Technology Industry / Finnish Economic Outlook December 2020 Jukka Palokangas Principal Economist
[email protected] 12/28/2020 Technology Industries 1 of Finland The Finnish Technology Industry Is Comprised of Five Sub-Sectors ELEKTRONICS AND ELECTROTECHNICAL METALS INDUSTRY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRY Boliden, Componenta, Kuusakoski, Abloy, Cargotec, Finn-Power, Fiskars, ABB, Ensto, Microsoft Mobile, Luvata, Outokumpu, Outotec, Glaston, Kone, Konecranes, Metso, Murata Electronics, Nokia, Planmeca, Ovako, Sacotec, SSAB … Meyer Turku, Normet, Oras, Patria, Polar Electro, Suunto, Vacon, Vaisala… Pemamek, Ponsse, Stala, Valmet, Valtra, Wärtsilä… INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING ENGINEERING Affecto, Basware, Bilot, CGI, Comptel, A-Insinöörit, Citec, Elomatic, Etteplan, FCG, Digia, Efecte, Enfo, F-Secure, Fujitsu Granlund, Neste Jacobs, Pöyry, Ramboll, Finland, IBM, Innofactor, Knowit, Rejlers, SITO, SWECO, WSP… Microsoft, Nixu, Tieto… 12/28/2020 Technology Industries 2 of Finland The Finnish Technology Industry Is Comprised of Five Sub-Sectors ELEKTRONICS AND ELECTROTECHNICAL METALS INDUSTRY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRY • Steel products, non-ferrous metals, • Machinery, metal products, vehicles • Data communications equipment, electrical castings, metallic minerals • Turnover (2019): 32.8 billion euros machinery, medical technology • Turnover (2019): 10.7 billion euros • Personnel (2019): 134,200 • Turnover (2019): 18.0 billion euros • Personnel (2019): 15,800 • Personnel (2019): 38,700 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING ENGINEERING • IT services, applications and • Expertise for construction industry and programming infrastructure • Turnover (2019): 14.8 billion euros • Turnover (2019): 6.6 billion euros • Personnel (2019): 74,100 • Personnel (2019): 56,200 12/28/2020 Technology Industries 3 of Finland The Technology Industry – the Largest Export Sector in Finland • Some 50 % of total exports. • Some 310,000 employed directly in the sector, including indirect effects 650,000 people.