VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 24 | JUNE 13-19, 2019 | FREE | 2019 13-19, JUNE | 24 | ISSUE 28 VOLUME ILLUSTRATION BY JOHN FLYNN JOHN BY ILLUSTRATION FUNNY TIMES IN NOSTALGIA A CONVERSATION ALBUQUERQUE PIZZA IS IN WITH VAL JAMES ARTS: PAGE 10 FOOD: PAGE 14 MUSIC: PAGE 27 DEADLIFTING FACTS SINCE 1992 1992 SINCE DEADLIFTING FACTS Every year weekly alibi gulps, chews and sips its way through the jungle of great eats and drinks that is the Albuquerque food scene to bring you CHOWTOWN! Here’s your chance to get a seat at the table. Call (505) 346-0660 ext. 248 or email
[email protected] to place an ad Advertising Deadline: June 14 On Stands June 27 alibi THE LARGEST ALTERNATIVE NEWSWEEKLY IN NEW MEXICO. [ 2] WEEKLY ALIBI JUNE 13-19, 2019 JUNE 13-19, 2019 WEEKLY ALIBI [3] alibi VOLUME 28 | ISSUE 24 | JUNE 13-19, 2019 EDITORIAL MANAGING EDITOR/ FILM EDITOR: Devin D. O’Leary (ext. 230)
[email protected] MUSIC EDITOR/NEWS EDITOR: August March (ext. 245)
[email protected] FOOD EDITOR: Dan Pennington (Ext. 255)
[email protected] ARTS AND LIT.EDITOR: Email letters, including author’s name, mailing address and daytime phone number to
[email protected]. Clarke Condé (Ext. 239)
[email protected] Letters can also be mailed to P.O. Box 81, Albuquerque, N.M., 87103. Letters—including comments posted COPY EDITOR: Samantha Carrillo (ext. 223)
[email protected] on alibi.com—may be published in any medium and edited for length and clarity; owing to the volume of CALENDARS EDITOR: correspondence, we regrettably can’t respond to every letter.