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The role of in and learning 1,2

Joo-Hyun Song

Performing and learning motor behaviors are fundamental to task features, control motor commands, and make a

everyday life. The relations between perceptual input and strategic decision [1–3].

motor output have been studied and are well understood for

simple experimental settings. Recent findings, however, Historically, this integrated process has largely been

suggest that motor actions also critically depend on cognitive studied by isolating specific subprocesses proposed by

factors; these influences are most notable in complex an information-processing framework: sensory informa-

environments that place high demands on attention and tion serves as input that is then used to construct an

. In this review, the role of various aspects of attention internal representation of the world to guide decisions,

in motor control is discussed, focusing on the following points: and these commands are executed via motor output.

(1) recent findings concerning interactions between attentional Under this conventional, compartmentalized approach,

resources and acquisition, (2) the consistency of it is not surprising that there has been little consideration

attentional states (divided versus focused) and motor memory of cognitive influences on motor control (and vice versa)

retrieval, and (3) the locus of attention (internal versus external) [4]. For instance, motor control research has focused on

and motor performance. These findings collectively highlight factors such as , postural control, and

the interplay between attention and motor systems, which in reflexive constraints, which are directly related to the

turn has practical implications for developing and improving neuromuscular system; conversely, the cognitive

motor training and rehabilitation programs. literature has largely focused on factors such as attention,

, and decision-making – processes not

Addresses typically regarded to be relevant for understanding motor


Department of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences,

performance. Importantly, however, accumulating recent

Brown University, RI 02912, United States

2 evidence suggests that various cognitive factors may

Carney Institute for Science, Brown University, Providence, RI

02912, United States impose fundamental constraints on the acquisition and


performance of movements [5 ,6,7 ,8].

Corresponding author: Song, Joo-Hyun ([email protected])

In complex, real world environments, we must select and

attend to goal-relevant information with limited cognitive

Current Opinion in Psychology 2019, 29:261–265

resources while concurrently performing different

This review comes from a themed issue on Attention and

actions. This review focuses on three major topics empha-

Edited by Sarah Shomstein, Andrew Leber and Joy Geng

sizing the role of attention in and perfor-

mance: (1) how attentional demands influence motor skill

acquisition, (2) how the consistency of attentional states

(e.g. divided versus focused) between motor learning and

impacts skill transfer across the two phases, and (3)

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2019.08.002 how the locus of attention (e.g. own performance versus

2352-250X/ã 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. performance environment) affects the overall perfor-

mance. Taken together, these studies highlight the rela-

tion between various attentional processes and motor

performance and raise several practical implications for

designing effective motor training programs.

Furthermore, they demonstrate how considering mutual

Acquiring, performing, and remembering pertinent motor influences between and action can provide

skills are integral to daily life. Importantly, motor skills exceptional research opportunities to enhance our under-

are often performed in environments with high standing of adaptive behaviors in real life.

attentional demands. For example, during an emergency,

a pilot must simultaneously operate the aircraft, assess its Attentional demand on acquisition of motor

current integrity, and also maintain communications with skills

ground authorities. Similarly, a patient recovering To learn a new motor skill like a tennis serve, we monitor

the ability to walk also has to divide her/his attention to performance to detect and evaluate movement errors, and

cars, other pedestrians, and obstacles in the path in order also identify key transformations that map sensory

to avoid collisions. Performing such actions in complex experience to update internal models for future use [9].

environments requires seamless coordination among In such a setting, attention is commonly viewed as a

multiple processes to extract sensory information, learn necessary capacity-limited resource that facilitates

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262 Attention and perception

multiple cognitive functions and resolves competition attention impairs immediate motor performance, thereby

between these processes [10–12]. To investigate whether not considering how it affects memory formation and

and how attentional demands influence motor skill retrieval. According to recent work [23,24,25 ,26], the

learning, previous studies typically used a dual-task success of motor memory retrieval depends on whether

paradigm. In this paradigm, the impairment of motor participants consistently perform the secondary task

performance due to the concurrent secondary task is during motor learning and later recall stages, independent

regarded as evidence for the necessity of attentional of available attentional resources per se. Specifically,

resources in skill acquisition. Secondary tasks in such Song and Be´dard [25 ] asked participants to perform a

studies range from tone counting to mental arithmetic visuomotor adaptation task either with or without a con-

[13–18]. For example, many of these studies demonstrate current task (e.g. rapid serial visual presentation; RSVP).

that performance in a serial reaction time task (SRT), They observed that performing the dual-task itself did

where participants are trained to press a series of cued not affect impair immediate performance. Yet, when

keys as quickly as possible, is impaired by the secondary participants were tested later during the recall phase, a

task. In particular, these studies show that participants fail motor skill learned under the dual-task was remembered

to learn the underlying repeated sequence when they only when a similar secondary task was present. When

divide attention to a secondary task. This result is participants were tested without the secondary task, their

largely consistent with the notion that attention is an performance reverted to untrained levels as though the

information-processing resource involved in acquiring motor task had not been learned in the first place. Hence,

new motor skills [13–15]. this paradoxical result, in which the level of performance

decreases when more attentional resources are available,

Dual-task deterioration of motor performance was also suggests that while the secondary task does not interrupt

observed in other types of motor learning, including motor memory formation, the dual-task context, or the

sensorimotor adaptation and dynamic force adaptation, lack thereof, acts as a vital context for learning. Interest-

in which different functional and neural mechanisms are ingly, this task-context-dependent ‘savings’ in motor

involved in [19,20]. For instance, learning was evident even when the specific secondary

Redding et al. [21] showed that simultaneously perform- task or sensory modality differed between learning

ing a secondary cognitive task impaired the accuracy of (e.g. RSVP) and recall (e.g. sound discrimination). Thus,

pointing in a prism adaptation task, in which the visual the general state of dividing attention during the dual-

field was laterally displaced. Taylor and Thoroughman task, but not the specific parameters of stimuli, is

[17] further specified which motor control process is associated with motor memory.

impaired by the secondary task during force-field

adaptation. In this task, participants were required to This reinstatement of attentional-context in visuomotor

compensate for the force-induced errors during the move- memory retrieval appears to operate similarly to the

ment and to use this information for later movements. environmental context in retrieval

They demonstrated that divided attention did not impair experiments that demonstrate benefits of having learning

the within-movement feedback control, but did reduce and recall take place in consistent environmental

subsequent movement adaptation. This suggests that contexts, highlighting -specificity of episodic

divided attention to the secondary task interferes with memory [27–29]; however, a notable difference is that

a predictive motor control process operating across trials. consistent attentional contexts may form an internal cue

In a subsequent task, they also showed that the degree of that overrides the external environmental cue formed by

cognitive burden imposed by a secondary task resulted in different secondary tasks. Hence, as long as the atten-

a proportional degradation of motor adaptation [16]. tional context integrated during motor memory formation

is consistent learned motor skills can be retrieved even if

To summarize, while participants need to monitor the specific external environmental context is altered at

movements, evaluate errors, and update an internal recall [23,25 ,26].

model, consistent impairments observed in a wide range

of motor learning tasks by dividing attention to a In addition to consistent external contexts, previous

cognitive task. These results clearly demonstrate that studies have reported that consistent internal physiologi-

attentional resource plays a critical role in motor skill cal states induced by , morphine, cigarettes, or

acquisition [22 ]. nitric oxide can improve episodic memory recall in both

and animals [30–33]. It appears that performing a

Attentional states for motor memory motor task alone or with a cognitive task can also

The studies mentioned thus far demonstrate how instantiate a similar but different internal context without

allocating attentional resource to a concurrent task drug-induced physiological changes and can gate the

interferes with sequence learning, sensorimotor retrieval of visuomotor memory. Perhaps attentional

adaptation, and force-field learning [13–17]; however, context itself leads to changes in internal physiological

these previous studies focused mainly on how divided states similar to those induced by drugs. Future research

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The role of attention in motor control and learning Song 263

is required to fully understand whether modulation of findings showing that the consistency of attentional states

motor memory by attentional contexts and that of during learning and recall facilitates retrieval of visuo-

episodic memory by physiological states is driven by motor memory also have potential practical implications

common or distinct mechanisms. for developing and improving motor training programs. If

such an arbitrary association of attentional state and

It is equally important to understand whether this newly visuomotor memory persists beyond the 1-hour

discovered paradoxical benefit of consistent distraction is experimental session and can be generalized to untrained

transient or sustained because it would determine its impact situations, it is likely that associations formed during

on the development of long-term motor skills. Im et al. [24] motor learning outside the lab in the real world would

showedthat thisattentional context formsa long-term internal also have a durable time course and generalizability that

context affecting visuomotor performance on the following could significantly benefit everyday motor learning

day. This long-term modulation by consistent attentional performance. Therefore, without consideration of inter-

state is consistent with other studies reporting that past nal task contexts in real-life situations, the success of

experience of a specific attentional set and strategy — even learning and rehabilitation programs may be undermined.

during a brief exposure — can lead to a long-lasting influence

on one’s strategy and attentional set [34–36]. Such long-lasting Attentional focus and performance outcomes

learning effects are conceptualized as automatic activation of In addition to considering whether and how to divide

associations formed between attentional sets and the attention among several activities, we often need to decide

environmental context [37,38]. Moreover, the consistency where to engage our attention during motor performance.

of attentional states also determines the success of generali- An intriguing question remains regarding how attentional

zation of motor behaviors. Wang and Song [26] showed that focus affects movement and performance outcomes: is it

switching the attentional state from training (dual-task) to better to focus attention on our own movements

generalization (single-task) reduced the range of transfer of (i.e. internal focus) or on the effects our movements have

visuomotor adaptation to untrained directions. Yet, when on the environment (i.e. external focus)? Here, we discuss

consistent distraction was present throughout training and practical implications of the locus of attention for optimiz-

generalization, visuomotor generalization was equivalent to ing motor performance and learning.

when distractions were absent. This result indicates that the

integrated attentional state and memory in one setting can Accumulated evidence supports the latter suggestion:

transfer and extrapolate motor skills to a wide range of new adopting an external focus on the intended movement

settings. is more beneficial relative to an internal focus on body

movements [45 ,46]. For instance, Wulf et al. [47]

If this association of attentional state and visuomotor demonstrated that balance learning was enhanced when

memory gates the success of visuomotor memory retrieval, participants focus on the markers attached to a balance

another remaining question concerns when and how it is platform as opposed to their feet. These differential

formed. Two classic models of associative learning [39] effects of internal versus external foci have been mainly

might propose different hypotheses about when the associ- explained within the constrained action hypothesis [48].

ation of attentional state and visuomotor memory is formed. According to this hypothesis, internal focus induces a

Mackintosh [40] suggested that the associability of a stimu- conscious type of control, which, in turn, causes perfor-

lus and outcome is determined by how accurately it predicts mers to constrain their motor system by interfering with

reinforcement ( predictability hypothesis). Alternatively, automatic control processes. In contrast, an external focus

Pearce and Hall [41] postulated that attention to uncertainty promotes a more automatic mode of control, allowing the

results in the high associability. Therefore, once learning has utilization of unconscious, fast, and reflexive control

reached a stable asymptote, no further attention to the process. In accord, it has been demonstrated that an

stimulus is required andtheassociabilitydeclines (uncertainty external focus not only led to immediate beneficial effects

hypothesis). Im et al. [23] revealed that the association of on performance but also on retention and transfer in both

attentional state and visuomotor memory occurs in the early movement effectiveness (e.g. accuracy, consistency,

phase of motor learning, in which motor error reduces rapidly balance) and efficiency (e.g. muscular activity, force

and requires considerable cognitive effort for adjustment of production, cardiovascular responses) [49]. In accord, a

motor commands rather than in the late phase, in which recent TMS (Transcranial magnetic stimulation) study

motor performance becomes more efficient and automatic reported that focusing attention internally or externally

[42–44]. This result appears to be consistent with the lead to changes in intracortical inhibition within the

uncertainty account [41]. primary [50].

Taken together, these studies show that attention plays a Other researchers propose that the appropriate focus of

critical role during sensorimotor learning in selecting attention is determined by the performer’s skill level.

sensory stimulation and integrating it with motor memory Specifically, internally focused attention is appropriate for

beyond simply providing resources for learning. In turn, novices who tend to consciously control many of the

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264 Attention and perception

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Conflict of interest statement

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