February 19, 2011 February 15, 2014
februarY 15, 2014 hawaii filiPino ChroniCle 1 ♦ FEBRUARY 15,19, 20142011 ♦ OPINION HAWAII-FILIPINO NEWS LEGAL NOTES Driverless Cars? ConGen torres, maYor hints of Possible Yes, almost Just CalDwell leaD traDe ComPromise on arounD the Corner mission to the PhiliPPines immiGration PRESORTED HAWAII FILIPINO CHRONICLE STANDARD 94-356 WAIPAHU DEPOT RD., 2ND FLR. U.S. POSTAGE WAIPAHU, HI 96797 PAID HONOLULU, HI PERMIT NO. 9661 2 hawaii filiPino ChroniCle februarY 15, 2014 EDITORIALS FROM THE PUBLISHER or hopeless romantics, February Publisher & Executive Editor The Mega Rich as 14th is one of the most antici- Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D. pated days of the year. It’s a day Publisher & Managing Editor Role Models that’s set aside to celebrate the Chona A. Montesines-Sonido ill Gates and Warren Buffet are household names in powerful human emotion called Associate Editors F love. When you think about it, Dennis Galolo the U.S. The multi-billionaires are rich, powerful and we should be showing our love Edwin Quinabo influential. But how many of us know of the late to those closest to us every day and not just Corliss Lamont, a Harvard graduate born of Wall Contributing Editor on special occasions like Valentine’s. On that note, Happy Belinda Aquino, Ph.D. Street wealth who championed the causes of poor B Valentine’s Day to all of you! Creative Designer people his entire life? Or Maud Younger (1870- Our cover story for this issue—“The 10 Wealthiest People Junggoi Peralta 1936), who despite coming from a wealthy family in San Francisco, in the Philippines” according to Forbes Magazine, was written worked for five years as a waitress to learn about working class Photography by our Philippine correspondent Gregory Garcia.
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