c fee,tea,sugar,&c. which are prefixed,general rules f o or o f m of the . a c urse o diet . By a gentle an faculty [supp sed

mini u o . o . to be Thos . Hayes] S alutem h o b s dand Cicer The o sec nd edition .

— - nd . o o o o Re . a L nd n : Printed . New Y rk : printed by T J Sw rds, for . Berry and Rogers,Hanover Square . M,DCC,XC

— . MH S . 2 . 1 m0 . 9 7 38 . pp . vi,( ) , ,paper AAS LC

1 792

m om oo . 13 . The frugal housewife : or co plete w an c k Wherein the art of dressing all sorts of viands,with cleanliness,decency, and elegance,is explained in five hundred approved receipts,in gravies,sauces,roasting,frying,broiling,stews,hashes,soups, fricasses,ragoos,pastes,pies,tarts,cakes,puddings,, o t the creams,flummery,jellies,j ams,and custards . T ge her with best methods of p otting,collaring,preserving,drying,candying, T o pickling,and making of English wines . which are added twelve new prints exhibiting a proper arrangement of dinners, f two courses,for every month of the year,with various bills o

fare . By Susannah Carter .

1 2 American Cookery Books 1 795

&c. o o . o of Of c nfecti nary Of preparing vari us kinds snuff. Of out o - taking sp ts and stains . Of fishing,angling,bird catching, of o o And a variety ther curi us,entertaining and useful articles . m First A erican edition .

f - : or . 6 Philadelphia Printed B Davies,NO . 8,Market street,and

- . N o . 57 o 9 o 17 . T Stephens, ,S uth Sec nd street . 5 16mo — - . . 3 77. pp (iii) xxxvi, AAS . IIU.

es 264- 351 e e t Pag r lat o cookery .

16. Valuable secrets concerning arts and trades : or,approved directions,from th e best artists,for the various meth ods of en on o om o of m graving brass,c pper,or steel . Of the c positi n etals — and varnishes . Of masticks and cements,sealing wax,&c. Of

o o for on . c l urs and painting, carriage painters . Of painting paper om f o o or m . o H ow to Of c p siti ns li ners Of transparent c lours . dye

o . skins and gl ves To colour or varnish copperplate prints . Of painting on glass . Of colours of all sorts,for oil,water,and cray

ons . f of oo o &c. Of the art o gilding . The art dying w ds,b nes, f mo f m o o o . The art ulding . The art aking wines Of the vari us m o os o of o o . c p iti ns . Of liqu rs and essential ils Of the

o a o of o . c nfectionary art . Of taking out ll s rts sp ts and stains Hae e a tibi r nt artes ! Virg .

o 1795. N rwich : Printed by Thomas Hubbard . 2 1 m0 24 . . pp . xxii, 0. AAS

es 15 — Pag 8 232 relate to coo kery .

1 796

m f o 17. A erican cookery,or the art o dressing viands,fish,p ultry and vegetables,and the best modes of making pastes,puffs,pies, tarts,puddings,custards and preserves,and all kinds of cakes, to o r from the imperial plumb to plain cake . Adapted this c unt y,

m mmo m o . and all grades of life . By A elia Si ns,an A erican rphan

Published according to act of Congress .

For o . Hartford : Printed by Hudson 8: Goodwin . the auth r 1 9 7 6.

8v . . 0 . pp . paper . AAS CHS This seems to be the firs t cookery book published in th e United States of me a o s is a e se in Th e Connecticut ourna l ne 8 A ric n auth r hip . It dv rti d I ,Ju , “ 1796,as j us t published and to be sold by Isaac Beers,price 2/

m or of -m : 18. Dairying exe plified, the business cheese aking laid down from approved rules,collected from the most experienced — o dairy women of several countries . Digested under vari us heads ; 1 796 American Cookery Books 1 3 from a series of observations,during thirty years practice in the

Twamle . cheese trade . By J . y The first American edition,from o o m the sec nd British,c rrected and i proved . Providence (Rhode-Island) : Printed by and for Carter and Wilkinson,and sold at their book and stationary store,opposite m 9 the arket 17 6. 16m — . 5 78 . o pp . iv, , AAS

9 man ow m 1 . Every his n brewer,a s all treatise,explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter,ale,and table-beer ; recom ’ mending and proving the ease and possibility of every man s own o om brewing his p rter,ale,and beer,in any quantity . Fr one e peck to one hundred bushels of malt . Calculated to reduc the expence of a family,and lessen the destructive practice of — public house tippling,by exp osing the deception in brewing . By m o m o Sa uel Child,porter brewer,London . Sec nd A erican editi n improved and calculated according to the measures and current mo of ney the United States . i N 2 o o . 0 Philadelphia : Printed for T . C nd e, ,Carters alley, 1796 .

— 16mo 3 34 . . pp . ( ) ,paper . AAS

2 3 0. 1 The frugal housewife [Full entry No. ] By Susannah f Carter,o Clerkenwell,London .

- o . Philadelphia : Printed by James Carey,88,N . Sec nd street 9 17 6.

— * m B P L . EI. L CP . NYP L . 16 o . . 2 1 2 . pp plates, ( 14) 3 . AAS

o . 21 . The hasty pudding : a poem in three cant s Written at m e m um Cha b ry,in Savoy,January,1793 . O ne tulit punct qui miscuit m oo wh o m utile dulci . He akes a g d breakfast ixes pud mo o o ding with lasses . [By J el Barl w] ’ [New Haven : Printed by Tiebout 8c O Brien .

NYP L . 8vo . . NYH S . . 15 . . pp ,paper . AAS BU CHS

s h as ene A n e semen on th e Thi g rally been called th e first edition. adv rti t e so of th e man s v r title page is dated : New Hav en,April,1796. A u cript ’ en try in th e Connecticut His torical Socie ty s copy,by an unknown person “ in on em o ne New a en a c t p ra ous hand and faded brown ink, says . H v , ’ n e e o Brien 1 Th e oo is e se in th e pri t d by Ti b ut O , 796. b k adv rti d Connecticu t rn nd . een s e 1 1 Iou al (T . a S Gr ,publi h rs) of May ,1796,as “ e n e and e e th e a e semen r pri t d sold at this offi ce . Wh th r dv rti t refers to t s or th e o o n e h ee e t s t hi f ll wi g dition as not b n det rmined . If o thi i contra s th e m n Th e dict a uscript entry quoted . poem was first printed in the New r Ma a zi ne 1 — o 1 . Y k g ,January, 796,pp . 4 49 1 4 American Cookery Books 1 796

22 m . The sa e . [New Haven :

16mo . 2 BU. 1 . pp . ,paper This edition h as th e same advertisement on th e v erso of th e title page Th e on e me e n e ma a e een as the last . ly copy s en asur s 6% i ch s,but y h v b n e m n s s a s e t New a en s a cut d ow . Oth r i pri t u u lly a crib d o H v ,with illu tr ons o 1 1 1 ti by D olittle will be found under 8 .

23 . m The sa e . ’ New York : Printed,from the author s manuscript,for Fellows 6: m 1 9 Ada , 7 6. 2m — 22 1 o . . 6 . NYH S . pp v, ,paper AAS . Evans states that th e printer was John Bull,but no satisfactory proof is available .

24. m : o o . o o The hasty pudding a p e in three cant s By J el Barl w . m o 9 m unc Written at Cha bery,in Sav y,January,17 3 . O ne tulit p tum miscui m wh o qui t utile dulci . He akes a good breakfast m m ixes pudding with olasses . f o : or ca . New Y rk Printed the purchaser . [ 12m 2 o . . 1 pp ,paper .

I 797 2 5. The hasty pudding : a poem in three cantos . Written at m m o o o . Cha bery,in Sav y,January,1793 . By J el Barl w O ne tulit c m mi u i m oo pun tu qui sc t utile dulci . He akes a g d breakfast wh o m ixes pudding with molasses .

Printed by Rossiter Willard,Stockbridge,1797.

— 8v o . . 8 16 pp ,paper .

2 6. m The sa e .

o . c. Printed in Catskill,by T . M . Cr swell [

6m 2 . 1 o . . 1 pp ,paper . AAS

2 7. m o . o The hasty pudding,a poe in three cant s By J el Barlow . [Fairhaven, Printed and sold at the printing office in

a . Fairhaven . [c 24mo 6 . pp . 1 . 1 798 2 m No . 8. A erican cookery [Full entry 9 17 8. Hartford : Printed for Simeon Butler,Northampton . — NYP L 8vo . . . . pp 6 48,paper . AAS

- Th e n e s e e Simeon Butler kept a book store in Northampton . pri t r w r probably Hudson Goodwin wh o printed th e 1796 edition . 1 798 American Cookery Books 1 5

29 of —m om m . The art cheese aking,taught fr actual experi ent,by which more and better cheese may be made from th e same quan tity of milk . m : d and o o 9 a 17 8. Windh Printe s ld by J hn Byrne .

16mo . . 8 pp plus,paper . AAS .

Th e on o o n is m e e n 8 e ly c py f u d i p rf ct,havi g but pag s .

f o 30. o o No The new art c kery [Full entry . f o o : or . o oo . 1 9 B st n Printed W Sp tsw d 7 8. m 16 o. pp . xxiii, 444. AAS .

31 . m The sa e . f : or . . o Philadelphia Printed H P Rice,and s ld by J . Rice and

Co . mo 1798. Balti re . 1 m 6 o . . 444. NY L . pp xxiii, AAS . S

3l No . a . Valuable secrets [Full entry With an appendix, containing valuable selections,in addition to,and never before m o . published in this work . Third A erican editi n ’ m um te fli e — o o o . 1798. B st n : Fr J B s ad s printing o c ,Union street . 12m o . . 264. pp AAS . I 799 32 o m . In o . m . Hasty pudding : a p e three cant s Written at Cha o 1 93 o o m bery,in Sav y,January, 7 . [By J el Barl w] O ne tulit m i m oo wh o punctu qui m scuit utile dulci . He akes a g d breakfast m ixes pudding with molasses . m 99 Sale : Printed by Joshua Cushing,17 .

— — 16mo . 2 . . H U . . pp . (v ) vi,(7) 1,paper . AAS BA . BU LC

1 80 0

33 . m A erican cookery [Full entry No . The second edi

o . o of o ti n Published acc rding to act C ngress .

: . o Albany Printed by Charles R Ge rge Webster . At their printing-office and bookstore,in the White-House, corner of - f (1. ca . 1 State and Pearl streets ; or the authoress . n . [ 800] 1 — — 6mo . . 4 7 8 64 . NYP pp ,( ) ,paper AAS . L .

s i N s 1 nd s a th e e on . 7 a Thi actu lly third diti (cf o .

1 80 2

3 4. o N The frugal h usewife [Full entry o . : fo 1 Philadelphia Printed r Mathew Carey, No . 1 8 High 1802 street, . 16m 2 — o . . 13 132 . B P I . L E . H U NYP L pp plates, ( ) AAS . . . 1 6 American Cookery Books 1 80 2

mo o o 34a . to Useful receipts in dern c okery . Adapted this c untry, f and all grades o life .

Albany : Printed in the year M . DCCC . II .

16mo . . 24 . pp . AAS

1 80 3

34 . o b The frugal housewife [Full entry No . Als the

m of . T o aking English wines By Susannah Carter . which is added an appendix,containing several new receipts adapted to m the A erican mode of cooking . - 4 No . 6 8: . New York : Printed and sold by G . R Waite, ,

- 18 3 . Maiden Lane . 0

12m 2 . 16 . o . pp . , plates AAS

4 - 3 c. The hasty pudding .

1803 . Middlebury,Vt .

1 80 5 f m 35. The art o cookery ade plain and easy ; excelling any thing of o h ow to mar the kind ever yet published . Containing directi ns ’ ket ; the season of the year for butcher s meat,poultry,fish,Si c. H ow to roast and boil to perfection every thing necessary to be

T o . . o . . sent up to table . Vegetables Br iling Frying dress fish Made f o . o . . . o dishes . P ultry S oups and br ths Puddings Pies Variety

dishes for Lent,which may be made use of any other time . m o . To Gravies . Sauces . Hashes . Fricasses . Rag uts cure ha s,

&c. &c. &c. ,&c. Pickling . Making cakes . Jellies . Preserving . o e f f for mo m &c. Als ,th order o a bill o fare each nth,in the anner

the dishes are to be placed upon the table,in the present taste . o mo m o By Mrs . [Hannah] Glasse . A new editi n,with dern i pr ve m ents . Alexandria : Printed by Cottom and Stewart,and sold at th eir

1805. bookstores in Alexandria and Fredericksburg .

— . MH S . m 293 306 308 . . H U . 16 o . pp . , ( ) , AAS EFL LC w th e Mrs . asse as Th e firs t English edition w as published in 1747. Gl

most popular writer on cookery in th e eighteenth century .

m om o m oo or o . 36. New A erican c kery, fe ale c pani n C ntaining, full and ample directions for roasting,broiling,stewing,hashing, boiling,preserving,pickling,potting,fricasees,soups,puff-pastes, o m of puddings,cu stards,pies,tarts,Sac. Als ,the aking wines and

to m m o of oo . cheese . Peculiarly adapted the A erican de c king By m an A erican lady . 1 805 American Cookery Books 1 7

— m 70 . . New York : Published D . D . S ith, Vesey street A

5. Forman,print . 180 — U 2 13 180. . Y . 4mo . pp . xii, AAS

m . 37. The sa e

1 16 o . New York : Published B . Jansen, ,Br adway,A

m 1805. For an,printer .

— m 13 180. . 24 o . pp . xii, AAS

1 80 7

om o o or o of o o 38. The c plete c nfecti ner, ,the wh le art c nfecti nary made easy : containing,among a variety of useful matter,the art of making the various kinds of biscuit,drops,prawlongs,ice creams,water ices,fruits preserved in brandy,preserved sweet m a 8:c. o o meats (wet) dri ed fruits,cordials,8:c. As als the st p 250 proved method of making cheeses,puddings,cakes,8:c. in of m ex eri cheap and fashionable receipts . The result any years p ence with the celebrated Negri and Witten . By Frederic Nutt,

o o o . Esq . F urth edition,with c nsiderable additi ns Londo n : Printed ; New—York : Reprinted,for Richard Scott,

- 243 . 1807. and sold at his bookst ore,No . Pearl street

— m . B P L . H U . 16 o . o . 6 91 . pp . fr ntis , AAS

— No . 38a . The hasty pudding [Full entry

os . 1807. Hanover,N . H . Printed by M es Davis m 16 o . . 12 pp ,paper .

9 m of om oo o m o 3 . A new syste d estic c kery,f r ed up n principles of economy,and adapted to the use of private families . By a lady .

el u . [Mrs . Maria Eliza (Ket by) R ndell ]

1 o . o B oston : Published by William Andrews,No . ,C rnhill S ld by Cushing 8: Appleton,Salem ; Thomas 8: Whipple,Newbury port ; Charles Peirce, P ortsm outh ; Dan ie l Johnson, Portland ; William Wilkinson,Providence ; Increase Cooke 8: Co,New and s 8: o haven ; Peter A . Messier Bri ban Brannan,Newy rk ;

o o o 8: Co . Samuel E . Bradf rd and J hn C nrad Philadelphia,and

807. . 1 o o o . E . M rf rd,Charlest n,S C

2 9 . B A . 131 . . NYS . NYP L . 4m0 . 2 6 pp . xx, , AAS LC

is th e s e e n e a es o n . s On reverse of title : S . Eth ridg ,pri t r,Ch rl t w Thi fir t 1 8 me a e n Th e 3d n s e i on w as s e in 80 . A ric n ditio . E gli h dit publi h d By 1 1 e e n n 84 ,65 ditions h ad been publish d in E gla d .

m . o o . 40. The sa e Sec nd editi n os o 8: mm B t n : Published by Andrews Cu ings,and L . Blake .

o m . s S ld by the and O . C Greenleaf; by Cu hing 8: Appleton, 1 8 A merica n Cookery Books 1 80 7

em . om Sal ; W Sawyer 8: Co . and Th as 8: Whipple,Newburyport ; m . o 8: o m C Peirce and Th as Tappan,P rts outh ; T . Clark,Port o land ; H . Cushing,Pr vidence ; Hudson 8: Goodwin,Hartford ;

8: Co . I . Beers Newhaven ; Brisban 8: Brannan, Newyork ; 8: Bachus Whiting,Albany ; Parker 8: Bliss,Troy ; S . F . Brad

8: o 8: . ford,and C . A . C nrad Co Philadelphia ; Warner 8: Hanna, m o o . o o 1807. Balti re ; and E M rf rd,Charlest n,S . C .

24m . 29 . P £1 o. 7 . B L . . H U pp xx, AAS .

a m 40 . The sa e . b f os o : or . N 3 B t n Pu lished and sale by Oliver C Greenleaf, o. ,

1 8 . Court street . 07 9 16mo . . 2 pp xx, 7. AAS .

m 41 . The sa e .

m s No . 2 o Philadelphia : Published by Benj a in C . Bu by, N rth 1 807. Third street .

— 2 9 . B P L . BU. 46 34 365. 24m0 . pp . xviii, , ( ) AAS

e e Th e a in of th e as 16 a es is Th e first Philad lphia dition . p g g l t p g m s n e i pri t d . m 4l a . The sa e . Richm ond : Published and for sale at the bookstore of Jacob

1807. J ohns on .

m 365 i .e . . 16 o . pp . xviii, ( AAS

1 80 8

m m oo No . 42. A erican c kery [Full entry By an A erican me mmo s orphan . [A lia Si n ]

1808. Printed for the publishers .

2 . 7 . 24mo . pp . AAS N m oo o. 43 . A erican c kery [Full entry

Y . : oo o o Troy,N . Published by Wright,G den w,and St ckwell, and for sale at the Rensselaer B ook—Store ; and at their store in 8 180 . B os ton .

— “ i . 86. a 2 m . 5 4 o . pp iv,( ) A s LC

- oo or of 44. The New England c kery, the art dressing all kinds of flesh,fish,and vegetables,and th e best modes of making pastes,puffs,pies,tarts,puddings,custards and preserves,and

all kinds of cakes,from the imperial plumb to plain cake . Par om ticu larly adapted to this part of our country . C piled by Lucy m E erson .

2 0 American Cookery Books 1 81 0

1 81 0 9 4 . o m The hasty pudding . A p e in three cantos,written in m o . Cha bery,in Sav y,Jan ,1793 . [By Joel Barlow] P ou hk i ee s e z . o n .d . [ g p ] Reprinted by N P wer at Poughkeepsie .

[ca . 1810] 16m 2 o . . 1 pp ,paper .

49a . m of om oo A new syste d estic c kery [Full entry No . : m z No . 2 o Philadelphia Published by Benj a in C . Bu by, ,N rth

- e . . o 181 Third stre t J B uvier,printer . 0.

16mo . 22 2 63 . pp . , AAS .

1 81 1

o 50. Galate ; or a treatise on politeness and delicacy of manners om f o f fr the Italian o Monsig. Gi vanni de la Casa,Arch Bishop o o o o o f o of Benevent . Als ,the h n urs o the table . With the wh le art o o o carving ; illustrated with a variety of cuts . T do the h n urs of a table gracefully,is one of the outlines of a well—bred man ; and to carve well,little as it may seem,is useful twice every day, and the doing of which ill,is not only troublesome to ourselves, ” o but renders us disagreeable and ridiculous to others . L rd ’ Ch es e fiel t r d s Letters . 1 1 18 . Baltimore : Printed for George Hill . B . Edes,printer .

— 24m 2 o 181 1 . . 15 74. . o. pp . xiii, ( ) Illus C pyrighted AAS

51 o . The hasty pudding [Full entry No . (Capti n title, o f llowed by eight opening lines of Canto I . ) [New Haven !

NYH S . Y U . 12m . o . 2 . o . pp . fr ntis ,1 ,engraving,paper Illus

T n e na e en e and th e h e two engravings are by Amos Doolittle . I t r l vid c following advertisement from th e Connecticut Jou rnal of July 25,Augus t 1,and 8,1 81 1,seem to indicate tha t this and th e following title were published at New Hav en in 181 1, th e publisher,for some reason,not wishing to assume th e responsibility “ Hasty-pudding,with Pla tes,B owls and Spoons,now ready for supping at th e B ookstores,and at th e Post-Office There are wh o striv e to stamp with disrepute ” This luscious food,beca use it feeds th e brute. ’ e th e se Th e two lines of v erse are from Can to I of Barlow s poem. Not u “ ” h th t o s and s oons so e in e on s e e. of e w ord plates . B wl p al app ar fr ti pi c

m . 52. The sa e [New Haven ! 2 n o . 1 . . 12mo . pp . fr ntis , ,engravi g,paper Illus

T e en n s are oo e . A varia tion of th e preceding . h gravi g by D littl 1 81 1 American Cookery Book 2 1

m o m o . 53 . The hasty pudding . A p e in three cant s O ne tulit m oo wh o punctum qui miscuit utile dulci . He akes a g d breakfast Ch am err o mixes pudding with molasses . Written in p y in Sav y, f o of o m Con 9 o o . o o 17 3 . By J el Barl w,Esq auth r Visi n C lu bus, ’ spiracy of Kings,Revision of Watts Psalms,Advice to privileged o o for of rders,8:c. Late c nsul the United States in the regency

o . Algiers,and now consul to the court of St . Cl ud

1811 . Printed for the purchaser .

— . 12m 5 21 . o . pp . iv,( ) ,paper AAS

o o of or s for o 54. The h n urs the table, ,rule behavi ur during meals ; with the whole art of carving,illustrated with a variety of o t e o for o to m . cuts . T ge her with dir cti ns g ing arket

1811 . Baltimore : Printed for George Hill . B . Edes,printer .

— M S 2 m o 181 1 . 18 2 . 4 o . pp . ( 5) 74,illus C pyrighted “ f B ound up with Galateo ; or a treatise on politeness and delicacy o m nne s a r , of which it is a continuation .

1 81 2

m o 55. N A erican c okery [Full entry o .

12. H . : fo oo . 18 Walpole,N. Printed r Elij ah Br ks

— 24m mm. o . . 5 pp iv,( ) 67.

No . 56. The art of cookery made plain and easy [Full entry

1 812. Alexandria : Printed by Cottom and Stewart .

16mo 2 . vc . NYP L . 88 . . pp . ,xii AAS

of e 57. The art preserving all kinds of animal and veg table sub f or o . o stances several years . By M . [Nic las] Appert A w rk pub lish ed by order of the French minister of the interior,on the o of e f m om rep rt th board o arts and anufactures . Translated fr 2 the French . From the second London edition of 181 .


o o Sh aks eare . New York : Published by D . L ngw rth, p Gallery 12 18 .

— 2 3 . 121 . 24mo . pp . xi,( 1 ) 10 , AAS 1 Firs t published at Paris,18 0. 1 81 3

o . o 58. Hall s distiller,c ntaining 1 Full and particular directi ns for mashing and distilling all kinds of grain,and imitating 2 o of ff Holland gin and Irish whiskey . . N tice the di erent kinds 2 2 American Cookery Books 1 81 3 of stills in use in the United States,and of the Scotch stills which ma ff 480 m 2 on m o 3 . y be run ti es in 4 hours . A treatise fer enta

o o 4. o ti n,c ntaining the latest discoveries on the subj ect . Directi ns fo m r making yeast,and preserving it sweet for any length of ti e . ’ m o 5. o f o The Rev . Mr . Allis n s process o rectificati n,with i pr ve m m o 6. ents ; and ode of imitating French brandy,8:c. Instructi ns for m o aking all kinds of cordials,compound waters,8: c. ; als

for m 8:c. 8:c. aking cider,beer,and various kinds of wines,8:c. to of m s o Adapted the use far ers,as well as di tillers . By Harris n o m of m o — Hall,f r erly La bert n New Jersey . - : 88 . Philadelphia Printed by John Bioren,No . Chestnut street 1813 .

8 2 . vo . o . 2 3 . pp . f lding plate,x,244,plate to face p AAS

1 81 4 m 59. oo A erican c kery [Full entry No . Br attle o o h V 1814. u : m . b r g , t . Published by Willia Fessenden m — “ 32 9 A fi H U . o . 5 6 . A s pp . (iv) ,( )

60 m m m o . A new syste of do estic cookery,for ed up n principles of economy : and adapted to the use of private families through out z Ketelb the United States . By a lady . [Mrs Maria Eliza ( y)

Rundell .] ’ 1 No . o MDe mut 8: . . New Y rk : Published by R . r D D Arden,

- o . 1814. City H tel John Forbes,printer .

— 8 . 12m . 2 3l6. o . . 4 pp frontis ., xxiii,( ) Illus with plates * H U. o 17 1814. A A s . C pyrighted Feb . ,

Th e firs t New York edition and th e firs t to be copyrighted .

61 oo or om m o . The universal receipt b k, ,c plete fa ily direct ry ; being a repository of useful knowledge in the several branches of domestic economy ; containing scarce,curious,and valuable re cei ts o of m p ,and choice secrets . By a s ciety gentle en in New o Y rk . 4 - o No . New York : Published by I . Riley, City H tel,Van

1814. Winkle 8: Wiley,printers .

NYP L . 1814. . EI. H U. 16mo . . 2 o pp 84. C pyrighted AAS

o o 62. Valuable secrets in arts and trades . C ntaining directi ns from the best artists,for calico printing Bleaching of cotton and paper Dyeing of wood,bones,8:c. Engraving and etching on copper Engraving in aquatinta Engraving on wood . 1 81 4 A merican Cookery Books 2 3

Dyeing of various colours Manufacture of glass,pottery,beer, m o m 8:c. With ab ove five hundred valuable odern receipts ; f r ing a great variety of useful articles,collected from the latest Euro

f m m . pean publications . By a friend o A erican anufactures - 1 o t m No . o o o . B st n : Published by J . N r an,chart seller ,N r h

o . . o . 1814 R we E G H use,printer .

1 m A A S . 1 9. 6 o . pp . xiv, 7

oo e on 1— 1 1 C k ry pages 5 3 .

1 81 5

63 . m A erican cookery [Full entry No .

8: . o Poughkeepsie : Published by Paraclete Potter,P . S P tter, 81 printers . 1 5.

— NYP L . 24m . . vc . 5 . o pp . iv,( ) 71 AAS

e 64. Five hundred receipts in th e arts and trades,containing dir c tions from the best artists,for calico printing— bleaching of cotton on and paper,dyeing of wood,bones,8:c. Engraving and etching o — of o c pper engraving on aquatinta,and on wood . Dyeing vari us — m o o m 8:c. 8:c. o c l urs anufacture of glass,pottery,beer,8xc. F r ing a great variety of useful articles,collected from the latest Euro

m m uf . pean publications . By a friend of A erican an actures

- o o N o Row . ca . o m o . 1 B st n : Published by J . N r an, ,N rth [

2 A A S . 1 m . o . 9 pp xiv,17 ,paper . - — N 2 of See o . 6 Cookery on pages 91 1 13 ; brewing on pages 157 160. Th e on o which it seems to be a second edition with change of title . ly c py o n s es 1 — 1 f u d lack pag 73 6, 79.

65. No o The hasty pudding [Full entry . T gether with

s o . o . the ruling pas i n By R bert T Paine,Jun . Esq . o : o Hall well Published by Ezekiel Goodale . Printed by Go dale

8: 1815. Burton . 24m o. . 32 pp ,paper . AAS . BU .

Th e o e of th e o is 1 See N . 1 . c v r AAS c py dated 826. o 9

66. m . o m The hasty pudding A p e in three cantos . O ne tulit m mi i m punctu qui scu t utile dulci . He akes a good breakfast wh o m t mo ixes pudding wi h lasses . Written in Ch amperry in Savoy, 9 17 3 . o f By J el Barlow,Esq . Author o the Columbiad,Vision of o m C lu bus,8:c. m : o . . ca. Canandaigua Printed and s ld by J D Be is 8: Co . [ — 16m . o . 5 18 . pp iv,( ) ,paper AAS . 2 4 American Cookery Books 1 81 5

m 67. of om oo N A new syste d estic c kery [Full entry o .

(Second edition . ) o : McDe m . No . New Y rk Published by R r ut 8: D . D . Arden, 1 - o . o o 181 City H tel J hn F rbes,printer . 5.

— 16m . . 8 2 o pp frontis ., xxiii, plates, ( 5) 316, EI H U AAS . . . s is e n Thi the s co d New York edition .

1 81 6 m 67a . oo N A erican c kery [Full entry o. 55 m Identical with No . ,except that this has wrappers with i print For f m sale at the bookstore o Po roy Hedge,Windsor,Vt .


68. om m : or m o o re The d estic anual fa ily direct ry . C ntaining ceipts in arts,trades and domestic economy ; selected from the best authors,and practical artists : and containing many processes,

never before published . By H . I . Harwell .

n m 1816. New Londo : Printed by Sa uel Green .

— 1 m . 6 84 . 6 o . pp . ( ) ,paper AAS

on C tains a few recipes for wines,liquors,etc.

9 6 . No . Valuable secrets in arts,trades,8:c. [Full entry o in 102 New Y rk : Published by Evert Duyck ck,No . Pearl

. . 1816. street G Long,print .

— 9 . 16mo . . o 1 pp iv,(5) 317, C pyrighted 80 . AAS — es 1 1 e e Se N 1 nd 8. e os . 6 a 4 Pag 39 72 r lat to cookery .

1 81 7

70. A new system of domesti c cookery [Full entry No. o o Third [New Y rk] editi n . 222 New York : Published by Robert McDermut,No . Pearl

. 181 o 8: Co . street 7. F rbes ,printers

— — 29 7. o . 31 16mo . pp . fr ntis , (vii) xxviii,( ) Illustrated with “ 8 a asfi . NYH . . NYP L . plates . LC P

1 81 8

o for 71 . The experienced English h usekeeper, the use and ease om of ladies,housekeepers,cooks,8:c. Written purely fr practice, H on o om and dedicated to the . Lady Elizabeth Warburt n,wh the author lately served as housekeeper : consisti ng of near nine

hundred original receipts,most of which never appeared in print . 1 81 8 American Cookery Books 2 5

Part I . Lemon pickle,brownings for all sorts of made dishes, soups,fish,plain meat,game,made dishes,both h ot and cold, 8: pyes,puddings, c.

of Part II . All kinds confectionary,particularly the gold and silver web for covering of sweetmeats and a desert of spun sugar ; with directions to set out a table in th e most elegant man ner,and in the modern taste ; floating islands,fish ponds,trans i parent puddings,tr fles,whips,8:c.

o o Part III . Pickling, p tting and c llaring, wines, Vinegars, catchups,distilling,with two most valuable receipts,one for refin ing malt liquors,the other for curing acid wines,and a correct of o for mo list everything in seas n every nth in the year . With two plans of a grand table of two covers ; and a curious new invented fire stove,wherein any common fuel may be burnt f o Raffald . o . instead charcoal . By Elizabeth A new editi n

1818. Philadelphia : Printed for James Webster . 16m o 327 2 o o. pp . f lding plate, (iv) , , f lding plates,

A A S . H U . NYP L .

- 1 a . 7 The new family receipt book [Full entry No.

818. Wm . o . 1 Philadelphia : Collins 8: Croft . Br wn,printer 12m Y o . 2 N P L . pp . xxvii,40 .

2 oo om o o o 7 . The universal receipt b k ; being a c pendi us rep sit ry of practical information in cookery,preserving,pickling,distil f m m T o ling,and all the branches o do estic econo y . which is m o o . added,some advice to farmers . By Priscilla H espun Sec nd edition with great additions .

Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Riley . J . Maxwell,printer .


— 3 . L CP . 16mo . 6 . pp ( ) 78. AAS Most of th e recipes of th e first edition of 1 814 are repeated literally, are ffe e n e but di r ntly arra g d . 1 81 9

3 . m 7 A erican cookery [Full entry No . Brattle or u h o o 9 o 181 . b g : Published by J ohn H lbr ok . m S all 4to .

om Fr Anderson sale catalogue,1926.

3a m m o oo No . 7 . A erican d estic c kery [Full entry mo : Balti re Published by Fielding Lucas,Jun . R . J . Matchett,

1819. printer . 4 16mo . 3 7 8 . pp . , plates 2 6 American Cookery Books 1 81 9

om oo or of 73b . D estic c kery, the art dressing viands,fish,poultry and vegetables ; and the best modes of making pastes,puffs,pies, tarts,puddings,custards,and preserves,and all kinds of cakes

m m m to . fro the i perial plu plain cake By Harriet Whiting . 1 9 f e o . 1 Boston : Printed or th auth r 8 .

m 48. 16 o . pp .

m o o o . 74. The fa ily receipt b k C ntaining eight hundred valuable receipts in various branches of domestic economy ; selected from the works of the most approved writers,ancient and modern ; om s omm o of and fr the atte ted c unicati ns scientific friends . Sec

ond American edition .

o 1819. Pittsburgh : Published by Rand lph Barnes,Third street . — 6m . 2 4 8 . E1 . H U. . L OP NYP . . 5 0 . . 1 o pp . xxxii,( ) AAS LC CU

m - oo o 75. The new fa ily receipt b k,c ntaining eight hundred truly valuable receipts in various branches of domestic economy,se lected from the works of British and foreign writers,of un ques tionable experience and authority,and from the attested com “ mun i a ion f oo o ! oo c t s o scientific friends . What l kest th u G d lessons for thee,and thy wife ! Then keep them in memory T m — i o cor fast, o help as a co fort to life . Tusser . A new edit n,

rected . New Haven : Published by Howe 8: Spalding,and Samuel

o . 1 19 Wadsw rth 8 . — m 3 429 . . 16 o . pp . xxxi, ( 7) , AAS LC

Th e a e m e m h me e s is th e same ch pt r on do es tic cono y as so cook ry . Thi as th 1 e preceding title,both taken from an earlier edition (see 7 a ) .

1 82 0

m o o o f 76. The husband an and h usewife : a c llecti n o valuable receipes and directions, relating to agriculture and domestic m o om . o o o t ec n y By Th as G . Fessenden . B yle has bserved,hat the excellency of manufactures,and the facility of labour would be much promoted if the various expedients and contrivances,which lie concealed in private hands,were by reciprocal communica tions made generally known ; for there are few operations that are not performed by one or other with some peculiar advantages, which though singly of little importance,would by conj unction and concurrence,open new inlets to knowledge,and give new o s o p wer t diligence J ohnson .

1820. Bellows Falls : Printed by Bill Blake 8: Co .

— m . 9 20. A A E1 . LC . 5 1 1 o 18 S . 16 o. pp iv,( ) , C pyrighted

2 8 American Cookery Books 1 82 2

m om 80a . oo N A erican d estic c kery [Full entry o . mo : Balti re Published by Fielding Lucas,Jun . Matchett,print . 22 18 .

m . 16 o . 347 8 . pp , plates AAS .

’ oo o : o f 81 . The c k s racle c ntaining receipts or plain cookery on the most economical plan for private families : also,the art of composing the most simple,and most highly finished broths, gravies,soups,sauces,store sauces,and flavouring essences : the quantity of each article is accurately stated by weight and meas ure ; th e whole being the result of actual experiments instituted “ am Kitchine Mi i in the kitchen of a physician . [Willi r] scu t utile ” om s o o mo dulce . Fr the la t Lond n editi n,which is al st entirely — m s mar re written . With an appendix,by the A erican publi hers,

8: keting tables, c.

o N 4 o . B oston : Published by Munr e and Francis, o . ,C rnhill 22 18 .

- m . 9 o 22 380. 18 . 16 o pp . viii,( ) C pyrighted

A A S . BP L . EI . H U . NYSL . NYPL .

Firs t published at London,1817,under th e title of Apicius redivivus ’ ” or oo s e c k oracl .

1 82 3

m om oo o m on c of o 82 . A erican d estic c kery,f r ed prin iples ec n o omy,for the use of private fam ilies . By an experienced h use

z Ketelb . keeper . [Mrs . Maria Eli a ( y) Rundell ] Illustrated by nine

om m . engravings . T o which is added the c plete fa ily brewer - n N 68 New York : Published by Evert Duycki ck, o . Water

1823 . street .

— “ 2 6 35 . . NYP L 7. 24mo . pp . plates, Illus AAS

’ “ n e s new s s em of omes oo e This is taken from Mrs . Ru d ll A y t d tic c k ry, fir st published in America in 1807,which i t follows almost w ord for “ ” See so T h e e e en e me a n o se ee e New o : word . al xp ri c d A ric h u k p r, Y rk

1 823 .

’ m oo o No . o 83 . The c k s racle [Full entry Sec nd A erican, o — from the last London edition,which is alm st entirely re written . With an appendix,by th e A merican publishers,marketing tables,

8:c. 4 o . Boston : Published by Munroe and Francis,No . . C rnhill

1 823 .

— — — 2 o 22. 11 372 369 372 369 4 8. 18 16mo . pp . x,( ) , , C pyrighted

A AS . BA . B P L . NYP L . VC . CU . 1 82 3 American Cookery Books 2 9

m o or om oo 84. The experienced A erican h usekeeper, d estic c kery formed on principles of economy,for the use of private families .

With an engraving . 133 New York : Published by J ohnstone 8: Van Norden,No . — 1823 . Cherry street . — 2 o 8. o . 3 16. 24mo . pp . fr ntis ,plate, F lding plate after page “ BP L . E1 . NYP L . YU . . AAS . CU

’ “ n e s new s s em of omes This w ork is taken from Mrs . Ru d ll A y t d tic ” oo e c k ry . 1 82 4

o o om : o o m o to 85. C ttage ec n y c ntaining inf r ati n relative the brew ing of beer,making of bread,keeping of cows,pigs,bees,ewes, goats,poultry,and rabbits,and relative to other matters deemed ’ useful in th e conducting of the affairs of a labourer s family ; to which are added instructions relative to the selecting,the cutting, and the bleaching of the plants of English grass and grain,for

m m o . the purpose of aking hats and bonnets . By Willia C bbett m m First A erican fro the first London edition . New York : Published by Stephen Gould and Son,law book sellers,at the old stand,sign of Lord Coke,corner of Wall and - o Broad streets,opposite the custom house ; and Joseph P . G uld, - 2 18 4. Genesee street,Utica .

Printed at the Coke Law Press,Caldwell,N . J . — o . 12 . E1 . . 8vo . pp . fr ntis , 8 5, leaf, AAS CU

of om m 1 n ended fo m 85a . A treatise d estic edicine, t r fa ilies,in which the treatment of common disorders are alphabetically enumerated . To which is added,a practical system of domestic cookery,described the best,most economical and most wholesome methods of dressing victuals ; intended for the use of families wh o do not m f B affect agnificence in their style o living . y m f o oo . f Th as C per,M D . Also,the art o preserving all kinds o m fo m ani al and vegetable substances r any years,by M . Appert . : o 2 18 4. Reading Published by Ge rge Getz . 3 n m 8vo . of Tall un u bered leaves of index,128 pp . ( which o 2 1 on m m . nly the first are edicines) double colu ns,3 plates Bds .

n NYP L . (title page repeated o front cover) .

86. o f . o m The Virginia h usewife Meth d is the soul o anagement . n [By Mrs . Mary Ra dolph] ’ Washington : Printed by Davis and Force,(Franklin s head) , 2 18 4. Pennsylvania avenue . 30 American Cookery Books 1 82 4

mo . 16 . o 1 24 NYP L . pp xi, C pyrighted 8 .

e e s ne d a e : n an . o as n on n 1 Pr fac ig d d t d M Ra d lph . W hi gt ,Ja uary, 824.

1 82 5

’ oo 87. The c k s oracle ; containing receipts for plain cookery on the most economical plan for private families : also the art of composing the most simple and the most highly finished broths, gravies,soups,sauces,store sauces,and flavou ring essences : pastry, s 8:c m preserve ,puddings, . And an easy,certain,and econo ical process for preparing pickles,by which they will be ready in a o m f f rtnight,and re ain good or years . The quantity of each article is accurately stated by weight and measure : the whole being the result of actual experiments instituted in the kitchen of a physi m m cia . [Willia Kitchiner] The whole work has again been care “ fully revised,by the author of The art of invigorating life by ” “ ”

o 8:c. Mi o scuit . om f d, utile dulci Fr the fifth London edition .

New York : Published by Evert Duykinck,George Long,E . 9 m— 2 8: . . . e 5 0 . 18 . Bliss E White W . E D an,printer, Willia street 12m0 — * N o . EF E1 NYP . . o . L . . L . pp (v ) xii,371 . c pyright AAS

am oo o t sim 88. The f ily receipt b k,c ntaining hirty valuable and ple receipts for the cure of most of th e usual complaints ; by a due attention to which,many distressing diseases may be avoided, or m f m o greatly itigated,and with a saving o uch expense . M stly - m o . selected from various publications . By a L ng Island far er

1825. New York .

24 . . 16mo . pp . ,paper EFL

on n e e s for n nd n C tai s r c ipt cooki g a pickli g .

om 89. Five thousand receipts in all the useful and d estic arts, constituting a complete and universal practical library, and o o of m o perative cyclopaedia . Mr . H bbes Mal esbury,th ught the accumulation of details a hindrance of learning ; and used to wish that all the books in the world were embarked in one ship, o m and that he might be permitted to bore a hole in its b tto . He was right in one sense ; for the disquisitions and treatises with which our libraries are filled,are more often merely th e husks and shells of knowledge ; but it wo uld be to be wished,that before he were permitted to bore in his hole,some literary analysts should select all the facts,recipes,and prescriptions,useful to

o . o man,and condense them into a portable volume . L cke By C lin 1 82 5 A merican Cookery Books 3 1

Mackenzie,author of One thousand experiments in manufac m turing and che istry . m No Philadelphia : Printed and published by Abraham S all, .

1825. 165 Chestnut street .

— 8v . 9 67 . . E1 . o . pp ( ) 0 AAS

- N o o o . 90. The Virginia h use wife [Full entry Sec nd edition,with amendments and additions . Washington : Printed by Way 8: Gideon,Ninth street,near

s 1 2 . Penn ylvania avenue . 8 5 16mo 2 — 2 o 25 . 1 61 3 . 18 . . . . pp . xi,( ) , plates C pyrighted AAS LC CU

1 82 6

9 s m o : o o 1 . The ha ty pudding,a poe in three cant s [By J el Barl w]

o o . n . . T gether with The ruling passion . By R bert T Pai e,Jun Esq o 2 18 6. Hall well : Glazier 8: Co . ,printers . 2 4mo . No copy placed .

e en m th e e 1 Titl tak fro cov r of th e 18 5 Hallowell edition .

2 9 . The hasty pudding ; a poem,in three cantos,written at Cham rery (sic) in Savoy,January,1793,by J oel Barlow Together

o . r . . with,The ruling passion . By R bert T Paine,j esq

. . o . ca . Exeter,N H A . Br wn [ 2 4mo . 2 4. pp .

1 82 7

93 . The experienced American housekeeper [Full entry No .

2 o o . 18 Published in B st n 7. “ 24m 3 — 2 A fi o . . A s pp ( ) 16.

’ “ om Mr h n s . n T e o Fr Ru dell s A new system of d omes tic cookery . ly o o n a s th e en a e a c py f u d l ck gr v d pl tes of th e fir st edition .

94. The s ame . o : 2 18 7. Hartf rd Published by Silas Andrus . 2 m 4 o . . 2 NH H . o . H U . S pp fr ntis ,plate, 16. AAS .

’ 95. The house servant s directory,or a monitor for private fami lies : comprising hints on th e arrangement and performance of ’ servants work,with general rules for setting out tables and side boards in first order ; the art of waiting in all its br anches ; and likewise h ow to conduct large and small parties with order ; with 32 American Cookery Books 1 82 7 general directions for placing on table all kinds of j oints,fish, o fo s fowl,8:c. With full instructi ns r cleaning plate,bra s,steel, glass,mahogany ; and likewise all kinds of patent and common ’ lamps : observations on servants behaviour to their employers ; and upwards of 100 various and useful receipts,chiefly compiled for the use of house s ervants ; and identically made to suit the m e m f m o ann rs and custo s o fa ilies in the United States . By R bert o to oo of m R berts . With friendly advice c ks and heads fa ilies, om n h w o e o o and c plete directio s o t burn L high c al . [First editi n]

- B oston : Munroe and Francis, 128 Washington street . New

9 2 . o 18 o . 18 7 Y rk : Charles S . Francis, Br adway

- 2 . H S . 12mo . M 15 180. o 18 7. pp . xiv,( ) C pyrighted MS

1 82 8 m 9 om No . 5a . D estic duties [Full entry First A erican from the third London edition

- — 2 f St. o 8: . 8 New York : Printed by J . J Harper, Clif S ld by

m . 8: . W . . Collins 8: Hannay,Co llins 8: Co ., B Gilley,and G C Carvill ; Philadelphia : Carey,Lea,8: Carey,Towar 8: Hogan, ’ mo J . Grigg,E . Littell,MCarty 8: Davis,and U . Hunt ; Balti re 2 s r . . 8: . . 18 8. F . Luca ,J ,and W J Neall

12m0 . pp . 400.

- to oo . o oo 96. The French c k By L uis Eustache Ude,ci devant c k of to to o Louis xvi . and the Earl Sef n,and steward his late R yal

Highness the Duke of York .

1828. Philadelphia : Carey,Lea and Carey .

39 E1 . W PL . NYP L . 8 4 . 16mo . pp . xxix, plates,

’ h ouseservant s o No . 97. The direct ry [Full entry — B oston : Munroe an d Francis, 128 Washington street . New

1828. o o . 25 o . York : Charles S . Francis, Br adway Sec nd editi n

— 1827. 1 180. o 2m . 5 1 o . pp xiv,( ) C pyrighted

H U. . . BA . LC CU

mo m oo o 97a . The dern fa ily receipt b k,c ntaining,a great variety of valuable receipts,arranged under their respective heads,con nected with the art of social and domestic life,including many valuable original communications,the result of long experience . “ o o of om co om By Mrs . Mary H lland,auth r The C plete E n ical ” Cook .

110 . 1828. Philadelphia : R . Desilver, Walnut street

. 230. mo . 16 . pp xiii, AAS 1 82 8 American Cookery Books 33

970 A new family receipt book [Full entry No .

828. Utica : Printed for the publisher . 1

22 . 12mo . pp . . MS

- fi ve for tm . 98. Seventy receipts, pastry,cakes,and swee eats By a of lady Philadelphia . [Miss Eliza Leslie] o 128 o - Boston : Munroe and Francis,N . , Washingt n street ; - 2 2 . 18 8. . 25 o New York : C S . Francis, ,Br adway

— — 17. 6mo 8 o 1828 . . 7 8 . 1 pp . (iii) viii, ( ) C pyrighted ,Jan

A 11 5 EFL . H U .

Th e first edition,though th e copyright date in th e second edition is

15 1828. h 1 T he e in t e ns is e an . 827. e o o Mc . 9, pr fac b h diti dat d J ,

or m o oo oo . . 99. The Virginia housewife : eth dical c k b k By Mrs

o . Mary Randolph . Third editi n,enlarged

1828. Washington : Thompson 8: Homans . 12m 2 . 40. o pp .

m e n N o 52 N. Y. a e . Fr Bull ti o . , St t Library

1 82 9

m of 100. Apician orsels ; or,tales the table,kitchen,and larder ; containing a new and improved code of eatics ; select Epicurean m m o precepts ; nutritive axi s,reflections,anecd tes,8:c. Illustrating the veritable science of the mouth ; which includes the art of never H umel breakfasting at home,and always dining abroad . By Dick “ v os stomach o laboratis ac urite e e o bergius Secundus . O qui , c , t g ” 6 not vos restaura o ! . ou b Vide p 10 . Always breakfast as if y did ” intend to dine ; and dine as if you had not broken your fast . o : 8: 2 f- 0 1 . 8 st. o C New Y rk Printed by J J . Harper, Clif S ld by

n 1 29. lins and Ha nay ; Philadelphia : Carey,Lea and Carey . 8

— 8vo . . 9 212 pp frontis .,plate, ,leaf,

A A S . EFL . EI. H U . L C . CU .

m 100a . Do estic duties [Full entry No . 29 18 . New York .

m om o o . o m f l00b . D estic ec n y The true ec no y o house keeping is simply the art of gathering up all the fragments,so that nothing ” m - o . of m m be l st Frag ents ti e as well as aterials . Mrs . Child . 2 ca . 18 9 [ ] MS . 21 Broadside. x 27 34 American Cookery Books 1 82 9

m om o om . o o of o m 100C. D estic ec n y Ec n y h usekeeping is si ply h m so t o os m gat ering up all the frag ents, hat n thing be l t . Frag ents ” — m m . of ti e,as well as aterials Mrs . Child . 29 [ca . 18 ] m s .

s e 18 Broad id . x

lo0d . o o The experienced h usekeeper, r domestic cookery . 29 o 18 . Hartf rd : Silas Andrews .

1 o s . e 01 . The frugal h u ewife Dedicat d to those wh o are not f m of o m . o om asha ed ec no y By the auth r o H ob ok . [Mrs . Lydia “ m ” Maria (Francis) Child] A fat kitchen aketh a lean will . “ m ’ Franklin . Econo y is a poor man s revenue ; extravagance a m ’ ” rich an s ruin . B oston : March 8: Capen,362 Washington street,and Carter 8:

o of s o o . . Hendee,C rner Wa hingt n and Sch ol streets . J H East

. 1829 burn,printer . 12m 1 U o . . 95. o 29 E . H . pp C pyrighted 18 . Th e name of this book was changed in 1 832,after seven editions,to “ ” Th e American frugal housewife, on account of there being an English oo o th s m b k f e a e name.

’ 102. Mackenzie s five th ousand receipts in all the useful and domestic arts : constituting a c omplete practical library relative to agriculture,bees,bleaching,brewing,calico printing,cements, confectionary,cookery,crayons,dairy,diseases,distillation,dying, enamelling,engraving,fencing,food,gardening,gilding,glass, ’ o m c m health,inks 8:c. j ewellers pastes,lith graphy, edi ines, etal lurgy, oil colours, oils, painting, pastry, perfumery,pickling, pottery,preserving,scouring,silk,silk worms,silvering,tanning,

e 8:c. 8:c. trees of all kinds,varnishing,water colours,win s,8:c. m o New American from the latest London edition . With nu er us and important additions generally ; and the medical part carefully m o revised and adapted to the cli ate of the U . States ; and als a

m . new and most copious index . By an A erican physician [By Colin Mackenzie] ’ At top of title page : Kay s improved 8: enlarged edition .

o : . . Philadelphia : J . Kay,Jun .,and Br ther ; Pittsburgh C H 1829 Kay . [ ] 29 18 . 456. . o 8vo . pp . Illus C pyrighted

2 m . l0 a . The sa e 222 t o . James Kay,Jun .,and Br ther,Philadelphia Ches nut street — 8: Co . s . A A s . near 4th ; John I . Kay ,Pitt burgh

36 American Cookery Books 1 830

’ to of : At p page Harper s stereotype edition .

- o : . 8: . 2 ff s o New Y rk Printed by J J Harper,8 Cli t . S ld by

o a o o . . . C llins and H nnay,C llins and C ,G and C . and H Carvill,

m . . . oo a Willia B Gilley E Bliss,O . A . R rbach,White,Gall her,and

. . and . . o m White,C S Francis,William B urgess,Jr . , N B H l es ;

: . . o Philadelphia E L Carey and A . Hart,and J hn Grigg ; Albany

0 . 1830. Steele,and W . C . Little . 2m — 1 o. . v 29 pp ( ) xii, Copyrighted 18 .

E1 . H U. L OP . NYPL . YU .

108. m o The experienced A erican housekeeper [Full entry N .

: . 1830 Hartford,Ct . Andrus and Judd,Lee street [ ]

24mo . 2 l. 2 16 o . a . 8. pp . p , ,f lding pl fter p ’ “ m r o M s . n e new em f mes i e Fr Ru d ll s A syst o do t c cook ry .

9 10 . N o The frugal housewife [Full entry o . Sec nd

o o th e o . T o editi n . C rrected and arranged by auth r which are to so of mo o added hints per ns derate f rtune .

o X . B ston : Published by Carter 8: Hendee . MDCCCX X 2m 1 o . . 12 pp 8. Copyrighted 1830.

9 3 d am . r . 10 a . The s e ed

B oston : Published by Carter 8: Hendee . MDCCCXXX . 2 2 m s 1 8. . 1 mo . pp .

’ o9 s o No . l b . Mackenzie five th usand receipts [Full entry 102 o ] adapted t the Western states .

Hamilton,Ohio : Taylor Webster at th e Telegraph ofli ce,1830.

2 . 31 . 8vo . pp . P

9 m . 10 C. The sa e

m 8: Co . o . Philadelphia : Ja es Kay,Jun . ; Pittsburgh,J hn J Kay

8: Co .

456. pp .

of oo to th e of 1 10. The practice c kery,adapted business every day

Dal ai rns . i . l fe . By Mrs g

- Boston : Munroe and Francis,128 Washingt on st ; Charles S . — 1830. Francis,New York ; and all booksellers . 25 — 394 2m . 1 o . pp xxvi, ( ) ,

— es 373 376 not n e e on n o s . A n Engli sh work . Pag pri t d,but t xt c ti u u

- five No . 1 1 1 . Seventy receipts [Full entry

— At top of title page Third edition with an appendix . 1 830 American Cookery Books 37

- N 128 o . . Boston : Munroe an d Francis, O. Washingt n street ; C S

1830. Francis,252 Broadway,New York . — — 2 18 7. 7 104. o 12mo . pp . (iii) viii, ( ) C pyrighted

A A S . H U.

o or m o oo . . 11 1a . The Virginia h usewife, eth dical c k By Mrs Mary

o th e o of m . o o Randolph . Meth d is S ul Manage ent F urth editi n, with amendments and additions .

om o . o Washingt on : Published by P . Th ps n Way and Gide n,

1830. printers .

2m . . 186. 1 o pp . MS 1 83 1

m oo : or Of o 112. A erican c kery the art dressing viands,fish,p ultry, th e mo of m ff and vegetables . And best de aking pu pastes,pies, of tarts,puddings,custards,and preserves . And all kinds cakes, o from plain,to the imperial,and . Als the best way o of curing hams,corning beer,mutton,and . T gether with

Exem lified . the rules of carving at dinner parties . p with cuts By

m mmo ! 2d o m o . an orphan . [A elia Si ns editi n i pr ved

V : for th e o . Woodstock t. Printed and published auth r,by A

Colton . 1831 .

— 2 6 1 10 2 . W OOD TO K . 3 mo . pp . v,( ) ,( ) MS S C PL Th e firs t part of this book seems to be a reprint Of the w ork of the “ American orphan,Amelia Simmons, first published in 1796 and many

N o f s e on h as een o n . times thereafter un til 1822. O c py o a fir t diti b f u d S 2. ee NO. 4

oo not mad No . 1 13 . The c k [Full entry

31 . Watertown : Published by Knowlton 8: Rice . 18 — 2 24m . 7 1 0. NYP L . o pp . v,

oo o No . 114. The c k s racle [Full entry ’ to of : At p page Harper s stereotype edition . 2 - o . 8: . o [New Y rk Printed by J J Harper,8 Cliff st. S ld by o o C llins and Hannay,C llins and Co .,G . and C . Carvill,O . A . oo R rbach,and E . Bliss ; Philadelphia . Carey,Lea,and Carey,and J ohn Grigg ; B oston : Richardson and Lord,and Hilliard,Gray, m Co . o : . . . 1 31 and ; Balti re W and J Neal 8 . — — 12m . 15 32 o . v B P L . pp ( ) xii, ( ) 4 . Illus .

m 1 15. Do estic duties ; or,instructions to young married ladies, on th e management of their households,and the regulations of o o o of m their c nduct in the vari us relati ns and duties arried life .

. m om By Mrs Willia Parkes . Every wise w an buildeth her house, 38 American Cookery Books 1 83 1 but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands — Who can find a virtuous woman ! for her price is far above rubies — Her children arise up and call her blessed ; her husband also,and he praiseth

o . m o her . Pr verbs Third A erican from the third London editi n, o o o with n tes and alterati ns adapted t the American reader . 2 - o o 8: . 8 ff st . New Y rk : Printed by J . J Harper, Cli S ld by

0 . o 8: o . . oo . 8: . 8: C llins Hannay,C llins 8: Co , . A R rbach,G C H

o e . Carvill,W . B . Gilley,A . T . Go drich,E . Bliss ; Philad lphia ; J

o . o . . 8: . . Grigg,T war J 8: D . M . H gan,E L Carey A Hart,U M o r . cCart 8: . 8: Hunt,T . Desilver,I , y Davis,E Littell Br ther,

. 1831 . J Crissy . — m . 9 408. 16 o pp . viii,( )

m m 1 16. Fa ily receipts,or practical guide for the husband an and housewife,containing a great variety of valuable recipes,relating to agriculture,gardening,brewery,cookery,dairy,confectionary, diseases,farriery,ingrafting,and the various branches of rural om m T o o and d estic econo y . which is added a plain,c ncise, ’ method of keeping farmer s accounts with forms of notes of m of 8:c. . . o hand,bills,receipts,8:c. By H L Barnu ,edit r the “ ’ ” United States agriculturalist and farmer s reporter . Published

. . ofi by A B R .

o . 831 . Cincinnati : Lincoln 8: C ,printers . 1 — "= 12m . o 1831 . A A sf o 5 400. . o. pp . fr ntis ,iv,( ) Illus C pyrighted

1 No o 1 o . 7. The frugal h usewife [Full entry F urth edi

o o . To tion . C rrected and arranged by the auth r which are added, s hints to pers ons of moderate fortune . First publi hed in the Mas sach usetts Journal . Boston : Carter,Hendee and Babcock ; Baltimore : Charles Car 3 18 1 . ter . 2m 2 3 1 0. o 18 0. 1 o . pp . C pyrighted

1 8 m . o . 1 . The sa e Fifth editi n Boston : Published by Carter,Hendee 8: Babcock ; Baltimore

1831 . Charles Carter . 2 1 mo .

e No o o n . Title from cover of fourth dition. c py f u d

h e m . o . t 1 19. The sa e Sixth editi n First published in Massachusetts

Journal . [By Mrs . Lydia Maria (Francis) Child] B oston : Carter,Hendee and Babcock ; Baltimore : Charles Car

1831 . ter .

2 2 1830. 1 0. o 1 mo . pp . C pyrighted 83 1 American Cookery Books 39

o . 120. The same . Seventh editi n

831 . Boston : Published by Carter and Hendee . 1 2m 1 o .

N o o n . From cover title of sixth edition . o c py f u d

’ m o on o m or o . C 120a . The h usekeeper s anual, c plete h usewife taining the most extensive variety of receipts,in the selection of — o o ,veal,mutton,fish,fowls,wild game,8:c. r asting,b iling,

of . baking,8:c. flesh and fish Pastry in every variety ; preserves

8:c. 8:c. o adapted to the climate ; green fruit,8:c. T gether with 8: o receipts in nursing the sick, c. The wh le arranged with a view ’ m and to an improvement on Dr . Kitchener s anual ; intended as a guide for families . 3 18 1 . New York : G . G . Sickels,publisher .

m . . 1 . 16 o pp 44. AAS

No. 121 . Mackenzie s five thousand receipts [Full entry f ’ m At top o title page : Kay s i proved 8: enlarged edit .

8: o . NO . o P Philadelphia : J ames Kay,Jun . C 4 Min r street ; itts 31 . NO. 51 . 18 . burg : John 1 Kay 8: Co . Market street — 8vo . . 6 56 A A s . . pp ( ) 4 . LC

“ o e 182 me a e C pyright d, 9,as fourth A ric n dition .

22 o Am oo o o for m 1 . M dern erican c kery : c ntaining directi ns aking soups,roasting,boiling,baking,dressing vegetables,poultry,fish, made dishes,pies,gravies,pickles,puddings,pastry,sick coo kery, f m 8:c. With a list o family edical recipes,and a valuable miscel m lany . By Miss Prudence S ith . - 2 o 8: . No . 8 New Y rk : Printed and published by J . J Harper, - o oo o o Cliff street . And s ld by all the principal b ksellers thr ugh ut 1 183 . the United States . 2 — 4mo . 6 222 o 31 . pp . , Illus . C pyrighted 18

A A S . EI. NYP L .

2 f Fo 1 3 . o o o o A new c llecti n genuine receipts . r the preparati n and execution of curious arts,and interesting experiments,medi cal and miscellaneous,domestic and agricultural ; which are well explained and warranted genuine,and may be performed easily, T o om safely,and at little expense . which is added,a c plete and m m o m of o uch i pr ved syste dyeing,in all its varieti es . Stere type edition . N o d . H . : o 831 . C nc r , Printed and published by Fisk 8: Chase . 1 m 16 o . . 1 2 6 0 . pp , E1 . 40 American Cookery Books 1 83 1

124. m The sa e .

os o : 1831 . B t n Published by Charles Gaylord .

16mo . 1 2 0 6. . pp ,

2 1 5. o 111 a . o The Virginia h usewife [Full entry No. ] Stere o m m type editi n,with a end ents and additions . mo : P laskitt 8: u l Balti re Published by , C g e,218 Market street . [1831] 2 — 1 mo . . 13 180. o v N P c. Y L . pp xii, C pyrighted 1818.

e e a e n 18 1 Pr fac d t d Ja uary, 3 .

26 am . 1 . The s e o om o Washingt n : Published by Th pson 8: Homans . Stere typed m 1831 . by Lucas 8: Neal,Balti ore . m 13 — o 2 . . . B PL . 16 o pp xii,( ) 180 C pyrighted 18 8.

1 83 2

2 m o o . o o wh 1 7. The A erican frugal h usewife Dedicated t th se o are not ashamed of economy by Mrs . [Lydia Maria] Child,auth r “ ” “ ’ ” “ of H obomok, The mothe r s book, editor of the Juvenile ” — m m . iscellany, 8:c. A fat kitchen aketh a lean will . Franklin “ ’ ’ Economy is a poo r man s revenue ; extravagance a rich man s ”

o . o o . ruin . Eighth editi n Enlarged and c rrected by the auth r 32 os 18 . B ton : Carter and Hendee .

m . B P L . 3 . 832 s 12mo . . o . pp fr ntis ,1 0 Copyrighted 1 .

“ This book was originally called Th e fruga l housewife, and th e name s was chan ged in 1832 as there was an English book of th e same name . Thi s The o e of o eems to be th e fir s t edition under the new name. c v r AAS c py s n ays ni th edition.

m o . 128. The sa e . Ninth editi n

1 32. B oston : Carter and Hendee . 8

12mo .

n From cover ti tle of eighth editio .

29 m . o . 1 . The sa e Tenth editi n 2 183 . B oston : Carter and Hendee .

3 . 2 o . 1 0 1 mo . pp . fr ntis ,

m o . 130. The sa e . Eleventh editi n

1832. B oston : Carter and Hendee .

130. . E1 . m o . 16 o . pp . fr ntis , EFL 1 832 A merican Cookery Books 41

13 om o of 0a . The c plete gr cer,being a series very valuable receipts for distilling and mixing cordials,by an old distiller .

First edition . 2 183 . New York . 2 04. pp .

3 oo o No . 1 1 . The c k s racle [Full entry ’ At top Of title page : Harper s stereotype edition .

New York : 1832 . 2 1 mo .

e 1 Titl from Anderson sale catalogue, 926.

’ 2 oo own oo om 13 . The c k s b k ; being a c plete culinary encyclope dia : comprehending all valuable receipts for cooking meat,fish, and fowl,and composing every kind of soup,,pastry, preserves,essences,8:c. that have been published or invented during the last twenty years . Particularly the very best of those ’ ’ oo o in the Cook s oracle . C k s dicti nary,and other systems of m m o do estic economy . With nu er us original receipts,and a com let m e of o o . os o o p syste c nfecti nery By a B t n h usekeeper . Alpha eticall b y arranged . [Boston z] Published in Boston by Munroe 8: Francis ; New

York by Charles S . Francis,and David Felt ; Philadelphia by

o . 1832 Carey and Lea,and Grigg and Elli t . 12m 3 2 o . . 00. o 183 . pp xxxvi, C pyrighted H U . CU .

32 1 a . m The sa e . At foot of copyright page : Stereotyped by Lyman Thurston 8:

CO. o o B st n . m s .

133 . D omestic French cookery,chiefly translated from Sulpice “ ” - e. o of five Baru By Miss [Eliza] Leslie,auth r Seventy receipts,8:c.

: 8: 1832 . Philadelphia Carey Hart,Chestnut street . 16mo — 2 . . 13 1 0. o 2 183 . B PL pp x, ( ) C pyrighted .

’ w 134. The farmer s o n book ; or family receipts for the husband man and housewife ; being a compilation of the very best receipts on agriculture,gardening and cookery ; with rules for keeping m ’ m ’ o . o of m e far ers acc unts By H . L . Barnu ,edit r the Far ers R

o . o p rter Stere type edition .

o o : 1832. B st n Published by Carter and Hendee . 1 m — 6 o . . 5 166. o 1832 K pp ( ) C pyrighted . MS . .

135. m The sa e .

o o : 131 o . o B st n Carter,Hendee,and Co . Washingt n St and J hn 42 A merican Cookery Books 1 832

B . Russell,at the seed store,connected with the New England m 2 1832. Far er,5 North Market st .

— 16mo . . 5 166. NYH S . pp ( ) H U.

136 -fiv e f . or m Seventy receipts pastry,cakes,and sweet eats . By z f e o . o Miss [Eli a] Lesli Philadelphia F urth Edition . to of m e : o o . t At p title page F urth editi n I prov d . Wi h an appen

dix . o o : n 12 s - B st n Mu roe 8: Francis,No . 8 Wa hington street ; New

o : . . Y rk C S Francis,1832.

- — 12mo . 2 . o 18 7. pp (iii) vii, (7) 104. C pyrighted

A A S . BU . EI . NYP L .

1 83 3 m o No . 137. The A erican frugal h usewife [Full entry

o o . Twelfth edition . Enlarged and c rrected by the auth r

1 33 . B ost on : Carter,Hendee,and C0 . 8 2m o . 130. 1 o . pp . fr ntis ,

38 m . o . 1 The sa e . Thirteenth editi n

1833 . B oston : Carter,Hendee,and Co . 12m E1 o . 13 . . o . pp . fr ntis , 0 MS

39 ’ 1 . oo No The c k s oracle [Full entry . ’ to of o o At p title page : Harper s stere type editi n . 2 No . 8 8: . New York : Printed and published by J . J Harper, ff- o th e oo t o o Cli street . And s ld by principal b ksellers hr ugh ut the

1833 . United States .

— — 12m 32 A A . NY v 15 4 . . s S . o . pp . ( ) xii, ( ) Illus

oo own oo NO. 140. The c k s b k [Full entry

1833 . Boston : Munroe and Francis . 30 37 8v . o xxxv, 0, .

85 o o o o om NO . 140a . C ttage ec n y [Full entry ] als instructi ns - n m n To for erecting and using ice houses,after the Virgi ian an er . ’ which is added the poor man s friend ; or,a defence of th e rights m of those wh o do the work,and fight the battles . By Willia

Cobbett . - o New York : Published by John Doyle,12,Liberty st. Stere

1833 . typed by Conner 8: Cooke .

158 68. . 12mo . pp . , MS

m o No. 141 . The experienced A erican h usekeeper [Full entry

44 American Cookery Books 1 834

145a m . . o McG e ri k The sa e Revised and c rrected by M . t c . A new o -five editi n,price twenty cents .

- o : . . 1834 New Y rk G F Bunce,printer,110 Fulton street . 2 4 . 1 mo . . pp 8 Copyrighted 1834.

145b . The new whole art of confectionary,sugar boiling,iceing, m be o candying,j elly and wine aking,8:c,8: c,8:c. Which will f und e to o v ry beneficial ladies,h usekeepers,confectioners,servants,8:c. And particularly to such as have not a perfect knowledge of that e m m . T o us ful art First A erican,fro the eleventh London edition . which are now added several new and useful recipes,never before M’ G . . etrick . published By S W .

- o 2 1834. New Y rk : Printed by William Mitchell, 65 Bowery . e Price c nts .

12mo . . NYPL pp 60. Copyrighted 1834. .

— 146. fiv e Seventy receipts [Full entry No . Seventh edi

t II . At top of title page — Seventh edition,revised,with forty addi i t onal receipts . B oston : Munroe 8: Francis,128,Washington—street ; New York 1 Charles S . Francis . 834. 2m — 1 o . . 9 1 8 o 2 18 7. pp vi, ( ) 0 . C pyrighted

1 83 5

4 m o No. 1 7. The A erican frugal h usewife [Full entry

Sixteenth edition,enlarged and corrected by the author .

1 35. B oston : Carter,Hendee 8: Co . 8

2 3 835. . H U. . NYPL . m o . 1 0. o 1 1 o . pp . fr ntis , C pyrighted AAS LC

i s e e. and . o es on AAS . LC c pi lack fr t pi c

’ ’ oo own oo o : om 148. The c k s b k,and h usekeeper s register c pre hending all valuable receipts for cooking meat,fish and fowl ; and composing every kind of soup,gravy,pastry,preserves, or essences,8cc. that have been published invented during the last m o o om twenty years . With nu er us riginal receipts,and a c plete

o o o . T o system of confectionery . By a B st n h usekeeper which is ’ added Mi ss [Eli za] Leslie s Seventy five receipts for pastry,cakes m in and sweet eats . Alphabetically arranged,and blank pages serted for family memorandums . Published,in B oston,By Munroe 8: Francis ; New York,by

Charles S . Francis ; Philadelphia,by Carey,Lea and Blanchard,

1835. and Grigg and Elliot . 835 American Cookery Books 45

300 37 o 1833 . 2m . 1 o . pp xxxv, , , C pyrighted

W P L . A A S . E I .

om oo No . 148a . D estic French c kery [Full entry Third edition .

1835. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart,Chestnut street .

120. pp .

o - : of o 148h . The intellectual h use keeper a series practical questi ns to his daughters,by a father : or hints to females on the necessity of tho ught in connexion with their domestic labors and duties . “ oo to of o o With an album . She l keth well the ways her h useh ld, ' ” “ and eateth not the bread of idleness . Her children arise up, ” and call her blessed ; her husband also,and he praiseth her . o o Proverbs . [by Mrs . Asenath Nich ls n]

183 . B oston : Russell,Odiorne,8: Co . 5

2m . 47. 1 o . pp . MS

m o 148c. The experienced A erican h usekeeper [Full entry

No .

o . 1835 Hartf rd .

9 ’ 14 . wn oo . o . m Nature s o b k Second editi n Enlarged and i proved . ” o o Whoso readeth let him understand . [By Asenath Nich ls n]

- N t . 1 3 8 5. os . 4 6 s New York : Wilbur 8: Whipple . and Green 2m — 6 84. o 1835 o o . 1 o . pp . C pyrighted, ,by Asenath Nich ls n

LC .

9 14 a . o m M dern A erican cookery [Full entry No . - 82 ff New York : Published by Harper 8: Brothers,No . Cli

1835. street . 16m 222 m s . Square o. pp . .

m oo o mo 150. A new fa ily receipt b k c ntaining the st valuable receipts,for the various branches of cookery,selected from the best authorities : together with numerous approved receipts for brewing,preserving fruits,and making pickles,cordials,j ellies, o f i 8:c. With an appendix,c ntaining a variety o receipts and d rec o m ti ns,useful in fa ilies .

- o : . 15 1835. New Y rk Printed by D Fanshaw, 0 Nassau street . 2 m * 4 o . . 3 A A s . pp 6,paper . Th e recipes are mostly taken literally from A new family receipt book, “ ’ t o 1829 ffe en e See so e s new Har f rd, , but di r tly arrang d . al S ar family ” e e r c ipt book, 1848. 46 American Cookery Books 1 835

- 151 . fiv e N o . t o Seventy receipts [Full entry Eigh h editi n . At top of title page — Eighth edition,revised,with forty addi tional receipts . B oston : Munroe 8: Francis,128 Washington-street ; New York

. . 1835. C S Francis . * 12m — o . . 7 106 o 1 2 A A . P s B L . pp vi,( ) , C pyrighted 8 7.

1 83 6

m oo o om a . o 151 The A erican c kery b k,c piled with great care . m o 1836. Hartford : Judd L o is 8: Co .

v . . 24. o 8 o pp d uble columns .

51 m o No . 1 b . The A erican frugal h usewife [Full entry

Sixteenth edition .

o o : s Co . 183 B st n Rus ell,Shattuck,and 6. 2 130. . 1 mo . pp . AAS

e e s e e n n a e and o e e th e o . Cov r r ad : S v ent en th editio . E l rg d c rr ct d by auth r

152. t o o th e The same . Twentie h editi n,enlarged and c rrected by author . ’

o o : m o . 3 B st n A erican Stationers C 18 6. 2m * 1 o . . 130. A A E1 pp s . .

152a . Apician Anecdotes ; or, tales of th e table,kitchen,and

s . larder [Full entry No . 100,Apician Mor els] - 3 o o . 18 6. New Y rk : Published by J . D . Str ng 2 1 mo . 2 2 . pp 1 . AAS .

ome oo No . o 153 . D stic French c kery [Full entry F urth edition .

1 836. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart,Chestnut street . m — 2 2 NYP L 13 1 0. o 183 . . 12 o . pp . x, ( ) C pyrighted

m o 154. The experienced A erican h usekeeper [Full entry

No . 1 836 Hartford : Judd Loomis 8: CO . .

— — 9 2 A A E1 . 3 4 16. s . 24mo . pp . plates,( ) ,( )

’ “

n e s new s s em of omes oo e . From Mrs . Ru d ll A y t d tic c k ry

’ oo oo or o o 155. The New England C k b k, y ung h usekeeper s guide : being a collection of the most valuable receipts ; embracing all the various branches of cookery,and written in a minute and o o o o of methodical manner . Als ,an appendix,c ntaining a c llecti n miscellaneous receipts,relative to housewifery . 836 A merica n Cookery Books 47

8: o . New Haven : Hezekiah Howe 8: Co .,and Herrick N yes 3 18 6.

1 15 o 1836. NYP L . 2m . 1 o . pp xi, , C pyrighted

- five NO . 156. Seventy receipts [Full entry The ninth edition . At top of title page z— Ninth edition,revised,with forty addi tional receipts . B oston : Munroe 8: Francis,128 Washington—street ; New York

1 836. Charles S . Francis .

— 7 106 o 1827. 12mo . pp . vi,( ) , C pyrighted

o NO . 157. The Virginia h usewife [Full entry 2 1836. Baltimore : Publi shed by J ohn P laskitt, 18 Market street .

— 2 . NYP L . 13 18 . o 18 8 . m . 0 16 o . pp xii,( ) C pyrighted MS

1 83 7

of of . 158. The art dining ; and the art attaining high health

om . With a few hints on suppers . By Th as Walker,Esq

8: . . o Philadelphia : E . L . Carey A Hart,Chestnut St Stere typed

o . 183 . by L . Johns n 7 2 m . 67. 24 o . pp

oo own oo No . 159. The c k s b k [Full entry

o . . . B oston : Munroe 8: Francis ; New Y rk : C . S Francis [etc , 183 etc] 7.

- 7 300. . . . NYP L . . Y U. 12mo . pp . xxxv,( ) Illus AAS LC w

9a o for oo m of 15 . Directi ns c kery ; being a syste the art,in its “ o of -fiv e re vario us branches . By Miss Leslie,auth r Seventy ” s ceipt , 8:c.

1837. . 8: . . Philadelphia : E . L Carey A Hart,Chestnut street

— 5 m s . 12mo . . 7 4 pp 0.

16 m or om o f o o . 0. The fa ily nurse ; c pani n the frugal h usewife “ ” o of o By Mrs . [Lydia Maria] Child,auth r the Frugal h usewife, “ ’ ” “ ’ ” m m of Mother s book, Girl s book, 8:c. Revised by a e ber the l “ ” o ! Massachusetts Medical S ociety . H w shall I cure dyspepsia “ ” — o it . . Live up n Sixpence a day and earn . Dr Abernethy

e e 1837. Boston : Charles J . H nd e .

2m . 3 156. o 18 7. 1 o pp . C pyrighted

— Cookery on pages 13 32. 48 American Cookery Books 1 837

1 ’ 16 . The housekeeper s book,comprising advice on the conduct of household affairs in general ; and particular directions for th e o of for preservati n furniture,bedding,8:c. ; the laying in and preserving of provisions ; with a complete collection of receipts for o om om o ec n ical d estic cookery . The wh le carefully prepared for of m e the use A erican hous keepers . By a lady . [Mrs . Frances Harriet (Whipple) McDougall] : m 2 1 o Philadelphia Willia Marshall 8: CO . 7 Market street,c rner f o 1837. Seventh . 12m — — o . . 2 o . o pp fr ntis , (vii) xvi,( 13) 17. Illus . C pyrighted 183 “ 7. E1 . . NYP L . AAS . LC

162 —m e on . . A treatise bread,and bread aking By Sylvest r Gra ’ ” m m — stren th eneth . o . h a . Bread g an s heart H ly Writ

o o : 8: 1 o . 183 B st n Light Stearns, C rnhill 7.

— — 24m . 9 3 131 o 18 7. o pp . (iii) viii,( ) , C pyrighted

H U . CU . Th e . o f a e s n a t th e end and is AAS c py is with out th e 12 pp . o dv rti i g , “ bound up with Ways of living on small means, and Means without n livi g . 1 83 8

m o s No . 163 . The A erican frugal h u ewife [Full entry

- Twenty first edition,en larged and corrected by the author .

8: m oo 261 . New York : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl street ; W

1838. W . Allen,printer,5 Hague st .

2 E1 . NYP L . 1 . 1835. . 1 mo . o . 30 o . pp fr ntis , C pyrighted CU

- 164. m o o . The sa e . Twenty sec nd editi n

- 1 38. 8: m oo 261 . 8 New York : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl street * 13 . A A s . 12m . o . 0 o . pp fr ntis ,

oo own oo n No . 164a . The c k s b k [Full e try Published,in B oston,by Munroe 8: Francis ; New-York,by

Charles S . Francis ; Philadelphia,by Carey,Lea,and Blanchard, 3 18 8. and Grigg and Elliot .

x 300 37 . 12mo . pp . xx v, , , MS

5 o for oo o . 16 . Directi ns c kery,in its vari us branches By Miss

z o . [Eli a] Leslie . Third editi n 1838 8: . . Philadelphia : E . L . Carey A Hart,Chestnut street — m 468. o 1837. 2 . 7 1 o . pp ( ) C pyrighted

166 m o . The experienced A erican h usekeeper [Full entry

NO. 1 838 American Cookery Books 49

1838. 8: . Hartford,Con . : Andrus,Judd, Franklin

— 3 216. 24m on . o . pp . fr tis ,

’ “

n e s new s s em of omes oo e . From Mrs . Ru d ll A y t d tic c k ry

m . 166a . The sa e

- Mo . New Nafis 8: o . o York . Published by C rnish ; St L uis ( )

: o . . . Nafis,Cornish 8: Co . ; Philadelphia J hn B Perry MS

6 - m o : o . 1 7. The hasty pudding a p e ,in three cant s Written at m m o o . Cha bray,in Savoy,January,1793 . By J el Barl w,Esq O ne m mi i m oo tulit punctu qui scu t utile dulci . He akes a g d breakfast wh o m mo ixes pudding with lasses .

1 38. No . 9 . 8 New Haven : William Storer,Jun ., Glebe Building 12mo 2 1 . EFL . NYH . pp . ,paper S . H as on title- page a wood -cut of a man sea ted at table,eating,presumably, s n o Th e same is e e e n th e s a e ha ty puddi g fr m a bowl . cut r p at d o la t p g with th e foll owing colophon below it: New Hav en : printed by Wi ll i am o e n St r r,Ju 9 Glebe Building .

’ 168 o oo . The h usekeeper s b k [Full entry NO . Second edition . : m NO 2 8: Co . 7 Philadelphia Willia Marshall , . 1 Market street . 1838 .

2m — 1 o . 12 2 . . o . 1 o 8 . 3 pp fr ntis ,xi,( ) Illus C pyrighted 18 7. “ A asfi B U .

168a . m The sa e . Third edition . m : 8: Co . No . 271 Philadelphia Willia Marshall , Market street .

1838. MS .

69 ’ ’ 1 . The lady s annual register and housewife s memorandum f oo or 1838. o m b k, By Car line Gil an . o o : B st n Published by T . H . Carter ; Philadelphia : Henry Per 183 kins . [ 8] 2 — 1 mo . . 5 14 0 . . o 1 3 pp ( ) ,paper Illus C pyrighted 8 7.

A A s . E1 . H U . . . on a ns e little oo e LC CU C t i v ry c k ry .

- 169a . fiv e Seventy receipts [Full entry No . Tenth edition . o o : o o 183 B st n M nr e and Francis . 8. 1 pp . 07.

170. o oo The R ger c kery . Being a collection of receipts,designed “ for use of m the private fa ilies . What we spend rationally,we ”

o . enj y [By P . P . Roger ! ] 50 American Cookery Books 838

o o : o 1838. B st n Published by J seph Dowe . 12m — . 5 48. o B P L v o . c. pp ( ) C pyrighted 1838. . LC .

1 71 . Vegetable diet : as sanctioned by medical men,and by ex erience m o p in all ages . By Willia A . [Alexander] Alcott,auth r “ “ ” of f o o 8:c. and o o the Y ung wife, the H use I live in, 8:c. , edit r “ ” of f the Library health, and the Annals o education .

os o 183 . B t n : Marsh,Capen 8: Lyon . 8 = — " 16mo . . o 3 . A A s f pp (v) ,vi xi, 276. C pyrighted 18 8 This v olume h as no cookery,but th e second edition,published in 1851, h as a e n e e e e a ch pt r o v g tabl cook ry .

2 o No 17 . The Virginia h usewife [Full entry .

m Pla kitt o 21 . Balti ore : Published by s ,Fite 8: C ., 8 Market st


m 1 2 NY L . 180. o 8 8. S 16 o . pp . C pyrighted

o o or o on oo oo . 173 . The y ung h usekeeper th ughts f d and c kery f o Wm . o o o o By . A [Alexander] Alc tt,auth r the Y ung wife,Y ung ’ mother,House I live in,and Young man s guide,and editor of

f o . the Library o health . First stere type edition

3 . 1 o . 18 8 Boston : George W . Light, C rnhill — 2 3 5 4 4 8. o 18 8. 16mo . pp . ( ) , C pyrighted

A A S . EFL . EI . H U . NYPL .

4 m . o o o . 17 . The sa e Sec nd stere type editi n

1838. 1 o . B oston : George W . Light, C rnhill — m 2 B P L . E1 . . NYSL . 5 4 4 8. 16 o . pp . ( ) , LC

5 m o o . 17 . The sa e . Third stere type editi n 38 1 o . 18 . B oston : George W . Light, C rnhill

— m 2 . BP L . H U. 5 4 8. 16 o . pp . ( ) 4, MS

m . o o . 175a . The sa e Fifth stere type editi n

1 o . 1838. B oston : G . W . Light, C rnhill

— 2 NYP L . 5 4 4 8. 16mo . pp . ( ) ,

1 83 9

m o No . 175h . The A erican h usewife [Full entry

- - 1 39. 2 . 8 No . 54 New York : Collins,Keese,8: Co . , Pearl street

. 144. o o . 12mo . pp . F lding fr ntis AAS

’ oo own oo No . 176. The c k s b k [Full entry Published in B oston,by Munroe 8: Francis ; New York,by

52 A merican Cookery Books 1 839

181 - a . fiv e Seventy receipts [Full entry No . The eleventh

edition . to of - z— At p title page Eleventh edition,revised . o o : o o B st n Munr e and Francis,and J seph H . Francis ; New

o : s . 39 Y rk Charles S . Franci 18 . 12m o . . pp 107.

— 182. o o o The y ung h use keeper [Full entry No . F urth o stere type edition .

os o : o . 1 o o 126 o B t n Ge rge W Light, C rnhill ; New Y rk . Fult n 9 183 . street .

— 16m . 5 424 . o e o . 8 1838. H U YU. pp ( ) , C pyright d .

1 84 0

’ w ’ oo o n oo o . 183 . The c k s b k,and h usekeeper s register Being receipts for cooking of every kind of meat,fi sh,and fowl ; and

making every sort of so up,gravy,pastry,preserves,and essences . With a complete system of confectionery ; tables for marketing ; a ’ b ook of carving ; and Miss [Eliza] Leslie s Seventy-five receipts for os o o s . pastry,cakes,and sweetmeats . By a B t n h u ekeeper

B oston : Munroe and Francis ; New York : Charles S . Francis .

1840. 2 1 mo . 2 2 o 1833 . 300 37 . . pp . xlviii, , , , Illus C pyrighted * A NYPL . A s . BU .

o for oo No . 183a . Directi ns c kery [Full entry Eleventh

edition . 4 18 0. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

6 . pp . 4 8

o om oo No . 183b . Ec n ical c kery [Full entry

m 1840. Newark,New Jersey : Benj a in Olds .

144. pp .

m o . l83c. The sa e . Tenth editi n

1840. . 8: . . Philadelphia : E . L Carey A Hart

— 1 7 4 68. . pp . ,( ) Illus

m : om o om 184. Fa ily receipts being a c pilati n fr several publica F oo e n m tions . or c king,dy ing,varnishing,painti g,glueing,ce ent ’ dfield s m o . . Re c. t . ing,8:c. 8: Be te perate in all hings S ld at L H

bookstore,Syracuse . 840 A merican Cookery Books 53

2 m 8: o . . ca . 5 . . . C Syracuse . Price cents T A S ith ,printers [

v 59 NYP L . 8 o . pp . , Th e only copy found is b ound up with : Th e family physician and ’ ” a me m n Redfield e o o s o e in a se om f r r s co panio . L . H . k pt a b k t r Syr cu fr 1 83 t 18 m e eme in a se 2 . n 8: Co . a e an s a o 44 T . A . S ith h v adv rti t Syr cu ne s a e w p p r in 1837.

NO 5 oo o . 18 . The g d h usekeeper [Full entry m 1840. B oston : Weeks,J ordan and Co pany .

— — * x 1 1 144 A A s . 12mo . pp . (vii) ,viii ,( ) ,

e z e - - Th e l as t 8 pages are ntitled : Our pri e recip s for Not a B one sa lt cod . am e o n in ss e e na ea os on A p phl t,b u d ,i u d by L o rd A . Tr t,B t .

o oo 185a . The h use b k (Eliza Leslie) .

1840. Philadelphia . 36 v 4 . 8 o . pp .

’ ’ se m 186. The ho u keeper s al anac,or,the young wife s oracle ! for 1840! [wood- cut : cook in kitchen] containing upwards of 250

oo o o 8:c. valuable recipes in c king,c nfecti nary,8:c. o o N 104 o New Y rk : Elt n,publisher, o . Nassau,c rner of Ann

- NO . 134 o . 1 street,and Divisi n street 840.

12m . 36 o . o . B PL . pp ( ) including c ver,paper A A s .

18 ’ ’ 7. The lady s annual register,and housewife s almanac,for 1 840. By Caroline Gilman,author of Poetry of travelling in th e ” “ ’ ” “ ” o o s o United States, L ve s pr gre s, H liday book, etc . With an m al anac . o o : B st n Otis,Broaders and Co . ; New York : Collins,Keese and

Co . : om Cow erthw i 1840 ; Philadelphia Th as, p a t and Co . 12mo — . 9 . 108 pp viii,( ) ,paper . Illus .

on ns ou es C tai f r pag of cookery .

8 n f 18 . or oo Vegetable substa ces used the f d of man . (By Edwin

Lankester . ) — o : 8: o 82 ff— 18 New Y rk Harper Br thers, Cli street . 40.

— — — 24m . 7 271 v o . . o 1 39 pp (iii) vi, ,( ) vi Illus . C pyrighted 8 .

BA . 1 84 1 9 m 18 . The A erican housewife : containing the most valuable and original receipts in all the various branches of cook ery ; and writ

m — m o m o o e ten in a inute and eth dical anner . T gether with a c ll c tion of miscellaneous receipts,and directions relative to house 54 American Cookery Books 1 841 w if r e en e o o of . e y . By an exp ri c d lady . Als the wh le art carving

n o . illustrated by sixteen e gravings . Third editi n New York : Publi shed by Dayton,and Saxton (successors to

Gould,Newman,and Saxton,) corn er of Fulton and Nassau sts .

1841 .

1 . 2m 2 144 . o 184 1 o . pp . plates, Illus C pyrighted “ Se Th e r e 18 1 e e kitch n di ctory, 4 .

9 m m o o . 18 a . The sa e . Fifth editi n i pr ved

m s . 1841 .

m m . e o o . 189b . The sa e S venth editi n i pr ved New York : Published by Dayton,an d Saxton (successors to

Gould,Newman and Saxton,) corner of Fulton 8: Nassau sts .

1841 .

2 NYP L . 144. . pp . plates, Ill

m 9 m o o . 1 0. The sa e . Eighth editi n,i pr ved New York : Published by Dayton,and Saxton (su ccessors to

Go uld,Newman,and Saxton,) corner of Fulton and Nassau sts .

1 841 . 2 2 144 . 1 mo . pp . plates, Illus

m N 3 2 e e on . Co pare o. 4 ighth diti

9 oo not mad or o oo n o o 1 0a . The c k , rati nal c kery ; bei g a c llecti n of original and selected receipts,embracing not on ly the art of curing vari ous kinds of meats and vegetables for future u se,but of cooking,in its general acceptation,to the taste,habits,and degrees of luxury prevalent with the American public,in town T o on for n com and country . which are added directi s prepari g forts for the sick room ; together with sundry miscellaneo us kinds of information,of importance to housekeepers in general, 1 o o G en . . . nearly all tested by experien ce . (M tt , Chap xxvii,V , 2,3, 1 184 . Watertown : Published by Knowlton 8: Rice . m m s . 108. 16 o . pp .

on for oo No . l90b . Directi s c kery [Full entry Thirteenth

m o m s m e . edition . With i pr ve ent and supple entary r ceipts

1 841 . Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

2m o 68 . . 4 . 1 . pp AAS

9 s m . o o . 1 0C. The a e F urteenth editi n 841 A merican Cookery Books 55

oo o t No . t t o . 191 . The g d h usekeeper [Full en ry Six h edi i n

m 1 . B oston : Oti s,Broaders and Co pany . 184 — — 9 183 . m x 1 1 144. . o 16 o . pp . (vii) ,( ) Illus C pyrighted

9 c o d m n o e : o 1 2. The kitchen dire t ry,an A erica h us wife c ntaining the most valuable and original receipts,in all th e various bran ches of cookery ; togeth er with a collection of miscellaneo us receipts, o o o of and directi ns relative to housewifery . Als the wh le art carving,illustrated by sixteen engravings . 99 No . 1 o m n 8: Co . New Y rk : Published by Mark H . New a ,

Broadway . [1841 ]

— 12m . 2 o s 5 144. o 1841 . . MH S . . plate , Illus . C pyrighted MS w “ See Th e m e n se 1 1 A rica h ou wife, 84 .

’ ’ n o m for 193 . The lady s a nual register,and h usewife s al anac,

1841 .

B oston : Willi am Crosby and Company,1 18 Washington street .

1841 .

— 2 A A . 9 . s 2mo . 1 0 . 1 . pp viii,( ) ,paper Illus

n e Ni e pages of cook ry .

’ 193 l of om o m - o or o . 3 . Manua d estic ec n y h use keeper s guide Comprisin g a very large collection of origin al receipts,derived om of o o Girarde fr the practical experience the auth r . By Ge rge y,

M . D .

o : 0 . o o . 1 Dayt n J hn Wils n,printer 184 . 15 . 6. Y pp DA TON PL .

’ ’ n e s e se e e Bi d r titl : H ou k ep r s Guide .

9 m a oo oo : n ol o f c for 1 3b . Te per nce c k b k bei g a c lecti n o re eipts oo l i i o Com c king,from which al intoxicat ng l qu rs are excluded . piled by a lady .

Philadelphia : Published by Gihon 8: Kucher . Printed by J . H .

. 1 841 . Gihon 8: Co ,Swanwick st . 2m 3 o . . NY PL . pp 160.

om ar e N 1 1 and 2 . C p os . 94 4

9 o i oo o 1 4. T tal abst nence c kery : being a c llection of receipts for oo om o i om c king,fr which all int xicating liqu ds are excluded . C piled by a lady . [Miss C . A . Neal] : umm s — n Philadelphia Eugene C i key 130 S . Sixth street . Pri ted

. . o 8: Co . . 1 by J H Gih n ,Swanwick st 841 . 2 ” 3 mo . 8 . 160. 1 v o 41 . . c pp C pyrighted AAS . A second editi on was published 18 months later,of which no copy h as een oun b f d . 56 American Cookery Books 842

1 84 2

9 m o s 1 5. No The A erican frugal h u ewife [Full entry . 27th o o editi n enlarged and c rrected by the author . m m 2 - o : . 8: oo 61 . New Y rk Sa uel S Willia W d,NO. Pearl street

2 1 mo .

om o e e of 30th e i on 1 No Fr c v r titl dit , 844,in Watkinson library . copy n fou d .

195 m a. a o The A eric n h usewife [Full entry No . Ninth o m o editi n i pr ved . New-York : Published by Dayton and Newman,corner of — o 1842. Fult n and Nassau sts . 2 1 mo . . 144. A pp A S .

N . 20 1 . so 3 Cf al o , Eighth edition 843 .

19 6. oo on m t C kery, a si ple and heal hful plan . By a practical o h usekeeper .

o o : o . 1842. B st n Ge rge W Light,3 Cornhill . 2 — 4mo . . 5 51 2 o 184 . pp ( ) , errata slip,paper . C pyrighted * On o e : on ne n e . c v r C fi d pri cipally to v getable food . AAS

9 1 6a . o for oo N Directi ns c kery [Full entry o. Fifteenth edition .

: 8: 42 18 . . Philadelphia Carey Hart . MS

’ o oo and oo : mo 196b . Everyb dy s c k receipt b k but re particularly designed for Buckeyes, Hoosiers, Wolverines, Corncrackers, m Suckers,and all epicures wh o wish to live with the present ti es . [Philomelia Hardin]

1842. Cleveland . 2m 1 o .

’ ’ - For o e m : oo oo . 197. H use ke per s al anac and g d wife s receipt b k the year of our Lord 1842 being the second after leap year, [wood-cut : a kitchen] containing an invaluable collection of o n o n receipes (sic) for boiling . baking . r asti g stewing frying p tti g, o for oos pastry,preserving,candying,etc . And full directi ns ch ing m meat,fowls,fish,ga e,8:c.

t . Philadelphia : Turner 8: Fisher,15 N . Six h street and Bal 10 o 1842 timore : H . A . Turner, N rth street,[ ]

m 4 o . 3 o . . A A s . S all t . pp 6 including c ver,paper Illus 842 American Cookery Books 57

9 m 1 7a . The sa e .

New York .

98 m 1 . The sa e . 1842 Philadelphia : Turner 8: Fisher,15 N . Sixth street . [ ]

36 o . . Small 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus

’ - 99 o m No . oo 1 . The h use keeper s al anac [Full entry [w d cut : fat man at table] o 8: 18 [New York Elton,publisher,107 J hn st . near Pearl, 1 42 Division street,New York . [ 8 ]

2m . 36 n o . A A s . . 1 o . pp ( ) includi g c ver,paper LC

’ ’

o m for 1842. 200. The lady s annual register,and h usewife s al anac,

B oston : William Crosby and Company,118 Washington street .


— 12mo . . 9 1 8 . A A s . pp viii, 0 ,paper . Illus

n n e Co tai s six pages of cook ry .

’ 2 m un1versal oo f o 01 . S ith s receipt b k o the culinary arts : c ntain ing one hundred and twenty—five of the most improved and popular receipts now in use ; consisting of bread,cake,and pastry,baking and cooking in general ; which will be found very m useful to bakers,housekeepers,8:c. [By Sidney S ith] - o f 2 2 . New Y rk : Printed or the author,184 . Price 5 cents 12m — o. . 5 34 2 pp iv,( ) , paper . Copyrighted,184 ,by Sidney

Smith .

2 o o or o on oo oo . 20 . The y ung h usekeeper th ughts f d and c kery o By Wm . A . [Alexander] Alc tt,author of the Young husband, ’ Young wife,Young mother,Young woman s guide,Ho use I live

o o . in,8:c. Fifth stere type editi n

3 o . o . . B oston : George W . Light, C rnhill S ld by D S King, 1 Cornhill, and by the principal booksellers throughout the

1842 . United States . m l6 0 . . 42 . o 1 3 4 NYP L . pp C pyrighted 8 8.

2 m 03 . o No 189 The A erican h usewife [Full entry . ] Eighth m edition i proved . m 99 o : 1843 . New Y rk Dayton and New an,1 Broadway . 2 1 mo . . 2 e o 1841 . . NYP L . pp plates,144,Illus . C pyright d MS A n editi on published by Dayton 8: Saxton in 1841 is also ca lled eighth “ ” e m N 1 on o a e o. 95a N n e n diti ; c p r , i th ditio . 58 American Cookery Books 1 843

2 m oo . n 04. The co plete c k Plai and practical directions for cook ing and housekeeping ; with upwards of seven hundred receipts consisting of directions for the choice of meat and poultry ; prep arations for cooking,making of broths and so ups ; boiling,roast n of m o o o n s ing,baking,and fryi g, eats,fish,8:c. seas nings,c l uri g , cooking vegetables ; preparing salads, clarifying ; making of n s n e pastry,puddi gs,gruel ,gravies,gar ishes,8:c. and,with gen ral e on dir ctions for making wines . With additions and alterati s,by f h e o on o t . J . M . Sanders , Franklin H use — m At top of cover title Price twenty five cents . At botto and sold by all booksellers and news agents .

e n 1 43 . Philadelphia : L a and Bla chard . 8

— o 5 e 13 196 4 . 12mo . pp . c ver title, l aves,vi,( ) , leaves,paper

L CP . . . Copyrighted 1843 . P CU This book is sometimes found bound up with Th e complete confec ” r ti one , 1844.

oo m c for 1843 : o n of 200 205. The c kery al ana c ntai ing upwards oo - m recipes in cookery,confectionery 8:c 8:c. [w d cut : Father Ti e and the zodiac] 9 - on 8 . . [New York Robert H . Elt , Nassau street,N Y

2m 36 o . A A s . NYH S . 1 o . pp . including c ver,paper

f o No 2 o or o . 06. Directi ns c kery [Full entry Eighteenth edition .

1843 . Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

— 3 NYP L . 18 7. 2 7 4 68. . o 1 mo . pp . ( ) Illus C pyrighted

For 2 om o om : . 07. D estic ec n y being five hundred receipts culin

o . ary,medicinal, and miscellaneous purposes . By P . P . R ger

Third edition enlarged .

Bos ton : J oseph Dowe,22 Court street . MDCCCXLIII .

— 2 BP L . NH H S . m 9 62 o 184 . 16 o . pp . vi,( ) . C pyrighted

’ ’ - m oo -cut 2 m o . 08. (Fisher s) te perance h use keeper s al anac [w d fountain with cupids] With 35 engravings ; and directions for f n — — o — 1843 . e e or o carving . With r cip s b ili g baking r asting stew ing-frying,p otting— pas ting— preserving— candying :— and full in m structions for choosing meat,poultry,fish,ga e,8:c.

At top of title : 1843,calendar correct for the whole country . m oo - cu t : coo 1843 . [s all w d k at table] 1843 B oston : published by James Fisher,71 Court street . [ ]

m . 36 n o . . 12 o . pp i cluding c ver,paper Illus

60 American Cookery Books 1 843

’ 213 . Mrs . [Sarah (Stickney) ] Ellis s housekeeping made easy ; or complete instructor in all branches of cookery and domestic economy containing the most useful and approved receipts,of m daily service in all fa ilies . By Mrs . Ellis . to of : o At p page Illustrated,revised and enlarged editi n . o : 8: n 222 o 1843 . New Y rk Stringer T w send, Broadway . 2 — 1 mo . . 9 12 e pp viii,( ) 0,pap r . Illus .

2 m 14. e The te perance cook book . Third dition,enlarged and m o o n two e i pr ved,c ntaini g hundred and sixty rec ipts . By Miss “ m C . A . Neal . Te perance,will thy beams alon e Gild the spot that gave thee birth ! Other climes its sway shall ow n,See,it ’ e bursts o r all the earth . : 8: 13 A sh Philadelphia Perkins Purves, 4 Chestnut street . I

m . 1843 . ead 8: Co printers . 24m 107 . o o . . 4 pp ,paper C pyrighted 18 3 .

’ ’ ’ 2 m o o - m 15. Turner s i pr ved h use keeper s al anac and good wife s boo f r f e recipe k o the year o our Lord 1843 . B ing the third year oo — : om e m after leap year . [w d cut a kitchen] Being a c pl te fa ily guide to health and comfort : and a plain and practical system of m o 8:c. d estic cookery,art of carving,8:c. n oo Turner 8: Fisher,15 North street,Philadelphia . Juve ile b ks, n s o g books,prints,and almanacs .

2 A A . 3 o . s . 8vo . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper LC

1 844

m o No . 216. The A erican frugal h usewife [Full entry

Thirtieth edition,enlarged and corrected by the auth or .

261 . 8: m oo No . New York : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl street


12m . . o . 130. o . pp . fr ntis , AAS w Th e cov er title of th e only copy found says : twenty-sev enth edition, o e with ut dat .

m - o o 216a . The sa e . Twenty ninth editi n,enlarged and c rrected by the author .

No 261 e . 8: m oo . New York : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl str et

1844. A A s .

- Cover title also says : twenty seventh edition,without d ate.

m oo or om oo of 216b . The A erican receipt b k, ,c plete b k refer ence ; containing valuable and important receipts for cookery, 1 844 A merican Cookery Books 61 pastry,preserving,pickling,confection ary,distilling,perfumery,

m . varnishing,che icals,dyeing,and agriculture . By A . S . Wright

Three thousand receipts .

1844. Philadelphia : Lindsay 8: Blakiston .

359. pp .

m — o o o coo . 217. The c plete c nfecti ner,pastry k and baker Plain and practical directions for making confectionary and pastry,and for baking ; with upwards of five hundred receipts : consisting of directions for making all s orts of preserves,sugar-boiling,comfits, lozenges, ornamental cakes, ices, liqueurs, waters, gum-paste ornaments,syrups,j ellies,,c omp otes,bread-baking, artificial yeasts,fancy biscuits,cakes,rolls,muffins,tarts,pies,

8:c. o o o o 8:c. With additi ns and alterati ns,by [Elean r] Parkins n, o practical c nfectioner,Chestnut street .

18 4. Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard . 4 2m — 13 . o 1844. 1 o . pp . xii,( ) 154,leaf, paper C pyrighted “ A A s fi E 1 . H U . L OP .

“ This is sometimes found bound up with Th e complete cook, of f e en e di f r t d at s .

f 218. c on or oo Dire ti s c kery [Full entry NO . Twentieth m a edition . With i provements,supplementary receipts, nd a new appendix .

844. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart . 1 2 — 1 mo . . 7 51 o 1837. pp ( ) 1 . Illus . C pyrighted

B P L . . LC

“ ’ NO o of th e n ne een e See ss es e c py i t th dition h as been found . Mi L li s m o e e oo e . 1851 c pl t c k ry .

’ 219. Every lady s book : an instructor in the ar t of making every of variety plain and fancy cakes,pastry . confectionery,blanc mange, j e llies, ice creams,and other useful information for ” o o o o . of rdinary and h liday ccasi ns By a lady New York . [Mrs . m Tho as J . Crowen]

o : . . w Cro en No 633 o . New Y rk Published by T J , . Br adway 844 1 . 25 Price cents . 2m 1 o . 87 . . o 1843 NYP L . pp ,paper C pyrighted .

’ ’ 22 - 0. Fisher s economical housekeeper s 1844 [wood cut : dished m m eats,etc] al anac . Containing directions for boiling,baking, o cand n r asting,stewing,frying,pastry,preserving, y g (sic) 8:c.

8: c. 8:c.

to of : For o s At p page the n rthern,ea tern,and middle states . 62 American Cookery Books 1 844

: 8: s No 15 o . Philadelphia Turner Fi her, . N rth Sixth street And 74 m ee Chatha str t,New York .

12 . mo . . 24 n n pp ( ) i cludi g cover,paper . MS

Th e on o o n h as as a e m e ly c py f u d l t p g utilat d .

221 . oo o e N The g d h useke per [Full entry o . Seventh edition .

1 44. B oston : Otis,Broaders,and Company . 8 16m — — 39 x 11 144. . o 18 . o . pp . (vii) ,( ) Illus C pyrighted

A A S . H U . NYSL .

o of om oo on o 222. The handb ok d estic c kery ; c taining directi ns for preparing upward of four hundred dishes .

New York : James Langley, 180 Broadway . Philadelphia

1844. o o 8: . Thomas Cowperth wait 8: Co . B st n : Tappan Dennet

— “ fi E1 . 32m 5 95. A A s o . o . pp . fr nt , ( )

222a . The house book [Eliza Leslie] Seventh edition .

1844. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

8vo . . 436 pp .

’ ’

s for 1844. 223 . The housekeeper s annual,and ladies regi ter :

No . 8 ee o B oston : Redding and Co . , ,State str t ; New Y rk

Burgess and Stringer ; Philadelphia : Zieber and CO. ’ — 9 . . 16mo . 1 1 6 o o . pp . c l d fr ntis , viii ( ) ,paper Illus

A A S . L C .

“ ’ Previous ly published under the name : Th e lady s annua l regis ter,and ’

se on a n a es of oo e . o e e es hou wife s a lmanac . C t i s 5 p g c k ry C v r titl giv — 1 . irn rintz m n New se es No . os on : . a e nd o a . p B t T . H C rt r a C p y ri ,

2 m o o s or oo of e en rav 2 4. The i pr ved h u ewife, b k r ceipts ; with g

m e . . . . ings for marketing and carving . By a arri d lady [Mrs A L Webster] She looketh well to the ways of her household,and ’ f — o omo eateth not the bread o idleness . S l n

1844. Hartford . — — 1843 2 2 3 . o o . v 1 1 . 16mo . pp . fr ntis ,(iv) , xi, Illus C pyrighted, ,

s . . by Mrs . A . L . Web ter CU

2 o . m . o 2 5. The sa e The sec nd editi n,revised

1844. Hartford .

— — 1843 . 2 2 4 . o v 1 1 . 16mo . pp . xi, Illus C pyrighted

’ m n o own oo con 226. The kitchen co pa ion,and h use keeper s b k, taining all the modern,and most approved methods 1 n cookery, 1 844 A merican Cookery Books 63 pastry,8: con fectionary,with an excellent collection Of valuable recipes,to which is added,the whole art of carving,illustrated . [wood-cut : a kitchen] 15 o Philadelphia : Published by Turner 8: Fisher,no . N rth

1844. Sixth street ; 74 Chatham street,New York .

NYP L . 36 o . . 12mo . pp . including c ver,paper Illus

22 o No . 7. The kitchen direct ry [Full entry

18 . m 199 o . 44 New York : Mark H . New an, Br adway

— 1841 . NYP L . 2 5 144. s . o 12mo . pp . plates, Illu C pyrighted

m m of oom for 228. The anage ent the sick r ,with rules diet ; cook ery for the sick and c onvalescent ; and the treatment of the sudden illnesses and vario us accidents that require prompt and om om m o j udicio u s care . C piled fr the latest edical auth rities,by a lady of New York,under the approval and recommendation of ’

o of s m o o . Charles A . Lee,M . D . edit r Paris phar ac l gia,etc

174 o . o o New York : James Mowatt 8: Co ., Br adway S ld als by

1844. all periodical agents and booksellers .

— — 1844. 2m v 10 107 . o 1 o . pp . iv,( ) ix,( ) ,paper C pyrighted

E1 . 17 Cov er imprint : New York : Published by James M owa tt 8: Co . , 4 and a na a nd Broadway,corner of M aid en Lane ; Redding and Co ., Br i rd Zeiber and os on G eo . ones an . e a o . . Co . ,B t ; J ,Alb y ; A Burk ,Buff l ; B G , mo e nson and a o a e W m . a o a o R . G . B rf rd, Phil d lphia ; T yl r, B lti r ; R bi

ne n n o st. New ea s 18 . to f Jo s,Ci ci nati ; John Sly,64 R yal , Orl n . 44 At p o e en -five en s cov r : price tw ty c t .

229 . m o o oo . M dern d estic c kery And useful receipt book . Adapted for m n fa ilies by W . A . He derson . m os o : W . . o 184 o B t n J Reyn lds . 4; W rcester : Published by S . A .

o n 1844. H wla d . 12m — — o . . o . e 2 3 6 1 pp fr ntis ,engr . titl , plates, (5) 360,( ) ,

. . B P L . . xii Illus A A s . CU

e e o o n h as n e e e See No . 2 5. N ith r c py f u d a pri t d titl pag . 4

230. The New England economical housekeeper,and family re

i t oo . ce . o n p b k [By Mrs Esther Allen H wla d .] 2 — — 1 mo . . o . 13 88. E . I . pp fr ntis , xi xii,( ) MS . P Th e s e on fir t diti .

231 . A new sy stem of domestic cookery : founded upon principles of o om to of m ec n y and adapted the use private fa ilies . By Mrs . Ketel om — [Maria Eliza ( by) ] Rundell . Fr the sixty seventh L on don m edition . Aug ented and improved by the addition of more 64 American Cookery Books 844 than n ine hundred new receipts,s uited to the present state of th e of oo e art c k ry . 2 e : e and 1 6 s s . 1 4 Philad lphia Car y Hart, Che tnut treet 84 . 2m — 1 o . . 12 2 Y H U . N P L . pp xi,( ) 74, MS .

’ ’ 2 2 s m o o s - m n nd m 3 . Turner i pr ved h u e keeper s al a ac : a fa ily rec ipe book : for the year of ou r Lord 1844 being bissextile or leap oo - : om e m e to e year . [w d cut a kitchen] A c plet fa ily guid h alth and comfort : plain and practical sy stem of domestic cookery,8:c.

Turner 8: Fi sher,New York and Philadelphia .

m A A . . 36 c o . . s S all 4to . pp . ( ) in luding c ver,paper Illus LC

T e e oo en 232a . h Unit d States practical receipt b k [Full try

No .

o o Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston,N . W . C rner F urth

1844. and Chestnut sts .

2m 9 . 35 . 1 o . pp . MS 1 845

233 me n e o om o e m . The A rica c n ical h usek eper,and fa ily receipt

. . t o n . b ook . By Mrs E A . [Es her Allen] H wla d

1845. o n . Worcester : Published by S . A . H wla d

16mo .

s o w as a s o s e n e From Anderson sale ca talogu e,1926. Thi w rk l publi h d u d r “ ” title of Th e New Engl and economica l housekeeper .

m . e o on . 233a . The sa e St re type editi

1845. 8: Co . Cincinnati : Published by H . W . Derby

— 108. A A s . m o . 7 16 o . pp . fr ntis ,( ) Cover title reads : Th e New Engl and economica l housekeeper and 135 ain o es e : s e . . o an family receipt b ook . W rc t r Publi h d by S A H wl d, M ee Str t .

No m c o s . 234. The A eri an frugal h u ewife [Full entry

Thirtieth e dition,enlarged and corrected by th e author .

261 e . 8: m oo NO . New York : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl stre t


130. o . 12mo . pp . fr ntis ,

—first o o 23 m . 5. The sa e Thirty editi n,enlarged and c rrected by the author .

8: m oo No . 261 . New York : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl street


13 . o e on . 0 12mo . pp . c ver titl ,fr tis , 5 184 . Cov er says : thirtie th edition . 1 845 America n Cookery Books 65

2 o for oo NO . 36. Directi ns c kery [Full entry Twenty o sec nd edition .

1845. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

— 2m 37. H P . 5 11 . . o 18 S 1 o . pp . title page,( ) 5 Illus C pyrighted

2 36a . m . The sa e Twentieth edition.

1845. . Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart . AAS

e e 218. Exc pt for dat ,identi cal with No .

— m . o . 236b . The sa e Twenty third editi n

m . 1845. s Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

m N o oo o . 236C. D estic c kery [Full entry — m 1 4 . o o No . 216 o st. 8 5 Baltimore : H . C lburn,bo kseller, Balti re

2m . 180. 1 o . pp . LC

23 o of om o om : om 7. An encycl paedia d estic ec n y c prising such subj ects as are most immediately connected with housekeeping ; as,the construction of domestic edifices,with the modes of warm ing,ventilating,and lighting them ; a description of the various articles of furniture ; a general account of the animal and v ege table substances used as food,and the methods of pre serving and preparing them by cooking ; making bread ; materials employed in dress and the toilet ; business of the laundry ; description of the various wheel—carriages ; preservation of health ; domestic medi

m . . c. s s 8:c. 8:c. o S 8: cine, , By Th as Webster,F . G , ,as i ted by the “ ” m m om late Mrs . [Willia ] Parkes,author of Do estic duties . Fr h e t o m m . last London edition . With n tes and i prove ents by D

M. D . f . . o o [David] Meredith Reese,A ,M . , New Y rk Illustrated ne with nearly o thousand engravings . o : o NO 82 ff New Y rk Published by Harper 8: Br thers, . Cli

1845. street . 8v 3 — 2 — 2 o . . o pp leaves, (ix) xxiv,( 5) 1 38. Illus . C pyrighted

1845. E1 . BA .

oo NO . . om . 238. Every lady s b k [Full entry [Mrs Th as J

o . Crowen .] Sec nd edition m No 16 . 1845. New York : J . K . Well an, . Spruce street — m w . 5 108. o 1843 . . ro en . 16 o . pp . iv,( ) C pyrighted, ,by T J C LC

’ 9 oo o f m 23 . Every lady s b k : an instruct r in the art o aking every variety of plain and fancy cakes,pastry,confectionary,blanc mange,jellies,ice creams,also,for the cooking of meats,v ege

f o . . m wen . 8:c. 8: c. o Cro tables, , By a lady New Y rk [Mrs Tho as J . ] 66 American Cookery Books 1 845

o : m . . No . 1 e New Y rk Published by J K Well an, 6 Spruce str et . 1845 .

5 — 16mo . 1 6 4 . o Crow en . ( ) ,paper C pyrighted,1843,by T . J .


This is an enlar gement of th e last title,but is called a second edition on th e o e c v r .

m 240. The fa ily book of rare and valuable recipes,with all the modern and most approved methods in cookery,pastry,confec tionary,dyeing,varni shing,painting,cemen ting,glueing,purify 8: ing, c.,to which is added,th e complete family doctor,compiled m by an e inent physician . n 15 o Tur er 8: Fi sher,No . N rth Sixth street,Philadelphia ; 4 7 Chatham street,New York . [ca .

12m . o . . o . 33 . A A s pp fr ntis , ,paper . Illus

Turner 8: Fisher w ere at these addresses from 1843 to 1849.

2 m 40a . am m n For The f ily anual edited by Ti othy Trai er . m o m n e e o erly an fficer in the British ar y . Seve te nth st re typed o of f o editi n five tho usand each . upwards o copies s ld f n east o the Alleghany Mountai s .

1845. New York : Published for the editor . 2 3 . 8vo . pp .

’ 2 m n o . o C n 41 House keepers al anac : a d the y ung wife s oracle . taining over 200 valuable receipts in cookery, confectionary, - m 8: c. 1845. oo : pastry,8:c. [w d cut fe ale figure and cupids] New Nafis 8: Publi shed at 1 8 Divi sion street, York . Sold by

- Cornish,278 Pearl street .

m . 2m 36 o . s 1 o . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper

’ f 2 2 o e : or 1845. 4 . The h us keepers annual and laides register [On 2 cover : new series NO . ] 8: om offi of B oston : Published by T . H . Carter C pany, ce the

Living Age,1 18 Washington street ; New York : J . W . Leslie : mo Burgess,8: Co . ; Philadelphia Clause and Canning ; Balti re

Shurtz and Taylor . ’ — 12 9 6 . . A A s . 2m . o o . 1 o pp . c l d fr ntis , viii ix, ,paper Illus

e Contains 8 pages of cook ry .

’ o s om o o m 243 . The h usekeeper assistant, c p sed up n te perance principles,with instructions in the art of making plain and fancy cakes,puddings,pastry,confectionery,ice creams,j ellies,blanc

68 A merican Cookery Books 1 845

o of m t of vari us kinds eat and vegetables . Wi h a variety useful m Old infor ation and receipt s never before published . By an

o s o m . h usekeeper . [Ann H . Allen] Plea e t exa ine ’

1845. B oston : Dutton and W entworth s Print,Congress street .

2 H U . 14 . 16mo . pp . ,vi

d e 248. o en n o The s uthern gard er a rec ipt book . C ntaining dirce tions for gardening ; a collection of valuable receipts for cookery, the preservation of fruits and other articles of ho u sehold con s m o nd f f e e o n o of r u pti n,a or the cure o dis as s . By P . Th r t n, Ca n ' den lin Second o m o e . ,S outh Caro a . editi n,i pr v d and enlarged f e 248 o Printed or the author,by A . L . D nnis, Br ad street,

1845. Newark,New Jersey . — — 1839. A A S . L C. 2m v l4 403 . o 1 o . pp . ( ) ix, ( ) C pyrighted N o copy of th e fir st editi on h as b een found .

’ ’ 2 9 m e - m n and m 4 . Turner s i prov d house keeper s al a ac ; fa ily recipe book : for th e year of ou r Lord,1845 the 69th of American — om m independence . [wood cut : a kitchen] Being a c plete fa ily guide to health and comfort : with a plain and practical system of domestic cookery,pastry,confectionery,candying,preserving,


o and . Turner 8: Fisher,N . Y rk, Philadelphia

m 4 o . 32 n o . . A A s . S all t pp . ( ) i cluding c ver,paper Illus

2 9 m 4 a . The sa e .

Philadelphia and New York : Turner 8: Fi sher . MS .

2 or m of t o 50. Valuable receipts the ystery weal h ; c ntaining the ’ lady s cook-book,together with several hundred very rare re ceipts and paten ts,to be found in no other work . By J . H . Pres cott,M . D . 4 B ost on : Printed at the ofli ce of Mead and Beal,No . ,State

1845. street .

NH H . 1845. B P L . . S 48 . o 16mo . pp . ,paper C pyrighted LC

1 846

25 m o e No . 1 . The A erican frugal h usewif [Full entry

- n n o o . Thirty first editio . E larged and c rrected by the auth r

N 261 . m e 8: m oo o . New York : Sa u l S . Willia W d, Pearl street

1846. 2m 1 o .

No copy found . 1 846 American Cookery Books 69

m o s No . t 25la . The A erican h u ewife [Full entry Eigh h edition improved . 99 NO . 1 m 8: Co . New York : Published by Mark H . New an ,

o 1846. Br adway .

n . 4 A 11 3 . 12m . 2 o 14 . o. pp ,fr tis ,

om o o No . 251b . The c plete c nfecti ner [Full entry

c 1846. Philadelphia : Lea and Blan hard .

NYP L . 154. . pp . LC

N 2 1 om oo o . 5 c. The c plete c k [Full entry

1 46. Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard . 8

9 . NYP L . 1 6. pp . LC

NYP s e s as o . L list W . G . L wi auth r

o f No . 252. Directi ns or cookery [Full entry Twenty fourth edition .

1846. Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart . 2m e 1 o . pp . title pag , Illus .

om oo NO . o o . 252a . D estic c kery [Full entry Sec nd editi n m e 2 2 m e— 4 . 18 6. Balti or : Cushing 8: Bro , 6 Balti or st .

2 2 m s . 1 mo . . 4 pp 7.

m m 252 . No b Do estic duties [Full entry . Tenth A erican m fro the last London ed .

6. . 8: o 184 New York Harper Br thers . 9 — 408. . pp . vii ( ) Illus

2 2 ’ oo No . o for 5 C. Every lady s b k [Full entry als the

8:c. cooking of meats,vegetables,8:c. , New e e m N . O . 1 16 York : Publish d by J K . W ll an, Nassau

1846. street . 2 1 . A A s . 1 mo . pp . 46 ( P)

’ m e e n tr Wrapper h as title : Ev ery lady s cook book . A co pl t practical i s uc tor ln th e t f me an and r ean e New o : son and ar o A ric Eu op c ook ry . Y rk Wil m o n 15 e s ee e 25 en s . C pa y, Spruc tr t . Pric c t

m 253 . The fa ily companion,containing many hu ndred rare and useful receipts,on every branch of d omestic economy ; embracing cookery,the cure of di seases,the propertie s and use of the prin cipal plants used as medicine,housewifery, dyeing, coloring,

c m 8: . o cleaning,purifying, e enting, c By J . R . Wells,M . D . Sec nd edition . 70 A merica n Cookery Books 846

o on : fo h e r t 1846. B st Printed author . m — 12 o . . 5 72 o e pp iv,( ) ,paper . C pyright d 1846. MS . N O . 26oa is th e rs e on of s fi t diti thi book .

25 en 4. The Fr ch cook,a full and literal translation of La petite ” cu isiniere habile, giving plain directions for making the most celebrated and delicio us p otages, en trées, entremets, crémes, fru itures s e es ss confi e t , auc s,pat , pati erie, tur s, gelées, 8:c. wi h o om e n f s delicacy and ec n y . With full dir ctio s or preserving fruit , me s fish and e at , , veg tables . o : W m m New Y rk Published by . H . Graha ,Tribune Build

. 1846 ings . 12m 2 o . . m . 1 0 e . s pp ,pap r Copyrighted 1846. Th e cover title h as a t top : Price tw en ty-fi ve cen ts, and in centre : 3 - n e w ood cut of a party at di n r .

m oo e . o oo 255. French c k ry The dern c k,a practical guide to the culinary art in all its branches,adapted,as well for th e largest e s m s as for th e of e m e s me stabli h ent use privat fa ili s . By Charle El F rancatelli, pupil of the celebrated Careme, and late maitre ’ t m d h6tel and chief cook to Her Majes ty the Qu een . Wi h nu er ou s illustrations . L e a n n 1 46 Philadelphia : a d Bla chard . 8 .

— — “ fi NYS . v v 13 540 . A A s 8 o . pp . (iv) ,( ) xii,( ) , Illus

’ T h e New York S ociety Librar y s copy h as four additiona l pages of e sin t th nd adv rti g a e e .

2 en om t oo om n n on 56. Fr ch d es ic c kery,c bi i g elegance with ec omy ; describing new culinary implemen ts and processes ; the m anagement of th e table ; ins tructions for carving ; French,Ger m an,Poli sh,Spanish,and Italian cookery ; in twelve hundred of new mo of and o receipts . Besides a variety des keeping st ring

m n of n . 8: c. t provi sions,domes tic hints,8:c. Manage e t wi es Wi h o s A u dot many engravings . [By L uis Eu tache ]

New York : Harper 8: Broth ers,publishers,82 Cliff street .

1846. * — U . . 340. . A A s . . H m . v 16 o . pp ( ) xi, Illus BU CU

“ ” A n adapted trans la tion of L a cu isiniére de la compagne et de la ville .

’ ’ 2 o s e s : for 1846. 57. The h u ekeep r s annual and ladies regi ter 1846 B ost on : Crosby 8: Nicho ls,1 18 Washington street . [ ]

— — v 8 84 4 . s . A A s . . 12mo . pp . iv,( ) vii, , ,paper Illu LC

Contains 4 pages of cookery . 1 846 American Cookery Books 71

m o o No . e 257a . The i pr ved h usewife [Full entry Sev nth edition .

846. Hartford . 1

o NO . 258. The kitchen direct ry [Full entry

No . 199 m 8: Co . New York : Published by Mark H . New an ,

1846. Broadway .

— m s . H U . 2 1841 . l. 5 144. . o 12mo . pp . p , Illus C pyrighted

2 9 m of omo o oo ne for 5 . A anual h e pathic c kery,desig d chiefly the m use of such persons as are under ho eopathic treatment . By the o of wife of a homeopathic physician . With additi ns,by the wife “ L O o an American homeopathic physician . principal que hag es, assistir a sus comidas y cenas,y dexarle comer de lo que me parece que le conviene,y a quitarle lo que imagino que le ha de ” z m ha er dafi o,y ser nocivo al esto ago . Cervantes .

m 22 1846. New York : Willia Radde,3 Broadway .

— “ 2 m A A s fi BPL . 5 176 4. o 1846. 4 o . pp . iv,( ) , C pyrighted

“ ” A second edition with alterations and additions, of which no copy h as me been found,was published th e same year,according to a n advertise nt .

’ 2 om oo : 60. Miss Beecher s d estic receipt b k designed as a sup m to n om c om ple ent her treatise o d estic e on y . [By Catherine Esther Beecher]

1846. New York : Harper 8: Brothers,82 Cliff street . 2 1 mo . 293 o 1846. pp . xiii, , Illus . C pyrighted “ L CP . . A A s fi B P L . LC . w

o 260a . A new and valuable b ok,entitled the family companion

[Full entry No . By J . R . Wells . M . D .

184 . B oston : Printed for the author . 6

12m 2 . . 7 . o pp . MS

See N 5 th e r s e n 2 3 of s is o . o. , which thi fi t diti

o om o n 261 . The New England ec n ical h usekeeper, a d family

M s . n o . . o . o receipt b ok By r . E A [Esther Alle ] H wland Stere type edition .

o o . Worcester : Published by S . A . [S uthw rth Allen] Howland


2 — 1 m . . ll 1 8. o m . o pp . frontis , ( ) 0 C pyrighted 1845. s

oo No . 26la . The skilful housewife s b k [Full entry By

Mrs . L . G . Abell . 72 American Cookery Books 846

’ f— ome n For 1847. Hal title : The lady s d stic a nual .

- — e 126 . 1846 New York : Published by D . New ll, Nassau street [ ]

2m . . o o e on s 2 m . 08. s 1 o pp c l r d fr ti . ,

This is prob ably th e first edition .

’ ’ 2 m o o s — e s m m re 26 . Turner s i pr ved h u e keep r al anac,and fa ily For of our o 1846 7 th of m ceipt book . the year L rd, the 0 A erican e oo — ind pendence . [w d cut : a kitchen]

At top of title page : For the middle and western states .

o . Published by Turner 8: Fisher,N . Y rk,and Philadelphia [1846]

m 34 o . . . S all 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus AAS

n e c oo : or om oo 263 . The U it d States practical re eipt b k ,c plete b k of referen ce,for the manufacturer,tradesman,agriculturist,or housekeeper ; containing many tho u sand valuable receipts,in all m the useful and domestic arts,by a practical che ist . o of o Philadelphia : Lin dsay 8: Blakiston,N . W . c rner F urth

1846. and Chestnut sts .

2m 9 1 44. 35 . o 8 1 o . pp . C pyrighted

or . . o . . 263a . Valuable receipts, secrets revealed By J Q Jacks n,A M

1846. B oston . m W 16 o . r .

m 2 for oo of m an . 63b . Vegetable substances used the f d The Fa ily 69 Library 1 .

1846. New York : Harper 8: Bros . 2 1 2 . 7 1 mo . pp ,

N 1 11 a . o o . 263c. The Virginia h usewife [Full entry ]

1846. 8: CO . Philadelphia : Published by E . H . Butler

— 2 o n o e or o on oo and coo . 64. The y u g h us keeper, th ughts f d kery f o m . o o o By W . A [Alexander] Alc tt,auth r the Y ung husband, ’

8:c. Yo ung wife,Young woman s guide,House I live in,8:c.

Sixth stereotype edition .

1846. 1 o . B oston : Waite,Peirce 8: Company,No . C rnhill * . 1838. A A s . 390. o m . 16 o . pp C pyrighted P

’ o o e or to om 265. The y ung h useke per s friend ; ,a guide d estic

oo o . economy and comfort . By Mrs . [Mary H ker] C rnelius B oston : Published by Charles Tappan,1 14 Washington street ;

1846. New York : Saxton 8: Huntington . 1 846 American Cookery Books 73

— “ 1 m 9 A fi E1 . NYP L . 7 1 0. o 1845. A s . 6 o . pp . vi,( ) C pyrighted EFL Probably th e second edition,though no earlier edition h as yet been o n f u d . I S47 2 m m Th e oo NO . 65a . A erican fa ily receipt b k [Full entry

156 m . New York : Ensign,Bridgman,8: Fanning . Willia st [1847] 2 — 1 mo o w . r . . 5 1 . . pict rial pp ( ) 00 MS

m N . 266. The A erican frugal housewife [Full entry o

- e o o o . Thirty s c nd edition . Enlarged and c rrected by the auth r

2 . o 8: m oo No . 61 New Y rk : Samuel S . Willia W d, Pearl street 847 1 . * 2m A . E1 . 1 o . . o . A s pp fr ntis ,130.

o e e s e C v r titl say : thirti th edition . m 266a . The A erican housewife,or directions for preparing up of o mo o wards f ur hundred dishes in the st appr ved style . A n ners . 1847. Philadelphia : Henry F . 2 m — 9 4 o . . o . 3 5. pp fr ntis ,( ) A As .

2 m ’ 66b . The A erican lady s every day hand book of modern letter m om o writing,drea s and d estic c okery . A : . nners . 184 Philadelphia Henry F 7. 2 m 4 o . . 95 C0 1. o . pp . fr ntis m 267. The A erican system of cookery comprising every variety of o m o for o o o of inf r ati n rdinary and h liday ccasions . By a lady “ ’ o m f . o Crowen o o New Y rk,[Mrs Th as J . ] auth r Every lady s book of which th ere has been sold above two hundred thousand copi es . wen o : . . ro 1847. New Y rk T J C ,643 Broadway . 2m — — 1 o . . x . . o 1847. pp (v) ,vi ,( 11) 431 . C pyrighted BU CU

2 o o or o 68. The Car lina h usewife, h use and home : by a lady of

Charleston .

o : . . o 8: CO 1 4 Charlest n W R Babc ck . 8 7. 12m — 2 12 2 1 . o o . . 1847 m . NYP L . . pp xiv, C pyrighted . s CU

2 9 for oo 6 . o N Directi ns c kery [Full entry o. Twenty o eighth editi n new appendix .

1 4 . Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart . 8 7

— 12m . 7 51 1 . o o . . 1 37 pp ( ) Illus C pyrighted 8 .

No o es of th e 25th 26th and 27th e ons e een c pi , diti hav b found . 74 American Cookery Books 1 847

2 70. m Do estic French cookery,chiefly translated from Sulpice

Barué . z s e By Miss [Eli a] Le li . : 1 Philadelphia Carey and Hart . 847

om e semen in n me n a oo . See N 1 1 1847. N Fr adv rti t I dia l b k o . 4 . O o o c py f un d .

’ 27 - 1 . Dr . Oldcook s receipt book : with notes for the preservation “ of health . It has been obj ected that to teach anyone h ow to take care of his own health,is sure to do harm,by making him con stantly think of this and the other precaution,to the utter sacrifice f o every noble and gen erous feeling,and to the certain produc tion of hy pochondriacal peevishness and discontent ; the result, however,is exactly the reverse,and it would be a singular anom aly in the constitution of the moral world,were it otherwise ’ It would be a stigma on the Creator s wisdom,if true knowledge ” n s to o s omb . weakened the under ta ding and led inj uri us re ults . C e o : and o 1847. New Y rk Harper Br thers . 12m 144 o . . . o 1847. pp ,paper C pyrighted NYP L .

272. The economis t,or plain directions abo ut food and drink mo of N O . 1 s with the best des preparation . publi hed by the New o o for m o th e o o of e Y rk Ass ciates i pr ving c nditi n th poor .

o : 1847. New Y rk Leavitt,Trow 8: Co .,printers . 12m 2 o . . o NY L . pp c ver title,1 , H U . LC . S

2 2 m 7 a . The fa ily receipt book [Full entry No .

184 . Philadelphia : Printed for the publisher . 7 2 2 . 1 mo . . 7 pp and wrappers . AAS T o o r n a a e es e . p f f o t wrapper reads : Price 20 cents . B ck wr pp r carri t xt

’ o om o or to 272b . The frugal h usekeeper s kitchen c pani n, guide on o of oo economical cookery . C taining instructi ns in the art c king every kind of meats and vegetables,and in making plain and fancy cakes,puddings,pastry,confection ary,ice creams,j ellie s, to o m o and o ther delicacies . Dedicated th se A erican h usewives m wh o are not ashamed of economy . A fat kitchen aketh a lean ” z e will . Franklin . By Mrs . Eli a Ann Wh eler .

- 124 . 8: Co . New York : Published by H . Phelps , Nassau street


2 9 m s . . 6. 1 mo . pp . CU

Part of Th e American Family Library of Practical Knowledge . New York 1848,which also comprises Th e Family Doctor and Th e

American Family Receipt B oo k ( see 265a ),but with th e Phelps imprin t .

76 American Cookery Books 1 847

2 ’ 77a . s ome Mis Beecher s d stic receipt book [Full entry No .

Third editi on . New o : 8: o h 82 ff 1 847. Y rk Harper Br t ers, Cli street . 12m 29 3 2 . . o . pp . xiii, , 4 MS

’ 2 s s en 78. Mis Le lie s sev ty five receipts for pastry,cakes and s z n en weetmeats . By Miss [Eli a] Leslie Twentieth editio la e rg d .

o and n and om n . ca . New Y rk B oston : C . S . Fra cis C pa y [

24m . 12 . 2 o . . o pp 0 C pyrighted 18 7. LC

No copy h as been pl aced s in ce th e nin th edition,published in 1836 (No . Allowing an edition to a year w ould bring th e date of this edition 1 8 to 47.

2 9 o oo b e 7 . M dern c kery,in all its ranches : r duced to a system of e f e easy practice,for the use of private families . In a seri s o r ceipts,which have been strictly tested,and are given with the s e most minute exactness,by [Miss] . Illu trat d with - T o e o s for n umero u s wood cuts . which are added dir cti n carving, garn ishing,and se tting ou t the table ; with a table of weights and m easures ; th e whole revised and prepared for American ho u se m e o e . . o . o ke pers,by Mrs . S J [Sarah J sepha] Hale Fr the s c nd

Lond on edition .

4 . Philadelphia : L ea and Blanchard . 18 7

— — e 1845. L CP . 35 41 8. o 12m o . pp . (xvii) xxxiv,( ) C pyright d

280 o n ome oo and e oo . M der d stic c kery, us ful receipt b k

[Full entry No .

1847. B oston : I saac Tompkins,64 Cornhill .

— 2 . 5 360 2 . l o s . . 1 mo . pp . fr nti ,engr title,prin title, p ,( ) ,

— U. s . E1 . H (3) 61, xii . Illu

Th e e - ngrav ed title page is da ted 1845.

2 o om o e m re 81 . The New England ec n ical h useke per,and fa ily

t o . e o ceipt b ook . By Mrs . E . A . [Es her Allen] H wland St re type editi on .

o o o n . Worcester : Published by S . A . [S uthw rth Allen] H wla d


— 1845. . . 1 1 108. o o s . 12mo . pp . fr nti , C pyrighted MS EFL

m 281 a . The sa e .

m 1847. . New London : Published by B olles 8: Willia s . AAS

- Cov er reads : Price twenty five cents . 847 American Cookery Books 77

’ N 2 1 o oo o. 8 b . The skilful h usewife s b k [Full entry

- - 126 . New York : Published by D . Newell, Nassau street

’ - A A S . Half title : Th e lady s domes tic annual for 1848.

’ ’ m o o — m m t e 282. Turner s i pr ved h use keeper s al anac,and fa ily ei o For e f o 1 l of m c pt bo k . th year o ur Lord, 847 the 7 st A erican

— independence . [wood cut : a kitchen]

Turner 8: Fisher ; New York and Philadelphia .

m 3 . A A s . . 6 o . S all 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus LC

282aa . m The sa e .

: . NO 45 . . Philadelphia R Magee, . Chestnut St AAS

1 848

’ m m or o o 282a . The A erican fa ily keepsake : pe ple s practical cycl f paedia . A truthful book o facts and hints upon useful subjects expressly adapted to meet the wants of every man,woman and m ac oo . child in the United States . By the G d Sa aritan Entered cording to Act of Congress,in the year 1847,by H . B . Skinner ’ ffi f o of and J . B . Hall,in the clerk s o ce o the District C urt

Massachusetts .

os o 1848. B t n : Published at 66 Cornhill .

16m 2 . 1 1 . m s o. pp .

on e : s on s e a t n 18 8. Fr t wrapp r B o t publi h d Cor hill . 4

2 m o N 28 b . o The A erican Family receipt b k [Full entry O .

1 4 . New York : Ensigns 8: Thayer . 8 8 2 — 1 9 100. pp . , , m N n e s 8: Co . I pri t on cov er : ew York,H . Ph lp m 282 . bb . The sa e

. o 2 1 4 . New York : Published by H Phelps 8: C . , Nassau street


1 . 00 . pp . MS

2 2 m m of 8 C. oo The A erican syste c kery [Full entry No . w o . . Cro en . 1848 New Y rk : T J . — 1 1 . pp . x, 454

m 282d . An encyclopedia of do estic economy [Full entry

No .

o New Y rk : Published by Harper 8: Brothers for Henry Bill . 84 1 8. x . 78 American Cookery Books 848

2 2 m i . o 8 e . The fa ily gu de C ntaining directions for cookery,pastry

and confectionery .

184 . Harrisburg . 8 2m B P 1 o . L .

m 283 . The fa ily receipt book,containing several hundred valu able receipts,on every branch of domestic economy ; embracing cookery,the cure of diseases,the use of the principal roots and herbs used in medicine,making dyes,colo uring,cleaning,cement m m mo 8: . 8:c o o o ing, c . C piled fr the st authentic s urces by

H . Pinney .

184 . Philadelphia : Printed for the publisher . 8

— * 2 A . 5 2 . A s 1 mo . pp . iv,( ) 7 ,paper

On n o e : e s 1 7 e e s n in e on a e 84 . o fro t c v r price 20 c nt . Dat R c ipt c t u d b ck

cover .

283a . o o H tel keepers,head waiters,and h usekeepers guide . By m Tunis G . Ca pbell .

o o : oo 12 1848. B st n Printed by C lidge and Wiley, Water street .

32m 92 A . o . 1 . A s o . pp . fr ntis , pp

2 3 ’ 8 b . The frugal housekeeper s kitchen companion 2 72 . entry No . b]

- 124 . o : 8: Co . New Y rk Published by H . Phelps , Nassau street

1848. m s .

There is also an edition with th e Ensign,Bridgman 8: Fanning imprint, th but e type indicates th is to be a later reprint .

2 3 om oo No. 8 c. Miss Beecher s d estic receipt b k [Full entry

o . 277a] . Third editi n 4 18 8. . New York : Harper 8: Brothers,82 Cliff street . AAS

2 o om o m 84. The New England ec n ical h usekeeper, and fa ily

st o n . o receipt book . By Mrs . E . A . [E her Allen] H wla d Stere type

edition .

1848. New London : Published by Bolles 8: Williams .

— 1845. m s . . 108. o 2 o . 7 1 mo . pp . fr ntis ,( ) C pyrighted P

am . 284a . The s e

4 . o . 18 8 Worcester : Published by S . A . H wland

- A A S . Cover reads : Price twenty five cents .

’ 2 o ma : o on the manufac 85. The pe ple s nual c ntaining a treatise ture of butter,with articles relating to breeding animals ; fowls, eggs,th e manufacture of bread,the laws of health,bathing,ven 1 848 American Cookery Books 79

8:c. tilation,stoves,8cc. Also,nearly one hundred medicinal and f th e oth er receipts, or use of families . By experience and observa tion . [By Perrin Bliss]

o 1 . Worcester : Printed by Henry J . H wland,17 Main street [1848]

— 16mo . . o . 6 96 o 1848 pp fr ntis , ,paper . Illus . C pyrighted, , by Perrin Bliss . MS .

’ m o o mo 286. Sears new fa ily receipt b ok : c ntaining the st valuable receipts for the various branches of cookery,selected from the best auth orities : together with numerous approved receipts for brewing,preserving fruits,and making pickles,cordials,j ellies, f 8: . o o 8cc., c : with an appendix,c ntaining a variety receipts and o m directi ns,useful in fa ilies . New York : Published and sold by Robert Sears,128 Nassau

1848. street .

m s . 16mo . 36 o 1847. pp . ,paper . C pyrighted

“ ” See : A new family receipt book, New York,1835,of which this is e n n a r pri t with slight additio s .

’ ’ m o o m m re 287. Turner s i pr ved h usekeeper s al anac,and fa ily ls of m ceipt book,for the year of our Lord,1848. The 7 t A erican i oo — : ndependence . [w d cut a kitchen]

Turner 8: Fisher,New York and Philadelphia .

m 36 o . . A A s . S all 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus

2 m . 87a . The sa e f c N.W . o o o Philadelphia : R . Magee, C rner Se nd and Chesnut

Street . MS .

287 . o N b The Virginia h usewife [Full entry o.

. 8: Co . 1848. Philadelphia : E H . Butler 18 pp . 0.

- o No . 288. The young h use keeper [Full entry Eighth stereotype edition .

NO . 1 o . 1848. B oston : Charles H . Peirce, C rnhill

— 1838. 16m 5 424. o o . pp . ( ) C pyrighted

o o NO . 288a . The y ung h usekeeper s friend [Full entry

B oston : Tappan,Whittemore,8: Mason,1 14 Washington street .


2m 9 m s . 1 0. 1 o . pp .

Cover reads : Price 40 cents . 80 American Cookery Books 1 849

1 849

2 m e 89. o oo N The c pl te c k [Full entry o.

18 9. Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard . 4 2m 2 13 — 9 1 6. o 43 . 1 o . pp . leaves,vi,( ) C pyrighted 18

m . 289a . The sa e

Leary and Getz .

m 289 . oo o o . 2 9 o b C k and c nfecti ner The sa e as No . 8 ,b und with

No . 21 o m 7,als with i print given below . : s 224 o t Philadelphia Publi hed by Leary and Getz,NO . N r h

Second street .

— — 12mo . 13 196 154 A 1 3 . o . v . pp fr ntis , vi, , ,

’ wn 290. oo o o The c k s b ok [Full entry NO. o o Fran l o B ston : Munr e and c s ; New Y rk : Charles S . Francis . 9 184 .

3 3 o 3 12m . . 3 o 00 7 . 18 . pp frontis .,xlviii, , , Illus C pyrighted

29 . f N oa Directions or cookery [Full entry o. Thirty

second edition . 9 184 . Philadelphia : Carey 8: Hart .

2m m s . 51 1 . 1 0 . pp .

29 o of om o om : om 1 . An encycl paedia d estic ec n y c prising subjects connected with the interests of every individual ; such as th e con struction of domestic edifices ; furniture ; carriages,and instru o m e ments of domestic use . Als ,ani al and veg table substances used as food,and the methods of preserving and preparing them by cooking ; receipts,etc materials employed in dress and the toilet ; business of the laundry ; preservation Of health ; domestic m m 8: . om and . edicines,8:c. , c. By T [Th as] Webster Mrs [Willia ]

M. . Parkes . Edited by D . M . [David Meredith] Reese,A . ,M . D

Illustrated with nearly one thousand engravings .

New York : Published by Harper 8: Brothers for Henry Bill . 9 184 .

— — v 3 25 1238 3 . . 8 o . pp . leaves, (ix) xxiv,( ) , leaves Illus

’ 291 a o om o . The frugal h usekeeper s kitchen c pani n [Full N 2 2 7 b . entry O . ]

New York : Published by Ensign 8: Thayer,50 Ann st.,and

12 m s . ff o. 1849. Exchange st.,Bu al 849 A merican Cookery Books 81

om oo NO . 291b . Miss Beecher s d estic receipt b k [Full entry 2 77a] . Third edition .

1849. . New York : Harper 8: Brothers,82 Cliff street . AAS

’ 292 i t m oo and o n . Mrs . [El zabeth H] Pu na s receipt b k ; y u g — house keepers assistant .

B oston : Ticknor,Reed,and Fields . MDCCCXLIX .

— * 5 1 A A s . B P L . . 12m . 1 1 13 o . pp iv,( ) , , LC

’ ’ m o o — 18 m a 49 fam 292a . Turner s i pr ved h use keeper s al nac, and oo - : ily receipt book . [w d cut a kitchen]

Phi ladelphia : Turner 8: Fisher : No . 15 North Sixth Street ;

New York : 74 Chath am Street .

m 6 . 3 i o . . S all 4to . pp . ( ) ncluding c ver,paper Illus AAS

2 l NO . 29 b . Vegetable diet [Ful entry Second edition, e revis d and enlar ged .

1849. New York : Fowler and Wells . 3— 312 pp . xii,1 .

29 to to . o a 3 . The way live well,and be well while we live C nt in ing directi ons for choosing and preparing food,in regard to t o m a o heal h,ec no y,and taste . By Mrs . S . J . [Sar h J sepha] Hale, “ ’ ” “ ” o f m auth r of The ladies wreath . Traits o A erican life, “ “ ” — m . . Northwood, etc . Te perate in all things Bible Hartford : Printed and published by Case,Tiffan y 8: Compan y, f 9 o o 184 . Pearl street,c rner Trumbull . 12m — o . . 1 1 144 NH H S . pp x, ,paper . m “ o e s e un e th T e e e See No. F r rly publi h d d r e title: h e good hous ke p r . 1 79.

9 2 4. ou o The y ng h usekeeper [Full entry NO . Ninth stereotype edition .

d No . 1 o 9 o o : o 8: o 184 . B st n Str ng Br head, ,C rnhill . m — 2 * 16 o . . 5 4. o E1 4 A . A s . pp ( ) C pyrighted 1838.

9 ’ 2 5. o o The y ung h usekeeper s friend [Full entry No . i h o S xth t usand .

o o : mo 8: o B st n Tappan,Whitte re Mas n,1 14 Washington street . 9 184 .

2m — — 1 o . . v 7 86. o 1845. B P L . E1 . H U pp ( ) vi,( ) C pyrighted .

i s e on is s e 1 Th diti al o dat d 850. 82 American Cookery Books 850

1 850

m oo of oo 295a . The A erican b k c kery : containing more than five hundred receipts in every variety of cookery,never before pub

h . . lis ed By H B Skinner,M . D . ’ b o B oston : Pu lished by J . B . Hall . S ld at Skinner s publishing om 6 1 2 o ro s, 0 / C rnhill,up stairs . 1850.

2m . . 1 1 1 . o pp 0 AAS .

m o om o m 296. The A erican ec n ical h usekeeper,and fa ily receipt

oo . . o o o b k . By Mrs E A . [Eliza Allen] H wland . Sec nd th usand, m nd m i proved a enlarged fro the fortieth thousand .

o . 1850. Worcester : Published by S . A . H wland 2m — 2 Y o . 1 1 1 4. o 1845. U. 1 o . pp . fr ntis , C pyrighted This book w as first published under th e title Th e New Engl and economical housekeeper, without pages 109 to 124,which are called an en app dix .

29 m m oo o o of 7. The A erican fa ily receipt b k ; a new c llecti n nearly 500 rare and valuable recipes for the production and use of things essential to the health,wealth,comfort 8: convenience f m o o every household . Carefully prepared by an A erican h use

keeper . 9 1850 18 o . New York : Published by H . Phelps, Br adway

— 13 10 . 12m . 0 0 . pp xii,( ) ,paper

m o No . 298. The A erican frugal h usewife [Full entry

n o o o . Thirty seco d editi n . Enlarged and c rrected by the auth r

- No 261 . m 8: am oo . New York : Sa uel S . Willi W d, Pearl street


3 o 1835. . E I. o . 1 0. 12mo . pp . fr ntis , C pyrighted MS

1 5 T h e 32nd e on w as a so Cov er title says : thirtieth edition, 84 . diti l e 1 publish d in 847.

9 oo oo of to 2 8a . The c k b k rare and valuable recipes, which is

added the complete family doctor .

Philadelphia : Fisher and Bros .

128. pp .

’ ’ 9 m o o - 18 m 50 m 29 . Fisher s i pr ved h use keeper s al anac, and fa ily

oo - : receipt book . [w d cut a kitchen] o of o 8: Philadelphia : R . Magee,N . W . c rner Sec nd Chestnut

street .

36 o . . A A s . Small 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus

e Six pages of cook ry .

84 American Cookery Books 1 850

m 3 2a . 0 The sa e . - o : s 128 ss - 1850. New Y rk Publi hed at Na au Street . Angell 8: n 1 - st . Engel,Pri ters, Spruce A A s .

’ o n t es n s ensa e ss B u d wi h Ladi I di p bl A istant ( see No . 2 30 . m b The sa e . o D w : . . o Co . 139 s 1850. New Y rk F J and , Nas au st .

303 . om o Miss Beecher s d estic receipt b ok [Full entry No .

o 8: o 82 : 1850. New Y rk Harper Br thers, Cliff street . 2m — — 1 o . . pp (iii) xiii, 306, (5) 24,3, Illus . 8 6 o 1 4 . H YU. C pyrighted U .

’ ’ s e - 304. Miss [Eliza] Le li s lady s new receipt book ; a useful guide for large or small families,containing directions for cooking, preserving,pickling,and preparing the following articles accord to mo o s : o ing the st new and appr ved receipt ,viz . s ups,fish, meats,vegetables,poultry,oysters,game,puddings,pies,tarts, custards,ice creams,blanc-mange,cakes,confectionary,sweet m eats,j ellies,syrups, cordials, candies, perfumery,etc . Third edition,enlarged,with one hundred and twenty additional re ceipts for preparing farina,indian meal,fancy tea cakes,mar m “ ” “ to om oo . alades,etc . Being a sequel her C plete c kery Let these receipts be fairly and faithfully tried,and I trust that few,

- m n . if any,will cause disappoint e t in the result . Preface

. e 1850. Philadelphia : A Hart,late Car y 8: Hart . — “ 29 . . . NYP L . 12m . 4 4 o 50 436. o 1850 pp . ,( ) C pyrighted AAS LC

e a e e 18 Pr f c dat d 46.

4a o N 30 . M dern cookery [Full entry o .

e 1850. Philad lphia : Lea and Blanchard .

418. pp .

m one mo o s or ména ére . o 305. The dern h u ewife g C prising nearly thousand receipts,for the economic and j udicious preparation of every meal of the day,with those of the nursery and sick room, and minute directions for family management in all its branches . “ o o of Illustrated with engravings . By Alexis S yer,auth r The ”

m o s . gastronomic regenerator . Edited by an A erican h u ekeeper — o 8: om 200 o New York : D . Applet n C pany, Br adway ; Phila

1850. o 146 e . delphia : G . S . Applet n, Ch stnut st

— o 1849. 32 3 . 2mo . 364 4. 1 . pp vi, , Illus C pyrighted “ A A s fi B P L . E1 . H U . NH H S .

Th e advertising pages a t end are omitted in some copies . 1 850 A merican Cookery Books 85

’ n m e e oo o 306. Mrs . [Elizabeth H] Put a s r c ipt b k ; and y ung ’

and o . housekeeper s assistant . New enlarged editi n

B oston : Ticknor,Reed,and Fields . MDCCCL .

— 2m 5 1 1 134 o 1849. 1 o . pp . iv,( ) , , C pyrighted “ A A s fi E1 . NYP L .

o o of 1000 re 307. The practical co k book,c ntaining upwards ceipts ; consisting of directions for selecting,preparing and cook ing all kinds of meats,fish,p oultry and game,so ups,broths, vegetables,and salads ; also,for making all kinds of plain and fancy breads,pastries,puddings,cakes,creams,ices,j ellies,pre miscel m m e . . o o serves . ar alad s,etc .,etc ,etc ,t gether with vari us laneous receipts and numerous preparations for invalids . By

s f o on . Mrs . Bli s o B st o Philadelphia : Lippincott,Grambo 8: Co . ,success rs to Grigg,

1 50. Elliott 8: Co . 8 2 3 — 2 1 1 mo . . 1 5 o 8 0. pp iv,( ) 73 . C pyrighted

n o No . 308. The Virgi ia h usewife [Full entry

O . 1850. Philadelphia : Published by E . H . B utler 8: C 2 — 1 m . 2 13 180 o 18 8. o pp . xii,( ) , C pyrighted

3 9. 0 The young housekeeper s friend [Full entry No . h s Sixt thou and . os o m B t n : Tappan,Whitte ore 8: Mason,1 14 Washington street .


2 — — 8 o . 1 mo . . v 1845 pp ( ) vi,(7) 6. C pyrighted

s e i on is s n e 1 8 Thi dit al o fou d dat d 49.

1 85 1

309a . m f 295a . The A erican book o cookery [Full entry NO. ] ’ o o B st n : Published by J . B . Ball . S old at Skinner s publishing oom 60 o 1851 . r s, C rnhill,upstairs .

12m . o . 1 10. pp M S .

so a e e 1850 o nd 1 51 e e Al pp ar d with c pyright a 8 pap r cov rs .

m m 310. The A erican econo ical housekeeper,and family receipt

oo . . . . s o o . b k By Mrs E A [E ther Allen] H wland . Fifth th usand m o om o I pr ved and enlarged fr the f rtieth thousand .

o : . . 1851 . W rcester Published by S A Howland . 16m — o . . o . 1 1 124. o 1 45 pp fr ntis , C pyrighted 8 . 86 American Cookery Books 1 851

3 10a . m o 2 66a . The A erican h usewife [Full entry No . ] A : . nners . 1851 . Philadelphia Henry F MS . o e is e 18 7 C v r dat d 4 .

31 1 . m m o or The A erican atr n ; practical and scientific cookery . “ ”

o s . l By a h u ekeeper Haud inexperta oq uor . o o m m : o om 1851 . B st n and Ca bridge Ja es Munr e and C pany . 12m — o . . 5 263 . 1 . pp ( ) E . LC

312. o o The Car lina h usewife [Full entry No . The o o o sec nd editi n,revised,enlarged and c rrected .

o C . : . . . o 1851 . Charlest n,S W R Babc ck . 2 1 mo . . 9 1 6. o 1 pp xvi, C pyrighted 851 .

’ 312 oo m m a . The c k s anual,and A erican housekeeper ; containing receipts for making bread,cake,puddings,pastry,cu stards,j el lies,ice-creams,sweetmeats,pickles,and for cooking a great variety of meat dishes and vegetables,all carefully prepared,and

m . . syste atically arranged By Mrs Ruth M . Baker .

o s . . o 98 New Y rk : Publi hed by T W Str ng,NO. Nassau Street ;

. o 8: Co . 64 o . 1851 . B oston,G . W C ttrell , C rnhill

m 14 . 12 4 m s . o . pp .

2 om oo o o . oo . 31 b . C k and c nfecti ner The c plete c k Plain and practical directions for cooking and housekeeping ; with upwards of seven hundred receipts With additions and alterations,by m confec o of n o . o J . M . Sanders n, the Frankli h use The c plete - o for tioner pastry cook and baker . Plain and practical directi ns making confectionary and pastry,and for baking ; with upwards of five hundred receipts With additions and alterations by

Parkinson,practical confect1oner,Chestnut street .

8: CO . 1851 . Philadelphia : W . A . Leary

— — — 3 1 v 13 196 13 154. o . . pp . , ,( ) vi, ,xii, Fr ntis LC

- N e e om e No . 204 and o. In two parts,each with special titl pag . (C par

3 o for oo o . 31 . Directi ns c kery,in its vari us branches By Miss

- o . o o [Eliza] Leslie . Thirty eighth editi n Th r ughly revised,with

additions . ’ — m o At top of title page Miss Leslie s co plete co kery .

Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird,(successor to E . L . Carey,)

o . 1851 . S . E . c rner Market and Fifth street

— d 1837 1851 . 7 528 . o 12mo . pp . ( ) , Illus C pyrighte and “ A A s fi 851 American Cookery Books 87

N o . om oo o. 313a . D estic c kery [Full entry Third editi n

18 1 . Baltimore : Cushings and Bailey . 5

2m m s . 310. 1 o . pp .

f for o or o o . oo o 314. Facts the pe ple : things w rth kn wing A b k receipts in which every th ing is of practical use to every body . “ At top of title page — Information for the people : It is never ” too late to learn .

H ol tz 1851 . Philadelphia : Published by Laraway 8: s .

8vo . . 79 NYP L . pp ,paper .

’ ’ m o - m m 315. Fisher s i pr ved house keeper s 18 al anac,51 and fa ily

o - receipt b ok . [wood cut : a kitchen] : o of o 8: Philadelphia R . Magee . N . W . c rner Sec nd Chestnut street .

m 4 . to . . 36 m s S all pp ( ) including cover,paper . Illus .

m oo oo to m o 316. Great A erican c k b k ; adapted A erican h use

w f o . i ery . By Mrs . A . M . [Anna Maria] C llins

1 . 8: Co . 51 o . 185 New York : Alfred S . Barnes , J hn st 2 144. 1 mo . pp .

52 . . e . From bulletin No. ,N Y Stat Library

’ No o . 317. The h usekeeper s assistant [Full entry

B oston : James Munroe and Company,134 Washington street .

1851 .

— 2 — v 5 l4 i . o 1845. 8 o. pp . ( ) ,( ) vi C pyrighted

317a . m o o The i proved housewife [Full entry N . F ur n tee th edition ; with supplement and perpetual calendar . Hartford : The improved ho usewife and facsimile copies Of the New England Primer,B oston edition,1777,sold by th e agent

51 . o . r t o o . 18 nly Address Ira Webster,o H . L . Miller,Har f rd,C nn

2 . 1 mo . . o . 23 m s pp fr ntis , 8.

’ oo m 318. Ladies c king assistant and fa ily friend [Full entry oo - : cow No . [w d cut a ] - 8: New York : Published at 128 Nassau street . Angell Engel,

- 1 51 . printers,1 Spruce st. 8

— 48 . o 1851 . 12mo . pp . (7) ,paper C pyrighted, ,by E Hutch inson .

9 m 31 . The sa e . - - 8: New York : Published at 128 Nassau street . Angell Engel,

- 1851 . printers,1 Spruce st . 88 American Cookery Books 1 851

— 8v . 7 8 o o . 4 pp ( ) ,paper . C pyrighted,1850,by E . Hutch

so . in n B P L . “ ’ o n U es n s ensa e ass s an Se ne B u d p with Ladi i di p bl i t t . e xt title.

320. e s m n f Ladi s indispensable as istant . Being a co pa ion or the s m o m si ter, other,and wife . C ntaining ore information for the ot o o price than any her w rk up n the subject . Here are the very best directions for the behavior and etique tte of ladies and gentle ’ men,ladies toilette table,directions for managing canary birds ; also,safe directions for the management of children ; instructions for ladies under various circumstances ; a great variety of valu o m om m f m me able recipes,f r ing a c plete syste o fa ily dicine . Thus enabling each p erson to become his or her own physician to which is added one of the best systems of cookery ever pub lished ; many of these recipes are entirely new and should be in o f e the p ssession o very person in the land . 2 -s 1851 . New York : Published at 1 8 Nassau treet .

— — 8v o . . 48 121 o pp (7) , ( ) 136,paper . C py

1 n B P L . . o . righted, 850,by E . Hutchins LC

“ ’ e - s n Pag s (7) 48 are th e foregoing title : Ladies cooking assi ta t .

2 ’ m c oo No . 3 0a . Miss Beecher s do esti receipt b k [Full entry

Third edition .

2 ff 1 1 . o : 8: o 85 . New Y rk Harper Br thers,8 Cli street . MS

321 . s m e o o fo oo Miss Le lie s co pl te co kery . Directi ns r c kery,in — o . its vari us branches By Miss [Eliza] Leslie . Thirty eighth edi

o . n ti n Thoro ughly revised,with additio s . e Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird,(successor to E . L . Car y,)

o of . 1851 . S . E . c rner Market and Fifth streets

— 2m 2 o 1837 1851 . 7 5 8 . 1 o . pp . ( ) , Illus C pyrighted and

L C . NYP L .

Fir st published under th e title : Directions for cookery .

’ ’ - 2 oo NO. 3 1a . Miss Leslie s lady s new receipt b k [Full entry

Sixth edition,enlarged .

8 1 . 8: . 1 5 Philadelphia : A . Hart,late Carey Hart

12mo . . 462 . pp . MS

’ — fi e NO. 321b . Miss Leslie s seventy v receipts [Full entry n Twentieth edition,e larged .

1851 . B oston : Munroe 8: Francis . 2 1 0. pp . 1 851 A merican Cookery Books 89

mo o or ména ere No . 322. The dern h usewife g [Full entry

- m 2 o 5 . o 8: o 00 . 18 1 New York : D . Applet n C pany, Br adway — 9 184 . 2 364 13 24. o 1 mo . pp . vi, , C pyrighted

B PL . NYP L .

22 o om o - 3 a. The New England ec n ical h use keeper [Full entry No . 2 4 o m : o Identical with No . 8 ,except that c ver bears i print B lles

1 51 . . 8: Co . 8 MS

22 . o to o 3 b . Mrs C llins table receipts ; adapted western h use wifery . m no . . Nune acher . 1851 New Albany,Ind . : J R .

— 12 144. pp . xi,

NO 3 oo oo 07 . 323 . The practical c k b k [Full entry . ] By Mrs

Bliss . o Philadelphia : Lippincott,Grambo 8: Co . ,Success rs to Grigg,

1851 . Elliot 8: CO . = — " 5 303 l 24. o 1850. A A f 12mo . pp . iv,( ) ,( ) , C pyrighted s

-fiv n e No . 323a . Seve ty receipts [Full entry Twentieth edition,enlarged . 18 1 B oston : Munroe 8: Francis . 5 .

120. pp .

2 : n o m men 3 4. Vegetable diet as sa cti ned by edical ,and by ex

erience . m of p in all ages Including a syste vegetable cookery . ’

W m . o By Dr . A . [Alexander] Alc tt,author of the Young man s ’ guide,Young woman s guide,Young mother,Young house of of o o keeper,and late editor The library health . Sec nd editi n, n revised a d enlarged . New York : Fowlers and Wells,publishers,Clinton Hall,129

131 1851 . and Nassau street . 2m — 312 . 13 o 1849. 1 o. pp xii,( ) , C pyrighted

2 3 4a . o o The y ung h usekeeper [Full entry NO . Twen ieth t stereotype edition .

o o : . o . 18 1 B st n Charles D Str ng 5 . 2 4 4. PP . MS . LC .

24 3 b . o The way t live well [Full entry NO .

o o : . o . 185 B st n H Wentw rth 1 . 1 . 4 pp 4. Illus . 90 American Cookery Books 852

1 852 2 m 3 5. The A erican economical housekeeper,and family receipt oo . . . . o o b k By Mrs E A [Esther Allen] H wland . Seventh th usand, m o and om o o i pr ved enlarged fr the f rtieth th usand .

o : . . o 18 2 . 5 W rcester Published by S A H wland . 12m — o . . 2 o . 7 1 4. pp fr ntis ,( ) A A s .

2 3 5a . am The s e . Twelfth th ousand,improved and enlarged from th e o t o f r ieth th usand . o : m 1852. M . W rcester Published by Willia Allen . S

so ea e h o a e n e- e Al app r d wit ut d t o titl pag .

’ 2 m m o m of o . o 3 6. The A erican lady s syste c kery C prising every m fo o variety of infor ation r rdinary and holiday occasions . By “ ’ Crowen t o of oo of o Mrs . T . J . ,au h r Every lady s b k, which ver w t o hundred thousand copies have been sold . 2 185 . Auburn : Derby and Miller . 2m — x — 4 4 o v 1 1 5 1847. 1 o . pp . ( ) , ( ) , C pyrighted

2 No 21 . m oo . 6b 3 6a . The A erican receipt b k [Full entry ] 1852 Philadelphia : Lindsay 8: Blakiston . [ ] 9 35 . pp .

At head of title : Three th ousand receipts .

o of t m f 327. Catal gue ar icles anu actured and prepared at the City m No 341 o to Steam Mills,by C . N . Be ent, . Br adway,Albany ; ’ which is added Hints from Cou sin Susan s receipt book,con taining eighty—five receipes (sic) for making bread,cakes,pies, puddings,blanc mange,soups,etc . 2 185 . Albany : J oel Munsell,printer .

m o 36 . 24 o . pp . c ver title, ,paper “ ’

No . 300a . See Hints from Cousin Susan s receipt book .

o of om o om NO. 328. An encycl paedia d estic ec n y [Full entry

London : Longman,Brown,Green,and Longman ; B oston

1852. Little,Brown,8: CO . — 2 1 a 1 64. . 8vo . pp . ,le f,(vi) xix, Illus

’ 2 o om n o 3 8a . The frugal h usekeeper s kitchen c pa i n [Full

2 2 . entry No . 7 b] 195 o New York : Published by Phelps,Fanning,8: Co ., Br ad

2 . 185 . way . MS

92 American Cookery Books 1 852

m o : o o 8: o . o New Y rk C rnish,La p rt C ; St . L uis, Mc m 2 185 . Cartney 8: La pert . 2 2 1 mo . 16. o 1851 . . pp C pyrighted

’ o o m oo 332a . J hns n s new fa ily receipt b k Boonsford o ffi 2 : 185 . ,New Jersey Odd Fell ws O ce . 2 W r . . 3 . 16mo . pp

of o 333 . Key the kitchen,c ntaining upwards of four hundred unique,valuable,and able tested recipes in cookery,pastry,con m m — fe ti nar m 8:c. c s c o y,perfu ery,fa ily edicines, ,8: . Al o the com oo - : o oom plete art of carving . [w d cut a st re r ] ’ - o n au New York : Published [by Robert H . Elt n] at S a tacl s s

- ca . 1852 Magazine,18 Divi sion street . [ ] “ 2m . . A A s fi 1 o . pp . paper Illus w 1 n as 18 s on s ee om t 1851 . Th e Robert H . Elto at Divi i tr t fr 844 o wood h th n T e on o o n s e o o e . cut on th e back cov er is by h im. ly c py f u d lack fr t c v r

’ oo m 334. [Ladies c king assistant and fa ily friend ; containing a select number of important family recipes,many of which have oo - w never before been before the public . [w d cut : a co ] By an experien ced housewife]

- s 128 . 18 2 8: [New York : Publi hed at Nassau street 5 . Angell - 1852 Engel,printers,1 Spruce st . ] — 4 1852. v 7 8. o 8 o . pp . ( ) C pyrighted

’ B ound up without title in an 1852 edition of Ladies indispensable ” — See Nos . 18 a nd 5. assis tant, being pages (7) 48 of tha t v olume . 3 33

335. s s N Ladies indi pen able assistant [Full entry O. - 128 — 2 o s 185 . New Y rk : Publi hed at Nassau street . — 2 — 2 — o 1852 v . . 1 8 o pp (7) 7 ,(7) 48,( 1) 138. C pyrighted, , by E . Hutchinson .

Se e e e pr c ding title .

’ oo of oo m fo 336. The ladies new b k c kery : a practical syste r private families in town and country ; with directions for carving, fo o o of oo and arranging the table r parties,etc . Als ,preparati ns f d

e . for invalids and for children . By Sarah Jos pha Hale ’ W h o wo uld suppose,from Adam s simple co urses, That cookery could have called forth such resources As form a science and a nomenclature, m m n o m f . Fro out the com onest de a ds o nature . Byr n

o . Illustrated with numerous engravings . Third editi n

o o . 1852. New York : H . L ng 8: Br ther

M . H U. . 474 . H pp . xvi, ,Illus CU 1 852 American Cookery Books 93

am . o . 336a . The s e Fifth editi n

1 16 . o 8: o . . New York : H . L ng Br ther ; J C Derby, Nassau street [1852]

1852. NYP L . 474. . o pp . xvi, Illus C pyrighted

m . o . 336b . The sa e Fifth editi n

2. o 8: ot . 185 New York : H . L ng Br her

— 2 1 474. . . pp . , ,(iii xv) , Illus LC

’ New oo of oo e and om e e Mrs . e s . s e : Added t p . illu trat d Hal B k c k ry c pl t ‘

New oo oo . e on s ne : Mrs . e s h ousekeeper . Titl pi Hal c k b k

’ - om oo No . 336C . Miss Beecher s d estic receipt b k [Full entry

Third edition . New York : Harper 8: Brothers,Publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

2 . 185 . street,Franklin Square . MS

am . o . 336d . The s e Tenth [sic] editi n New York : Harper 8: Brothers,Publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

1852. A 11 5 . street,Franklin Square .

43rd . om oo . 336e . Miss Leslie s c plete c kery ed

1852. Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird . 2 2 5 4. 4. pp .

3 f m oo No . 3 6 . Mrs . Putna s receipt b k [Full entry New and enlarged edition .

B oston : Ticknor,Reed,and Fields . M DCCC LII .

2 m s . 135. 1 mo . pp . xii,

No . 337. Modern cookery,in all its branches [Full entry

1852 . Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea .

— — 12mo . 3 1 o 1 . 7 4 8. 845. . pp (xvii) xxxv,( ) C pyrighted P

o . s . om and 338. M re receipts By Miss [Eliza] Le lie C prising new approved methods of preparing s oups,fish,oysters,terrapins, turtle,vegetables,meats,poultry,game,sauces,pickles,sweet me - ats,cakes,pies,puddings,confectionery,rice,corn meal,etc . Also,lists of articles suited to go together for breakfasts,dinners, and suppers ; and much useful information on many miscel laneous subjects connected with general housewifery and needle

7th . work . edition

. 8: 2 : 185 . Philadelphia A Hart,late Carey Hart . 12 2 mo . . 5 0 pp , AAS . LC .

9 ’ ’ 33 . Mrs . Bradley s housekeeper s guide : or a new,plain and economical cook-book,containing the greatest variety of new 94 American Cookery Books 1 852

o e one valuable and appr ved r ceipts ever published in work . on mo e s e s Arranged a d rn and ci ntific ba is . By Mrs . J . S . Bradley .

: . . so 34 3r 1 2 85 . Cincinnati Published by H M Ruli n, East d st . 12m — o . . 1 1 187. . o e 2 pp x,( ) Illus C pyright d 185 . LC .

’ 340. The skillful housewife s book or complete guide to domestic cookery taste,comfort and economy embracing 659 receipts per taining to household duties,the care of health,gardening,flow o of e ers birds,educati n childr n,etc . By Mrs . L . G . Abell author ” “ ” of m om Ge s by the wayside, W an in her various relations etc . o e e —fifth With valuable additi ns,by an English hous k eper . Thirty

thousand .

o : 8: om 2 1852 New Y rk Orange Judd C pany, 45 Broadway . [ ] 12m 21 o . . 6. o 2 185 . NY pp C pyrighted SL .

4 a 3 0 . m The sa e .

o 8: Co . oo . New York : C . M . Saxt n ,agricultural b k publishers

A 11 3 .

341 . o o The y ung h usekeeper s friend [Full entry No .

Eleventh th ousand .

o o : mo 1 14 1 52. B st n Tappan and Whitte re, Washington street . 8 m — 9 16 o . . 7 1 0. o 184 pp vi,( ) C pyrighted 5.

2 m c 9 34 . 18 The A eri an h ousewife [Full entry No . ] Eighth o m e editi n i prov d .

New York : Published by Newman 8: Ivison,178 Fulton street . 1853 .

l6m . 2 . e 1 l 144. . o 184 . o pp . p , Illus C pyright d

m e 190 e i on . Co pare NO. ighth dit

m — o f 343 . The A erican prize b ok : a work adapted to the wants o all trades and professions,from the humblest mechanic to the gentleman of fortune ; but particularly the farmer and gardener, fruit—grower and florist, bird-fancier, cattle and horse- doctor, fowl-breeder and bee-raiser,physician and apothecary,perfumer and confectioner,medical and culinary herbalist,sick man and the healthy,rich man and the poor,business m an and man of no business,merchant and lawyer,minister and layman ; and to every department of the housekeeper,from the washer-woman m and cook in the kitchen,to the lady in the parlor . With any

h ea . Burc st d . beautiful engravings . By H . Skinner,M D

96 American Cookery Books 1 853

347. om oo No . o o s H e c kery [Full entry Sec nd th u and . f ’ to o : . o At p title page Mrs Chadwick s c ok book . o o : os o om o B st n Cr by,Nich ls,and C pany ; New Y rk : Charles S . m o 1853 . Francis and C pany . 12m o . . 161 . o 1852. NYP . pp C pyrighted E1 . L

348. m The sa e .

12m . o . 6 158. pp , B PL .

’ 349. Housekeepers almanac for the year 18 and family receipt 53 - book . [wood cut : a market] : s N 9 m 8: o o . Philadelphia Publi hed by King Baird, . Sans street

m 4to . . 36 A A . S all pp including cover,paper . Illus . s

9 ’ 34 a . Housekeeper s guide and Indian doctor , s pre erves,etc . o 1 New Y rk . 853 . 9 pp . 5.

350. m o o The i pr ved h usewife [Full entry No . Eight eenth o th usand,revised : with supplement and perpetual calendar . m o o : s o om . 1 B st n Phillip ,Sa ps n,and C pany 853 . 2 — 1 m . . 12 23 . o o o . 6 pp fr ntis , xi, ,perpet . cal . Illus C py “ A A s fi H U. righted 1843 . m 351 . o . The sa e . Nineteenth editi n m o o 1853 . B st n : Phillips,Sa pson,and Company . 12m — 2 2 . . o . 1 36 . . . o pp . fr ntis , xi, ,perpet cal Illus P

’ 352. The invalid s own book : a collection of recipes from various o o o b oks and various countries . By The H n urable Lady [Mary n An e (B oode) ] Cu st . - o om 20 o . New York : D . Applet n and C pany, 0 Br adway


— “ A A fi B P L E1 . . 4 1 4. s . 16mo . pp . ( ) (vii) xix, 4 LC

f No . 353 . Key o the kitchen [Full entry

1 o st . 64 Philadelphia : Fisher 8: Bro ther,No . 0 S uth Sixth ; m m o . ca . Balti ore st .,Balti re [

NYP L . 12m . o . o o . pp . paper . Illus [by R bert H Elt n]

ne e on th e on Th e only copy found l acks th e back cov er . A vig tt fr t e cover,a kitchen scene,differs from that on th e title pag .

f o NO . 354. The ladies new book o c okery [Full entry

Fifth edition . 853 American Cookery Books

o 8: o . New York : H . L ng Br ther 2 185 . 2 474 . o 1 mo . pp . xvi, , Illus C pyrighted "= A A s f BP L . NYP L .

’ om oo No . 3543 . Miss Leslie s c plete c kery [Full entry

- Forty ninth edition .

Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird,(successor to E . L . Carey,) ’

1853 . 7 st. o . No . Hart s Building,Sixth ,ab ve Chestnut

A A S . NYP L .

o om oo . . o 354b . M dern d estic c kery (W A Henders n) [Full entry No .

1853 . New York : Leavitt 8: Allen . 1 pp . 360,6 ,xii .

’ ’

No . 354 . o C. Mrs Bradley s h usekeeper s guide [Full entry

1853 . o 34 . Cincinnati : Published by H . M . Rulis n, East third st

A A S .

o o — oo : o m m 355. The new h useh ld receipt b k c ntaining axi s,dirce tions,and specifics for promoting health,comfort,and improve om om auth ori ment in the homes of the people . C piled fr the best m o o ties,with any receipts never before c llected . By Sarah J sepha “ ” “ ’ ” “ Hale,author of Northwood, Woman s record, The new book of cookery, etc .

- o 8: o 43 . 1853 . New York : H . L ng Br ther, Ann street

— 12m . 9 39 o 1 53 . . 8 . o pp viii,( ) 4. C pyrighted MS

3 antro h eon or o of oo o 56. The p p ,hist ry f d,and its preparati n,

om s f o . o o fr the earlie t ages o the w rld . By A [Alexis] S yer,auth r “ of The gastronomic regenerator and the Modern housewife, ” or mén m o - w agere, 8:c. E bellished with f rty t o steel plates,illus tratin s m m g the greatest ga tron o ic arvels of antiquity . o o e B st n : Ticknor,R ed,and Fields . MDCCCLIII .

— 8vo . . o . v 474 pp fr ntis , ( ) xvi, , Illus .

A A S . B A . B P L . L CP .

3 he co 356 . o oo N T practical k b k [Full entry o . m : o o 8: o . Philadelphia Lippinc tt,Gra b C 1853 . 3 3 . 0 and o of 36 pp catal gue pp . at end .

357. o oo N The skillful h usewife s b k [Full entry o . -fifth o Thirty th usand .

o : . . o 140 o 1853 . New Y rk R T Y ung,publisher, Fult n street . 98 American Cookery Books 1 853

2 — — 1 mo . . pp double frontis ., ix xii,(13) 216,

Re-en e e t ons for o 1 t r d with addi i c pyright, 852.

- 357a . m . fifth o s The sa e Thirty th u and . o : 8: om 245 o . New Y rk Orange Judd C pany . Br adway

358. o o N The y ung h usekeeper s friend [Full entry o.

Twelfth thousand . o o mo 1 : 14 o 1853 . B st n Tappan and Whitte re, Washingt n street . 2 — 1 mo . . 5 190. o E1 . pp ( ) C pyrighted 1845.

1 854

358a . m f c m oo o . o . The A erican b k re ipes By J . Si nds Price fifty cents .

o o 1854. B st n : Wright 8: Hasty,printers,No . 3 Water street . m 16 o . . . pp 54. MS 9 m m m 35 . The A erican econo ical housekeeper,and fa ily receipt

oo . . . o o b k By Mrs E A . [Esther Allen] H wland . Twentieth th u sand improved and enlarged from th e fortieth thousand .

o e m . ca W rcester : Publish d by Willia Allen [ .

— 16mo . . . 3 2 o 1845. pp frontis , ( 1 ) 1 4. C pyrighted

e e o n in 1854. William All n succeed d S . A . H wla d

m m 360. The A erican ho e cook book,with several hundred ex cellent recipes,selected and tried with great care,and with a view to be used by those wh o regard economy,and containing im portant information on the arrangement and well ordering of

o e on m of . the kitchen . The wh le bas d any years experience By m an A erican lady . Illustrated with engravings .

18 . New York : Garrett 8: Co . publishers, Ann street

12m 2 E1 . vc. 1 3 . . o . pp . , paper Illus

m . 361 . The sa e

New York : Dick 8: Fitzgerald,publishers .

133 . o 1854. 16mo . pp . , Illus C pyrighted

B P L . m s . . P 61 a m 3 . The sa e .

of . . A A s . With 15 instead of 28 pp . ads at end

o m 361b . Arts revealed,and universal guide ; c ntaining any rare and invaluable r ecipes and directions for the use of families, m o for from the best authorities . E bracing directi ns treating diseases— behavior of ladies and gentlemen— embroidery and

1 0 0 A merican Cookery Books 1 854 business,merchant and lawyer,minister and layman,and to every department of the housekeeper,from the washerwoman and

th e coo o . k in the kitchen,t the lady in the parlor,etc . etc .,etc

1854. Published by the author .

144. . 12mo . pp . m s

e e : e e an : s e nne : 1854. Wrapp rs r ad Cl v l d,Ohio Publi h d by H . B . Ski r

64 m o o of one 3 C. Fa ily receipts,being a c llecti n hundred plain, practical receipts of rare value,including medical,mechanical, m m 8:c. o . . . do estic . C piled by B F Witt

e 1854. Cincinnati : Published by Appl gate . v 1 8 . 8 o . pp . , paper

’ ’ m o - m for 365. Fisher 8: Brother s i proved h use keeper s al anac ’ the year of our Lord 1854, Anatomy of man s body,as said to o o o t be governed by the twelve c nstellati ns . [w od cut wi h de scriptive matter] Published annually,by Fisher 8: Brother,Philadelphia,New

York,B oston and Baltimore .

3 o . m 4 o . 6 . S all t pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus

’ ’ s m o s - 1 m 4 366. Fi her s i proved h u e keeper s 8 al anac,5 and family

- receipt book . [wood cut : a kitchen] 74 am Fisher 8: Brother,15 North Sixth st. ,Philadelphia ; Chath m 6 mo t. o . o 71 o st. os o 4 s st .,New Y rk ; C urt ,B t n ; Balti re ,Balti re [1854]

m o . A A s . 36 . S all 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus

Very little cookery .

m . 367. The sa e

15 . No . 74 Fisher 8: Brother,No . N Sixth street,Philadelphia ;

o No . 71 o t. o o No . 5 o Chatham st. ,N . Y rk ; C urt s ,B st n ; N rth m st . ,Balti ore .

36 o . . Small 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus

’ o om o 367a . The frugal h usekeeper s kitchen c pani n [Full 2 27 b . entry No . ]

1854. New York : Ensign,Brigman,8: Fanning,156 William st .

A A S .

’ o s m for 18 m 368. H u ekeeper s al anac the year and fa ily receipt

- m 54. oo : book . [w d cut a arket] 9 a om 8: Philadelphia : King 8: Baird,No . S ns street,Weik

195 t . Wieck,No . Ches nut st

m o . 36 n o . . A A s . S all 4t . pp includi g c ver,paper Illus 1 854 American Cookery Books 1 0 1

9 o e e m o No . 36 . The i pr ved h usewif [Full ntry Twen : m n tieth edition,revised with supple e t and perpetual calendar . 5 s . 4 Hartford : Ira Web ter 18 . 2— 23 2 s . o 1 6 . . . o 1 mo . pp . fr nti , xi, ,perpet cal Illus C py “ 1 43 . A A fi NYP righted 8 s L .

9 o m o 36 a . The kitchen direct ry,and A erican h usewife [Full entry No . New York : Ivison 8: Phinney,178 Fulton street (Successors of Newman 8: Ivison,and Mark H Newman 8: Chicago,

Co . 1 1 1 8 . . 8: ff o C Griggs , Lake street ; Bu al ,Phinney 8: Co . , ’

188 . . o 8: o . MFar Main street ; Auburn,J C Ivis n C ; Detroit,A .

oo o 8: Co . 1854. ren ; Cincinnati,M re,Anders n AAS . CU .

’ ‘ ’ fo o n 369b . c New e Miss Leslie s New re eipts r co ki g . r ceipts for m oo . e o h e c king By Miss L slie . C prising all t new and approved methods for preparing all kinds of soups,fish,oysters,terrapins, turtle,vegetables,meats,poultry,game,s auces,pickles,sweet m o o s o —m s e eats,cakes,c nfecti nery,pudding ,c rn eal,pie ,ric ,etc . With lists of articles in season suited to go together for breakfasts, dinners,and suppers ; and many new receipts,and much u seful and valuable information on all subj e cts whatever connected “ n with ge eral housewifery . All the receipts in this book are ’ — z new . Ladies National Maga ine .

: . . o o 3 6 Philadelphia T B Peters n and Br thers, 0 Chestnut street . [1854] 2m 52 1 o . . 0 pp , AAS .

9 m ’ 36 C. . oo No Mrs Putna s receipt b k [Full entry .

o o : o . B st n Tickn r and Fields M DCCC LIV . 2m 1 o . . 136 12 pp xii, , . MS .

370. o e oo M d rn c kery,in all its branches [Full entry No .

: n . 1 5 Philadelphia Bla chard and Lea 8 4. 12m — — o. . 37 4 1 o pp (xvii) xxxiv, ( ) 8. Illus . C pyrighted


m 370a . o o s or ména ére No The dern h u ewife g [Full entry .

- o m n : . o 8: o 346 34 New Y rk D Applet n C pa y, 8: 8 Broadway . D L M CCC IV . m s .

’ 371 . The new family book,or ladies indi spensable companion ’ o : to mo and h usekeepers guide addressed sister, ther and wife . 1 0 2 American Cookery Books 1 854

Containing a variety of th e most useful information ever pub lish ed on f the subj ect, or the price . Here are the very best dirce o for m m of o ti ns the anage ent children . Instructi ns for managi ng canr y (sic) birds . And containing a great variety of recipes on medicine,so that each person may become his or her own physi cian to which is added one of the best systems of cookery ever m published . The aj ority of the recipes are new and ought to be o n p ssessed by every o e . - o : 128 1854 New Y rk Published at Nassau street . . 2m 9 — 3 1 o . . 1 6 o . pp vii, ( ) . C pyrighted 1854. MS “ ” S ee e s 1 1 s n ensa e ss s n 85 . Ladi i di p bl a i ta t .

- 372. o o oo The new h useh ld receipt b k [Full entry No .

o : . o 8: o 121 s New Y rk H L ng Br ther, Na sau street . 2 — 1 mo . . 9 9 3 4 o 3 P L . . H U pp viii,( ) , C pyrighted 185 B .

s fir m emo e to 121 ss st ee in 1 5 r 185 Thi r v d Na au r t 8 4 o 5.

373 o t oo - oo for oo . The new hydr pa hic c k b k ; with recipes c king on hygienic principles : containing also a philosophical exposition of the relations of food to health ; the chemical elements and pr oximate cons titution of alimentary principles ; the nutritive properties o f all kinds of aliments ; the relative value of vegetable and animal substances ; the selection and preservation of dietetic ll . . . o Tra . . materials,etc ,etc By R T . [R bert Thacher] ,M D With

numerous illustrative engravings . N 131 New York : Fowlers and Wells,publishers, o. Nassau 142 street, Clinton Hall ; London, 142 Strand ; B oston,No .

N 23 . 1854. . 1 Washington st ; Philadelphia, O. Arch street

— 9 226 2 o 1853 . 12mo . 1 1 . . . pp xviii,( ) , Illus C pyrighted “ A U . NYPL . YU . . A sfi H LC . CU

m for oo . . o 374. New receipts c king By Miss [Eliza] Leslie C pris ing all the new and approved methods for preparing all kinds of soups,fish,oysters,terrapins,turtle,vegetables,meats,poultry, game,sauces,pickles,sweet meats,cakes,confectionery,puddings, - s of o corn meal,pies,rice,etc . With li ts articles in seas n,suited to go together for breakfasts,dinners,and suppers ; and many new receipts,and much useful and valuable information on all “ subj ects whatever connected with general housewifery . All the receipts in this b ook are new,and have been fully tried and tested by the author since th e publication of her former book, and none of them whatever are contained in any other work but mo om e oo oo s th e o this . It is the st c pl te c k b k publi hed in w rld, and also the latest and best,as in addition to cookery,of all kinds

1 0 4 American Cookery Books 1 854

379. o o N The y ung h usekeeper s friend [Full entry O .

Thirteenth thousand . o on : m 1 o 185 . B st Tappan and Whitte re, 14 Washington street . 4 12m 9 o . . 1 0. pp MS . 1 855

oo 380. C kery as it should be ; a new manual of the dining room fo m e o and kitchen, r persons in od rate circum stances . C ntaining original receipts of every branch of cookery ; domestic beverages ;

oo for . o of f d invalids ; pickling,8:c ,8:c. T gether with bills fare for f n every day in the year ; rules or carvi g,8: c. By a practical e f o o oo o . o o h useke per, and pupil Mrs . G dfell w Sec nd editi n, revised and enlarged,with illustrations . 17 1 5 : . 8 5 Philadelphia Willis P Hazard, 8 Chestnut street . 2 — 5 362. . o 53 1 mo . . 1 pp Illus C pyrighted 8 .

1 n o . 38 . The cook s oracle [Full e try N New York : Harper 8: Brothers,publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

n 1855. street,Frankli square .

— 1 432. . o 29. 12m . 5 1 o. pp xii, ( ) Illus C pyrighted 8

n e e e n Co tains pr face to s v en th London ditio .

2 om oo No . 38 . D estic French c kery [Full entry New edition .

Philadelphia : Henry Carey Baird,(successor to E . L . Carey,) ’

7 n o . 1855 NO . Hart s Buildi gs,Sixth street,ab ve Chestnut — 2 2 o 1 32 4 . 1 1 1 0 . 8 12mo . pp . x,( ) , C pyrighted

o of om o om No. 383 . An encycl paedia d estic ec n y [Full entry

New York : Harper 8: Brothers,publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

1855. street,Franklin square .

— — 3 25 1238 3 . . H U. 8vo . pp . leaves, (ix) xxiv,( ) , leaves Illus

’ ’ m o o - 18 m 55 m 384. Fisher s i pr ved h use keeper s al anac, and fa ily oo - : receipt book . [w d cut a kitchen] 74 m Fisher 8: Brother,15 North Sixth st .,Philadelphia ; Chatha

mo . 64 mo st. o 71 o st . o o st . ,New Y rk ; C urt ,B st n ; Balti re ,Balti re [1855]

36 o . . A A s . Small 4to . pp . including c ver,paper Illus

- About one ha lf of this on cookery .

m 385. The sa e . N mo . 86 o 8: Co . oo 8: o O J . W . B nd ,b ksellers Stati ners, Balti re 1 855 American Cookery Books 1 0 5

m street,between Gay and Holliday street,Balti ore,Md .

36 o . . . Small 4to . pp . including c ver,paper Illus LC

om oo No . 385a . French d estic c kery [Full entry

1855. New York : Harper 8: Brothers .

340. pp . xi,

’ m oo 5 . oo oo . o 38 b . Mrs Chadwick s c k b k H e c kery entry No .

206 . Buffalo : Wanzer,McKim and Company,NO. Main street


2mo . 161 . 1 . pp , AAS f o and om or o o . o 386. H use h e ; ,the Car lina h usewife By a lady

o o . Charleston . Third editi n,c rrected and enlarged

5. o . 185 Charleston,S . C . : J hn Russell

2m 2 1855. . 17 . o 1 o . pp . C pyrighted LC

“ See No . 268. Fir s t published,1847,as Th e Carolina housewife.

’ o m for 18 m e 387. H usekeepers al anac the year and the fa ily r i — m ce pt book . 55 [wood cut : a arket] 9 om Philadelphia : Published by King 8: Baird,No . Sans street .

m 3 . . 6 o . . S all 4to . pp including c ver,paper Illus AAS

m 388. The sa e . m o No . 1 14 o Philadelphia : Published by J ohn H . Si n, N rth

Third street .

m 3 o . m . 6 . s S all 4to . pp . including c ver,paper Illus

9 m o o N . 38 . The i pr ved h usewife [Full entry o Twen tieth edition,revised . B oston : Phillips,Sampson,and Company ; New York,James

1855. C . Derby . 2m — o . 12 236. o 1 9. 1 o . pp . fr ntis ,xi, C pyrighted 84

’ 9 z 3 0. o N Macken ie s five th usand receipts [Full entry O. ’ to of — m At p title page Kays i proved 8: enlarged edit . Z 1855. Philadelphia : Hayes 8: ell,publishers,193 Market street . — vo . 5 456. o 29 m s . 8 . 8 pp ( ) C pyrighted 1 .

’ - 391 . s m Mi s Beecher s do estic receipt book [Full entry No .

Third edition . New York : Harper 8: Brothers,publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

1855. street,Franklin square . 1 0 6 American Cookery Books 855

12mo i — . . 306 5 2 o 1846. pp x ii, , ( ) 4. Illus . C pyrighted

The third edition was also publis hed in 1847,1848,1849,1850,1851, 1852 1856 1857 1858 1 5 1 , , , , 8 9, 860.

’ ’

392. t m Mrs . Pu na s receipt book ; and young housekeeper s as i an s st t . New and enlarged edition . [By Mrs . Elizabeth H . Put nam]

o o : o . B st n Tickn r and Fields M DCCC LV .

12mo . . 136 2 0. o 1849 . pp xii, , C pyrighted . AAS

92 m 3 a . A new do estic guide for every family ! The American cottage cookery -book : or,housekeeping made easy,pleasant,and ’ o om f m ec n ical in all its departments . The result o any years prae tical experience and observation,and designed as a reliable aid to o wh o o m of m m m th se study ec no y ti e and aterials . By E ily o Th rnwell . New York : Edward Livermore ; Boston : Phillips,Sampson m o 1 855. and C pany . 2 — 1 mo . 2 A A . o . 5 47. s pp . fr ntis ,( )

o e t e: Th e C v r itl Cottage Cookery B ook .

- o t oo oo NO . 393 . The new hydr pa hic c k b k [Full entry 308 o New York : Fowlers and Wells,publishers,No . Br adway ;

N 42 o st . London : 142 Strand ; B oston : O. 1 Washingt n ; Phila

231 . 1855. delphia : No . Arch street

— 1853 . 19 226 4 4 4. s. o 12mo . pp . xviii,( ) , , , Illu C pyrighted


9 o or m oo . 3 4. The Philadelphia h usewife, fa ily receipt b k By o o Aunt Mary . [Mary H dgs n]

o 8: Co . 1855. Philadelphia : J . B . Lippinc tt

m . B PL . . 2m 64 o 1855. s 1 o . pp . iv, , C pyrighted LC

m oo oo or scien 395. The practical A erican c k b k ; practical and ”

lo uor . o . tific cookery . By a h usekeeper Haud inexperta q

o om 346 8: 348 o . New York : D . Applet n and C pany, Br adway

M DCCC LV . 2 5 — 17 13 — 267 4 o 1 mo . pp . ( ) , ( ) , , C pyrighted “ A A sfi 1855.

- oo oo : o o 8:c. 396. The practical c k b k c ntaining recipes,directi ns, , for plain cookery,being the result of twenty years exper1 ence m

m . that art . By Mrs . Sylvia Ca bell

1 0 8 American Cookery Books 1 856

: s . 190 1856. Philadelphia Willi P Hazard, Chestnut street . 12m — o . . 5 362 o pp ( ) . Illus . C pyrighted 1853 .

4 1 m 0 a . o oo N D estic c kery [Full entry o . Ninth ed . m 1 o 856. s Balti re Cu hings and Bailey .

310. pp .

402. oo oo N Every lady s c k b k [Full entry o . o : 8: o s 123 8: 125 New Y rk Kiggins Kell gg,publi hers,Nos . ,

m st . o 8: 1 56 Willia ,between J hn Fulton . [ 8 ]

— 12m . o . 7 166 pp ( ) , paper,(cover dated Illus .

o 1854. A H U. C pyrighted A s .

’ 403 . Fanny Fern s family cook book ; containing over five hun dred new and valuable receipts for the breakfast,dinner,and - H w m tea table . o to ake delightful pastries,cakes,preserves,8:c. T o which is added many truly useful,entirely new,and simple recipes,which will be found of great value and assistance to all

good housewives . mm 76 o . 1856. Philadelphia : William He ing,No . S uth Third st 2m — 2 1 . . MH S . 1 o . pp . (iii) xiv, 8,paper Illus

’ ’ m o o — 18 m 56 m 404. Fisher s i pr ved h use keeper s al anac, and fa ily oo — : receipt book . [w d cut a kitchen] 74 h m Fisher 8: Brother,15 North Sixth st.,Philadelphia ; Chat a

m mo . o 1 o . o o 64 o st. st . ,New Y rk ; 7 C urt st ,B st n ; Balti re ,Balti re [1856]

36 o . . . Small 4to . pp . ( ) including c ver,paper Illus AAS

e V ry little cookery .

4 5 No . 0 . The hasty pudding [Full entry o 8: om oo New York : C . M . Saxt n C pany,agricultural b k pub

6. lish ers,140 Fulton st . 185

— 2 A A s . . 4 48 . 1 mo . pp . ,paper BU Th e poem was also published this year,with interesting illustrations,in

H a rpers Monthly Magazi ne for July .

ome oo e No . o . 406. H c kery [Full ntry Sixth th usand ’

oo oo . At top of title page : Mrs . Chadwick s c k b k

1 6. B os ton : Crosby,Nichols,and Company . 85

m . B E1 . 2 o 1852. s U . 161 . 1 mo . pp . C pyrighted

m of m . . o . o 407. Ho e studies By Rebecca A Upt n In every f r government the enduring element is in the cultivation of the ” — N 11 . . uarterl Revi ew v ol. o. soil . Q y , xliv, ,Art viii 1 856 American Cookery Books 1 0 9

B oston : Crosby,Nichols,and Company ; London : Sampson L w m o 1856. o ,S n,and Co pany .

2m P L . E1 . 246. o 1856. B 1 o . pp . iv, C pyrighted

m N n 4 . 08 The i proved housewife [Full entry o . Twe e ti th edition,revised .

B oston : Phillips,Sampson,and Company ; New York : J . C .

1856. Derby . — 2 2 2 2 o 18 3 . A 11 5 . YU. o 1 1 36. 4 1 mo . pp . fr nt s leaf,xi, C pyrighted

for n ou to o or o 409. Inquire within a ything y want kn w, ver three thousand seven hundred facts worth knowing . Particularly intended as a book for family reference on subj ects connected with domestic economy,and containing the largest and most valuable collection of useful information that has ever yet been t published . Inquirers are referred o the index . 18 1856 New York : Dick and Fitzgerald,NO . Ann street [ ]

— * 12mo . . 5 434 o 1856. A A s . pp iv,( ) , Illus . C pyrighted

’ - om oo No . 410. Miss Beecher s d estic receipt b k [Full entry

Third edition . New York : Harper 8: Brothers,publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

1856. street,Franklin square . 2 — 306 5 24. . o 1846. 1 mo . pp . xiii, , Illus C pyrighted

411 . om o Miss Leslie s c plete co kery [Full entry No . if - F ty sixth edition .

: o . Philadelphia Henry Carey Baird,(success r to E L . Carey,) ’

No . 7 . 1856. Hart s Buildings,Sixth st above Chestnut .

— 12mo . . 2 o . EFL . L CP pp (7) 5 8 C pyrighted 1837.

“ s s e n e e r e N e n h s Fir t publi h d u d r titl Di ctions for cookery . o ditio a een e s n e th e 38th s e i 1 1 b plac d i c publi h d n 85 . This edition is sometimes n fou d with twelve pages of advertisemen ts a t th e end . m 412. o o oo M dern d estic c kery [Full entry No .

1856. New York . 2m 1 o .

e N o e n son s e 1 2 . A d r al , 9 6 o c py plac d .

’ m o 413 . . o Mrs Putna s receipt b k [Full entry No . New and enlarged edition . d o o : o an . B st n Tickn r Fields M DCCC LVI .

12m . 2 136 0. o 9 o . 4 pp xii, , C pyrighted 18 .

o oo oo . 413a . The nati nal c k b k By a lady of Philadelphia,a prae tical ho usewife . A lady in whose j udgment we have the most 1 1 0 American Cookery Books 1 856

unbounded confidence,pronounces this the only cook book ’ ” ' o f o o . Grah am s Ma az ne t w rthy a h usekeeper s perusal g i . Six h edition . : 8: o N 2 o . 1 4 1856. Philadelphia Childs Peters n, Arch street . 2 1 mo . 301 . . o 1 850. pp , vi C pyrighted m s .

No ear e e ons o e li r diti l cat d .

413 . m b . The sa e Ninth edition . : Z 193 8: 1856. Philadelphia Hayes ell, Market Street .

. 301 . o 1850 o . NYPL . pp C pyrighted by R bert E Peterson .

3 m . 7 h t o . 41 C. The sa e editi n

: 1856. Philadelphia Childs 8: Peterson . 15 — 3 1 pp . xiii,( ) 0 .

o i t be nn Auth r s said o Ha ah Mary (B ouvier) Peterson .

m 414. oo om Practical A erican c kery and d estic economy . Com z e piled by Eli abeth M . Hall,illustrat d . o : o 8: o New Y rk and Auburn Miller,Ort n Mulligan . New Y rk 25 o 10 - 1856. Park r ad ; Auburn : 7 Genesee st . — — 12mo . . x 11 436 . o pp (iii) ,iv ,( ) , Illus C pyrighted 1855. LC .

m 415. o oo o m fo The United States co k b k . A c plete anual r ladies,housekeepers and cooks,with directions for preparing in the best and most ec onomical manner,meats,vegetables,bever m ages,pastry,jellies,ices,etc . ; to lard and carve ; to orna ent and send to the table the different dishes and beverages,as also,to ff : to preserve di erent fruits,etc . with particular reference the

m Wm . o m cli ate and productions of the United States . By V ll er, “ ” formerly chef de cuisine of several of the first hotels in Europe ; w no steward of the Union Club,in Philadelphia . Translated by m J . [Ja es] C . Oehlschlager .

1856. Philadelphia : Published by John Weik . 2 5. o 1856. 1 mo . pp . xxi, 16 C pyrighted

m m or h ow to 416. The vegetable yeast aker and bread aker ; raise

- o . oo : of bread with ut expense [w d cut sheaf wheat] By J . W .

f . o Worthen,fi teen years a practical baker Sec nd edition .

1 6. H . : o . 85 Concord N . Published by the auth r

m . 2 o 1855. NH H 24 3 . S . o . pp ,paper C pyrighted

o or on of o 416a . What I kn w ; ,hints the daily duties a h use om s for oo keeper . C pri ing nearly five hundred receipts c king, preserving, pickling, washing, ironing, gardening, plain and

1 1 2 American Cookery Books 1 857

1 857

419a . o of o om The preservati n f od . Fr the Aus der natur of

. o o . oo m Abel With additi nal n tes,by E G drich S ith . o : f o o oo om 18 . Hartf rd Press Case,L ckw d and c pany . 57 9 6. pp .

2 m 4 0. The A erican family encyclopedia of useful knowledge,or book of 7223 receipts and facts : a whole library of subj ects to m useful every individual By T . [Tho as] Webster and

. m Mrs [Willia ] Parkes . Edited by D . M . [David Meredith] Reese

o 8: : 185 . New Y rk Derby Jackson . 7 ’ - — 8v . o . 1 2 2 5 1 3 o o . pp ,leaf,(xi) xxiv,( ) 8. c l d fr ntis . Illus . LC N See os. 328 and 8 3 3 .

2 o . For m . om 4 1 . Ch ice receipts fa ily use C piled from manuscripts, by O . S . White .

1857. New Haven : Printed by O . S . White . 2 1 mo . pp . cover title,8,paper .

22 4 . Christianity in the kitchen . A physiological cook book,by “ ’ o Mrs . H race [Mary Tyler (Peabody) ] Mann . There s death in ” “ ot — 2 o m the p Kings,iv,40. In that day,every p t in Jerusale , ” and in Judah,should be holiness unto the Lord of Hosts . Z 2 echariah,xiv, 1 . o o B st n : Ticknor and Fields . MDCCCLVII . 16m 189 16. o 1857. o . pp . viii, , C pyrighted

BP L . E1 . H U . NYP L .

22 oo o NO. 4 a . C kery as it sh uld be [Full entry Seventh edition,revised and enlarged,with illustrations .

190 . 1857. A 11 5 . Philadelphia : Willis P . Hazard, Chestnut street

’ No 2 oo own oo . 4 3 . The c k s b k [Full entry

om . 1857. New York and B oston : C . S . Francis and C pany 2 183 . 300 37 . o 2m . o . 1 o . pp fr ntis ,xlviii, , , Illus C pyrighted

H M .

23a o om oo h ousebook : or on 4 . The ec n ical c k and ,hints the daily om duties of a housekeeper . C prising nearly five hundred receipts for cooking,preserving,pickling,washing,ironing,gardening, plain and fancy needlework,putting up of winter stores,and numerous other receipts, useful and needful in every well

o o . Wh o regulated household . By Elizabeth Nich ls n sweeps a 1 857 American Cookery Books 1 1 3

— room as by Thy laws,Makes that and the action fine . Herbert .

Second edition,revised and enlarged . 9 8 No . 1 0 . 1 57. Philadelphia : Willis P . Hazard, Chestnut street

2m 6 mm. 1 0. 1 o . pp .

2 o om o for 4 4. The ec n ical h usekeeper : being practicable advice purchasing the supplies of th e house,and for brewing,baking, om T o o preserving,and pickling at h e . which are added directi ns for the management of the dairy,poultry-yard,laundry,and o omm cellar . By J . H . [J hn Henry] Walsh, assisted by a c ittee

t m o oo . of ladies . Illustrated wi h nu er us w d engravings

o o o CO. 1857. L nd n and New York : G . R utledge and 12m 2 o . 4 5 . o . pp . fr ntis ,xii, ,plates

25. 4 Every lady s cook book [Full entry No . New and m o o greatly i pr ved editi n . New York : Kiggins 8: Kellogg,publishers,123 8: 125 William street . [1857] 2m — 6 o 1 o . . 5 18 4. pp (7) 1 6,paper . Illus . C pyrighted

e on o e 1 Dat c v r, 857.

425a m oo of o . The fa ily b k kn wledge,containing many valuable i rece es oo o o 8: . 8: p (sic) in c kery,c nfecti nery,pastry, c , c. for o o — o : 1857 8. New Y rk Published the pr priet r . 16m o . . pp and wrappers . MS .

’ ’ 2 s m — 4 6. Fi her s i proved house keeper s 18 almanac,57 and family oo - receipt book . [w d cut : a kitchen]

o . o 8: Co m o J hn W Cl thier .,i p rters and dealers in fancy and o 2 o staple stati nary ; 5 N rth Fourth st.,second door below Arch street,Philadelphia . [1857] m 4to . 36 . o . A A s . S all pp including c ver,paper Illus .

e oo e Littl c k ry.

2 4 7. The same . 9 . o 4 1 2 o Augustus J D yle, / N rth Eutaw street,Baltimore,Md . [ 1857] m 4 36 n to. . o S all pp includi g c ver,paper . Illus .

427a . m The sa e . 8: o N 8 Fisher Br ther, o . S outh Sixth street,Philadelphia ; 74 Chatham street,New York ; 71 Court street,B oston ; 64 Baltimore mo street,Balti re . m 4to . . 36 n n o S all pp i cludi g c ver,paper . Illus . AAS . 1 1 4 American Cookery Books 1 857

2 4 7b . The great western cook book,or table receipts,adapted to

o . . . o . Western h usewifery By Mrs A M . C llins

o . m : . 8: o 1857 New Y rk A S Barnes C pany . .

— 12 1 . . 44 . pp xi, LC . CU

42 om - 8. oo . H e advice,with whispers to epicures . A receipt b k

. o for By a lady With n tes dyspeptics . By a physician . (A seven o line qu tation from Combe . ) o New Y rk : Harper 8: Brothers,publishers,Franklin square .

1857. 2 1 m . 22 o . 5. o 185 pp C pyrighted 7.

429 m . o o o . H e co kery [Full entry No . Ninth th usand o o 9 B st n : Crosby,Nichols and Company,24 Washington street .

1857. 2m 2 e Y . 1 o . pp . ,l af,161, U

“ o e e ea s : Th e me - ome oo e o ee C v r titl r d A rican cook book . H c k ry ; a c ll t1 on of tried receipts,both foreign and domestic,for American house ”

i es . to : w v (At p Price 37 cents . )

’ o m oo - : m m 430. H usekeepers al anac and [w d cut a arket] fa ily

o For 1857. receipt b ok . the year 193 Philadelphia : Published by Hayes 8: Zell,No . Market 1857 street . [ ]

m A A . 36 o . . S S all 4to . pp . including c ver,paper Illus

m . 431 . The sa e 1 14 o Philadelphia : Published by Bast 8: Miller,No . N rth Third 185 street . [ 7]

m 4 o . 5 o 3 . S all t pp . including c ver,paper Illus .

2 m . 43 . The sa e 12 o Philadelphia : Published by Moss 8: Brothers,NO. S uth o f 7 . o . 185 F urth st ,cor . Merchant [ ]

m o . o . 36 . S all 4t pp . including c ver,paper Illus

432a . The same .

s 8: N 9 om . Philadelphia : Publi hed by King Baird, o. Sans street [1857]

m . . 36 o . S all 4to . pp . including c ver,paper Illus MS

fo ou to o 433 . Inquire within r anything y want kn w entry No . 1857 18 . . New York : Dick 8: Fitzgerald,NO. Ann street

- 2 . 1 mo . o 1856. . 5 434. pp . iv,( ) Illus C pyrighted MS

1 1 6 American Cookery Books 1 857

’ W h o would suppose,from Adam s simple courses, That cookery could have called forth such resources As form a science and a nomenclature, m f o From out the commonest de ands o nature . Byr n

No 1 2 e . o . 0 Philadelphia : T . B . Peters n, Ch stnut street

— — 47 26 o 1 857. 2m . 1 5 . . 1 o pp . ,leaf,(xix) xlvi,( ) Illus C pyrighted NYP L nd 54. L C . . A new edition,with change of title,of Nos . 336 a 3

’ for m o : o o t o 438. Mrs . Hale s receipts the illi n c ntaining f ur h u

- sand five hundred and forty five receipts,facts,directions,etc . in the u seful,ornamental,and domestic art s,and in the conduct of m o o om s om . t life . Being a c plete fa ily direct ry Relative acc pli h ments,amusements,beauty,birds,building,children,cookery, o om o courtship,dress,etc . ec n y,etching,etiquette,fl wers,garden ’ ing,Grecian painting,health,home,ho usekeeping,ladies work, feather work,manners,marriage,medicines,needlework,nurs ing,out-door work,painting,phrenology,poticomanie,poultry,

riding, swimming, surgery, domestic temperance, trees, etc . ’ o woman s duties,words of Washingt on,etc . By Mrs . Sarah J sepha

Hale .

306 . o No . Philadelphia : T . B . Peters n, Chestnut street

9 . . 2 o 185 . 721 1 . . 12mo . pp . , Illus C pyrighted LC CU

mo o or ména ere NO. 438a . The dern h usewife , g [Full entry

- o 8: om 346 8: 348 o . New York : D . Applet n C pany, Br adway


t m oo No . 438b . Mrs . Pu na s receipt b k [Full entry New

and enlarged edition . 18 57. B oston : Ticknor and Fields .

o oo oo No . 413a . 438c. The nati nal c k b k [Full entry ] Eighth

edition .

1857. 124 e . Philadelphia : Childs 8: Peterson,No. Arch str et

— N o oo oo O. 439. The new hydr pathic c k b k [Full entry 308 o New York : Fowlers and Wells,publishers,No . Br adway ;

142 o sr. London : 142 Strand ; B oston : No . Washingt n ; Phila

5 . 231 . 18 7 delphia : No . Arch street

— — 19 226 o 1853 . 2m . 1 o . pp (iii) ,iv xviii, ( ) , C pyrighted

L C . NYP L . 1 857 American Cookery Books 1 1 7

o om s o 440. The practical housekeeper : a cycl paedia of d e tic ec n

om m o . y e bracing domestic education . The h use and its furniture — m of m of the . o oo Duties the istress . Duties servant The st re r and m m n o m o . of a d arketing . D estic anipulati n Care children, their

o f coo . e o . n o f d The table and attenda ce . The art kery Rec ipts o m f o . m under f rty five heads . Fa ily bills fare Perfu ery and the

m omm o etc. o o . V toilet . Infusi ns and c s etics P ades, inegars,s aps, m om s o . The family edical guide . Miscellane us receipts,etc C pri ing s five tho usand practical receipts and maxims . Illu trated with five hundred wood engravings . Edited by Mrs . [Elizabeth Fries (Lummis) ] Ellet,author of The women of the American revo ” o luti n, etc .

2 18 7. 2 2 o . 5 New York : Stringer and Townsend,No . Br adway

— * 8v 9 . vc NYP . 9 . L o . . 5 . o 1857. A A s pp 7 Illus . C pyrighted

441 . o The skillful housewife [Full entry No . F rtieth o th usand . 9 o . 8: Co . 10 New Y rk : J [Jarvis] M . Fairchild ,publishers, - e ca . 185 Nassau str et . [ 7]

— — 2m l. 2 o 1 2. . o . 13 16. 85 1 o . pp p ,fr ntis , ix xii,( ) C pyrighted

1 Th e fir m of . w . as 09 ssa s r ee on in J M Fair child 8: Co. at Na u t t ly 1 85 d 185 6 an 7.

442 ’ . o o s The y ung h u ekeeper s friend [Full entry No . o Fifteenth th usand . os o : mo Whitte B t n Whitte re,Niles,and Hall ; Milwaukee : A . m o om . 5 re and C pany 18 7. 12m — o . . 7 190. o 1 pp vi,( ) C pyrighted 845.

1 858

m c m 443 . The A eri an fa ily cook b ook ; containing receipts for cooking every kind of meat,fish,and fowl,and making soups, gravies,and pastry,preserves and essences ; with a complete sys tem of o o e an d for so — c nfecti n ry, rules carving . And al Seventy five for e m receipts pastry,cakes,and sw et eats,by Mrs . [Miss Eliza]

Leslie . o o : n 2 B st n Higgins,Bradley and Dayto , 0 Washington street .


2m — 1 o . . o . 300 3 o pp fr ntis , (iii) xlviii, , 7. Illus . C pyrighted


’ n s e n e th e e : Th e oo s w Origi ally publi h d u d r titl c k o n book . 1 1 8 American Cookery Books 858

444. Christianity in the kitchen [Full entry NO.

o o : o and . B st n Tickn r Fields MDCCCLVIII . 16m 189 o . . 2. o . . NYP L . pp viii, , C pyrighted 1857. MS LC

- 445. The family cook book ; seven hundred and seventy one first rate receipts,combining excellence and economy,by a practical o h usekeeper . - o New Y rk : Collins 8: Brother,publishers and booksellers,No . 82 Warren street . 12m — o . . 5 9 1 2. . pp ( ) Illus . m s

’ ’ m - 446. Fisher s i proved house keeper s 18 almanac,58 and family oo - receipt book . [w d cut : a kitchen] Edited and published by the proprietors of the Great White

o . cor . o Hall Cl thing Bazaar,S W . F urth and Market street, 1 Philadelphia . [ 858] m — 4to . 17 18 19 31 36 o S all pp . ,( , in all including c ver,

paper . Illus . A A s . LC .

t e oo Lit l c kery .

w oo . H ow to m o or o 447. G d bread ake it light,with ut yeast, p

for oo on 8: . 8:c. o ders . Receipts plain c king,hints health, c Sec nd of 1 m edition . Entered according to act congress,in 858,by Willia ’ fli f f o ce o o o . Hunt . In the clerk s the district c urt Mass B oston : Published by the author (Boston Water Cure,18 and

18 . 20 La Grange place) . 58 — 48mo . 3 32. o 1858. . H U. pp . C pyrighted LC

m . e 448. The sa e Third dition . f At top o title page : Price 10 cents . B oston : Published by the author,(B oston Water Cure,18 and 2 1858. 0 La Grange place . )

2 m s . 32. 3 mo . pp .

m t t o . 448a . Ho e cookery [Full entry Thirteen h h usand

B oston : Brown,Taggard,and Chase,25 and 29 Cornhill . [1858]

2m 161 m s . 1 o . pp . ,

- T Th e me an oo oo . op of cover reads : Price 37 cents . A ric C k B k

9 o . c . o . 44 . H usekeeper and gardener By Rebe ca A Upt n 1858 B oston : Crosby,Nichols,and Company (etc . , 2m 2 46. 1 o . pp . iv,

’ o m oo - : m m 450. H usekeepers al anac and [w d cut a arket] fa ily

For 1858. receipt book . the year

1 2 0 American Cookery Books 1 858

m m o o 56. om o f m 4 The ultu in parv recipe b ok . A c pilati n o fa ous

and valuable recipes .

H . : . 8: o . Newton,N . D Stevens C ,publishers ; Rockland : John

1858. Porter,printer .

16mo . . 14 pp ,paper .

e t e oo e V ry li tl c k ry .

457. o o The y ung h usekeeper s friend [Full entry NO.

Fifteenth thousand .

mo om . B oston : J ohn M . Whitte re and C pany ; Milwaukee : A

mo om . 1 8 Whitte re and C pany 85 . 2 — 9 7 1 . o 18 1 mo . . 4 pp vi,( ) 0 C pyrighted 5. Cover imprint : B os ton : Whittemore,Niles and Hall,1 14 Washington s ee Th e eent o s n is so o n e 1 5 tr t . fift h th u a d al f u d dat d 8 7.

1 859 m 458. The A erican practical cookery book, or,housekeeping m e m T o ade easy,pl asant and econo ical in all its departments . which are added directions for setting out tables and giving entertainments : directions for j ointing,trussing,and carving ; and

e o . sev ral hundred additional receipts . By a practical h usekeeper

Illustrated with fifty engravings .

At top of title page : A new domestic guide for every family . e 9 185 . Philad lphia : G . G . Evans . 12m o . . o . 319. . o 1859 pp fr ntis , Illus C pyrighted .

m . 458a . The sa e

Philadelphia : J . E . Potter 8: Co .

9 8 NYP L . . 9 o 31 . o 1 5 . pp . fr ntis , C pyrighted

m . 458b . The sa e

859. Philadelphia . J . W . Bradley . 1 3 9 o . 1 . pp . fr ntis ,

9 : o 45 . Breakfast,dinner and tea viewed classically,p etically,and on m o o s e of practically . C taining nu er us curi us di h s and feasts all

mo . times and all countries . Besides three hundred dern receipts

[By Julia C . Andrews]

Cookery is an art m m Still changing,and of mo entary triu ph .

Know on thyself thy genius must depend . All books of cookery,all helps of art

Are vain,if void of genius thou wouldst cook . Athenaeus . 859 A merican Cookery Books 1 2 1

o om 443 8: 445 o . New York : D . Applet n and C pany, Br adway 9 185 .

— — 3 351 . o 1859. 16mo . pp . iii xi, C pyrighted

L C . NYP L . W . W P L . YU .

oo o No . 460. C kery as it sh uld be [Full entry Seventh edition,revised and enlarged,with illustrations .

724 . Philadelphia : Willis P . Hazard, Chestnut street

— 362 . 5 . 12mo . pp . Illus

m . 460a . The sa e

9 9 . 43 . 185 . Philadelphia : G . G . Evans, Chestnut street MS

m 4 o o or for o . 61 . The c rner cupb ard ; ,facts everyb dy E bracing

not o 11 . t o facts abo ut 1 . Things generally kn wn ; Things hat ught

o t o . oo con to be known ; 111 . Things w r h kn wing The f d we sume ; the clothes we wear ; the house we live in ; and facts from the arts and sciences,as well as from literature,manufacture, m commerce,anato y,physiology,the garden and field . Illustrated o o m om en with over engravings . The wh le f r ing a c plete o of cyclopedia of useful knowledge . By the auth r Inquire ” “ ” within, The reason why, etc .

18 . New York : Dick 8: Fitzgerald,publishers,No . Ann street [1859] 2m 9 368 . o 185 . 1 o . pp . x, , Illus C pyrighted

— e e oo e Th e on n h as e 25 m e . V ry littl c k ry . ly copy fou d pag s 3 6 utilat d

om 462. D estic cookery,useful receipts,and hints to young house “ o f keepers . By Elizabeth E . Lea . The s urce o liberal deeds is m ” o o o . wise ec n y . Tenth editi n m o : 1859. Balti re Cushings and Bailey . 2m — 1 o . . 10 31 o 1851 . NYP L . pp viii, 0. C pyrighted

om 462a . The d estic economist and family physician : containing several hundred valuable receipts,for cooking well at a moderate expense ; th e cure of diseases ; the use of all roots and herbs as m m o o m edicine ; aking dyes,c l ring,cleaning,ce enting,8:c. By fi . Rose eld . Stein r Mrs and Dr bu ger . im o P a . : o . C ver print Philadelphia, z Published by John O . B yes 9 185 . 2 2 1 mo . 7 . A . pp and paper covers . A s

“ to of e- e : e e to e t e to of o e e At p titl pag N v r o lat o l arn . At p c v r : Pric

17 en s . For s e on e n en c t al ly by trav lli g ag ts . 1 2 2 American Cookery Books 1 859

2 m ’ 46 b . The fa ily and householder s guide ; or,h ow to keep house ; h ow to provide ; h ow to cook ; h ow to wash ; h ow to dye ; h ow to h ow o h w paint ; t preserve health ; o to cure disease,etc ., m f etc . : a anual o household management,from the latest author

. St rke . ities Edited by E . G . o

Y . m . : o . Auburn, N The Auburn publishing c pany,E . G Storke ,publishing agent . 12mo 2 o . 38 o 9 . pp . fr ntis , , C pyrighted 185 . MS .

’ ’ s m o o - 1 m 9 m 463 . Fi her s i pr ved h use keeper s 8 al anac,5 and fa ily o - receipt book . [wo d cut : a kitchen] 8 o t Fisher 8: Brother,No . S u h Sixth street,Philadelphia ; 74 Chatham street,New York ; 71 Court street,Boston ; 64 Baltimore m street,Balti ore .

m . o 36 . A A s . S all 4to . pp including c ver,paper,illus

- One half cookery . m N o oo O . 464. H e c kery [Full entry o o o o om 1 1 B st n : Cr sby,Nich ls,and C pany, 7 Washington street .


12mo . . 61 . o 8 2 pp (4) C pyrighted 1 5 .

’ m f 9 - 465. o oo o Housekeeper s al anac, r the year 185 . [w d cuts : ab ve, “ ” “ ” “ m — o oo a fat an dining A good dinner . Bel w, A g d pie, A fine : 607 a om Philadelphia Published by King 8: Baird,No . S ns street .

m A A . 36 o . s . S all 4to . pp . including c ver,paper LC

— f o 3 35. . m or . 4 466. The sa e,except variati ns in pp MS

m . 467. The sa e,except last three pages N 2 o Philadelphia : Published by Uriah Hunt 8: Son, o . 6 N rth

607 om . Fourth street ; King 8: Baird,printers,NO . Sans street [1859]

m s . 36 n o . Small 4to . pp . includi g c ver,paper

m . 468. The sa e,except last three pages N 2 o mo 8: Co . o . 1 h Philadelphia : Published by A . Di nd , S ut

m . 8: No . 607 o Fourth street . King Baird,printers, Sans street [ 1859]

m s . 36 o . Small 4to . pp . including c ver,paper

H ow to oo how to . s 469. c k and carve Giving plain and ea ily understood directions for preparing,cooking and serving,with

1 2 4 American Cookery Books 1 859

2m — 1 o . . 306 5 24 a o 1 6. pp xiii,le f, , . Illus . C pyrighted 84

A A S . B P L .

2 . 47 a m . The sa e Fifth edition . New York : Harper 8: Brothers,publishers,329 8: 331 Pearl

1859. street,Franklin square . 2m — 1 o . . 306 5 24 o 1846. pp xiii,leaf, , . Illus . C pyrighted


’ m 473 . o o Miss Leslie s c plete co kery [Full entry No . i - o F fty eighth editi n,enlarged . o : m w 9 185 . New Y rk Clark,Austin 8: S ith,3 Park Ro . 12m o. . 528 pp .

m e o No . 2 N e n a e . o o a . Fr Bull ti 5 ,N . Y . St t Library c py pl c d

mo o i or ména ere No . 474. The dern h usew fe g [Full entry

m o 8: o 346 8: 348 o . New York : D . Applet n C pany, Br adway

M .DCCC .LIX . 2 9 ‘ Y 364. . o 184 . A a s fi N PL . 1 mo . pp . vi, Illus C pyrighted

475. . oo oo No Mrs Hale s new c k b k [Full entry .

o ot 306 . Philadelphia : T . B . Peters n and Br hers, Chestnut street

— — 2m 2 . 47 6 . 1857 1 o . pp . (xix) xlvi, 5 , Illus Copyrighted vc LC . .

l o . . . 476. The New Bedford practica receipt bo k,by Mrs P H M nd ll e a . 9 185 . New Bedford : Charles Taber 8: Co.

2 . . 1 mo . . 99 pp . BU LC

for oo No . 477. New receipts c king [Full entry

o ot 306 . Philadelphia : T . B . Peters n and Br hers, Chestnut street

2 2 1852 8: 1854. 5 0 8. o 1 mo . pp . , C pyrighted

e d o e s w as o me in 1857 and re T e firm . e son an h of T . B P t r Br th r f r d

moved to 306 Ches tnut s treet in 1 858.

’ m en m of o . o 478. The pe ple s friend A new and valuable c p diu miscellaneous 8: domestic receipts,many of which are of meal

culable value,and which are now published for the first time . m h . Selected, compiled and carefully revised by W . F . Tut ill

to . C . R . secured according law 859 American Cookery Books 1 2 5

o . 1859. Galesburg,Ill . : Ben Franklin Printing H use

16mo . o 2 7 . pp . c ver title, ,paper

o o oo oo to o 478a . The r yal cr wn c k b k which are added directi ns for setting out tables and giving entertainments ; directions for j ointing,trussing,and carving ; and several hundred additional o en receipts by a practical h usekeeper . Illustrated with fifty gravings . o m o o o 310— 318 New Y rk : A erican Publishers C rp rati n . Sixth

ca . avenue . [ 12m 9 Y 31 2 m o w . N P L . o . . r pp plus pp . advertise ents . Yell w

om ar e NO 58 C p . 4 .

o — oo n 478b . The s uthern gardener and receipt b k,co taining valu able information,original and otherwise,on all subj ects connected with domestic and rural affairs,gardening,cookery,beverages, m m o e dairy, edical,veterinary and iscellaneous . Third editi n r vised and enlarged by Mrs . Mary L . Edgeworth .

o 8: CO . 1859. Philadelphia : J . B . Lippinc tt — 8 . 13 4 pp xi, 7 .

’ 9 o 47 . S yer s standard cookery for the people : embracing an en tirel m of oo om m y new syste plain c kery and d estic econo y . By o l m Alexis S yer . st A erican from the 19lst English edition,

o . m revised with additi ns by M Guillau e St . Jean .

: . . 1859 Philadelphia C Desilver . 2 — 1 mo . o . 1 2 pp . fr ntis , ,leaf,5 14. Illus .

479a. oo oo o The United States c k b k [Full entry N . : o 9 185 . Philadelphia Published by J hn Weik .

. 165. NY pp P L .

480. No o o Vegetable diet [Full entry . Sec nd editi n, revised and enlarged . o : o N 308 o . New Y rk F wlers and Wells,publishers, o . Br adway


mo — 12 . . 13 312 4 4 4 o 1 9 pp xii, , , , . C pyrighted 84 .

481 . o o . oo The y ung h usekeeper s friend By Mrs . [Mary H ker] o C rnelius . Revised and enlarged . os o : o 9 185 . B t n Br wn,Taggard and Chase . 12m — o . . 7 254 o . 1859 pp v, C pyrighted . 1 2 6 American Cookery Books 1 860

1 860

4 m . 81a . The A erican practical cookery book [Full entry No

1 860. Philadelphia : G . G . Evans .

319. pp .

481b . 361 . Arts revealed [Full entry No . b] - o o 36 o o New Y rk : H . Dayt n, H ward street ; Indianap lis,Ind

8: o . Asher C 1860.

134 m . pp . , s N 482. o Breakfast,dinner,and tea [Full entry .

o om 346 8: 348 o . New York : D . Applet n and C pany, Br adway 86 1 0.

— 12 9 . BP L . 3 1 . o 185 . mo . pp . xi, ( ) 35 C pyrighted AAS

’ ’ m o o — e 18 ma 60 m 483 . Fisher s i pr ved h use k eper s al nac, and fa ily o - receipt book . [wo d cut : a kitchen] N 8 o 74 Fisher 8: Brother, o . S uth Sixth street,Philadelphia ; Chatham street,New York ; 71 Court street,B oston ; 64 Balti mo m 1860 re street,Balti ore . [ ] m 3 o . . S all 4to . pp . 6 including c ver,paper Illus

One- e third cook ry .

4 4 oo of or 8 . Handb k practical receipts ; ,useful hints in everyday

life . By an American gentleman and lady . o s 8: 51 8: 53 o New Y rk : Publi hed by A . S . Barnes Burr, J hn o o o street . S ld by booksellers,generally,thr ugh ut the United

States . 1860. — 2 . 1 mo . 2 NYPL 3 15 . o 1860. pp . x, C pyrighted At top of page : Th e book for y ou !

’ m f - o 485. o oo : H usekeepers al anac, or th e year 1860. [W d cut ab ve, ” “ ” “ m n o oo a fat a dining A good dinner . Bel w, A g d pie, A fine

607 om Philadelphia : Published by King 8: Baird,NO . Sans ee 1860 str t . [ ]

m . . 36 o . S all 410 pp . including c ver,paper MS N H ow to oo h ow to o . 486. c k and carve [Full entry 1859 New York : Dick 8: Fitd rald,publishers . [

1 9. NYP L . 13 . o 85 12m . 0 o . pp , Illus C pyrighted

i 1 5 s oo was er Dick and Fitzgerald formed a partnership n 8 9. Thi b k p haps published after 1860.

1 2 8 American Cookery Books 1 860

- 4 9. o 8 The practical cook bo k [Full entry No . o e 186 a 0. Alb ny : Munsell and R wland,78 State str et . 12m — . 7 101 o 1855. o . pp vi,( ) , C pyrighted

9 — - for m o . o of u 48 a . Water cure the illi n The pr cess water c re -m o e o r o . explain d . P pula err rs exp osed Hygienic and drug edicati n for contrasted ; rules for bathing,dieting,exercising,etc . ; recipes cooking : directions for home—treatment ; remarkable cases to

. T rall illustrate,etc ,by R . T .

o : o 1860. New Y rk F wler and Wells .

2 . . pp . 7 . MS LC

489 b . am The s e .

o : 186 . New Y rk (Davies 8: Kent,stereotypers . ) 0 0 pp . 7 .

9 - 48 C. What I know ; or th e economical cook and house book No 42 [Full entry . 3a] .

. 4 . o . 1860. Philadelphia : J W . Bradley, 8 N F urth street

490. o o oo The y ung h usekeeper s friend . By Mrs . [Mary H ker] o C rnelius . Revised and enlarged .

o o : o 186 . B st n Br wn and Taggard . 0 12m — . 6 2 o . o 59. pp v,( ) 54. C pyrighted 18 I N D E X O F A UT H O R S

1 281b 340 am e ,19 G . 26 a , Abell,Mrs . L . , , , , Child S u l m 85 140a 340a,357,357a,441 Cobbett,Wi llia , , 16 427b M. 3 Mrs . . Accum,Frederick,77 Collins, A , , 244 279 304a 337 oo e , omas,78,85a Acton,Eliza, , , , . C p r Th 265 2883 295 309 5 o ne s,Mrs ., , , , , 370,4 4. C r liu 171 173 174 341,358,379,400,419,442,457, Alcott,William A ., , , , 81 490 175, 175a, 1 82, 202, 264, 288, 4 , 2 19 238 Mr om s . wen s . 292b,294,324,3243 ,399,480 Cro , Th a J , , , 2 247 3 17 239 252C, 267, 282C, 326, 364, Allen,A nn H ., 43, , , 459 482 364a,402,425 Andrews,Julia C ., , 352 Appert,Nicolas,57,85a Cust,Lady, A ud ot, o s s a e,256,385a 1 10 L ui Eu t ch Da lgairns,Mrs . , H od n se . see a A , , g o n 398 u t Mary p ud M ry Doran,Dr . J h , son 78b L . 4 e o ,Mrs . , 12 Edg w rth Mary a e Mrs . 3 a B k r, Ruth M, z e 440 Ellet,Mrs . Eli ab th F 1 2 2 24 25 26 B arlow,Joel,2 ,2 , 3, , , , 12 213 Ellis,Mrs .,2 , 27,32,38a,49,51,52,53,65,66, Emerson,Lucy,44 79,91,92,142,167,273,300,405 76 1 1 13 135 essen en, om s G ., Barnum,H,L ., 6, 4, F d Th a Franca telli es me 255 487 B eecher,Catherine Esther,260,277a, ,Charl El , , 283C 29 303 320a 336c 336d , l b, , , , , Gilman,Caroline,169,181,187 391 410 434 453 472 472a 486a , , , , , , Girard ey,George,1933 00a 327 emen e N. 3 B t,Cal b , , Glasse,Hannah,5,35,56 5 7 Mrs . 307 323 3 6a 3 7 Bliss, , , , , Graham,Sylvester,162 ss, e n,285 Bli P rri 1 1 85 191 r . . 17 80 Hal e,M s . S J , 9, , , , S . 5 c 486b Bradley,Mrs . . ,339,3 4 , J 221,244,279,293,304a,324b,336, Briggs,Ri chard,14,30,3 1 336a, 336b, 337, 354, 355, 370, Byrn,La Fayette,344 372,437,438,454,475 8 am e Mrs . 396 4 9 1 C b ll, Sylvia, , Ha ll,Elizabeth M. ,4 4

Campbell,Tunis G .,283a Hall,Harrison,58 Carter,Susannah,1 1,13,20,34,34b Hardin,P h ilomelia,196b as nn de 50 54 o a I. 68 C a,Gi v i la, , Har well,H . , 0 Mr . 33 347 348 e m s 12 Chadwick, s . J , , , , Hay s,Tho a , 385b,406,429,448a,464 Hayw ood,Eliza Fowle,2 a man om s 7 8 1 22 2 5 A . 03 9 4 Ch p ,Th a , , ,9 Henderson, W . , , , , a 101 10 Child,Mrs . Lydia Mari , , 9, 280,354b,412,436 109a,1 17,1 18,1 19,120,127,128, Hodgson,Mary (Aunt Mary, 129,130, 137,138,143,144,147, 394 5 152 160 163 164 195 216 n Mrs 7 l l b, , , , , , , Holla d, . Mary,9 a 216a,234,235,251,266,298 Homespun,Priscilla,72 1 30 American Cookery Books

o an Mrs . . A . 230 233 sm r 47la 486C H wl d, E , , , Pri ,M s . , 233 a 246 2463 261 281 281 a n m 2 2 f , , , , , , Put a ,Mrs ., 9 ,306,336 ,369C, 284, 284a, 296, 3 10, 322a, 325, 392,413,438b,455,488 325a,359 2 5 Raffald,Elizabeth,71 Hughson,D., 4 ,280,354b,412, 436 Randolph, Mrs . Mary, 86, 90,99, a, 125, 126, 157, 172, 263c, H u melbergius Secundus,Dick,100, I l l 287b 308 152a , eese, a e e , 237,282d, Hunt,William,447,448 R D vid M r dith 291,328,383,400a,420 in Irv g,Lucretia,332 Roberts,Robert,95,97,210a

e P . 1 0 20 Rog r,P . , 7 , 7 a s n . 263a o , Q., J ck J efi Ros eld,Mrs .,462a o ns on ames W , . .,362 J h t J F n e Mrs z Ru d ll, . M aria Eli a,39,40, Kitch iner,William,81,83,87,107, 40a,41,4la,45,46,49a, 60,67, 1 14,13 1,139,381 70,73a,80a,82,84,93,94,108, 141,148C,154,166,166a,23 1 Lankester,Edwin,188,263b

L e z . ean a me 479 a,Eli abeth E .,236C,252a,3 l 3a, St J ,Guill u ,

n M. 0 1 401 a,462 Sa derson, J . , 2 4, 25 C, 289, b 12b Les lie,Miss Eliza,98,105,1 1 1,133, 289a,289 ,3 ,362a 136,140,146,148,148a,151,153, Sav arin,Brillat,376 o Mr L 396a 156, 159, 159a, 165, 169a, 176, Sc tt, s . M . ., mm me 1 177,181a,183,183a,185a,l90b, Si ons,A lia, 7,28,33,42,43, 55 59 63 67a 80 1 12 l96a,206,218, 222a, 236,236a, , , , ,73, , m 58 236b,252,269,270,276,277,278, Si onds,J . ,3 a h ste d nne . Burc a 295a 309a 29oa,304,3 13,321, 3213 ,321b, Ski r,H , , , 343 364b 323a,336c,338,354a,369b,374, ,

m . l a 382,41 1,423,435,443,473,477 S ith,E Goodrich,4 9 Smith,Elizabeth,1,3,6,10 McDo all Mr u s . n es a e g , Fra c H rri t, Smith,Prudence,122,149a 161 168 168a , , Smith,Sydney,201 l 5a McG etrick M. 4 , , Soyer,Alexis,305,322,356,370a, Mc etri k W 1 G c . . 45b ,S , 438a,474,479 MeH arr , am e ,47 St rke G . 4 2b y S u l o ,E . , 6 Mackenzie, Colin, 89, 102 lo2a, o n on,P .,248 lo9b,109C,121,390,47lb Th r t Thornwell,Emily,392a McMullen,Thomas,329 a ne , mo ,240a ann Mr o a e 422 444 Tr i r Ti thy M , s . H r c , ,

T . 373 393 39 8 a T rall, . , , ,4 ,4 9 , Mend ll Mr R a , s . . 476 P H 489b 1 e A . 1 2 a ss . 94 4 N l,Mi C , , Tuthill,William F 478 o s on sena 149 1 Nich l ,A th, Twamley,J . , 8 sena l b Nicholson,Mrs . A th, 48 Ude, o s s a e,96 o son, za e , 416a, 423a, L ui Eu t ch Nich l Eli b th 0 on e e a A . 4 7 449 4S9C Upt ,R b cc , , , e e ,38 Nutt Fr d ric Vollmer,William,415,479a es Mr m 5 l 0a a , s . a , 9 a, 0 , P rk Willi Mr A 52 e a . 4 Wald n, s . M ry , 1 15, 237, 252b, 282d, 291, 328, Walker,Thomas,158 383,4o0a,420 H . 2 Wa lsh,J . ,4 4 Parkinson,Eleanor,217,251b,3 12b, 2 225 25 a L . 2 4 7 362a Webs ter,Mrs . A . , , , , 2 275 301 3 l7a 331 350 351 369 Pinney,H . , 83 , , , , , , , 389 408 H . 250 Presco tt,J . , ,


A lrnanack for th e year 1760,A n, American receipt book,Th e,216b, 4 3263 American book of cookery, Th e, American sys tem of cookery,Th e, 2953 ,3093 267,282c American book of recipes, Th e, Apician anecd otes,1523 3583 Apician morsels,100 American cookery, 17, 28,33,42, Art of cheese-making,Th e,29 43,55,59,63,67a,73,80,1 12 A r t of cookery made plain and American cookery book,T h e,1513 easy,Th e,35,56 American d omestic cookery, 733 , A rt of dining,Th e,158 803 ,82 A rt of preserving,Th e,57,853 American economical housekeeper, A rts rev ealed,3433 ,361b,481b Th e, 233, 2333 , 296, 3 10, 325, Breakfas t,din ner and tea,459,482 3253 , 359. American family cook book,Th e, Carolina housewife,Th e,268,312, 443 386 American family encyclopedia,Th e, Catalogue of articles manufactured, 4003 ,420 327 American family keepsake, Th e, Chemis try of common life, Th e, 2823 362 American family receipt b ook,T he, Choice receipts,421 2653 ,282bb,282b,297 Chr is tianity in th e kitchen,422,444 American frugal housewife, Th e, Compleat ( or, complete) h ouse 127,128,129,130,137,138,143, wife,Th e,1,3,6,10 144,147,151b,152,163,164,195, Complete confectioner,Th e,or,the 216,2163 ,234,235,251,266,298 whole art 38 American home cook book, Th e, Complete confectioner, pas try-cook 0 1 1 and a e Th e 217 251b 36 ,36 ,36 3 . b k r, , , America n housewife,Th e,or dir ce Complete cook,Th e,204,251C,289, tions 2663 ,3 103 2893 American h ousewife,Th e : contain Complete grocer,Th e,1303 ing 175b,1 89, 1 893 ,189b, Complete practica l distiller, Th e, 190,195a,203,251 3 ,342 344 ’ American lady s every d ay han d Concise observations on th e nature b ook,The,266b of our comm on foods,12 ’ American lady s system of cookery, Cook and confectioner,289b,3 12b, Th e,326 3623 American matron,T h e,31 1 Cook book of rare and v aluable American practi ca l cookery book, recipes,2983 Th e,458,4583 ,458b,4813 Cook not mad,Th e,106,1 13,1903 American prize-book,Th e,343 Cookery almanac,Th e,205 Index ofTitles I 33

Cookery as it should be,380,401, Experienced English housekeeper, 4223 ,460,4603 Th e,71 Th e l00d Cookery on a simple and healthful Experienced housekeeper, , plan,196 ’ h e eo e 314 Cook s manual,Th e,3 123 Facts for t p pl , ’ ’ Cook s oracle,Th e,81,83,87,107, Family and householder s guide, 1 14,13 1,139,381 Th e,462b ’ Th e Coo k s own book,Th e, 132, 1323 , Family b ook of knowledge, , 140, 148, 159, 1643 , 176, 183, 4253 290,363,423 Family book of rare and valuable Corner cupboard,Th e, 461 recipes,Th e,240 5 Co ttage economy,85,1403 Family companion,Th e,2 3 ’ Cyder-maker s ins tructor, Th e, 7, Family cook book,Th e,445 Family cyclopaedia,Th e,364b Family guide,Th e,282e Dair ying exemplified,18 Family manual,Th e,2403 Directions for cookery, 1593 , 165, Family nurse,Th e,160 177,1 833 , 190b,190c,1963 ,206, Family receipt b o ok,Th e, 74,88, 218, 236, 2363 , 236b, 252, 269, 178,2723 ,283 2903 ,3 13 Family receipts,1 16,184,364C ’ Domes tic cookery,or th e art Fanny Fern s family cook book,403 ’ 73b Farmer s own book,Th e,134,135 ’ Domestic cookery, useful receipts, Fisher 8: Brother s improved h ouse ’ 236c,2523 ,3 l 3a,3443 ,4013 ,462 keeper s almanac,365 ’ ’ Domes tic duties, 953 , 1003 , 1 15, Fisher s economica l h ousekeeper s 252b almana c,220 ’ ’ Domes tic economis t,Th e,4623 Fisher s improved house-keeper s al Domes tic economy,l00b,100c,207 manae, 299, 3 15, 345,366,367, Domestic encyclopedia,Th e,78 384,385,404,426,427,4273 ,446, Domes ti c French cookery,133,1483 , 463,483 ’ 153,270,382 (Fisher s ) temperance h ouse- keep ’ Domes tic manu a l,Th e,68 er s almanac,208,209,210 ’ Domes tic s companion,Th e,1443 Five hundred receipts in th e arts ’ Oldcook s e e - oo 271 Dr . r c ipt b k, and trades,64 Five thousand receipts,89 h o sebook Economi cal cook and u , French cook,Th e,96,254 Th e,4233 French cookery,255 1 83b Economical coo kery, 1773 , , French domes tic cookery,256,3853 ’ 1 83c Frugal housekeeper s kitchen com m se ee e Th e 24 Econo ical hou k p r, ,4 panion, Th e,272b, 283b, 291 3 , Economist, Th e, 272 328a,367a f mes e onom Encyclopaedia o do tic c y, Frugal h ousewife,Th e, 1 1,13,20, A n,237,282d,291,328,383 34,34b,101,109,1093 ,1 17,1 1 8, ’ Ev ery lady s b ook, 219,238, 239, 1 19, 120 252C

’ Ev ery lady s cook b ook,364,3643 , Galateo,50 402,425 Good bread,447,448 Ev ery man his own brewer,19 Good cook,Th e,346 ’ Ev eryb ody s cook and receipt book, Good h ousekeeper, Th e, 179, 1 80, 196b 185, 191,221 Experienced American hou sekeeper, Grea t American cook book, Th e, Th e, 84,93,94,108,141, 148c, 3 16 154,166,1663 Grea t w es tern cook book,Th e,427b 1 34 American Cookery Books

’ ’ Hall s distiller,58 Inv alid s own book,Th e,352 ’ Handbook of d omestic cookery, Irving s 1000 receipts,332 Th e,222 ’

. . aff m Handbook of practical receipts,484 J R St ord s fa ily receipt book, 4333 Handbook of wines,329 ’ o nson s new m e e Hasty pudding,Th e,21,22,23,24, J h fa ily r c ipt book, 25,26,27,32,383 ,49,51,52,53, 3323 65,66,79,91,92,142,167,273, Ke 300,405 y of the kitchen,333,353 ’ K en om an on Th e 226 Hints from Cousin Susan s recipe itch c p i , , K en e o Th e 192 227 b ook,3003 ,327 itch dir ct ry, , , , 258 3693 452b 471 H ome advice,428 , , , Home cookery,330,347,348,385b, ’ 406,429,4483 ,464 Ladies cooking assis tan t,302,3023 , 302b 3 18 3 19 334 Home s tudies,407 , , , ’ L adi zs n s ensa e ss s a n 320 Honours of th e table,Th e,54 i di p bl a i t t, , 33é H otel keepers, head wa iters, and ’ ’ a es n s e n m n n housekeepers guide,2833 L di i di p sabl e c o pa i o , Th e 471 3 486C Hou se a nd h ome,386 , , ’ es new f oo e Th e House b ook,Th e,1853 ,2223 Ladi b ook o c k ry, , 336 3363 336b 354 Housekeeper and gard ener,449 , , , ’ ’ s ann a e s e Th e 169 House keeper s almanac,241 Lady u l r gi t r, , , ’ 181 187 193 200 21 1 H ouse-keeper s almanac,197,1973 , , , , , ’ 198 Lady s receipt-book,Th e,277 ’ Housekeeper s almanac, Th e, 186, ’ 199,274,349,368,387,388,430, Mackenzie s five thousand receipts, 102 1023 109b 109c 121 390 431,432,4323 ,450,451,465,466, , , , , , , 467,468,485 471b ’ n men of th e s m Th e Housekeeper s annual, Th e, 223, Ma age t ick roo , , 242,257 228 ’ n f me e n m 1933 Housekeeper s assistant, Th e, 243, Ma ua l o d o stic co o y, 3 17 Manua l of h omoeopathic cookery, ’ 259 Housekeeper s book,Th e,161,168, A, ’ ee e s mes e e 1683 Miss B ch r d o tic r c ipt ’ 260 2773 283c 29 303 H ousekeeper s directory,Th e,452 book, , , , l b, , ’ 3203 336c 336d 391 410 434 H ousekeeper s guide,3493 , , , , , , ’ 453 472 4723 4863 Housekeeper s manual,Th e,1203 , , , ’ ’ m e e 321 House servant s directory,Th e,95, Miss Leslie s co plet cook ry, , 336e 3543 41 1 473 97,2103 , , , ’ ’ ’ e a new e e H ouse wife s companion,300b Miss Lesli s l dy s r c ipt ’ 304 3213 Housewife s guide,Th e,145,1453 book, , ’ ss es e s new oo e oo ,435 H ow to cook and h ow to carve, Mi L li c k ry b k ’ ‘ ’ w e e s 369b 469,486 Miss Les lie s ne r c ipt , ’ ss es e s se en five e e s, Husbandman and housewife,Th e, Mi L li v ty r c ipt 76 278,321b Modern American cookery,122,1493 Mod ern cook,Th e,487 043 337 Improved housewife,Th e,224,225, M od ern cookery,244,279,3 , , 2573 , 275, 301, 3 173 , 331,350, 370,454 351,369,389,408 Modern domes tic cookery,103,229, Indian mea l book,Th e,276 245,280,354b,412,436 Th e Inquire within,409,433,4523 ,470 M odern family receipt book, , Intellectua l house-keeper,Th e,148b 973

1 36 American Cookery Books

United Sta tes practical receipt book, Virginia housewife,The,86,90,99, T h e,2323 ,263 1 1 13 , 125, 126, 157, 172, 263c, Universal receipt book,Th e,61,72 287b,308 Useful receipts ,34a Water-cure for th e million, 4893 , Va luable receipts, or secrets re 489b v ealed,263a W ay to live w ell,Th e,293,324b Valuable receipts, or th e mystery Wha t I know,4163 ,489c ’ of wealth,250 W iddifield s new cook b ook,417 ’ Valuable secrets concerning arts Wright s b ook of 300 practical re and trades,16,3 13 ceipts,418 Valuable secrets in arts and trades, 62 Young housekeeper,Th e,173,174, Va luable secrets i n arts,trades,8:c, 175,1753 ,182,202,264,288,294, 48,69 3243 ,399 ’ Vegetable diet,171,292b,324,480 Young housekeeper s friend, Th e, Vegetable substances,1 88,263b 265,2883 ,295,309,341,358,379, Vegetable yeast maker,Th e,416 400,419,442,457,481,490