Ecturer to Visit

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Ecturer to Visit SEE SOUTHERN THE BELLE (Seorqe-ATme Page 8 PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLEGE VOLUME 43 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1966 NUMBER 4 ecturer To Visit Sara Lowrey To Speak in McCroan April 26 Miss Sara Lowrey, former "Four Preludes on layings of wa University, Louisiana State chairman of the Furman Uni- the Wind" by Carl Sandburg, University, The University of versity Department of Speech, Wisconsin and the Columbia "Now a Satellite" by Louis will present a program of dram- School of Expression. Guisberg, The Recessional, atic readings in McCroan Aud- She first taught at Baylor Un- by Rudyard Kipling, "America" itorium, April 26 at 8 p.m. iversity where she served as by the John Church Company The Tuesday night program, chairman of the department of 1886, "Stopping by Woods on a entitled "High Adventure," will speech. In 1959 she became include selections from all per- Snowy Evening" by Robert head of the department of speech at Furman University in iods of world literature. Frost, "How They Brought the Greenville, S. C. She founded Good News from Ghent to Aix" Miss Lowry will first read a the Baylor Little Theatre and - by Robert Browning, "The Lit- series of selections from the has appeared on numerous ra- "Holy Bible," followed by "Ge- tle Girl and the Wolf,' '"The dio and television programs. neral William Booth Enters in- Unicorn in the Garden" and "The Owl Who Was God" by Miss Lowrey is the author of ART CLUB OFFICERS CONSIDER ENTRIES to Heaven," by Vachel Lindsey, "Interpretative Reading" and L-R: Ernest Ewing, Pam Williams, Chuck Jones, Carol Russell James Thurber, "Blue-Roses" by Lisa Tarleau, "No Bigger has contributed articles to "The Than a Man's Hand" by Nan- Quarterly Journal of Speech," cy Boyd, a portion of "A Fa- "The Southern Speech Bulletin," Spring Arts Festival Scheduled INSIDE THE ble" by William Faulkner and "Players Magazine," and "The Playbill." GEORGE - ANNE "Glat Sense" by an anonymous author. She is listed in "Who's Who April 22-29 by Alpha Rho Tau Student Congress 2 in America," "International Philharmonic Choir 2 Miss Lowrey will present Blue Book," "Who's Who in Ed- The sixth Annual Spring Arts played in the front lower left Economics Club 3 "How Do You Say It?" April ucation," and "Who's Who A- Festival, sponsored by Alpha hand corner on masking tape. Young Democrats 3 27, at 10 a.m. in Marvin Pitt- mong Women." She has travel- Rho Tau, will be held April No work will be accepted with- Editorials 4 man Auditorium. The program 22-29. out this information. (6) All ed extensively and is in great Reverse Beauty Revue 5 is especially for elementary ed- demand, as a platform reader work must be in the display The entry fee is 50 cents for Fashion Show 5 ucation majors. Others who are and lecturer. each painting. All students, fa- area by 9 a.m. And no work Sports 6, 7 interested, however, are invit- culty members and persons from can be removed before 6 Southern Belle 8 ed to attend. the Southeast Georgia area are p.m. Friday, April 29. Each ex- Love Links 8 urged to exhibit and attend. hibitor is expected to secure his She studied at the Central work by 7 p.m. Friday. School of Speech in London, Io- The entry divisions are: (1) Painting in all media and col- leges, framed or unframed; (2) Funds To Support Tn-Service Institution' Sculpture, clay, wood, stone, me- tal and paper. (3) Graphics, tex- tiles, block painting, stencil, silkscreen and batik. (4) Crafts, mosaics, creative stitchery, rug Science Foundation Grant hooking and jewelry. Fred Fagnant, Art Instruct- or, said, "The purpose of the fourth annual Art Festival is to promote talent and appre- Of $4,890Made to College ciation of the following phrases of art: Painting, graphics, scul- The National Science Founda- expressed the feeling that the chers up to date in their res- SARA LOWREY pture and crafts. It is Alpha tion has awarded the college a main objective in having an in- pective subject matter, Weeks To Read Selections Rho Tau's hope that through service institute is to keep tea- said. this festival we will promote a $4,890 grant for the support of greater public interest and par- an "in service institute in bio- ticipation in art. We urge stu- logical sciences for secondary dents to exhibit and attend." Rep. Callaway school teachers." Fagnant added, "Locked cas- es will be provided for small The institute, scheduled for Talks to Students valuables only. Even so, the 1966-67, will be conducted on a Festival cannot assume any li- semester basis and will offer Rep. Howard (Bo) Callaway, ability for damage or theft to two courses: Developmental A- Republican congressman from jewelry and other entries." natomy, taught by Dr. Leo Georgia's third district, spoke "Members of the club will be Weeks, professor of biology, to several hundred GSC stud- on duty at all times," he con- and Biochemistry,, taught by ents in the Marvin Pittman au- cluded. Dr. Martha T. Cain, associate ditorium yesterday. The Festival has six basic professor of chemistry. rules. They are: Callaway's talk followed a (1) All work must be origi- Admission to the institute, ac- brief coffee with a few faculty nal. No skits or molds will be cording to Dr. Weeks who is members and officers of the accepted. The festival reserves director of the program, will be Young Republicans Club, spos* the right to eliminate any work decided on a competitive stan- sor of the appearance '&*«j0 not of a sufficiently high level dard. "Fifteen teachers will be John Eckenroth, presidenS af of quality; (2) The exhibitor enrolled,' 'he said. "There will Hie organization, opened the must be 16 years of age or be no tuition fee and the par- program and Francis Stubbs, older; (3) An entry fee of 50 ticipants will receive an allow- vice president, introduced Cal- cents for each piece will be ance for travel and books." laway. charged. The fee must be in- The two courses may be ap- The congressman praised cluded with the application plied either toward a Masters youth and its ideals and em- form; (4) The application form in Education degree or a six- phasized the idea of raising a must be completed in its en- year teachers certificate. This standard to follow. tirety and returned to Alpha Rho will mark the fifth year that He narrated a number of e- Tau, Georgia Southern College an in-service institute has been vents which occurred during by Thursday. Additional appli- conducted at the college. his recent trip to the Soviet cations may be obtained by Union, pointing out issues he writing to the above address; "The institute is strictly a felt that America must watch teaching program," Dr. Weeks (5) Each work must have name with caution. of work, media, name of artist continued. "These programs A brief question and answer and address of artist clearly have helped many teachers in session followed the 30-minute our district to complete their printed on the back. If the ex- CALLAWAY SPEAKS TO STUDENTS speech. After the talk, Calla- hibitor wishes to sell his work, degrees." way left for a 1 p.m. engage- the price must be clearly dis- A number of teachers have Congressman's Lecture Sponsored by Young Republicans Club ment in Savannah. THE GEORGE-ANNE APRIL 15, 1966 PAGE 2 Social Events Affected New Rules Set Up by Congress New rules concerning price tion, the Student Congress or control on social events were the Dean of Students' Office ap- set last week by the Student prove otherwise. Congress Social Committee fol- This power is granted to the lowing suggestions of several committee by article II, Sec- presidents of leading campus tion 8, of the Constitution of PHILHARMONIC CHOIR GIVES INSPIRING CONCERTS organizations. the Georgia Southern College Thirteen members of the Philharmonic Choir performed the concert version of Verdi's opera "Rig- According to Roger Alderman, Student Congress. oletto" in Savannah and Parris Island, S. C. Members attending the concert were Don Youmans, chairman of the Social Commit- Harold C. Smith, Larry Scott, Carl Minter, Jerry Walker, Jud Dewberry, Blimp Davis, Charles tee, five steps must be taken Riner, Leonard Robertson, Shelly Boyd, Paul Luiz, James Williams and Jerry Elmgren. in planning social events. An application should be fil- ed with the committee stat- Olliff Hall Selects House Council VOTING TO END ing: (1) the cost of events; M'arjorie Davis, junior elem- Johnson, fire marshall, senior The last day to vote for (2) the proposed price to be entary education major, has English major. the Calapia print that will charged for tickets, and (3) been elected president of the Floor monitors are Carol remain in the art depart- where the event will be held. Olliff Hall House Council. Sims, sophomore business edu- ment's permanent collec- This application will be consi- Other officers are Gail Cole- cation major; Rachel Henry, se- tion is Monday. Voting dered by either the chairman man, vice president, junior bus- nior recreation major, and M'ick- will end at 5 p.m. of the committee or the com- iness education major; Lynn ie Fogle, senior French major. mittee itself. The decision rea- Jordan, secretary, junior busi- Wing monitors are Linda Har- ched by either may be ap- ness education major; Marjorie rell, Emily Dean, Louise Thom- pealed to the Student Congress. Wade, treasurer, senior history pson, Elaine Mitchell, Brenda major; Kathy Fowler, social Wasden, Waylene Fordham, Ju- The Social Committee Chair- man will notify the organization TO PERFORM chairman, junior elementary ed- dy Her, Eva Rahn, Barbara Bloodmobile on a written form of the final ucation major, and.
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