BROADSIDE # 89 Are Convinced of It
,Q"' ~ ~" "- 7 - road.sid.e 1t 89 WHAT IFTHEY GAVE A WAR AND NO ONE CAME? by JONNA GAULT THE WAR A L SOl NTH I S IS SUE FREDERICK DOUGLASS KIRKPATRICK**JANIS IAN**MIKIS THEODORAKIS & CAMPANELL IS IS OVER **ERNIE MARRS**TOM RAPP**TOM PARROTT . PHIL OCHS The Woody Guthrie Memorial Concert reviewed by ELI JAFFE .Part One of a long interview with PHIL OCHS . February - March, 1968 so¢ - 2 - Words & Music WHAT IF THEY GAVE A WAR AND NO ONE CAME~ By JONNA GAULT A i I « i i ~ /fr' "5 I What if they gave a war and no one came? If ev-1ryone refused to play the game? If ) t t 'u (alP?'I!>;) J J t j. t) !:~~_4 _ what of our good name, our for-tune and our fame? \fuat if they gave a war and no - one came?-- f ),1 U (ijJ EJ? I J J·e in .FO.I All a-round mothers wrought up: "You steal the lives we brought up!" Up and down students milling; the can't ~ the ~ W U tj n'rP pj 17J (3"llU Gl "w IIbf:'! They're not a-ble,theY're not willing. Ev1rywherethsidewalks teeming:I'Not my boy" the crowds screaming. F D1~v,4 e &1 F,,,,1 »1 7 ,91 keep ;#.",7 Ye with ev'ry crack of dawn, an~other truck load gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, i.,,1!Ii 6.m ., 1£! 18 t ~~1'1I00J4!~· t, j;ff1 II; fr r '" :11 gone! What No one came.
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