Congressional Record—Senate S2060
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S2060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 20, 2021 to vote—77 percent. Why? Because it is She defended 25 children who had ternal Order of Police, the National common sense and because you need a been separated from their parents and Sheriffs’ Association, the Major Coun- photo ID to do many tasks, some quite thrown into prison-like conditions at a ty Sheriffs of America, and the Major mundane. You need a photo ID to get a private detention center in Texas. Her Cities Chiefs Association. hunting or fishing license. You need a success in that case forced the center So it is hard to take seriously all this photo ID to rent a hotel room, to drive to improve its conditions and pre- talk on the other side about how Ms. a car, to rent a car, to get on an air- vented more kids from being held Gupta wants to ‘‘defund the police.’’ plane, to pick up tickets at will call. If there. She has never supported that. When these simple tasks require a valid ID, President Obama recognized her lead- someone asked the head of the Fra- shouldn’t protecting the integrity of ership by making her the top civil ternal Order of Police what he thought America’s election process require at rights official at the Department of about these attacks, he called it ‘‘par- least the same? Justice, where she protected service- tisan demagoguery.’’ And that is ex- This isn’t the first time Leader SCHU- members from eviction, cracked down actly what it is, and he is right. MER and the Democrats have tried to on human smugglers and sex traf- There isn’t a serious debate about stick their nose into Montana’s busi- fickers, defended religious freedom, her record. It is a political campaign to ness and tried to overturn the will of and protected Americans’ fundamental defeat her nomination. The American Montana voters. In fact, this past elec- right to vote. people see through it, and I hope my tion, dark money groups backed by Over the past 4 years, Ms. Gupta has colleagues will see through it as well. CHUCK SCHUMER pushed to loosen elec- led the largest civil rights organization We would be lucky to have someone tion standards, such as ballot har- in America, where she has been at the with Ms. Gupta’s experience and lead- vesting, in Montana, and they won. forefront of efforts to reform our crimi- ership at the Department of Justice. This is despite the fact that nearly nal justice system, strengthen our de- Many years ago, I had the privilege two-thirds of Montana voters passed a mocracy, and make sure COVID relief to work at the Department, and I know law to prohibit ballot harvesting. reaches those who need it most. how seriously the men and women How is this listening to Montanans? That is her record. It is an out- there take their jobs, and I know how It is not. standing record. I think my colleagues grateful they would be to serve along- Montanans want election integrity. on the other side of the aisle know that side someone as talented and com- They want to trust their elections. Yet it is an outstanding record because mitted to the mission as Ms. Gupta. It Leader SCHUMER continues to under- they don’t want to contend with her is why I believe tomorrow we should mine their direct appeal to put com- record. They don’t want to contest her come to this floor and give her a re- monsense practices in place. record. They can’t defeat her nomina- sounding bipartisan vote to confirm In Montana we want everyone legally tion with the truth. So they are just her as the next Associate Attorney allowed to vote to be able to, and we using talking points that aren’t true. General of the United States. want there to be zero doubt that those I heard the junior Senator from I urge all of my colleagues to put votes should count. All Montanans— Texas say Ms. Gupta’s record ‘‘is that aside the rhetoric and the false claims. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, of an extreme partisan ideologue.’’ He Look at the record for what it is. The Libertarians—should have faith in our called her ‘‘an extreme political activ- police organizations have supported elections. ist,’’ a ‘‘radical,’’ and a ‘‘zealot,’’ when her. And vote yes for her nomination. Montana’s legislature, Montana Sec- all she has done her entire career is up- I yield the floor. retary of State Christi Jacobsen, and hold the rule of law and defend our de- I suggest the absence of a quorum. Montana Governor Greg Gianforte mocracy, just like the 60 judges, many The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. HAS- wanted to strengthen this trust, and of them confirmed by Republican col- SAN). The clerk will call the roll. that is what they did with these com- leagues, who rejected President The senior assistant legislative clerk monsense bills. Trump’s utterly unsubstantiated proceeded to call the roll. Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I The distortion by Democrats in this claims of fraud in the 2020 election; ask unanimous consent that the order country is eroding this trust. This just like the election officials who for the quorum call be rescinded. must stop. stood up to conspiracy theories about The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I yield the floor. the election at great risk to themselves objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- and to their careers, who were all un- CLOTURE MOTION ator from Colorado. dermined by radical Members of Con- Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I NOMINATION OF VANITA GUPTA gress who sought to overturn the will Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I want- send a cloture motion to the desk. of the voters for their own power. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- ed to come to the floor today to just I also heard the junior Senator from ture motion having been presented say a brief word and maybe set the Texas say Ms. Gupta’s beliefs ‘‘don’t under rule XXII, the Chair directs the record straight a little bit about Presi- align with the majority of the Amer- clerk to read the motion. dent Biden’s nominee for Associate At- ican people.’’ I am willing to bet every The senior assistant legislative clerk torney General of the United States, single dollar in my pocket that most read as follows: Vanita Gupta. Americans are quite aligned with Ms. CLOTURE MOTION Let’s start with some facts about Ms. Gupta’s views. Gupta. She is the daughter of immi- Most Americans are very interested We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the grants who worked hard to receive in having a Department of Justice that Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby some of the best legal education this protects their right to vote, that keeps move to bring to a close debate on amend- country has to offer. She spent 2 dec- families together and kids out of pris- ment No. 1445 to S. 937, a bill to facilitate ades as a civil rights lawyer, where she on-like conditions, to make sure that the expedited review of COVID–19 hate has fought to defend Americans’ indi- LGBT sons and daughters and neigh- crimes, and for other purposes. vidual rights and freedoms, often bors can live free from discrimination. Charles E. Schumer, Richard J. Durbin, against abuses by the government, I will tell you one other thing. Un- Mazie K. Hirono, Tammy Baldwin, something you would think some of my like some people around this place, Ms. Tammy Duckworth, Alex Padilla, Gupta actually has a record of reaching Maria Cantwell, Sheldon Whitehouse, colleagues on the other side would ap- Cory A. Booker, Debbie Stabenow, preciate. across the aisle to get things done. She Brian Schatz, Tim Kaine, Kirsten E. When a small town in Texas wrong- worked with Grover Norquist and the Gillibrand, Benjamin L. Cardin, Gary fully convicted 40 Americans of drug top lawyer for the Koch brothers to C. Peters, Patrick J. Leahy, Chris- charges, based solely on the false testi- pass criminal justice reform. It is why topher Murphy. mony from an undercover police offi- they both endorsed her, along with CLOTURE MOTION cer, she fought to have them exoner- President Bush’s former Secretary of Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I ated, and she won them a $6 million Homeland Security, and virtually send a cloture motion to the desk. settlement for that miscarriage of jus- every major law enforcement organiza- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- tice. tion in America, including the Fra- ture motion having been presented VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:06 Apr 21, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G20AP6.031 S20APPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE April 20, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2061 under rule XXII, the Chair directs the There being no objection, the mate- fidence that provided reassurance to the clerk to read the motion. rial was ordered to be printed in the Area C Tactical Unit. This quiet confidence The senior assistant legislative clerk RECORD, as follows: exhibited as ‘we got this.’ Jim was a read as follows: sheepdog, that protected sheep. He always COL. NATHAN FULK REMARKS AT THE FUNERAL wanted to be the number one man in the CLOTURE MOTION FOR SGT. JAMES SMITH door. This was his struggle with becoming a We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- I’m going to ask all of you here today to do team leader on the tactical team, was he ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the something for Jim Smith.