Minutes of State Teachers Retirement Board Meetings
MINUTES OF STATE TEACHERS RETIREMENT BOARD MEETINGS August 19, 2021 August 19, 2021 August 19, 2021 The State Teachers Retirement Board met at the STRS Ohio offices in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, August 19, 2021, at approximately 9:45 a.m. The Chair, Rita Walters, called the meeting to order. The following members were in attendance: Carol Correthers, Claudia Herrington, Scott Hunt representing the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Arthur Lard, Yoel Mayerfeld, Robert McFee, Dale Price, Jeffrey Rhodes, Wade Steen and Ms. Walters. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Walters moved, seconded by Ms. Correthers to approve the minutes of the June 2021 Retirement Board meeting. Upon roll call the vote was as follows: Ms. Walters, yes; Ms. Correthers, yes; Ms. Herrington, abstain; Dr. Hunt, yes; Mr. Lard, yes; Mr. Mayerfeld, yes; Mr. McFee, yes; Mr. Price, yes; Mr. Rhodes, yes; Mr. Steen, yes. The motion carried. STRS OHIO RESPONSE TO BFS REPORT The chair recognized executive director Bill Neville for the STRS Ohio Response to Benchmark Financial Services (BFS) Report. Mr. Neville began by reviewing the background for the detailed analysis of the BFS Report he, staff and the consultants would be providing. The consultants were: Brady O’Connell, senior vice president – Callan LLC, Mike Joeken, senior vice president – Callan, LLC, Jay Klopfer, executive vice president – Callan LLC, Steve Nesbitt, chief executive officer – Cliffwater LLC, Michael Reid, vice president and client relationship manager – CEM, Karen Foley, partner – ACA Performance Services and Karyn Vincent – senior head, global industry standards and GIPS standards executive director – CFA Institute. Mr. Neville stated that the BFS Report which was released June 7, 2021, was not a forensic investigation or forensic audit.
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