
The KJV: a bibliography

Allen, Ward S., Translating for King James: Notes made by a Burchfield, Robert, The English Language (London, The translator of King James’s Bible (Nashville, Vanderbilt Society, third 2007). University Press, 1969). Butterworth, Charles C., The Literary Lineage of the King Allen, Ward S., Translating the New Testament Epistles James Bible, 1340–1611 (Philadelphia, University of 1604–1611: A manuscript from King James’s West- Pennsylvania Press, 1941). minster Company (Ann Arbor, Michigan University Campbell, Gordon, Bible: The story of the King James Press, 1977). Version 1611–2011 (Oxford, University Press, 2010). Allen, Ward S. and Jacobs, E. C., The Coming of the Carson, Don A., The Debate: A plea King James Gospels: A collation of the translators’ work for realism (Grand Rapids, MI, Baker, 1979). (Fayetteville, University of Arkansas Press, 1995). Cotton, Clement, A Complete Concordance to the Bible of Anderson, Christopher, The Annals of the English Bible. the Last Translation (London, Newbery, 1631). Two volumes (London, Pickering, 1845). Craig, Clarence T., “The King James and the American Banyard, Derrick, How the Bible Came to Us (Birmingham, Standard Versions of the New Testament.” In An The Christadelphian, 1993). to the Revised Standard Version of the New Barker, Henry, English Bible Versions: A tercentenary Testament ([Chicago], The International Council of memorial of the King James Version (New York, New Religious Education, 1946), pp. 15-21. York Bible and Common Prayer Society, 1911). Cromartie, Alan, “King James and the Hampton Court Barlow, William, The Summe and Substance of the Confer- Conference.” In Houlbrooke, R. (ed.), James VI ence . . . at Hampton Court (London, John Windet, and I—Ideas, authority and government (Aldershot, 1604). [Reprinted in 1965 by Scholars’ Facsimiles Ashgate, 2006). and Reprints, Gainesville, FL] Crystal, David, Begat: The King James Bible and the English Barnard, John, “The financing of the Authorized Ver- language (Oxford, University Press, 2010). sion 1610–1612: Robert Barker and ‘combining’ Crystal, David, The Stories of English (London, Penguin, and ‘sleeping’ stationers,’” History, 57 2004). (2005), pp. 5-52. Daiches, David, The King James Version of the English Barnard, John, “Politics, profits and idealism: John Bible: An account of the development and sources of Norton, the Stationers’ Company and Sir Thomas the English Bible of 1611 with special reference to the Bodley.” In Earnshaw, Rae and Vince, John (eds.): Hebrew tradition (Chicago, University Press, 1941). Digital convergence— of the future. Festschrift Daniell, David, The Bible in English: Its history and in- in honour of Dr Reg Carr (London, Springer, 2008), fluence (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2003). pp. 327-44. Daniell, David, William Tyndale: A biography (New Benson, Tony, “The Bible in English and the establish- Haven, Yale University Press, 1994). ment of the Jewish state,” The Testimony, Dec. 1988, Davidson, Randall T., “The authorisation of the English pp. 435-9. Bible,” Macmillan’s Magazine, No. 44 (September Bobrick, Benson, The Making of the English Bible (London, 1881), pp. 436-44. Phoenix, 2003). Demaus, Robert, William Tyndale: A biography (London, Bragg, Melvyn, The Adventure of English (London, Hod- Religious Tract Society, 1904). der & Stoughton, 2003). The Essential Evangelical Parallel Bible: New King James Bragg, Melvyn, The Book of : The radical impact of Version, English Standard Version, New Living Trans- the King James Bible, 1611–2011 (London, Hodder & lation, The Message. John R. Kohlenberger III, General Stoughton, 2011). Editor (New York, Oxford University Press, 2004). Bragg, Melvyn, Twelve Books that Changed the World [The introductory material (pp. ix-lv) is particularly (London, Hodder, 2006). helpful] Brake, Donald L. and Beach, Shelley, A Visual His- Farstad, Arthur L., The New King James Version in the tory of the King James Bible: The dramatic story of the Great Tradition (Nashville, Nelson, 2003). world’s best-known translation (Grand Rapids, Baker Foxe, John, Book of Martyrs (London, Morgan and Scott, Books, 2011). new 1863). [First published in 1563 as Actes Bridges, Ronald F. and Weigle, Luther Allan, The Bi- and Monuments] ble Word Book: Concerning obsolete or archaic words Fraser, Antonia, King James VI and I (London, Book in the King James Version of the Bible (Edinburgh, Club Associates, 1974). Nelson, 1960). Fry, Francis, A Description of the Great Bible, 1539 . . . also Bruce, F. F., The English Bible: A history of translations of the editions, in large folio, of the Authorised Version, (London, Lutterworth Press, 1961). etc. (London, Willis and Sotheran, 1865).

190 The Testimony, June 2011 Geisler, Norman and Nix, William, A General Intro- Lewis, Jack P., The English Bible from KJV to NIV: A duction to the Bible (Chicago, Moody Press, second history and evaluation (Grand Rapids, Baker Book revised edition 1995). House, 1981). Glenny, W. Edward, “The New Testament text and the McAfee, Cleland Boyd, The Greatest English Classic: A version debate.” In Beacham, Roy E. and Bauder, study of the King James Version of the Bible and its Kevin T. (eds.), One Bible Only? Examining exclusive influence on life and literature (New York, & claims for the King James Bible (Grand Rapids, MI, Brothers, 1912). Kregel, 2001), pp. 76-101. McGrath, Alister, In the Beginning: The story of the King Godfrey, David, “Which translation?” The Testimony, James Bible and how it changed a nation, a language Nov. 1998, pp. 421-3. and a culture (London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001). Green, Ralph, “William Tyndale and ‘the Word,’” The McKitterick, David, Print, Manuscript and the Search Testimony, Oct. 1984, pp. 325-7. for Order, 1450–1830 (Cambridge, University Press, Greenslade, S. L., The Work of William Tyndale (London, 2003). Blackie, 1938). McClure, Alexander W., The Translators Revived: A Greenslade, S. L. (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Bible biographical memoir of the authors of the English Ver- . . . 3 (Cambridge, University Press, 1963). sion of the Holy Bible (New York, Scribner, 1853). Guide to the manuscripts and printed books exhibited in [Online version available at: www.wilderness-cry. celebration of the tercentenary of the Authorized Version: net/bible_study/translators] British Museum Bible Exhibition 1911 (London, The McMullin, B. J., “The Bible trade.” In The Cambridge British Museum, 1911). History of the Book in Britain, Volume IV: 1557–1695 Hamlin, Hannibal and Jones, Norman W. (eds.), The (Cambridge, University Press, 2002), pp. 455-73. King James Bible after Four Hundred Years: Literary, Mombert, J. I., English Versions of the Bible. A handbook linguistic, and cultural influences (Cambridge, Uni- with copious examples illustrating the ancestry and versity Press, 2010). relationship of the several versions, and comparative Handover, P. M., Printing in London from 1476 to Modern tables (Whitefish, MT, Kessinger, facsimile reprint Times (London, Allen & Unwin, 1960). 2010). [First published by Bagster in 1883] Hardinge, L. G., “The Authorised Version,” The Testi- Moore, Helen and Reid, Julian (eds.), Manifold Greatness: mony, Nov. 1989, pp. 401-2. The making of the King James Bible (Oxford, Bodleian Hardinge, L. G., “True or false?” The Testimony, Jan. Publishing, 2011). 1990, pp. 7-10. [Reviews of D. Otis Fuller’s Which Moore, Peter, “Which translation?” The Testimony, Jun., Bible? and True or False?] Jul. and Nov. 1998, pp. 224-6, 271-5 and 423-4. Herbert, A. S., Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of Morgan, Paul, “A King’s Printer at work: Two docu- the English Bible 1525–1961 (London, The British & ments of Robert Barker,” Bodleian Library Record, 13 Foreign Bible Society, 1968). [A revision of Darlow (1990), pp. 370-4. and Moule’s earlier work] Moynahan, Brian, If God Spare my Life: William Tyndale, Herne, Frank S., How the Bible Came to Us (London, The the English Bible and Sir Thomas More—A story of Sunday School Union, 1905). martyrdom and betrayal (London, Abacus, 2002). Hill, Christopher, The English Bible and the Seventeenth- The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Century Revolution (London, Penguin Books, 1994). Being the Authorised Version set forth in 1611 arranged The Holy Bible; The New King James Version (Nashville, in parallel columns with the Revised Version of 1881 and Nelson, 1988). with the original Greek, as edited by F. H. A. Scrivener The Holy Bible. Quatercentenary edition. An exact reprint . . . according to the text followed in the Authorised Ver- . . . of the King James Version . . . with an anniversary sion with the variations adopted in the Revised Version by Gordon Campbell (Oxford, University Press, (Cambridge, University Press, 1882). 2010). Nicolson, Adam, Power and Glory: Jacobean England and Houston, S. J., James I (Harlow, Longman, 1995). the making of the King James Bible (London, Harper- Jacobs, E. C., “King James’s translators: the Bishops’ Collins, 2003). Bible New Testament revised,” The Library, Sixth Nicolson, Adam, When God Spoke English: The making series, 14, 1992, pp. 100-26. of the King James Bible (London, Harper­Press, 2011). Jannaway, Frank G., The Bible and How it Came to Us Norton, David, A History of the English Bible as Literature (London, Sampson Low & Co., 1923). (Cambridge, University Press, 2000). The King’s Printer Project, “A brief history of the Norton, David, “John Bois’s notes on the revision of the King’s Printing House (KPH) in the Jacobean pe- King James Bible New Testament: A new manu- riod.” Available at: http://www.english.qmul.ac.uk/ script,” The Library, Sixth series, 18, 1996, pp. 328-46. kingsprinter/publications/transcripts/Reader_Aids/ Norton, David, The King James Bible: A short history from Brief_History.html . Tyndale to today (Cambridge, University Press, 2011). Lesley, Ronald D., Facts from History about our King James Norton, David, A Textual History of the King James Bible Bible. Available at: www.fbinstitute.com/engbible/ . (Cambridge, University Press, 2005).

The Testimony, June 2011 191 Norton, David (ed.), The New Cambridge Paragraph Bible of seaven severall patents, and two charters. Practiced with the Apocrypha. King James Version (Cambridge, and performed, by a mistery of some printers, sleeping University Press, 2005). stationers, and combining booksellers. Anatomised and Opfell, Olga, The King James Bible Translators (Jefferson, layd open in a breviat, in which is only a touch of their McFarland & Co., 1982). forestalling and ingrossing of books in pattents, and Paine, Gustavus, The Learned Men (New York, Crowell, raysing them to excessive prises. Left to the considera- 1959). tion of the high and honourable House of Parliament Patterson, W. B., King James VI and I and the Reunion of now assembled (London, 1641). Christendom (Cambridge, University Press, 1997). Tedder, Henry R., “The Barkers and the early history Penniman, Josiah H., A Book about the English Bible (New of the Bible-Patent,” The Library Chronicle, 2 (1885), York, Macmillan, 1919). pp. 161-6. Perry, Andrew, “The Dead Sea scrolls and the text of Trench, Richard Chenevix, On the Authorized Version the Old Testament.” In Which Translation? (Norwich, of the New Testament in connection with some recent The Testimony, 2000), pp. 37-54. proposals for its revision (London, Parker, 1859). Plomer, H. R., “The King’s Printing House under the Tyndale, William, The New Testament. Translated by Wil- Stuarts,” The Library, New Series, 2 (1901), pp. 353-75. liam Tyndale. The text of the Worms edition of 1526 in Pollard, A. W., Records of the English Bible: The documents original spelling. Edited for the Tyndale Society by W. relating to the translation and publication of the Bible R. 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