Vol. 34, Issue 2 Winter 2015



Banking on Page 14 Hatching a Better Plan for the Sage Grouse Page 18 The New West Page 22 Sailing the Sagebrush Sea Page 30 FROM THE DIRECTOR

Reed Watson The Property and Environment Research Center is a nonprofit institute dedicated to improving environmental quality through property rights and markets.

PERC REPORTS Back issues For Free Market Available in PDF format Environmentalism www.percreports.org Why Private Land? Vol. 34, Issue 2 Winter 2015 Copyright © 2015, PERC. All rights A fundamental principle of free market environmentalism is reserved. Reproduction without Editor permission is strictly prohibited. that property rights can turn environmental resources from liabilities into assets Shawn Regan PERC REPORTS by giving resource owners the right incentives for stewardship. Specifically, when Art Director (ISSN 1095-3779) property rights are clearly defined, secure from theft, and tradable, the competitive Rachael Hundhausen 2048 Analysis Drive, Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718-6829 marketplace tends to enhance rather than diminish environmental quality.

This intuitive yet profound principle guides the research, publications, and Executive Director Board of Directors Reed Watson Loren D. Bough programs at PERC. From forests to fisheries, from the urban environment to the Private Investor Senior Director of developing world, the first questions we ask are: who owns the resource, how are Program Management Thomas J. Bray those rights defined, and how easily can they be traded. Monica Lane Guenther The Detroit News (retired) Typically, ownership by all leads to stewardship by none. Consider public Director of Outreach Henry N. Butler Wendy Purnell George Mason University lands in this country. The four federal land agencies—the National Park Service, School of Law Director of Publications Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Forest Service— Shawn Regan Robert Clement Accenture (retired) have a total of $19 billion in deferred maintenance. That is $19 billion in crum- William A. Dunn Distinguished Senior Tyler Dann bling roads, leaking water pipes, and dilapidated trails that the agencies themselves Fellow Harlem Valley Investing Co., Inc. admit should be repaired, but go unrepaired because there is insufficient funding Terry L. Anderson Kimberly O. Dennis (or, more accurately, insufficient incentive) for stewardship. Senior Fellows Searle Freedom Trust Jonathan H. Adler As you read in the last issue of PERC Reports, PERC’s message on public H. Spencer Banzhaf Deborah Donner Daniel K. Benjamin Business Consultant lands was simple: We can do better. Through user fees, innovative management David D. Haddock P. J. Hill Carlos Fernández structures like franchise parks, privatization of services, and public-private partner- Gary D. Libecap The Nature Conservancy ships, we can increase the environmental and economic returns from public lands. Robert E. McCormick Roger E. Meiners Martin Hostettler We also made the point that the federal government should not acquire more Andrew P. Morriss Cycad AG Sheila M. Olmstead lands—it should not take private lands and make them public—when it cannot Randal R. Rucker Fred E. Karlinsky Randy T. Simmons Greenberg Traurig manage the lands it already owns. As Congress considers several proposals that Walter N. Thurman Matthew A. Turner Kristina Kendall would increase federal landholdings, PERC has argued that conservation, at its New Balloon Investments core, means first taking care of what you already have. Senior Fellows Emeritus Donald R. Leal Dwight E. Lee As important and controversial as public lands are, private land ownership Jane S. Shaw Gagnon Securities, LLC Richard L. Stroup remains the bedrock not only of free market environmentalism, but also a free soci- Bruce Yandle Gary Rieschel Qiming Venture Partners ety. It is for that reason that private lands have been and will remain at the top of Senior Research Fellows Dominic P. Parker Rankin Smith, Jr. PERC’s research agenda. Kurt Schnier Seminole Plantation This issue of PERC Reports features stories of “private conservation in the Research Fellows John F. Tomlin public interest.” Environmental entrepreneurs around the globe are harnessing Holly L. Fretwell Conservation Forestry Partners, LLC Laura E. Huggins market forces to enhance wildlife habitat, clean water, and provide recreational Shawn Regan Brian Yablonski Brandon Scarborough Gulf Power opportunities on private lands. And, importantly, the benefits of their efforts spill Michael 't Sas-Rolfes over property boundaries, often to the benefit of the non-paying public. Development Manager Are there market mechanisms that would allow beneficiaries to pay? How Suzi Berget White would payment influence the provision of these goods and services on private Office Manager Dianna L. Rienhart lands? And how would functional markets for so-called “ecosystem services” affect Accountant patterns, such as the development of working lands in this country at the KayCee Pulasky rate of one acre per hour? Admin & Outreach Coordinator PERC is partnering with the Samuel R. Noble Foundation, A&M’s Jennifer M. Keney Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, and the East Wildlife Foundation Administrative Assistant Sharie Rucker to answer these important questions. Together as part of the Center for Private Outreach & Research Assistant Land Stewardship, we will conduct research on the conservation benefits of secure Scott Wilson property rights, connect that research to policy reforms that bolster property Research Assistant right protections, and stand up for the private landowner who conserves the Hannah Downey Conference Coordinators public interest. Colleen Lane Renee Storm TELL US WHAT YOU THINK FOR FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM [email protected] Vol. 34, Issue 2 Winter 2015



8 SNAPSHOTS Farming water quality in Ranching for wildlife in Texas Trading for water in Bolivia Partnering for habitat in Kenya by Hannah Downey

Page 22 12 IMPRESSIONS © Todd Klassy© Todd A different kind of green by Drew Johnson

14 BANKING ON ENDANGERED SPECIES 36 TANGENTS How assigning property rights to protected species Property rights to fish turned a landfill into a conservation bank. by Daniel K. Benjamin by Ben Guillon, Geoff Smick, Rob Schell, and Liz Agraz 38 ON THE LOOKOUT Redefining the waters of the 18 HATCHING A BETTER PLAN FOR THE United States SAGE GROUSE by Jonathan H. Adler Private landowners are the driving force behind sage grouse conservation. 39 LAST WORD Bringing the sharing economy by Brian Seasholes to private land by Shawn Regan 22 THE NEW WEST

Vol.33, Issue 2 A quiet revolution is sweeping across the West, forging Fall / Winter 2014 PerCrePorTS NATIONAL PARKS CENTENNIAL ISSUE Vol. 34, Issue 1 a new approach to conservation in the 21st century. Summer 2015 FOR FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM FOR FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM The War on by Todd Wilkinson Wildlife Trade Page 22 Frackonomics The Economics of Land-use RegulationsPage 8

Paying to Play in the Great Outdoors Page 16 Page 28 30 SAILING THE SAGEBRUSH SEA BACK TO THE FUTURE OF OUR Ranchers navigate ecosystems of perpetual change. NATIONAL PARKS

by Gregg Simonds PERCReports-FallWinter 2014.indd 1 Stephen Mather’s Ghost Page 8 Franchising Parks Page 16 e Bear, e Bison, and the Business of Yellowstone Page 22 11/25/14 2:09:52 AM Isle Royale’s Wolf Dilemma Page 28 On the cover: Beartooth Capital restores private land by enhancing environmental assets. This creek in PERCReports-Summer2015_FINAL_071415.indd 1 7/14/2015 2:23:17 PM Montana’s Madison Valley has been transformed from a shallow ditch into a meandering spring creek renowned for its fishing.Photo © Turner & Fitch. atInvest perc.org/donate in PERC Reports PERCREPORTS.ORG 3 Private Conservation in the Public Interest BY TERRY L. ANDERSON

ldo Leopold, one of the founding fathers understood the importance of balancing the needs of of the modern environmental movement, resource managers to earn a return on their assets while advocated the importance of a “land ethic.” In staying true to a land ethic. To Leopold, creating this A his well-known book A Sand County Almanac, balance required understanding “Conservation Econom- Leopold writes that a land ethic “reflects the existence of an ics,” the title of one of his many essays. “Conservation will ecological conscience, and this in turn reflects a conviction ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner of individual responsibility for the health of land.” Since who conserves the public interest,” he wrote. As Leop- the publication of his book in 1949, the notion of an old saw it, “Incentives are more promising than penalties.” “ecological conscience” has become ingrained in the minds For the most part, Leopold was not sanguine about the of all of us who call ourselves conservationists. potential for political solutions to encourage conservation. A land ethic is one reason why so many private land- “We tried to get conservation by buying land, by subsidiz- owners incorporate stewardship into their land manage- ing desirable changes in land use, and by passing restric- ment decisions—and generate many public environmental tive laws,” he wrote. “The last method largely failed; the benefits as a result. Here in southwest Montana, ranches other two have produced some small examples of success.” such as the Granger Ranch manage their streams in ways Writing at a time when wildlife populations had been that improve water quality, increase fish populations, and decimated, he asked, “Does anyone still believe that restric- provide riparian habitat for wildlife. The Flying D Ranch, tive game laws alone will halt the wave of destruction owned by Ted Turner, is home to thousands of bison which which sweeps majestically across the continent, regardless supply meat for restaurants, but the ranch also supports a of closed seasons, paper refuges, bird-books-for-school- vibrant elk population and a healthy stream for the native children, game farms, Izaak Walton Leagues, Audubon Westslope cutthroat trout. On the other side of the globe, Societies, or other feeble palliatives which we protection- Jake Grieves-Cook, an entrepreneur in Kenya, contracts ists and sportsmen, jointly or separately, have so far erected with Maasai cattle herders to provide more wildlife habi- as barriers in its pay?” His solution was to “build a mecha- tat. Stories such as these are the focus of PERC’s research nism whereby the sportsmen and the Ammunition Indus- initiative on “private conservation in the public interest.” try could contribute financially to the solution of the prob- But Aldo Leopold was no “Pollyanna” when it came lem, without dictating the answer themselves.” to encouraging landowners to invest in conservation. He Finding ways to compensate landowners for their

4 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 Private Conservation in the Public Interest

“Conservation will ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves the public interest.” — Aldo Leopold

© Turner & Fitch.

conservation efforts is at the heart of free market environ- the public seeks to encourage. For instance, declaring that mentalism, which holds that property rights and markets streams restored by riparian landowners must be open to provide an avenue for rewarding private landowners who free recreation, as Montana has done, can stifle private conserve the public interest. In addition to developing a conservation. Penalizing landowners who provide habitat land ethic and educating landowners about the value of for threatened or endangered species by imposing land-use wildlife conservation, Leopold advocated “marketing the restrictions can discourage the private provision of wild- surplus [of wildlife] by sale of shooting privileges to sports- life habitat. Requiring landowners to allow public hunt- men.” While criticizing profit seekers that put develop- ing access can make property owners less likely to manage ment above conservation, he did not favor “rejecting and their land in ways that benefit wildlife. all economic tools for [wildlife] restoration, on the grounds Rather than calling for policies that force private land- that such tools are impure and unholy.” owners to produce public goods, we follow the lead of Aldo Whether it’s bird hunters renting prairie potholes to Leopold by reinforcing a land ethic that rewards landown- provide duck habitat, fishermen leasing instream flows for ers who engage in private conservation. In the pages that salmon habitat, or environmental groups compensating follow, we offer several examples of the public environ- livestock owners for wolf depredation, free market envi- mental benefits produced by private conservation based on ronmentalism, like Leopold, recognizes that incentives property rights and markets, and we encourage conserva- matter and focuses on contracting with private landowners tionists to find other ways, as Leopold did, of “rewarding to provide environmental amenities. These private conser- the private landowner who conserves the public interest.” vation efforts often produce public benefits that extend far beyond property boundaries, resulting in what we at PERC call “private conservation in the public interest.” Once private landowners provide public environmen- tal benefits, however, some groups demand that they must continue to do so without compensation. Some even call for laws that would force landowners to produce public goods, or provide public access to their private land. But Terry L. Anderson is the William A. Dunn Distinguished Senior Fellow at PERC. these efforts can undermine the very conservation efforts


16 5 17

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1. Entiat River Habitat Farming Landowners in the Columbia River basin created the Habitat Farming Enterprise Program which pays orchardists to replace their riparian fruit trees with a fish-friendly vegetative buffer. 2. O’Dell Creek 8 Rancher Jeff Laszlo has restored 500 acres of in Montana’s Madison Valley, providing habitat for fish 9 and wildlife, sequestering carbon, and providing clean, cold water to those downstream. Page 28 3. Rey Creek After decades of neglect and misuse had left nothing but a muddy ditch, hydrologist Scott Gillilan and his team of aquatic and land restoration experts brought a sparkling creek back to life in Montana’s Madison Valley. Page 12 4. American Prairie Reserve 7. La Red RSP On the plains of eastern Montana, APR is creating a This network of private wildlife reserves was formed 3.5 million acre reserve, all of it open to the public while by 62 landowners dedicated to protecting Nicaragua’s providing habitat for bison, badgers, bobcats, and more natural beauty. Together, they are conserving 23,000 than 300 other wildlife species. Page 23 acres for biodiversity conservation and wildlife habitat. 5. Ridge Top Ranch 8. Comunidad Nativa Infierno Conservation bankers in turned a hazardous One of 16 private conservation areas in Peru, this waste dump into protected habitat for two endangered community in the “Biodiversity Capital of Peru” set aside species: the California red-legged frog and the Callippe 7,400 acres to protect the forest and provide migratory silverspot butterfly.Page 14 corridors for wildlife. 6. Doublecheck Ranch 9. Natura Bolivia Near Winkelman, , along the San Pedro River, In Bolivia, enviropreneur Maria Teresa Vargas developed Paul Schwennessen is reinventing local, small-scale agri- a payments-for-ecosystem-services system, exchanging culture. His family’s holistic land management protects beehives and barbed wire for the conservation of over open space, wildlife habitat, and riparian corridors. 21,000 acres of cloud forest. Page 10


11 10

13. The 77 Ranch This Texas rancher restored tall grasses to overgrazed land, creating a landscape that allows him to harvest water, which will soon become the most valuable crop he sells. 12 14. Fennessey Ranch Brien Dunn restored meadows, forests, and wetlands on his Texas ranch, benefiting over 400 species of birds and wildlife, as well as hundreds of visitors who visit the beautiful property each year. Page 9 15. Flint River Basin Farmers in Georgia’s Flint River Basin are adopting new technology to conserve water, control erosion, and keep more water instream for fish and wildlife.

10. Ol Kinyei Conservancy 16. Deer Camp Next to Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve, two For generations, hunting families in western Pennsylvania enviropreneurs established a private conservancy have formed cooperatives to purchase large tracts of and safari camp. Now over 18,700 acres, Ol Kinyei forested land for outdoor recreation, providing habitat provides a valuable home for wildlife. Page 10 for deer, bear, turkeys, and other wildlife. 11. Rhino Ark 17. Cheney Lake Watershed In Kenya’s Aberdare National Park, this private conser- In addition to growing crops, hundreds of farm­ers in vation group has put up an electric fence to protect Kansas now manage their lands in ways that provide wildlife from and neighboring communities water quality and enhanced habitat for fish and wildlife from dangerous animals leaving the park. species. Page 8 12. Balule Private Game Reserve Bordering South Africa’s Kruger National Park, this Visit perc.org/map for more private game reserve demonstrates how tourist dollars from photographic and hunting safaris help examples of private conservation protect wildlife and their habitat. in the public interest.


Farming Water Quality in Kansas Private landowners provide a city with clean water. © U.S. Dept. of Agrriculture

griculture is big business for farmers in south- streams. The city also provides up to 50 percent of the cost central Kansas. Now, thanks to an innovative to landowners to install perimeter fencing for maintain- partnership, farmers are being paid to produce ing grasslands. A another valuable output: clean water. In response, many farmers in the Cheney Lake water- The city of Wichita relies on Cheney Lake for its shed have incorporated a conservation ethic into their agri- drinking water. In the early 1990s, however, algal blooms cultural practices. In addition to growing crops, many farm- and increased sedimentation in the lake alerted area resi- ers now manage their lands in ways that provide water dents and farmers that water quality could no longer be quality and enhanced habitat for fish and wildlife species. taken for granted. In a region dominated by agriculture, Among the roughly 1,000 farmers in the region, more the source of declining water quality was clear, and local than 2,000 conservation practices have been implemented farmers accepted responsibility. on a voluntary basis. These efforts illustrate that responsi- The environmental and economic costs were far reach- ble land management begins with the landowner, and that ing. Declining water quality resulted in increased water a bottom-up approach to watershed management works. treatment costs for the city of Wichita. Furthermore, it The partnership between the city and farmers is mutu- compromised the ecological integrity of the watershed, ally beneficial. Farmers improve their land use practices affecting local fish and wildlife habitat and opportunities while maintaining their lands in agricultural production. for local anglers and recreationists. The city of Wichita, in return, reduces water treatment Recognizing the economic value of reducing pollution costs and extends the lifespan of the Cheney Lake reservoir in the watershed, the city partnered with local farmers to while providing more than 300,000 people with clean water. encourage conservation practices that would improve water quality. Since 1994, the city of Wichita has provided partial reimbursements (typically 30 to 40 percent) to farmers for FOR MORE INFORMATION, see PERC’s case study implementing practices that reduce pollutants entering “Cheney Lake Watershed: Farming Water Quality in Kansas” at perc.org/CheneyLake.

8 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 Ranching for Wildlife in Texas Conservation efforts transform a cattle ranch into a wildlife haven. © Todd Steele Todd ©

ennessey Ranch was once a classic south Texas These conservation projects are financially self- cattle ranch. But after more than 170 years in sustaining. The ranch is open to a variety of activities, with operation, the cattle were beginning to take visitors paying user fees based on the type of use. Popu- F their toll on the land. Brien Dunn realized the lar activities include bird watching, photography, hiking, impacts his livestock were having on the environment, and and hunting. Dunn and other Fennessey Ranch staff help he decided to make a drastic change. Although it is still an arrange the outings and ensure that users do not interfere active cattle ranch, the 4,000-acre property is now actively with each other. For example, certain days are set aside for managed for wildlife. wildlife photography, during which time all other uses are Dunn’s first step was to address the effects of the cattle. put on halt. This way, wildlife disturbances are minimized He reduced the number of cows on the ranch and put in so photographers can get the best shots. fences to keep them out of sensitive areas such as wetlands Visitor fees diversify income from the traditional cattle and lakes. ranch and are reinvested in maintenance and restoration Other projects included prescribed burns, installing projects on the ranch. wildlife-friendly fencing, and restoration. Alto- Restoration projects on Fennessey Ranch not only gether, these steps were successful in restoring many mead- benefit the Dunn family, but also the hundreds of visitors ows, forests, and wetlands on the ranch. who experience the beautiful property each year, as well as As a testament to the health of the land, wildlife are the wildlife populations that now have more room to roam. repopulating the area. Wetlands provide nesting habitat Brien Dunn does good while doing well, demonstrating and forage for more than 400 species of birds found on the how private conservation is often just good business. ranch. Amphibians that had previously disappeared from the area are now returning. Renewed water sources and meadows are also attracting native species such as javeli- nas, boars, and whitetail deer.


Trading for Water in Bolivia Farmers contract with upstream land users to conserve cloud forests.

armers in Bolivia’s Los Negros Valley rely on Natura Bolivia’s program has flourished. In 2003, 60 water from the Los Negros River for their beehives were exchanged for the protection of 600 hect- agricultural livelihoods. But when water levels ares of cloud forest. Three years later, the amount of land F suddenly began to drop in the valley, something protected had tripled in size. The program continues to had to be done. expand, with barbed wire now being offered along with Downstream farmers pointed fingers upriver, blam- bees in exchange for forest protection. ing deforestation for the lack of water. The water-produc- Why bees and barbed wire? Upstream land users ing cloud forests upstream were being cleared for timber wanted an alternative source of income and to develop a and agriculture, changing runoff patterns and causing dry long-term revenue stream without harming native flora seasons in the valley to be even drier. and fauna. Selling honey provides a reliable income, and Natura Bolivia, a company led by Maria Teresa Vargas, because bees depend on healthy vegetation for honey stepped in to help bridge the gap between the water users production, upstream users have an incentive to protect in the valley and upstream loggers in the early 2000s. The the forest. Barbed wire also helps keep cattle out of sensi- idea was that downstream water users should compensate tive areas and strengthens existing land claims. upstream land users for protecting forests and providing Following its success in the Los Negros Valley, Natura water. Bolivia has applied similar concepts throughout Bolivia, A creative arrangement emerged: Downstream users with agreements underway throughout the country. Natura agreed to pay one beehive for every ten hectares of water- Bolivia’s work allows local people to benefit directly from producing cloud forest protected from logging by upstream conservation. The preservation of cloud forests provides land users. Along with beehives, upstream land users also downstream farmers with the water they need, while diver- received training in honey production. All parties volun- sifying the income of upstream land users. tarily enrolled in the program, with payments made annu- ally to create a lasting partnership.

10 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 Partnering for Habitat in Kenya A safari group and local tribe join together to protect wildlife. R∂lf Κλενγελ ©

ions, wildebeests, elephants, and cheetahs— “Unlike other conservancies, our lease payments go all are found in the Serengeti-Mara region to individual landowners’ bank accounts, not group ranch of eastern Africa. Kenya’s Maasai Mara officials,” says Ole Mpusia. The result is a greater tolerance L National Reserve protects much this wildlife, for wildlife among the Maasai community. The safari camp with throngs of tourists flocking to snap photos of these also directly employs Maasai members as camp staff, tour iconic species. guides, wildlife spotters, and rangers. Yet all is not well for the wildlife of the Massai Mara. Now more than double in size, Ol Kinyei provides a Mounting pressures from development and poaching valuable home for Kenya’s wildlife. The lack of humans and are causing wildlife populations in the national reserve livestock allows wildlife populations to flourish. It is not to plummet. uncommon to spot four of the “Big Five” wildlife species— Enter the Maasai tribe, a pastoral community who Cape buffalo, elephants, leopards, and lions, missing only owns the land bordering the reserve. Jake Grieves-Cook, the rhino. As wildlife numbers decrease in the neighbor- a safari camp operator, and Sammy Ole Mpusia, a member ing national reserve, Ol Kinyei is experiencing a substan- of the Maasai, recognized the land’s importance for threat- tial increase in wildlife numbers. ened animal populations. They sought to set aside 8,500 Ol Kinyei is a win for all involved. The Maasai earn acres of Maasai land as a wildlife conservancy and a small additional revenues, safari visitors catch a glimpse of spec- safari camp in 2004. tacular wildlife, and threatened species are now flourishing To do so, they offered to pay the Maasai a fixed fee per where they were once in decline. acre of land leased, plus a percentage of tourism revenues. In return, the Maasai agreed to keep their livestock off the conservancy to improve wildlife habitat. The deal created the Ol Kinyei Conservancy, with Grieves-Cook’s company, Porini Camps, operating an exclusive safari camp on it. Hannah Downey is a research assistant at PERC.


A Different Kind of Green Restoring private land is big business—and the benefits flow well beyond property boundaries.

An aerial view of Rey Creek west of Bozeman, Montana. Photo © Kestrel Aerial.

lodding through knee-high grass and high restored the creek bed or environmental activists who stepping electric fences, Scott Gillilan makes his hauled debris from the stream’s bank. way to a crisp, clear creek dotted with spawn- Instead, it was the prospect of a different kind of green, P ing areas for fish. An occasional trout swims the almighty dollar, which triggered the impressive resto- past as Gillilan weaves his way through a thicket of cattails ration of this creek. to proudly survey his work from the water’s edge. Rey Land developers bought the dirty, polluted creek and a Creek, nestled in a valley west of Bozeman, Montana, looks couple hundred neighboring acres in hopes of selling plots every bit as old as the picturesque mountains which serve of land to people seeking a break from city life—a place as its backdrop. where they could build their dream lodge at the base of the Just two years ago, however, this creek was nothing Montana mountains. more than a muddy ditch, with pockets of stagnant water And, of course, no Montana dream lodge would be that hid discarded tractor tires and faded beer cans. “Before complete without easy access to a fly fishing stream. the restoration work there probably weren’t more than a That’s where Gillilan, a hydrologist and aquatic and few trout per mile because the habitat was so degraded,” land restoration expert, and his team came in. Gillilan said. “But now, this is a ‘blue ribbon’ fishery.” By restoring the long-neglected creek and turning it Over the years, this now sparkling creek was diverted into a fishing paradise, the property’s owner transformed a for irrigation, had its banks crushed by grazing cattle and, plot worth “maybe a few thousand dollars an acre,” Gilli- eventually, once it became filled with silt and the water lan estimated, into land that sold for more than $16,000 ran too shallow for fish, it became a trash dump for local an acre, according to property records. ranchers. There are no losers when acts of private environmen- Any Sierra Club devotee or environmental regulator tal preservation and restoration occur, like painstakingly would be heartened to see the makeover that restored the reestablishing a lost creek. Property owners, the environ- land much as it was before the first settlers set foot in ment, and the general public all benefit. The restored creek this rugged region. But it wasn’t government orders that provides enhanced water quality, increased fish populations,

12 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 and wildlife habitat, which flow well beyond the property’s boundaries. For environmentalists, restora- tion projects such as this one ensure that many more people will have the opportunity to enjoy unspoiled land that might have otherwise been used for cattle or large-scale farming, or

may have simply been disregarded © Robert Keith and unappreciated. Restored areas also offer species the possibility to thrive once again in their native habitat. Private stream restoration projects in the cold waters of Montana’s higher elevations have even given hope to the Arctic gray- ling, a native fish once threatened with extinction. While government

efforts to save the fish have done little © Ed Spotts to help, the beautiful sail-finned trout has found miles of new habitat and hundreds of additional spawning areas as private preservation and resto- ration projects continue to spread across Montana and beyond. And when landowners or inves- tors restore their properties, not only are jobs created for people like Scott

Gillilan who perform the restora- © Brett Seng tion, but the land itself often becomes Scott Gillilan and his team of aquatic and land restoration experts restore a long- more valuable. The value of surround- neglected creek and turn it into a fishing paradise. ing properties increases as well, and additional property tax revenues find their way into government coffers. Finally, private efforts that re- whose motives could be viewed as destruction—and in the hundreds of claim and restore previously unde- self-serving. But unlike the govern- other land and water restoration proj- sirable land literally creates more ment, which has a spotty history ects throughout America: Govern- land for Americans hoping for the when it comes to protecting or restor- ment will never preserve or restore chance to enjoy pristine land for vaca- ing land, private investors who see land as well as people who stand to tion properties, retirement homes, or the value in returning land to a more make money off of it. simply to create a better quality of life natural state have a strong incentive for their families. to restore the environment from years In recent years, doing right by the of damage and abuse. They also have a Drew Johnson is a senior scholar at the environment has become big business. strong track record of success. Taxpayers Protection Dams are being removed, streams are There’s an important lesson in Alliance and a columnist being reclaimed, and native plants the little stream that Scott Gilli- at The are being reintroduced, all by people lan brought back from the verge of Times.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 13 Banking on Endangered Species How assigning property rights to protected species turned a landfill into a conservation bank.


ot far from the city of Benicia in Solano HOW CONSERVATION BANKS WORK County, California, sits an old hazardous Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, when waste dump. The site was once owned by the a development project impacts a listed species, developers N IT Corporation, whose primary business was are often required to offset those impacts. Historically, this the disposal of industrial waste. But today, part of the site is was done by enhancing and conserving nearby habitat for known as Ridge Top Ranch, and it’s home to an innovative the endangered species. But this process is time consuming conservation project to preserve endangered species. and expensive with no guarantee for success. The landfill was capped in 2002, and the state banned More recently, a new type of entrepreneur came up with development around the facility to protect public health. another approach: Create a for-profit conservation bank. The When the IT Corporation entered into bankruptcy, the idea is to take over the liability of species and habitat miti- LandBank Group, a company that acquires and rehabilitates gation from developers. Conservation bankers purchase contaminated properties, obtained ownership of a majority land that can be preserved and managed for the benefit of the ranch. of protected species. Long-term management is ensured Despite its proximity to the San Francisco Bay Area, the through a conservation easement and an endowment fund property was devoid of development potential because the to pay for habitat maintenance and monitoring. ranch is part of a buffer zone established around the hazard- ous waste site. Most landowners would have considered the property stranded and perhaps donated it to a land trust. But California red-legged frogs have found a new home in the ponds of LandBank decided to turn a liability into an asset by creat- Ridge Top Ranch in California. ing a conservation bank.

14 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 PERCREPORTS.ORG 15 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues credits to the flies on the property and suitable habitat for both species. conservation banker for the specific habitat that is preserved The California red-legged frog, however, was absent from or restored. The conservation banker can then sell the credits the ranch. None were found in the cattle stock ponds on to developers at a profit. Now, instead of having to find and the ranch, even though they were known to live on nearby secure endangered species habitat themselves, developers can ranches. With the help of WRA, LandBank initiated a proj- buy existing credits from conservation bankers. ect to reintroduce the frog to the property. For several years, this model has helped mitigate impacts to wetlands and creeks. Credits are issued through mitiga- TRANSLOCATING FROGS tion banks, which are specific to wetlands and other sensitive In collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, aquatic resources. Conservation banks, on the other hand, WRA worked to enhance habitat in two cattle stock ponds are species-specific and relatively new to the marketplace, on the property for the threatened frog. This included plant- especially outside of California. ing wetland vegetation on which the frogs could attach their eggs and willow trees for overhead shade and cover. IDENTIFYING HABITAT POTENTIAL Two egg masses were taken from a pond of a neighbor- In the case of Ridge Top Ranch, WRA, a leading devel- ing property and transferred to the restored ponds. Within oper of conservation banks, first identified 745 acres of the a few weeks, tadpoles emerged, and later that year, juvenile ranch as potential habitat for the Callippe silverspot butter- frogs were observed. Once the frogs reached a certain size, fly and the California red-legged frog based on its proximity they were implanted with tiny microchips so their location, to other occupied properties. Both species are listed under weight, and size could be tracked. The following year, adult the Endangered Species Act, and much of their original frogs were found in both ponds. habitat has been lost to development in central California. In February 2015, three new egg masses were observed. Given the fast pace of residential development in the As of this publication, the egg masses have hatched and the area, WRA determined there would likely be a profitable tadpoles have metamorphosed into juvenile frogs, suggesting market for conservation credits for these two species. After that the frogs are establishing themselves in their new habi- conducting surveys, biologists identified several butter- tat, despite multiple years of drought in California.

16 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 Preserving Endangered Species PROTECTING BUTTERFLY HABITAT through a Conservation Bank in California Habitat for the Callippe silverspot butterfly is also being restored on Ridge Top Ranch. The caterpillars rely on one species of native plant for their food: the golden violet, a California Red-legged Frog Service Area low-growing wildflower that thrives in California’s peren- Callippe Silverspot Butterfly Service Area nial grasslands. Over the past century, however, European annual grasses and other exotic weeds have choked out many native plant species. This, in addition to habitat loss through development, has led to the decline of several species depen- dent on the native plants, including the Callippe silverspot butterfly. WRA created a habitat management plan to improve habitat for the butterfly, primarily through managed grazing. By allowing livestock to graze the European grasses early in the growing season, there is less competition between them and the native golden violet. Artichoke thistle, an invasive plant, has also invaded California Red-legged Frog the property. A widespread eradication program is currently targeting the largest and densest patches of thistle. After that, weed management will focus on annual spot treat- ments of new or remaining patches. To date, the eradica- tion program has reduced the amount of thistle on the prop- erty, and as a result, butterfly habitat is improving. Ridge Top Ranch FINANCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL SUCCESS Ridge Top Ranch demonstrates how conservation bank- San Francisco ers are able to transform a property from a liability into an asset. If the LandBank Group had turned the property over to a land trust they would have received a tax write off but no additional revenue. Instead, for enhancing habitat, the mitigation banker received 739 frog and butterfly credits Santa Cruz worth more than $20,000 each, based on current market values. As the San Francisco Bay Area grows and develop- ment expands further into the region, these mitigation values are likely to increase. Callippe Silverspot Butterfly This project is a true win-win. Endangered species and their habitats are protected and enhanced without encum- bering a profitable venture for the landowner. By harness- ing markets for conservation banking, more properties will The Ridge Top Ranch is home to two endangered be protected and restored, creating important habitat for species—the California red-legged frog and the Callippe threatened species and generating broader environmental silverspot butterfly. Operating as a conservation bank, the benefits for all. landowner earns credits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for restoring and preserving habitat for protected species. The credits can then be sold to developers, who Ben Guillon is the managing director in charge of conservation finance at WRA and a 2010 PERC Enviropreneur Institute alum, are required to mitigate impacts to endangered species. Geoff Smick is president of WRA, specializing in butterfly ecology. As development expands from San Francisco, the value Rob Schell is an Associate Herpetologist at WRA, specializing in California’s threatened amphibians. Liz Agraz is WRA’s of these credits will likely increase. marketing director.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 17 Hatching a Better Plan for the Sage Grouse Private landowners are the driving force behind sage grouse conservation.


Sage grouse on private grazing land in the West. Photo courtesy of U.S. Department of Agriculture.

he greater sage grouse, a ground-dwelling, misguided conservation efforts, especially at the federal chicken-sized bird found across 171 million level. In particular, the federal government’s conservation acres in the western United States, is making strategy overlooks the critical role that private landowners T headlines as a wide range of groups in the play in determining the fate of the species. public and private sectors work to protect it. In recent The sage grouse is generally thought of as a federal years, the possibility of regulatory actions by the federal land species because 64 percent of its habitat is on federal government aimed at protecting the species have many in land. Yet private land is arguably the most important factor the West worried about potential negative impacts to the for sage grouse conservation. A 2014 study by federal and region’s energy and agricultural industries. state biologists shows why. The study found as much as 81 But despite the spotlight on the sage grouse, there are percent of the moist habitat that sage grouse rely on for widespread misconceptions about the species, leading to forage during the summer, such as streamsides and wet

18 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 meadows, is privately owned. Indeed, the saying that “life that greater sage grouse populations have been stable or follows water” in the West is as true for sage grouse as it increasing over the last decade. is for any species. Unfortunately, this conservation approach, which has “Wetlands are keystone features that structure [sage proven successful, is in jeopardy as the federal govern- grouse] populations,” said Patrick Donnelly, a U.S. Fish ment pursues a top-down, penalty-based approach and Wildlife Service biologist and lead author of the study. focused on federal lands and regulations that will likely Sage grouse breeding sites, known as leks, are largely found negatively impact private landowners. In September, the on drier habitat, which is primarily federally owned. But Interior Department decided not to propose listing the Donnelly and his coauthors found that most leks are grouse under the Endangered Species Act, which is good located within just a few miles of moist habitat, which is news because the punitive approach of the law can create generally privately owned. perverse incentives for landowners to make their property “In other words, the scarcity of wet habitats in sage- inhospitable to endangered species. Instead, the Interior brush ecosystems drive the location of grouse breeding sites Department promulgated fifteen amended federal land-use on uplands: hens choose to mate and nest within a reason- plans which set aside 72.8 million acres of federal lands as able walk of where they can find late sage grouse habitat subject to restric- summer foraging for their broods,” tions on grazing and other land uses. according to a summary of the study “How do you conserve Pushing ranchers off federal lands by the U.S. Department of Agricul- grouse that split their is likely to have unintended negative ture’s Sage Grouse Initiative. consequences for sage grouse conser- This has profound implica- time between private vation. “The failure of a national strat- tions for sage grouse conserva- egy to recognize sage grouse depen- tion. “How do you conserve grouse and public lands?” dence on private lands may result in that split their time between private regulations which ultimately increase and public lands?” asks Donnelly. sage grouse habitat loss and fragmen- “With 81% of sparse summer habi- tation on private lands if landown- tat in private ownership, sage grouse ers are forced to intensify manage- success is inextricably linked to ranching and farming in ment actions to offset lost revenues from public grazing the West.” Despite the importance of moist habitat for allotments,” according to comments filed by over sage grouse, federal conservation efforts, led by the Inte- the state’s amended federal plan. Moreover, the Inte- rior Department, focus almost exclusively on lek locations rior Department’s top-down, unilateral approach creates on drier lands. mistrust and disrupts existing partnerships. There is a need for a shift to a “wetland-centric” focus As the state-led approach demonstrates, landown- for sage grouse conservation, and that means working with ers are often willing to pitch in to help the species, so the ranchers and farmers who own the vast majority of this long as they are not punished. Although the sage grouse habitat. These landowners are best positioned to conserve has become a hot-button political issue, there needs to be the species on private lands, as well as approximately 100 a fundamental reorientation of sage grouse conservation million acres of federally owned sage grouse habitat on efforts, especially among federal agencies, reflecting the which they graze livestock, making them by far the great- reality that private landowners are key to conserving this est potential conservation force for the species. iconic species. Sage grouse conservation requires active management, such as monitoring, controlling invasive species, and main- taining wet habitat. Due to the importance of both private and public lands, the species needs a cooperative “all-lands” approach that encourages participation by landowners. This Brian Seasholes is the director of the Endangered Species Project at the Reason is already happening through state-led partnerships that Foundation. His work deals with wildlife and include landowners, counties, energy companies, conser- land-use issues, including private approaches vation groups, universities, and the federal Sage Grouse to conservation in the United States and Initiative. The success of this approach is part of the reason around the world.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 19 PERC IS VIBRANT AND GROWING PERC has appointed four new senior fellows

Spencer Banzhaf Sheila Olmstead Randal Rucker Matthew Turner Banzhaf is a professor Olmstead is an associate Rucker is a professor of Turner is a professor of economics at Georgia professor of public economics at Montana of economics at State University and a affairs at the University State University and the Brown University. His research associate at of Texas, Austin. Her director of graduate studies. research focuses on the the National Bureau of research interests cover His research focuses economics of land use and Economic Research. His environmental and natural on agricultural policy, transportation. Current research focus is on the resource economics and pollination markets, energy, projects investigate the urban environment and policy, with a focus on and fisheries. He will direct relationship of public issues related to air quality shale gas development, PERC’s graduate fellowship transit, the growth of cities, and energy. water, energy, and wildfire. program. and patterns of trade.

Broadening our research agenda and growing our impact The time to support PERC is now FOUR EASY WAYS TO DONATE

Web: perc.org/donate E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (406) 587-9591 Partner with PERC through “PERC's student colloquium will challenge the way you think about the environment, leaving you with better tools to analyze different approaches to environmental management.”


Two dozen undergraduate and graduate students gather in Montana to explore how property rights and markets can resolve environmental conflict.

w All-star faculty present a theoretical framework. w Students explore ideas and challenge each other in Socratic discussions. w Ranchers and environmental practitioners show us the ideas in action. w Full scholarship covers tuition, meals, lodging, and travel.

Application deadline: March 10, 2016 Apply online: perc.org/students

“I always saw environmentalism as something that hurt business. I now understand that free market environmentalism brings business and the environment together, and each one is better off because of the other.” © Todd Klassy

22 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 THE NEW WEST A quiet revolution is sweeping across the West, forging a new approach to conservation in the 21st century.


eople often wonder, “Where is the New West?” When the question is posed to Laura Huggins, she shares a story. Several months ago while attending a meeting in Billings, Montana, it came to P the attention of one cattleman that Huggins was affiliated with American Prairie Reserve. APR, as it is known, has made national headlines for aspiring to build a bison reserve on private and public lands near Montana’s legendary Missouri Breaks. The ultimate goal is to create an interwoven fabric of three million acres where most of the original prairie species that existed at the time of Lewis and Clark again enjoy a home in a U.S. version of the Serengeti. However dreamy that is, the high plains rancher that Huggins encoun- tered was not impressed. Fearful, as some in his part of the world are, that APR intends to wrest away control of public lands grazing allotments and drive working class agrarians out of business—none of which is true—he approached Huggins declaring, “You are my enemy.” This isn’t a tale that begins or ends with visions of Sagebrush Rebels agitat- ing for a clash with the federal government or conservation groups. A jaw-drop- ping example of precisely the opposite—at least it was to me when I learned about the outcome—it is a case study instead about how one 21st century cowboy can be won over by incentives.

WILD SKY BEEF Today, by joining a grassroots effort begun by APR, the rancher and his family are earning more pennies per pound for their prized grassfed beef. They’re embracing more tolerance and appreciation for wildlife—even predators.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 23 And they’ve softened hardline cultural Gerrity notes that Wild Sky will those who have large tracts. attitudes, clearing the way for a more pay ranchers more for their beef if When I began writing my book hopeful and inclusionary bigger vision. their pastures contain burrowing owls. about former media mogul-turned- The innovative initiative Huggins How do they get owls? Burrowing bison baron Ted Turner a decade oversees is called Wild Sky beef. Its owls only live on prairie dog colonies. ago, a common perception among goal is to promote wildlife-friendly The message: Rather than shooting green activists was that the “Mouth ranching and it follows a for-profit, or poisoning prairie dogs, safeguard- of the South” had secret ambitions to market-driven model. Not only are ing the rodents could translate into become a neo-aristocrat who would ranchers paid more for their cows, but more money in the bank. Along with lock up millions of acres of west- they are rewarded for providing proof bison, prairie dog colonies are associ- ern ranchland, as well as the public ated with the survival of many prairie wildlife found on it, behind a phys- Some environmentalists species, including black-footed ferrets, ical and metaphorical gate. “Terrible the most endangered land mammal Ted,” as his antagonists describe him, claim regulation is the in America. represented a real-life Charles Foster Gerrity, who proposed the con- Kane, hell-bent on retreating to his only way to achieve cept of incentives to his staff, became own version of Xanadu. desired outcomes. But a convert, he says, after traveling to Behind the accusations were two eastern Africa and seeing how well premises: first, that the only “good” it isn’t regulation that they worked with the cattle-grow- conservation resulting in natural re- changed the minds of ing Masai in Tanzania to build social source protection is practiced on tolerance for lions. public lands where federal and state the ranchers working Launched in 2014, Wild Sky environmental laws rule supreme; and sells around 50,000 pounds of beef second, wealthy people can’t be trusted with APR and Wild Sky. a month at a premium, shares the to “do the right thing” with their land. higher yields with its participants, and One prolific writer, who has been pours part of its profits back into the part of the call to eliminate cattle if bears, cougars, or other animals pass rewards program. grazing from public lands, informed through their pastures. But how? The lesson out in the rural West me that “ranchers with livestock are Scientists with APR install re- where ranchers struggle with change enemies of the environment” and that mote, motion-sensing cameras and everyday is that money talks, espe- “guys like Turner don’t understand if the animals are documented on cially when it honors hard work, local the importance of the Public Trust their land, ranchers are paid a bonus. knowledge, and turns things that Doctrine” in which wildlife belongs Produce a picture of a black bear: would normally be regarded as liabil- to the people. collect $300; a cougar: $200. If griz- ities—predators and other wildlife A worker for Montana’s fish and zlies or wolves arrive in the area, the competing with cattle for grass—into wildlife agency also ridiculed Turner non-lethal visual bounty will rise assets, Huggins says. for having thousands of public elk even higher. on his properties, for selling expen- “A rancher can make an extra A QUIET REVOLUTION sive trophy sport hunts of bull elk to $12,000 a year for having a pack of Wild Sky is one piece of a quiet generate cash for operating expenses, wolves,” says Sean Gerrity, APR’s revolution marking a sharp contrast and for not granting the public unfet- president. With payments such as to the war of words and ideology tered access. What the state game offi- this, wolves become worth more alive raging in many corners of the West. cial didn’t acknowledge is that Turner than dead. If ranchers can find a way I’ve seen the difference this revo- is managing his 113,000-acre Flying for wolves to co-exist with their cattle, lution, which incorporates market D Ranch outside of Bozeman with the they could come out much further principles, is making firsthand. Still, health of public wildlife in mind. In ahead. APR is exploring other options even among some environmentalists, addition to providing forage for 5,000 as well, including range riders and there remains, ironically, an inexpli- bison he owns, he welcomes more than Anatolian bear dogs to use as non- cable, deep-seated antagonism toward 1,500 elk and countless other animals. lethal deterrents against predators. private property owners, especially Today, all of the major mammals

24 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 present 200 years ago can be found potholes located in the back pastures tant challenge facing conservation there, and many of the game animals of American and Canadian farmland. today.” Despite the proliferation of spend time on adjacent federal public Wetlands are vigorously safeguarded public land in the West, 73 percent lands where hunters enjoy the spill- in part because of incentives offered of the contiguous United States is over bounty. to property owners who maintain comprised of private property. “Even Here, as with APR in central Mon- habitat for waterfowl. Those ponds, in in the western states, where private tana, as everywhere, healthy land- turn, benefit a wide range of migra- land comprises a smaller share of the scapes are a result of private and tory avian species besides those that land base, its importance is dispro- public ownership replete with mutual are hunted. portionate to its size as private lands benefits flowing across them. Wildlife typically have the best access to water migrations, habitat, clean water, open NEW ALLIANCES and the most productive soils.” It adds space, and other assets valued by the More than a decade ago, Michael that “even outside the west, however, public do not begin or end at fence- Bean of the Environmental Defense the public land base is not particu- lines. Remove conscientious private Fund and a group of like-minded larly well-suited to conserve Ameri- property owners from participating colleagues published a report titled ca’s biological diversity.” in the equation of landscape protec- “The Private Lands Opportunity: The Bean and his ideas are on the tion and all of the above would not Case for Conservation Incentives.” ascent. Today he serves as principal persist as they do today. They touted a message that PERC has deputy secretary for the U.S. Fish and Of course, various kinds of incen- been expounding for years. Wildlife Service. He played a crucial tive-laden conservation initiatives The EDF report begins with this role in crafting the recent unprece- have been around for a long time. As statement: “Engaging the nation’s dented habitat-protection strategy a journalist, I’ve waded into prairie private landowners is the most impor- for the greater sage grouse, involving

A camera trap captures a black bear passing through an APR/Wild Sky ranch.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 25 Ranchers round up cattle on a Wild Sky ranch near Hays, Montana. Photos © Todd Klassy.

private-public collaboration, being the range and shrub lands of south- has created an expanding network of advanced in 11 states as an alterna- ern California will disappear unless at 650 other landowners, resource scien- tive to listing the species under the least a few hundred thousand acres of tists, and professional conservationists, Endangered Species Act. grazing land can be preserved in the all interested in sharing information In assessing where investment face of new development. The bottom- and insights. needed to occur, the General Account- land hardwood forests memorialized Notably, the bulk of the properties ing Office found that half of all by Mark Twain and William Faulkner are located in many of the ecologically threatened and endangered species that once covered 25 million acres on richest parts of the West, along rivers have at least 80 percent of their habi- the lower have vanished and between much larger sweeps of tat on non-federal land. Many species from 80 percent of their former range. public land representing crucial link- have some of their healthiest popula- What serves as a critical but ages for wildlife migration and habi- tions on private land, and some occur vulnerable stopgap? Private lands. tat connectivity. only on private land. “Beyond indi- The Western Landowners Alliance, “The common ground of alliance vidual species at risk, private land will which is made up of many of the larg- members is they share a deep contem- determine the survival and recovery est landowners in the West, including porary land ethic that supports human of many of this country’s formerly Turner, aspires to stake a positive pres- prosperity but is driven by their desire expansive and now imperiled ecosys- ence in the New West frontier, says its to sustain the health of open lands and tems,” the report stated. executive director Lesli Allison, who wildlife populations,” Allison says. Drilling deeper into the realities, managed a ranch in New Mexico for “They bought the land because they Bean and his colleagues delivered this 16 years. love it and their stewardship is part assessment: Less than 10 percent of Since the first meeting in 2011, of a commitment they’re making to the tallgrass prairies that once occu- the alliance has grown to around 120 future generations.” pied 143 million acres on the east- active members. When totaled, they Managing land, especially when ern plains survives, as does less than hold title to more than 10 million one owns lots of it, she says, is an 30 percent of intact shortgrass prai- acres of private land in 11 west- expensive endeavor. Very few have rie in the western plains where APR ern states. That’s equivalent to five the resources to scale up cutting-edge is doing its work. Species that rely on Yellowstones. In turn, the alliance conservation efforts. The alliance is

26 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 Not only are ranchers paid more for their cows, but they are rewarded for providing proof if bears, cougars, or other animals pass through their pastures.

Turner is not in any way anti- government, but he believes that the market rewards innovation— something he proved by pioneering 24-hour news with CNN and creat- ing a satellite-enabled super cable TV channel. The private sector acts more quickly, is more efficient, and strives to find cheaper solutions than govern- using market principles to lead by tive or suites of incentives can gener- ment does, he says. It’s an approach example on the ground and chart a ate 1,000 positive things and inspire to stewardship that resonates strongly different course that emanates as far 1,000 more, whereas a regulation with Turner’s collaborators in the alli- as Capitol Hill and the White House. might stop one bad thing, and yet it ance who, Allison notes, cover every “In the U.S., we’ve not had public might stymy creative approaches and corner of the political spectrum. policies that encourage people to do flexibility.” Maybe the most discussed concept right by the land. In fact, we’ve had Do the math, she says, on what among those plying the intersection of some policies that run contrary to the delivers more positive outcomes. private and public land is “ecosystem land ethic,” Allison notes. “I can tell “Another way to think of steward- services.” Consider: billions—if not you there’s a desire to do right by the ship is ‘voluntary decency’ toward the trillions—of dollars’ worth of valuable land all across the West but it’s the land,” Allison says. Voluntary decency ecosystem services flow off of private capability part we need to tackle.” has a much greater chance of being lands, from clean water vital to healthy In particular, she addresses a topic widely embraced if it is championed. fish populations and municipal water that has arrayed people behind battle Incentives are one thing, she adds, but supplies that doesn’t have to be cycled lines: regulation. Some environmen- in some respects it really comes down through costly treatment plants before talists claim regulation is the only to landowners not being penalized, it reaches consumers, to forage filling way to achieve desired outcomes. But needlessly burdened with bureaucratic the bellies of public wildlife, carbon it isn’t regulation that changed the red tape, or hassled for doing the right captured in well-stewarded forests minds of the ranchers working with thing. The mantra that a person should and rangelands, even scenic views APR and Wild Sky. be able to do what one wants with that increase land values on adja- “We know regulation is a neces- their land, so long as they don’t harm cent properties and define the char- sary tool of last resort and it can stop others, has frequently been framed acter of communities. Society can’t bad things from happening. But it only within the context of protecting afford to pay for every asset a private doesn’t have the scope to reach into property rights to carry out indus- property owner might monetize, but the minds and hearts of landowners trial activities; the new emerging 21st public policies can be promulgated who are out there every day making century version involves free market to reward landowners who protect decisions,” she explains. “An incen- environmentalism. those assets.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 27 O’Dell Creek on the Granger Ranch near Ennis, Montana.

WATERSHEDS ating waterworks, but that’s essentially conservation initiatives. When the Breathtaking, the Madison River what they do, Laszlo says. public is willing to assist landowners Valley in western Montana is a pasto- Most Americans reside in cities, in protecting environmental resources, ral idyll. Comprised of old-guard and few probably realize that 88 landowners are subsequently willing ranching families as well as recreation percent of the rain and snow in the to do more themselves.” As Turner properties, the common denomina- United States falls first on private has noted time and again, private tor is an appreciation for open space land. The quality of the water that land conservation that doesn’t pay for untrammeled by subdivisions. Jeff gets passed downstream and reaches itself and passes along environmen- Laszlo is a fourth-generation owner of the taps of millions of people depends tal protection only as a debt prop- the 13,000-acre Granger Ranches and on private land stewardship practices. osition from one generation to the an alliance member. Schooled in New Runoff laden with pollution is the next, doesn’t last. It’s an ethos also England, he now lives in Montana major threat to water quality and the embraced by Laszlo. full-time, wooed away from the city by health of aquatic ecosystems. Outside a hands-on wetland restoration proj- of Alaska, 60 percent of U.S. private RANCHING ECOLOGY ect, located right in the middle of his land is used to graze cattle or grow Brian Ulring, manager of the J cattle operation, which has been held crops. Another 27 percent of private Bar L Ranch in Montana’s Centennial up as a national model. land is forest. Valley, is a co-founder with Harlow- Putting the wetlands back in As Laszlo says, doing right by ton, Montana, rancher Zach Jones of place decades after they were drained the bottom line is not mutually exclu- Yellowstone Grassfed Beef. Ulring and has yielded unforeseen dividends. sive of protecting the environment. Jones work only with cattle producers Holding water is a smart strategic Aided by federal grants and support who practice solid stewardship that business move as insurance against from the Trust for Public Land, the yields ecological benefits. drought and climate change. Laszlo O’Dell Creek project is a striking Ulring is wary of top-down says the greatest satisfaction has been example of public-private partner- programs implemented afar from carrying out native fish restoration, ships. Laszlo firmly agrees with some- Washington D.C. The ability of con- seeing rare trumpeter swans finding thing that was mentioned in the Bean sumers to vote for stewardship with refuge, and watching an abundance of report: “Less tangible, though equally their wallets is far more effective, he large animals and avifauna return. The important, economic incentives also says, than trying to engineer outcomes. public doesn’t regard ranchers as oper- engender landowner enthusiasm for He likes keeping things simple instead

28 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 The lesson out in the of exacerbating complexity that only Mike Phillips, director of the drives up costs. Turner Endangered Species Fund rural West is that money “I’m sort of a free market guy,” and a member of the Montana state talks, especially when it he says. “I’d love it if people who care legislature, told me that if conserva- a lot about grizzly bears and wolves tionists want to have real impacts then honors hard work and would pay a little extra for our beef the big players—the largest landown- because of the associated risk and ers in the West—need to be brought local knowledge, and cost of managing proactively to miti- into the dialog. Alienating them, by turns things that would gate conflicts. I’m familiar with the casting aspersions and not recogniz- customary rebuttal that bears and ing what they bring to the table, is just normally be regarded as wolves have the same right to be on naïve thinking, he says. liabilities into assets. the landscape as cows. I couldn’t agree more and, in turn, the public needs to A NEW FRONTIER recognize the benefits it receives from That American Prairie Reserve is private landowners.” located along the flanks of the Missouri and the entity hopes to be working Ulring’s boss is no ordinary land- Breaks—a stretch of the Upper Missouri with a dozen and a half ranchers in owner. Peggy Dulany is the daugh- River that snakes through broken land- the coming years. (Full disclosure: ter of David Rockefeller and grand- scape—is no accident. Karl Bodmer Both Huggins and colleague Pete daughter of oil tycoon John D. painted scenes of wildlife abundance Geddes are both PERC alumni.) Rockefeller. The latter’s private land here in the early 1830s and Charles Grizzlies and wolves will never purchases in Jackson Hole led to the M. Russell, after whom a national reach the Missouri Breaks in large expanded boundaries of today’s Grand wildlife refuge is named, venerated the enough numbers to establish a viable Teton National Park. elk, wolves, and grizzlies there as the population if they have to navigate Dulany’s convictions as a conser- wild frontier came to a close. a gauntlet of bitter hostility, APR’s vationist are resolute. She supports Historically, the number of prai- Gerrity says. Culture doesn’t often Ulring’s quest to ensure that her cattle rie elk that wandered through the change fast but attitudes can be “soft- grazing operation, which occurs on Missouri Breaks country was between ened,” by getting people to at least 20,000 acres of deeded and leased 50,000 and 70,000. Today there are consider an alternative way of think- land, is accomplished with the best 6,000. APR would like to increase ing that cannot easily be achieved interests of wildlife in mind. For part that number to between 25,000 and through regulation or mandates, of the year, J Bar L cattle are turned 30,000, but some ranchers see that he notes. out onto Red Rock Lakes National many elk as competition for grass and “In Montana and the rest of the Wildlife Refuge, a place where bison potential destroyers of fenceline. On West, people think of public versus historically grazed and, in the process, top of bolstering the elk population, private as two things that must be dramatically shaped the grasslands. APR would like to support the full pitted against each other but it’s a An advocate for building sustain- diversity of native megafauna, includ- false dichotomy,” Gerrity says. “That able human communities on the inter- ing grizzly bears, cougars, and wolves. kind of perception is way oversimpli- national scene, Dulany has been an Normally, such talk would be a fied and it traps us into small think- active participant in the local graz- nonstarter, but the number of those ing. What we really need to be doing ing association that has taken great enrolled with Wild Sky is growing, is thinking big.” strides to be wildlife friendly, includ- ing adopting ranching practices that are friendly to wolves and grizzlies. It’s only happened, Ulring says, because Todd Wilkinson is a journalist based in Bozeman, Montana. He is the author of Last Stand: Ted Turner’s Quest to Save a Troubled Planet there is a shared sense of stakeholder- and the new book Grizzlies of Pilgrim Creek, An Intimate Portrait of ship and recognition from federal land 399, the Most Famous Bear of Greater Yellowstone featuring images managers that public wildlife enjoys a by renowned nature photographer Thomas Mangelsen, available at mangelsen.com/grizzly. place on private land.


© carfull

30 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 SAILING THE SAGEBRUSH SEA Ranchers navigate ecosystems of perpetual change.


cattle rancher surveys his land, gazing across a vast expanse of the western range. The land surges and rolls, lifting sharply in waves of stone, and receding softly onto the open plains. Before him is a living sea—a Sagebrush Sea, as vast and as variable as any ocean. A Each year, ranchers set sail on the Sagebrush Sea, and by grazing livestock, they convert relatively low-valued plants into higher-quality protein. Like sea captains, ranchers must deliver their cargo in good shape while maintaining their capacity to make the next voyage, navigating the ever-chang- ing conditions of the high seas. These wildly variable conditions—wind and currents on the ocean, rainfall and temperature on the land—are both influential and unpredictable. A salty sailor is one who learns how to respond to these changes and navigate conditions that would sink a less canny sailor’s ship.

PERCREPORTS.ORG 31 On the Sagebrush Sea, success depends on the flex- THE BACKGROUND ibility the rancher is afforded to adapt his management “There is perhaps no darker chapter nor greater trag- to changing environmental conditions. Regulations that edy in the history of land occupancy and use in the United restrict a rancher’s ability to maneuver his ship in response States than the story of the western range,” claimed a 1936 to these changes can threaten the voyage. For instance, report by the Interior Department. Since much of the Sage- policies that restrict the duration or season of grazing— brush Sea was never homesteaded, the land remained largely known as “time” and “timing”—can undermine the very under public ownership. As a result, a textbook example of management practices that are needed most. Strict limits on the “tragedy of the commons” unfolded, as destructive graz- the frequency or intensity of grazing can also hinder what ing practices gradually eroded public rangelands. we now understand to be proper rangeland management. In response, the federal government created new stan- Today, federal grazing policies assume we can navigate dards designed to prevent overuse of the western range. The the Sagebrush Sea with a static view of the natural world. federal rangeland was partitioned into public grazing allot- In effect, we are locking the captain’s sail-set and tiller ments administered by the Bureau of Land Management position based on the average wind speed and direction of or U.S. Forest Service. Ranchers lease the allotments and the South Pacific. But averages are useless on the Sagebrush graze livestock based on ten-year permits with fixed terms Sea, just as they are on the open seas, and every voyage is and conditions that dictate the time, timing, and number doomed without the capability to constantly adjust to the of livestock that can be grazed on each allotment. Every vagaries of nature. five to ten years, rangeland assessments are made to re-set Moreover, the terms and conditions of federal grazing stocking rates for each allotment. permits are based on rangeland assessments made infre- In the 1970s, a broader vision of rangeland health quently on small plots that are then extrapolated across began to emerge—one that included recreation, watershed vast regions. It would be like peering over the gunnels to health, species protection, and other environmental values. New groups were afforded a seat at the rangeland planning The reality is that we are blindly table through policies such as the National Environmen- tal Policy Act, which requires environmental assessments sailing the Sagebrush Sea, with and public input for management actions on federal lands. These new definitions of rangeland health, however, rudder and sails in a locked did not include the development of new tools that could position—and we have little or adequately measure them. As a result, ranchers today face a growing set of management demands but are left adrift no way to understand which without the basic instruments to chart a course for long- direction we’re heading. Until now. term land stewardship. And there’s yet another problem: The fixed terms and conditions of federal grazing permits often do not provide ranchers the flexibility needed to adapt to the unpredict- observe the waves at a single moment and assuming this ability of the Sagebrush Sea. Even a low level of rangeland observation will predict sea conditions over the next year, use does not necessarily stop overgrazing. A good manager or even the next decade. must continually adjust the number of livestock, the amount Making matters worse, many ranchers lack the basic of time livestock are allowed to graze, and the location and instruments of navigation—the feedback mechanisms season that grazing occurs. Understanding the relation- necessary to understand and adapt to changes on the land- ship between these management tenets and their effects scape. They lack the equivalent of a compass to tell them on the land requires practice—as well as a feedback system which direction their enterprise is heading. They lack a that provides the information necessary to constantly adjust sextant to inform them of their position and to assess just our sails. how far they have deviated off course. The reality is that we are blindly sailing the Sagebrush NEW DIRECTIONS Sea, with rudder and sails in a locked position—and we I have sailed the Sagebrush Sea many times. For more have little or no way to understand which direction we’re than 40 years, I worked as a ranch manager and consul- heading. Until now. tant for many of the largest ranch enterprises in the United

32 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 Photo © Tom Koerner/USFWS Tom © Photo

States. For the last 18 years, I have worked to develop range- proper management approach is the same: Leave the plant land assessment technologies that provide better measure- alone until it regrows all of the removed tissue, however long ment tools to help other sagebrush captains navigate the that takes. In some places, this can take more than a year. dynamic conditions of the Sagebrush Sea. All rangeland plants evolved with defoliation, even What I have discovered over my career is this: Although severe defoliation under insect swarms, hail storms, and the sagebrush ecosystem is extremely dynamic, sagebrush wildfires. Over the ages and around the world, grazing captains can adjust their sails and rudder to the waves of is the primary form of defoliation on rangelands. Graz- change that surround them. With the right tools and the ing is integral to plant health but must be balanced with freedom to use them, they can harness these natural forces adequate rest periods. Plants respond to grazing by produc- to promote the long-term health of the land. This is what is ing new growth, beginning a cycle that converts sunlight known as results-based, adaptive management. into biomass. But the process of generating new growth is Due to the history of the western rangeland, overgraz- taxing. If animals are not moved onto new pastures at the ing has unfortunately been oversimplified to mean “too many appropriate time, they will continue to eat their preferred cows.” This view has led to policies and conventions that plants as they produce new growth. This can prevent plants fixate on reducing livestock grazing, and thus restrict ranch- from recovering and eventually kill them. ers’ abilities to implement adaptive grazing management. These basic facts are why the timing of grazing is so We now know, however, that this simplistic view is wrong. important—to ensure that plants, once eaten or trampled, In reality, grazing is simply the removal of tissue from have time to recover. When done at the right times, graz- a living plant. As long as a plant is free to regrow what has ing can strengthen and stimulate plants to produce even been removed, the type or number of organisms removing more tissue. If plants are allowed time to recover, then the that tissue is of little consequence to the plant during the initial damage of grazing has much the same strengthen- growing season. The situation only becomes “overgrazing” ing effect as muscles torn down through exercise and then when the plant is not able to replace the lost tissue during allowed to rest. Over time, the cycle between use and rest the growing season because of repeated grazing before increases the ecosystem’s productive capacity. full recovery. But this has nothing to do with the number The basic task of the rangeland manager, therefore, is of grazing entities. One goat, one grasshopper, one lawn to achieve a proper balance between grazing and recovery. mower, one wild mustang, one cow, or one elk chewing a And, like sailing, it is simple in the abstract but frustrat- blade of grass can all have the same effect on a plant. The ingly complex in practice. Among the most important

PERCREPORTS.ORG 33 Photo © Heath Alseike.

parameters an experienced manager must account for are While this might be necessary at certain times and places, season of use (timing), length of use (time), and intensity it is equally likely to be detrimental to rangeland health. of use (stocking rate). These factors help the rancher deter- Too much rest can be damaging to plant health. Old plant mine the duration of the rest plants need to recover. growth can begin to shade out young shoots, and plants Along with this comes the recognition that grazing begin to die from a shortage of sunlight. Strange as it may during the growing seasons of plants has the most severe seem, intensive, short-term grazing might be exactly what’s effect and most influences the need for recovery. When needed to rejuvenate plant health in some cases. plants are actively growing, it is the growing points that are Today, federal rangelands are often considered to be in most likely to be grazed, which can have dramatic impli- poor condition. But this is not because there are too many cations on a landscape. The active growing season is the cows. In fact, the amount of livestock grazing on federal only time that plants can make new leaves and recover lands declined by more than half since the 1950s. Instead, from the demands of maintaining themselves through the a lack of understanding of the interactions between time, dormant seasons, when the lack of water and temperatures timing, and stocking rates is the primary reason federal don’t allow them to use sunshine for photosynthesis. This rangelands generally remain in bad shape. active growing season is short, usually only May and June, and it is the only season of the year in which plants can THE SEXTANT AND THE COMPASS store up nutrients to be used to maintain themselves during And here lies the crux of the great debate over the dormancy. Pastures that have been used during the active western range: We lack the tools necessary to measure our growing season have to be rested over this same period in position on the Sagebrush Sea and to objectively assess the subsequent years to ensure that they recover. The use or rest effects of our management practices. In essence, we lack a of a pasture during any other season of the year besides the sextant and a compass that can accurately gauge the swells active growing season is of little importance to long-term and tides of an ever-changing ocean. Such tools would plant heath. assure a flow of information that would allow sailors of The most critical insight from this basic understand- the Sagebrush Sea to adapt and improve in the face of new ing is that the timing of grazing is more important than conditions and new demands upon the land. the intensity or amount of use. This insight, however, runs Until recently, our ability to measure and monitor counter to most federal grazing policies, which overem- changes on rangelands have been limited in time and space. phasize stocking rates. As a result, the proposed solution Traditional field-based monitoring is not done frequently to rangeland degradation is almost always to “de-stock.” enough or on a large enough scale to account for the tremen-

34 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 dous variations on this ever-changing sea. As a result, our We lack the tools necessary to measure policies are focused on inputs rather than outcomes—the our position on the Sagebrush Sea and number of livestock grazing rather than measurements of vegetation, water quality, and other public benefits provided to objectively assess the effects of our by western rangelands. I have spent the last 18 years developing a monitoring management practices. In essence, we assessment technology that uses high-resolution photog- lack a sextant and a compass that can raphy and remotely sensed imagery to evaluate rangelands and their responses to specific management practices. The accurately gauge the swells and tides of assessment protocol, recently published in the journal Ecological Indicators, models the percent of bare ground, an ever-changing ocean. shrub, and other vegetation cover across sagebrush land- scapes in the West. It provides accurate information on rangeland conditions at scales ranging from millimeters Flexible, results-based grazing policies are the only way to kilometers across multiple decades, costs one-tenth the to allow sagebrush captains sufficient latitude to navigate an amount of traditional methods, and can be readily assessed unpredictable and variable environment and also achieve the by computer or smartphone. results that the public cares about. We don’t need to dictate This technique has great potential to help us under- how our rangelands are improved. We just need to deter- stand land cover change and rangeland health in a way mine the desired results, establish the proper incentives, that had not been available before. Ranchers can use this and step back to give rangeland managers the flexibility to method to evaluate past management practices based on achieve those results on their own. their effectiveness in altering basic cover components of We now have the tools to measure important land rangelands. They can also develop improved management health characteristics in great detail across time and space. strategies, providing a valuable tool to assess public grazing We can formulate precise and measurable goals for our allotments for land health, or even to gauge habitat quality rangeland ecosystems—whether it’s more riparian area, for threatened species like the greater sage grouse. fewer wildfires, or more sage grouse. Ranchers can then This protocol vastly improves upon our current field- figure out how to best achieve these goals. The simplest based monitoring techniques, which are used to measure incentive is to allow ranchers to implement the practices best individual plant species on a small plot and extrapolate the suited for the dynamic landscapes they inhabit, while holding findings over enormous landscapes. Assessing rangeland them to objective, measureable outputs that ensure the range- conditions at a landscape level consistently is the only legit- land conditions we care about are provided and protected. imate way to understand the effects of land management This is possible today. But there needs to be regula- decisions. This feedback system, combined with a manag- tory flexibility to achieve these goals, given the tremen- er’s experiential knowledge of the landscape, allows manag- dous unpredictability and dynamics of the Sagebrush Sea. ers to regularly assess conditions and chart a proper course It is time for a serious examination of the state of on the Sagebrush Sea. modern rangeland management on the Sagebrush Sea. New technologies to provide adequate feedback and flexible FUTURE VOYAGES administration, coupled with the long-term view of the Today’s rangeland assessment methods are flawed ranchers who live and work there, could offer the public the because they fail to recognize that nature is dynamic and, kind of management required to manage this vast resource. at times, reliant upon disturbances to promote health. Ahead, full sail. Furthermore, many assessments of rangeland health are based on the outdated assumption that there is a “natu- ral” plant community for each soil type. By knowing the Gregg Simonds is an award-winning, interna- correct endpoint, the theory goes, rangeland health can be tionally renowned natural resource consultant and ranch manager working in the western assessed relative to its proper plant community. But these United States. His rangeland assessment static endpoints are an illusion, and they have long been technology was recently published in the disputed in ecological science. journal Ecological Indicators.


Property Rights to Fish When it comes to protecting fisheries, not all property rights are created equal.

A small fishing port in the Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, which has operated its fisheries under the ITQs system since 1986. Photo © Abaconda Management Group.

s I have noted before (2008), the world’s fish- far fewer fisheries. More importantly, the property rights eries are in decline. The problem, it is widely implicit in the ITQ systems of the two nations are funda- recognized, is the failure of traditional govern- mentally different. A ment command-and-control approaches to In New Zealand, ITQs are viewed as perpetual rights fisheries management. Faced with the collapse of their to a share of the harvest; an ITQ is a legal asset that can fisheries, many nations are instead switching to systems of be used as collateral in establishing credit with banks. In property rights for fisheries, the most important of which this regard, ITQ ownership in New Zealand is much like are individual transferable quotas (ITQs). But as recent home or automobile ownership. research by Corbett Grainger and Christopher Costello Matters are much different in the United States. (2014) illustrates, not all property rights systems are created Indeed, the governing federal law holds that quota shares equal. Thus, not all are equally effective at protecting “shall be considered a permit” that “may be revoked, limited, fish stocks. or modified at any time.” This legal structure makes ITQ New Zealand was among the first nations to adopt property rights insecure in the United States and creates ITQs in 1986 and now uses them to manage commercial uncertainty about the future of the program. One conse- harvesting of 98 species. The United States began using quence: Owners of quota shares are generally unable to use ITQs not long after New Zealand, but has done so with their quota as collateral at banks.

36 PERC REPORTS WINTER 2015 ECONOMIST, n. a scoundrel whose faulty vision sees things as they really are, not as they ought to be. –after Ambrose Bierce

Grainger and Costello devise an ingenious way to When ITQs are true property rights, measure the relative security of property rights in ITQs. harvesters have the incentive to Many ITQ owners routinely lease their quota to other harvesters on a yearly basis, and sometimes sell them as communicate their knowledge to well. Thus, both one-year lease prices and permanent sale prices can be observed. Someone who is leasing quota bears biologists and cooperate with them none of the risk of future changes in the ITQ program— to ensure a healthy fishery. unlike quota owners who must face that uncertainty. In New Zealand, where rights are secure, harvesters are will- ing to buy quota for an amount that is 12 times higher than the annual lease rate on that quota. In the United States, by contrast, harvesters will pay no more than half that much for a higher TAC, one that generates more profits now, but for quota. And because Grainger and Costello adjust for possibly at the expense of the future health of the fishery. interest rates, type of species, and health of the fisheries in Make no mistake: Even the insecure rights of the the two nations, these figures directly reflect the difference current ITQ system in the United States are far superior to in the security of rights. command and control. But enhancing the security of rights The impact of insecure property rights far transcends by modeling the property rights more closely after the New the inability of quota holders to get loans based on their Zealand system would increase the health of fishing stocks, property. Indeed, the insecurity threatens the health and reverse fishery collapse, and enhance the economic viabil- future of the fisheries involved. Under catch share systems ity of commercial fishing. For those who think that healthy such as ITQs, government biologists set the total allow- fisheries are a key element of a healthy environment, the able catch (TAC) for each fishery—that is, the number or correct policy direction here seems obvious. poundage of fish that may be harvested each year. Each ITQ owner is entitled to harvest a percentage share of the TAC. In a true property rights system such as New REFERENCES

Zealand, harvesters play a pivotal role in helping the biol- Benjamin, Daniel K. Save the Fisheries. PERC Reports. Volume 26, ogists set the appropriate TAC. In the conduct of day- No. 4, Winter 2008. to-day fishing, harvesters acquire the latest information Grainger, Corbett A. and Christopher J. Costello. 2014. Capitalizing on the state of the fishery. When ITQs are true property Property Rights Insecurity in Natural Resource Assets. Journal of rights, harvesters have the incentive to communicate their Environmental Economics and Management 67: 224-240. knowledge to the biologists, and to cooperate with them to ensure a TAC that yields a healthy long-term fishery. In New Zealand, for example, it is not uncommon for harvesters to insist on a lower TAC than that originally called for by government biologists. Incentives are different when property rights are inse- cure, as they are in the United States. Although the “quasi- rights” to ITQs here are far better than the command-and- control systems they replace, they are not as effective as the New Zealand system. Compared to New Zealand, owners Daniel K. Benjamin is a PERC senior of ITQs in the United States have less to lose if the future fellow and Alumni Distinguished Professor health of the fishery declines. Thus, harvesters have less Emeritus at Clemson University. This column‚ incentive to push the biologists to set a TAC that is best “Tangents‚” investigates policy implications of for the long run. Instead, they have an incentive to push recent academic research.


Redefining the Waters of the United States The EPA’s new water rule could discourage private conservation efforts.

he Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. not cover all wetlands—and it does not—other steps are Army Corps of Engineers have issued a new necessary to maximize wetland conservation. Yet conserva- definition of “waters of the United States” tion groups and state and local governments cannot know T (WOTUS). This definition is important where their efforts are most needed if they do not know because it defines the scope of the agencies’ regulatory where federal regulatory authority ends and the need for jurisdiction under the . The Act authorizes additional efforts begins. the regulation of activities that may pollute the nation’s The expansion of federal regulatory jurisdiction also “navigable waters,” which are, in turn, defined as the “waters threatens to penalize and discourage conservation efforts of the United States.” The more expansive the WOTUS more directly. Among other things, the Clean Water Act definition the agencies adopt, the more authority they have prohibits the discharge of pollutants, defined to include over private land-use decisions. clean “fill material” such as dirt, in the nation’s waters The new definition was prompted by the failure of without a permit, and the WOTUS rule defines waters prior agency definitions to withstand judicial review. In to include many wetlands. This means that even the most 2001, and again in 2006, the U.S. well-intentioned conservation- Supreme Court rejected the agen- The unrestrained expansion ists may need a federal permit to cies’ overly expansive notion of undertake ecological restoration on their own jurisdiction. Author- of regulatory jurisdiction private land. Why does this matter? ity to regulate activities touching Because obtaining such permits can upon “waters of the United States” may be good for federal be costly and time-consuming—and is broad, but not infinite, the Court failure to comply can bring criminal ruled, and must ultimately connect agencies, but it’s not always penalties. And as has been shown in to the nation’s navigable waters. good for conservation. the context of endangered species, Already multiple suits are pend- excessively punitive regulations can ing in federal court challenging the discourage voluntary conservation new WOTUS definition for failing on private land. to heed this guidance. To the extent that the new The new definition seeks to reclaim much of the regu- WOTUS rule subjects private conservation efforts to latory jurisdiction cut back by the Supreme Court. The federal regulatory control, it may discourage private underlying premise of this definition seems to be that conservation. There are more than 100 million acres of the Army Corps and EPA best fulfill their environmen- wetlands in the United States, and approximately three- tal missions by casting the widest net possible. Maximiz- fourths of these are on private land. This means that inso- ing environmental conservation under the Clean Water far as federal regulatory efforts discourage private conser- Act, the theory goes, requires maximizing federal regula- vation, they can have significant, unintended consequences. tory authority. The unrestrained expansion of regulatory jurisdiction Yet more regulation does not always translate into may be good for federal agencies, but it’s not always good more conservation, particularly if regulatory resources for conservation. are spread thin and applied in an unfocused manner. By expanding regulatory authority, the agencies may crowd out potentially complementary efforts by state and local governments and conservation organizations. Jonathan H. Adler is the Johan Verheij Consider the case of wetlands, which are subject to Memorial Professor of Law and Director of the Clean Water Act under the new WOTUS rule inso- the Center for Business Law & Regulation at far as they are adjacent or otherwise connected to naviga- the Case Western Reserve University School ble waters and their tributaries. If federal regulation does of Law and a PERC senior fellow.


Bringing the Sharing Economy to Private Land Want public access to private land? There’s an app for that.

ot a day goes by without someone be- $300 per night. Likewise, a college student in Michigan moaning the lack of public access to private is creating a land-sharing app, called Rod, Gun, and Bow, lands in the West. Gone are the good old that would allow hunters and anglers to lease private land N days, many say, when landowners welcomed on a short-term basis. visitors. Today, it seems like there are “no-trespassing” signs All across the West there are potential suppliers of across every gate and orange paint on every fence post, outdoor recreation opportunities. Most are not opposed blocking access to fishing, hunting, and other recreation to public access. They simply don’t want their private land opportunities on private lands. open to everyone, just like homeowners on Airbnb don’t Why are landowners so reluctant to provide public want just anyone sleeping in their spare bedroom. Land- access? The problem might be that we just haven’t figured owners, like all property owners, need to have some control out a simple and effective way to contract with them. and protection against damages. The sharing economy can That might be changing. Consider the sharing econ- provide that. omy, which is revolutionizing the way we tackle similar Thought of in this way, the public access issue is not problems elsewhere. From Airbnb about greedy landowners locking and Uber to countless startups in up the West. It’s about finding between, entrepreneurs are find- the right ways to contract with ing new ways to “rent” underused landowners to reduce the risks of assets such as vehicles and spare allowing access. bedrooms. Technology reduces This is a radical depar- the transaction costs between ture from the ways we typically suppliers and demanders, making approach public access issues. sharing easier and cheaper than Here in Montana, we pass laws ever before. that mandate stream access on The challenge is to build a private lands and often penalize platform that creates trust be- landowners who don’t allow public tween users. On Airbnb, home- hunting. But these approaches owners invite complete strangers into their homes. On can backfire, straining relationships with landowners and Uber, drivers shuttle around people they don’t even know. making them even more reluctant to allow access. Online reviews, ratings systems, and background checks So, instead, what if we took an Uber approach to provide assurances for both sides, fostering trust among public access in the West? What if we stopped complain- suppliers and demanders. ing about the good old days and started trying to solve the The same is possible with public access in the West. problem? The West, and the people who share it, would be Imagine if, with a few taps on your smartphone, you could better off for it. rent access to a local property, book a fishing pass to a neighbor’s spring creek, or lease short-term hunting access on a nearby ranch. Landowners could enroll, define certain conditions and limits, and gain assurances that their prop- erty would be respected. In the process, they could diver- sity their incomes and have greater incentives to conserve their land. To some extent, this is already happening. Hipcamp, a venture capital-funded startup, is providing camping opportunities on private lands. The company has about Shawn Regan is a research fellow at PERC 60 landowners enrolled, with prices ranging from $30 to and the executive editor of PERC Reports.

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