we're putting up with Uae It as a canoe paddle PHILADELPHIA JAOK"8 DRUM! chuck kleln & rachel rubln SHOPP Let me mention a bit about the Swarth­ more Folk Festival. This year 1s was held .;>n March 10 and ll, on the Swarthmore cam­ pus. That's a pretty decent drive from where I live, so I only managed to get out there on Frid~y night. The concert.I saw had two performe,rs: the Greenbriar Boys and . The Greenies are great; the addition of Eric Weissberg as banjoist was beautiful. They are as smooth as ever, and Maybe you can even play It every bit as entertaining. The audience went nuts, which is saying a lot, because Swarth­ But who' a going to argue with a morerites, I have heard, by and large have· demonstrated pretty good musical taste. guitar for only $7 .50 Richie ·, Havens was making his first ap­ pearance in the area, and many people there Clearance Speclal at had never heard or heard of him before. Jack's What happened was great; they dug him• . It1 s good to be an observer to a discov~ry, al­ most as good as being part of it, These peo­ Drum Sho·p ple discovered Havens, that is, -they had never heard him before, and all of a sudden come along a new talent they didn't know ex­ isted. Their enthusiasm was heartening, es­ HAe .. e222 pecially since rve seen that same enthusiasm for the same performer in another audience, month or so, hopefully, It has been describ­ Newport 166, It looks like Richie will be a ed to me as a full sound, instruments, ef­ hit out there from now on. fects, everything. Look for it. I didn't get to see the rest of the festival. To cap off the weekend, :Gene Shay, on which included another concert (J. D. Hutto his Folklore show, had a Canadian night, · and the Hawks, and Skip James) and some featuring Joni, Gorden, and myself: It was workshops, but if they were of the same cal­ a ball, and informative, too, because the . iber as the Friday concert, then I guess the audience got a glimpse of where folk music is festival was a success. in it Canada, and take it from me, it's out of This past week was a real CanadianFes-. sight., tival here in Philly. The Second Fret had Things to look forward to: Tom Rush and in for two weeks, and the Main the Kwe skins to the Main Point in April, Point featured Gorden Lightfoot. Now you've Steve Gillette coming up at the Fret. Spring all heard me talk about these two before, and ought to be here soon, or at least that's what you know how fond I am of .them. Joni is a they tell me. As I write this, it's the second fine writer, one of the most promising a­ day of Spring and it's still snowing. I hope round. Many of her songs are well known that by the time you get to read it, there 1ll already, and I am sure that more will come. be birds around, flowers, warmth, sun ••••• I have no qualms about predicting that she YAAAAAAAAAAH. will be a major performer in the not too dis­ tant futur·e. ' Her voice is excellent: moving May the go~~~ile on thee! and easy to listen to. Gorden was here with his trio, ·the same as the last time: John Steckfish on electric bass, and Red Shea on guitar. Both are Torontonians, both are fine musicians. The sound the trio has together is very good, and f · was received that way. Lightfoot has many new songs, some of which are outstanding. You will be hearing them soon, I think. They Saxon .Coffee House have recorded a new album for United Ar­ 39 charles street, newport, r. ~~ tists, which should be up for release in a one block north of washington square



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that they were both in the same place at the same time***LOTHAR & THE HAND PEOPLE BitS i~ P1i et ::es have recorded for CapitolRecords***PETER WALKER, the artist on Vanguard's Rainy Day JOAN BAEZ, just recently back from Japan, Raga, is Boston's own Peter W:inters, who is soon off on another tour, this time to Rus­ used to run the Folklore Center in Cam­ sia, Poland, and Italy *** THE KINGSTON bridge***BONGI & JUDI, a new girl duet, are Trio may do a farewell concert in Boston, the daughters of Miriam Makeba, and Josh early inMay***MIMI FARINA will appear on White, respectively***The Folk-Legacy re­ several concerts with JUDY COLLINS***A cording of ROSALIE SORRELS, with accom­ mouth bow kit is being prepared by PA TRICK paniment by Mitch Greenhill, is now released SKY for marketing sometime soon*** Bill­ ***LIGHTNING HOPKINS will appear along board and Cashbox reviewers had such totally with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band at the Ash 1 different opinions of BUFFY SAINT~RIE s Grove in L. A. thre>ugh April 26 ***BOB New York Concert, that it's hard to believe DYLAN has signed with the American Guild of Authors & Composers***THE SERENDI­ PITY SINGERS will try a new bag this summer BOTTEGA -- Summer Stock***IAN & SYLVIA are set for three weekend concerts at San Francisco's .•• WHERE YOU BOUGHT YOUR Fillmore Auditorium***"! Can't Make ItAny­ INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED JEWELRY More, 11 a song, has been released on a single by Spyder Turner AND UNUSUAL DRESS HAS A ***RICK NORCROSS is now operating his own coffeehouse, "The 18th String Guitar And SURPRISE FOR ORIGINAL Coffee Emporium" in Tampa*** was set for an appearance on Murray the K's MEN AND WOMEN .. . Coming Soon Easter spectacular***George Hamilton is up 247 HARVARD ST. to number 12 on the c&w charts with his re­ COOLIDGE CORNER cording of . JONI MITCHELL's "Urge for BROOK LI NE, MASS Going," which is backed with Phil Ochs' song mon-sat, 10-9 sun., 1-6 "Changes"***Another BLUES PROJECT al­ bum is being prepared for release***: 29