Privacy by design in big data An overview of privacy enhancing technologies in the era of big data analytics FINAL 1.0 PUBLIC DECEMBER 2015 European Union Agency For Network And Information Security Privacy by design in big data FINAL | 1.0 | Public | December 2015 About ENISA The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is a centre of network and information security expertise for the EU, its member states, the private sector and Europe’s citizens. ENISA works with these groups to develop advice and recommendations on good practice in information security. It assists EU member states in implementing relevant EU legislation and works to improve the resilience of Europe’s critical information infrastructure and networks. ENISA seeks to enhance existing expertise in EU member states by supporting the development of cross-border communities committed to improving network and information security throughout the EU. More information about ENISA and its work can be found at Authors Giuseppe D' Acquisto (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali), Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Panayiotis Kikiras (AGT), Vicenç Torra (University of Skövde), Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (MIT), Athena Bourka (ENISA) Editors European Union Agency for Network and Information Security ENISA responsible officers: Athena Bourka, Prokopios Drogkaris For contacting the authors please use
[email protected]. For media enquiries about this paper, please use
[email protected]. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Gwendal Le Grand (CNIL) for his support and advice during the project. Acknowledgements should also be given to Stefan Schiffner (ENISA) for his help and support in producing this document.