POTENTIAL OF TRADITIONAL RICES FOR EXPORT Lai KF, Kueh KH & Vu Thanh TA Domestic Rice Production & Rice Imported into Sarawak from 2010 to 2016 350,000 Rice production (tonne)


250,000 Quantity of rice imported 200,000 into Sarawak (tonne)

150,000 Imported quality rice (Frangrant & Basmati rice 100,000

(tonne) Quantity of rice (tonne) rice of Quantity 50,000 Total Rice Requirement (tonne) 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Self-sufficiency level ranges from 44.2 to 51.1% Introduction Rice Farming Systems in Sarawak Period: 2010-2016 Average annual area under paddy cultivation: 125,923 ha

Hill paddy Rain-fed Irrigated paddy (589 ha) (45.9 – 50.5%) (49.5 – 54.1%) Ng. Merit: 130 ha Skuduk-Chupak: 101 ha Tg. Purun: 94 ha Paya Mending: 89 ha Pueh, : 39 ha Paya Payang: 36 ha (Agricultural Statistics Sarawak, 2016) Others: 100 ha

CULTIVATION OF RICE IN SARAWAK – Predominantly practice low input traditional farming system

Land preparation Dry nursery Transplanting Rain fed

Drying Harvesting P & D Weeding management Traditional Rice Varieties • Sarawak is popular for its many traditional rice varieties • Estimated to be not less than 300 varieties • Diverse in grain shape, aroma, colour, texture and eating quality • Farmers continue to plant these varieties (i) lack of irrigation infrastructures (ii) stable yield (iii) resistant to abiotic and biotic stress (iv) excellent eating quality (v) premium price RM8 – RM16.50/kg rice Popular rice varieties in Sarawak

UKONG Popular rice varieties by region Matu-Daro - - Simujun- Region Region Division Wai Halus Bubok Biris

Wangi Hitam Bario Sederhana Mamut Padi Arang

Wangi Putih Bario Hitam Bajong Telasih

Butit Padi Keladi Kurau Seliseh

Kunyit Mawan Mika Nyamuk Ekor Kuda

Kelayang Padi Rindu Telasih

Lemak Padi Sia Chelum

Saga Padi Tuan Bali Different Bario rice varieties

Bario Halus

Bario Sederhana Bario Kulit Merah Bario Kulit Merah Bario Sederhana Bario Kasar Bario Hitam Bario Hitam Bario Kasar *Geographical Indication: Bario Halus & Bario Sederhana Quality Rice Bario Sarawak Rice with GI Sederhana

Bajong  Bario


Lubok Nibong   Simunjan wet paddy areas Sarawak Bario Rice (GI) Highly commercialised GI Period: 10 Mac. 2008 – Variables Bario Sederhana 9 Mac. 2018 Maturity period 170-175 (days) Yield (t/ha) 1.5-3.0 Plant height (cm) 130-135 Grain length (mm) 5.72 Grain width (mm) 1.62 Length/width ratio 3.54 Amylose content (%) 10 - 18 (soft) Gelatinisation temp Intermediate Gel consistency (mm) medium Aroma Nil Grain colour Marble white Sarawak Bajong Rice (GI) Highly commercialised GI Period: 11 Feb. 2009 – Variables Bajong rice 10 Feb. 2019 Maturity period (days) 165-170

Yield (t/ha) 2.5-3.5

Plant height (cm) 140-145

Grain length (mm) 6.82

Grain width (mm) 2.27

Length/width ratio 3.00

Amylose content (%) 15.6 (soft)

Gelatinisation temp 4.33 (Int.)

Gel consistency (mm) 80 (soft)

Aroma Strong

Grain colour Variable reddish black Sarawak Biris Rice Less commercialsed GI Period: Variables Biris rice 11 Feb. 2009 – 10 Feb. 2019 Maturity period (days) 165-170 Yield (t/ha) 2.5-3.8

Plant height (cm) 160

Grain length (mm) 6.88

Grain width (mm) 2.21

Length/width ratio 3.11

Amylose content (%) 23.0 (Int.)

Gelatinisation temp Intermediate

Gel consistency (mm) 100 (soft)

Aroma Strong

Grain colour Translucent white Other less known Sarawak traditional quality rices -Stumbin District

Wai Saga Mamut

Wangi Putih Wangi Hitam Bubok Nutritional value of Bario Rice

Protein: 5.85 – 7.30 g per 100 g (> 5 g/100 g)

Thiamine: 0.46 – 0.63 g per 100 g (> 0.42 g/100 g)

Fat: 0.5 – 1.05 g per 100 g (Low < 3 g/100 g)

Anti-oxidant: good source of anti-oxidant for pigmented Bario rice

Glycemic Index: moderate e.g. Bario Tuan and Bario Chelum (56 – 69%)

Low GI (≤ 55%) Moderate GI (56-69%) High GI ( ≥ 70%) ☐

(Nicholas et al., 2015; 2014)

Low-input cultivation produces rice with low arsenic contamination (Source: Teo GK, 2006) No. Sample description Source Arsenic (mg/kg) Remarks 1. Red rice Paya Paloh, Swk 0.20 High 2. Red rice Bundong Sian, Swk 0.22 High 3. Red rice Tg. Purun, Swk 0.09 Low 4. Red rice , Swk <0.01 Low 5. Purple rice Kuching, Swk 0.09 Low 6. Purple rice Kuching, Swk 0.08 Low 7. Purple rice Kuching, Swk 0.09 Low 8. Purple rice Kuching, Swk 0.05 Low 9. Brown rice Kedah 0.2 High 10. Polished rice Kedah 0.12 High 11. Red rice Kedah 0.44 High 12 Polished rice Kedah 0.28 High In April 2016, the FDA proposed an action level, or limit, of 100 parts per billion (ppb) for inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal. Anti-oxidant activity (DPPH) of different Sarawak traditional rice varieties






DPPH (%) DPPH 20



Traditional rice variety

DPPH = 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Global and National Rice Preference

• Global – Fragrant rice • comprises of 15-18% of worldwide rice trade (Giraud, 2013) • Basmati and Jasmine – Increasing interest in specialty rice in Europe (CBI, 2016) • Coloured rice (black and red) • High antioxidant activity, anti-inflammation, cardio-protection, anti-atherogenesis • National – Nestle Food Sdn Bhd outsources coloured rice for baby food

Opportunities for export of Sarawak traditional rice

• Increasing demand for more sustainably agricultural products with little or no chemical residues

• Sarawak traditional rice can be developed into specialty rice or ‘niche product’ comparable to Jasmine or Basmati rice

• Health food e.g coloured with high anti-oxidant content, low glycemic index, aromatic or fragrant

• Sarawak traditional red rice can be used as ingredient for baby food e.g. Silah Merah

Commercial Production of Bario Rice at Bario Highlands - 200 ha

Paddy field , Rotovation Mechanised transplanting Bario Highlands

Harvested paddy in Harvetsing paddy using Ripening pady field gunny bags combine harvester Export of Bario Rice to Peninsula

50 45

40 35 30 25 20 15

Quantity of rice (ton) rice of Quantity 10 5 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year

Retail price of BariO rice at supermarket in Sarawak

Sarawak’S very own rice ‘Brand’ (Personal comm. Thomas Hii, 2017) Exploitation of export potential of Sarawak traditional rice • Scale up rice production by adoption of machineries in rice cultivation

• Strong collaboration between all stakeholders e.g. Bario rice production

• Government should provide basic infrastructure e.g. irrigation and drainage infrastructures, road

• Promote and popularise Sarawak traditional rice to attract buyers

• Compliance to rules and regulations to meet safety requirement of importing countries Thank you

Sarawak Government Department of Agriculture, Sarawak