Odonatologica38(2): 167-172 June I, 2009 Overwintering dragonflies in an African savanna (Anisoptera: Gomphidae, Libellulidae) P. Van Huyssteen and M.J. Samways Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, Faculty of AgriSciences, University of Stellenbosch,Private Box X1, Matieland-7602,South Africa
[email protected] Received January29, 2009 / Reviewed and Accepted February 16, 2009 Tobetter understand overwintering capability of dragonfliesin the African savan- observed individuals na, were placed into predetermined age categories at sites along the Mogalakwena river, Limpopo province, South Africa, during mid-winter. Age categories were determined by degree of wing wear each individual had sustained. The Biotic Index used to Dragonfly (DBI) was categorize spp. into rare, widespread generalists versus specialists. All the recorded rare, narrow-range spp. were common, microhabitats created the winter widespread generalists,occupying by dry season de- crease in water level and flow rate, and able to survive seasonal habitat changes. Sev- of the 1 en 8 spp. were libellulids,and gomphid. Their ability to thermoregulate by in addition to their habitat selecting appropriate perch sites, high tolerance, plays an role to important allowing them survive as adults throughout winter. It is confirmed that the libellulids observed here were highly habitat tolerant, common and wide- whose about least spread spp. success comes at partly from their ability to overwinter and be ready to take advantage of the first rains. INTRODUCTION is Thermoregulation an essential survival mechanism for many insects. They have to their regulate body temperatures between certain ranges, independently of the ambienttemperature, to sustain essential activities and reproductive fitness (CORBET, be 1999).