Karl Ruhrberg,Manfred Schneckenburger,Christiane Fricke,K Honnef,Ingo F Walther | 840 pages | 15 Dec 2012 | Taschen GmbH | 9783836541145 | English | Cologne, Germany 10 Artists Who Changed The Course Of 20th Century Art

Folk Art, Naive art. Artists Groups - Hagenbund. Austrian group of artists formed in Phalanx. Group of photographers in New York in La Ruche. Union of Russian Artists - Blue Rose - Artists Groups - Bloomsbury Group. London group, Friday Club. British group of painters, active Fauvism - Artists Groups - The Eigh t [Cz. Group of Bohemian painters, Bezalel. Society of artists in Toronto, Young Ones. Swedish group of artists, Cubism - The Eight. The Ashcan school - Arthur B. London, Noucentisme. Hungarian group founded in Septem group. Finnish group founded in Neukunstgruppe. Austrian group in Vienna in Futurism - Jack of Diamond s [Rus. Bubnovy Valet]. Group of Russian painters, Union of Youth [Rus. Soyuz Molodyozhi]. Oslinyy Khvost]. Russian group of painters - Der Blaue Reiter - The Camden Town Group of Painters - Walter Richard Sickert Lucien Pissarro. Section d'Or Golden Section - Roger Art of the 20th Century La Fresnaye Andre Lhote. Orphism - Robert Delaunay Sonia Delaunay. Mikhail Larionov. Cubo-Futurism - Constructivism - Universal Flowering - Pavel Filonov. Artists Groups Neo-primitivism. Vorticism - Suprematism [Rus. Kasimir Malevich. Collage and Photomontage - term was coined by Dadaists c. De Stijl - Proletarskaya kultura - Svomas Rus. S vobodniye khudozhestvenniye masterskiye - Formists. Polish group - Pittura Metafisica - Purism - Le Corbusier Amedee Ozentant. Neo-plasticism - Piet Mondrian Theo van Doesburg. - Group of 18 Italian Art of the 20th Century Stupid group. German group of artists in Cologne Group of Seven. Canadian group of painters Group X. Group of British artists Societe Anonyme. Association founded in New York in Precisionism Cubist Realism America - Artists Groups - Inkhuk. Association of Russian painters in Moscow- The Mexican Muralists - Polish group of artists collection: Eugeniusz Zak Der Ring. Soviet exhibiting society, Moscow Society of Easel Painters. Russian exhibiting society Elementarism. Term applied to painting and architecture Artists Groups - Devetsil. Czech avant-garde group Blue Four. Group of German painters - Block group. Polish avant-garde group - Kapists. Polish group of painters - Fellowship of St Luke. Polish group Art of the 20th Century painters - Association of Revolutionary Art of Ukraine. Association of Hungarian artists - Gruppe Progressiver Kunstler. German group of artists - OSA. Soviet architectural group - Circle of Artists. Russian group of painters Art of the 20th Century sculptors - Gruppo 7. Italian group of architects - Scuola Romano. Group of artists active in Rome - Szentendre colony. German association of architects - CIAM. Swedish group of six painters - Artes. Group of Polish avant-garde artists - Aeropittura. Italian movement - Cercle et Carre. Movement founded in Paris - Union des Artistes Modernes. French group of architects - Vopra. Russian architectural group - Dream art Jake Baddeley. Visionary art Remedios Varo A. Neo-surrealism George Grie Mirko Sevic. Psychedelic art M. Escher Hans Ruedi Giger. British movement - Neo-Realisme. Spanish group of architects - Concrete art. Term coined by Theo van Doesburg in Artists Groups - Socialist Realism - Gaceta del arte - Hlebine school. Art of the 20th Century Groups - Group f. Art market - The latter half of the 20th century | Britannica

The outbreak of the Second World War greatly slowed the London art market and forced a number of the leading Jewish dealers in Paris to move their businesses to New York. Like the French under Napoleon, the Nazis were extremely acquisitive. It confiscated more than French Art of the 20th Century collections and inflicted forced sales and confiscations on Jews throughout the Reich; tens of thousands of items—some estimates reach the hundreds of thousands—were thus seized. Legal actions have enabled Holocaust claimants to recover some of this property. Ironically, the collections in German museums also suffered heavily as a result of Nazi policies. This caused the deaccessioning of major Italian Old Masters in favour of second-rate German art. There were also disastrous sales of Impressionist and Modernist paintings, many of which were auctioned by Galerie Fischer of Lucerne Switzerland for trifling sums. The New York art market benefited from the Jewish Art of the 20th Century from Europe during the Second World War, succeeding Paris as the most exciting centre for modern and contemporary art. Two important refugee dealers were Pierre Rosenberg and Peggy Guggenheim. The success of the New York contemporary art market depended upon a substantial number of collectors interested in new art and a complex triangular relationship between art dealers, critics such as Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenbergand museums. The greatest of the postwar contemporary art dealers in New York was Leo Castelli. The most important museums were the Museum of Modern Artthe Whitney Museum of American Artand the Guggenheim Museumwhich validated the provenance of works of art and evaluated their significance. The European art market was slow to recover after the Second World War and remained largely dominated by dealers for some time. Soon thereafter he employed advertising firm J. In what was perhaps his most masterful coup, Wilson recast auctions as glamorous celebrity-filled evening events. He initiated this approach in order to attract private buyers to the sale of Impressionist and Modernist paintings collected by Jakob Goldschmidt, a Art of the 20th Century who had fled Germany in the early days of the Nazi regime and later settled in New York. Wilson was quick to capitalize on new technology, introducing ever more innovationssuch as telephone bidding and, at a Art of the 20th Century auction insatellite links. Sales catalogs became more accessible, and the publication of presale estimates was introduced to encourage private buyers. The art market itself also became more accessible during Art of the 20th Century period. Art of the 20th Century inthe Art Sales Index brought auction prices into the public domain. These countries also developed increasingly important local art markets. For many years Hong Kong dominated the art market in East Asia. The former British crown colony was the principal conduit for business with the West for the remainder of Art of the 20th Century 20th century. Its primacy as a market centre was subsequently challenged by increasing openness in mainland China and by the development of auction houses in cities such as Beijing that allowed buyers and their agents to deal more directly with sellers. As noted below, Japanese buyers played a decisive role during the Art of the 20th Century s in fueling the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist boom. However, within Japan itself a culture of discretion and protectionism inhibited the development of an international art market on Western lines except in partnership with existing Japanese organizations such as the department stores Mitsukoshi and Seibu. Korea was somewhat slower to develop as an art market centre, but during the s South Korean collectors played an increasingly significant role in the East Asian art market. By the close of the 20th century, one of the most important private collectors of contemporary British art was the South Korean businessman C. Art market Article Media Additional Info. Article Contents. Load Previous Page. The latter half of the 20th century The outbreak of the Second World War greatly slowed the London art market and forced a number of the leading Jewish dealers in Paris to move their businesses to New York. Load Next Page. 20th-century art - Wikipedia

The following is an alphabetically ordered list of major art and design movements that took place during the 20th century. List of art and design movements of the 20th century Article Additional Info. List of art and design movements of the 20th century Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from Art of the 20th Century of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree See Article History. Abstract Expressionism. Der Blaue Reiter. Deutscher Werkbund. Harlem . Metaphysical painting. . Photo Secession. Social Realism. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Abstract Expressionismbroad movement in American painting that began in the late s and became a dominant trend in Western painting during the s. Art Decomovement in the decorative arts and architecture that originated in the s and developed into a major style in western Europe and the United States during the s. Bauhausschool of design, architecture, and applied arts that existed Art of the 20th Century Germany from to It was based in Weimar untilDessau throughand Berlin in its final months. The Bauhaus was founded by the architect Walter Gropius, who combined two schools, the…. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Art of the 20th Centuryevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.