Sonora Lions Club Sonora Lions Club, P.O. Box 101, Standard, CA 95373 Pine Tree Restaurant, Wednesdays at 12 Noon We District 4-A1, Mountain Region, Zone 3 Lions John and Ruth Moyer Co-Editors 23 Volume XCV, No. 6 “Sonora Lions, Serving the Mother Lode since 1922” December 2017

With the Holiday Season upon us it crosses my mind that often we forget why we have these festive occasions. Christmas celebrates a religious event, Thanksgiving and the 4th of July celebrate an historical event and Easter celebrates another religious event. There are so many more holidays and festivals unique to local and regional events. During most of these events we celebrate them with our families, and often the emphasis of these events is directed toward our children. Christmas presents, Easter eggs, Halloween costumes, candy, fireworks, parades, and games. The amount of time and money spent is staggering and although many give pause to this, each year everything increases. One thing I think is the fact that for many, these events require individuals to remain on the job, pro- tecting our safety and maintaining the many services we as a culture have come to rely on. I am, of course, referring to the members of law enforcement, fire departments, hospital and medical services, the military and all the governmental services we have come to rely on. But more, keep in mind all the commercial and service based individuals who work during these festive times, unable to take part with their families in these events. During Halloween this year, Sonora Lions Joe Skaff and Kenny Ayres took it upon themselves to visit a few of the local people who were not able to join in the festivities because they were working. I am so very proud of these two Lions. Thank you for your efforts. Lion John Moyer, editor

Lion Joe with staff at Avalon Sonora Police Department Columbia College Fire Station Fire Station on Hillsdale Drive

Sheriff’s Department Transitional Care Unit Skyline Care Lion Kenny at Avalon Message from your President The fellow we know is also known as Lion President Joe Skaff ‘Father Christmas,’ ‘Papa Noel.’ [email protected] ‘Weihnachtsmann,’ and ‘Mikulas’ across the globe. The traditional Christmas gift-bringer is called ‘Christkind,’ which translates to BELIEVE “Christ-child.” Hmmm! WANTED: BIG GUY WITH WHITE So what is this time of year really about? I BEARD, RED CLOTHES AND FUNNY HAT said in the beginning that it’s the time that I WITH A WHITE BALL AT THE END Did you know that in most countries of the do an in-depth review of what I do believe. I world, ‘Santa’ is NOT what we think of him! want you, my fellow Lions, to know that I be- Each country has its own traditions, norms lieve that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was and mores regarding who this Winter “gift- born near the end of this month some giver” is and what he looks like. 2,050+ years ago. I believe that He lived a For as far back as I can remember, Decem- 33+ year-life whose purpose it was to bring ber 1st marks a time that I take a very deep grace, truth and forgiveness to a broken dive into what I believe about Christmas. For world and is doing so today! some reason at this time of year, my dad got I believe that Jesus brutally died on a Ro- a tree, put it in water and we decorated it man cross and was entombed. I believe that with shiny balls, ornaments, tinsel and lights. He rose from the dead on the third day after I’m an only-child, so I got to do a lot of deco- he died. I believe that He will come back rating myself. again because He said that He would, and I Also at this time of the year, when I was a believe that this time is closer than we think. child, until I can’t remember when, my par- Today, when emotion drives me to the ents played vinyl records of Johnny Mathis, brink, when illness encroaches upon my very Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby and others sing- life, when our culture becomes just too much ing “Christmas songs.” I remember our fire- to take, I turn to Jesus. place being lit, on and the I believe that when I die, I will face Al- twinkle of the tree lights. And; I believed in mighty God and will spend eternity with no ‘Santa Claus.’ more pain, no tears, no sadness, no evil, no After a good many years, I “got it” that this illness. I believe that there is one God, one was a special time of year. I mean, really, my truth and one reality. parents never played music from these guys I believe that when I pray, God hears me. at ANY OTHER time of year and we never He is still in the business of loving us had a tree in our living room in June! We all through the often rotten things we do and recall that there was one time that we, for has a desire for me to turn my life over to whatever reason, STOPPED actually believ- Him. I believe that He never leaves me; it’s ing in ‘Santa Claus.’ me who turns from Him. I put ‘ ‘ around Santa Claus, because he is a It’s important for me to know that each of character, a fable, a story. Santa is an idea, you believe in, have hope in, and live for but I no longer “believe” in him. something. I would love to have you believe Interestingly, I found that the very term in the God I’m talking about; our creator. ‘Santa Claus’ originated in Austria, the Czech But, if not, you’ve always got Santa! Republic, Holland, Germany and England. Most have derived from the figure of Saint Please have a joyful Christmas. Love, Joe Nicholas. 2. Secret Lion: The Secret Lion was Frank Meckler, who was November 1 able to collect a few bucks. The meeting was opened in regular form by our Raffle: Lion President Joe Skaff, followed by a rousing Raffle winners today were Lions John Moyer rendition of “America The Beautiful”. Our new lead and Joe Skaff. The Critter was won by Lion Bob waitress, Beverly, was then introduced. Bader. Lion Kenny Ayers introduced his neighbor and Program: friend, Floyd Krause, who started building violins Our speaker today was Floyd Krause, who had 19 years ago, at the age of 76! a selection of beautiful violins and printed material Birthdays/Anniversaries: displayed on a table in front of the podium. In the Lion PP Wendy Penhallegon was regaled with past he had repaired some violins, but he began a canorous Birthday song. building them after his little granddaughter asked Announcements: President Joe Skaff told about the community service project he and Lion Kenny Ayers per- formed last night on Halloween. The two took buckets filled with candy around the com- munity to the many people who had to work on this holiday. The long list of places they visited is on page 9 of this news- letter. ~ Help is needed for registration and serv- ing meals at the District meeting in Columbia next him to build one for week. ~ At the next Board meeting a discussion her. That request be- will be held about purchasing a large banner ad- came a full time pro- vertising the Lobster Dinner. Arrangements would ject. He has since be made to display it across Washington Street, built mandolins, gui- as we do with the Cioppino Dinner banner. ~ Lion tars, banjos, and vio- Diann Kaiser has volunteered to have the club lins in two sizes, reg- Christmas party at her home. ~ The beautiful pho- ular (4/4) and (3/4). to taken by President Joe Skaff and picked by He uses many different types of wood, and carves Club members last year as club winner, for the Li- the solid hard wood bottoms and uses a softer ons Environmental Photo contest, will be taken to wood for the tops. His handcrafted violins can sell the District meeting this year – hopefully. ~ The for $3,500 up to $14,000!!! Pancake breakfast will be soon, and tickets are being printed. Last year 100 tickets were sold, and Marble Draw: 84 persons were served. Lion Jerri Regelin will be The pot is up to $111.50, but a loud drum roll bringing coffee servers from her church. didn’t help Lion Jan Newman pull out the black Happy/Sad Bucks: marble. Lion Jerri and Bud Regelin had a wonderful va- cation, but are glad to be home. ~ Lion Wendy Penhallegon had two happy bucks, one for her birthday, and another for the $230 she raised for The best and most beautiful things in the the Lions Student Speakers program. ~ Lion Ken- world cannot be seen or even touched. They ny Ayers says it was a blessing to be able to dis- must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller tribute candy pails with Lion Joe Skaff last night. ~ Lion Joe Skaff related that Lion Ed Brown is back in town and looks fantastic. 3. Dedication of the historic Rocco Blacksmith Shop

On November 7th during the dedication of the historic Rocco Blacksmith Shop in Jamestown, Lion Jim Gormely reviewed the project and his part in it’s construction. His skill and active partici- pation was essential in the completion of this pro- ject which lasted for over three years. Because of this project this very historic building was rescued from it’s original location on the Roc- co Ranch. The building was in an extreme state of disrepair and much of the tools and equipment were slowly rusting away. Thanks to the efforts of Lion Jim and many oth- Sonora Lions and spouses attending the dedication. er community members it has been restored and l-r: Lions Jim Gormely, Ruth Moyer, PDG Tom Penhallegon. Back row: Jo- anne Gormely, Lion Frank Meckler and Naomie, Lions Kenny Ayers located where the public can view and appreciate and PP Wendy Penhallegon the value of this building. Few realize the im- portance of a local blacksmith shop in the early years of Tuolumne County. This blacksmith shop was not the blacksmith shop that would come to November 8 mind for most people. The meeting was opened in regular form by This shop was powered by a central belt driven Lion President Joe Skaff. overhead shaft that powered a variety of tools that Three Sonora High School students were intro- allowed a variety of metal objects to be made. On duced – Kaarina Thompson, Ryan Dunlap, and display within the restored shop will be examples Jacob Schader, all members of the Cross Country of these tools and powered equipment that made Track team. They were greeted with a harmonious this shop so valuable. performance of the Welcome Song. Birthdays/Anniversaries: Lion Kailen Hill entered the room after the meet- ing began, and was greeted with a roaring rendi- tion of the Birthday Song. He quickly paid a hefty fine. Announcements: Lion PP Wendy Penhallegon said she and PDG Tom have collected 1050 pairs of eyeglasses and assorted lenses, and 19 pounds of pull tabs they will be taking to the District meeting this weekend. She also mentioned that half of the painted wood pumpkins have been sold, and work on the wood- en snowmen will begin soon. ~ A Thank You card from Summerville High School was read. ~ Lion Bob Bader gave a report on the Board meeting, where there was discussion on the Pancake breakfast, the Don Pedro Christmas basket pro- ject, the Read to Succeed program, the ad hoc committee meeting, and reminder that there will be no meeting on Nov. 22nd. ~ Lion President Joe Lion Jim speaking to the large group who were attending the dedication. Skaff acknowledged the Board members and Note in the bottom left corner of the sign behind Jim the word Sonora which references the Sonora Lions Club and their assistance in this project. thanked them for their knowledge and expertise.

4. He said they each have a “Heart For Service”. ~ Lion Jerri Regelin passed out cards that can be handed out to friends, giving them a contact num- ber in case they are interested in attending one of our meetings. Happy/Sad Bucks: Lion Kailen Hill paid $5 to say he is excited to be going to Mexico this week to drive in the Baja 500 race. The race participation will raise money for the Mi Casa Esperanza Women’s and Children’s Center in Mexico. ~ Lion Tim Atchley said the Dodgers lost the World Series, just like he had projected last week. ~ Lion Jerri Regelin paid for a sad buck. She had ordered a pair of long opera length gloves to wear with her formal when she more students are being attracted to participate. and Lion Bud were on their upcoming cruise. They These students usually run 45 – 70 miles per were delivered to her roadside mailbox, but when week while training. They relate that the hardest she went to get them, they were gone, apparently part of training is holding to the discipline of run- stolen!! ~ Lion Kenny Ayers said it took him five ning every day. They wear GPS watches while days to plant all the plants his son just brought training, that record distance, steps, and times. him. ~ Lion Ray Bailey said it was great that Lion During actual races there are chips placed on Jim Gormely’s name was mentioned 5 times in the their shoes that track the entire race and deter- front page article about the dedication of the mine the winners. They described their ambitions, Jamestown Museum and Blacksmith shop. Lion with college being the main goal of each now, and Jim G has spent almost two years working on this the hope of being able to obtain running scholar- project, devoting many hours and much energy, ships. Next year the Glenn Bass Run will be an and we honor him for that. ~ Lion Tim Atchley Invitational Race, with 10 – 12 schools and 250 – helps collect clothes and other items to send to the 300 students participating. This will probably be Seeds of Dignity Ministries in the Philippines, and held at the Wildcat Ranch. these items need to be stored until they are Marble Draw: shipped overseas. Recently the members of his church helped build a large storage area under his home, so now they will not need to pay for a stor- November 15 age unit. The meeting was opened in regular form by Li- Secret Lion: on President Joe Skaff, who welcomed Rhonda Lion Sherry Pert-Burns was the Secret Lion, but Sparks, guest of Lion Kenny Ayers and our speak- could only collect from Lions Kailen Hill and Jim er for today, and Caroline Ratzlaff, wife of Lion Gormely. Wally. They were serenaded with the Welcome Raffle: song. Raffle winners today were Lions John Moyer There are no birthdays or anniversaries to cele- and Bob Bader, and Lion Joanne Presson will be brate this week. fine free next week while she holds onto the Crit- Announcements: ter. A letter from LCIF has been received, thanking Program: us for our club’s $700 donation, that will be ap- The three Sonora High Cross Country runners, plied to their disaster relief program. ~ The Christ- Kaarina, Ryan, and Jacob, explained about the mas party will be on Dec 10th at the home of Lion racing program they are involved with. They Ron Cole. ~ Lion Frank Meckler spoke about the thanked the club for donating money raised by the upcoming Pancake breakfast. ~ Lion Tom Pen- Glenn Bass Runs the last six years. This money hallegon said there are still a few pumpkins for pays for travel, equipment, and uniforms for the sale, and get ready to work on the snowmen. team. Since the racing teams are doing so well,

5. Sickness/Distress: Ethel Cole, the wife of Lion Ron, has been ad- mitted to the hospital with internal bleeding. Lion Chris Link fell off the ladder on his RV, and suf- fered some vertebrae fractures and a head injury, and is home resting. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, and send a card. Disastrous news!! Tail Twister Jim Gormley has lost the official Tail Twister pot and horn!! Help!! Help!! Happy/Sad Bucks: Lion Jerri Regelin reminded all of the Good Timers dinner tomorrow night. ~ PDG Tom Pen- hallegon said that combined, he and Lion John Moyer have lost A TON OF WEIGHT. He also re- ceived a call from a friend in Alaska who needed help in setting up a house, and connected him with another friend who was trying to get rid of a ton of household goods. ~ Lion Nick Reuter bragged about his daughter, who gave him anoth- er grandson last week. ~ Lion Kelly Ward showed growing cancer in the nation. Her clothing pro- off the first ever oil painting she did last week – vides 98% protection from the sun, and does not beautiful autumn aspen trees! ~ Lion John Moyer need to be reapplied like topical chemical sun- related as he and Lion Ruth were driving to Los screens. Every May is Skin Cancer Awareness Angeles last Friday, a big red truck containing Li- month, and she stresses the “Live Sun Safe” mot- on Kailen Hill pulled up beside us on the highway. to to raise awareness. Everyone is encouraged to He was headed to Mexico to race in the Baja 500, help spread this message. and what great timing for us to meet. Lion John Marble Draw: also reported on the shortcut he took coming back Many sad, loud ahhhhh’s followed when Lion home, which added many miles of winding moun- Mel Perry pulled out a white marble, and did not tain roads to the trip. win the pot of $134.50. Secret Lion: Lion Jim Gormely fined half a dozen members who neglected to give him a hug or a handshake. Lion Jim also raffled off two rare Lion’s pins. Raffle: Winners for today were Lions Kenny Ayers, Jer- TMAP Pumpkins For Sale ri Regelin, and Nick Reuter, with the Critter going to Lion John Moyer. For More Information or to Order Program: Call Lions Wendy or The program today was presented by Rhonda Tom Penhallegon 209-406-5015 Sparks, owner of UV Skinz, a company that pro- duces chemical free, UPF 50+ sun protective ap- parel. Her company is in its 11th year of production and growing every year. After losing her 32 year old husband Darren to melanoma, she made it her life’s mission to protect her three small children and millions of others from the dangers of the sun. Just one sunburn during a child’s first 15 years can double the chance of developing skin cancer as an adult, and skin cancer is now the fastest 6. November 22 If you are a Lion and enjoying No lunch due to Thanksgiving this newsletter, Share it! November 29 The meeting was opened in regular form by Lion If you are enjoying this President Joe Skaff. Guests introduced were Wil- newsletter and are not a Lion, liam Cole, brother of Lion Ron Cole, and Rick we would encourage you to Whybra was introduced by Lion Glen Gottschall. become one. The Tail Twister, Jim Gormely, made Lion Glenn For more information call Gottschall pay a fine for having his picture in the Lion Jerri Regelin Union Democrat recently. Lion Jim also collected Membership Chair a few bucks from members not displaying Lions (209)532-7828 insignia.

Rick Whybra, house. We will be in the category of “Community Chairman of the Fire Safe Groups”. Be sure to wear your vest. The Sing is Council for Southern Tu- named for “Pop” Hudson, who was a Lion many olumne County joined us years ago.~ Lion President Joe Skaff related that again for lunch. Rick has at Jamestown Grade School there are many chil- helped reduce the cost of dren who cannot pay for their school lunches, and tree removal to $400 per they will not receive their report card until that bill tree. is paid. The total for this last semester is $452.60, and Lion Joe told the principal that the Lions would cover this cost. We will be passing the hat at this and the next meeting, and the Club will add whatever is necessary to complete the total. ~ The Birthdays/Anniversaries: club received a Thank You letter from the Arnold Lion Ron Cole and his wonderful wife Ethel are Lions Club for our $500 donation to their Three th celebrating their 67 anniversary on December Senses Trail Project. This was money raised by nd 2 ! Congratulations! Happily, Ethel is home and the Glenn Bass Run which we did not donate to recuperating, but still has lower back pain. the Cross Country team. ~ Lion Glenn Gottschall Announcements: reported that over 200 trees have been removed Membership Chairman Jerri Regelin read a letter through the TMAP project, but there are still over from Lions International congratulating our club 100 trees that need to be cut down. The group is for meeting the membership development goals of hoping to receive another grant from PG&E, but the Membership Satisfaction award in Lions year more money is still needed, so be sure to help 2016-2017. The fiscal year patch will be placed on make and then encourage friends to purchase lots the club banner. This demonstrates that our club of the Snowmen. ~ PDG Tom Penhallegon related exemplifies the Lions Mission Statement: “To em- he and other Lions spent a day cutting and stack- power volunteers to serve their communities, ing and loading log rounds to make the Snowmen, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and and appreciated the help of a number of inmates. promote international understanding through Li- ~ The club Christmas party will be held on Sun- ons Clubs.”~ LCIF also sent a letter thanking our day, Dec 17th at the home of Lion Dr. Doug Flem- club for our $3000 donation. ing and his wife Shari. All of us really appreciate Lion PP Wendy Penhallegon said that Spot Vision them sharing their home with us for this party. ~ screening will be done on Friday, Dec. 1st in Lake The manager of the local Orchard Supply store Don Pedro and volunteers are needed to help. donated a large gas BBQ grill for us to raffle off at Lion Jan Newman said she would assist. ~ Lion the Pancake Breakfast this Saturday. What a won- Tim Atchley urged all club members to join the derful gift!! Thank him the next time you are in the Community Christmas Singalong to be held at store. Lion John Moyer will be designing and print- 12:45 on Friday, Dec 15th at the Sonora Court- ing up posters to be placed in an A frame sign 7. holder which will be placed on the sidewalk in front Lion Kenny Ayers was in charge of speakers for of Applebee’s. ~ Lion Jan Newman still needs help today, and thus called upon Lion President Joe stuffing food and toy bags for the Lake Don Pedro Skaff to talk about his 21 years as a teacher, and Christmas baskets. ~ Naomie Meckler, wife of Li- 21 years as a school principal. Lion Joe doesn’t on Frank, decorated and donated a beautiful feel children have changed, but times sure have. Christmas wreath to the club, and it was decided All of us need to guide and help kids, and demon- to place it on the BBQ grill raffle prize at the Pan- strate moral behavior. cake breakfast. Lion Kenny then called upon Lion Tim Atchley to Happy/Sad Bucks: talk about his life in police enforcement. Lion Tim Lion Kailen Hill reported on the success of his said the world and people are more polarized now, team in the Baja 500 race in Mexico. They had 48 with opposition often more violent. We as individu- hours in which to complete the race, finished in 47 als might not be able to impact huge problems in hours and 29 minutes, and came in second in their the world, but he challenged us to try and fix situa- class. A movie is being made called “Dust to Glo- ry” about the Baja 500 race, and much of it focus- es on his team’s VW. Through much volunteer support the team raises money to help support the Sonora Lions Club Mi Casa Esperanza Center in Mexico. He also said he was surprised to see Lions John and Ruth Ear of the Lion Moyer driving next to him on the freeway south of Bakersfield – small world. ~ Lion Tim Atchley com- November, 2017 mented on the great picture of the late Lion Bill One person was provided with a hearing aid: Dunlavy on the front page of the newspaper, and Jessie Seavey the article about his son and grandson carrying on Sonora, CA 95370 the tradition of cooking and serving Thanksgiving meals at his church. ~ Lion Mal Perry enjoyed watching his grandson play a great game of bas- ketball recently. ~ Lion “Crazy” Bill Simpson is happy for having a great daughter and friends who TMAP SNOWMEN shared Thanksgiving with him. ~ Lion Glenn Gottschall is excited about the upcoming trip he NOW ON SALE and his wife Nancy will be taking – sailing down For More Information or to Order the west coast from Canada, the US, Mexico, and Call Lions Wendy or down along South America. ~ Reminder that the Tom Penhallegon 209-406-5015 Student Speakers contest will be on February 14th. ~ Lion Kelly Ward suggested that next year the club should participate in the city’s Christmas pa- rade. Secret Lion: The Secret Lion today was Tim Atchley, and he collected some money from members who did not shake his hand. Raffle Winners: Today Lions Jerry Jensen and Mike Eachus were raffle winners, and the Critter went to Lion Janet Hart. Marble Draw: Lion Judy Meeks really dug deeply into the sack, but still couldn’t find the black marble and win the $145. Program:

8. RINGING THE BELL for the Salvation Army Many of the local Lions took time to Ring the Bell at various loca- tions in Sonora. Thankfully some forwarded their photos.

Help Needed! CHRISTMAS FOOD & TOY DISTRIBUTION Lion Jan Newman needs help packing the bags on Dec 22 from 9-10:30 and distributing them on Dec 23 from 9-12 Lake Don Pedro Baptist Church

All of us appreciate the many people who have to work on Sunshine Report holidays. On Halloween Lion President Joe Skaff and Lion The following cards have been sent: VP Kenny Ayers visited many Get Well places and gave out tubs of Chris Link - Injured in fall Ethel Cole candy to those working and November Birthdays away from their families. The 11/1 Wendy Penhallegon, 11/11 Kailen Hill, 11/16 Seanna Phillips long list of places they went December Birthdays to include: The Jamestown Firehouse # 75, CHP Bill Coffill 12/1, Rayma Garcia 12/4, Office in Jamestown, Sheriff’s Office in Sonora, Ruth Moyer 12/8, Christine Halley 12/17, Lorie Kaiser 12/29 Sonora Police Office, Sonora Firehouse #59, Co- December Anniversaries lumbia College Firehouse #79, Columbia College Ron & Ethel Cole 12/2, Nick & Kat Reuter 12/9 Campus Security Office, Mono Village Firehouse Chris & Wendy Link 12/17 #56, Avalon Care Center, Skyline Place Senior Warm Regards, Living, Transitional Care Unit in Sonora, Sierra Janet Hart, Sunshine Chair Care Center Unit #6, Sierra Care Center Unit #7, and the Adventist Health Hospital Emergency Janet Hart [email protected]> Room, Medical-Surgical Unit 2nd Floor, Medical- Surgical Unit 3rd Floor, ICU Department, and Ob- stetrics/Gynecology Unit. Many thanks to those workers, and to our representatives, Lions Joe and Kenny. 9. CLUB OFFICERS President ...... Joe Skaff Meals on Wheels [email protected] H: (209) 288-2411 C: (805) 813-3115 November Report 1st Vice President ...... Kenny Ayers [email protected] Driver: Frank Meckler H: (209) 288-2082 C: (209) 401-7620 2nd Vice President ...... Jerri Regelin Hours - 16 Labor cost savings - $ 192.00 [email protected] Meals Delivered - 102 Miles Driven - 120 H: (209)532-7828 Secretary ...... Bob Bader [email protected] Yearly totals - 12 months - 7/1/17 to 11/30/18 H:209-586-6045 C: (209)352-0648 Hours - 781 Labor cost savings - $ 1,536.00 Treasurer ...... Judy Meeks Meals Delivered - 755 Miles Driven - 890 [email protected] H: (209)532-5858 Membership ...... Jerri Regelin [email protected] H: (209)532-7828 One Year Director ...... Ruth Moyer [email protected] H: (307)321-1509 One Year Director ...... Glenn Gottschall Happy Anniversary [email protected] 12/1 Bill Coffill H: (209)533-3748 C: (209)743-8123 Two Year Director ...... Jerry Jensen 12/2 Ron & Ethel Cole Anniv. [email protected] 12/4 Rayma Garcia H: (209)928-1278 12/8 Ruth Moyer Two Year Director ...... Kailen Hill [email protected] 12/9 Nick & Kat Reuter Anniv. H: (209)890-9179 12/17 Christine Halley Two Year Director ...... Bud Regelin [email protected] 12/17 Chris & Wendy Link Anniv. H: (209)586-7551 12/29 Lorie Kaiser Lion Tamer ...... Nick Reuter [email protected] H: (209)521-5330 Sonora Lions Club Tail Twister ...... Jim Gormely LCIF Coordinator ...... Jim Gormely H.E.L.P. Report [email protected] Hospital Equipment Lending Program H: (209)532-6515 Chaplain ...... Tim Atchley Item # Used Cost Total [email protected] Wheel Chairs 12 $50.00 $600.00 H: (209)586-2473 C:(209)985-3837 Commodes 17 $20.00 $340.00 Sunshine ...... Janet Hart H: (209)533-3386 Bath Chairs 5 $20.00 $100.00 [email protected] Shower Seats 8 $20.00 $160.00 Past President ...... Wendy Penhallegon Walkers 11 $20.00 $220.00 [email protected] Walkers/w/Seat 8 $30.00 $240.00 C: (209) 406-5015 Web Master Canes 4 $10.00 $40.00 Crutches 2 $10.00 $20.00 Co-Bulletin Editors ...... John & Ruth Moyer Risers 2 $10.00 $20.00 [email protected] C: (307)321-0370 Reachers 1 $5.00 $5.00 Sock Aide 1 $5.00 $5.00 Misc. 5 $5.00 $25.00 Next Board of Directors Meeting Monthly Hours 19 Wednesday, December 13th @ 10 am Monthly Totals 76 $1,775.00 Pine Tree Restaurant Lounge Hess & Mono Way Year to Date July - June YOU ARE WELCOME Total contributions in kind $8605.00 Total Hours contributed 84.75 Total Equipment Pieces loaned 339 10. OFFICIAL MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SONORA LIONS CLUB of Sonora, California held its regular Board Meeting at the Pine Tree Restaurant on __November 8, 2017______. The meeting was called to order by __President Skaff___ at__10:00_am. The following Board Members were in attendance: Skaff (P) Ayers (1stVP) Moyer, J. (2nd VP) Bader (S) Meeks (T) Penhallegon, W. (PP) Regelin, J. (M) Gor- mely, (TT/LCIFC) Reuter (LT) Gottschall (1D) Moyer, R (1D) Regelin, B. (2D) Jensen (2D) Others present: Lions Meckler, Newman and PDG T. Penhallegon **************************************************************************************** Minutes of the Business Meeting Minutes of 2017: Motion (R. Moyer/Ayers) MSC approved as presented . Financial Report: A. Accepted as presented. Oct 30 balances: Admin, $8,759.51; Proj $16,568.78. Copies attached. Presentation of Bills: A. Motion (Bader/R. Moyer) MSC to reimburse Lion Ayers $171.44 for candy given to “Care Givers” at local hos- pital, fire houses, Avalon, etc. Halloween night. Committee Reports: A. Membership- no report B. TMAP- Lion T. Penhallegon reported 50 +/- “pumpkins” have been sold netting $1000 for TMAP. CDC will begin cutting rounds for snowman project. President Skaff noted that we were not selected for the Black Oak Casino “Cash Grab”. C. Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast- Lion Meckler will distribute tickets to membership. He suggested we consider have a raffle prize for the event. Lion President Skaff will solicit donation from local businesses. A motion (J. Regelin/R. Moyer) to purchase a banner advertising the event failed. Lion J. Moyer volunteered to make up a sign “Sonora Lions Pancake Breakfast” to display outside restaurant. D. Lake Don Pedro Christmas Food Baskets- Lion Newman reported $1,250 in donations received so far. Most of the food has been donated. A sign-up sheet for the event will be sent around in a few weeks. Date is scheduled for Dec 22/23. E. Read to Succeed- Lions R. Moyer and W. Penhallegon reported Jamestown, Chinese Camp, Sonora and Summer- ville EL Schools will participate. The committee is working on some ideas to raise funds for the purchase of the Kindles for awards to the student winners. F. Glasses/Pull Tabs- Lion T. Penhallegon reported over 1000 eyeglasses and 19 lbs. of pull tabs are to be turned in at the District Meeting. Communications: A. Sonora Area Foundation- Quarterly Reports for Tuolumne County Eye Fund and Varvandakis Scholarship re- ceived. B. A letter of Thanks from Summerville HS received for $50 donation. C. Sierra Conservation Center letter requesting Sonora Lions Club support for Jamestown EL received. Lion W. Penhallegon will contact them and note we already do this. Report of Secretary: A. District My LCI Training- Sec Bader noted the upcoming training offered Dec 2 and Jan 6 and suggested attend- ance by some members. There is interest by a number of the BOD for the Jan 6 session. B. 2nd Half Dues notice will be sent out next month. Unfinished Business: A. Emergency Ad Hoc Committee- Lion Atchley will set next meeting date. He will invite members for County OES to attend. B. Irvin Symons Bench at the Junction- President Skaff will follow up. New Business: A. MD4 Leadership Institute- 1st VP Ayers will attend the Jan session. B. Christmas Social- Lion Kaiser declined her home. President Skaff will asked another member to host. C. District Meeting Help- Additional help for the meeting will be solicited at today’s meeting. Calendar of Events: A. Nov 10/11- District Meeting, Columbia; Nov 22- Dark; Dec 2 Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast; Dec 2/Jan 6 District MyLCI workshops. Remarks by the President: none Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 am. Respectfully Submitted, Bob Bader, Secretary 11. Sonora Club Calendar of Speakers and District, Multi-District, and International Upcoming Events: December, 2017 Calendar of Events - 2017

• DECEMBER 6 - PDG Don Allen - LCIF Chair • 12/2 – Club Secretary Training 10am-2pm • DECEMBER 13 - Board Meeting & Report 1409 H ST, Modesto • DECEMBER 17 - Christmas Party @ Lion Doug • 12/3 – District 4-A1 “No Tap” Bowling Tourna- & Shari Fleming’s home. ment • DECEMBER 20 - Mystery Speaker • DECEMBER 22 & 23 - Help set up Christmas Food • 12/5 - DG Visitation Waterford 12/6 Modesto and Toy Baskets, Don Pedro Baptist Church, 9am - Sunset 10:30am • 1/6 - Club Secretary Training 10am-2pm • DECEMBER 23 - 9-12am Food & Toy Distribu- 1409 H ST, Modesto tion, Don Pedro Baptist Church • • DECEMBER 27 - Survived Christmas 1/8 DG Visitation Dos Palos • 1/9 DG Visitation Lathrop • 1/10 DG Visitation Copperopolis Lake Tullock • 1/13 Super Bowl Sensation – Oakdale Lions • 1/17 DG Visitation - Arnold • 1/27 – Crab Feed – Lodi Lions $50 Crab, $30 Chicken

Centennial District Governor Eileen Guadagnolo 4-A1 2017-18

District Bulletin Editor Gail Cates [email protected] 25th of month

President: Joe Skaff 1st V DG Email: [email protected] Don Gall [email protected] Secretary: Bob Bader Email: [email protected] Membership Director: Jerri Regelin Phone: (H) 209-532-7828 SECRETARY’S MONTHLY REPORT Webmaster: Wendy Penhallegon PP NOVEMBER 2017 Email: [email protected] Submitted by Lion Secretary Bob Bader Bulletin Editors: John & Ruth Moyer • Total Membership from Last Report - ...... 57 Cell: 307-321-0370 • New Members - ...... 0 Email: [email protected] • Dropped Members - ...... 0 Associate Editors: All Club Members • Transferred Members - ...... 0 Sonora Lions Club • Total Members at Close - ...... 57 P.O. Box 101, Standard, CA 95373 • Service Hours - 300 ...... 6,469/YTD Meetings: Pine Tree Restaurant, Wednes- • Number of People Served - 188 .... 26,632/YTD days @ 12 Noon • Number of Lions - 0 ...... 898/YTD District 4-A1, Mountain Region, Zone 3 • Num of Eyeglasses Collected - ...... 3,332/YTD www.Sonora • Twinning Relationships - 0 ...... 0/YTD Sonora Lions, Serving the Mother Lode since • Funds Raised - $827 ...... $59,023/YTD 1922 • Funds Donated - $36,467 ...... $144,870/YTD Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety • Total Activities - 12 ...... 240/YTD
