MOVING FORWARD are valued encourage solutions understanding and for abetter world. public institutions VISION that inspire Partners Programs Governance, Advocacy &Committee Work National Secretariat A Year inReview Message from thePresident Table ofcontents Museums Foundation ofCanada YoungCanada Works Governance Muse Magazine Membership In theCommunity Marketing andCommunications Provincial and TerritorialProvincialAssociations Student Development RBC Foundation MuseumMentorship Program ICOM Awards Collaboration withOpenPalace Program Bursaries Retail Program Consortium CMA MemberInsurance Program Advocacy Museums Foundation ofCanada Compliance andRiskManagementCommittee Nominations Committee Finances ...... 23 23 23 23 22 17 16 16 15 15 14 13 13 13 12 12 11 10 9 9 8 4 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CMA Fellows (FCMA) People Conferences Corporate/Organizational CMADonors...... CMA Donors...... CMA HonourRoll CMA Corporate Members...... Muse Editorial Board...... 2018 NationalConference Committee...... Conference Committee. 2018 MuseumEnterprises 2018 Committee...... Marketing andFundraising Symposium for ExcellenceinMuseums: History Alive!...... Jury Governor General’s History Award Barbara A. Tyler /Shirley L...... Thomson Jury Awards ofOutstanding Achievement/ Achievement Award...... Jury ICOM Canada’s International Museum Volunteer...... AwardJury CMA Board 2018-2019. National Conference 2018 . Jury of DistinguishedService CMA Fellows andthe Award YCW-HO Peer Review Committee 2018-2019...... YCW-BCH Peer Review Committee 2018-2019...... Museums Foundation ofCanadaBoard ofDirectors...... CMA Insurance Committee ...... CMA ComplianceandRiskManagementCommittee...... CMA Board NominationsCommittee...... CMA Staff...... Museum Enterprises Conference Marketing andFundraising Symposium, ...... 34 34 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 30 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 27 26 24 35 Christmas Sweater Day. Winter activitiesprogram — Meeting withtheCMABoard ofDirectors. Summer activitiesprogram. Field tripto Gallery101— CMA staff Celebrating Halloween 2018. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT

was a year of transition Heritage, one that contributed to their report, for the CMA! After 37 Moving Forward — Towards A Stronger 2018 years of service, CEO and Canadian Museum Sector. It is our belief that Executive Director John McAvity announced this report will renew government support for his retirement. This led to an exhaustive the museum sector and correct any existing nine-month executive search to find his imbalances. replacement, one that responds to the needs of the CMA membership and staff, offering In closing, and on behalf of the CMA, I look a new vision to continue the advancement forward to working with a new Executive of Canadian Museums, ensure meaningful Director this coming year. connections and provide the necessary leadership that will increase the value of Looking ahead, we have more to do! I am museums to Canadian society. confident that under the leadership of our new Executive Director we are moving in the The CMA secretariat, throughout the right direction. transition, has continued to work on your behalf, ensuring and maintaining a high Finally, I would like to thank you, our members level of service and support to members and for your continuous engagement and trust. the museum community at large. I would Without you, our success today and tomorrow be remiss if I did not take this opportunity would not be possible. thank my fellow Board members for their ongoing support and the leadership of Chief Operating Officer, Sue Lamothe supported by senior staff, Sue-Ann Ramsden, Director, Museum Enterprises and Carlos Castro, Marketing Director.

Despite the change in leadership, 2018 was a very productive year for the CMA. Of Karen Bachmann significance was the CMA’s presentation President to the Standing Committee on Canadian Canadian Museums Association


A Year in Review February April The Young Canada Works Program launched a Museum professionals from across the country January new season providing employment for almost 2,500 came together at the 71st Annual CMA National The year began with accolades for the Museum young Canadians across the country. (more on p. 14) Conference in , BC. (more on p. 24) Enterprises Conference! (more on p. 27) CMA National Conference 2018 Musical interlude — “Those who have yet to attend should not hesitate Royal Academy of Bhangra. to participate in this professional development opportunity. They will leave invigorated, refreshed, and ready to bring their best face forward to begin a fresh operating season.” Jill Chapman, Lang Pioneer Village Museum, ON

March In 2018, the CMA welcomed 236 new members; including 17 new associations and institutions and 8 new corporate members. (more on p. 10)

May CMA Member Insurance Program partners come together to present The Exposure of Flood webinar. (more on p. 15)

MEC 2018 — Delegates were stimulated by great keynote speakers!

4 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 5 September CMA Director, John McAvity, presents to the Standing Committee on Finance, The State of Canadian Museums report is released by the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage. (For more on Advocacy, see p. 13)

Photo — © Connie Tsang

Muse Cover, July/August Issue — Celebrating the diversity of local as well as global cultures, hoop dancer Lisa Odjig performs in the Aga Khan Museum courtyard.

June August 2018 Marketing & Fundraising Symposium delegates on a study tour. A bursary was awarded to Serena Ypelaar for the Leading into a busy fall conference season, Open Palace Programme, a collaboration giving the CMA Bursaries program begins to ramp up November museum professionals an opportunity to work with providing funding to museum professionals for travel Delegates travelled to Calgary, AB for the Marketing established cultural facilities in the UK. (more on p. 17) and registration expenses. (more on p. 16) and Fundraising Symposium. (more on p. 22)

October December A call for nominations comes due for the CMA CMA Staff come together for some holiday fun and Awards, highlighting achievement in the Canadian raise over $500 and 80 lbs. of food for the museum sector. (more on p. 17) Food Bank. (for more on staff activities, see p. 9)

July Muse Magazine releases Community Matters Issue with a focus on museums funding and the community. (more on p. 8) CMA Staff 2018 holiday activity.


November/December 2018 Muse article on Brazil's National National Secretariat Marketing & Communications Museum fire that destroyed thousands of years of history. In 2018, members received CMA information Muse Magazine through CMA News, Communiqué e-mails and Six issues of Muse of varying topics were published social media. CMA updates and member news was in 2018 and featured themes such as Leadership shared on CMA activities, member submissions and and Tech and Disaster Preparedness that touched articles of potential interest to members. on a variety of museum roles and points of view. Through CMA social channels on Twitter, Facebook A special section was dedicated to the Canadian and Instagram, museum news, contests and response to the loss of the Museu Nacional in Brazil. highlights were also shared with the general public. CMA Vice-President, Jack Lohman, was especially The CMA launched website standardization and active in speaking with the Canadian press in regards design for and has begun to restructure to the dangers of collections loss here in Canada. the website for a more user-friendly and visually appealing site. This project will continue into 2019. In the Community CMA Staff showed support for their community in 2018 through attendance at #AltCon, a gallery trip to Gallery101, the annual Holiday activities and food-raising for the Ottawa Food Bank.

DE LUTO À LUTA PELO MUSEO NACIONAL CMA Staff on a field trip to Gallery 101.

8 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 9 Membership Finances Summary of financial operations for the year ending December 31, 2018 Membership in 2018 by the Numbers In 2018 the CMA welcomed 236 new members; including 17 new associations and institutions and Revenue 2018 2017 8 new corporate members. Sustaining support/Bursary contribution $348,808 $305,069 146 Students from the Museum Studies Programs Young Canada Works — Heritage $8,388,051 $6,235,111 Young Canada Works — Careers $1,164,002 $1,630,265 at Algonquin College and Université du Québec Young Canada Works — Administration / Student* $851,399 $837,334 en Outaouais joined the CMA and renewed their Canada Summer Jobs $3,219 $8,698 memberships through our Student Pass Program. Indigenous Project $49,569 $2,234 242 Institutional members participated in the Ontario Multiculturalism - LGBTQ2 Project $7,600 Complimentary Admissions Program. Membership dues $387,754 $395,460 Earned revenue $889,459 $932,272 The membership department has posted 1245 Total $12,089,861 $10,346,443 opportunities on the CMA Job board this year.

Expenses Communications $344,958 $328,745 Govt. relations and public policy $575 $8,025 Membership services and administration $622,690 $647,862 Conferences $439,791 $449,144 Museum shops initiatives $135,154 $112,630 Young Canada Works — Heritage $8,388,051 $6,235,111 Young Canada Works — Careers $1,164,002 $1,630,265 Young Canada Works — Administration/Student $851,399 $837,334 Canada Summer Jobs $3,219 $8,698 Indigenous Project $49,569 $2,234 Ontario Multiculturalism — LGBTQ2 Project $7,600 Bursary Program $61,551 $62,496 Total $12,068,559 $10,322,544

Excess of revenue over expenses $21,302 $23,899 Balance of fund, beginning of year $153,110 $129,211 Balance of fund, end of year $174,412 $153,110

Copies of the complete audited statement are available upon request.


Governance Compliance and This report consisted of an in-depth look at the museum sector in Canada considering funding, The CMA Board of Directors met 6 times in 2018 to Risk Management Committee best practices, the involvement of diverse and govern the Associations affairs and policies. Four The CMA’s compliance and risk management underrepresented groups, museum size, concerns of these were In-person meetings and were held in committee is responsible for monitoring CMA’s regarding collections management and more. , ON, Vancouver, BC, and in Ottawa, ON (2). policies, identifying potential risks, and ensuring From this analysis, the Committee put forward 15 In addition, several conference calls were held by CMA’s compliance with various federal and recommendations in four major themes: finance the Board as well as the newly formed Transition provincial requirements. The compliance and risk and revenues, human resources, collections Committee which was struck in 2018 to search for a management committee also fulfills the role of audit and infrastructure and other challenges, new Executive Director to replace John G. McAvity liaison. These responsibilities include participating which largely concerns matters of diversity in who retired in 2018. in meetings with the auditor as required, to review museum attendance and representation. These the CMA audit and management letter, and to The members of the CMA Board of Directors for recommendations support an increase of museum provide recommendations. The compliance and risk 2017-2018 have been: funding, as well as the commissioning of several management committee fulfilled its duties in 2018. l Karen Bachmann (President), Timmins, ON studies to investigate further best practices for Canadian museums. l Manon Blanchette (Past President), Montreal, QC Museums Foundation of Canada l Jane Fullerton (Vice-President), Saint John, NB The Federal Government has issued a response to l Jack Lohman (Vice-President), Victoria, BC The Museums Foundation of Canada (MFC), the report stating that it “agrees that the time has l Eric Chan, Ottawa, ON established in 1994, supports the Barbara A. Tyler come to revisit its policy towards museums, in order l Margaret Chrumka, Kamloops, BC Award, the Dr. Shirley L. Thomson Young Curators for it, and future decisions, to reflect the needs and l Sarah Pashagumskum, Oujé-Bougoumou, QC Award, and the Fellows Lecture at the national challenges of what it means [sic] to be a museum l Katy Tari, Montreal, QC conference among other projects. in the 21st century.” l Michael Wallace, Toronto, ON Advocacy The Standing Committee on Finance The CMA presented pre-budget recommendations Nominations Committee The CMA is the national advocate for sound to the Standing Committee on Finance for the Susan Burrows-Johnson chaired the Nominations policy development for our sector. We work closely 2019 budget. The proposal included feedback Committee. The Nominations Committee reviewed the with governmental representatives to ensure that received from a round table conducted with the current Board members and their terms, determining the concerns and challenges facing Canadian Provincial Museum Associations as well as other that there were two vacancies on the Board for 2019. museums are heard, understood and addressed. key stakeholders. l Eric Chan, Ottawa, ON The State of Canadian Museums Report The presentation was aired on CPAC in September l Marie Chapman, Museum of Immigration at Pier This year led to a major resolution for the CMA with Director Emeritus, John McAvity and Museums 21, Halifax, NS and the museum sector at large. After two years Foundation of Canada Board Member, Robert l Sue Lamothe, Chief Operating Officer, Ex Officio, of consultation with our organization and others, Laidler, making the presentation to the committee. Ottawa, ON the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage Recommendations included an increase of funding released their long-awaited report on the state of to promote museum self-sufficiency, improvements Canadian museums entitled, Moving Forward – to buildings and infrastructure, digitization and Towards A Stronger Canadian Museum Sector. indigenous reconciliation efforts.


Young Canada Works CMA Member Insurance Program Iconic Images line, the CMA launched the Iconic Buildings products beginning with the development In 2018, Young Canada Works (YCW) continued The CMA Member Insurance Program continued to of a striking tote bag. Both lines are available to to offer career-launching experiences for young offer great and appropriate coverage for museums order in small quantities, allowing small institutions Canadians, aged 15 to 30. Both the summer jobs and museum professionals leveraging group buying to purchase products that help increase profit and internship programs benefited from additional power to obtain competitive rates. margins. The CMA continues to source many types funding for a total $8.85 million committed to the We want to thank Caitlin XL for their years of of products that museums may wish to consider museum community. partnership and welcome Marsh UK, who is taking in order to reflect their museum branding and Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations over the provision of coverage relating to artworks highlight their collections. (YCW-HO) supported summer and short-term work and collections for the program. experiences for students, which allowed them We were also pleased to provide a webinar called, to learn about Canada’s cultural heritage while The Exposure of Flood, relating to flood protection earning money to continue their studies. The program and coverage in May of 2018 sponsored by supported over 1,600 positions at 800 museums and Ecclesiastical, XL Caitlin and Marsh. heritage organizations across Canada. Furthermore, Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage (YCW-BCH) funded 174 internships at 149 museums and heritage organizations allowing recent graduates to gain relevant skills for furthering their careers in the heritage field. The CMA would like to thank the for its continued financial support of this important youth employment program.

Museum Retail Consortium Program The CMA Retail Consortium Program saw increased participation and growth in 2018. The development and further expansion of products offered continue to provide institutions with the opportunity to expand their visibility within their community and to increase their revenues. Building on the successful

14 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 15 L to R: Ishpreet Singh Anand,Satwinder Bains, Vince Varga. Photo — ©2018 Pardeep Singh Photography

Bursaries The CMA Bursary Program, made possible Awards thanks to the Department of Canadian Heritage, Here are the institutions and offers financial support to Canadian museum individuals recognized by professionals, students and volunteers who wish the CMA and partnering to attend professional development activities. A institutions for their total of 85 bursaries were distributed to museum outstanding contributions to professionals and volunteers from April 1, 2017 to the field. March 31, 2018.

Dr. Shirley L. Thompson The Awards of Outstanding Young Curators Award Achievement

A testament to Shirley L. Thomson’s efforts as a Conservation tireless supporter of young graduates’ preparation Institution: Ingenium — Canada Science and for curatorial careers in the visual arts, the Dr. Shirley Technology Museum, Ottawa, Ont. L. Thomson Young Curators Award is a legacy fund Collaborations with that provides young graduates the opportunity Title: Complete restoration and preservation of the to experience high quality, enhanced learning 6” Cooke & Sons refracting telescope, bought by the Open Palace Programme experiences in Canadian museums, art galleries Meteorological Service of Canada 1882 The Open Palace Programme has been developed and artist-run centres. by a group of significant heritage and education organizations in the UK committed to providing a first class, first-hand experience of palaces and treasures houses across the UK for international students and emergent professionals in the heritage field. Serena Ypelaar has been chosen to receive this year’s bursary of £1000 for the Open Palace Programme of Summer 2019.

Granted to the South Asian Studies Institute (Sikh Heritage Museum) for their proposed project Desis in the Diaspora, this award funded an assistant curator position filled by Ishpreet Singh Anand. Fern Proulx and Karen Bachmann. Photo — ©2018 Pardeep Singh Photography

16 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 17 Kimura Tsubasa performing calligraphy at the Traces of Words opening. Photo — Ricardo Seah

Education Institution: The Rooms, St. John's, NF Title: SakKijâjuk: Art and Craft from Nunatsiavut (trilingual publication to accompany the nationally travelling exhibit)

Research: Cultural Heritage Institution/Person: Mr. James W. Macnutt, Charlottetown, PEI Title: The Historic Furniture of Prince Edward Island L to R: John Belvedere, Céline Le Merlus, Jean-François Leclerc, Mathieu Lapierre, Karen Bachmann, Francine Lelièvre, Sarah Pashagumskum, Dr. Fuyubi Nakamura, James Macnutt, Marie-Claude Reid, Robin White, Kate Wolforth, Dr. Heather Igloliorte, Shirley Sutherland, Debbie Trueman, Research: Science and Technology Nancy Noble, Sharon J. Proctor, John McAvity, Fern Proulx, Ishpreet Singh Anand, Yosel Wosk, John Nightingale, Satwinder Bains, Christine Tessier, Jeannot Bourdages, Nathalie Spooner, René Lepire. Photo — ©2018 Pardeep Singh Photography Institution: Ingenium — Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa, Ont. Marketing New Media Title: Petrovic Collection Institution: Grand Prairie Museum and Archives, Institution: Musée de la Gaspésie, Gaspé, QC Grand Prairie, AB Research: Art Title: La Gaspésienne no. 20 Title: Culture Days 2017 Institution: Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, BC Exhibitions OVER $1M: Art Title: Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Institution/Artist: Kent Monkman, University of Toronto Exhibitions OVER $1M: Art Gallery, Toronto, ON Cultural Heritage Title: Shame and Prejudice Institution: Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute, Oujé-bougoumou, QC Exhibitions UNDER $1M: Cultural Heritage Title: Footprints: A Walk Through Generations Institution: Centre d'histoire Montréal, Montreal, QC Exhibitions OVER $1M: Title: Explosion 67 Science and Technology Institution: Ingenium — Canada Science and Exhibitions UNDER $1M : Art Robin White and Jane Fullerton. Tehnology Museum, Ottawa, Ont. Stewart Hall Art Gallery, Pointe-Claire, QC Photo — ©2018 Pardeep Singh Photography Title: 80,000 square foot permanent exhibition hall Title: Géopoétique

18 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 19 Museum Volunteer Award This award was presented in partnership with the Canadian Federation of Friends of Museums. Sharon J. Proctor North Vancouver Museum, BC

ICOM Canada’s International Achievement Award This award was presented in partnership with ICOM Canada. Francine Lelièvre, Executive Director Pointe-à-Callière (Montréal Archaeology and History Complex), QC Michel de la Chenelière. President’s Award Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, presented The GG's History Photo — André Pichette, La Presse Award for Excellence in Museums - History Alive! to Sarah Pashagumskum during the 2018 Governor In its second year, the President’s Award recognizes General’s History Awards ceremony held at Rideau Hall, on Monday, January 28, 2019. Award of Excellence in Philanthropy exceptional and long-term contributions to Credit: MCpl Mathieu Gaudreault, Rideau Hall, OSGG-BSGG 2019. museums, the arts and heritage. Michel de la Chenelière, Fondation de la Chenelière Yosef Wosk, PhD, OBC CMA Award of Distinguished Service The Governor General's History of indigenous self curation and self determination, The CMA salutes the outstanding careers of these Award for Excellence in Museums: Footprints follows the evolution of walking and dedicated museum professionals. its relations to life, culture, arts and traditional History Alive! technologies. Debbie Trueman, Director A partnership between CMA and Canada's History Nanaimo Museum, BC The CMA is equally proud to recognize two other Society (CHS), the goal of the History Alive! award is finalists: The Canadian Museum of History for their Dr. John Nightingale, President & CEO to honour significant achievement in the historical exhibition, Canadian History Hall, and the Heiltsuk Ocean Wise Conservation Association field and encourage standards of excellence Nation Tribal Council for their project The Sacred Vancouver Museum, BC specifically in the presentation, preservation and Journey videos. Marie-Claude Reid, Executive Director interpretation of national, regional or local history. Generously supported by Exporail, QC The award recognizes Dr. Sarah Pashagumskum at Shirley Sutherland Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute with the North Vancouver Museum & Archives, BC Chisasibi Heritage and Cultural Centre for Footprints: Karen Bachmann and Yosef Wosk. Photo — ©2018 Pardeep A Walk Through Generations. A powerful example Singh Photography


Museums Foundation of Canada The Museums Foundation of Canada (MFC), established in 1994, supports the Barbara A. Tyler Award, the Dr. Shirley L. Thomson Young Curators Award, the Fellows Lecture at the national conference among other projects. For more information on the awards, see p. 17.

L to R: Nigel Prince, Executive Director, Contemporary Art Gallery, Mauro Vescera, Chief Executive Officer, Museum of Vancouver and Curtis Campbell, Vice President, Aboriginal Markets and Public Sector/NFP at Royal Bank of Canada. Photo — ©2018 Pardeep Singh Photography

ICOM Canada Dundas Oke and the Museum of Vancouver who mentored Jasmine Wilson. The CMA is pleased to continue to provide secretariat service for ICOM in Canada, processing membership renewals and updates. Student Development The CMA works with both Algonquin College and the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) to provide CMA student membership for students in museum studies and related program as a part of their enrollment. We were also happy to work with four (4) interns RBC Foundation Museum from the Carlton University School of Journalism, Mentorship Program who contributed to Muse Magazine and other communications activities. The RBC Foundation Museum Mentorship program is administered by the Canadian Museums Association (CMA) with the generous financial support of the Provincial and Territorial Associations Royal Bank of Canada’s RBC Foundation. The 2018 Representatives from Provincial Museum Associations program will offer a specialized focus on mentorship were invited to attend a government roundtable in for Indigenous youth for two emerging professionals preparation for the CMA’s Standing Committee of to undertake a structured learning experience with Finance Presentation. CMA member organizations. We value their contributions and unique This year’s recipient was the Contemporary Art perspectives and gladly work with them to cross- Barbara A. Tyler, Canadian Museums Association Conference, 1977. Gallery in Vancouver, BC who mentored Emily promote activities through the museum community.


National Conference 2018 — No Museum is An island: Mobilizing Resources, Building Capacity



More than 500 museum professionals from across Canada met in Vancouver, , from April 7–13 during the CMA's 71st National Conference. Inspiring keynote speakers such as Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Rick Hansen, Colleen Dilenschneider, Jean Marc Blais and Alexandre Trudeau sparked lively discussions amongst attendees. A variety of workshops, study tours, educational sessions, evening events and wonderful networking opportunities rounded out the conferences' programming.

24 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 25 Museum Enterprises Conference — Toronto, Ontario The business of running a museum or gallery continues to be a challenging task and museums and galleries are expected to do much more with less. The 2018 Museum Enterprises Conference helped attendees learn how they could generate more money and increase visitor satisfaction. A broad range of topics were discussed and this included revenue generation, retail and food Marketing and Fundraising operations, visitor services, admissions, membership, rentals and special events. More than 60 CMA Symposium — Calgary, Alberta members benefited from attending MEC 2018! From November 18-20, 2018 more than 80 delegates met in Calgary to discuss the future of marketing and fundraising in museums in Canada. Over the course of the symposium, delegates learned first- hand about fundraising strategies from leading experts, participated in hands-on training and networked with colleagues from across the country to help uncover the tools needed to increase the effectiveness and success of campaigns. This symposium was the 4th in a series of specific topic symposia offered each fall by the CMA.


CMA Board 2018–2019 Sarah Drumm Leah Nyman CMA Compliance and Joan Goldfarb Amy Cubberley Karen Bachmann Program Coordinator, YCW-HO Program Coordinator, YCW-BCH Risk Management Toronto, ON Town of St. Marys - St. Marys (President), Timmins, ON Karen Flinn Kathleen Ogilvie Committee Robert Laidler Museum & Archives, ON Manon Blanchette Finance Assistant Program Officer, YCW-HO Jane Fullerton Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Joanna Dawson (Past President), Montreal, QC Jessica Gibson Mark Poirier Saint John, NB Sue Lamothe Canada's National History Jane Fullerton Program Coordinator, YCW-BCH Program Officer, YCW-HO Monique Horth (Secretary, non-voting), Ottawa, ON Society, MB (Vice-President), Saint John, NB Lucile Godet Alice Price Ottawa, ON John G. McAvity Justine Desrosiers Jack Lohman Program Officer, YCW-HO Finance Assistant Sue Lamothe Ottawa, ON Montreal Museum of Fine (Vice-President), Victoria, BC Nathan Hasselstrom Sue-Ann Ramsden Ottawa, ON David P. Silcox Arts, QC Eric Chan Program Officer, YCW-HO Director, Museum Enterprises John G. McAvity Toronto, ON Emmanuel Doucet Ottawa, ON Vanessa Hétu (contract) Ottawa, ON Yosef Wosk Cumberland Heritage Village Museum, ON Margaret Chrumka Program Officer, YCW-HO Afuwa Renner Michael Wallace Vancouver, BC Kamloops, BC Ornella Keza Communications Officer Toronto, ON Nathan Etherington Brant Historical Society, ON Sarah Pashagumskum Summer Program Assistant, YCW Delphine Saint-Fort YCW-BCH Peer Oujé-Bougoumou, QC Sue Lamothe Program Officer, YCW-BCH CMA Insurance Review Committee Dorothy Fabijan Committee Vascular Plant Herbarium, Katy Tari Chief Operating Officer Kate Seally 2018 — 2019 Robert Laidler Caitlin Bailey University of Alberta, AB Montreal, QC Annie Lapointe Program Officer, YCW-HO Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Canadian Centre for the Great David Flemming, ON Michael Wallace Program Officer, YCW-BCH Genevieve Wong Sue Lamothe War, QC Toronto, ON Tina Leblanc Program Officer, YCW-HO Chantal Fortier, ON Ottawa, ON France Bourassa Program Officer, YCW-BCH Jewels Goff John G. McAvity Musée du Haut-Richelieu, QC CMA Staff Rebecca MacKenzie CMA Board Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Ottawa, ON Lee Boyko Richard Archibald Communications Manager Nominations Committee Museum, AB Information Services Manon Blanchette Gillian Pearson Sooke Region Museum & Visitor Adam Mahoney Ninette Gyorody Coordinator Montreal, QC (Past President) Toronto, ON Centre, BC Administrative Officer, Awards Orillia Museum of Art and Kayla Burry Stephen Arkilanian and Bursaries Eric Chan John Ryerson History, ON Program Officer, YCW-HO Ottawa, ON (Chair), Toronto, ON The Rooms Provincial Archives Lynne Huras John McAvity Division, NL Laura Beks Executive Director Marie Chapman Robert Steven The Eleanor Luxton Historical Program Officer, YCW-HO Halifax, NS Toronto, ON Shawna Butts Foundation, AB Linda McConnell Niagara Historical Society and Carlos Castro Sue Lamothe Sherri Kajiwara Production Assistant Museum, ON Director of Marketing Chief Operating Officer, Ex Officio, Museums Foundation Nikkei National Museum and Paige McDonald of Canada Board Alexandra Cherry Pamela Cook Ottawa, ON Cultural Centre, BC Program Officer, YCW-HO of Directors Canadian Museum of Program Manager, YCW Danielle LaBrie Suzie Ann Monast Arthur Drache Immigration at Pier 21, NS Jessica DeGeer Women's Art Museum of Program Officer, YCW-HO (Chair), Drache Aptowitzer LLP, Derek Cooke Administrative Officer, Awards Canada, AB Christopher Müller Ottawa, ON Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, YT and Bursaries Program Officer, YCW-HO

28 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 29 Violette Loget Brenda Barry Byrne Cody Cacciotti Dena Doroszenko James Hare Mario Lachance Susan Neale Rosslyn Shipp Institut du patrimoine de Strathcona County Art Gallery Northern Ontario Railroad Ontario Heritage Trust, ON Algonquin College - Applied La Cité de l'énergie, QC Peterborough Museum and Vancouver Police Museum, BC l'UQAM, QC @ 501, AB Museum and Heritage Centre, ON Rachel Erickson Museum Studies, ON Évelyne Laflamme Archives, ON Anne Shropshire Lane McGarrity Carole Bellerose Katherine Carlson Manitoba Museum, MB Lisa Herrewynen Fondation François-Lamy, QC Karin Noble Railway Museum of Eastern Heritage Park Museum, BC Centre de la biodiversité du Central British Columbia Railway Terry Eyland Waterloo Region Museum, ON Annabelle Laliberté Grey Roots Museum and Ontario, ON Tom McLaughlan Québec, QC and Forestry Museum, BC Dartmouth Heritage Museum, NS Alanna Horejda Musée de société des Deux- Archives, ON Cathy Simon 8th Hussars Museum, NB Elisabeth Boekhoven Teresa Carlson Jennifer Fitzpatrick Transcona Historical Museum, MB Rives, QC Catherine Ouellet-Martin Magnetic Hill Zoo, NB Catrina Russell Pinhey’s Point Historic Site, ON Diefenbaker Canada Centre, SK Humboldt & District Museum & Lynne Huras Rosalie Lammle Beaty Biodiversity Museum, BC Meagan Sinclair New Brunswick Museum, NB Courtney Boost Alexandra Cherry Gallery, SK The Eleanor Luxton Historical Kneehill Historical Society, AB Martine Paquette Timmins Museum, ON John Sexsmith Artscape, ON Canadian Museum of David Flemming, ON Foundation, AB Krystal Leason Library and Archives Canada, QC Alex Somerville Immigration at Pier 21, NS Prince of Wales Northern Alain Bourbonnais Elizabeth French-Gibson Rob Imrie Huble Homestead/Giscome Anna Patterson Dawson City Museum, YT Heritage Centre, NT Moulin seigneurial de Pointe- Emily Christie Huron County Museum & Aanischaaukamikw Cree Portage Heritage Society, BC Castle Kilbride, ON Shari Strachan Cathy Simon du-Lac, QC Design Exchange, ON Historic Gaol, ON Cultural Institute, QC Anne Madden Katrina Peredun Musée Héritage Museum, AB Magnetic Hill Zoo, NB Lee Boyko Amy Coleman Judy Frotten Melynda Jarratt Museum Association of Grey Roots Museum and Jessika Tozer Anne Unyi Sooke Region Museum & Visitor Maritime Museum of the Argyle Township Court House Fredericton Region Museum, NB Newfoundland and Labrador, NL Archives, ON MacLachlan Woodworking Haldimand County Centre, BC Atlantic, NS and Gaol, NS Sherri Kajiwara Neil Malbon Manon Regimbald Museum, ON Caledonia Centre, ON Tammy Bradford Derek Cooke Mary Fulleman Nikkei National Museum and BC Forest Discovery Centre, BC Centre d'exposition de Val-David, QC Jean-Luc Tremblay Creston and District Historical Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, YT LaHave Islands Marine Museum, NS Cultural Centre, BC Darrin Martens Mary Reid Parc du Bourg de Pabos, QC and Museum Society, BC YCW-HO Peer Joe Corrigan Alexander Gates Linda Kane Audain Art Museum, BC Woodstock Art Gallery, ON Eileen Trott Review Committee Jordan Brennan Lang Pioneer Village Museum, ON Canadian Automotive Museum, ON Cupids Museum, NL Cathy Masterson Janet Reid Daly House Museum, MB 2018 — 2019 Museum London, ON Myriam Coulombe Jewels Goff Paula Kenny, PE City of Windsor, ON Markham Museum, ON Cindy Tugwell Karen Aberle Marianne Breton Musée du Fjord, QC Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Molly Kenny Lane McGarrity Miranda Riley Heritage Winnipeg, MB Wetaskiwin & District Heritage Centre d'exposition l'Imagier, QC Amy Cubberley Museum, AB Ingenium — Canada Science Heritage Park Museum, BC Royal Military College of Canada Museum, AB Anne Unyi Joshua Brown Town of St. Marys - St. Marys Josée Grandmont and Technology Museum, ON Ann McIntyre Museum, ON Haldimand County Caledonia Lana Adeleye-Olusae Yarmouth County Museum & Museum & Archives, ON Musée des Ursulines de Trois- Irene Kerr Petawawa Heritage Village, ON Pierre Roy Centre, ON The Manitoba Museum, MB Archives, NS Robin Cushnie Rivières, QC Museum of the Highwood, AB Tom McLaughlan Musée international d'art naïf de Katie Urban Caroline Aksynczak Ian Brumell Osgoode Township Museum, ON Sanna Guérin Karin Kierstead 8th Hussars Museum, NB Magog, QC Museum of Ontario Archaeology, ON GSM Project, QC Cloyne and District Historical Sandi Davis Workers’ Heritage Museum, ON Association of Nova Scotia Alyssa McLeod Jody Seeley Karen VandenBrink Lucy Alway Society, ON The Fort Museum of the North Ninette Gyorody Museums, NS Royal Ontario Museum, ON Meaford Museum, ON City of Waterloo Museum, ON Department of Tourism, Culture, Kayla Burry West Mounted Police and First Orillia Museum of Art and Carrie Kitzul Alison McMahon Karine Seidman Johanne Vigneault Industry and Innovation, NL The Rooms Provincial Archives Nations Interpretive Centre, AB History, ON Norfolk Arts Centre, ON Brockville Museum, ON Montreal Holocaust Memorial Espace muséal, les Petites Richard Barlas Division, NL Nathalie Delbecq Annemarie Hagan Danielle LaBrie Christopher Mitanidis Centre, QC Franciscaines de Marie, QC City of Hamilton, ON Shawna Butts The Whyte Museum of the Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Women's Art Museum of Bata Shoe Museum, ON John Sexsmith Caitlin Wagg Myriam Barriault Fortin Niagara Historical Society and Canadian Rockies, AB Archives, ON Canada, AB Sara Munroe Prince of Wales Northern THEMUSEUM, ON Centre d'exposition de Museum, ON Alison Deplonty City of Brantford, ON Heritage Centre, NT l'Université de Montréal, QC Fanshawe Pioneer Village, ON

30 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 31 Ian Warwick Elaine Tolmatch Vincent Varga Shaun Mansergh Constance MacDonald Ken Ross Interpretation and Design Ltd Presentation House Gallery Sunnybrook Farm Museum, AB Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, QC Whyte Museum of the Canadian Profitek, AB Royal Ontario Museum, ON Bank of Canada Museum, ON Animalium Production Oyez Oyez ! Inc. Carla Watson Johanne Vigneault Rockies, Banff, AB Vanessa McBay Sue-Ann Ramsden Debbie Trueman Armstrong Fine Art Services Ltd. Réalisations Inc. Montréal Nova Scotia Museum, NS Espace muséal et patrimonial Idea Factory (Agency of Record Canadian Museums Nanaimo Museum, BC Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Ltd. Reich + Petch Design Governor General’s Rhona Wenger des Petites Franciscaines de for the Rooms), NL Association, ON Angela Williams Arts Consulting Group International Grimsby Public Art Gallery, ON Marie, QC History Award for Meaghan Patterson Malcolm Smith Royal British Columbia Canada Ltd. Research Casting International Excellence in Museums: Alberta Museums Association, AB Canadian Museum of Museum, BC Helen Wong History Alive! Jury AXA ART Insurance Corporation Royal Canadian Contemporary Art Gallery, BC ICOM Canada’s Sue-Ann Ramsden Immigration at Pier 21, NS BaAM Productions Geographical Society International Karen Bachman Canadian Museums Michael Wallace Muse Editorial Board Bisson et associés Royal Canadian Mint Achievement Award Jury Timmins Museum, Timmins, ON John Grimes CMA Fellows and the Association, ON Theatre Museum Canada, ON Canadian Heritage Information Spongelab Interactive Viviane Gosselin Anne Chafe Mission+ Strategic Solutions, Award of Distinguished John Swettenham Network Toronto International (Chair), Museum of Vancouver, BC The Rooms, St. John's, NL Kelowna, BC Service Jury Canadian Museum of Nature, ON 2018 National Carr McLean Ltd. Film Festival Jennifer Carter Stephen Inglis Karen Bachmann Vincent Varga Conference Committee Anne Rawn Total Transportation Université du Québec à Carleton University, Ottawa, ON CDN Print Plastic Timmins Museum: National Whyte Museum of the Canadian Margaret Chrumka Museum of Contemporary Solutions Inc. Montréal, QC La Cité de l'Or Exhibition Centre, ON Bruce Thomson Rockies, AB Kamloops Art Gallery, BC Canadian Art, Toronto, ON Tri-City Retail Systems Conservation by Design Ltd. Catherine C. Cole Nada Guzin Lukic, PhD New Brunswick Museum, Saint Dolf DeJong Todd Janes (Armour Systems) Tru Vue Inc. FCMA, AB Université de Québec en John, NB : Ocean , AB 2018 Museum Digital Treasury Group Inc. UFO Museum Jane Fullerton, NB Outaouais,QC Vincent Varga Enterprises Conference Wise, BC Victoria Klassen Dorfman Museum Figures Inc. XL Insurance Company Ltd. Sharilyn Ingram Whyte Museum of the Canadian Committee Marie Dickens Canadian Lacrosse Association Awards of Outstanding Rockies, Banff, AB Ecclesiastical Insurance FCMA, ON Chantal Demers Vancouver Art Gallery, BC Ottawa, ON CMA Honour Roll Achievement / Barbara Canadian Museum of History eXtension concepts Claudette Leclerc A. Tyler / Shirley L. Caroline Dromaguet Paul Gilbert FCMA, The Manitoba Museum, MB 2018 Marketing & and , Canadian War Museum, ON MASH Magazine Inc, Foothills Systems / CMA Donors Thomson Jury Fundraising Symposium ON/QC Gaylord Archival Gerry Osmond Robert Laidler Victoria, BC Nathan Etherington, Paris, ON Manon Blanchette Committee Friends of Dalnavert Director of Heritage, Government Cindy Desrochers Museums Foundation of Aaron Kylie Rosamond Ivey, Toronto, ON (Past President), Montreal, QC Susan Burrows-Johnson Museum Inc. of Newfoundland and Labrador, NL St. Boniface Museum, MB Canada, ON Canadian Geographic, Donna Livingstone, Calgary, AB Stephen Inglis The Galt Museum, AB GSM Project Nick Foglia Sue Lamothe Ottawa, ON Robert Shepard, Medicine Carleton University, Ottawa, ON Naomi Grattan, Calgary, AB HR MacMillan Space Centre Museum Volunteer McMichael Canadian Art Canadian Museums David Marskell Hat, AB René Rivard Robert Laidler Award Jury Collection, ON Association, ON THEMUSEUM, Kitchener, ON Lord Cultural Resources David Silcox, Toronto, ON FAMC, Cultura bureau d'études Museum Foundation of Planning & Management Inc. Linda Graif Nancy Helmers Carol Mayer Yosef Wosk, Vancouver, BC Inc., Montreal, QC Canada, ON Love this River Corp. Canadian Federation of Friends Art Gallery of Burlington, ON UBC Museum of CMA Corporate David P. Silcox Sue Lamothe of Museums, Westmont, QC Robert Laidler Anthropology, BC Members Marsh Canada Ltd. (Chair), Massey College, Canadian Museums Museums Foundation of Richard Lindo Museums Foundation of 20k Inc. MRA mobile experiential University of Toronto, ON Association, ON Sue-Ann Ramsden Canada Donors 2018 Canadian Federation of Friends Canada, ON Canadian Museums 3DS / Three Dimensional Musée des cultures Arthur B. Drache, Ottawa, ON Donna Livingstone of Museums, Ottawa, ON Sue Lamothe Association, ON Services Inc. fondatrices Inc. Glenbow Museum, AB Nicole Stanbridge Canadian Museums AldrichPears Associates Pacific Art Services Ltd. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, BC Association, ON André & Associates Plank

32 CMA2018 — ANNUALREPORT 33 Corporate/ CMA Fellows Candace J. Stevenson (2001) Organizational (FCMA) Sonja Tanner-Kaplash (2004) CMA Donors Brenda Berck (1995) J. Lynne Teather (2013) AldrichPears Associates René Binette (2013) Jean Trudel (1995) Bank of Canada Museum Patricia J. Bovey (2013) Guy Vadeboncoeur (2004) Canadian Museum of History Janet M. Brooke (2011) Philip R. Ward (1985) Canadian Museum of Catherine C. Cole (2014) Calvin J. White (2012) Immigration at Pier 21 Yves Dagenais (2002) VALUES Canadian Museum of Nature Victoria Dickenson (2005) Dialog Joanne DiCosimo (2008) EOS Lightmedia Nancy E. Dillow (1981) Global Philanthropic Canada Dorothy Duncan (1988) Ingenium Colin C. Eades (2012) LEADERSHIP Kiddons Network Morris Flewwelling (2000) INNOVATION Marsh Canada Limited Thomas Hill (1997) PACART Nancy L. Hushion (1988) SOCIAL ADVANTAGE Royal Bank of Canada’s RBC Robin Inglis (2000) Foundation Sharilyn Ingram (2005) INCLUSIVITY UNESCO - United Nations, Robert R. Janes (2002) Educational Science and Cultural Organizations Linda Jules (2005) COLLABORATION Vancouver Aquarium Hélène Lamarche (2001) MEMBERS Vancouver Art Gallery Claudette Leclerc (2015) ViTreo Group Inc. Benoît Légaré (2016) Xl Catlin Philippe Mailhot (2013) Carol Mayer, President (2004) Nancy Noble (2018) René Rivard (2002) Eric J. Ruff (2001) Martin Segger (1999)


The CMA exists to advance Canadian museums to ensure meaningful connections with their communities by providing leadership, fostering a national museum community and increasing the value of museums to society.

Canadian Museums Association 280 Metcalfe Street, suite 400 Ottawa, ON K2P 1R7 T: 613 567 0099 | F: 613 233 5438 [email protected]