WIND TUNNELS OF THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE A Report Prepared by the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration August 2008 Researchers: Malinda Goodrich Jenele Gorham Wm. Noel Ivey Sarah Kim Marieke Lewis Carl Minkus Project Manager: Malinda K. Goodrich Federal Research Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540−4840 Tel: 202−707 −3900 Fax: 202−707 −3920 E-Mail: mailto:
[email protected] Homepage: p 60 Years of Service to the Federal Government p 1948 – 2008 Library of Congress – Federal Research Division Aeronautical Wind Tunnels Eastern Hemisphere PREFACE This catalog is a compilation of data on subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic wind tunnels in the Eastern Hemisphere used for aeronautical testing. The countries represented in this catalog include those in Africa (South Africa), Asia (Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea), Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom), and the Middle East and Central and South Asia (India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Turkey). The catalog profiles 279 wind tunnels. A table, distribution chart, and bar charts following this preface depict the number and types of wind tunnels operating in each country. The bulk of the catalog is made up of data sheets for each facility, indicating the facility’s name; the name of the installation where it is located; its technical parameters, such as size, speed range, temperature range, pressure, operational status, and Reynolds number; its replacement and/or operating cost; its testing capabilities; current programs; planned improvements; contact information; and schematics, if available.