NATIONAL NATIONAL Tatmadaw to provide resources in News release on death of Covid-19 positive fighting against Covid-19 patient Case 05 PAGE-4 PAGE-2

Vol. VI, No. 350, 9th Waxing of Tagu 1381 ME Wednesday, 1 April 2020 At this time, like in the saying “The farther, the better”, please take care and protect your health and the health of others. Stay at home as much as you can: State Counsellor The following is the full text of the televised speech of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in her capacity as Chairperson of the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), reporting the updated situation of the Coronavirus infection in .

Citizens of the of the Union of My- anmar, I would like to give you the latest news of COVID-19 in Myanmar. Out of fourteen cases, checked and confirmed positive and hospitalized (till today), one passed away this morning. The case (suf- fering from CA Nose) had come back from Australia via Singapore recently. Based on the nature of COVID-19, those older adults suffering from various diseases with low resistance are more at high risk and vulnerable. The risk is higher if they do not get prompt medical attention. So if you are having early warning signs, like fever, dry cough, and breathing difficul- ties, get medical attention immediately. The threat of COVID-19 is alarming because it spreads very fast. That is why a suspected case must be quarantined so that he or she could be separated from others and so that others would not get infected. Although COVID-19 came into the country from abroad, it can spread very quickly in large quantities as a re- sult of contact among people. The most effective method of prevention and con- trol is to avoid contacts. That is why you are advised to avoid going to crowded places, both indoors or outdoors. Gath- State Counsellor delivers the televised speech on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). PHOTO: MNA ering at home with relatives and friends and staying close to each other would be others. Stay at home as much as you can. hang on with strong determination and those who have been placed under the 14 dangerous, just like mingling in the crowd I understand however that some people bear the difficulties. If each of us works days quarantine to exercise your patience outdoors. At this time, like in the saying with accommodation problems would with full sense of duty to stop the spread of and pass the required period of time with “The farther, the better”, please take care have difficulties. Anyhow, for a certain COVID-19, we would be able to overcome good will for others. Therefore those and protect your health and the health of period of time, all of our people need to this challenge. I would like to request SEE PAGE-3


NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS LOCAL BUSINESS Union Minister Dr Win Myat India to import Sino-Myanmar Aye discusses coordination more beans, pulses bilateral trade in Covid-19 emergency from Myanmar in values at US$4.5 bln responses 2020-21FY in 2019-2020FY Q1 PAGE-3 PAGE-11 PAGE-11 1 APRIL 2020 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR President, State Counsellor in good health and performing State duties

FAKE online accounts used a photo to spread false news that State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met with a Covid-19 positive patient. Director-General U Zaw Htay from the Ministry of State Counsellor Office denied the rumour, and the photo was between the State Counsellor and the UN Resident Coordinator for Myanmar at the call in Nay Pyi Taw on 23 March. The Director-General explained the person with treatments in isolation at 1000-bed hospital in Nay Pyi Taw was the office staff of UN Special Envoy to Myanmar. “I officially answer that both the President and the State Counsellor are in good health and are serving their State duties. They were neither in self-quarantine nor home quarantine. We are carefully arranging calls by visitors during this time of the Covid-19 disease,” U Zaw Htay said.—MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)

H&T Union Minister, Luxembourg team discuss projects in Myanmar

UNION Minister for Hotels and measures to be taken for avoid- Tourism U Ohn Maung held a ing delays for the process of video conference with Luxem- drafting the Myanmar Tourism bourg’s Chief Technical Coor- Main Plan 2020-2030, conduct- dinator for the human resource ing on-line training including development project in Myan- English proficiency courses mar Mr. Geert De Bruycker for the ministry’s employees yesterday over the projects. amidst Coronavirus pandem- At the conference, the ic and loans and technical as- Union Minister U Ohn Maung holds a video conference with Luxembourg’s Chief Technical Coordinator for Union Minister and the Lux- sistance programmes for the the human resource development project. PHOTO: MNA embour delegation discussed post-Covid-19 period.—MNA Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Commerce Notification 21/2020 7th Waxing of Tagu, 1381 ME (30 March 2020)

This notification is issued in exercise of the power set out in the Notification No 26/2020 2. With effect from the date of this notification, the Ministry of Commerce has banned of the Union Government dated 30 March 2020. speculation in the market by selling and distributing the products in the Paragraph Issuing order to protect goods (a), or storage of these products with the intention of playing the market. 1. Under the Section 4, Sub-section (a) of the Essential Supplies and Services Law, the 3. Those who are speculating in the market by selling and distributing the products Ministry of Commerce has designated the following goods as important supplies. or storing the products with the intention of playing the market would face action (a) Health aid equipments for prevention, control and treatment of the Coronavirus under Section 5 of the Essential Supplies and Services Law. Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Sd/ Dr Than Myint (b) Medicines Union Minister (c) Consumer goods Ministry of Commerce News release on death of Covid-19 positive patient Case 05

were concluded as follows: THE death of Covid-19 positive patient Case 05 was traced back as follows: (1) acute respiratory distress syndrome with septic shock 1. A 69-year-old man living in Mingalar Taungnyunt Township in Yangon Region (2) Covid-19 with severe community acquired pneumonia was diagnosed with nasal cancer in January 2019. He had been undergoing (3) underlying CA nose with radio therapy. treatment with radiation therapy for this disease until May 2019 in Australia. 2. He went again to Australia for follow-up medical check in February 2020. He 5. According to the WHO’s report on 19 March, 40 per cent of Covid-19 positive arrived to Singapore from Australia in March 2020 before he came back to My- patients are found with no severe infection, 40 per cent with moderate severe anmar by flight on 14 March. infection, 15 per cent with severe infection and only 5 per cent with critical 3. He began suffering fever, cough and sore throat on 18 March, and was admitted infection. to the Yangon People’s Hospital on 25 March. He was undergone treatment at 6. The rate of death among confirmed cases is 5 per cent, WHO report said. the intensive care unit of the hospital and his specimens was tested positive at 7. Risk factors for severe disease and death in Covid-19 include older age, cancer, the National Health Laboratory in Yangon on 26 March. The case was announced diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, liver, chronic diseases such as as the positive (Case 05) on 27 March. He was transferred to Waibargi hospital renal problem, taking steroids medicines and low immune system on that morning for intensive care. 8. Therefore, the Case 05 suffered severe infection Covid-19 to die due to old age, 4. His conditions became severe on 31 March morning despite the treatments of cancer and low immune system caused by radio therapy. medical team led by senior doctors, and died at 7:25 am. The causes of his death (Translated by Aung Khin) 1 APRIL 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 “People are the key” If each of us works with full sense of duty to stop the spread of COVID-19, we would be able to overcome this challenge: State Counsellor

FROM PAGE-1 Therefore, in the national inter- consequences from the outbreak by the Ministry of Health and believe that we can calmly over- confined under quarantine are est, community quarantine may of COVID-19, which would make Sports on a continuing basis. We come this pandemic with our being quarantined because they be carried out in some regions, an impact on the economy, and all should be united and exercise collective strength. are liable to be infected by the in which the access or exit is de- the Union government has, a full sense of responsibility indi- I must acknowledge my virus. If you are placed under nied. If such a situation occurs, therefore, taken precautionary vidually for the sake of individual gratitude to all medical officers, quarantine, as a PUI (Patient un- a committee headed by the Vice measures so that the people health and the health of others. nurses and health workers, who der investigation) case, this if for President-1 has already been would have to suffer as little as Unity is strength; people are the are battling at present on the your own good. If the symptoms organized for the purpose of tak- possible. For example, we have key. If the people do what needs frontlines with high morale, de- are checked and detected earlier, ing systematic measures for the already started giving out loans to be done in unity, success will spite difficulties and hardships. then you’ll be given timely med- sufficient and sustainable supply to enterprises that need the be the outcome for all of us. I’d say you are the heroes who ical attention, so the treatment of provisions and medicines, as most. This is to pay wages to Today, while countries all are battling for the people. More- would tip the balance for the bet- well as for the political stability workers and to keep the enter- over the world have been grap- over, I wish to express my grati- ter. If you help yourself, you also in such a region under special prises running. The working pling with the pressing issue of tude on behalf of the State, to all help others, you know. care. We will inform you as early committee tasked with alleviat- the highly infectious COVID-19 quarter/ village administrators, After the Ministry of Health as possible if there is a need for ing the impact of COVID-19 on virus, we are also trying to the staff of the Department of Gener- and Sports had announced that community quarantine for a par- the economy has been monitor- best of our ability. It’s quite al Administration, staff of other there could be a big outbreak of ticular region. And I would like to ing and studying the situation full heartening for me to witness that departments and all the people the pandemic, there were some urge the people of such a special time. It has laid down suitable our people have been making who have being contributing to people who raised their voices region to cooperate and collabo- programs and implementing their contributions in the roles these efforts. for a “Lock Down”, while oth- rate with their understanding of them. assigned, serving their duties in ers were worried about when the important situation. You all are requested to be respective sectors with a strong Translated by Dr. Zaw Tun the Lock Down was coming. Of course, there could be alert to all announcements made sense of responsibility. I fully Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye discusses coordination in Covid-19 emergency responses UNION Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Win Myat Aye organized a meeting yesterday with departmental heads of his office, civil organizations and local NGOs to discuss the ministry’s participation in containment and emergency responses to the Covid-19 cases. At the meeting, the Union Minister discussed systematic implementation of community based facility quarantine for the elderly persons, pregnant women and the persons with disabilities. He also emphasized coordination with relevant departments, Red Cross Society, civil organizations and non-governmental organizations under the guidelines of the national-level Covid-19 central committee, readiness of essential protective equipment and the estimated costs and awareness programmes on directives, rules and laws among the public. In the afternoon, the Union Minister held a conferencing meeting with regional officers of the ministry, civil societies and local NGOs on awareness programmes, the list of volunteers and Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye attends a meeting yesterday with departmental heads of his office, civil distributions of foodstuffs and commodities.—MNA organizations and local NGOs in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)

Permanent Secretary U Soe Han participates in First Video Conference of ASEAN Coordinating Council Working Group (ACCWG) on Public Health Emergencies

MYANMAR Delegation led by U day at 8:30 am at the Ministry spread of the pandemic, exchang- Coordinating Council (ACC) and Foreign Economic Relations, Soe Han, Permanent Secretary of of Foreign Affairs, Nay Pyi Taw. ing information and sharing best Meeting and the proposed Spe- Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of At the Video Conference, practices in the fight against the cial ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting Culture, Ministry of Health and the Republic of the Union of My- the meeting discussed and ex- pandemic, strengthening coordi- and Special ASEAN Plus Three Sports, Ministry of Information, anmar participated in the First changed views on ASEAN’s nated and collective actions and Leaders’ Meeting on COVID-19. Ministry of Transport and Com- Video Conference of the ASEAN existing efforts and cooperative addressing the impacts of COV- Present at the Video Con- munications and Ministry of La- Coordinating Council Working measures in addressing the COV- ID-19, establishing the COVID-19 ference were representatives bour, Immigration and Popula- Group on Public Health Emer- ID-19 and each Member State’s ASEAN Response Fund as well from the Ministry of Foreign tion.—MNA gencies (ACCWG-PHE) yester- national measures to prevent the as preparations for the ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Investment 1 APRIL 2020 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tatmadaw to provide resources in fighting against Covid-19

SENIOR Tatmadaw officers held a coordination meeting to join na- tionwide measures against pre- vention and treatment of Covid-19 pandemic. Commander in Chief of De- fence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Deputy Com- mander in Chief of Defence Ser- vices (Army) Vice Senior General Soe Win, Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Mya Tun Oo, Command in Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commander in Chief (Air) Gener- al Maung Maung Kyaw and sen- ior Tatmadaw officers attended the meeting held at the Office of Commander in Chief of Defence Services in Nay Pyi Taw yester- day morning. After opening remark of Sen- Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attends the coordination meeting to join nationwide measures against prevention and treatment of ior General Min Aung Hlaing, the Covid-19 pandemic. PHOTO:C-IN-C DEFENCE SERVICES attendees presented preparatory measures of respective forces on patients. Hlaing also instructed the Tat- nurses and health workers under The report from the Office of awareness programmes. The Myanmar Economic Co- madaw personnel and staff mem- the Ministry of Health and Sports Commander in Chief of Defence In response to the discus- operation (MEC) and the Myan- bers to follow disciplines and or- are busy with their respective Service also said there is not pos- sions, Senior General Min Aung mar Economic Holdings Limited ders to stay at homes and staff assignments. itive Covid-19 case among the Hlaing explained the readiness (MEHL) will continue operating quarters, and the navy vessels He added to put emphasis Tatmadaw members, but there of 2000 beds and 15,000 beds for their fully invested companies of Thanlwin, Myitkyina and Motta- on religious communities with are 6 soldiers and 18 family mem- quarantine and treatments at the food and basic commodity, and ma to be used as the hospitals. providing foodstuffs and medical bers under the hospital quaran- transit centres of Defence Seriv- will reduce 50 percent capacities The Senior General urged supplies. tine as they had close contacts ices in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw of the other factories till the end the military medical experts to The Senior General asked with the returnees from foreign respectively. of April. Meanwhile, the opera- provide healthcare services, common people and Tatmadaw countries. A total of 29 officers, 11 Some facilities of Defence tion of joint-venture businesses while the National-Level Central families not to believe rumours other ranks and 3 dependants are Services could be used for quar- will be discussed with the foreign Committee for Covid-19 Preven- and false news, and the Defence under facility quarantine.— MNA antine centres for treatments and partners. tion, Control and Treatment has Services media channels are to sheltering for the Coronavirus Senior General Min Aung been formed and civil doctors, present real-time reports. (Translated by Aung Khin)

Updated information about Covid-19 surveillance at 8:00 pm, Mobile app developed for 31 March 2020 quarantined people 1. The Ministry of Health and Sports is closely monitoring and conducting surveillance on the Cov- id-19 at international gateways, at the public hospitals, community-based monitoring and private SAW SAW PYAW, an application healthcare facilities. for quarantined people, has been 2. There were 44 new persons under investigation between 6 pm on 30 March and 6 pm on 31 March. developed by collaboration of 3. Laboratory results of the National Health Laboratory (Yangon) on specimens from a total of 67 the Ministry of Union Govern- persons under investigation and quarantined persons at 7:30 pm 31 March 2020 has shown one ment Office, Ministry Health and positive case of Covid-19 (Table 1), and the remaining 66 persons were tested negative. Sports, Ministry of Transport and 4. The Case 15 patient is a 45-year-old Myanmar woman living in Bahan Township, Yangon. She was Communications and youth tech working at a private clinic of medical services for foreigners. She began suffering fever, sore throat expert Ko Htoo Myint Naung and cough on 27 March, and went to the clinic of Public Health Department in Bahan Township on (Technomation). 30 March. She was then transferred to West Yangon General Hospital and kept as a person under The mobile app is based on investigation. Her specimens were taken for laboratory tests. She will be admitted to the Waibargi other mobile apps for COVID-19 hospital and is now in good health. developed from other nations such as the Republic of Korea and 5. Out of 14 Covid-19 positive cases, 1 is at Tiddim hospital in Chin State, 9 at Waibargi hospital, 1 at adapted to Myanmar’s situation and requirements designated by Kandawnadi hospital in Mandalay, 1 at Nay Pyi Taw People’s Hospital, 1 at Lashio People’s Hospi- the Ministry of Health and Sports. tal. They are in good health and have been undergoing medical treatments. One of the two positive The app is designed for people returning from abroad who have patients at the Waibargi hospital died in the 31 March morning. to file compulsory reports of their return, imposing quarantines, 6. As Myanmar has confirmed more Covid-19 positive cases, persons in close contacts with these patients receiving early treatment and preventing the spread of COVID-19 are identified and restricted on their travels. People are advised to strictly follow the awareness of in communities. The app also has a system for health officials to the Ministry of Health and Sports. monitor people under quarantine and people submit their health (Translated by Aung Khin) conditions via the app. Laboratory results on Covid-19 (7: 30 pm, 31 March 2020) The application will be available in Myanmar and English languages so that both local resident and expatriates in Myanmar Travel Histo- Quarantine/Ad- can report on their health condition. Mobile operators will be pro- ry in the Place for medical Lab result Sr Age Gender mission Date to viding free SIM cards and 1GB of Internet data for people under previous 14 treatment on Covid-19 hospital quarantine using the mobile app. days The mobile app will have a hot line number to contact health West Yangon 15 45 yrs Female No 30 March 2020 Postitive officials. A database of all registered and quarantine people will General Hospital be used to incorporate appropriate action plans.—MNA • Remaining 66 PUIs are tested negative in Covid-19 lab results (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) 1 APRIL 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5

Republic of the Union of Myanmar Office of the President Press Release 13/2020 7th Waxing of Tagu, 1381 ME (30 March 2020) Additional statistical bulletin on drug seizures, acting on information

1. In order to prevent and eradicate the dangers of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, the Office of the President has formed the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department on 26 June 2018 to systematically accept and respond to reports on drug abuses and other related cases from the general public. 2. With orders from the Office of the President, the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department relayed information on reports on drug-related offences up to 28 March 2020 to the Ministry of Home Affairs to take action, as displayed below:

Sr Nature of report Details on seizure and legal action taken 5 Information received of On 26 March 2020, police searched the house of Phone some people using, dis- Myint Oo, 42, son of U Min Aung, who lives in Tawku 1 Information received of On 23 March 2020, police searched the house of Ma tributing and selling ille- Village, Township, and arrested him together Ma Wai Wai who lives in Wai Wai (a) Khat Khat Wai, 32, daughter of U San Win, gal drugs in Tawku Vil- with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. Tat Oo Thida Ward, Ka- who lives in Tat Oo Thida Ward, Kalay Township, and lage, , A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa lay Township, Sagaing arrested her together with heroin. . (Mudon)MaYa(pa)19/2020 under Section 19(a) and Region, distributing and A case has been opened against her with MaMaSa 20(a) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Sub- selling illegal drugs. (Kalay)MaYa(pa)35/2020 under Section 16(c) of the stances Law. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. 6 Information received of On 22 March 2020, police arrested Thein Min Naing, 2 Information received of On 24 March 2020, police investigated some people in Thein Min Naing who 40, son of U Mya Than, who lives in east Myohaung some people using, dis- Inpainegyi farm land, Laeyinte Village, Kawlin Town- lives in east Myohaung Ward, Thanlyin Township, together with ‘WY’ stimulant tributing and selling ille- ship. They found Kyaw Soe Oo (a) Khwet Ni, 29, son Ward, Thanlyin Town- tablets at a tea shop on Kyaikkhauk Pagoda Road, gal drugs from Laeyinte of U Myint Maung, who lives in Kyayinn Village; Myo ship, Yangon Region, Thauktawtwin Ward, Thanlyin Township. Village, Kawlin Township, Maung (a) Dinho, 29, son of U Than Maung; and Aung distributing and selling A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa Sagaing Region. Myo Oo (a) Myo Oo, 41, son of U Phoe Hset, who live illegal drugs. (Thanlyin)MaYa(pa)18/2020 under Section 19(a) and in Laeyin Village, and arrested Aung Myo Oo (a) Myo 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Oo together with heroin and other two men run away. Law. A case has been opened against them with MaMaSa (Kawlin)MaYa(pa)42/2020 under Section 16(c) and 21 of 7 Information received of On 23 March 2020, police searched the house of Kyaw the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Kyaw Soe who lives in Soe (a) Kyaw Soe Tun, 26, son of U Kalar, who lives west Seikgyi Ward, Seik- in west Seikgyi Ward, Seikkyi/Khanaungto Township, 3 Information received of On 26 March 2020, police searched the house of Tun kyi/Khanaungto Town- and arrested him together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. some people using, dis- Naing (a) Maung Ai, 28, son of U Thar Myint, who lives ship, Yangon Region, A case has been opened against him with MaMaSa tributing and selling ille- in Nanttaw Village, Homalin Township, and arrested distributing and selling (Seikkyi Khanaungto)MaYa(pa)2/2020 under Section gal drugs from Nanttaw him together with heroin. He bought the drugs from illegal drugs. 19(a) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Sub- Village, Homalin Town- Maung Khar, 36, son of U Phoe Htoo, who lives in the stances Law. ship, Sagaing Region. same village. A case has been opened against them with NaMaSa (Minekhaine)MaYa(pa)25/2020 under Section 19(a) and 3. Out of the information sent to the Drug Activity Special Complaint Department, 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances so far a total of 1,042 cases have been opened files as of 28 March 2020. A total of Law. 1,600 people, including 1,338 men and 262 women had been arrested with 8,571.0014 Police continued search the house of Maung Khar and g of heroin, 1,347.42 g of ICE, 40,404.33886 g of opium, 665.27 g of low-quality opium, arrested him and together with Yan Naing Aung (a) 53,252.76 g of speciosa powder, 12,097.32 g of speciosa, 2.5 liters of liquid speciosa, Yan Naing, 49, son of U Khin Mya, who lives in the same 515,673 stimulant tablets, 10,311.67 g of marijuana, 0.1 liters of opium tincture, 520.28 village, and Min Thu, 30, son of U Tin Hla, who lives in g of opium blocks, 60 g of poppy seeds, 55.45 g of crushed stimulant tablet powder, Tantaroo Ward, Mawlaik Township, together with heroin 0.001 g of crushed ecstasy powder, 25 firearms, different kinds of 609 cartridges A case has been opened against them with NaMaSa and one grenade. Efforts for fighting the drug trafficking has been stepped up and (Minekhaine)MaYa(pa)26/2020 under Section 19(a) and the department will report on further exposed cases. 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 4. To seize further drugs and to arrest drugs dealers, people are urged to inform Law. the Ministry of Home Affairs, region and state governments and to inform huge cases of drug trafficking and other suspicious cases directly to the Drug Activ- 4 Information received of On 22 March 2020, police inspected a motorcycle driven ity Special Complaint Department of the Office of the President via following some people using, dis- by Ko Ko Win, 23, son of U Soe Win and Mamed Rahim, contact numbers: tributing and selling ille- 48, son of U Adu Martin, who live in Yaytwingon Village, gal drugs on Abid-Khalae Township, on the road of Abid-Khalae Contacts Dagontaing Village road, Dagontaing Village and arrested them together with Landline No. — 067-590200 Mudon Township, Mon ‘WY’ and ‘R’ stimulant tablets. Fax Phone No. — 067-590233 State. A case has been opened against them with NaMaSa Email Address — [email protected] (Kamarwet)MaYa(pa)9/2020 under Section 19(a) and 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Similarly, police inspected a motorcycle driven by Tayzar Hein (a) Gadon, 32, son of U Ko Ko and Aung Zeya (a) Aya, 49, son of U Phoe Yin, who live in Kyarinn Village, Township, on the same road and arrested them together with ‘WY’ stimulant tablets. A case has been opened against them with NaMaSa (Kamarwet)MaYa(pa)10/2020 under Section 16(c) and 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. 1 APRIL 2020 6 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Religious places temporarily closed in

ACTING CHIEF EDITOR Aye Min Soe Kalaw amid Covid-19 [email protected]

SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT SIGNIFICANT places and pa- Kyaw Myaing godas have been temporarily closed to prevent spreading of SENIOR EDITOR Covid-19 in Kalaw Township, Aungthu Ya Shang State (South), said U SENIOR TRANSLATORS Than Maung, a member of a Zaw Htet Oo pagoda board of trustees. Aung Khin The temporarily closed significant pagodas are Kalaw INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR Ye Htut Tin, Hnee pagoda located in Ward- Aung Htein, 8, Kalaw Shwe Oo Min Natural [email protected] Cave Pagoda located in Ward-10 and Ohn Na Lone Mway Shin LOCAL NEWS EDITORS Tun Tun Naing (Editor), Stupa located in Myin Ma Hti [email protected] village, Kalaw township. “Local pilgrims from across TRANSLATORS the country visit the Kalaw Hnee Hay Mar Tin Win, pagoda on overnight trips. Start- Ei Myat Mon, Kyaw Zin Lin, ing from 27 March, they are not Kyaw Zin Tun allowed to stay overnight in the pagoda. The shops in the pa- REPORTER goda precinct are temporarily Nyein Nyein Ei, [email protected] closed these days. However, the pilgrims are allowed to visit the No visitors are allowed in Shwe Oo Min Natural Cave Pagoda amid COVID-19. PHOTO: KYAW WIN (IPRD) PHOTOGRAPHER pagodas on day return trips. But Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar these days, only a few visitors Kyaw Zeya come to the pagodas,” he added. including the shops opened on the spread of Coronavirus pandem- pagoda board of trustees. —Kyaw

COMPUTER TEAM “The pagoda board of trus- pagoda precinct beginning from ic. We will announce the opening Win (IPRD) Thein Ngwe, Zaw Zaw Aung, tees has banned the visits to the 26 March as part of the pagoda date of the pagoda to the public,” Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, Ohn Na Lone Mway Shin Stupa trustees’ effort to prevent the said U Myo Aung, a member of the (Translated by Hay Mar) Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe, Nyi Lin Thu

EDITORIAL SECTION Thanakha submitted to UNESCO for intangible cultural heritage (+95) (01)8604529, Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 MYANMAR Thanakha, which is one of the favourite products CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, of the local people to apply on Hotline - 09 974424114 their face, was submitted at the end of March as a world’s ADVERTISING & MARKETING intangible cultural heritage to ( +95) (01) 8604530, Hotline - 09 974424848 be nominated by the United [email protected] Nations Educational, Scien- [email protected] tific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), said Member U Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at Ye Myat Aung of Intangible No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Cultural Heritage Promotion Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light Committee under the Arche- of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. ology and National Museum 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. Department. [email protected] There are many intangible cultural heritages in Myanmar. But most are not yet listed in UNESCO. So, Myanmar will add the traditional Thanakha, Myanmar Thanakha bark being sold in the market. PHOTO: MIN HTET AUNG (MAN SUB- PRINTING HOUSE) which has been in use for more than 1,000 years and which cultural heritage at the end of end of March after completing in UNSECO or not,” he noted. remains up to these modern this month to UNESCO. To be all the necessary information. There are more than 200 years. Myanmar Thanakha is nominated in UNESCO, our de- Our Thanakha matches the countries in the world. Among found to meet the five norms. partment has established the standards of the UNESCO. We them, 198 countries are mem- So, we have been attempting Myanmar Intangible Cultural have submitted the forms to- bers of the UNESCO. A total of Write for us to nominate our Thanakha Heritage Promotion Commit- gether with the video records 508 intangible cultural heritages

We appreciate your feedback and starting from January 2020 for tee in cooperation with other related to the use of Thanakha. from 122 countries have been contributions. If you have any comments being put on the UNESCO’s Thanakha associations. The The UNESCO holds its meet- named in the UNESCO world or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email World Heritage List. survey over the use of Thanakha ing every three months and heritage list. About 33 intangible [email protected] Myanmar will receive was conducted across the coun- chooses the items for putting cultural heritages from seven with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only technical assistance from UN- try. The Ministry of Religious them on the list of tangible and ASEAN countries have been able to publish “Letter to the Editor” ESCO for the preservation of Affairs and Culture has also intangible cultural heritages. named by UNESCO. —Min Htet that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words Thanakha if it is listed. surveyed on the social website Myanmar will know the result Aung (Man sub- printing house) please be aware that your letter will be “Myanmar has nominat- (Facebook). Moreover, Myan- in next December 2021 as to edited. ed Thanakha as an intangible mar submitted a form at the whether Thanakha will be listed (Translated by Hay Mar) 1 APRIL 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR COVID ­ - 19 HEADLINES 7

Worldwide lockdown hardens as Spain sees deadliest day

MADRID (Spain)— Tightened the country for weeks. lockdowns across the planet In battered Italy, flags flew saw nearly half of humanity at half-mast during a minute told to stay at home in a bid to of silence to honour the more stem the spiralling coronavirus than 11,500 people who have pandemic, as Spain recorded perished from the virus, and its deadliest day Tuesday and the health workers still work- the United States braced for ing through nightmarish con- the full impact of the disease. ditions. The virus has claimed Although there are signs nearly 38,000 lives worldwide the spread of infections is slow- in a health crisis that is rapidly ing in Italy, hundreds are still reorganising political power, dying every day, leading au- hammering the global economy thorities to extend a stringent and the daily existence of some nationwide shutdown despite 3.6 billion people. its crushing economic impact. Spain, whose outbreak is In Belgium a 12-year-old the world’s second deadliest af- girl infected with COVID-19 ter Italy, broke another national was pronounced dead, a rare record of 849 deaths in one day case of a young person suc- Tuesday, dampening hopes it cumbing to the disease, and could have passed the peak of yet another grim reminder of A woman prays in front of the doors of Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem following its the crisis that has debilitated its reach. —AFP closure due to the coronavirus. PHOTO: AFP

Macron announces push to produce ANA, labour union agree on paid coronavirus masks, ventilators leave for 6,400 cabin attendants

SAINT-BARTHÉLEMY-D’AN- plastic hairnet to tour the facility. masks per week by the end of next TOKYO — All Nippon Airways Co. and its labour union agreed JOU (France)—France is rush- Macron promised “full inde- month, compared to 3.3 million Tuesday on have 6,400 of its cabin attendants take several days of ing to produce millions of face pendence” by the end of the year per week before the crisis struck. leave a month starting in April due to flight cancellations forced by masks and thousands of venti- in the production of protective The number could rise to 15 the coronavirus outbreak, people close to the matter said. lators as reliance on imports to face masks for France, which like million per week with the aid of Full-time flight attendants of the airline known as ANA will take fight the coronavirus has exposed most other countries was woefully several companies that have vol- three to five days a month of partially paid leave for one year, they the country’s need for “independ- understocked when the epidemic unteered contributions. said. ANA has sharply cut domestic and international flights and ence” in producing vital medical struck. In terms of the urgent need is considering seeking around 100 billion yen ($920 million) of fresh equipment, President Emmanuel With some 40 million masks for ventilators to help the most loans from banks due to declining travel demand as the pandemic Macron said Tuesday. required per week for frontline serious COVID-19 cases, Macron has forced the postponement of sports events, the closure of cultural “We have to rebuild our na- medical staff, the government had announced that 10,000 would be and leisure facilities, and the cancellation of business and leisure tional and European sovereignty,” placed orders for over a billion produced by a consortium of com- trips. —Kyodo News Macron said as he visited a sur- masks to be delivered in the com- panies at two factories in France. gical mask factory in Saint-Bar- ing weeks, mainly from China. Of these, 4,500 will be deliv- thelemy-d’Anjou, near Angers In the meantime, local pro- ered during the last two weeks IMF secures loans from in western France, where he duction is being ramped up, of April, and the rest before mid- donned a mask, coveralls and a with capacity to reach 10 million May. —AFP members to bolster lending

WASHINGTON (United States) — The International Monetary Fund said Tuesday its members have agreed to renew arrange- ments ensuring the fund has lending firepower, especially as the coronavirus pandemic creates a demand for financing. “This action is part of a broader package on IMF resources and governance reform that will help maintain the IMF’s lending capacity of $1 trillion,” the fund said in a statement. The executive board of the Washington-based development lender on Monday approved the bilateral borrowing arrangements to take effect January 1, 2021, just after the current round expire, which will be in place for three years but can be extended through the end of 2024. The arrangements currently in place provide $450 billion from 40 countries, and add to the IMF’s other resources in- cluding usual quotas provided by each member, as well as financing under the New Arrangements to Borrow which will be doubled to just over $500 billion. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva last week said the global economy already has entered recession due to the sudden stop in activity caused by the pandemic and more than 80 countries, mostly of low incomes, have requested emergency aid. Emerging markets, which have suffered an exodus of capital of French President Emmanuel Macron (L) wearing protective suit and face mask visits the Kolmi-Hopen more than $83 billion in recent weeks, face financing needs of $2.5 protective face masks factory in Saint-Barthelemy-d’Anjou near Angers, central France, on March 31, 2020 trillion, which will require some outside assistance, she said. — AFP amid a new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. PHOTO: AFP 1 APRIL 2020 1 APRIL 2020 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 9

Republic of the Union of Myanmar Playing the Office of the President Q & A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) Notification 54/2020 8th Waxing of Tagu, 1381 market is (31 March 2020) What is a coronavirus? Why? You have a higher chance Coronaviruses are a large of catching COVID-19 in one of es/novel-coronavirus-2019/ad- Coming into force of the Boundary family of viruses which may cause these areas. vice-for-public Measurement and Demarcation Law breaking the law illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses Protection measures for per- Who is at risk of developing IN accordance with the provisions stated in the article 2 of ITH more findings of Coronavirus infections, which are known to cause respiratory in- sons who are in or have recent- severe illness? the Boundary Measurement and Demarcation Law, this Law reached 14 yesterday in Myanmar, the outbreak of fections ranging from the common ly visited (past 14 days) areas While we are still learning comes into force on 1st April 2020 (9th Waxing of Tagu 1381). the COVID-19 pandemic appears imminent in our cold to more severe diseases such where COVID-19 is spreading about how COVID-2019 affects country. as Middle East Respiratory Syn- o Follow the guidance outlined people, older persons and persons Sd/Win Myint W President At the same time, food and medicine prices are trending drome (MERS) and Severe Acute above (Protection measures for with pre-existing medical condi- Republic of the Union of Myanmar upwards, with some protective items, such as masks, sanitizers Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). everyone) tions (such as high blood pressure, and alcohol, disappearing from the market. The most recently discovered o Self-isolate by staying at home heart disease, lung disease, cancer To respond to the situation, the Ministry of Commerce has coronavirus causes coronavirus if you begin to feel unwell, even or diabetes) appear to develop worked to stabilize commodity markets related to medicines, disease COVID-19. with mild symptoms such as serious illness more often than medical equipment and household commodities since the outbreak headache, low grade fever (37.3 others. of the disease first occurred in neighbouring China. What are the symptoms of C or above) and slight runny Announcement of In a welcome step, the ministry issued an order yester- COVID-19? nose, until you recover. If it is Are antibiotics effective in day warning the public not The most common symptoms essential for you to have some- preventing or treating the MoALI to public to speculate on three goods, of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, one bring you supplies or to go COVID-19? banning those who are spec- and dry cough. Some patients may out, e.g. to buy food, then wear No. Antibiotics do not work 1. The Department of Agriculture is facilitating to acquire ... anyone who ulating in the market by sell- have aches and pains, nasal con- a mask to avoid infecting other against viruses, they only work good seeds and technologies for respective crops to pre- ing products at higher prices gestion, runny nose, sore throat people. on bacterial infections. COVID-19 vent declines in produce, high yield and reliable markets. than the street market and or diarrhea. These symptoms are Why? Avoiding contact with is caused by a virus, so antibiotics 2. Myanmar produced over 26 million tonnes of rice in 2019- violates any distribution chains call for. usually mild and begin gradual- An employee of Hill Rom medical beds works in the plant in Pluvigner, western France on March 31, 2020, on the fifteen day of others and visits to medical do not work. Antibiotics should not 2020 FY, although the amount of annual domestic con- The ministry labeled ly. Some people become infected a lockdown in France to stop the spread of the epidemic COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus. PHOTO: AFP facilities will allow these facili- be used as a means of prevention sumption was just more than 15 million tonnes. Moreover, order issued three goods as “important but don’t develop any symptoms the virus that causes COVID-19 mouth. ties to operate more effectively or treatment of COVID-19. They kitchen vegetables such as chili, onion, garlic and potatoes goods”, which include health and don't feel unwell. Most peo- is mainly transmitted through What can I do to protect my- Why? Hands touch many sur- and help protect you and others should only be used as directed are more than enough for domestic consumptions. under section care equipment for Coronavi- ple (about 80%) recover from the contact with respiratory droplets self and prevent the spread faces and can pick up viruses. from possible COVID-19 and by a physician to treat a bacterial 3. Farmers can ask knowledge about availabilities of good rus disease prevention, con- disease without needing special rather than through the air. See of disease? Once contaminated, hands can other viruses. infection. seeds and agricultural technologies for high yields from 4 shall, on trol and treatment, medicines treatment. Around 1 out of every previous answer on “How does Protection measures for transfer the virus to your eyes, o If you develop fever, cough and the offices of Agriculture Department, rural-based tech- and food. 6 people who gets COVID-19 be- COVID-19 spread?” everyone nose or mouth. From there, the difficulty breathing, seek medi- Are there any medicines or nology centres, regional offices and seed producing facility conviction, Under the Essential comes seriously ill and develops Stay aware of the latest infor- virus can enter your body and cal advice promptly as this may therapies that can prevent or by calling the hotline number of DoA at 01-399555. Supplies and Services Law, difficulty breathing. Older people, Can CoVID-19 be caught from a mation on the COVID-19 outbreak, can make you sick. be due to a respiratory infection cure COVID-19? Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation anyone who violates any or- and those with underlying medical person who has no symptoms? available on the WHO website and • Make sure you, and the people or other serious condition. Call While some western, tra- (Translated by Aung Khin) be punished der issued under section 4 problems like high blood pressure, The main way the disease through your national and local around you, follow good res- in advance and tell your provid- ditional or home remedies may shall, on conviction, be pun- heart problems or diabetes, are spreads is through respiratory public health authority. Many piratory hygiene. This means er of any recent travel or contact provide comfort and alleviate with impris- ished with imprisonment for more likely to develop serious droplets expelled by someone who countries around the world have covering your mouth and nose with travelers. symptoms of COVID-19, there is a term from a minimum of illness. People with fever, cough is coughing. The risk of catching seen cases of COVID-19 and sev- with your bent elbow or tissue Why? Calling in advance will no evidence that current medi- onment for a six months to a maximum of and difficulty breathing should COVID-19 from someone with no eral have seen outbreaks. Authori- when you cough or sneeze. Then allow your health care provider cine can prevent or cure the dis- three years, and shall also be seek medical attention. symptoms at all is very low. How- ties in China and some other coun- dispose of the used tissue imme- to quickly direct you to the right ease. WHO does not recommend term from a liable to a fine not exceeding ever, many people with COVID-19 tries have succeeded in slowing or diately. health facility. This will also help self-medication with any medi- Myanmar Daily Weather Report five hundred thousand Kyats. How does COVID-19 spread? experience only mild symptoms. stopping their outbreaks. Howev- Why? Droplets spread virus. to prevent possible spread of cines, including antibiotics, as a (Issued at 7:00 pm Tuesday 31st March, 2020) minimum of The government is help- People can catch COVID-19 This is particularly true at the early er, the situation is unpredictable so By following good respiratory COVID-19 and other viruses. prevention or cure for COVID-19. ing to smooth the flow of com- from others who have the virus. stages of the disease. It is therefore check regularly for the latest news. hygiene you protect the people However, there are several ongo- BAY INFERENCE: Weather is patrly cloudy over the South modities by joining hands The disease can spread from possible to catch COVID-19 from You can reduce your chanc- around you from viruses such Should I worry about COV- ing clinical trials that include both Bay and a few cloud over the Andaman Sea and elsewhere six months to with the private sector. Thus person to person through small someone who has, for example, es of being infected or spreading as cold, flu and COVID-19. ID-19? western and traditional medicines. over the Bay of Bengal. the public and businesses are droplets from the nose or mouth just a mild cough and does not feel COVID-19 by taking some simple • Stay home if you feel unwell. If o Illness due to COVID-19 infec- WHO will continue to provide up- a maximum urged to abide by the law. which are spread when a person ill. WHO is assessing ongoing re- precautions: you have a fever, cough and dif- tion is generally mild, especially dated information as soon as clin- FORECAST VALID UNTIL THE AFTERNOON OF 1st This new move by the with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. search on the period of transmis- • Regularly and thoroughly ficulty breathing, seek medical for children and young adults. ical findings are available. April, 2020: Weather will be partly cloudy in Upper Sagaing, of three years, Ministry of Commerce is These droplets land on objects and sion of COVID-19 and will continue clean your hands with an al- attention and call in advance. However, it can cause serious Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin another step to alleviate the surfaces around the person. Other to share updated findings. cohol-based hand rub or wash Follow the directions of your illness: about 1 in every 5 people Is there a vaccine, drug or and Mon States and generally fair in the remaining Regions ... impact on the nation’s econ- people then catch COVID-19 by them with soap and water. local health authority. who catch it need hospital care. treatment for COVID-19? and States. omy caused by the COVID-19 touching these objects or surfaces, Can I catch COVID-19 from the Why? Washing your hands with Why? National and local au- It is therefore quite normal for Not yet. To date, there is no pandemic. then touching their eyes, nose or feces of someone with the dis- soap and water or using alco- thorities will have the most up people to worry about how the vaccine and no specific antiviral STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in Regarding food, we are confident that our country will not mouth. People can also catch COV- ease? hol-based hand rub kills viruses to date information on the sit- COVID-19 outbreak will affect medicine to prevent or treat COV- Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (3-6) feet off encounter shortages, as the country is producing basic household ID-19 if they breathe in droplets The risk of catching COV- that may be on your hands. uation in your area. Calling in them and their loved ones. ID-2019. However, those affect- and along Myanmar Coasts. commodities and even exporting these goods to foreign countries. from a person with COVID-19 who ID-19 from the feces of an infected • Maintain at least 1 metre (3 advance will allow your health o We can channel our concerns ed should receive care to relieve The government is taking steps to address difficulties in trade coughs out or exhales droplets. person appears to be low. While feet) distance between yourself care provider to quickly direct into actions to protect ourselves, symptoms. People with serious OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood and will not hesitate to take legal actions against those causing This is why it is important to stay initial investigations suggest the and anyone who is coughing or you to the right health facility. our loved ones and our com- illness should be hospitalized. of rain or thundershowers in Upper Sagaing Region and price hikes in the market during this time of crisis. more than 1 meter (3 feet) away virus may be present in feces in sneezing. This will also protect you and munities. First and foremost Most patients recover thanks to Kachin State. For in a time of crisis, the people instinctively know what they from a person who is sick. some cases, spread through this Why? When someone coughs help prevent spread of viruses among these actions is regular supportive care. need, which is food. WHO is assessing ongoing re- route is not a main feature of the or sneezes they spray small and other infections. and thorough hand-washing and Possible vaccines and some FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING Obviously, if the producer receives less and the consumer search on the ways COVID-19 is outbreak. WHO is assessing on- liquid droplets from their nose • Keep up to date on the latest good respiratory hygiene. Sec- specific drug treatments are un- AREA FOR 1st April, 2020: Generally fair weather. pays more, then there is price gouging in the middle. Ordinary spread and will continue to share going research on the ways COV- or mouth which may contain COVID-19 hotspots (cities or ondly, keep informed and follow der investigation. They are being people have been outraged by individuals who purchase excessive updated findings. ID-19 is spread and will continue virus. If you are too close, you local areas where COVID-19 is the advice of the local health tested through clinical trials. WHO FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING amounts of basic necessities in order to personally profit. to share new findings. Because can breathe in the droplets, spreading widely). If possible, authorities including any re- is coordinating efforts to develop AREA FOR 1st April, 2020: Generally fair weather. Again, we should avoid any measures and actions which can Can the virus that causes COV- this is a risk, however, it is another including the COVID-19 virus avoid traveling to places – espe- strictions put in place on travel, vaccines and medicines to prevent lead the people to be outraged by price hikes caused by individuals ID-19 be transmitted through reason to clean hands regularly, if the person coughing has the cially if you are an older person movement and gatherings. and treat COVID-19. FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING playing the markets. the air? after using the bathroom and be- disease. or have diabetes, heart or lung o Learn more about how to pro- AREA FOR 1st April, 2020: Generally fair weather. Studies to date suggest that fore eating. • Avoid touching eyes, nose and disease. tect yourself at https://www. SEE PAGE-10 1 APRIL 2020 10 COVID ­ - 19 Q & A THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Q & A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)

FROM PAGE-9 your face and clothes, to avoid touch- cat or any pet can transmit COVID-19. • Wearing multiple masks The most effective ways to protect ing potentially contaminated surfaces COVID-19 is mainly spread through • Taking antibiotics (See question 10 yourself and others against COVID-19 of the mask. droplets produced when an infected “Are there any medicines of therapies are to frequently clean your hands, 9. Discard the mask in a closed bin im- person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. To that can prevent or cure COVID-19?”) cover your cough with the bend of elbow mediately after use. protect yourself, clean your hands fre- In any case, if you have fever, cough or tissue, and maintain a distance of at 10.Perform hand hygiene after touch- quently and thoroughly. and difficulty breathing seek medical least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who ing or discarding the mask – Use WHO continues to monitor the lat- care early to reduce the risk of devel- are coughing or sneezing. (See Basic alcohol-based hand rub or, if visibly est research on this and other COV- oping a more severe infection and be protective measures against the new soiled, wash your hands with soap ID-19 topics and will update as new sure to share your recent travel history coronavirus). and water. findings are available. with your health care provider.

Is COVID-19 the same as SARS? How long is the incubation period How long does the virus survive Is the source of the coronavirus No. The virus that causes COV- for COVID-19? on surfaces? causing COVID-19 known? ID-19 and the one that caused the The “incubation period” means the It is not certain how long the virus Currently, the source of SARS- outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory time between catching the virus and that causes COVID-19 survives on sur- CoV-2, the coronavirus (CoV) causing Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 are related to beginning to have symptoms of the faces, but it seems to behave like other COVID-19 is unknown. All available each other genetically, but the diseases disease. Most estimates of the incuba- coronaviruses. Studies suggest that evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 has they cause are quite different. tion period for COVID-19 range from coronaviruses (including preliminary a natural animal origin and is not a con- SARS was more deadly but much 1-14 days, most commonly around five information on the COVID-19 virus) structed virus. SARS-CoV-2 virus most less infectious than COVID-19. There days. These estimates will be updated may persist on surfaces for a few hours probably has its ecological reservoir in have been no outbreaks of SARS any- as more data become available. or up to several days. This may vary bats. SARS-CoV-2, belongs to a group of where in the world since 2003. under different conditions (e.g. type of genetically related viruses, which also Can humans become infected surface, temperature or humidity of the include SARS-CoV and a number of oth- Should I wear a mask to protect er CoVs isolated from bats populations. myself? MERS-CoV also belongs to this group, Only wear a mask if you are ill with but is less closely related. COVID-19 symptoms (especially cough- ing) or looking after someone who may How did the first human SARS- have COVID-19. Disposable face mask CoV-2 infections occur? can only be used once. If you are not The first human cases of COVID-19 ill or looking after someone who is ill were identified in Wuhan City, China in then you are wasting a mask. There December 2019. At this stage, it is not is a world-wide shortage of masks, so possible to determine precisely how WHO urges people to use masks wisely. humans in China were initially infected WHO advises rational use of med- with SARS-CoV-2. ical masks to avoid unnecessary wast- However, SARS-CoV, the virus age of precious resources and mis-use which caused the SARS outbreak in of masks (see Advice on the use of 2003, jumped from an animal reser- masks). voir (civet cats, a farmed wild animal) The most effective ways to protect to humans and then spread between yourself and others against COVID-19 humans. In a similar way, it is thought are to frequently clean your hands, that SARS-CoV-2 jumped the species An officer plans a route for the soldiers at the naval base in Wilhelmshaven, northern cover your cough with the bend of elbow Germany, for them to make and deliver purchases on March 31, 2020 for people needing help barrier and initially infected humans, or tissue and maintain a distance of at in Wilhelmshaven, northwestern Germany, amid the novel coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. but more likely through an intermediate least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who During the Corona crisis, navy soldiers at the largest German military base in Wilhelmshaven host, that is another animal species are coughing or sneezing. See basic help elderly people to do their shopping. PHOTO: AFP more likely to be handled by humans - protective measures against the new this could be a domestic animal, a wild coronavirus for more information. with the COVID-19 from an animal environment). animal, or a domesticated wild animal source? If you think a surface may be in- and, as of yet, has not been identified. How to put on, use, take off and Coronaviruses are a large family fected, clean it with simple disinfectant Until the source of this virus is dispose of a mask? of viruses that are common in animals. to kill the virus and protect yourself identified and controlled, there is a 1. Remember, a mask should only be Occasionally, people get infected with and others. Clean your hands with an risk of reintroduction of the virus in the used by health workers, care tak- these viruses which may then spread alcohol-based hand rub or wash them human population and the risk of new ers, and individuals with respiratory to other people. For example, SARS- with soap and water. Avoid touching outbreaks like the ones we are currently symptoms, such as fever and cough. CoV was associated with civet cats and your eyes, mouth, or nose. experiencing. 2. Before touching the mask, clean MERS-CoV is transmitted by drome- hands with an alcohol-based hand dary camels. Possible animal sources of Is it safe to receive a package from Is COVID-19 airborne? rub or soap and water COVID-19 have not yet been confirmed. any area where COVID-19 has been The virus that causes COVID-19 is 3. Take the mask and inspect it for tears To protect yourself, such as when reported? mainly transmitted through droplets or holes. visiting live animal markets, avoid di- Yes. The likelihood of an infect- generated when an infected person 4. Orient which side is the top side rect contact with animals and surfaces ed person contaminating commercial coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These drop- (where the metal strip is). in contact with animals. Ensure good goods is low and the risk of catching lets are too heavy to hang in the air. 5. Ensure the proper side of the mask food safety practices at all times. Han- the virus that causes COVID-19 from a They quickly fall on floors or surfaces. faces outwards (the coloured side). dle raw meat, milk or animal organs package that has been moved, travelled, You can be infected by breathing 6. Place the mask to your face. Pinch the with care to avoid contamination of and exposed to different conditions and in the virus if you are within 1 metre metal strip or stiff edge of the mask so uncooked foods and avoid consuming temperature is also low. of a person who has COVID-19, or by it moulds to the shape of your nose. raw or undercooked animal products. touching a contaminated surface and 7. Pull down the mask’s bottom so it Is there anything I should not do? then touching your eyes, nose or mouth covers your mouth and your chin. Can I catch COVID-19 from my pet? The following measures ARE NOT before washing your hands. 8. After use, take off the mask; remove While there has been one instance effective against COVID-2019 and can the elastic loops from behind the ears of a dog being infected in Hong Kong, be harmful: while keeping the mask away from to date, there is no evidence that a dog, • Smoking SOURCE : WHO 1 APRIL 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 11 India to import more beans, pulses from Myanmar in 2020-21FY

By Nyein Nyein “India increased the quo- ta limit from 150,000 to 400,000 INDIA has notified the annual tonnes to reach the market’s quota of beans imports for the demand. This action will bring next fiscal year 2020-2021, in- benefits both to the Indian im- cluding 400,000 tonnes of pigeon porters and Myanmar traders peas, said Secretary U Min Ko and growers. The local traders Oo of the Myanmar Pulses, and growers are happy with Beans and Sesame Seeds Mer- early notification of India. The chants Association. market is expected to grow bet- India’s Department of ter next year than the current Commerce under the Ministry fiscal year”, he noted. of Commerce and Industry in- Following India’s notifica- formed of the quota limit for the tion on quota limit, the prices next FY on 28 March, allowing of pulses and beans have risen. Indian millers to import 400,000 Mung bean is priced at K985,000 tonnes of pigeon peas, 150,000 per ton, while pigeon peas fetch tonnes of green peas and an- K710,000 per ton. other 150,000 tonnes of yellow Myanmar is the main sup- peas and other types of beans. plier of mung beans to India. Moreover, India’s Com- Concerning other types of merce Department has an- beans, Myanmar has to com- nounced to import 400,000 Myanmar’s bean industry is showcasing beans and pulses. PHOTO: MIN HTET AUNG pete against Australian and tonnes of mung beans for the African markets, according to 2020-2021 FY as per the amend- Myanmar President’s visit to annual quota for other types of fiscal year reflects the require- Myanmar Pulses, Beans and ed 2015-2020 Foreign Trade Pol- India, India issued quota re- beans including 400,00 tonnes of ment of India’s market. The Sesame Seeds Merchants As- icy of the Central Government. striction for mung beans for pigeon peas”, said U Min Ko Oo. larger quota limit is a good sociation. “India notified import quo- the 2020- 2021FY. Again, they’ve “India’s notification of pea potential for Myanmar’s bean ta by end-March. Following released an announcement on import quota for the coming industry”, he added. (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) Rice export price surges amid Covid-19 Sino-Myanmar bilateral

THE prices of rice in the export ricultural products have been the public not to believe misin- trade values at $4.5 bln market rose a bit in March com- frequently halted on account of formation and disinformation and pared with the prices of previous China clamping down on illegal reaffirmed them the other day in 2019-2020FY Q1 months, according to the Myan- trade. At present, the MRF is not to worry about any possible mar Rice Federation (MRF). monitoring the impact of Cov- shortage of rice as they have an THE value of Myanmar’s trade on illegal trade in border cross- The price of white rice variety id-19 in the foreign and domestic adequate supply of rice in the do- with China through maritime ings. (well-milled) was priced US$300- market, and working with stake- mestic market. trade channels totalled over The value of bilateral trade 305 per metric ton in January holders in the respective regions Regardless of MRF’s attempt US$4.5 billion in October and with China was $11.36 billion in and February 2020. In March, the and states to govern the market. to control the unnecessary price January of 2019-2020 fiscal year, the 2018-2019 FY, $6 billion in price slightly climbed to $315-325. The federation will call on the hike, the prices of rice surged due including $2.108 billion worth the past mini-budget period, Similarly, low-quality rice variety government to take systematic to growing demand, according of exports and $2.39 billion for $11.78 billion in the 2017-2018 (reasonably well-milled) saw a measures on exports by involving to Yangon Wadan Commodity imports, according to the data fiscal year and $10.8 billion in significant increase last month exporters. Owing to a volatile Depot. At present, the summer released by the Ministry of the 2016-2017FY respectively. against the prices in January and dollar exchange rate in the local paddy is going to be harvested Commerce. Rice, various types of peas, February, rising from $265-270 to forex market, some exporters and the number of rice stocks has Meanwhile, Myanmar’s sesame seeds, corn, fruits and $285-295 per metric ton. have halted rice purchases at the become lesser, said some traders. regional trade with ASEAN vegetables, dried tea leaves, However, broken rice varie- end of March. The prices of rice currently countries touched a high of fishery products, rubber, min- ty in the last three months (Jan- “In the meantime, some move in the ranges of K36,000- $4.2 billion. erals and animal products are March) remained flat at 280-290 people are panic-buying food and 53,000 per 108-pound-bag of Myanmar primarily ex- exported to China, whereas for (A1:2), $260-270 for B1:2 (sort- consumer goods in preparation Pawsan varieties, while low-qual- ports agro-products to China machinery, plastic raw mate- exed), $245-255 for B1:2 (non-sort- for the possible negative impact ity rice fetched 20,500-23,500. The through land borders. However, rials, consumer products and exed), $240-245 for (B2:3:4 non-sor- of the Covid-19 pandemic. There- price is up by 500-, 10,000 per bag trade-in agricultural products electronics tools flow into My- texed), according to the MRF. fore, some are worrying over a against previous months, the are frequently halted on ac- anmar. — GNLM Moreover, the prices of parboiled possible price hike in the domestic MRF data showed. count of China clamping down (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) rice varieties, high-quality rice market in the wake of the corona- During the October-Febru- variety (Pawsan) and low-quality virus,” said a market observer. ary period of the current fiscal rice variety (Ngasein) in March To tackle with this, the Union year 2019-2020, 1.3 million metric are not largely unchanged against of Myanmar Federation of Cham- tons of rice and broken rice were the previous months. bers of Commerce and Industry shipped to foreign countries, with The foreign market purchas- (UMFCCI) and its affiliated or- an estimated value of $396.29 mil- es our rice as the price is cheaper ganizations including MRF and lion. than other Asian countries. If they Myanmar Rice & Paddy Traders Myanmar shipped 3.6 mil- do not ship the rice at a low price, Association have started selling lion tons of rice in the 2017-2018 there will be no market for export, basic food commodities at the fiscal year, which was a record in said an official of Bayintnaung much fairer price in the town- rice exports. The export volume commodity depot. ships where industrial zones are plunged to 2.29 million metric Myanmar primarily ex- located, said UMFCCI Vice-Chair tons, worth $691 million, in the ports rice to China through land Dr Maung Maung Lay. 2018-2019 FY. —Ko Htet A worker loading smoked rubber sheets to a truck at a rubber borders. However, trade-in ag- MRF has already notified (Translated by Ei Myat Mon) market. PHOTO: KHUN (WIN PA) 1 APRIL 2020 12 NATIONAL / ASIA THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Well-wishers donate bedding for Union Construction Covid-19 patients in Waibargi Hospital Minister holds meetings on project A ceremony to donate bed- Union Business Centre in Rose Zar Win, a retired pillowcases to the officials ding materials for Covid-19 Bahan Township, Yangon teacher from Internation- from the Waibargi Special- implementations patients in the Waibargi yesterday. al School Yangon (ISY), ist Hospital. Specialist Hospital was At the ceremony, handed over mattresses, “The materials that held at the Craft Café in well-wishers led by Daw bed sheets, pillows, and are essential for the Cov- UNION MINISTER for Construction U Han Zaw, id-19 quarantine process- Deputy Minister Dr Kyaw Lin, the Permanent es, was collectively donat- Secretary and departmental heads organized a ed with my friends. Our meeting with regional officers in video confer- donated materials are es- encing yesterday. timated K 2.5 million.” the At the meeting, the Union Minister dis- leader of the well-wisher cussed the Covid-19 awareness measures, group said. spread of false news, directives of the Minis- So far there are 10 try of Health and Sports on the pandemic and laboratory-confirmed pa- preventive measures not to cause losses and tients, 21 quarantined pa- damages of state-owned vehicles and machinery tients, and 17 patients who when the workers left their projects. were previously in contact The directors of regional projects presented with Covid-19-positive pa- their works and difficulties. tients in the Waibargi Spe- In conclusion remark, the Union Minister cialist Hospital, according coordinated the discussions and advised his lo- to the hospital’s medical cal officers to coordinate with respective region- superintendent Dr Aye Aye al governments in Covid-19 measures.—MNA Aung. —Zaw Gyi (Translated by Kyaw Zin (Translated by Aung Khin) Officials receive donation of well-wishers for Covid-19 patients. PHOTO: ZAW GYI Tun) Thailand to shut down Phuket airport Nineteen killed in for 20 days amid COVID-19 outbreak massive China forest fire

BANGKOK — Thailand’s Phuket mally packed with foreign tour- “CAAT will give full cooper- International Airport will be shut ists. ation with the governor and find from April 10 to 30 after Phuket Director-General of the Civil measures to relieve impacts on Province sealed its entry points Aviation Authority of Thailand tourists and public members,” by land and sea amid the COV- (CAAT) Chula Sukmanop also said Chula. ID-19 outbreak. confirmed on Tuesday that the “The tourist island of Phuket Phuket Governor Phuket airport shutdown will take has closed all entry and exit PhakaphongTavipatana told effect at midnight on 10 April points in the province, except the media on Tuesday that he until 30 April. for air travel until 30 April. The ordered the closure of the airport Chula said that all governors airport closure will put the prov- as the total number of COVID-19 are empowered to issue the shut- ince under the full lockdown,” cases in the province rose to 62 down order to prevent the spread Chula added. Firefighters battle a forest blaze in Xichang in China’s southwestern on Monday with infections mostly of the outbreak under a state of Exceptions to the closure are Sichuan province early on 31 March, 2020. Eighteen firefighters and found related to entertainment emergency and no approval is vehicles transporting food and one forestry guide died while fighting a huge forest fire in southwestern venues near Patong beach, nor- required from the CAAT. essential goods. —Xinhua China, the local government said on 31 March. PHOTO: AFP

BEIJING (China) — Eighteen a Weibo statement on Tuesday PHOTO NEWS firefighters and one forestry morning. More than 140 fire en- guide died while fighting a huge gines, four helicopters and nearly forest fire in southwestern Chi- 900 firefighters have been sent na, the local government said to tackle the blaze, according to Tuesday. local officials. State television footage In total over two thousand showed large flames shooting emergency workers are involved into the sky from the mountains in rescue efforts to contain the above the city of Xichang in Si- blaze and more than 1,200 local chuan province, turning the sky people have been evacuated. orange. Heavy clouds of smoke Helicopters were still bat- billowed above the buildings and tling the blaze Tuesday morning. roads of the city, which has a pop- Several forest fires have bro- ulation of some 700,000 people. ken out in the same prefecture in The blaze started near recent days, reported state news Xichang in the southwestern agency Xinhua. Last April, twen- province’s mountainous Liang- ty-seven firefighters were killed in shan prefecture at 3:00 pm (0700 a huge forest fire in Muli County Thaketa Township’s Ward-8 is being disinfected by the Garunaranthi Philanthropic Society and Thaketa GMT) on Monday, “directly in the same prefecture. Author- Township’s Ward-8 Administrative Office in efforts to prevention Coronavirus infection on 30 March, threatening the safety of Xichang ities deployed 700 firefighters to 2020. PHOTO: PHOE KHWA city”, the city government said in the scene.— AFP 1 APRIL 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD / AD 13 Huawei posts strong growth but warns ‘most difficult year’ ahead

SHANGHAI (China) — 2018. Net profit last year, ference Tuesday. substantial stockpiles to re- Huawei said Tuesday it had however, grew 5.6 per cent, “Under such circum- spond to customer needs sustained solid growth in compared with 25 per cent stances, it was impossible last year, these are running its global businesses in 2019 in 2018, as a result of the US for us to continue maintain- low and 2020 would be a despite a US campaign to sanctions. ing as high a growth rate “test of Huawei’s supply isolate the Chinese tech gi- Eric Xu, the firm’s in our net profit as in 2017 continuity programme”. ant, but warned of its “most rotating chairman, said: and 2018.” On top of that, the difficult year” ahead. “After Huawei was add- But he noted the com- company has to grapple The stark warning ed to the US entity list on pany turned in a strong with the coronavirus pan- came as a result of strin- May 16... we had to step performance “despite demic, which has brought gent US sanctions, with up investment in research enormous outside pres- about global economic de- their impact worsened by A photograph shows the logo of Chinese company Huawei and development to fix the sure”. cline, financial turmoil and the fallout from the deadly at their main UK offices in Reading, west of London, on 28 gaps.” He warned, however, slowing market demand, coronavirus pandemic. January, 2020. PHOTO: AFP “All of a sudden, a large that 2020 would be Hua- Xu said. Huawei — the world’s number of suppliers could wei’s “most difficult year”, He added it would be top supplier of telecom net- maker behind Samsung — to 858 billion yuan ($120 not supply to us, and we given that it would be sub- tough to make a forecast working equipment and said group revenue expand- billion), a nearly identical had to rebuild our supply ject to entity-listing for the on the company’s full-year number-two smartphone ed 19.1 per cent last year growth rate to that seen in chain,” he told a press con- full year. While the firm had outlook for now. —AFP

NATO names ‘reflection’ group after Macron criticism Manufacturer Change All of manufacturing processes for the below products BRUSSELS (Belgium) “brain death”. NATO said the panel Macron caused up- are produced by ACI Formulation Limited are transfering — NATO named a panel The group of five men “will offer recommenda- roar last year with an ex- to new Manufacturer (ITMG SINGAPORE PTE LTD). of 10 experts Tuesday to and five women will be co- tions to reinforce alliance plosive Economist inter- Any Rrgarding for that can notify at Myanmar Pesticide study the alliance’s politi- chaired by former German unity, increase political view in which he despaired Registration Board within (2) weeks. Active Registration Registration cal direction after French defence minister Thomas consultation and coordi- of what he said was the No Trade Name President Emmanuel de Maziere and Washing- nation between allies, and lack of strategic and po- Ingredient Types No. Pin Sein Hexaconazole 1 Full F2018-1501 Macron warned starkly ton’s former top diplomat strengthen NATO’s politi- litical thinking at NATO. Hexa 5 EC 5% EC that it was undergoing for Europe, Wess Mitchell. cal role.” —AFP Bloom Trading & Manufacturing Group Limitd.

Four missing after fishing boats capsize CLAIMS DAY NOTICE M.V PACAO VOY. NO. (085N/S) off south China coast Consignees of cargo carried on M.V PACAO VOY. NO. (085N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be NANNING — Nineteen Crew members on Four vessels in the received another call at arriving on 1-4-2020 and cargo will be discharged into the people have been rescued two fishing boats made surrounding seas were around 6 am from families premises of HPT where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and four are still missing distress calls after being sent to the rescue, and all of four missing fishermen, and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of after strong winds hit four caught by storms near a 19 crew members were who went to sea on Sunday the Port of Yangon. fishing boats off the coast drilling platform in the Bei- saved before dawn, the but failed to return. Ves- Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am of south China’s Guangxi bu Gulf in the early hours Guangxi Maritime Safety sels have been sent and to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now Zhuang Autonomous Re- of Monday. A third boat Administration said. the search for the missing declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo gion, local sources said made an emergency call The local maritime people is still underway. — from the Vessel. Tuesday. soon after. search and rescue center Xinhua No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY Poland tightens measures to curb virus spread AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA SHIPPING LINES WARSAW (Poland) — “With every reckless, of the tunnel can in fact be and most hotels will now be Phone No: 2301185 Poland’s government on unnecessary instance of ever more visible for us all closed and city bicycle sys- Tuesday further tightened leaving the house, the pan- eventually.” To crack down tems will be unavailable. measures taken to curb demic drags on... We have on youth social gatherings, A maximum of three peo- the spread of coronavirus, to strictly adhere to social children under the age of ple per cash register will CLAIMS DAY NOTICE notably restricting the distancing rules,” Polish 18 will now only be able be allowed inside grocery M.V OLYMPIA VOY. NO. (012S) freedom of movement of Prime Minister Mateusz to leave the house in the stores and pharmacies at Consignees of cargo carried on M.V OLYMPIA youths, closing parks and Morawiecki told reporters. presence of an adult. Hair one time to help maintain VOY. NO. (012S) are hereby notified that the vessel will hotels and limiting the “They are crucial here and beauty salons, tattoo a social distance of two me- be arriving on 1-4-2020 and cargo will be discharged number of shoppers. so that the light at the end parlours, parks, beaches tres (about six feet).—AFP into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Changing Distributor for Registered Pesticide Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now Distribution of pesticide registered by Shandong Weifang Rainbow Chemical Co., Ltd is changing from RAINBOW AGROSCIENCES CO., LTD to Agro Green Land Chemical declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo Co.,Ltd. Any objection regarding to this transfer can notify at Co-Secretary, Pesticide from the Vessel. Registration Board, Plant Protection Division, West Gyogone, Insein within 2 weeks. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Call Trade Name Active Ingredient Registration Type/ No the Claims Day. 1. Bigrole 200 SC Ethiprole 200 g/l SC Provisional: 2015 - 2519 SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT Thin Thin May, RAINBOW AGROSCIENCES CO., LTD MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY Add: Building No. (C), Room No. (402), Level-4, Dagon Center (1), Bargayar Road, AGENT FOR: M/S SEALAND MAERSK ASIA 09251022355, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar. PTE LTD 09974424848. Phone : 09456060160, 09456060180 Phone No: 2301185 1 APRIL 2020 14 BUSINESS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Managing Brand Reputation amid the COVID-19 Crisis S the COVID-19 vi- employees, and other stakehold- with stakeholders, counter any rus (AKA novel coro- ers? And how can it communicate misleading rumors, and seek an navirus) has spread in ways that make them feel that appropriate solution. Aaround the world, both sense of safety? • Share the company’s organizations and individuals Clearly all crises are unique story. Take control of the nar- have had to make adaptations to the individual or company ex- rative by explaining clearly and large and small. And with virus periencing them, and there is no transparently how the crisis hap- stories dominating the news cy- single solution that meets the pened and what you are doing — cle, if your company is affected needs of all companies. and plan to do — to solve it and directly or indirectly by the virus, “Some organizations are prevent it from recurring. the eyes of the world are on your very resilient and capable of • Go to the root of the response. That means that any weathering most issues before problem and fix it. Actions speak mistakes you make could easily they become crises, while others louder than words in this case. be amplified, but so can positive are very sensitive,” Vero COO It’s important to make whatever behaviour. PattaneeJeeriphab says. “Each changes are necessary to end the So the big question for PR company defines ‘crisis’ differ- crisis and prevent future ones, and marketing professionals is: ently, but we consider them to be even if that means suspending File photo taken on 12 April, 2019, shows Honda Motor Co.’s plant in How can companies, brands, and in a crisis once an issue becomes some operations, taking losses, Wuhan, China. The Japanese automaker said on 11 March, 2020, that organizations respond positively big enough that their business or altering fundamental aspects it has resumed production at the factory, which was closed due to the to the COVID-19 crisis? cannot operate normally or the of your business model. spread of the new coronavirus. PHOTO: KYODO 1. Formulate a comprehen- issue reaches the public con- 2. Put safety and transpar- sive crisis communications plan sciousness.” ency first begin spreading as fast as the gapore and offices for 5 The credibility and repu- Despite the particularities, In a public health crisis, virus itself. And if a viral infection days after a Singapore-based em- tation of organizations depend there are four key elements to one thing will hurt your business occurs, it’s far better to be take ployee who had recently visited on identifying risks and making enacting any crisis management more than any other: appearing strong and transparent measures Bangkok tested positive. (Refer- informed decisions, with the im- plan: unconcerned about the safety of than ones that may be deemed ence Link: pact on the public at the forefront • Put a dedicated team in either your customers or your insufficient. While there’s no going back of the decision making process. place to manage the crisis. Com- employees. Income and profits For instance, ride-sharing and preventing the COVID-19 The ideal time to do this is before panies should create a prepara- are important, but safety for one- service Grab closed both its Sin- outbreak, companies have a the crisis begins. Predicting and tion deck with roles in place for self and others is paramount. preparing for potential crises each person who would take part And when it comes to the risk can dramatically ease the pain in the crisis war room. For some of infection, transparency is key. of dealing with them – or even companies facing potential com- Organizations should be clear prevent them from escalating in plexity and severity of the crisis, about the risks posed to their the first place. it might even be a good idea to do stakeholders, as well as ways to To do so, companies should simulation training. mitigate them. identify risk factors in an organi- • Determine the facts. Regular updates of credible zation. For example, what activity It’s important to talk to people information grant a brand voice might cause social harm or result involved and understand exact- legitimacy and authority, both in reputational damage? How can ly what happened, so that you of which come in handy when a company protect its customers, can share accurate information rumours and misinformation

Labourers work at the construction site of a metro project in Wuhan, A worker checks on an automatic glass production line in Shahe City, north China’s Hebei Province on 28 central China’s Hubei Province on 30 March, 2020. Wuhan’s 12 metro March, 2020. Glass enterprises in Shahe have resumed production following epidemic prevention and control projects under construction resumed work up to Monday. PHOTO: rules. PHOTO: XINHUA XINHUA 1 APRIL 2020 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR BUSINESS 15

5BB will join hands with CANAL+

BB Broadband, one have entertainment services of Myanmar’s leading will also have the benefit of not 5+Broadband Internet having to manage everything service company, will coop- one by one as it is like a one- erate with CANAL+, a leading stop service. He continued company among France Pay that user will be able to experi- TV services, on March 30th ence the best possible quality 2020 to provide the customers in entertainment services and with far greater services. 5BB high speed internet without Broadband and CANAL+ has worries. Thus, 5BB subscrib- A screen photographed in Tokyo shows the Nikkei Stock Average plunging nearly 700 points on 30 March, already prepared a 2 IN 1 ser- ers will have access to CA- 2020, amid growing fears over coronavirus infections. PHOTO: KYODO vice with Fiber Internet +Best NAL+ entertainment services Quality Movie Application like and variety of movies for free. role to play in preventing it from a time of crisis will gain positive staff and individuals suspected the neighboring countries. CEO of CANAL+ MY- spreading further. One way that reputations that benefit them in of being infected with the virus, In celebration to the ANMAR FG, Mr. Erwan LU- the illness has changed market- the long-term. (Reference Link: and they’re even building a fac- cooperation, current 5BB HERNE also talked about the ing involves the kinds of events tory to produce more masks. Of Broadband FTTx custom- aim behind this cooperation that companies hold. Businesses in China have course, a large-scale effort like ers will be able to watch (11) as follows: “CANAL+ is very “In Thailand, we’re current- been involved in fighting the crisis this requires a global network channels via myCANAL App pleased to start cooperation ly advising our clients not to or- for a while and similar pro-social like CP’s, but it’s an example of free of charge for one month with 5BB. CANAL+ aims to ganize press or public events,” practices will become essential the type of activity that creates a and those who are subscribing deliver CANAL+ contents to PattaneeJeeriphab says. “It’s in Southeast Asia as the crisis lot of good will among the general 5BB Broadband FTTx will be all people who are interesting better to reduce exposure, and has reached the region today. For public. (Reference Link: https:// able to enjoy free myCANAL to discover exiting and enjoy- try alternatives like online events example, some insurance com- packages according to their ing new contents. Therefore, rather than in-person ones.” panies have begun offering free 3aoWKY0) subscribed plan. As an exam- by creating this partnership 3. Find ways to provide so- coverage for those who are diag- In Singapore, Grab’s Grab- ple, subscribing to 5BB’s XXS with 5BB, a major internet cial solutions. nosed. And for those employees Care programme provides Plus plan for three months provider in the country, CA- There is opportunity in who exhibit symptoms or have transportation and discounts to which cost 40,000 Ks monthly NAL+ and 5BB are offering to every crisis, and a public crisis been to high-risk areas, employ- medical professionals traveling will receive one-month free customers a new opportunity creates a chance to show value ers can allow them to self-quar- from hospitals housing COVID-19 CANAL+ package. to benefit from CANAL+ offer as a corporate citizen. While antine for up to two weeks by victims, which otherwise might U Myo Myint Nyunt, Gen- through myCANAL service. some would exploit the crisis granting leave or the ability to be difficult to obtain. eral Manager and spokesper- With this wonderful offer, 5BB by jacking up prices or trying to work at home. (Reference Link: On a smaller scale, ABC son of 5BB said the aim of the is providing to all their cus- cheat quarantines, companies Bakery in Viet Nam began buying cooperation is to provide cus- tomer a valuable solution of excess dragon fruit and using it to tomers with new offers and extending TV offer for their add flavor and color to its baked services thus making peo- family” goods after founder Kao Sieu Luc ple lives better. As everyone He also expressed his heard farmers bemoaning their around the world is encour- opinion regarding the future unsold fruit due to the closure of aged to stay at home to have plans with 5BB as follows: Viet Nam’s border with China. better control over spreading “CANAL+ and 5BB are To further support the farmers, of COVID-19 virus and 5BB is both motivated to deliver the Luc shared his dragon fruit banh going to launch a new online best service to their clients. mi recipe and welcomed other streaming service in cooper- Therefore, the two partners bakers to use it. The result has ation with CANAL+ for the will keep going to propose al- been a dragon fruit bread boom convenience of current 5BB ways new services and always and a lot of positive buzz for ABC customers and new ones. With more exiting contents for all Bakery. (Reference Link: https:// mentioned cooperation, inter- family. We have all the willing- net-ready homes will be able ness to please the customers 4. Prepare for the post-crisis to access entertainment ser- ... we hope that they will enjoy Even if the virus stays with vices and those who already this new offer” — GNLM us, in a business sense the COV- ID-19 crisis won’t last forever. Those companies who want to remain standing — and perhaps even come out stronger — must pay serious attention to their actions and the messages they send. “Crises can reveal a busi- Call ness’s character and have a ma- jor impact on its reputation long Thin Thin May, after the crisis is over,” Patta- neeJeeriphab says. “Those who 09251022355 have been caught off guard by COVID-19 should catch up now and businesspersons who are In Thailand, Charoen Pok- and learn from their mistakes.” 09974424848 willing to sacrifice short-term phand (CP) Group is donating — VERO profits in order to help people in food and face masks to hospital 1 APRIL 2020 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR 2020 AFF Suzuki Cup to go ahead as planned

THE 2020 AFF Suzuki Cup, which was scheduled for November, will go ahead as planned, while the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) has postponed several other competitions. The AFF Suzuki Cup is set to take place from 23 November to 31 December, according to the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF). The format of 2020 AFF Championship will remain the same as adopted in 2018. In the group stage of the competition proper, ten teams will be drawn in two groups of five with each team playing home-and-away matches against each other. Myanmar’s defender Win Moe Kyaw (L) and ’s forward Norshahrul Idlan Talaha fight for the ball during the AFF is the defending champions of the 2018 AFF Suzuki Cup 2018 football match between Malaysia and Myanmar at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium in , Suzuki Cup, beating Malaysia 3-2.—Kyaw Khin Malaysia. PHOTO: AFP

Ex-NBA star Young sorry for China coronavirus quarantine row

SHANGHAI (China)—Former 900,000 times in 14 hours. NBA player Joe Young apol- “We will not cause any ogised and pledged to abide trouble with the people by China’s strict coronavirus around us and cause any mis- quarantine rules after a “mis- understandings. I love China, understanding” at the hotel in I love Nanjing and this is the which he is isolating. truth.” Chinese media published Young is among the for- a series of text messages that eign players who have re- appeared to show the 27-year- turned to China -- where the old former Indiana Pacers coronavirus emerged in De- guard and a friend demand- cember -- in anticipation of ing they be brought food and the CBA season restarting. water in the early hours of the Mid-April was touted at morning, threatening to fetch one point but that now looks The Premier League could be finished behind closed doors. PHOTO: AFP it themselves. highly unlikely despite infec- Young, who recently re- tion rates slowing markedly turned to China to complete in the country. Scenarios for a potential return the suspended Chinese Bas- It is the second time in ketball Association (CBA) as many weeks that the Hou- season with Nanjing Monkey ston-born Young has sparked of the Premier League Kings, provoked a backlash on anger in China, having sug- Chinese social media as fans gested in a tweet that he LONDON (United Kingdom)— converge on a neutral location in tion, with stadiums, hotels and branded him arrogant and did not want to return to the English football’s major stake- which all remaining games are training facilities undergoing a demanded he be sent back country. He also called that a holders will meet on Friday to played behind closed doors, with deep clean. to the US. misunderstanding. discuss their options to rescue only essential personnel and A radical upturn in testing “We are sincerely sorry Addressing the latest a season derailed by the coro- broadcasters allowed to attend. for the virus in the United King- and we apologise to the staff controversy, the Monkey navirus outbreak. There is believed to be grow- dom over the next two months is for asking them about a deliv- Kings said in a statement that The Premier League cam- ing support among clubs for this the key to this plan for a number ery at late night which affect- Young, who played for Indiana paign has been postponed until plan, with nine rounds of match- of reasons. ed people’s sleep,” the Amer- in 2015-2018, was tired after at least April 30 because of the es potentially in line to be staged Firstly, to ease players’ con- ican said in a video posted on long-haul travel and was miss- pandemic, but the chances of a in June and July. cerns of contracting COVID-19 China’s Twitter-like Weibo. ing his young family in the US. return in May look bleak. Fixtures would reportedly while playing, but also to avoid “In the future we (will) Separately, Young tweet- AFP Sport takes a closer be played in one or two locations criticism of privileged profes- strictly abide by the Chinese ed Monday that he was donat- look at the various scenarios that in the Midlands and London. sional players being tested with epidemic prevention regula- ing to Houston 50,000 masks are likely to be considered in the That could mean players mild or no symptoms if that is not tion rules and will improve and 300 body suits for hospital talks over if and how to finish the and coaches being quarantined available to the general public our words and our deeds,” workers in the battle against season:Go behind closed doors. away from their families in World and in particular frontline work- added Young in the video, the coronavirus. —AFP One option is for clubs to Cup-style camps to avoid infec- ers. — AFP which was viewed more than