Congressional Record—Senate S1923

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Congressional Record—Senate S1923 April 14, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1923 An attack on one group in our coun- CLOTURE MOTION NAYS—6 try is truly an attack on all of us. By Cotton Hawley Paul The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant passing the COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act, Cruz Marshall Tuberville to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the we can come together on a bipartisan Senate the pending cloture motion, NOT VOTING—2 basis to show that the U.S. Senate will which the clerk will state. Rounds Tillis not be a bystander to the wave of rac- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this ist, anti-Asian violence in our country. The senior assistant legislative clerk vote, the yeas are 92, the nays are 6. So let’s get it done together. read as follows: Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- I yield the floor. CLOTURE MOTION sen and sworn having voted in the af- VOTE ON MALLORY NOMINATION We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- firmative, the motion is agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the f the previous order, all postcloture time Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby has expired. move to bring to a close debate on the mo- LEGISLATIVE SESSION The question is, Will the Senate ad- tion to proceed to Calendar No. 13, S. 937, a vise and consent to the Mallory nomi- bill to facilitate the expedited review of --- nation? COVID–19 hate crimes, and for other pur- COVID–19 HATE CRIMES ACT— poses. MOTION TO PROCEED Ms. HIRONO. Madam President, I ask Charles E. Schumer, Mazie K. Hirono, for the yeas and nays. Tammy Duckworth, Richard J. Durbin, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Cloture The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Patty Murray, Jeff Merkley, Tammy having been invoked, the Senate will sufficient second? Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, Robert proceed to legislative session to con- There appears to be a sufficient sec- Menendez, Bernard Sanders, Kirsten E. sider the motion to proceed to S. 937, ond. Gillibrand, Jacky Rosen, Chris Van which the clerk will report. Hollen, Ron Wyden, Richard The clerk will call the roll. Blumenthal, Amy Klobuchar, Chris- The senior assistant legislative clerk The bill clerk called the roll. topher Murphy. read as follows: Mr. THUNE. The following Senators Motion to proceed to Calendar No. S. 937, a are necessarily absent: the Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- bill to facilitate the expedited review of from South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS) and imous consent, the mandatory quorum COVID–19 hate crimes, and for other pur- the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. call has been waived. poses. TILLIS). The question is, Is it the sense of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The result was announced—yeas 53, Senate that debate on the motion to ator from Maryland. nays 45, as follows: proceed to S. 937, a bill to facilitate the Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, Ameri- [Rollcall Vote No. 150 Ex.] expedited review of COVID–19 hate cans were horrified to witness a recent crimes, and for other purposes, shall be YEAS—53 series of mass shootings involving the brought to a close? Asian-American and Pacific Islander Baldwin Heinrich Portman Bennet Hickenlooper Reed The yeas and nays are mandatory community. On March 16, 2021, mass Blumenthal Hirono Rosen under the rule. shootings occurred at three spas and Booker Kaine Sanders The clerk will call the roll. massage parlors in the Atlanta metro- Brown Kelly Schatz politan area. Eight people were killed, Cantwell King The senior assistant legislative clerk Schumer six of whom were Asian-American Cardin Klobuchar Shaheen called the roll. Carper Leahy Sinema women, and one other person was Casey Luja´ n Mr. THUNE. The following Senators Smith wounded. The suspect was taken into Collins Manchin Stabenow are necessarily absent: the Senator Coons Markey custody that day and has been charged Tester from South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS) and Cortez Masto Menendez with multiple counts of murder. The Duckworth Merkley Van Hollen the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. investigation is continuing as to Durbin Murphy Warner TILLIS). Feinstein Murray Warnock whether the suspect should be addi- Gillibrand Ossoff Warren The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there tionally charged with hate crimes, if he Graham Padilla Whitehouse any other Senators in the Chamber de- deliberately targeted Asian Americans Hassan Peters Wyden siring to vote? with this senseless violence. NAYS—45 The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 92, Unfortunately, this mass shooting is Barrasso Fischer Murkowski nays 6, as follows: not an isolated incident in the United Blackburn Grassley Paul [Rollcall Vote No. 151 Ex.] States in terms of hate speech, hate Blunt Hagerty Risch crimes, and violence against Asian Boozman Hawley Romney YEAS—92 Braun Hoeven Rubio Americans in our communities. Sadly, Baldwin Grassley Peters Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse some political figures have used the Barrasso Hagerty Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) Portman Bennet Hassan ongoing COVID–19 pandemic to fan the Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) Reed Blackburn Heinrich Cornyn Kennedy Shelby Risch flames of hate by promoting stereo- Blumenthal Hickenlooper Cotton Lankford Sullivan Romney types, fear, and xenophobia. Irration- Blunt Hirono Cramer Lee Thune Rosen Booker Hoeven ally blaming Asian and Asian-Amer- Crapo Lummis Toomey Rubio Boozman Hyde-Smith ican neighbors for the pandemic is sim- Cruz Marshall Tuberville Sanders Braun Inhofe Daines McConnell Wicker Sasse ply wrong and reprehensible and can Brown Johnson Ernst Moran Young Schatz have deadly consequences. Burr Kaine Schumer Cantwell Kelly Let us remember that our Asian- NOT VOTING—2 Scott (FL) Capito Kennedy American brothers and sisters are an Scott (SC) Rounds Tillis Cardin King Shaheen integral part of the United Nations on The nomination was confirmed. Carper Klobuchar Casey Lankford Shelby so many levels. Our immigrant story The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Cassidy Leahy Sinema and our diversity are some of our HICKENLOOPER). The majority whip is Collins Lee Smith unique strengths, not weaknesses, of Stabenow recognized. Coons Luja´ n the United States of America. Cornyn Lummis Sullivan Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Cortez Masto Manchin Tester There are about 23 million Asian unanimous consent that the motion to Cramer Markey Thune Americans and Pacific Islanders in the reconsider be considered made and laid Crapo McConnell Toomey United States, constituting 7 percent upon the table and the President be im- Daines Menendez Van Hollen Duckworth Merkley Warner of the population of our country. mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- Durbin Moran Warnock There are approximately 2 million tion. Ernst Murkowski Warren Asian-American owned businesses that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Feinstein Murphy Whitehouse generate over $700 billion in annual Fischer Murray Wicker objection? Gillibrand Ossoff Wyden revenue and employ millions of work- Without objection, it is so ordered. Graham Padilla Young ers. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:26 Apr 15, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G14AP6.031 S14APPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S1924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 14, 2021 Two million Asian Americans and Congresswoman GRACE MENG, of New Asian or Asian-American neighbors Pacific Islanders are working on the York, said: and random strangers is simply un- frontlines of the COVID–19 pandemic as We’ve gone from being invisible to being American. The Senate and every per- first responders and in healthcare, law seen as subhuman. We just want to be seen son in this country needs to call out enforcement, transportation, super- as American, like everyone else. the hate, bullying, and scapegoating markets, and other service industries. On April 9, 2021, the Washington Post whenever we see it and work together Our Asian-American brothers and sis- ran an article examining the effect of as one community to overcome COVID– ters are putting their lives on the line mass shootings on marginalized groups 19. every day to help protect our commu- and how trauma ripples through those In my home State of Maryland, I was nities during the pandemic. That is communities. pleased to see that, last week, Gov- why it is so despicable to see the rise of The article stated: ernor Larry Hogan announced the for- anti-Asian rhetoric and hate speech by March 16 marked a turning point for many mation of a statewide workgroup political leaders and others, which in- Asian Americans: It was the day their com- charged with developing strategies, evitably gives oxygen to extremist munity was stricken by a mass shooting, be- recommendations, and actions to ad- groups and individuals and gives li- coming the latest minority group to suffer dress the rise in violence and discrimi- cense to individuals to commit hate an attack that killed several of its own . nation targeting the Asian-American crimes and acts of violence. There’s a specific kind of grief that arises community. The use of anti-Asian terminology from being targeted, one that more and more Governor Hogan named the former marginalized people in the United States and rhetoric related to COVID–19, such U.S. attorney for the District of Mary- know too well. The shooting survivors and land, Robert K. Hur, to chair the as the ‘‘Chinese virus,’’ the ‘‘Wuhan victims’ family members span geographies, virus,’’ the ‘‘Kung flu’’—phrases often races and religions, but they are bonded by workgroup and spearhead the effort. used by former President Trump and the shared trauma they have experienced. Mr. Hur was the first Asian American to serve as our U.S. attorney in Mary- some of his followers—has perpetrated The article continues: an anti-Asian stigma. The use of anti- land’s history, and I had the pleasure These tragedies often leave many in those of working with him extensively on a Asian rhetoric has resulted in Asian communities who weren’t directly affected Americans being harassed, assaulted, feeling unsafe and traumatized.
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