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Citation: Sparks, P.R. (1989). A history of the Neapolitan mandoline from its origins until the early nineteenth century, with a thematic index of published and manuscript music for the instrument. (Unpublished Doctoral thesis, City University London)

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Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to The Cit. y

University, Department of Music.

May 1989



Volume 11 of this thesis comprises a thematic catalogue ol instrumental music composed for the mandoline. I have selected the year 1815 as the upper limit for inclusion, as virtually no nundoline music was published af ter that date until the late-nineteenth century revival of t he instrument.

Although this thesis is concerned with the mandDline, 1 have decided, for the sake of completeness, to include in the catalogue the large repertoire of instrumental music written for the mandolino, the few surviving works for the Genoese and Cremonese , and the single known piece for bandurra. I have also included a number of songs and operatic arias featuring . However, as these works are outside the scope of this thesis, I have not generally included their thematic incipits.

The compilation of this index was undertaken principally out of a desire to demonstrate that the various types of mandolin share a large and varied classical repertoire, including works not only by most of the leading of the eighteenth century, such as Beethoven, Hasse, Sammartini, and Vivaldi, but also by a host of lesser known specialist mand0linists, such as Leon4ý, Riggieri, Fouchetti and Gervasio. The large quantity of music listed here testifies to the widespread popularity of the mandoline and mandolino during the eighteenth century. The quality of the best of the repertoire is now becoming possible to Judge, as players begin to revive this music on authentic instruments, and with authentic technical perf ormance.

This list has been compiled from four principal sources:

2 1) A consultation of existing articles on mandolin repertoire, such as those by Zuth (1931), Saint-Foix (1933), and Pitrelli (c. 1983).

2) Extensive reading of a variety of eighteenth century Journals and magazines, especially those published in Paris (such as Mercure, Annonces, affic-hes et avis divers, Almanach musical, Tournal de musique), noting all publications of mandolin music listed therein.

3) A systematic search of over two hundred and fifty major libraries worldwide, in some cases in person, but in most cases a combination of a search through their published catalogues, using a biographical list of known mandolin composers, and letters to librarians.

4) Personal correspondence with mandolinists worldwide, many of whom have been generous with information about discoveries in their own national libraries.

Ideally, each entry for a published work would be as follows:

(type of mandolin) 'S SURNAME, other names (dates)

"Full title of work, including place of publication"

Library copy: RISM siglum, and shelf number.

RISM number. Number of folios.

Date of Publication (source of dating).

(Thematic incipits of the various movements follow, reading left to right.

The parts are given in the order indicated by the title. For example, in a composition entitled per mandolino, due viDlinj e basso, the parts are presented as follows; mandolin, violin 1, violin 11, bass).

Ideally, each entry for a manuscript work would be as follows:

(type of mandolin) COMPOSER'S SURNAME, other names (dates)

"Full title of work" ms. Number of folios.

Library copy: RISM siglum, and shelf number.

(Thematic incipits of the various movements follow, reading left to right).

3 However, for two reasons, information is not always complete.

Firstly, thematic incipits are given only for mandoline. For mandolino, and

other types of mandolin, only tempo indications, key and time signatures are usually given.

Secondly, it has not always been possible to obtain copies of these works, either because libraries have been unwilling, or because there has been insufficient time to obtain them. Therefore, in a few cases, I have not been able to provide the thematic incipits of music known to be for mandoline, or even full details of tempo, key and time signature.

It be should noted that, in Italian titles quoted in the catalogue,

"mandolind' may refer to either the 4 or 6- course instrument. The correct designation will be given, in brackets, to the left of the composer's

the surname at top of the page, or (if one work on a page is for a different type to the others) after the library details.

If this catalogue is used in conjunction with the two lists for mandolino and mandoline provided in Tyler and Sparks' Týbe Early Mandolin (1989), where published works are listed chronologically, and manuscript works by location, the alphabetical system adopt. ed in this catalogue will provide a complete cross-index of all known music for the various types of early mandolin.



Lwgm - Vienna, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde

Universitat Lwmi - Vienna, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der

LWn Vienna, osterreichische Nationaibibliothek, Musiksamnlung , i0th("K iksaiiip; I hwst Vienna, Stadthi hI i i\, us


B-Bc Brussels, Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Biblioth6que

BBr - Brussels, Biblioth6que Royale Albert I-


Q,'2P nm - Prague, Narodni Muzeum

knihovna, Llipu - Prague, StAtni knihovna CSR, Universitni

hudebni Gddýleni


Kulturbesitz, D-brdB - Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer


Furstenbergische Hofbibliothek D-brdDO - Donaueschingen, F6rstlich a-brdF - Frankfurt am Main, Deutsche Bibliothek

Jý-brdHs - Hamburg, Staats-und-UniversitAtsbibliothek,


Priesterseminars 1ý-brdMup - Munster, Bibliothek des Bisch6flischen

Bibliothek D-brdWERI - Wertheim/Main, Furstlich Lowenstein'sche


L-ddrBds - Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Musikabteilung

D-ddrDIb - Dresden, Sachsische Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung

I)-ddrSW1 - Schwerin, Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek


F-C - Carpentras, Bibliotheque Municipale

FPa - Paris, Biblioth6que de I'Arsenal

Uc - Paris, Biblioth0que nationale (Conservatoire)

Um - Paris, Biblioth6que Mazarine

EPn - Paris, Biblioth6que nationale

Epo - Paris, Biblioth6que-Mus6e de l'Op6ra

EPsg - Paris, BibliothL'que Ste Genevieve

EPthibault - Paris, Collection Thibault (part of this collection is

in Un, part in private ownership)

F-TLm - Toulouse, Bibliothbque Municipale


UCkc - Cambridge, Kings College, Rowe Music Library

CikGe - Glasgow, Euing Music Library

ULbI - London, The Brit ish Library

ULspencer - London, private library of Robert Spencer

UOb - Oxford, Bodleian Library

I lAc Assisi, Biblioteca

Bologna, Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio

i T-1 vr -I tii, I I- rII r) CL1 () t Cl Ca bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale lbsf Bologna, Convento di S. Francesco j-BGC Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai

JBG i Bergamo, Civico Istituto Musicale Gaetano Donizetti

LCORc Correggio, Biblioteca , comunale

I-F'c Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica "L.


JF 11 Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

J_Ffornaciari Florence, private library of Maestro M. Fornaciari

Genoa, Biblioteca dell'Istituto Musicale "Paganini"

I-Ls Lucca, Biblioteca del seminario arcivescovile presso

la Curia

Imc Milan, Biblioteca del Conservatorio "Giuseppe Verdi"

JMTc Montecatini-Terme, Biblioteca Civica

J_Ml'venturi Montecatini-Terme, private library of Antonio Venturi

(now in J_MTc) iNc , Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica. S. Pietro

a Maiella

I-PAc Parma, Conservatorio di Musica "Arrigo Boito"

I-PS Pistoia, Archivio Capitolare del Duomo

IRmassimo Rome, private library, Palazzo Massimo al Corso Vittorio


LRv Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana ,

ITn Turin, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria

LV nm Venice, Biblioteca nazionale Marciana .


JJLDHgin Den Haag, Gemeente Museum


F_Lgulbenkian - Lisbon, Library of the Gulbenkian Foundation


SSk - Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket

S;Skma - Stockholm, Kungl. Musikaliska Akademiens Bibliotek asuf - Stockholm, Stiftelsen Musikkulturens FrAmjande suu - Uppsalav Universitetbiblioteket


IMAA Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Music Library

VZBE - Berkeley, University of California, Music Library

MiCn - Chicago, Newberry Library

U00 - Iowa City, University of Iowa, School of Music

Valyp - New York, Library and Museum of the Performing Arts,

Music Division, New York Public Library at Lincoln Center

MWO - Washington (D. C. ), Library of Congress, Music Division

8 (rq,andol. int-) ANON /Rt; CUHL "Les Petites r6cr6ations de la Cainpagnev premier Livre contenant huit duetti h due Violini, o Iviandolini cornposte da varii autori; ces pibces peuvent aussi slex6cuter sur le Pardessus de viole. Prix 21.8s. A Paris. "

No copy located. (Composers: Prota, Eterardi, Cornielli & Cantone).

Date of Publication: 1762 (Idercure, August 1762, pl55)

e IlLes Petites rgergations de la Campagne III livre contenant VI duetti ä 2 violons pardessus ou mandolines. Coimposte da varri autori. On peut les ýx9euter sur la flutte, les faisants accomi-ý,-igner dlun violon au deuxibme Prix 21iv. 8s. A Paris, Aux de Iviusique. Avee Dessus 0 Adresses ordinaires Frivilegý du Roy. Grave par Geron. 11

Library copy: USBE. (Composers (q. v. ): F. de Idajo/Maio E. Barbella (2 pieces) Giuliano J. A. Hasse (Sassone) Gaetano. )

Date of Publication: c. 1764

e "Les Petites r6creations de la campagne IV livre Contenant VI Duetti a2 Violons Pardessus ou Idandol- Lnes. Composte da varri autori. On peut les ex6cuter sur la FlAte, les faisants Accompagner dlun Violon au, deuxi6me Dessus. Prix 2liv. 8. Paris. Aux Adresses ordinaires de Idusique. Avec Privilege du Roy. Grav4 par Geron. 11

Library copy: FPn L. 253- (Composers (q. v. ): Sciroli Ragiola Rancinelli Barbella Eterardi Conforto).

Date of Publication: 1765 (Kercure, April 1765).

6 h2 "Les r6creations de la Campagne, sixieme livre, contenant duetti 11 violons, pardessus, ou inandoline, composte da varii autori ...

No copy located. I me -Date of Publication: 1767 (iv','ercure, April 1707y2 partie, pl46)

"Suite des Petites Recr6ations de la campagne, 7e8e, & ge livres; contenant 6 duetti h2 violons, par-dessus ou mandolines composte d.a. varri AUtori. Pri. x 21.iv. 8s. Aux adresses ord. 11

I No copies located. 1768 (Annonces. Affiches Avis Divers, 30 idai 1768, D-.-ite of Publication: et p480)

VI duetti h "Les Petites r6ergations de la campagne, Xe livre, contenant On deux violons, par-dessus, ou mandolirps; composte da, vari-i autori. peut d1un 11 les ex4cuter sur la flu^te, les salsant acconipaEner violon.

No copy located. (lifercure 1.768, Date of Publication: 1768 September P133).

(W. ) B. Vol. s 2&5 did not feature iii any of the joill-ruals consulted.

9 (m,n. TldolinPL) ANON (cont)

I'Le Festin de llAmour a4 parties, voix seule, harpe, guitarre, mandoline, violons ou clavecin & bassell. (Paris) "Les Projets de llAmour, avec mgmes accompagnemens. Prix 1 liv-4s. chacune. Aux adresses ordinadres". (Paris)

No copies located.

Date of Publication: 1765 (Annonces, Affiches, Q avis divers. 30 September 1765, p710).

"Recueil d'Airs, Ariettes, Vaudevil-A-es, Romances, 144nuets, Imitations du m6nuet d'Exa. udet etc. auxquels on a joint la. !ýIarcbe des Gardes-Fr, -Inqoises-, & des Gardes Suisses; pour 2 violons, par-dessuo de viole, ou m2nd. olines. Prix 3liv-12s. Chez le sieur Bordet, Auteur & DI. - de 14usique, rue S. Honor4, vis-h-vis le Palais royal; & aux adresses ordinaires". (Paris)

No copy located.

Date of Publication: 1768 (Annonces, Affiches et avis divers 3 October 1768, p833).

"Petite Piece de Mandolinell.

(p8). (Facsimil. Source: Journal de Musique, Paris November 1770 e reprint - Geneva, Idinkoff, 1972. )

-O-r t 100--f-

s empre

"Duo pour Violon ou biandoline. 24, s. " (Lyon)

No copy located.

Date of Publication: 176-0 (Affiches de Lyona. nnonces et avis- divers, 15 via.rch, 1769)

"Eighteen Divertimentos for two Guitars or two Mandelins. Pfoperly adapted by the best Masters. Printed for J. Oswa.ld on the Pavement S. Martin's Churchyard, London. "

library copies: GBLbl g. 270. L. 4., GBOb, USIO. f f. 11.

Date of Publication: 1757.

(This work consists of 18 2 or 3 movement duets. These pieces appear to be intended for "English Guittar" which was often referred to as a mandolin by the British-)

111,4inuets, Cotillons & Counti-y Dances for the Violin, ITandolin, Gen-qan Flute & Harpsichord. Composed by an African... Printed for the Author, London. "

Library copy: GBLbl a. g. b. (l) pp. a-g. (Date Date of Publication: c. 1775. from GBLbl catalogue which contains a ) handwritten addition "Ignatius Sancho? ".

10 Ga.,.mdo I i. n.Q) ANON (cont. ) "Follia Variazione per Idandolino 1791.11 ms. ff-4. Library copy: Ildc Noseda L31-16. f12 Andantino variationsl

"S-n-KXVTT-Sonata a Solo. e Basso Per Ainandolino. " ms, ff . 3. c. 1780. (ifi, Library copy: Ihic Noseda A53-10a andol-ino) lifinuetto No tetu-no indicationj

"S. n. XXVIII. Sonata Per Amandolino E Basso. " ms, ff. 4- c. 1780. Library copy: Ddc Noseda A53-10b.

Larghetto All. Andante L

"S. n. XXIV. Sonatta per Idandolino Con il Suo Basso. " 1780. Ins 0ff-3. c. Library copy: Dic Noseda A53-10c. No tpinno indicationl Con Spirito

"S. n. X-KVI. Sonata per 1.,,iandolino. 1' ms, f f. 4. c. 1.780. Library copy: Ivic Noseda A53-10d.

All. Andante

11 (cont. (mn. ndoline) ANON "Concertino h Due Idandol-inj. "

mse ff-2. C. 1780. Library copy: Ilvic Noseda A53-10e.

Presto Grave Al 1e P-,?

I'Mandolino Primo. Divertimenti a due Idandolini. 11 ms. ff. 2+2. c. 1780. Library copy: IlAc Noseda V50-7.

Maestoso Minue

All ncr-v-r% rP. i ,. Allegro

r, r, "Divertimento Per Mandolino. 2. 1780. ms 0ff. c. Library copy: Ddc Noseda V50-16

Minue o Grazioso And? All?

IIr, -i111aI11 JM3 aIFI r- --- rFF r- IIFFP, -III-1+; Ef

(The in texture through- (No tempo irýdication) many gaps out this piece suggest that it was originally a duet. )

(Dmajor] IlSonata p li ma.ndolini. 11 ms. ff-3. c. 1780. Librar-j copy: IlAc Noseda Z18-36. (i-.,i-andolinO)

12 (cont) O-tiýtndolino) ANON "3 Poloness a 1,dandolino e Basso. " Library copy: i0lgm X47300- ins ff-4- C. 1800. No. 1 Poloness 3/4 Gmaj (+Trio); No. 2 Poloness 3/4 Dmaj. (+Trio); No3 Poloness 3/4 Gmaj. (+Trio).

"Galanterie a Mandolino e Basso. " Libranj Copy: AWgM X47302. ms, ff. 5+4. C. 1800. to Allegro kiod: 6/8 Gmaj.; No. 2 Polonýge Andante 3/4 Cmaj.; No-3 IvIenuetto ii1oderato (+Trio); No. 4 Allegro 3/4 Gmaj.; Romance Poco Adagio 2/4 Cmaj.; 3/4 Gmaj * No. 6 Allegro 6/8 Gmaj.

"Sonata a wandolino e Basso. '' Library copy: AWgm X47303- ms. ff-4+3- c. 1800. Allegro vioderato 2/4 Dmaj.; Andante 2/4 Win.; Rondeau All? Modlo 2/4 Dmaj.

"Sonata per i.iandolino e Basso. 11 Library copy: AWgm X47304. ms. ff. 4+2. c. 1800. to te 6/8 Dmaj. Allo ffioderato 2/4 Dmaj.; And Romance 2/4 Gmaj.; Allo Viod Rondo

I'Duetto in C. Idandolino Primo e ivlandolino Secondo. 11 Library copy: AWgm X47305. ms. ff'. 3+2. c. 1800. Allegro 2/4 Cmaj.; Rondeau Allegro vioderato 2/4 Cmaj.

I'Duetto per Due Iiiandolini. 11 Library copy: AWgm X47306. ms, ff. 2+2. c. 1600. Largo 2/4 Dmaj.; Allo 2/4 D-maj.; Allegro 6/8 Dmaj.

I'Divertimento in Da Mandolino Primo Idandolino Secondo E Basso. Library copy: A; ig.m X49844. Ms. ff-5+5+5. C. 1800. 1.1oderato 3/4 Dmaj. (+2Tf; Un poco Adagio 2/4 Draaj. ; Allegro 2/4 Dmaj. ; Menuetto os); Romance Andante 6/8 G-maj.; Iiienuetto 3/4 Dmaj. (+2Trios); Rondeau Allegro Mod. 214 Draa j.

(A instrument is Iliqlandolino. 11 partbook - at least one other missing) ff-5. C. 1800. Library copy: A%,'Igm X56283. ins - Fmaj.; Allegro 6/8 Amaj.; No. 2 Allegro 6/8 Cmaj.; No-3 Allegretto 3/8 Cmaj. No. 4 Grazioso 3/8 Fmaj.; No-5 Giga 6/8 Ciaaj.; No. 6 Condra dance 2/4

(A is "I'viandolino. " partbook - at le, ýýst one other instrument missing -) 1800. Library copy: AWgm X56284. ms. ff. 4. C. Aod: Rondo 2/4 Ebi-aaj. Allo moderato 2/4 Ebmaj.; Andante 6/8 Bbmaj.; Allo i.

(This is for 5 "Idandolino. " partbook is clearly mislabelled - the music string guitar. ) V"- Library copy: AWgm X56285. ms. ff-3. c- ý/8 iiienixetto 3/4 Cmaj.; Allegro C Cmaj. ; Adagio 3/8 Cmaj. ; Allegro Cmaj. ; 6/8 Cmaj. Andante 2/4 Cmaj.; kenuetto 3/4 Cmaj.; Andý C Cmaj.; Rondeau due Oboe, due Corni, Viola "Concerto in Ga ivlandolino Principalev due Violini, e Basso. " Library copy: AWgm. (inissing). ms. c. 1800. Vincenz Hladky has a modern (This ms. has been missing since edited Wilhelmshaven) edition, published Heinrichshofen's Verlag, 13 (mandoline) MON (cont. ) "Sonatina per mandolino e cimbalo. '' ff. l. in Musique italienne. MS. contained Reculil. c. 17 50. Library copy: FPa ms. 6785.199b. (proh; i.bly -n,-,. n, to Ii ng )

"Sonata a Mandolino Solo con Basso. " ms, ff-5- c. 1-765. Library copy: FPn L2770-

I Andantino 1. Allegro moderato

Andantino Allegro

"Sonata Per Mandolino e Basso.,, ms. ff. 2+2. c. 1765. Library copy: FPn L2614.

Ip sy-ro And? Presto

Clst. mvt. is the same as lst. myt. of "Duetto VI del S. Gaetano" from 111eýites R6creations... III livre (USBE). )

14 (rivýmdoline) ANON (cont. ) "Duetto. Mandolino Primo. " ff. 2+2. Fas0 c. 1765. Library copy: FPn L2771.

ý-- Mi ni i t-t tnAn cl A-1 1- ---

"Duetto per W6 Mandolini. Mandolino Primo. '' MS. ff2+2. c. 1765. Library copy: FPn L2790. Larp, hetto All? All?

"Dixetto Per 2. Itlandolini. Idandolino Primo. " 17o5. MS. ff. 2+2. c. Library copy: FPri L2777.

II- --- - I10 trya+ +n

"Mandolino I? tl Duet. MS. ff. 4+4. c. 1705. Library copy: FPn L2772.

AIIa crrn

n minue

15 (wanclo-Line) ANON (cont. ) "Pastorale a due Mandolini ý Basso. " ms, ff-1+1+1- c. 1765. Library copy: FPn L2778.

largo-Canzona All?

Creprise of ist. mvt. )

"Basso concerto per mandolino solo con violini, e Basso. " mse ff. 4+4+4+2. c. 1765. Library copy: FPn D11738.

Tempo giustO Larghetto alla Siciliana Allegro in




"Concerto per blandol-ino, vi-olini e Basso. Parte PPal. e. Mandolinoll. MS. ff. 4+4. Library FPn L 2848. [Vln. ) copy: T 8-- P-m-,so r. arts are ýnissinýx,. c. 1-765. Allegro An (1,-3, nte Allegro It

16 ANON (cont. ) (ma. rido jillp) 6 "Basso. Concerto h mandolino solo con violini, Basso". ms. f f. 4+4+4+4. Library copy: FPn L2598. c. 1765.

Larghett. o Grazioso Alletfretto




(Untitled ) manuscripts. c. 1650-1670. tablature) MS. ff. 20 + 23. -(Written in 4-line Italian ). library copy: Un MAGI,. xix28 & xix29. (mandolin (The Manuseri]2t-xix28. date 1670 is written on the front cover) f. lvLucia (Untitled f iv -2 piece) f: 2 Pavaniglia in E V-3 f. 1 (Qntitled piece) f. 4 Calata, f4-5 v Gaglia. rda f: 5v(Scale chart showing staff notation and ta-blature) (Another f5 scale chart showing various sharpened and flattened notes) f6v Gagliarda, figurata. f: 6 -20 (Blank staves)

Manuscript xix29. f1 La Cocorocho El -2 Corrente f2v Bergamasca (Untitled f: 2 piece] f 3-3v (Blank) . f. 4 Ballo di Mantua f 4v-5vv Balletto f: 5 -6 Ciaccone f. 7 Allemanda, f 7v-8 Balletto . f. 8v-g Passe-gli f. gv-Toccata v (f. della Corrente di Conti"] f. 10 -12 Corrente 12 is marked "Fine f. 12 v- Balletto (Untitled f-13 pipce) Corrente dý la Fanta f . 13v- f. 14 (Untitled piece) f 14v-: 15 Ballo de Cava.lli f: 15V Sýappino f. 16-16 cia. ccone? f 17 (Blank) , f: 17V(Untitled piece) f 18 (Blankj v f: 18 (Untitled arpeggios) f 19javaniglia, f: 19V-20 Pavaniglia, f. 20 Bure di Monsu Agniolo 17 (m,; ANON (cont. ) -ndolino) f 21 (Blank) f: 21 v (Untitled) f. 22 (Unreadable) f (Untitled 22V series of strumý. ied chords + Untitled piece) f: 23v(qntitled) f. 23 (Alfabeto chord chart)

"Diverse arie di danza per mandola. Regola per accordare llarpa. 11 (Written ms. ff-13. in 4-line Italian tablature, and followed by ff. 18 for harp. ) Library copy: IFc ms-3802. c. 168o. f 1"Diverse arie di danza per mandola. Regola per accordare l1arpa. " f: lv-2v (Blankj f 3v Corrente f: 3 Idinuet f 4v Ballo di Mantova f: 4v-5 Saltarello f 5v-6 Corrente f: 6 Minuet f 7v Corrente f: 7 Minuet f8 Bor6 f: 8v-9 Saltarello f 9v Minuet f: 9 Bor6 f 10; Corrente Ell ý11 -12 Ballo di 16antova f 12V Veneziana f: 12 (Fragments of staff notation) f-13 (Scale chart, showing positions of notes)

11 Partita Preludio per ce sol fa ut., Allemande, Courrente, Aria Adagio, Giga, idenuet. 11 pp22-31.

Partita 11 Preludio, Allemande, Sarabande, Corrente, Giga. " PP32-37- (Written 4-line ) mse in French tablature. c. 1710.

Library copy: CS: CSSR: Pu ms-II KK 36.

(Untitled manuscript -a later hand has added "Pour les cistrell c. 1765 mseLibrary copy: AWn bTIS. MS. 1082. (This ms. contains a number of preludes, contredances, minuets etc., for an instrument tuned d'I, b, f gII, aI. eI, - the tuning of the 6-course mandolinop apart from the lowered 6th course-)

"Sonata a Mandolino a Primo e Basso. '' ''Sonata a Primo e Basso. ' "Sonata. '' ms, c. 17 50. Library copy: IFfornaciari.

18 (nindoline) ANON (cont. )

I'Suonata con Grave,II e suo biinuetto h Idandola e Basso del Arcileuto. " Allegro - Adagio - 14inuetto. ins . (rnmdolino) 60. Library copy: IBc EE 155 - the Dalla Casa ms. 1759 -

"Trio A due blandolinj e Basso. " MS. ff. 8. Mbr, --try copy: SUu Gimo 359. c. 1770-

(ýntitled) Largo All

"Privicipy Per iitipaxe La C" 'olfeg--io, '. 0 "Cýl ITIS. ff. 47. (imandol-ino) Library copy: TJSCn Case 3A 17. (c. 18()()) After an initial. discusý Sion about how to tune the mHnclolino, the following piece-, -ire given: p23 Untitl ed F friH,j0r 2/4 inandol i no P23 Unt i. tl ed 1) Ina j0r 2/4 if P3 Unti tl ed C r-Irl,jor 2/4 it TJrl L -i it p25 k itled G lllýl j0r 214 p25 Untitled c minor 2/4 to p25 Untitled Bb ma j0r 2/4 it p27 Unt itIed mu j0r 214 it p2q ielinuetto F ina j or 3/4 2 mn,ndol. inos P31- ioiinuetto C major 3/4 2 to p ý,2 Untitled A ITIa j0r 3/4 mzlindoTi, no P32 Contradanza D in-ajor 2/4 it j0r P33 illinixetto Bb r.qý-,, 3/4 2 viý-j.ndol inos P34 Contradanza 1) ma jor 2/4 rriý+ncl 01inn P34 f-linuetto F meijor 3/4 it P35 ilinuetto 1) In'tjor 3/4 2 mpindol inos P35 ijidlilletto 1) major 3/4 m,,,,ndol i no p36 Cont radanv za -Bb MRi0r. 214 it P37 dinuetto C Ma j0r 3/4 2 ina ridol i nos, P37 Untitled C "laJor 2/4 1-ftH.Yld01i no P.3 5 Unt itIed (Ir MijOr 3/4 it P39 iiIii-illet to G !mLjor 3/4 2 mandol inos P41- blinuetto C rfla j0r 3/4 P43 Alei-nanda C ma jor 2/4 p4, f Untitled C inýijor 3/4 imindol-ino p44 Untitled C major 3/4 of p45 Correnta Cmajor 6/8 2 mandolino-a p47 i.-Alluetto C im-ijor 3/4 pilg i4iniietto A Ma j0r 3/4 p5l iji onf ri na C ln,.tjor 6/8 p53 idinuet to A major 3/4 P55 blinuetto G n i.j or 3/4 P57 lAinuetto C nl, jor 3/4 mNndol in p59 , ýeniiet (". ma i0r 3/4 it p6l- C III(-'.i0r 3/8 it 19 (mandolino) ANON (cont)

P63 hiinuetto dell Opera D major 3/4 mandolina p65 blinuetto C MN-jor 3/4 -n65 Iiionforina c ma jor 0/8 p67 T.Tnt itled C -na jor 3/4 j0r P68 Allegro C I-q,,,, 214 P68 I-Tenixe C major 3/ ,4 p69 Allegro c mq jor 2/4 p6q blenue C m,:.:i.jor 3/4 p70 Andante C major 2/4 p70 i4inuetto C major 3/4 2/4 p7l Andant e C imajor p7l blinuetto C ma ior 3/4 F jor 3/4 inos p73 Untitled ma ;2 mandol C 3/4 p75 Untitled major 2/4 p77 Untitled C m.,i j or 11 P79 Untitled F mtjor 3/4 P81 Untitled G ma jor 3/4 ti 6/8 P83 Untitled G major mandulina p83 Untitled 13bma jor 6/8 Untitled c -najor 6/8 p84 6/8 p84 Untitled F i--qi.jor IT-ntitIed f3b major 6/8 P85 6/8 P85 Untitled c ýmajor p87 Unt it1ed c major 6/8 F jor 6/8 p87 Untitled -qq, p87 Untitled F major 6/8 p88 Untitled Bb major 6/8 1viarSia blaestoso sostenuto Eb iiv:i, jor c 2 iwj.ndol in" P90 6/8 p92 All. G major p92 14inuetto G m.i. jor 3/4

"Divertissei-nent... i-tiý:i.ndol-inoy violino, iyiý-tnd.olonoll. ins. ff. 3. (mandolinev 1780). Library copy: CSPnra L xxxii -A- 98 c.

No. I ITO. II La Chýa sse p. '


in I


20 (mandolint) ANON (cont)

"Terzetto in A per il idamdolino con Violino e ilandolone. P. Leonardi liont -,!Is. f, f,. 6. (c. 1780) Libr. --tny copy: C61-ln,m 1, xxxii -A- Z690

(+ Trio) Rondo allegretto Bril la. nt e , ýienuet ,mdante gnatioso

landolone. P. LeonC,,rdi Dont Ord. G'it. 11 IlTerv, etto in B --). wandolino Viol-ino e , MS. f t,. 6. Library copy: Cýj-Pnm L xxxii -A- 270. (mandoline, c. 1780)

-I Andante Rondo allegretto

-Viol-ino P. Leonardi Dont Ord. Cit. " "Terzetto in Ca ,Iandol-ino e 1ý,andolone. ff. 6. ;1c,3 . (rimndolinej 1760) j, ibr;., -.ry copy: CSPnfa L xxxii -A- 271. C. (+ T ri 0 i4enixet -alle-retto Rondo alleFretto


21 (cont) (mandolin-Q) ý''UION "Terzetto in Fa Mandolino Violino e Mandolone. F. Leonardi Dont. 11 ms, ff. 6. (c. 1780) Library copy: CSPnm L xxxii -A- 276

I It Rondo allegretto

"Terzetto in D. a Mandolino Violino e Aandolone. P. Leonardi Dont". ms. ff. 6. (c. 1780). Library copy: CSPrun L xxxii -A- 277.

Allegretto (+ Andante molto 'Jenizet T ri o) Rondo allegretto

"Divertimento in Dis a blandolino Violino e I&andolonoll. mse ff. 6. (C. hibrary copy: CSPnfn L xxxii -A- 410, 1780)

A- ,,, - -- - A- - -4-4-

22 (mandoline) jLWON (cont) "Jivertimento in Ga Mandolino Violino e hiiandolono. P. Leonardi Dont. Ord. Cit.,, ills. ff. 6. (c. 1780) Librarýýr copy: CSPnm L xxxii -A- 422.

Rondo allegretto (+ 4

"Trio in Ch Idandolino Violino e vlandol-ono. Pls. ff. 4. (c. 1780) Library copy: CS-Pnrn L xxxii 440.

Allegro moderato Adagio blenuetto (+ Trio3 Rondo

Also iri CSPnm: (all ms. ) (c. 1780) "Duetto" xl. ii P- - 115 "i,,iarchll x1ii A - 117 I'll'und., ime,rAiii-n" x1ii- A-136 11Duetti x1ii. -A - 304 it )Uo 11 XI-ii - iý - 50

Yrom a cPtalogue of manuscript immic aviilable from Johann Traeg, a Viennese music dealer, in 1799: 111ý3p.rancita per il iiiandolino e Viol. ý;." 2"Sona-te p. detto Violino eB in B" 311SonzA,-:, -n. 2 id,,w-indolini in G" 4113on,,ý.ta p. detto in B" 611ýierenata p. il Mand. e Viola in C" 711detto detto in F" 811detto detto in D" 9"Casýsa7ione p. il Mand. V. Viola e Vllo. " 1011ý2uartetto p. detto detto in D" 1.111detto detto in All 13"Qu. trtetto p. il- Mand. V. Viola e B'114"Arii, p. il ld;lindolinoll 15"Trio b. 1dand. Viol-a e B" No copies located.

23 (mandoline) IONON (cont)

Illhio p. Mandolin. o, e Viol-ino. Parte del Primoll. ms. f f. 2+2. library copy: Il-dTc A 279. (c. 1770)

im(lantino Allegro

"idusica da due Mandolini di diversi Autori. Mandol-ino Primoll. ms, ff. 12 + 18. Library copy: IIATc A 280 (c. 1770) [ieveral items in the ldand. IT part are in f-cact in the baý-,s, clef-) Sonaýa I All. Rondo moderato all. e.C3-retto

Son P-Lta II Largo Al Ie gro Al Ie gro

Sonata III Andante Rondo

Sonata IV Andante Al I egro Al Ie gro

24 (m, -:Indol-ine) ANON (cont)

Sonata V Andante Rondo

Sonata VI Allegro ha r Al, I eg ro gh etto L

"Sonate a due mandorlinill. I'lls. Libm-ry copy: IviTc A, 20"1. (c. 1770) 1) indante 2/4 Gmajor; Rondo allegretto 6/8 Gmajor 2) Andante 2/4 Dmajor; Rondo all egretto 6/8 Dmajor 3) Andante 2/4 Amajor; Hondo allegro ? Amajor 4) Larg. het to 2/4 ý)-aajor; 'Hondo Alle, - 6/8 I'-Iqa jor , ro -5) andante 2/4 Gmajor; Hondo AlJeFro 2/4 Gmajor Andante 2/4 Aaajor; Rondo 3/8 Dfia jor 0) allegroC,

112ioru:te (Iýi ill'andolino (I.iversi o,itorj. o; i-inoerni Goi-apositori -n. du e Priirlo. F7 Sertnelli". iýl,lfldoljTl. i . iJanclolirio ;, (-I ilso cii, irlý, 7+7. copy: TwTc iý 16q tlje follovvi U.ý-, 'Irlollvillolls rieces:

1-io-3 Jr

t ee N0.10 tind. No. 12 iýdrme And. con Variwz,


25 (mandoline) ((-, ýý11011 ont)

P. llo. 16 Alemandn. Andý e No. lý Andý ' iýotti). rno

110.19 Hinllý No. ýlo All. No. 22 blimie

I-To. 24 Al Iý No. ý-)6 All?

26 (mH. ) ATCHE TD'. (fl. ) ndolint. I-BOURGI c. 181;?

"Potpourri op. 111(inand. or violin :in(]. p_uitar).

No copy located.

Date of Fitblication:

I'Variations op. 211 (mand. or violin and Lmitar).

No located. copiru -0ý,te of Publicr-ition: 1812.

IIN'ottury)o cone. OP. 3" (mand. or violin and Lizitax).

No copy located.

Date of Tublication: 1812.

ll-V;ýý, riations conc. or. 41, (muncl. or violin and guitar). Library copy: -AWn. i)ate of Publication: 183.2.

[All tbese listed in the "Handbuch der lelusikali. schen Litteratur" works are (1817). Cnrl ',vhistling and Friedrich 11ofi ister

27 (mandolin) Gaetano (1755-1826)

"Aria Con Mandolino e Arcileuto obb1ir: Fren. col pianto 0 cava. iJel jgre 1eta. no Andreozzi. i)i Frnnce$co erme11e". ms. ff. 28. Library copy: IMTe A 182. Violini, oboe, Clarinetti, Corni, Fagotti, ita. ndoiino, Arci]. euto.

28 jTJHAL, Padre -3ertiardo (fl. Omandolinq) :ýLlb c. 1790) "Quadro in Dis N? 6. a AandoTino Violino Alto Viola con VioloncelTo. Del Padre Bernardo Arauhal. 11 ms. ff. 8. Mbrýýiry copy: CSPnm L. xxxii -A- 1-6.

0 (+ Triol S(-Iiprg,. n Al I-". -qTnl tn ..-Alenuet


"Quadro in B. N? 5. h IvIandolino Violino Alto Viola con Violoncello. -Del P. Bernardo Arauhal. ms. f f. 8. Library copy: CSPnrq I. xxxii 17.

bloderato An dant e


29 ARA.TJHAL (cant)

d,. . . .. ii-. Rondeau All? Moderato

Del "Quad. ro in CN4a Ivianciolino Violino Alto Viola Con Violoncello p. Bernardo Arauhal". Ins. ff. 8. Library copy: CSPnm L. xxxii -A- i8

Alb Moderatö

Ballett Al].?


30 ARiJffiaL (cont) 11ýýitadro in D4 N. 3. Per il oiandolino Violino Alto Viola Con Violoncello Del h-Ldre Bernardo -4iraixhalll. ms. ff. 8. Libr, copy: CSPni-a L. 19. --try xxxii -A-

ý,'Ieniiat Triol All?

"Quadro in FA2. per il Mandolino ViOlinO Alto Viola con Violoncello. DeT Padre Bernardo Arauhal". ms. ff. 7. libratýy copy: C3Pnm L. xxxii -A- 20.

I+n ,IIIý -n e-%


31 1Li& (ca nt)

LIenu.etto (+ Triol Presto

"Quadro in G. IT? i. per ii Iano1ino 'iio1ino Alto Jioia con Vioioncei]. o Del Padre Bernardo i-rauha1". ms. if. 8. Librrr copy: C$Pnrn 1. xxxii -A- 21.

-- adagio


1;I em iet t: + Trio) Rand eLux

32 (cont) týlift,UHAJ, pirio da I'Cassýitione in B. ibmindol. ino. Violino. Violýj. Viola, 2 Con VioloncelTo Del- Radre j3ert-i; irdo Arauh. -iIII. ms. f f. 6. ldbrc-ay copy: CsPnm 1, xxxii -A- 310.

vlarche Polacca .alla "liand


ol a

Vi oi li


33 (mandolin) AROIATARI, Giovanni (fi. ) . 1770?

"vi Trij per due JIIano1ini e Cliitarra francese di. Giovanni Aromazari" "1ijnuetbj e Contradanze per d.ue Mandolini e Chitarra francese di Giovanni Aroinazari". ms. Library copies: IRmassimo 159.

34 ARIZIGOTII Carlo (1697 1744) (mandol ing) , -

"Son, del Sigr. C: F: A. " ('kia. violino, bq. s.ap minor tta ndol --ino, -e Courante Prelude - CýInzona - -cl, -ý.gio - untitled3. ms,

Libr, Lry COPY: IJSVIC lc,' 374 a 77 cnise

(- "Sonata 4 Mandolino, e Basso del Sig: r Carlo Arrigonill e minor (vdth i variations). ] Prelude - Allegro - AdaEio - All. el-,ro ncom-plete 4 ýImdolino, Bz-. del- Sip,: r Carlo arrigoni"(- 1) major "Son, ata , e i.sso . Grave - Allegro - Grave Adagio - untitled3 . MS. Librarý,, r copy: USVIc M 295 A case.

ria, & 'ýassg3 "Concerto per iilýý.n(lolinoll andolin 12 violins,

MS 0 Library co-py: USVIc. .1d-

35 ( (mandoiin) iI' l3onifnzzio 1769. - 1832)

"Trio a manclorlino viol irio b-isso (ii. fz7i 0 ASiOi. i Corregio".

ms. if. 5.

Library copy: ICORe 44 3 5.




36 (1718-77) (ino. ndoling) BARBELLA, Emmanuele "SIX DUOS Pour deux Violons ou deux Mandolines Avee une Basse ad Libitum Lorsqulon voudra en faire deý Trios; Mais il faudra ex6cuter Monsieur la Basse sur un Alto. Compos6s par M. Barbella fils d6di6s a 1ýsBaron DE 10MILASER Capitaine Aide Major au Regiment d'Alsace. Par 14. Verdone Frbres. donnes Ný On ne trouvera pas extraordinaires les Titres que llon a aux diff6rens Duos, attendu que l'Auteur suppose toU^jours un sujbt PARIS pour yr caract6riser sa 111usique. Grav4s par Iviadame Annereau. A Chez ivl. Viýrdone rue des deux Eýus la premiere Porte h gauche par la rue de Grenelle. iJBailleux rue S. Honorg 4 la Regle d1or. Et aux Adresses Ordinaires. Avec Privilege du Roy. Ecrit par Rubiere. 11 (basso Library copies: USWc; FPn part missing). RISIJ no: B884 ff. 8 + 8. Una bella ed amabile Date of Publication: 1772-73 (from 1773 Parigina che canta e Bailleux catalogue). slaccompagna col mandolino a fin DU&TTO I d1innamorare un cavaliere che le siede allato. Francese furiosamente. Alla o e Andn. amoroso Andý con moto Furioso e staccato


Pantomimo alla francese dove suppone il biago Sabbino e Pluto colle loro rispettive consorti. Il mago fa il comando e fa tutti i sortire suoi wfinuetto in far l' quattro seguaci a dove il i4ago e Pluto eservizio militaire. II ballano colle loro -DUETTO Consorti. Largo staccato e All? con Allýocon moto con faoto e con espressione espressione

f fp

37 BARBELLA (cont, ) DUßTTO III Canzgna alia Napolitaria, Alla rnaniera inglèse. A110comodo e spiccato And. amoroso Rondon presto assai


f Ii Bio Bacco in DUTTO mette IV donna Una vezzosa Pastorella allegria una Germanica e l'induce a110Campagna. a to digerire ii vino ballanclo, All. brillante e staccato And. e gratioso Taice in rondon presto

DUnTTO V Alla Siciliana. inaniera Alla Veneziaria. Compassi onevolé Comodo andantinetto di molto All? assai. e con brio


Alla maniera spagnola Ballo di doppio carattere colla Spada e'l fatto per Puicinella e Covi ello. pugnale. O AndT. compassiorievole Andante Gia presto assai maestoso e piangendo .

Lp 1-'

38 BARBELLA (cont. )

". 0uStto II del sigY Barbellall from "Les Petites r6cr6ations de la campagne III. livre contenant VI duetti h2 violons pardessus ou mandolines. Composte da varri autori.... A Paris... 11 Library copy: USBE 1,1290 P473 v-3 Case X. Date of Publication: c. 1764.

(Same as Barbella Gavotta, 4th mvt. from "Duetto" SUu Gimo 13. Also G. Giuliani "Concg'rto"2nd. mvt. FPn. ]

it III del r Barbellall from "Les Petites recr6ations de la campagne -DuStto sig. III. livre.... "(See above. 3

(Same as ist. mvt. Barbella"Sonata a2 mandolinil'SUu Gimo 14v and FPn L2601. ) -

li6cr6ations de la Campagne , 'Optto IV del sigYBarbellall from "Les Petites Composte IV. livre Contenant VI duetti h2 Violons Pardessus ou iiiandolines. Paris... " da varri autori ... Library copy: FPn L. 253. (i4ercure 1765). Date of Publication: 1765 April

due ldandolini"-I)arbella (same as , I)ivertimento Terzoll from I'Divertimenti a FPn L 2613-)

Emmanuela Barbella. P: mo N: va. 11 "Sonata a Due mandolinj Del Sig: r ins. ff4. Library copy: SUu Gimo 12.

(lst. mvt. published as duet no-5 in B; --i,rbellals"6duets for 2vlns"London c-1765 -) 39 I BARBELLA ( cont. ) tiDuetto a due Mandolinj Del Sig: r Ernmannele Barbella. P: mo Nova. " ms. ff7. Library copies: SUu Gimo 13; "Duetto S? Barbella Violino Primo" INc rns. 182/4.

( There are numerous correspondences for this work: i)Larghetto - same as Teleschi sonata II lst. rnvt. GBLb1. ii)Allegretto .- same as Riggieri op. I Duetto V GBLb1. iv) Gavotta - same as Barbella i)uetto II 2nd. mvt. from "Petites récréations de Ia Campagne III"USBE; G. Giuliano "concerto per ii mand. olino" 2ndmvt.

"Sonata a Due Mandolini Del Sig: r ßrnmanuela Barbella. " ms. ff6. r Library copies: SUu Girno 14; "Sonata due rnadolini Del sjg? Emanuel Barbella" FPn L2601.

Andante e con eiressione

- t:Same as 2nd. mvt. "iiuetto VI Same as Barbella Duetto III, del sjg. Gaetano" from Clstêmvt. "Petites récréations" "Petites récréations de la III " livre ) USB. Campagne III" USBE) 'tSonata a Due 1Iando1inj Del Sig: r Barbella. Nova. " ms. ff4. Library copies; SUu Gimo 15; SUu Gimo 16; "Del Sig: r Ernmanuele Barbella Sonata a. Due Mandolini. " SUu Girno 17. .

1st. mvt. pub1ished as duet no. 3 in Barbella's"Six duets for 2 violins" London c. 1765.1 i: Also compare Barbella 'Divertirnento" ) lst. mvt. CSPnm Lxxxii-A-418. 40 BARBELLA (cont. ) "Sonata a due Mandolini e Basso Del Sig: r Barbella. "I MS. ffo. Library copies: SUu Gimo 18; SUu Gimo 19.

"Concerto a dui Violiniq Viandolino e Basso del signor Barbella. 11 Ms. ff6. Library copy: FPn L2584.

%, "Jivertimenti a due Mandolini o violini Del sig, r, einanuel Barbella. Seconda Parte. " ms. ff5- Library copy: FPn L2613- Glost of mand-1, Divertimento I is missing).

Divertimento Primo

Divertimento secondo r, "m r-I

ame as Teleschi GBLbl, sonatine III, 2nd. mvt-)

41 (cant. Djvertjmento Terzo BARBELLA )

(Same as "Duetto IV del sig'Barbe11a" from "Les Petites récréations" iii? livre USBE. )

"Violino Prjmo. Mandolino Primo. Sonata Due Mandolino Del Sig Emanuela Barbella. ms. ff12. Library copy: FPn L2641.

ëtto e Stacdato 3

Minuetto alla Tedesca- IIA11

"Divertimento a due Mandolini del Sigf imanue1e Barbella. " ms. ff. 2+2. Library copy: IIIc Nosecla B40-4.

+ .Vl #' " T\r 4 "I 1 Minuett 0

(2 "Trio" irt. ndo1ine & ruitarJ ills.

Library copy: CSPnm xiii -A- 30.

42 BARBELIA (cont. )

"Duetto Per Due handolini Del SigY Emanuele Barbella. '' ms,

Library copy: INc ms. 182/5 (22.2.15)


VvTi f CNo ri i1 0' nII --; -rq Ti (- t- -- p tempo indication7

"Divertimento in Ah Due h1andolini e LIandolono Del Sig: Barbella. 61.848. ff 4. Yns. . Library copy: CSPrm Lxxxii-A-418.

Allegro Largo All? molto

Idandolino 1 p dolce

Mandolino do

1-dandolono (Ist. invt. is an arrangement of Barbella "Sonata" SUu Gimo 15, lst. mvt. ] -

113ix ýia Violon & Basse del- ",ii 1,ýraanitel- i3proell. a, a.vec un -ii.ijet son;. ýýtes _ýnoi, variý en 24 maniýres, util es pour les cle i. iýi.ridoline, composges öc de Nei-r l. Leong de 14, de 11. le Comte pp e rg ... par ii. -. ples, inaftre1 3. Vigr. le de du 9 livres. simie de E). A. j)iie, prince sang; prix A Faris, cliez 1, ýditeur, & aux a. o. " lio copy loceited. üzýite of Public--tion: 1768 (1'Av, -tnt Courreur, 3 Ortober- 1768).

43 (mando]. (1744 in) B[)4l, Johann Joseph - 1812) (ria, with 2 rnandoli. n parts)

ms. Library copy: CSFnrn xlii. -i- 51.

(. J This might possibly be by Joseph Bihr (1770-1819), or Joh. nn Beer (1G55-1700).

44 (mandoline) BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van (1-770-1827) "Sonatina per il Mandolino. Composta de L. V. Beethoven. " WoO 43a. 17905. ins. ff. I. 87. library copy: GBLbl Add. 29801. ff.

niandolino (Sections A&B are written out in full. The da capo has an elaborated mandolin part which has been crossed out. Coda given in full cerabalo -)

(Sonatina) WoO 44a. C. 1800. las. (fornierly library copy: CS-Pnin ýL31-'riedl-and)



belle J. L. B. " WoO 43b. 1790. I'Ada,, do mi-i. non troppo. Pour la par v.

ITIS . (I C-fteichenber library copy: C.ýPnm 'oriaerly UID f) x] ii 98


'Ila belle J11 is Josep] ,dne Clary, future wife of Count ce-mbalo Clam Gallas. Prior to w-vaII

there was another copy of this piece in the Offentl. 1A ý;S. Bibliothek, Berlin -)

45 BIETHOVEN (cont) "Variations la Mnndoiine pour et cinvecin. Composée par I. V. Beethoven. " WoO 44b. 1796. ms.

Jibrarv (formerly -B- copy: CSPnm CsReichenherg3, xiii 97

Andante con (63 Variazione

(i have been unable to verify th; i. t the 3 iRst listed works are in CSPnin, and htve relied on Pitrelli (c. 1983). 1 modern edition, ed. 1-Iladicy, Wilhelmshaven is avai ] ab]. e .3

46 (BRETONI), Giýindoline) B.ORTON Mahoni dit le (fl. c. 1705-76)6

"3? Recueil de Duo tires des Ariettes des Op6ra-Comiques. Arang6es pour 2 violons, 2 mandolines, ou 2 pardessus, par M. 14ahoni le Berton. Prix 6liv. A Lyon, chez Castaud, place de la Com6die, eh Paris, au bureau d'Abonnement musical, cour de l1ancien grand cerf S. Denis; e aux adresses ordinaires. " Paris. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1772 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 2 March 1772).

"Deuxieme Recueil de Duo tir6s des liriettes des Opera-comiques, arranges pour deux Flultes, ou deux Violons, deux 1,11andolines ou deux Pardessus par bl. lilahoni le Berton; 6 livres. A Paris, Bureau d'abonnement de & prix au musique ... aux a. o. A Lyon, chez Castaud. 11 Paris. No copy located. Date of hiblication: 1771 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers'19 December 1771). (The 3 ler recueil does not mention the mandoli".

47 (mndo]ine) (c. T. NCIR)J, Frncco 1752 - JAb)

"Sonite (ia Mandotino Di. di. versi Mtori I1oderni Cornpositori p. clue 1'vInclo1jnj. M:: nrlolino irimo. Ad uso di rn F: Sermeiii". ms. if. 7+7

Librry copy: IlIITc A 169

Contins the following pieces by Bi. neirdi: No. 6 No. 2 A11° Fi_ To. 4 A1]l:;o Berliechedi

No. 8 An°Fspressivo Jo. 3

48 ine-) BIG14ILI Gaetano , (fl. c. 1770 ) "Duetto a Due del SigY Gaetano Big ili 1789 no. i1andolini ,, n ms. ff4. Library copy: LVIc Noseda C 42-6.

49 (fI. (man3. o1in) BLkBi1, Giuseppe c. 1800) "Sonata in C. a iJiandolino e Basso. hei SigGiuseppe Blesber. " Library copy: AWgm X 19844/B. ms. ff7. Allegro C Cmaj; Adagio 2/4 crnin; Allegro 6/8 Crnaj.

"Sonata per kilanc3.olino é Basso 1Je1Sig' Blesber. " Library copy: AWgm X 19757/ß. ms. ff6. Spiritoso C Dmaj; Larghetto 6/8 Gmaj; Allegro Moderato 2/4 Dma.

"Sonata in Ga Mandolino e Basso". Both Unbekannt and. Blesber have been added to the title-page in different hands. Library copy: AWgm X 47301. ms. ff8. Allegro Moderato 2/4 Gmaj; Andante 678 Drnaj; Rondeau ivioderato 2/4 Grnaj.

50 (mandolino) ý014T, Giuseppe Gaetano. (fl. c. 1725) flauto, "Divertimenti per c. -amerv, a violino, violone, cimbalo, e mandola. op. 2. It OTýýiýtno: B3490 li-ibnýr, y Copir: IBc. OrAte nnd of Publication: c. 17ý-`-5, Ro-me.

51 (Cremonee mandolin) BORTOLAZZI, Bartoiomeo (1773 - c. 1840) "6 Variations 1' Aleine, fr 1iano1ine (itrre. " sur une piece . und i)t, e of Publication: i8o? No copy located.

"-\TJ: Vriations sur l'air iTel cor pii non mi. sento de i'opera LA J(ThItTAitA la iiando1ine Violon de Ia Guitrre pour ou vec .ccompngnernent composées et lédiées a Son Altesse iioiseineur le 1)uc I'Accierenza PignateYly etc. par B. Bortolazzi. Oeuv. 8. Pr. 8 Gr. A Leipsic, chez Breitkopf & 1iiri; e1. " D'. te of Pub1iction: 1804 Library copy: CSPnm XLII. P. 687.

Thema Mand

Gt r

lt " (mcuift/ ft ;3o nat e0p. 9. vi n+P ') I). te of Thh1ication: i804 :ii. brr p3r : A.Wgrn

(vri. tions ?3op. 10. Di. te of Publication: C. 1804. Library copy: i)-brdB Dms 86673.

"6 Thrries varies op. 16" (mn.nrl/vin & gtr. ) i):. te of Publication: 1803 Library copy: D-brdB

"Anweisung die Mandoline von seibt zu erlernen nebst einigen Uebungsstiicken vori 1orto1azi. bei Breitkopf uncT HTrtei in Leipzig. Pr. 16 Ggr. " Date of Pu'olication: 1805 Library copy: i3Br, FPn. (After tae text, and technic'. 1 exercisen, t}e book finishes v!ith n thne nd vrjntions

Thema Andantino:3 ______Mandpijne ZhI ETJ 1T11ij .1rr rJT1 i.


52 (bandurra) BOTTASj!,'I, I, A (fl. c. 1.7 20)

Untitled. Gixi-t, -:i. r itis. C. 1720 ldbrýiry copy: PLgulbenkiin (This rns. cont,. Ans 1 piece fox- b.-r-ridurra by Bottasella; EntrLda, Pointe Cavalo, Passo, Clarim Trombeteiro, BuTh. The is in a. , a. piece written fivo-lino Itali.! an tý-..blature. )

53 (mand. o1in) BURKHOEFßR (BUROKHOFFER), J. G. (fi. c. 1769-76)

a d. "6 DUOS pour mandoline e violon, o pour 2 violons, dédiés ii. e Fontanieu par 14. Burckhoffer. Op. V. Prix 6Iiv. Au bureau d.'Abonnement musical, cour cle l'ancien Cerf S. Denis: e aux adresses ordinaires. "(Paris). No copy located. 24 Date of Publication: 1769 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers supp. July 1769).

54 (frvindolino) CACCINIp Matteo (fl. C. 1703)

To je "Libro per la Mandola dell Illuss Si. Matteo Caccini aAQ Agosto 1703. '' ms, ff-36. (This manuscript is a collection of dances and preludes. It is uncertain whether Caccini merely compiled the manuscript, or whether lie also contributed. to it. ) Library copy: FPn Res. Vmb ms. 9. ldanuscri-Dt contains: f. 1 1,,Iini; Burg v Let and f. 1 Aria di Venezzia and Aria f. 2 Minuet f-2 v Saltarello di Meccoli f-3 Ari-a di Venezzia aiad untitled arpeggio exercise V f-3 (Untitled) di si P P. Cappelini f. 4 (Untitled) di sig. P. P: Cappelini f-4v Alemanda di P. P. C. f-5 Alemanda di Nicco16 Ceccherini f-0-7 Fuga f7 f: 36 vGigaAria di Venezzia and Alemanda.

55 (mindoiine/rnandpIinQ) CALL, Leonhard dc (1767-1815)

"Vrjatjons 8" (mand/viri tr. )  op . Dte of Pu.blication: 1.803 Li brary C: Wn VS 8834

"VRriations pour in. rTnc1oiine au le \Iioion et la Guitarre sur la 1irc Tl"i. do ve ri eI' aira 0p. 5" ;)1; e, of Tub] lc'ttion: 1804-05 Tibr r py : 7n r'13 37327

tØflate corlc3. " (rnan/vin & gtr. ) iinte of Thibiication: 18i Library copy: AWn NI 9359c.

"Variations IIan(Io1in Jioion t der1iro$ pour OU eb guit;. rre cOmposü: 3 t? . 1'[. rnoise].. ]. e Charlotte i.iora par i1eorlPrd de Call. Oeiwre 111. Viene, n N: 612.2", 1;Jaasin cTe l'imprimerie chimiiu. "J. R. pr: su. r le Graben ' 3h. N: 17 54. "

1)at, e of Puh1icatjon: 1812 Library copy: GBLb1 h. 239. o(5)

Thema Iindo1 tfl


hr Ci. J1 in: C]? .rA There :-re copies of two iets of vnriat öni nm XLI 30 C X]IIEI B 320 Both sets are for in. ndoIin & iitr, I believe th; t there are copi e of two of the sets of variations TiEtec1 nbo\re, bit been iinh1e o vrifv this. )

56 (inandol-irle) CANABICH (CANNABICH) Christian. , (1731-98) 2e 2 flutes 2 116 Sonates en duo pour violons, par-dessus t2 au mandolines; par M. Canabich. Oeuvre 3. Prix 6liv. Chez le S. le Jay. iJ. de musique, rue Iviauconseil: e aux adresses ordinaires de musique. " (Paris). No copy located. Date of Publication: 1767 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 30 November 1767).

57 (manclolino) CANTARELLI, Gasparo (fi. 1663-85) . I, G. P. Rjcej Scuola d'intavolatura... la chitarriglia Spagnuola". Separate title: "Sonate Nuove di iVlandola". p49 -2 balletti: "Bal]etto ]Jegro per la Mandola, del Sig. D. Gasparo Cantarelli Bolognese" & "ba]letto". Library copies: FPn, GBLb1.

Publication: Rome, 1677.

58 (mandolin?, ) CANTONE, Carlo. (fl- c. l7u5) "Concerto a piu stromenti per il mandolino, del signor Carlo Cantone. Contrabasso Obligatto. 11 ins. f f16. Library copy: FPn L2599.

Adaggio Allegrino



20 .

i gat a.


"Plinuetti dell Sig. Cantone. Mandolino Primo. " ms. ff4. Library copy: FPn L2600.

59 (rnanoiino) CAPPßLINI, Pietro Paolo (f1 C. 1634)

 .- rfto. re ... o "Libro per la iiando1a deli. Illus. ig. Iiatteo Caccini a di p. Agosto 1703. " (Contains J ms. 3 pieces by Cappelini. Library copy: FPn Rès Vmb ms. 9

(Untitled)di f3V sigfe P. P. Cappelini (Untitled) 1.4 di cjg'e P. P. Cappelini f4V Alemanda di P. P. C.

60 (1-ftarldol ine) CAPP (c. 1-780)

"Sonate da Mandolino Di'diversi Alltori E hloderni Compositori p. due ro, lviandolini. Mandolino Primo. Ad uso di me F: ermell-ill. TIIS. ff. 7 7. libnlxy copy: IMTc A 169.

Corit. -ins the fo-I. I. owi by Marnelletti:

140.25 .4Dd?

61 (mnftoiine) CARPENTIER, Abbé Joseph (d. 1788)

"Methode distrjbuée par leçons pour apprendre en pe de temps a jouer de l'instrument Cytre appe1 ou Guitthare allemande. 1. partie... avec que1ques morceaux de Chant a la fin et im Duo de Cythre et de Vio1on(ournando1ineJ... dédiée a Monsieur Desfontjnne de la Barre... et composée Id. i'Abbé Carpentier, par Chanoine de S. Louis du Louvre, Amateur. Prix 8 liv. A Paris. " No RI SiI no . ff. 22. Library copy: FPn L327(1); FPsg; PPm. Contains the following pieces with mandoline: Allenianda 2/4 G Menuetto 3B Ariette détachée - "Une Egaie tendresse Va" 6/8 a Ouverture du Bevin du Village 2 1) Date Publication: (Annonces, of 1771 affiches et avis divers 16 September 1771. )

t, IVmeRecueil d'airs de toutte espèce et trois suittes de pièces avec Violon Mandoline, oblige o entremêlés d'Arettes avec accompagnernent pour le Cythr la Guitthare o allemande, dédiétà M. Rolland. de Fraimont, arnériquain. Par 1i. l'abbé Carpentier, chanoine de S. Louis du Louvre, Amateur. A Paris. Prix 711v. 4sols. Grave Iime par Renault. Chez 1'auteur et aux a. o. A. P. D. R. Ces pieces se peuvent executer sur la Guitthare espagnolle. " No RISM no. ff. 15. Library copies: GBLbI G. 566(4); UL1)Hgm; FPn A. 33.412; FPsg; FPm Date (Ivlercure; of Publication: 1776 April 1776, irepartie, p196). Contains the following pieces with mandoline: 1'Suitte "Les Galanterjes Lyriques" Intrada i/Iaestoso 2 2/4 2d Siciliana 6/8 d .ndantino Menuetto 1 Gracioso 3B iIenuetto 2 Gracjoso 3 cl   2 me Suitte Allegretto 3/4 A Menuetto 3/4 A Presto 3/8 A/a Pastoralle Naivement sans lenteur "On cit que l'amour" 2A 3eSitte Allegro - sospirando 3/4 A Adagio Menuetto l 03A 3/4 A Menuetto 2 3/4 ar Air lendre (le sujet est de i.. L. Guichard) - "je ne puis n'en deffenclre". 3/4 A

', ViIIe Recueji de petits airs de tout ge. rre, entremêlés d.'arietes choisies, avec accompagnernents oh1ig dc guitarre a11emande ou cythre et dc io1on ou mand. olinne déd. ié t;Ionsieur i'Ahbé Lß PiflIJX Liaftre dc iusique cle 5 Germain 1'Auxerois. PR M. 1'Abbé CARPiNTIER, Chanoine et GMde d Archives Chapitre de 3. Louis du Louvre Amateur. Grave par M.. Renault. Prix 7'4. A Paris. Chez 1'Auteur et aux Aci.resses Ordjnajres de Iiusique. APUR. " No RISi)1 no. ff. 14. Librriry copies: FPn Vma 3614(4); PPm 4761 A; FPsg V. Foi. 2149), Contains the following pieces with mandoline: piece 10. ioiineur Pastoralie de Balbatre 6/8 a Allegro 6/8 A Date of Publication: 1780 (A1mnch "i)js d. moi onc, piel embarras 2/4 U Musical, 1781, giving det3i1s of Vivace Chasse 6/8 A inusi. c pub1ishet in the previous Romance de Balbatre "Je voucirois donner" 2A 'crear. ) Allegro 6/8 A Chant d' Al banes e "Sous 1e norn cl' aini t i. é" 3/4 G iienuetto 3/8 D Air d.e Gressel "Le soleil baisse se sans" ?/4 U Majore Presto 2/4 1) "Si tu m'aimans belle" 6/8 d Giga Allegro 6/8 U "Le Djeu qul regne" 2A Chasse Vivace 6/8 C Chant d'Albanese "On dédaigne ton" 3/4 A Giga Allegro 6/8 U Romance "J'ignorais jusqu'à ce" 2A Majore Presto 2/4 A Arriette 2/4 A 62 (rfi, CAUCT21,1k (fl. -j.ndoline) c. 1776)

113ei. Aietti Ppr Due Violini, o vero li',ý-, ndolini. Composti Del Signore D. PROSPERO C-',TJCIý; I, T,O. Opera IIý Prezzo ot St, -,i, -ql).qte Al. le spese dal Signore Guera, Maestro dýý. A I, YON. Chez Guera. musicien Editeur et Id de Musique. A PARI3 isT i1l IIWVIIX(ý Aux adresses or(firiaires de i-axsique. Charpentier Fils scriptoit. 11

Librzixy copy: D-ddrBdS lifus. 12318,1-21: FPthibýiul. t (1,.; t. viol-in part offly. This ,j0--j copy is in the possession of the Chimbure fcamily, who are trustees of the Thib, -oilt col-lection). ff. 7+7.

RTSM no: C-1536.

D,ite of Publication: 3.776 (Alm, ý.nach vhigical 1-777). i)TT., 'YlilO T

J-)TTo;0'l'O TT e_-*ý


UlJi,ýTTO IV -, \ -\ 46 - .i-, go-. \ 4*,

Allegro Spiritoso


63 CAUCIlLLO, Prospero. (cont. )


"Trio A due Mandoijnj. e Basso del Sig U. Prospero Cauciello. N? 9. " ms. ff6. Library copy: IMo Noseda E 25-2.

"Trio Per due Mandolini, e Basso del Sig U. Prospero Cauciello. N? 1O. " ins. ff6. Library copy: IMe Nosed. a 25-3.

64 CAUCIELLO (cont. ) "Trio A due Mandolini, e Basso del SigY D. Prospero Cauciello. N? 4-11 ff T.ns. Library copy: IlAc Noseda E 25-4.

"Trio A due ivlandolini e Basso del SigY D. Prospero Cauciello 1788. N? 3. " ms. ff6. Library copy: Ilvic Noseda E 25-5.

(? ). "Trio Per due Mandolini, e Basso del SigY D. Prospero Cauciello. N? 1, ms. ff6. Library copy: Ildc Noseda 0 25-6.


65 (mandolino) CECCHkRINI, Nicco1 (second half of C17)

"Libro per Ia Mandola deli I1ius 3e Iviatteo Caccini a di P? Agosto 1703. " (Contains J ms. 2 pieces by aeccheririi. Library copy: FPn Rès Vmb ms. 9.

Manuscript contains: '. f. 5 Alemanda di .. Niccolo Ceccherini f5V6 Puga di Nicco1 Ceccherini

66 Qn,,, ndol ine) CECERE, Carlo ( 1706 - 1761 ). "Divertimento di camera, di Mandolino e Basso del SigY Carlo Cecere. 1, Ms. ff. 2+2. library copy: FPn L2761.

AlleeXo, ,.

"Sonata h Due Mandolini o Violini e Basso Del sinor Carlo Cecere. " ins. f f. 2+1+1. Library copy: F]Pn L2760.

T-ri n- Al Ia a-rn T..q -rj: rn

(The 2nd. mand. & basso parts are incorrectly*marked C imstead of 2/4. )

"Sinfonia a due Mandolino e Basso. Del SigY Carlo Cecere. " ms. ff. 2+2+2. library copy: FPn 1.2617.

Andantino Allegro 2

lst. 2nd mvt. same as , mq. of "Ouvertura... del Sig. E'terardi. 1' FPn 1,2788.

67 CECERE, (cant. )

"Concerto Di Mandolino con Violini, e Basso Del SigrD: Carlo Cecere. 1762. " ms. ff. l6. Library copy: SUu Gimo 60.

"Concerto Per ii Mandolino con Due Vio]ini e Basso JJe1Si Carlo Cecere. idand. olino obligato". ms. ff. 2+2+] CThere Library copy: FPn L 2762 (1,3,4). is some confusi )fl over the pirts in this work. The basso part (2) is missing. Both (1) and (4) are rnrked mandolin (4) obligato - is the correct rnindoUnci part, (1) seems to be th. e vln. I prt, although in the ist. mvt. it is almost identical. to the mi idolino. )


This concerto is followed by 2 sbort minnets, presumably for 2 mandolines:

Nlinu. etto I lilnuetto II 3

68 MERE (cont)

"3onat, a di I.Iandolin. o solo e Basso Del signor crarlo cecere". nis, hibn-try copy: FPn L 2703.

1doderato Largo Alle, gro

III)iverti-, Due Mandolini Del SigY Carlo Cecere". -aen-ti Ia ins. ff- 24. ljibrayýr- copy: FPn L 2618.

Largo blinuetto Andante

I;finuetto Larghetto iJinuetto 1

Andantino Allegro 1,arghetto .-. 1-%

I-,iinuetto Andante Allegro

69 CECIR1 (cont)

Andantino A1]. egro _- Aridant e

All egro Largo All egro

Larghetto A11ero Andantino

All egro largo All egro

It1 I cTr±tn Andant e

70 89? ). Owndoline) CEDRONIO, Kea (fl. c. 1765 - A Calabritto Composta "Divertimenti a We fandolini per S. E. la Sig. ra Duchessa dal Cig. r Duca Cedronio. '' ms. ff27- Library copy: FPn ms. 1.127.

0 mo Divertimý p- Alleeretto kI A minuet

to Divertim, 2.o A a+ Allegro rni vm K I

to Divertim. . 3.o Presto Allegro non nresto

0 Divertimýo 4. Andante Allegro assai

to Divertim 5o Allearo

71 Divert ini°6? CEDRONIO (cont. ) A minuet

Djvertjzn°7? A minuet

Divertim°8? A Allegro. minuet

to Divertim. 9.0 Allegro e con brio A minuet

Divertim°1O? Allegretto

Divertim. -to 11. 0 Presto assai

72 CEDRONIO (cont. )

Divertimý012? A Pastorale allegro minuet

(Inside "Duetto per mandolini" page reads "Duo a deux mandolines par My Duiacedroviollj ms. M. Library copy: FPn L2785.

Larghetto Allegro con Spirito

("Duiacedrovioll is almost certainly a misspelling of-Duca Cedronio. I suspect that this piece was originally a trio, as the two parts seem incomplete by themselves-)

e "Trio A due Mandolini, e Basso Del Sig. Duca Cedronio 1789. No. 5. " ms, Library copy: Ildc Noseda 6124-8

Allegro Andante

73 CEDRONIO (cont. ) "Trio A due Mandolini, e Basso del Sig! Duca Cedronlo 1789. No. 6. " ms. Library copy: IMc Noseda M24-9.

Allegro Cominodo Andant e All egro

t:As these 2 IlVic trios are numbered. 5&6, there are presumably at least 4 ) other trios which have been lost.

74 Olar-idol-inov mandoline) CHIESAI Idelchior (fl. C. 1758-99) "Sonata per Idandolino e Basso. Del SigY Melchior Chiesa. ff Library copy: AWgm X 19758/E. ms. (mandolino) Largo C Cmaj; Allegro 3/8 Cmaj. ff5-

"Suonatta a due IvIandolini E Basso Dall Sig. Melchior Chiesa. Basso. " Library copy: FPn L 2796. ms. (mandoli-ne)

"Noturno Dell Sig. Idelchior Chisa. Basso. " Library copy: FPn L. 2764- ms. ff6. (mandoli-ne)

fdandoline :L is missing - the opening is title-page phrase given on -)


p (Basso part also contains an isolated page of mandolin music: I'Le Briquer(? )"6/8 Dmajor3

75 (mandoline, ) CIFOLEILI, Giovanni (fl. 1760-85)

"ARIETTE, Dont la Musique est de M. CIFOLELLI, Maitre de Chant & de Mandoline, dont nous avons pane dans le Journal de Juillet. Les paroles sont de l'Auteur du Journal". Source: Journal de Musigue, Paris, Sept. 1770 (music-cahier pp. 5-10, words pp. G970JT Facsimile reprint - Geneva; 1Iinkoff, l972. No R1314 no.




The author of the journal (and these words) was Nicolas Frameryj

"Noturno Per Mandolino e Basso Dell Sig. Cifonelli". ms. ff2. Library copy: FPn L2784.

allegretto minue-tto

Georges d.e St-Foix (1933) states that the bass part is missing (p133); ) in fact the two parts are written together on the same page.

76 (mandol i CLOESp Nicolas na) (fl. C. 1749).

"One Hundred French Songs set for Voice, German Flute, Violin, Harpsichord and Pandola... 11 London. RISivi no: C 3216. Library copies: D-brdHs; GBCkc; GBGe; 2BLbl; US114c. Date of Publication: 1749. (The music contains treble vocal line and a figured bass; presumably an instrument- alist can replace the vocalist. Pandola is presumably a variant of mandola. )

77 (mandoline) COCOHI, Gioachino (c, 1720 - after 1788) "Sinfonia a due mandolini, e Basso iJel sigf Giouachino Cocchi. " ms ff8. Library copy: SUu Gitno 76.

"Coss' e sior canapiolo". From a work numbered op. 1; "iIlandolino CoJ chitarra e basso, violini, violaLLjisetta col Tamburo, Basso". IT'S.

Library copy: GBLb1 add. 31654 ff. 117-118.



78 (mand. ol ine) COLIZZIp J. A. K. ( c. 1740 - c. 1790 ).

"AIRS CHOISIS Des Operas Frangais, Accomod6s Pour Deux Violons ou Deux Wandolines, Par J. A. K. COLIZZI. A la Haye chez B. Hufnmel et Fils. Prix fl: 16.11 Library copy: DbrdF mus. pr. Q57 41 (1&2). No RISM no. ff. 8+8. Date of Publication: c. 1785- Air de la Suite de Julie. du Air de Sara. Dans le joli Air SY Colizzi. ! aut d1la vartu Serýý je voudrois 6t ft lompm"m bois. k ., rIv"

Allegreýto I Andante

--, Iv -- --. ' -W--/ Duo de la Hosiere de Salenci. Air de la Rosiere de Air de la Suite de Julie. Salencii. Chantgs danses. iSenti5ýý ardeur.

Allegretto e

W Vaudeville de Tom Jones. Air de Sara. Duo de la Rosiere deZt Salenci. Je vous obtiens. Si les vieillards. Reconnois ton Amant.

All fdo de ra La rgiýe-t to

Air du Magnifiqife. Duo de Sara.. Choeur de la Rosiere de . iTombds, tombes rose. fl, Salenei. CharLtons celdb F -a- -i --%

All IR,,,Larghet to I

Trio de Sara. Choeur de Zeinire et Azor. Choeur de la Rosiere de Ah bonheur. Salengi. Bqnheig_rSupreme. ,%a. qUal


Air de la hosiere de Air du Tom Jones. Trio de Julie. Salenci. Quel beau jour. Ah quel plaisir je me Mes enfants travaillons.


II Air de Sara. Air de Henri IV. ou la Bataille dlivry. Quand je nlavois que vingt ans. Pour un peuble aimable.

79 COLIZZI (cont)

IVienuetto d.e fantuccini Italiani. Air des Ombre chinoises. Le chemin mêne a. la vile.

Allegretto (+4variations3

"Concerto a violino concertante 0 mandolino, due violini di ripieno, violetta, due corni ad libitum, e basso. Dedicato al Serenissimo Priricipe MICHELE DI WOLKONSKOY, da G. A. K. Colizzi, a Leiden. A La Haye chez B. Hummel. Prix 1: 10. "

Library copy: Smf.

RISM no: CC3365a. ff. 7.

Date of publication: C. 1785. Allçarotano non Adagio Rondeau mndIi1n

corni in D

basso '- - 3-


80 (mandoline) CONFORT09 Nicola (1718-afterl788) "Concerto Di idandolino con dui Violini e Basso, Del signor Nicola Conforto. * IvIandolino obligato. it ms, ff5. FPn L2765.


vln. 1

vln. 2


"Netto VI del SigY Conforto. 11 from "Les Yetites RECREATIONS de la Campagne IV. LIVAE Contenant VI Duetti a2 Violons Pardessus ou Mandolines. Composte da VARRI AUTORI On peut les ex6cuter sur ;a Flutte les faisants Accompagner d'un Violon au deuxieWe Dessus. Prix 20'8. Paris Aux Adresses ordinaires de Musique Avec Privileg. du Roy. Grave par C6ron. 11 Library copy: FPn L253. pp4- Date of Publication: 1765 (14ercure, Avril 1765).

(Shorter version of 3rd. mvt. of concerto (see above). )

81 (mandolino) COTITI, Frncesco (fi. 1770-80)

"l'accordo delia iiIand. ola è l'istesso delia Chitrra alla franeese $OO1.A del leutino, osa l4andoiino nUn Genovese". ms. Library copy: GBGe (No author's name is given in the title; the attribution, to Conti reu1t from his name being written on an iliimtration. of a Genoese mndo]iri contained in the book. )

82 CONTINI, (1681 (manlolino) Francesco - 1732). P, "Sonata C+ Basso dal Sig-nor Francesco al blandolino solo Contini. 11 - Arpeggio, Allemande Sarabande, Idinuet. 710) . rViritten ms. pp-1-5 in 4-line French tablature. )

Library copy: CS: C"SSR:Pu ms. II KK 36.

83 (rn. ndo]j. n) c_T_, 1iiche1 (1709 - 95). "Nouvefle Methode pour apprendre i jouer en très peu de tems la Iviadoline, ou les principes sont demontrés si clairment, que ceux qui Jouent du Violon pouvent apprendre deux mêmes. Plus la Tablature du Cistre Musique a 5, 6, en . et Ia 7 rangs de Cordes, avec des Preludes, Menuets, Aflmandes, March9ret Sonates, avec la Basse pour ces deux instruments. Par M. CORRETTE Chev. de l'ordre de Christ. Prix 6. Avee du Roy. A Paris, Lion a privilege . et Dunkerque aux adresses ordinaires de musique. " ff. 26. No RISI no. Library copies: FPn M80-341; FPn Rés. Vmb 64. Date of Publication: 1772 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers, 14 September 1772, p779). The mthode contains the following pieces for mandoline: exercises not listed) p19 La Marche des ßnvieux p21 3 Preludes p31 4-bar preludes in all major & minor keys p32 Allemande a deux mandolines 2/4 0 p33 Miiet 3/4 G& Aiernande 2/4 G p34 1. Menue 3/4 B; 2. Menuet 3Ø d; Allernande 2/4 D. p35 Muet 1.3/4 Eb; Iinuet II. 3/4 C; Allemande 2/4 Eb p36 1. Menuet 3/4 F; 2. IIenuet 3/4 Bb; Allernande 2/4 F p37 Le Colisée 6/8 F; Marche des petits Maftres(Andante) 2/4 D

pp38. '-41 SONNATE Pour la I1ancIo1i9e.

p43 Pieces Pour le Cistre

pp44-47 SONNATE Pour le Cistre qut peut aussi se jouer sur la Mandoline en supriment clans les accords les Notes marquees par un A.


L'ACCOmpagflem. uu iaveoin . sur le Jeu Luthé.

i: Followed. by "Catalogue des ouvrages de b'I' Corrette". Facsimile reprint by IQlinkoff Reprint, Geneva, 1983. J

84 CO-I?RF', Tq'o, ' (cont)

"-K)ClV Coneprto comique, conten-ant le ifia.rche du Horon avec les ariettes Coinme l1amour soyons enfqns; on dit qu'a 15 ans on p1pit, on aime, on se im-trie. Accomod4, poiir les violons, Flultes, Haut-bois, Par-dessus, Wandolines, Alto, avec la Basse obl. iggee pour le Unve-cin. Prix ý--14liv. kux adresses ordimjire'-; II. Mbr, ýixy copy: GBI'bl Date of Iýubliea-tion.: 1773 (Anrionces, affiches et avis divers, 8 Idarch 1773). (The How it is copy in 'I'll('31, bl does not cont;: iin aiiy m;mdo-Iiiie parts. I I ikely that the violin ports are also intended for m,;mrIoIjY es'-3 Camour Anwroso, 4omme sayws 1-5 Mrcke 19045M. OA ait V's, 44S. - .. - bu HurOA E'A..i' vino Fmo


VIAO -Tar,


O'L440 1- )0iirA-I P-I-E-4 ý- I

85 CRAMER (Wilhelm? ) (" (mando1ine) c. 1769 - 70). "Petit air de iiT Cramer". Source: Journal de Musigue, Paris, Juin 1770 (music-cahier pp5-6). Facsimile edition - Geneva; Minkoff, 1972. No RISM no.

Di doaembar_ras me tOMte moi et m'a-gi di moi Dolce.

Mandoline oü Violon.

C This piece is described elsewhere in the j. urna1 as a "parodie d'un air de M. Cramer. The composer was probably W1he1m Cramer, a violinist of the Electeur palatin. Cramer performed several times at the concert piritue1 in 1769 and early 1770.3

86 DEMUIT (fl. (mandoline) c. 1760 - 70? ).

"Couplets h une Dame trbs aimable avec accompagnement de Mandoline ou de Violon pizzicato. Air Daigne ecouter. 11 Place of Publication unknown. c. 1760-70? (The end of the lyric is marked. "Par MY D6duit". Whether he borrowed the melody, or composed it himself, is uncertain. ) Library copy: FLA 166 in-16. (This air is found in a recueil facticev a collection of separate airs of various different dates and places of publication-)

Ift ft. P---I: l L- P. -m--

ia. aA' '0 --w1.4 w &;. ai-wo p rjimi1Enit. a2---re (! ettp -surre

87 FESCH, VIillem (fl, 1745). (rnHnciQlinQ) .

"xx Canzonette a voce o1a di soprano col basso continuo, da potersi suonare con viO]ino, flauto traversa, e mandolino. " London.

RIS1tI no: F548. Library copies: BBc; GBLb1; USAA; USWc. Date of Publication: c. 1745.

(This is a treble line and a figured collection of Italian songs presented with ) bass. The title implies that the vocalist can be replaced by an instrumentalist.

88 GiandolinD D&, ItiCHI (de MACHI) Giuseppe (1732 , - after 2791)

Trios rour 2 mandolines et basse de Demachi. Oeuvre 14.4 liv. 4 sols. "

No co-nv located.

lkate of 1-ýi.bli cation: c. 178,0. (Oiýte(i from catalop-aes of the -publ-isher Gu4r, -a, Paris. This work is listed in his 1781- cata. logue, but -e..bsent from earlier ones. This work appears in the catptlogmoie immediatel-v before oeuvre 13. A cop-,Nr of oeiivre 14 is located irl GBfjbl-v but is for 3 flutes or violins. Tt is possible that the mrnTldolirie trios be 13. ) ý incorrectly numbered and should oeiivre

89 (mandoline) Pietro. - (fi . 1764 77). "Six Sonates pour la mandoline et basse; on peut les excuter sur le clavecin et ne sont point d.ifficiles sur le violon. Déd.iées a Monsieur le Marquis Dß OHOISEUIL 11iUSE. Coruposées par M. Pietro Denis Maftre de Mandoline. Grave par Céron. Prix 6*' A Parts Chez l'auteur rue de montmartre 1 porte cochere qui fait face a la rue N. Dame des victoires. Iaison de M. de Ia Vjllarnois. ßt aux adresses de i1usique. " Library copy: FPn lImg 18706. No RISM no: ff1. Date of Publication: 1765 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 13 June 1765 & 19 Dec. 1765). Sonata I

0 All Moderato .

Sonata II

Sonata III

-': .. __ _ 4- -- 4-

Sonata 1111 [sic)

Andante con Maesta

Sonata V

90 DENIS (cont. ) Sonata VI


I'M6thode Pour apprendre a Jouer de la IlIanaoline s'ans Maltre avec Six Caprices dediee h MonsiFur Le Marquis DIHEROUVILLE Idar6chal des Camps et Arm6es du Roi. Par M. Pietro Denis A Paris. Chez l1auteur riie Possonni6re h la porte cochere en face de la Croix de fer. Et aux adresses Ordinaires de idusique. Prix 90-. " Library copies: FPn (Cu-57; GBLbl (missing); AWn (3; Etikett: Imbault). RISIA no: D1645. ffl4- Date of Publication: 1768 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 25 April 1768, Illercure May 1768). This m6thode contains 6 Capricios: Capripio Capricio

non molto

Capricio Allegro Capricio Allegro Capricio -W -2 Iß ad - ei dd ad. *mIllv--um

Allegro molto

"Recueil de douze petits airs de chants connusq les plus a la modep avec deux diff6rens accompagnemens de mandolinev pour ceux qui voydront slaccompagner. D6di6 h 1-donsieur LE JIARQUIS D.& LIGNERAC Par id. Pietro Denis. A Paris. Chez l1auteur rue Poissonibre h la porte cochere en face de la croix de fer. A aux adresses Ordinaires de musique. Lauteur donnera tous les trois mois un nouveau Recueil. " Library copies: D-brd WER1; FPn R6s. 1382. RISId no: D1642. ffg. Publication: 1769 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 27 April 170-9). -Date of Dix Tonnelier: I'Dans un verger" C a minor f(centralChasse en ron deau: "He! quoi tout sommeille" 6/8 D major "Clest lorsque nous avons mis" 3 D majorl sect -3 IIQuIil est doux d'aller" 2/4 G major De l1aveugle de palmire: I'La lumiere la plus pure,, 6/8 G major

91 DiNIS (cont. ) "On dit que 1'Ainour me guette" Bb major "Ce n'est point une folie" 2 a minor Vaudevi11e de Lucile: "Chantons deux Epoux" 6/8 A major Be l'aveugle de Palrnyre: "Des sinp1es jeux" 2 0 major Les deux Chasseurs: "Le briquet frappe Ia pierre" A major Romance de Nanette et Lucas: "Je ne veux plaire" 2 F major Bes deux chasseurs: "Voila voila la petite laitiere" 6/8 0 major On ne s'avise jamais de tout: "Je vais te voir charmante" 2 G major.

"Second. e Partie de la Méthoae pour apprendre 'a jouer cle la Mandoline Sans Maftre avec des variations sur douze petits airs de la Comédie Italienne, et six Menuets pour danser, six Allemandes, et Un Prelude cl'arpegio sur caque ton de Musique. Dédiée Madame Pellé, Maltresse des Comptes. Par M. PIETRO DENIS, Prix 9W; Gravée par Madame Gerardin. A Paris Chez l'auteur face de de fer. rue Poissonière la porte cochere, en crox it .ux adresses ordinaires de iVlusique. Ceux qui voudront la 1. et 2. Partie ensemble ne les payeront que Library copy: FPn (Cu. 58; GBLb1 (missing). RISM no: D1645. ffl7. 24 l79, Date of Publication: 1769 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers August Mercure Sept. 1769). Dedication is followed by 8 Preludes (solo mand. ): 1 Prelude 2/4 D major 2 Prelude Bb manor lie 4 3tr Prelude 2/4 A major ie 4e Prelude .q c major 5ie Prelude 2/4 F major 6 Prelude 2/4 G major i! 7. e Prelude Oelui-ci dolt se faire après avoir accordés un des deux troisimes d'un t& et demi plus bas que I'autre. 2/4 e minor 8. Prelude 2/4 C inajor

-je Ballo a vous di. rai IVlaman i4inuetto da

with 6 variations


Minuetto da Ballo

du taiche la Pate chat

W1inntto da Ballo

92 DENII (cont. )

saII am a ri Aa In

CGretry) (Rodolphe) (Audinot3 Vaudeville de Lucile De l1aveugle de Palmyre Air du Tonnelier flak I. M"" t IN I Is - if -0- Z1 wN1M, I Is &a 14 11. lip 1%- 1Wý-- --- 07- ffok-1-11 oil 111111 P-A 9.1 1FV-III-- I J-1-r. 1 4-

(with 4 variations) (with 3 variations) (with 3 variations)

ýd'Herbaine, 3 Romance de Nanette et Chasse en rondeau De llaveugle de Palmyre tk rM P.rm - -p-

6mmbW bdwg 14 (with 2 variations) (with variations)

(with 3 variations)

(idonsigny) (Kohauý De la Reine de Golconde Air du Serrurier "111 11 är rr Isi F Fl 141 F wa I!! FFF 11 -1 Romance (with 2 variationý andante Jýitl7l variatioý)

(Dunil (ldonsignY3 tou Les deux Chasseurs On ne slavise jamais

(with 3 variations)

(with 4 variations)

93 DiNIS(cont. ) "SßCOND RECIJEIL Be petits Airs de chants les plus a la mode, avec accompagnement d.e Mandoline et les Folies d'Espagne avec des variations faciles Dédié a Son Altesse Sérénissime Madame la Princesse Caroline D HESSE-.-PHILIPSTHAL. Par M'Pietro iJenis. A Paris chez l'auteur rie Montmartre, la porte cochére en face Ia rie Notre-Dame des Victoires, a c6té du Perruquier. Et aux adresses ordinaires de rnusique. " Library copy: Dbrd WERl; FPn. Rés. 1381. RISivI no: D1643. ff10. Date of Publication: 1770 (nnonces, affiches et avis divers 26 March 1770).

Air du Deserteur "Vive le yin vive l'amour 2 g minor Air du tableau parlant "Cet aveu charmant repond" 3/4 Bbrnajor Air de la cochette "Colinette est fait pour plaire" 2/4 G major Air Ivioissonneurs "Le tems passe passe passe" 6/8 G major Air du devin du village "J'ai perdu tout mon bonheur" 2 G major Air de la Fee 1.Jrgele "L'avez vous vu mon Men airné" 6/8 g minor Air du Maftre en droit "On dit pour nous faire peur" 2 G major

Folie d'spagne with 8 variations

"TROISIEME RECUEIL De petits Airs de Chants de la Cornédie Italienne les plus nouveaux, ave accompagnement de Mandoline Dédié a iViadame LA BARONS DE CRUSSOL par M. Pietro Benis Grave par Madame Gerardin A Paris Chez l'Auteur rue 1iontmartre, la porte cochere en face de la rue Notre Dame des Victoires, a c6té d'un Perruquier Et aux Adresses Ordinaires d.e ivlusique. Cet Auteur donnera le printems prochain la troisierne partie de sa iIIethode pour apprendre a jouer de la IVlandoline. " Library copies: FPn Rés 1380; SSkma. (Title page of FPn copy has been coloured D-brd WiRl. in with water-colours). RIS1Il- no: D1b44. ff8. - Date of Publication: 1770. Air de Silvain: "Tout le village rue l'erivie" 6/8 F major Air du Deserteur: "J'avois égaré man fuseau" 6/8 D major Air du Deserteur: "Peut on affliger ce qu'on ai" C G major Air cle Silvain: "Je ne sais pas si ma souer airne" /4 1) major Vaudevi lle du Tableau parlant: "Le Dieu de la tendresse" 2/4 C major pour la Guittare: "Ah! vous dirai-je maman? " 2/4 A major Air des Moissonneurs: "Prens y bien garde" 2/4 Bbmajor Air du Serrurier: "Le tendre coeur de ta bergere" C major

"4? Recueil d.e petits Airs de chant de la Comédie Italienne, avec accompagnernent de mandoline; e le IIenuet d'Exaudé vane sur les 2 différens tons. Par M. Pietro Denis. Chez 1'Auteur, nie Montmartre, la porte-cochère vis-ä-vis la rue Notre Dame des Victoires, et aux adresses ordinaires de musique. Prix 3liv. 12s. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1770 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 24 Dec. 1770).

"6 Duos de Mandolines, qu'on peut executer avec le Vion ou Par-dessus-de- Viole, &2 avec la Vielle & Musette, composes par le S Denis, & mis au jour (dédjés ), par Lßchaud, Mattre de Mandoline au comte d.e Catanti? prix 6liv. Uhez l'auteur... & aux a. o. " Paris. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1764 (An. nonces, affiches et avis divers 5 January 1764).

94 DENIS (cont. ) r I'Les Quatre Saisons Burop6ennes. 1. Recueil avec des parties dlaccompagnements fait pour les diff6rens instrumensv comme harpe, gaitarre, mandoline, violon e flute... par le sieur Pietro Denis. " (Paris). e (1774)). Library copy: BBc. (2 recueil only Date of Publication: 1773 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 27 May 1773).

(When this project was announced by Denis in the Annonces, he claimed that recueils would appear: 1r 1 Oct. 1772 the recueil 2 Jan. 1773 fhe recueil 1 3 ýe recueil 1 Apr. 1773 4 recueil 1 July 1773 2 1772; the lst. This announcement was made in the Annonces of April volume (itlercure ivIarch 1774, appeared 7 months late, and a second in 1774 no copy located). I have found no announcements concerning the publication of the 3rd. & 4th. volumes. 3

Pour Jouer de la "Troisieme et derniere Partie de la V16thode apprendre a Ifiandoline Sans Maitre, contenant la manibre, facile de slaccompagner soi d1un Air; De lj meme en chantant et de broder les passages plus cinquieme Italienne l1accompag. de Recueil de petits airs de la Com6die avec Variaýions: 11,1andoline, Et d'autres airs 4 deux Mandolines avec des Dedi6e 4 1,'Ionsieur De Tarade Lieutenant de Vaisseau de Roi. Par le S. Pietro Denis. de A Paris chtz l1auteur Prix 6t Chez Imbault marchand musique p mont la des Poulies N. 627. " d1or rue s. honorg entre 11hotel d'aligre et me (Illustration ) and dedication follows. Library copy: AWn (3; Etikett: Imbault) RIbvI no: D1645. ffl2. Wercure Date of Publication: 1773 Sept-1773). fThis for mandoline acc: ) voluime contains several Airs voice with 4 2/4 G major "Ah! vous dirai-je maman? " variations fleur" ;el 4 G major Air de Zeinire et Azor: "Rose cherie aimable 3/8 E major Air de Zefnire et Azor: "Du mýment quIon aime" Air de Julie avec accompagn. dans boccage" 2 A major de mandoline: " Lison dormoit un destin6l' t C major Air de Sara: "Oui pour fanni le sort ma (These for 2 mandolines-. ) are followed by arrangements Marche les 2. Avares (Gretry3 Ai-r 1-)P- In -nptite laitiere h

(with 2 variations) (with. 2 variations)

[iiionsigny) Ouverture Du Deserteur a deux Air de Lison

(with 3 variation'. 3) (with 2 variations)

95 69)" (mandoline) DINGLI, Gaetano (fi.. c. 1767 - SONATE A Due Violini, IVlandolini, Altri Istrumenti, DEDIS AM DEr ROCHEBRUNEConse1fler du Roi, et Commissaire du chte1et. composte DAL SIG. GAETANO DINGLI. Per Amatori. Prix 44A PARIS Chez BIGNON, Place du vieux Louvre, Pr'es l'Accadémie de Peinture, A l'Accord parfait. Et aux Adresses Ordinaires de Musique. " Library copy: FPri A. 33786. RISM no: D3113 ff. 12. Daterof Publication: 1767 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 11 juin 1767 "chez le S. DENISI; ibid. 21 Déceinbre 1767; ibid. 4 Sept. 1769).





96 DINGLI (cont).


(Duetto ) V is followed by a blank page (P17).

DUETTO VI. f Died 1", Aw !hýF. ol ba r, ýý1.4Cap6 Andante. sin al Menuet t? s.enjo. ILEn m 14111ii rap"ij II A IN-ME -JE-E41ij 001ý AI

1767 "Spi (A-tinonces, et avis diversp -'1 Jecember gives -Sonate a affiches dal gr Gat! tano due Violini, o Pfýindoliniq, -7i,]. tri stroyrienti, composte za Principe d'Ardore, e altri Amatori. Chez le Oingli., -per S. ý,'cc S, ". This well. be another edition eur -Fi C-tro 1)e-Dis, hi de mandoline... ia,-ay though there is a different dedication, this moy of tho sý work, ,O. as different of sonatas-) iiýive been , i, set

97 (mandoiiiiq) DOLPHIN (fi. C. 1799)

"Trio a !Vlandolino Violino e Violoncello Del SigDolphin. " Library copy: AWgin X l9759/. ms. ff7. Allegro iVloderato 4 Bbmaj; Rondeau Grazioso 2/4 Bbmaj.

98 (mandolin) DOTHA, Fnincesco (fl. C. 1780? )

Per due P Jel qiL,: Fro. ncesco Dothel Basso". , )oncita, iimýindolini

Ing. ff. 10. Libnjry ) co-py: IGi(. 1 33,i A2

99 (mandol-ino) (DRUSCHFMýKY), DRUýZECZKY Georg (17415) - 3.819)

"Sonata a blandolino e Basso Del Sig. Druz'eczky. 11 Library copy: AWgm X 19761/E. ms. ff7. (2) Allegro Moderato C Gmaj; Mlenuetto & Trio 3/4 Gmaj; Andantino con Variazioni 2/4 Gmaj.

100 Giatidol ine) DUSSIK, Giovanni/ DTJSShX, Jan Ladislav (17bO-1812) "Quartetto in Fa Iviandolino Violino Alto Viola re con Mandolono del .. igo Giov: Dussik. P. Leonardo Dont Ord. Cit. 61.414. " ms. ff. 5. Library copy: CSPnra Lxxxii-A-584. (+ Andante non molto Menuetto Trio] Adagio Finale All? 3%

Mandolino Primo

landolino ou Violino Secondo


du Violoncello

"Quartetto in Ga h1andolino Violino Alto Viola con Mandolono, o Violoncello: del SigL'-' Giovan: Dussik. '61.415. " ff. ins I 5. Library copy: CSPmu Lxxxii-A-585. (+ Finale All? Andante molto Idenuetto Trios I& II)



IAIIF 12.7- IjF 01, F F- -V--- Viola-0KW-I. di Alto

"Idandolonn mi Vl'oloncell-(

(although Giovanni Dussik is probably Jan I, a(lislav Dussek, it is possible that Jan Joseph (Johann Joseph) Dussek (1738 1618)0 the quartets were composed by - ) t'z-jther of Jan Ladislav.

101 (fl. (raandol-int) 11,TERARDI. c. 1764 - 65). "Netto V del SigY Etera. rdi. 11 from "Les Fetites R6cr6ations de la Campagne IV. livre... 11 (Paris). Library copy: FPn L253. Date of Publication: 1765 Odercure, Avril 1765).

Andantino All egro

( 2nd. mvt sainq, as 3rd. mvt. of "Sinfonia... del signor eterýýrdill FPn L2787. )

I'Sinfonia a due Violiniv NiandolArjo e Basso. Del signor eterardi. iii,-Indolino obligato. 11 ) ff. 2+1+1. (2nd. lst. vln. marked. at en.d "fin 1764". ras . vln. missink-. Library copy: FPn 12787. poco allegretto Allegro A n"+A "^ m


t b

(Same as 2nd. mvt. of"Duetto del Sig. r Eterardill from "Leg Petites R4cr6ations... IV. livre". FPn L253-) '

"Ouvertura Ifiandolini Basso del Sij 11 a2 e -Gtera. rdi. ms. ff. 2+2+2. Library copy: FPn 1,2788.

Allegro 1AII C) Cý-re-, Andantino

(same ist. (Similar to 3rd. mvt. of as mvt. of r "Sinfonia... del Sig. Carlo "Juetto del sig: Giuseppe Cecere" FPn L2617-) Giuliano". FFn L2769t

102 ETERARDI (cont. )

"Concerto a Due Violini, Basso e Mandolino obligato Del signor bterardi. echo. ', Ms. ff. 2+1+1+1. Library copy: FPn 1,2789. Poco la5zo -'I 'I - ---4- 4- -


pizzicato piano

Primo lifinuetto Secondg.. iviinuetto ,

pizzicato piano

103 (mandoline) FANTINY. (fl. c. 1769).

"Six Duo pour Deux výolons, mandolines, ou par-dessus de viole del signor Fantiny. op. 1.11 (Paris). No copy located. Date of Publication: 1769 (Mercure Sept-1709).

104 (Triandol ina) FARGERE (fl. c. 1777). "SEI IL VIOLINO Delle Tre_ui SONATE PER IL MANDOT.-INO 0 PER quale suonano a bu-e iviandoli-ni 0 Violini k, Wre con il Basso. Dedicate all' Ill'u"' Signor f DE BOURGELAT Direttore G. delle Scuole Veterinarie Compostel dal Sig. "-TARADE. FARGERE Amatore. Prezzo 6th- 91is au jour et Graves par IAT, A PARIS chez Madame Tarade blarchande de Musique, rue Coquillere, hL la Lyre d'Orphee et aux Adresses Ordinaires de Idusique. A PDR. 11Followed by dedication. Library copy: FPn Vmg 18707 (title page signed "Femine Tarade"

f f. 12. Date of Publication: 1777 (Almanach Musical 1778).

te DUETTO I dolcestacoto

Allegro non tropo vi

SONATA I. Allegro

a-1 ý- --- DUETTO II

Violino Expretion


105 FARGERE (cont. )

SONATA II (cont. )


SONATA III Rondeau Allemande

me (Followed by "CATALOGUE Des OEuvres de Musique appartenant a 114 Tirade... ". No other music for mandoline is indicated there-)

106 (mandol ) FONTPJ4ELIJq Lodovico (c. in 1682 - 1748).

"Concerto h Mandolino, e Basso del Arcileuto di Lodovico Fontanelli. 11 Allegro - Andante - Allegro. ms I Library copy: IBc EE 155 - the Dalla Casa ms.

107 (mando-Line) FOUCHETTI, Giovanni (FOUQUET9 Jean) (fl. c. 17,57 - 89). 11h1ETHODEPour apprendre facilement a jouer de la 14andoline a4 et h6 cordes Dans la quelle on explique les differents coups de plume necessaires pour cet Instrument. On ya joint six Serenades et six petites Sonates. PAR LIt FOUCHETTI Maitre de Mandoline. Prix 6A PARIS. Chez N. Simrock h Bonn. APDR. " Library copy: FPn Cu. 48. No RIS1,11no. ff. 17. Date of Publication: 1771. (Dated from Seiber catalogue in Johansson (1955). )

108 FOUCHETTI, Giovanni (cont. ) Sonata Prima Allegro And, ant P-

Andante Allegro

Allegro iýndante gratioso

Allegro Andante


AýA--+ý minuetto C+3 variations)

109 FOUCIIETTI (Cont. )

"Six Duo pour 2 mandolines, 2 violons ou 2 pardessus de viole, par Fouquet, Maitre de mandoline, de par-dessus de viole et de guitare. 6 livres. 11 Lyon. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1765, chez les freres Le Goux (Affiches de Lyon, 27 March 1765); 1766, chez l1auteur (Affiches de Lyon, 16 July 1766). (The A; fiches de Lyon of 3 June 1761 contained the following announcement: I'Le S Fouquet, Maitre de 141andoline... vient de composer six Duos pour deux Mandolines, quIon peut jouer aussi sur le violon & pardessus de viole. Plusieurs amateurs lui ayant deinand6 des exemplaires, il en a fait faire une certaine quantite en manuscrits, qulil distribuera, a ceux qui lui feront 11honneur de lui en demander, pour le prix de gliv... " These may well be the ] same pieces which were later published.

IlSei Duetti facili per gli amatOrig a due violini, o due mandolini, per il Signor Giovanni Fouchetti, Maestro di mandolina, opera II. Prix 6liv. Chez llauteur, rue S. Honorg, au caff6 des menus Plaisirs du Roi; & aux adresses ordinaires. " Paris. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1770 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers, 1 January 1770, supplement, p. 15).

"Recueil dlairs choisis dans les derniers Opera & divers Auteursp avec 6liv. accompagnement de mandoline ou de violon, par rol. Fouquet; chez M. Frýre Llaccompagnement de ces airs peut aussi se jouer sur le violon. " Paris. No copy located. ) Date of Publication: 1779 (Almanach Musical, 1779, p6l.

"Recueil de jolis airs choisis dans les Opera Comiques pour deux mandolines 61f. A Paris Chez ou violons Arranges Par Id. FOUQUET Yial^tre de idandoline. Prix W. De la Chevardibre Rue du Houle h la croix d1or Avec Priv. du Hoi. 11 RISIA no: F 1546. ff. 41. Library copy: NLDHgmj 2533. Date of Publication: 1771 (Annoncest affiches et avis divers, 24 October 1771; also 20 February 17729 p143. )

Marche des gardes Suisses Amoroso Ouverture du Deserteur

- P -0 X02 r_ 11 la1 r--0 OR F '»

es simples jeux de son

tr 9u

Andante L,-ý: i r go Andante


Au bien supreme ah! le bon tems que

Amoroso Amoroso Allegretto

F- i 0 t! I h qtL pour Mon jeune coeur palpite pul je donc - -1 iIII

110 FOUCHETTI (Cont. )

Allegretto Allearo "flamm(


La me de Loa jeunesse IA la f6te du village I thb. - -- - 'm---Aý

Andante Allegretto

lilt Tous lAs hommes sont borks Jlavais egare mon 4.0. W fuseau 'a. 'a mf

Andantin Allep, retto

Si jamais je prends un e. )oux jOn dit qula quinze ans I

idant e Allegretto Allegro h

lAvec ton coeur Au raot d'amour toute 'o fillette ak-

Andantino Duetto Allegretto

lijm - a%. 11 si na soeur elene mliýterdit par e ne aime 10M711 in I PII


Marche des janissaires

ill FOUCHETTI (cont. )

Andantino em-no di minnetto


4t-£a- ýt eu cha a; e I.. Mes Tourteraux

jw; b f! fi +--# ai idý,

Andante Allegro

NIa 10* 01a As II I il l ' ' - : a nr li t cLang ieg i:) ras au sormneil b: 0 1 +- 4 %ý - - I lot a% ,I wM

Allegretto Allegretto

Volis hl-etes plus'ce que I I Tout le village me l1envt Marche du Huron etes - -vous

1eP,,ro 4%. 11- 41 A, - li IF jjdm'F In F lw-ft r__ r, I; - Fli F a Ids r Je ne deserteraý- jamailg 1 our leb amanAeRels' Polour tromOr un pauvre belles 11 _vieillard EM4.1 (.,. PI- t=l 10 gI-1 -I It

Andantino Allegretto Allegretto k. I. I& Sit? rr--, IricrEjk. -I IIII i III: AlEMEW -i .1... Wý P IIII Is 1111110 -1 mr--IIII .i d MUHL 9 FI- do 1 11 kuol 'jo'urs Le e p6ur md es ne soni pas tems passe fui s vous plus droits

r. 13V 1"10 Us .1AW II I- - 4.1 141. 1 wNAME :;: --1 V-t

Amoroso Allemande Andante

iti, Prends y bien gardepCrni

Graciosso barite Comodo udevile des Sabots a&. I r) h ft I ft P-cesserkt-de dný hl im If 0 if 1 1' i -1 1a-LI r- ; F; M 01 =1 II Z Z IIrI I- 3ýr ýw El FI ý= ad kml--lI i is "En -ie -- liomancle cLu os coeuro--- amour come en affairnl Stso FFg uc. -Ietti is.. I Sentendrp-


112 FOUCHETTI (cont. )


lil est doux de dire

ir de La Rosiere Romance

rOh je dgenteridre 1 rout ce qui peut toucher I vidns

Tempo Andante un poco Largo di minuetto egro , " N-, %- .-

ILa garde dlune fille Peuton affliger ce qul on aime

1 iA w pij.-

blenuet Allegretto un poco andante r+ Al le ap]0 "fois r- R jav ,1e'a H---FI 111 -1 a101 -Ar 61 -*- Clest lors que nous n Plus d1une

Giga du Sý Fouchetti idant e r de La itosiere

e Onl6us'dome dh tedonb olie I

Allegro Vaudeville dlisabelle ridant e e.

i Immw -- -- lý Ii I*ci %a--in lieompons -1jen--f- Semble Z= ent ma

113 FOUCHETTI (cont. )

Vnii8puillp Tnm Tnnp.. T. I)iio++r% Alle clim -- -q-rjTn

Andante un poco Largo Romance d'Isabelle Allegretto

Adagio un poco andante Allegretto

Vous voulez que vous Le printems ranime La nature

114 Nicolas (1745 (m, indol ine) FRAý;IERY, - 1810) "Romance, par J'Auteur du Journal. " (music-cahier Source: Journal de Musique, Parisp Aout 1770 p'P4-6, words de l'Auteur de Journal"). P53 "Les paroles & la iviusique sont ce Plinkoff, 1972. Facsimile reprint - Geneva; No RISIIA no.

te. (Ch. )

Le tems nlestplus Ou ma Ju- 1ý e mm. 12


3 (The IVIml2 marks the vocal entry. piece commences without words.

115 FRIDZIERI (FRIXERI), (m,andoline) Alexando Maria Antonio. (1741-1819).

Johansson (1955) contains a copy of a catalogue of IvI. de la Chevardiere, Paris, for 1772(? ) which lists "Frixeri mandoline". A later catalogue for 1779 lists "Frizeri pr. mand" and one for 1791 I'Sonates pour mandoline". These are presumably all the same work mentioned by F6tis (1873) who notes "Six Sonates pour la mandoline" c. 1771. No copy located.

116 (1727-96) (mandoline) GABBELONE, Gasparo Basso Del Casparro Cabbellone. "Concerto di mandolino con violini e obligati sigf 11 ms -ff 28. Library copy: SUu Gimo 88.

All? Lar--o 'a-II

ýThe bass part has been displaced by the copyist throughout ist. mvt. )

117 (m, andol-ine) (fl. 1764 68). -GAkANI(GAETANO). c. -

SiDuetto VI del SY Gaetano"; from "Les Petites R4cre 'ations de la Campagne III. livre contenant VI duetti a2 violons (Paris). pardessus ou mandolines....

Library copy: USBE Case X M290 P473 v-3- Date of Publication: c. 1764.

(1st. mvt. is the same as the lst. (2nd. mvt. is the same as Barbella mvt. of Sonata (m&b) FPn L. 2614; (3rd. mvt) of Sonata (2mQUu Gimo 14.3 Anon. ) ,

"Recueil de menuets a deux mandolines; compos6s par 14. GaZitan, e d6di6s a M. de Fontanieux... prix 1 liv. 16fols. 11 (Paris). No copy located. Date of Publication: 1768 (Idercure April 1768).

118 (nandolin) GAIABINI, Giuseppe (CXVIII)

"Trio per due Mandolini e Basso" Ms. Library copy: IPS B 203/6.

119 (mandoline) GAUDielUd Giulio (c. 1780) r

"PI? 2: Gige Con Rondo Con !,,,Tq. ndo--Lin. o e Ce,-ri-halo ))i Giulio Gaudenzi. iin-ndol-inoll. ms. ff. 2+3. Library copy: IBGc (or IBGi). I No. 1 No. 2 NO 3 No. 4 Hondo -0. ) egretto And: Grazioso Rondo -il-legretto Anýý Cri,,, ý a

120 GAUDIOSOp Domenico (Naples) (fl. 1770). (-niandoll-g) ný C. Basso Del Sigf. D: Domenico "Concerto di mandolino a solo con violini e Caudioso. 1, ms. ffl6. "Concerto del Gaudioso. "ms. ffl4. Library copies: SUu Gimo 58, ZPn L2780(1-4) sigf

All? largo All?

121 (mandoline) (fl. GERVASIOO Giovanni Battista c. 1762 - 84). "METHODE TRýS FACILE Pour apprendre h jouer de la Mandoline 4 quatre Cordes Instrument fait pour les Dames. Avec les regles les plus 4xactes pour la fagon de se servir de la plume. Dediee a IvIonseigneyr le Vicomte DE CHABOT. PAR MY J. B. GERVASIO, Maitre Re Mandoline. oeuvre 1. Grav6e par Gerardin Prix 6! ý A PARIS chez BoUin Id. de Idusique, de Mandolines, et de Cordes d1instru- ments, rue saint Honýre au gagne petit, pres saint Roch. Et aux Adresses Ordinaires. A Lyon 141. Castaud Place de la Comedie AVEC PRIVILEGE DU ROI. 11 Library copy: USWc call no. MT602. A2G3. RISM no: G1678. ff-9 (P13 blank). Date of Publication: 1767 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers, 24 sept. 1767). Followed by BoUin's "Catalogue de Musique Vocale et Instrwnentale". The m6thode contains the following pieces:

Allemande en Rondeau

JLJ LO "A I1 11pII 1111 ell NT 2 r_ L-L-ANNA 1 =Nb*Ab I 11it I-IJ . If I-


2r ýn M: w 1W -*- it jý ý (with 1 variation) WeII (with 5ý2 variations)

Ri go don

Prima Variazione

(with seconda Variazione)

"Airs for the mandoline, guittar, violon or german flute, interspersed with songs.... 11 London, Welcker. Library copy: GBLb1 (this copy is missing). RISIA no: G1679 Date of Publication: Unknown. (c. 1770)

122 GERVASIO (cont. ) dedicati A. S. A. H. la PRINCIPESSA "SEI DUSTTI per DUE MANDOLINI, o due violini. 8RUIT-ARLK-DIMz TUTTE LE PRUSSIE composti dal suo umilissimo servitore e maestro SIGY Giovan BATTISTA GERVASIO NAPOLITANO OPERA V. "Place of publication unknown. Library copy: ITSmt RISPI no: G1680. ff. 14. Date of Publication: c. 1775. (illustration taken Followed by dedication and frontispiece of a mandoline from Leon6's m6thode).





Wi Allegretto Spiritoso


123 G&HVASIO op-5 (cont. )



Largo ma non tanto

del Sig. Gervazi; chez M11, "Six Sonates pour mandoline, ou violon & basse, Girardo6l. 11 Paris. (Almanach 1778). Date of Publication: 1778 musical No copy located.

D. Gio: Battista Gervasio. P: mo N: vo. 1' "Sonata a mandolino solo e Basso Del sigf ms. ff4. Library copy: SUu Gimo 141.

[This is an incomplete version of FPnL2767 (lacking the central largo amoroso and the last page of the concluding allegro). 3

124 GERVASIO (cont. ) "Sonata Per Camera di Wandolino e Basso Del SigF D. Gio: Battista Gervasio. 1762. Nova. " MS. f fO'. Library copy: SUu Gimo 142. (same as SUu Gimo 143)

Larghetto Grazioso

"Sonata Sig: r Gervasio. P: N: a mandolino solo e Basso Del lno vo. ms. ff6. (Same 142) Library copy: SUu Gimo 143. as Gimo

ofI D. Gio: Battista Gervasio. ý3onata per Camera di mandilo 6 Basso Del sigT Ms. ff 0-. Library copy: SUu Gimo 144. 6

Largo Pizzicato

SigT D: Gio: Battista "Sonata Per Camera Di mandolinov e Basso Del Gervasio. COmposta m Sigf. Cavalier Lefebure. Pmo Nvo. per divertimento del Ecce: 11 Ms. ff4. Library Gimo 146) copy: SUu Gifflo 145. (same as

Larghetto Andantino All? con molto spirito

"Sonata Del sigf Gio: Batta Gervasio. " per Mandolino e Basso Ms. ff2. Library Gimo 145) copy ýýUu Gimo 146 (saine as

125 GERVASIO (cont. )

I'Duetto a due mandolini Del Sigr. Gervasio. Nova. " ms. ff2 Library copy: SUU Gimo 147 (same as Gimo 148)

tno tempo indication)

"Duetto a due mandolini del SigT Gio: Batta Gervasi. 11 Ms. ffl. Library copy: SUu. Gimo 148 (same as Gimo 147)

P: N: 11 I'Sinfonia a due mandolini, 6 Basso Del sigf. D: Gio: Battista Gervasio. mo vo. Ms. ff8. Library copy: SUu Gimo 149.

Gervasio. P: N: 11 "Trio a due mandolini e Basso Del Sigf. D. Gio: Battista mo vo. ms. ffl2. Library copy: SUu Gimo 150.


126 GERVASIO (cont. ) "Sonata Per Wandolino solor e Basso Del Sig: Gio: Batta Gerv-asio.,, Ins- ff4.

Library copy: FPn L2767.

(This 141. ) is a more complete version of SUu Gimo

Gio: Batta Gervasio. "Sonata Per Idandolino solo, e Basso Del Sig: 11 ms. ff4. Library copy: FPn L27o8.

Taice Alla Tedesca

Divertimento Cammarale Di "Sonata lWandolino e Basso Composta per e studio per tutte le Prussie Dal Sua Altezza Reale la Principessa Ereditaria di profondo e e Idaestro Giovan. Battista sominesso con ogni rispetto suo umilissimo, servitore Gervasio = Napolitano. 11 (In in different hand. This manuscript the top corner is written originale a appears to be in Gervasio's own hand. )

Ms. f f4

Librar)r copy: FPn ms. 2082.

A.. "ý- 8L Al- 1 I --go

3 Allegro a suo com"odo 141inuetto al Gusto itali GAVOTTA allegretto

127 (mandolino) GILLI, " Jean (1668 - 1705)

"Laudate Dominum in sanctis, ps. 150, Par Gilles Lauda-te Dominum in sanctis ejus. " ms. ff-38. Library copy: FAIXm F. C. X. ms-311. (This motet is marked at the end "Roux 1776". Full orchestration: 3 solistes: sol2, ut3, fa4 choeur a4 voix: sol2, ut3, ut4, fa4 ) orchestre: fl, hbI&II, bsnI&I, I, trI&II, corI&II, mand, vlI&II, vlc, b, clav.

"L-audate Dominum in sanctis, ps. 150. " ms. 23parts; 7 vocal, 16 instrumental. Library copy: FAIXm ms-312. [This is the same work as FAIXm ms-311-3

hich the (Gilles' sri. cred music re-ortained T)oT)ular throap hout the C18, v., ex-rTains ) , 1776 date on the ms.

128 Antonio IariFl (1-739-1 831. ) (mandol iniQ) GIIILT, ýNT, ý., .

"Concerto Per due Amandolini, e Violay con Viol-iniv Oboev Corni da caccia, Giuliani. Basso". flue Viole, e Basso Del Sig: Antonio (incom-pl et e) +2 Title-pa, f r'. 4-14, +4, +4+4, +2-12 j +1. +J, +2+1 , v+ ge (H8) lAbi-axy copy: IGi(l) SýS' B15 u-




V111 I VI-n Ti

VL" VI ý-,.

ob I ob jýI

cor cor


129 GIULIANI, Giovs. Francesco (b. 1.760) (m, ).ndoline) nni

"VI Quafýetti per Mandolino Violino e Violoncello o Viola. e Liuto Del Sig. Giovanni Francesco Giuliani Vio3ino".

ms. ff. 52.

Library copy: AWgm X19761/El-4 (Q 16845). I mandIM II


VC0 0 vla. liuto


III Rondo Allepro Crrazioso

Ihm.F W-W -w-r----ý-1. ý - IM-ý\ 't

"or$ 6so

sonors to.4*




130 GIULIaNIp G. 1'. (cont)



a'I I a-cr-rn -, -ni ri toso vi


re Flauto e Violoncello Del Sig. Giov. I'VI Quartetti per due piandoliniq 1. " Francesco Giuliani. N? ms. ff. 44. 254. ldbrý-ixy copy: ILs B (+ Trio] I i-4inue V-ý,rldol ill c llrj. mo viandol: 'ýecoi a d(

F]. aut o


131 GIULIANI., G. F. (cont)

II i11r 10-10.

III largo

IV Allo Spiritoso Allegretto


132 ('TITTI,1.41ýIg G. F. (cont) v T'n-ro-ri

Con Sordini

vi Al-legro non tanto

p Con -3ordini

Liiito. Del Sip, ýe Giovanni Francesco "'VI quartetýj due Mandol-ini \fi. ol. a e G-uiliani. N. 2.11 ills. f f'. 50. 254. LibraTýy copy: Us B

I Allegretto andant .iol no P Iri I.qo

iot ;! la (i C) 10 6econd , ill- .




133 G. F. (collt) GIITLIAIII 9 ii An

III Gra. zioso Rondeau jklleg. ro

IV (+ Andante klinue Allegro Tri 0) Rondeau All. e,:ýro

1) v to Grazioso Minue [+ Trio3 Rondeau Allo fiiod(zr,?.

134 GIIJI)IAIII9 G. F. (cont) VT PrNyi A onvi

ye F1 Viola Del Sig Giov. Francesco 1,Vj Quvartetýi Per I)ixe ,,,andolinij RlItOv e Ginlinini. N. 3. ins, ff. 52. Library copy: II, s 13.254.

I (4 Rondeau Arkdunl I'linilb T ri ol ivian (I r

Ano ýSec




C+ Trio) II ldinu6 Allo. RondeaU Allo it - A--4-


135 GIIJI, Iji11I G. F. (cont) 9

III Plinue (+ Triol Allegro

'r IV i1i-i vii (4 Pr-i r1 And. ant e Allegro


v (+ All. e gro Litinue Trl-o) Allegro


vi (+ Allegro Andante lilinuý, T ri 03

136 GIULIANI, G. F. (cont)

del Giova. Francesco Giuliani,,. I'Sei Sonate a due Wandolini e Basso nni "ad di Franco Ills. 11-Basso o Liuto" pairtbook onlyo marlýed usso Cercill. Library copy: GBLspencer

"V Quartetto A ioiandolinov Flauto 6 Violino, Viola e Violoncello Del Sig: GiovI Frý,ixicesco Giuliani". Irls. ff. 4+4+4+2 (incomplete). hibranr cop-xr: TIATc A 11-1.

Rondeau Gra-zzioso






Sig. :re Giov. Franco Giuliani. "Sonata a Idandolino Solo e Basso Del. IRS. ff. 2. Library copy: IMTc A 112.


137 GIIJLI, M, G. F. (cont) 111,1, Pritno. . andolino Sei -Diiet-bi Notturni Per Due Mandolini Del Sij Giov. Francesco Giulianitt, ms. ff. 17. Library copy: IBsf. ) (pp 1-15 are mand. I part only of 6 duets. No. l. Largo Tempo d1i Idinue 0 1- i

Rondo%-Aýi- e gret to ri 1 1i", 09 d- % ý -1 1

No 3 largo

At 4ý +q a, rrn --% F%-- !! 44i p - - , -- ,f*. - - 11 -1j1 F7 . C* «»ýixe2,£1 t-.. b Nol-4 Largo %Q -I '-+- Trio

r= '-ý 4. :1--- ir pl iFZ UZI lmip FFH FFF l. HWH 41 Md Jpq II ... ill -mfF

No-5 Largo Minuet Grazioso Erm f1p 3F AI ;ýI-. IIIIF! I ; r o. Larrghetto Minuet .-% 7- AL_I1Lrj_L_ _. 9E mp911 as 17 -A II 1--rR Fq -J--Rr- 4U, Lw I fit ad, I

(These ) are followed by. 5 complete duets, and a Iýfurther incomplete one.

Duetto 1 Largo Tempo di Idinue

Duetto [, W"ýLargo Minue

ýVhese ) 2 duets are identical to nos. 1&3 mand. I above.

138 GIDIIANI, G. F. (cont)

Duetto Lanj-o Allito C-> grazioso

Largo All?

And? Allegro Ný 1ý

Larghetto idandI Fi ýu rw (This last duet is incomplete -3

"Ouetto per due Mandolinill ins, Libnix7"r copy: IPS

Violinov Liuto llk)uartetto -per l'Arcileuto, Mandolinov e del signor Gian Francesco Giuliani" "Ouartetti N. 2,3, e4 del signor Francesco Giuliani" ViOlinj mandolin, circilcuto, e 3.iuto. ins , (Bei-itivo--lio 7& 88). ldbranj copy: JBaa t, li - CD

139 GIUIIANIq G. F. (Cont)

I'Sonate da Mandolino Di diversi Autori B Agderni Compositori 13. due 'o Idandolini. Vlandolino Primo. Ad uso di me F! Sennellill. ins. ff. 7+7. Library copy: IMTc A 169. Includes these pieces by Giuliani: IllAinuetti Nuovi di Sig: Francesco Giuliani' e Notturno Nn-1 I- miml, p No. 11 And:

No. 14 Maestoso No. 21 Larghetto Notturno

140 (GIULIANI (inandol-ine. ) GIULIANI, Giuseppe DI NAPOLI) (fl. C-1764-76).

I'Sei Sona.te cantati per camera a violino & bassa osia mandolino & viola, dedicate al Signor Vassal de St. Hubertp coiiiposte d'al Signor Giuliano di Napoli virtuoso di mandoline; mises au jour par ul. Raymondv mattre de mandoline. op. 1.11 (Paris)

No copy located. (Mlercure, Date of Publication: 1776 iqiarch 1776pp. 194).

"Sonata di lt'landolinO solo e Basso del SigY Giuseppe Giuliani". ins. ff. 4. Library copy: DvIc Noseda M15-12.

Allegro Allegro

r "i-landolino Primo. Duetti del 3ig. D. Giuseppe Giuliani,,. ms, ff. 18+18. Library copy: Ilvic Noseda Iýil5-13-

ft " fln"+ a Allegro

- - -0r, r . - .- Andante Allegro

Allegro Duetto III. Allegro

141 Duetto V. Alleg o Andante Allegro D-j 01 D - a f a -001 -- Omm"ý 4i JI

ft 11 IRI 13 L- II L IMME" II i .IýII

pI All

"Iflandolino Primo. Duetti per hiandolini, di D. Giuseppe Giuliani. " ms, ff. 12+12. Library copy: Ildc Noseda, 14115-14.

142 GIULIANIVGiuseppe (cont. )

Duetto III. Allep-ro Andante Al I P--a-rn

Duetto IV. Andante

I'Duetto. IvIandolino Primo Giuliani-" ms. ff. 4+4. Librar)r copy: JjIc Noseda. 1,115-15. Duetto I: All? h1aestoso Andante Allegro

Giuseppe Giuliano. Of "Duetto A Due Mandolini Del Big. D. ff Ms. -4. Library copy: Jivic lJoseda 1-115-16.

Largetto All? Presto

143 GIULIA14I Giuseppe (cont. ) I I'Duetto h due Plandolini del Sig ye Giuseppe Giuliani. " ms. ff-4. Library copy: Ilvic Noseda, 1415-17. [No (No tempo indi4Lation Largo tempo indication)

-f- AIEOb IF,- II IF - --AA EiIiIIII-a ;91 1111

II.Duetto a Due blandolini del Sig: Giuseppe Giuliano. " ms, ff. 4+4. Library copy: DIc Noseda 1415-18.

T. Allegro a -r- ern Allegro

I'Duetto a due Mandolini del SigT Giuseppe Giuliano". mse ff. 4+4. Library copy: Dic Noseda 1415-19

Allegro Andantino

Giga Idinuetto

144 GIULIANI, Giuseppe (cont. )

Giuliano". "Duetto a due i4andolini Del Sigr. Giuseppe MS. ff. 4+4. Library copy: Ric Noseda M15-20.

Alirlmiti TiTi AIIa rr-"r% no in -wia

:re "Duetto A due Mandolini del sig. Giuseppe Giuliani. " Ms. ff. 4+4. Library copy: DoIc Noseda 1415-21.

All earo Alleg-ro

del Sig*re Giusepp6 Giuliano. "Basso. Trio Notturno a due Mandolini e Basso " Ms. ff. 4+4+4. Library copy: Imic Noseda IJ15-22.

I IT.: - --1- 4. - T. -, ---

145 GIULIANI, Giuseppe (cont. ) :re I'Sinfoni per Mannolino con Piu Istromenti Del Sig. Giuseppe Giuliano.,, ms. ff-4+2+2+2+2. Library copy: SUu Gimo 153. (Allegro) Maestoso Largetto 2

vc. &basso

"Duetto IV del sigY Giuliani. " from "Les Petites R6cr6ations de la Campagne, III e livre". Library copy: USBE. Date of Publication: c. 1764.

"Sonata in E. #. Per blandolino, -B-, Del Giuseppe Giulinnill. -C-. e -isso sifrr,,. ms. ff. 4.

Library copy: SSk B 15.

6A -of 1rAp" f- fr., p-6r, : 5to 19M fmwmk.. &Lt NWH -- dD- ItIf FwIiH, I FM AC31MONZIM zý io !I FF F-A- 11 FF1 11 1 11111 F9 III- 01- 11 --jrlend 12ýa1 - NE M!" Ctr minuetto Allegro La r!,,P-, het -f F II 51 NO 0Fv tx0 WF- AIAIIIzIIIA I. XII IaI pt 4 Per i3a. Del ýiipýf' Giuseppe Giuli, -mill. "Sonata in Es. . -C-. idandolino ,e sso

MS. ff . 4. Library copy: SSk B 16.

146 GIULIANI, Giuseppe tcont)

"Capricio di Mandolino e Basso Del SigY Giuliano".

ins, -ff. 2+2. Libnary copy: FPn 1 2792.

Allep-ro moderato Allegro ma non tanto

"Concerto Per il Mandolino con 2 Violini e Basso del SigY auseppe juliano. Wandolino".

ms .ff. 2 -1 3. +1+1 Library copy: FPn L 2774.

Alle, gro assai

Gimo 13,4th i-avt.

del sIgi,Jr giuseppe -Iiiil. iano. lyland.olino Primoll. "Trio a2 Mandolini eB asso RIS. ff. 2+2+2. Libranj copy: FPn L 2773.

Allegro Allegro Andante

147 GITJIJANOI Giuseppe (cont) off. "Duetto del Sig.: D. Giuseppe Giuliano.T !.Ian(lol. ino I ms. f f. 2+2. Librarýy copy: FPn L 2769.


148 (mandolin) GREGGIO IGNAZIO SECONDO (2nd half CXVIII)

I'Sei notturni per mandolino e basso". IRS* Libnary copy: D-ddrBds I'dus. ms. 30135

149 (mandoline) GRENSER, Johann Friedrich? (1758-94)

"Divertimento in C per il h1andolino & Violino e Mandolono del Sig. Grenser. P. Leonardi Dont Ord. Cit. 61.112.11 ms, ff. 4. Library copy: CSPnm L xxxii-A-282

Allearo molto Andante


(Although many members of the Grenser family were involved in music durinE the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, most were makers and players of wind instruments. Johann Friedrich, an oboist and composer at the Swedish court, was the only famil-y member of this period of Rny note as -a compospr

150 (mandoline) GUALDO, DA VANDEROp Giovanni (d. 1771) "Six Easy Evening Entertainments for two MANDOLINS or two VIOLINS With a THOROUGH BASS for the HARPSICHORD or VIOLONCELLO Composed by Sigy Giovanni Gualdo opera terza PY 3s0 LONDON Printed for C. and S. Thompson in SýPaulls Church Yard and to be had at the Author's N? 3 in little Arundel Street in the Strand Where may be had by the same author Six Duets for two German Flutes or Violins pr 1-6 Six Sonatas for two German Flutes or Violins and a Bass --- 3-0-l' 6. Library copy: GB Ckc Rowe Music Library RW 24.238 Item No RISM no. ff 7+4. Date of Publication: Unknown (c. 1770).




151 GUALDO DA VANDERO (cont. )




152 (im-mdoline) GUERRA Addiego (fl- C. 1760? ). ýPer) "Sonata Idandolino Solo & Basso Del Sigye Addiego Guerra.,, Ins. ff4. Library copy: IIVIC Noseda 14 28-4.

153 (SASSONE) (1699 (mandoling) HASSE, Johann Adolf - 1783).

11DuStto V del sigY Sassone,, from "Les Petites R6creations de la Campagne, III. livre". Paris. Library copy: USBE. Date of Publication: c. 1764.


"Concerto con Mandolino obligato del SigY Sassone. " 2Qns9mandolino & continuo. ms, c. 1740. Library copy: D-ddrBds ms. Landsberg 313/8.

Itlovements 1&3 were published, with a different 2nd. mvt., in "Twelve in Six Parts, for the German Flute, Two Violins, a. Tenor, with a Thorough for the Harpsichord or Violoncello... Opera Terzall London, 1741. The Breitkopf Thematic Catalogue (1762-87) wrongly attributes this concerto to Pergolesi.

I'Se un core annodill - Aria for mandolino, corni, basso. Vocal line is marked "Achille". The ms. is marked "Del Sig. Sassone". mse ff. 10. 2 9-23) Library copy: Ildc Noseda Q. L-23 (handwritten on ms. thus:

154 (HOFI-AANN) (fl- (mando. 1 ino) HOFFMANN 9 Johann C. 1799). IITRý, DUETTI per il Mandolino, e Violino Composti dal SigYGio. 14ofmann. Op. l. a Vienna presso Arteria e Comp. 811. f2.11 Library copy: GBLbl h2glO. c(4); AWm; AWst(2 copies). RISiif no: H6249- M4. Date of Publication: 1799. 6/8 Duetto I: All? moderato 2/4 Cmaj; Andante Fmaj; Rondo Allegretto 2/4 Cmaj. Duetto II: All? moderato 2/4 Gmaj; Andante 2/4 Cmaj; Allegro moderato 2/4 Gmaj. Duetto III: All? moderato2/4 lknaj; Poco adagio3/4 Gmaj; Rondo All? moderato 6/8 Dmaj.

06tis (1873) states that Artaria also issued a further 3 mandolin & violin duets op-5 in 1799. )

(This "Divertimento a Idandolino Violino e Basso Del SigFGiov. Hoffmann. 11 divertimenti title page serves for the following 4 Library copy: AWgm 19762/E 1-4. ms- El: Andýe 2/4 Gmaj, (with 4 var. ); Menuet Moderato & Trio 3/4 Gmaj; Rondeau Allegro molto 2/4 Gmaj. ff8. E2: Andante 6/8 Cmaj; Plenuet & Trio 3/4 Cmaj; Rondeau All? molto 2/4 Cmaj. ff7. E3: All? Modý06/8 Gmaj; Andante 2/4 Cmaj; Rondeau All? Molto 2/4 Gmaj. ff8. & Trio 3/4 Dmaj- Rondeau E4: Un poco Adagio C Dmaj; Menuet All? Modý06/8 Dmaj. ffg.

(Untitled Sonata m&b) Library copy: Awgm 19763/E 1- ms- Adagio C Fmaj; Rondeau All? 2/4 Cmaj. M. All? modýo 2/4 Cmaj; Un poco

Del SigY Hoffmann. " "Sonata a Mandolino e Basso. Library copy: AWgm X 19763.2. ms. (3) Variazione 2/4 Dmajor; Allegro 6/8 Allegro 2/4 d minor; Andante con d minor. ffg.

(Untitled duet 2m) Library copy: AWgm 19763/E 3. mse Cmaj; Rondeau Allegro 6/8 Gmaj. Allegro ivlodýo 2/4 Gmaj; Andante 2/4 ff8. Del Sig: Giovani Hoffman. " 112ionata per Due Mandolini 4. Library copy: AWgm, X 19763/E ms. 6/8 Bbmaj; Rondeau Allo: 2/4 Fmaj. Allo Modto: 2/4 Fmaj; Romance Andto: ff8.

"Sonata. 11 (m&b3 5. Library copy: AWgm 19763/E ms- Rondeau Allegro 2/4 Gmaj. ff7- Allegro 3/4 Gmaj; Adagio 2/4 Cmaj;

Viola 6 Basso Del Sig. Giovanni Hoffmann. " "Quartetto a Plandolino Violino Library copy: AWgm 19764/E 1. 3/4 Bbmaj; Menuetto & Trio 3/4 Fmaj; Allegro molto 6/8 Fmaj; Adagio Rondeau Allegro 2/4 Fmaj. ffl6. Viola Violoncello De-. Sigy Giovanni "Quartetto in Aa 19andolino Violino e Hofmann. " 2. Library copy: AWgm 19764/E ms. I'llinuetto & Trio 3/4 Allegro Moderato 2/4 Amaj; Adagio C amin; Amaj; Rondeau Allo: Moalu 2/4 Amaj. ffl6.

155 11OFFIVIANN (cont. ) "Cassazione in Ga Mandolino Primo Mandolino Secondo e Violoncello. Del Sig. Giovanni Hoffmann. " (Only Library copy: AWgm X 19765/E. ms. title-page & basso part survive Adagio C Gmaj; Romance 6/8 Dmaj; Menuetto poco Allegro 3/4 Gmaj; Allegro moderato 2/4 Gmaj. ff4.

Oboe Corni Basso. Del "Concerto a filandolino Frincipale Due Violini Viola e SigY Giovanni Hoffmann. " Library copy: AWgm X 19766/E. ms. Allo lvlodý 00 Dmaj; Adagio 3/4 Gmaj; Rondeau Allo ldodýo 2/4 Dmaj. ff35.

"Serenada In Da Mandolino e Viola Del Sig: Giov: Hoffmann. " Library copy: AWgm X 23531/f. ms- kj; Adagio 3/4 Dmaj. (introduction followed by Allegro 2/4 Dmaj; Menuetto 1,1oderato 2 Trios 3/4 Dmaj;' Romajace Andante 2/4 TJenuetto Moderato &2 Trios 9 3/4 Dmaj; Rondo All. mod. t, U 2/4 Dmaj. ffl4.

(Added in hand ,IN? 3. Quartetto a Mandolino Violino Viola e Basso. " another unbekannt and Johann Hoffmann-) Library copy: AWgm X 49843/a. ms. Trio 3/4 Gmaj; Allo ldodýo 2/4 Gmaj; Adagio non ljolto 2/4 Cmaj; Menu: & Allo Rondeau 6/8 Gmaj. M6.

(Added in hand "Quar, tetto in Da Mandolino Violino Viola e Basso. " another unbekannt and Johann Hoffmann-) Library copy: AWgm X 49843/b. ms. Trio 3/4 Dmaj; Allegro 3/4 Dmaj; Romance Andante 2/4 Gmaj; Menuetto & Rondeau Allegro 2/4 Dmaj. ffl7.

Johann Traegv a Viennese music dealer, issued a catalone of ms. music available from his shop in 1799, which included: "5. Hoffmann (Giov) Trio p. il ManJ e B. '' "TTT Quartetti per il Enjidolino, M17, V. et Vol' "ITT Serenate 4 Mnndolino e Violn". the irl These be identic, al to -! Orqe Of Irl, -9- may - E

156 (Cre(, HWNEL, Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837) ione, ýe mimd. , fiiaidoline-) due violap violoncello, basso, flauti "Concerto a mandolino principalej violiniq 11oland Concerto di e corni. 11 Written on mandolin part: olino principale scritto Maestro , di Mandolino 1799-11 G. N. Hummel per Barthol: Bortolazi ms. ffl5. M17-129 & ff42-44. Library copy: GBLbl Add-32216

mand. vln. 1 Ande

vln. vln. 2 vla. vln. 2

VC. vla. - cb.

vc & mand. cb: pizz.



vc 0

Pjý7,. Forte con iccompau-ni-imento di per il Cl, 'vicernbalo o no "allrlolino o Violillo obli-ato". 161-0, Vienria. i)ýAe & of I-To present cory loc, ýted except in the modern 1-1-brýiiy copy: -Before tili7n. (i(litioii, ed. Hl,. i.dky, ýdilhelrash,, iven-

Iýi;llldolirl moderato Siziliano Hondo Allegretto piu p -,ro ("Orl s pi ri. to I! tOsto Alles-ro

157 (mandolino) KISTNER (fl. c. 1800).

"Sonata per Due Miandolini Del Sig: Kistner. " Library copy: AWgrn X 47299 (formerly 19765/E). ms. ff4. Allegro Moderato t Dmaj; Rondeau Presto 2/4 Dmaj.

158 KO?, ýLUCH, Leopold (1747-181.8) (i-n,i, ndol-i. ne, ) i,

:re IsConcert, int un]. 'jig- Leopold 1,.ozeluch". "Auto[-. rap. h". The instrumentation is for The n;-muscript is )mrtrRed -, nmdolin, tnimpet, contrabasst pianoforte, vjith. violinso violas, 2 oboes, 2 lionis, 2 b, l.ssoons, & basso.

Libr, iry coiýy: hlý',Ig. m A 4014.

vi n.

vl. n



corlIJ i n. 6'1

Plý,f-, -Oi


t ro'nT i rl 1ýI

1\ont na -

F i,, no - fo r t, e,


159 (m,andoline) Likf,[BiltTI (2nJ half CJkVIII)

"Concerto del signor Lamberti a h1andolino, dui Violini e B;4sso. J,11,: mdolino obligato". ms. ff. 2+2+2+2. Library copy: FPn L 2775.

(Although most of the mss. in FPn apl-)Pp. r to d,-. te from the 176019, this (b. concerto may possibly be by Louis L ambý-rti l7b9 - d. after ]JI-2). It is different in st-%rle from the other concertos in the coll-ection, in that the mjnd ling does not join in the o.,,)enin, -s of the movemeits, a feature generally associý ted with concertos frolli the li. te C18-)

160 (fl. ). (mandolinQ) LAMO, Giuseppe. C. 1789? I'Duetto A due Aandolini Del SigY Giuseppe Lauro 1789", ms. ff4. Wc Noseda L 18/18.

(? ] Lauro". "Sonata Per Wandolino Solo, e Basso Del SigY Giuseppe ms. ff4. Library Ildc Noseda L 18-19. copy: 3

li'linuetto In variazione

161 % 11 (mandol LAVALLIERE (fl. ine) c. 1777).

"Six Sonates en duo pour le tambourin, accompagnees d1un violine seul-... par IVI.Lavallibre VtLine, hiattre de musique et de tambourin, onzieme oeuvre. Prix 6liv. Elles peuvent slexecuter sur le violon, flU^te, hautbois, clarinette, par-dessus de viole, mandoline, guitarre & sur la vielle & musette... 11. (Paris). No copy located. Date of Publication: 1777 (Mercure Oct-1777).

162 (1715 (m, i.ndol ine) Francesco - 75). "Concerto per Handolino: con violini, e Basso. Basso. A Francesco Lecce. '' ms. ff. 2+2+2+2. library copy: FPn 1,2770.

No Tempo indication Largo Allegro Balletto

bonute a solo di violino o mandolino Del Sigr. Francesco Lecci. MS. f f. 10. (Catalogued library copy: FPn L2615. under the name CECCI. These pieces are musically unsaTisfactory and appear to lack either a bass part or a second mandolin part-3

2 Iý 0% 3 A& an-I IMM" P9M9" Im-" (A-PM-P" E & FFTj J ff- A q3,

rol ri n».t

W t2 22 - &7j i o. of ! FF " t9=R LEW 11- t) r-w= -, -A jF l

13 AL IFW 2 i H "F11H- " F lp F w .0 6 16 pmqmýhý ii a J Id 4-

163 LEONE, Sý (fl. (mandoline) c. 1760 - 70 "DUO POUR DEUX VIOýONS Qui peuvent se Jouer Sur la Mandoline Et sur le par- Dessus. Dedi6s A Id. LE MARQUIS DE BEUVRON Marechal de camp des arm6es ghe Roy, r Commissaire General de ia Cavalerie PAR 14. LEONý de Naple. Grav6 par M. Vend6me. Ci-devant rub S. Jacques a present rub S. Honor6 Vis-a-vis le Palais Royal A PARIS Chez l'Auteur rue Mes16 chez MY Danse Et aux adresses ordinaires de Musique. AVEC PRIVILEGE DU ROY. " Followed by dedication. Library copies: INC 37.2.61 FPnLl2.766, FPnLl2.686. (RISIA RISM nos: L1979 and L1978 incorrectly lists the INC copy as a different work. ) ff8+8. - (The Date of Publication: 1762 (Annonces, Affiches et Avis Divers, 18 Jan. 1762). Almanach Musical 1777 lists Duos "op-3 chez Bailleux". This may well be a later edition of these same duos. )

164 LEONE (cont. ) DUETTO VI

"Sei sonate a tre, due violini e basso del Sgr. Leony, opera 2. Chez le Sr. Bouin.... 11 Paris. Date of Publication: 1767 (Annonces, Affiches et Avis Divers, 19 Jan. 1767. ) No copy located.

"SIX SONATES de Mandoline et Basse, arang6es au mieux pour le violon. D6diees h Monsieur LE BARON YE BAGGE Seigneur H6r6ditaire de Diensdorff, Seppen Cronen et Baggenhorff. Par M. LEONE de Naples. A Paris chez Madame Berault Marchande de Ausique rue et h c6t6 de la Com6die Frangaise, au Dieu de 11harmonie. Et aux Adresses Ordinaires. A Lion chez fiff Castaud. Avertissement Ces Sonates parolAtront peut-6tre difficiles aux Amateurs cependant en observant 6xactement les regles de la plume, en croisant les doigts et en se servant du pouce, elles leur deviendront ais6es. 11 Followed by dedication. Library copy: FPn L12205- RISiv'i no: L1977. ff. 18. Date of Publication: 1 767 (11Avant Coureur 23 Mar. 1767; Annonces. Affiches et avis divers 12 i-ilar. 1767. )


n r1 =! RAIQ

arghetito F sto en Rondeau


(This sonata closely resembles Leon6 op. II, no. 4 (GBLbl g-1780. yy. )i


165 LEONE (cont. ) Sol




IvIaestoso (7) espressivo Larghetto Idinuetto con Variazioni,


"Idinuets pour mandoline. 11 Paris. Date Publication: 1768 (listed in 1768 Id. de la Chevardi of catalog ,ue of e re). No copy located.

"IdETHODE Raisonn6e Pour passer du Violon a la Mandoline et de l1archet a la plume oU' le moyen seur de JouUr sans maitre en peu de temps par des Signes de Convention assortis a des exemples de Musique facile. CONTENANT XXIV Airs dansants h deux i4andolines, VI Menuets avec accompapementp II Duo. I Sonate avec la Basse et plusieurs Airs Connus Vari6s Par iil. Leone de Naples Maittre de MaRjoline de S. A. StMonseigneur Le Duc je Chartres Prince du Sang. Grav6e par M. Vend6me. rue S. Honore vis a vis S. Honor6. imprim6 par montutai. 11 Followed by frontispiece (Illustration with poem. ), and by a dedication. There are several versions of this m6thode: 56, E]Pn. R6s. F-409, RISM L1980 & L1981 "imprim6 par Montutaill - FPn(Cu-551 FPn(Cu. R-brdDO, NLDHgm. ff-36.

RISM L1982 "Bailleux" - GBLbl, USWc. Date of Publication: 1768(Paris): (AnnoncesgAffiches et Avis Divers, 26 Idai 1768, Mercure June 1768). Also an English translation: "A complete introduction to the art of playing the mandolinev containing the most essential rules and examples for learners to obtain a proficiency ...... London, Longman & Broderip. Date of Publication: 1785. Library copies: GBLbj, jjSWc, LSNYp, GBOb. Mr.

The m6thode contains 24 short Allemandes for 2 mandolins: I "La Curieusell 2 Gmajor Ii "La Boiteusell 2 Fmajor te III "Llengagean 11 2 Bbmajor IV "La Volagell 2 Amajor

166 LEONE (cont. ) v I'La Coquette" 2 Gmajor vi I'La bizarre" 2 Fmajor vii I'La Joyeusell 3 Dmajor VIII I'Llinsulairell 2 Bbmajor 38 Ix I'La Resoluell Fmajor x I'La retivell 2 Dmajor xi IIlIent6te6II 2 Fmajor xii I'lleffront6e" 2 Dmajor XIII I'La recherch6e" 2 Fmajor xiv I'La facile" 2 Dmajor xv I'La changeantell 2 Gmajor xvi I'La querelleusell 2 Fmajor XVII 'Ila rapporteusell 2 Amajor 38 xviii I'La Contentell Di-najor 38 XIX 'Ila frilleusell Cmajor xx 'Ila trompeusell 2 Ebmajor de,, XXI. 'Ila Bavar 2 Fmajor XXII 'Ila difficileff 2 Dmajor XXIII 'Ila bavardell 2 Cmajor xxiv 'Ila grogneusell 2 Ebina jor

IPYiiiinuetýo III Spiritoso 0% i? i4iinuetto Ex-pressiovo 3DIinuetto n ^&, re"



VI MViuetto Funebre IV fifinuetto Pietoso V? Idinuetto Gustoso



(This duo also appears, in manuscript form, CSynm aII A 115ý "Duetti, per due dandolini Del Sig: heoni''. ivis. marked "Graf Clam Gallas".

167 LEONE (cont. ) DUO II

q qo version of 3rd. mvt., Sonata VI, eon6 op. 2 -) SONATA facile

Air Air &j. r fw ?I r-" iN" 11 --I 1-gr__!ii- Z '0F F: fill -j De Sa modeste brewre Dans un'Vergeý La lumiere la plus pure Cwith 4 var. ) (with 4 var. ) (with 4 var. )

Air Ai r Air

9-40 j1 mAI al- - ---0 - r- 1 it -.. OF r- L'avez vous vu mon bien aiME 1 ýwith 5 3 un stin plus (pe ilaveugle de Palmyre var. doux (with 4 ) var. with 4 var-)

f*-- J.H1 I.-F. "11 Mfool0019: j ."LA&M .. Wn I ILI. 1-11 OF= Wwmw In I- L- A% 31i IF -- -1 4i 14 AI JLýEL t.;r1a 5oe CLe - 15 e ELCLarl (Untitled 6 ) (with 5 ) -L -L var. var. (Facsimile reprint: Geneva, iýlinkoff, 19831)

"SIX SONAWES Pour la Mandoligev avec la Basse. Compogge I par hff LEONE, ýe Naples. Oeuvre II. lolis Jour Grav6es IT." Lobry. Prix 71h4. PARIS. aut par 14 ailleux. par tA Chez IvIYBailleux M. de Musique Ordinaire des Menus-Plaisir du Roy. Rue S. Honore a la Regle d'Or. a Lyon Chez MYCasteaud a Toulouse chez lvl! Brunet. h Bordeaux h Bruxelles et a Lille. Chez les iýlarchands de Musique. Ecrit par Rubiere. 11 Library copy: GBLbl g. 1780. yy. No RISPI. no. ff. 18. Date of Publication: 1777 (Almanach blusical 1777)


168 LEON's' (cont. ) 60NATA II

Con bizzarria Languidam

La t(rrza'corda


3014ATA IV

(no tempo indicatioq (no tempo indication3

SONATA V it 1 -1 - ---4-4- -

Variazne Con gusto


(no tempo indication)

(A reworking of Tambourin, from Leon6ls 1-46thodeDuo II-)

"Ah! vous dirai-je maman, avec 30 variations en duo pour une mandoline e un de Naples, violon, e un sujet varY de vingt-quatre manibres, par K. Leon4 oeuvre 4. Chez M. Bailleux, 6 livres. " Paris. (Almanach Date of Publication: 1777 Musical 1777). No copy located.

I'Duetto A due ýqiandolini del SigF Gabriele Leone 1789. N? 5. ms. ff. 4. Library copy: I1141cNoseda 0 30-37 (same as DuettoIVParis 1762).

169 LEONE (cont. )

I'Duetto A due 1dandolini del SigT Gabriele Leone. 1789. N? 4. ms. ff. 4. Library copy: Ildc Noseda 0 30-38. (same as Duetto 1119 Paris 1762. )

ye "Sonata per due Mandolini del Sig Gabriele Leone. " ms. ff. 4. Library copy: I! Vlc Noseda 0 30-39. (same as Duetto V, Paris 1762. )

"Trio a due Mandolini, e basso del SigT Gabriele Leone. " ms. ff. 6. Library copy: IhIc Noseda 0 30-40.


"30 Variations en dispute 'a. deux Violons, qui peuvent se jouer sur le Pardessus, la Mandoline et la Harpe, par Leone. Prix 48 sols. "(Paris/Lyon).

No copy located.

Date of Publication: 1761 (Affiches de Lyon, annonces et avis divers, 16 Dec. 1761, Annonces, Affiches et avis diversp 18 Jan. 1762).

(Paris) "Duos pour mandolines de Leone. Opera 3.71.4s. Chez M. Bailleux. 11

No copy located.

Date of Publication: 1774-75 (from Baineux catalogue).

"Duetti In G. h Mandolino Primo. Mandolino Secondo. Del Sig: Leoni".

MS* ff. 2+2.

Library copy: CSPnm XIII A 110. (,,, Is. is stamped "Graf Clam Gallas". )

170 LEONE (cont)

"Diverti, mento In B. a Mandolino Pri-i-no. Mandolino Secondo. Ballet Ang-lois. Del Sirr: Leonill.

Ills. ff. ý. ldbniry CSPnia 304. Clam Gall(--3,s". copy: AIJI -A il-irked"Gral

171 (m,andoline) 11ACIA, Innocenzio (fl. c. 1793)

"Trio Per Flauto e due 1,11ando)-ini del ,3i,: r e Tnyiocenzio hLacia. Fl-allto- 171-13- iýd uso di Franco Serniollill. ins. ff. 4. Libraxy copy: IMTc Jý 141.

i;Iý:; p C--+. n -- rl Minu6 con v, -,.rip,, -, ioni Fl



172 (ifiandol-ine) LVIAJO,Francesco di (1732-70) I'Duatto I del SigY Maio" from "Les Petites h6cr6ations de la Campagne III. Livre Contenant VI Duetti h2 Violons Pardessus ou iviandolines Composte da Varri Autori.... A Paris.... 11 Library copy: USBE Case X 1,11290P473 V-3. Date of Publication: c. 1764.

fSame Prota Sinfonia, (Same as - as Maio - Sonata 3rd. mvt. 2nd. mvt. FPn L2782. ) (see below). 3

116onata Per idandolino solo e Basso. Del signor gio: francesco Maio. " ms. ff3- Library copy: FPn L2757-

(same (Same as Teleschi - as 2nd. mvt of Sonatina 3, lst. mvt- lviaio-Duetto (see above) GBLbl a. 18. b. )

173 (mandolinQ) MANCINELLI, DOIJOICO (d. 1802). "Dyetto III del SigY Mancinelli" from "Les Petites RKWations de la Campane, IV. livre''. (Paris). library copy: FPn 1,253- Date of Publication: 1765 (Mercure, April 1765).

Andantin$ Vivace IN

F "Duetti, Mandolino Primo Del. Sig: Domenico Mancinell-i. 11 MS* ff. 16+16. Library copy: FPn L2759-

1. All? moderato Dmaj. 2/4; Adagio Amaj-3/8; Tempo di Minuetto Dmaj-3/8- 2. All? Gmaj. 2/4; Adagio Cmaj. 2/4; Allegro Gmaj-3/8. 3. All? moderato Cmaj. 2/4; Adapio Gmaj-3/8; Minuetto Cmaj-3/4. 4. Andante emin. 2/4; Adagio Cmaj-3/8; Allegro emin-3/4. 5. AlAnon tanto Amaj. 2/4; Adagio Dmaj-3/8; Allegro Amaj-3/8- 6. All? non tanto Cmaj. 2/4; Adagio Fmaj-3/8; Allegro Cmaj-3/4. 7. Andýe Gmaj. 2/4; Allegro Gmaj-3/8- 8. Andante Cmaj. 2/4; Allegro Cmaj. 3/4. 9. Andante Dmaj. 2/4; Allegro Dmaj. 6/8. 10. Andýe Cmaj. 2/4; All.? Cmaj-3/4. ll-. Andante Gmaj. 2/4; Allegro Gmaj-3/4. 12. Andante Dmaj. 2/4; Allegro Dmaj-3/8.

(Throughout these duets the pitch never descends below d'. Mancinelli was to have been primari. 3y a flautist and these 12 duets appear composed. with flutes in mind. )

174 QivHndoline) 14AZZUCHELLI (fl. c. 1-769 - 1785). "Un Air connu vari6 & arrange par I-Lidazzuchelly, pour la Mandoline & Basse, ou violon & basse. -.Prix iliv. 16s. chaque. Chez le sieur Lemarchand, cloltre de S. Nicolas; & aux adresses ordina. ires. 11 Paris. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1769 (Annonces, affiches et avis diversv 1Y mai 1769, suppl4ment, 096. )

"Recueias d'ariettes tir6es de la Colonie, d'Orph6e, & d'Iphig6nie, arang6es pour deux mandolines, par kil. iviazzuchelly. Chez l'Auteur. 1' Paris. Library copy: FPn: Vm7 6229 (2nd. mand. only). Date of Publication: 1776 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers, 9 Dec. 1776).

Ouverture de la Colonie Andante di -1 1- --- .I rilinuetto Ima&I,, L-- 11m JOINEIL-1. Iý Pr 1 -F mB::!3z= gCZ- I-II? 1 00

De la Colonie andan ino-mo - ffi b-. i.. - P% 1 11aPO-OZ:;; is %. aj 1 l- F--11 dl , it 0t9 dEa ff dA

des ce soir

üiio Dorphge D'orphee . lent tre doux 4911m1a0.1Andantgl et 7- IF rl'F=1111% 1 0 '7 it - b% M-j m F :1ii 4 4-, 4- -44

Dlorph6e lentement Dlorph6e 04h iii ej Ii lp j

objet de mon ainou

Dlorph4e Dlorph6e Dlorph6e

I-es doux accord de matire

les adieux dliphig6nie i4oderatoconk'-spressione T.Ienuet dliphig6nie Gratieux Dlorph6e 0-. rs, I a* III P%- i (, vi III IF. "r IIIIIiiII! %. .1 lirm-W iII F- ME I'a , 1-0IJ aj 'd vai .&. -4.. ý-fjmlp D'i higenie dlIphigenie ces azile ft A- bit. pmmmfmmF-wwmý - 31k IiIIji -P FA %f w- 4, A10 ilf7alult de destin Gavotte mon ivienuet dlorph6e b k wtý"ran f-9-rmrTn fi '7 1 If I 1! 1111 A& IIIII r77-771 IE 1 -1 1 mffir&,-ýE- -iai0 -- , IF w 0- -e - d'Orph6e lentement orph6e Allegro. La Cosak, ou danse des Esclaves.

175 IiIAZZUCIIELLI (corit. )

"Second recueil. d1airs pour mandoline & violon, tirees des Op6ra-comiques les l1auteur 7liv. 4fols. plus nouveaux, par M. Mazzuchelli, mal^tre de mandoline; chez 11 Paris. No copy located. Date of Publication: 1778 (Almanach Musical 1778, p87).

"Troisieme Recueil d'ariettes choisies, avec Iccompagnement de mandoline, par M. Mazzuchelli; prix 31-12s. A Paxis, chez l1auteur. " No copy located. 12 Dec. 1782, Date of Publication: 1782 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers Almanach Musical 1783, pt. II, p207).

176 Qn-andolino) MECCOLI (Federico? ) . (fl. C. 1703).

"Libro per la Liandola dell. IllusTo S, gye blatteo Caccini a di p? Agosto 1703. " (Contains ) ms. 1 piece by Meccoli.

Library copy: FPn Rbs Vmb ms. 9. blanuscript contains: f. 2 v Saltarello di Ideccoli.

177 (mandoline) KEGELIN (c.

"Divertimento in Ga Idandolino Violino e Mandolono Del Sig: filegelin. 61.251. " (There two The title marked IIN? IVII are complete sets of parts. pages are -and one has the initials "WRII. ] ms. ff-4 Cx2). Library copy: CSPnm Lxxxii-A-421.

n Andante Finale Majore (+ Idinore3


178 (in, in do I ine) jIlElICIII (idARCHI), Giacomo. (c. 1730 - zttfter 178(, ý).

116 -Duo ',-i deux Wandolines ou violons ou par-dessus de viole, composäs 61iv. Chez l'Auteur, par iýI. i.iierchi lii. de guitarre & de mandoline. Prix rue S. Tli. ornz:,is-du-Louvre, maison dlun Lienuisier; & aux adresses ordinaires de musique. " Pgris. Op. KV No copy located. Date of Publication: 17o6 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers Jan. 1766).

"Sei Trio h due Violini. e Basso, due filandolini. Opera I)(. "

Library copy: GBLbl.

Date of Publication: 1761-64 (This woif is mentioned by Atis (1873)).

Trio I

Allegretto Largo staccato

Trio III . 1ýr

Trio IV

179 MERCHI (cont)

Trio V

Trio VI

180 (mandol-ine) idIROGLIO, Jean Baptiste. (fl. c. 1767-68). "77 des suite AAUSSivIGNS DES DA1,41,13,Duo pour 2 violons, mandolines ou par- dessus de viole. Par ld. idiroglio Oeuvre II, Prix 4liv... ". (Paris). No copy located. Date of Publication: 1767 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 19 October 1767).

")C? 6uite des Amusemens des Dames composge de plusieurs Allemandes h1enuets nouvelles, e en duo pour 2 violons, par-dessus de viole ou mandolines. Par Iii ***. Prix 3liv- 12s. Au bureau d'Abonnement Cour de musical, l1ancien grand cerf. S. Denis; & aux ad. ord. 11 No copy located. Date (Annonces, of Publication: 1768 affiches et avis divers 14 November 1768).

(N. B. This series has no connection with "Amusement des Dames ou Recueil dlAirs choisis.. VParisp Bouving 1756. There is a surviving copy of this work but it is not for mandoline-)

181 (mq.ndol-ine) 110111ý,TA (C. 1780) llSonete da lilandoli-no Di diversi hiltori E lloderni clomrositori p. (Iv.e ro lýil--in(3-olini.. leiandol. iyio Primo. Ad uso (ii me. F: Semelli. ms. ff. 7+7. library copy: IIATc R lbQ-

Contains, the fol-lowing -Piece by I,Jorpta:

No. 9 All?

182 Qiiýjm(lol. ino) ii!ONZA,, Gaetano (fl. c. 1750).

"Sonatta per Mandolino del SigY Gaetano Monza. n: MV. '' ms. ff4. Library copy: Ilvic Noseda Id 30-3.


Con gran Spirito

183 (mandolin) iIORANDI (cXVIII) Jel 6ig. r "Sonnta Per Cembalo con Pcomp, -,.,m o di Fln-uto o Lianclolino MS. ff. 6. library copy: D-brdB 134 14760.

Gr, Allegro All o

184 (mandolin) (1750 40ýýAAT, Wolfgang Amadeus - 1791) 11jeh vieni finestral from Don Giovanni. 1787. Inst FPn rbi. I- inan doll n VWA F1 11't F=LaAm40 IZ pFF11FIIL. J, ý ip.-II M-if wrmý loom= -

in Berlin: ( 13eforP 't.'JII, two songs by i:40ý, art were also known to be located

"Komm, liebe Zitherl, komm", and "Die Zufriedenheit", botl-i with in, ýndolin a. cc these i3otli 1)-br(IB & D-ddrBds nolii insist tluit the other h. s possession of inss

"Komm, liebe Zitherg komm" (Munichp between 8 November 1780 and mid-March 1781) voice


"Die Zufriedenheit" (>Junich, between 8 November 1780 and mid-March 1781) m6 6> voice 4A4 La -12d01gýý, N( qLF r- 'E a1 14 11%. - M .11- b9 1 ki Es-.Es z. bi ssig Was fraglich ach wenn fu- frie-den Gibt vieln Geld und Gut, ich bin. '


185 IJU. Cesare (mandolin) 6SOLINI, (fl. c. 1790).

"Six New Songs Six 1,41inixets New Pastoral Air Adapted for and ... with a ... ye Guittar & Mandolin with Accompanyments for the Harpsichord & Violin etc. Printed by the London. ... Author. " Date of Publication: c. 1790. Library copy: GBLbl G. 805. k. (11).

186 (iii, NAUdANNj Johann Gottlieb i-ndolin) (1741 - 1-801) lltýchil-les in ,jcyroll.


ldbrory cnpý, r: GBLbl

(p iri his operýj., 1-767, contairm ; iri riri,, ý -itb iwýndol-in AII

187 (mandolin) Ni5TjHAljSER (fl. c. 170.9)

"Notturno per il- mandolino".

No copy located. (Vi ) Date of Publication: c. 1799. enn. p.? .

(This Tr, 1799 tn. piece is known only throup i. stinp in Johnnn -ieg's c, ý. logue. ,haI. form, this Traeg, a Viennese music dealer, issued his music in ms. so work may well never have been formally published-)

188 (i-iia,.ndol inp, ) NEULING, Vincent (fl. c. 1813). 112)ONATE le pour clavecin et violon ou idandoline composee et dedi6e a fdademoiselles Madelaine et Babette de LECHLEITNER par Vincent Neuling Oeuvre 3. Vienne Au Magasin de llimprimerie chimique J: R pr sur le Graber N612. N: 2114 4 bog. "

Library copy: Ilqc. ff. 5+3-

Date of Publication: 1813 (Wiener Zeitung n. 69,10-6-1813).

f% N02 Andante

N03 Scherzo Presto (+ Trio) N04 Thema Andante (+3 variations)

189 (mandoline) NONNINIv Girolamo (fl. c. 1785).

"Six ariettes Italiennes, a voix seule, qui peuvent etre accompagnees avec la Harpe, la Guitare, Piano-forteg ou Mandoline; del Signor Nonnini.; prix 7 liv. 4s. A Paris, chez 141. de Roullede... " No copy located. Date of Publication: 1783 (Journal de Paris, 14 December 1783).

"Six Italian Canzonettes for a single voice which may be accompanied either by the Harpsichord, Guitarp Harp or Mandolin. Op. 1.1' Lo"Idon. Library copy: IBc. Date of Publication: c-1785. (It seems probable that this edition is a pirated copy of the original Paris ) publication.

190 (Genoese iiiindolin) PiýGOIJ'Jy Iliccol-o' (3-782-1840)

", ionata p rovenp di Niccolo Pa..ry,. aninill.

MCI. ibrai7r TPýýc. (! op-,0-r:

di Niccolo " Pý, "iJimietto p llawmd. orlino E. ani ni


libranj copy: IBC. I' "-

'O" llýýeren. ita p I', -,.m,: indolino e chit, ýA.rra fr, -Ancese di- Niccol. Par-mini". (L) Ins. library copy: IGi - ) CAll of these works, Fire written for the Genoese rn,.indolin.


(Composed between 1805-08)

Minuetto Andantino Allegro moderato

111f! , 1352m1i410FF11 im jeF! 1F- -E p41 111 a11 40mc;- ae IL =r bin- -iigelz 1 UMML


Arietta-Introd io e- Andante ý, Largo sostenuto _ .gAI ,#... o.4L 01-1% ..44a


(Composed between 1805-08)

191 (m, ýIjZjj (iovanniT (1740 1816) andolin) ýPJ,, - "baper bramate. Cavatina del SiE. Giovanni 'Paiesello col fdandolino obbli, -ato. Ad uso di Cav. Ant. Ser. mille". ms. ff. 7. Violi Clarinetti, Corn Viole. Ijibrary copy: IIdTc A 146. ýJandolino, ,

(ikria ] froin the ! ý!.7aixber of Seville, c. 1782. Tns0 Library copy: INc

192 Gla, PAN4RAI, Vincenzo (fl. ). ndoline) c. 1780? IISUONATk DECLVIAQUARTA Per Cimbalo a piano-forte e idandolino o Violino obbligato Dedicata Alla Nobil Donna La Signora TERESA LORENZANI Nata Idedici Dilettante e DALLI AB. INCENZO PANERAI Professore, e Idaestro di Cappella Fiorentino. Si trovano in Firenze unitamente ai Principij di alusica e Solfeggj presso Rinaldo Bonini Librajo in Piazza del Duomo. " Library copy: IPS B199 n. 6. RIýiidl no: P843. ff-3. Date of Publication: unknown (c. 1780). (liVith illustrated title-page. )

(There ] is, i. ms. copy of th. is work in II, I'Pc A' 168.

193 (mandolin) PAOLUCCI, Giuseppe (1726-76) "Sonata a mandolino e Basso di F. Giuseppe Paolucci Bologna 1769. '' ms. ff4. Library copy: IAC mss. N. 17/2.

"Sonate A Me Mandolini, e Basso A F. Giuseppe Paolucci Min Con le 1760. ms, ff72. Library copy: IAc mss. N. 178/1. pl. "Sonata a We Mandolini e Basso 1758.11

P13 "Sonata a due Mandolini e Basso 1758 di Frh Giuseppe Paolucci blin: Conle.. 'P"

Min. Conle. '' Basso di F. Giuseppe Paolucci p25 "Sonata a due Mandolini e

(3/4 in original)

194 P37 PAOLUCCI (cont. ) "Sonata a 2. blandolini e Basso di F. Giuseppe Paolucci iviinor Conventuale. 11 (I MMI. A. 66.414ý -ft **a M fEr A- ; 1! r- If- wIIII. -- En M-i 11 1-. IM ar I 1-M IaIiII a* Is II ---I II__ r m Andantino Allegro e Spirit-os All? assai

t; I LIE11 lip lowme

F : WH IF SIM 31 -1%4 11 1 Jw_ boom- I IFbol-

p49"Sonata a 2. Mandolini e Basso di F. Giuseppe Paolucci ii1in: Conle, 1759"

I, 4-4 loop- --w I A.Affettuoso All? All. 0 116 ft --- __-. Mq 4F

9t 71%, --.. Pv91 :3 4- +F! v6l Sonata a dixe Mandolini di F. G. P. A. C. 1759"

_h. R7A--a- ft, A

9D] V t-,; w killivi lip i-j LOU low lb" 16Z Fftf_ffý = bmw -qw -v Allegro Cantabilental n o tetempo indication) r71 91 Ia1 IL 11 C" --%a --- F-9PIK-1 AI of - 10 jIF 4; fII T

hr 0M I'm Ir I-II12 Wh 04 11 ýFOL Ito 01

195 PAOLUCCI (cont. ) Min: Conte p97 "Sonata a due Mandolini, e Basso di F. Giuseppe Paolucci 176111

P109"Sonata a due Mandolini e Basso di F. Giuseppe Paoluccill

pl2l"Sonata a due Mandolini e Basso" -II 4r

P133"Sonata a due Idandolini e Basso"

(Single ýV semiquavers are written throughout this ms-)

(There are several fAýS in these sonatas, a semitone below the usual lowest note on either mandoline or mandolino. However, recent discoveries, such as the Piccone I'Divertimenti di Mandol-a" FC ms. 1061 (1), su,!,rgest that the iiirandolino w.q-s sometimes tuned with its lowest course at f-#. This, and several close Position chords in the sonatas, leads me to believe that mandolino is the more probable origin, al instrument for these 1,Nrorks. 3

196 (fl. (mandol. int'll) -PAPAVOINE. c. 1761 - 70).

"Recueil VAIRS Choisis de l'Ambigu-Comique mis en Duo pour 2 vioPns ou mandolines, e compos6s par M. Papavoine. Prix 7liv. 4s. Oeuvre 5. Chez l'Auteur seulement, rue Baillif, a c6t6 d1un Vitrier-11 Paris. (There No copy located. is a copy of "Recueil d1airs choisis de l'Ambigu-Comique Idis en Duo Pour Deux Violons Et Compos6es par AYPapavoine oeuvre VA Paris... " GBCkc Rw. 13.76. However there is no mention of mandolines in this copy. ) Date of Publication: 1770 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 25 October 1770).

197 (mandoline) PICCINII NiccoA (1728 - 1800) Te Primoll. "Ouvertura per Duý Idandolini Del Sig Jjicc()j, o Piccinni. 6 ý Trombe Bs.sso part reads "Ouver ý,A, ra Con Mqnd-olini ý Oboe Viola eI Corni e Basso Del Sig: Niccolo" Ficcinni". ms. ff. 12. Trombe parts :-: ire missin. g. library copy: FPn L. 2758 (1-7).

All: rinsnd . --0 ---. Ma.nd

Mand IT

Vi ol "

Obo e I

Obo e ii

Cor. I

Cor. ii

Bass fp

198 (mandolino) PICCONE, Francesco. (fl. c. 1750).

"Studio per la mandola, di Francesco Piccone. 11(for 2 mandolinos) MS. Library copy: DvIc Noseda, 0 31-9. All? F major C; Largo d minor 3/4; Allegro F major 2/4; Vivace F major 3/8; All? D major 2/4; Pastorale G major 12/8.

I'Sinfonia P. La Mand8la, del SigY Fran. Piccone. " (mandolino & basso) MS. Library copy: Iivlc Noseda 0 31-8. Allegro d minor C; Largo F major 3/4; Giga d minor 6/8.

So nata. ) mse Library Ildc Noseda 0 31-10. copy:0-

r"10 ra "jAvertimenti di Mandola per Il Ill Sigra e 31,adrona Col"'a la Sig 1ý11adama Fonseca Capolli, La f,"laggiore P,-, 3. rte di quale coi-riposti e diretti del bignor Francesco Picconi, Roman 1732". Ms. ff. 22 Librýiry copy: FC ms. 1.061 (1) fiý for ;ýrýided raethod mind. ola tuned f-*- b- el - ý0 - d''

199 (mandolin) PliNEL, Tgna. 7, (17 57-1831)

re I'Duetto Per Due Am-andolini Del. Sig- I.! 7nazio Fl-eyel. Amdýo F" AI. urm di Agostino Salinari".

ms. ff. 44-4.

Library copy: IGi(l) 3S B17 (H

Con Espressione

200 (mandoling) QO%p (1727 ). Tomaso -? "Sonata Da Mandolino e Basso Del sij Tomaso Prota. Mandolino. '' ms. ff-3. Library copy: FPn L2766.

moderato Andante capriccio allegretto - .I- -

E 2nd. mvt. same as 1%4. Eýrt. "*Ff ' 6JwJ LýuLýwJ Ragiola "Petites Recreations IV" FPn L253, ) "Simphonia a2 violins Basso e iýlandolino obligato. ViFlino Primo. Del signor Prota. 11 (The ms. ff. 1+1+1+1+1. ms. includes a part marked I'violino terzoll which, apart from 1 missing bar, is identical to violin 1. ) Library copy: FPn L2782.

allegro andantino allegro


pince aI saýs artet pýano

P. L CLI LU I pi nce a sans archet

pincd a sans archet (same as lp. mvt. of "Duetto I del Sig. i.-faiollfrom "Les Petites R6cr6ations de la Campagne III" U6BE. J'

201 (mandolin) PUPPI, Antonio (CIVjjj)

I'Sonate VI per Mandolino bqsso del sig: r Antonio Puppill MS*

Library copy: IBGc (Mayr N. C. 3-5. ) (A set of 6 sonatas with basso; Gmajor; Gmajor; Gmajor; Fmajor; Dmajor; Cmajor).

202 Qandolin, ) RAGIOLA (fl. c. 1765). "Del signor Ragiola. Basso. Concerto di Mandolino con violini e Basso. " ms. ff. 4+4+2. Library FPn L2756 (2-4) (Mandolingpart copy: missing)




(lst. mvt. s; -.ime as "Sinfoniall SUuGimo 153; Giiiiia. ni, G. Tst. mvt -)

ofD ,r etto II del Sig. Ragiola. 11 from "Les Petites R6cr6ations de la Campagne, IV livre. 11 Paris. Library copy: FPn L253. re Date of Publication: 1765 (Idercure, April 1765,1 partie, p174. )

"Allegr'o A06 l#m, 011 a 0m a0 4 r-I II ! -,! UJ assal

rm r7n HH1 14-4

(Same as "Sonata Da blandolino e Basso r Del sig. Tomaso Prota". FPn L2766, 2nd. mvt. 3

203 RAVA, Gennaro. (fl. c. 1775). (m gandoli n-e) I'Duetto a due fdandolini del SigY Gennaro Rava. No. 4.11 ms. ff4. Library copy: DvIc Noseda P 30-6. Giusto

+'I mAl Gi ga

204 (mmindolin-Q) RIGGIERI, Antoine (fl. c. 17o7 - 83).

"SIX DUO A Deux idandolines et SIX SONATES A Mandoline et Basse quIon peut executer avec le Violon, et le Pardessus de Viole. Dedi6s ý Idonsieur le Chevalier DE LA SALLE Capitaine d'Artillerie Compos6s par M ANTOINE RIGGIERI &r &e Maitre de Mandoline, Italien. Oeuvre I. Grav6 par lvlýd. Oger. 0). Prix A Paris Chez l'Auteur rub Cointesse d'Artois, chez id. le Sage vis a vis la rub de la Comedie Italienne, au second Etage. Et aux Adresses ordinaires de Musique. AVEC PRIVILEGE DU ROY. ' Library copies: D-brdB, GBLbl Hirsch 111 486, FPn L12201, L12219. RISM no: R1532. ffl3- Date of Publication: c. 1770.

I Minuetto


DUETTO VI L Forte . b.

Allegro Dolce F

Fo iý%e (c. f. SUu Gimo 13. Barbella - Duetto, 2nd. rýý. )

205 RIGGIERI op. 1 (cont. )

Sonata VI tA]( Jýf !,I I,' j 4"Ir - h---F 4" VAllegro Mr Ind adI Lad--Ae - -! Idd 1 10 m III bo1 dýg-. Adagio issai. Allegro . F 73 1 In mI- -I ýt 1 11 111It TONQig -1- or 11bmi

[Followed by dedication to Monsieur le Chevalier De La Salleg Capitaine d'Artillerie

206 RIGGIERI IIAIRS ITALIENS chantgs ä la cornedie italiene filenuets et Sonates en Duo Pour la Mandoline Qui peuvent slexecuter sur le Violon, et le Pardessus de Viole DEDIES A Son Altesse Madame la Prineesse DE ROHAN ROCHEFORT. PAR iJ ANTOINE RIGGIERI. ITALIEN Maftre de Mandoline. OEUVRE IC Grav6 par MadTe Oger. Prix 6fý PARIS Chez l'Auteur, Contesse d'Artois, la .A ruli vis-ä-vis ruU de la Comedie Italiene, chez Mý le Sage, au second Etage. Et aux adresses ordinaires de igusique. AVEC PRIVILEG£ DU ROY. 11

Library copies: GBLbl Hirsch 111 485, FPn L12200, L12220. RISid no: R1533. ffl3- Date of Publication: c. 1770.

Followed by dedication to Madame la Princesse DE ROHAN ROCHEFORT.

BARCARIOLE DEL GONDOLIER VENEZIANO PAR MY RIGGIERI ITALIEN Maitre de Amoroso Mandoline. (1,,Anqantino 0- 0. i 1j AM' I-1 M Ij _-]I 16 a10

Sento una fiamma ehe m'ardein- ehe 6Aw& T-R farfa lla uolaal lu me

C u nacc. voice-) (voice & b. c -3

Andante Allegretto idinuetto Venez? Allearo

Andantino Do dm+i^A

IvIezzo Forte.

Allegro idaestoso Tempo Balabile. (2mands. basso) Andante 1-1%. +

F Dedids ä Madl'eCollaltop au Thäatre Italien.

207 RIGGIERI op. 2 (cont. )

Largo Flebile Amoroso

Amabil, p egro fdinuetto-Venez? _


r__ Idinore ... - -') /07

Lento p

ar6di"al'Magioress at-end - howevJ, tAe previous major key piece is for 2mands. IS onatina) Allegro

SONATINA Larpretto


208 RIGGIERI op. 2 (cont. ) Sonata Alleiro ma non tanto segue Andante non Porte segu 333

Forte 3

"SIX DUO A Dep iviandolines QuIon peut executer avec deux Violons ou deux Pardessus de Viole DEDIES A MONSIEUR HERR 1ý,NSCHWAND Grand Juge dý Regiment des Gardes Suisses et la Compagnie G6n6ral a es Suisses et GEi PAPL M. RIGGISRI. Italien, wialtre Oger: Prix PARI6 Chez l'Auteur, de vlandoline. OEUVRE III. Grav6 par Madm. 6M .A ruU Contesse d'Artois chez le Vinaigrier. vis-a-vis la raU Monconseil. Et aux adresses ordinaires de Musique. AVL-,C PRIVILEGE. " Library copies: GBLbl Hirsch 111 487, FPn L12202, L12221. HI, 6tA no: R1534- ffl3- Date of Publication: c. 1770.


Allegro non tanto Doice


DUETTO Li 4 R. di Nap. III

209 RIGGISRI op-3 (Cont-) DUETTO IV



Followed by dedication to Monsieur Herrenschwand.

llldj-0USTSý ALLErilANDES ft Petits Allegro A Deux Mandolines ou Violon AVEC SIX SONATES A Mandolines ou Violon On trouvera une Sonate a Idandoline accord differant marquant dites accord avec le 1-denuet cheri de l'Auteur en Variations DEDIE A Wonseigneur le Duc DO CAYLUS Grand d'Espage de la Premiere Classe par MY RIGGIERI Italien Maitre de idandoline. Oeuvre IV. Grav6 par Mad. OggF. Prix qtfj. A PARIS Chez L'Auteur au Boulevard Barriere du Temple maison du 1. billard by Dedication Et aux adresses ordinaires de lAusique. AVOC PRIVILEGE. " Followed to Aonseigneur le Duc DO CAYLUS. Library copy: FPn L12199. RISIA no: R1535. ff23- Date of Publication: c. 1770.

210 RIGGIERI op-4 (cont. )

I :

IF. I Cliff[1,2 I1 oA1::!1 bd NJ 11 111-11 11, M4 a 40 6w eg 0., Balabile. Allegro Contradanza. ru k- .I I m IWI '*N.-a 44ý 1,411 V-

A.? na. rub, *--*- -*-a *, - @- AI I IF IF I i1 11 f- F I-i iIFF I- -1 11 IV j 16, e 1 Od AL-:M!.a io 17- IF p -LIZA Allegro Al aid =2m Bal-a bile. Allegro Almanda. aa. J-1 FR FFF al _7p IL p cc:m "" = R%w II rol l I tftr.! P%l 11PIA 11 11 0-1 1 I H h; wijwi wi 0. * mo ajw 110 i ". a i 4-Wt

211 RIGGIERI op. 4 (cont. )

OIL t *14- - -. P" Iaý? ME A-21 P- IvI iW Fm [7f: iZJ re 16 bmdý II 1.1- L11I ftl 1 1 J. I PM, a- No NAZEEI -21 11 .. -1 Ir r 4. La", io- F. r Idoderato. Allegro idez Plarchia:: blaestoso. '7 I'm-[ Film -0-1 A. 11 -4k4 II11 /1 F uw

Minuetti phoroo'Violino e Basso che si possano sonare con il Mandolino. fff tr ý, r ftftr t (bi. #6 #f 'r . -F w O-fffw 0 a f-- trIdL- i 11 1 11 AIIII -7 ---1 -16 Ki 64-W Icon TSpirito. -II 1 -IiH! *rIf 'r- Low- -V pr

Dolce. Allegro Brillante. PAR =4:F: 1 M3 EEIE F be -41 ii 91 1 Cimrd fi IPPaI It :W --1-- -44-1 A =tj

212 RIGGIERI op-4 (cont. )

213 RIGGIERI op. 4 (corit. ) SONATA III 1


Minuetto Tempo Giusto con (6) Variazioni.

Llaccordo li due re unissioni deto 4 SONATA V. uno in si. il al T. a-I

Adagio per Mandolino. Allegro commodo.


Allegro ma non tantoo Allegro con brio.

" Paris. "La Fustemberg Variationi N? 10 DA MY RIGGIERI Maestro A Mandolino. Library copy: Wn L12203- RISM no: R1532. ff2. Date of Publication: c. 1770.

(There instrument is no separate title page in this copy. Although no accompanying the suggests is mentioned, the lack of harmonic support in several of variations instrument. ) that there may have originally been a part for a second f

214 (mandoline) (fl. ROESER, Valentin c. 1769 - 1785).

"SI)C SONATES A Deux Violons et Basse qui peuvent slex4cuter sur la mandoline d6di6es hL son Altesse Serenissime 14onseigneur LE DUC DE CHAIITRES VALENTIN ROESnfYe'. ien de S. S. Idonseigneur le Duc D'orleans. Oeuvre par "Iu8'c -kP ITI. Grav6s 14. Vendome S. 11oria Pýris. Chez l1auteur, par et le Kej A rue Fromenteau vis-a-vis la Place du L'ouvre hl. Lamy, Horloger. Et aux adresses ordinaires de Musique A Lyon chez M. Castau. Avec Privilege du Roy. De l'Imprimerie de Richornme. " Followed by dedication. Library copy: FPn Rgs-F-406(a-c). ff. 8+8+8. ' Date of Publication: 1769 (Annonces, affiches et avis divers 3 April 1769, p-294; l'Avant-coureur des spectacles 24 April 1769).

SONATa Ih grand Orch.

A -A - -4-4 -- Adagio


F. P


SONATA II h trois An dant e1e Idenuetto 2e Blenuet-to Allegretto ý% --, t0 -1% -DI a - -N - F r1E 11F bL 199 Q1 aI. CJ kk Fp I

13 fý= VJ I A I11 a Tr It M., I-;; w 'd

'I- p 661 04 a1 ar i-ý f. A vaIiiI Wom 11111U I IFIt IIIaR r !: m 11 pIII *-ma iy ILJ

(The Andante & Menuetti are also to be found, transposed into Bb, in Roeser's "Trio" FPn L2754. ) SONATA III h ýzrand orch. Allegro Grazioso. Poco LariZetto. Pastorale Allegretto




SONATA IV h trois Andante Tempo di i-Ainuetto Grazioso Allegro

F 1F

1 :7 ff I


215 ROESER (cont. )

SONATA Va trois Larghetto Minuetto + Trio _

P L fl

'5 ri [ çj I L i

SONATA VI h grand orch Finale All? di molto con brio Romance. un peu lent Presto II


Violino. Violino Obligato e Basso. " "Rbeser - Trio di mandolino o ms. ff. 2+2+2. Library copy: FPn L2754-

Andante Minuetto 1? Min. 2? Allegretto II- W% -- %IP r- h 19 ! I- 1-1 ýz F.1 Fit v F1 FF-v I--- IFIM a -- .. .--= 0j I1 11111 t# -! I1[f- IZI iI 01F , P ni

jl*. 99 71 1F wif --FH .9r -IiIAI-IIIF. Low

MUM-2 ki T33rl= go 4 7F 341 it --I-E B%Eii - .11 I The & blinuetti transpositions the lst. & 2nd. Andante are of ) movements of Roeser's Sonata oe. III, no. 2. in C, FPn R4s. F. 406.

216 O-nOxidolino, mandoline) ROLLA, Alessandro (1757-1841)

I'Duetto a due afn, -.ndol. i, ni = Rolla% (i. Gmajor, C; ii. Andante, Cmajor, 3/4; iii. Rondo iloderri. to, Gmajor, 2/4)

ins. ff-3. (i-tiandoling)

ldbraiýy copy: IGi(l) SS B12 (H

I'Som-, tEt Per Fl,: due un mto, Amondolini, Un,-i. Viola., Tutti Obbligati coraposta, &,, l ilessamdro Rolla. VioLi".

fqs, ff. 13. (mandol-ine)

Librar-j copy: IGi(l) 33 B 1-3.

-oi Flylo

p-L. Clilu

113onFtý-t T, er ixn Fl. iuto, due Amandolini, Unn Viola., Tutti Obbligati, composta J, tl Sigr: Alessnmdro Roll. a. Viola". ms- ff- 13- (inandoline)

1-ibrar%y copy: IGi(I-) SS B 5-8.

217 (mandolino-) 101AALDI Nicola. (1680-1740) ,

) I'Sinfonia a2 mandole Del SigY Nicola Romaldi. 11 (with basso. ms -f f4. Library copy: IMc Noseda M4-1- All? Cmajor 3/4; Ad? a minor 12/8; All? C major, 3/8.

The following pieces are to be found in j)-br&AMp: (Tv%,o SinfoniýA-s for mandolins by lloiaaldi) Sant Ils 3424 "Libro di Sonate per il Mandola dell. 'Bprtolomeo itomaldill Sant hs 3448' (These Jj, T two orks axe, in tablqture-)

218 mc..ndoline) RUGE, Filippo (c. 1725 - after 1767) "Duetti a due Flauti traversi, o due Iviandolini, o due Violini, del Signore Filippo Ruge, dedica. ti all'illustrissimo Signore Seguier, Avocato Generale. Prix 3 liv. Parigi. Apresso Grangg, Libraio e Stampatore; & se trouvent au Cabinet Litt6raire, Pont Notre-Dame, & aux adresses ordinaires, & chez Lacombe Libraire. M. D. CC. LXVII. 11 Followed by dedication. Not in RISM. ff. 16. Library copy: FTLm. Date of hiblication: 1767 (Avant-Coureur, 23 iiiarch 170; date also given on title page. ) DUETTO I

+ n! I FF l PH its! W116al laý I-egro,, moq erat o A) I idinuet-to I idinuetto II F1 IM1 1 V Or- -- 4. DU2TTO II

I to II


1,h allegro klaestoso 1

DU.i,ýT'00 IV ýo- wI%

Allegro ma non tanto Lid I Minlietto II

im -mmwm, je 1 r-



I Allegro grasio I 141ifiiietto [ Idinuetto II

DULýI-OleoVI Fl PT9 IA,.nn it m* - !It! .1o. Ft - L- llegro ma non nda e tanto- F9R9 .

( hute etti I-V seem to be wrAken with in mind. Duetto A is obviously intended for 2 vlns. /mands. It is exactly the same as Duetto V from Veginy's "Sei Duettill G13Ckc; FPn -)

219 (mandoline) SACCHINI, (1730 Antonio - 86). % "Concerto per Violini 6 Sia Mandolini, Obob ee Viola Corn' e Basso Del Sigre Anto: Sacchini 1768.11 (Vln. ins. ff. 2+4, +2+4+2+2. I/lAand. I - The first part of the lst. mvt. & the last part of the 3rd. mvt. Library copy: FPn D11-142. are missing. )

A-11? po con moto An 11-11? VlnI/MandI ru_ ý: ýk KA I IIA.

Vl II/IvIandII Pff A

0 bo eI *-. &I -0: 6-- II F11IF

OboeIIObo e L -1

ViolettaI FFP fa jo id IN 'k - -- MIII ViolettaIIA -1 AL. C3


ornoI FE 0 ,, P 1 0 , P

COMOII NFI 44 1 ( These 'Ware probably intendi4 to be D's-3 Basso -4 imbm6j Or 1 -1

220 (mandolin) SALLA, Carlo (fl. c. 1765). I'Sonatta a due Mandolini Obbigati dell Sig. Carlo Salla. Basso. " ms, ff. 2+2+2. Library copy: FPn L2794. (1-3)

*. A. 2! 4


I'Suonatta h dui Idandolini & Basso Dell Sig. Carlo Salla. Basso. " ms. ff. 2+2+2. Library copy: FPn L2795. (1-3)


lloonýita Notturna. tre Del ýAgy Ctirlo la. Bassoll. u 1, ýýa. ff

IJ bnixy copy: IGi (1) 3C 48.

221 SALLA (cont)

I'Sonata Notturna a tre Del Sij Carlo Sp.1a. Basso".

MS. f f. 4. Library copy: IGi (1) SC 48.

"Sonata Notturna a tre. Del SiEY Carlo

ms. ff. 4. library copy: IGi(l) 1A 5 35.

Y I'Sonata Notturna a tre Del Si,, Carlo Sala. Bp.sso".

rqs. ff.

Library copy: IGi(l) Id 5 35.

I'Sonata Notturna. a. tre Del SigY Carlo Sala Basso".

ms. ff. 4.

Library copy: IGi(l) Id 5 35.

222 SRIIA (Cont)

"Sonata Notturna a tre Del SigY Carlo oala Basso".

ins. ff. 4.

library copy: IGi(l) iJ 5 35.

lloon, dt-i Notturna. a tre Del 'ýiij Cýirlo 6ala. 13ý.ssoll. ins -ff. library copy: IGi(I-) w5 35.

223 (mandolino) (c. SAIMMARTINI, Giovanni Battista 1701 - 75). "Sonata Per Armandolino del SigY Gio. Batta. S. Martino. 11 (+ Basso) (Allegro) Ms* ff. 4. Allegro 2/4 G; Andante 2/4 e; 3/4 G. Library copy: IFfornaciari.

"Sonata di Armandolino e Basso. " (This appears to be also by Sammartini

ms 41 Library copy: IFfornaciari.

(There is a modern edition of the "Sonata Per Armandolino del Sigý Gio. Batta. S. Martinoll in Tyler and Sparks (1989). ]

224 (rn,-indolino) SAULI, Filippo (fl. c. 1710).

"Partita per C. C. di Sauli Filippo per il Iviandolino. " - Allemandat Sarabandav Courrante, Bour6e, Gigue, blenuete. pp6-13.

"Partita di Filippo Sauli. 11 - Prelude, Allemandet Sarabandet Courrentev Giguej Gavotte, Idenuete. pp14-21. "Partita per g sol re ut. di Filippo Sauli. " - Ouverturev Allemande, Correntet Sarabanda, Giga. pp38-45. "Paxtita di Filippo Sauli. 11 - Fuga, Allemanda, Corrente, Aria Adagio, Giga. p46. (All written in 4-line French tablature. ) Ms. c. 1710. 6SS-R-. Library copy: CS: Pu ms. 'II EK 306.

225 (1759 (mandolino) , SCHLIK (,SCHLICK), Johann Conrad. - 1825). "Sonata per Mandolino e Basso Del Si gyeS chlik. 11 Library copy: AWgm X 19667/E. ms. ff6. Allegro C Gmaj; Andante C gmin; Rondeau 6/8 Gmaj. (This may be the sonata Tisted from in Johann Traeg's 1799 Viennese catalopue of ms. music available his shop -)

CHladky also attributes the Anon I'Divertimento in D. a IJandolino Primo Mandolino Secondo e Basso" AWgm X 49844 to Schlick. ]

226 Qanndoline) SCIROLI, (17, ) Gregorio ý2 -? 111)ptto I del SigY Sciroli. 11 from "Les Petites R6cr4ations de la Campagne IV. livre... " (Paxis) Library copy: FPn 1,253. Date of 11ýzblication: 1765 (iviercure, Avril 1765)

Largo Idinuetto Pri. Ainuetto Secondo ino .,,


"Concerto Per il Mandolino, con due Violini e Basso. Del sij gregorio sciroli. 11 ms, ff. 2+1+1+1. Library copy: FPn L2783-

II t-,o, rn

227 (mandolino) SOSTO DA TRIMO, Giov. Pietro (c. 1750? ) (in "Sonetta di mandolino Giov. Pietro Sesto d-a Trentoll k b)

Libr, axy copy: US',Plc case. 1,1-23-59o) MS. Larghetto dmin; Allegro C; larghetto 1-2/8 bmin; ATTerro 3/8 dmin.

228 (mandoline) SFORZI DI PISA, Andrea (C. 1770)

"Lionata T 1er :re iihindollino e Basso -Del Sig. Andrea Sforzi di Pisa. BasF; o. 11 rnc-,. f f. 29. ldbraiýy copy: IIJTc A 143. A set of 7 Sonatas follow. ; on,, ta Prima ý,, Rondo alleEretto

II 3o -iatý-i. II Per Mandollino e Basso Del 6ic,,: Andrea Sforzi di Pisa. -Basso" Alle-, -ro Rondo alle-retto C-- CD

"Sonata ITI Per Mandollino Basso Del Sig: Sforzi di Pisa. Basso" e e Andrea And con faoto Rondo allegretto

113on,ata TV Per t1andollino e Basso Del Sig: Andrea iforzi di Pisa. Basso" 0 t0 , ý11 non týinto Rondo all:

"Sforzi. Sonata V. Mandolino" 0 ill Ie o-ro Staccato Rondo alleg!

229 SFORZI DI PISA (cont)

"Sonata VI Per Mandolino e Basso Del Sig: Andrea Di Pisa. -5forzi0 And- Rondo Al I. L,

I'Sforzi Sonata VII meMiandolino" Allegro Largo Rondo All.

e fill? 6 Duetti Nuovi Del S, Andrea Sforzi A Pisa. 1,v'landolino Primoll ms, ff. 26. Library copy: IIATc A 142.

No. 1 Brillant e Rondo Grazzioso

No. 2 And? con moto Rondo And

No-3 0 A119. con spirito Rondo And!

230 6FORZI DI PIt;. A (cont)

No-4 Tempo di idinu6 + Trio allegro

No. 5 Al Ie gro Rondo Andantino

No. 6 Colaodo Rondo Grazzioso

115 Duetti per mandolino e basso" 116uonata per mandolino solo e basso" Ms. Libniry copy: IPS

1,!1n. rldoli-ro Di divenii. i'; 1ý10(,Prnj. Compositori. p. due id-I'dolino ljri! -AiitOridi Tlo. Ad u.,I; o iaf,, FYO ýýPrrnellill. I-as. i*f. 7+7. ldbmi-v copy: LiTe 4 169. J."-

I-ric-tu(leq the f'ol. lowing. piece by iforvi. di Pi., sa:

e Aleinanda. Andý

231 (1a. ) (mandol-ino) SIGNORELI-I, Carlo te CfLVII - C,ýVIII?

"per folandollall -4 concertos, 2 duets, 3 sonp. tas. PIS. Library D-brdlVlUp copies: Sant hs 4014 - 4022.

232 (ni, SODI, Carlo. (c. 1715 1789). -indolin) - c.

11iiiandolines. Divertissement 1744.11 (A copy was once in FPo. The catalogue is marked I'Ex6cut6 par les artistes de 110p6ra, mais non au- Th6atre. Aucune partition. " Although the title suggests that the mandolin was included, the exact instrumentation of this work is not known-)

233 (mandolin) STiOINGEM, blatteo (c. 1750 - C-1815) "Trio" (mandolin, v-LOI-in, cello). MS.

Library copy: IBc KK 121

234 (mandolin) ST-,u.. IITý61 Karl (1745-1801)

do :re "Duetto S Del Sig. :Aamitz per Jue Amandolini. Amandolin Pm=o. ad uso di A-ostino Salinarilt,

ff .Ms.

Library copy: TGi(I. ) i4l 25.


re 0 I'Duetto l3epto Jel big. Sta. mitz per Due Arnandolini. Aimindolino Ad uso di mgo-, tino '.i. -ilinarill.

,ii. s. ff. 66

I! ibr; -i.ry copy: IGi(l) Ilil' 25.

(Th. e.,; e two ýýre follovled by a third, incomplete duet. )

235 (mandoling) SITSIlM, Nicolo (c. 1750? ) (m "Suonata di Nicolo Susier". & b)

Library copy: USVIc case. M-23-5965 ms. 0 Adagio C Cmaj; Allegro C Cmaj; Gavotta Cru3j; Gign. 12/8 Cmaj.

236 ndQ1 in TEDE6CO (Giov. i-,Ilartini? ) (fl. C-1707).

"Sonata di mandolino e basso del Sig. Tedesco. 11 ms. ff. 4+2. Library copy: FPn L2755.

237 (mandol i rLe) TELESCHIv Antonio (fl. c. 1768). "TROIS SONATINES h deux Mandolines ou Violons par Antonio Teleschi. Prix 1ý 10ý Aux Adresses ordinaires. " (Paris).

Library copy: GBLbl a. 18-b- RISIA no: T458. M. Date of Publication: 1768 (Mercure, Sept. 1768).


IvIoderato Fanfare

SONATINA II. Larghetto §taccato 1-91% -il\

0 ýo

.1 (Simplified version of Barbella SUu Gimo 13, ) - lst. mv-t. -


(Duet (Corrupted Barbella version of Majo - FPn L. 2757 version of - Divertimento II, 2nd. lst. mvt. "Sonata di Mandolino e FPn, L. 2613, Basso"-) mvt

As the (Teleschi is unknown as a composer apart from these three sonatinas. to important three most substantial movements are all found elsewhere, ascribed them to bolster his composers, it seems robable that Teleschi "borrowed" up own modest fragments)

238 Ofiýandolin) TERRIENI, Bonaventura (fl. c. 1750). I'minuetto del SigY Bonamentura Terreni. 11 ms, ff. 2. library copy: IVIc Noseda P34-13.

.-- -- _n -I- -- - Minuetto del SigY Terreni

"Sonata del SigY Bonaventura Terreni. 11 MS. ff-3. Library copy: DAc Noseda P34-14.

239 (mandoline) Testori, Carlo Giovanni (1714-82).

I'Sonatta a Dui Mandolini & Basso dell Sig. Carlo Giovanni Testori Vercellese. Mandolino Primo. ms. ff. 2+2+2. Library copy: FPn L2781 (1-3)


Allegrino filinuetto Spiritoso

240 TINAZZOLI, Antonio (d. 1730) (m,; ndol ing)

"Suonata h IdIandolino, e Arcileuto obligati del SigY Antonio Tinazzoli. 11 [A ] ms, one-movement sonata. Library copy: IBc EE 155 - the Dalla Casa mso 1759-60,

241 ( (mandoline) TOSCANI, (Antonio? ) 1744 - 1805).

I'Sonatta a dui blandolini E Basso del sig. Toscani. IvIandolino Primo. " ms. ff. 2+2+1. Library copy: FPn L2779.

242 (windol ine) UGOLIIII, Vito (fl. C. 1760)

"Basso. Concerto Per Ylandolino Violino Primo Violino Secondo e Basso Del Sigy Vito Ugolini. 1' U, ms. ff. 2+2+2+2+2 (2 copies of Basso). Library copy: SUu Gimo 297. ma

VI rgo



243 (mandolino) VACCARI, Giuseppe ( CXVIII)

"Concerto a Mandolino, 6 Basso del Arcileuto di Giuseppe Vaccari. 11 (Allegro ) - Andante - Allegro.

"Concerto a MLandolino, e Basso del Arcileuto di Giuseppe Vaccari. 11 (Allegro - Andante - Giga. ) mse Library copy: IBc EE 155 from the Dalla Casa ms. 1759-60.

244 (m4idolino) (c. VALEMINE, Robert 1680 - c. 1735).

"Sonate per il Flauto traversiero, col Basso che pogSono servire peEo viol* mandola, et opoe. Dedicate al llillustriss. I' et eccellentis. Signfý%. GENNARO GIROL. VITALIANO MOCCIA, Duca del 110ratino, e Rocca aspromonte Barone del Busto, e Monte vairano etc. Da Roberto Valentini, h Paris M. Estien IvI. Bouvin M. Le Inglese. opera XIIý Se vend chez ...... Clerc Avec du Roi. Prix 347- 12s. blanc. La ... privil4ge en musique grav6e par Mlle. Estien, et 11ornement par Warin. " Library copy: GBLbl; fPn K. 907- RISYI no: V80. ffl4- Date of Publication: Rome 1730 (Date of Paris edition unknown).

Sonata I: Adagio C Amaj; Allegro 2/4 Amaj; Andante 2/4 amin (+ 4bars Adagio); Allegro 3/8 Amaj. Sonata II: Adagio 3/4 dmin; Allegro C dmin; Adagio amoroso 6/8 amin; Allegro 2/4 dmin. SonataIII: Adagio C Gmaj; Allegro 2/4 Gmaj; Andante 3/4 gmin; Allegro 6/8 Gmaj. Sonata IV: Adagio C gmin; Allegro C gmin; Andante 2/4 Bbmaj (+ 2bars Adagio); Allegro 3/8 gmin. Sonata V: Adagio C emin; Allegro 3/8 emin; Largo 3/4 bmin; Allegro 2/4 emin. Sonata VI: Adagio C Dmaj; Allegro C Dmaj; Adagio 3/4 dmin; Vivace 2/4 Dmaj; Andante 2/4 Dmaj; Allegro 3/8 Dmaj.

245 (1739 (mandoline) VANHALLPJean Baptiste - 1813) "Divertimento in Ca Mandolinov Violino, Mandolono da Vanhall". rris. f f. 6. Library copy: D-ddrDlb Idus. 3417 -V-1.

Cantabile Allep,, retto iden (+ Trioj Finale md



246 I (mandoline) VEGINY, Giacomo (fl. c-1768) I'Sei Duetti notturni a Flauto traverso e ýIandolino o due Violini o pardessus di Viola d4diee a Madame la Marquise de So Vincent composti da Giacomo Veginy di Bergamo blaltre di Mandolino. Prix 601 A Paris chez l1auteur rue Charlot au Marais a cotg du Serurier au premie fl9t aux adresses ordinaires. 1Y OEUVRE. Avec privilege du Roy. Gravee par IVI. Vendome. " RISI-i'l no: V 1091-ff-7- Library copies: GBCkc; I-Pn K. 832. Date of Publication: 1766 (Affiches de Lyon 19 February 1766); Paris1768 (Dated from Johansson (1955) who gives a catalogue of Bailleux c-1768 which lists I'Vegini pour la mandoline'. ") DUETTO I

egro Gracioso Andante

T)TTii'rlltPO TT

I. lvlipuetto (+ Majeu?rl_ _I


r--. tAllegro g-*. 2 Fmý411FF M.»iij , a A1 "1F15 "l P--9 - -- 1- m Wa Pn t' Fi - Minuetto [+ Minor PM"


-Moderato All? Sisiliana

DTIETTO V A* ulm i P bFF- ACI12 14 1 ; ý- kt .4.. . -H1- antel Minuetto (+ idino-re'

79 dl . 0 -A 6 I J. -, ---

I. 1.1 [Duetto V is ident-iLl to Duetto VIrr from. Ruge's "Duettill FTLm DUETTO VI .3

247 (mandolina) VENIER, Girolai-no (c. 1750)

"Del N. H. Girolamo Venier" m&b C major 3/4 2 untitled pieces m Bb &C major 3/4 "Sardegna" m&b G major 3/4 Untitled m&-b G major 3/4 "La Marmottinall m&b Bb major 2/4 I'Sonatina per il Plandolino ad uso Della. N. D. Maria Venier G: V: 11 m&b c major 6/8 "Andante" a minor 3/4 "Allegro" C major 2/4 "A 2? Mandolini largo e staccato" 2m&t F major 6/8 "Allegro" F major 3/8 "Allegro" F m.,:t jor 2/4 Untitled F mn.jor 2/4 "Alloll F major 3/8 Untitled F major C mse Library copy: IVnm IV COD. ccccl. xxvi.

248 I (mandoline) VERDONE (fl-1768-89)

"Sonata Di IvIandolino col Basso Del signor Verdone. 11 ms, ff-4. Library copy: FPn L2786.

"Duetto del signor Verdone. " ms, ff. 2+2. Library copy: FPn L2791.

"Divertimento del signor Verdone. " ms. ff. 2. Library copy: FPn L2793.

(The manuscript does not indicate mandolinesv but it follows on from the I'duetto" L2791. )


Arpeggiata C= r-= IIII esto

- :! r-

249 (mandolino) VETERANI, Domenico (fl. c. 1698)

(Untitled Manuscript. 1698. j (Mostly ms. guitar music but with 6 pieces which are written in 5-line tablature for an instrument tuned in 4ths, presumably mandolino-) Library copy: GBLspencer

Mandolino pieces: f. 9-9 v Ciachona f 10 Saltarello f: 10 v Minuetto f 11- Sarabanda Ell v La Bore francese f. 12 Tochata

250 (m,-ýmdolino) VIVALDI_, Antonio (1678-1741) "Concerto Mrandolino. liland., 2vlns. per pvla. v& b. c. Allegro-Largo-Allegro mso Ryom RV 425. Library copy: ITn Giordano 28. c-1730-40.

"Concerto per 2 Mandolini. 11 2mands., 2vlns., vla., &b. c. Allegro-Andante-Allegro mse 11yom RV 532. c-1730-40. Library copy: ITn Giordano 28.

"Concerto con Due Flauti, due Tiorbe, due Riandolini, due Salmo, due Violini in Tromba Marina et un Violoncello. " mse Ryom RV 558. c. 1740. Library copy: D-ddrDL(b) 2389/0/4 no. l.

"Juditha triumphans" (Published Ins. Ryom RV 645. edition: Rome, C. 1941 Date Of Composition & ist. Perf: 3-716. (Oratorio, containingy an :iria with mandolino. 3 Library copy: ITn Fol 28

251 85) (Genoese mandolin) ZOEMONI (fl. c. 1770 - (3 "Mandolino Solo del Sig. Zaneboni" Sonatas for Mandolin & bass 0) ms. ff. 4+4+4. Libr, qnj copy: D-ddrSVI1

Allep-ro An(l, qn+. p

II- --- Andante Presto

Allegro A-" (I n? l+ a I'denuet

finger-style (The frequent use of wide intervals in these 3 sonatas suggest Genoese right hand playing and., as Zaneboni was Genoese, the mandolin seepis for to be the most liliely instrument. However, several chords are clearly mandoline.; I suspect that these are adaptions bir the copyist

252 ZUCCONI (f 1-c. 1810) (mandolin) v T. de

1,6 Variations" (mand. or violin and Euitar).

No copy located.

Date of Publication: c. 1810.

(This work is listed in the "Handbuch der i1usiknlischen Litteratur" of

Carl Friedrich Whistling and Friedrich Hofmeister (1817)-]